#not necessarily a Nanopost because tbh i'm wavering a bit for no good reason
cospinol · 2 years
character song tag game!
tagged by @nerice <333 to pick some theme songs for my main characters! This is such a fun tag game concept thank you thank you<3 tagging no one b/c i’m shy, if you’re reading this you should play too though etc
Answering for hbtw main girls as always! 
io: the woods // ohbijou
And I go outside  To see familiar lives Race through to finish lines then start again Come on!
it’s so hard to choose just one top song for her (please know that i was excruciatingly close to going with end of time by cocorosie instead) but this is her very first one and still i think the best one for bringing together both her cautious exploration project and her observer’s detachment :’) that’s my girl
anymede: instigator // kevin devine
I keep it down, do it just like you tell me to I draw it straight as I possibly can I come as close to the truth as I ever do I take some liberties, I am what I am
my first instinct was actually a song with an extremely different tone for her (dig up the dead by mansions) but i think at the end of the day this is a less esoteric portrait of her (an extremely good girl) and her big stupid shounen protagonist dream achievable-only-through-extensive-bloodshed, but also that none of it is as complex as that :’) hope this makes sense lol
robin: the courtesan has sung // sunset rubdown Think of the scene where a washed-up actor wipes the makeup off his wife And says, “Morticians must have took you for a whore”
:’) unlucky girl gets kind of a mean song. partially for the sake of atmosphere but also partially for some literal facts of various secret plots and plotlines she’s up to >:)
hierai: saltkin // purity ring
The crawling animals will seek all things warm, all things moist I will relentlessly shame myself In rest, in wake, in front of my truly born beloved
another extremely early status-defining song! i’ve been thinking recently about hi’s early heavy association with salt as a taste specifically because how it’s ended up tying into multiple later plotlines involving significant Teardrops / their place at the root of all things. not really related to the song just a little hihi fact
and this post is very long already but i’m obviously not going to leave it without emen songs so. a pair of classics:
emery: sleeping sickness // city and colour
I’ve become a simple souvenir of someone’s kill And like the sea, I’m constantly changing from calm to ill Madness fills my heart and soul As if the great divide could swallow me whole
:’) it’s the time of year to be thinking abt this song for various reasons but some of the ways it touches down for him (a simple souvenir) are incredibly specific, also he deserves a little wallowing in misery every now and then
ehen: rabbit will run // iron & wine 
Last I saw mother, she acted surprised When they caught me, the captain, he cried like a child ‘Cause a rabbit will run, but good dogs together go wild
:). i will not be commenting on this one actually, even though i have many many thoughts about it, because they are all deeply embarrassing<3 good night
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