#not ready to post from tonights game so im gonna go back to happier times like yesterday
devilsgato · 11 months
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races-erster · 6 years
snowed in (race x reader)
Requested: yep! by anon
Word Count: 1705
Warnings: none
A/n: Happy early Valentine’s Day guys!! I’m posting this fic a day early because I have another valentines fic for tomorrow! I hope you all like it!
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Valentine’s Day was the most romantic day of the year for you and Race. You two would always get in your nicest clothing and go to a fancy restaurant somewhere in the city. The only difference was that this year you were living together in your new home upstate.
You were busy getting ready when Race came into the room. He had a look of panic mixed with worry.
“Race, what’s the matter?”
“Have you looked at the weather or outside our window lately?” He said, strangely calm despite how he looked.
“No. Why?”
“Come on,” he said, grabbing your hand and pulling you towards the front door. “Can you get that to open?”
You turned the handle and pushed the door out towards your porch, but nothing was happening. The harder you pushed and pushed, the less you were able to get the door to move.
“There’s about a foot of snow out there. Apparently, the rain that was supposed to come tomorrow decided to come today and turned into snow.”
“You mean we’re stuck in here?” You groaned. You rested your head on Race’s shoulder and he wrapped his arms around you.
“Yeah, baby. I don’t know when we’ll get out, but I know it won’t be tonight.”
“God, I just can’t believe this. It’s the most romantic night of the year and we’re stuck here. I can’t believe we’re snowed in,” you groaned once more.
Race pulled back in order to look at you, “Hey, I know. But we’ll still have just as much fun as we would have if we had gone out. I’ll tell you what. I’ll cook us dinner, which will the candlelit of course, we’ll watch movies, exchange gifts, and do absolutely anything we can think of. Okay? How’s that sound?”
“Absolutely amazing,” you sighed as you laid your head back on his shoulder. “I love you, Race.”
“I love you too. Now, why don’t you choose a movie and I’ll get started making dinner. It shouldn’t take long.”
You nodded and head over to the couch while Race started to cook. You scrolled aimlessly through Netflix. By the time Race joined you again, you decided on the long list of Disney movies, starting with Mulan. You settled into Races side and decided you were much happier in that moment than you ever had been.
By the time the movie was over, dinner was ready, and Race was rushing you into your dining room. When you walked in, you saw the table littered with candles and your meals already on the table.
“Race this is incredible,” you said, turning to face him.
“Thanks, Y/n.”
Race led you over to your chair and pushed it in for you once you were seated. He then sat down and took your hand from across the table.
“Baby, do you want to do presents now or after?” He asked, rubbing circles on the back of your hand.
“Now. I can’t wait for you to see what I got you!”
“Okay, just give me one second.”
Race left the room and returned with a small box and a giant stuffed bear in his arms. He sat the bear down next to you and handed you the box. Inside, there was a small sterling silver pendant necklace with your first initial on the chain.
“Race, this is gorgeous. Thank you!”
“You’re welcome, baby.”
After the opening of your gifts were complete. You went into the kitchen to grab his present. You entered with another item in a box, although this one was larger than the last.
Race opened in, and inside saw a new watch that had both of your initials inscribed on the back along with the word ‘Forever.’
“Thanks Y/n. It’s great.”
“You’re welcome.”
The rest of the dinner went by, and was filled with the sounder of laughter and conversation. Afterwards, you both found yourselves back on the couch, holding one another, while another Disney movie played.
“Hey, Y/n,” Race started. “You know what would be fun?” He continued after you gave him a puzzled look. “We should build a blanket fort and stay in it for the rest of forever.”
“Okay! I don’t know if I can do the rest of forever since we both have jobs, but I’ll see what I can do,” you teased.
Race’s face lit up like a child’s on Christmas Day and went to the closet where all the extra blankets and pillows were stored.
“Racer, I think I may go take a shower and change into something more comfortable, so you can start the fort and I’ll help finish it,” you said.
“Okay! I’m probably going to change to. Don’t be too long okay,” he said, kissing you lovingly.
By the time you were out of the shower and had changed, Race was nowhere to be found. You checked almost every room in the house, but there was no trace of him.
“Y/n, I’m in the guest bedroom if you’re looking for me!” Race called out.
You wondered how big the fort must have been for it to be in the one room that had yet to have furniture.
You walked into the room and were amazed at what you saw. The fort was about as tall as your couch and as long as your mattress. Although, there was still no sign of Race.
“Y/n, are you in here? I set up the blanket fort!” Race called from inside.
“Yeah, I see that,” you replied going near what you presumed the entrance of the for to be. “Can I come in, or no?”
“The password to get in is three words.”
That was typical. Leave it to Race to make something into a game. You knew what it was. It was the same every time, but there was no fun in guessing straight away. Humoring him was the better option.
“Um, let’s see. Is ‘let me in’ the password?”
“Not even close. Try again,” Race crooned.
“Will you at least give me a hint? What’s the first word?”
“The first word is I.”
“Okay then. Is the password ‘I want in’?” you guessed again trying to hide that fact that you were messing with him.
“Wrong again. I’ll give you another hint: the second word starts with L.”
“Okay, is it ‘I like forts’?”
That guess made you both laugh. It was such a ridiculous answer to a game that was really simple.
“Based on you laughing, I’m gonna go with no. Is it ‘I like you’?”
“You’re getting warmer. That guess was much better than ‘I like forts’,” Race mocked.
“Haha. Very funny. Is it ‘I love you’?”
Race’s head popped out from in between the blankets, “Bingo.”
You started to go into the blanket fort, but Race stopped you again.
“There’s one more thing you have to do before you go in,” he said.
“And what would that be?”
“Kiss me.”
You leaned in and kissed his cheek.
“Not what I meant,” Race said, shaking his head.
Okay what about if I kissed you here?” You said, kissing his jaw.
You then proceeded to kiss the side of his head, his nose, and the corner of his mouth. Each time he told you you were wrong.
“What about here?” You asked one final time before connecting your lips with his. You started to pull away, but he pulled you back to him.
Once he decided to finally let you into the fort, you were pretty surprised. He had taken all of your old white twinkle lights and put them all around the inside of the fort.
“So,” he started, pulling you toward him, “what do you think of our fort? Are the lights too much?”
“Race, it’s perfect. And the lights are kinda cheesy, but the good kind of cheesy.”
“Good. So, here’s what I think we should do. I think you should come here and let me hold onto you, then we can talk and just be glad we’re with one another. But first,” he turned around and grabbed a small cardboard box from behind him, “phone in the box.”
“Really. There should be no distractions in the blanket castle.”
“Okay. Just let me turn it off so there really are no distractions,” you said, handing him your phone once it was fully shut off.
“Good. Now come here,” he said holding his arms out toward you.
You moved closer to him, and he pulled you up into his lap. He wrapped his arms securely around your waist, just as he had earlier that night, and you put your head on the crook of his neck.
After some time of sitting in silence enjoying one another’s company, you said, “This is the best Valentine’s Day I’ve ever had. Thank you, Race.”
“You’re welcome, baby. I wouldn’t of had this night any other way.”
Race kissed your head and eventually, you felt yourself drifting off to sleep in his arms. He moved so you were both lying down, with you fully on top of him, so you were able to rest.
Not long after you both moved, you fell asleep.
You had been completely asleep when he checked to make sure his final gift for you was still in his pocket. He moved one arm from around you to reach into his hoodie pocket when you started to stir. He froze until he knew you were peaceful again and pulled out another small box.
He opened it, and inside was a small ring that he couldn’t wait to put on your finger. He admired the large diamond in the center of the ring and the smaller ones that surrounded it. He could only imagine how well it would look with you wearing it.
He was planning on asking you tonight at the place you first met, but the sudden blizzard put a wrench in his plans. He would find the perfect time though. He just had to.
It would be a symbol for something he had said earlier in the night. The ring would be to show that you two would be together for the rest of forever.
Tag List:
@blytheandherbrain @adderall-anon @well-the-kids-do-too @viennaleia @sunshinecrutchie @sapphire--love @midnight-finch @crutchieee-morris @dpslover4life-blog @newsieswearingheelies @fishtankfullofpennies @musicalidiotthe3rd @ben-cook-can-cook @pandalfthesmol @carryingthedaveyjacobs @sunshine-musicals-yea @just-go-and-get-her @thebroadwayaesthetic @was-it-the-nargles-again @fandom-fangirl07 @newsies-plaza @i-got-personality @awwwwwwdang @c0ronas @ughwaitwhat @thecaptainsgingersnap @you-thinks-wrong-romeo @suddenly-im-respecsable @racinghiggins @bennie-badeend @ilovejoshburrage @val-dani03 @newsie-fics @newtieparker @seasickdolphin @the-story-of-the-tucks @the-world-has-buttery-smiles @spot-conlon-king-of-brooklyn @c-taylor-wanna-be-a-glader @rsis0811 @iwantsomesleep @constantly-singing @happy-little-musician @bastille-smedry @king-of-nyc
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alphacrone · 8 years
i found this post in my drafts and have ZERO memory of writing it (thank u alcohol) so im gonna put it in my queue lol
ok but imagine 
Bitty comes out to his parents but he doesn't tell them about Jack, thinks it's for the best, maybe to ease his parents into things or maybe to keep the pool of People Who Know as small as possible 
and like yeah Ransom and Holster are super oblivious but Suzanne Bittle is not, not when it comes to her son, because she is a certified Nosy Southern Mother and she can see he's been acting differently, happier but quieter, always on his phone and blushing when she asks about boys
and he talks about the team a LOT 
Jack's one of his best friends and he's just started his NHL career, so of course Bitty’s never gonna shut up about Jack
(Same goes for Shitty and law school. And eventually Ransom and med school. Dicky is proud of his friends and wants everyone to know. He gets that trait from Suzanne, she understands)
but he keeps talking about this one Boy, how sweet he is and how his smile is like a sack of puppies and how bitty's always making this boy do things with him like baking and getting froyo and going shopping and Suzanne is like. Yes. This must be Dicky's secret boyfriend. 
 the next family weekend or whatever, Suzanne demands to meet this Chowder boy who's stolen Bitty's heart
Bitty is both confused and mortified
“No, Mother,” he says. “Chowder is my friend, I mean look at him, that sweet precious baby fawn of a goalie-”
Suzanne is Not Convinced
“Mhmm,” she replies. “Sure, baby. Sure.” 
but bitty can’t disobey his mother, so he drags the Frogs into the kitchen and introduces them all at once
so dex is like “um ok nice to meet you ma’am” and nursey’s all “sup mrs. b” and then Chowder - sweet Chowder - goes over and hugs her and starts rambling on a mile a minute about how much the team loves bitty and gosh it’s so nice to meet you, mrs. bitty’s mom, thank you for the care packages and oh do you watch hockey what team do you root for my team’s the sharks they’re ‘swawesome hey are you coming to our game tonight i think the coaches are gonna start bitty which is So Great because bitty is So Great of course the entire team is So Great but you know we all just love bitty So Much-!
Suzanne is Very Much Convinced
bitty’s gone bright red and none of the Frogs can figure out why
so i think by this point Ransom & Holster have a running joke about Bitty’s Secret Boyfriend bc, even tho they know, they’re Major Shitheads
(”Who’re you texting, Bits?” “Oh, uh, Jack.” “Pshyeah right, look at that blush. Who are you really texting?” “Oh, my God, I swear I’m just texting Jack.” “Bro, it’s gotta be your secret boyfriend.” “Adam Birkholtz, I swear to Jesus-”)
so R&H are messing around in the kitchen as bitty and his mom make a pre-game pie or something and bitty’s texting with jack about how mortifying his day has been when, of course, it gets worse
“Dude, stop texting your Secret Boyfriend,” Ransom says, giving Bitty a shit-eating grin.
bitty goes super pale. 
normally the joke is just kind of annoying but His Mother is Right Here And
Suzanne perks up.
“What was that?” She asks in that slow, sweet, unassuming way that all middle aged southern ladies use when they smell blood in the water
Bitty knows he’s Fucked
“Oh, hahahaha, just an inside joke, Mama, I’m just texting Jack, these boys and their silly little jokes, tell her it’s a joke, Justin”
so now Suzanne is almost certain Bitty’s hiding a boyfriend from her. she gets it, her mama never knew about half the guys she dated and she never had to Come Out to her mama. but Suzanne is not a saint and privacy doesn’t really exist when it’s your flesh and blood
“So, Adam. Justin. Tell me more about that sweet, little Christopher,” she says. “He’s real cute. Don’t you think so, Dicky?” 
to bitty’s delight, though, R&H go straight into Captains mode
“Oh, yeah, Chow’s a great asset to the team.” “One of the best goalies I’ve ever known.” “Real go-getter attitude.” “Hard worker. Weird fear of pucks, though.” “Still. What a guy.” 
Bullet dodged, crisis averted. Bitty breathes easy for a moment. 
so in this time he’s managed to text Chowder and has asked him to AVOID MAMA BITTLE AT ALL COSTS WHICH
chowder is clearly unable to do
“why????!?? did she not like me?!??? did i say something???!!”
so bitty is trying to calm chowder down and suzanne’s all Sugar Bear Sweetpea Fruit of my Loins WHO ARE YOU TEXTING
and chowder barges into the haus, apologizes a mile a minute for literally Anything he can think of
“I’m sorry for not asking you if you wanted a drink! And I’m sorry for not offering you a tour of the Haus- though I guess Bitty’s already done that- oh! Did I not say it’s nice to meet you?! It’s so nice to meet you!!!” 
and r&h have No Idea what’s happening but they love to Stir the Pot so they’re kinda egging chowder on and Mama B is very, very confused but so happy to see Dicky’s boyfriend is so thoughtful, if not a little...excitable...
So of course this is when the Frogs and Lardo wander in, drawn to sounds of a panicked Chowder
now bitty is on the edge of hysterics, trying to calm chowder down, trying to tell his mother that he’s Not dating chowder without saying those exact words, trying to text jack because who Else would be text while losing his shit??
and then she says it
suzanne just fucking says it
“oh, gosh, honey, i don’t know what you’re apologizin for, but it’s nice to know how polite my dicky’s boyfriend is.”
the silence in the kitchen is heavy with pent-up shock and laughter.
now. chowder can be naive, but he’s a smart cookie. it takes him those few, awkward moments, but he manages to put a couple things together - why bitty wanted him away from Mrs. B, why bitty was acting so weird, why suzanne was being so friendly
so chowder, bless his tender lil heart, plays along
“oh! uh!! well, i just want! to impress my...boyfriend?! my boyfriend’s mom!!”
dex and nursey are beyond confused; lardo has to leave the room so she can laugh
this is Not What Bitty Wanted, however
and then
enter Jack Zimmermann
bitty is just about ready to curl up in a corner and die of Shame
so Suzanne does her whole heart-eyes Jack Zimmermann routine, asking after his father and yadda yadda
but jack definitely heard everything with chowder. and as jealous as he is, it was also hilarious. 
and we all know jack l zimmermann is kind of a little shit
“so I see you’ve met bitty’s boyfriend” he says in his best monotone
(now ransom has to leave because he’s about to wet himself holding back laughter)
“oh, yes, jack, i’ve finally gotten dicky to introduce me, you’d think he didn’t want me to meet sweet christopher”
bitty’s done. he’s leaving samwell immediately. already has a new name picked out for himself, is gonna hitchhike west and dye his hair brown and never speak to anyone east of albuquerque again
“oh, i can’t believe he’s being shy about chowder,” jack says, knowing that he’s probably getting himself into Trouble but plowing forward regardless. “they’ve been together almost a year now”
“WHAT.” is the reaction that comes from three different people in three very different inflections 
(now dex and nursey are taking bets; holster is recording the whole thing to send to shitty; ransom and lardo are watching from the hallway)
“oh, yeah,” jack continues on, with what is probably his Funniest and Most Terrible joke ever. “after they both got dumped by their dates at Winter Screw. right, Bittle?” 
bitty has his face buried in his hands. chowder is Beyond Confused as to why jack’s taking it this far. 
suzanne is THRILLED
so Jack is weaving this long, ridiculous story of the Epic BittyChowder romance that never was and chowder’s starting to feel uncomfortable about the way suzanne is staring at him and bitty is going to Murder his boyfriend if the mortification doesn’t kill him first
“...which is why I’m here today. to fight for bitty’s hand.”
yup. jack 110% zimmermann Goes There. 
“you’re in love with my dicky too??” “do i....do i really have to fight jack??!”
and bitty sees the look in jack’s eyes, the imperceptible nod, and the dam finally bursts: “mother, i’m not dating chowder. and i never wanted you to think i was, but chris was just trying to help me out.” 
and suzanne’s face falls and chowder sort of awkwardly...runs away...to stand in the hall with lardo and ransom
“but then why is jack here?” suzanne asks,
and jack wraps his arm around bitty’s shoulder, smiling down at bitty, and bitty finally gets to say to his mama, “because he’s my boyfriend, mother.” 
suzanne Freaks Out and cries a little and calls bob. in that order. 
but before all of that she hugs them both tight and refuses to let go. 
(years down the road, they play holster’s camera-phone video of the whole Ordeal at the zimmermann-bittle wedding. chowder literally never lives down the chirps, but hey -- that’s what best men are for.)
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