#not suspicious at allll
hollaringmountains · 2 years
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
Lilithmon: "The one who" {sent US} "here"
Hiro: "That wasn't-"
Hiro: "Coincidence"
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monzamash · 4 months
my side of the sofa — lando norris
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rating – mature (language, sexual references) requested for✨monzamusings✨ inspired by the kooks' sofa song – and i kinda want to continue this lil story... lmk what you think x
lando was the andy to your april, the tom to your zendaya – on paper there was no logical reason why your dynamic worked, polar opposites in almost every way. he was sunshine personified, wildly charming and devilishly handsome. he was the kind of guy who wore his heart on his sleeve, staunchly loyal with a smile brighter than the stars he swore you hung in the night sky.
in contrast, you walked on the darker side of life; a little mysterious, quietly confident and self assured but humble, generous and effortlessly beautiful but to some, you were intimidating – always kind and caring but scary until those impenetrable walls that had been iron clad from birth started to come down.
somehow lando norris had achieved what most thought was impossible.
it started small with knowing smiles and inside jokes – my god, you had jokes for days! and he laughed at every single one, without fail. wild curls thrown back and smile lines crinkled together, creating a jigsaw you desperately wanted to piece together. you loved in his dry british sense of humour – dark, macabre jokes sprinkled with tasteful sarcasm that he saved just for you. on paper, you couldn’t make sense of it, how your heart felt safe with someone so different to you.
“you know that giving a guy a key to your apartment means things are getting serious right? like, way more serious than a stupid label…”
lando stood in your kitchen, patiently brewing you a cup of tea – strong and dark with the tiniest dash of milk, just the way you liked it, while you scrounged around in the cupboards for the shortbread you bought on a whim just in case you had visitors, though rare it did happen from time to time. why the fuck did I put them up there, you muttered under your breath. lando placed down the teaspoon he’d been drumming on your countertop and came to your rescue, his warm hand resting on you lower back as he reached up beside your head and plucked the shortbread from the top shelf with ease.
“short arse.”
“prick.” you quipped back, snatching the delicious snack from his hand and skipping away.
“and to answer your question – no, i don’t think giving you a key means anything but being smart because it saves me having to come all the way down here to unlock the door for you... because you're here allll the time,” your drawling tone earned a pinch to the ribs as you launched onto the sofa, lando following closely behind.
“i’m here all the time because you call me, miss ‘i’m scared of the dark and need a big, strong man to look after me’,” lando mocked in a high pitched voice, causing you to scoff into the hot cup of tea nestled in your hands.
“big feels generous…”
a shocked expression swept across lando’s face – eyebrows raised as he playfully brushed off your burn, “ooh does it now?” his attitude turning cocky in the blink of an eye.
“i don’t think that’s how you felt last week in monaco – just saying,” he shrugged before taking an exaggerative sip from his mug, your eyes suspiciously narrowed but the smile itching the corners of your mouth threatened to give you away.
“admit it.”
"no way!”
“come oooon, admit that i’m big or i’m not watching vanderpump with you.”
lando quickly grabbed the remote control from the coffee table in the midst of his ultimatum and held it above his messy head of curls as you carelessly shuffled into his tracksuit-clad lap, determined to take back what belonged to you.
“don’t you dare threaten me, norris – i have so much dirt on you so you do not want to push me…” you couldn't be serious if you tried.
"all the dirt you have on me includes you, my sweet girl so do your worst,” he taunted with a whisper, his smug smile making your eyes roll.
he had no idea who he was dealing with.
“three words; facetime in singapore… or maybe you need me to re-jog your memory?” lando’s face dropped in disbelief, dragging his bottom lip between his two front teeth at the memory but as he peered into your playful eyes, a dubious scoff puffed from his mouth.
"pfft, you wouldn’t do it…”
“oh baby,” you mocked, hands pressed to his tight chest as you settled into his lap, eliciting a groan when you looked down at him, “try me and find out..”
lando's eyes fluttered shut for a millisecond as his head lulled back in defeat, placing the remote on your side of the sofa, “you win.”
“i always win.”
lando softly hummed, tilting his head with a smirk, “nah ‘cause after all that, who’s side of the sofa are you on?” the proud smile lit up his handsome face and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes at how goofy and beautiful he looked admiring his handy work.
“so you see, i win. and maybe you can too.”
“oh, i’m definitely winning.” you leaned in with a smile and pressed a firm kiss to his perfect lips, melting into his touch. the one thing you knew for sure was that you could kiss him all day, every day, maybe for the rest of your life.
lando was the first to come up for air, eyes blurry and heart shaped while you took a couple more seconds to return to the real world, begrudgingly opening them to see the sweetest human being staring right back. the sigh he exhaled was so deep that it reverberated through your bones, worrying you a little until his hands brushed down your sides and the smile etched on his face remained.
“why are you being such a chicken about us being together?”
“i’m not being a chicken, i’m just being realistic,” you whispered, desperately wanting to change the subject, “... your eyes look really pretty.”
lando chuckled, “i know they are so why don’t you want to wake up to them every morning and tell me that, huh? because i wanna do that.”
“tell yourself that you have pretty eyes?”
it was lando’s turn to eye roll and plant a soft smack to your backside, “such a smartarse.”
“you love it.”
“yeah i do and i love you sooooo…” lando nudged gently, searching for an answer that would ease his fear of losing you.
“soooo…” you mimicked but quickly shied away from his intense gaze, “i’m in love with you too, you dumbarse but we’re weird and so different to one another and i feel like people aren't going to understand us and ruin everything... what do you think?”
you hadn't even realised that you'd started chewing through the black varnish on your nails until lando gently grasped your wrist and laced his fingers with yours. he sighed and kissed the back of your hand – the pause in conversation gave him time to gather his thoughts while the circles he drew into your palm with the pad of his thumb calmed your racing mind.
lando answered hundreds of questions every day but he was struggling to think of a time when his response to a question held this much meaning. actions meant everything to you, and he couldn't wait to hold your hand in public and not be afraid of getting caught sneaking kisses in the paddock when the two of you were meant to be working, but words were a good place to start.
“what i think is that we love each other, yeah? and what i know is that i don't give a shit what other people think because you're fucking hot and i love being weird with you, my scary little angel of death,” he teased, tickling your sides until tears ran down your cheeks and you succumbed to his embrace, face buried in his neck.
“i love being weird with you too.”
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shout out to mar (@percervall) for the prompt! more writing...
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moechies · 6 months
Do you fink geto wud like to be calld uncle🥺🎀
omg yes . cos, he is that one gross uncle that can’t get enough of gojo’s pretty step daughter :3
can you imagine being introduced early on to your uncle geto, and he just takes a liking of your cute demeanor. the way you always have a smile spread across your face, your teasing touches, and your intriguing personality ‘nd body >:3 oh he can’t stand it. he leaves your side every time with a face painted of an adorable blush, and a painfully strained cock. once he’s finally to get into your naive little head, you best believe he won’t let you go.
he’ll coo so sweetly, telling you that it’s okay ‘nd comforting you when you cry. aw
“‘s okay dearest, uncle geto is here okay? n’more crying.”
his touches linger suspiciously close to your breast, a notice to the single finger that begins dragging down the side of your waist. you huff, pulling him closer towards your own, finding a sense of comfort in his sweet touches.
“love y-you uncle geto. d-don’t want you to go, ‘kay? p-promise . ”
“mhm, would never leave you sweet girl. uncle’s gonna take good care of you, mm? make you forget allll the bad things, hm?”
you whine, eyes following his digits that slide themselves between the band of your underwear. they fidget with the frilly lace that decorate the delicate, a shiver that tickles down your spine when his lingering touches seem to become a little bit more overwhelming.
“hm. little girl seems to like this?”
“u-uncle geto. w-wan’ you to touch me. please .”
“yeah? such well-mannered little girl. where do you want me to touch you then?”
you tug on his arm, directing him towards your needy cunt. but he doesn’t budge, only soft strokes to your skin with a teasing smile that spreads across his face.
you wail, “p-please, please touch me here..!” another short tug to his arm.
“i can’t help you if you don’t tell me where you want it, sweet girl. c’mon, use your words. don’t you want uncle geto t’make you feel good?”
“h-here.! m-my cunnie.! wan’ you to play with my cunnie ‘nd make me feel good uncle g-geto, please.!”
“mm, that’s all you needed t’say. ♡”
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wystericwoes · 11 months
“Pretty boy”
Inumaki Toge x reader
Warnings: slight cursing
"You just don't understand Maki!"
You dramatically entered your room, putting your belongings on the floor and tossing yourself on the bed as she rested her weapon against the wall, crossing her arms and raising a suspicious brow at you.
You stared up at your dismal ceiling. Letting out a long sigh.
"He's just so pretty."
She observed you curiously as you thrashed around your bed.
"Maybe if you finally talked to him rather than hoping he'll magically become a mind reader-"
You tossed a pillow at her which she easily caught.
"I don't want him to become a mind reader, I just want him to like me and tell me!"
"But without him knowing you like him first? Yeah, because expecting him to make the first move is always the best thing to do.”
she adjusted her glasses and tossed the pillow back to you which you roughly caught and placed back.
You leaned against the wall and pulled your legs up to yourself, resting your chin on your knees.
"You don't get it, if I confess and he doesn't like me, I lose him."
"You're not going to 'lose him' from a confession. It takes more than that to scare him away sadly. We're all stuck together after all."
"Exactly!" You sat upright.
Maki rolled her eyes as you rambled.
"He'll get sick of me, having to see my face in class every day, every mission, all the time."
"You're so dramatic."
You pulled your phone, zooming in on a picture you snuck of him during training. He was looking off, his long eyelashes and smooth locks gracing his face like a goddamn angel.
"Its not fair!"
You set your phone aside so you could slam your face into your pillows and let out a muffled scream.
"Why can someone be so damn pretty? It shouldn’t be allowed!”
You huffed as you recalled his smooth skin and sharp features. Soft hair and gentle smiles.
You put your hands on your face and rolled over to your side facing the wall on your bed.
“You’re obsessed with him.. get a grip.”
Maki rolled her eyes placing a sassy hand on her hip with an annoyed expression.
“You wouldn’t get it. You’ve never had boy problems.”
Her jaw ticked.
“Id hardly call it boy problems if it’s just you sitting in bed thinking about him.”
You threw a pillow again, which she threw back again.
You caught the pillow and pulled it into yourself, hugging it tightly.
“You don’t gotta say it like that!”
You sat upright and whined.
“I just wanna hold his face and kiss it!”
You roughly imitated the motions of what you were saying and made a dramatic kissy face.
“And he kept smiling at me all day, with those big stupid pretty eyes! It’s like he knows what he’s doing.”
“Yeah you don’t sound creepy at allll.”
She said sarcastically.
“It’s not creepy! It’s honest. It’s not like it’s my fault he’s got those stupid pretty lashes and that stupid silky hair and that stupid smooth skin!!”
“If you’re just gonna talk about Inumaki then I’m leaving.”
She turned around and began making paces out the door before you yelled at her to come back.
“Okay sorry!”
“Thank you.”
She made her way through your room and sat in your chair legs crossed facing the bed. You two sat in silence as she began pulling out her books and setting them on your desk to begin your nightly ritual of studying next to eachother. But she abruptly stopped her movements when you let out a long and hearty sigh, making her let a sigh of her own.
“Do you just want me to talk to him?”
“No! Thats 100 times worse.”
“Then get it over with yourself so he can at least reject you and you can move on already.”
“It’s different with him!”
“You’re absolutely delusional. We’re not in elementary school anymore, we communicate our issues like adults.”
You hated to admit that she was right. At this rate with your feelings, you would either drive yourself mad not knowing If he felt the same or if he didn’t. But Is it really better to be rejected than to never know at all? You silently weighed your options.
Maki opened a pencil case and pulled out a ballpoint pen, clicking the end as she started to write. The rhythmic sounds of it began to lull you into a daydream as you fantasized about him again.
Closing your eyes and succumbing to your own fantasies maki took it upon herself to take action. Because as much as she valued you as a friend, if she had to what about your fanatical little crush one more time- she’d lose it.
A few minutes had passed as you remained unmoving.
She whispered.
She chuckled to herself as she carefully grabbed your phone Off the bed typed in your passcode, opening up recent messages.
>Toge Inumaki 🩵
>Nobara Kugisaki
She cringed to herself as she clicked on Inumakis name and the heart.
Y/n: Hey Inumaki, sorry to bother you. Are you free to hang out soon?
Maki set down the phone content with her text. Not expecting the phone to ding seconds later.
Inumaki: Hang out?
Y/n: Yeah, is that okay?”
Inumaki: ofc it’s okay lol I just don’t know you wanted to hang out with me
Y/n: well ofc! I really like being with you.
She watched as the three dots popped up, anticipating his response.
Inumaki: As long as you’re sure you wanna. Just us?
Maki cringed as her fingers hit the keypad and typed the response.
Y/n: Yeah. I wanna be alone with you :) If you’re okay with that.
Maki looked up from the screen to check that you were still asleep, confident you were since you were even drooling a little- she went back to work.
Inumaki: sounds good, what about the movies tonight?
Tonight?? Maki bit her nail as she looked back from the phone to you back to the phone.
Y/n: sounds great! Text me the deets and I’ll be there.
She got up and tapped your shoulder until you stirred awake.
“Hey! Wake up.”
You pushed her hand away as your eyes slowly rose. Maki shoved your phone in your face.
“I got you a date.”
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bettsfic · 3 months
okay so i saw The Bikeriders today and i knew i wouldn't be normal about this movie and even though my expectations were impossibly high it exceeded them. i was happy for it to just be a cool movie for the sake of being a cool movie, toxic masculinity ultraviolence whatever, and it was but with Jodie Comer's character narrating about what fucking idiots all these macho biker dudes are. it's like if a woman narrated Fight Club while constantly pointing out how stupid Fight Club is
also, most of it was filmed near where i live and it was so exciting seeing places i recognized! it's been all over the news for weeks
things i loved about it:
protective older woman/loose cannon younger man
lowkey romantic stalking
a relationship suspiciously close to a throuple, by which i mean protective older woman goes to war against possessive older man, re: their mutual intense love for loose cannon younger man. and that's not even subtext that's just text
hot sadboy who doesn’t talk much and is so cool he doesn’t know how cool he is
british people doing midwestern accents
NO PLOT, god bless. just stuff happening and a lot of gay tension building
accurate portrayals of the aftermath of the vietnam war
accurate portrayals of mid-century small-town life
accurate portrayals of men being fucking pathetic
things i did not love about it:
for the love of god please wear a helmet
idk man it's just a whole-ass movie about how vietnam changed the very definition of masculinity, and that awkward era between wwii and vietnam when guys were rebellious for the aesthetic, rebel without a cause shit, twinks in leather jackets manhood. the movie even points that out, like they're so against rules but then they make all these rules for their silly little biker gang because they're bored. and then allll these vets come home from a war nobody wanted and they're actually rebelling, full anti-establishment, and there's just no more honor anymore because everybody's broken. which is all to say, somebody please come into my ask and be insane about this movie with me.
anyway i'm seeing it again tomorrow and i have already started an ot3 fic goodbye
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sorrowfulrosebud · 10 months
I need to punish Denki so bad. Imagine working from home, clacking away at your keyboard as you complete your task before the deadline. Everything was going as smooth as possible.
Until your blonde boyfriend decided his growing cock needed you.
(Dom/sub themes and toys hehe)
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“Baaaaaaaaabe?” He draws out, slinking his way into your office. You smile at him as you continue to work.
“Hi angel, anything I can help with?” Your eyes flicker between the two of you. Kaminari huffs as he slides near your computer.
“You’ve been working alllllll day,” he whines, nestling his head into your neck and pressing small, open mouthed kisses to the soft flesh. He was naked above the waist, his waist looking so grabbable.
“I’m bored master, come play with me,” he murmurs seductively into your ear. You were suddenly very aware of the tinkle of the bell on his collar that we wore when he was in the horniest of moods; the days when you had full permission to ravage him.
Your hands reach behind you to play with his hair. He snuggles closer to you.
“I’m sorry sweetpea, I have to work a bit more. Be a good boy and wait for me, then I’ll play with you allll you want,” you promise him, releasing his locks as you continue to type.
Kaminari huffs slightly, grumpy you were ‘prioritising your work over your sub’. A cheeky grin crosses his face as he leans down and presses more kisses to your cheeks.
“Denki, I’m not kidding. I have a deadline. You can be good and wait, I’m sure,” you say more firmly. Kaminari grins, seeing you already fall for his plans. His slender arms wrap around your waist as he plonks his head against yours.
“Can’t I at least sit on your lap as you work? I just want to be close to you,” he pouts and mumbles, rubbing his cheeks against yours. An annoyed huff leaves you as you glare at him.
“Fine, you can come sit on my lap. Any funny business, or rule breaking, will be punished,” you said firmly. You shifted your chair to make room for him.
I’m counting on it, Kaminari giggled internally.
He slunk his body around you, comfortably spooning you as you worked. You had to admit; the soft breathing and gentle weight of your sub provided comfort during this stressful work. Your hand found refuge in the small of his back, right near the dimples that pinched his lower spine.
Despite being strict before, you did occasionally reward Denki with a soft kiss to his head, and the soft petting of his electric yellow locks. Denki wasn’t going to admit any time soon that he was beginning to lose sight of his original plan as he nosed your neck and let out sleepy sighs.
He allows a contented giggle to leave him, nuzzling into you as he rocks his hips slightly. His smile falters as your grip becomes tighter.
“Denki. Don’t.” The order was firm and harsh as he whined.
“Sorry master, I just wanted to get comfy,” he pouts sleepily. You nod suspiciously, rubbing the small of his back as you focus again. He buries his head into your neck, breaths slowing again. He had to be methodical.
He waited a few minutes between each rolling of the hips. Your grip tightened after each roll, but you allowed him to continue humping you. Denki’s whines were quiet at first; soft pants in your ear as his leaky cock rutted against your tummy. He could hear your sigh of disappointment, before you clutched his hips close to you.
“Get it out of your system,” you say blankly. Frankly, Denki was too horny to care about your empty voice. He took your invitation with great pleasure. He whimpered and hiccuped at every rut, precum ruining your shirt.
“Masterrr, hurtssss,” he whined, holding you as tightly as he could. He finished against you with a high pitched moan. Cum was sprayed over the fabric of your shirt as he huffed and puffed next to you. Amber eyes flicked to you, immediately getting nervous when he sees your disappointed glare.
“I um-” he started, holding your shirt as he excused himself. You stop him with a sharp slap to the ass, making him squeak in pain.
“No no no brat, you wanted master to play? Fine. Get on the bed,” you command lowly, squeezing his hips to prove your point. Denki whimpered a little, his cock elevating again.
He presented himself on the bed, sat on his knees with his hands in his lap as you rootle in the drawers.
“Close your eyes and turn around,” you snap, closing the drawer. Denki obeys excitedly as he feels you pull his arms behind his back.
Low moans are let out as he recognises the familiar grit of the rope you have. It wraps prettily around his upper arms, then wrists. You wrap a few loops around his sensitive chest, smacking his thigh when he whines too loud.
A thick blindfold is wrapped around his head, secured tightly to him. He shook his head experimentally, grinning in delight when he couldn’t shake it off.
“Turn around,” you said, digging into the drawer again. Denki obeys immediately. He shuddered at your cold hands pawing at his thighs. He felt you pause at the sight of the garters around his slender legs, jumping when you slap them.
“Spread your legs, pet. Keep them spread for master,” you coo, rubbing his sensitive nipples through his shirt. Denki had to swallow, Adam’s Apple bobbing. His legs part, cock leaking immense precum.
More rope is tied. You start at the top of his legs, securing the rope from his thigh to his ankle. You repeated the process from one leg to another as Denki moaned slightly. He was effectively frog-tied now, whimpering and mumbling your name.
“You were such a bad little pet, weren’t you Denki? You just wanted master’s attention, didn’t you,” you coo pathetically at him. He couldn’t help the tears in his eyes as sub space makes his eyes go glossy.
“Mhm! Jus- just wanted your attention master!” He whines, rubbing the ropes off his body. You tut at him, holding a few more toys.
“Colour, pet,” you demand. Denki grins slightly wobbly, pleasure making him giddy.
“Green,” he giggles.
“Excellent.” You held up the dildo ball gag, rubbing the tip on his wet lips. His tongue immediately makes its way around the tip, running it along the underside and suckling the tip. You allow him to get used to the girth, considering how long he would be wearing it.
Slowly, you push each inch in. You monitor his hands behind you, making sure he didn’t signify the safe symbol. At the sight of his dormant hands, you push the rest of the silicone in. He gags at first, his throat game slightly rusty since it’s been a while.
You coo praises at him, pushing the ball behind his teeth as you buckle the back. His muffled whines amplify as you let out a few experimental smacks to his chest and thighs. His cock quivered at the smacks, the tip releasing pearly droplets of precum.
“Such a good little cock slut, aren’t you Denki?” You praise him, slowly turning him so that he was lying on his tummy. The sub moaned and whined in return as he felt your fingers gently trace his taint.
Denki couldn’t help the squeal that left him as you ripped open his shorts to reveal a glinting butt plug twinkling back at you.
“Such a good boy. You prepped yourself for me?” You praise him, slapping his ass cheeks. Denki sobbed and whined as you shushed him gently, rubbing his reddened cheeks with care. You circle the butt plug with a feather light touch, before slowly inching it out. His hole gaped afterwards as he sobbed in relief. Little did he know, the vibrating bunny that was going to be slid into his tight little cunt.
You tease his hole with the toy, slowly sliding it along his balls and cock. He whimpers and chokes on his gag, arching his back. You coo at him again, before pressing the tip to his tight hole.
He gasps as loud as he could as the tip sliiiiides right through his cunt, making him choke on the dildo sitting snug in his throat. You soothe his whimpers by rubbing his ass cheeks, until the toy finally bottomed out in him.
Your pillow was drenched in his drool, the breathing from his nose being one of the few sounds. You praise your sub for taking it so well, kissing his neck as you grabbed for more rope.
You fashioned a loop that wrapped around his cock to the toy, then straddling it to his leg. The bunny came just between his balls, uncomfortably prodding at his cock as he finally understood what was happening.
A low buzzing filled the room as you clicked the toy to the lowest setting, delighted in hearing your sub’s whimpers of pleasure. His head was spinning at the feeling of the cock in his throat, and the buzzing toy up his ass. He struggled against the rope as he moaned, spreading drool all over himself.
He felt you sit near his head as you stroked his locks and kissed his cheek.
“Now, be a good boy and wait here while master finishes that work,” you murmur, laughing at his confused muffle before he struggles more in protest. You shut that up immediately by increasing the power of the toy, melting the poor sub into the bedsheets.
His muffled cries went straight to your core, making you throb as you felt a tiny inkling of guilt. This wasn’t a new punishment; there had been many a time you had to tie him up to keep him from bothering you (fully consensual of course). You fumbled in the drawer for the last toy; a heavy set of noise cancelling headphones.
“Remember our safety signal, pet?” You ask him seriously, rubbing your fingers down his spine. He sniffles pathetically before nodding with a squeaky moan. Small sparks of electricity popped off of his body into the air, before stopping.
“Good boy. I am going to be checking on you every once in a while, but for now, you must be punished. Do you understand me?” You stand up, making Denki chase your warmth.
He, again, sniffs and nods before arching his back when the toy brushes his prostate.
“That’s my bratty sub. Now, lift your head up,” you coo at him, snapping the headphones on him. He was left to his own pleasure, swarmed in darkness as he could only focus on the brushing of his prostate and the dildo lodged in his throat.
You pressed one final kiss to his sweaty head, a sharp slap to his ass and sat down to your computer to type once again.
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the-karma-cafe · 6 months
Alll My Moneh | Arthur Morgan
(also posted on ao3 under same username)
based on Arthur's silly drunk line "I lost allllll my money... can I ... have *yours* laydey ?" yes arthur my babygirl you can have all of it
also fun hannibal reference cause i llove
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“Bye Ernie!” I called over my shoulder. The man behind the bar smiled and waved as I left the saloon, the doors swinging shut behind me. I brushed my hands off on my dress and stepped down the first couple of steps, eager to head home and away from the drunkards of Valentine. The job was fun, sure, but more often than not-
“I lost allll my money...” A sad voice called out to me from the street.
I glanced over, confused. The man in the dirt street stared at me through unfocused eyes, his stance crumpled and wobbly. He seemed to be searching for something to lean on.
“Can…” he hiccuped, “Can I have yours… laadyy?” his southern drawl lengthened the word.
Despite having dealt with drunk men all evening, I smiled, tilting my head to the side. “You alright sweetie?” He looked like a lost puppy, and, unlike the other patrons of the saloon, he wasn’t saying anything untoward.
The man gave a dopey grin upon hearing my voice, stumbling forward. “M’yeah.” 
I paused, glancing around the street. He didn’t seem to have any buddies with him. I stepped towards him, my hands out and ready to catch him if he suddenly pitched forward. “Hope you don’t mind my sayin’, but you don’t look it.” I pursed my lips. “Where’re your friends, baby?” 
He shrugged and almost fell into me before catching himself a foot away. “Camp.” 
I furrowed my brow in worry. I couldn���t in good conscience let this poor drunken fool wander around the street at night—he was sure to get robbed. “You wanna tell me where that is so we can get you home, cowboy?” I gently touched his arm and he leaned towards the feeling, eyes closing and opening at random intervals. He nodded mutely. 
I went to guide him over to my horse before he wobbled out of my light hold and back into the street, shaking his head. “No! Nooo.... No I don’ wanna go to camp.”
I sighed. “You’ve gotta go somewhere, darlin’.” 
He tried to focus his eyes on my form. “Why you..” he shook his head, planting his feet. “Why d’you care?”
I gave him a pitying look. “I don’t know, mister, but just let me help.” I searched around the street, my eyes lighting on the hotel. I looked back at him, hoping my expression was as comforting and gentle as possible. “You want a room in the hotel instead?”
He eyed me for a beat, suspicious, before nodding and humming in acquiescence.
I held out my hand to stabilize him and he grabbed it instead. I blinked down at our intertwined hands. Not exactly what I had intended, but not… unwelcome. He was closer now, and I could see that he wasn’t like the drunkards I was used to. Much more handsome, and so far, much nicer as well. 
Before he could question why we hadn’t started moving, I guided him towards the hotel, fortunately only a couple doors down, and helped him up the steps and inside. 
The receptionist welcomed us in, noting our joined hands. He smiled knowingly. “Not too loud, now.” He joked. I flushed, stammering out an excuse about how that was not what it was like at all, before paying for and receiving a room key. 
The man with me kept his eyes on me the whole way up the stairs, making no move to help me get him up there. I huffed. He wasn’t a small man. 
We reached the top of the stairs and I dragged him into his room, closing the door behind us. “Alright, mister, let’s get you situated.” His weight was fully on my side and I had to remove my hand from his grip (notably difficult) and wrap my arm around him to keep him upright. I grunted, working my way towards the bed.
He turned and I felt a cool rush of air on my head. I couldn’t help but laugh. “Are you- Are you sniffing me??” 
He coughed, whipping his head away. “D’fficult to avoid.”
I chuckled good-naturedly. “Hope it was everything you dreamed of.”
I pushed him onto the bed and he flopped over, immediately snuggling into it. I straightened up and exhaled, looking down at him. He looked… cute, like this. He was almost like a child, fisting the blankets and tucking his legs up near his torso. I shook my head, breaking that line of thought. This was silly.
Good deed for the day done, I placed the key on his nightstand and turned to leave. 
“Wait!” A warm weight held my wrist. I turned back to find him looking up at me from the edge of the bed with the sweetest pair of puppy dog eyes I’d ever seen. “Please stay.” He mumbled, like he didn’t want to say it, and definitely would not have if he hadn’t been in such a state. 
I tore my eyes away, looking at the ground. I didn’t know this man. It was enough of a risk just to take him up here—it was even more to stay and sleep here. 
His grip loosened, sensing my indecision. “I understand.” he nodded, not looking at me. “‘M scary.” 
My heart warmed. He was so cute. I reached out and cupped his cheek, guiding him to look at me. He leaned into my hand, eyes closed. “You are so sweet.” I cooed, brushing my thumb back and forth. 
He snorted, eyes opening. “‘M not.” His gaze wandered over my face. Heat rose to my cheeks, not expecting his eyes to hold such warmth and reverence in them. He reached out, his hand aiming for my face but falling and holding my arm instead. His palm was warm. “Yer gorgeous.” The heat in my cheeks flared, painting them a bright red. 
I knew I shouldn’t. 
But he was so sweet... despite his burly appearance, he seemed like he couldn’t hurt a fly.
I sighed and moved my hand from his cheek to run through his hair. He hummed happily, his head nodding forward slightly. “You want me to stay?” He looked up, eyes hopeful.
“Yes.” he breathed. His hand dragged down my arm, shifting and stopping at my hip. My breath hitched. “Please?”
I ignored the warmth seeping into my body from my hip, smiling at him kindly. “How could I say no to that face?” My hand at his neck brought his head closer to me. I heard him hiccup. I pecked the top of his head and ruffled his hair, pushing away from him. 
His hand fell from me limply, his eyes never leaving me as I rounded the bed, shedding my bag and shoes. I contemplated taking off my dress. I had undergarments on but… no, I’d be fine sleeping in my dress. I crawled into the other side of the bed, heaving an exhausted sigh at finally being able to lay down. 
It was quiet in the room, for a couple of minutes. I faced the ceiling, but felt his gaze on me. I turned. His face still held that reverent look. I blushed, unable to fight the smile twisting my lips. “You should get some sleep, sweetheart. That headache when you wake up’ll kill.”
He nodded, slumping over onto his side, facing me. I mirrored his posture, facing him. His eyes wandered all over, but never strayed from my face, despite this being one of my lower-cut dresses. My heart fluttered.  “What’s your name?” I whispered.
His face twitched. “Arthur.”
“Like the king?”
Arthur huffed a laugh. “What’s your name?” He asked instead, just as quiet. I told him. He smiled dreamily. “’S pretty. Suits you.” 
“Thank you, Arthur.” His smile grew hearing his name. “Though I can’t say you’re very kingly presently.” I teased.
He didn’t answer, instead reaching out, brushing hair from my face. I faltered, flustered at how gentle he was. Did he even hear me? His gaze dropped to my lips. “Can I kiss you?” 
I blinked in surprise, searching his face. He pulled his hand back, dragging it over his face and groaning. “Ohh, I’m a fool.” He rolled onto his back, covering his eyes with his hand. 
I wanted to kiss him. I was surprising myself left and right today.
I reached out and touched his shoulder, pushing myself up onto my elbow. He shifted his hand to look at me with one eye. I forced myself to hold his gaze, feeling silly. “You can, Arthur, if you’d like.” 
Arthur dropped his hand. “Would you like?” I nodded.
He moved slowly, like he didn’t want to scare me off. He turned, moving his hand to cup my cheek. I tilted my head up, feeling my stomach flip nervously. He stopped, lips brushing against mine. 
Slowly, I pressed into them.
He groaned into my mouth, his hand moving towards my neck to bring me closer. I sighed happily, moving my hand to his chest. I wanted to explore further, feeling him up and down, but kept myself in check. Kissing was one thing, but... I didn’t want him to do something he would regret. He moved against me, trying to get impossibly closer.
I internally scolded myself. No further than this. I softly, regretfully, pushed against his chest, parting from him. He whimpered at the loss of contact, looking at me with sad eyes. I shook my head. "You're drunk, Arthur."
He frowned. "So?" His hand slid down from my neck, rubbing against my waist. He tugged a little, experimentally. His hand felt hot on my side, pressing me into the mattress. 
I bit my lip. "'S not right, cowboy, you know that." I poked his chest weakly. "If it was me you found out on the street like that, you wouldn't." 
He avoided my gaze. "Wouldn't I?"
"I don't know." I whispered, smoothing my hand over his chest. "I don't think you would, though." I didn't know why I was so sure. There was something about him.
He grunted, pushing into me and nuzzling his head into my neck. I made a noise of surprise, falling onto my back. "You don' know me." His lips tickled my neck as he spoke. 
I smiled, reaching my hands up to tangle in his hair. No, I did not know him, but I sure wanted to after tonight. He relaxed against my touch, almost crushing me under his weight. I didn't mind. I kissed his head, smoothing my hand down to rub circles on his back. Within minutes he was passed out, snoring softly. 
I debated leaving, but he had wormed his arms around me, snuggled in to my chest so cutely that I couldn't. I sighed, shifting my head on the pillow. The hotel was closer to the saloon than my house, anyway. This just made it easier to clock in come morning. (A flimsy excuse, but enough.)
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chyeyuj · 11 months
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i have some gp loser zuha thoughts to share bcs i love this girl sm💔
i know kazuha would always jerk off to you everytime you tease her without konowing her having a hard on lmfao😭 she would watch porn and imagine that it was you doing that to her likee...
ik you guys probably have seen these type of imagines ALOT but come on😭😭
uh alright so one day, you wanted to check up on her bcs she still didn't got out of her room which was VERY unusual of her and you're obviously worried about her.
without knocking, you open the door and was met by kazuha who was jerking off to your fancams, tissue everywhere while she was moaning your name out.
your gasp made her snap her head towards you, a look of fear on her face.
she quickly got up from her bed but ahe stumbled a little. "unnie, forgive me, please dont look at me differently!" she whined. and you think you just saw some tears falling down on her cheeks.
this was alot to take in, all you did was stare at her, still shocked. the truth shocked you.
kazuha was on her knees now, looking up at you and grabbing your hand. "im sorry, forgive me please!" she sobbed and you cant help but feel bad.
"its okay, zuha. let me help you with your problem." and once you said this, zuha's eyes widened, with her cheeks slightly tilted with pink.
oh, this was going to take allll day. the other members are probably going to notice this and are going to get suspicious
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xxlady-lunaxx · 5 months
A gift for Mother | The Shinazugawas !
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Theme: Fluff+Angst (50/50? sorta)
Note: I was going to say happy belated mother's day but this isnt supposed to be happy
anyway, writing this bc the shinazugawa ep was released on mother's day
the Shinazugawas (im taking this off some video so it might not be accurate):
Shizu(30 smth-), Sanemi(13?), Genya(8?), Teiko (7?), Sumi (6), Hiroshi(5), Shuya (4), Koto(2).
For a couple months now, they had been doing small things in order to get a little money. Since their father had died, though it had been quite a relief, it also brought about a lot more pressure on their mother. Shizu had to work a lot more often and barely saw them anymore. Sanemi and Genya were doing their best to care for the younger children while their mother acquire money for the family. Shizu appreciated them greatly, more than she could express. But she made sure to leave them small things when she was able to get a little extra money—and though it wasn't often since she was getting less money than a man would've, it was her own way of showing her love.
Sanemi and Genya tried to get her to stop buying the excess things but she said she just wanted them to be happy. She would buy them books or toys, especially for the others so they could be entertained during the day.
Because of this, however, it only drove all of the children's desire to help her in a way. The younger children admired Sanemi and Genya especially since the two had managed to get a little money from helping around the town here and there. So they all made sure to behave well as much as they could will themselves to so it would be easier on everyone.
It did help a lot and Sanemi made sure to show he was grateful for it. Eventually he brought up the topic of Mother's Day as May approached. 
"We're supposed to get her something?" Shuya had asked, confused. "Mother has a day for her?"
Sanemi nodded. "There's a day where we specifically have to show allll our appreciation towards her and all she's doing for us."
"What appre-ation?" Koto asked curiously, crawling over to nestle himself in Genya's lap.
"Ehm... Like giving her presents or telling her we love her and telling her thank you for being our mother," Genya suggested. 
Sanemi agreed. "Exactly. And you know how we have been saving up the money and not buying other things?"
"Are we gonna buy Mother something?" Sumi asked, eyes lighting up when Sanemi nodded. "We can buy her a new house!"
"...we don't have quite enough money. But I saw a kimono on sale somewhere while getting food," Sanemi said with a gentle laugh. "Tomorrow we can go through the town and look for something to buy for her after breakfast."
"Mochiiii!" Hiroshi said. "The sweet ones!"
"For breakfast or for Mother?" Sanemi asked, a smile curving his mouth.
"Mother! And breakfast!" Hiroshi said enthusiastically.
Sanemi shook his head. "Mochi takes too long to make and I don't think we have the right ingredients. Besides, it's not long lasting. We should buy Mother something that would be more helpful."
"...fine." Hiroshi huffed but didn't push it further.
Koto had fallen asleep somehow and Genya stood, cradling his brother carefully as he stumbled to one of the futons. 
"I have money tooo," Teiko said. She rummaged in the obi of her kimono where she'd apparently hidden a couple coins. She held them up proudly. "I can help buy too!"
Sanemi smiled. "Yes, you can. We'll put the money in a jar to keep it safe, alright?"
Teiko nodded and Sanemi produced a jar which he'd already put his and Genya's money in that they would use for their Mother. Teiko dropped the coins in, giving a satisfied smile at the clinking sound they made as they hit the other coins.
"Where did you get money from?" Sumi asked, eyeing Teiko suspiciously. 
"Uh... Not from a bet!" Teiko said cheerfully with a clap.
Sanemi narrowed his eyes. "Don't do that, Teiko. It's not good for habits either."
"...well I won!"
"Doesn't make it any better," Sanemi said with a sigh. "But alright. Just don't do it again."
"Yeah, yeah, fine," Teiko conceded with a frown.
The night continued onto their normal routine and they awoke the next morning with newfound energy. They were all enthusiastic at the idea of getting their Mother something as the chance was rare and all wanted to please their Mother.
They set out about town in a peculiar line as they strolled through the streets holding hands so none would get lost. Sanemi was carrying Koto in one arm and holding Shuya's hand in the other—wanting to keep track of the youngest two himself. Genya, Teiko, Sumi, and Hiroshi were in a string of children with Genya in the middle as they marched along the houses, the two at the end waving at random people as they walked. They felt particularily proud of themselves for going about and buying something for their Mother, as if they were all grown up.
They arrived, finally, at a market square which had people opening their own stalls almost every day, selling what they could. Sanemi and Genya would come here now and then to buy the necessities for the family so some of the stall owners were familiar with them and greeted them with friendly smiles—most of them, at least. 
Though the other children were tempted to go straight to the food stalls, an occasional glint of jewlery sparking their attention, but Sanemi guided them to where the clothing tended to be, searching through the early morning crowds for the kimono he'd seen a couple days prior. 
Finally finding it, he tried pushing his way through the small crowd. The stall owner greeted them as a couple people parted to let the strange parade of children through. Sanemi glanced over the clothing, barely grazing over some of them as he gazed at the racks. 
Then Teiko pointed excitedly at one stack of kimono's. "Look! That one looks like Mother's!!" she said, breaking free from Genya's hand grasped around hers to grab the top one.
Sanemi sighed but followed her. "We have to stay together, Teiko," he lectured. Then he looked at the folded kimono in her hand. It was a shade of bright yellow with printed flowers along the hem and on the obi. It looked similar to the one their mother already had—though considerably newer and in better shape. 
"Can we buy this one?" Teiko asked.
Genya, who had followed them with the other children in hand, said, "It looks nice. Mother will like a new dress, right?"
They all turned to Sanemi who, being the eldest, was apparently in charge. To be fair, he had also suggested this in the first place.
"Ah... How much does it cost?" he said doubtfully. Surely they couldn't afford such a nice dress.
The stall owner, who had been watching them was mild curiousity, leaned over then. "Buying something for your mother, then? How gracious of you. I'm sure your parents are quite proud to have such children like you," he said with a smile.
Hiroshi frowned. "Father used to hit us, though," he said uncertainly.
Sanemi shushed him, giving the stunned stall owner an apologetic look. "Sorry. I hope our mother's happy with us. Our father died so she has to work more so we're buying her something," he explained. "Can I know how much this costs?"
"Hmm, how much money do you have?" the owner asked in response.
Sanemi ratted out the number, having counted the money in the jar several times the night before. Sumi held the money jar tightly, not wanting it to drop or break and risk losing any of their so hard-worked for money.
The owner smiled. "Take the kimono for half of it."
All of the children's eyes widened—although some were mostly surprised because Sanemi was surprised. 
"But"—Sanemi glanced at the price which sat on a folded paper in front of the clothing, which he had noticed a moment before—"it costs double the amount we have in total...!"
"So? You..." the man paused, scanning them, "seven? You seven are angels, I'm sure, doing your best to help your mother. You know, there aren't a lot of children like you out in the world. Please take this a quarter of the price. Consider it like a hope that your family will fare well in the near and far future. You need not pay more than what I've said."
Sanemi was hesitant but the other children were already becoming restless with all the talk and no action so he accepted it after some seconds of consideration. "Thank you," he mumbled, handing over the money.
The man only smiled, waving to them as they left.
Teiko held the kimono tightly to her chest, skipping along the road as they went home.
"She's going to be so happy!" she said giddily, twirling around.
"Be careful," Sanemi warned. "Don't drop it or you'll get it dirty."
"When do we give it to her?" Genya asked, making sure he had a tight grip on Sumi and Hiroshi's hands as they walked.
Sanemi hummed, shifting Koto on his hip. Shuya was becoming tired from all the walking and was slowing their way home. 
"In a couple weeks," Sanemi said. "Do you think we can hide it from her till then?"
Teiko nodded. "I'm good at hiding things."
Sanemi frowned. "Are you hiding something from us?"
Sanemi sighed but didn't press the topic. "I'll use the rest of this money for our food if Mother doesn't come home tonight."
The days came and went and the children made sure to both keep the kimono a secret from their mother and have it ready in perfect condition. Mother's day had finally come and they were vibrating with excitement.
Shizu had already gone to work when Sanemi woke up first but she had left a note promising she'd be back by night. However the day rolled by and still no sign of their mother. Sanemi made them their dinner and later told them off to bed. Only, none of them wanted to sleep, wanting to present their gift to their mother today. 
So they stayed up.
The night continued without a sign from her. Eventually, Sanemi heard something from outside. It was coming past midnight and he wondered if Shizu had finally come back home. However it was late and the streets were dangerous at night. Therefore, he ordered Genya to make sure the others would stay inside as he went to investigate himself. The youngest of the children had fallen asleep hours before and the others were close to drifting off, drowsy and only barely awake with anticipation.
Sanemi crept outside, closing the door behind him. The night air was cold and he shivered, scanning his surroundings. His eyes had yet to adjust to the dark and he blinked several times. There was a scuttle of footsteps somewhere far off and he froze, listening. More footsteps, closer now. They seemed quick, however. As if someone was running towards him. His eyes had adjusted by now and he stepped forward, out into the street. Then a sudden flash hit him and he felt a streak of pain on his face. It blinded him for a moment and he staggered. Then he heard a crash and realized that whatever had attacked him had burst into the house.
A surge of panic hit him as he saw a dark figure dart through the broken doors, right towards his siblings. The lights inside the house abruptly cut out and he stumbled forward. Was it a wolf? Its eyes glowed slightly and he could make them out in the darkness of the room.
There was a cry of terror and he spotted the wolf, which was clinging onto the cealing. It lunged at what seemed like Genya and, in a split second decision, Sanemi propelled himself towards the wolf, ignoring the pain as it slashed at him. No doubt he was a mess now, his clothing ripped and blood dripping from his wounds.
He grabbed an axe which he had used to cut wood for the fire a couple nights ago. It had stood on its head by the doorway and had fallen down. The wooden handle splintered his hand—it was an old axe, unfit to be of use but the only one they had. He lifted it above his head, trying to hit the wolf.
The animal moved from under him and Sanemi almost fell forward, his weapon clutched in his hands. He saw it run forward a bit, its sillhouette dark from the dim light of the sun which had begun to rise. It was a strange wolf, its figure oddly distorted. 
He lunged at it, hacking at what he thought was its leg. If he let it go, it might go back to his house or to the village. He vaguely recalled his siblings' bodies laying on the floor and it froze him for a moment. The wolf was on top of him, getting the upperhand as he was caught in a moment of realization. There was something about the wolf that struck him familiar. But there was nothing of it.
A drop of his own blood fell into his eye and he blinked quickly, ignoring the tears that spilled over. He struggled to move his arms, closing his fist to attack again. To his surprise, the wolf offered little resistence, seemingly moving slower now. He took it to his advantage, pushing the axe into its neck. He rolled over on top of the wolf as the sunlight hit them both. Then he froze.
The light shone on the wolf's face. Only it wasn't a wolf. It was his mother. For a moment, he thought she would attack him again. But she simply fell back down, the sun somehow burning her skin. He scrambled back, shaking as he got to his feet. His eyes were wide and he felt lightheaded, gazing blankly into the closing eyes of Shizu.
There was a moment here when he didn't hear anything but a strange ringing in his head, his focus spinning, eyes unblinking. When he thought about it later on, he probably had heard but not registered footsteps as Genya ran towards him. Only he didn't know, then, that his brother was there until he saw him, cradling their mother's body in his arms.
"Why did you do it?! Why? Aniki! You killed her! You murderer!" Genya screamed, tears drawing shaky streaks down his blood-stained cheeks. He was trembling as he held their mother. Shizu seemed to be turning to dust, disintegrating in front of their eyes. And all Sanemi could do was stand, feeling as if all his muscles had gone limp yet he had to stay up.
His hand holding the axe had gone lax and the weapon dropped to the ground, only an inch from his foot. Then his legs gave out and he slumped to his knees, unable to process what had happened.
"MOTHER!!" Genya was sobbing. But his words were only a dim outline in Sanemi's memories as he felt his whole world crash down upon his shoulders and break into a thousand pieces.
He looked up and found that all of his mother except her kimono was gone. Her kimono. God. For one, stupid moment, all he could think of was that they had never gotten to show her what they had bought for her. The irony of the situation hit him and he forced down a bitter laugh. What the hell had happened? 
But then Genya was shouting at Sanemi again. Moving away from him. "It's your fault!" Genya cried. "You're a murderer! Murderer!! You killed her!"
Sanemi swallowed. He had, hadn't he? Yet it wasn't fair! It wasn't! He hadn't known—it wasn't his fault. It wasn't, it wasn't. It was, wasn't it? 
He drew himself up to his feet slowly. He felt numb, the pain in his face fading. Only that made it worse.
"Genya," he mumbled, starting towards his brother.
"Get away from me!" Genya snapped, terror lacing his voice. "Go away!"
The words were like a stab to the chest. Sanemi stumbled back as if he had been physically hit. He was at loss for words. Somehow, the reality of the situation had barely sunk in. But now it cut into him deeper than a blade could. His heart stung and he moved away from Genya. Then he ran. Towards his house, however. He had to see if any of them were still alive. He sincerely doubted it as he figured Genya would've stayed if they'd been alive. But he needed to confirm it. Maybe some of them could be saved.
He entered. There was no need to knock, not when the door was broken and on the floor. The lamps had been put out but they were no longer needed as the sun broke over the horizon. 
He knelt by each of his siblings in turn but there was no need to confirm anything. They were all dead. Blood was spilling from their wounds and onto the futons. All of them were gone. He turned to leave, no wanting to see their bodies anymore. Then something caught his eye. Under Teiko was the bright yellow kimono, the flower pattern sticking out from under her pale hand.
He stepped forward, nudging her aside to pick it up. He stared at it, his face blank. A drop of water splashed onto it, sinking in. He realized he was crying. The tears came out freely now and he hugged the dress to his chest, a sob breaking through his throat and into the air. 
Why? Why had this happened?
He wanted nothing more than to curl up into a ball and sleep forever. But he couldn't. He turned from his house, rubbing furiously at his eyes. He would have to stop crying now. He drew in a shaky breath, then let it out. The morning air was cold in his lungs but he barely noticed the sting as he started into a slow run down the street. His pace increased until he didn't know anything more except the ache in his legs and the kimono pressed flush against his chest. As he fled, he thought he caught a glimpse of Genya, still slumped down by their mother's tattered kimono. And then he was gone.
The Hashira were having some sort of party. Sanemi never bothered to attend the meetings like this. They were a waste of time. He was better off training then getting drunk and fucking around. However Tengen was quite insistent this time, though he knew not if it were for a real reason or nought. 
Tengen was in his house now, bugging him and chasing him through the halls.
"C'mon, it's only a couple hours! Besides, Oyakata-sama always says that as much as we should be working hard, that we're still human and should let our bodies enough rest. I'm slowly being convinced that you're not human, what with all your apathy and inability to be normal for once," Tengen said, poking Sanemi ceaselessly. God, he was so much like Shinobu sometimes.
"Go away, Uzui," Sanemi sighed. "I already told you that I'm not going to your useless parties."
"Don't be such a killjoy," Tengen chastised, crossing his arms. "Here—let's get you something to wear!"
He entered Sanemi's room without permission and rummaged through the closet. Sanemi growled. 
"Stop it," he ordered, trying to pull Tengen away.
Tengen jerked away from him and almost fell into the closet. When he stood, he was holding a dusty kimono. It unfolded as he held it up and for a moment the two were lost in coughs as the dust flew into the air. Then Tengen waved it away, inspecting it. It was a yellow, dull from time, small pink flowers embedded in a wavy pattern along the edges of the sleeves and obi. 
"Interesting. Is this some past girlfriend's clothes you forgot to give back?" Tengen asked, peering at it. "Or are you secretly into crossdressing?"
When he got no response, he glanced down at Sanemi. To his surprise, the man was standing stifly, eyeing the kimono with a look he couldn't distinguish. 
"Shinazugawa?" Tengen said uncertainly, waving a hand over Sanemi's face. "Should I have not touched this?"
Sanemi snapped out of his trance, blinking. He snatched it from Tengen. "That's... that's mine," he said, his voice tender. He sounded vulnerable and it caught Tengen with surprise.
"So... you are crossdressing?" Tengen asked, trying to lighten the mood.
"No. It's not mine. No—yes, it is. It... was my mother's," Sanemi mumbled, staring at the fabric distantly. Then he gasped, startling Tengen. He glanced up at him, throwing the kimono in the closet and slamming the door shut. "Nevermind. It's nothing. Fine, I'll go to your stupid party. Just go now, okay?"
Tengen frowned. He was still stuck on the first part about Sanemi's mother and it took him a moment to responded. "You don't have to go," he said quietly. "I'm sorry I went through your things."
Sanemi crossed his arms, not quite meeting his eyes. "It's fine, I said. Just go and I'll be there."
Tengen shook his head. "You don't want to be there, though, right? I won't go either, it's alright."
"...you don't have to do that," Sanemi said. He seemed quite out of it, not shouting. It unnerved Tengen.
"Well I will. Why don't we make some tea? We can just... enjoy some silence," Tengen prompted, guiding Sanemi out of the bedroom door.
"Fine," Sanemi grumbled. "Fine."
Tengen nodded, giving him an encouraging smile. "Right. Why don't you go get some tea leaves? I'll start a fire to boil the water."
"Okay," Sanemi conceded and they walked to the kitchen silently.
The kimono would be dusted and folded later and appear with a note at Gyomei's place later, in the room Genya was residing in temporarily. It would be held up to the light as memories resurfaced for another's brother. Then it would be tucked away once more, sent back to the original sender with another envelope containing paragraphs of apologies that went back years in time.
« Word count: 3645 »
tell me you can never to end a writing piece without telling me you can't end one:
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aperiraa · 11 months
No bc I wanna talk more ab stepbro!loak n teyam likee
they’d be ALLLL up on u when it’s js yall three in the house, like imagine u go downstairs to make sum food n then lo’ak come up behind u n hug u around ur waist kissin on ur neck n sayin sum “what’re doin mama” (n he got the grey sweats n wife beater combo on too😝). Or let’s say ur on the coach js minding ur business, then teyam comes n picks u up and sits you down in his lap, n when u start to complain he says sum “relax babygirl, it’s not like anyone is gonna see” while kissin ur neck n feelin u up.
They be plottin ts too and ass soon as they get yo ass in a room it's eiffel tower time I'm talking high five over yo head type shit and they finna get cocky and post abt it on they story and neytiri suspicious ass be wondering "why my baby always asleep when I get home" and they boys just shrug but they fucked yo ass to sleep
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isawken · 2 months
clown eggs!
everyone loves ‘em. most notably, i, some random dumbass, have one. but where do they come from? if you say the clowns lay the eggs i'll fucking cut you this is a history lesson. be serious about clowns for once in your life
clowns international is the oldest operating clown organization. it was founded by a dude named Stan Bult allll the way back in the 1940s. this man was not a clown. he was a chemist. i wish i knew more about him but it's been impossible to get anything more than blurbs, all relating to eggs. i don’t even know what sort of chemistry he did! but he grew up with and liked clowns a lot. so he got an organization together- originally called the International Circus Clowns Club. one thing about our boy Stan is he had an almost cartoonishly-niche hobby: he liked painting hollowed out chicken eggs with the faces of some of the great clowns that preceded his clownpatriots. see some of the below Bult originals:
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it didn’t take long for his practice to become enmeshed with the organization. like seriously what self-respecting clown wouldn’t appreciate the absurdity of such a practice. Stan started painting the faces of the org’s contemporary members, both for their own enjoyment and to keep a record of their membership far more interesting than a bunch of dusty ol files. over the next few decades and up until his death in 1966, my man Stan painted over 450 eggs! boy, my cloaca’s sore just thinking about it!
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the egg-painting practice died with him. but it wouldn’t stay dead. 20 years after his death the organization, now called Clowns International, was under new management, and they knew the importance of the history they had. they hired a new egg-specific artist and offered (now ceramic) painted eggs to all of their members, for a small fee along with their standard membership fee. for a slightly more expensive fee you can get two eggs- one for the registry, and one to keep in your home for all to see and be very confused by, depending on how much your visitors know about your personal life.
now, i’ve seen some very dramatic statements made about the registry. and i would like to dispel them. no, the organization does not litigate their eggs. there is no Clown Lawyer who keeps tabs on every existing egg and every incoming egg and mediates disputes about suspiciously similar-looking face paint between clowns. you won’t get Clown Sued if your submitted face looks kinda like another’s. the record has only ever been utilized as just that, a record, so if any sort of interpersonal dispute between clowns arose they could rely on their egg’s existence/history to defend themselves against accusations of theft, or vice versa. sorry to disappoint you freaks out there who want clowns to be jerks but it’s just not like that.
clowns international is not the only organization that does an egg registry, but it is the org that started it all, so theirs often come with a level of provenance. and for those of you who have followed me for a while you know what time it is, yeah that’s right, it’s time to PLUG MY OWN EGG AGAIN YEAH THAT’S RIGHT LOOK AT MY EGG
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i promise i'll take new pictures of it soon
if you don’t know me and for some reason want to know more about me and my dearest egg i’ve got two posts about it. honestly extremely humble of me considering how up my own ass i am about this life achievement of mine
anyways, even with the societal downswing vis a vis the overarching cultural opinion on clowns, the organization is still going, and still making eggs. and i for one hope the practice never dies out, and that more specific organizations adopt similar practices. like can you imagine a woodworking guild that makes little wooden statuettes of all their members? the clowns are tastemakers and it's time we realize that.
and that’s the short of Clown Egg History! clown’s don’t lay eggs they are humans and they have very human history that is so so interesting and worth spreading and if i see anyone tag this as clown husbandry i cannot stress enough i will go scorched earth on your ass! if you have any questions on this or other clown-related stuff my inbox is always open and i love to spread the good word of Clown. also i’m sorry but i have a podcast to plug:
fully-clown-centric episodes are in the works and i am planning to have them release before the end of the year but until then please check out what i do have if ur interested in fool-related history! i don’t make any money off this i just really want to share the knowledge about fools across history i have learned because i’m insane and care a great deal about it :o)
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yourfav-ashy · 22 days
inarizaki 2nd year trio reacting to you being in the community, part one (suna😋)
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a/n: hihi, i'm really excited for this :) not proofread 🥲 light swearing! this are tickle headcanons, if you aren't comfy with that then scroll
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-ahh my favorite💞
-there's two ways he would find out, and it could go either way. one: he's being a sneaky little shit and snoops on your phone, finding your tumblr, or two: you find the courage to tell him after building enough trust with him :)
-the first way would go like this: you're at his house, or he's at yours, and you had to go do something, ion know like maybe you went to get something to eat or get water, and you leave your phone in the room with him. BIGGGG MISTAKE MAN
-y'all knew each others passwords but didn't do much with it unless you were mad or somethin or felt the need to check on eachother if u don't open up abt smt, but suna was a little suspicious, cuz you were acting really flustered around him lately. a little jumpy whenever he touched you, more sensitive if you must
-so he got on your phone, the last thing you had opened being tumblr, more specifically a tickle fic.
-bro let out the most sinister giggle 💀 heard your footsteps, quickly putting your phone back where it was and later back, awaiting your arrival
-as you walk in and sit down beside him, grabbing your phone and swiftly closing the app, you show him a video, he sneaks in a light pinch to your ribs as he wraps his arm around you
-causing you to giggle and cover your mouth, he looks at you and does it again. as you look away and "try" to push his hand away, he intertwines his fingers with urs and js smiles at you bc it's so adorable‼️‼️
-"what, you're really gonna try to push me away even though you love it?"
-you're so caught off guard hehe🤭 once he reassures you that he finds it utterly adorable and not weird at all, you feel more confident about it with him. he'll give you tickles whenever you want, but don't think he won't make you ask for it :)
aight aight so the SECOND way, if youre able to tell him, this is how it'd go ‼️
-i feel like he would kinda tease you abt it at first if you're embarrassed to tell him
-like he'd make sure u don't think he's judging u tho
-ykk maybe later on he tells u he doesn't mind it either ("doesn't mind"= likes it)
-he'd be the type to text u teases or like wiggle his fingers at u in a public place bc obviously no one else would get it and then if someone notices ur flustered? bro u js gotta thug it out man😭🙏🏻
-he'd probably be accommodating about it too like if ur brave enough to tell him u want it softer or rougher/more playful he would comply, he loves ur smile/laugh bestie😋
-he might record it too, or take a picture of your smiling face to either embarrass you or bc he wants to be able to see ur adorable smile even when he's not with you (even if it's to embarrass u he still keeps it bc he loves ur smile)
-if you're insecure about ur smile/laugh tho? that's js smt else. he'll tk you and make you admit ur smile is adorable, or that u have an adorable laugh✨ he js can't stand seeing his bsf/parter being insecure abt themselves🙄
THATS ALLLL BYEBYE ILY ALL (@giggly-squiggily i think u said u would like me to tag u when i post tk headcanons for this, way back when i had the idea lolol)
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savefile13 · 2 months
Hi !! It's me again !! Your favorite anon !!
Yes Gary
Gay is good .
It's like you but if someone at your r .
Gay is good then!!
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Gary asked what gay meant, and The boss told Gary allll about the types of gay. He knew a suspicious amount about it. Gay is nice.
Gary wonders why everyone keeps telling the boss he’s gay! It’s very strange. Gary does not see the point in pointing out the obvious.
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dreamcast641 · 6 months
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Bold the Facts Game
Include a picture of your OC and bold or highlight the remarks below that apply to them.
Financial: wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty
Medical: fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged (chronic headaches and addiction) / non applicable
Class or Caste: upper / middle / working / unsure / other
Education: qualified / unqualified / studying / other
Criminal Record: yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no / has committed crimes, but not caught yet / yes, but charges were dismissed
Children: had a child or children / has no children / wants children
Relationship with Family: close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) /has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased
Affiliation: orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent(s) / not applicable
Traits & Tendencies
Expressiveness: extroverted / introverted / in between
Management: disorganized / organized / in between
Receptiveness: close-minded / open-minded / in between
Temperment: calm / anxious / in between
Attitude: disagreeable / agreeable / in between (goes with whatever idea is best)
Forethought: cautious / reckless / in between
Patience: patient / impatient / in between
Opinions: outspoken / reserved / in between
Station: leader / follower / in between (he's a lone wolf)
Sensibility: empathetic / vicious bastard / in between
Outlook: optimistic / pessimistic / in between (he's an opportunist)
Customs: traditional / modern / in between
Work Ethic: hard-working / lazy / in between
Sophisticatedness: cultured /uncultured / in between / unknown
Alliances: loyal / disloyal / unknown (his loyalty is to whatever/whoever benefits him most)
Devotedness: faithful / unfaithful / unknown
Faith: monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic / Spiritual
Belief in Ghosts or Spirits: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
Belief in an Afterlife: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
Belief in Reincarnation: yes /no / don’t know / don’t care
Belief in Aliens: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
Religious: orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious
Philosophical: yes / no
Sexuality & Romantic Inclination
Sexuality: heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual
Sex: sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable / naive and clueless
Romance: romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable / naive and clueless / romance suspicious
Sexually: adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious
Potential Sexual Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all
Potential Romantic Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all
Combat Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
Literacy Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
Artistic Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
Technical Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
Drinking Alcohol: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / Alcoholic
Smoking: tried it / trying to quit / quit / never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / chain-smoker
Recreational Drugs: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / addict
Medicinal Drugs: never / no longer needs medication / some medication needed / frequently / to excess
Unhealthy Food: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / binge eater
Splurge Spending: never / sometimes / frequently / shopaholic
Gambling: never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / compulsive gambler
tagging: no one, I just found this game and thought it looked funny! You can allll do it
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irisewinnow · 2 months
giggling at ur ops on eve rn i can't wait for u to get further on in the book 😋😋😋😋
im taking this as im right so i can fully hate on her idk why she gives off pretending to be the victim like lila from miraculous ladybug 😭 when avery got suspicious of her n she did the whole "im not gonna be anywhere im not wanted 😢" I DID NOT BUY IT AT ALLLL IDC she def did that cz she was in front of grayson cz why was she cozying up to him from day 1 idk girlie isnt ur dad missing i fear u have more important things to tend to than get close to a guy u know is emotionally affected by ur presence because u look like ur dead half aunt who traumatised him 😐
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