#not tagging anything else bc some of yall are being very unhinged about her!!
tomsensibly · 5 months
no you guys dont get it. shes a teenager with rage issues and the only therapy she was getting was from the counselor of her school, who by the end of her first year became the foster father of 3 of the people she has been complaining about. to his face. he's doing his best to remain neutral but she knows his relationship to the bad kids. she must have been wondering if he's secretly thinking less and less of her each time they had a session. can you imagine what that would do to a teenager with an already deep seated issues.
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d--t · 4 years
so I got explicitly and implicitly tagged by a bunch of people for a bunch of memes, but I don’t have the posts open and I don’t remember who tagged me for what and I’m not scrolling back that far.
Probably tagged by: @magnetosthunderthighs @anthropwashere @songofsaraneth and maybe @areyougonnabe or @jamesclarkross . If I’ve guessed wrong. Sorry. Hello. I love you.
Things I read in 2020
reading is so difficult
Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir
Harrow the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir
so much terror fanfiction
at this point I lost control of my life. honorable mentions include
the james clark ross wikipedia article like ten times
most of uqausiit.ca, the inuktut grammar dictionary, to the point where I made myself a physical copy so that I could be truly unhinged
a series of increasingly obscure academic and scientific studies on things ranging from Inuit culture to the thermodynamic properties of igloos.
started reading The News at the Ends of the Earth by Hester Blum but this bitch got Jargon and I’m allergic to jargon so it’s been a fucking struggle.
Things I wrote in 2020
reach out and touch faith- my 60k rewrite of falling skies season 5. Canon made a series of incredibly poor choices, assassinated their characterizations, and generally went mask off bootlicker propaganda. I asked: what if they didn’t do that, and then proceeded to go insane about post apocalypse survival fiction. I’m really proud of this one bc it’s the longest fic I’ve ever started, finished, published, and has an even moderately coherent plot! :party horn:
a bunch of john wick stuff- this was a solid 50/50 porn for the gang on twitter (hello) and me reveling in being able to insert terrible horrible very bad no good queer characters into a story and then mess around with some gnarly topics.
from hunger to dust- why be on one incredibly niche bullshit when you could be on two different incredibly niche bullshits at the same time. Sleepy Hollow/Ravenous crossover. I love writing sad things.
Victory Point: April 26, 1848- look, the Terror fandom consistently produces the funniest fucking concepts and crossovers and the crossover with The Thing is top shelf. Cpt. Crozier is just having a day. So is Lt. Jopson, but for an entirely different reason.
first we live- not published yet because @ladypolaris and I are still going unhinged on this 100k+ behemoth. The working summary is: Lady Silence collects a bunch of mostly dead white people off of the rocks like the world’s shittiest Pokémon. They try to survive winter, and she tries to salvage her life. Or, it’s the Northwest Passage by Stan Rogers compliant survival au that nobody asked for.
started writing an as yet unnamed summary of my research for reach out and touch faith. I know that all of us are writing fictional post apocalypse stories and so we’re gonna take liberties with which and how much shit we put our characters through. That’s fine, it makes a good story. But also if I see one more goddamn person even imply that gasoline lasts more than six months in storage I am going to go completely feral. Yes, I know that fuel stabilizers exist and if you’re lucky you can get two years, but also: who the fuck has stabilizers on hand for when the world ends? Yall didn’t do it for corona shutdown yall ain’t gonna do it when everything’s literally on fire or whatever the apocalypse is that you’re writing.
Things I’m gonna read in 2021
reading is difficult so I’m not gonna like, commit to anything
might try to finish News at the Ends of the Earth, might not.
started reading Taaqtumi: An Anthology of Arctic Horror Stories and lemme just say. I’m one in and I’m gonna be taking notes on how to put a short horror story together. Goodness. wow! And here I thought I knew how to write!
not gonna list anything else bc otherwise I’ll jinx my incredibly fragile ability to read things
Tagging you(!) to do any or all of the three memes that I combined here. also: @beastoftheblackhole @anthropwashere @ladypolaris @starbuck @coffee-mage-sans-caffeine @meetmeinthematinee
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