#not that kind of girl by lena dunham
9w1ft · 7 months
I understand if they both need to beard indefinitely for one reason or another but why do you think Taylor chose this? Before Matty, she never bearded with someone who actively gave harmful impression to young fans that certain behaviors are okay. This bearding & the entourage brought in, perpetuates misogyny, sexism, homophobia, SA. Why beard into this environment if you avoided it till 34? Travis is basically The Man MV & Taylor has to understand that her fans are not smart enough to do performance art with them as audience or a mockumentary, where you perpetuate terrible behavior & by the time you release it, it has no effect on the people who already adopted that behavior. It's incredible that now at 34 & having a family these are the people she promotes, a harmful entourage she managed to avoid until this age.
i think it’s a wildd stretch to say taylor has managed to avoid a harmful entourage for 34 years. at this point it’s a feature not a bug.
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beartes22 · 10 months
Starting to watch girls. I can’t stand Hannah, I don’t understand Marnie, jessa is fascinating and shohannah (?) needs more screen time.
Also, why is Hannah always naked? And why is Adam allergic to shirts?? He’s so weird. Everytime he starts talking or having sex with Hannah it’s so uncomfortable. Very cringey. Are they….people like…get turn on by things like this or are they just out weirding the other?
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emmaaliceblogs · 1 year
The Rise Of Lena Dunham: How A Young Woman Became A Hollywood Star
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Lena Dunham breezes onto the Girls set in a changed warehouse on the far west side of Manhattan wearing a printed dress by cool-girl name Opening Ceremony, it's long translucent skirt has a focal parted that uncovers pale legs in black shorts. On this day, she is in charge of directing the ninth episode of the 10-episode second season of Girls, which premieres on HBO on January 13.
Numerous commentators have referred to Dunham the Voice of her generation since the 2012 premiere. However, numerous cities disagree, the way that Dunham has accomplished what Hannah clearly never will ought to demonstrate the mistake of conflating the writer director actress with the egotistical writer she plays on television. Notwithstanding to Girls, she's composed a smash hit, made a Spirit Award winning component, and become a highly noticeable women's activist and political advocate all while in her 20s.
Read Full Article: The Rise Of Lena Dunham: How A Young Woman Became A Hollywood Star
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rainbow-femme · 1 year
I’m not really sure where I land on the whole “write unlikeable main characters” thing because, to me, there’s a difference between an unlikeable character and a character who is annoying or a bad person
For example, original Gossip Girl vs rebooted Gossip Girl. Both shows had absolutely awful characters, but people loved the ones from the original because you didn’t have to like them as people to like them as characters. Chuck and Blaire are two of the worst characters on the show and also the most loved because they were written to be so enjoyable and charismatic. Compared then to the reboot where the characters were still awful but also no one liked them, they had no interest in watching them because they weren’t written in a way that people enjoyed so they just didn’t and the show bombed
Or Broad City vs Girls. Both had a similar premise, a satire about 20 something women having arrested development as they get out into the world. People have ragged on Lena Dunham’s character as being unlikeable and it was defended as being on purpose, but the Broad City women were also meant to be annoying and the kind of people you’d hate to know but people still liked them as characters
Or Orange is the New Black, they had a main character a lot of people didn’t like so they pivoted to other characters because the audience wasn’t happy with her
Basically, when I hear “unlikeable character” I assume they mean a character that the audience does not like, and to me if an audience doesn’t like a main character then they just won’t watch or read or whatever, that you can have characters who are the most annoying and despicable person you could imagine but they wouldn’t count as unlikeable because the audience enjoys engaging with them
Idk maybe I’m missing something here, what do you guys think? Do you think there are legitimately unlikeable main characters that are successful with audiences? And how do you differentiate them from likeable asshole characters? Do you think unlikeable just means love to hate? Or maybe something else I’m missing with the idea?
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thatbitchsimone · 9 months
Do you like Lena Dunham
its weird bc when i was a teenager i was like deeply annoyed and repulsed by her but then i started watching girls when i was like 21 maybe and i was like oh wait i get it now i get her now and think she is kind of genius and actually very self aware and raw and real and i love her work
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gothicprep · 10 months
whenever someone wants to broach the subject of why sex scenes in film & television have all but disappeared, I feel like I pretty much have always disagreed with the conclusions they draw. like a lot of it seems like the people who author these pieces are flinging spaghetti at the wall. there’s always the possibility that I’m being unfair, but when I’m reading something about this subject and I’m just being hit with “neoliberal housing crisis police abortion #metoo trans rights algorithm capitalism trump COVID Palestine” it’s sort of like… what the fuck are you talking about lol. please stay on topic. don’t throw a shitload of progressive sounding words at me to trick me into thinking your meandering essay is convincing.
(these are real examples from an essay that was so bad about this I couldn’t finish it. is this SEO or some shit? but luckily I can say this wins out for “worst palestine take ever” because – I cannot emphasize this enough – what the fuck bro.)
I’ll grant that because we live in a market economy, it’s important to factor in the business side of entertainment too. i try to factor that in when I write about movies on here. but sometimes I’ll read the word “capitalism” and I feel like more often than not, it’s kinda invoked like a thought-terminating cliche. Though it’s definitely true that as movie budgets have ballooned, they’re more geared towards general audiences.
in terms of the cultural reasons, i think it’s mostly burnout tbh. you’ve read so many think pieces about why hookup culture sucks, why modern dating sucks, that people are opting out of this stuff because they don’t want to deal with this. and this is coming off the heels of millennial sex culture from around a decade ago, where the ethos was basically “be a messy bitch”. and now a lot of those people are in their 30s, they’re looking back and saying “this was all really emotionally bad for me”. if you want a visualization of the kind of thing I’m referring to, lena dunham’s “girls” imo captured the moment really well. I’ve always kind of thought Gen Z’s revulsion towards sex scenes is in part to do with the association with uncool old fuddy duddies. because the impression I’ve gotten from those complaints has been less that their thinking is “sex icky”, it’s more like… the equivalent of watching a coworker who just went through a breakup get really into “return of the mack”. you think it’s cringey. you think it’s extra. I’m not articulating myself well, but I hope I’m getting my point across anyway. it’s not surprising that film would come to reflect this to an extent.
so, what do? honestly, just wait it out. the pendulum always swings back. it’s really not a big amount of time you’ll need to sit around for. and there are plenty of old movies you can go back to in the meantime.
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whatiwillsay · 1 year
it’s giving that the anon thinks being some form of sapphic makes you automatically a predator. // da, i dont think what they are saying is that it makes taylor look like predator. gay or straight (assuming anyone outside gaylor that doesnt know a thing of gaylor etc) I have to agree with the anon, taylor hanging with all the up and comers (even if they opened for her) is giving 'cant find friends her own age'. where's the emma stones? where's hell, the lena dunhams?
y’all are reaching so far 😩😩😩 like go read the guest list of the party jack, hayley, and people of all ages were at the party which was a WORK EVENT. emma stone and lena dunham are hanging out with her PRIVATELY because they don’t have to go to an industry event to see her they get invited to private dinners and girls nights.
saying this with love but there is literally NOTHING wrong or strange with taylor inviting her work collaborators to her work parties c’mon im all for critiquing taylor but if we’re picking at her for “graciously inviting up and comers to networking industry events as a kindness because she appreciates their talent and is happy to give them opportunities to network and rub shoulders with more established talents” that’s just being way too nit picky let’s be so for real!
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max--phillips · 2 years
Very relieved to hear I'm not the only one who doesn't care about/like Taylor Swift. All her music is the same. All she does is write about her exes and then is like: "Hmmmm.... Why can't I keep a man guys." to the press like... Gee, I wonder why that is. It sure is a mystery with that girl. *rolls eyes* Not to mention her apparent penchant for suing fans when they have fun and use her lyrics to sell stuff on redbubble like.... Girl you're a billionaire and you have a problem with broke fans making fun stuff on a website to make some money?
Yeah I mean, personally I have questionable music taste so I’m not going to judge anyone for that, and like. When I was in high school I did really enjoy 1989, got the CD for Christmas. And admittedly while I agree her songs sound kind of repetitive as a whole, they ARE catchy, so credit where credit is due she has the formula down to a science. And that formula continues to include making exes look like bad guys, regardless of what the real story is (and tbh the real story is not truly anyones business but theirs)
But, yeah, I’ve always gotten weird vibes from her. I know that for a long time she wasn’t talking about politics because she was still trying to corner the country audience, and something about contractually being obligated not to talk about it maybe? But that was still weird. And then she had a music video that apparently was supposed to take place in Africa but didn’t have? Any? Black people? In it???
Also also, she had Lena Dunham (derogatory) in that one music video??
Also also also, did we just like, FORGET that her private jet pumped out 8,293.54 METRIC TONS of CO2 between January and July (when that study was published)? She was the worst offender on that list, “1,184.8 times more than the average person's total annual emissions” IN SEVEN MONTHS. HELLO????
And yesterday I think I shared a post that had this quote from the Genius commentary on the opening line of Vigilante Shit which encapsulates exactly why I don’t like her: “This is an appropriate reflection of Taylor Swift herself, who often paints herself as the underdog despite being the most wealthy, privileged and critically acclaimed white woman in the music industry. She performs feminist tropes while simultaneously benefiting from and playing into patriarchal structures and white privilege.”
She didn’t get to the top from nothing. She came from a wealthy family who owned a Christmas tree farm in Pennsylvania, and she’s a white skinny 30-something cishet woman with more money that I could fathom ever having. Obviously that’s not to say she can’t be a feminist or can’t be critical of the systems she benefits from, and honestly kudos to her for being able to leverage that in her favor, but it’s a lot easier to leverage that in your favor when you’re… a thin cishet conventionally attractive woman who came from privilege to begin with.
So idk. Ultimately, if her music wasn’t enjoyable, she wouldn’t be one of the most successful musicians in the industry right now. I’m not judging anyone for enjoying her stuff. But I am critical of her and encourage other people to be as well. (You can be critical of things and still enjoy them!!! I know I have several things that fall into this category!) So idk at the end of the day listen to what makes you happy (or what you enjoy, sad music exists lmao) but also like. Realize that celebrities are not our friends and do not have our best interest in mind since it is so far removed from their bizarre, out of touch reality
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normalestgirlblog · 2 months
movie idea
i just had a moment of like actual life resurgence. its the movie idea i had actually thought out a long time ago. but totally forgot. anyways
just remembered
this is so fucking lena dunham girls of me to make a movie about a girl that emulates myself. but fuck if i cant find inspiration in my own life where tf am i gonan find it. appropriate someone elses expeirences? HELL NO
ofc its a coming of age movie what am i different? interesting? breaking new ground?
so its a coming of age movie focused on a girl maybe entering senior year or like just at a random point of high school life. shes smart, pretty, both under and over looked, good at sports, has a solid group of friends. shes uncomfortable in her own skin and puts on a face, but is incredibly insecure. she turns to drugs, liek tries weed and really likes it and then starts trying other shit. it is at one of these parties where this girl exists and tries to do more adult shit that she meets a boy. and this boy recognizes who she is, and how he can manipulate her like almost immediately. hes like a predator for girls who have never been looked at before. and part of her is totally scared to get involved but also she is like fascinated by his attention and the feeling of it. and he quickly showers her in like love and attention and convinces her naive heart and mind that this is like a good thing. there is like a period of good with signs that it will get worse, and then it gets worse kind of quickly. at this point she is at another one of these parties with drug use and meets a girl and another guy who gives her attention in a different way. they relate to each other, and have an intimate connection almost immediately. the boy obviously gets mad but doesnt do anything about it, not since she is already going to break up with him. so anyways he cheats on her or something and she breaks it off, and starts spending all her time with this new girl and guy. its very obvious the guy has a crush on her, and the new girl as well a little. they try new things and explore their identities and experiment with drug use. eventually the girls realize they are into each other. but this movie needs angst. so the main girl and the other girl start to plan to run away, they get to a motel just outside their town, when the other girl begins to overdose. this isnt a rue and jules, but its in that realm of female friendship, love, sexuality, drug use, substance abuse issues, mental health, sense of belonging. atp the main girl calls ambulance, but she realizes if she is caught with this girl, she will go to jail. so she eventually leaves her before the ambulance and cops arrive. she runs to the boys house at liek 4 am. climbs into his window and they talk as she breaks down, the last shot is them at the beach holding eachother in a mostly friendly comforting way.
i dont want to focus too much on her relationship with her parents, thats not the real issue or focus of her insecurity. its more of a commentary on society on young girls and teens in general, and the need for external validatikon and a sense of belonging. also setting is poor coastal town, has to be coastal. could be anywhere, although i think the west coast is tired as a concept, like i want this shit in like somewhere nobody thinks of or considers. but thats the point because i want people to be able to relate, and understand this universal experience of growing up and searching for meaning purpose and belonging. and no emphasis on where it occurs, because it occurs everywhere all the time. i want it to be very transcendental and also feature a diverse cast because like who needs to see more movies about white people, although since the country is a majority white people maybe it will be good to include a few. the whole idea isnt rooted in identity, its rooted in stepping away from individualism by presenting a storyalhtough with a few tweaks is pretty much similar to a lot of peoples school experience in the modern era. i think it can have moments of comedy that arent like aggressive and obvious, but just like comedy where things are embarassing or cringe as things are in real life. and maybe nobody has a name, like its just like person #1 and so on. make it impersonal to the characters life. im not sure exactly how i would execute it. some like a24 shit. maybe also no phones, idk maybe some sort of alternate reality where that isnt a thing but it might be too hard to capture this era of teenagery without them. either way i think we need a meaningful movie about being a teenager that isnt overly sexualized and dramatized like euphoria, and simplified like movies like i dont know clueless, 10 things i hate about you. nobody wants to make a real movie that isnt like deeply traumatic. also actual teenagers who are actors so it cant be sexualized, also no fucking sex scenes because thats weird and watching fake teenagers even adult actors fuck as teenagers is weird. obviously its not realistic but there can be implications rather than showing something. i dont want to touch on gender and sexuality too much, i think it should jsut be something fluid that isnt spoken about and is normalized. race and class might be something i do want to talk about it. obviously overdose scene is incredibly traumatic and i am iffy about it but i think it should show the frailty of the main character, how young she is and unable to confront real problems, and also how dumb teenagers can be with regard to drugs. i have a lot of ideas about this and im at work right now so i probably should just workshop this later. but if i could sell this to A24 i think they could defintiely undo some of the damage to society they did with euphoria LMFAO
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naina10 · 3 months
Booking a Celebrity for Your Shelf: Unveiling the Magic of Celebrity Biographies
In the world of literature, few genres capture the public's imagination quite like celebrity biographies. These books offer readers an exclusive backstage pass into the lives of their favorite stars, providing insights that go beyond the glitz and glamour of their public personas. If you've ever wanted to delve deeper into the fascinating world of fame, it's time to "book a celebrity" for your reading list.
The Appeal of Celebrity Biographies
Celebrity biographies hold a unique appeal, blending the intrigue of a star-studded life with the relatability of personal struggles and triumphs. These books often chronicle the journey of individuals who have reached the pinnacle of success in their respective fields, be it entertainment, sports, politics, or business. The allure lies in the authenticity of their stories, offering a candid look at the highs and lows that come with fame.
When you choose to "book a celebrity," you're not just reading about their accomplishments. You're also exploring the challenges they faced, the mistakes they made, and the lessons they learned along the way. This deeper connection can be incredibly inspiring, reminding readers that even the most successful people face adversity.
Behind the Scenes: The Real Lives of Celebrities
One of the most captivating aspects of celebrity biographies is the behind-the-scenes access they provide. These books often reveal untold stories and hidden facets of a celebrity's life that are not visible to the public eye. Whether it's tales of perseverance, moments of vulnerability, or surprising anecdotes, readers are given a rare glimpse into the true nature of their idols.
For example, in "The Long Hard Road Out of Hell," Marilyn Manson offers a raw and unfiltered look at his rise to fame, complete with shocking revelations and introspective reflections. Similarly, "Bossypants" by Tina Fey combines humor with heartfelt anecdotes, showcasing her journey from improv comedian to television icon.
Crafting the Narrative: The Role of Co-Authors
Many celebrity biographies are written in collaboration with professional writers or journalists. This partnership ensures that the narrative is both engaging and well-structured while preserving the authentic voice of the celebrity. These co-authors help to shape the story, highlighting key moments and weaving them into a compelling narrative that resonates with readers.
When you "book a celebrity," you're getting a story that has been meticulously crafted to offer both entertainment and insight. The professional touch enhances the readability of the book, making it accessible to a wide audience while staying true to the celebrity's personal experiences.
Impact and Influence: More Than Just Stories
Celebrity biographies often go beyond personal anecdotes, addressing broader social issues and sparking important conversations. By sharing their experiences, celebrities can shed light on topics such as mental health, gender equality, and social justice, using their platform to advocate for change.
For instance, "Not That Kind of Girl" by Lena Dunham tackles themes of feminism and body positivity, while "We're Going to Need More Wine" by Gabrielle Union delves into race, identity, and resilience. These books not only entertain but also educate and inspire readers to think critically about the world around them.
Choosing to "book a celebrity" for your next read opens the door to a world of captivating stories and valuable insights. Celebrity biographies offer a unique blend of glamour and authenticity, allowing readers to connect with their favorite stars on a deeper level. Whether you're seeking inspiration, entertainment, or a new perspective, these books have something to offer everyone.
So next time you're looking for a book that will keep you turning pages late into the night, consider adding a celebrity biography to your shelf. You'll find yourself immersed in the extraordinary lives of those who have captured the world's attention, discovering the human stories behind the headlines and photoshoots.
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jocelynvena · 5 months
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annasgrams · 6 months
love u girlss by lena dunham
i loveeee girls by lena dunham i think it's soooooo swag.
i think im a hannah!
not like.
everyone who's watched like,
sex and the city,
says that they're like one of the women on-screen?
right? Right.
it's like buzzfeed, or whatever. but likeeeeeeeee it's kind of like saying like friends is like... (friends?) like i'm a chandlerr, i'm a ross, i'm a pheobeeee. so now it's like we get a set of 4 new personalities on stage for us, the audience, to identify with. im a jessa, im a marnie, im a wahetver. personally? me? im <3 a hannah.
i like how unapolleghtically herself she is? thats so stupid of me to like say. but like. idk. i like how self-serving she is.
yknow come to think of it, she is a lil' whiny. yes she's funny, she's clever, and has an astute sense of the world? she's smart! but she's also? kind of a leech.
during the first season of the show, she leeches off of marnie's goodwill and friendship in order to keep her afloat. yes, they're good friends, yes marnie cares for her deeply. but their friendship is more of a mother-daughter relationship than anything between colleagues. why is that? why is marnie Like That? why does she take hannah in? why is she her mother? even jessa points this out nearing the tail end of the first episode where she's on the toilet (she's also on the toilet in the last episode)[she's on alot of toilets] [actually both her and hannah are shown on toilets](interesting)[girls be shitting! Real.]"you have got to stop mothering her"
hannah leeches off of her goodwill. she pays for rent from her parents' shared generosity under the presumptions that she's at an internship that's going to turn into a job. idk WHY DOES SHE RESENT HER PARENTS SO MCUH?? hwat is so wrong about her life that she is like this. i dont understand. why does she hate herself so mmuch? and why is she under this delusion that she's the most pained person alive? i understand it's hard to unravel yourself from your own experience of reality but liek what them fuck?? don't you know poor people exist? or something? girl im all for self-indulgence, but...oy vey. I would kill to live in a house like that. in a SUBURB LIKE THAT!
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sophialunablogs · 1 year
Lena Dunham: Exploring The Actress And Writer Beyond The Spotlight
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Lena Dunhan is an American writer, producer, actress and director. She was born on May 13, 1986 in New York city. She is writer, star and creator of HBO TV series Girls (2012–2017), for which she received two Golden Globe Awards and several Emmy Awards nominations. Lena Dunham became the first female to win the Directors Guild of America Award for Outstanding Directing — Comedy Series and she directed several episodes of TV series Girls. Lena also directed,starred and wrote the semi-autobiographical independent film Tiny Furniture (2010) and for which she won an Independent Spirit Award for Best First Screenplay, she wrote this before the TV series Girls. In 2022 her second featured film Sharp Stick was released, which she wrote and directed. Catherine Called Birdy, Lena’s third film, premiered worldwide on September 12, 2022 at the Toronto International Film Festival. On 23 september 2022 it was released in a limited series by Amazon Studios, before streaming on Amazon Prime on October 7, 2022. Lena Dunham was added to the annual Time 100 list of the most influential people in the world in 2013 and she released her first book, Not That Kind of Girl: A Young Woman Tells You What She’s “Learned” in 2014. Dunham created the publication Lenny Letter, a feminist online newsletter along with Girls showrunnerJenni Konner in 2015. Lena appeared in films like Supporting Characters and This Is 40 (both 2012) and Happy Christmas (2014). In the 2016 film My Entire High School Sinking Into the Sea she voiced Mary and it premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival. Lena Dunham also has played guest roles in Scandal and The Simpsons (both 2015).
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implodingggg · 1 year
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Not That Kind of Girl by Lena Dunham
Random House
Process of the cover by Chips NYC
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ladybuggirl123 · 1 year
We have to talk about how difficult it is to start a raw/snappy/confessional/generation defining blog in the year 2023.
That sounds hard as fuck.
I wish i lived inside an episode of girls. I wish I applied myself in school so I could be smart like lena dunham.
I moved here in august and I had a fucked up bob.
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i don’t think i took photos of it w/out totally obscuring it because i felt ugly😁
Obviously I had a fucked up bob because I was sad about some guy idk if I need to explain that.
I worked at a coffee shop where this one time I let some random man who said he was a photographer take a bunch of photos of me because I felt too bad to say no. Then I went home and cried and called my mom.
Then in September I still wasn’t over my ex
-I’m lying i’ve never dated anyone
and It had been like 4 months, i took matters into my own hands and got over him the old fashioned way ( don’t worry about it ) . After this I think I subconsciously decided on some level that I needed to get my virginity back.
- I’m lying i’ve never had sex
Honestly it wasn’t that hard all you have to do is be rlly good and pray a lot :)
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After I did this I rediscovered the power of true friendship. I spent a lot of nights sharing a bed with my best friend because the air mattress was kind of uncomfy. Sometimes it felt like we were twins in the womb. I’m starting to think I feel everything exclusively in extremes lol.
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unfortunately and unbeknownst to me, In october the fairies started spinning their little webs and lying out the tracks for me to get emotionally terrorized by another random guy! but don’t worry i still have a few months of peace………
(imagine me smiling and kicking my feet while i wrote that cuz i was.)
bet u wanna hear what the fuck happens next. i’m gonna probably tell u soon.
genuinely i hope i put things on this blog that prevent me from ever working a job again.
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here’s a playlist that has nothing to do with this if u change ur Spotify settings so they overlap like 7 seconds or something it’s better
goodnight babies ·˚*୨୧꒰∗ɞ̴̶̷ ·̮ ɞ̴̶̷∗꒱୨୧*˚·
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fivedollarradio · 1 year
It’s interesting that Lena Dunham has been pulled into this; she strikes me as someone who during her career has been perhaps too responsive to a public that will never accept her. Dunham, whose work I sometimes find annoying but who’s clearly bright and talented, just can’t win it seems, mocked by people in some cultural groups as entitled and too woke and by others as PROBLEMATIC and still others as a sexual predator. She’s a favorite punching bag for various different social tendencies out there. (Yes, I am aware of the controversial passages in her book, and they strike me as an example of harmless exploration of the body that young children sometimes take part in.) And so she’s exactly the kind of person who would benefit, in my opinion, from simply saying “fuck it” and refusing to apologize for anything short of running over a grandma with her car. Where’s the upside, when you can never please people? And if Dunham is an extreme case, her basic scenario isn’t that different from those of all manner of other public figures, who find themselves under the constant pressure of having to please a fickle and exacting public. I would tell them to kick rocks. They’re going to complain about you on Twitter no matter what you do! So you might as well just tell them to fuck off. It’s a profoundly freeing feeling, when you realize that you can please no one so you no longer have to try.
This is part of a larger post on the parasocial relationship between Taylor Swft and her fans, Lena Dunham -- universally renowned horrible person --  being relevant because she is or was Taylor’s bestie. I thought it was a good analysis of Dunham and her, I guess, infamy. I read her book, and I agree with him. I’m aware of the passage he’s talking about, and I don’t think she’s a predator (her sibling doesn’t call her one, by the way), though it’s this thing we’re all supposed to accept (even, or maybe especially, those of us who haven’t read her book. You can disagree with me, call me abuse-enabler or whatever and I’m not going to change my mind on this. (Because I’ve read the fucking book!) But anyway, my opinion is that Dunham wants both to be seen as an edgy artist and a woke icon and those things just aren’t compatible. (Ask Sarah Silverman.) I remember when Girls first aired and I fully expected to hate watch it, but I didn’t? I thought it was good show. Now, it had plenty of flaws, namely depicting a strangely all-white New York, but for what it was it was pretty thought-provoking. (Or click-bait provoking if you will.) You CAN hold these two thoughts in your head and the universe won’t explode. (Also I’m ABSOLUTELY NOT telling anyone they have to like the show.) But the amount of abuse she’s gotten is out-of-proportion to anything she might have done, and men similar positions don’t. In certain online circles, it’s just accepted that Lena Dunham is horrible, and Swift’s association with her makes her horrible by proxy. Apparently Swift is dating some indie dude who is also terrible. I don’t know who he is, but I looked up a picture of him and he looked like a pile of dirty laundry so that’s that. 
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