#not the cute ones— like really fucked up angler fish and rat sharks and giant vampire squid
not to keep projecting but lmfao i could DEFINITELY see armand developing a hyperfixation on marine creatures
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purplolart · 4 years
Uhh how about 🐶 and 🐾 for the ask meme?
🐶 - Opinion on Patton?
I think Patton is a really good representation of the heart, emotional and complicated. He’s shown himself to be witty and more clever than we give him credit for! He’s always a clean laugh, even if there are many times he makes me cringe so so much. However, that doesn’t mean that he’s without his faults. He can get fairly annoying, and still hides a lot from Thomas until coaxed to show it. Heck, until fairly recently it seemed like no one was giving Patton time to make his cases, or even listen to him (tho I think that is something they all struggle with). I do like the direction they’ve taken him in the most recent episodes, changing his “only good” core and making it more complicated than before. (The frog... I just can’t even begin to describe the feelings that made me feel)
I get compared to him quite a lot irl, so I tend to point out the flaws in him more often then not. But I do like his character, it’s a sigh of relief to see our bubbly bud, and I hope to see him more openly ambiguous as it goes on.
🐾 - What pet do you think each of the sides would have?
Ooh, good question!
I think it’s easiest to say that Virgil has a tarantula, but I find that odd if Thomas is afraid of spiders... I think a reptilian friend would also be cute because of their supposed low maintenance, my personal picks for him would be a bearded dragon, a turtle/tortoise, or maybe a little ball python. But why stop at average pets when it’d be just as cute to see him snuggling with a raccoon or possum? Maybe the earned trust of a skunk would boost his confidence as it nuzzles into his neck (plus a skunky companion could prove well at keeping Roman from TOUCHING HIS FUCKING STUFF AND-!)
Logan probably isn’t a pet person, but I think if he had to have a companion, it’d be those at home ant colonies, some pure white rats, or an aquarium full of saltwater fish. He’s convincing himself that it’s purely to study them, but then he’s angrily grumbling at Mitochondria for getting into a fight with Supernova and suddenly realizes he has children. Or perhaps he’d have a well trained Blue Macaw on his shoulder, and hearing some of the facts he’s said spouted back to him just makes his day that at least someone is listening to him.
I think it’s fair to assume Patton would have as many dogs as he could handle, but given our most recent episode, it would be cute to see a couple frogs hopping on his shoulder. Of course he would have cats as well, but probably just the Hypoallergenic ones. And pigs! We can’t forget that he’d have cute little fuzzy pigs! And ferrets, behold his living slinkey babies! And mice and birds and cows and-! You know what, let’s just give him a barn so he can have all of them.
Roman is not one to stop at normal pets (despite the few cats that still manage to ooze out of his drawer space when he’s not paying attention). Assuming they have to be real animals, he’d probably be seen accompanied by a bright red fox by his calves, and an enormous wolf and tiger at his hips. But why stop there? The more esentric the better! So of course Virgil had more than just a heart attack when Princy decided A LITTERAL FIREBREATHING DRAGON RESTING ITS HEAD ON HIS SHOULDER, AND A GOD DAMMNED COCKATRICE ON HIS LAP were the best pets to be with him as he ate his cereal. (He had to stop bringing Lord Guenivere and Lady Aurthur into the livingroom after that day, especially since Aurthur had turned Logan to stone for an hour to two)
Remus is just as - if not more so - an ecsentric pet person like his twin. Of course his choices are a bit more extreme than his brothers. He has a special place in his heart for sea creatures, and uses his powers to have his octopus, cuddle fish, angler, giant sea worm, and A LITERAL GODDAMN SHARK to be roaming around his room without the need for water (they float around now, but Remus was laughing for 20 minutes straight just seeing them flop around at first). The ones he brings out of his room, he calls his strays, and they are literal abominations of science. He has an army of rats that have been tested on and mangled in some way, and he gives them all so much well-deserved love. That doesn’t mean that your pet that glows in the dark or has a human ear on its back isnt creepy, especially during movie night REMUS! WHY ARE YOU OKAY WITH THOSE DISEASE CARRYING BASTARDS CRAWLING UNDER YOUR SLEEVES, REMUS-?!
Lastly Janus, our pretty snake boi. Yes of course he would have snakes, why would he have anything else? He’s not hiding anything, he absolutely adores being pinned as a one type pet kind of guy. Like listen, just cause he’s currently lounging with his ungodly long Burmese python, doesn’t mean that it’s all he’s interested in. In all honesty, he probably loves his chameleon chum just as much as he does his cold blooded brother. He just finds it soothing to see someone else changing their looks up, even if that’s gotten them into a handful of mischief that sends Janus looking for them for hours. He also semi adopts Remus’ color changing pets at times, because watching the cuddle fish and his chameleon having a camouflage-off is more than entertaining.
Oof this got longer than I thought it would.
Sanders Sides Ask Meme
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