#not the hugest fan of how this turned out but i think it's ok
potionbarrel · 2 years
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science teamtober day 21- the perfect dog prompts | science teamtober blog
[ID: Sunkist is kissing Tommy’s cheek while they laugh. In the background, there’s an old Polaroid of Sunkist and Tommy when they were both younger, Sunkist soda bottles off to the right. /End ID.]
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poetrusicperry · 3 years
Hey!! Ok so about me ummm i have curly/wavy brown hair, a bit longer than my shoulders, and hazel eyes. My personality, im very talkative but still introverted and i get awkward at events where i dont know a lot of ppl (i still love partying and dancing w friends tho) so i am a fan of my down time that involves either reading, writing, or watching tv. i love talking to people and friends, I’ll always listen if someone needs to vent to me and I love hearing ppl talk about their nerdy sides lol. i also tend to ramble a bit in conversations and im open to sharing a lot of things about myself. I’m also a very honest person who keeps it real with people and is straightforward about how i’m feeling and i like honesty from other ppl as well. I sing in choir and love music, I’m also sort of into theater, I’ve watched a good amount of musicals and LOVE Funny Girl. I read a lot, mostly cheesy romance books like red white and royal blue or to all the boys i loved before. I also love Harry Potter and can talk about that for ages. Feel free to ship me w who you think is best I’ll love anything but if it helps, part of me kins todd bc of his anxiety, i really feel like charlie is my spirit animal at times, i just resonate with his vibe, and i love neil. Thanks!! :)
beth !!!<3 i hope i did justice with this and you like it just as much as the anderperry piece from the other night (; thank you for all you do. here it is:
going to ship you with the cutest little baby himself, todd anderson. even though you’re very similar in terms of personality, you were juuuust a tad more outgoing than him, which allowed him to open up really well because you showed him how (:
neil would love talking theater with you. he’d try to convince you to come tryout for the upcoming play, but when you refused nicely, he took it in stride, just grateful that he was able to geek out with someone about something that meant a lot to him
he’d be so, so supportive of you singing in choir and would always take initiative in planning how he and all the other poets would get to and from your recitals
you and todd would grow together so much in your relationship, moving forward with your social anxieties, and making your bond that much stronger (see: “grow as we go” by ben platt)
you and cameron got on fairly well, mostly he just helped you with any school work you would get confused on (and he always found you cute, but never ever said anything in respect for both you and todd)
consider you and meeks the hugest harry potter geeks in the friend group, charlie giving you guys a hard time about it. but once you lent him your books, he would join the discourse between you and meeks, wanting to know what house he’d be in and talking about hp nonstop
having to encourage todd to trust himself as a person and open up a bit more was a hard task at times, but he’d just watch your example of how honest and comfortable you seemed with yourself, and it got easier as the months went on
sitting in a room with knox, charlie, and neil listening to them rant about how much they didn’t want to follow in their dads’ footsteps, and only giving advice if they asked (they were just thankful that you listened to them)
todd would fully understand and respect your down time/alone time, asking if there was anything you’d need to have a nice afternoon to yourself
even if you didn’t say you needed anything, a new book and a couple of hand-written original poems would find their way onto your desk while you were out (:
charlie always giving you a “hard time” for how you were so quiet in class, but would talk nonstop when it was just you and the poets (“do you want me to not be comfortable around you guys ? because i can make that happen,” you’d say. to which his response [slightly panicked] would be, “no ! of course not, i’m merely making an observation and  commenting”
you and todd finding a nook somewhere on campus where you could just sit and read together, enjoying the silence and each other’s company
you and pitts would most certainly have a show that you would binge together; hours at a time. i mean seriously, to the point where meeks would have to check if you guys were still alive after he’d been in a study group all afternoon on the weekends
todd would also love to play with your hair because it was so pretty (i’m sure a description of your looks was utilized in countless poems of his)
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on the night of one of your choir performances, you had left the poets in the midst of an argument about how todd didn’t want pitts to wear his plaid blazer because todd wanted to wear his, claiming it was “his girlfriend’s performance and wanted to look good,” (which he always did in his plaid blazer and black slacks). neil was worried they’d be late, constantly checking his watch, and charlie was running around messing up cameron’s and pitts’ hair for fun.
by the time they had gotten to the performance hall and seated, the lights were dimming. neil was just glad that they got there on time, and todd was so excited to see you doing something you loved. needless to say, you were the star of the show, and todd’s eyes were gleaming as he watched you (later on he’d tell you that he’d never heard something so pretty come out of someone’s mouth ever). when the performance was over, they would cheer so loud, earning dirty looks from all the preppy parents in attendance. you’d be so excited to see the boys, but todd in particular. after you came out of the stage door, they’d all be waiting, todd holding a bouquet of flowers, and the other boys giving you a humongous round of applause (complete with “whoops”/shouts) and congratulating you on doing such a good job.
“you are amazing, beth,” charlie and neil would say, giving you big hugs. the other boys would agree, and you’d turn to todd who held the bouquet out to you, clearly speechless. he kept starting to say something, but could just give you the most humongous hug ever,
“you are everything,” he’d say quietly just so you could hear. he truly didn’t know how to convey just how much you left him in awe, but when you woke up to a poem about it on your desk the next morning, it meant that much more to have him in your life.
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cantdanceflynn · 3 years
For the ask thing, Candace from Phineas & Ferb?
favorite thing about them: Honestly, I think the fact that she honestly manages to understand and utilize her priorities later on is very underrated. Especially later on. While her main goal may be busting or fame, she understands that those aren't gonna matter in the long run. They haven't so far. Examples of this include: Doing her best not to bust to enjoy the picnic in the biosphere with Jeremy(The Great Indoors), immediately trying to make sure she can spend the whole day with Stacy as soon as she realizes she's been neglecting her friendship with her(Canderemy) and caring significantly more that Klimpaloon gets out safe then her getting back in time(The Klimpaloon Ultimatum). This isn't really my favorite thing about her bc I couldn't choose, but it is a very underappreciated aspect of her character later on.
least favorite thing about them: Honestly besides the fact that she can be pretty mean sometimes(and so can I so I don't really hate that about her. In fact it's pretty nice to see that they didn't make her one way or the other(something that cartoon siblings fall into a LOT) when it comes to that), I can't think of a lot. I guess I'm not the hugest fan of how often she immediately thinks of ways that things can benefit her, but even then, I don't hate it? Honestly maybe it's just bc I like her so much, but it's really hard to think of what my least favorite thing is.
favorite line: Oh this is a hard one. I've got a few, but specifically four that I'm picking out(in no specific order)
1: "The flying car of the future; today.......... is pulling a bit to the right." is a classic and highly underappreciated.
2: "I traveled halfway 'round the world, and almost turned and ran away. But you helped me get my courage back, so now I've got to say. That though I've often thought of you as just a nuisance and a bother, today I can't imagine having better little brothers! And you gotta believe in something, so today I believed in you. And you came through, we made it! I've never been so proud (never been so proud)! I know at first it seemed implausible, but we accomplished the impossible! Now there's something that I've got to say out loud! Time is what you make of it, so take a chance. Life is full of music so you ought to dance. The world's a stage and it is time for your debut (it's time for your debut). Don't waste a minute sitting on that chair. The world is callin' to you, just get out there! You can see forever so your dreams are all in view!" Yes I'm counting the whole bit ok!!! It's just so good!!
3: "You see Mom! Absolutely nothing. Oh, I am thinking some very unladylike things right now." Idk this one and the bit after it is always funny(and sweet).
4: "Silly BFF. Jeremy likes me for who I am. It's like we're one. When I breath in, he breathes out. His heart says "knock knock", and my heart says "who's there". And the answer is us................" like ok i think the pnf fandom is in agreement to ignore the ending of that episodes C plot but the beginning like. Idk it means so much to me that she really gets that he likes her for who she is, even if she ends up worrying about it anyways(bc she's Candace).
Idk man there's a theme with these quotes and that theme is character development. Special mention to "Do not be seduced by the coolness" tho bc I rly like Put That Putter Away.
brOTP: I already have put her and PnF as one so instead, I think she and Baljeet should be friends. There's a lot of reasons but number one is I think it would be funny.
OTP: Jeremy X Candace X Stacy X Vanessa. Yes I know. I absolutely have to just figure out their ship name. So go with Canderemy bc that's def my fave lol.
nOTP: Once again, I don't really have any that aren't just straight up wrong.
random headcanon: Ok I went over the ducky momo accessories already, so here's one that I just love so much. Jeremy and Candace don't use a whole lot of nicknames for each other for a couple of reasons, and they aren't exactly consistent with the ones they do use. But they do have one they keep. When around pretty much anyone else and talking about each other, she's his girlfriend and he's her boyfriend. But when it's just them(or just them and their friends), she's his g-word, and he's her b-word. And they wouldn't trade that for anything. Even when they're married, it sticks. Reasonably they know that at the very least it should be w-word and h-word, and that it doesn't really work anymore. But it works for them and that's what they care about.
unpopular opinion: sick and tired of people going "she has too many awkward or mean moments." it is not her fault that you are not immune to awkward moments. suck it up/j(this is not serious at all it's just funny to me how many people do this)
song i associate with them: Breath and Do Nothing Day bc uhhhhhhhhhhhh YEA. but in terms of songs not written about Candace lol Disco! in the Panic Room. LITERALLY EVERY LYRIC IN THIS SONG FITS HER. EVEN THE ONES THAT DON'T. JUST LISTEN TO THESE SONGS OK AND TELL ME THAT DISCO IN THE PANIC ROOM DOESN'T FIT CANDACE TO A T OK.
favorite picture of them: this is my fave that isn't in all honesty super shippy or from a special bc there's too many faves from specials. I just think Temple of Juatchadoon is neat
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this is mostly just proof that i need to not answer character asks when sleepy bc wow this is actually understandable compared to normal
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raiko101 · 3 years
Ask sent by @heretherebedork: 🧸 🎇 😡
The ask got deleted when I sent it to my drafts soo.. some improvisation needed.
For the ask box meme!
Thanks for the ask!! :))
🧸 Friends to lovers or enemies to lovers?
Err.. this one is tough. Very, VERY tough. Friends to lovers can have that amazing slowburn effect where both friends realize their feelings for each other and have that sort of explosion that’s satisfying.. but painful.
Enemies to lovers though, they get all those harsh feelings of hatred into the intense feelings of love. HOW DO I CHOOSE?!
I would say both.. but.. I can’t. Soooo.. uhmmm.. friends to lovers..? There’s something about that established comfort that works really well. Also, that slow little build-up of years of friendship turning in a great epiphany of emotions? AMAZING. FLAWLESS. BREATHTAKING. UMM.. THAT LADY GAGA MEME? ( p.s. sorry enemies to lovers ;( )
🎇 Favorite ending?
I all of a sudden just forgot every single ending I’ve seen. Now that I think about it.. a lot of BL endings disappoint me? Or maybe I just lose interest.. but a lot lack stuff (yes even ITSAY). 
I know there’s a certain show I’m thinking of.. OOH. I was thinking of Great Men Academy but after a very needed trip of the MDL list, I’d say My Engineer. Yeah it ended on a cliffhanger, but it was a very satisfying ending. I didn’t feel starved, but I still wanted more.  Great Men Academy also did pretty good with their ending. I mean.. I wasn’t the hugest fan of the competition in the last 2 episodes, and the finale was kind of underwhelming. But it was still pretty well done. So.. maybe My Engineer wins by just a little.
😡 Your least fave character?
Least fave? I have too many to pick. Also, if I’d say some of these then it’d be a little controversial at least.
Ok so.. first I’m gonna mention all the toxic characters. Obviously little Morky Porky over here in the FUTS corner.. pretty self-explanatory I think? Toxic. Eugh. Bleh. Welcome to leave, no, ENCOURAGED to leave. All the toxic fujoshis and exes. THOSE GUYS THAT NEVER LEAVE THE UKE ALONE. Those guys unlock something else in me.. and any homophobic parent.  Non-toxic but just annoying? Those ukes.. like Wayo from 2M2 or Pharm. They’re adorable and precious but oh dear can they annoy the living heck out of me. That’s why I never really got attached to UWMA, but Phayo weren’t too bad. Pha’s good, what a keeper omg.
I think that’s it? Please don’t attack me :’)
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pattinsonsgurl · 5 years
Anything for Clickbait (D.D x Reader)
David gets jealous of all the time you spend with Jeff. While Jeff helps with clickbait to reveal David’s true feelings.
Requested? Yes! Hope you like it anon!
omg I love ur work btw could u possibly write a story about david always making jokes about you getting with Jeff in the vlogs and one day you kiss Jeff for the clickbait and David gets jealous and admits he made the jokes because he was jealous originally
“Hey yo Y/N you want a water bottle?” Jeff hollars from David’s kitchen.
“Yes please! I’m dying from that hike!” You yell back as you flop on David’s couch right next to David.
“You went hiking again with Jeff? Isn't that like the 3rd day in a row?” David asks you with a funny look on his face.
“It's part of my new workout video with y/n.” Jeff explains.
This will make the fans ship you and y/n even harder. David says.
“Well you’re the one who even made this a thing. It’s not like they’re even dating.” Natalie pips in from the kitchen island.
“Yea but we can pretend for the clickbait.” Jeff says as he wiggles his eyebrows.
You see David make the same funny face that you’re unable to decipher because he looks down at his laptop on his lap.
“Are you almost finished editing?” You ask realizing it’s posting day for him.
“Yeah but I still need at least a minute of footage and nothing is working out from what I already have.” David mutters out in frustration.
“Yo David I got the perfect idea for clickbait . Why don’t me and Y/N kiss for your vlog.”
You look at Jeff confused on why he wants to kiss you especially since you confessed to him on your hike that you had a thing for David. Jeff winks at you confusing you even more. You realize David doesn’t say anything and he looks super tense as he scrolls through footage.
“David are you listening to me?” Jeff asks as he sits down real close to you.
“David scoffed, “ I don’t think that would even work. Why would you even kiss her?”
“Maybe I can confess something to her. You know like that I have feelings for her.” Jeff explains emphasizing on the feelings. Natalie comes closer with a big smile on her face.
You finally realize what Jeff is trying to do, he’s trying to make David fess up that he likes you but you didn’t believe Jeff when he told you on your hike and Natalie has told you the same thing. But you could never believe it because you could not understand how David would like you if he could have anyone he wanted. Your heart starts pounding as you are suddenly very anxious on what’s about to happen.
David looks up at Jeff with an awestruck look on his face. “Are you serious Jeff? Do you really have feelings for Y/N? After what..” David stops short of finishing the sentence. “Ok let’s do it then. Anything for clickbait.”
David grabs his camera and starts to record. “So Jeff has something interesting to confess to Y/N. What did you want to tell her Jeff.” David practically sneers. You can’t believe that he might really be jealous.
Jeff looks at David with a huge smirk on his face. “Y/N, I know you would think this is something out of the blue but I do need to tell you something.” Jeff stands up, grabs your hands to pull you up and have you stand in front of him. You hear David gasp. “I really like when we hang out and spend time with each other. These past few days we’ve learned a lot about each other on our hikes and I think it's time to take it to the next level.”
You stand there not knowing what to do. “Jeff, I don’t know what to say. This is all so sudden. I didn’t think it would come to this.” You murmur shyly. You decide to go along with it to prove both Jeff and Natalie once and for all that David doesn’t have real feelings for you.
“Well what do you say after this.” Jeff grabs your face and pecks your lips. You jump back in reaction because you weren’t expecting it.
At the same time you hear David yelling, “Ok stop! You can’t kiss her!” Throwing down his camera he rushes towards you and Jeff.
“Wait what? What the hell David? Why can’t he kiss me?” You snapped still in shock of what happened.
“Well I mean.. he just… I don’t l..” David babble incoherently.
“Yea David why can’t I kiss Y/N? Im single, she’s single. There no other explanation. Unless you have something to confess.” Jeff retorted with a smirk.
“David? Is there something you need to tell me?” You ask hopeful he might reciprocate the same feelings you have.
“Y/N, ok before you even answer Jeff please hear me out. I have liked you since we first met. I don’t know, there’s always been a spark there and I didn’t know if you would even feel the same way about me. You’re so beautiful and smart and funny. No wonder everyone loves you in my vlogs. They can’t help it. And I was too much of a wimp to even make my feelings clear. Except when my good friend Jeff decided to go after you when I had already told him my feelings of you.” David admitted.
“David, I have the hugest crush on you. I told Jeff and Natalie about how I felt about you but I never thought you felt the same.” You replied taking a step closer to him.
David grabs your hands to hold them, “Really Y/N?”
“Yes David.” You admit.
You look into each other’s eyes and David leans in for a kiss. Your lips touch his and you swear you hear fireworks.
“You got that Natalie?” You hear Jeff ask.
Both you and David turn to Jeff and Natalie. Natalie is holding David’s camera facing it towards you and David.
“Oh yea, anything for clickbait, right David?” Natalie retorts.
“Of course, but turn off the camera and please leave so I can officially ask Y/N on a date but on my terms.” He says glaring at Jeff.
“Don’t say I never did anything for you David.” Jeff boasted.
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baekhyuq · 6 years
“Déjà vu.” | Baekhyun (m) Teacher!AU |Chapter 4:
“Déjà vu.” | Baekhyun (m) Teacher!AU |Chapter 4: Title: “Touch, warm, melt, lips.”
Genre: Smut, Fluff, Angst (maybe) Warnings: Smut/Language Word count: 4k (woah)
Summary: Your new obsession as of late has been masturbating sessions when your favorite cam boy is live-streaming . But too bad some nights you’ve got too much homework due from your Psychology teacher to watch your oh so hot cam boy.
deja vu masterlist
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Waking up the next day was a left you sore, your back popped along with a few other bones in need of stretching. Your back felt warm as Baekhyun’s arm itself draped over your body, his head leaning on the pillow by yours. The sun rays through the curtain fell over both of your entangled bodies, low music was filling the room. “Your body is so soft, I didn’t think you would feel so good climaxing on my fingers last night.” Baekhyun’s lips grazed your ear, your cheeks instantly turned crimson. “I-“ “And your thighs are so strong, I thought you would’ve crushed my head if I didn’t stop you.” “Baekhyun shut up!” You nudge his stomach and he lets out a grown, he tugs your arm to turn you around and you lazily oblige.
“Is there something you need?” You joke, pinching his adorable tummy fat, he grabs your wrist and glares at you.
“I need you.” He rolls on top of you and you’re instantly crushed by his weight.
“I need you to give me a massage.” He groans, his breath fanning your face. You push him back onto the bed and you sit up to scoff, swinging your legs over the edge of the bed.
“You need a massage? Yeah right, what about me? I’m going to need one after last n-“ You slap your hand over your mouth to physically stop the words coming out of your mouth. Realization was finally settling in. You just fucked the man that has the hugest crush on you and he’s just laying in your bed.
“What about you?” You could hear the smirk begin to form on his lips, Baekhyun’s hands rested on your hip. His delicate fingers tapping on your skin.
“N-nothing.” You stretch, popping some stiff bones here and there. You stand, wincing at the ache between your legs. You almost fall back onto the bed, but then you see the shit eating grin ok Baekhyun’s lips.
“Shut it, bitch boy.”
Baekhyun laughs at your response, almost choking.
“Bitch boy?” He repeats your words.
You hum a response and laugh while throwing on his shirt that covers enough of you to slip into the kitchen.
Baekhyun’s car was nice, really nice. He drove you both to class, with one hand on the wheel and the other resting on the arm rest. It was hot to say the least, his veins bulged from his forearm, and his expensive watch decorated his wrist. You couldn’t help but to gnaw on your lip in anticipation. What would your relationship be like after sex?
“Do you have any kinks?” You asked as if it was a normal question.
Baekhyun accidentally breaks too hard and you both jerk forward.
“Y/n you can’t do this to me,” He says seriously, “My dick will get too hard at the thought of what I could to do you.” There’s a pause before he continues.
“I’ll let you discover my kinks. How about that?” His lips turn into a grin and you know you’re in for it the next time. There is a next time right?
“Deal, thanks for dropping me off at school Daddy. See you in Psych.” You joke as you both exit his sleek car. You hear the engine cut off as you walk on to campus. Same thing just another day.
Ever since that night with Baekhyun your thoughts have been wondering in Psychology. Professor Byun instructs everybody to work on their assignments in class and ask for help if needed. And your lips curl into a grin when you see that his hair is a mess. Likely from running his hands through it multiple times.
Your assignments were completed and you had almost nothing to do. Until an evil plan popped into your head.
You sat on the top row by yourself, the class was a smaller group, they all clustered toward the middle or front row. You took out your phone and looked around before going to your camera and sending pics of your silly faces to Baekhyun.
Baekhyun’s phone dings and he excuses himself before checking it, he grins and shakes his head. Baekhyun turns his phone over before crossing his hands behind his back, observing the class.
“Any questions class?” He asks.
You raise your hand and Baekhyun ascends the stairs to your row. “Professor Byun could you proofread this?” You play dumb to get his attention. He slides into the seat next to you and slides your laptop closer to his eyes. He squints, quite cutely in your opinion, to read over the few pages.
Baekhyun’s so immersed in your paper that his hand has moved from his lap to your thigh. You studied his focused eyes, his dark eyes captivated you instantly. You could remember how they stared at you while he ate you out last a few nights ago with his fingers buried in you.
You let out a small whine, after the sound emitted from you Baekhyun’s ears perked up.
“Y/n?” He whispers.
“Yes?” You respond flustered.
“Don’t do that again.” He gripped your thigh and you bit your lip lightly, nodding.
“Good girl.”
That was a first. You place your hand over his resting on your thigh and you play with his fingers.
“Your paper looks very neat, I really love your stance on this topic too. Keep up the good work, doll.” Baekhyun’s figure is retreating to his desk and he leans back on it crossing his arms over his chest.
You sigh dreamily, if only you could get another taste of him. You twirl your pen in your hand and bite on the end of it softly, you tilt your head curiously and get back to editing your paper.
You thank the woman and take your food heading toward Baekhyun’s apartment address. You felt giddy that he invited you to come over anytime. The streets were cold and the wind was blowing, it blew your hair in your face as you opened the door and it quickly shut behind you.
“Well, look what the cat dragged in.” That voice.
“Shut it, bitch boy. I just bought you dinner so thank me for going out in that weather.” You pouted as Baekhyun grabbed the bags from your hands kissing your cheek. “My poor baby, out in the cold like that. You’re probably freezing, let’s go to my apartment.” He took your hand in his and led you to the stair case in which you proceed to die because you’re out of shape.
“Will they ever fix that elevator?”
The warmth in his apartment made you melt into his sofa almost completely. Your legs were jelly and you were as comfortable as you could ever imagine being.
“What did you get?” Baekhyun asks as he starts to open the bag of food, inspecting the closed containers.
“It’s a bread bowl from Panera bread! Aren’t you exited?” You clap your hands giddily. Your favorite meal might just be soup, as plan as it sounds.
Baekhyun just admires your excitable actions and feels his heart swell with adoration. He reaches over the coffee table and grabs your chin pulling you toward him. He connects your plush lips with his soft ones. You sit in shock but fall in to the kiss easily, your lips melt together and Baekhyun chuckles before pulling away.
“I’m sorry, I couldn’t help myself, seeing you be so adorable makes me want to kiss you forever.” He confesses while clenching his heart as if he’s having a stroke.
You hit his arm playfully and unwrap your food carefully, smelling the delicious soup.
“So how’s work been?” He asks and you almost choke on a piece of carrot.
“I-its been great. I don’t ever recall telling you I worked anywhere.” You speak so fast you almost forget how to form a sentence.
“You didn’t, but I might have caught you in your uniform leaving the coffee shop. You looked so adorable.” Baekhyun smiles as he chews his food carefully blowing on his next spoonful.
You feel embarrassed, you’ve already have sex with the guy but never told him about your job. You worked as a barista on the side to help with college and rent, your parents insisted that they would pay for everything but it didn’t sit right with you.
“You always manage to make me feel embarrassed somehow huh?” You put your hair behind your ear.
Baekhyun laughs loudly, “It’s my specialty. If I don’t who else will?”
“I’m good at embarrassing myself.” You respond.
Baekhyun shakes his head standing up with both of your finished plates and discards them. “Hey where’s your pup?” Your eyes scanned for the short corgi.
“Mongryong!” Baekhyun called and you heard the sound of paws on the wood floor. You stood from the sofa to greet the small pup.
“Oh you’re so cute!” You rubbed Mongryong’s backside and he plopped onto his back waiting for his tummy to be scratched. You gently rubbed his furry belly and Baekhyun leaned over to pat his head before chuckling.
“Mongryong can get the ladies better than I can, this is embarrassing.” He joked, you let out a laugh and joked back about how charming Mongryong was compared to him.
“You don’t roll on your back and let the ladies rub your stomach do you?”
“Maybe that’s what i’m missing.” Baekhyun put his hand under his chin, thinking.
“Are we still on for the movies this thursday?” You ask while picking up the small pup who was very sleepy. You walked back to the sofa and sat by Baekhyun who had his eyes on you.
“Of course, any movie in mind?” He replies with a grin.
“50 shades of freed looked interesting.” You mumble while biting your lip. You wanted to watch a romance to restore your faith that the romance genre isn’t dead.
Baekhyun swallows thickly, you could see his demeanor shift slightly. He was nervous? The Byun Baekhyun?
“Are you okay with that-“
“Yeah of course! It sounds like a good movie haha.” He replies quickly and his eyes dart around the room.
“Oh cool, do you like romance movies?” You tease him further. He nods slowly, unconvincingly so.
“Baekhyun I know you don’t like romance, why are you so nervous?”
“Because keep thinking about fucking you in a cinema.” Baekhyun states.
“I said you would discover my kinks didn’t I? Public sex sound like a kink to you?” He smirks all of a sudden, snatching any trace of smugness left in you.
You stutter over your words trying to act as if you’re unaffected. But your jumbled words say other wise. “I guess we will make one of your fantasies a reality.” You dared, you couldn’t let him have this win. You weren’t going to act like a little school girl. Ironically.
“See you tomorrow then bitch boy.”
The cinema was dimmed and you both were sat in the back where it’s the darkest, especially when the movie starts. Baekhyun dressed in a grey hoodie and black sweats. He looked extremely comfortable. You opted to wear a t shirt dress and bring a winter jacket for the cold.
The cinema was filled with middle aged women and few teenagers. The lights went out in the room completely and the movie started.
About 15 minutes into the movie Baekhyun leaned his head into your shoulder, his arm falling into your lap. He acted like a puppy at times and it was absolutely adorable at times. The movie continued with sex scenes here and there, and you honestly weren’t affected by them.
But a certain somebody was.
Baekhyun was shifting in his seat, from leaning on your shoulder to sitting with his legs crossed. You knew you had to do something to settle this irritated boy down and there was only one way.
You reached over in his lap and grabbed his hand bringing it to your lap again. You brought his hand under your dress and he instantly rubbed you through your panties. Baekhyun leaned his head on his other hand, eyes on the silver screen. You held his wrist as he slid past your panties to your heat.
You heard him snicker as he inserted two fingers and you almost doubled over from the sensation. You leaned into his hand and bit his shoulder as he curled his long delicate fingers. You could feel how cold they were and you didn’t say one word, you leaned your head onto Baekhyun’s shoulder as he fingered you under your dress. His strokes were long and drawn out, making you choke on your silent moans you let out into his ear. Baekhyun looked around before turning his head to you and kissed you deeply.
You responded quickly latching onto him, you wanted him. All of him.
You slid your hand into Baekhyun’s lap and grabbed his dick through his sweats. Surprisingly not wearing any underwear. You slid your hand in his sweats and slowly jerked him off. The slick noises were kept to a minimum as you both pleasured one another with your talented hands. Nothing else mattered to either of you but trying to get the other one off. Baekhyun bit down your neck leaving small love bites in his path.
You felt your hand covered in Baekhyun’s sticky precum and couldn’t believe you were doing this. If only your parents knew what the hell you were doing out here.
That familiar ball of fire built up into a climax that shot through you and you ever so quietly moaned into Baekhyun’s shoulder. He couldn’t contain himself and he kept fingering you even after your climax ripped through you. You grabbed his wrist and felt too weak to even push his hand away so you let the second volcano explode as the first one had did. All over Byun Baekhyun’s fingers
“Fuck, you’ll never know how much I love feeling you around my fingers.” He said as he kissed your temple in adoration. You turned your head toward him almost exhausted. His two fingers still deep within you.
“Out, please.” You whispered and wiped off your own hand from Baekhyun’s release.
Baekhyun obliged but not before pulling your underwear back and letting it smack your skin in return. You whine and he snickers in response, wrapping his arm around your torso bringing you closer to his body heat you desperately wanted.
The rest of the movie was a blur, Baekhyun slept through the rest as you contemplated doing the same.
You both ended up sleeping till you heard clapping and woke up to see the movie ended.
Baekhyun stretches his long arms and stands up, offering you a hand. You take it and he guides you both out the cinema.
You yawned in the car on the way to yours. Class was cancelled for tomorrow so you could sleep as much as you wanted and nobody could tell you no. Except Byun Baekhyun of course.
“Play video games with me! I finally don’t have any papers to grade!” He whined as he held your pink controller in his hands adorably so.
“I just want to sleep, the movie made me tired.” You cried.
Baekhyun scoffed, “Are you sure it was the movie?”
You threw a pillow at him but he dodged it. Kora came up by your leg and rubbed on you. “Hello my widdle baby do you want to come with mommy she’s going to sleep.”
“I want to come with mommy.” Baekhyun imitates my baby talk and I pretend to gag at the teasing, plopping down onto the sofa.
“Give me a stupid controller i’ll beat your ass at this game then sleep.” I grumbled.
“You think you’re going to beat me?” He retorted with a look of determination.
“Yeah then i’ll sleep afterward to disrespect you even further.” You laugh loudly before pressing start.
Embarrassingly enough you got your ass handed to you by Baekhyun and lost all of the rounds. You didn’t win, not once. Baekhyun looked at you with an expecting look. He knew. You knew.
“You owe me now. I won.” You groaned at his statement.
“Owe you what?”
“I want to know some of your kinks.” He bluntly stated. You were almost taken aback at his statement but this was Baekhyun you were speaking with. Almost everything he said was shocking.
“My kinks? I like….I don’t know, just having sex is enough for me?” You gagged at your own words cringing on the inside.
Baekhyun’s lips curled into a mischievous grin, something running through his mind before deciding to join you on the couch.
“You’re saying you don’t have any kinks Y/n?” He ran a finger over your exposed thigh. Your thigh became covered in goosebumps and you shuddered.
“No I just, I guess i’ve never experimented exactly.” You said truthfully. Having one boyfriend in the 12th grade gave you insight to absolutely nothing. What a waste of time. Baekhyun’s eyes were curious, wanting to hear more about how seemingly innocent you actually were.
“I want to ask you a question.” He tilted his head to the side, his eyes slanted in a sensual way. You hum in response, allowing him to continue.
“Are you into voyeurism?” His hand wrapped around your thigh, giving it a light squeeze to emphasize his question. You couldn’t muster up a verbal response so you merely nodded, embarrassed.
“This seems all too embarrassing for you to even talk about and it’s absolutely adorable watching you squirm.” Baekhyun whispered by your ear.
“I’d like to try some form of voyeurism on you, would you allow me to?” His eyes were glazed with lust and you should’ve known better than to just give in to him without thinking, but you did. And oh boy, you trapped yourself between a camera and a hard place.
The camera was facing you as you were bent over on Baekhyun’s bed, blindfolded. Your anxiety was through the roof, there is no doubt that the camera pointing on you was for his cam boy account. Putting two and two together with Baekhyun doesn’t seem so hard. He’s a little predictable at times, but this was out of your mind. You would’ve never guessed you would end up on your hot cam boy’s “show.”
Baekhyun explained that he did this before he started teaching and that he could used the extra cash sometimes. He told you the rules before the livestream started, his username was B-Bear and that you couldn’t call him by his real name. You asked about the blindfold and he responded with it being to protect your identity.
Baekhyun started the live with his normal introduction, but with the mention of him not being alone this time. You thought about how you could be at home, with your legs spread, watching him jerk off to the thought of you.
You could only imagine how the chat in the live must look.
Your legs ached, holding your own body up seemed to be too much of a task. Baekhyun took notice in your tiredness and came to the rescue by placing you on your back. Baekhyun’s arms were cold wrapped around you but his hands were even colder.
“You’re shivering?” Baekhyun noted, “Your nipples are hard as well. Are you excited?”
You turned your head toward his voice and nodded with your hands over your chest, whining at his cold hands coming to fondle your breasts. You gasped at the contact and Baekhyun chuckled.
“You’re so sensitive, Bunny.”
You giggled at the nickname and let your senses zone in on your surroundings. Baekhyun kissed your collarbones, pushing back your hair to expose the right side of your neck. He placed another kiss and began to rub your clit.
You arched your back slightly wanting more of his delicate fingers already.
“Your fingers are so cold.” You mumbled while your stomach turned at the odd feeling. Baekhyun kissed the side of your mouth in response.
“You’ll warm them up in your oven wont you?”
You smacked his arm and he let out a throaty chuckle, kissing your mouth this time. Your lips melted together like chocolate on a hot summer day. You both felt the sexual tension that built up from that night you played video games. You could only imagine how Baekhyun got through the week with the pent up frustration.
Your hands traveled down Baekhyun’s chest sliding down on his abdomen. You felt his hard muscles and figured he must’ve been working out lately. He grunted at your nails scraping against his torso and grabbed your wrist and pinned them above you.
“Keep your hands to yourself, Bunny.” You could hear the smirk form on his lips as he spoke. You anticipated each moment he moved, or made a sound.
His fingers traveled further down and slid into you slowly. Baekhyun moved to your heat and placed a careful kiss on your thigh. “I love your skin, how is it so soft.” He confesses in a state of adoration, worshipping you as the goddess he saw you as.
Baekhyun’s fingers curl unexpectedly and you moaned loudly for the first time. Baekhyun’s ears perk up and he does it again, and again, until your a moaning mess and he’s satisfied. He leans down to your heat and licks a strip up your clit, pushing your wandering hands back onto the mattress. He denies you of one sensation and wants you to enhance another one. Touch.
How many times did he make you cum just by his fingers alone? Twice, and with his tongue? Thrice. You were so spent by the end of the second climax that you were breathing heavily and covered in a layer of sweat. Your brows were scrunched together, hands were gripping the sheets and you were absolutely spent. Baekhyun on the other hand was as ready as he could be. He planned to pleasure you as much as you could take or allow him to.
Baekhyun turned your body over and rubbed your aching back with careful hands. He kissed your shoulder and asked if you were ready. You nodded agreeing to whatever he was to do next.
Surprising you with his length once again, he slid into you so easily so effortlessly as if he was made to be there.
You let out a light moan, folding your arms under your head as a prop.
Moans were emitted from both of you and the room smelled of sex and was slightly humid. Your ass jiggled with every thrust provided by Baekhyun’s skilled hips. You thought that you couldn’t experience anymore pleasure but you were wrong. Being extremely tired and having lazy sex made you feel as if you had no care in the world, as if you were being taken care of.
Baekhyun bites on your shoulder and he can feel himself close to coming undone, the feeling of your ass pressing back onto his crotch makes him want to stay here forever. But he knows you’ve been worn out and deserve to sleep.
Baekhyun climaxes onto your back after a few thrusts and you encourage him by whispering how good he made you feel, or how exhausted he made you. He feels his soul leave his body as he cums while you praise him.
After the sex is done, after the livestream has ended. You feel like you owe it to Baekhyun to tell him the truth. To tell him you know.
But there’s something about his adorable sleeping figure that just can’t bring you to do it.
Maybe somethings are better left unknown. You surely won’t let this ruin your relationship you both have grown together. This is your fair shot at true love, would it hurt to keep a little embarrassing secret? Would Baekhyun be so embarrassed he ignores you all together?
“Baekhyun-I-“ You heard his soft snores beside you and you sigh, the poor man is fast asleep in your arms. His little nose buried right between your breasts, like a child seeking comfort. You decided you would bother him later about it. But for now you wanted one thing, and that was to sleep with your “man” in your arms.
taglist: @deliciouslydisturbed365 @92byunie @thenamethatisgiven
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jurikatou · 7 years
As always I’m late, but here is my gift for Asakiku Secret Santa.
[to: Taylor] Honestly, does the interviewer really have to come here in person?
[from: Taylor] For the hundredth time, yes, Mr. Kirkland.
[to: Taylor] Why, though? Can’t we just, I don’t know, use a photo from the last shoot and have them send whatever they want me to answer on e-mail? You know how badly I hate dealing with people I don’t know.
[from: Taylor] Mr. Kirkland, please, we’ve already talked about this. It’s just a single interviewer who will ask no more than a few questions and take a few photos. He won’t even actually record the interview. It isn’t a press conference with a hundred journalists.
[to: Taylor] I still don’t see the point! What’s the huge difference? It’s not like I’m big on PR anyway. Okay, maybe the photos from the last shoot are a bit old, but why the interview?
[from: Taylor] You’re going to come across as cold or standoffish, Mr. Kirkland. As much as we don’t mind you being private, it’s not good to come off as rude or arrogant. Come on, think of it as a deal with a publisher or an editor.
[to: Taylor] That is so reassuring.
[from: Taylor] You wound me.
[from: Taylor] Anyway, your interviewer is coming on Thursday at 2PM at meeting room 6. Be sure to wear a decent suit for that!
[to: Taylor] What the
[to: Taylor] I hate you so much
Arthur worked mostly from home, but was used to wearing suits, even though he wasn’t a fan of ties (although he believed all the fuss everyone made around it was too much). No matter how much his writing was compact and hardly ever included difficult jargon, people just didn’t seem to want to negotiate with a man in a hoodie and running shoes, which meant every single time he had to show up to discuss a minor thing at the publisher, he had to dress up formally, combed up hair included. Formalwear could get stuffy on warmer days; however, thankfully, the air conditioning was working just fine.
Which meant it could not be that that was getting on his nerves; a quick glance at the large digital clock on the wall made it clear he hadn’t been waiting for long and the interviewer wasn’t late either.
His bottle of water was already empty and the interviewer hadn’t even arrived. Honestly, what had he done to deserve such a thing? There were so many drafts on his PC at home and all the ideas that were now boiling in his mind would be lost before he even got home. This was nonsense; how was a writer supposed to do his job if he was stopped form, well, writing when he wanted the most? Quite honestly, it was just an excuse to get away from there, but at this point he was willing to do just about anything to get away from there.
Time dragged by. Now the interviewer was officially fifteen minutes late. Couldn't he just leave? The bottle was now empty and he started considering if it wouldn't be rude to drink up the interviewer's – didn't want yours to be taken? Should be here on time, you punk.
His thoughts were cut off by the soft buzzing of his phone. Then it buzzed twice. Then one more time. He was not supposed to use his phone in the meeting rooms, but he figured out it would be ok if nobody was there but him, right? As the blond checked the notifications, he saw they were all from his editor.
[from: Taylor] Please don’t kill me
[from: Taylor] I mixed up the dates
[from: Taylor] It’s actually tomorrow
[to: Taylor] What
[to: Taylor] I'm leaving now
[from: Taylor] I’m so sorry Mr. Kirkland, I’ve already called a cab
[from: Taylor] Please do come next week though
[to: Taylor] You want me to what
With a sigh, Arthur put his phone in his pocket, got up and left the room. He wasn't paid enough to deal with all this bullcrap. Hell, money wouldn't ever be enough to pay for this shit.
The cab ride was silent, Arthur only giving the address in the beginning and paying and curtly thanking the driver while getting off the cab. By the time he was at his doorstep, the sun was already setting – terrible traffic and all that. Maybe he should check the local pub, now it was probably already open... Nah, not in the mood. He'd probably just drink too much and have a terrible hangover the next day. Arthur showered and made himself some instant food (he honestly didn't even care about what he was eating at this point) and checked his social media and instant messaging apps (there were quite a lot), not finding anything interesting as usual –college acquaintances still partying like teenagers, cousins with their children, his mom sending her daily "good morning" messages that he only saw at night, fake news that he couldn't understand how so many people actually believed. Today hadn't really been a productive day, so he had to work twice as hard tomorrow, or at least that was what he told himself as he drifted off to sleep before it was even completely dark.
He'd just forgotten to check his SMS messages, which meant his notification board was completely taken over by his editor by the morning.
[from: Taylor] It's not the interviewer's fault, I can't just cancel everything now
[from: Taylor] Please, Mr. Kirkland, I know this is frustrating but we need it to promote the next book as well, remember?
[from: Taylor] Mr. Kirkland?
[from: Taylor] Mr. Kirkland, are you there?
[from: Taylor] Mr. Kirkland, I know you are upset, but don't leave me hanging like this!
Nice. He woke up and had to deal with this first thing in the morning? Way to go, Arthur. Way to go. He hated to admit it, but Ms. Taylor had a point. Plus, even though he hadn't really done any of that on purpose, leaving her hanging had kind of been a dick move, so at this point the writer didn't feel like he really had any chance to refuse.
[to: Taylor] Sorry, fell asleep and woke up now
[to: Taylor] Fine, I'll go
[to: Taylor] But double-check if it's really today
This was giving him a migraine. He just hoped it would end soon.
It would not, as it turned out.
The journalist and photographer that had been assigned to Arthur's interview got stuck in a faraway airport due to the weather and wouldn't be able to come until well after office hours. Why assign him someone who wasn't even in town anyway?
Ms. Taylor was making calls and sending e-mails nonstop, trying to find someone in his place, while Arthur had long ago given up on keeping up appearances and was snoring lightly, sitting at the table in the small meeting room after grumbling for hours about lost ideas and productivity. Or at least until Ms. Taylor shook him awake.
"Mr. Kirkland. Wake up. Mr. Kirkland!"
"Hmmm... What now?"
"I found a man that's available right now. He's worked with us a few times. He'll be here in 20 minutes."
Arthur, despite still having sleep in his eyes, arched an eyebrow in suspicion.
"Are you sure it's a good idea to call someone in such a short notice?"
"He's worked with us before, Mr. Kirkland. He's a good professional, you'll be just fine. Actually, you'll be more than fine. You'll like how he isn't pushy or invasive."
"Ok, ok, fine, you've already called him anyway. What's his name?"
"Kiku Honda."
Using a pseudonym was practical, guaranteed his privacy (at least to some level, since his face was still known) and generally let him live his life in anonymity, or as close to it as possible. Sure, he would have liked a bit more of alone time, which had been restricted to the times he was at home ever since his book series became a hit, but hordes of fans wherever he went, paparazzi or flooding requests from readers to add him on social media weren't a problem as of yet, and he appreciated it.
But now? Now he cursed having opted not to use his actual name when he started publishing, because this very detail put him in the delicate situation of being interviewed by an ex-roommate... Whom he used to have the hugest crush on and actually based quite a few of his early characters on. Now, he was no creep, only the drafts written still on his college days or works that had been based on those had anything to do with Honda and he'd eventually moved on, but that was... Embarrassing, to say the least. If only he'd used his actual name to publish, then maybe Honda would remember the terrible reputation he'd had as a college student and refuse!
(not that it was going to actually happen, but Arthur could try to fool himself, huh?)
Ms. Taylor had forced him to get himself to look minimally presentable, so there really was nothing to do but wait until the doomed meeting happened. Really, why was he getting so worked up? It wasn't like his feelings were reciprocated; Honda may not even remember him. Honestly, not even he thought about it that much at that point.
The interview had been a disaster. Arthur had been so desperate to not let it seem too obvious to Honda that the inspiration to a few characters had been him (a few of which he specifically asked about) that, in the end, he didn't really answer anything that was asked in the depth that he wanted, could have otherwise covered, or really in any depth. Whatever he'd said in that interview could have very well been generated by an automated text generator, and he was not proud of that. At all.  
He plopped on the bed after having had a few too many drinks and somehow managing to come back home on his own – none of his (admittedly scarce) friends were in town. Thankfully, he just basically forgot his phone even existed, or else he'd probably just embarrass himself further.
[friend request from Kiku Honda – 3 friends in common]
[message from Kiku Honda – add to your friends – block]
Hello, Mr. Evans. I'm sorry for the intrusion; may I, however, add you as a friend on social media? I don't know if you remember me, but we were roommates for a few years during college. The interview was very interesting; I'd like to talk to you more, this time as a friend.
Arthur almost fell from bed as he read those words next morning, thinking that must have been a dream or a hallucination. Damn, had he taken something he didn't remember? It couldn't be. That shitty interview had actually gotten Honda interested? No, it couldn't be. He was probably just saying that out of politeness.
Hello, Mr. Honda. Thank you for your kind words. Of course I remember you, I just didn't think I should mention that at the interview; I wouldn't mind adding you on social media or talking more, provided that you keep my name private.
No, wait, what had he just sent? Stupid Arthur, was he a love-struck teenager all over again? Keeping contact was a bad idea from the start, Honda probably wasn't even that interested-
Thank you very much, Mr. Evans. Would you mind meeting up for coffee sometime later this week, then?
This wasn't making any sense at this point.
Of course! I don't have any other appointments.
To be honest, such straightforwardness was even a big uncharacteristic of Honda – or at least, of the Honda he'd known from quite a few years ago. But who knows what life might have brought him? Maybe... Maybe it could be interesting to know what had happened...
… Was what Arthur would have liked to think, but deep inside he was freaking out.
A few months later, he'd laugh about this whole ordeal, but the Arthur from now just had no way of knowing this.
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efurujr · 7 years
Tourmates Jhené Aiko & Willow Smith Discuss Mushrooms, Magic & Industry Misogyny With Billboard
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On a hot late-October evening at a rustic-chic Sunset Strip restaurant, Jhené Aiko lifts and considers a truffle fry before nimbly popping it into her mouth. Next to her, Willow Smith grabs four and crams them all in at once, so engaged in a discussion with Aiko about fantastical art that she exclaims, mid-bite, “Magic is all around us!” Aiko nods: “I learned that on mushrooms.” Smith fervently nods back: “Mother Nature did it for a reason: ‘Here’s something to woke ya!’”
Starting Nov. 14, Smith will support Aiko on her North American Trip Tour, named after Aiko’s latest album (and its accompanying short film), a sprawling ­psychedelic R&B concept piece about overcoming grief that reached No. 1 on the Top R&B Albumschart. Willow’s surprise second LP, The 1st -- released on Halloween, which is also her birthday -- swirls proggy compositions with left-field folk and soul.
Together, Aiko and Smith seem to embody a new breed of modern hippie: Aiko, 29, a self-proclaimed “NPR girl” in a loose sky-blue frock, steeping her ­chamomile tea bag with guru-like calm, and Smith, 17, vibrating with energy, in bell-bottom jeans and a black tee that reads in white text, “Got consent?”
But despite their age gap -- and the fact that one woman has been a single mother for nine years and the other is, well, the teenage daughter of Will and Jada Pinkett Smith -- Aiko and Smith have much more in common than an interest in the supernatural. Both were born, raised and home-schooled in Los Angeles. Both were signed as children and marketed to the mainstream -- Aiko as an adjunct member of R&B boy band B2K, and Smith as an actress (2007’s I Am Legend), then as a kiddie-pop ­star with 2010’s “Whip My Hair,” which peaked at No. 11 on the Billboard Hot 100.
Then, with money and fame hanging in the ­balance, they each walked away. Aiko took about six years off before starting an alt-R&B solo career flexible enough to allow for esoteric side projects like Twenty88 -- her duo with boyfriend Big Sean, whose self-titled album Aiko has described as ­“combining stuff like robots and sex” -- and a forthcoming poetry book titled Trip. Willow returned in 2015 with avant-garde soul album ARDIPITHECUS, and often posts genre-flouting ­collaborations on SoundCloud and a now-defunct YouTube channel (“Frequencies by Willow”) with everyone from The Internet’s Syd to her brother Jaden.
As plates of pasta arrive, Aiko and Smith dive into a wide-ranging ­conversation, often completing each ­other’s sentences as they discuss their respective decisions to, as Smith puts it, “take control of not just my music, but my life -- if shit goes south, it’s my fault, but if it goes good, that’s mine too,” and ­affirming their vows as artists to, in Aiko’s words, “usher in new ways of thinking.”
You last toured together in 2014. Willow, you were 14. What was that like for you?
Willow Smith: Coming out of the “Whip My Hair” days, that was the first time I’d ever toured with artists I listen to [in addition to Aiko, Syd and SZA]. I’d started playing guitar, and that tour really solidified: “OK, I want to be a live musician, to have a music career, for real.” Being around people who were so confident and so set in their artistry was a huge step in the direction of understanding who I really am.
Jhené Aiko: We did that for each other. I’d never ­considered myself a ­performer, but now I’m super into how I present these songs. This time, I want to take the audience on a  journey, have them feel what I went through -- I want them to think they’re tripping balls. People like Willow and me, we’re super connected to this music and our message. We really want to change the world.
Jhené, what made her right for that tour three years ago?
Aiko: It’s crazy because just following her career and social media, I felt connected to her, especially seeing her talk about being an indigo and a star seed. I saw so much of myself in her.
Smith: Yeah. I’ve ­followed your music from the ­beginning and always loved how angelic and sultry your voice is. So when I heard that you wanted me on, I was like, “Whoaaa!”
Wait, let’s rewind a ­second. What’s this ­“indigo” thing?
Aiko: So if you look up in the night sky and see this light that’s flashing colors, that’s Sirius. It’s a star system, and it looks like there’s a party going on. What I like to believe in my dreams and imagination is, there’s some of us on Earth that come from there, indigos and star seeds, who are hyper ­sensitive to feelings and ­seasons, and in tune with each other without even trying --
Smith: Or even knowing. I’ve read and experienced that many indigos struggle with addiction and heartbreaking circumstances because this reality is not familiar to them. The density of the third dimension is so heavy on their soul, and they yearn to be light, to be in the stars. So you can --
Aiko: Free yourself from the physical and just be pure energy. I started singing when I was really young too, and touring when I was 12, so those were things I would think about and wanted to talk about, but I was home-schooled, so I didn't have many friends on the same level.
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Willow, you were home-schooled too, right?
Smith: All my life, except from age 12 to 13 when a ­family friend was like, “Come to school with me. I’ll help you out.” But I live in the mountains, away from the city, far from people. It was literally me and Jaden in nature hitting cactuses with sticks, so school was really overwhelming. I was that girl: backpack half open, running through the halls, stressed. So I got to see firsthand how it shapes your psyche -- like how you’re always looking for approval. That’s the hugest thing.
Aiko: I started home school in the middle of seventh grade. I loved schoolwork, but the social part was too much for me. I’m a hermit, still. My family goes out, and I’m like, “I’ll be home staring at the wall ’cause I like it.” The past couple years ­working on Trip, I’d go on road trips or to ­festivals by myself, meet other ­wanderers. That’s why we’re doing this tour -- we’re on that wavelength.
I get the sense that there’s something deeper than a big sis, little sis thing going on here...
Aiko: Willow’s a being that has been here before, ­obviously. I don’t get age. I mean, I have a 9-year-old daughter who has this pure knowledge, and I learn so much from her. I feel like this is my 20th life because from the first moment I can remember, I’ve been over the kid things.
Smith: Yeah, I understand. I don’t know what it is. I felt that way too.
Have you given any thought to how you might spend downtime together on this tour?
Aiko: I want to make music. I’ll have a studio on my bus, and she can come through with her guitar. I’ve also been doing a group meditation the day of a show. I’m reading The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra, and he talks about setting your intention. Mine is to calm people, but I get really nervous onstage.
Smith: What I think is really going to happen on this tour is, like, a feminine energy super bomb. This tour is going to be so potently ­feminine it’s going to warm your heart.
You’re both into poetry and philosophy. What about a book exchange?
Aiko: A book club!
Smith: I have always wanted to be in a book club. My entry would be The Red Tent by Anita Diamant. It’s about these sisters who lived a long time ago and this tradition of when the women ­menstruated, they’d all go into the red tent together. They’d have these crazy conversations and spiritual ceremonies and shamanic experiences. It’s about female camaraderie in ­terrible times.
Aiko: Mine is Peace Is Every Step by Thich Nhat Hanh. He’s a poet and monk from Vietnam. He tells ­beautiful stories to get across very simple messages. Like how people get agitated in ­traffic -- he teaches you to take each red light as a chance to breathe deeply.
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I can see you two ­sharing music, too. Who’s an artist more people should know about?
Aiko: Michael Franks, a jazz artist from the ’70s. His voice is like butter, and his writing? So clever. I love jazz because of the range of emotion it can take you through in one track. I’m a fan of John Mayer for the same reason. For Trip, he came in with, like, 50 guitars, and for hours he was coming up with song ideas and melodies one after the other, nonstop.
Smith: Cameron Graves. He plays with Kamasi Washington, and his Planetary Princealbum is the epitome of each musician showing their uniqueness. Not a lot of my peers are open to music that doesn't have vocals.
Aiko: That’s my favorite. I think we should do a jazz album.
Smith: Let’s! Honestly, we can get a bunch of musicians in a room and just vibe out.
You were both signed young and could have followed very ­traditional career paths, but you took time off and came back to the business on your own terms. What was the moment you decided: “This is my own trip?”
Smith: When I said no to Annie [in 2013]. The script was written, we had paid people, the production was going to happen. A lot of people were putting pressure on me, and I was like, “I have to take the control.” That was scary, standing up to ­executives who were like, “What? We spent this amount of money. Mmm, you’re doing it.” And I was like, “No, I’m not going to. Sorry.”
Aiko: I was turning 16, and my label contract was up. Everyone assumed I was going to re-sign, but I knew that wasn't who I was going to be as an artist -- I wasn't satisfied singing songs other people wrote. Then when I was 20, I got pregnant. I became a waitress at a vegan cafe but was going through all these new things as a mom and wanted to make music about it. So I quit, and from then on, it was like, “No, this is my vision. You have absolutely nothing to do with this art.”
As young women of color in an industry that is hard on women and on ­people of color, where do you think that surge of ­confidence came from?
Smith: You have to see other black women doing them. That’s the only way. I went on tour with my mom when I was Jhené’s daughter’s age, and it was so empowering and beautiful.
Aiko: I never saw a ­distinction between a man and a woman. My ­grandparents and my mother were great examples of men and women, and they taught me ­equality. So I would fight with boys and wear my cousin’s clothes. I would do whatever I wanted, and that’s where I still stand today.
Smith: If you truly believe in equality, you know it up here. [Taps forehead.] It’s how you think. There’s a lot of women doing their thing, ­expressing themselves in ways I feel weren't possible before. At the same time, a lot of men still spit ­misogyny like it’s nothing. It’s a forever journey.
Women have been ­banding together lately to expose predators in the entertainment ­industry…
Smith: Yeah, and our president. Ahhhhhh! The creepiest dude of all!
Aiko: I’m pleased people are brave enough to come ­forward, because it ­encourages others. I’ve always been protected. My mom was my manager. Now my older sister is. Even when I’ve been in sketchy ­environments, ­someone always had my back. That’s important. In these stories these women are telling, there’s no real friends around. I have definitely experienced male ego...
Smith: And I’ve ran into situations with white men specifically who are like, “Black girls don’t usually look like you,” or, “Whoa, your hair is lying down. That’s crazy, you actually look pretty!”
What do you want the future of young women in art to look like?
Smith: I don’t want there to always be this stigma of the “female” artist. “Oh, what does it feel like to be a female doing something?” That hurts me.
Aiko: Because of that, a lot of young girls ­compare ­themselves to others. Growing up, people wanted me to do choreography. If it wasn't for a supportive mother, I would have been put in the same boot camp. You were born into your own lane -- don’t let anyone push you into theirs. I’m not going to stop evolving until I’m 80. Like, I want to go back to school for astrophysics.
Smith: The arts and the ­sciences! That’s my whole life. In the future, I think there’ll be a new kind of person who does both. Like... an imagineer!
Aiko: See? I mean, clearly, she’s in her own lane.
© Billboard
 Written By Chris Martins / Photography By Nate Hoffman
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K-Pop Magic School AU - Pt 1: BTS
Ok, so we’ve seen the AUs about what Hogwarts houses different K-Pop members would be in, but what if different magic schools represented different K-Pop fandoms?
I imagine BTS would be Hogwarts—you know, that one school everyone and their mother has heard of and are dying to go to. The houses would be different types of fans:
Gryffindor: Strong stans with a ton of merch, pushes everyone to stream the MVs.
Hufflepuff: The pure fans who wax poetic about everything BTS has gone through.
Ravenclaw: THEORISTS and lyric analysts who defend the underrated members and songs.
Slytherin: The guys who’ve figured out all the comeback details, also probably the most passionate shippers.
And where does BTS play into this? I see them as the teachers there.
Jin teaches Care of Magical Creatures with his sugar gliders, makes lots of magic puns but will destroy you if you even think about hurting the griffon.
Yoongi does Transfiguration, there’s a whole running joke about Yoongi turning into a rock and he finally gives in and does it on the last day.
Hoseok teaches Herbology, really passionate and makes the class fun, but if you startle him he screams louder than a mandrake.
Namjoon is the Defense Against The Dark Arts teacher, actually teaches the Defense and not the Dark Arts, also tutors Korean on Tuesdays in the Room of Requirement.
Jimin teaches Charms, becomes rather popular after teaching the students acne spells—both giving it and taking it away.
Taehyung does Divination, does not follow the curriculum outline whatsoever, has the hugest round glasses ever (idk man it just seems like he would)
Jungkook teaches Potions, memorizes Snape’s “bottle glory” schpiel and tries his best to seem badass, on the last day teaches the students how to make a banana milk smoothie.
And the ghosts? BT21 characters.
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seigaku9th-blog · 7 years
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july 15th to july 23rd 2017 ➜ tenimyu’s seigaku VS rikkai
after years of dreaming, i finally had the chance to watch tenimyu in person. I saw VS rikkai 5 times within 1 week, and it still wasn’t enough! read on to hear my thoughts, my interactions with the actors & various other reports.
where to start. probably with how i started tearing up just from hearing the classic tennis ball sounds as the room is pitch black opening sequence.
the show started off with a rikkai number. they are. wonderful. i’m a HUUUGE fan of rikkai 2nd--they are my favorite rival team along with higa 2nd--so my expectations were set very high... but rikkai 3rd managed to reach them--and some of them completely surpassed my expectations. not even 5 minutes in, i was already blown away by their powerful singing voices.
seigaku’s opening number is a new song: and hikaru sings the second!! line!! In it, and god. GOD. each time he sang it, even after seeing the show 5 times, my hand would instinctively go up to my chest, i was just overwhelmed with emotion... the VOICE this boy has. mindblowing. i cannot wait for the DVD & OST of this show so i can add his new lines to my compilation of his singing. one of my friends, when we met during intermission of the first VS rikkai show she saw, the first thing she said was; SINCE WHEN CAN KAIDOH SING!?!??!? hehehe.
the ryoma VS kirihara match was amazing to watch. i feel like ryu is 50% genki & 50% motohisa, so i think everyone will be able to love him! he has the perfect attitude, demeanor and behavior down. his face is also very interesting to watch!! but what mostly amazed me about this match were nichika’s stunts during it. i had to go rewatch dori & yuuki’s performances to make sure i wasn’t exaggerating just how cool nichika was. i wasn’t. the way he knocks off his feet and falls each time kirihara hits his ankle is so believable and intense! it’s honestly scary! he did his stunts as intensely throughout the whole week. i’m really amazed by this kid. i really love kirihara+marui+jackal’s new song too, ruby eyes. it’s so catchy! it’s been 6 weeks and i could probably sing it off the top of my head still~
the hospital scene… i love how niou would touch yukimura’s shoulder or hair or fix his clothes when he walked in hehe. yukimura’s slow solo song following this scene was much longer than the one in previous seasons. and amazing. toshiki’s singing voice is incredibly powerful, heartfelt and beautiful. this was the only solo that consistently got an applause at the shows i went to. i’m really excited for everyone to get to hear his singing... his musical voice is MUCH better than his idol band thing voice. XD
rokkaku were always there to lighten the moood and make the crowd laugh. the banedabi higawari were especially funny... the best one was when bane-san turned into jijii... and i loved saeki’s solo!! kaname’s singing is sooo wonderful, it makes me especially excited to hear him sing The Best Song ever in VS higa.
D2: kaidoh+momo VS marui+jackal. this has always been one of my favorite matches in the anime, and i loved ikeoka & kamitsuru’s version of it as well!! i don’t think hikaru & jonathan have exactly as much chemistry as their 6th cast counterparts did, but their individual performances as kaidoh & momo are incomparable. kaidoh’s solo changed a little, with similar lyrics but a different rhythm & melody. i think they’re really adapting their musicals to let hikaru’s singing skills shine, which, god bless them. yusaku is an ADORABLE jackal, and his marui feels(tm) are exactly what i like to see. as for taka, i think he impressed everyone, marui fans or not. his performance is just SO much FUN!! he has amazing stage presence! marui has a solo song now... with backup vocals by jackal... i do wish it were a legit duet, but the song is just AMAZING, so i can live with it. take~ it~ easy~ take it take it easy~
D1: golden pair VS illusion pair! i was so happy to finally see sei-chan and yu play doubles together! they were so cute. yu is an angel. i really loved his performance throughout this whole show... and i can tell sei-chan is getting better by the minute! it’ll be fun to see him play singles soon. but i especially LOOOVED yuuta and dai’s performance. they are so fun to watch together, and amazing performers and singers. i’d normally be disappointed that they changed the petenshi song, as iconic as it was, but the new one is SO. MUCH. FUN!! they perform so many magic tricks/illusions during the song, and there’s some i still haven’t deciphered. it’ll probably look even cooler and even more convincing on DVD! and... ahem. excuse me for a second. *puts on I♥YAGYUU headband & rips off jacket to reveal I♥YUUTA shirt*. Yuuta Is. My Dream Yagyuu. ok that’s it thanks
S3: inui VS yanagi. data pair’s match was possibly my favorite part of the show. isawa really impressed me considering he was the member i was the most wary about when the cast was first announced... but he looks WONDERFUL in his yanagi costume and makeup, and his singing is beautiful. but sho... sho. oh man. i LOVE this guy. since we didn’t get to see much of him in VS rokkaku, i was really looking forward to seeing what he was capable of. and he certainly did not disappoint. i’m a very big fan of inui actors and inui himself has always been one of my top 3 favorite characters, so i always expect a lot. and sho did everything right. he is exactly what i want to see in an inui. i’ll be straight up: sho’s inui is my favorite inui. i feel like he combines every previous inui’s best traits: inagaki’s appearance, arai’s smile, teruma’s singing voice, ryosei’s charisma, basshi’s weird, arayan’s extra. and their cumulative love for kaidoh, tezuka, momo and ryoma. and cumulative sexy--*i am suddenly run over and cannot write anymore*
but seriously! sho has 2.5 solo songs during this match, and he performs all of them so well. his singing voice is LOVELY, and i feel like he is constantly improving. i also think he’s the best dancer in seigaku after yuu, which should make no sense considering his size? he emotes and acts so well, and i think he really understands the balance of calculating weirdo creep and impossibly kind, loving and emotionally perceptive goof that inui is made of.
also, as an OT4 shipper, i must mention that ryoma gets really intense cheering during this match, yelling DO YOUR BEST INUI SENPAI!!, that momo has the cutest reaction and hugest smile, legit fangirling, when a tired inui leans on his shoulder after the match, and...!! tenimyu finally included this scene from the anime, where kaidoh hands inui a towel and they smile at each other huhuhu... well, sho’s hand didn’t touch hikaru’s like how they do in the anime, but. close enough, right!!
S2: fuji VS kirihara!! fuuma was sooo pretty and threatening and soft-looking but scary-acting... i really enjoyed his solo. you have to give it to fuuma for being such a good actor and by that i mean convincing us that fuji is still in love with tezuka even if fuuma seems to be unable to stand yuuya LOL... the part where fuji loses his vision is also so much more convincing and heart tugging than it has ever been before. as mentioned earlier, ryu’s kirihara is a gem. i’m looking forward to seeing his performance at senshuraku on the DVD, since i could feel him improving with each show! at first, i wanted him to be a bit crazier/shriek more ((since that’s my favorite thing about anime kirihara & motohisa’s kirihara, beautiful crazy shrieking child)), but by the last show i saw, he had it down so well.
i couldn’t believe they hadn’t changed mou mayoi wa nai, sanayuki’s duet... i’m always conflicted between laughing or crying when it comes on... i was expecting an update with a modern tune with more romantic lyrics, but by the end, i learned to love it... because of toshiki and shogo’s singing, of course. they’re both amazingly talented. and look amazing together. and sound amazing. and have great chemistry. however, i think shogo was having a hard time adjusting to the deeper voice he’s been using as sanada, because he sounded very rough and sore by the 23rd? which led to toshiki singing even more powerfully during their duet on that day... it was wonderful.
S1: ryoma VS sanada! nichika has been growing, both physically and has a performer, so fast. he was a lot of fun to watch during this match... the best moment is when he does this 360 spin and his sweat forms a misty halo around him. that sounds very bad when written down doesn’t it. anyways. shogo is so intimidating and scary and manly as sanada!! it really surprised me since he’s so beautiful and cute out of costume!! i really love him. well, i love both actors, i love both characters, and i ship this pair, but god, isn’t this match always a little too long, be it manga, anime or musical? i found myself watching the benches a bit too often XD. until samurai comes on, of course! it was impossibly difficult to stay still each time it came on!! i had to sing & dance to it at the karaoke to get my love for this song out of my system between the shows i saw.
3rd season has been amazing from the beginning, and VS rikkai was no exception. i have nothing but positive thoughts, and am proud of every single actor. (but especially toshiki and sho, who’re my personal MVPs of the show. also hikaru’s legs)
the encore is always SO much fun! I’m actually rather happy that they changed it to in my heart in time for me to go see tenimyu, because i can’t even do the bunbun moves properly in my living room... i don’t remember all the calls we got during the shows i went to, aside from yuuta’s laserbeam and shogo’s tarundoru. i was definitely shouting way too loudly during them... i was just so happy...
15th: i got WAAAY too lucky. during my first first FIRST ever show, i got a high touch from sho. I’ve always liked him, but the way his smile got so much wider, and his handsome face, and his kind eyes... i’m totally gone now... bye... that was honest to god my favorite and most heartfelt interaction with any actor after ikkei-san, sorry to all the other inuis and tezukas who actually held my hands and talked to me
right after sho high touched us, chiba ran by and had to jump to reach our hands and high touch us! It was so cute!! also yuuya ran by and i physically reeled away in fear
19th: when i was on the balcony for once, and had an alley seat, yuuta was slowly going thru the alley and looking, waving and thanking each of us, one by one. It was so sweet and so gentlemanly. he’s my favorite member of rikkai and i’m a huge fan of yagyuu, so i was super excited and happy. I think i yelled I LOVE YOU in my daze... i probably need to be banned from tenimyu
23rd: i got ANOTHER!! high touch from sho!! I was so happy!! and then!! yuuya too!! I saw this show with a friend who’s a big fan of tezuka, so we were both so excited ;_;
funnily enough, i didn’t get any high touches or interactions when i was in the 5th row, nor in the alley seat of the 3rd row... XD
one particular aspect i didn’t expect to be so weirdly excited/traumatized about was the graduates sitting in the audience to watch the show. as we all know thanks to blog posts and selfies, there are past cast members who go see the tenimyu performances in tokyo almost every day. what i didn’t expect was to be so cursedly lucky about who would show up on the days i went...
15th: satsuki, akki, kohei, ogaken & kaminaga attended the matinée show. i wish i had noticed ogaken & kaminaga earlier since i’m a fan, but i couldn’t see them too well from my seat! but i did see satsuki and akki being SUPER into in my heart and being very dedicated to doing all the moves. so cute!
19th: hideya, ryosei, miura, ikumin & mikata attended this show. now. as you may or may not know. hideya is my #1 favorite actor ever. and i was very, very sad that i wouldn’t have any chance to see him during this trip. Well. imagine my reaction when he shows up on the one and only day where my seat was in balcony 1 rather than arena, in the row of seats right next to the one where the graduates always sit. actually i didn’t really have any visible reaction bcuz i was trying very hard to respect their privacy and not stare too much bUT!!! AH!! seeing ryosei again 3 days after meeting him was kinda funny. oh, miura is sooo cute and sooo pretty. he was sitting next to the other guest seats and was super friendly and chatty with those family members. at some point he leaned over the railing and looked so cute and childish… he also leaned over ikumin to whisper in ryosei’s ear which i thought was hilarious. poor ikumin. so unloved. but the funniest was how mikata kept talking and no one reacted or replied to him... hideya and ryosei were talking together pretty much the whole time, which made me VERY happy since i’m such a fan of the both of them, and also because inutezu. I also loved how they got the biggest reaction from the audience XD everyone is always polite and respectful and doesn’t bother the guests, but you could see everyone in the arena turning around to look at them and people whispering OMG HIDEYA OMG MIURA all around me wwww
20th: aibacchi attended this show! i didn’t know it was him until the blog posted pictures of him because he was wearing a face mask, hat and very plain clothes. i just figured it was a 1st season dude since even famous 2nd & 3rd actors rarely bother hiding their faces.
23rd: sana and masa attended this show!! oh my god. i was in the last row of the arena so they were right behind me. I was feeling very conflicted about how i had just paid 130$ to see sana from the 21st row of a theater, only for him to sit right behind me... masa & him NEVER stopped talking, it was kinda funny. classic sana becoming buds with everyone because he has no notion of respect or seniority. i actually thought masa was a 3rd season guy i wasn’t recognizing due to how friendly they were with each other!!!!! but now that i think about it, they were probably just gushing about how much they love yagyuu. me too, guys. during the encore, sana’s face was like (THIS) the entire time. so cute. yuuya went up to the two of them to bow & say thank you.
just walking around TDC was so... emotional... walking around places i’ve seen in backstage videos for years... i felt silly because all my friends have been tenimyu veterans for years while i was freaking out so badly over everything that i couldn’t even finish my bowl of ramen okay actually i’ll blame that one on sho’s high touch a few minutes before
it was also really fun to go to all the shows with friends. back home, i only have one tenimyu buddy, and i feel like in general, a lot of fans are more fixated on 1st and/or 2nd season, so being able to talk about the actors and the shows with people who love tenimyu 3rd just as much as i do was so much fun!! thank you for the emotional support, hot gossip, gifts, restaurant visits & good times sam, emma, josie, tina, jillian, vivi & keiko 😭💕
i’ll keep it simple. seeing VS rikkai 5 times wasn’t enough, and i’m already dying to see it again. oh, and i bought my plane tickets to go see VS higa in february already. so, yes, i guess that i did enjoy seeing tenimyu in person. ((it was the most wonderful experience of my entire life, even as an avid theater & concert goer. nothing could ever quite compare.))
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afarawayhome · 7 years
Myanmar, previously Burma, was my favourite country to travel around in South East Asia. I met some of the kindest, most generous people I’ve ever met – which was made even more special since many less people speak English than in countries like Thailand and Vietnam. Everyone was really excited to see me (by and large, of course) and that makes all the difference when you are travelling alone.
Everyone has their own suggestions and ideas for a good 28-day itinerary or route around Myanmar; this is the route I took, with a few changes with the benefit of hindsight. I entered Myanmar overland from Thailand and used every day of my visa. I travelled pretty quickly, and at the height of the dry season: this had advantages and disadvantages, and not every person travels in the same way. The best advice I could possibly give would be to travel in your own way, and not get too bothered about what you think you should be doing.
Another really key bit of advice for travelling in Myanmar (and South East Asia generally) is not to get stuck down in plans. Things here can change at the drop of a hat, so don’t be like the Germans and book your hotels a week in advance, and then get grumpy when your boat is delayed or the bus takes 5 hours longer than expected.
Day 1: cross from Mae Sot to Myawaddy. Depending on how early you cross, you could get the taxi straight to Hpa An. I spent the night, which was pretty expensive since there is only one hotel in town. There are some nice temples though, which I checked out the next morning.
Day 2: taxi to Hpa An. I paid 8,000 KYT; I know someone who paid 6,000 KYT but there were two of them so 12,000 KYT total. I’d probably pay less now, I’m much better at haggling… This taxi took nearly all day, but it passes through some good scenery and you should expect to stop for new passengers regularly – sit back and enjoy your first taste of Myanmar. I left Myawaddy at 12pm and got into Hpa An in time for sunset. The taxi driver dropped me right outside Soe Brothers, which is where everyone stays.
Day 3 – 4: Hpa An. Things to do include ‘the tour‘ and climbing Mount Zwegabin (horrific but awesome, do not do with a hangover).
Day 5: Hpa An to Yangon. Another full day of travel, basically. There are lots of good night markets in Yangon for when you get in, including the Chinese market on 19th and the many fried fish restaurants along The Strand.
Day 6 – 9: Yangon. I arguably spent too many days here, but I really liked the city and had an awesome time. Make sure to check out the Shwedagon Pagoda, and take a turn around the Circular Railway. I got got halfway before I ran out of time, but it was still really fun.
Day 9 – 10: Yangon to Kalaw. This involved a night train, the army, and 3am samosas with a new friend who wanted to show me his music. Did I sleep? No. Did I nap relentlessly and buy lots of train noodles from women with half as many teeth as you’d probably expect? Yes, yes I did.
Day 11 – 13: Kalaw to Inle Lake (Nyaung Shwe). This is a famous trek, everyone does it. Do it. It’s awesome. I loved seeing the change from arid mountain to lush lakeside farms. I stayed at Golden Lily in Kalaw and bought the trek from them and I have no complaints. It cost 40,000 KYT, which included three full days of meals and two nights rest. It did not include the beer – bring extra for the beer.
Day 13 – 15: Inle Lake (Nyaung Shwe). It’s beautiful, obviously. I cycled around instead of doing tours, because I am cheap and hate organised tourism. The tours look pretty fun though.
Day 15 – 16: Inle to Mandalay. Another night bus, another 3am arrival. I did not enjoy Mandalay the first time round, although I had a super time when I came back here a few days later. I also didn’t realise you could get a bus direct from Nyaung Shwe to Hsipaw, which would have been much more sensible.
Day 17: Mandalay to Hsipaw. A 3am start this time, in order to take the train over the amazing, awe inspiring and justifiably famous Goteik Viaduct. Definitely worth it, 10/10, would recommend.
Day 18: Hsipaw. Another place where people do treks. I did not, because I hate people. Instead, I made friends with a dog and went to some hot springs by myself, where I saw in my clothes and read an awesome book called “Ark” by Stephen Baxter.
Day 19: Hsipaw to Pyin Oo Lwin. Very early bus, so I basically got the full day here. The best attraction is the Dattawgyaik waterfall (also called Anisakan Falls), which is the finest waterfall I’ve ever seen in my life. It’s a sensation. Please go. The national botanical gardens are also very nice, with a cool aviary and a surprising amount of education. I went the following morning.
Day 20: Pyin Oo Lwin to Mandalay. I left Pyin Oo Lwin in the early afternoon and got a taxi/bus/truck thing (you know it when you see it) for like 1,500 KYT which is MUCH cheaper and MUCH MUCH more fun than the tourist bus.
Day 21: Mandalay. Actually, I went to Inwa which is a town south of Mandalay, but you get the idea. Tourisms.
Day 22 – 23: Mandalay to Bagan. This was not meant to be a two-day voyage but the boat got stuck on a sandbank. What can I say, it happens. It was awesome.
Day 23 – 24: Bagan. I have to say, I wasn’t the hugest fan of Bagan. Most people love it, but I guess I found it was far too touristy and expensive. I prefer towns like Hpa An where there is only one hostel and there’s a really cool vibe of exploration and excitement. Bagan felt a little too… middle aged.
Day 24 – 25: Bagan to Yangon to Mawlamyine. Phew-ee, this was a slog. 7pm bus, changing in Yangon at 5am, and then getting into Mawlamyine around 2pm. Just in time for a nap, and then up to the ridge for sunset. Truly spectacular, by the way.
Day 25: Mawlamyine. Ok, so Breeze Hostel runs a tour. It’s in Lonely Planet, it’s on travel fish. It’s quite shit, definitely overpriced.
Day 25 – 26: Mawlamyine to Maungmagan (via Dawei). Another night bus, another early morning change – this time onto a motobike taxi (sorry mum) that took me through the mountains to the sea under the stars (sorry not sorry).
Day 26: Maungmagan. Ok, so on this day my phone got stolen, but IF IT HADN’T it would have been an awesome day. Beautiful deserted beach (apart from that shitty child who stole my phone), thousands of crabs, bright bright sun…
Day 27: Maungmagan to Dawei. So I spent most of this day in the police station, which in retrospect was still quite an experience. But yeah. Woo.
Day 28: Dawei to Kanchanaburi (Thailand). I made it! I was home. Well, back to the land of 7-Elevens, fruit shakes and Chang.
So what do you think? Where did your travels in Myanmar take you?
28 days in Myanmar: route and advice Myanmar, previously Burma, was my favourite country to travel around in South East Asia. I met some of the kindest, most generous people I've ever met - which was made even more special since many less people speak English than in countries like Thailand and Vietnam.
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tornrose24 · 8 years
Only a Voice part 5 (A Moana fanfic loosely inspired by the Little Mermaid
This fan fic can also be found on fan fiction.net under my other name HolyMaiden24.
In this chapter:
-Our two main characters get at each others throats as they deal with their own issues (because honestly, was it ever going to be that easy?)
-The author couldn’t resist using irony and a very familiar looking gag
(Also note that the spacing got weird at one point early on, but it only happens one time so there isn’t some huge time skip when it happens.)
Me: *waves as she holds a shrunken down plushie sized version of Tamatoa in her arms* *To the tune of the ‘item get’ music from Legend of Zelda, she sings the following* I shrunk down Tamatoa! :D
Tamatoa: *To the writer* WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! CHANGE ME BACK NOW YOU EVIL HUMAN NERD! THIS IS UNDIGNIFIED AND YOU KNOW IT! Me: Because I have a feeling I know how you will react to some of the reviews. Also tumblr was way ahead of me on shrinking you down. Any who, onto those responses.Uh… this A/N is different if you read it on fan fiction.net. Tamatoa responded to some of the readers over there and shrinking him down ended up being a smart idea.
Well, I know this chapter may not do anything you guys are waiting for but hopefully it will still be enjoyable. In case anyone is wondering, the dance Moana is practicing is meant to be the Taualuga. Remember her ceremonial costume with the cool headdress? I believe that was meant to be the sort of dress you wear for that dance and the Art of Moana book says that it was inspired by that exact ceremony. The dance is a pretty big deal and I recommend checking into it.
Oh yeah, I was at the coast near the Pacific recently and seeing the ocean made me think of Moana (listening to the music on my ipod was a nice touch too). I did see a crabbing boat on the ocean and though I did not see any David Bowie crabs, I did have a crab melt sandwich which is soooooo good and I recommend it if you aren’t a vegetarian. *Tamatoa is understandably horrified at the last part. Tamatoa glances at writer’s arm and grins evily* Annnnnnd, I guess that’s *Tamatoa pinches writer’s wrist as hard as he can to the point that he cuts through her flesh and nearly breaks said wrist*- SONOFA (CENSOREDDUETOTHISBEINGADISNEYFANFICANDKIDSAREPROBABLYREADINGTHIS DESPITETHETRATING)!!! *screams bloody murder and runs off while trying to throw Tamatoa off her arm. Then rolls around on ground with the crab still attached to arm* LET GO, LET GO, LET GO! DAVID BOWIE CRAB WON’T LET GO!
Chapter 5: A struggle between two
And so began Moana’s increased tasks of preparing for the arrival of the visiting Chief and his people in three weeks time. She stood in the community fale before a few of the villagers while her father watched her progress from the sidelines. “So,” Moana tried her best to calm down, smile, and not be nervous. “What is there to do so far?”
“We need to clean up the Royal Marae.” One villager pointed out. “We also need to restore parts of it so that it can look good as new.” “We need to do repairs to this fale.” Another villager glanced around the inside and looked up at the roof. “I can see a few tapas that could be replaced and the roof might need some patching up.” “Some of us also need some repairs done to our fales.” Another person jumped in. “Funny you say that,” Moana wanted to laugh. “Our roof needs to be repaired.” “We could make some more tapas and baskets in case they would like to trade with us.” One villager added. “They may have something that we might need.” “We can make a few more tools too.” One of the fishermen suggested. “Maybe a few spears and nets as a start?” “Ok, we might be pressed for time but maybe we can do that.” Moana decided. “We also need to make a proper enclosure for the animals, considering how often the animals escape.” A woman added. “Including that brain dead bird that keeps showing up. He keeps getting into the grains and poking holes into some of my tools.” Ok, perhaps this was a little more than she expected. “We will have to tidy up some of the areas around the crops too.” “What about the harvest?” A man added. “We don’t want them to take too much of our food and we don’t know if they will bring anything along with them.”
“Well we are the hosts, are we not?” A woman countered. “We don’t even know what could come out of this! They might hate us for all we know!” “Then why would they come here to begin with?! It’s not like they’ll take everything we own, including the food!” “And suppose they want to take food with them on the way back?!” Moana was starting to feel a little overwhelmed as this argument continued on. It took her a moment to try to think of how to solve this problem, but before she could say anything, her father quickly stepped in. “I can assure you that they have good intentions.” Tui quickly cut them off. “I know that Chief Hoani will be arriving with his siblings, in addition to around ten of his people. If you include his guards, that would make it sixteen, thus bringing it to nineteen visitors total. If we plan this out carefully then there is no need to worry about a shortage of food.” The villagers remained silent for a moment before they nodded in agreement. “We could manage if we are careful.” One of them tried to be optimistic. Moana felt a little disappointed in herself– already her father had to step in for her and the day only just began. She then sensed that someone was watching her and when she turned around, she saw that the man she had found yesterday was standing nearby with his arms crossed and was watching the scene with interest as if it wasn’t an everyday thing for him. Now that he was instructed by her father to watch over her, he was now just a sight that caused her some discomfort instead of curiosity. Before he noticed her looking at him, she quickly turned her head away. He wasn’t really going to follow her fathers orders, was he?
“So where exactly is he staying at?” “Huh?” Moana turned away from the coconut tree and looked to Talia (a girl who was around her age). Both girls were helping to harvest the coconuts that were ready to come off the trees and Talia was currently holding onto an empty basket. “The man you found.” Talia explained. “Is he in your fale or did your father let him stay in one of the unoccupied ones nearby?” Moana made a face at the idea of the man being in her fale (because, really, did she need to have him around her for that long?). “Yeah, I think there’s one that father allowed him to live in for now. I can’t really see him living with us and I don’t think I want to.” “Why not?” Talia chuckled. “He seems rather interesting and I’d want to try to communicate with him if I were you.”
“I don’t want him following me around everywhere I go!” Moana protested as she threw her hands out. “Plus I saw things that I want to forget.” She grimaced as she recalled what he did on the shore before she helped him get to the village. Talia was about to ask what Moana meant before she smirked. “You know he’s right behind you.” “What the–?!” Moana turned around and sure enough the man was a good few feet behind her. He looked as if he had been watching the other villagers go about their ways but the smirk on his face indicated that he had been listening to the conversation the entire time. It made Moana feel embarrassed but there was something about his smirk that she didn’t like. Was it because it seemed like he was enjoying what he was listening to? It was like that one moment when he first met the rest of her family the day before when it found her struggle with the basket to be amusing. “You’re not actually going to follow my dad’s orders, are you?” She asked him. The man turned his head towards her and didn’t drop the smirk, nor did he make any response to the question. “You could help us get the coconuts.” Talia suggested to him. “Moana is good at catching them but she’s good at climbing too.” She held the basket towards Moana. Instead of responding to the girls, the man took one look at their tree and ran towards it. Then what shocked Moana was that not only was he able to begin climbing up the tree in almost half the time it took most villagers, but he was able to do it in a way as if he had it it many times before without even taking a moment to pause. She wasn’t the only one–others who weren’t busy just stopped and stared at what this man was capable of doing. He finally reached the top, grabbed a coconut, and then allowed himself to slide back down the tree with one arm while the other held the coconut out before he dropped it down into the basket. He landed back on the ground with a flourish and smirked at both Moana and Talia who were rendered as speechless as the others. “H–how the–?” Moana gapped and her jaw dropped so far down that it could have fallen off. “That was awesome!” Talia grinned as the shock wore off for her. “You do that a lot, don’t you?!” The man’s smirk turned into the hugest grin imaginable, but now there was something about it that Moana didn’t especially like. It was prideful, but it also felt condescending as if he thought himself to be better than the others because of this. Why was it that each time she was given a glimpse into his personality she ended up liking him less and less? “Well you look like you were built for this sort of thing.” Moana couldn’t help but retort. “Not all of us have the strength to do what you did.”
“Aw, you’re just jealous that he was so fast.” Talia teased Moana. “It does take a lot of skill to get up into those trees.” Of course, neither of them realized that the man before them had done this sort of thing since even before their grandparents were born. Not only was he quite skilled at it, but he could have done this task in even less time than he just did if he had his full strength. “Yeah, except he didn’t check to see if there were any more up there.” Moana pointed out. This made the man lose his smirk and he gave Moana a small glare as he mouthed something that Moana didn’t pick up. If she had, she would have read the words ‘I’m the reason you have coconuts to begin with, kid!’ “I can prove it!” Moana declared as she turned towards the tree. “I know you missed some.” She went over and proceeded to try to grab onto it like most of the others who had done this with ease. “Uh, Moana, where’s the rope?” Talia asked. When Moana turned to Talia, she added “You need the rope for your feet, remember?”

“He didn’t use the rope!” Moana jabbed a thumb at the man who now seemed to find the whole thing amusing. “Wait,” Moana realized what she said. “He... didn’t... use a rope.” She looked at the man again in amazement and that arrogant grin came back on his face. “He didn’t use a rope?!”
“Maybe we should just collect the coconuts in the baskets.” Talia laughed as she picked up a basket for Moana.
Moana was scowling as she and Pua took a walk later that day. She was also unaware that the source of her concern was silently following her from behind, though Pua did look back once in awhile. “He didn’t use a rope!” She exclaimed. “How do you do that without worrying about getting hurt?!” Granted he wore out pretty quickly after doing the same thing a few more times and ended up falling asleep, but it was enough to impress everyone who were probably now talking about this with the others. She sighed as she glanced out to one of the shorelines as she thought back to what her father told the man. “He really isn’t going to keep me from the shores, is he?” She wondered out loud for what had to be the twentieth time that day. It was very tempting to give it a shot and she smiled as she recalled that he was probably still asleep under one of the trees. With a grin, Moana made her way towards the sand that stood between her and the water. Just when she made two steps into the soft sand and felt it swallow up her feet, she felt something latch onto her head and she squeaked. She only had to look around to see the man carefully clutching the top of her head with one hand and he was giving her a smile that clearly said ‘Nice try.’ It took Moana a moment to process that his hand was large enough to completely cover the top of her head before she realized what was going on. “You... you’re actually going to listen to my dad, aren’t you?” The man nodded. “Well I’m not going anywhere near the shore with you around!” Moana couldn’t help but snap as she threw her arms in the air and stormed off. Hopefully he wouldn’t follow her during her dance practice.
The next day, Moana tried to climb up the coconut tree with a rope though it took her more time than she needed and wearing a skirt was not helping matters. “I know there was more up this tree!” Moana grunted as she strained herself to reach the top. “Just a little–!” She finally made it, only to discover that none of the coconuts left were large enough to pick off the tree. “Oh you got to be kidding me.” Moana hissed as she looked down to see the man look up at her with a very smug ‘I told you so’ sort of look before he went to the tree and shook it. Moana yelped and hung onto the tree for dear life. “Oh, this means war!” She angrily declared. A little later on, Moana tried to run to the ocean with Pua beside her, but this time she not only tried to take the path that went to the fishing fale, but this time she made sure that the man wasn’t following her. Low and behold, the man was somehow already there and was sitting down near the fale while carefully making barbs upon some spears. “What the–how?!” Moana gapped at the man who looked up and gave her a nonchalant shrug. In all honesty, he had picked up enough clues to figure out where she would go and took a quicker path to get to the fishing fale. “Why aren’t you out there with the others?” Moana pointed to the canoes that were getting further and further away from the island as the fishermen prepared to make their catch of the day. “Someone like you could get a huge fish to last us for days!” The man hesitated in his task and gave Moana a blank look. “You don’t have to babysit me!” Moana added. “Just go out there and help us like you helped out with the coconuts! I’m pretty sure watching me isn’t that fun.” The man made a grimace at those words and Moana didn’t understand why. “You can help us fish, can you?” The man shook his head no. “Why not? Is it because you have to watch me?” The man continued on with making the barbs. A thought struck Moana and she asked “You’re actually not that great at fishing, aren’t you? Its ok if you aren’t.”
The man flinched at this and scowled at her. She could tell right away that he would deny it if he could, but the hint of embarrassment in his eyes confirmed what she suspected. “Sorry! Geez!” Moana held her hands up. “I guess I was wrong.” She walked off. Maui really wanted to let the girl have it as she walked away. ‘I fish up islands, not actual fish!’ He tried to yell at her, despite the fact that nothing came out of his mouth. ‘Big difference!’ He sighed and decided to get up and go after her (and bring the spear with him in case he could have a chance to work on it later) when he saw that her pig was staring up at him with a strange look. ‘What?!’ He mouthed. The pig used one of his feet to make a fish hook in the ground as his reply. Maui threw his hands up in the air and walked away. There was no point in trying to explain this to another person or let them know that, yes, there was something he was notoriously known for not being good at. Unhappy that no real progress had been made in his investigation, Pua snorted and kicked at the sand. Things were going to get worse at this rate and Moana would never be able to pick up on Pua’s clues if her annoyance towards this man continued to grow. Still, Pua was determined to get his answers and fully confirm that this was indeed Maui.
Another day passed and a new one came. Moana was nearing the end of her dancing lesson with the younger children and when she briefly glanced behind, she saw that the man was siting cross legged on the ground and watching the moment. She had no clue why, but he seemed to be enjoying himself a little more lately. Maybe it was because he enjoyed the fact that people were amazed at what he did with the coconut climbing but she could still detect a smugness that was getting on her nerves. He had quickly become a topic in her community as people tried to guess who he was or where he had come from. A lot of them were easily impressed, including the children, and when he wasn’t watching her then he was offering help in any way he could (besides fishing, of course). Yet there were times where he seemed to try to interact with some of the villagers, but he couldn’t get very far with limited communication skills. They appreciated his help, but ask questions about his personal life or for opinions, then he couldn’t flat out answer them. In fact, he seemed somewhat reluctant to answer a lot of questions about himself, including what happened to him. Not even Moana or her family had learned anything since the first time he was at their home. Unfortunately for this strange man, some of the people on Motonui were a little nervous about him. She overheard a few people wondering if perhaps he had escaped from a great battle and was going to bring it to this island. Others were put off by his appearance and wondered if he was punished by the gods because no one could have scars as peculiar or as oddly placed as his. She turned her head back with a sigh. “Ok, you guys are doing good!” She encouraged the young children as they copied her. “Remember to move in time to the beat inside you and–” She stopped when she saw a young child who was not part of this group come dancing towards them. No. Oh no–not this kid–anyone but this kid! She knew what he was going to do the moment he came into the picture. Please no, please no, please no. She could already tell that the man behind her was watching this kid with extreme curiosity. Sure enough, the kid broke down into his own dance routine which seemed to be from another world of its own. Don’t do it, don’t do it, don’t to it! She pleaded, but it was too late. The child ended the dance with an over-exaggerated pout and a wink aimed at her that also made her extremely uncomfortable. When the other children stopped and stared in confusion at what was behind Moana, she knew that it was too late. With a groan, she turned to see that the man was once again laughing his head off, despite the fact that not a sound came out of him, but this time it was enough to make him fall on his back and it looked like he was about to pass out from laughing too hard. This in turn made some of the children laugh and Moana was too embarrassed to get them to stop. She turned around to the cause of this and the little boy just gave her an innocent smile and skipped away.Then she realized something that only made things worse–the kid almost looked like a miniature version of her ‘protector.’ It was enough to add salt to the wound that she currently had. “Why do the gods torment me so much?” Moana groaned as she held her face in her hands. Another torment came later when she was asked to solve a certain matter and it involved the roof of a fale. Both Moana and her ‘companion’ could only stare dumbfounded as a bunch of chickens were resting on top of the fale, including Heihei who rolled back and forth upon it in an attempt to scratch his back. “See?!” The owner jabbed a thumb at a couple of boys who snickered at the sight. “These little ingrates thought it would be funny to do this to me.”
“It was worth it!” One boy chuckled to the other as they each gave the other a high five.
“How exactly did–?” Moana shook her head. “Well, I suppose you can have them get some help with their parents and get them down as safely as possible.” “And they have to clean the other side.” The owner demanded. “I don’t have time to change any part of the roof.” “What do you–oh.” Moana grimaced in disgust and slapped a hand over her face as she realized what the owner meant. “Just–y–yeah, they can do that too.” She hurried away from the house as fast as she could and made sure not to walk around it and accidentally look up. “It’s just feathers!” One of the boys giggled. Later in the day, she once again tried to run for the ocean but at the very moment she was about to touch the sand, a now familiar pair of hands grabbed her and she was hoisted over the man’s shoulder. “Come on!” Moana tried to wiggle free, but the man wouldn’t budge nor let her go. She was getting so fed up with this man that her stubbornness was getting in her way and a certain idea came into her head. She knew that the part of the man’s back that was hiding under his hair was the most sensitive part of his body, if the way he always winced when he tried to touch it was any indication. Despite how much her compassionate side protested, she raised her hand as high as possible before smacking it down on that part of his back as hard as possible and the man quickly let go of her. Moana didn’t see the agony in his face or the scream he tried to let out as she fell to the ground, but she had no idea how fast he would immediately retaliate. She barely got a running start as she tried to get away from him, but he caught up to her within seconds, grabbed her by the arm, and forced her to spin around to face him with enough force to almost pull her arm off. She found herself face to face with the man as he kept his hold on her. He was barring his teeth in pain, but his brows were scrunched up and the look in his eyes was so enraged it was as if he could bring a tempest upon her head within seconds. She felt that he really was going to lash out at her for what she had done and it terrified her. What Moana didn’t expect was that he would tie her foot up with a rope that was tied to a tree in the village like she was an animal. This time he kept his eyes on her and the fury within didn’t leave him for one second, which was enough to cause Moana to not directly look at him. Maybe she did go too far that time in getting back at him, but she couldn’t bring herself to apologize so instead she turned to a little scene that was occurring near the tree. “You see these?” A fisherman nearby was showing off different types of coral to his children. “These are one reason why the ocean can be dangerous. As beautiful as coral can be, it can also be very deadly.” He lifted up one piece of coral that was grey but had very delicate and thin edges. “This one could cut through your skin and you wouldn’t even be aware of it until you saw the blood. Some even have barbs on them.”
“Really?” The youngest child asked as he made to reach out for it. “Yes and if you fall off the boat, pray to the gods that the waves will not push you into the coral.” The fisherman warned the children. “There is no telling what will happen if you do.” Elsewhere, Tui saw what exact state his daughter in as well as the odd rage the man was directing towards her. It was strange, but it wasn’t enough to make him too concerned. “I’m not even going to ask what happened.” He shook his head and walked away. Later that night, it began to rain and it perfectly reflected the mood of both Moana and Maui. Both found themselves sitting at the threshold of the Chief’s fale and both of them were trying to not look each other in the eye as they were angry at each other for their own personal reasons. Moana held onto Pua as she tried to think of how much the man next to her had treated her as both a child and as an animal in one day. Worse yet, it earned a lot of chuckles from the other villagers which was a massive blow on her own ego. He’s so infuriating! Moana mentally growled. Arrogant, doesn’t treat me like a person, always one step ahead of me– Meanwhile, Maui was looking off into the distance as Heihei was pecking at the wood right next to him instead of trying to eat the grains he had offered to him. He was angry that the little brat tried to escape by hurting him and taking full advantage of the fact that his upper back was still currently the most sensitive part of his body. He thought that she would be a bit more respectful to him after all he’d gone through and he thought she would try to be nicer than that, but apparently he was mistaken. She knew he was helping her and her people out, but that apparently wasn’t enough for her. Its humans like you that made it harder to have any respect to your kind. Maui also mentally growled. Is this the thanks that I get for trying to help you out, you brat? You could at least– Sina sighed at the sight as she struggled to work on a new tapa, despite how nauseous she had been feeling lately. “This could have been avoided if you hadn’t made him follow after her.” She harshly whispered to Tui. “You had to ruin what could have been a more pleasant friendship than this storm we have to witness.” “Well what else could I have done?” Tui whispered back. “I’m sure this will get fixed sooner, if not later.” Sina opened her mouth to say a few choice words when she felt her stomach lurch. She quickly covered her hand over her mouth and scrambled to get to her feet before running past both her daughter and the strange guest and off to the side of the fale. Neither Moana or Maui acknowledged the sound of Sina vomiting somewhere near the side of the house.
The next day, Moana struggled with making a new basket alongside Talia and her friends. She tried her hardest not to look at the man as he sat some ways away by a tree and was working on making barbs on another spearhead while Pua was trying to paw at the ground to get his attention. In truth, Pua was trying once again to draw a fish hook, but the man had no idea why the pig was doing it and he didn’t care. “So,” Talia asked Moana. “Is it true you were tied to a tree?” Moana ignored Talia. “No, no, NO!” Someone screamed in the distance. Maui turned his head to see that one of the villagers was chasing after a group of pigs that were charging towards them as fast as they could and they didn’t seem to be aware of this. Moana picked up what was happening without glancing back and sighed as she set her basket to the side while Talia and the others ran away with their things. She just wanted her luck to change back again and get these three weeks over with.
A little later on, Moana sat in Tala’s tapa and her spirits were getting low to the point that she was not even joining in the storytelling. Trying to help stop the pigs was not a fun experience for her and although Tala’s words of heroism and monsters to the children were soothing, but it wasn’t enough to calm Moana down and she couldn’t help but stare at the tapa of Maui. “I could really use some of your cunning right now.” Moana couldn’t help but whisper to the depiction of Maui. Although the demi-god’s grin was getting a little too familiar looking to her liking, she still wished there was a way she could be level headed and try to manage the tasks that kept piling up while trying to get away from her ‘guard.’ She glanced back to see that the man had been staring intently at the tapa of Maui as well, but when she saw him looking at her, he turned his head to look at something else. Had she looked a little closer, she would have seen Pua staring at this observation, but her mind was too preoccupied. Pua’s annoyance over the fact that Moana was not picking up the parallels between the image on the tapa and the man in the room was steadily increasing. Perhaps if she was a little more clear–headed, it would have been more obvious. Moana sighed as she looked at the tapas for something to distract her, but her eyes hesitated on the one that showed an eel. It was the same eel that her father used when joking with her mother since she shared the same name as the Sina from the tale about that eel. What if–? She turned to the tapa of Maui and made sure that the man couldn’t see her smiling at it. “I owe you for this.” She quietly whispered to the tapa. Maybe Maui could truly be on her side for this one. “I got an idea for a game!” Moana clapped her hands as she stood up. Tala hesitated in her storytelling and watched as Moana turned to the children who were eager to hear this. She saw that the man was looking at the other tapas and wasn’t paying attention, which made things even better for her. “One of us gets to be the eel from the story of Sina and the Eel–” “You can’t be Sina just because she and your mother share the same name.” A girl declared, causing the other children to giggle. “Ok, you can be Sina then.” Moana shrugged. “One person gets to be the eel and the others get to be the villagers who go after him.” She looked up and pretended to point to them. “Eenie, meenie, miney–” She saw the man scowling at Tamatoa’s tapa and pointed “–him!” The children shrieked in delight and all of them ran towards the man, who finally turned around in confusion. Moana took her chance and right when the children threw themselves onto the man, she quickly ran to the tapa of Maui, pushed him aside, and ran out of the fale towards the forest. There was no way the man could find her if she was quick enough. Meanwhile, Maui was forced to deal with a terror as great as any high ranking monster he had encountered in the form of a bunch of easily excited children. Although he adored the love and appreciation that children gave to him out of all the mortals he had encountered, this was too much for him to handle as they all piled up on him. Tala just laughed as Maui tried desperately to pull the kids off of him and was clearly in a panic over it. “I’m pretty sure she went towards the forest!” She yelled as loudly as she could over the shrieking of the children. With what little strength he currently possessed, Maui fought off the village children, even as they determinedly tried to latch back onto him. It was only when he finally reached the other side of the fale that Tala declared “Ok children, I believe the eel needs to take a break.” and they all finally let go of him. He would owe that woman a huge thank you when he got the chance while her granddaughter was going to get something a lot more different. Maui finally broke through the tapa walls just in time to see Moana vanish into the woods. ‘Oh you have got to be kidding me!’ He mouthed before running after her as fast as he could. Moana raced through the trees as fast as she could and took every shortcut she knew to a spot where there she could see the ocean. There was no way the man could find her there and she was positive that it would take him ages to do so, considering how large the woods were. She let out a laugh as she darted this way and that way and leapt over rocks and logs. If she ever saw the real Maui at any point in her life, she would let him know about this little moment since she owed him a good laugh as well as a thank you. Finally she came to a spot overlooking the ocean that wasn’t too far away from civilization, but it was far out enough where she could be alone. All that separated her from the water was a wall of rocks that could send her safely into the deep water below if she so wished since they were that far out. Moana laughed as she had to sit down since her feet were killing her and her throat was on fire, not to mention how furiously her heart pounded. “Ah, that was good!” She let out a breathless giggle as she allowed her feet to dangle over the rocks. “Hopefully they didn’t overwhelm him!” She could only imagine the look on his face when he had realized what she had done and it lifted her moods considerably. “Though,” She frowned “maybe I’ve been taking this too far. I suppose I did hurt him too much yesterday and I only made things worse with that trick of mine.” A part of her hoped that he didn’t get hurt through what she did to him. “He’s pretty determined though, I’ll give him that.” She admitted. “In addition to being a kid in a man’s body at times.” She laughed at this as she looked at the ocean. It was so nice to just finally be alone without having someone after her and she could just clear her head after all she had to do today. She closed her eyes and imagined herself swimming in the ocean’s depths alongside the creatures within it. She could see the fish, but also turtles and maybe a few sharks–perhaps one of them could be her grandfather, like her grandmother told her once before. She could almost see the strange, voiceless man as a shark within her daydream, though she was unaware that a certain someone had finally caught up with her and was watching her from behind. Maui had to admit that this girl was pretty clever, but not enough to surpass him in terms of cunning. He pulled up this island once before, had been here a few times in the past, and knew exactly where the shorelines would be. It also helped that he was able to track her down by the footprints she unknowingly left behind in the ground and the fact that he heard her voice a few moments ago, which lead him right to her. Sure, that was a pretty good trick she pulled on him, but she was about to learn what would happen if she tried to suppress a demi-god (well temporary non-demi-god at the moment, but it was still the same thing) without proper foresight. He quietly walked behind her as she continued to talk to herself and peered over her head to see how deep the water was. “I guess he can be scary, but not as scary as I thought he would be.” Moana continued on in oblivion. “I still wish I knew where he came from.”
Ok then, Maui decided–if this kid wanted the ocean so badly, then she could have it. Moana suddenly felt a pair of large hands shoot under her arms and grabbed her sides. The moment she let out a squeak, Maui hoisted up her into the air and then tossed her out over the rocks as far as he could. Moana let out a cry and Maui watched in sadistic glee as she went soaring through the air and flapped and kicked all four limbs outward before dropping right into the ocean with a tremendous and very satisfying sounding splash. He knelt down on the rock and watched as the teenager struggled to get back to the surface and when she broke through, she looked around in confusion before looking up to see him giving her the biggest grin he could manage. ‘You can try to do all you can and try to run all around Motonui, but you’ll never be able to outsmart Maui!’ He boasted to her, even if she couldn’t make out what he tried to say. Moana could make out only the key fact that he had bested her in the trickery department and was immensely proud of himself because of this and she could only let out a frustrated cry. “You are enjoying this, aren’t you!” She yelled up at him. Maui’s grin only widened. This little moment of great satisfaction made all of his current suffering worth it. He could do this again if he wanted to, provided that she wouldn’t see it coming when the moment came. Moana only sighed as she tried to find a spot where she could get out of the water and back on dry land. She had to be careful what she wished for from now on.
There was now twelve days left until the arrival of the Chief. Although some progress had been made towards the preparations, there was still much to do and Moana still had to perfect her dance for that event. Tala aided her grand daughter in the dance as one girl sang and a boy clapped his hands in time to the music to help Moana out. “Gently.” Tala gestured for Moana as she moved her feet. “Remember that this dance is not supposed to be fast. Pretend that you are the water gently rocking back and forth if that helps. Feel the power of this dance and let it guide you. Trust in it.” She smiled as Moana tried to slow herself down. Moana tried her best with this dance, but after having to help clean up the Royal Marae and walking back and forth so often today, she was feeling exhausted. Her mind was also racing with too many thoughts and she couldn’t get herself to calm down. All the work was beginning to pick up and it seemed to never end. “Remember that your smile must be genuine.” Tala reminded Moana. “Try to think of positive thoughts for this lesson. Recall our heritage and be proud of it. Our ancestors are on your side.” Moana was struggling to find a reason to smile. Not even the sounds of the singing could help her out and when she saw the man staring at her in front of the community fale, she could only think of what he had done the previous day when he tossed her into the ocean. He certainly had a way of granting her wish while also obeying her father at the same time. She wasn’t the only one to not feel entirely happy. Maui was not thrilled that he barely made any progress with any of the villagers, despite how long he had been here for. Sure he had earned their admiration and some respect, but he had not made a genuine connection to any one to the point that they truly got to know him. Not even with any of the children when some of them had already taken a quick liking to him. The fact that everyone seemed to be busy didn’t help matters and when he saw some of the village females give him flirtatious looks, he could only hear the warning ‘infatuation does not count’ and he had to continue on. Also he liked the women's’ admirations, but he didn’t feel a draw towards any of them in particular. And yes, not being able to talk was really annoying and not helping matters. He missed boasting about what he could do, simple conversations with others, being able to sing and even the sound of his own voice. Then there was the Chief and his family. He liked the old woman and her way of not caring what everyone else thought about her, he had to listen to Tui now and then, but Sina tended to be too ill to stay around to chat sometimes and he had a strong feeling that he would need to stay away from her. Then there was the daughter and the biggest reason why he had little time to try to beat the time limit. He admired her stubbornness, but it was really annoying at times and she still didn’t really want to try to actually like the things he did for her and her people. Also her little trick did strike a nerve with him since he was not used to others outsmarting him. Yes, he remedied that, but the fact that she did catch him off guard was something he was not used to. He understood both sides of the quandary between father and daughter to a certain extent. The father was concerned about his daughter (maybe too much) and the kid was still learning things. He knew little of parental love (thanks to lack of experiencing it himself) but he knew it when he saw it and would do anything to make sure a child knew how lucky they were to have that genuine sort of love (whether said parent was related by blood or not). Yet he understood the need of a young person to have time to herself and be near places she liked. He just wished that he hadn’t been thrown into this family conflict since it was a part of the mortal life that didn’t really appeal to him. “Not good enough.”
He snapped his head up to see that Tui had watched part of the practice and had approached Moana while the singer and the boy ceased their part in the practice. “You need more work on this. There needs to be more grace in your movements.”
“I’m trying!” Moana protested. “If you could allow me to have some time to practice more and have someone to help me out more than once a day then I could get it down in time!” “We can’t afford that at this point.” Tui countered. “Your grandmother cannot help you every day and you will be needed to tend to the other issues at hand. And perhaps if you stopped running off and practiced on your own, then this would be less of an issue.” Too stressed to even care anymore, Moana finally snapped. “I need time to compose myself too! I can’t do everything at once or do one thing after the other without a break!” “And yet here I stand without having my past stress take over my well being.” Tui crossed his arms. “You won’t always afford the luxury of a break.”
“You’re just saying that because I keep running off to the ocean!” “Perhaps you should give her a break.” Tala cut in as she sensed where this was going. “The last thing we need is for her to be too stressed out to perform the dance when it is time.” “You have to grow up, Moana.” Tui continued. “Childhood won’t last forever.”
“I’m not a child anymore! Why do you keep treating me like one even when you give me so much to do?!” “Well you should stop acting like one. I’ve heard that you have done some things that I would expect from the village children and not the future Chief of–” “STOP!” Tala yelled as she couldn’t handle another argument between these two at this moment. “You two both need some time away if this is going to end in disaster. I think Moana will get the dance down in time so I say that she may be able to go off on her own for a bit.”
“No he won’t.” Moana frowned. “Because he has to trust another to watch over me and make sure I don’t do something that he doesn’t want me to.” She then hurried off with Pua dashing after her. Tui sighed as he held his face in his hands. “She has to quit this behavior before its too late. It will give her trouble in the future.”
“She’s not the only one.” Tala almost sang as she grabbed her cane and hoisted herself back on her feet. “Sometimes our greatest virtue is also our greatest fault if we aren’t careful enough.” Maui took this as his cue to go ahead and leave since there was nothing more to be done and he figured Tui would try to tell him to go after his kid if he saw him slacking off. He ran a hand through his hair as he walked away from the community fale and tried to think some things over. When was the longest time he ever resided amongst humans? Here it felt like an eternity when it should have normally been in an instant for him. He moved his hand away to look at it and realized that time had slowed down for him, but not in the way he was used to and in other ways it was speeding up on him. His body had only briefly returned to its original mortal state and yet he was sure that it was aging on him since everything felt so different. He was now only too aware that he was physically somewhere near Tui’s age; didn’t he himself look younger the last time he had seen his own reflection? Was it possible that he could still age as a demi-god? He didn’t like that this body got exhausted quicker than it used to, even if it was still in better shape than an average human’s. Even picking Moana up that one time did not have the same ease as it should have been and took more effort than he was used to for something of her size. How soon did such thoughts like these occur to a human? It felt too soon for him in his opinion as either a mortal or a demi-god. This all had to be because he was currently stuck as a mortal. There was no way he would think such thoughts if he still had his powers. He glanced up to see that Moana was heading somewhere, only it did not appear to be anywhere near the shorelines that she so desired. She didn’t even bother to turn around to see if he was following her, but perhaps she was too caught up in her frustrations to realize this. Though when he listened closely it sounded like she was humming a song that he never heard before. He had some options; one was to turn back and let her go and another was to steal a boat and leave this island for another location. The final one was to just follow her and see what would actually happen when she was free to be herself and was far away from the others as possible. He chose to follow her and see what would happen this time; he wouldn’t try to pull her aside if she made it to the shoreline. Maybe there was a way to salvage what was left and try to earn her friendship so that he could get some of his things back. If not, then he would have to be ready to put up a fight for whatever would be taken from him. Oddly enough, Moana really did choose not to go anywhere near the shore, but instead she took a certain route that went beyond the outskirts of her village while she still hummed that same song. Carefully he followed her and made sure that he was out of sight, but he did not see that her pig kept giving him a glance now and then. Finally Moana came to a cliffside with a wall of green leaves crawling down it. She let out a deep sigh of relief before pushing the greenery aside to reveal a wall of rocks with a certain hole of a gap on one side. Moana then stepped through what was apparently a secret passage behind the leaves, with Pua following close behind. Not one to resist an opportunity to explore a secret (especially one close by that he had missed) Maui followed her trail and went to the entrance of the secret passage. It was time to see what the little princess was hiding from the rest of the world.
I swear that I wasn’t trying to make Maui go through a weird mid-life crisis. Also, no really–that kid really did look a lot like a young Maui. Did anyone who also noticed that find it really weird? *Applies bandages to wrist* Tamatoa managed to snap my hand off, but I survived. *waves hand cheerfully* So, yeah, no carriage ride or dancing to please the other for these two. I kind of figured that they would be at each others necks because of the circumstances and because of their own personalities, which made it a lot more enjoyable. Still I’m glad I can finally start getting to the chapters I really want to write out after doing this one. Interestingly enough, while it seems to be a common fact that Maui was terrible at fishing for actual fish, one version of his story of him pulling up an island said that he was pretty good at making tools, which is why he was making that spearhead in the first place in this story. And yes, I have seen that clip for the short ‘Going Fishing’ for the blu-ray when it will come out. I was hoping that it would take place after the movie because the island looked like Motonui, but its not and its pretty much confirmed if you see that Maui is missing a certain tattoo on his body. Oh, and one more thing: I am one of those writers who likes doing illustrations for their stories and this fan fic was no exception. Check out my deviantart account or my tumblr account (I go by tornrose24 on both sites) so see some drawings for the first four chapters of this fan fic. I’m not going to do this with all of them, but I couldn’t resist. Also, *sighs* yes, if you look at the accounts, you will see that I have my own humanized version of Tamatoa but he has recently had more added to his design in my sketchbook and those drawings will show up when I get the chance to ink them digitally. I can confirm that Tamatoa WILL show up in human form in this fic but I am planning on keeping his description to a minimum since there are so many awesome versions of him as a human out there and I want to give my readers the choice to imagine their favorite version of him. There are so many versions on tumblr alone and I recommend checking those artists out. I’ll discuss this subject a bit more when we get to the right moment in the story. Now if you excuse me *takes out laptop and glares at Tamatoa who is still plushie sized* I’m going to show Tamatoa the ‘le Poisson’ song to remind him why he should be glad he’s not Sebastian.
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drink-n-watch · 5 years
On Fridays I watch Dr. Stone and Fire Force so this Friday was just chalk full of Fire and Fury! I’m not sure if it’s a weird combo. I feel like not that many people are watching both of these even if they do have a lot of elements in common.
I went off on a little tangent there. I promise the review will be a bit more focused and I’ll even stick to Dr. Stone. Well I’ll try. O.K. let’s see how I do!
What I thought Would Happen
I figured it would go one of two ways, either Hyoga was going to hightail it back to the Kingdom of Might and we would finally see what exactly Tsukasa has been up to for all this time OR Senku and the gang would somehow manage to capture him and once again, we would be left with only one side of the story.
I’m not sure which I was hoping for. I was super curious about the kingdom of might but at the same time, the tight singular focus on Senku and his point of view has been great for keeping the narrative on track and me on my toes.
What Did Happen
OK, now that I really think about it, I’m not sure how Senku was supposed to take Hyoga hostage but  he’s a smart guy, he could have figured something out. Unfortunately, he’s not a very observant guy and it turns out that while he was busy being all proud of himself, the enemy set the village on fire. Seriously, how did they not notice until it was half burned down? Did they not hear the people at least.
Hyoga has a pretty pinked hair sidekick that seems like she’s gonna be some trouble and even gave my girl Kohaku a run for her money. In the end, Hyoga’s group ended up retreated just enough to give the villagers a chance to get out in the open as everyone settles around the science camp. It seems the actual plan was simply to smoke the villagers out so they could get a hostage. As the started trying to burn the science camp down as well, Suika took matters into her own hands leading them away, and accidentally towards the sulfuric acid lake.
Mother nature took care of the rest. Or rather, Senku, Kohaku and a few gas masks ensured that Suika made it home safe leaving the others stranded on a high three waiting for the poisonous gases to subside.
This may have bought the kingdom of science some time but Tsukasa is still coming and they wont be this lucky twice. As such, it’s time for the ultimate weapon. Smartphones! All of Tsukasa,s recruits are teenagers right? Give them a few phones and they’ll soon loose interest in anything else. Brilliant!
What About the Characters
I’ll be honest, I didn’t pick up on pink haired girl’s name. She seemed super cool but aside from the fact that she’s an efficient warrior and Hyoga does not think she’s a complete idiot, we don’t learn much about her. We do however get a bit of a better idea of who Hyoga is and well…he’s not a very nice guy. As far as straight up villainy goes, he seems to be worse than Tsukasa which ain’t a great sign.
It’s bad news for Senku but it may be o.k. for the story. I’m not the hugest fan of unnuanced evil in an antagonist under normal circumstances. However, seeing as Dr. Stome has a rather large cast which already has a few antagonists (and how much to you want to bet that sitting in a tree guy with the yellow outfit is going to become important too, they made it so obvious! Where are these guys getting their nice clothes anyways? Gen is a downright fashion star…) what was I saying? Oh yeah, there’s a few bad guys so it’s cool if one is just plain bad. It’s a nice foil for the rest. Seems Hyoga is our eternally calm and smiling super evil one.
Oh I mentioned yellow cap guy. We actually see him in a flashback showing us how Tsukasa woke up Hyoga and a little bit of the Kingdom of Might. Tsukasa is industrious, I’ll give him that. The place was full of people, he must be waking them up round the clock. And it looked pretty cool too, with that honeycombed mountain side.
What’s more, this was much closer to the Tsukasa I was hoping for. Brutal and uncompromising but completely convinced that he is acting for the greater good and therefore oddly righteous. A man who does in fact care for the people around him and wants a better world for them. As such, it’s only natural that those said people would also care and respect him in return. As Gen himself implied, it’s easy to see why anyone would follow Tsukasa. I still think half his crew looked well past 18 but that’s another story.
What’s more, still no sign of Taiju and Yuzu. I know this is not going to happen. There’s a sort of straight forwardness to the narrative. But wouldn’t it be interesting if these two got roped into Tsukasa’s way of thinking. Not forced or brainwashed but simply after spending so much time with him, they also came to see him as admirable? I hope that showing us more of Tsukasa won’t destroy this delicate balance of menacing, antagonistic and compelling. But seeing as they already kind of did earlier in the season, I’m not expecting too much on that front.
What I Liked
The pacing of this episode was great. When you think about it some of the actual events were either a bit contrived or not that logical but the action flowed so nicely that I didn’t care.
I noticed that there was a lot of strong women this week and it was a nice change. Of course Kohaku has been essentially the brawn of the series for a little while which is an amusing subversion. I actually really appreciate how they made a physically strong female character without making any sort of big deal about it. There is not even the slightest implication that the trait is odd in any way. But aside from Kohaku being her usual brand of awesomeness, you had pink hair girl which really did everything on the bad guy’s side and Suika who more or less saved the day.  Let’s hear it for the ladies!
I liked that the Kingdom of Might seemed like a pretty nice place. Even if they end up ruining Tsukasa as a character, it’s still difficult to completely go against all these other people. They seem so chill!
I know I joked about it earlier but communication capacities really is one of the greatest tactical advantages you can get and I love that they are opting for an intel based attack.
What I Liked Less
I know I should stop harping about this but HOW did they not notice a village burning down like 20 feet away. They could feel the heat! I’m not saying that the lady could not have snuck in and started the fires and all that, it’s fine, but they had to wait for Hyoga to mention that he was a diversion before suddenly realizing it. That’s like when old cartoon character’s run off a ledge but don’t fall until they look down… It was a bit cheesy it’s all. It also made me laugh so not a complete loss.
So Hyoga had 4 stooges with him. And as they are trapped in a tree and he wants to see if there really is poisonous gas, he pushes them down to see if they survive. Great, he’s super evil, we know that now. But why did he have to push all four guys down at once? Now he’s just stuck in the tree with no more canaries to send down. Rather short sighted if you ask me!
Suika is cute and all, but she definitely would have been caught in the first minute. I’m glad she wasn’t…
Closing Thoughts
I was a touch nervous to see the return of Tsukasa. In my head Dr Stone is basically split in two. The early Taiju, Yuzu and Tsukasa episodes and then everything that happen since they split up. And I really like the second part way better. The idea of them all reuniting again makes me a bit nervous. However, this was another really good episode so I’m not sure what to think.
Mood: Happily unsure
    Dr. Stone Episode 19 – Tsukasa the Beloved On Fridays I watch Dr. Stone and Fire Force so this Friday was just chalk full of Fire and Fury!
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loyaltyhazards-blog · 7 years
I’m so fucking angry at myself. For liking people for far too long, for caring too much. I’m angry that I can be such a pushover and let people walk all over me and show me day after day that they don’t care. So why should I?
I hate social media. I hate the fact it causes friendships to die, people to become cowards, and people like myself to say things that they mean but can’t say it in person and I hate the trolls and keyboard warriors that increase bullying and harassment.
I hate facebook, I’m not the hugest fan of Instagram anymore. I don’t want some person I don’t know checking out my life, especially when half the time, if that person stalks me on social media but sees me down the street and they can’t even talk to me, can’t even say hello, can’t even look me in the eye. No thanks.
If you’re going to follow me, I expect a friendship in real life as well as the one that is provided through social media. Social media was and is supposed to assist people. Sometimes it can, sometimes it has its decent moments but most other times, it just fails. It has surpassed the assisting and become its own self, its own world, its existence is for itself now, not others.
I’m going to NZ early next year. I’m blocking all my accounts, whilst I’m overseas so only my friends the ones that act like friends in person as well as on social media, can see my travels. Stalkers will have to wait until mid-year next year when I reopen my accounts to see what I got up to months before hand.See how it feels to be shut out for the most pathetic of reasons. Why wasn’t I kept shut out 2 years ago, why wasn’t I shut before hand, before things changed? Why be shut out now? Makes no sense. That’s why I’m willing to try and stand up for myself better and not be such a pushover and shut everyone out when I do go overseas. Return the medicine.
No matter how hard I try it doesn’t seem to matter. I drop everything and anything for some people and what do I get in return. Fuck all! that’s what. 2.5 years of no communication and I’m still causing anger and hurt. I’m still on the receiving end of anger and hurt. People want my attention, I give it to them. What do I get in return? Fuck all. Why do you want my attention if you can’t give me anything in return? I try and start a conversation, and what’s the point? The people I want to talk to run, they hide, they want me out of their lives, but when it suits them, they want my attention, and I’m such a fucking push over and I give it to them and it’s all for nothing. I end up in tears, I end up hurt, I end up upset, I end up sad, I end up empty, I end up depressed and apparently, I’m the one at fault, yet I’m the one that does all the work, tries to fix things, make amends, wants a friendship to grow and get better, want a conversation. How��s that fair?
So, when I don’t follow you on social media, do you know why I don’t. Because you hate me. If I did, you’d kick me off and block me anyway. You want the attention but you don’t want me to be obvious so when I look like a stalker, just like you do too, it’s because you let me, same reason as I let you. Every day since I haven’t said one word in 2.5 years, I have wanted to follow on social media. Because unlike some people, I would try and say hello down the street, if the option was given to me not run and hide in the opposite direction like some followers are good at. I dropped everything and anything to make it work, to put the friendship right and the minute that things change, I accept the change for what it is and I keep doing the same thing that I have done for the past 2.5 years because I thought that’s what others wanted. How wrong I was. You can’t say hello to me in the street, you don’t want me officially part of your social media, but you want my attention- just from a distance how is it fair that I’m still the bad guy here?
I’m angry I never got to say goodbye, I’m angry I tried to make things right when it’s all for nothing. I’m angry you care so little about me that you now want me out of your life for good and I don’t understand why. I’m angry you could never stand up and say what you wanted or not wanted as the case may be you just use passive aggressive techniques, just so I get the hint. You know what. I’m glad you’re gone. I can finally get over you and stop feeling guilty. I can stop feeling like I’m being used. I can stop listening to all the words and start paying attention to the actions. The actions tell me you hate me. I can stop feeling worthless, and unloved like you made me feel for the past 2.5 years. I can start focusing on people who do want my genuine attention and friendship.
I know this is going to make people angry, and I’m over caring. This isn’t my fault this time. You want my attention- let me in. I’ll give it to you but be fair. Stop hating on me, stop thinking I’m the bad person here. All I wanted was to show you I care no matter how that turned out to be. I was always happy with a friendship and you never had the guts to give it to me. I had the guts to try. I had the guts to want to make it work and you never could match it. You just block me out and make it out that I’m in the wrong and it’s my fault and your actions are incredibly cowardly.
Just because you make me feel like this. I still want to follow you on social media. If I saw you down the street I still would try and say hello, I wouldn’t run. I still want your friendship. When I say I love you I mean that; I’m angry here. These words are my anger. I don’t hate you. I could never hate you. But you hate me and I don’t understand why you hate me. That’s why I don’t follow you on social media, why I couldn’t then and I why I couldn’t now, because you hate me. I’m scared that if I was to, you would reject me and block me anyway. Yet, you didn’t mind when I dropped everything and anything for you. I did it because I wanted to.  I would still do it today, tomorrow, next year, in 5-10 years’ time. Because I care. I do it out of love and to show you that I want a friendship, that I want you in my life, regardless of what that entails. Yet, you make me feel worthless. You make me feel like I’m only good enough to watch from a distance. Now you have taken that away from me too, with no explanation and no option of saying a final goodbye if that’s all I’m allowed to ever have.
I haven’t stopped feeling sad for 2.5 years since we stopped talking. I’ve tried to find the guts to fix it. You’ve seen that. I still affect you, you affect me, we affect one another. Yet you don’t want to fix things with me? When you realise I do care and that you want me back in your life, stop being a coward and running from me and find the guts to make the effort in return. I don’t understand how you can blame me all the time for all the work I’ve put in to fix things when you won’t in return.
You might tell me to move on. Fine. Maybe your actions are telling me to move on. I have, sort of. There’s at least 2. I may as well let you know their names. Priscilla and Danica were known to me. Jarrad and Ben. I spend time with Jarrad watching him play cricket. Just so you know. I haven’t made up my mind which one yet because they have a lot of work to prove too and I’m certainly not giving them as long as what I give you.  If I go on this trip still doubting them, that’s it for their chances.  I’m giving you all the time in the world. Until the day I die. I know that sounds profound and over the top and almost too much but it’s the truth. I hate the word soulmate. But I think we all have one. I know you’re mine. Sorry. You can disbelieve it all you want. We affect one another. You hate me remember.  I can’t love these other 2 the way I love you. I think I’ll still love you after I die. Soulmates aren’t always your romantic partner/lover. You can love someone without being with them. Sometimes your soulmate is even a family member or just a friend. Yes, in the back of my mind I will always want to love you romantically. I know that scares you. Maybe it’s why you hate me. But I also know that if you wanted to be with me romantically you would have by now. I’d like to think that if you change your mind, I’ll definitely give you the chance but don’t wait too long, and that’s the thing. When will you be ready, if you ever will be ready? I think romantically we missed that boat. I’m learning to accept one day you will have another girl in your life that isn’t me and every day I’m learning to be ok with it. Doesn’t mean I’ll stop loving you.
So, when I keep saying I love you, I’ll always love you. I might be angry right now but I know I mean it, and I’ll say it anyway, because I do love you, but I know you won’t believe it, because you hate me and you’ll act like I’m the worst person in the world, you’ll be angry with me and do and say things in the moment that will make me feel 10 times worse, I know you will, you do it all the time. I hope one day you do. I hope one day you do believe that I care and that you love me back, and enough to prove it to me too. Because all I see right now is someone that hates me for no good reason. Someone that is angry at me for no good reason. Someone that is blaming me for no good reason. I miss you and I hate feeling angry and I hate that you hate me and I hate that I’m sad all the time and I hate that things are the way that they are for 2.5 years and counting and I hate the fact that even though we still affect one another nothing’s being done to fix it. We’re just jumping to conclusions and causing problems that aren’t there. Why did you let me in at a distance for so long only to take it away from me? It’s why I can’t follow you even though I want to. Because your actions are speaking louder than words. Your actions say to me that you hate me, even though I will always say that I love you and I care and I thought my actions proved that too. If I could and when I could I was always going to ensure my actions and words continued to prove how much I cared. I just don't get how you can hate someone and shut them out, who showed and continues to show love, friendship, care and loyalty. I don't get how that's such a bad thing. Why you would run from it. He of little faith. ❤ 🔮
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grizzlefur · 7 years
WWEm - Mr Harper And His Amazing Magnified Wood
Tumblr media
Transmission date: Monday 8/Tuesday 9 May 2017
Probably weirdly similar to last night's Eurovision, it's SUNDAY AFTERNOON RAW!
cold open on dean walking backstage and getting a call
it's kurt
and dean makes an implied joke about sending him porn
kurt tells him something, he starts offering unsolicited advice, kurt hangs up
dean apparently has an announcement, goes to the ring
oh jesus, this is the london episode
should be interesting
booker's still here, more's the pity
dean opens with a bad cockney accent, the crowd love him for some reason
announces that kurt isn't here tonight
so he's named dean acting GM
this is a totally sensible move that can have no possible ill effects
starts talking about how much he hates talking, miz interrupts
which seems fair
his future monk robe has got retooled a bit, looks slightly less dumb
but he's still standing next to his phenomenally-dressed wife, so it's hard to tell
miz is here to complain about dean being in any position of power ever
dean tries to give miz a match, he interrupts by saying he's had a call from steph
london crowd respond with delete chants for some reason
and steph has named miz co-acting GM
such a job title
to make sure dean doesn't leave the show in a skip in greenwich
dean's like yeah whatever i'm still gonna murder your ass at extreme rules
miz manages an aggressive counter-promo about how great he is while hiding behind his wife
dean offers a magnanimous handshake, whBRRRAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUGHHHHHHH
with his arm in a sling
i really hope this injury is a work
it feels like it
dean and miz are both like ummmmmm ok
british crowd love them some braun
braun doesn't give a fuck who's GM
you'd think he would, if only to keep track of who he needs to intimidate
braun isn't finished because roman is still walking/alive
and after him, he wants brock
now that'll be a hell of a match
and braun gets interrupted by...?
oh, that's kalisto's new music
he's back, still in his cool new moulded gear
kalisto still has beef with braun after the dumpster debacle
which is totally the terrible sequel to the final deletion
kalisto wants one of the gms to give him a match with braun
it won't end well
braun rashly says he could beat kalisto with one arm, dean's like fuck it sounds good
so yeah, this shoulder injury's a work
"So TONIGHT, it'll be the mountain of a man Braun Strowman, versus Kalisto, the world's greatest tiny little man!"
Like, I like his wrestling well enough, but dean needs to be on the mic like all the time
braun's like well fuck
guess that was probably my own fault
but i'm still gonna murder everyone here
miz's like grats dean you've killed a small mexican are we making this into czw or something
dean responds like ooh good idea, but first up you're fighting finn
have fun
this is what miz gets when he comes to a promo wearing his ring gear
fifteen minutes in, cole adds his first extraneous 'the' to tower bridge
so yes, here is everyone's favourite possessed irishman
at least, according to possessed irishman quarterly
i should really sort out my subscription list
*does the arms*
crowd loves finn, you can barely tell because the crowd acoustics in the o2 are for shite
corey's like sure i'm the heel announcer but fuck me finn's amazing
bell rings, miz leaves
if you needed me to tell you that
fuck's sake, london, don't do the 2 sweet thing
you're more creative than that
this match is like 93% finn dropkicking miz to death
and 7% miz running away
with trace elements of maryse being a distraction
miz tries for a finale, preceded by his old superhero poses
although to the average current viewer, it probably just looks like he's stealing noam's shit as well
miz's strategy in his offense phases so far seems to be actively trying to rip finn's head off his body
unconscious pele kick, both go down
giving the crowd a chance to remind us why we hate the number ten
we watch the london episodes for interesting new chants, guys
finn kicks miz off the to rope, he takes the softest bump ever to the floor, finn does a crap baseball slide, we are all saddened
finn brings it back by doing his running headpunt again
miz throws finn into the ref, gets a mic to call for the dq in his capacity as co-acting-general-manager-type-situation
they go with it, miz leaves in triumph while looking like a twat
dean walks out like what the fuck is a disqualification start the match again get that woman out of here
miz comes up the ramp to complain, bell rings again, finn rockets up the ramp to take him out
throws him into the ring, sling blade, coup de grace, end
and this is what happens when you entrust your flagship show to two men who both hate each other and are also different kinds of shitheel
but now, alexa gets cornered by nia backstage
nia wants to know why she was the only one alexa didn't insult last week
alexa's like oh hey nia i get that you're awesome
nia's like if i'm so great give me a title shot after bayley
alexa says she doesn't make the matches
nia responds with "Well then, until we sort this out, looks like you've got a new best friend."
slaps her on the back, leaves, alexa is left looking equal parts smug and terrified
and now we're back in the ring, and here comes alexa
flanked by the large samoan woman who's on this show
okay, shut up, she's from hawai'i
but she's an anoa'i, so that totally fucking counts
mickie turns up looking smug, bayley's music hits
so it looks like mickie's got a friend as well
i think in both these partnerships, the woman in the ring should probably be the one on the outside running hype
can you imagine bayley/nia, with alexa and mickie only there to talk smack?
alexa hides behind the referee because she comes up to his thighs
gets kicked in the face anyway
london crowd take a break from singing hey bayley to sing mickey, for reasons that we totally cannot fathom it's not like it sounds like anything else get out of my office
mickie does a rana, it looks really strange thanks to the combination of her legs for miles and alexa's entire body for yards
also, note that alexa is back to being toni stark
this is a good match, the crowd are far more interested in the fact that bayley's in the room
mickie heads to the top rope, nia grabs her leg long enough for alexa to punch her in the face
bayley goes for nia at ringside, alexa gets the dirty pin, end
well, end the match
alexa runs away, bayley pursues
leaving nia here with an injured  mickie
massive corner splash, elbow drop, walk off because this bitch ain't worth my time
but now, dean is backstage with a production assistant
miz turns up like what the fuck is even going on
dean tells him to see him in his office, miz is like what the actual fuck why does this trashpile get an office and i don't
dean's apparently planned the entire show, tells miz to go home
miz wanted to do miztv with one of one direction, but dean's been too busy making matches
miz comes back like you like matches so much, you're fighting bray wyatt fuck you bye
next, it's bralisto
but first, charly tries to interview joe
but half a sentence in, he sees an opportunity for a philosophical yet angry villainous monologue
he does it so well
promising again to break every ligament in seth's body
so seth blindsides him
you would
turns into a backstage brawl, seth hits joe with a ladder
i wonder where this could be leading
officials tear them apart way more effectively than usual, fade
but actually next, we have braun/tiny man
after a recap of the dumpster shenanigans
probably not
this recap sponsored by just 4 men moustache and beard, so braun may be older than i thought
booker and corey trade what i think are boxing references?
kalisto breaks in with his new theme, its intro played on one of those weeeeeeeeooooooooo sticks you bought in gift shops in the 90s
braun goes for a mic, which is out of character
tells dean to shove it, refuses to have this match because he's injured
also because roman is a coward, which i don't get
bell rings anyway, braun kicks kalisto's face entirely off
starts choking him into the turnbuckle, hit roman's music
roman's wearing more shoulder tape than cesaro
referee's stood there like um guys what the shit is going on
roman has apparently just come here to stare at braun
so sweet
comes into the ring, ref is like seriously guys do not do this s2g i will TURN THIS CAR AROUND
braun punches roman's bad arm, he takes him down with three superman punches
nobody rings the dq for some reason
roman tries to spear braun through the barricade, he just lifts one leg to chest height
roman bullfights him into the post, rips his sling off, beats him into the post a bit
hits his bad arm into every surface available
the o2 crowd are not the hugest fans of roman, let's say
roman goes for a chair, does a bunch of shots with it, still somehow a babyface
braun does the sensible thing and leaves
london is less than impressed
especially when roman poses in the ring
where the fuck did kalisto even go?
apparently later we have joe/seth
such imaginative booking, new managers
but now we're in the locker room, with truth singing along to his music
goldust comes in to be like dude this is big can we maybe be serious and actually win a fucking match
goldust says they can be a better blast from the past than the hardyz
i'll be honest, i'm not sure i want old goldust back
or at least, don't go too far back
that match next, but first, a video to remind you how amazing shinsuke is
oh, also backlash is happening
and an advert for supercard, which makes it feel like champions has already shit the bed
and let's have a recap of braun/roman from literally minutes ago
look at your franchise babyface, everyone
jojo gets her title card as she explains how tag turmoil works
it's not the fucking brawl for all, i think we get it
so yeah, this is the contendership match
first up, greasy and big
corey makes a chav joke
we love you corey
enzo has sprung for a union jack loincloth
thanks crowd guy, apparently matt is a letdown
take that, matt
enzo makes a poop joke, take a shot
okay, don't play that game, because this intro would leave you with cirrhosis
so much poop
at least they're rhyming today
been a while
london loves them, because of course they fucking do
corey: "I'm officially done with this. Enzo Amore just celebrated incontinence."
oh, but here come the KKB to kill them dead
still rocking the aviators of evil
i like their jackets, in a we brought fourteen knives through customs kind of way
crowd tried something new i didn't catch, then go back to seven nation armying for enzo
oh, it's the sheamus and cesaro thing, to...do the conga?
is that what that pattern is?
pan out to the hardyz watching the match, sadly from the locker room and not in a river taxi or madame tussaud's or a wetherspoons or something
sheamus hits an irish curse on enzo, cesaro tags in to just stomp the shit out of him
the man can take damage
enzo bullfights both of them sequentially, which mostly just insults their intelligence, goes for the tag
cesaro grabs his leg, goes down to the worst dragon screw ever seen on tv, sheamus murders cass at ringside
cesaro locks in a sharpshooter, enzo taps
and next up, slater and rhyno
who have come dressed as the consituent parts of last night's croatian entry
(they haven't, but that'd be great)
sheamus and cesaro run up the ramp to kick the shit out of them before the bell can ring
they really get these proud english traditions
people finally get back in the ring
all of london do the i got kids chant, cesaro doesn't give a fuck, kicks him in the crotch, the crowd change it to no more kids
okay, as testicle jokes go, that was pretty good
heath tries for a hot tag, rhyno still isn't conscious
finally makes it to the apron, sheamus boots him off it at mach 4
and then returns to choking heath to death
heath gets out, tries for a hot tag to someone who still doesn't exist, cesaro uppercuts him into the corner, tags in sheamus, assisted brogue for the pin
next up, gallows and anderson
sheamus's hawk is the only hair in this ring
the club do their backbreaker elbow drop on cesaro, pan out again to matt hardy like hmm i appreciate that manoeuvre and jeff like yes i am also here
sheamus tags in against gallows, this match just turns into a bar fight
if you've seen the first ep of american gods, that what this is like
brief spot of everyone running in and hitting big spots on each other, all four go down, no ten-count because fuck your rules
sheamus hits white noise on gallows for a near-fall, london forget to do the thing
thank god
the timing all goes slightly dodgy, as the club set up a magic killer and then calmly wait for cesaro to get back to the ring and break it
and the brogue to anderson for the pin
and now, finally, the fucking golden truth
they explode onto the scene and open just enough asskickery on them to make you briefly consider that they might win
not sure where they're going with this
probably turning goldust heel again?
cesaro does a weird tag in from ringside, atomic drops goldust onto the barricade
truth gets a what's up thing going, apparently not giving a shit that his partner's in a submission
such teamwork
as ever, heels are the organised ones
cesaro beats the shit out of an old man in a vinyl bodysuit, pauses to casually punch his partner off the apron
goes for another sharpshooter, truth manages to break it
hot tag to truth, and he's actually looking in pretty good condition
lie detector to scissor kick, near-fall
welp, truth, that was your chance
and then cesaro gets a rollup off...what the fuck even happened there?
it just looked like truth accepted that he'd spent all his finishers and given up
sheamus and cesaro beat on them some more after the bell, cue some avenging weirdos
matt does two delete arms, call your lawyers
they run to the ring, sheamus and cesaro are just like whatever fuck this noise and leave
matt stands in the ring doing even more deletes, cesaro backs into the cameraman
if you have a thing for swiss kidney areas, boy do i have a timecode for you
and now for a recap of joe/seth
fuck that, i'm not saying 'jeth' for the sake of three letters
so yes, we have that match next
after an advert for the mania dvd
because we need mania adverts backward through time, apparently
so yes, we have a match i don't have a portmanteau for now
here's seth, being slapped by random british people as he goes down the ramp
occupational hazard in london, really
joe glowers so hard the camera guy forgets how focus works
bell rings, punch party starts
booker sagely informs us that joe has feet as well as hands, corey counters that "every one of his appendages is a weapon"
and then goes mysteriously silent for a time
lovely sling blade from seth, but this really shouldn't surprise anyone
and a big blockbuster, but it looks like the main casualty of it was seth's left hip
and then joe returns to working seth's allegedly-bad knee
which will heal around the same time as cesaro's shoulder
joe pauses mid-beatdown to stare into seth's soul and ask if he can hear his ligaments yet
seth counters out of a coquina clutch, hits two suicide dives and a top rope elbow, joe doesn't give a shit
sets up for something else, joe counters into his freakishly fast snap powerslam like fuck you peasant i am your king
london is split on who to support, cos they're both great and this match is great
joe goes for another suplex, seth hits a really complex counter into a falcon arrow
goes for a coquina clutch, seth does a beautiful spinning enzuigiri out of it, goes for a muscle buster, seth grabs the rope and pulls the turnbuckle pad off "accidentally"
and joe whips him into it oh what a shock
the ref tries to fix it, joe takes the pad and throws it to a lucky fan, whips him into the corner again for a dq
and then does it again, because fuck you i'm samoa joe
and coquina clutches seth into the calm embrace of morpheus
morpheus, in this case, being represented by a 300-pound polynesian man
cut to the announcement that miz is actually getting his title match next week, not at extreme rules
and a reminder that we've got dean/bray coming up
but first, an advert for bring it to the table
sure, whatever
but now, here comes neville
i was wondering when we'd break out the purple ropes tonight
cut to a facebook video of neville telling tj to murder jack gallagher to prove his worth
so neville's just here to spit angry geordie fire on announce
jack comes in, neville is enormously bitter about his crowd reaction
tj has changed to being billed as just 'tjp'
clearly neville has bestowed upon him the dark rite in which he traded his name for power
bell rings, tj doesn't give a shit, just sits on the turnbuckle chewing gum like a twat
does jack's v-sign, so jack dabs
jack stealing a dance move that tj invented back through time enrages him, so he comes down, only to get immediately chinned
throughout all of this, neville is just ripping every kind of shit out of cole
and it's great
tjp drop toe holds jack into the ring steps
jack is getting some ENGERLAND chants, and i feel like i can picture every person doing them
tj doesn't care for jack's corner handstand tomfoolery, gets a shoe in the face as a result
and tj gets a fistful of rainbow pants for a rollup out of nowhere
goes back in to fuck up jack's knee, austin runs out of the crowd to take it back to him
he's got one of the kneebraces that seem de rigeur this season on
so that was a really short cruiserweight segment
next up, sasha banks does a thing
after another backlash advert, actually focusing on someone other than shinsuke for once
so yes, here's sasha
against alicia, who's already in the ring
and has also come as the cyan ranger this week
cue the slapfight
alicia hits a northern lights like two moves in
way to keep your finisher special
the crowd are very worked up over something entirely external to the match, which is a shame, cos this is pretty good
and also because fuck's sake, guys, you paid for these tickets
and sasha hits her double knee drop to the face for the jankiest pin ever
that was so awkward that i wonder if she got hurt
corey calls out the weirdness of the pin, because only heels get facts
and then we get a several-angle action replay of how much of a pin that wasn't
but up next, main event time, with eternal fire of damnation vs trash fire under a bridge
and miz is on announce, which is nice
wyatt cut to bray's intro, which cole slightly ruins by not shutting the fuck up
have i mentioned on here how much i like bray's kraken shirt?
because it feels like i must've
dean enters immediately, so we don't even get to hear bray talk
did...did miz just call dean a sloth?
a think he might have said slob, thinking about it
that would probably make more sense
but i prefer my image
bray proclaims his godhood, london are completely behind him on this
if the man ever wanted to stop all this wrestling bollocks and set up a demon church, we know which side of the atlantic it should be on
dean hits bray with a suicide dive, bray responds by suplexing him out of the ring from ringside
meanwhile, miz is just piling the trashtalk on cole
poor guy, having to be insulted by neville and miz within like half an hour
it's just a mercy kevin's not on this show any more, i guess
dean does his rope catch bounce thing, bray just smirks and gives him a lariat to run into
as expected from these two, this is just the trashiest fight
dean lines up an elbow drop, bray rolls out of the ring, dean says screw it and does it to ringside instead
dean's trying to amp up the crowd, but they are just behind bray for miles
miz announces that he wants a closer look at the match, waltzes down the ramp
bray goes for sister abigail off the distraction, gets countered, just uranages him through the floor instead
the crowd are doing a randy savage chant, because fuck actually watching the match, i guess
i've seen some long-ass superplex setup spots in my time, but dang
dean eventually wins it, goes for an axehandle on bray, jumps into a fist to the chest
miz starts interference, dean starts going for dirty deeds but then suicide dives miz instead
miz takes advantage of the ref's colossal blind spot to coldcock dean with his belt
bray goes for a quick pin, doesn't get it, so sister abigail for the win
miz announces bray's victory with a strange level of glee
oh my god
how good would it be if they started working together, with the angle that miz was actually falling for bray's teachings
just imagining squeaky-clean devil preacher miz is making me happy
miz beats on dean some, then does an enormously hot promo over his body
including insulting britain, so i'm kind of on his side
and fade on miz and maryse being that insufferable couple and dean lying in the ring, growling and plotting his revenge on happy, successful people
downs will be smacked later, but in the meantime, here's a screaming Ukrainian drag act to keep you amped up
well, i hope you all enjoyed that 19-hour verka break
god knows i did
but now that the important business is out of the way, let's squeeze in some MONDAY AFTERNOON SMACKDOWN!
as long as we all accept that i've had 2 hours of sleep, so this is probably going to be 90 minutes of mass effect jokes that don't quite go anywhere, shitty pwr bttm hot takes, and "oh look a wrestle happened"
by continuing to read, you are accepting these terms and conditions
(daniel assures me that's how it works)
that aside, on with the show!
we open on a dramatic recap of the ongoing saga of jinder mahal winning a thing
and reminding me how hard i find it to boo him for shouting at americans for not accepting diversity
and also how shitty the resolution of the HoH match was
the new day are in the titles, despite having not yet appeared on this show
okay, we're still in london
wonder if we've got a less shit london this time
oh hey, randy's here
maybe he'll enlighten us as to when exactly he learnt to FUCKING TELEPORT
shane seems to have given him his belt back
two sentences in, randy talks shit about the evil fridge
three and a half sentences in, here comes jinder to save us from randy trying to emote
flanked by his loyal day-glo shirts and the bollywood boyz they abducted
ooh, we get to see the promo shots he was doing before shane took the belt
that is certainly a set of photos of a man with a belt
apparently when jinder wins, the grateful nation of india will build a statue of him
so apparently what we've got this time is the casually racist london crowd
fuck off, guys
just before jinder can do a promo in punjabi, kevin comes in to remind them that nobody should be giving a shit about people that aren't him
gets cheered for saying india ain't shit, wins his heel heat back by reminding the crowd that england ain't shit either
so he's here to talk about how much he killed jericho and is going to kill aj at backlash
and then after that, he's coming after whoever has the top belt
restates his promo in french, gets boos because this fucking crowd, reminds me once again how fucking strange québécois vowels are
and now we have styles now
i smell a curtain-jerk tag match
london might not like people who speak different languages, but damn if they don't fucking love aj styles
tells kevin he ain't shit, and now here...comes...baron corbin?
gets about six words in before getting coldcocked by sami
brief brawl ensues, the heels get chased away, the crowd have stopped giving a shit
so that was certainly a segment
later we have dolph confronting shinsuke, and next it's becky/nattie
and confirmation that the main event is going to be a 6-man tag with all those guys
cut back to the ring, and carmella and tamina are here, with ellsworth doing hype for them
opens by calling the crowd plonkers, goes well
and then carmella takes the mic to do a hype intro for nattie
fuck me, but this is some byzantine hype power structure we've got here
how many people have to die before tamina gets the mic?
and now...naomi is here?
so looks like we're having another one of those entire division in one segment things
naomi is here to do another bad cockney voice and run hype for becky
seriously, can we all stop doing the bad cockney cheap pop?
becky and nattie square off, cue charlotte's music
presumably to be like excuse you why was i not invited
points out how she doesn't need someone else to hype her, but neglects to address the matter of why the fuck she's here in the first place
jbl takes the opportunity now that he's actually in england to start making mainstream american sport references
sort it out
london start doing the give it up chant pattern for becky, but something about those vowels makes it feel off to me
but then, thinking too much about phonology is my 3rd-7th middle names
some kind of heel distraction happened there, charlotte and naomi came at cross purposes, nattie scores a cheap pin off the distraction, end segment
wow, this show doesn't feel rushed at all
but apparently next, we have fashion files: special london unit
after another burlana video
fuck, but i hope she's not russian any more
and i kind of like her shitty jazz music, but that just says a lot about me
but now, charlotte and naomi argue backstage
naomi has personal space issues, charlotte's still kind of an unlikeable bitch
becky bursts in to be like jesus ladies sort your shit out we need to actually work together if we're going to beat these asswipes
charlotte like sure i can bond i'm THE GREATEST at bonding
remember when she got to have friends in nxt?
so they're going for a 6-woman tag at backlash
but now, fashion files
*tonk tonk*
which they've replaced wth fandango just making the noise
they've come as an english policeman and sherlock homes
they find spilled paint, a sure sign of the usos, who no longer wear paint
fandango dips a finger, tastes, "Yep. That's lead paint."
they hear screaming, bust down a door, and it's just the ascension screaming at each other
like they do
tyler is getting too old for this shirt
so yeah, that happened
and now we have mr harper and his amazing magnified wood
fighting erick rowan, after this exciting ad break
rowan's music is still fucking great, and his new mask is...yeah
thoughtfully puts it on one ring post staring at the crowd as the match starts
harper single leg dropkicks rowan in the face, because fuck you i'm luke harper i know 1437 moves
rowan takes a moment to commune with his mask
i am down for weird totemic rowan where the mask is channeling the voice of bray or something
and next up in esoteric angles that would please your author and basically nobody else...
mildly terrifying sideslam from rowan, aided by the fact that harper can clearly jump like fuck
rowan uses the mask to distract the ref, austins harper in the eye, weird spinning slam for the win
i love how after the ref took rowan's mask off him, he considerately put it back on the post
end segment, no words
on to dolphamura buildup no. 735
inb4 dolph makes a joke about ugly british people
oh, no, he just goes traight in ranting at the crowd for ignoring him for eight years and jumping on shinsuke immediately
apparently we treat dolph like a contagious disease
indeed, i do have a general policy of not letting dolph ziggler into my bloodstream
dolph goes on about how shinsuke hasn't had a match, nxt chants deafen
dolph: "Well, this'll all be edited out, so."
he's another good one for actually having the quickness and composure to react to crowd shit
talks shit on shinsuke for calling himself 'the artist', despite the fact that he never actually has
dolph does this whole impassioned speech, the whole crowd just do nakamura chants, and he just stands there oozing bitterness
calls shinsuke out, cue the drop guaranteed to make me flail like an electrocuted trout
turns out this crowd do like people who speak another language, but only if they also happen to be the smoothest motherfucker on god's green earth
shinsuke gets in the ring, just stands there charismaing at dolph and waiting for him to speak first
he does, dolph mocks, shinsuke takes his mic
tells him to shut his fuck up, says they can have a match now
they square off and remove jackets, dolph's just like nope i'm a douche we do this when i say so
and then coldcocks him anyway, because, once again, douche
it ends about as well for him as youd expect
i.e., dolph gets his dumb topknot puched off
retreats from the ring with his majestic mane flying free
and cut to the locker room, where sami is once again trying to chair a meeting of his teammates
randy and aj are both just stood there like who's this talky motherfucker
calls randy the heavy artillerary
boom shakaloo
they both leave while he's doing a visualisation exercise
a new day video in which they take to the medium of old-school arcade games to call everyone else in the division booty
let's be honest, i could follow those first six words with literally anything else and you'd have no reason to doubt me
but speaking of teams who just got bootied, it's fashion police/ascension now
one of these teams is on the card for backlash
just gonna leave that there
far more interesting than this match is tom's slow descent into total aphasia and inability to go a sentence without corpsing
viktor gets to punch tyler in the face some, but goes down to a leg drop from fandango
that sentence accurately conveys how complex and interesting that match was
but here are the usos to talk shit
and do their version of the how you doin list thing
during which jimmy catches tom's corpsing sickness and jey makes some mildly homophobic jokes
so yeah, that segment happened
is it me, or is this like the least inspiring episode of smackdown since the split?
on which note, talking smack has dolph, mojo, and the usos
one of these men has not even been on screen this week
but now we have a 205 advert, in which kendrick elucidates us as to how much shit akira tozawa ain't while making far too many twitchy hand gestures
not gonna be able to unsee that now
but now, mojo is taking some adorable children on a tour backstage, and teaching them a valuable lesson about tolerance through the medium of stories about andre the giant
...okay, sure, whatever
that was literally the entirety of the segment
but now, a twitter video of rusev ranting at shane for not responding to his weird out-of-nowhere ultimatum
apparently he will actually deign to come to his workplace next week for once
but now we have the big tag match now
as far as this crowd are concerned this match is just aj styles+5
randy nearly rko's kevin, jbl gleefully informs us that "It only takes one!", having apparently never watched a solid 50% of randy orton matches where it does not
kevin tags in, baron immediately holds his hand out to tag
holds it there a really awkward length of time while kevin has no interest in him whatsoever
we've arrived at the 'sami zayn gets his face punched concave' section of this match
also the 'singh brother dayglo sleeve temporarily covers half the camera' section, apparently
sami tries to do a springboard splash before having absorbed enough punishment, baron just punches him the fuck out of the air
can't tell if baron's pointedly keeping his hands off sami in their corner or stealing randy's pose
sami somehow manages to rip baron's shirt off while getting the shit beaten out of him
that just smacks of poor manufacturing standards
hot tag to aj, who punches everyone in the face
sets up a styles clash on baron, loses it but transitions into a calf crusher
kevin breaks it, general brawl happens punctuated mainly by sami topeing everyone
aj tries to do a phenomenal forearm on baron, having  neglected the customary checks to see if KEVIN OWENS IS RIGHT BEHIND YOU OH GOD
kevin shouts about it being his title while applying a master headlock so hard it looks like he's trying to compress aj's head into the world's first georgian farm-fed organic diamond
randy tags in, kicks everyone until he gets distracted by the singhs
and then everyone does their finishers on everyone, culminating in jinder cobra slamming randy for the pin
there's no way in hell he'll win at backlash, but it'd be cool if he did
him and his cohorts stand halfway up the ramp, all shouting in punjabi, randy lies in the ring with this bewildered look of what is losing i don't lose things i'm randy orton
and scene
so that was a pair of really shitty london matches
good job, guys
hey, maybe it's not that hard
lemme try
0 notes