#not to mention the amount of times he yells at the 13year olds to shut up because they make compelling arguments to his bullshit
oxydiane · 2 years
something that does not sit well with me is that in prisoner of azkaban sirius explains that pettigrew was actually hiding from death eaters because “voldemort went to the potters because of what peter told him and met his end there” and they would try to harm him for being the reason the dark lord fell yada yada so death eaters knew pettigrew was the traitor, and they definitely knew sirius was not on their side. snape was dumbledore’s literal spy there is no way in hell he didn’t know sirius was innocent. and yet he still claimed to have rescued harry, ron and hermione and was ready to receive an order of merlin for dooming an innocent man, the last bit of family left to an orphan, and letting the man he knew had sold james and lily’s position to voldemort escape
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