#not to mention the nausea
stormyrainyday · 4 months
i have GOT to stop eating things i'm allergic to these foods are not giving me energy all they're doing is making my tummy hurt
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bugsinapocket · 6 months
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Finally finished hhh
Reblogs appreciated!!💕💕
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valtsv · 10 months
frankly i think we should encourage writers to put more vomiting in their stories. sometimes when something happens the only reasonable response is to be sick about it. NORMALIZE PUKING 💪🤢
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minty364 · 8 months
DPXDC Prompt#128 part 2
Jason had finally made it too a safe house, his eyes blurred everything together and he was having a hard time breathing. His soulmate seemed close to death when they switched and Jason began to worry about making it a little. Thankfully the safe house was close to where his soulmate had been wandering. He was getting a scolding when Jason was finally in his own body he decided. He thankfully remembered the combination for the lock and sat down on the couch after locking the doors behind him. 
His head was pounding and he wanted to do nothing more than lay here on the couch but the sooner he got in contact with Bruce and the rest of them the sooner he could find himself in his own body again. He took closer attention to the one he was inhabiting at the moment and noticed a few things about it. For one he was wearing a shiny silver belt that had some bright green, the kind that seemed a little too close to the green of the pit or his eyes when he got angry. He moved to touch it but when his skin made contact he violently got shocked. Now Jason had gotten electrocuted before, but this was on a whole new level. 
This utterly confused him, why was his soulmate wearing something that would cause him this level of pain? He couldn’t have been wearing it on purpose, maybe he was forced to wear it? The more he thought about it the more pissed off he got. If someone was forcing his soulmate to wear something that caused this level of pain to torture him made Jason nauseous. He took a few breaths to calm himself before he thought about what his next steps should be.
First he was going to check and see what supplies this safe house had, it was one of Bats so there was probably a spare communicator somewhere he could use. He carefully got back up from the couch afraid to touch the damn belt again and began looking. He found some first aid and a communicator right where he thought it’d be and he put it in his ear and spoke,
“Hey, Jason here, finally got to a safe house, buddy when you get here you’ve got some explaining to do”
Danny could feel how tense the car was as Batman drove. He’d  be totally excited to be riding in the Batmobile but dreaded the conversations he was about to have with everyone here, everyone being Batman, his soulmate, and all of the people that could apparently hear everything through the helmet he was wearing. Danny was afraid to take it off at this point seeing as Batman had been almost silent the whole way. 
Danny had a few moments to actually think about things. The most pressing being his soulmate was in his half almost fully dead body. He knew he was wearing ratty clothes and a specter deflector last. They made him wear it at the facility and he really hoped his soulmate hadn’t tried to touch it. 
Another thing that had bothered him is the body he was currently in. It felt off, not half dead like his own but something similar. He could feel the ectoplasm flowing through his veins but it was much less than what he had. Jason was more alive than Danny was especially at the moment. 
He’d panic a bit more about not knowing the state his soulmate and body were except his helmet crackled back to life,
“Hey, Jason here, finally got to a safe house, buddy when you get here you’ve got some explaining to do”
It felt weird hearing his own voice in the tone of a stranger and he felt it was probably the same for him.
“Jason I’m in the car with your soulmate, let me know your position,” Batman said his voice crackled in his ears. Danny wasn’t sure what to say, he was worried about his soulmate but he sounded really pissed. Probably because Danny took his chance to kill the Joker, he assumed his soulmate intended to kill him anyways since the safety was off.
Danny kept silent throughout the rest of the trip after Jason told them his location. He was honestly a little terrified, he wouldn’t doubt that his soulmate knew Batman with the way they were talking to each other so he went through what he knew about the bats. He went through all of the bats he knew and came to the conclusion that his soulmate must have been Red Hood which meant he was in Red Hoods body at the moment and that thought didn’t help comfort him at all. 
That also meant that Red Hood was his soulmate and that terrified him even more. He’d heard stories, mostly from Sam who kept an eye on everything Gotham related seeing as it was her favorite city. Danny missed his friends, they had seen him get kidnapped by the GIW and tried their best to free him but it wasn’t any use.
Danny spent months in the facility and if it wasn’t for the GIWs own incompetence he’d still be there. They had done some terrible things to him during his captivity. They were in the middle of moving him back to his cell when the lights went out. They hadn’t thought to install a back up generator so the ghost shield had temporarily gone down. He was able to fight them back and escape somehow but the belt he was forced to wear made it impossible for him to use his powers. 
He had been on the run for about a week when the switch happened. 
He tensed a little as Batman parked the car. 
Master Post:
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sickficideas · 1 year
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"You just threw up the water you had ten seconds after drinking it, but you're still gonna keep saying you're fine, huh?"
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leighsartworks216 · 1 year
My Moonlight
Astarion x gn!Tav/Reader
This is a part 2 to My Sunshine. You'll need to read that one first for context. Tumblr link - AO3 link
I play with the headcanon that white is not Astarion's natural hair color. The general consensus was dark, possibly black hair, and brown or hazel eyes. Check out the post I got this hc from here!
I don't know if there'll be another part to this. School is kicking my ass rn
Beta read by @big-armed-mar Thank you again <333
Warnings: graphic descriptions of drinking blood from rats, grief over past friendship, anxiety and nausea mentions, descriptions of blood, drinking blood, hurt/comfort, some fluff
Word Count: 1,596
Astarion was cagey around you. He played nice, of course. Polite smiles, and violent tendencies disguised as friendly advice. Maybe, with his facade of sweetness, he thought you wouldn’t notice the way he stayed toward the back of the group, or set up his tent just a little further from the fire.
Part of you wishes for the simple way things were, before all this. Side by side in front of a fire, drinking wine and sketching him while he reads to you, with the sorrow of parting for the day sweetened by a kiss on your foreheads. It was so simple, then. So easy and carefree. You were young! You had the whole world ahead of you! And then…
And then he died. And so too did those times.
Maybe they came back with him, came a stray thought. It hurt to dismiss it. Those times would not be coming back soon, if they ever did.
You’re too scared to ask to draw him. The fear of being rejected outweighs the possible rewards. So at night, when everyone has settled and everything is quiet, you sit away from everyone else, you pull out your journal, and you sketch. Seeing him again has refreshed the image in your mind. It is much easier now to put a face to the sketches. You’re never happy with them - his eyes are off somehow; his mouth doesn’t hold the right expression - but you refuse to stop your tradition now.
There are little differences, you’ve noticed, from the old drawings to the newer ones. Aside from the obvious of your style and confidence improving throughout the years, there were details then that didn’t exist now.
His hair before was shaded dark, with simple highlights indicating where the light was coming from. Now, his hair was mostly white space, lightly shaded to give it volume. It had been so long - was his hair darker back then? It was hard to picture him with anything darker than his now bright-white curls, and yet…
His eyes were also different. They were still dark, but in a different way. You’ve picked up numerous ways to give off the impression of specific colors over the years - blue and green were intricate displays of mid to light tones, hazel mixed dark and medium tones, brown were deep with little-to-no variation in shading. The old sketches had his eyes closer to brown than your current ones, that mixed deep shading with lighter tones to portray their deep crimson.
Had you really forgotten so quickly what he looked like…? Your best friend?
After his death, you’d taken up sleeping. It had provided an escape, however temporary. Now, though, you didn’t want the Astarion in your dreams to hold you and comfort you - you wanted the real one to. It hurt to see one so warm and welcoming and the other so distant and reserved.
Tonight was no different. Anxiety swelled in your chest. Nausea poked at your stomach. You’re on edge, like a deer that knows it’s being stalked. Dreams and reality faded in and out, taking their turns. In one, Astarion walked beside you, playfully bumping into your shoulder as you made your way through Baldur’s Gate. In the other, Astarion leaned over you, teeth bared.
When he sees your eyes open, half-lidded, tired eyes staring up at him in a daze, he immediately backs away, caught red handed. He stands with hands outstretched to show he was unarmed and harmless. Well, mostly harmless. He’s shocked when all you do is sit up on your bedroll.
“It’s not what it looks like, I swear!”
You raise an eyebrow.
He stammers as he tries to explain himself. “I wasn’t going to hurt you! I just needed - well, blood.”
The firelight is dim, but the moon lights him up clearly. You see him, now. Pointed canines and two scarred punctures on his neck, with hollow cheeks and too-pale skin. “You’re… a vampire.” He bristles when you say it. “That’s how you’re alive.”
He barks out a mirthless, bitter laugh. “Undead, my dear,” he corrects. “But… yes.” He doesn’t let you get a word in before he launches into his next defense. “I was only going to have a nibble, I swear! I feed on animals, usually. Boars, deer, kobolds - whatever I can get. But it’s not enough. Not if I have to fight. I feel so… weak. If I just had a little blood, I could think clearer. Fight better.” He pauses for a moment, a pleading look on his face. “Please.” And you can’t tell if it’s genuine or not.
The tadpole behind your eyes wriggles. The sensation makes you shiver. You can feel hints of his mind touching yours. The hunger, the weakness. But it feels half-there. The worm says you can look deeper, know the truth behind it all. You want to ignore it, but your grief begs you to know.
You push into his mind, past the picked-out truths, to find the whole one. He’s startled by it, by you, but you can’t let this slip past your fingers. When his mind opens, you’re flooded with a barrage of memories and emotions. Fear, desperation, starvation, hatred - all surrounding a pair of dark eyes. They command him to feed, to drink from the rat squirming in his hands. You feel the gag at the back of your throat as his mouth becomes full of watery, rancid blood and fur. You can feel the rat still in his hands, drained to every last drop. It is all he will be given to eat. When you finally pull from his mind, Astarion’s face is full of disgust and hardship.
You swallow hard around the phantom feeling of wriggling in your mouth, urging it to leave. You can only imagine what it must have been like for him. It makes your heart ache.
“You ate animals because you were forced to,” you whisper. He can’t meet your eyes. “Not because you wanted to.”
“I-” He stopped. His voice became small. “Yes. Yes, I ate whatever disgusting vermin my master picked. So you can see why I’m slow to trust you.” Maybe he sees the flicker of pain in your eyes. Maybe he corrects himself for his own benefit. You can’t tell. His protective facade is back in place once more. “But I do trust you. And you can trust me.”
“I do. I trust you.”
“Thank you.” He shifts around, hesitant to ask his next question. “Do you think you could trust me just a little further? I only need a taste, I swear.”
You nodded. “Of course, Astarion. You only needed to ask.”
His eyes widened. “Really? I - of course. I’ll avoid the slinking around next time,” he chuckles. “Let’s make ourselves comfortable, shall we?”
You lay back once more. The stars are quickly hidden behind Astarion as he leans over you once more. His hands on either side of your head keep him over you. Like this, you feel small. A rabbit in the clutches of a wolf. But this is what you wanted after so long; to be close to him again.
His face softens. For a brief moment, it’s the face of the Astarion you once knew. Your heart rate spikes as he leans down, not toward your neck, but toward your forehead. A brush of a kiss, barely there at all. As he speaks, you can feel his lips moving along your skin and cold breaths of air.
“Thank you…” He sighs, finding the strength to say what was on his mind. You close your eyes, willing this moment to be implanted in your memories forever. “My dear moonlight.”
His lips brush against your neck. He can hear your heart racing, feel it just beneath your skin. Had you ever been this close before? Surely, you’d indulged in hugs and cuddling with him…right? His memory was so foggy. Trying to go back to those days hurt. But having this experience, right here, right now. He wishes he could lose himself in it.
And then there’s the frightening realization that you’re his first.
Before he can linger too long on how vulnerable that made him feel, he lined his teeth up, and bit down. You gasped in his ear. Blood rushed from the wound into his mouth. It was sweet. Sweeter than any rat or roach. And full-bodied like an exquisite wine. He wanted to drown in it - in you. Remain latched at your throat for another century, indulging and bloating himself on the saccharine ichor.
It’s barely a whisper, but the softness of it pulls him from his feeding. He detaches his mouth from your neck and watches a few stray drops as they slide to the ground. Your face is relaxed; eyes closed and skin bathed in moonlight. Your hand detangles from his hair, and he wonders how long it had been there.
“Did I take too much?”
You shake your head and open your eyes, at last. They’re dulled and out of focus, lids fighting to close once more, but you look right at him. And you smile. “I’m okay.”
Tension leaves his shoulders. What had he been worried about?
He pushes himself up to his knees, and you roll over to face him. He thinks you might try starting a conversation, but all you do is get comfortable and give in to the exhaustion of blood loss.
“This is a gift, you know,” he says quietly. He’s not even sure if you can hear him. “I won’t forget it.”
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The one-way mirror.
Veritas slinks down against the door of his apartment, letting the satchel hit the ground with a resounding ‘thump’. A hand finds its way to his messy locks, yanking the laurels out. He was no victor. Victors do not cry, right? That’s what mama- mother.
That’s what mother always said. His cheeks stung at the reminder of distant pain.
He covers his ears…everything’s quiet. Too quiet. Oh, the ceiling fan switch was right in front of him…surely he could just get up. He could turn the fan on, and everything would be okay. He’d cool off. The white noise would help him.
And yet Veritas remained sat on the ground, the only thing punctuating the nauseatingly still air being his broken sobbing and shaky breaths. 
He felt dizzy. Of course, that was the result of having to pretend and act like he was fine while getting out of his car; when in reality, it was the claustrophobia of his headpiece–his mask if you will– making it impossible to breathe right. But even in the privacy of his own home, the silence choked him, made him feel so incredibly self-concious. 
It was embarrassing. So incredibly embarrassing. Veritas Ratio is not a crier. He barely emotes outside of his usual grimace and look of disappointment. He became the talk of the town when someone caught him smiling once (not that he liked it). And yet, now, his face was sticky with streak marks of tears…hey, when did he stop crying?
He shakily inhaled, the last few tears left in his eyes dripping down onto the floor. He coughed a little bit. He was at the last stage of his breakdown…what was it called again? Veritas couldn’t remember. 
He slinked down lower, feeling the weight of true silence punctuate the air. He felt like throwing up again. When did he last eat today, again? Did he eat today…? He must have, he’s Doctor Ratio. 
Doctor Ratio…foolish. He was a fool to think that his brain could carry him that far. Veritas would’ve laughed if he had the energy to do so. 
Lonely, lonely, lonely. That was what the daggers said while they punctuated his thoughts. Those happy smiles of cheerful casualness. He couldn’t maintain that, no matter how hard he tried. Does he know anyone who knows how he jokes around? Does he have any real friends? Does he know people who can see him as Veritas, and not Doctor Ratio? 
His head hurts. He can’t remember.
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carnivore-voyeur · 6 months
To the chronically ill Dewdrop fans, have we thought about former water ghoul current fire ghoul Dewdrop getting heat exhaustion easily because he can’t regulate his body temperature like a normal fire ghoul and as such he heats up too quickly sometimes so he needs to lay down and cool off or else he gets dizzy and nauseous and maybe Rain puts his cool, water ghoul hands on his back and neck?
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 6 months
Pairings: None
Word Count: 1,794 Words
Summary: The solar eclipse after Solar's death has an energy to it.
Warnings: Character Death, Caps, Cursing, Overworking, Self-Hatred (from Moon, of course), Sleep Deprivation, Blood (minor), Minor Injury, Ghost, Magic, Mind Meld, Soul Bond, Sharing A Body/Brain, Pain, Nausea, let me know if I should add anything else.
Binding And Bonding
Solar woke up in an abyss. Everything around him was darkness. He could see a vague ring of light around him, lighting up the rest of his surroundings decently well. He could vaguely hear something being said into the void around him in a vaguely familiar voice but he was knocked out before he could acknowledge the voice.
-Two And A Half Weeks Earlier-
"I don't wanna go…" Solar muttered, body deteriorating and slowly disintegrating as it collapsed to the floor like his dimension likely was. Moon was quick to grab him and try to keep him steady but it wasn't any use given he couldn't feel his legs anymore.
"You don't have to!" Moon insisted, holding Solar as close as he could, Solar feeling Moon's hands slip through him as he could feel himself fading into an abyss.
"Solar? SOLAR!" Solar could vaguely hear Moon screaming as he went into a void.
-A Week Later-
"Moon, you're pushing yourself. You aren't charging or resting." Eclipse finally broke and snapped at him.
"Maybe I would if I hadn't fucked everything up!" Moon screamed back at him, too stressed to not scream at the inconveniences anymore, too focused on getting Solar back now.
"Moon, you're at a max of five percent." Eclipse reminded him.
"I'll charge when my brother is back." Moon growled venomously, eyes turning to glare that Eclipse dare interrupt him but Eclipse had gotten used to Moon being like this fairly quickly. Eclipse knew Moon would inevitably run himself down and then Eclipse could carry Moon off to bed.
Thankfully, Eclipse got that opportunity sooner rather than later as Moon stumbled and his hand hit a tray, knocking it to the floor with Moon collapsing to the floor as well a few seconds later.
Eclipse went and finally was able to scoop the poor sap up and groan at how heavy Moon was, muttering complaints about how much Moon weighed as he kicked the door to Parts & Service open for him since he was busy carrying Moon.
"You." Ruin caught Eclipse's attention before Eclipse was able to leave.
"Yeah, what about me? Want me to come in there and kill you finally?" Eclipse asked.
"No, actually. I would like you to forget Protocol 87.775.2, actually." Ruin told him and Eclipse tilted his head in question, not really knowing what Ruin was talking about.
"Forget about what?" Eclipse asked.
"Exactly! Good job! Thank you! Be on your way now!" Ruin cheerily told him and Eclipse shook his head and carried Moon up to the daycare and through the portal to the house, sighing seeing Sun's cats practically waiting for Moon, though they hissed as if they hated him anyway, but Eclipse knew the little cretins were pretending they hated Moon.
Eclipse laid Moon on the couch and put a blanket over him for the cats to crawl on top of and purr now that they knew Moon was sleeping. Eclipse chuckled at the little gremlins. They sure loved their uncle, they were purring on his unconscious body.
Eclipse plugged Moon's charging wire into the wall outlet near the couch and left to go figure out what the hell Ruin was talking about, landing at the daycare computer inevitably. It seemed the computer knew everything anyway so he may as well try.
"Nice attempt, but you are not a member of the Celestial Family." The computer told him.
"Nice joke, I actually am. But I came for answers." Eclipse told the machine.
"Whyever would I give you answers?" The computer asked.
"Ruin mentioned a protocol in me, basically asking me to delete it but I don't know what he was talking about. I will let you scan my code if you look for Protocol 87.775.2." Eclipse told the computer.
"…I will agree to these conditions, only because it may serve well for Moon." The computer agreed. Eclipse plugged himself into the computer for it to scan him and just sat back waiting, all he could do was wait. The computer was doing two things at once and it was taking a while.
Eclipse ended up falling asleep for a bit in the computer chair while the computer did its thing. However, the computer also decided to be an alarm for Eclipse as it woke him up with a loud bussing noise through his circuits.
"HEY!" Eclipse jolted awake, pulling out the cord and thoroughly startled by the computer.
"Ah, good, awake. I have found Protocol 87.775.2 as well as scanned your code." The computer told him.
"And you wake me up like your about to try giving me a controlled shock?" Eclipse snapped.
"Yes, I found it amusing." The computer would've laughed if it could, Eclipse could tell.
"Fine, what is the protocol about?" Eclipse asked.
"This protocol entails a means to what Moon has been working on. A way to undo what has been done." Eclipse scoffed at that.
"So that's why he wanted me to get rid of it. I haven't been alone in a room so he couldn't give me an order to try to get me to delete it until today." Eclipse muttered.
"Unfortunately, it is extremely difficult as it works with the essence of an energy." The computer told him.
"Tell me what I have to do."
-One Week & Four Days Later-
Eclipse walked into the room Solar had died in. He had finally made good on getting everything else ready and Sun and Moon were out with Earth and Lunar, watching the solar eclipse on the roof of the PizzaPlex.
Eclipse had chalk, blood, and a dagger. He hated this, it felt so weird. It felt so awkward to probably be the first person Solar sees when he comes back.
"Solar?" Eclipse calls to whatever remained of Solar's energy, which he had attuned himself to over the last week and a half.
"Solar." Eclipse called to Solar again, sitting down in front of where Solar died. He could feel the energy around him swirling as though Solar was trying to tell him he was there still.
"There you are." Eclipse closed his eyes, holding the chalk and drew a circle of runes with his eyes closed, following the images of runes the protocol was feeding him on the back of his eyelids. The circle was around Eclipse himself and the spot Solar died in, interlocking them.
"Solar, I can feel you. God that sounds weird." Eclipse muttered the last half. The energy jolted like it was laughing at him. "Yeah, laugh it up, idiot. Sit with me." Eclipse sighed. He could vaguely see the outline of Solar's energy sit with him.
"Thank you." Eclipse muttered, knowing he had to thank Solar. He hated that he had to. Eclipse cringed as he poured the blood on the inner ring of the rune circle, watching outside as the sky began to go dark.
"I willingly open this connection for Solar." Eclipse stated as the protocol had, cutting open his right hand with the dagger in his left dominant hand. Eclipse could see that the whisp in his vision that was Solar's energy was interested.
"Hold my hand, Solar and only Solar." Eclipse told the energy. The energy seemed to hold his hand and Eclipse sighed at the feeling, relieved Solar was just listening to him, probably out of curiosity rather than genuine willingness.
"I connect what is mine to what is yours. Wire for wire, energy for energy. I share willingly what is mine with you." Eclipse spoke evenly, making sure to read word for word.
"This day is a connection." Eclipse felt the rune light up with light, blazing as the room went completely dark. "I bind us. Mine is yours. under this light, we become connected." Eclipse lost his breath after these words of the spell, making him choke a bit as he could feel Solar's energy binding to his own, coughing to get air as he could feel his mind breaking in half, body feeling aches and pains as Solar's energy was bonding to him.
Eclipse lurched forward, nauseous as he felt Solar's AI blooming into his head, using the broken-off half of Eclipse's mind, their mind? Eclipse didn't know but he was nauseous. Animatronics weren't supposed to get nauseous. He leaned with his hands on the ground, hearing someone screaming. Was that him? Was he screaming? He still had to say the final words and get Solar to say them too.
Eclipse reached his energy into his mind, making Solar take half control with him, each having control of one half of their? body. Eclipse fed the final words into their vision to make Solar say it with him. Once Solar nodded using their head Eclipse nodded back.
"We claim the energy of the solar eclipse given to us." Both of their voices echoed and the pitch-black void of the room glowed with a peace around them, the white ring around them calmly pulsing with their energies. Eclipse finally felt a peace now as he curled up on the ground, trembling with everything that had happened, too overwhelmed to move but he had to finish it. He had to finish this. He fed to Solar in their optics the final step and words.
Solar was the one to drag their body upright again. Eclipse was shivering, Solar was shivering. The room felt cold. Everything felt cold. Solar seemed to have more force than Eclipse, Solar was learning how to share their energy.
"We undo the damage that has been done through false trust." They made sure to echo each other and Eclipse felt a bloom in his chest of the energy they claimed from the solar eclipse above in the sky still, the ring around them, practically burst into a running visual of universes coming back into being, rebuilding themselves, lives being brought back immediately, everything blooming around them in the circle of light like flowers.
Eclipse gave a soft, exhausted chuckle seeing it and seeing the sky begin to get light again. Once the ring around them finished, the warm feeling slowly dissipated and Eclipse and Solar simply collapsed onto the ground, shaking and taking deep breaths.
"Thank you." Solar whispered.
"I know." Eclipse tried to laugh but all that came out was a wheeze.
"Are you okay?" Solar asked.
"I'm exhausted." Eclipse whispered back.
"Well, you gave up your magic to bring everything back, you're probably going to be exhausted for a while." Solar sighed.
"I expect Moon to thank me, you tell him that if you wake up first." Eclipse told Solar before letting himself ease into unconsciousness, giving Solar control for a brief moment before Solar fell asleep too from being brought back and losing a lot of energy himself.
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pfhwrittes · 7 months
Could you add to this at all?
I’m not sure if you do anons but if you do and If it’s available could I be- 🐙?
(I’m 19 years old)
hi anon, of course you can be 🐙 (also thank you for specifying your age, that's very sweet of you but not necessary. i'm going to trust my anons that they're over 18)
gosh lets see what i can pull up as a follow up for this post. i'll have to dig into my murky memories to see if i can remember where it was going (or maybe to drag up some inspiration).
TW: unspecified intoxication, nausea mention (but no vomit), dubcon touching (johnny doesn't ask before touching the reader character, and the reader character can't consent anyway).
pairing: john mactavish x female reader --
you're sat on the kitchen floor, cool tiles bleeding the slightly feverish heat from your body, propping yourself up against the cabinet behind you. you stomach roils and you take a careful breath through your nose.
"y'alright there, hen?"
you blink open your eyes hazily, not entirely sure when they dropped closed, to look up at one of the men from the living room. did he follow you? where's your friend? you swallow and shake your head carefully. the kitchen blurs and spins around you so you close your eyes again.
"easy, easy. don't want ye makin' yerself sick now."
you feel two calloused palms cradle your face, a thumb strokes your cheekbone lightly sending a burst of heat and static up into your temple.
"m'gonna be sick." you manage to slur out through numb lips but the hands don't pull away.
"naw, yer no'. just need a drink of water is all, hen." one of the hands moves away from your hot face and you feel something cool and smooth nudge your lower lip. you blink your rolling eyes open so you can focus on the glass of water - is it water? - under your nose.
the man tilts your head back slightly and you sip carefully. the water washes away the slightly sour taste in your mouth and you hum to let this helpful stranger know you're done for now.
"good girl, well done." your helpful stranger practically purrs at you as he removes the glass from your lips. you feel his thumb swipe at a bead of water in the corner of your mouth and your world tilts slightly on its axis again. maybe you should ask him to stop touching you now, but you feel like you'll shatter into pieces without the anchor of his palm on your cheek and the thumb that's now resting on your bottom lip.
"is that right?" he asks sounding amused. oh, you must've mumbled some of that out loud. you blink at your stranger, wondering if his eyes really are that blue. who is he anyway? did he follow you? where's your friend?
"'m johnny. i saw you go out into the kitchen. your friend..." he pauses briefly and you're fascinated by the way his lips twitch as he contemplates the words he wants to say. you want to touch the stubble on his jaw. "is a wee bit busy at the moment. so i thought i'd better check on you."
you hum, you know what busy means. and oh, you must've asked him your questions out loud again. you don't know if that's a good thing so you close your heavy eyelids again. maybe that will help you keep your thoughts inside your head.
"hey, c'mon hen. you cannae fall asleep here." johnny taps your lip to get your attention. "let's get you somewhere more comfortable."
you mumble something half formed and garbled about not wanting to see whatever it is your friend is doing with the other men in the living room and johnny huffs a quiet laugh.
"naw, naw. c'mon i'll put you up in my room, how does that sound?"
that sounds pretty good. so you let johnny manoeuvre your uncooperative body upwards and trust him to guide you out of the kitchen in your haze.
you miss whatever he says to the hulking figure in the doorway as you focus on keeping your feet in contact with the floor but you're very aware of the way his hand on your waist burns like a brand.
somewhere in the back of your mind a tiny shrill voice warns you about something before it gets washed away. maybe you'll remember after having a lie down.
-- taglist: @kaadaaan
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hey disabled friends and anyone who struggles with eating :)
when i'm not feeling well and i'm super nauseous, i'll make what we've affectionately coined a 'pick plate' it's just a mix of foods cut small that are easy to pick up..and that smell good.
often it's enough just to trigger my appetite that i can eat (or the smell makes me sick). they're easy enough to do that they can be made sitting in a wheelchair or sitting down :)
i hope this helps someone!
sending love,
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angstyaches · 2 months
Augusnippets Day 9
Prompt: Dehydration, requested by 🐊 anon
OCs: Shayne and Charlie
Word Count: 301
CW: sickness, emeto reference, headache, nausea, dehydration, stubborn sickie.
There was a stir against the side of Charlie's thigh. The book he had been reading slid to the floor as he tried to prop it on the arm of the sofa. He barely noticed. “Hey. You feeling nauseous again?"
“No,” Shayne mumbled. “Right now, my head hurts more than my stomach.” 
“Because you haven’t kept anything down for almost a whole day, lovely.” Charlie ran his fingers through Shayne’s hair. He eyed the glass of water sitting on the coffee table. “Sit up for me?” 
With all the vigor of a rag doll, Shayne pushed himself up onto his side. As his head left Charlie’s lap, Charlie immediately missed the weight and the warmth, but he was more concerned with the way Shayne’s arm buckled under his weight, so that he had to twist and catch himself with the other arm. 
Heart stuttering with worry, Charlie put a hand to Shayne’s shoulder. He tilted his head to get a better look at Shayne’s eyes, but his boyfriend kept his gaze low. “Are you okay?” 
Charlie carefully stretched forward to pick up the glass of water. He turned back to find Shayne shaking his head, his dark brown eyes glossed over with pain and desperation. 
“Yes, Shayne.” 
“I’m just going to throw it back up again.” 
“You have to try.” 
“My throat hurts so fucking much already.” 
Charlie swallowed. He reckoned his own throat would have felt raw if he’d spent the day coughing up as much stomach acid as Shayne had. But his worry won out over his sympathy, solidifying in his chest as he pushed the glass into Shayne’s hand. The miserable, dread-laden look on his boyfriend’s face almost killed him. 
“Please,” Charlie forced out. “Just a few little sips, so we can start making you feel better.” 
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elliott-the-creature · 2 months
today was a very busy day!! I got my ears pierced! kinda hard to see (ugh WHY does the front facing camera not zoom in :/) but it’s a little flower! I was really dizzy and nauseous when they put it in, but this puppy was really brave and I got through it :D
I also got a celebratory lego set that I’m gonna work on later! I wanted some pokemon cards too, but they didn’t have any :( I love lego sets, they make me feel like a little kitty (little kid) and they’re so fun to make :D
can’t wait until it heals, and then I can get more earrings! I wanna get earrings that match my kintypes, or fun kiddy ones with cute designs :3
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Some (late) holiday photos of the boye~!
#cats#holiday#OUGHH....... barely could even get these edited and posted... my mysterious sickness flare up has been sooo bad the past few#days.. I didn't even go to the usual obligatory family christmas I was supposed to attend (!!! health issue/medical mention in tags below)#My stomach issues basically put me in a constant state of uncontrollable shivering/body shaking + nausea + sometimes rapid heart#rate. and when it happens at night that makes it like.. nearly impossible to sleep when you're violently shaking + you can feel your heart#so strong + you keep having to run to the bathroom every 5 minute to cough and gag#and throw up and so on and so forth. etc. So I went like 40 hours without any sleep almost for christmas eve and all of christmas day#last night I finally got maybe 2 hours of sleep in between the nausea and shaking and stuff. and then today I was able to get a few#hours of sleep in the afternoon. Today I tried taking an anxiety mediciation a doctor gave me in case it was anxiety related (it's apparent#ly used to relax people and works in the moment. rather than like Anxiety Mediciation that you have to take for weeks to see any effect#because I think this isn't actually acting on your brain chemistry it's judt like..a mild sedative or something.) but all that did was make#me dizzy and sweaty lol. I;m glad I slept a little but I'm just still frustrated that I don't feel normal. I started having these#'episodes' (with the stomach issues + shaking + heartrate + nausea etc.) like at the end of october. And usually it will happen for like a#few hours at a time. or i'll lose sleep one day and then be fine the next. but this has been like nearly 3 days of feeling weird. so is#getting kind of annoying... It's funny too because I was so so productive like.. literally the few days before. I was feeling much better#and I was working on my game and blah blah. But then.. random issue flare up out of nowhere of course.. yaayy.... happy holidays to meee lo#I did at least see two random ducks outside of my window in the yard area for christmas. and havent seen them since. So it's like.. hrmm..#pacing around my room nauseous and shakings and etc. but at least... hello.. two little ducks placed there just for me :3c#Now I get anxiety every night which I'm sure doesn't help/could exacerbate whatever underlying genuinely physical issues exist. But after#like 2 nights of 'I spend the night sleepless and incredibly uncomfortable just sitting in the dark sick' then bedtime is like.. dread...#I even was trying slapping myself in the face in desperation to see if somehow that could shock my body out of whatever the hell it was#doing lol.. up at 3am holding ice cubes in my hand and hitting myself in the head and crying from exhaustion and thowing up.. literally#ridiculous cartoon character feeling... AAANYWAY!!! At least I have baby boy pictures. and I have lots of doctors appointments so hopefully#whatever the issue is can be sorted out at some point. I don't know much about ibs but hopefully maybe something like that that I could pos#ibly take medication for and not something more seirous or anything. Maybe there's a food I'm secretly intolerant to or whatever.#And I did at least post a sims holday video actually timed for the holidays so that's something. I havent been productive really latrely#though obviously.. I can't even play games or small tasks when in that state since I'm just SO physically uncomfortable. Nausea and heart#stuff are THE hardest physical sensations to ignore.. BUT yeah... hoping I shall sleep at all tonight. hopeing to get like 3 productive#things done.. at some point... at least SOMETHING... lol..... *** *** ***
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soft-for-yoongi · 9 months
Hiii. I was watching the live from april where Jungkookie cooks the makugsu recipe for us, and there are two ✨️special✨️ moments:)
Around the 34:50 min he suddenly says "Im nauseous."
And at the 1:28:00 min he says "Oh Im full. If I will sleep like this I'll feel nauseous the next day again."... but like.. AGAIN? He has gone through something if this was going to be the second time? Did he got sick one time???
He said in a live from 2017 or 2018 idk exactly where, but he was with Hobi, it was his live and JK came in to talk a little bit with us, and Hobi was eating his dinner. When Hobi asked him to take one bite, after Kook said that it looks delicious, he said that he gets sick if he eats late at night. Maybe he got sick one time around that time?
What do u guys think????🙃
The way he was all quiet before saying "I feel nauseous" 🤧 and then took a sip of his drink 🫢🥲
And when he said "I have really bad food coma." It reminds me of his live when he was saying how it's bad to eat late at night then go to sleep because you could get acid reflux 🏃‍♀️ (here's the link to that clip)
But thank you so much anon for this!!! I never even knew these moments existed 🤩🤩
It's Jungkook's 2023.04.25 vlive, and the times are 34:50 and 1:28:35!!!
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sickficideas · 6 months
I hc alastor actually has a sensitive stomach, but it's just ass backwards to most normal people. Rotten and raw meat? Cool. Processed foods? Refined sugar? DAIRY? Upsets his stomach terribly. I really want to write this idea but I can't think for the life of me figure out a situation where he'd eat something he knows is gonna make him unbearably ill.
ANONNNN this is so true...and those tummy aches are terribleeee he's just unbelievably nauseous the second it's in his stomach 😭 ive been thinking about this too that's a hard situation to figure out LOL he's to complicated
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