#not to say I want them to focus on things that aren’t farming too much- because then they’re not farming sims as much
takamoris · 1 year
Why don’t game devs just make more farming sims that don’t suck? Are they stupid?
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simpforpeterp · 4 months
Harvey x OC
Stumbled On Sublime
summary: a new farmer moves to town with a not so mysterious past. coming to pelican town to lay low from the celebrity lifestyle, celia is ready to settle down. kind of.
warnings: none :)
word count: 2.5k
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Celia Clemente, freshly twenty eight years old, is not new to Pelican Town. Not necessarily. It’s the first day of spring when she makes her return. Not unbearably hot yet and not freezing cold. Sounds of crunches on the ground from Mayor Lewis walking away from the house carry despite him already being out of her sight.
She remembered him vaguely from when she used to come around. Every summer since she could remember was spent with her Grandpa. So, she’s sure she remembers other people in town too. Either way, they know her.
After all, no matter where you go to try and lay low, after a music career like that, people are gonna know your name. So with her guitar case in one hand and her bag in the other, she steps into the old farmhouse she knows so well.
The floorboards are sufficiently creaky and there’s a tiny bit of dust on everything. But it’s nice. It’s quiet up here in Pelican Town. The farm is surrounded by nothing but if she gets lonely, the town is just a small road away. After a horrendous breakup, a bender, and a lot of tears, she’s ready to get away from it all.
A few things have been moved in before today. Her records, cds, the players for both of those, and other miscellaneous things she can’t live without. A lot of the records belonged to her grandpa. So that means a lot of The Beatles, The Beach Boys, Bowie, the Stones, and Bob Dylan. And obviously, an obscene amount of Elvis.
Being here feels like he’s all around. Like her grandpa is still here. It feels like if she calls his name he’d be right there, a small layer of dirt on his limbs but a wide smile on his face. She was his Superstar. His Sunshine. But now she’s here trying to bring his house and his farm to what once was.
“Dr. Green?” Haley gets the man’s attention from the waiting room while he fills out paperwork by the front desk. “Have you heard about the new farmer?”
“Not really, no. Just that there is a new farmer. Why?” He asks.
“I wanted to see if I could find out more. She’s famous, you know.” She smiles widely.
“Haley, don’t gossip, he’s her doctor now too.” Emily giggles with a wide grin.
“It’s fine, it’s nothing mean. I’m just curious. If she was so famous out in the city and was making so much money, why is she here? I mean, everyone is talking about it but since we signed those stupid papers, I can’t tell anyone. But I have seen them all saying even her closest friends thought everything was fine out there and then she just disappeared. It’s like she just got sick of it or something. If you find out what happened, you should tell me.”
“Why? So you can tell the whole town?” He smirks to himself.
“Not the whole town.” She shrugs.
He sets the papers down before telling Emily to come on back. But he can’t seem to focus on Emily’s splinter.
Harvey is a man who keeps to himself. He doesn’t really have any friends here. He converses with Pierre and sometimes Elliott but they aren’t close enough to be real friends. So he definitely doesn’t have any romantic prospects. Something feels weird about today. Why’s he thinking about all this now?
After rushing around town to introduce herself to everyone, met with some judgement and some people sucking up to her, Celia needs a drink. But unfortunately there’s only one place in this whole town to get one and it’s jam packed.
The room is already lively and filled with music. Looking around, she remembers most people from earlier today. Well, all except one. He sits by the bar, seemingly by himself. Maybe she’ll see him around but it feels weird to introduce herself at a bar without seeming like she’s flirting.
“Celia! I’m glad you came, I was just telling my husband about you. This is Demetrius.” Robin introduces.
“Nice to meet you, maybe we’ll come check out your farm sometime.” He smiles.
“It looks like a mess right now but hopefully I can fix that soon.” She smiles back at the couple.
“So, have you met everyone already?” Robin asks.
“Most people, yeah.” Celia shrugs.
“Good, good, there are some good people here.” She assures her with a warm grin.
“Really good people. But it isn’t always easy living here. I mean, we only have one doctor,” Demetrius sighs. “I like him though, he’s a man of science like me.”
“Is that him?” She discreetly points to the man sitting at the bar, looking around.
“Yep, Harvey. You should introduce yourself if you haven’t already before this place closes.” Robin suggests.
“At a bar though? I don’t wanna seem creepy.” Celia nervously crosses her arms. She notices then when she takes a quick look around that there are scattered eyes on her. A lot of them.
“He won’t take it that way, I promise.” Demetrius assures her but gives Robin a quick look while Celia draws her attention back to them.
“Let’s dance, honey. I love this song.” Robin gently pats his arm as they stand up.
Why wasn’t the doctor looking at her? Usually, everyone is. Maybe she should just introduce herself and go home.
Harvey noticed her as soon as she walked in. How could he not? But he’s climbing the age latter and he’s single, alone in a bar. He can’t get caught looking at her. Just to avoid that, he looks everywhere but her. Until eventually, he has to stare straight ahead while drinking. But then the unimaginable happens.
“You’re Harvey, right?” A voice says from behind him. He turns around to see her. The prettiest girl he’s ever seen with the prettiest voice he’s ever heard. She has beautiful brown hair, she’s wearing a baggy green flannel with a white tank top underneath, denim shorts that are slightly too big for her, and chunky white sneakers. She has these small gold earrings shaped like hearts and a necklace that goes with it. And all of it perfectly goes with her stunning green eyes. His favorite color. She’s breathtaking to Harvey.
“Yes, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m the local doctor. Sorry, I’ve heard about you but I’m blanking on your name.” He admits as embarrassment flushes his cheeks and he has to clear his throat.
“I’m Celia. I just moved in to the Valley. Well, not THE valley, but this valley. Sorry, that was stupid. You know where we are, I didn’t have to specify. I don’t have to explain myself either, shit. I’m not usually this…scattered. Sorry.” She rambles nervously. He can’t help the smile that goes across his face. She’s so cute.
He didn’t expect that about her. She has this gorgeous look but she’s so cute and she’s nothing like what you’d expect a celebrity moving to a small town would be. She sighs and places her hand on her forehead for a minute in playful shame before going back to smiling at him.
“No, no, it’s okay. I’m usually too un-scattered. I perform regular check-ups and medical procedures for all the residents of Pelican Town. It’s rewarding work.” He explains as she slowly takes a seat beside him. And she’s listening. No one ever listens when he talks about his work.
“That’s great, I get too nervous in Doctor’s offices for that.” She admits with a small awkward shrug.
“Hopefully, I can change that.” He smiles, way more charming than he has ever been. So much so, he surprises himself. She’s quite possibly the first person to ever make Harvey look smooth.
He’s cute. She still smiles at him as she observes him more. He has these cute glasses that draw her in along with his slightly tousled brown hair. And not to mention that adorable mustache.
“Maybe.” She laughs and shakes her head. In that moment, he swears he can feel his heart glowing. What is happening to him?
“You have a great smile.” He accidentally blurts out.
“Thank you, Harvey. Seriously, I haven’t really laughed all day,” She tells him. “But I should get going, I won’t bother you anymore.”
“Um wait, do you- um, wanna have a drink?” He offers quickly before she can fully stand up. He doesn’t want this to end yet.
“Actually, yeah. Sure.” She nods before sitting back the way she was.
Harvey calls Gus over happily, glad she said yes, glad she didn’t leave. Gus suggests a new drink on the menu he’s been making tonight which she accepts. All while Harvey’s eyes stay on her, never leaving her.
“So, are you liking it here?” He asks as Gus places her drink down.
“Yeah. So far, it’s great. I’ve never farmed before though so that’s a little scary but I’m excited. It was always more my grandpa’s thing but maybe I have a bit of a green thumb from him.” She laughs softly before taking a sip. “How long have you lived here?”
“Three years next month,” He tells her, almost slightly ashamed. “I came here to settle down but I haven’t really done much settling.”
She can still tell the poor man is anxious. Almost every word comes with a stutter or a stumbled word. He fights to not stare so hard into her eyes and darts them around instead. It almost makes her want to move closer but she doesn’t. He’s handsome. Harvey’s handsome in a way that a lot of men aren’t anymore. He’s tall and he has these nice broad shoulders, a wide frame. Her eyes fall down to his hands. His big hands with long fingers. And then to his light brown eyes with small hints of green. He’s beautiful, really. And he smells so good.
Normally, she’d want him then and there but that’s not why she came to town. She’s here to find peace first. Peace.
“Settle down? We’re not old yet, man.” She giggles and he’s immediately enchanted by that look on her face.
“Med school ages you twenty years by itself, kid.” He jokes back, watching the smile on her face somehow grow bigger.
“You party much?” She asks.
“Not really. I mean, I did. But not as much as others. I don’t have any crazy stories.” He sighs, a small smile still remaining on his face from her.
“I definitely have. I mean, I came here to settle down too but I only said that thing about not being old because I’ve lived a lot. I’ve seen…too much of this world,” She gives a small laugh. “That’s why I’m here. Everything happens so fast out there, you know? And with my job…it all just gets really loud sometimes. Cobain died and it kind of put everything else into perspective.”
“Cobain what?” Harvey sits up and turns to face her fully. He lets go of the anxiety when she says that.
“Oh, shit! You didn’t know?” She covers her mouth.
“No! No one is into that stuff here but I actually really loved Nirvana in college. I lived in Seattle for a few years.” He tells her.
“You love Nirvana?” She giggles. “That’s the best news I’ve heard all day. But you don’t seem like you would. You’re full of surprises.”
“Me? Full of surprises?” He chuckles. “Ask around and everyone would probably tell you the opposite.”
“Harvey, you are cool! You don’t have to just be the town doctor. I like you, man.” She smiles wide again.
“I like you too, Celia,” He smiles back. And there’s a moment of connection for both of them. She looks so beautiful, so happy. He wants to know her better, she’s so sweet and funny and so cute. This feels different. They’ve just clicked in a way neither of them have ever clicked with anyone. “You, uh…picked a good place to settle down. It’s nice here. The winters are snowy, the summers aren’t too hot, spring is great, and it looks so pretty in fall.”
“You know, it’s funny. My mom always used to pressure me to get married until I got big. Those instincts are still there. I hear ‘Doctor’ and the first thing I think is ‘and mrs.’” She jokes but looking into her eyes while she says that makes Harvey want to tell her that he wouldn’t mind being the doctor to her Mrs.
“That’s funny, you’re funny,” He chuckles, their eyes meet again. “Let me guess, that or a lawyer?”
“Yeah, actually,” She giggles, leaning a little closer before pulling away. “Well, it’s getting late so I should probably head out. Gus?” She starts, getting ready to pay.
“Oh, no, no, I’ve got it. As a welcome to town.” He quickly tells her with a small grin. “Do you want me to walk you home? My clinic isn’t too far.”
“Oh, you don’t have to. It’s just one long straight road to my house and no one else lives right there. But thanks,” She smiles widely again, placing a hand on his shoulder and he immediately gets red in the face. “I‘ll get yours next time. Thanks for the drink but mostly thanks for talking to me, I needed this. Maybe I’ll pop in for a visit soon.” She smiles as she stands up. She gives him one last look before turning around to walk away.
“Celia.” He whispers as he watches her leave. Even her name sounds so beautiful to him.
He closes out the tab, still in a daydream. She was…everything. He doesn’t know why or how she’s already had an affect on him.
“Why is your face doing that?” Shane says from two stools over.
“W-what? Doing what?” Harvey snaps out of it.
“Well, Doc, if looks could prescribe, you'd be handing out heart medication right about now,” Shane dryly laughs. “I mean, she was hot but damn.”
“Don’t say that, she’s not just hot, she’s funny! And she’s sweet and- and she’s surprisingly charming.” Harvey says and his face is brighter red and hotter than it ever has been.
“Just,” Shane laughs and Harvey is trying to think of where he said something wrong. “You said she isn’t just hot.”
Harvey could almost fucking pass out. Did he really say that?
“I- um, no! I mustn’t have um…I- uh…I’m gonna go.” Harvey quickly stands up to walk out, red as a tomato.
Celia walks home with a wide smile on her face. The first day of peace is going well. And with luck on her side, she met a cute doctor today. But he’s probably not even into her, she thinks. She’s always been too much for people. She laughs too much, talks to much, has too much energy. He seemed so calm and nice and everything she’s always wanted to be but she gets distracted so easily and she’s constantly fighting that.
But maybe she doesn’t have to do that here. Maybe she should stop fighting it.
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thesoftieanon · 2 months
Alright so Dreamlight Valley Reader! I’m gonna try not to spoil too much because I know not everyone has finished the game or has the DLC, plus I want non-players to be able to follow along!
The Basics!
So Dreamlight Valley is Disney and Gameloft’s take on a farming simulator. There are Disney characters you can unlock as friends and neighbors, and they range from Mickey Mouse to Ursula. Yes you can befriend villains, don’t worry about how they’re alive now, it’s Disney
Because it’s a farming simulator, you can obviously grow and farm things, but you can also fish, mine, craft, cook, landscape, play dress-up- there’s a lot okay XD Lemme focus on the important things
Reader has something called Royal Tools that allow them to do things. These tools consist of a watering can, a pickaxe, a shovel, a fishing rod, and a phone (yes you heard me). These need to be upgraded to max potential during the game, but even at base mode they are unbreakable. The watering can never runs out of water, and the phone never runs out of battery. For simplicity’s sake Reader is just gonna have them maxed out already.
The big problem of Dreamlight Valley is Night Thorns; magic purple thorns that cause Reader and the villagers to forget things. They can only be cleared by Dreamlight Magic; magic only Reader has. The magic has a recharge bar like Hyrule’s, but it can be replenished with food, having a seat, or instant refilled by going home. Obviously Reader will not have home access so options are food and rest. Better quality food = more energy
Reader also has a shadow problem. They cause the Thorns. I can’t delve into that because major spoilers. If you wanna know go play the game :3
Dreamlight Valley is a kingdom, they used to have a Ruler but they disappeared. I don’t think it’s spoilers to say who the Ruler is (the tools are literally called Royal Tools), but it is spoilers to say how exactly we got here. Also Reader doesn’t remember.
More on the Dreamlight Magic! It also helps Reader complete tasks for the villagers, but as one can guess by the name, it’s dream magic and doesn’t function on logic. Reader could need something as simple as three flowers or as convoluted and specific as a picture of an animal that only shows up every third Friday night (the game functions on irl time and no, you can’t pull an Animal Crossing and time travel).
Okay so I think that covers all the baseline things you need to know, feel free to tell me if you think I missed something! Specifics!
What the actual frick is Reader’s magic. Legend has been in dream worlds before and not even he can make sense of this. Hyrule is also extremely confused. How does an iron bar and two flowers make a microphone??
They’re gonna need to teach Reader how to fight because despite the high population of villains where they’re from, they don’t really encounter physical fights. Not to say they aren’t fit, they’re literally a farmer, fisherman, miner, constantly running around the valley dealing with everything-
I repeat, a log falls in the path and Reader simply digs up and it turns into a bunch of wood they later use at camp. Legend didn’t even have time to grab his bracelets and he is losing it
Because Reader can do all of these things with their tools the Chain thinks they're actually really strong. But they have absolutely no way of proving it because there isn't a time Reader isn't using their tools for something
Warriors wants to know how they do their hair so fast. Like- it’s always perfect?? And they can just change the color and style whenever they want?? THE CLOTHES TOO?? He has hair and fit envy.
Four would like to know how the Tools were crafted. Maybe he can replicate the process and Wild will finally have a sword he can’t break.
Wild enjoys cooking with them. They share recipes.
Oh my goodness Reader introduces them all to cake because that doesn’t exist in canon-
Wild also relates to the gaps in memory because. Y’know. Amnesia.
Introducing the Chain to Disney characters would be very interesting
Don’t let Wild or Wind near Stitch
Idk what else to add so that’ll be it for now but please share thoughts!
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natasharswifey · 24 days
The end of us
Summary: What if it was Natasha and Yelena at vormir?
A/N: Sorry!
Tags: Major character death, Soft Natasha, soft Yelena, both of them need a hug, mentioned Kate Bishop, Grief
W/C: 1, 845
Link to fic on Ao3
“Why don’t you ever call me for normal things? Like to help you move or come over for thanksgiving.” Yelena questions Natasha, half ranting to the red-haired woman and half to herself. Rambling when anxious was a habit Yelena soon picked up once again after being liberated, something she hadn’t exhibited since the age of six.
“We aren’t normal. Plus its October.”
Yelena huffs and Natasha turns her focus back to the controls. The pair have only been reunited for a short time especially compared to the time they were apart.
Yelena had imagined the day she saw her older sister again she would whisk her away and they would live away from everyone else, just the two of them against the world again like Ohio.
Things didn’t go exactly as planned. ‘Life got in the way’ as Natasha liked to put it, but with Yelena still freeing other Widows from subjugation and Natasha having to go deal with ‘Avenger stuff’, life really did get in the way.
But, no matter the circumstances, they were together again and that was all that truly mattered.
“Brace yourself, we’re gonna get some turbulence.”
“But we’re in space???” Yelena replies, the words coming out of her mouth of all people still leaving an odd feeling in her stomach.
“Yep.” Natasha’s attention is once again tuned in to manuvering the ship past obstacles. She definitely wasn’t fully qualified for this, but things were getting desperate and even more personal.
Melina was never really Natasha and Yelena’s mother. But neither could wipe away the warmth of her smile throughout the small patch of joy in their childhoods and felt an obligation- instict even- to do anything to get her back as well as the rest of those taken in the blip.
Plus with Melina now gone Alexei was drunk a lot more frequently if that was even possible, although the assassins wouldn’t mind quite as much if he drank himself to an early grave.
Then there was Kate Bishop, the naive archer Yelena had befriended not long ago. She wasn't so great at the superhero thing yet- or home security despite her job- but she was her favourite person to spend time with, other than Natasha of course.
“So, how’s everything going with you, huh?” Natasha asks. Despite them both agreeing their occupations were both very time consuming she still felt guilty for not spening enough time with her little sister. The only good thing the blip had done was brought them closer.
“There’s always Widows that need freeing, but we’re getting closer." She responds vaguely.
"You sure that's it? No secret double life I should know about?" She jokes, but both of them know what she's actually hinting at.
"Nope." She shifts in her seat and she knows Natasha notices, but doesn't say anything.
Ever since Clint made that stupid joke about her and Kate practically sharing an apartment her sister had been gently encouraging her to admit her feelings. The only problem was she didn't have any. No matter how hard she tried.
A silence fills the air and Yelena decides to replace it with her own voice before they're given too much time to think. "Are you ever not chewing gum by the way?”
“Its like you have a never ending supply, when we reunited, on the way to Melina’s farm, even in space.” She lists.
“It keeps me focused.”
“What flavour is it?”
“Its mint.”
“Do you want some gum, Yelena?”
Soon enough the two of them find themselves just off the cliff of Vormir.
“Not much to see, is there?” Yelena peers around the mostly desolate dark purple landscape of the alien planet skeptically.
“Well we aren’t exactly there yet.” Natasha points West and they begin their trek.
“What even is a soul stone?” The blonde questions. Obviously after the battle of New York the existance of other worldy beings was undeniable, but there was still much to be learnt.
“Something we need, and we’re going to get it.”
“Thanks for that, really helped.”
Natsha is used to Yelena’s new found and constant use or sarcasm now and responds accordingly “You’re welcome. Lets just try to hurry this up a little, we’re running out of time.”
Yelena doesn’t have any snarky comment or funny remark to what Natasha says and simply nods, picking up her pace until she’s walking side by side with her sister.
It doesn’t matter if they’re deep underground or deep in space, they’re here to complete a mission and luckily for Yelena she has the person she currently trusts the most by her side.
Natsha holds her hand up prompting Yelena to stop in her tracks.
“What is it?” she whispers, taking out her handgun almost at the exact same moment as Natasha.
“I don’t know.” She whispers back in a hushed tone.
The pair slowly approach the source of the noise with their weapons drawn and are surprised to say the least when they see who is awaiting them.
The red-skinned figure in a black cloak barely acknowledges the fact they’re aiming the guns directly at his forehead before he speaks.
“Welcome, Natsha, daughter of Ivan. Yelena, daughter of Alexei.”
Natsha lowers her gun and Yelena reluctantly does the same.
“That’s what aliens look like?” Yelena murmurs to Natsha, she still sometimes forgets the fact her older sister doesn’t know everything.
Natsha ignores Yelena’s question, mainly because she had no answer. “Who are you?”
“Consider me a guide. To you, and to all who seek the soul stone.”
“Oh, good. Tell us where it is, then we'll be on our way.”
“Ah, lieschen. If only it were that easy”
The ‘guide’ leads them to the edge of the cliff. When Yelena looks over the edge she feels a turn in her stomach which she hopes Natasa does as well, something isn’t right.
“What you seek lies in front of you. As does that which you fear.”
Natsha squints at the base of the cliff. “The stone’s down there?”
“For one of you. For the other, in order to take the stone, you must lose that which you love. An everlasting exchange. A soul for a soul.”
Yelena’s eyes are immediately snap back on Natasha. “A soul for a soul? What does he mean, Tasha?” She can’t help but use her nickname even in the prescence of a stranger.
The look on her sister’s face tells her everything she needs to know.
Natsha had never thought she was going to see her little sister again after they were dragged out of that shipping container.
Yelena was too soft and sensitive, even for a six-year-old. The Red Room surely would have disposed of her but here she was, a grown woman. Calloused and blunt.
Sometimes it hurt Natasha to see how much she had changed, but she knew she had to in order to survive.
Now only one of them was going to leave this cursed planet, and Natsha would be damned if it wasn’t Yelena.
“…one of us has to go.” She says, her voice already saturated with grief.
Natsha has to force her eyes to the rocky ground when she sees the tears already forming in her baby sister’s eyes.
“Surely there has to be another way, he could just be messing with us for all we know!” Yelena’s rising fury became evident in her voice.
“A soul for a soul. We… we swore we would do whatever it takes.”
“No! Stop with this hero bullshit! We are not doing this.”
Natasha takes her sister’s cheeks in both of her hands, making her face her directly. She doesn’t care if she sees her already beginning to cry, she has to look at her one last time.
“I’m so sorry, little sister.”
“No, no don’t start saying that please, we’ll find a way, Tasha, we always do.” Yelena tries to sound confident but it comes out more pleading.
Natasha doesn’t answer her and just pulls her into a hug, trying to ignore the fingers digging into her as if she would disintegrate the moment she let go.
Natsha wishes she had never brought Yelena into all of this.
With a speed Natsha didn’t even think was possible until she witnessed it, Yelena pulls herself away and runs full tilt straight for the edge.
Dammit, Yelena.
“Yelena stop!”
The blonde doesn’t react to Natsha’s calls, only stopping when the two collide.
This wasn’t the first time Yelena had proved she was willing to die for the greater good, the fall of the Red Room being a prime example. It was like any form of self preservation during missions was completely wiped out from her mind, but Natsha wasn’t exactly much better.
Natsha pins her sister’s arms down, sitting on her stomach. Yelena kicks out wildly but her emotions are controlling her and she can’t seem to wrench free.
“Let me go!”
“You know I can’t do that, Lena.”
“You know I can’t do this, I can’t do this without you, Tasha.”
“I wouldn’t be able to live with myself.”
Natsha knows the moment she stands up Yelena will attempt to incapacitate her. Short of kocking her out herself she doesn’t know what can stop her sister from trying to beat her to the edge.
“I can’t loose you again, please.” Natasha has only heard Yelena like this once in her life, the airstrip in Cuba. And It breaks her.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. We didn’t deserve this.”
“Don’t do it, Tasha.”
Natsha desperately wants to listen to her sister’s pleas but what can she do? If she had been presented this as a hypothetical situation: ‘sacrifice yourself for the lives of billions, but leave behind your loved ones’. She would have said yes in a heartbeat.
But now looking into the watery eyes of Yelena she can’t imagine how that could ever had been her answer.
“You need to let me go, Lena.” Natasha whispers, knowing her instructions must be near impossible.
Yelena breaks down into sobs, unable to speak she simply lets Natsha hold her, rocking her back and forth until she’s reduced to small hiccups.
After Yelena can cry no longer, Natsha begins to speak again.
“Its okay, little sister.”
Natasha aims her Widow’s bite at Yelena and before she has time to react, she’s out cold.
Yelena wakes up again half submerged in dark waters and it takes her only a few seconds to recount everything that happened in the last hour.
“Natsha? Natsha!”
She stands, scanning the scenery desperately until she notices the presence of a small, solid object in her hand.
A stone.
Yelena opens her gloved plam and when she sees the gold glow which is so bright she has to shield her eyes for a moment, she knows.
All she has left of her is a single stone. A stone that holds her smile and love, a stone that she died and left her for.
Her sister Natasha Romanoff is dead, and there was nothing she could have done to stop her.
“I hate to be right, please, tell me I'm wrong,
Please, tell me I'm wrong,
'Cause it's on again, off again,
Love you like oxygen,
I don't know what to say or do"
-Habits, Genevieve Stokes
I now have the entire Endgame script on my phone :]
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cheesetitan · 2 years
This sites oversimplification of arguments that vegans have against consumption of animal goods and making it seem like veganism is solely some white people trend that is based on missing understanding of agriculture is just as stupid and oversimplified as vegans saying that all people who consume animal products are demons and unethical.
Like i remember one post about the milk industry, a vegan person said that “cows get raped for milk” and people argued that they produce too much milk anyway and that there are ethical ways to consume milk but everyone ignored the point entirely. Was it an exaggerated and inappropriate way to express what happens in the milk industry? Absolutely. Does it have some kernel of truth, yes it does. Most people who consume milk can’t afford to buy ethically sourced milk, and for a cow to produce milk it needs to have given birth. In the big industry that is made by forced insamination, (neither the male nor the female animal are treated well in this scenario btw). Now what happens after? The cows gets impregnated, they give birth, and the first thing that happens is that their calf is taken from them so that their milk can be sold. Depending on wether the calf can become a milk cow later or not they either get put in the meat industry or are introduced later on in the milk industry.
There absolutely are farms that let the cows keep the calfs and that treat them with respect, but those farms are extremely insufficient when compared to factory farming. Their prices are much higher and many can’t afford that. Now the solution would be a systemic change in which food supply, animal rights, and human rights are focus points and protected, but that is exactly what many vegans demand. Most understand that not everyone can be vegan, because if you can’t afford ethical milk products you can’t really afford a vegan lifestyle either, but that’s why many demand a systemic change.
It’s sort of similar with eggs, the living conditions in which factory farmed egg-chickens are kept are horrendous, plus if they find fertilized eggs they let them hatch. If they are female chicks they get put right back into the egg-industry, if they are male chicks they get shredded.
Plus the excessive use of hormones and steroids on animals in which they get bred to such extremes that they die due to these breeding practices.
An argument can be made that all these practices at least make use of a great part of the animal, but it’s the whole thing around it that’s fucked up, and it’s the fact that some of these issues could be solved relatively easily.
Most people aren’t denying that there are ethical ways to consume animal products, but it takes a lot of luck to have them available to you, and it’s not available for a majority of the population. Ignoring these facts is just a way to deny credibility to any sort of talking point that comes from a vegan, and it’s not a solution to the problem either way.
Same goes for the people then arguing that vegan products are also unethical many times due to cruel labor conditions. No one is denying that, and this also absolutely takes part in the vegan political agenda. The problem is that most people who get highlighted in these conversations aren’t people who care for the bigger political agenda but rather people who are just weird. It’s as if you’d invite a terf to talk about feminism, in the sense that these people are stuck in a personal hatred for others and a superiority complex that makes them blind to the actual problems, but they live out their personal vendetta and that’s the only thing they care about. And since they’re weird about it and the majority of people already want to disagree with the group that they “represent” no one looks at the actual political talking points the movements make.
Obviously feminism and animal welfare are entirely different things, and this isn’t supposed to be a comparison as much as help for explaining my thoughts on the matter. And also just so it’s clear terfs are definitely a much greater threat overall than any weird vegan could be, it’s very lose imagery that i tried to use. And idk weird isn’t really the right word either, but i don’t know what would be more fitting, i mean something along the lines of “people who have very radical opinions that aren’t based in any sort of facts” (radical opinions can be good if based on facts too fyi)
Tl;dr: i’m pissed that talking points about animal welfare aren’t taken the least bit serious and are only looked at on the surface and not beyond.
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Reviews while I watch Farming Life in Another World: Episode 3-5
Last time I posted about this anime, someone mentioned that the show actually does the hellishly fast romance a lot better than the manga and light novel which is good to know. Still not great but definitely better by the sounds of it. 
Which new character will we get today? Probably the winged lady. 
And although it looks like a harem anime, I’m hoping the focus is just on the vampire girl’s relationship rather than trying to force one with everyone. 
Ooo. Lights. 
Yeup. Winged lady. And they know each other. XD The chibi’s are cute. 
I love how everyone is just being beaten up by the wolves. Why does she not like the spider. It’s so cute!
He is really able to convince everyone they love farming hella quick. 
This has just turned into a polycule. 
MORE PUPPIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BABIE SPIDERS!!!! Aww. They’re leaving!!!! Noooooooo!!! Yay. Some stayed. 
The elves have now joined. She’s so excited to show them the spider but they always collapse. Shame. 
And they’re eating raw garlic. Gross. 
I like how they’re altering the norms for elfs and actually making them more like warriors. 
Oh god. They want to reproduce with him. 
They are cute together. 
Are they going to figure out he’s from another world?
----between episode thoughts
Honestly not much to say. The town is expanding quite nicely. Don’t really like the aspect that the elves probably want to reproduce with him. But otherwise the focus seems to be on the vampire which is nice. Dogs and spider are still cute. So no complaints there. 
----Episode 4----
The spider is a cat confirmed. 
How do they just suddenly have a queen bee pet now. 
He just made concrete. Understandable
The fish have teeth. And apparently there are big fish now too. The characters have a glow around their face? Wonder why they chose that design. 
I love the randomly sped up clip. Especially with the sped up sounds too. 
Flying spider. 
Rice really does take a long process. 
I still need to try rice balls. 
I wonder if he will learn any magic. 
Awwww, cute slimes!
Please tell me they are not going to get all naked. 
And they all got naked. 
We’re getting the woofs thoughts!
----between episode thoughts----
cute woofs
----episode 5----
XD Immediately ignores the room with the double bed. 
They aren’t really pushing any fanservice or anything which is really nice. The only thing is the joke of the elves reproducing but it’s just a recurring joke currently. They haven’t even brought up the fact that the vampire and him are married since the comment in the third episode. (Still believe that him, the vampire, and the angel are in a polycule now.)
Love how they immediately start researching a plant they use against the wolves. 
Aww. The woofs are watching. 
The poor woofs don’t like the spice.
Cute spider is still cute. 
Here comes the magic experiments. 
Cute domestic shit. Love it. 
THE DOGS ARE PLAYING THE GAMES!!!! And the dogs won all the games. 
I was waiting to see the dogs play bowling. 
Someone else is coming.
Oh god. It’s a wyvern!
----after thoughts----
Well that was a cliff-hanger I wasn’t expecting from this kind of show. 
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sortasirius · 4 years
What the Fuck Happened to the SPN Finale?
Okay so here it is, my Charlie Kelly style manifesto.
Before I get into it, I recognize that I will look like this to many of you, and that’s okay, I understand:
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Secondly, your personal Takes about the writers don’t interest me, I don’t need to hear them. This, as I’ll explain, is going to remain a writer positive blog, and that’s the end of it.
Third, and most importantly: some of what I’m going to talk about is fact, and some is highly educated speculation. I will notate what is speculation, just so there’s no confusion or hot takes in my inbox that I’m a conspiracy theorist or stirring shit up for no reason.
A list of what I’ll be discussing
The episode in regards to the rest of the season
The episode issues: length, editing
Scene placement and speculation of scenes cut
The scrubbing of Jack, Cas, Eileen
Network involvement and general timeline of when things were cut
Misha: theories on where he was, official company line, why we can’t expect to hear anything directly
The silence of the cast post episode (in Misha’s case, mid episode) and what this might mean
Jensen speaking with Kripke about the ending: why it doesn’t mean what you might think (also why kripke remained positive on the ending)
Walker, and why this episode had a major shift
Why the network would do this or get involved
Why the writers of the show simply aren’t the bad guys here, and what I “want” out of this post, since I know it’ll get asked
This is very long and under a cut, but I hope you’ll give it a read.
The Episode In Regards to the Rest of the Season
So, I’ve discussed this already here, but it’s the most obvious thing to me, and that’s the way this episode simply doesn’t fit with the rest of the season.
These people in this room have, truly, been nothing but consistent when it comes to their arcs, especially this season, and the marked dropoff in quality for the finale episode is just too sus to discount to me.  Dabb’s whole focus has been character-based.  In his seasons, we’ve moved far away from MOTW and bro-codependency, the found family taking it’s place.  Does it really sit right to anyone that that was all thrown away in literally the last episode of the entire show?
This is speculation on my part, but as a writer myself, there is no way I would be happy or willing to stamp my name on something that I didn’t think would, at the very least, wrap up the season+ character arcs that I and my team had been crafting.
And before anyone comes in here saying, “well GOT did that!”  Bruh.  The writing was on the wall for GOT long before the final episode.  You could tell that the showrunners just wanted to be done (not only from the plot, but from the fact that they lobbied for a shorter season).  Miss me with that, it doesn’t apply here.  Andrew has, besides Singer and J2, been with the show longer than anyone.  He cares, he is meticulous and detailed, and this ending feels worse than anything Bucklemming has ever written, let alone Dabb.
Additionally, I’ve seen a lot of people say that Dabb was never behind Destiel, that it was all Bobo and Meredith and no one else.  That is reductive to the point of insult of the work Dabb has done to get this greenlit.  This man did not write the s13 Dean grief arc to be slandered like this.  That being said, YES, Bobo and Meredith were the leads on the DeanCas arc this season, but ANDREW IS THE SHOWRUNNER, TO GET EVEN THE CONFESSION APPROVED BY THE NETWORK HE WOULD HAVE TO HAVE THEIR BACKS.  AND HE DID.
Finale Issues
So, now that we’ve gotten the fact that this episode doesn’t hit on any of the major themes the show was barrelling towards all season, let’s discuss the fact that the episode is just...weird.
Not only is it shorter than any other episode (I think with the intro and the credits/crew thing at the end, it was around 38 mins), but it was also...idk, 90% filler?
One of the lovely humans in the POLOL server did the legwork here, and broke it down:
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This is weird, y’all.  Most series finales are LONGER than normal (Lost, SOA, Longmire are the ones I can think of off the top of my head), and for the final episode to be this?  I saw more than one person point out that we only really needed 19 episodes, what was the point of 20?  AND THAT’S EXACTLY IT?  WHAT WAS THE POINT OF THIS FINAL EPISODE IF THIS WAS ALL WE WERE SUPPOSED TO GET?
It simply doesn’t make any sense, the first half of the episode was rushed, a final monster hunt gone wrong, but in the second half?  Nothing really happened?  Sam lived his entire life and Dean just drove around.  It doesn’t make sense to have all the emotional arcs left unaddressed in an episode that definitely needed some kind of spark.
Here’s the speculation I have: the episode seemingly went through a lot of changes between the initial inception of the final season and when we actually got it, but I think it would have been passable (as in, we wouldn’t be sitting here asking each other why each arc feels incomplete) until the editing room got ahold of it.  The only think that makes this episode make sense is network fuckery.  Truly, that is the only thing.  It explains the weird, cuts, the rushed pacing of the first half followed by nothing in the second half, the double montages of “Wayward Son” back to back, and Dean just...driving around for the last half of the episode.
Scene Placement and Speculation of Scenes Cut
Before I get into this section, the info of the shots in the episode I have come from a source that @occamshipper​ got a week or so before the finale.  She’s talked about this here.
So here’s what Min was given:
1-5: 1 INT MEN OF LETTERS – DEAN’S ROOM Dean is greeted by Miracle
6-10: 6 INT MEN OF LETTERS – HALLWAY/SAM’S ROOM Sam has his routine
D1 1 11-15: 15 EXT FARM HOUSE Establishing
N1 1/8 16-20: 19 Dad’s journal, marker, drawing of masked man in journal.
21-25: 23 INT IMPALA – PMP Driver picks the music
N2 1 3/8 1,2 26-30: 28pt2 INT BARN: A face from the past
28pt3 Sam and Dean say goodbye
28pt4 Shot early for technical reasons, presumably the overhead shot
N2 31-45: 41 INT MEN OF LETTERS – SAM’S ROOM Sam’s alarm goes off D4 1/8 1 46-60: 56 INT N7glasses for Sam, laptop.
So...it all fits right?  It all tracks with the actual episode, where it lands, etc.  The issue is between shots 29-40 which were apparently “too big to spoil.”  Uh.  Where are they?  And where’s 28 pt4?
After Dean dies, the next scene is Sam burning him, then shot 31, the shot of his alarm going off.
So.  Where are those 11ish shots?
PLUS we have the boards, which are scenes we KNOW were actually shot:
As well as scenes for 20 that were shot in 19.
It’s just...weird, it’s weird and again hits on the fact that the episode is so short and like 80% montage.
The Scrubbing of Jack, Cas, and Eileen
So now we have to reckon with the fact that Eileen was last mentioned by Sam after she got snapped by Chuck, Jack’s last mention is that he’s off being God somewhere, and Cas’ last mention is a ~knowing look~ between Dean and Bobby.
I’m sorry, make it make sense:
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????????  That’s the end if it?  They don’t need to be discussed after this???  It’s just simply not something a writer would do, they would not introduce these characters, these arcs, without thinking there’s going to be some kind of follow through here.
So not only were three major characters (including two leads and both of the original characters’ love interests) completely wiped from the finale episode, it was as though Sam and Dean never even needed them, which just...ain’t it.
So why Eileen and Jack too?  Why not just take Cas out of it if they were afraid of the gay?  Because, ultimately, the episode went back to Kripke’s original story: just the bros, they only need each other and no one else.  They don’t want anyone else, they don’t need anyone else.  Easier to go back to something they knew was successful than trust the writers and their audience and take a big leap.
Alex even said he shot for 20 with “some of the guys” here.  What happened to that footage?
The complete 180 of it all still shocks me, I still cannot believe that we were essentially at the finish line, and the network just stopped short, and decided to go run another race, at the expense of the arc of this fifteen year legacy show.
Network Involvement and When Things Were Cut
Okay, now into the juicy stuff.
So I’ve pretty well established that network fuckery is clear, but how much did they get involved, what was the original intent?
Well again, we may never actually know what Andrew’s original script was, but I think, at the least, it would involve Dean speaking his truth to Cas and Sam living a life with Eileen.
Now, it seems today, that Misha said that Jimmy Novak was supposed to be in the finale in one iteration of the script, and while initially my brain was like “that truly makes no sense and he’s either straight up lying or telling a half truth,” I think what may be happening is Misha talking about as much as he can right now.
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So Jimmy right.  Weird as fuck.  Why would he been in the Roadhouse and not Cas?  My current thought (this is about as reachy as I’ll get) is that Jimmy had no lines, could he have been in the Roadhouse as a red herring, like it said “Jimmy” in the script but it was just Cas in human clothes, a way to get around the network saying Cas couldn’t be in the final scene.  Also, you’ll notice that Misha didn’t say that Cas wasn’t supposed to be in the ep at all, just Jimmy in the last scene.
All this to say, there have clearly been multiple versions of the script, getting lighter and lighter with Cas and Eileen as the network pulled further and further back.  Remember, Dabb has to get things approved before they get shot, and if the network kept asking and asking and asking to cut Cas and Eileen, he had to find a way to work around it.  Granted, I still think that if we had been able to get a Dabb script that wasn’t torn to shreds in editing, it wouldn’t be so bad.  It may not be what a lot of us wanted (Dean speaking his truth to Cas and a reciprocation), but doing everything he could to give it to us in subtext or visual clues.
Plus, in all honesty, my man can’t keep his story straight anyway.  He said twice in his panel that the Empty and offscreen Heaven ending weren’t his original ending either.
In addition, remember that Jensen did ADR post episode 18, AND said in a meet and greet last weekend that Dean’s reaction to Cas’ confession was “cut down.” (Source here).  Many of us clowns got excited when we first heard about ADR, because we thought it would be upping the ante on Dean’s reaction, but I remember being a little sus when it was just crying.  My speculation on that is that they cut out Dean actually SAYING something, @winchestersingerautorepair​ spoke about that here.
The biggest sins were, in my opinion, committed during editing, where the network got too gun shy and sliced the episode until it was nothing but a heartless bro-fest of a finale, not mentioning anything about the other major characters that we all love, and letting the boys just suffer in separation until Sam died and finally joined Dean in Heaven.  The editing came by cutting all the major emotional beats between anyone other than Dean and Sam, leaving the skeleton of the story intact, just shorter and less...poignant than it was ever supposed to be.
We know Misha was in Vancouver, we know he quarantined, but we also know he wasn’t in the final scene, when he spoke about being in the last moment of the show months ago.  We were not crazy, he was there, he quarantined, and, in all likelihood (speculation but fitting with the timeline), he actually may have shot something (not much, but something).
I have sources here, here, here, and here showing where Misha was at that time.
Remember, the man was completely open about coming back until they finished shooting (look at this thread).  The switch happened, just like everything else, halfway through them shooting.
Please also remember Jake Abel posting his “Where’s Misha” video here.  Jake isn’t malicious, he isn’t being nasty here.  Misha was there, and everyone that’s trying to convince people he’s wasn’t just...isn’t telling the truth about it.
This is one of the things that makes me really mad, because they’re literally attempting to gaslight people into thinking, “oh we were totally wrong he was never supposed to be there” WHEN HE WAS THERE, WE KNOW HE WAS THERE.
So we’ve already heard from several people (Meghan Fitzmartin, Jay, a PA on the set of 19 (WHO WAS NOT WORKING FOR 20), Misha himself) that this was all down to Covid restrictions.  Ultimately, as this post says, we’ve heard FIVE versions of where Misha was.  None of it makes sense, but the Covid protocol seems to be the company line that others are repeating.
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You may ask: why?  Why lie to all of us when we have questions?  Why, in Jay’s case, say that we’re all spreading false lies to stir up trouble, when we just have questions and things that do not make sense.  Simply?  Warner Brothers is absolutely massive.  These people have their careers to protect and are likely all under NDAs.  They want to work for WB again and don’t want to burn bridges, including Misha.  It sucks, but that’s why it’s unlikely that we’ll hear someone come out and say, “yeah we’re lying to you.”
Silence of the Cast Post Episode
So this is...probably the worst part of all this, at least in my opinion.
The guys had all been pretty excited about the end of the show (especially Jared, but Jensen’s panel last week was Jensen as happy and jokey and positive as I’ve ever seen him.  He was so excited about episode 18, about what it meant for Dean and for Cas, and I just cannot buy that he would have been that excited unless he thought there was something more in the episode.
Misha live-tweeted the episode, and was watching it with his kids.  It’s well known that Misha and the kids don’t watch the show because it’s too scary, and let’s ask ourselves, why would he have them watch an episode that he’s barely even mentioned in?
He also stopped live-tweeting at a very specific point in the episode (Dean’s death) and has not mentioned Supernatural since then. 
None of them, not Jared, Jensen, Misha, or even Alex, said anything about the episode for nearly 36 hours, when Jensen posted a salty photo on instagram.  It’s just...not what you’d expect for the end of a 15 year show, when the cast and crew are so close to the fans, so close to each other. 
My theory?  They didn’t know.  They thought Misha was, at least, going to be in the episode in some way, and when he wasn’t, they decided not to say anything.
You really think that Jensen “Heller” Ackles would have been so excited about the end of the show last week if he thought Cas wasn’t going to be in it at all?  Nah son, doesn’t make any sense.
Even today, in Jared and Misha’s panels, they seemed sad and...more than a little careful, both saying that there were things they couldn’t say, both talking around things that we all have questions on.
Jensen Speaking with Kripke
So this is where a lot of people are getting fodder to take shots at the writers, saying that Jensen hated it from the beginning, but I don’t think so.  I actually think I know what Jensen went to him about, and it wasn’t the lack of Cas or the weird pacing or the montages (which I don’t think were there when Jensen got the script); I think it was the manner of Dean’s death.
I know a lot of people were upset about that, upset with how...normal it was, coming off an episode where they literally beat God.  I actually didn’t mind it, I thought it was an interesting thematic take to be like: you can be a hero all your life, but sometimes shit happens, and you just die.
But imagine how hard that was for Jensen to read.  He would run to Kripke for that, because for him, Dean dying by being impaled by a piece of rebar had to be tough to swallow.
So, why didn’t Kripke say that?  Why didn’t he say, “oh well he had a problem with Dean’s death, none of that other stuff was in the script.”
Guys.  Why would he get involved?  He’s not going to burn bridges any more than anyone else is.  He said the ending was good because it’s the easy thing to do, it’s simple, will cause him no problems in his career, and he can just ignore the people trying to engage with him on it.
Something else to talk about is the major shift this episode had from the rest of the season: the shift from Dean to Sam.  I am NOT saying that Sam isn’t important, he definitely, absolutely is, but it was DEAN who really needed to wrap up his arc, Sam just needed to move on, get married to Eileen, become the leader he was always meant to.  So what changed?  What was with the shirtless scene, the Austin number and random case there, most of the episode being heavily Sam focused, going through his entire life in a montage?
Anyone else notice the 375 Walker promos, or Jared’s little spiel about Walker and how he hoped SPN fans would “come along for the ride.”
It’s...kinda obvious?  CW wanted to appeal to who they think the key demographic of SPN and Walker is: rural areas in the South.  It would explain a lot, why so much editing, why so Sam focused, the Austin number, the number of Walker promos, all of it.
I’m not saying this is fact, I don’t know that it is, but it is a little suspicious that even in Jared’s panel today, he talked A LOT about Walker and how he hopes SPN fans will watch it.
Why Would the Network Get Involved?
Simply put: $$$
If they think Walker can be the new SPN, and that those crazy SPN fans liked it originally, it’s a lot safer to go with the “original intent” of the show than do something risky (like making one of your two original leads queer).
And?  They don’t care.  They don’t care that the episode didn’t make sense, they don’t care that all the emotional arcs were left hanging, they don’t care by (potentially) smashing together two of Dean’s monologues (one to Sam, one to Cas) that it came of as...gross. ( @curioussubjects​ wrote a beautiful post showing how part of that death speech was likely meant for Dean here).  They don’t care, they never have, they just want to make their money and move on from the too-loud fandom that fought for representation too hard for too long.
It can’t help but feel insidious, which, honestly, it might be, but it really all comes down to the next cash cow, which, they think, is Walker, even at the cost of the fifteen year legacy show.
The Writers and What I Want
So here it is, all this weird, sus shit laid out on the line.  And you know what?  To me, there is no way to blame the writers, because they didn’t want this.
I don’t think Dabb and Bobo would have gone ahead with the confession in 18 without thinking that there would be some closure to that arc, they wouldn’t have done that not only to the fans, but for the sake of their own story as well: no writer wants to start something that they can’t finish. (And this applies to both Cas and Eileen).
Here’s a basic rundown of what I think happened: they had a clear arc from 18-20, ending in reciprocation at some level from Dean, Sam marrying Eileen, Hunter Sam as the new Bobby, Dean in heaven with Cas and big roadhouse reunion at the end. Covid prevented a good amount of that. Network had to stare at big gay 18 for six months, got cold feet. Thought about Walker, target audience and alienation of the rural areas if it went full gay. Misha quarantined and likely shot something (not much), he was then cut by execs and went home. They likely added in lines referencing Eileen and Cas to make it clear but more subtextual. They wrap, editing gets it and hacks it to pieces, so we get a shorter episode that’s mostly montages and jarringly bro-centric with nothing else. Arcs are left hanging. Dabb gets episode but it’s too late, there’s nothing he can do. Actors aren’t told so they can continue to do positive PR for the ending, they all found out at the same time we did: hence almost complete silence about the finale.
And you know what?  They warned us.  I talked about it here, but they’ve been telling us all season that Chuck wasn’t the writer, he’s the network.  I don’t think, still, that they thought it would be cut up like this, into something so unsalvageable that it’s been panned by almost everyone, even people who didn’t care much about Dean and Cas.
Finally, a masterpiece can be ruined by editing, and while I’m not sure even the script they ended up shooting on was a masterpiece (due to the network meddling already), but to me it’s blatantly obvious that it’s no one but the network that caused this, that took away closure for Dean, Cas, and even Sam.
So what do I want?  Nothing really, there’s nothing we can do, but I wrote this mostly to show people that the writers are not your enemy.   In fact, to the people trashing them?  You’re doing exactly what the CW wants you to: blame the obvious targets, blame Misha, blame Jensen and Jared, blame Dabb.  Scream and yell at them on Twitter and about how the show is ruined because of them.  The network keeps their engagement levels high, they don’t get as targeted for their behavior, and just keep moving along.
Just, please, think about who did this,  Mourn the show, be angry, but not at the people who fought tooth and nail for this for literal years, not the people who wanted it more than we did, not the people who cannot say anything because of their careers and the NDAs they’re bound by.
Someone is going to spill eventually, but until then, we just have to wait, and continue to be loud.
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muffinrecord · 2 years
Anniversary: Who to spend rolls on?
Someone asked what characters would be best to focus on for anniversary on reddit a couple days ago. I decided to include my response here too. I’m only talking about characters that I have some familiarity with-- I know that First Sunrise Shizuka is good but since I haven’t used her very much, I can’t give a detailed opinion.
Who you roll for depends on what your priorities are. I'll try to cover all the bases here from Casual play to Ranked to Kimochi. These aren't presented in any kind of order besides unlimiteds being at the bottom and limiteds being at the top. Also, this isn't an exhaustive list; I'm leaving off a few like Tsubaki and Final Tart because you'll need to spend money to get them.
If you want someone for casual gameplay, Ashley Taylor or Yachiyo Nanami (Anime ver.) are incredible. You really only need one or the other-- Ashley is better for more long-term generic farming since she has four blasts disks (less likely to pull an unwanted disc), but Anime Yachiyo is probably the best solo casual mirrors unit in the game right now (note: this doesn't apply for ranked). If you want to get one, you only need two slots because that's enough for them to murder everything with blasts. Personally, I think Anime Yachiyo is stronger than Ashley now but both are very good.
Kanagi Izumi (Vampire ver.) is very good as a solo magia unit and will make some challenges a breeze. She combines constant magia use with evade spam, meaning that she'll deal out lots of damage while taking very little of it. She's been outclassed by other units for things like Ranked and Kimochi, but she's still extremely solid and one of the best magia solo'rs in the game.
Madoka & Iroha are one of the best units in the game and can turn a bad team into a good one. They have Accele draw on their SE active and have incredible sustain. You'll see them used in all sorts of gameplay from casual, to high-level Kimochi and Ranked. They're just... They're just always good. If you had to choose from anyone on this list, I'd pick them.
Kuroe is shaping up to be a very powerful MP battery for Kimochi. It's arguable who is better at mp generation: Kuroe or Madoka & Iroha? We saw more Kuroes than Madoka & Irohas in the last (Aqua) Kimochi for the top players so factor that in. She also can get rid of Status Ailments on her Magia/Doppel which is something MadoIro can’t do.
Kyoko Sakura (Doppel ver.) is another EXTREMELY good unit. She's great for casual gameplay, Kimochi and for Ranked. She can easily get to Magia on turn one (some ranked strats have her there just because she can get there without needing to spend a disc) and she has blast draw. She's probably the best choice for Flame units right now if you don't know what to get.
Ultimate Madoka-Senpai is necessary for high-level charge strategies. There's honestly not more to say than that; in fact I'd go as far to say that she's 100% required if you want to do well in some of the Kimochi fights. Last year I remember Raz saying that she's the best unit to go for during Anniversary and it wouldn't surprise me if that was still the case.
Yachiyo Nanami (Tanabata ver.) is a very powerful charge unit. She has Charge draw and she has the highest +charge bonus right now. She's very popular in Ranking and Kimochi.
Holy Mami (Anime ver.) is a great forest choice. She's one of the best damage units for Kimochi (for forest) and she can generate MP like crazy. Despite her ugly sprite, I find her gameplay to be really fun and she's made a lot of challenges into a breeze. However, I would say she isn't as necessary to have as other units on this list... But you'll be really happy if you do have her.
Nayuta & Mikage (Christmas ver.)-- I'm a little more hesitant to recommend this pairing, but they're a very powerful support. However, if you have regular unlimited Mikage, you can probably skip getting them. Still, they're extremely good and worth mentioning all the same. *Note, I don’t have as much experience using them as some of the others on this list.
Akuma Homura-chan is the best Ranked unit in the game right now-- she's basically designed to be a monster for Ranking. Her SE active fucks up the enemy from using magia (and will destroy any anti-debuffs the team has), she herself gives 2 anti-status ailments to the entire party, she has 3 accele and 2 blast disks meaning you can use Tanabata Yachiyo with her without worrying about drawing charge disks (easier to get a puella combo that way), she can get to Magia easily and her magia is based around making the enemy deal less damage and get less MP, aka fucking up any possible good Ranking score for the enemy. However, she's not as good for casual use imo. Making the enemy deal less damage is important in Ranking but why do that when you can just kill the enemy faster for casual stuff?
Mikage Yakumo is the best unlimited support in the game. She has it all-- Attack Up and Damage Up on her Doppel/Magia, she has accele draw and mp on her connect, and she's adorable. She's a must-have and I always see her in Kimochi due to how damn good she is. Even one-slot is good enough for a lot of content.
Madoka Kaname might be a day one character but she is still a solid choice. I think she's overshadowed by Madoka & Iroha a bit, but she also excels at things they don't too. She's a great mp battery-- but if you intend to use her for Kimochi, make sure you don't unlock her doppel.
Mayu Kozue is insane for Kimochi and another practical must-have. Her Magia gives mp regen and can allow for some players to constantly be using Magia and Doppels EVERY TURN in Kimochi. Outside of Kimochi she is not as critical to have on your team, but she’s still very powerful.
Kushu Irina is an extremely powerful dark magia user. She has three accele disks and is great for Kimochi strats (for her respective element). Her personal and magia/doppel give Magia Damage Up to all allies, which is crucial for dealing more damage in Kimochi.
Sudachi Sawa is practically a necessity for Ranking. She's the best tank in the game (though that doesn't actually mean very much since tanking sucks in this game). The reason she's the best tank in the game is from a number of factors, but basically she gets to Magia really quickly (REALLY QUICKLY) and can provoke on her active SE. You can also arrange her SE so that she can grab aggro without even needing to use provoke, which is kind of crazy for a tank with so much bulk? However, she's not going to be as great for casual gameplay because tanks just aren't good for casual gameplay.
Sae Kirino is extremely good thanks to her charge draw and her charge conservation on connect. She's not as necessary as some units on this list (Kaoru can be used for charge draw instead if you're struggling) but she's still really great and perfect for casual gameplay + some kimochi.
Shizuka Tokime is a good generic flame unit. She isn’t as necessary as some on this list but I’ve found her extremely useful for almost any situation when it comes to needing a flame girl, and she gives some decent buffs to her whole team for five rounds (attack up/defense up), which makes her useful for difficult content like witches’ paradox. Also, imo she doesn’t need a ton of slots to be excellent; I def used her with two and gotten shit done. She gains mp really quickly which is a bonus too.
Little Kyubey is cool but has been completely powercrept. There are a few things Little Kyubey can do that no one else can, but I haven't touched mine since I got Ashley a year ago and Anime Yachiyo has stolen its job for casual mirrors gameplay.
Ultimate Madoka is nice but not a must-have and she's suffered from power creep. She's not going to be helpful for Kimochi or Ranked, but she might be alright for casual play + lower levels of hundred evils, but she's kind of... eh I guess? I dunno.
I'd stay away from any defense-types/tanks unless you're going for specific mirrors ranking strategies.
Ao Kasane is a really good support unit but Mikage outclasses her in some places-- however she was crucial in the latest aqua kimochi thanks to her ability to remove Granted Effects and Buffs from the enemy, so make of that what you will.
Rena & Kaede (Swimsuit ver.) are probably the best Aqua magia unit in the game, but that REALLY isn’t saying much. Their gameplay feels outdated in comparison to newer units. Still, if you need a magia-focused aqua unit who does aoe damage and not single target, this is the best one to focus on probably.
Kyoko Sakura (Swimsuit ver.) is a very good flame blaster, but she’s fallen more by the wayside thanks to units like Ashley and Anime Yachiyo.
Holy Alina is the only forest blast unit in the game, but she too is powercrept by Ashley and Anime Yachiyo. 
Mami Tomoe (Swimsuit ver.) is powercrept by Holy Mami (anime ver.). She’s good but she earns mp so much more slowly in comparison. 
Yozuru Sasame basically fills the same niche that Ashley Taylor/Anime Yachiyo fill, but worse. She’s not a bad unit by any means though; she’s just been powercrept. Basically you can say that she’s the unlimited version of Ashley and AniYachiyo. The biggest drawback on her is that she lacks a 100% Anti-Evade like those two have, but that can be fixed with the right memoria. Her best asset is her personal memoria, so make sure you get that max-awakened!
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demonicheadcanons · 4 years
Obey Me Undateables / Side Dishes and Little Affections
AN: The last post for the brothers was ridiculously popular and this was requested so! Here we go. Just little ways the undateables are affectionate to the MC. Romance-coded but not for Luke bc he’s baby. I did this on mobile so forgive me for any formatting issues, and for the lack of a read more!
As you may have seen, I struggled a lot with Solomon because I really view him as being indifferent. I’m sorry if his is a little underwhelming! I also wrote this differently from the last one because I forgot how I formatted it, sorry ;u;
- He’s busy all the time. Like truly, this man rarely gets a break, and even when he does, his mind is still tick-tick-ticking away. Crawl into his lap and hold his face in your hands and he’ll finally relax, you can see the clouds clear away from his eyes. He kisses your forehead and holds your face in return, shining again. It only takes a few moments for him to settle completely, to shut off all his worries.
- He really just,,, likes to pick you up? So long as you’re not absolutely terrified he’ll completely randomly walk up to you and lift you up and carry you around with him or just hold you there. Bonus points if you wrap your arms around his shoulders and / or bury your face into his neck. Extra bonus points if you kiss or nuzzle against his cheek. His grin is so wide and bright it could light up the whole Devildom. Additionally, if you run and jump at him he will drop everything to catch you, no matter what. He has not and will never fail to catch you, and it makes him laugh so hard you can feel it in the way his arms and chest shake as he holds you.
- He likes to lay down beside you and link pinkies. It’s so soft, such a delicate little thing, and yet you trust him enough to let him do that. The minimal contact makes it feel even more special to him, there’s no pressure there. You’re close and he has a reminder of your presence beside him and it’s enough, it’s enough.
- With Diavolo, if you decide to teach him cute human things, you might regret it later, because he remembers them all. You put your palm out once, telling him that he’s supposed to rest his chin there, and from then on he’ll do it immediately. He will also expect you to do it too, and his timing is completely random. You’ll be talking to Barbatos and he’ll hold his hand out and wait for you to rest your chin in it. When you do, he pokes at your cheek with his thumb and walks off again.
- Please play cute games with him. Farming games like Stardew Valley or things like Terraria and Minecraft, or the Sims, or anything like that. He also doesn’t mind matches on more competitive games, but he likes to relax and make a house or a farm with you, and his reactions to everything is adorable; you two make Sims and he cheers when they get married, and even if they’re not representing you two and are just random Sims, he jokes about how you should do that too someday. He’s amazing at games that are strategy based, but prefers to play anything else so he can relax and not think for a while.
- Random tickles. It’s completely unexpected and he is very sneaky - the first few times it’ll catch you heavily off guard, and even after that it’s hard to predict when you’ll feel his gloved hands brush against your sides. He’s an expert at guessing where someone is ticklish, and abuses that power when alone with the people he loves (namely you!)
- Food fights but on a small scale. He’ll walk past you in the kitchen and brush flour across your face, disguising it as him simply being affectionate as he passes by, a reminder that he cares about you and is thinking about you even as he works. His movements are graceful and confident as always, to the point where it’s actually quite hard to even realise what he’s done. He will consider telling you before you leave the kitchen. He really will consider it.
- Similarly, if his hands are wet, just before drying them off he’ll flick water in your direction and then act like he has no idea what you’re talking about when you ask if he just did that. Really, MC, why would he do that? He’s been so busy cooking, and you’re accusing him of doing something so childish?
- He quite likes just, holding you up and carrying you around but in a different way to Diavolo. Instead of Princess carries, it’s more like if you jump onto someone and wrap your legs around their waist and your arms around their shoulders? He loves carrying you around like that. Cling onto him! He’s not fond of having you cling to his back, but his sides or front is fine.
- Barbatos tends to keep an eye on you and it’s really hard to tell, but if you’re in the same room as him he’s keeping tabs on what you’re doing. You could swear he has eyes on the back of his head, because he always seems to know what you’re up to. In reality, he really just likes seeing how you look when you’re focused, or, alternatively, when you’re completely zoned out and off in space, thinking of something completely random and irrelevant to the current situation. He’ll come up and tap your forehead and smile at you when it looks like you’re back in the room again.
- Solomon isn’t super affectionate and he’s not really an acts of kindness kind of guy. The most important thing for him is proximity; he doesn’t need you pressed up against his side all the time, but he likes having you in the same room as him as often as possible. You spend your evenings in his room in Purgatory Hall, laying or his bed or working at his desk, as he busies away with some new spell or writes down results of experiments with different potion ingredients. He doesn’t bother thinking too hard about it and just accepts it, but the reality is that it’s very calming and comforting for him. He’s also not someone who worries much about being judged or anything, so regularly having another person around doesn’t bother him.
- He asks for your input a lot. Simply put, he wants to hear you talk, and he’d love to know what makes you tick and how your brain works. “What do you think of this?” “How do you think Satan would react if...” and so on. So many ‘what if’ questions that it might make your head spin, because he’s always playing a game in his head of ‘what would happen if...’ despite rarely following through with it outside of experimenting with his magic and potions, and he wants to involve you in it too.
- Solomon doesn’t mind holding hands, and likes to play silly games when you are. Things like having thumb wars, or he’ll tangle his fingers up with yours and watch, amused, as you try and fail to pull your hand from his grip. Afterwards he’ll hold your hand with both of his and run his fingers and thumbs over it to soothe you. He also likes to just rest his hand on top of yours when you’re sitting beside each other.
- He’s going to try to be affectionate if it’s something you seem to want, and just out of curiosity. The one thing that sticks is that, if you’re cooking for him (because he’s not allowed to) he’ll wrap his arms around your waist and hug you from behind, his chin in your shoulder as he watches whatever you’re doing. He’ll blow air at the side of your face or at your fringe / bangs if you have them, so long as you’re not doing anything too dangerous and aren’t at risk of getting seriously injured.
- Bonus: If Solomon calls you and says “try this” or “drink some of this” don’t do it. Or at the very least, ask about any possible effects first. Moreso for food than for potions; he’ll find a way to reverse the potion, but the memory of eating his food will be stuck with you forever.
- Bonus bonus: Solomon loves giving you squishy hugs but he will squeeze you too tight and he will laugh even if he feels your spin click against his arms as you yelp. He won’t hurt you, but he will squeeze you hard enough that breathing will be difficult for a moment. You can tell from his smirk that he doesn’t feel guilty at all.
- Simeon likes having you play with his hair. The way you twirl strands of hair between your fingers and try and fail to make a mess of his soft locks, which always return to their place no matter how hard you try to stop them. Bonus points for innocently wandering fingers that brush down the sides of his face, thumbs and fingers that ever so lightly brush along his cheekbones or around and under his jaw. He relaxes into your touch, eyes fluttering closed before he opens them just enough to smile at you, silent but oh so visibly delighted.
- If he knows it won’t make you sick and it’ll wipe off, he actually quite likes to draw on your hands and arms. He’ll let you do it in return, of course, but simple doodles and patterns, hearts and diamonds and sweet little reminders you’ll see later when you have to wash them off.
- Laying on your stomachs with your sides pressed together on a thin, soft blanket, knees bent and legs swinging in the air as you both read the same book. Simeon always finishes the pages first and so you take charge of just turning the pages, until he mumbles that he had lost focus - he’d been too busy watching your expressions, almost lulled to sleep by listening to your gentle breathing and wondering if you were enjoying the story and what your thoughts on it were, trying to piece it all together without disturbing you.
- You pass him at RAD or out in the Devildom and you don’t necessary stop, but he always waves, and god is it impossible to ignore how he lights up. His eyes gleam and he looks so, so happy just to see you and be reminded of your existence and if you’ve been unsure before about how truthful he’s being when he says he loves you and adores being around you, that look on his face will erase all your doubts. He’s beautiful and he’s glowing and it’s because he saw you!
- It’s an obvious one but baking together! Making cakes and decorating them. Letting stress out as you knead bread, experimenting with making different types of pastries. One time you make a batch of cupcakes and decorate them to look like dogs and he feels really sad when people eat them but he’s proud all the same, and he likes that he gets to feel proud around you.
- He acts like he’s indifferent, but he quite likes when you call him your brother. If you call him your little brother, he’ll protest because he’s hundreds of years older than you in reality, but he allows it after a while. So long as he can call you his big sibling in return, it’s worth it. If any of the brothers tease him over being the little brother, he remarks that at least you trust him and care for him so much as to call him your brother. None of them can really respond to that.
- Pat! Him! On! The! Head! Adjust his scarf! Fix his hat! He doesn’t understand why he enjoys it so much, but then Simeon points out that it probably makes him feel cared for, and that’s absolutely it. No teasing works or harsh gestures, just little acts that show you care about him or are thinking about him. It makes him feel so safe and happy.
- He always remembers things on your schedule for you, from little reminders that you might forget about to big important events. The only other person he does that for is Simeon, so it’s really a big deal for him - he shows enough interest to listen to you and remember all the little details you tell him, and then to reach out to you and make sure you remember or just to say he hopes you have a good time. If it’s something stressful, he might not message beforehand, but he’ll show up when it’s over with some treats and act like he just happened to be baking today and had some to spare.
Tag list: @katsukis-sad-angel
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pastelsandpining · 3 years
CONGRATUALTIONS ON YOUR 300 FOLLOWER MILESTONE!!! 💓🎉💞 Could I request some TP Zelink where one of them glances at other's lips when they're trying not to?
oh ho ho you sure can
enjoy ;)
Masterlist | Small Drabbles
Link can’t help but wonder if, once upon a time, the Hero of Time faltered like this too. He was never specific in his regrets, but it’s not hard to think about all of the things that could’ve gone wrong, all the things he could’ve or should’ve done but didn’t, and it makes Link wonder if he’s going to become a hollow husk one day, too. Would people forget what he’d done for them? Would being the Hero of Twilight mean nothing to them one day, years from now when the world had already moved on, leaving him in the embers of the burning world he couldn’t quite stop picturing every time he looked out upon Hyrule? It was hard to see the world he loved in dismay, so he cannot imagine what it might feel like for Zelda.
They’d grown rather close in the past year since the end of it all. He finds, when it really comes down to it, there’s no place he’d rather be than sitting with her, hearing the princess talk about whatever she pleases. Most of the time, Link lacks the necessary experience or intelligence to really understand what she is saying. She is far more educated than him, especially in political and social matters. All he really knows how to do is swing a sword and ride a horse in a way that works to round up cattle. Being here at the castle gives him a little bit more than that. He’s taken up a position in the army at Zelda’s suggestion and, well, he is far better received than he thought he was going to be. That makes him feel all the worse for his recent…lapses in attention.
Even now, with Zelda in front of him, he can’t really pay attention to her words. Sure, her voice is lovely and he could listen to it until she couldn’t speak anymore, but the words aren’t sticking in the same way they used to. He is distracted by her eyes, at the way they balance her wonder and trauma so well, at how they seem to shine even in the dark. He is distracted by her hair, how it seems to fall so perfectly no matter how much she messes with it. Sometimes he wants to run his fingers through it, then spends quite a bit of time chastising himself for such silly and improper thoughts, because why would she want a farm boy when she could have anyone she wanted in all of Hyrule?
She’s still speaking, though he doesn’t know what she’s saying. He tries to focus, shifts his position and tilts his head, but the only thing he can look at is her eyes. And then his eyes flicker, they drop traitorously to her lips, to the soft pink paint on them, and the thought of how she might taste intrudes in his head. He wants to push the thought away, he wants to shake his head and pretend it didn’t happen before she noticed, but he couldn’t lift his eyes. It’s almost hypnotizing, the movement of her lips with every word she made.
Had the Hero of Time felt this way for his princess? Had he had these thoughts? Was one of those regrets that he never got to tell her? Maybe he should tell her, before he ends up an empty husk of heart wrenching regrets. Maybe he should kiss her–no, not outright, because this is Zelda. This is the princess that fired arrows of pure light at Ganon while they rode through Hyrule field together. She could obliterate him with little to no effort, and he would let her.
“Link?” she asks, and only then do his eyes rise up to hers. She looks amused, but if she saw where he’d been focused, she doesn’t say anything. At least, not yet. He clears his throat and awkwardly rubs the back of his neck, willing the pink from his cheeks.
“Sorry,” he says with a small shrug, like he could curl in on himself and somehow disappear. “I was, ah, a lil distracted.”
“I could tell. I asked a question.” she replies with a raised brow, her lips quirking into a little smile that makes his heart slam against his ribcage. She’d asked him a question. Damn.
“Can you repeat it?” he asks hesitantly, and the laugh she lets out causes the tension to drop from his shoulders. She doesn’t seem upset. Maybe she didn’t notice.
“Oh, it’s nothing. I’m far more curious to know what you were thinking about, if you care to share. Is my lipstick smudged?”
Oh. Okay. He’s in trouble. It’s not smudged, but he sure would like to smudge it. Damn.
“No, no, you’re– it’s fine. I just-”
“You seemed really focused,” she says, tilting her head and leaning closer. “Is there anything troubling you?”
Her eyes sparkle. She knows. She knows she knows she knows she knows–
“Yes,” he replies, bringing a hand up to rub his face. “But, gods, only Hylia can help me now.”
“Pity. Well, when you pray to Her for assistance, perhaps She can make your longing glances more subtle, if you don’t plan on doing anything about them.”
Gods, he’s in trouble.
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moonbeamsung · 3 years
You’re Just a Boy in a Blueberry Field
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No fruit is sweeter than a summer love.
member: haechan
au: blueberry farmer!haechan x gn!reader
word count: 5.0k
genre: fluff, very light angst
warnings: mentions of food
author’s note: It’s here! I actually wrote most of this last summer, but only recently did I find the time to edit and get it ready to be posted. I added some parts and changed a few things, and now I like it quite a lot, so I hope you do as well! Thank you @astroboy-lele​ for beta-reading :) As always I would love to hear any feedback on this, and I hope that you enjoy the fic!
taglist: @astroboy-lele @kyuwoyo @rvse-hvvck @nakamotocore @kisshim @leejunini @chicksung @mrkcore @radiorenjun @moon-jun @jisungiest @stayctday @byutafy @jujubean23 @treasurehobi​ @bluejaem​ @lyshoonn​ @vera-liscious​ @allegxdly​ @cupfullofjeno​ @thats-a-jen-no-no​ @yo-ddream​
network tags: @kpopscape @neo-constellations @culture-cafe @dreamlab-nct @k-dinernet 
Thank you lovely Ana @rvse-hvvck for this additional header!
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Donghyuck knows everything there is to know about those blueberries.
Without even pausing for the briefest of moments to think, to instinctively recall the information instilled in him throughout his childhood spent on the farm, he can answer any question that’s thrown at him. He can point out just the right color of berry to pick so that they’ll be ripe when you eat them later. Likewise, he can also tell you which ones are best to eat now, as you pick them, pretending not to notice when you pop one or two into your mouth and grinning when your eyes light up from the sweetness.
A day comes where he, filled with mischief as usual, places a not-so-ripe blueberry into your hand, and you, being so wrapped up in the peacefulness of the morning that surrounds you, fail to notice its red color and don’t think twice about lifting it to your lips, biting into it with your teeth. When the tart taste meets your tongue, your face contorts into an expression that elicits a raucous fit of laughter from him. You’re the first one in the fields that day. When the sun had risen on the horizon, the fleeting touch of color in the sky that dawn left behind still lingering above, he had been there, sitting on the front porch as always to greet customers.
Donghyuck knows every bug that loves to rest on the branches of the blueberry bushes. After spending so much time next to you as you scan them for the pops of vivid blues and purples that are hidden behind jade green leaves, he begins to learn that you are not fond of any bug, no matter how harmless. It’s cute, he thinks, how you inspect every berry that you drop into your basket, fearing that some small creature is lurking on it. If you do find something, he hears a small noise of both surprise and disgust before you fling the perfectly good berry away from you. It also hurts a little, knowing that it’s one less for you to take home.
When more people arrive at the farm after you, he’s forced to leave your side and get them started on their own search for the delicious fruit that’s nestled among the branches of nearly every bush. And if they ask where the best ones are, he specifically points them in the direction of the fields where you aren’t. It isn’t a lie, really, because they’ve had a good harvest everywhere this year.
...Okay, so maybe it’s a little selfish on his part, but who can blame him for wanting you to have some of the most plentiful bushes all to yourself?
Wednesdays are his favorite because it’s always the least crowded of all the mornings they’re open for business, and he can spend more time following you as you make your way down the rows, admiring the focus on your face and the way that you sometimes pause mid-reach, closing your eyes and standing still as the sun peeks through the clouds and casts its warm glow down onto the farm. A gentle sigh tumbles from your lips, darkened by the violet nectar that remains from the countless blueberries that have crossed their usually pink-tinted threshold. You resume your search after a few seconds, catching his eye and returning a smile he didn’t even know was there.
He makes the berries taste a little sweeter when he’s next to you. The purple juice that stains your fingers is a little darker. The sun feels brighter and warmer than ever, its heat shining down onto your skin.
One particular morning, after you finish picking all the blueberries you can carry, you decide to accompany Donghyuck on the porch, sitting beside each other in matching rocking chairs that first belonged to his great-grandparents, the farm’s founders. The familiar sounds of birds chirping and the low mumbling amongst customers meet your ears. You both gaze fondly at the horizon while immersed in casual chatter, all the while tending to several families as they come and go.
Whenever a car turns off of the two-lane, paved road and onto the noisy gravel path leading into a small grassy area that functions as a parking lot, Donghyuck excuses himself from the lively conversation both of you always find yourselves sharing. He stands, brushing his hands off on his faded denim overalls that are only slightly too large for his frame. His hand lifts up the baseball cap he always wears while the other runs through his hair, and your gaze falls on the back of his neck where it rests in longer strands. You always wonder why he keeps it like that since he complains about how hot it makes him feel. The humid summer air is stifling enough as it is, after all. The thought vanishes only moments after it arrives, though, and he flashes a brilliant grin at you over his shoulder as he descends the wooden stairs leading down to the patio.
Today, a happy looking family gets out of a shiny silver minivan. The mother and father with two kids, a boy and a girl, make their way toward the covered patio and Donghyuck bounds down the steps like always, grabbing 4 stacked pails in his calloused hands. You lean forward a little in the creaky old rocking chair, your weight in your toes, ears just barely picking up his conversation with them. He greets the parents warmly, shaking their hands and then he kneels down to be eye-level with the small children. The little boy seems shy as he clasps his fingers in front of him, thumbs twiddling back and forth, while his sister is clearly the opposite. She skips over to the much taller boy, saying hello.
“Do you two like blueberries?” He asks them, one arm resting on his knee and the other extending a pail out in front of him. The young girl nods enthusiastically before she takes the container from his hand and turns around, passing it to her brother as he nods, making eye contact with Donghyuck for the first time. A small smile grows on his face when he’s met with the wider one of the unfamiliar but still welcoming stranger. His sister speaks up again, “Every Friday we get to help Mom make her famous blueberry pie!”
“Is that right?”
“Yep! In the morning we always go to the supermarket and get fresh blueberries,” she explains. Her mother leans down, softly telling her that this week they’re here to pick blueberries instead, fresh from the farm they were grown on.
“Really? So that means we’re not buying them at the store anymore?”
“Well, honey, today we can pick enough blueberries to last us for a whole month’s worth of blueberry pies.”
“And besides,” Donghyuck starts, still kneeling on the ground next to her, his boot leaving an imprint in the dirt underneath it, “it’ll taste even better since you picked them yourselves, don’t you think?” The boy punctuates his question with a wink.
The young boy steps up for the first time, grin stretching even wider as he finds the courage to happily agree with the wise words. Exclaiming eagerly and in a way that only a child can, he takes his sister by the hand that’s not holding his small bucket before scurrying off, their parents close behind after grabbing pails for each other as well as a third that their daughter had forgotten in the midst of the excitement.
As Donghyuck joins you on the porch once again, you can’t help but smile as you remember how he interacts with each and every customer that passes through the weathered fence surrounding the property. When he talks to kids in particular, his eyes seem to light up, and you see just how much of a kid he still is deep down. His playfulness never fails to make an appearance whenever you spend time with him.
You’re thankful for the moo of a cow in the distance that interrupts his question of why you’re smiling like an idiot and hopefully drowns out the steady sound of your pounding heart.
The next week he tells you that the rest of his family is out of town, and he’s been left with the responsibility of running the farm all on his own. He usually does most of the work himself these days anyway since he’s getting older and more mature, although some of his jokes say otherwise. You miss the way his mom would poke her head out of the upstairs window of the main house, calling out a greeting to you both from across the property, overjoyed at the sight of her son spending time with the particular customer he’s mentioned so many times before. Whether he would share an amusing anecdote of yours with his siblings at the dinner table or point out something that reminded him of you, it was far too easy for her to figure out how he feels about you.
In an effort to spend more time with him, keep him company and just help out in general, you offer to stay at the house with him for a little while. Or at least until his family gets back from their trip, and to your delight, he agrees. You arrive in the late evening, on a day when the fields are closed, just in time to catch the setting sun as it disappears behind the trees and power lines that seem to stretch for miles in the distance. Tugging an overnight bag of belongings with you, you knock twice on the wood of his front door.
It opens swiftly and Donghyuck welcomes you inside, wearing an apron that he must have outgrown 10 years ago, at least. You snicker at the snug choice of attire and he shoves your shoulder, though not with enough force to make you stumble. He whines a little in that saccharine-sweet voice of his that makes your heart clench, but you don’t give in. Not this time.
When the farm is closed for the day, the family has a chance to pick from some of the bushes that are planted in a more secluded area, all to ensure that they also have a big enough supply of the fruit to last them for the season. So Donghyuck had woken up at the crack of dawn, although you aren’t sure why. He had made his way downstairs and out into the dewy air of the morning, gathering just enough blueberries to bake a cobbler that night when you came over, since he’d learned it was your favorite treat after hours of conversation about anything and everything. The recipe comes straight from his great-grandfather, he informs you, and it’s written on a yellowing piece of paper in handwriting that you couldn’t read even if you tried. He, however, can somehow decode the seemingly nonsensical swirls and lines on the page. You suppose it’s part of the magic of the family recipe that gets passed down with it.
Donning an apron yourself, you join him at the sink as you begin washing the berries, gently grabbing a handful at a time as you let the tap water clean them. When you both reach into the large container at the same time, your hands brush and you almost scoff at the swell of your heart that you feel inside your chest.
As you’re working together to make the batter that you will soon pour into his mother’s finest glass baking pan, Donghyuck briskly swipes his fingertip on the side of the bowl where the mixer had splattered the combined ingredients, extending it in your direction. You raise an eyebrow at the boy and said fingertip before turning your head away.
“If you really think that I would lick that off your finger, then you’re terribly mistaken.”
Coyly, the mischief-maker in question retorts back as you glance at his impishly delighted expression. “Are you sure?” 
“Positive,” you state rather firmly, but matching the mirth in his eyes with a glimmer of amusement in your own. “I’ll settle for the spatula, thanks.”
“Suit yourself.” Donghyuck rolls his eyes, your answer completely expected. At least he tried. 
You won’t deny that you enjoy sampling a bit of the batter of a dessert as much as anyone. But not that much.
Left with no choice, he takes himself up on his own offer and sticks his finger into his mouth with an audible ‘pop,’ exaggerating the action just to get a rise out of you, feeling the upward curl of his lips when you react ever so slightly with a silent chuckle.
You’re adding the last bit of flour to the mixture when you accidentally get some of the powdery substance on your hand in the process. Turning the automatic mixer off, you momentarily forget about your stained skin and you make the mistake of wiping your face with the back of your wrist, smearing the white stuff on your cheek. Donghyuck notices, of course, and an innocent attempt to help clean up the mess only ends with the two of you blushing like crazy.
“Let me help you,” he speaks up.
“Don’t be ridiculous, the pan’s not that heavy, and even if it was, I’m strong enough anyway—”
You’re about to pick up the glassware but his sudden strides over to you from across the large kitchen cause everything you were saying, doing, and thinking to come to a complete stop. You’ve never really had a problem with personal space before, but right now he’s leaning down and his face is so close that you’re afraid to even breathe for fear that the action might just throw you off balance and towards him. For fear that you might not push his chest away with your hands if that happens.
He’s bending his knees to match your eye level and his hand lifts from its place at his side, hovering in midair not far from where the flour still lingers on your skin. His eyes had been so focused on the stain but the shrinking proximity between you and him pulls his gaze from your cheek to your eyes, blown wide and confused because you still have no idea that there’s something on your face.
The undoubtedly palpable tension in the room almost reaches down his throat and pulls the words from his vocal chords in an effort to dispel the heavy air circulating around the both of you.
“There’s… uh… you have flour…”
Donghyuck still hasn’t broken the less than comfortable eye contact, but he’s unable to look away for reasons unknown to him. After an agonizing amount of seconds your brain switches on again, albeit slowly, and you’re able to properly process the position you’re currently in. Your own hand starts to lift and though the movement is slight, it’s enough to draw his eyes down to it and he finds the strength to complete his goal at last.
His thumb swipes across your cheek and without even thinking he pops it into his mouth once again, forgetting about the unpleasant taste of flour. The way that the boy’s face scrunches up when the bitter powder meets his tongue doesn’t eliminate the awkwardness completely, but it’s a start. You hastily make an effort to avert your gaze as you frantically wonder if he caught your face that’s surely as warm as a blazing fireplace, all because he did the unthinkable with that stupid finger of his.
You won’t let yourself dwell on how his hand is just the right size to cradle the side of your head, or how much nicer his lips look up close, or how they must taste like the blueberries that he snuck into his mouth as you made the cobbler, or how you wished he had used his lips on your cheek instead of his thumb.
How you wish he had closed the almost nonexistent distance between your flushed faces.
These thoughts do nothing to ease the steadily growing heat that’s currently taking over your skin. Your eyes land on the glass pan and you take the opportunity to grab it, acting as a sort of distraction for your mind and also as something to snap you both out of your embarrassed hazes.
You get the finished dessert into the oven with no trouble after that, and now you have a little over half an hour of time to kill before it’s ready, so Donghyuck leads you into the nicely furnished family room and plops down onto the plush couch. When you don’t immediately follow he glances up at you, sensing that you’re still hesitant after the awkward moment. He smiles softly and almost apologetically, as if he’s sending a silent signal that you’ll both move past it soon enough, an invitation to put the incident behind the two of you. And you accept it.
You take a deep breath before you sit down next to him, sinking into the cushions underneath and behind you. The material dips slightly under the weight of both your bodies and gravity itself seems to be in control as it pushes you together, shoulders bumping and the sides of your legs being pressed up against each other. Thankfully, the television roars to life with the laughter of a live audience on one of your favorite shows, and you exhale a puff of air you didn’t even know you were holding in. With every scene that lights up the large display, you curl up further and further into his side, his arm migrating across the back of the sofa and winding around your shoulder only a few centimeters at a time.
This feels like home. Donghyuck feels like home.
The buzzer of the oven interrupts when you’re halfway through another episode, prompting you to jump to your feet just as abruptly as the alarm-like noise had started blaring. Consequently his arm flops down by his side as he mentally curses the loud intrusion into what had become a comfortable atmosphere, an atmosphere that was finally surrounding you again after what felt like an eternity but had really only been an hour.
In no time, you’re returning from the kitchen, the warm blueberry contents of the cobbler oozing out onto the flowery pair of plates you had grabbed from the cupboard. Handing one to him and setting the other aside for yourself, you quickly go back around the corner to grab two tall cups of cold milk. Your second time joining him on the couch comes more easily, almost all of the earlier tension having dispersed into the room, wafting out the windows along with the delicious scent of the fruit baked into the sweet, flaky crust. In fact, you’re fairly sure that it’s strong enough for even his neighbors down the road to smell. Which reminds you: you need to package some up to deliver to them tomorrow, per Donghyuck’s suggestion.
You’re most definitely sure that he smells the aroma, of course, because it’s hard to ignore the eagerness with which he takes a large bite of the dessert. “We make better bakers that I thought we would,” the boy comments, taking a sip of milk. The white mustache that it creates above his top lip when he lifts the glass to his mouth is enough to make you giggle, and you’re unaware that this predictable reaction was his objective all along. He grins, rather satisfied.
With your stomach now full, a head-plaguing drowsiness begins to set in. It slowly fills your senses enough for you to drift off, fork nearly falling out of your hand and onto the floor before he catches it, along with your weight when you slump down against his shoulder. Donghyuck is barely able to reach one of the end tables, and he sets the dishes and silverware down next to the now empty cups. Your body unconsciously clings to his like a koala to a branch, with both hands clutching one of his arms and a leg hooked over his thighs.
He takes one look at you and wishes he could pause time, to stay here forever. It’s not every day that he meets someone who can easily match the amount of snark he possesses. Simultaneously, you also balance out the friendship you share with your compassion and sense of wonder about the world, always evident in your morning routine when you come to the fields. Donghyuck has noticed that you bring out those same qualities in him, perhaps more than anyone else ever has. And just like you’re holding him right now, he vows to hold on to you.
As much as he doesn’t want to get up and for the evening to progress, he knows he should, that it has to. So he manages to detach from the hold of your limbs, gently pushing himself up and off of the couch so he doesn’t disturb you.
Glancing at the large antique clock above the doorway that leads out into the hall, Donghyuck realizes it’s much later than he thought. He decides to turn in for the night, but on a regular day he usually finds himself still awake well past midnight, despite the need to wake up early the next morning and run the farm from the crack of dawn.
Since you’re tired and he doesn’t want to risk you waking up alone in an unfamiliar bed and place, he comes to the conclusion that he’ll join you. Only leaving your side for a moment, he puts the cobbler into the refrigerator and turns off the kitchen lights behind him as he goes. Softly padding halfway up the stairwell, Donghyuck makes sure there’s enough light for him to see where he’s going before making his way back into the living room one last time. He tucks one arm underneath both of your bent knees as tenderly as he can, and places the other behind the middle of your back, hand gently curling against your waist. He carries you with probably the most delicacy he’s shown in his entire life.
Going upstairs is generally an easy task, but doing so while carrying another person is a different story. He would never forgive himself if he were to hurt you in any way. If even your foot happened to bump the wall next to you, a burst of frustration at himself and his own carelessness would surface regardless of the impact’s intensity
Your position in his arms gives him yet another opportunity to gaze upon your peaceful expression, and he begins to think more deeply about what you are to him. Looking forward to your visits makes his work so much more enjoyable and worth it. You’re someone who truly appreciates what he and his family do for a living and you faithfully support them with your business as a customer whenever you can, which is a rare thing to find in most people that come. Most are just bored and in need of something to occupy themselves or their kids. Sometimes they don’t even pick that many berries. But you always make sure to bring your own basket, which holds just as many as if not more than the ones the farm provides, and fill it to the brim. In his eyes, you’re special.
Amidst the mostly-asleep state that you’re in, your eyes just barely open far enough to see a blurry picture of Donghyuck’s face as he carries you through the house and up into the bedroom he had suggested you share. He sets you down onto the soft mattress before pulling the covers up to your stomach, retreating into the attached bathroom to quickly change into a thin t-shirt and his favorite pair of plaid pajama pants.
The memory of that conversation floods back to you. Initially, you refused the offer, saying that he would rest better if he had more space to move around. But being the clingy person he is, he had pouted desperately as you struggled to stand your ground in the discussion. “Fine,” you had huffed, only half-frustrated with those doe eyes he always uses to get his way, and your lips had great difficulty holding back a smile.
The hum of electricity that can be heard emanating from the next room snaps you out of these thoughts, and is enough to wake you up a bit more. Your gaze scans the surroundings for a minute or two before he opens the door again, his eyes now looking as heavy as your own.
Donghyuck joins you under the blanket and shifts to lay on his side, facing you. It’s funny that you’re both able to adjust to a situation so intimate and new almost instantly. Still on your back, your head turns and you’re conscious enough to raise an eyebrow at the boy. There’s that pout again.
“Please?” He mumbles, his bottom lip jutting out in an action he’s perfected. You know exactly what he’s after: cuddles.
You don’t even try to hide the playful roll of your eyes as you scoot a little closer, but it’s not close enough for him. He gets impatient, meeting you halfway, and this time it’s him that flings a leg over yours. An endearing, small noise of contentment from him fills your ears as you take notice of his arms, now interlocked behind your neck and around your shoulders. You melt into the snug position, a hand landing on his forearm that’s laying across your chest. Turning ever so slightly to the side, your other hand winds around his middle and eventually rests just above his hip, pulling him into you even more. Donghyuck nuzzles his face into the side of your neck, a few strands of your hair tickling his skin as he sighs in complete and utter bliss.
Determined to savor the moment until the irresistible inevitability of slumber starts to overtake you once more, you fight to stay awake with all of your might. But in what you thought was only the blink of an eye, the glittering stars visible through the bay window’s sheer drapes morph into the pale golden rays of first light. There’s a soft murmur of your name along with an unintentional, almost imperceptible peck to the place where his lips meet your skin, and you’re wide awake. Not to mention a little shocked.
He’s utterly unfazed, though, slowly waking up now that the sun has gotten brighter, its beams filtering into the room and hitting his already glowing face that becomes a gorgeous honey-colored hue.
Donghyuck reluctantly withdraws his arms from your form after one last embrace, effortlessly rising from the wrinkled bed sheets and offering his hand to you when you start to do the same. A sleepy smile makes a home on his features and he reminds you of your task to deliver a portion of the dessert you made to his next-door neighbors.
That’s exactly what you do, first making yourselves presentable in the bathroom by smoothing down wild bed hair and freshening up your faces with cool water. Being around to see each other’s natural morning states is a major act of trust, and he doesn’t miss an opportunity to poke fun at you for it.
“How long does it normally take for you to do your hair every day before you come here?” His tone is dripping with feigned innocence, but the sly grin on his lips says otherwise.
“Shut up, Hyuck.”
Tupperware container in hand, your shoes step in rhythm with his as you amble along the grassy shoulder of the street together. Somehow you end up hand-in-hand by the time you reach his neighbors’ front patio.
“Donghyuck!” The elderly woman at the door greets him with a twinkling voice, her husband coming into view soon after. “Look who it is, honey,” she motions fondly to the boy who they both once knew to be much shorter and younger, but now is all grown up before their eyes. “You’re getting so tall. It seems like only yesterday you were scurrying through the blueberry fields and waving to us through the gaps in the fence.”
“Yes ma’am, it does,” he responds politely. The couple has been living there for as far back as he can remember, and quite honestly they feel as if they’ve become part of his family, too.
Her warm brown eyes light up. “Is this the customer your mother was telling me about last week? She mentioned how close you’ve become, and now I’m finally seeing it for myself. You make a lovely pair.”
“Oh—” Donghyuck startles. Not much can get him flustered, but he hadn’t exactly been anticipating for his mom to recount all the things he’s said about you to the sweetest and most innocent of elderly couples. Of course they would assume that there’s something going on.
Not that there’s anything wrong with that, with you. He wouldn’t mind at all, really. He’ll just need to have a word about a little thing called privacy with his mother later.
You see the glint of panic in his eyes and speak up. It’s not often he makes such an easy target for teasing. “Thank you,” you state graciously, the smugness in the statement only noticeable to him. “We’re very happy together.” He feels you lean into him, fingers unwrapping from his and gripping the other side of his waist. You know exactly what you’re doing, and so does he.
Almost forgetting to hand over the slices of cobbler you’d cut earlier, Donghyuck nudges you to do so, and the four of you exchange thanks and farewells before you’re on your way back to the farm.
“Happy together, huh?”
“Shut up, Hyuck.” You mumble something else afterwards that he doesn’t quite catch.
“What’s that? Didn’t hear you,” he sings, stopping in his tracks. You do the same. “Shut up and what?”
“...And kiss me.”
After many days and many nights spent wondering, you can confirm that his lips do, indeed, taste as sweet as the blueberries in those fields.
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Scattered AU Masterpost Part 1
This is a collection of all material associated with the Scattered AU (read about the premise here)!
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AU material under the cut (because this is growing super fast already)
Due to post length limit (which is apparently a thing), find Part 2 of this AU here.
A few ideas to get us started:
- Tango and Zedaph spawned relatively close to each other, but they haven't found each other yet and each think they are alone. They keep just barely missing each other in their exploration of the area. Maybe, with the powers of Zed's perfect sense of direction and Tango's laser-sharp perception skills, they'll finally stop walking circles around each other...maybe.
- Xisuma spawned alone, deep underground in a massive, confusing cave system. He desperately wants to figure out what's going on and how to fix it, but a bad run-in with the Warden damaged his helmet, leaving him unable to use admin commands.
- Mumbo spawned the farthest out of anyone, right next to a woodland mansion. He quickly realized that hoping to stumble across another person this far out is a lost cause, so he's trying to create some form of communication using a combination of redstone and Evoker magic. The Evoker isn't very helpful, and it isn't going well.
- Joe and Vintagebeef were the only ones to successfully spawn at spawn. They aren't really sure what's going on, but they've decided to build a small village as a base of operations while they figure it out (and to signal signs of life to anyone who might successfully find their way back)
- Cleo spawned in a village, and is currently hiding out in a house while trying to convince the villagers to trust her. Let's just say they aren't thrilled to have a zombie in their midst (and the iron golem is even less pleased)
- Impulse had the misfortune to spawn in a guardian temple. Between the guardians and the constant threat of drowning, he's been in a death loop since the world started.
- False and Stress spawned right next to each other. They figured out pretty early that something was wrong with regen, and using their combined strengths, they made it to the Nether to get ingredients for healing potions. They are now on a mission to find the others and distribute the potions to whoever needs them.
- Ren actually managed to travel a good distance back to the world center, before getting pretty badly injured. With no regen, and knowing he'll have to start the journey all over if he dies and respawns, he's decided to pull together a small base and take shelter while he waits to be found.
- Scar spawned on an outer End island, with no idea how to get back to the Overworld. He keeps finding strange glitches in his surroundings, and he swears he can hear soft Vex laughter whenever he turns his back...
- Keralis spawned in the Nether, and he is absolutely terrified.
That's all I have for ideas so far. The location of the others (and what happens next) is up to you!
Contributions so far:
- Bdubs spawns in the void, but he just doesn’t die. Maybe it’s spawn protection, maybe it’s the glitches, but he just keeps falling and falling and falling further from the bedrock, unable to do anything to help himself as he descends further into the void
- @fluffy-papaya
- After wandering around aimlessly for days or maybe weeks, Tango finds an automatic farm for... well... he's not sure, exactly. But he does know who built it- it's got Zedaph's mark all over it. So he stays there, fixing broken Redstone, trying to figure out what it does. And when Zedaph returns to collect melons (so that's what this thing is for), he finds Tango waiting for him.
- @rayveewrites
- Etho spawns in a underwater cave, but there is air in it and for some reason a shipwreck so he can get some wood and tools. But he has to get out to contact anyone because the reception in caves don't happen to be the best, little does he know just outside the cave is the monument where Impulse is, they're so close yet so far from one another
- anonymous
- Maybe Etho ended up spawning at the very top of a mountain, he could see far from up there and has a general idea of where he is, but no idea how to get down as all around him is powderd snow hiding ravines, and cliffs. . . And a few goats that Etho has narowly avoided getting headbutted by. (Etho went to the mountain after escaping the cave)
- @ciaravixen
- Welsknight spawned in the Nether
- (paraphrased) Ren fell down a ravine in the mountains on his journey to the world center, and decided to make a small cabin base rather than try to carry on injured. Doc spawned in those same mountains, and may find him eventually.
- anonymous
- Grian spawns on the tallest peak of the highest mountain. Surrounded by thick fog and almost ever-falling snow, with crevasses and cliffs that drops thousands of blocks to the ground around every corner. No trees, no life, and barely enough air to breath. It's so cold. A thin red sweater isn't nearly enough to keep him warm.... he's likely caught in a death loop for quite awhile as he refreeze over, and over, and over again. And when he does manage to climb down, an ice pillager lies in wait...
- @therainofsweetmelody
- Scar’s End spawn is on a single island- he can see other islands around him, but they’re just out of jump reach- he tried, and fell and died, and respawned back onto his little island with the whispering voices around him a tad louder, and the islands just a bit farther away. He stops trying to jump to them eventually, out of fear they’ll vanish and he won’t have anything to focus on besides the whisper of ice cold hands and wings on his skin
- anonymous
- Oh! Maybe since Xisuma’s admin helmet is broken and he’s unable to run any world commands, that means mob hermits like Cleo, Doc, and Jevin aren’t quite the same. Maybe Cleo locked herself in that house for the villagers protection as much as her own. Maybe Doc eventually joins a lone creeper pack. Who knows! -💧
- anonymous
- Zed and Tango spawned in the same jungle biome, explaining the melon farm and why they could be literally three blocks from each other and still not be aware of each other’s existence. -🟣
- The first thing Scar does once he first spawns in (besides from almost having a panic attack) is take a jump into the void. This of course does nothing. He checks out the rest of the end islands around him, and finds a rather large end city just in render distance. There should be treasure or something that could help him survive, right? -🟣
- Keralis was lucky enough to spawn in a warped forest biome and next to a basalt delta, so he’s got wood and stone. It takes a bit, but he gets full gold armor and finds his way to a nether fortress. He figures with the broken regen that the other hermits will try to go for potions. Maybe he finds Stress and False, maybe not. -🟣
- I apologize if I'm sending too many asks, please feel free to say if so! I'm just already so invested in this idea, and absolutely love where it's all going! Shattered au brainrot go brrrrr - anyways; Cub spawns in a valley within the messa. To one side an abandoned village covers the cliff, and to the other, mines drill deep into the rock. A stream luckily runs through the valley, though it's slowly drying up. He can hear strange sounds in the mines, and feels something in the village watching
- @/therainofsweetmelody
- what if the hermits caught in death loops start gaining scars and marks from all their deaths? like impulse had permanent scars from the guardians and grian’s hands are permanently blue from freezing to death all the time
- anonymous
- X finds some axoloyls in a lush cave and falls in love. He gets some wood from said cave and gets some buckets so he can keep them -🟣
- Cleo gets stuck in a death loop with the iron golem, who is blind to her not attacking the villagers. One of the smarter villagers realizes she’s not fighting back, and calls the golem off. -🟣
- (paraphrased) After the iron golem is called off, Stress and False find Cleo badly hurt in the village house. They make sure she's comfortable and safe before going to the Nether to get potions, where they find a battered Keralis and carry him back. They turn the house into a little hospital while they brew potions and take care of Cleo and Keralis until they're strong enough to move on.
- anonymous
- Stress and False have set up a Nether Portal near a Nether Fortress, for easy escape to the relative safety of the Overworld. Keralis has never been more relieved in his life than when he found that portal.
- @/rayveewrites
- Doc spawned a thousand blocks away from ren, not knowing hos friend was there he happened to go in that direction. He managed to get materials, tools and food for himself before he sees rens little hut
- anonymous
- Jevin was one of the luckier hermits, when it came to where he spawned. He woke up in the shallow green waters of a floral cave, illuminated by glowing rocks and berries. He wasn't... quite alone. Although no other hermits could be seen, he quickly found a small family of axolotl living in the closed-off cave. They became his companions as he tried to assess his situation, and served as comfort when he realised his communicator was almost useless. Being slime, the environment was very welcoming
- @/therainofsweetmelody
- Xb spawns in the middle of a desert, with not even a village in sight. While he's used to being in distant lands with limited resources, he's very much not used to it on the Hermitcraft server with limited contact to the others. As the nights go by and the sands grow more hostile thanks to never-burning husks, he grows more and more lonely.
- At first, Doc is elated when he spawns on a mountain surrounded by goats. That is, until he discovers that none of his fellow hermits are there with him. After being headbutted down the mountain into the snowy tundra below and left on precariously low health, he hunkers down in a nearby igloo. But it's not exactly easy in a food-scarce biome when his only contacts are two villagers and the horde of strays that gather outside each night...
- in one sense of the word, scar is safe. There's enough chorus fruit on the island to keep him alive, and despite his concerns the enderman don't even bat an eye at him. Theoretically, he could survive for longer than many of the others. But the whispers keep nagging at him, pushing him closer and closer to the edge. Sure, he could survive, but how long could he stay on this deathly quiet piece of land before someone would find him? He can see the faint outline of an End City on one of the fading islands, and every passing moment it haunts him. If he could just give in for a moment, let the powers of the vex harness his body for just a few seconds, maybe he could make it over and gather some gear- maybe even an elytra- and then he'd be set. But fear and logic talk him out of it. He's made deals with the vex before, and that quick trip across the islands could put him in a much more dangerous position than only being stranded...
- @/crows-in-space
- What if after scar gives up, he finds his vex mask lying on the floor with a tag saying ‘do it, it’ll help you get across’ (shade's note: Scar does it)
- anonymous
- For the Scattered AU: Scar gets an elytra, and after much internal struggling he decides to take a chance and leap into the darkness for hope of finding another island. During his terrifying glide he hears a distant scream from the void that is so familiar, but he can't quite place it, and he's in no hurry to risk flying any lower to check it out. - M
- @petrichormeraki
- Iskall and doc's robotic eye glitch out so they don't have any depth vision, so no mater where they spawn, they Are bound to die a few times from missinterprating how far away an Arrow or trident is, and how fast something is coming at them.
- @/ciaravixen
- I initially thought of this for Ren, but since there was already an idea for him, it could probably work for Iskall instead; He spawns in the middle of a scorching desert. Dunes of sand for as far as the eye can see, with barely a cactus or dead Bush in between. No water, no life - only the ever-present heat of the sweltering sun, and the large skeletons everywhere. He manages to find an abandoned temple after days of dragging himself through the sand, and spies a desert village on the horizon
- @/therainofsweetmelody
- Scattered AU! The way the "not killing Bdubs in his own spawn in the void" glitches work is similar to the forgiving void mod works where when you hit the bottom of the void you are teleported to the top instead of taking damage, but since Bdubs can't see anything in the void he doesn't know this (beyond a constant falling) feeling until he manages to "fall forward" enough to find some end islands, he finds scar this way but is so excited to see him he died from fall damage right in front of him
- @theclockworkowl
- (Scattered AU) Piggybacking off the death loop scars ask, when/if Bdubs is rescued from the void, he's in ROUGH shape. His external limbs are blackened and freezing with frostbite from the void (voidbite?), and his bones are permanently weakened from his form being subjected to the cold abyss for so long. Bdubs needs to relearn gravity after falling for so long, and doesn't use elytra anymore. The solid ground under his feet is something he'll never sacrifice for convenience ever again. - M
- @/petrichomeraki
- Wels spawned in a giant crimson forest in the nether. Towering mushroom trees, thick red vines, with piglins and hoglins he constantly has to run away from. But he finds something.... interesting as he's exploring. A house has been built into a wall, a mixture of nether and overworld blocks. Stepping inside, someone clearly lives there - someone who's not a piglin. Imagine his surprise (and relief) when a certain familair knight walks through the door. "Helsknight?"
- xB wakes up in a dripstone cavern. It's damp and cold and the spikes are very tall, forming a sort of natural cage around him. At the very least, zombies and mobs can't get through, but the longer he stays there, the weirder the sounds get. There... wasn't a new mob for the dripstone caves, right? Right? (i'm trying VERY hard not to do new hermit OR crossover headcanons for scattered au. i swear) ~@betweenlands
- Scattered AU! Everyone Etho dies He spawns in a new place, first it was the underwater cave, then it was the top of a mountain, but it wasn't until he spawned inside an ocean monument and saw impulse trying to escape just as he was dying he realise the importance of the pattern, He was cycling though each of the other hermits spawn locations, which made all the wierd almost hermit made wierdnes make sense, the underwater one was his but the mountain was Grian's spawn spot,
- @/theclockworkowl
- Can the hermits see death messages? (They can) I'm imagining the potential angst of that, where normal world messages (achievements, commands, deaths) go through just fine but the others can't chat. The helplessness of watching their friends' names endlessly filling the chat and having no idea where they are, having no clue how to help, not even being able to offer comfort.
- @/basaltdragon
- Someone had mentioned xisuma also ending up in a floral cavern with axolotl, right? What if this was the same cave Jevin found himself stuck in? After days and days of clawing at stone, xisuma finally breaks into a cavern filled with faint light. After discovering the friendly acolotls, he notices a strange blue mass floating in the water.... and is almost startled to death when he sees the skull faintly showing through the slime, and the familiar wobbly voice coming from it. "Xisuma?"
- Doc and Grian (and later on, ren) spawned on the same mountain. Grian, of course, at the very top: stuck in the endless snowpeak, towering high above the clouds. Doc, meanwhile, ended up at the base, surrounded by snow and goats and giant taiga trees as far as the eye could see. Once Ren got stuck in the ravine, he often heard a familiar scream before a sickening splat every now and again, as the ravine lies almost completely below the highest peak. He's afraid to check his communicator.
- @/therainofsweetmelody
- grian’s practically given up since there’s not much for him to do. there’s no food and his hands are too frozen to mine. a little fox stays by his side at least. he’s about to freeze again and his health is low and he hears crumching footsteps approaching. he assumes its the iceologer coming for him but instead he hears “grian?” and he can make out blurry figures before he passes out and wakes up wrapped up in a blanket infromt of a fire. (whoevers managed to find and rescue him is up to you :D) (Shade's notes: the person who found him was Doc, and he took him back to Ren's cabin to warm up)
- anonymous
- Scar isn't the only one changed by the time he reaches spawn. Impulse drags himself up onto land finally, breathing heavily, and there's something different about him. Sharper teeth. The shadow he casts more inconsistent. Always faintly smells like saltwater. And his eyes glow faintly, a pale washed-out non-color like light at the bottom of the ocean. Something suggesting nonhuman geometry. Something sleeping that had to reawaken to escape. ~@betweenlands
- Eventually, Etho spawns in a jungle. By a complete stroke of luck, he sees the smoke of a campfire. Tango and Zedaph are happy to see someone- anyone- else. Especially when it turns out Etho somehow managed to get the coordinates of a certain Ocean Temple. Sure, it's far, but they can make it. After all, there's an 'I' in team ZIT, and they aren't leaving him behind.
- @/rayveewrites
- (summary of a couple different writing peices) After escaping the Guardian Temple, Impulse set out to find any other Hermit he could. He has gained some unnerving qualities and abilities that he doesn't really understand, but he's trying not to think about that right now. After defeating several mobs he should not have been able to defeat with his level of progress, he now possesses one Totem of Undying. He met up with Zedaph, Tango, and Etho on their way to find him. They are now hosting him at their campsite and are glad he is safe, but Etho is unnerved and suspicious of his more unsettling attributes.
- I had sent this idea right after the inbox closed, rip. But anyways - what if mumbo ended up befriending the evokers and pilligers in the woodland mansion? Of course, it wouldnt be like that at first- the constant death to the axes and swords and magic, the growls and yelling and cursed glares. But he always came back to work on the redstone and evoker magic in a desperate attempt to contact the others. Eventually, the evoker stops sending their vex, and the pilligers stop swinging their weapons
- @/therainofsweetmelody
- (Scattered AU) After Scar gives in to the Vex. Bdubs is barely conscious to begin with; dying to the void so many times really took it out of him in every way possible. But when he is awake, what he sees makes him scared. Scar with faded, cold eyes. Scar with transparent wings, gone in a blink. Scar being able to do things he shouldn't. Scar says it's to get them out of there, but every day he gets a little paler, a little colder, and Bdubs grows more worried. - M
- @/petrichomeraki
- Perhaps xb and Iskall are on opposite ends of the same desert? On one side, high sand dunes covering miles, with a single desert temple and isolated desert village hidden amongst the cliffs and hills. On the other, the deep flatt valley next to a Mesa mountain, flat nothingness stretching far past the horizon. It would still take quite a long time for them to find each other, but at least there's a change they could meet... and, perhaps, over that mountain, cub could be somewhere in the mesa
- Iskall and Xb eventually find each other in the desert. Sunburned, dehydrated, and sand-blasted, they hug when they first meet despite not knowing each other well. And they try their best not to die, because what are the chances they'll ever find each other again? Two heads are better than one for finding their way to the rest of the hermits.
- Its probably a week or so of falling before bdubs managed to move enough to finally see the end islands just barely rendering in the distance. As someone had mentioned, perhaps he became so hopeful that he missed his mark, hitting the ground with a sickening splat just blocks beside scar. It took bdubs almost another week to get forward enough to see the islands again. This time, he landed right on scar... sending the vex back to his spawn several islands away, and leaving bdubs alone for days
- While Bdubs and Scar are more than happy to have found each other again, their moments together are tense and filled with gaps of uncomfortable silence. There's an unspoken agreement hanging over them: Scar doesn't question Bdubs' frozen and frail state, and Bdubs pretends not to notice how Scar's skin has gotten pale and ghost-like, or how he glances behind him often, like he's being followed by a shadow only he can see. Though of course, Bdubs does notice. The whole server does. Grian wakes up in a cold sweat from a dream of Scar's ruthless attempts to destroy the mycelium resistance. Cub feels his own ties to the vex magic acting up once again, now worrying more than ever what Scar may have encountered in this broken world. Even Mumbo's evoker friend begins acting different, though Mumbo can't seem to determine whether it's out of excitement or fear...
- Scattered AU After the Wels meeting Hels Headcanon I imagine maybe Hels offers a deal to insure his safety on the Hermitcraft Server in exchange for Wels safety in the Nether. Wels very reluctantly agrees adding to the deal that Hels won’t hurt anyone. To bad he didn’t notice his Evil counterpart cross his fingers while shaking on it.
- anonymous
- Scattered AU:  TFC spawns on the main end island, dragon and all. With out proper preparation he’s been stuck in a death loop since the world’s start. Sometimes, right before he dies, he wishes that the janky respon would de-age his body; he’s not the agile young man who could take down the dragon solo anymore.
- @liagrace-b
- Scattered!Grian can’t fly. His normal down-featherly wings look like every feather has been plucked off, leaving the very sensitive skin open to the elements. But the world’s code itself has altered the physics of the wings themselfs. Grian can feel how much heavier the wing structure sits on his back, meaning that they couldn’t let him glide even if fully feathered. Poor Grian hasn’t survived the freezing cold long enough to know if his feathers would grow back with enough time.
- anonymous
- EX somehow gets into the scattered mix. Spawning in the Deep Dark, the exiled admin is terrified, and will stop at nothing to find his brother. 🌙
- (Scattered AU) Scar and Bdubs, after months(?) of travel, make it to the Ender Dragon's island. Bdubs is scared for both of their lives; he is in no condition to fight, he can't even STAND, and he's so, so afraid to die and be condemned to falling forever in the void once again. Scar says nothing, only gently setting his friend down behind an obsidian pillar before his skin goes completely translucent, his eyes clouding white. (Paraphrased: Scar defeats the dragon, him and Bdubs meet up with TFC)
- @/petrichormeraki
- the plugins do not work, so singleplayer sleep is out. Beds do reset spawn point, so the Hermits who spawned in a place where they can get them would do well to make several and use them as checkpoints along their journey (and hope that they don't get broken, especially for those who had to escape death loops....)
- (my answer to some questions)
- Those trapped in death loops change, adapting until they aren't harmed anymore or till they escape. After all, what are players if not adaptable?
- @permafrost782
- Xisuma blames his broken helmet for being unable to admin, as some sort of comfort. But there is no comfort there. The truth is, not even Joe, Tango, Cub, or Hypno can access the chat, can even begin to run commands to fix what has gone wrong. If they could, they would have teleported everyone to 0,0 and reset the worldspawn. Those partnered with any of the admins feel a certain kind of hopelessness. Those without feel a different kind of hopeless.
- @/basaltdragon
- To add to the scattered AU: Though i had seen someone explain the void connecting to the end so Bdubs gets out of that fall, i had the thought of this; What if eventually the void loops around with the overworld's sky, so he's basically in a continuous loop if falling to his death and respawning in the void until he finally is lucky enough in his falls to get over water and live. After that he just has to stay alive otherwise he returns to the void..
- Somewhere, in the back of Scar’s vex-addled mind, there’s the worry of Jellie. Where is she? Is she with another hermit? Did she spawn in with another village again and will he have to find her again? -🟣
- (Scattered AU) Cub and Scar have been linked by the Vex ever since their deal. One day, Cub's iron armor burns against his skin all at once, and through the searing pain is a horrifying realization that Scar has given in. - M
- After a while Cub gets the resources to build a nether portal, but then he finds his portal has connected with someone else's. He finds himself lost again, without access to the farms he's built or the resources he's gathered, but at least he knows a friend is close.
- anonymous
- The End duo come across another end city. There’s a boat at the far end. Scar flies up on delicate vex wings to get the spare elytra and other loot. They’ve been walking for far too long. He floats down (as if he had the slow-falling effect. There’s only health in the brewing stand. Bdubs’ worry for Scar increases) with an extra set of trousers, boots, an elytra, the potions and a pic. Scar offers the elytra to Bdubs. He refuses. It’ll take longer to walk, but he never wants to fall again🟣
- Mumbo gets caught up in redstone work and doesn't bother trying to find anyone else. So when another hermit finally finds him, he has to stop his evoker friend from attacking. Whether or not he's successful is another thing.
- Anonymous
- (Scattered AU) Consider. When Doc finds Grian on the mountain peak while exploring the terrain, a message sends through everyone's communicators. <Grian was blown up by a Creeper>. Doc doesn't get a death message that time, despite both of them suffering the consequences of a surprised Doc in a server where mob-oriented hermits are more volatile than they should be. Doc doesn't go looking for other hermits again after that, and Grian is shocked into numbness at the dawning realization that his monster friends might be so much worse off than he thought. - M
- @/petrichormeraki
A summary of where things stand so far
- scattered au pog!!! hypno is in a seemingly endless flowery field. it was nice at first, but there's no trees, no food, and hardly any water. the sun is so hot. flowers aren't filling. hypno thought he liked being alone.
- Anonymous
- Mumbo doesn’t succumb to the magic of the mansion like perhaps Cub and Scar have, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t entirely unaffected- his skin becomes a little more washed out, instincts a little more violent- he certainly can’t go into villages anymore, otherwise the iron golem will smash him to bits
- @/fluffy-papaya
- With Scar using Vex magic, the Vex turn their attention to Cub, trying to tempt him at every turn. More then once he's found his mask in one of his chests, staring up at him, or awoken in a cold sweat from a dream full of vex. So far, he's resisted the temptation. Wether that lasts is another question entirely.
- Maybe eventualy hypno realises Even flowers would need water to grow, or that the bees must have a bee hive somewhere around here, and the bee hive is always connected to a tree(I think thats the case in Minecraft). So he tries to find where the buzzing comes from and follow the bees around.
- @/ciaravixen
- cleo bases a lot of her identity around being a zombie, right? she probably isnt too happy to be cured. she probably cries all the time it takes her to heal. it had to be done, but that doesnt mean she has to like it. and she doesnt, not one little bit.
- Anonymous
- that ask about Mumbo not bothering to look for anyone got me thinking.... Mumbo getting too caught up in his work with the evokers to look for the others. Mumbo making friends with the illagers. Mumbo knowing that it's completely reasonable that nobody has found him yet, but still getting the creeping feeling that no one is coming for him. Mumbo spending all his time with his new friends because, after all, they're here, and the hermits aren't... All this to say that, when the hermits eventually do find him, he might not be very inclined to leave...
- @/crows-in-space
- At one point, Mumbo's new friends are just...watching him try to do his stuff, observing. Mumbo's getting increasingly frustrated when ne of the evokers watching him breaks off and hands him something. At first he thinks its a totem of undying, its shaped like one, but its strange. Made out of iron, and its eyes are diamonds instead of emeralds. Then it starts to burn his hands and he passes out from the pain. When he wakes, its gone and he moves on, a bit more wary of his 'friends'. Maybe it was a mean joke, or some kinda of strange inhiation for the mansion maybe Except next time he's frustrated, he thows his hands up annoyed and fangs rise out of the ground around him and snap at the air. He cries out, confused, before looking at his hands which almost look like they've been painted with gray paints. it wont come off. He seems mentally the same but now he starts to experiment with his new found abilities. Maybe they can help with his redstone or even find others.
- Anonymous
- after trying a poisonous flower, hypno respawns back in the field. this time, he tries walking in a different direction. maybe this is the way out.
- Anonymous
- The flowers in Hypno’s area are just so perfect... blooming dandelions don’t lose their seeds when he brushes against them, petals that are crushed underfoot quickly regain their shape- and if his mind wasn’t so affected, he would’ve noticed the flower he picked was quickly replaced by another
- @/fluffy-papaya
- The Moobloom has one unique feature: The ability to leave behind flowers in its path... that is, the ability to alter the world around it simply by walking. These flower plains are not particularly large, maybe eight or so chunks across in each direction, but glitched world generation spawned in a herd of mooblooms, and all they've been doing is walking around causing little distortions, one on top of the other. From the inside, where Hypno is standing, the plains go on forever. The air is thick with buttercup pollen that's slowly dulling his sense of space and time. He has to pull it together, somehow. Force the world to recognise that he's walking forwards in a straight line. Or he'll be wandering in circles forever...
- @/draconic-dreams
- another hermit- maybe beef? sees the edge of a deep, fragrant field. on the horizon, not far away, is hypno, walking in circles. he calls but he cannot hear beef. something tells the man not to go into that field- at least, not without a flint and steel. (Shade note: Beef and Joe saved Hypno and are currently sheltering him (unconscious) in their spawn sanctuary)
- anonymous
- Maybe if they went through the exit portal and it glitched but good. They don't think about the fact it should send them back to their spawns, Scar feels something at the back of his mind that very much isn't him tell him to change his mind, stay in this place becuase they'll just be trapped if they try to leave, but Bdubs grabs his arm and jumps in before Scar can say anything. For a second, blessed silence, Scar's mind feels clear and normal. then they show up at world spawn and scare theother
- anonymous
(Shade note: people at the spawn haven now include Joe, Beef, Hypno, TFC, Scar, and Bdubs)
- Once Keralis and Cleo are healed up, the village gang starts going to 0,0 to try to meet up with others. On the way, they find a flower forest (potentially the same one Hypno’s in). They find some mooblooms and fall in love (this was def not done bc I want some fluff, nope not at all /s) -🟣
- Mumbo receives a set of robes from his evoker friend. He’s loathe to get rid of his suit, but at the same time... well, all the better to fit in, right? This is a glitch and fluke anyway, and he might as well blend in if the illagers ever turn on him. That’s it. That’s the only reason he tosses the suit jacket into the fireplace, don’t be silly. It has nothing to do with the feeling that he just doesn’t want to leave...
- anonymous
- I’m imagining Shattered Impulse looking like the Fishman from Shape of Water + the teeth of an Angler fish and the ability to unhinge his jaw. Poor guy probably gets mistaken for a glitched mob when someone finds him.
- @/fandomrecycling
- Yes hello it's me again. After the pollen spells breaks for Hypno (and whoever else might have tried to save him beforehand...), he notices he's a little different. he can't always control how he moves, he doesn't like eye contact, and he takes an even bigger interest in his, well, interests than before. Basically Tourettic Hypno go brrr (I am tourettic so feel free to ask me clarification!)
- @/fireflower-dusk
- I don't think Keralis has been mentioned except for being in the nether so I would like to contribute that he spawned in that soul sand and skeleton biome that has almost nothing in it.
- anonymous
- Mumbo, being hundreds of thousands of blocks out from spawn, is the last hermit to be found. Even after the glitch was fixed, Mumbo was so caught up in his research and new abilities that he no longer felt it mattered. He'd been apart from the hermits for well over a year now; and a long time ago he gave up hope that they'd come back for him. This was, of course, until he woke up one morning to a disturbance outside. When he goes to check the source of the racket, he's left frozen in place at the sight of Iskall on his mansion's doorstep. And at the end of it all, despite Mumbo telling himself that he was better alone, Iskall's hand on his shoulder, reassuring that "Yes, I'm here, yes, I'm real, and no, I'm not leaving, you spoon." Is enough for Mumbo to break, clinging to Iskall as if he'd disappear at any moment, murmuring "I'm sorry" over and over like a broken record. -🧸
- Maybe after Wels and Hels make their deal, and Wels gets some gold gear and a respawn anchor to click, Hels shows him how to create a portal to Hels the place to which from there, they think they can get into the overworld. The only catch being that to get in to Hels the place you need to focus all of you emotions onto pure hatred and anger, but the question is could Wels do it?
- Anonymous
- Hels taunts Wels about how no one came to get him, and plants ideas about how this was done on purpose, about how he's the only one to spawn in the nether for a reason. He tells him the hermits want him gone. And Wels of course becomes angry but he becomes angry at Hels for trying to tell him his friends didn't care about him. He's also angry at himself though, maybe for thinking he hasn't done enough to make his friends want to keep him around. He is never mad at the hermits though, never them
- TFC's concerned. Even if he thinks it's great he found Bdubs and Scar, the latter shouldn't be able to just kill the ender dragon alone. TFC doesn't know much about Scar but the man can barely fly usually, why did he turn into a vex, anyway? vexes don't exist in the end. TFC need to ask, at least to make sure he's ok, but everytime he tries he stops in his track once the cold, icy blue eyes stare back at him. devoid of the usual warmth his green ones have.
- Anonymous
- (Scatter AU) Saw someone mention the other ops on the server and had a thought: Tango is a programmer with a specialty in game programming. He’s probably sitting at the campfire thinking of every single way the game must have been corrupted to cause this many problems. If he could just get into the code, maybe he could fix some of these problems. I’ll bet he’s driving himself a little crazy thinking of everything that could be done to fix the world and not being able to do anything...
- Anonymous
- Cub was lucky, he thinks. Seeing the many death messages in chat, he's torn between gratitude that he's ended up with what almost looks like a normal spawn, and worry for his friends. After gathering enough resources to stay reasonably safe, he knows what he has to do next. So when he encounters Xb, he eventually suggests he takes some resources and a bed he's salvaged from the abandoned village and heads towards 0,0, hoping there'll be someone there. (1/3)But as for him... well, there's an obvious place to head as far as he can see, for someone with a safe enough spawn point and the ability to gather resources. A place where he knows for sure he'll find someone else, someone who needs help. After all, unless this world is even more messed up that it seems, there's only one place where a player would be killed by the Ender dragon, and he knows exactly how to get there. (2/3) (Shade note: Him and xB were not successful in finding the Hermit who the mystery portal belonged to. They must have died in the Nether and returned to their spawn point. XB resists the idea that they split up, but he sees the logic in it and agrees to start the long journey for 0,0.) (pt. 3 was eaten by the inbox)
- Anonymous
- Maybe one of the reasons Cleo doesn't like being a human as much is because she had chronic pain (particularly in her back) when she was alive, and when she gets cured after meeting up with False, Stress, and Keralis, her back pain comes back (along with all the other pains of being alive)
- Whenever Etho spawns, wherever Etho spawns, he takes it upon himself to tell each and every Hermit he can find to head towards 0,0. He's not sure why, but he believes that if they get everyone together, they can figure out how to fix the broken world.If there aren't any Hermits in sight, he'll make a sign out of whatever's avalible before going searching. It's a complete pain to try and build anything coherent out of sand and cactus, but he has to try. He has to get everyone together. It's their best hope. It's their only hope.Even Evil X. Even Hels. Everyone. He doesn't care about past grievances. They need to get through this. And their only option is to do it together. (Shade note: He doesn't stay with Team ZIT for long. He probably dies trying to protect them from something, knowing that it will only result in him finding another Hermit anyway. Even though he himself isn't making any progress toward the origin, he counts it as a victory every time he can guide one of his friends just a little bit closer.)
- Doc Ren and Grian himself thought that him being found and safe would fix everything right? yea no he has horrible fevor, he struggles to retain warmth depsite 2 feet from a fire, he's tired and has a hard time stay awake becuase on the mt he slept alot, he barley eats cuz he cant hold too much down rn. He cant stand being alone or he'll start to panic, ands he's just trying to ignore the new fox fetures he has desperately when he's aware enough to do. Doc and Ren have a hard time ahead of them.
- Anonymous
- Mumbo was trying to make a machine with redstone and evoker magic to contact the hermits right?so what if he did build the machine ad at first his only way to get the magic was to go annoy the evoker hoping he would try to hit him and instead hit the machine to power it. Plan backfired so many times because of the vex killing him before. So when Mumbo becomes apprentice he wants to try power the machine himself but it breaks because he can't control how much magic he uses yet.time to study magic
- Etho dies with the Zit and ends up back in it. Next he ends up in X's spawn, there's no one around but he finds the bloody tunnel X punched himself, and races down it to see in the distance Xisuma and Jevin in a cave.He calls out to them, only to get overwhelmed by zombies that just spawned, He manages to gurgle out 0,0 before he dies again. (He's now determined to be the messenger of meetings, even willing to die on purpose to find them all). After that? Ren's old spawn, now he has to track ren
- anonymous
- I guess hypno’s been... hypnotizd 👉😎👉
- We need more Jevin and xisuma interaction content, be it fluff or angst, how aware is jevin by the time Xisuma gets there? How many axolotls do they take with them on the way to the surface?
- @/ciaravixen
(Shade comment: We need more Jevin and xisuma interaction content, be it fluff or angst, how aware is jevin by the time Xisuma gets there? How many axolotls do they take with them on the way to the surface? )
- Mumbo having to learn how to use the magic, the evoker will probably also try to teach him how to summon the vex, even if Mumbo really wants to just focus on the magic and not the evocation.What if he's able to summon Scar since he gave his name to the vex? just by accident and Mumbo gets so startled by Scar's new appearance that he immediately interrupts the evocation and makes Scar dissappear. Scar reappears where he was before confused cause for a moment he saw Mumbo?did he allucinante??
- @/artsarasp
- Scattered AU! So what if what happened with EX and Hels happened with old hermits to? Like Biffa, Generikb, Jessassin etc etc. Everyone is concerned as it is but then they see a death message from one of them and realize it's even worse then they thought.
- Anonymous
- Once Wels and Helssknight are in Hels the have to sneak around a lot. Hels isn’t as popular there as he had previously boasted, that’s why he had tried to take over the over world. Cue heart to heart talk before a Hels version of another hermit cuts them off. (Can you pick the Hermit I’m kinda stuck here)
- Anonymous
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- Iskall must have not even known the direction he was walking from his desert spawn, so its purely by luck he ended up finding the mansion mumbo resides in- his cybernetic eye is fixed almost instantly upon his arrival by mumbo and iskall feels his hope fades as he realises they’re /so/ far from the hermits. I also guess he must be worried about whats happening to his friend right before him, mumbo wouldnt willingly give into the vex and evoker magic right? 1/2 But he isn’t so sure anymore, the days at the mansion are quiet and uncomfortable as Iskall has to be wary of the illagers that walk the halls, mumbo assures him of his safety, but theres no light in his eyes - he doubts the illagers welcomed mumbo at first- The usual banter isn’t there at all, its dead silence as mumbo keeps on working and Iskall can see how paler his skin becomes and the blue scars that litter his body 2/2
- Anonymous
- Etho died and respawned at the true spawn once. Beef was elated to see him and was afraid if he let him go, he would disappear. He didn’t want to lose his friend again. In the end, he does, he was actually with Etho when he dies, and he never lets the feeling go.
- @/harley-the-pancake
- aww poor etho! At least he's okay with this new role as messenger. Now i can just imagen he ends up at Ren's spawn and manages to track the man, nearly dying but staying alive and- thats a house in the distance! He goes over and nearly runs into Doc, who invites him in surprised and they catch each other up, their spawns and Etho's situation. They're overjoyed to hear about the others and Ethos glad to see them realtivly okay. Grian's condition is worrying however, changed and still weak (1) They agree they need to start heading to 0,0 but Ren is nervous about leaving safety, Doc wants them safe, and with Grian still sick and weak from laying in snow for weeks it'll take a bit until he's stable enough to travel (he'll probs have to be carried anyways). Etho stays for a few days at their insistence for rest, he wants to keep going there is more hermits out there he hasn't found, they are insistent that he take time to recover. Then, he lets himself die. Off to the next hermit! (2)
- Anonymous
- This is for the very very beginning, but maybe before False meets up with Cleo, she spawns in a warm ocean biome. Coral structures fill the water around her, and tropical fish dart between them. It would be almost peaceful, were it not for the fact that False was encased in a cage of coral.It’s a gamble every time. She has to try and smash her way out of her colorful prison before the tide rolls in, slow and steady water rising up her body and over her head. The water makes her movements clumsy and arduous as she tries to free herself, racing against time to escape the awful tide. (Pt 2) OH SORRY I HAD AN IDEA (this is from the coral False anon)What if Stress and False both spawn in that biome and they have to try and help each other out before the tide comes in?? Added angst if one of the times one manages to escape but the other doesn’t
- Anonymous
- (scattered au) Every time that a hermit dies the universe and the world file starts to corrupt, the way that things are going if everything doesn't go back to normal soon, then the world will crumble on itself with the hermits inside.
- Anonymous
- Admins log, day: ⬛⬛⬛ I've finally managed to find my way to the drip stone caves, weirdly I think I may have a good connection down here, I'll try to contact the others, if they haven't forgotten about me yet. (Shade note: Far away in the woodland mansion, Mumbo rubs his eyes and marks down another failure on his latest contraption. How long will it be until he can generate a signal? He has no way of knowing that, for a single moment, it worked. He stopped checking his communicator a long time ago, so he doesn't see the single message until much later: <Xisuma> can anyone hear me?)
- At some point Etho cycles round to Doc's spawn. His friend is long gone but there are five creepers in formation watching him. Waiting for something.It takes a moment for him to recall the trick of unfocusing his ears just right, so that their hisses resolve into words. He hasn't had to do it for years, after all. He hasn't run into General Spaz since he left Chocolate Island.“It'ssss been a while, Esssssho” the General says. “Let'sssss make a wager”The General reaches out for a handshake... it seems the glitch finally gave him a pair of arms.(ancient Etho lore go brrrr)
- Anonymous
- Both the snow and the void are cold, and getting stuck in there means getting frostbite a lot is fairly likely, so Grian and Bdubs would be unlikely to get out with all their fingers...
- @/bat-connoisseur
- Based on a little piece of this ask where it was mentioned that Hypno passed out only three steps outside the flower biome, I start to wonder, how long was he wandering in circles without food? Why did he collapse so immediately? Was the biome itself perhaps sustaining him? Keeping him "healthy" (if you could call it that) and alive? COULD he have starved to death if he hadn't been pulled out? Or would he have just kept walking? And walking. And walking...
- An idea focusing on evil xisuma. He ended up spawning on the nether roof, stuck with nothing but mushrooms and bedrock as far as the eye can see. No communication, no water, no way out. He can probably eat the mushrooms, at the very least.... but there may be some bad side effects from it. It's disheartening and lonely up there, dying from starvation over. And over. And over. At one point, etho may have spawned there as well... but of course, he wouldnt last long. Condemned to endless roof...
- Okay, hear me out: after Hypno’s been out of his illusion for a while, he starts to get headaches. He doesn’t think anything of it, until he wakes up one day with small horns growing and flowers in his hair. In conclusion: Moobloom!Hypno
- @/harley-the-pancake
- An Impulse
- A Grian
- A Guardian Impulse
- A Void Bdubs by @/sweetest-honeybee
- This Hypno by @/irys-97
- an Iskall and a Grian
- a fox Grian
- A Guardian Impulse
- a suffering Xisuma
- Mumbo and Evoker doodles
Up. He needs to go up. He spawned too deep in the world, and though he'd heard of underground spawns there was no way, no way in the world that being so deep under was normal. Every cave he crawled up either came to a dead end or opened into a massive, mob-filled cavern, and somehow he still hadn't found even half a mineshaft. He could spend hours upon hours painfully clawing his way through the stone, but he keeps convincing himself it'll be faster to find a cave that leads to the surface. The pounding heartbeat of a warden stills rings in his ears, an ever-present reminder of his terrible luck. If only he could get some wood. Just a few planks, some torches. Anything. It's almost as if the stone doesn't want him to leave.
- @basaltdragon
- Buried by @arts-and-drafts
- Cleo grits her teeth and pulls a leather cap low over her head and stays on the outskirts of the taiga village, where the less scrupulous people go. She can't stay here long, if an iron golem catches her she's going to end up social spawning a bunch of less sapient friends and wiping out the village. The air is cold and thin out here, close to the mountains. The strays leave her alone. She's not sure how to feel about that. ~@betweenlands
- "A poem, by Impulse" by @/rayveewrites
- Pulse by @/arts-and-drafts
- Unnamed Impulse fic by @bat-connoisseur
- Another Impulse fic by @/betweenlands
- Don't think about it by me (@shadeswift99 )
- A poetic fic by @irys-97
- this short anon piece
- If I lose myself by @/arts-and-drafts
- Mountainside by @/basaltdragon
- Sleepwalk by @/betweenlands
- This Grian fic by @silverechosandsmileymasks
- A Jevin fic by @/basaltdragon
- This Hypno piece by @/fireflower-dusk
- This Iskall anon
- Alternate Impulse fic by @/rayveewrites
- Short Grian fic by @rk9-mew2
- an alternate headcanon for Mumbo
- This Xisuma fic by @/bat-connoisseur
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sakura-83 · 3 years
Things from Anne with an e that I feel like writing down
Season 1 Episode 6: Remorse Is the Poison of Life
1. Diana having to run through the dark with nothing but a lantern and quite reasonably tripping. I never really thought about how dark it would actually be out because there’s always light.., somewhere in a modern city. It’s dark but you can usually still see
2. Every time Anne and Diana are separated they end up reunited during some great tragedy and are like “I missed you so much!!” Like yeah that’s great but. Please focus
3. It’s terrifying how easily children could die before modern medicine. They still can die very easily and that’s still terrifying but back then there was no quick fixes or easily accessible help
4. “It’s an old wives tale.” “I might be one but not the other. Evidently one doesn’t have to be either thing to know it.”
5. Anne knowing how to treat croup because all of Mrs. Hammond’s sets of twins had it
6. “I was supposed to be a boy but when I wasn’t, they decided to keep and raise me.” “How extraordinary!”
7. Minnie May almost choking to death on her own phlegm and Anne ultimately saving her because there’s no way the doctor would’ve made it all the way from Soencervale in time
8. “I believe I need a brandy.”
9. It’s really interesting how much of the script comes straight from the book
10. “I’m so glad I live in a world where there are white frosts, aren’t you?”
11. John Blythe’s love for adventure and how Gilbert undoubtedly sees it in Anne
12. Eliza apologizing for how she misjudged Anne
13. “My darling Diana”
14. “I can’t tie myself down to anything so unromantic as dishes at this thrilling moment!”
15. “Even aunt Josephine said she’d like to see you again, and she doesn’t like anyone.”
16. “Shes disinclined to stay home alone since her companion passed away.” “Her companion?” “Her best friend forever and ever.”
17. “Aunt Josephine never married. Neither of them did, they lived with each other their whole lives.” “I’d live with you forever if I could. But I know you’ll leave me the date you get married to some wealthy and handsome gentleman. I hate him already.” “How’s Gilbert?”
18. “It’s very likely Gilbert’s father isn’t going to get well, so it’s more than possible that when Gilbert finally comes back to school… he’ll be an orphan.”
19. The cut from that conversation to John Blythe’s funeral
20. Matthew grabbing Marilla’s arm because he knows how much john meant to her
21. Gilbert watching the snowflakes melt in his hand
22. Marilla’s flashback
23. Young Marilla teasing john
24. Him giving her the same hair ribbon she later gifts to Anne
25. Anne and Gilbert being just like their parents, mirroring their romance and yet achieving the love Marilla and John could never have
26. Anne trying to make Gilbert feel better but making it seem like it’s about her. I often find it hard to articulate my relation to others in a way that does sound like I’m relating and not like I’m making it about me
27. Aunt Josephine on a stroll in the woods
28. Anne’s ranting about her “extensive knowledge of being an orphan”
29. Her calling Gilbert a dumb boy and refusing to think about him
30. “Romance is a pesky business. No sense to be made of it.”
31. “May I enter your humble abode.” About Anne’s run down little shed
32. “I couldn’t be less interested in Gil- that boy!”
33. “Let your ambitions and your aspirations be your guide.” “But I have so many!”
34. “I’ve always wanted to be a bride, but I don’t really expect to be a wife.” “Interesting!” “So you see the conundrum.” “I do. I have the following thoughts to offer. First, you can get married any time in your life, if you choose to do so.” “That’s true-“ “And two, if you choose a career, you can buy a white dress yourself, have it made to order and wear it whenever you want.” “Why didn’t I think of that!? I love that idea! I’m going to be my own woman!” “I’m a proponent for making ones own way in the world.”
35. “If you become a doctor, perhaps you can discover a cure for old age.”
36. Anne calling aunt Josephine her new role model, as well as Marilla and Matthew
37. “I’m going to be the heroine of my own story.”
38. Marilla finding an old letter from John
39. The theme Unrequited Love playing during this scene
40. It’s fascinating when you come to recognize the instrumentals by name, the names actually have a lot of double meanings in relation to the show. Fire in The Town not only plays when there’s an actual fire, but also when Anne’s rumors about prissy set the town ablaze
41. “If the key to a mans heart is through his stomach-“ “Which it is!” “Then, we have to make sure that this is the best shepherds pie that Gilbert has ever had.”
42. Anne wanting a boy to loved for her brain and personality rather than her abilities to keep a home
43. “Don’t you think Gilbert looks even more handsome now that he’s sad?” “I didn’t notice.”
44. I just noticed aunt Josephines mourning clothes, I know she was grieving but I didn’t put two and two together
45. “Take the boy the godforsaken pie before I suffer a mental collapse.”
46. Anne rambling excitedly about Jane Eyre.
47. Anne almost spoiling the book, just like Gertrude used to do
48. Anne suddenly breaking down over death. I’ve done that before, far more frequently in middle school when I realized that we all die someday
49. “It must be awful beyond measure to lose someone that you love deeply. In a split second, a heartbeat, they’re gone forever… and there is nothing you can do to change it or bring them back…”
50. “Anne? You’re crying on the potatoes.”
51. “There’s nothing wrong with saying ‘I’m sorry for your loss’, Ruby. And I’m going to say it because I am.” “You’re just going to make it worse if you say that. His father!! Just died!!!” “That’s what people say when someone dies.” “I don’t want you to upset him.” “He’s already upset because his father just died!”
52. “We hope you like shepherds pie.” “Everyone LIKES shepherds pie 😡. We hope it’s a comfort to you, Gilbert.🥰”
53. Anne telling “but I would make a terrible wife!” And running out.
54. Matthew offering to help Gilbert get his farm back in order
55. Gilbert not wanting to be a farmer but having an entire farm shoved off on him when his only family does, despite being… 14 at most? 15 maybe?
56. Matthew losing all his crops when the Dal Marie sank
57. Billy wanting Gilbert back to control the “ugly orphan” and Gilbert defending Anne
58. “She’s smart, deal with it.”
59. Gilbert telling billy to read a book for once
60. “I’ll give you a tip, okay? I’m not your bud. And if you ever hassle Anne again, you’ll regret it.”
61. “What’s your problem?” “Ask me that again. No, seriously. Go ahead.” “Why you gotta be like that?” “Ask me!” “…what’s your problem?”
62. Gilbert throwing his stuff at billy to preoccupy his hands and THEN punching him straight in his stupid face
63. The boys are fighting!!!! And rolling around in the snow too that’s kind of funny looking
64. Gilbert beating billy in that fight
65. Marilla telling Gilbert about his father
66. All of Gilbert’s siblings died
67. Gilbert’s father taking him to Alberta before he died, where Gilbert was born
68. “You resemble him in many ways.”
69. “He asked you to go?” I’ll always be grateful to him for thinking I’d be brave enough. Obligation… can be a prison.”
70. Anne trying to write a letter to Gilbert apologizing for what she said
71. Anne visiting aunt Josephine for advice and accidentally interrupting her grieving
72. “Emotion is rarely convenient and often intolerable, but I find at the moment that I don’t mind it.”
73. “Grief is the price you pay for live, you see. So it’s alright.”
74. “You and I are not the marrying kind.” “Ah, but I was, in my way. And we had a full and wonderful life together, and I gave no regrets. That’s all you really have to decide Anne, to live a life without regrets.”
75. Anne kissing aunt Josephine on the cheek and running off to live said life
76. No Matthew don’t make that loan deal!!!
77. Anne sprinting to Gilbert’s house bit for the first time of many to come, being too late to reach him.
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afictionalwhore · 3 years
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SDV Bachelorettes’ Love Languages (hc)
This post is brought to you by my dear friend bribing me.
No kinks this time because I just struggled on that one.
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Emily — Gift Giving and Quality Time
When it comes to giving and receiving gifts, Emily is not at all materialistic. She always has gems and crystals ready anytime she feels you need one.
Don’t bother trying to give it back. She’ll say you need them more than her.
Though she’s a giver, receiving gifts puts Emily over the moon. It’s the thought that counts for her. The fact that you were deep in the mines thinking of giving that amethyst to her rather than selling it speaks volumes to her.
Emily loves spending time with you, even if she can’t commit as much time as she’d like to with work.
You visit Emily at the saloon at least every Friday, as you know it’s the busiest, most stressful day and seeing you will help put her at ease.
Visiting Emily and spending time with her, be it meditating together or trying on clothes she’s trying to make, mean the world to her.
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Haley — Gift Giving and Physical Touch
Haley, like her sister, is not materialistic when it comes to gift giving. She appreciates the thought the most, especially as you have to travel for some of her most loved gifts.
Haley is the only person who does not like the most valuable item, prismatic shard. That being said, too many expensive gifts will make her feel like you’re trying to buy her love.
Haley is not touchy until she gets to know you better, but once she’s comfortable with you, she can’t keep her hands off you. She wants to hold your hand around town, watch the sun set on the beach with her head on your shoulder.
If you fall asleep while cuddling her, she’ll lazily play with your hair or trace patterns on your skin.
Haley is absolutely showing you off through PDA. You work hard and she can’t believe someone like you would be interested in her, especially since she was so mean to you in the beginning.
She will steal your clothes and wear them, even if they aren’t fashionable. Additionally, she will try to dress you. It’s a very hands on activity where she essentially turns you into a doll.
Haley used to call you a dirty farmer. She feels bad about it every time she sees you’ve cleaned up for her when you go to hold her.
You used to think that she was trying to make Alex jealous, always hanging onto you and kissing you, but you learned that’s just how she's affectionate.
Gift her a teddy bear with your cologne/perfume, something that she can hold and think of you. She will try to act tough, but on the inside, she’s crying with how sweet the gift is.
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Leah — Acts of Service and Quality Time
Leah is like any artist. She often forgets to take breaks when she’s working on a piece. She’ll forget to eat, to drink, you name it. You’ve made a habit of bringing her lunch that you made or bought from Gus.
You learn ways to help Leah, such as cleaning her brushes and tools. You organize her sketchbooks for her. She may think you think she can’t handle herself, but once she realizes it because you care about her and want her to be able to better focus on her art without stressing about cleaning, she’s incredibly touched.
Leah likes to spend time together, but she doesn’t always want to be doing something with you. She’s perfectly happy just being in the same space as you and doing your individual things.
Walks in nature!!! Leah adores dates with you that are just taking a stroll through the woods or on the beach.
Leah wants to consider you a muse, like Elliot. She is more focused on nature however, trying to avoid love due to her ex. Things just happen naturally for her, and she finds a lot of inspiration in you.
She’ll ask you to model for her. Maybe there’s a certain hand pose that she can’t quite get down. She’ll maneuver your hands for her to get just the right reference.
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Penny — Quality Time and Acts of Service
With her mom, I can’t imagine Penny being very touchy-feely. However, I do see her being really appreciative of quality time with her s/o.
As the relationship progresses, Penny will melt into hugs and cuddles with you.
Penny likes planned out dates, things that she knows you put a lot of thought into. It’s a combination of her two love languages. One of her favorite dates is when you plan a picnic for her under the tree with artisanal goods from your farm. Goat cheese, jams, bread from wheat you grew. The effort put into this date blew her away.
Penny also enjoys spontaneity on occasion. Knock on her window in the middle of the night and tell her you missed her. She’s a romantic that loves the cliches she reads in the library while the kids study.
Speaking of the kids, help lighten Penny’s workload with them by taking them on a field trip to the farm. Tell them how crops work. Let them help with the animals. They’re learning hands on and having fun. The kids will love it, and Penny’s opinion of you will skyrocket.
Penny sees how hard you work on the farm and will often ask if there’s any way that she can help. She doesn’t want to be a burden, so she won’t take the initiative. Bonus points if it’s a job you can work at together. She’ll act exasperated if you tell her that her company is help enough, but she thinks that it’s really sweet.
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Abigail— Quality Time and Words of Affirmation
Abigail is very vocal, so words of affirmation as a love language comes naturally to her.
Abigail likes to hear how you feel. She grew up knowing she was loved, but she never heard it. Sometimes hearing you say “I love you” takes her aback, but she soon grows accustomed to it and finds that she actually loves how open you are about your feelings with her.
Because of her dad pushing traditionally femenine roles and interests on her, Abigail needs a lot of reminding that her feelings and interests are valid.
Abigail loves spending time just chilling with you. Even though it happened early on, she considers your first date when the two of you played video games together in her room.
She loves going into the mines and exploring the woods with you. It’s a win-win situation. You get help with your work while getting to spend time with her, and she gets to spend time with you while doing something that she loves.
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Maru —
I honestly see Maru having a mix of all of the love languages. Maru is also very logical versus emotional.
Maru will hold your hand in public, but she tends to keep physical affection limited to private spaces.
She’s a very dominant person who often initiates things. She also likes to be the big spoon when you cuddle.
When it comes to gifts, anything that could be used towards a project, Maru loves it. She will even consider soil samples from your farm or rocks you dig out from the mines a suitable gift. Bonus points if it’s something she’s mentioned recently.
Because these gifts are used for her work, she also sees this as an act of service, especially if it’s something that you had to go out of your way to get for her.
You also will stick around and help her with her projects or bring her lunch or something to drink while she’s working.
Maru doesn’t necessarily need to hear how much you love her. Instead, she wants vocal affirmation about her work. To her, your support is enough to show you love her. If you didn’t love her, you wouldn’t care about her work.
Come to visit Maru at the clinic and she’s over the moon. Her job can get boring, and she’s likely to talk your ear off. Your visits will have to decrease as Harvey may get upset if she’s constantly talking with you and not doing her job.
Maru likes to spend time with you while working on projects, but she feels like it’s not exactly quality time. That being said, she likes to sit by the lake with you or on the bench near the Saloon. While Maru is talkative, silence doesn’t bother her when she’s with you like this.
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genshin-impacted · 4 years
close proximity // Zhongli x Reader
Word Count: ~1.8k 
Notes: gender neutral reader “you”, MAJOR Pining in Zhongli’s POV, touch-starved? Zhongli, domesticity
in the long haul, this would be one part of a(n indulgent self-insert) long-fic where Zhongli finds out that you (adventurer/traveler) have been camping out in the wilderness, so he invites you to crash at his place for an indeterminate amount of time 
also, happy birthday zhongli :)
Zhongli thinks that he should have known that welcoming someone so late at night into his home would invite the worst of the gossip. It only grows worse when people see that you continue to come back into his house and that you even have your own key to enter with. 
Luckily, the change from your original Mondstadt attire was the decisive factor that allowed you to walk the streets of Liyue relatively unseen, for you are no longer associated with being foreign or wanted by the Millelith. Instead, you are known to be the one that now apparently resides permanently (or so it seems) in Mr. Zhongli’s apartment, and the attention is now directed toward him.
You’ve even suggested that you float down and enter through an unsuspecting open window in hopes of abating the rumors, but Zhongli thinks about the implications of entering in any way other than the front door and saves himself the trouble. 
You apologize every time he closes the door on a particularly chatty neighbor, but Zhongli always waves it away. He feels more than justified inviting you into his abode. After all, he has caused you the most trouble, despite what you may think of Childe, with his plans for the harbor. Allowing you to share a space with him is nothing short of a fair trade. 
The feeling is only bolstered by the fact that you moved in with only the backpack hauled on your shoulder and nothing else, with Paimon wailing about how good it feels to finally have a pillow to lie on-- much to your embarrassment. (He waves your apologies to this away as well and does not speak of how the bashful expression on your face is rather endearing to see.)
It’s been a few days since the original hubbub, and the rumors have died down after numerous explanations that ‘they are a friend; yes, only a friend, and yes, we are both unmarried and the walls are thin, but you will not need to worry about any unsavory noises, as is routine.’ It’s evident that the nosiest of neighbors believe that he is lying, but he takes his words as seriously as the contracts that bind him.
If anything, the noises that can be heard are the random bursts of laughter or the playful arguments between you and Paimon. If the neighbors expected anything other than this, Zhongli cannot find it in himself to be apologetic because he cannot remember the last time his apartment was filled with so much sound or ever be so lively. The conversations seem ceaseless at times: whether he is sharing facts about Liyue Harbor or the random story he can remember that he thinks you would enjoy or whether you are the ones sharing stories of your own home-- or simply when Paimon asks a question that takes the entire night to explain. 
Zhongli likes the way his stories can make you laugh. It sounded sweet on the week's journey to Daudapa Gorge, and it sounds sweeter now in the confines of his home. Sometimes, when your laughter is all spent and your eyes wet from mirth, he sees you look up at him behind a shy smile with cheeks warm from something other than osmanthus wine, and he finds that he cannot stop watching you.
That is not to say that he is lacking in amusement. Paimon herself would be fine entertainment from her ideas and dreams and strange train of thoughts, but with your quick witted humor and easy-going banter, there seems to be no end to his smiles. Even Hu Tao has pointed out that he smiles more during work in the funeral parlor, and that it was, quite frankly, a little weird. Zhongli has no problems not letting that get to him, considering her boisterous demeanor as the head of the parlor herself. 
Another unexpected but not necessarily unwelcome change is the domesticity. Zhongli has always had his own routine: wake up at dawn to watch the ships leave the harbor, head over to the funeral parlor if he has been called in, peruse (and if he remembers his wallet, purchase) the new shipments, and come home for evening tea. With your presence, he finds himself waking up to sleepy Paimon and an even sleepier you, cracking an egg over the stone stove to cook breakfast. He eats in the morning now and receives an eagerly given lunchbox for him to take around when he goes to work. 
The times in which you leave the apartment differs, just as the time you happen to come back, but you never fail to bid him farewell or greet him when he comes back. You tap his shoulder to call him over for dinner, and you pat his head when you head to sleep. 
With you and Paimon, Zhongli gains a new routine-- one that he grows used to at an almost alarming rate, considering how unused he is to change. It’s almost a shame that this is a temporary set-up-- just until the drama dies down when Rex Lapis’ body is finally given its respects, and you can find a place to stay without being afraid of arrest. But as he has learned recently, some things are bound to change, whether he wants to or not. 
Which is not a bad thing, per say, he thinks to himself, as he cuts through the onions you have asked of him. If there is anything his time as Zhongli has taught him and of his journey with you, the beauty in many things is that they do not last-- which is why it is ever more important to enjoy it while it does. 
“Wow, you really don’t get bothered by the onions, huh.”
Zhongli chuckles, carefully cutting the onions for the stirfry Paimon has requested to eat tonight. He would have suggested eating at Wanmin Restaurant, but a grimace from you when you look at your wallet convinces him to suggest a home cooked meal tonight instead. “It is one of my many talents, it seems,” he says as you put your hands on your hips defiantly. 
“You’re going to be cutting all the onions under this roof,” you announce, walking behind him to turn on the stove. “Ack, I can feel myself wanting to tear up just from walking past that. How do you stand that, Zhongli?”
The smell of sesame oil permeates the kitchen nicely when you pour it into the wok, the sizzling a rather pleasant sound to accompany it. “Aren’t you going to tell me where the onions come from?” You ask as he dices the volatile vegetable.
He turns his head ever so slightly at your question, surprised. He prefers to tell you inane, though fun facts and stories he thinks you would be interested in, but he is surprised every time you come to him for things about Teyvat or of Liyuen culture. Though, he would be lying to himself if that does not please him. “Is that something you would be interested in hearing?” 
“Yeah,” you say, slightly distracted as you take out the ingredients from the cupboards, “I mean, Paimon and I can never find them in the wild, so I figured it doesn’t really grow naturally… so it must be from a farm?” He sees you wave a wooden spoon in question. “But where? Oh-- by the way, are the onions ready? The wok's ready."
“Ah, the onions are actually grown in the villages north of Liyue Harbor,” Zhongli replies, finishing the last of the dicing on the cutting board. “Though most of farms focus on exporting rice, there are some that farm mainly onions-- which is where you see most of the wares being brought in--”
“Oh shit, I put the fire up too high-- Zhongli, I’m going to grab the onions!” 
“Ah, yes, apologies, here--” 
He does not realize you are right behind him until he feels your body press against his for a moment, your hair brushing against his cheek as your arm reaches out for the cutting board. He cannot help but feel himself tense, only able to turn his head slightly just to see your face as close as it has ever been to his. 
“Sorry, sorry,” you say quickly, taking note of his surprised expression. “Nice cutting-- okay, time to cook--” The moment is brief as you rush to slide the onions off the board and into the flames, if the crackling is anything to go on. 
But he finds that he cannot stop thinking about how ticklish your hair was on his face or how warm you were. He remembers the longest embrace in your trembling arms and of your trailing fingertips on his shoulder for a wound that does not exist.
The kitchen is at a comfortable temperature with the stove going on high, but it is by no means hot by any standards. Yet Zhongli feels his ears burn.
He should set the table, he thinks, but for some reason, he feels an ache in a chest every time he thinks of doing anything other than feeling your warmth again. 
“Zhongli?” You ask again, shaking him from his thoughts. His hand curls into itself in a moment of panic as he turns around, wondering if his distraction was obvious. If he were not a God himself, he would have thanked the higher beings that you didn't notice. “Sorry,” you say instead, “I interrupted you last time. What were you saying about the onions? Something after onion farms?”
“Ah, yes, ahem,” he starts again. “Most of the wares the Second Life sells is mainly from the villages themselves, and…” 
You continue to indulge him as Zhongli speaks about the farmlands of the north and about the mountain trade routes in the east when the two of you set up supper. He tries not to think about the way your fingers brush against his when he passes you a bowl of rice or about the way your bodies press together when you wash the dishes.
He is touch-starved, he finds out much later down the road, when he is able to hold you in his arms without needing to ask. It is why he wishes your hand would linger on his shoulder when you call him to dinner or why he finds himself relaxing at your touch. 
Or why he had started hoping that you would never decide to leave.
It seems almost too obvious now, in retrospect, but Zhongli does not mind that he is constantly learning something new about what it means to be human-- not when it means he can finally hold your hand walking down Liyue Harbor and squeeze your hand and feel you squeeze back.)
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givemethatgold · 3 years
Fix’er Upper - Part Eleven
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Pairing: Frankie Morales x F!Reader Warnings: SMUT, fingering, oral (F receiving), p in v sex, unprotected sex, swearing Length: 2.1k Notes: Okay, I officially hate writing smut? Like, this took forever to write and I’ve never hated writing a chapter more. Don’t think I’ll do anything this detailed again it reads so awkwardly!? I’m not even going to read it through to make sure there aren’t any wonky mistakes so feel free to dm me if you see any glaring issues I’d love you forever (be kind)
Series Masterlist
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You wanted him in you. 
In your mouth, in your needy cunt, at this point, you'd just be happy with him in your hand, but Frankie had other plans. Once the shower water had run cold he had helped you out of the shower, back to being the complete gentleman he always was, acting like he hadn't just been holding you up against the tile wall finger fucking you to completion.
He'd barely let you touch him and the lack of contact was driving you crazy. Once you'd dried off you had planned on sinking to your knees and finally getting a proper taste of him. His cock was impossibly hard, slicked already with the pre-come that was leaking from his red, swollen tip. The sight of it making your mouth water and cunt clench.
Just as you dropped your towel into a convenient, cushiony pile right at his feet, however, Frankie grabbed you for a bruising kiss. Pressing his body flush up against you, he guided you back until you felt the press of the counter on your ass, not stopping until you were leaning against the mirror and your feet had come up off the floor.
Frankie pulled away from your mouth slowly, the hungry look in his eyes making you feel like his prey. He dragged his lips down your neck, stopping to sink his teeth into the tender flesh where your shoulders met your neck causing you to cry out his name in a broken voice you barely recognized as your own.
As his mouth moved to worship your chest, his hands found purchase in the supple flesh of your thighs. Running his fingers from your hips to your knees and back, thumbs digging in to massage the muscles tired from your day at the fair. Groans, whimpers, and panting breaths all fell from between your kiss-swollen lips despite your attempts to quiet yourself.
As if reading your mind, Frankie gently bit down on the nipple he had pulled into his mouth to get your attention then moved back just enough to murmur, "Let me hear you, honey. I want to hear how good I can make you feel."
You weren't used to the encouragement, the attentiveness, so you had a hard time allowing your cries their full volume feeling too self-conscious. When Frankie sank to his knees, threw your legs over his shoulders, and licked you from ass to clit? You all but screamed for him.
With one arm slung across your hips, holding you in place, Frankie used the other to continue teasing and pinching your nipples while his mouth devoured you.
If this had been happening with any other man, you would have probably stopped it by now. The counter was cold, your ass felt like it was constantly on the verge of slipping off the edge, your neck was going to have a crick in it tomorrow from where it was bent against the mirror.
None of it even registered in your mind, though, with the way Frankie was playing you like a flute. Both of your hands were tangled in his hair, gripping tight to both hold him in place and to keep you grounded. Feeling a familiar burn building in your body, drawing towards your core where it would compact and pulse before the explosive release, you tried to grind your hips up against his face.
"Please," you beg, "please, Frankie! I need you, oh! Yes! I need, I need..."
"D'you need to cum, baby girl?" Frankie asks, panting against your core.
"Uh-huh, uh-huh, yes, Frankie please!"
"Then cum for me," he commanded before sucking your clit into his mouth and thrusting two fingers deep into you to strum against that sacred spot inside of you that made you see stars.
You came with a shout, legs clamping together and trapping his head where it continued to work you through your convulsions. Pulling away once your legs had become rubbery enough to weaken the cage they'd created, Frankie gives you a quick, dirty kiss before helping you walk to his bed area to dress. Watching him pull on a pair of faded, well-worn jeans caused your brain to short circuit.
Why was him going commando so fucking hot?!
"I don't know about you," his voice snapped you out of your lust-laden haze, calling from the kitchenette "but I'm famished!"
"Are you serious?!" You huffed out, half in exasperation and have in amusement.
"Frankie, you're-, you haven't-, I mean." There was no delicate way you could phrase this, "Don't you want to fuck me?"
You could feel the heat from his gaze even from the distance, see the way his eyes darkened again with lust. "Of course I do, you know I do," he practically growled, your thighs clenching and rubbing together in response. "But when I do, I don't want interruptions. I don't want to be able to get up again before tomorrow. So I'm trying very hard to ignore how fucking incredibly sexy you look, perched on my bed like that, and make us some food."
You'd never been good at accepting compliments, and Brad's habit of dishing them out only to expect something in return had made you uneasy from them. This time, though, you could see the truth in Frankie's eyes, the simplicity in the way he says them like a fact.
"If you don't put on some clothes though," he continues, voice more gravelly and strained than ever, "I'm either going to ruin dinner or scrap that plan entirely."
Taking pity on him, and what you could only assume was a terribly painful erection straining in his jeans, you picked through his closet and found a pair of boxers and a threadbare flannel shirt to wear.
"Hmm, look at you," he practically purred, gazing at you with heavy-lidded eyes, "you're stunning." Pulling you into his side and kissing your hairline he continues "I remember thinking how beautiful you were the first time I saw you."
You laughed, remembering your first interaction, "That was the least flattering introduction, oh my god! I had forgotten our little spat at the market!"
"I'd seen you earlier," he admits with the ghost of a smile like he was reliving the scene in his mind. "You had the happiest grin on your face, chatting so easily with everyone, and you were holding a big bunch of sunflowers." His eyes focus again and he sheepishly glances to the floor, rubbing the back of his neck, "Aw man, I wanted you to come and talk to me so badly. I wanted to see that smile directed at me."
"And then you insulted me instead," you finished for him, the mirth evident in your tone. "You know," you suddenly recalled a drunken conversation you'd had with a friend months ago "I just remembered I owe you a kiss and Jacquie's regards."
Turning from the cutting board, and the ingredients for what looked like a delicious stir-fry, Frankie gazed at you with a lazy smirk curling his lips. "Is that so?"
"Mmmm," you nodded, looking at him through your lashes. He didn't immediately turn back to prepping food and you took that as an invitation. Wrapping your arms around his neck you softly pressed a kiss to the corner of his mouth.
"That's for making great cider," then kissing his nose "and that's for being a great boss," his chin, "the greatest handyman," his lips, "and for trapping you on the Ferris wheel for nearly an hour."
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Frankie huffed out a laugh then silenced you from further embarrassing him, he didn't do well with compliments, by kissing you back with fervor. Fuck dinner, he thought, having you couldn't wait any longer.
Sweeping you off your feet, swallowing your surprised shriek with a kiss, Frankie carried you back to his bed. He had restrained himself so well already, taking his time with you and pacing himself, but the way you looked in his clothes, on his bed, and under him was just too much.
"I need you," he gasped as he kneeled over you, gripping the lapels of his old work shirt you’d decided to wear, "I don't know if I can be gentle."
"I don't want you to be."
Something in him snapped, he was no longer controlled and methodological, his body was running on pure, animalistic instinct now. Ripping his shirt apart, sending buttons flying, Frankie crashed his mouth to yours again. A small sane voice in the back of his mind took note of the hunger in your kiss back, assuring him that you were more than okay with his pace.
Bracing himself on one arm, he used the other to help you rip the boxers off your legs then cupping your core, wet again for him already, while you made quick work of his jeans.
The minute they were down far enough for his cock to spring out he was shoving your hands away, gathering your wrists in one hand and pinning them above your head, and he entered you with one swift pump of his hips.
He stalled out inside of you, needing a minute to steady himself as your wet heat engulfed him. The scrape of your nails on your shoulders and ragged gasps were driving him wild but it was your impossibly tight cunt that nearly made him finish before he'd even started.
Breathe, breathe, think about unsexy things. Apples, nothing sexy about those- a memory of you singing endearingly while picking apples invades his thoughts. Okay, uh trucks? Driving my truck- suddenly he's remembering how concerned you'd been for his farm and not your truck during that freak storm. Fuck! This isn't helping. Mom? Ew- he's picturing you, round and glowing, arms cradling his future child with a soft smile on your face.
Realizing that his efforts to distract himself weren't going to help, he began to plow into you in earnest. Giving your wrists a final squeeze he commands you to keep them there with a "Stay" and a dark glint in his eyes. Your pliant body and complete trust in him is making his head swim, it may have been close to two years since his last hook-up but he knows that abstinence isn't the only reason this is feeling so good.
He crushes his mouth to yours again in a needy kiss before kneeling back so he can watch himself disappear into your greedy cunt then reappear, covered in your slick.
He was getting close and, by the sound of your ragged cries, you were too. Hoisting your legs up until they're flush against his chest, ankles resting on his shoulder, he tilts your hips and thrusts up into you. Looking, for, the perfect, angle- you scream his name and he knows he's found it.
Holding that position and pistoning into you, Frankie is sure you're going to have bruises on your thighs from where his arm is keeping them trapped against him. He can't help it though and is pretty sure you'd swear at him if he decided to suddenly stop to switch positions.
He wants you to cum again, one more time, when he does.
Your voice sounded wrecked, words rasping through a throat unused to the moans and cries from the past hour. He noticed how your knuckles were white from where they grasped the pillow in a death grip, trying your absolute hardest to please him by keeping them where he commanded.
"You've been so good, honey" he crooned as his thumb found your little bundle of nerves and rubbed circles around it. "Come on baby, you can do it, cum for me."
Shaking your head back and forth, you cried out to him "I can't! I can't! I need to touch you, I need more!"
"Yes, you can," Frankie practically growled out and felt your cunt clench around him as a result. "Let go-" pinching your clit hard "-and cum."
Frankie slammed into you one last time before the pressure that had been building up at the back of his cock finally explodes. A white-hot explosion erupts down his shaft as his hot cum shoots out in a blinding wave of ecstasy. Simultaneously, your back had arched and Frankie could just make out, through the haze of his own release, the way you screamed his name as your orgasm hit.
His entire body was like rubber, it never ceased to amaze him how fast the come-down hit him, and he flopped down onto you for a minute to rest. Your hands finally moved from their imaginary bindings and smoothed the hair from his sweaty brow, huffing a laugh as the euphoria that only a good fucking can provide hit.
"Told you we'd be great," you whispered.
He could hear the smugness in your voice and it made him smile and wonder what else the two of you could be great at together.
Part Twelve 
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