californian-odyssey · 3 years
You & callmebulma! When?
When ever!!! 😭💙😭💙😭💙😭💙😭💙
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innocentpower · 6 years
notbulma replied to your post: "I'm proud of you, Broly! I'm so happy you've made...
“Kusu? Oh! The little blue angel? Nope. I was talking about Shallot. I haven’t met her yet, I’m afraid.”
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“Shallot isn’t a friend.” Well at least he wasn’t one yet, “Only friends are you, Lemo and Kusu.” At least for now. 
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shallxt · 6 years
"Dear Saiyans, to eliminate tail genocide. STOP LOOKING AT THE MOON!"
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“The moon? What happens when I look at the moon? I don’t get it.”
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mugenhcna-blog · 6 years
🔑+ "What kind of plants grow on arid wastelands? Asking for a friend."
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“Let’s see...most cacti, various species of wild flowers, some trees...tumbleweeds. Not many can survive desert climates honestly...though there are many cacti that bear fruits and flowers that can also be quite beautiful.”
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soraluv1 · 9 years
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Post cosplay photo later today ❤️ #dbzrf #dragonballz #ssgss #notbulma #teamgoku #teamvegeta
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innocentpower · 6 years
Hey Broly do you think Chirai is pretty?
@notbulma @cheelaii
The question was a surprise to the behemoth but realistically it didn’t even take a second for him to know how he would answer. “No.”
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Some might take that as a bad thing but the big man was thinking how to phrase this, with one finger up to make anyone who might jump to a conclusion pause. “Are flowers pretty? Is dry ice cold? Is Kakkarot fast? No, no, no. She is not pretty, she is the most beautiful creature alive, flowers aren’t simply pretty they’re divine, Dry Ice is painfully cold…..I know from experience, painful. And anyone who calls Kakkarot simply fast doesn’t know what fast is.”
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Eating a little bit of the leg that he had setting across his lap he continued after a moment. “Chirai is gorgeous, beautiful, graceful, and perfect not just pretty.”
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shallxt · 6 years
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innocentpower · 6 years
“Nope! Fit as a fiddle!” Cheelai said proudly, she even went so far as to give a flex her biceps to prove it. She was a tiny bit winded. But that was more so due to the fact that she was trying her level best to keep up with Broly here.Still, if Lemo can find the stamina to do it then so shall she! At least that’s what she kept telling herself whenever she wanted to slow down.
“So, hey? What are we looking for today, Broly? You’ve showed us most of the planet, but the wildlife kinda likes to hide, huh?”
Most of the planet? He didn’t really know about that, then again he never really thought about it, life here was basically as simple as hunt, eat, sleep, repeat and get practice in whenever he could.....even now he didn’t stop doing that, mostly because it was ingrained rather then because he liked doing it, he didn’t know what he liked or disliked honestly.
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“Wildlife?” The term was foreign to him, most terms were foreign outside of stop, start, fight, kill, and the basics. He wasn’t stupid by any means, but he was very uneducated. He could actually make Kakkarot look knowledgable compared to himself.
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shallxt · 6 years
"Must be. Because the Broly I know would never do any of that. Much less call someone trash. I don't know the one you met but that's not the Broly I know. So, please. No more calling him a monster?"
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“Alright. If it means that much to you, I’ll lay off the insults. But I think I need to meet the guy to see for myself. If he’s really not like the one I know..I’m curious now.”
His tail is wagging in excitement. He can’t help it, another Broly that might not be so aggressive? That’s definitely something to get his Saiyan blood pumping.
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innocentpower · 6 years
"Hey Broly! You getting used to the Capsule House okay?"
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Broly grunted more then replied, shaking his head slowly before walking over to a corner of the cave and lying down there, he always slept outside of the house after the first time he tried to sleep on the bed, but the bed was simply too soft for him. He very much had issues sleeping in too much comfort after spending 48 years with rocks for bed and pillows.
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innocentpower · 6 years
"I'm proud of you, Broly! I'm so happy you've made another friend."
He blinked, “I have?” Her didn’t think he had, but then he was also a bit wary of who he considered a friend, in his mind his only friends were Chirai, Lemo and Kusu, even Kakkarot was more an acquaintance then a friend, though he did think they could be friends.
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“You know Kusu?”
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shallxt · 6 years
"That's the perfect word it. Anyway! Broly sensed a lot of strong fighters and decided he wanted to get some practice in. I'm mostly just looking around Earth now that I'm not here on orders. This planet really is nice."
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“W-Wait? Did you say Broly? As in Broly? That muscled maniac nearly killed me! And killed my friend! You’re friends with that monster?”
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shallxt · 6 years
6. Did they feel rejection or affection as a child?
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A little bit of both. His mother was a bit more affectionate to him than his father.
His father was a very strict, stern, and quiet man. Shallot and his brother were training to become soldiers from the moment they started walking. Though in the beginning they were equal in power, it was clear to see Shallot’s twin brother excelled more than Shallot. He was often in his twin’s shadow and felt like he was a disappointment to his parents that he couldn’t measure up as a warrior and Saiyan compared to his brother.
His mother tried cheering him on and giving him confidence. But there’s only so much affection a Saiyan mother can give her son without them becoming too attached. Shallot was already dependent on his brother at a young age.
All Shallot wanted was to surpass his twin and be seen as his equal. And for his father is be proud of him as a Saiyan warrior.
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shallxt · 6 years
"Lets see, you said you knew Frieza right? Lets go with that! Never have I ever made fun of Frieza's height."
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“Heh! He’s a real shrimp for someone who goes around acting like he’s a big boss!
“Down the hatch!”
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innocentpower · 6 years
True to her word, Chiirai gently tugged the large man down, then hugged him under is arms just as she did before. "You're not a monster, Broly."
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He smiled slightly before lifting her up and putting her on his shoulders, he didn’t say anything but he flew up and just let her relax while he went zipping around at about five times her top speed just so she could have fun.
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shallxt · 6 years
"Okay, Shallot? I think I get what's going on here. Not really, but what you're saying right now doesn't add up at all to the Broly I know. Not even a little bit. Which leads me to believe it's either someone using his name? Or, and I can't believe I'm admitting this. Another parallel version of him. By the way? If you see someone named Lemo, please don't tell him I said that, I'll never hear the end of it."
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That’s right, Whis mentioned something about parallel and other versions of fighters that are around in the tournament. They were all said to be from different points of history, like himself. So that makes sense.
“Are you saying there’s another Broly around here somewhere?” 
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