#notebooks of wb yeats
fionabrennanartist · 5 years
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John O’Leary, 1900
President of the Irish Republican Brotherhood
Poem: September 1913 by WB Yeats. The poem provides insight into Yeats' detestation of the middle classes whilst also glorifying figures such as John O'Leary (an Irish republican and a leading Fenian.)
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hyba · 5 years
2, 14, 24?
Hellooooo! Thanks so much for sending in this ask! ^^ I especially had a lot of fun with #14! 
2. Favourite part of writing - Probably the first stages, where it’s just raw motivation and your mind bursting at the seams with this idea that you must get down on paper, regardless of how late at night it is or how much you need to be doing something else. That’s the part of my process where I pants it all, like I’m doing now with the scifi book, and it’s the funnest part! When it’s time to actually give my story some logic and I have to think about plot and character arcs and other sorts of elements, it kind of dampens my moon about writing, even though I still love all my WIPs and am really proud of how far I’ve gotten with them! ^^
14. What’s the most research you ever put into a book? - So, some of you may have noticed that for my fantasy novels The Fall of the Black Masks and The Pirates of Sissa, there’s a decidedly MENA-inspired aesthetic in terms of architecture and fashion, and even setting to a degree. The Pirates of Sissa also has elements of Indian and Persian aesthetics in the mix, too. In order to get the perfect words for a lot of these architectural things - like mashrabiyya and muqarnas, because there are no true English equivalents to those and many other words - I had to go back through my old Islamic Architecture books & notes and do some Googling (some of them I knew but wanted to spell correctly, while others I’d completely forgotten the names of!). I also did a lot of research pertaining to the lives of princes and emperors and kings of the region, and this was perfect because I really got to go back and delve into a class I took in uni that really was one of my all-time favourites! Of course, since my books are fantasy, I love using a mish-mash of all of these elements from different places and creating something that, in my mind, is truly gorgeous. ^^
Along the same vein, I’ve been compiling a lot of references and articles and books and research in general about Ancient Egypt. I’m still very interested in wrting that mystery/thriller set in Ancient Egypt, and the idea is that it follows a common girl as she enters the world of nobility and becomes embroiled in a streak of murders that have been happening. So, there’s a lot of research to be done here, especially as I need to find out what commoners lived like in Ancient Egypt in addition to all the information we already have about how nobility lived, and then there’s the issue of breaking from Ancient Egyptian norms in the sense that while the girl’s family are very religious, she doesn’t actually believe in their gods and goddesses - something which of course she can’t go around saying, especially at that time, but something that will definitely require that little bit of extra research!! ^^ I’m really excited for it! I’ve started writing bits of it, but the truth is I want to hold out until I’ve cleared one or two of my other projects off my plate so I can really give it its due and have it be as historically accurate as possible.
24. Poetry or prose, and why? Both. Both, both, both! ^^ While I personally am not a very poetic person, I admire poetry so very much. My all-time favourites I have written down in a notebook where I only record poems I love ^^ There’s Annabel Lee by Edgar Allan Poe, Do Not Stand at my Grave and Weep by Mary Elizabeth Frye, Ozymandias by Percy Bysshe Shelley, A Poison Tree by William Blake, Alone by Edgar Allan Poe, Always Marry An April Girl by Ogden Nash, Dust if You Must by Rose Milligan, The Cloths of Heaven by WB Yeats, and Villanelle by Roland Leighton. I admire poetry immensely, and deeply regret that I haven’t focused my efforts on such a skill as it takes to create such wonderfully intricate pieces. One day, I think, I’ll be able to write poetry, but that day is a very long way away. For now, I want to spend all my efforts on writing prose, on writing stories that can hold people for hours and give them a chance to escape for just a little bit. Of course, I’m trying very hard to give my prose more of a poetic charm to it, and I’ve been working on expanding my vocabulary in order to do that, but it’s a skill that needs a lot of nurturing. I think putting them both together creates a truly marvelous result!
Thank you so much for sending these in! I really, really appreciate it - and I had such fun answering them! You picked great Qs ^^
If anyone else wants to send me asks, this is the game I’m currently playing.
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diondecarnate · 5 years
Is it weird to get both my dads the same Christmas gift
Other details: what can I say my mom has a type and that type is depressed hipster poet/ depressed hipster philosopher
Other other details: the gift in question is a book of wb yeats poetry and a notebook/pen set
Also they don't ever talk to eachother so there is very little risk of them finding out about this
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terrasu · 5 years
Screenshot Info I
Sorry mobile users...
But I screenshot/take photos of a lot of stuff: companies, advice, word definitions, products, quotes, books, plaques at museums, some songs, plants- so here it is, volume 1 at least. Don’t take a mention of a company or product at face value; I have not thoroughly vetted everything on this list. (Also, this spans more than five years, so)
All made apparel- clothing for a living wage
Airoptix colors- colored contacts?
Airstream- mobile home/carriage thing
Arteza- always seems to have great sales on art supplies
Beta Brand- comfortable fancy pants
Brilliant Earth- customizable engagement rings
Brevite- light camera bag
Cora Women- Pads delivered
Croochet- adorably crocheted pokemon
Dim Crystal 2100- laser-engraving cube
Drinkdripdrop- hydrating powdered mix
Dropps- Laundry something
Flare: bracelet with a button to call your phone
Function of Beauty- personalized shampoo/conditioner
Grove Collaborative: sustainable paper goods
Interior Define- pet-proof furniture (fabric?)
Karst Stone paper
Kin custom- create & sell clothing
Life token- jewelry; “write a message that stays with you”
Mini Man Studios- Create lego figurines based off of photos
Moon Magic Jewelry- Pretty jewelry
MonQ- customized edible essential oil
Mozart supplies- art supplies
Mylunarly- plant, wellness items + more every new moon
My thera box- self-care centered subscription box
Nurx- free birth control
Park and Diamond- compact bike helmet
Powr Co-   charger for a phone in a car
Pretty Litter Cats- changes color to tell health
Rocketbook- reusable, cloud-connected notebook
Rose and Abbott- customizable face moisturizer
Sand and Sky Aus(tralia?)- pimple reducing face cream
Scholarship Owl- “apply for 1000s of scholarships”
Shopetee- Replaces plastic wrap
Sipsby- four teas subscription box based on preferences
Skinsei Skincare- personalized skin care
Solstice- a bracelet that saves an acre of forests
Sucstu- succulents sent to you
Talkspace- online therapy
The Love Box- messages to loved ones
The original scrap box- ultra compact crafting cabinet
The Real Blu print- sewing lessons
Unidays- student discounts
Wear Atom- Shoes in quarter sizes for each foot
Ecosia-  plants trees for every search
Written word
“The best way to predict the future is to create it” -Peter Drucker
“Education is not the filing of a pail, but the lighting of a fire” -WB Yeats
“Roses are red/violets are blue/you have bed head/but I still love you” -mom
“If it’s terrifying and amazing then you should definitely pursue it” -erada
“Far too many people are looking for the right person instead of trying to be the right person.” -Gloria Steinem
“How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?” -Satchel Paige
“Loving you was the most exquisite form of self-destruction” -SJ
Why do photojournalists do what they do? “One feels he has a responsibility to cover the events of his time, that he has a strong feeling that this is a moment of history that should be recorded.” -Carl Mydans
“Everyone is wise until he speaks” -Irish proverb
“But who can remember pain once it’s over? All that remains of it is a shadow, not in the mind even, in the flesh. Pain marks you, but too deep to see. Out of sight, out of mind.” -Margaret Atwood
“Winter Dreams (Brandon’s Song)” - Kelly Clarkson
“What do the skies see?” -Agora
“Stitches” -Shawn Mendes
“New Bohemia” -Transviolet
“Jubel” -Klingande
“Till the sun burns out” -Sebell
“Afterlife” -Ingrid Michaelson
“Alright” -Walk off the Earth
“Ohio” - Crosby Stills Nash & Young
Put jewelry between two layers of plastic wrap
Pill compartments for small jewelry
String necklace through straws
Put stud earrings through buttons
Put shoes in a shower cap
Bath pet regularly to remove allergen build-up in coat
Furniture w/o fabric
Air purifier
(cat): keep the litter box clean
Absquatulate: to flee
Ad Hockery: Reliance on temporary solutions rather than on consistent, long-term plans
Alexithymia: difficulty experiencing, expressing and describing emotional responses
Argy-Bargy: a vigorous discussion or dispute
Brobdingnagian: of huge size; gigantic; tremendous
Clinomania: excessive desire to stay in bed
Collywobbles: A feeling of fear, apprehension, or nervousness
Dalles: the rapids of a river running between the walls of a canyon or gorge
Dépaysement: the disorientation felt in a foreign country or culture; the feeling of being a fish out of water
Doggo: in concealment; out of sight
Effulgent: shining forth brilliantly; radiant
Fata Morgana: A mirage consisting of multiple images, as of cliffs and buildings, that are distorted or magnified to resemble elaborate castles
Foudroyant: sudden and overwhelming in effect; stunning
Gew-gaw: a showy thing, especially one that is useless or worthless
Hortatory: urging to some course of conduct or action; encouraging
Lachrymose: given to shedding tear readily; tearful
Mauka: towards the mountains; inland
Magniloquent: speaking or expressed in a lofty or grandiose style; pompous; bombastic; boastful
Mauerbauertraurigkeit: the inexplicable urge to push people away, even close friends who you really like
Nabob: any very wealthy, influential, or powerful person
Nodus Tollens: the realization that the plot of your life doesn’t make sense to you anymore
Ogdoad: the number eight
Onism: the frustration of being stuck in just one body, that only inhabits one place at a time
Predilection: a preference or special liking for something; a bias in favor of something
Sastruga: ridges of snow formed on a snowfield by the action of the wind
Snickersnee: a knife, especially one used as a weapon
Thaumaturge: a worker of wonder or miracles; magician
Tenebrific: creating darkness
Weltanschauung: a comprehensive conception or image of the universe and of humanity’s relation to it
Yugen: A profound awareness of the universe that triggers a deep emotional response
Books + Poems
Gene Shuford- Selected poems 1933-1971
“Last Confession” by WB Yeats
“The Third Kingdom” by Terry Goodkind
Alexandra Manukyan
Alex Katz
Augustus Edwin John
Brenna Morgan
Britta B.
Carlos Alfonzo
Cherie Fruehan
Christiane Pflug
Daniel Moulden
Dennis Oppenheim
Enrico Donati
Florian Maier-Aichen
Forrest Aderholt
Franklin Carmichael
Gustavo Perez
Harriet Whitney Frishmuth
Jacque Forsher
Jean Debuffet
Jean-Paul Riopelle
Judith Dunbar
Justin Archer
Kehinde Wiley
Kelly Stellar Hrad
Ken Byler
Ken Wesley
Laura Helms
Laura Millard
Mary Shaffer
Maureen Botello
Nikolai & Simon Haas
Nubou Kabuto
Pamela Van Laanen
Ralph Goings
Raoul Dufy
Rem Denizen
Reylon Nurse
Rita Letendre
Roy Lichtenstein
Terry Parshall
Silver-laced Primrose
CBD - via Lucy Litman’s story one day
Dram Apothecary Sodas
B-Chill Honey (Clean Market)
Apothecanna Lotion (Clean Market)
Super You (Moon Juice)- normalize cortisol levels
Vagus Nerve oil (Osea)
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the-poison-tree · 6 years
The Grimoire and Yeats
With my book finished, here will explain my decisions when making it. Included is a prayer at the start, as was used to bless magic books. The images from Yeats’ Golden Dawn Notebooks were found online and have been displayed at the National Library of Ireland. My information has been taken from this article in the Irish Independent ( https://www.independent.ie/entertainment/books/wb-150/magic-myth-and-secrecy-wb-yeats-and-the-occult-31207213.html ). Also shown are images of his wife, Georgie Hyde-Lees automated handwriting that her and Yeats conducted many sessions on.
The poems I left in the book include Sailing to Byzantium and other poems mentioning prayers and Irish legends. 
I debated with covering the front of the book but decided to leave it uncovered to have an experience of thinking it is just a book of his poetry but to be meet with his occult notebooks when opened. It is half a normal poetry reading experience and half an insight into his writings and drawing on the occult and his experiences. I feel they merge incredibly well and this additional information adds to the reading experience and understanding of certain poems.
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