gwendonelle · 3 years
Not So Berry Extended Challenge
After playing through the Not So Berry Challenge twice, I decided to make my own extended version of the challenge so I could keep playing for ten more generations (although there is an optional endpoint after five gens)!
3/17/2022 Update: I’ve finished my playthrough of this challenge, so the rules that are here are official and final! Check my page for posts about how the challenge went for me. I had a lot of fun with it!
4/16/2022 Update: I will be playing the original Not So Berry Challenge and this extended version of the challenge on YouTube! If you are interested in following along, the link to my YouTube is in my profile!
Enjoy! ♥
Note: This post will also be saved as a page on my profile for ease of reference.
Generation 11: Beige
Growing up in a household with too many children and a sometimes-overbearing parent made you sure of one thing: You never want to have kids. Instead, you’ve chosen to dedicate your life to your career as a salaryperson, spending the majority of your time at work, schmoozing your boss during happy hour, or singing karaoke with your friends. Of course, life doesn’t always go as planned. Eventually, you find yourself raising an unexpected child. To be fair, the nanny does most of the raising, but you’re still a parent. You try to distract yourself from this unfortunate reality by throwing extravagant parties for your friends and family (excluding any children, of course), along with the occasional birthday party for your child (you’re not a monster, after all). At least all the time you spend working means you have the money to ensure your kid never wants for anything…except your affection.
Traits: Outgoing, Hates Children, Ambitious
Aspiration: Party Animal
Career: Salaryperson
Have one (unplanned) child
Master the charisma and singing skills
Master the salaryperson career and complete the Party Animal aspiration
As a young adult, start a karaoke club and become close friends with all club members
Earn gold in at least three different types of social events (for example, dinner party, house party, and wedding)
Hire a full-time nanny to raise your child
Generation 12: Rainbow
Spending your formative years in a household where you felt unwanted did not make for the happiest childhood, but you found ways to get through it—mostly by creating art, getting lost in books about fantasy worlds, playing your violin, and telling jokes to your nanny (as well as your imaginary friends). You’ve always loved colorful things, so it makes sense that you grow up to be an artist. Painting is your passion, and you long to share your love of art with someone as creative as you. Of course, your soulmate will have to accept your…eccentricity. But then, what great artist isn’t a little eccentric?
Traits: Art Lover, Bookworm, Erratic
Aspiration: Soulmate
Career: Painter
Master the painting, violin, and comedy skills
Master the painter career and complete the Soulmate aspiration
As a child, become best friends with your nanny
Marry an art lover or creative Sim
Live in at least three different worlds
Enter the Sylvan Glade in Willow Springs and paint a picture from reference there
Generation 13: Black
Your parents always encouraged you to be creative and express yourself, even when you chose to do this by wearing only black and being brutally honest at all times. Since you were a child, you’ve had a nasty habit of taking things that don’t belong to you, but you’re smart enough to avoid getting caught…most of the time. As an adult, you can’t seem to help but cause heartbreak and misery wherever you go. You also happen to have a serious addiction to fizzy juice. Still, you manage to become successful in the legal field by putting on a mask at work. It’s your ultimate fantasy to play the puppet master of those around you, and what better way to do that than by sentencing others to their fates and breaking up couples in your spare time? You may be haunted by the ghosts of your past misdeeds on occasion, but you would never change who you are—it’s too much fun being mean!
Traits: Kleptomaniac, Mean, Noncommittal
Aspiration: Villainous Valentine
Career: Law (Judge)
Master the mischief and juice fizzing skills
Master the law career and complete the Villainous Valentine aspiration
Become enemies with benefits with at least one Sim during your lifetime (or max the negative friendship bar and positive romance bar, if the game refuses to give you the sentiment…)
Have a Sim die on your lot and keep their urn/grave on the lot for the rest of your life (you are not allowed to release their spirit)
Have at least two children with at least two different partners
Generation 14: Silver
You spent much of your childhood alone in your room, tinkering with things and avoiding hurtful comments about your appearance from your parent. You struggled to make friends as a child and to date as a teen due to your insecurity, but you finally find your place when you achieve your dream of going to university. At Foxbury, surrounded by other lovers of learning, you feel like you belong. Nothing will stop you from putting in the work to graduate at the top of your class, but you also make time to participate in club activities (and party). As an adult, you manage to create the popular club everyone wants to join. Suddenly it seems like you’re successful at everything you do, from making things for work or for fun, to making your club world-renowned. The only thing you’re missing is a best friend and confidante. Maybe the solution is to make one!
Traits: Genius, Maker, Insider
Aspiration: Academic
Career: Engineer
Master the fabrication and robotics skills
Master the engineer career and complete the Academic aspiration
Attend Foxbury Institute and join the Bot Savants
Graduate university with at least a B average (for an extra challenge, get an A average to graduate with honors)
As a young adult or adult, create a club with the popular perk, max the number of club members, and become friends with all club members
Build a Servo and become best friends (or more) with them
Note: You may use mods to speed up university or pause time while your Sim is at university if you dislike this aspect of the gameplay
Generation 15: Gold
Your family is weird. Growing up, every surface in your house was always covered in robotics parts and homemade candles. You long to live a life far from this constant clutter—a life of luxury, surrounded by beautiful things. From a young age, you know you’ll achieve your dream of being a rich and famous influencer/model/DJ, because everyone loves you. How could they not? You’re perfect! In truth, you prefer to be alone most of the time—posting updates about your day from the comfort of your own home—but you also enjoy flaunting your stylish looks and talent for your adoring fans. Everyone wants to know every detail about your life. They want to look like you, dress like you—really, to be you! The only thing that could make your life more perfect is if you could stay young and beautiful forever…if only there were a way.
Traits: Loner, Self-Absorbed, Materialistic
Aspiration: Fabulously Wealthy
Career: Style Influencer (Trend Setter)
Master the photography, DJ mixing, and media production skills
Master the style influencer career and complete the Fabulously Wealthy aspiration
Become a Global Superstar (five-star celebrity)
Marry and divorce a celebrity; then, marry one of your fans
Become a Junior Artiste (level four of the Drama Club) as a child/teen
Once you become a young adult, you must live in Del Sol Valley for the rest of your life
Optional: Become a vampire as a young adult (after you have the next heir, if you choose to do so) and live forever (or die in a fiery blaze of glory by burning to death in the sunlight, if you choose to end the challenge here)
Generation 16: Aquamarine
You were born into a life of extravagance, but the money and things never mattered to you. All you ever wanted to do was spend your days at the beach, relaxing on the sand and swimming in the ocean. You care deeply about the environment and aspire to make the world a better and more beautiful place. As soon as you’re old enough, you move to Sulani, leaving behind your family’s wealth (and your strangely youthful parent). Living on the island, you seek to become accepted by the locals by helping to make your new surroundings cleaner and even more peaceful. You will do anything to feel at home by the ocean…or in it.
Traits: Child of the Ocean, Loves Outdoors, Vegetarian
Aspirations: Beach Life, Inner Peace
Career: Conservationist
Master the fitness and wellness skills
Master the conservationist career and complete the Beach Life and Inner Peace aspirations
Move to Sulani as a young adult with 10,000 simoleons maximum
Clean up the island (if you haven’t already in your current save)
Eat Mermadic Kelp and become a mermaid
Become enemies with a Fish Poacher, Litterbug, or Anti-Environmentalist (Optional: Use your mermaid’s powers (Siren’s Call, Summon Ocean Threat, etc.) to torment and possibly drown your enemy)
Generation 17: Brown
Like your parent, you’ve always loved the outdoors and cared a lot about the environment, but the beach was never really your scene. As a child, you constantly begged your parent to take you camping in Granite Falls. You love collecting things, especially living things to which you can give a home. You’re actually a lover of all animals, but dogs have always been your favorite. You know you’d be perfectly content living in a shack with your dog and surviving on the food you forage and find in trash cans, and the money you make from selling collectables and doing odd jobs—so that’s exactly what you choose to do! The shack might begin to feel a little cramped once your family starts to grow, but the love you give your kids is enough to make up for their, shall we say…humble…upbringing. Right?
Traits: Dog Lover, Freegan, Green Fiend
Aspiration: The Curator
Career: Odd Jobs
Master the fishing and pet training skills
Achieve an odd jobs rating of five stars and complete The Curator aspiration
Once you become a young adult, you must live in a tiny house with the Off-the-Grid lot challenge for the rest of your life (if you don’t have the Tiny Living pack, you must live on a 20x20 lot)
Become best friends with the hermit in Granite Falls
Have at least two children
Complete the Fish, Frogs, or Insects Collection (or all three, if you’re feeling ambitious)
Generation 18: White
You grew up in a home with very little personal space, but it wasn’t all bad. Your family instilled a love of the outdoors in you from a young age, sending you to join the scouts as a child (since they couldn’t afford much else to keep you entertained). You have fond memories of camping trips to Granite Falls with your family, especially during the winter. You’ve always loved the snow, and the cold never bothered you anyway. You dream of becoming a professional snowboarder, making a living and fulfilling your adrenaline-junkie tendencies at the same time…but living in borderline poverty as a child made you a bit too much of a realist for that. Instead, you choose to get your thrills from working as a secret agent…and snowboarding and climbing mountains in your spare time. Your go-go-go attitude makes you a bit impulsive, but what’s life without a little risk? You only live once, after all.
Traits: Active, Adventurous, Bro
Aspiration: Extreme Sports Enthusiast
Career: Secret Agent
Master the snowboarding and rock climbing skills
Master the secret agent career and complete the Extreme Sports Enthusiast aspiration
Become a Llamacorn (level five) Scout as a child/teen
Marry another Sim within three days of meeting them
Become snow bros with at least three other Sims
Generation 19: Lilac
Your parent always tried to get you into extreme sports as a child, but you were never interested. You preferred more delicate things—like flowers—and activities with a lower likelihood of causing you to injure yourself, or worse…break a nail. You’re the first to admit you’re a bit high maintenance, but you think you’re worth it. You’ve always been a great friend and confidante to others, including your cats. Some people may call you a crazy cat Sim, but you’re not crazy. You just want things to be done a certain way—the proper way. What’s the harm in that? Of course, if someone happens to get in your way…can you really be held responsible for your actions?
Traits: Cat Lover, High Maintenance, Proper
Aspiration: Neighborhood Confidante
Career: Gardener
Master the gardening and flower arranging skills
Master the gardener career and complete the Neighborhood Confidante aspiration
Have at least ten good friends (including at least three of your neighbors) and one enemy
Marry one of your friends and gift them with a flower arrangement scented with tulip
Gift your enemy with a flower arrangement scented with death flower (for a less extreme option, gift them with a flower arrangement scented with snapdragon)
As an adult, have at least three cats (preferably strays that you adopt) and become companions with all of them
Generation 20: Burgundy
Your childhood home always smelled like flowers. This wasn’t a bad thing, but you’ve always preferred things that smell good and taste good—namely, food. From a young age, you’ve been obsessed with creating the perfect version of your favorite food—grilled cheese. What could be better? You go so far as to train as a chef in your quest to perfecting this one dish. If you stumble along the way to your goal, you might throw a tantrum or two, but your childish nature also makes you optimistic. At your heart, you’re a good person—in fact, you’re so kind, you would even befriend Death itself—with a simple dream. Once you’ve perfected the grilled cheese, your new aim is to find someone to share your sandwiches with. You struggle to meet the right match, though, so you might end up having to look a little farther to find someone…out of this world.
Traits: Good, Childish, Foodie
Aspiration: Master Chef, Grilled Cheese
Career: Culinary
Master the cooking and rocket science skills
Master the culinary career and complete the Master Chef and (secret) Grilled Cheese aspirations
Become friends with the Grim Reaper
Travel to Sixam and find an alien to marry there
Optional: Open a restaurant (preferably one that is grilled-cheese-themed)
If you make it to the end of the challenge, congratulations! I hope you had fun! I’ll be working on other challenges, so make sure to check my page for updates. - Gwen ♥
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cosmic-suicide · 2 years
TS3 Not So Berry: Totally Professional
Please Read! Thank You <3 
I decided I wanted to make a version of the NSB Challenge, focusing on the different professions in TS3. I was inspired by the TS4/TS3 challenges created by @lilsimsie​ and @alwaysimming​. I have been working on this for the past few weeks, so I hope you enjoy it.  Some basic rules; -Each heir represents the color of the generation (ex: hair, clothes, house/objects, etc.)  -Money cheats not allowed (unless NEEDED) -Live wherever you want :) 
If you ever play this challenge, tag me or use #nsbtotallyprofessional <3
Onto the challenge itself!
Generation 1: Teal
You’re a family-oriented, social butterfly with a love for kids. You’re kind of a kid-whisperer. Your excitement to work and nurture all the kids that come through your daycare is what makes their parents love you (totally not because you’re taking care of their kids all-day). You’ve always dreamt of having a big family of your own. You also have a love for bowling and cooking.  
Traits: Nurturing | Family-Oriented | Workaholic | Excitable | Social-Butterfly Lifetime Wish: Surrounded by Family Profession: Daycare Profession
Goals: -Complete Daycare Profession -Complete Lifetime Wish -Master Cooking Skill, and learn 5 recipes (of your choosing) -Marry someone you met through work (a kid’s parent) -Adopt at least one kid  -Go bowling every week with your family -Have great relationships with ALL of your kids
Generation 2: Navy Blue
Being around a huge family made you feel trapped, so you secluded yourself as fast as you can. You love your family, but people can be a bit much for you. This made you draw your attention to the sea, and the creatures in it with how serine and isolated it can be. Anything sea related you wanted to do and learn! So, you took up a job as a Lifeguard. Fishing, scuba-diving, sailing- these are all the things you wanted! Plus, you’ve always wanted your own private aquarium. 
Traits: Loner | Loves The Outdoors | Angler | Loves to Swim | Shy Lifetime Wish: Presenting the Perfect Private Aquarium Profession: Lifeguard 
Goals:  -Complete Lifeguard Profession -Complete Lifetime Wish -Master Fishing Skill -Master Athletic Skill -Only date, never marry  -Have one child as an adult  -Go scuba diving on your free time
Generation 3: Hot Pink
Your eye for design made you realize how good you would be as an architect. You might have a steady work life but in your personal life, you’re the life of the party. You’re basically friends with half the townspeople- almost everywhere you go, you’re recognized! This helps when you update your socials every ten minutes!
Traits: Party Animal | Perfectionist | Born Salesperson | Artistic | Commitment Issues Lifetime Wish: Home Design Hotshot  Profession: Architectural Designer
Goals:  -Complete Architect Profession  -Complete Lifetime Wish -Master Painting Skill -Master Social Networking Skill -Have 5 relationships, before getting married -Have a set of twins (no other kids | cheats allowed)
Generation 4: Lilac 
Ambitious, spontaneous, and crazy is how your parents would describe you. But your friends think you’re the same as your ‘chill’ twin. Being constantly compared to your twin made you wish you were an only child. Obviously you can’t do that, so the next best thing is to become a famous singer! ….I guess. This fame HAD to give you the upper hand! 
Traits: Insane | Ambitious | Natural Born Performer | Virtuoso | Diva Lifetime Wish: Vocal Legend  Profession: Singer 
Goals: -Complete Singer Profession -Complete Lifetime Wish -Master Charisma skill -Master Guitar skill  -Reach level 5 of Writing skill  -Max out fame   -Live with your twin, but have a bad relationship with them (move them out when you have your first child)
Generation 5: Coral
Being around different makeup artists and designers from your parent’s concerts, made you have a deep appreciation for their skills. You admired them so much you wanted to be just like them! Watching your parent in different costumes on stage made you love the art of design. You also love music itself, but what you love doing most is refining your bass skills. Why you chose that instrument, I don’t know. Unlike your parents, you go out of your way to spend more time with your family. You love holding family gatherings and hosting dinner parties.  
Traits: Friendly | Ambitious | Family-Oriented | Artistic | Easily Impressed   Lifetime Wish: Fashion Phenomenon Profession: Stylist 
Goals: -Complete Stylist Profession  -Complete Lifetime Wish -Master Painting Skill -Master Bass skill -Have triplets (cheats allowed), you may have more kids besides the triplets       *One of them will be your heir        *Give one child the ‘brave’ trait, and the other two the ‘coward’ trait -Have a dinner party every other Sunday  -Have a great relationship with ALL your kids 
Generation 6: Maroon 
You’ve always wanted to be a firefighter. You’ve dreamt of being able to help the lives of those around you, but you’re also a nerd in disguise. You love playing video games and reading comics- but that never gets in your way of what you love- your job does get in the way of finding love though. Doesn’t help that you’re unflirty.  
Traits: Brave | Handy | Unflirty | Dog Person | Hot-Headed  Lifetime Wish: Firefighter Super Hero Profession: Firefighter 
Goals: -Complete Firefighter Profession  -Complete Lifetime Wish -Master Handiness Skill -Master Athletic Skill -Have 3 failed relationships before getting married -Have 2 dogs, and be very close with them -Marry and have kids when you’re an adult -Have a comic book collection (3, or more) -Play video games frequently
Generation 7: Tan 
You wanted things to be solved, with a clear-cut explication. You wanted a reason for everything. That’s why you joined the force. But this wasn’t enough for you. You wanted to do the work yourself, so you quit your job and become an Investigator. Why couldn’t they find this guy? Why wasn’t he tried? Did he pay the guy off? YOU WANTED ANSWERS DAMN IT! All these thoughts flowing in and out of your head, night and day, made it hard to sleep at times. Did I mention you write murder mystery books?
Traits: Light-Sleeper | Unstable | Perceptive | Genius | Charismatic Lifetime Wish: Pervasive Private Eye Profession: Law Enforcement | Investigator  
Goals: -Reach level 5 of Law Enforcement Career -Complete Investigator Profession -Complete Lifetime Wish -Master Logic Skill -Master Writing Skill -Reach level 5 of Photography Skill -Write 3 books minimum -Kill bugs with your magnifying glass -Marry someone in the Law Enforcement Career
Generation 8: Indigo
 Listening to your parents talk about the different cases made you stressed out, so you turn to the world of magic to escape. You adored the ‘science’ behind this magical art form, and you’ve always strived to know every trick in the book, and learn the daring stunts, but it never really works out the way you want it because of how clumsy you are- but that never stopped you. 
Traits: Ambitious | Clumsy | Daredevil | Frugal | Easily Impressed  Lifetime Wish: Master Magician  Profession: Magician 
Goals: -Complete Magician Profession  -Complete Lifetime Wish -Reach level 5 of a skill of your choosing -Marry your first love, then get divorced after having a child -Get remarried to a sim with the clumsy trait, and have 2 more kids and have one of those kids be the next heir
Generation 9: White
Having two clumsy parents made you the genetic example of two wrongs equal a right- so you have impeccable balance. You took advantage of this and became an excellent dancer as a kid, up until high school. As time went on you realized that your real genetic fortune came in the form of great flexibility- so you decided on becoming an acrobat! You’re smart and know what you’re doing, but not when it comes to love. Interacting with people in general is one of your greatest weaknesses. 
Traits: Socially Awkward | Genius | Natural Born Performer | Athletic | Unflirty Lifetime Wish: Master Acrobat  Profession: Acrobat 
Goals: -Complete Acrobat Profession  -Complete Lifetime Wish -Master Athletic Skill -Master walking skill as a toddler -Enroll in ballet club as a kid and teen -Try to date as a teen, but fail -Have a kid(s?) by accident  -Never marry 
Generation 10: Black 
You love anything supernatural. The books, the TV shows, the merch, the community, the list goes on! You know that there are spirits and ghosts all around us, maybe even a wolf or two... So you go on the hunt to find them. You do anything and everything to get a glimpse of a ghost. You craft and drink the elixirs, you catch the bugs, and hunt for gems- you even become a ghost hunter! 
Traits: Supernatural Fan | Adventurous | Night Owl | Gatherer | Slob Lifetime Wish: Paranormal Profiteer  Profession: Ghost Hunter 
Goals: -Complete Ghost Hunter Profession  -Complete Lifetime Wish -Master Logic Skill -Master Alchemy Skill -Date a Supernatural Skeptic all through high school, then get engaged the day after you graduate   -Break off your engagement -Marry a supernatural sim (wolf, fairy, genie, etc.) -Live near the cemetery -Collect different bugs and gems -Turn into the Sad Clown at least once
AHHH THANK YOU FOR MAKING IT THIS FAR! IM SO PROUD OF YOU- LOOK AT YOU GO! No but for srs, thank you sm for playing :)) I really hope you enjoyed it :))) Keep in mind that this is still being worked on, so please let me know if I need to change anything. THANK YOU!!!
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mcsimmy · 4 years
Tumblr media
hey y’all! I have been working to add generations to the Not So Berry Challenge & I finally have it all done to share. I wanted to be inclusive of all packs as a lot of packs have come out since the original challenge. I will be adding more generations as new packs come out!
HERE is the link to the google doc with the 10 Generations done by @lilsimsie and @alwaysimming​ as well as my additional 10 Generations! 
Generations in the cut! 
Generation Eleven: White
Your parent spent her time making a happy home for you and some of your favorite memories involve food. Hence, your love of food being developed at a young age. Your love for food along with your creativity, allows for you to be able to have the hottest 5-Star Restaurant in town. 
Traits: Foodie, Glutton, Cheerful
Aspiration: Master Chef
Career: Own a Restaurant 
Childhood Creativity Aspiration
Empathy Character Value
Marry outgoing Sim
Own 5 Star Restaurant 
Master cooking, gourmet cooking, and charisma.
Generation Twelve: Brown
Your parent’’s love of running her own business rubs off on you but you promise yourself that you will not love your business more than your family. With fear of not being able to give as much love to your first baby, the Vet Clinic as your second baby, your child; you decide to only have one child as well as a few fur babies. 
Traits: Dog or Cat Lover, Outgoing, Family Orientated 
Aspiration: Friend of Animals
Career: Run Vet Clinic
Move out as teen
Master Vet, Animal Training, and Handiness Skill
3 pets in household at all times once Young Adult
Only one child 
Vet Clinic to 5 Stars 
Generation Thirteen: Black
When young, you were always tinkering with things in the Vet Clinic while your parent worked. Your parent encouraged this love and you went on to Foxbury University with the dream of pursuing a career in Engineering. Your academics have always been number one and because of this, you are not the most social person. You marry a Style Influencer who marries you for your money and your marriage is loveless but your love of your children is endless.
Traits: Geeks, Loner, Genius
Aspiration: Academic
Career:  Engineer
Whiz Kid Aspiration
Go to Foxbury University
Major in Computer Science or Physics
Be in Bot Squants Club
Master Robotics, Handiness, and Programming
Marry a Style Influencer 
Loveless marriage: argue a lot
Generation Fourteen: Earth Tones
You saw what technology did to your family and you vow to never have technology in your home and to live a simple life. You garden, flower arrange, and fish to give your family a bountiful simple life and to never want for anything. Your children beg to be like the “normal” kids at school but you encourage them to be outside with you.
Traits: Loves Outdoors, Cheerful, Erratic
Aspiration: Freelance Botanist
Career: Unemployed
Live in Tiny Home
Marry Sim in Gardener Career
Master gardening, flower arranging, and fishing
No technology in the home
Become PlantSim at one point.
Generation Fifteen: Red
Your parents sheltered you throughout your whole life and as you go onto university, you realize that you want to help educate the youth to think for themselves. As you have your own children, your whole life becomes making sure that they are good people and have their own interests. Although you care deeply for your children, your marriage suffers and your spouse cheats on you many times. You forgive them each time to keep your children’s happiness first.
Traits: Bookworm, Family Orientated, Snob
Aspiration: Super Parent
Career: Education
Major in Economics or Psych
Master charisma, research & debate, and baking.
All toddlers must age up with at least Happy Toddler trait
All children must max at least 3 character values
Have a library in the home with computer lab 
Spouse has constant affairs because “you give too much attention to the children”
Generation Sixteen: Neon
Your parents may have given you far too much attention as you are full of yourself. You only value you, yourself, and you. Your biggest goal is to be a 5 Star Celebrity and you spend all your time posting online and working on content. The only freetime you have is going on dates, you have no time for your children so you bring in a live in nanny to care for them. 
Traits: Martialistic, Self-Absorbed, Insider
Aspiration: World Famous Celebrity
Career: Social Media (Internet Personality
Because Rank 5 or 5 Star Celebrity
Have a live in nanny who cares for your children (can be Red gen. Parent but must have nanny until ages up to Adult)
Master media production skill, charisma, video gaming, writing, and comedy skill
Write a biography about self (Level 10 Writing)
Never marry but go on dates at least twice a week
Have an excessively big house (ex. 4 people = 8 bedroom house)
Generation Seventeen: Navy Blue
Your parent was absent in your life but luckily your nanny and grandparent taught you the value of kindness. You grow up to value fairness and attend the University of Brichester to study history with a Law track. In University, you meet the love of your life and grow old together happily ever after.
Traits: Outgoing, Good, Perfectionist
Aspiration: Friend of the World
Career: Law (Judge Track)
Go to University of Brichester
Meet spouse at University 
Major in History
Close with Red Gen Sim: call everyday
Master charisma, logic, and research & debate
Always help children with homework
Generation Eighteen: Charcoal
Your parent was always lecturing you about being a good person, but good people get nowhere in life. Your only cares in life are money and yourself. You marry for money and kill collecting that sweet insurance money. You only make one mistake in your life: having a child. 
Traits: Kleptomaniac, Self-Absorbed, Hotheaded
Aspiration: Public Enemy / Fabulously Wealthy / Mansion Baron
Career: Criminal
No university
Master mischief and programming.
Close with Neon Gen Sim: call everyday
Marry 3 different sims for money and kill all three of them
Complete all 3 aspirations
Have only one child
Generation Nineteen: Lilac
Your life has been traumatic since day one and you have found escape in art since that day. You marry your highschool sweetheart to move in with them as a teen, their family becomes your one and true family. As the bills fluctuate every month with an art career, you move around to 3 different apartments in your lifetime and the four walls of each apartment fill with the love for your sweetheart and your 3 children.
Traits: Ambitious, Perfectionist, Art Lover
Aspiration: City Native
Career: Painter
Move around to 3 different apartments during lifetime
Master the photography, painting, and wellness skills
Marry high school sweetheart and move in with them as teen to escape crazy parent
Have 3 children 
Help kids with every school project assigned
Every season make decorations with kids and decorate apartment for season
Generation Twenty: Seafoam
Your parents encouraged you to express yourself and your imagination, your imagination always led to the ocean; being a mermaid is your ultimate dream. You move to Sulani to work to conserve the ocean and live your best beach bum life.  
Traits: Child of the Ocean, Child of the Island, and Cheerful
Aspiration: Beach Life
Career: Conservationist 
Live in a lighthouse on Sulani
Become mermaid
Become friends with a dolphin
Master fishing and fitness
Return Sulani to proper state -- conserve island (stage 3)
Have fish tank or fishbowl in every room in house
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gerbithats · 7 years
Not so Berry - Extended
I’m doing the not so berry challenge by lilsimsie and alwaysimming and I love how it makes you explore everything the game has to offer BUT I’m missing a few things from the latest packs and stuff like that. SOOO to enhance how good the main idea for this challenge is I came up with 8 new generations for it lol Anyway, I decided I would share this ‘cause I know that many of you guys also love this.
OH and if you decide to go for it, make sure to tag me of hashtag your posts with something like #notsoberryextended so I can check it out ‘cause I would reeeally love to see what you guys make of it
Anyway, here they go:
Generation  11: Crimson
The overprotectiveness of your parents made you want to wander a lot and never settle. You’re still living with them while enjoying their money to go on your own escapades through the jungle.
Traits: Loves Outdoors, Snob, Materialistic Aspiration: Jungle Explorer (teen to YA) / Archaeologist (Adult to Elder) Career: Museum/Antique shop owner
Master the selvadoradian culture and archeology skills
Must complete Jungle explorer aspiration ‘till adult lifestage and then change it to Archeaologist aspiration (finish from adult to elder)
Move out of your parents house only when adult
Must not follow a career. Can only gain money with the antique store/museum selling your explorer findings
Must own at least one relic
Generation 12: Snow
Growing up in a museum/antique shop environment filled with old mystic relics and other things like that made you very interested in the supernatural. During your teenage years you met someone who claims they’re a vampire and will turn you once you’re old enough (twilight much?!). When you’re finally a young adult, you move in with that vampire, start a romance and become a vampire as well.
Traits: Gloomy, Insane, Outgoing Aspiration: Master Vampire (before pregnancy) / Good Vampire (after) Career: Secret Agent
Master the secret agent career
Master the pipe organ and vampire lore skills
Must complete both aspirations
The hability to walk during the day is not allowed
Have only one child
Once the child is a young adult, must cure vampirism or burn in the sun (both parents)
Generation 13: Teal
Your parents spent the days locked inside their catacombs and only came out during the night, so pets were your closest friends. You learned to love and nurture them very soon in your life and want to dedicate yourself to their medical care.
Traits: Cat lover, Dog lover, Childish Aspiration: Friend of the Animals Career: Veterinarian
Complete the friend of the animals aspiration
Must move out once becomes into a YA
Master the veterinarian skill
Own a 5 star vet clinic
Must own a vet clinic as only job
Own at least 3 pets
Generation 14: Honey
Much like your parents, you learned to love the animals around you and decide to dedicate your career to that, only not as much as one of your parents did ‘cause there should always be some time left for bowling.
Traits: Insider, Outgoing, Hates Children Aspiration: Leader of the Pack Career: Store owner (can only earn  money with a store that only sells stuff for pets)
Create a Bowling group for your friends and one for your enemies
Must have at least one pet that’s the son/daughter from the pets of the past generation
Master the pet training and bowling skill
Collect all feathers
Must live in the same town as the parents
Generation 15: Coral
The feeling that you never got love from one of your parents always made you go to food as a coping mechanism, and since the “make money with your own business” thing is practically part of the family blood, passion for food makes you want to open your own restaurant
Traits: Glutton, Hot-Headed, Noncommittal Aspiration: Master Chef Career: Own a restaurant
Eat all foods from festival stands at least once
Must get a 5 star restaurant
Must live in San Myshuno
Master the master chef aspiration
Master the cooking, gourmet cooking and baking skills
Can’t have a life long partnet and must be single when an elder
Generation 16: Charcoal
You’re a dreamer trying to make it in the big city and you love it. You know what you’re capable of and believe that success runs in your veins, so you really dedicate yourself to learn everything you can while in school. You hope to make a living by selling your own art and eventually turning into a big fish.
Traits: Ambicious, Perfectionist, Art Lover Aspiration: City Native Career: Painter + Own an art gallery
Must live in a shabby apartment ‘till you make enough money to move to a penthouse
Master the mixology, photography and painting skills
Be an excelent student
Work as a barista when a teen
Complete the city native aspiration
Master the paintor career
Generation 17: Lime
You’re breaking a pattern and reconecting to nature. You found a house outside of the big city and is moving there with nothing but the clothes on your body.
Traits: Loves the Outdoors, Kleptomaniac, Loner Aspiration: Freelance Botanist / Angling Ace / The Curator and Outdoor Enthusiast Career: None
You can only make money by selling collectibles, the things from your garden or things you stole
Cannot own a tv, computer, tablet or anything like that
Master the gardening, wellness, herbalisim and handiness skills
Master all the aspirations (because this is such a long list, you may purchase the extender of life with reward points)
Can only have a child ten (or less) days before turning into an elder
Turn into a plantsim at some point
Generation 18: Emerald
When you find out that your mom/dad made a choice by living a simple life you become obsessed with power. Your goal in life is to be rich and own everything you didn’t have access to as a child, no matter what it takes.
Traits: Kleptomaniac, Materialistic, Snob Aspiration: Fabulously Wealthy / Mansion Baron Career: Like I said before, you’d do anything to have the fabulous wealthy life you dream of, so everything goes (aka the black widow gen)
Must complete both the fabulously wealthy and mansion baron aspirations
Marry a rich sim and have at least one child, then divorce or get rid of the husband/wife
Master the charisma, wellness and logic skill
The mansion must have a room dedicated to wellness and spa equipment
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gwendonelle · 3 years
Playing my Not So Berry Extended Challenge (Aquamarine gen)
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My aquamarine gen was Beryl (yes, Beryl Berry). She never liked living in Del Sol Valley and was always begging her mom to take her and her brother to Sulani (although it only worked once, since vampires and sunny beaches don’t mix well). Once she became a young adult, Beryl fulfilled her dream of moving to the seaside and joined the conservationist career to help restore the island’s beauty. She spent a lot of time exploring the caves of Sulani and digging for trash and sea shells on the beach. In the process, she eventually found a piece of mermadic kelp and ate it, following the ocean’s call to become a mermaid. She became enemies with a local litterbug and used her newfound powers to torment him by pulling him under the water time and time again (although she was never able to drown him). Beryl eventually started dating a man local to Sulani, but even though he was her boyfriend, he ended up marrying someone else. Beryl thought his new wife was cute, though, so she invited both of them to live with her, and they ended up becoming a throuple. The three of them started a free-love beach commune and raised their children together (Beryl had three children, and her girlfriend had one).
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gwendonelle · 3 years
Playing my Not So Berry Extended Challenge (White gen)
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My white gen was Crystal. Although she was raised in a home with a distinct lack of privacy, she loved her family and the camping trips they took to Granite Falls together (especially in the winter). As a young adult, she longed to move to Mt. Komorebi to pursue her dream hobbies of snowboarding and rock climbing, but she also wanted to eventually provide a bigger home (with more personal space) for her future family, so she settled on a more “stable” job as a secret agent in San Myshuno, even though she hated the paperwork aspect of it. She started dating one of her new neighbors and quickly moved in with him, but he ended up cheating on her and impregnating their (vampire) neighbor. Crystal dumped him and begged her boss to let her transfer to Mt. Komorebi. Thankfully, he said yes, and she was able to move into a shared home there with one of her new coworkers.
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After making friends with some of the locals, one of Crystal’s snow bros introduced her to his son, and the two of them hit it off. They got married within three days of meeting each other and soon started a family (they ended up having a girl and twin boys). Still, they made time to snowboard and rock climb together, and, with each other's support, they eventually climbed to the top of Mt. Komorebi, where they eloped.
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They then proceeded to WooHoo in a cave to celebrate (of course).
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gwendonelle · 3 years
Playing my Not So Berry Extended Challenge (Black gen)
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Next up is my black gen. I usually hate playing mean Sims, but I loved the chaos in this gen.
From a young age, Raven (pictured above on the right) was rebellious and was always causing trouble (including by constantly stealing things at school). She struggled to make friends naturally since she was mean, but in high school, she was able to intimidate her classmates (and her twin sister Phoebe) into being friends with her. Raven bullied one of her “friends” into being her boyfriend, and they had an on-again-off-again relationship. As a young adult, Raven moved to Forgotten Hollow and joined the law career. She used her smarts to become a lawyer without going to university and eventually rose to the top of her career as a judge. Shortly after moving to Forgotten Hollow, Raven developed a crush on one of her neighbors, but Phoebe married him before Raven could claim him as her own. Raven cut her sister off as a result and ended up marrying the first girlfriend she could find after that in an attempt to prove she was more successful than her sister. Although Raven had strong romantic feelings for her new wife, they ended up getting into a major fight on the night of their wedding, and Raven locked her outside the house to punish her. Of course, it was the middle of winter, so her wife ended up freezing to death and then haunting Raven for the rest of her life. Raven didn’t mourn for long before deciding to steal her sister’s husband, even though Phoebe had a child with him. Raven ended up marrying him and having two children with him, then cheating on him with her high school boyfriend (who became her enemy with benefits) and having a third child from the affair. She also became enemies with benefits with Father Winter since she found him extremely attractive but hated how good he was. None of Raven’s children liked her since she was so mean to them and was often drunk from her juice-fizzing (which only exacerbated her meanness). Still, her husband stayed with her through everything, and Raven and her sister even reconciled and became friends in the end (because Phoebe was far too nice).
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gwendonelle · 3 years
Playing my Not So Berry Extended Challenge (Burgundy gen)
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The final gen of my Not So Berry Extended Challenge!
From a young age, Merlot was obsessed with food, especially grilled cheese. She always dreamed of making the perfect grilled cheese and even became a chef as an adult to perfect her craft. Once she was old enough, she and her twin sister Syrah moved into a converted warehouse in Newcrest together and focused on their careers (Merlot as chef and her sister as a teacher). They both struggled with their love lives, as Merlot was entirely focused on her mission of perfecting the grilled cheese, and Syrah was unflirty by nature.
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As teens, they had both developed crushes on the same boy before realizing they were actually related to him. As young adults, they didn’t fare much better. Merlot eventually discovered a love of rocket science at Geekcon and decided to build her own rocketship. She had heard family stories passed through the generations of an alien planet called Sixam and became determined to travel there. Once she reached it, she fell in love with one of the locals, and the two eloped there.
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They moved into Merlot’s home in Newcrest and had a half-alien child together. In the meantime, Syrah had her own alien encounter and became pregnant with alien twins after being abducted. Once her twins were born, Merlot and her husband decided to move into their own place (next door to Syrah, since the sisters never wanted to be too far apart). Merlot focused on her job as a chef (and making grilled cheeses) and eventually reached the top of her career. Having perfected the grilled cheese, she decided to open her own restaurant to share her cooking with the world.
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gwendonelle · 3 years
Playing my Not So Berry Extended Challenge (Lilac gen)
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My lilac gen was Helio (named after a color similar to the flower). He was raised in the snowy mountains of Mt. Komorebi with his sister and twin brother, but he always dreamed of moving somewhere warm. He convinced his parents to build a greenhouse for him so he could start a garden as a teen despite the freezing temperatures, since he always loved flowers. As a young adult, he moved to a beautiful house in Brindleton Bay where he could grow a magnificent garden and raise a family (and have many cats). He fell in love with one of his neighbors there (a trans (ftm) Sim named Ezequiel) but discovered he was married to the world famous Regina Berry (my gold gen/gen 15!). Regina soon grew bored of him, though, and Helio helped him process the divorce as a friend. The two ultimately ended up falling in love, however. They got married and had twin girls together shortly thereafter. After Ezequiel’s elderly parents passed, they also ended up helping to raise his teen sister. Despite Ezequiel’s initial heartbreak, he remained on somewhat friendly terms with Regina and had her over to the house occasionally. Helio was never a fan of this relationship, and when he caught Ezequiel flirting with Regina, he was furious. He got into a fight with Regina (despite being proper), and the two became enemies. Helio gifted Ezequiel with a flower arrangement scented with tulip so that his husband would remain faithful to him from then on. He also gifted Regina with a flower arrangement scented with death flower, which forced her to become an adult and thus fulfill her worst nightmare (getting older).
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Once this drama was behind them, the two were able to focus on raising their daughters (and many cats) together.
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gwendonelle · 3 years
Playing my Not So Berry Extended Challenge (Brown gen)
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My brown gen was Clove. She grew up in an unusual situation, but she never minded having a big (and somewhat odd) family. Although she loved being connected to nature from a young age, she was never fond of the beach. She found the sand to be coarse and rough and irritating, and it got everywhere. Instead, she preferred the forest and loved camping in Granite Falls with her mom. As soon as she was old enough, she moved to a tiny home near a waterfall in the woods of Henford-on-Bagley. She loved the serenity she found there, just her and her dog. She didn’t even mind living off the grid, although it was a bit annoying to have to travel into town any time she wanted to have access to the Internet to find an odd job or two. On one of these trips into town, she started chatting with the local pub owner, and the two fell in love. They eventually held their wedding at the same pub and consummated the marriage with a celebratory WooHoo in the dumpster behind the building.
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Clove and her husband had three children together, which made things even tighter in their already tiny living space. Still, they were able to live a happy life together with their family (and the many stray dogs that hung out on the lot).
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gwendonelle · 3 years
Playing my Not So Berry Extended Challenge (Gold gen)
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The next gen in my NSBE challenge was the gold gen. I'm not a huge fan of vampires, but I had a lot of fun with this gen, and I do appreciate that she never had to die (I'm always super sad about losing my heirs).
From a young age, Regina dreamed of being famous and ardently pursued this goal, joining drama club as a child and even leaving her family home as a teenager to move to Del Sol Valley (with her dad’s Servo to help supervise her). As a teen, she started uploading videos to SimTube and Simstagramming/streaming her life for her fans to see. She tried everything to become a celebrity, including creating her own music and DJing on weekends. Once she started to gain fame, she married an actor more famous than her for the clout, but ended up divorcing him when she fell in love with one of her fans (who was also the bartender at her wedding). Regina reached her goal of becoming a celebrity and respected style influencer, but she started to fear aging. In a desperate attempt to stop the aging process, she begged Vlad to turn her into a vampire so she would be able to stay young and beautiful forever. He obliged, and Regina was able to become a top-level style influencer and award-winning, five-star celebrity who would never age. Before becoming a vampire, she had two human children with her fan and lover, but she also ended up cheating on him later in life and having a vampire child with Vlad.
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gwendonelle · 3 years
Playing my Not So Berry Extended Challenge (Silver gen)
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The next gen in my NSBE Challenge was the Silver gen. I put both of the potential heirs for this gen through university because I couldn't choose between them for the longest time, but I ended up going with my male heir for some variety.
Sterling had a hard childhood living in a home with his mean mother, but he found solace in his sister’s company and in the robots he started building as a teenager. As young adults, he and his older sister both attended Foxbury Institute and joined the Bot Savants (like their yellow-gen ancestor). Sterling had a major glow up and thrived at university, earning straight A’s and even coming far enough out of his shell to start dating a girl from his high school robotics club who he had always had a crush on. While his sister had a baby after an unplanned pregnancy with her boyfriend during her last term of university, Sterling waited a while to marry his girlfriend and start having children. Eventually, he and his wife had two children together, but he also passionately pursued his love of engineering, robotics, and fabrication with the help of his club friends. He even built his own Servo, who served as his live-in housekeeper, nanny, and friend. The Servo eventually ended up falling in love with yellow gen’s Servo (yay for robot love).
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