#nova torres;answers
gypsybelladonna · 10 months
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novamariestark · 5 months
Hiiii ☺️☺️
I’ve got an Alden Parker x reader request idea if you’re open to it! Basically the team is working a case where they end up  interviewing an older woman as a witness (older than Parker) who clearly thinks he’s handsome but he politely stays professional (we know Nick would tease him for it). But later he ends up meeting her granddaughter and this time he’s the one that starts flirting with her despite the age gap. 
A Tale Of Two Flirts
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Summary: When interviewing witnesses, Alden finds himself in an awkward position when one of them starts flirting with him. But later on, he finds himself flirting with her granddaughter, you.
Warnings: quite possibly the worst thing i've written 😂 and I know I say that a lot.
Word count: 2777
Fandom: NCIS
Pairing: Alden Parker x f!reader
[A/N] I know this is bad, 😂 I’ve literally been working on this for like 2 months and every time I thought I’d finished, I restarted it because I just thought it wasn’t good enough. There isn’t that much flirting in here like the request asked and I hope that’s okay, it’s just that I flirt like a potato.
You may say to yourself, “Nova, potatoes can’t flirt,” Exactly 🤣
And the title is shitty too, I’m so sorry. But right now, I get started and I think I’m on a roll but then my brain’s just like “Haha bitch, just kidding”
Hope you like it though
The wooden steps creaked slightly under their weight. As they approach the door, Alden raised a hand to knock firmly against the wooden door.
Knock knock
The faint hum of a television could be heard from inside but the sound immediately disappeared and the sound of footsteps replaced it.
Alden took out his ID as the door flew open, revealing and older woman, early 70s, with bright blue eyes and slightly greying hair. He holds it up to her and Nick behind him, does the same thing, “Good morning, ma’am, I’m Special Agent Parker and this is…”
The woman smirked and leant on the doorframe, “Well, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes,”
A snort from behind him made Alden turn around and glare at the owner of the sound. He turned back to the lady.
"So, you saw the whole thing?" Alden asked, his brow furrowing slightly as he tried to steer the conversation back to the case. The witness he was talking to, a woman in her early 70s with silver hair and piercing blue eyes, seemed more interested in him than in answering his questions. Every so often, he could hear a snicker or a snort from beside him, where his partner Nick Alvarez sat, struggling to maintain a straight face.
“If only I did,” the woman said with a coy smile, her voice low and seductive as she leaned in closer. Alden's face turned a shade of crimson as he stole a quick glance at Nick, silently begging for help, but Nick was too busy trying to stifle his laughter.
"I was referring to the homicide, Mrs. Walsh," Alden explained, his voice maintaining a sense of professionalism even as a blush started to appear on his cheeks. Mrs. Walsh responded with a mischievous wink before replying…
“It’s Ms. Walsh,” she corrected him, her smile widening into a grin.
“Ms. Walsh," Alden corrected himself quickly, "Did you see who did this to Petty Officer Lindsey?” He asked, hoping to keep the conversation on topic. Ms. Walsh leaned back in her chair, her eyes narrowing as she thought.
She shook her head, “By the time I made it to the window, it was all over. I heard a lot of yelling and screaming,”  she replied. Alden and Nick continued to ask her questions and each of her answers included a flirty compliment in some way or another.
Just as the two agents began to walk away, the older woman spoke up again, "You know, dinner might make me feel better. What are you doing later?" she asked, giving Alden a sly smile.
Alden laughed nervously, again looking at Torres for help but he just smiled and walked away, “Probably solving the case, Ms Walsh,” he said politely and excused himself. He walked down the steps of the porch and headed towards Torres.
“Thanks for your help there, Torres,” he said, sarcasm dripping from his tone, “I really appreciate it,” Torres just shrugged with a smirk on his face.
The team headed back to the Navy Yard to continue the investigation. Over the course of the day, Alden had suffered at the hands of Torres’ endless teasing.  He thanked God that he drove over with McGee and not Torres, although his luck ended as soon as they all got into the elevator.
“So, Parker, when’s the special day?” Nick asked with the childish grin on his face, as if he’d just asked what he was getting for Christmas.
Jess and McGee looked at each other, with confused glances. Of course, they didn��t know what was going on, they weren’t there when it happened and Nick kept quiet in the car ride over here, wanting to save it until he was in the same room as Alden, and everyone else was around to hear.
“Wait, what special day?” Tim asked for both him and Jess.
Nick slapped a hand on Alden’s shoulder, his grin getting wider, “Parker’s getting married,”
“What?!” they exclaimed in unison.
“When did this happen?" Jess added, a confused look crossing her face. Two questions went through her head. How on earth did she not know her boss was getting married? And how did Torres keep his mouth shut about it?
Torres was about to speak, but Alden cut him off, “It didn’t,” Alden ran a hand down his face before continuing with the real version events and not Nick’s “There was just a witness that showed a… particular interest in me,”
“She wanted to see all of it” Torres continued, emphasising the word all, to convey that the woman desired to see Alden in his entirety.
“I take it you didn’t help him out?” Tim asked Torres. thinking he probably didn't. Why was he even asking?
Torres shook his head, “Of course not, it was funny,” he looked back to Alden with a smirk and asked, “Can I be best man?”
Alden scoffed, “No,” he said as he turned towards the door as it arrived at their floor.
Unfortunately for Alden, this continues throughout the day. By the end of the day, he felt like someone had been whacking his brain repeatedly with a hammer. He couldn’t wait to solve this case, go home and relax. Preferably before he gave into the urge to get out his gun and shoot Torres with it.
You met him on Saturday, when he came over to your grandmother’s to ask her if she recognised the suspect or if she’d seen her around.
You had arrived the day before after work and you were shocked to find the house next door was an active crime scene.
It being a Friday, you were headed to your grandmother's for the weekend. But as you walked from your car towards her house, you noticed her neighbour’s house covered in yellow police tape. “What the hell happened?” you asked yourself, your heart raced as you took in the sight before you. Your eyes widened as you noticed the broken window and the red stains smeared across it that you could only think of being blood. And considering the police tape, it wasn’t that much of a stretch.
The chill of the evening air nipped at your skin as you approached the scene, the flickering streetlamp casting eerie shadows on the ground. You pulled your coat closer to your body, hoping to shield yourself from some of the cold of the night or maybe the sight in front of you.
You couldn’t look at it anymore, so you continued on your way. The first thing you asked was if your grandmother was okay. After she reassured you that she was, you asked what happened.
She started to talk to you about what happened and how her neighbour was murdered and she was telling you everything she knew but somehow, for some reason, she began talking about something completely different.
A man. And it seemed that he had made quite an impression on her. So much so that you actually wanted to erase the last 5 minutes. The last thing you wanted was to hear your grandmother explain to you, in detail, all the things that she wanted to do to this man.
The next morning wasn’t any better. She began by telling you that she had a “lovely dream”, and she “hadn’t had one in so long”. You almost spat out your cereal at what she was hinting at.
“Gross, really?”
“Don’t be such a prude, how do you think I had your mother?”
You shuddered in disgust just as the doorbell rang and you couldn’t get out of your chair fast enough. You rushed over to the door, noticing two figures standing outside through the translucent glass.
As you opened the door, the two figures become clearer. Surprise briefly flashed on the face of the one lurking in the background before a smirk began to form. The one in front was looking down, fiddling with some papers.
“Sorry to bother you Ms Walsh,” he started as he continued, rummaging through the pages, “We just need you to look at some photos see if…” he stopped as he looked up at you, the words dying on his tongue.
Who is she? He thought. He looked to the side of the door at the number. 242, well he had the right house.
“Are you okay?” you asked him, he looked thoroughly confused.
“Yeah, sorry, I wasn’t expecting a beautiful woman to come to the door,” he stammered out, which you thought was cute but then again, was he calling your grandmother unattractive? He seemed to know what you were thinking and quickly corrected himself, “Not that your grandmother isn’t but y-you are,”
Realisation hit you. This was the agent that your grandmother was telling you about. When he turned around presumably for help from his partner, you took that time to check him out to see what the fuss was about.
To say you didn’t enjoy the sight in front of you would have been the biggest lie you told since you told your math teacher that you couldn't do your homework because your pet goldfish had a midlife crisis and decided to swim away with all of your textbooks.
Your eyes quickly returned to their previous position when his head began to turn back towards you.
“She’s just in the kitchen,” you said, lazily gesturing over your shoulder, “Do you want to come in for some coffee?” you asked them with a smile.
Alden opened his mouth to reply but his partner beat him to it, “That would be great, thank you,” he said passing Alden but not without patting him on the back. Alden followed you through the door, gently closing the door behind him and then following you towards the kitchen. As he did, he lingered behind, his eyes tracing over your figure, he was so lost that he almost let out an audible groan but your grandmother caught sight of him.
“Oh, Agent Parker, what a wonderful surprise,” she greeted as she came into the little dining area. Her hand patted her hair to make it look as good as possible.
Alden cleared his throat before responding with a nod, “Uh yeah, we just had some photos for you to look at,”
“I’ll help in any way I can,” she smirked, fiddling with the neckline of her shirt. You groaned, your face hiding itself in your hands.
Alden smiled awkwardly before placing the pictures on the table, spreading them out so each photo could be seen, “Do you recognise any of these people?” he asked, mainly to your grandmother because she was the one who lived here.
Your grandmother leaned in, purposefully close to Alden as she studied the photos. Your discomfort was evident on your face as you looked away momentarily, your eyes landing on the other agent. He seemed to be enjoying his partner’s discomfort and evidently yours.
Your eyes moved back to the photos when your grandmother said that she didn’t recognize anyone. Your eyes skimmed the photos and you did in fact recognize a few people in them, albeit slightly due to the quality of the pictures and the fact that they look like they were taken in the dark.
Your finger tapped the one closest to you first, “This is Jade, Sarah’s former college roommate and best friend,”
Alden scrunched his eyebrows and turned to look at you, “Are you sure? I know the pictures aren’t great,”
You pointed to the handbag that the figure was holding, “That is a Louis Vuitton. Jade got it a couple of months ago and she couldn’t wait to rub it in everyone’s faces,” Your fingers then hovered over the other picture, “This one is strange because it looks like Jade’s ex-boyfriend, Connor from college. They broke up because of her obsession with Sarah’s boyfriend,”
The two agents exchanged glances as if you had just given them a piece of the puzzle but that was ridiculous right? Jade was a stuck-up bitch, but she wouldn’t kill her best friend for a man… would she?
“Thank you,” Alden said, his eyes returning to you for as he began to pick up the photos. You notice how his gaze seemed to always linger on you, a little longer than his partner or your grandmother. She, of course, noticed this too considering she wouldn’t stop undressing him with her eyes.
After he collected everything, him and his partner slowly walked towards the door with you close behind to escort them out. They opened the door but stopped on the porch. Alden seemed to want to say something and it looked as though he was trying to talk himself into it.
“I hope you get who did it,” you smiled softly.
“We will,” the younger agent promised as he began to walk down the steps but stopped when he realised Alden wasn’t following him.
“There’s a uh… pastry shop, not far from here I want to try, do you know if it’s any good?” he asked finally after a couple of minutes of silently arguing with himself. Another argument started about how lame that starter was.
“Sugar & Spice Delights?” you asked with a small smile on your face, you nodded because you actually frequent there, “Uh yeah, it’s a great little shop, ask for Rhea and tell her (y/n) sent you, she may give you the friends and family discount” you said with a smirk.
“Or maybe you could accompany me,” he replied without missing a beat. His eyes closed and his head dropped. Why was he messing this up so bad?
You made a sound as if you were thinking about it and what come to mind was the fact that your grandmother seemed to like him a lot and it seemed wrong to say yes, no matter how much you wanted to, “Oh umm,” you paused looking over your shoulder when you heard footsteps approaching. Your grandmother of course and you were starting to feel bad, especially when she started to look at you disapprovingly.
“If you don’t say yes, I am going to have to disown you,” she said, causing you to lean slightly away from her, your eyebrows moving up towards your hairline.
You turn back to Alden with a small smile that only seemed to get bigger when you uttered the word “yes,”
Alden was beyond happy that you said yes, but also really surprised, especially considering the age gap. Over the course of your next few dates, you kept reassuring him that his age was anything but a concern for you, in fact it was kind of a turn on. In fact, you used the word experienced.
A month into your relationship, he wanted to show you just how experienced he really was. And he really was experienced. He knew exactly where to touch you at the right moment to have your toes curling and reaching for things that weren’t even there.
Pretty soon, after all your date to the little bakery, Alden qualified for the friends & family discount even when you weren’t there, much to the delight of his team. You got to meet them properly three months in which is exactly how long it took for Torres’ teasing to die down.
You were immediately bombarded with questions about you and what was Alden like outside of work, although, they mostly referred to him as Parker. Alden had told you about the teasing that Nick had put him through about you and your grandmother and he even asked if she was still interested in him, so you decided to have a little fun with him.
“Well, she always did have an eye for quality,” you said with a smirk, he was about to reply with some silly remark, but you beat him to it, “You should probably take notes, maybe you could learn something,”
Tim and Jess were in stitches, Alden was stifling his laughter but his amusement was evident by the smirk on his lips.
Once he got over the initial shock of what you just said, he walked over and held his hand out for you to shake, “Well played,” he said as you put your hand in his.  
Pretty much after that, you became one of them. You and Nick actually got on really well and aside from Alden, he was the one you spent most time with and occasionally Victoria when Jimmy and Jess needed some alone time.
But most of your spare time was spent with Alden either on cute little dates, or tangled in the sheets and each other’s limbs or as you called it… Heaven.
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veilfleur · 2 years
                                    CURRENT  MUSE  LIST   ...
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dvorak’s new world symphony >:)
you sent this in solely to annoy me, but joke's on you! i got you to send one in AND i got to listen to new world symphony all afternoon, so ha >:)
anyway i'm splitting up the movements cause i can
Movement 1: Nikolai, especially on the allegro parts
Movement 2: Enok, probably?
Movement 3: Nova!
Movement 4: imma put Tristan Torres (my version of the Time Traveller) here!
oh and if i had to pick just one person for the entire song, it'd probably be Tristan
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peter1001r · 3 years
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‘Authority is not given to you, Steward of Gondor, to order the hour of your death,’ answered Gandalf. ‘And only the heathen kings, under the domination of the Dark Power, did thus, slaying themselves in pride and despair, murdering their kin to ease their own death.’
The Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King by J. R. R. Tolkien.
"Não lhe é dada a autoridade, Regente de Gondor, para ordenar a hora de sua morte", respondeu Gandalf. "E apenas os reis pagãos, sobre o domínio do Poder das Trevas, fizeram isso, matando-se a si mesmos em orgulho e desespero, assassinando seu povo para facilitar sua própria morte."
(Tradução livre: O Senhor dos Anéis - O Retorno do Rei de J. R. R. Tolkien)
Arte de Alan Lee, "Denethor, Son of Ecthelion".
Aproveitando essa arte, gostaria de escrever sobre minha relação com as histórias de Tolkien e como elas moldaram e mudaram a minha vida. Desde que me recordo, me interesso muito por histórias de mundos de fantasia e seres míticos. O Hobbit e O Senhor dos Anéis foi o primeiro universo fictício que eu mergulhei de cabeça e lembro que isso foi por volta dos meus 13-14 anos.
Para ajudar ainda mais essa imersão, tive a oportunidade de pegar emprestado os livros numa biblioteca e ler enquanto a gente ia visitar alguns parentes num povoado. Então eu tinha espaço aberto, árvores, muito silêncio e muito tempo para entrar de cabeça numa obra que ajudou a estimular meu gosto por livros, histórias de fantasia, obras longas e mais um bocado de coisas que tocam a minha personalidade.
Depois de ler tanto O Hobbit, O Senhor dos Anéis, O Silmarillion e os Contos Inacabados de Tolkien e me encantar pelo universo dele e mesmo recriá-lo em meu íntimo, fui impedido de apreciar essas obras por conta do fanatismo religioso (no qual vivi quase dos 16 aos 19 anos, com uma pausa de seis meses e a mudança de seita).
Essa pressão religiosa que me fez esconder meu desejo e apreciação por isso não ficou oculto por muito tempo e foi o caminho para poder me afirmar enquanto eu mesmo, afirmar a minha individualidade e me libertar das amarras que estava envolto. Esse processo iniciei no fim de 2020 e começo de 2021 que me comprometi em ler The Hobbit e The Lord of The Rings - TLOR (O Senhor dos Anéis) porque consegui entender melhor o inglês justamente com esse objetivo de ler os livros que gosto.
A leitura da saga (que é de certa forma uma releitura, mas também uma nova) foi seguindo meu processo de maior esclarecimento de quem eu sou e da coragem de ser quem sou sem receios. Tive contratempos no meio para o fim do ano e encerrei a leitura de TLOR - The Return of the King (O Retorno do Rei) no início desse ano.
O Hobbit eu li voltando da experiência traumática que foi passar quase três meses em um mosteiro, sendo obrigado em nome da Fé e da religião a passar por situações que tomam a nossa liberdade de escolha e mesmo a necessidades básicas e consideração de meus desejos enquanto pessoa e estudante. (Sem contar com a experiência horrível do assalto)
O primeiro livro de O Senhor dos Anéis, The Fellowship of the Ring (A Sociedade do Anel), eu li enquanto vivia sob aparências de religiosidade na casa de pessoas que me magoaram muito e na tentativa de seguir a graduação com fantasmas de um passado de extremismo religioso.
O segundo livro, The Two Towers (As Duas Torres), eu li depois de entender um pouco melhor a minha sexualidade e de estar rumando a meus sonhos de cursar uma graduação em uma outra cidade e conquistar a vida em um lugar que não conheço. Também foi marcado pelo medo de não ser suficiente e pela pressão imposta por mim mesmo de querer passar. Além disso, também vivi essa história em paralelo a dificuldades domésticas ao retornar a casa da minha mãe.
O terceiro livro, The Return of the King (O Retorno do Rei), eu li já depois de concluir a primeira fase do vestibular da Unicamp e estava em um turbilhão emocional e intelectual. De um lado estava cultivando meus sentimentos e afetos, de outro tinha ainda muitas matérias a estudar e novos interesses surgindo de acordo com minha curiosidade e meu desejo de estudar. Conclui esse livro depois de ter feito a segunda fase e já na expectativa do resultado.
Hoje, depois de realizar a matrícula na Unicamp, e de estar eufórico e de cair a ficha de que aquele plano lá atrás sem qualquer evidência palpável que me indicasse chegar aqui onde estou, começo a (re)ler The Silmarillion e adentrar nos mitos da Primeira Era da Terra-Média e num momento de introspecção, unida ao desejo de navegar pelas águas rumando a terras desconhecidas, buscando construir un novo lar.
Só consigo amar essa obra que me acompanha e me acompanhou em momentos tão sombrios de tempos em que eu estava sem qualquer direção e vendado para enxergar a possibilidade de ser eu mesmo, sem querer agradar a outros e seus sistemas religiosos.
Esse é o poder e o significado dessa obra para mim! 💖
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thegrapeandthefig · 4 years
Hey I've been looking into something and I figured you might be a good source (maybe adri can also add in if you make this a post).
Do you know anything about the difference between Maenads and Bassarids? I know the terms are used interchangeably, though Bassarids usually wore foxskins (possibly where the name comes from) and that they where common to Thrace. Idk if the terms actually are interchangable or if the Bassarids belonged to a specific place/practice/epithet of Dionysos so using them interchangeably is incorrect (and if they do idk what the difference exactly is but I'm curious). Anything you know could be helpful ^^
It’s one of those topics where I’m not sure I can provide a satisfactory answer, but I’ll try to be as succinct as possible:
1) The epithet Bassareus does exist for Dionysus. We know of one (1) dedication to him under this epithet dating back to the 3rd century BC, in Histria (modern day Romania), which is, in fact in Thrace.
2) We know the term is obviously older, since Aeschylus wrote a now lost play titled Bassarai. The play is unfortunately in a very fragmentary state so there's not much for us to speculate on there.
However, it is possible that perhaps, the term was interchangeable for the Athenians, assuming this epithet/title was foreign or marginal to them but might have been much more important in Thracian cultus.
3) This aside, the most important use of the term as a title, to my knowledge, comes from Torre Nova (Latium, Italy) in the Ist century AD. The document is an inscription listing participants/members of a local Dionysian association, which very possibly performed mysteries of some kind. And it is in this particular context that we find a distinction between the participants:
Some are archibassarai (2 males and 4 females), while others are called belt-wearing bacchants (15 males, 3 females), and then you also find "sacred bacchants" (over a 100 people) and others are simply called bacchants ( about 44 females). And those are not all the titles (there are 27!): I've left out the priests and priestesses, the torch bearers, the phallus bearers etc.
What is interesting in the case of the association of Torre Nova is that there is a hierarchy amongst participants, that might be linked to the level of initiation. However, the problem is that it is very likely that this organization is particular to this association (one of a wealthy roman family, might I add) and not a standardized way of doing things. Not to mention the geographical and chronological context, which is far from 5th century Athens or 3rd century Thrace. It should be noted also, that the term maenad isn’t used in the inscription at all. 
TL;DR To summarize, and coming back to your initial question: we know very little of the use of the term in Classical Greece, but, as you have mentioned, we have some traces of a Thracian use of the term in cultic context. Clear disctinction and use as a cult title is attested much later in Roman Italy. 
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theinvinciblecity · 3 years
Heyy how are you doing?
So i really wanna visit Portugal(was my plan to do it this summer but idk if i'll be able to bc i'm not vaccinated yet) but still i'd like to know what places would you reccoment for people to visit in Porto(and maybe Lisbon if you know).
Helloooooooo! I'm doing fine but a bit overwhelmed with work, sigh xp
I'm so sorry it took me this long to answer this ask :((
Sometime ago I had an ask that asked me about places to visit in porto but I can't freaking find it. Anyway I'll make another list! I can't really help you when it comes to Lisbon because I rarely go there and I only know the basic places that every travel blog or book has on them like Belém, Mosteiros dos Jerónimos, Sintra, etc.
So places to visit in Porto:
- Foz do Douro and Nevogilde - Usually there aren't as many tourists around here because it's more of a residencial area, but it has beaches (i wouldn't say they are that nice, but you can get a great tan), it's really beautiful and nice to have long walks or ride a bike;
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- Parque da Cidade - our city park, if you want to walk around or have a picnic.
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- Museu de Serralves - it's a contemporary art museum if you're interested. the gardens surrounding it are beautiful and also worth a visit (if i'm not mistaken i think you need to pay).
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- Jardins do Palácio de Cristal (Crystal Palace Gardens) - it's free, beautiful and you can get amazing views of the Douro River.
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- The famous Riverside (Ribeira) - I mean if you go to Porto and don't go there, did you really visit Porto? Try crossing to the other side of the D. Luis Bridge to get to Vila Nova de Gaia to have something to eat, explore a bit and see the most amazing views of the Riverside (the Porto side is obviously the most beautiful).
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- Downtown (Baixa) - Best thing to do is to get lost in it. Try going to Aliados Avenue and Santa Catarina Road, but my advice is just to explore the area and the little stores. Try to visit Piolho (it's a well known uni student bar), Torre dos Clérigos, etc.
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I think these are the main attractions but my advice is really to just explore. If I remember more things i'll add them to this post.
If you want anything to eat I'll suggest you go to:
- Santiago (for the famous 'francesinha' - our tradicional dish - it's in the downtown area - i think they have like three of these restaurants on the same road);
- Brasão (to eat a somehow different type of 'francesinha'. you have two in the downtown area and one in the foz/nevogilde area)
- Casa Vasco (if you have money to spend - foz/nevogilde area);
- Dgema / Honorato / Peebz ( three different artesenal hamburgers places if you are into it);
- the Macdonalds in the Aliados Avenue (just for the old architecture of the place, lol);
These are some places that I go to but 'Cufra' and any of the 'Capa Negra' restaurants (they are also known for their 'francesinhas' but their daily menus or suggestions of the chef have normal portuguese meals) are also really good for more tradicional food, if you will. If I remember more places I'll add to this post.
But I think it's basically this. I'm not the best travel guide, even when it comes to my city xp.
If you for some reason world like to go to a shopping centre, try going to Norteshopping, it's the best one and you have everything in it. Be aware that it can get quite busy on weekends.
I hope everything goes back to normal soon enough and you can come and visit us.
Let me know if this helped or not, like I said I'm not that great of a travel guide xp Also, sorry if my english is a mess in this post
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surejaya · 4 years
Someone's Listening
Download : Someone's Listening More Book at: Zaqist Book
Someone's Listening by Seraphina Nova Glass
"Exceptionally well-drawn characters set this above the psychological thriller pack." -- Publishers WeeklyShe wrote the book on escaping a predator… Now one is coming for her.Faith Finley has it all: she’s a talented psychologist with a flourishing career, a bestselling author and the host of a popular local radio program, Someone’s Listening, with Dr. Faith Finley. She’s married to the perfect man, Liam Finley, a respected food critic.Until the night everything goes horribly wrong, and Faith’s life is shattered forever.Liam is missing—gone without a trace—and the police are suspicious of everything Faith says. They either think she has something to hide, or that she’s lost her mind.And then the notes begin to arrive. Notes that are ripped from Faith’s own book, the one that helps victims leave their abusers. Notes like “Lock your windows. Consider investing in a steel door.”As the threats escalate, the mystery behind Liam’s disappearance intensifies. And Faith’s very life will depend on finding answers"Seraphina Nova-Glass is an exceedingly talented writer. Poignant, engrossing." --Ed Asner (Five Time Golden Globe-Winner and Seven Time Emmy-Winner) "Someone's Listening is a taut and intriguing suspense that held my attention from the very first page. I thought I had it figured out, but I had no idea what was in store. A stunning and impressive debut." --Alessandra Torre New York Times Bestselling Author “Someone's Listening is unputdownable. I found myself suspecting everyone at some point. Twisty, original and a must-read—highly suspenseful and cleverly written.” --Karen Hamilton (Internationally Bestselling Author)"Glass weaves a taut web of suspicion, murder, and revenge in this chilling tale. Sinister characters and blind ends increasingly heighten the tension until the harrowing final climax. Add SOMEONE’S LISTENING to your must read list!” --Liv Constantine, internationally bestselling author of THE LAST MRS. PARRISH "Nova-Glass’s writing is page-turning and cinematic." --Terence Michael (Emmy-nominated Producer, Legally Blonde, Duck Dynasty) “As gripping and engrossing a thriller as I’ve ever read. Addicting. “Page-turner” doesn’t begin to describe this book. Once you start reading, it’s a mad dash to the finish line to find out whodunnit. I awoke in the middle of the night to finish it. Perfectly cadenced dialogue, evocative imagery, and nuanced characterization make this a riveting read.” --Matthew Peters, Amazon Bestselling author of The Brothers’ Keepers, Killing John the Baptist, and The Ignoble Lie (forthcoming) "Seraphina has a natural flair for dialogue and characters that makes you immediately sucked into the story and commands your attention.” --Israel Luna (Writer/Producer, The Ouija Experiment I & II)
Download : Someone's Listening More Book at: Zaqist Book
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sparatus · 5 years
🖊🖊🖊🖊🖊🖊🖊 for an oc of ur choice 👀
Send me a 🖊 and I’ll talk about my OCs!
i had to stop doing these for a hot minute cause tumblr mobile eating my whole entire previous ask answer pissed me off too much. anyway i’m back also zi i would kill for you
one oc per emoji, strap the FUCK in kids we’re doing the 6 shepards i’ve done actual development for and converted into non-shepard ocs so i could jam them all into one canon like a madman, plus that one cute golden retriever puppy in a turian suit who’s been in like 3 chapters out of 30+ so far yet is everyone’s favorite somehow
i swear i tried to keep all of these to one paragraph but i like!! to talk!! about my characters!!
matteo shepard is amab nonbinary, he or they pronouns, and is the canon shepard for my no-reapers au. they’re technically a colonist shep, but also super not cause i customized their backstory, my city now. they were born and raised on terra nova with their older brother leonardo and younger brother pietro. when they were twelve, their mom mysteriously vanished without a trace, leaving the family devastated and confused. matt’s dad did his best to raise the kids by himself, but never gave up hope mom would turn up some day, even when the cops concluded she was probably dead.
matt themself joined the alliance after college with a vague idea of maybe being able to find their mom in their travels, but eventually hung up that idea, deciding it was probably unrealistic. they managed to save two others of their squad on akuze, jai landry-torres and roman klein, but privately don’t think they did anything special, and don’t understand why everyone thinks they did. according to matt, they were just lucky, and they panicked, and they blame themself for not being able to save more of the squad.
niazmina khulozai is an earthborn software engineer from afghanistan, who went to stanford and only joined up with the alliance because it was her best opportunity for working on starships. she personally thinks very poorly of the alliance itself, but keeps her mouth shut so she doesn’t get in too much trouble. she’s muslim, and has seemingly no fewer than 3 hijabs for any given occasion. she also has a variety of sunglasses customized and programmed to function exactly the same as the visors you can find in the games, because she hates the hassle of trying to get her hijab to lie the way she wants it to over the visors and it’s much easier (and, in her opinion, more fashionable) to just slide on some cool shades. she’s bi and poly, has a girlfriend katya and boyfriend orion, and they’re all one big happy healthy polypile.
feliks haugen is also earthborn, and is mostly notable for the fact that he somehow just, seems to keep collecting cats. each installment of matteo’s adventures he appears in, he somehow has another cat. he lives on arcturus station when he’s not on the normandy, and there’s quite a few stray animals hanging around, which he feeds, and sometimes the cats just. decide to come in. the big three are jonesy the ginger tabby, who likes to steal oatmeal out of feliks’s bowl and thinks he will someday catch a mouse on the normandy; kitty the caliby (calico, but the patches are tabby instead of solid color, with a lot of white), who is a Shoulder Cat™ and very small; and blackfoot, a seal point tom who mostly hangs out on top of the fridge scowling at everyone and is mostly just an expy of my favorite warrior cat because i can. feliks has hypersomnia, and does his best to keep a normal sleep schedule, but that’s a lot harder than it sounds on the normandy.
zofia wen qian malinowski is the lone spacer, nonbinary, and afro-chinese polish. she’s an adept, and is very good at what she does. as a result of all the eezo exposure, because it’s radioactive, she had quite a few issues at birth, including a hole in her heart and some lung problems that were corrected with surgery. one of the things that wasn’t corrected was her right hand being deformed, with just a nub for a hand with 4 smaller nubs that should have been fingers. she’s perfectly capable of using it as well as her other hand, but she has a prosthetic hand she can control with the nubs for when she needs it. it’s very convincing, and sometimes she likes to just. take it off, to see people’s reactions. she has two pet rats, each of which is named one syllable of the mandarin word for “rat,” as an in-joke with herself because everyone thinks it’s super deep and philosophical when she really just named them “rat: parts 1 and 2,” and that is very funny to her.
gavrail nikolayevhich stoykanov is the butcher of torfan, but it’s not recommended to say so to his face. he’s still very sore about how the alliance threw him to the wolves after torfan, and would rather nobody speak of it in his presence, ever. he had a rough childhood, being jerked around by both sides of his family and only having three people in the whole giant group who really seemed to care about how he felt about the matter and how all the drama was affecting him (his mom, his twin brother dragomir, and his grandmother on dad’s side), so the alliance treating him like collateral the same way his family did really didn’t endear them to him.
he took the matter to udina, who was rightfully horrified and sought help from the big guns (aka sparatus, who as a Good Turian™ was also angered over the alliance’s dishonorable conduct) to go over the brass’s heads and get some laws in place to make sure it wouldn’t happen to anybody else. after that, gav fucked off to omega to be hurt and angry and sad in peace. his therapist before he left recommended he get a pet to help him, so he adopted a dog from a rescue, a cream standard poodle named foxtrot who had been abandoned by her owners when she wasn’t a tiny adorable puppy anymore. he felt a kindred spirit kinda thing for her. by 2186, she’s been officially trained and registered as a therapy dog, and he affectionately calls her his “war poodle.” he has a big crush on kaidan, but is too socially awkward to say anything, but then cortez comes on board and they bond over similar experiences with loss and trauma and the alliance not getting them therapy, and they get together so it works out.
michaela schulz is a jewish trans woman, and the hero of elysium (or whatever the war hero title is, they give shepard so many monikers that all sound the same i can’t keep them all straight...). she started her transition after the blitz, so sometimes there’s confusion from reporters, but by the time of me1 most of them get informed before they talk to her so they don’t ask any rude questions. she has a wirehaired fox terrier named skippy, who she adopted so she could have a jogging partner, and he likes to curl up in her lap while she’s doing computer work after he’s gotten his fill of exercise for the day. she gets with kaidan (after skippy gives his approval, of course), and they adopt a few kids together.
taniria arterius is the 17yo (in 2183) daughter of desolas arterius and valis abrudas, special no-reapers au exclusive oc. she’s cute and energetic, but she knows more about her family’s situation (her parents both suffering severe ptsd and her dad fighting alcoholism, to summarize) than she lets on. while her family themselves never pressure her, and in fact encourage her to be whoever she wants to be, she does get a lot of pressure from the rest of society to live up to her parents’ and uncle’s legacies, and it makes her very anxious. she just wants to be a singer and make people smile. she’s very curious and likes to be helpful, even if there’s not a lot she can do. also she’s a lesbian
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eddycurrents · 6 years
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For the week of 20 August 2018
Quick Bits:
Aphrodite V #2 is pretty damn great. Jeff Spokes’ artwork is instantly compelling, drawing in the reader with darkness and interesting angles into this increasingly enthralling story of a machine cult from the future by him and Bryan Hill.
| Published by Image / Top Cow
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Avengers #6 concludes the first arc in widescreen fashion. Lots of action and big ideas from Jason Aaron with gorgeous art from Ed McGuinness, Paco Medina, Mark Morales, Juan Velasco, and David Curiel. Again I’m reminded of those early issue of JLA from Grant Morrison and Howard Porter. This has been fun so far and I’m intrigued by what else they have in store.
| Published by Marvel
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Beasts of Burden: Wise Dogs & Eldritch Men #1 is a very welcome return, even without Jill Thompson for this go around. The artwork from Benjamin Dewey is beautiful as he reminds us that he’s one of the best nature artists in comics, and possible beyond. His animals are just stunning. The story from him and Evan Dorkin is also interesting, suggesting some arcane traps luring in the paranormal. Great stuff for all ages.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Big Trouble in Little China: Old Man Jack #12 concludes the series with an epic battle between the forces of heaven and hell as it teaches us the true meaning of friendship. It’s funnier when you actually read it. This has been an entertaining series from John Carpenter, Anthony Burch, Jorge Corona, Gabriel Cassata, and Ed Dukeshire, with this final chapter also delivering a nice farewell to the movie as well.
| Published by BOOM! Studios
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Black Hammer: Age of Doom #4 has some very interesting revelations that ultimately only lead to more questions than answers. What’s going on isn’t nearly as cut and dried as we were led to believe last issue and the mystery has just deepened. Jeff Lemire, Dean Ormston, Dave Stewart, and Todd Klein have managed to elevate this story higher again.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Black Panther #3 finally parcels out a tidbit of what might actually be going on with the series and the Intergalactic Empire of Wakanda, just in time for a surprise attack and more action. Thankfully, the art from Daniel Acuña is still overwhelmingly gorgeous.
| Published by Marvel
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Britannia: Lost Eagles of Rome #2 is even better than the first issue. The mystery deepens as Antonius and Achillia reach Egypt and find incongruities they don’t expect within this province of the Roman Empire. The artwork from Robert Gill (with colours from José Villarrubia) is probably among the best I’ve seen from him, really bringing some very strong work here with backgrounds, vehicles, and character designs that are particularly impressive.
| Published by Valiant
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Cold Spots #1 is the start to another horror series from Cullen Bunn, this time accompanied by Mark Torres with the artwork, and as per many of Bunn’s previous tales, this is a great start. There’s a genuinely creepy atmosphere from Torres’ art and the plot of a missing daughter and her child, amidst the spooky maybe-ghosts, is a good one.
| Published by Image
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Daredevil #607 gets into how there can possibly be a Mike Murdock running around New York and it’s an interesting and possibly hazardous diversion. Gorgeous art from Phil Noto.
| Published by Marvel
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Die!Die!Die! #2 is more entertaining over-the-top humorous action that feels like it’s channelling Garth Ennis. Great art from Chris Burnham and Nathan Fairbairn.
| Published by Image / Skybound
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Hunt for Wolverine: Mystery in Madripoor #4 is probably the most succinct in sticking to its plot without real deviation of all of these minis. Basically sticking to the thread of these X-women tackling the Femme Fatales. It’s been a relatively decent story from Jim Zub, Thony Silas, and Felipe Sobreiro, even if the art’s been a little uneven. There’s a really nice sequence of Psylocke finding herself again in this issue, though, from Leonard Kirk and Andrew Crossley that has interesting implications going forward.
| Published by Marvel
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Jughead: The Hunger #8 is a great jumping-on point for new readers, offering a bit of a history lesson and summary reinterpretation of the events of the overarching plot of the series to date. Great work from Frank Tieri, Pat & Tim Kennedy, Joe Eisma, Bob Smith, Ryan Jampole, Matt Herms, Andre Szymanowicz, and Jack Morelli.
| Published by Archie Comics / Archie’s Madhouse Presents
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The Life of Captain Marvel #2 continues what is shaping up to be possibly one of the defining and quintessential Carol Danvers stories. I love what Margaret Stohl is doing in bringing out the backstory and interpersonal dynamics of Carol’s family. The art from Carlos Pacheco, Rafael Fonteriz, and Marcio Menyz in the present day and Marguerite Sauvage’s flashbacks is wonderful.
| Published by Marvel
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Mr. & Mrs. X #2 continues this fun ride, tossing in Deadpool and more of the lesser used intergalactic X-characters. The dialogue from Kelly Thompson is hilarious and the art from Oscar Bazaldua and Frank D’Armata is great.
| Published by Marvel
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Old Man Logan #46 begins another arc tying up loose ends before the endgame of Dead Man Logan kicks off. Wrapping reconnecting with Alpha Flight around a horror story evoking shades of The Thing and Slither results in a wonderful story perfectly fitting Damian Couciero’s artwork.
| Published by Marvel
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The Punisher #1 is both a continuation of Matthew Rosenberg’s stories and ideas from the last volume of the series and a kind of back-to-basics approach to Frank Castle. Basically, he’s lost the War Machine suit, but he’s still taking on the world-spanning super-villains. It’s pretty epic and this is great jumping-on point. The dark humour is perfect, reminding me of Garth Ennis’ work with Castle, and seriously this is probably the best art that Szymon Kudranski has ever done. Along with Antonio Fabela’s colours, it’s like he was born to draw The Punisher.
| Published by Marvel
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Royal City #14 is an introspective end of saying farewell to the past and accepting change to move forward. This has been an interesting series from Jeff Lemire, focusing on his most often used theme of family, and it’s been a good exploration of their different dynamics.
| Published by Image
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The Sentry #3 is pretty dark, telling the flipside of the first two issues from Billy Turner’s perspective as he goes about stealing Sentry’s identity. This is almost at Kid Miracleman levels of demented. Jeff Lemire is playing with some interesting ideas here, beautifully brought to life by Kim Jacinto, Joshua Cassara, and Rain Beredo.
| Published by Marvel
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Shadowman #6 has some truly beautiful artwork from Renato Guedes, as this arc of Jack falling through time visiting the different holders of the shadow loa takes an interesting turn in ancient history.
| Published by Valiant
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Shanghai Red #3 is probably the best issue to date, as Molly reunites with Katie, recriminations are hashed out, and we get a bit of a tour of Portland. Christopher Sebela, Joshua Hixson, and Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou have tapped into something unique here, and this tale of revenge and some of the lesser told side of American history is incredibly compelling.
| Published by Image
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TMNT #85 brings Leatherhead back into the fold, with very interesting and potentially dangerous ramifications following the war between the Utroms and Triceratons. Brahm Revel’s clothes-peg take on the Turtles is an interesting visual choice.
| Published by IDW
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The Thrilling Adventure Hour #2 I find better than the first issue. The humour hits home a bit more for me and the leads of Sadie and Frank don’t seem nearly as insufferable as the first issue. The art, though, from MJ Erickson and Brittany Peer is just as good as the first. Entertaining stuff.
| Published by BOOM! Studios
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Venom #5 is another great issue. The mythology-building in this series is just incredible, growing Venom and his world into so much more. Donny Cates, Ryan Stegman, JP Mayer, Frank Martin, and Clayton Cowles are creating magic.
| Published by Marvel
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West Coast Avengers #1 is a great debut, filled with action and humour, as this highly dysfunctional team comes together. It’s nice to see Kelly Thompson doing more Hawkeye and Hawkguy, and the collection of characters coming together to make up the team are bizarre and fitting, carrying on a few of the themes and plot developments of the previous Hawkeye and America series. Though you needn’t have read any of that before you pick this up. Making it nigh unmissable is the gorgeous art from Stefano Caselli and Triona Farrell. This is fun.
| Published by Marvel
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Witchblade #7 returns for its second arc, continuing the extremely high level of quality that Caitlin Kittredge, Roberta Ingranata, Bryan Valenza, and Troy Peteri set for themselves.
| Published by Image / Top Cow
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X-Men Red #7 advances us a bit further as the X-Men attempt to uncover evidence of Cassandra Nova’s influence on the world and thwart her attack on Atlantis. Tom Taylor has definitely been taking a slow approach to unfurling this story, but it has allowed for the beautiful art from originally Mahmud Asrar and now Carmen Carnero & Rain Beredo time to breathe.
| Published by Marvel
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Other Highlights: Amazing Spider-Man #4, Avengers: Wakanda Forever #1, Barbarella #9, Bedtime Games #3, Betty & Veronica: Vixens #9, Curse Words Summer Swimsuit Special #1, Days of Hate #7, DuckTales #11, Gasolina #11, Hack/Slash: Resurrection #10, Hit-Girl #7, Jim Henson’s Labyrinth: Coronation #6, Lumberjanes #53, Mammon, Mickey Spillane’s Mike #3, Night’s Dominion - Season Three #2, Old Man Hawkeye #8, Quantum & Woody! #9, Red Sonja/Tarzan #4, Redneck #14, Stairway - Volume 1, Star Wars: Darth Vader #20, Star Wars: Doctor Aphra #23, Sullivan’s Sluggers, TMNT: Bebop & Rocksteady Hit the Road #4, Wasted Space #4
Recommended Collections: Avengers: Back to Basics, Bram Stoker’s Dracula, Cloak & Dagger: Predator & Pray, Deadly Class - Volume 7: Love Like Blood, Giant Days - Volume 8, Jimmy’s Bastards - Volume 2, Li’l Donnie - Volume 1: Executive Privilege, Lockjaw: Who’s a Good Boy, Postal - Volume 7, Sex Criminals - Volume 5: Five-fingered Discount
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d. emerson eddy too wonders where all the cowboys have gone. Is it a nefarious plot from some shadowy organization? Or are they all just at the Calgary Stampede?
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avaliveradio · 3 years
Erick Beau 'What it Takes' is a groovy, feel good, summer song
Artist: Erick Beau
New Release: What it Takes
Genre: Americana, Country, Bluegrass
Sounds like: : Lady A, Blue Rodeo, Keith Urban, Shania Twain,
Located in: : Montreal, Quebec, Canada
A groovy, feel-good, summer song where the harmonica and the banjo set the pace while accompanied by an acoustic guitar, bass, and the dynamic playing of Hubert Payne of Little Big Town on drums and percussion. Erick signing to this playful song is answered by a teasing female voice that also would like to know if he has 'What it Takes'…
This song is the title song of my EP and represents the sound I aim for, rootsy instruments with a groovy beat. The song is about what we are facing in the new era of apps dating. Many good-looking ladies, but the real question is what kind of spirit and values they have and what are they looking to accomplish in this world.
Right now we are...
I am presently working on writing more songs to produce my first Album with Eric Torres.
About the Artist..
Son of an officer in the RCAF, Erick was born on a Canadian air force base in Nova Scotia. His mother nurtured him in a musical environment initiated by violin study, and later on, he picked up the guitar to write his songs. No novice to live performances, the professionally trained vocalist was 12 years old, a member of various bands entertaining his first audiences. Erick signed a production & licensing deal at 18. Rebellious to embrace the Industry's demands, Erick decided to acquire more knowledge and became a lawyer. Putting his musical dreams on a shelf, he followed a more traditional path and kept his passion alive by writing songs, knowing that they would be heard one day!
Erick has acquired rich and hard-earned life experiences throughout this tough choice, allowing him to write lyrics that tell a story, share emotions, and paint a picture of everyday challenges. His musical compositions and sound are influenced by Bach, Elvis, Simon & Garfunkel, The Beatles, Shawn Phillips, Led Zeppelin, ZZ Top, Cat Stevens, U2, Sting, Elton John, Garth Brooks, the Eagles, and Keith Urban.
The time has come to take these songs off the shelf! 2021 is his year folks, he is now in the process of launching his debut album "What it takes"! Erick is excited to have released the three first singles of the album: 'Coming Home', 'Waiting For You' and 'I Found Love in You (MJ's Song)'. He feels fortunate to work with Michael Benjoar, Erick Torres and some of the greatest session musicians of Nashville and around the world to celebrate, through their art, the magic of root instruments.
https://open.spotify.com/album/26dZX8l363Gk5cc2kA7NOh?si=oR-YMalRSayM7_HkZgtfTw https://twitter.com/erickbeaumusic https://www.facebook.com/Erickbeaumusic https://www.instagram.com/erickbeau1
Featured on these playlists:
🔥Release Radar New Music Playlist https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2JOBcgSYgGmV2g27N1CUXx?si=PQFpAPUbQ0m4ByZEbtBtLg
🔥JAX DAILY Morning Coffee Playlist:
🔥Songwriter Gold https://open.spotify.com/playlist/68x51bTCMLuLi4o6vqwGfh?si=hXz5kG-rTN-bGkZBJuPm9g
🔥SUMMER SINGLES Fresh Indie Music Finds https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7oQCpI2xEN2RaGWLcRGQJX?si=o93Tf3RwSH2HLg4B57qAVw
🔥Road Trip Best Indie Folk 2020 Music Playlist - Indie / Pop / Folk / Rock https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1PLd9drToDxT0rUcGWGpZ9?si=FvfbaXtcQ1-HJyHf3h59oA
🔥 Country Gold  https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1mOu6js2o1Vqwst3r6Znq3?si=j-WKFuWfQ8qPw3nx2nwryg
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sunshincdisguise · 5 years
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Name: Lex Birthday: September 22nd First muse on Tumblr: Lily Luna Potter First RP url: thenameislilyluna Why did you pick your first muse?: I used highkey stalk the Geor.gie H.enley tag on my personal and then i saw a rpg that was using her face as Lily and I love hp so i was like...... yeah i’m down... that’s pretty much it. Latest muse on Tumblr: Kate Messner Latest RP url: i think technically @werewclfgrl is my newest but like... also this one i guess?  Why did you pick your latest muse?: i fell in LOVE with kate watching everything sucks for the first time (which shoutout to claire for playing emaline and inspiring me to watch it) and i knew that i either wanted to play oliver or kate and in the end i felt more drawn to kate so  Best RP Memory: uhhhh maybe mine raes and karens group chat Life Ruiners Squad and just like all the plots we ever did idk Worst RP Memory: i have so fucking many! maybe one day i’ll make a whole ass storytime about it but for now im just gonna go ahead and not dig it all up! i’ve been in a lotta bad groups but those days are behind me :))))) What are all the muses you had on Tumblr?: i’ve played like THIRTY someodd characters so!! lets jump right into it! in alphabetical order! ainsley wiliams (retired), alayna hale (now hayes, now at @werewclfgrl), drew torres (from degrassi, now reimagined into drew d’amato on this blog since he was so canon divergent), angie jeremiah (here), avalon penn (now @undeadgrl), bay huxley, ben riddle, and cassidy collins (all here), callie martin and cleo miller (both here), allison argent (from teen wolf, now retired), charlie huxley & cole manning (both retired), daisy porter (retired), delilah baker (here), dillon moreno vanderwilde, edmund brown, & elliot connley (all on hiatus but will probably be brought back), emmy pierce, ezra parata, frankie hollingsworth, gen samuels, & hadley bridges ( all here!), faye thompson, hope torres, imogen moreno, jack mertons, jack jones (all retired), ginny mason (i might bring back? maybe?), joey hughes, juliet jacobs & kc gilmore (all here, kc is based on kc guthrie who i also played), langston rivera (retired), lily evans & lily potter (both i might bring back eventually probably), logan brown (who i will definitely bring back), lucas wild (here), mckay mason (may be brought back immediately), mackenzie chapman (based on a premade i once played named mecaria, also i want to bring back), neila wood (retired, reimagined as emmy), nova kar ( @supcrnovagrl), ophelia jacobs (here!), owen armstrong (i miss him), quentin collins (here), remy starr & victoire gaston (both retired), wren stilinski (here), zig novak (retired), I THINK THATS EVERYONE LOL RIP Shortest muse?: pluto answered in height so i will too i guess and i think cleo Any advice for RPing?: do what makes u feel good! if someone makes u feel bad? u don’t need them! if u need a break take a break! if u dont wanna reply to a certain thread? drop it! if u just dont feel like replying to it rn but you wanna keep it? reply later! want a new blog? make it! live ur life. 
tagged by: @brokenheartstm tagging: @fxrechild @destructiivity @roscgoldcn @withumans whoever else wants
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jeremystrele · 5 years
Witness The Best In New Australian Art At ‘The National 2019’
Witness The Best In New Australian Art At ‘The National 2019’
by Elle Murrell
Eric Bridgeman, Sikiram Büng Scrum, The National 2019, Carriageworks. Photo – Zan Wimberley.
Mira Gojak, Exhaled Weight 2019, Steel rod, acrylic yarn, copper, dimensions variable. Courtesy the artist and Murray White Room, Melbourne. Photo – AGNSW, Diana Panuccio.
(left) Nat Thomas, Postcards from the Edge, The National 2019, Carriageworks. Photo – Zan Wimberley. (right) nova Milne, Skin Without Biography. Photo – AGNSW, Mim Stirling.
Tony Albert, House of Discards, The National 2019, Carriageworks. Photo – Zan Wimberley.
(left) Tony Garifalakis, Garage Romance, 2018–19. Courtesy the artist and Sarah Scout Presents, Melbourne. Photo – AGNSW, Mim Stirling. (right) Rushdi Anwar, Irhal (Expel), Hope and the Sorrow of Displacement 2013–ongoing. Courtesy the artist. Photo – AGNSW, Mim Stirling.
Tom Mùller, Ghost Line, The National 2019, Carriageworks. Photo – Zan Wimberley.
MCA The National Installation view, Jacquie Manning.
Nicholas Folland, Flirt, 2019. Courtesy the artist and Tolarno Galleries, Melbourne. Photo – AGNSW, Mim Stirling.
Sam Cranstoun, Utopia, The National 2019, Carriageworks. Photo – Zan Wimberley.
(left) James Newitt, Fossil 2019. Courtesy the artist. Photo – AGNSW, Diana Panuccio. (right) Andrew Hazewinkel, Part 1, The Emissaries: Keepers of Our Stories from The Ongoing Remains, (3 parts) 2019. Courtesy the artist and Reading Room, Melbourne. Photo – AGNSW, Mim Stirling.
The National 2019: New Australian Art is the second biennial exhibition in a six-year partnership between the Art Gallery of New South Wales, Carriageworks and Museum of Contemporary Art Australia. Profiling the diversity of Australian contemporary art practice, it offers up ambitious new and commissioned projects, created across the country and abroad by Australian artists of different generations and cultural backgrounds. In 2019, over 60 per cent of the exhibiting artists are women, and more than a third are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists.
All the creatives were asked to respond to the times in which they live, and they have answered with observations that are provocative, political and poetic. ‘At Art Gallery of New South Wales, artists invoke impermanence and examine states of change. Whether they reflect upon the sensation of instability within personal or political contexts or through material and form, these artists treat precariousness as a poetic proposition, and play with the boundary between chaos and control,’ explains curator Isobel Parker Philip of AGNSW. She highlights the teetering tower of Rushdi Anwar’s torched domestic chairs, the fragility of Linda Marrinon’s portrait of heroic resilience or Sally M Nangala Mulda’s stark portrayals of daily life in Abbott’s Town Camp, Alice Springs. The commissioned Nicholas Folland installation, ‘Flirt’ – piles of discarded crystal and glassware transformed into peaks and troughs based on a map of Lord Howe Island – is another standout.
A quick hop across the heart of town, Carriageworks maps memory and place. Troy-Anthony Baylis references Indigenous breastplates as he deconstructs Glomesh purses as ‘postcards’ from place to Country. Meanwhile, Cherine Fahd shares startling photos from her family archive and Tom Mùller uses sculptural flog to reflects on Carriageworks’ past as Eveleigh Railway Workshops. ‘Through a lens of “dark sunshine”, the works on display are bold statements of contemporary life, its states of instability and flux, and an insistence on past knowledge to sustain renewal and change,’ says curator Daniel Mudie Cunningham.
The Museum of Contemporary Art Australia presents works by Indigenous artists from the Pilbara and Kimberley regions of Western Australia, the Torres Strait, APY Lands in South Australia, Northern Queensland, and North-eastern Arnhem Land. Co-curator Clothilde Bullen highlighted a performance responding to each institution’s archival material by The Unbound Collective and paintings of pop culture by TDF favourite Kaylene Whiskey. ‘Many artists have drawn on their background in live music or experimental sound’ adds her co-curator Anna Davis, referring to Hannah Brontë’s collaboration with female hip-hop performers and Tina Havelock Stevens’ film of a drumming performance.
Performances and public programs continue throughout the duration of The National 2019 with artist talks, performances and workshops on offer alongside family and children’s activities and a wide variety of access programs. For more information visit The-national.com.au.
The National 2019: New Australian Art March 29th to June 23rd (and AGNSW to July 21st)
Art Gallery of New South Wales Art Gallery Road Sydney, New South Wales
Carriageworks 245 Wilson Street Eveleigh, New South Wales
Museum of Contemporary Art Australia 140 George Street The Rocks, New South Wales
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itsiotrecords-blog · 7 years
There’s something intoxicating about hiking to a distant land where you’re out of your comfort zone face to face with an adventure. Unfortunately, few dare to answer this call and consequently miss out on the experience of a life time. If you are one of the ones who has not embarked on this adventure, we hope that these 25 extremely exotic hiking locations will convince you to do otherwise.
#1 Laugavegurinn Pass (Iceland) Laugavegurinn, il is Iceland’s most popular hiking trail and connects the nature reserves Landmannalaugar and Þórsmörk. The trail offers a great variety of landscape: mountains in almost every color, great glaciers, roaring hot springs, big rivers and lakes. If you decide to embark on this adventure however, come prepared. The full hike takes about four days to complete.
#2 Kungsleden (Sweden) Passing through one of Europe’s largest remaining wilderness areas, is a 270 mile (440 km) hiking trail that is between Abisko in the north and Hemavan in the south. Maintained by Svenska Turistföreningen (STF), hikers can experience Kebnekaise, the highest mountain in the country, Sarek National Park, and several small towns and villages.
#3 Mount Kailash Pilgrimage (Tibet) Mount Kailash is the center piece to four religious pilgrimages: Bön, Buddhism, Hinduism and Jainism. According to the practice, the hike should be done in one full day. However, this is a difficult task since the path around the sacred place is 32 miles (52 km) long and the mountain itself has never been climbed.
#4 Mountains of the Moon (Uganda) Also known as Montes Lunae or the Ruwenzori Range, this mountain range in Uganda makes up the highest ranges in Africa. The total length of the hike is 38 miles and it takes 6-7 days to cover.
#5 Cloud Forests (Costa Rica) There are five cloud forests for you to choose from on your next hiking trip to Costa Rica. There’s La Paz Waterfall Gardens and San Ramon in the Central Highlands, San Gerardo de Dota, Santa Maria de Dota and Bajos del Toro in the Central Highlands. Aside from hiking, there’s also horseback riding, bird watching, a coffee tour and even some guided tours.
#6 Milford Track (New Zealand) If you have seen Lord of the Rings then you already know how this hiking trail in Fiordland National Park looks like (well at least parts of it). Once described as the finest walk in the world, the Milford Track is one of New Zealand’s most popular walks with approximately 14,000 people completing the hike each year.
#7 Kalalau Trail (Hawaii, USA) Hawaii is home to tropical islands, beaches and volcanoes. It’s also home to this challenging trail that runs approximately 11 miles (18km) and takes about a day or two to complete (depending on your fitness level).
#8 Israel National Trail (Israel) Crossing the entire country of Israel, this hiking trail spans 580-620 miles (1000 km). Despite current world issues, this trail gives hikers a taste of Israel’s unique and historical landscape.
#9 Zion Narrows (Utah, USA) Ranked #5 in the National Geographic’s America’s Best 100 Adventures, this hiking trail is a section from the canyon located on the North Fork of the Virgin River. The term “The Narrows” refers to the hike going through the canyon and also the actual place itself which covers 3.6 miles (5.8 km). Wading or swimming through the waist-deep waters can be a challenge for some hikers but is one of the highlights in the entire 16 mile (26km) expedition.
#10 Fitz Roy Trek (Argentina) Cerro Fitz Roy is one of two mountains (the other being Cerro Torre) within Los Glaciares National Park and one of the two favorite hiking destinations in Patagonia. El Chaltén, a small mountain village below the mountain; used to help secure the disputed border with Chile but today, its existence is solely for tourism purposes. The stunning hike also enables you to take a side trip to Perito Moreno Glacier, one of the best attractions on the continent.
#11 Pays Dogon (Mali) Inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1989, Pays Dogon or French for Dogon Country, is a region in south Central Mali and is where the Dogon people have settled in for 1,000 years. Bandiagara, one of the major towns hiking through the smaller villages is one of the popular routes. Visiting this culturally rich plateaus and lowlands would allow you to experience very simple and spiritual way of living.
#12 Petra Kingdom (Jordan) From the Dana Reserve to Petra is a 50 mile hike (which takes approximately seven challenging days). Nevertheless, when you stand in front of the exquisitely carved and fabulously stunning façade of Al Deir , you’ll realize that the arduous hike was well worth it.
#13 Cappadocia (Turkey) Hiking through cave churches and houses carved in the rocks makes Cappadocia in Central Anatolia, Turkey, another culturally rich experience. Several of these underground cities were used by early Christians as hideouts. Other than hiking through all these famous structures, there are also hot air balloon tours and cross golf that you can try out after exploring the scenic cliffs and caves.
#14 The Snowman Trek (Bhutan) It may not be the longest hiking trail on this list, but 24 days away from modern civilization can be challenging in it of itself. Bhutan is known for being a blessed and peaceful place and houses one of the most difficult hikes known to man; the Snowman Trek. What makes this trail particularly challenging is 11 peaks, the highest peak reaching 17,400 feet (~5,303 m).
#15 Great Ocean Road (Australia) The Great Ocean Road is actually the world’s largest memorial dedicated to those who fell during World War I. The 243-kilometer (151 mi) stretch of road along the south-eastern coast of Australia was constructed by returned soldiers from 1919 to 1932.
#16 Annapurna Circuit (Nepal) Spanning 150 miles within the Annapurna mountain range in Central Nepal, this circuit is one of the most popular hiking trails in the world as Nepal is known as the hiker’s mecca. One of the three in this list from this country, the trek takes between from 17 – 21 days to complete.
#17 Mount Kilimanjaro (Tanzania) The highest free standing mountain in the world, Mount Kilimanjaro’s is a stunning 19,341 feet (5,895 m) above sea level. There are six official trekking routes by which someone can climb the mountain. However, if you’re just up for hiking rather than climbing then you can traverse the easier routes.
#18 Great Himalaya Trail (Nepal) Although there have been sections in Nepal and Bhutan that have already been walked on and documented, this 2,796 mile (4500 km) trail is still an ongoing project. It is a proposed route along the length of the Great Himalayan range from Nanga Parbat in Pakistan to Namche Barwa in Tibet, China. It’s projected to be the longest and highest alpine walking track in the world when completed.
#19 Yoshida Trail, Mount Fuji (Japan) Around 300,000 people climb this popular cultural destination in Japan from July to August. Though it is a natural site, the Japanese consider it as a holy mountain along with Mount Tate and Mount Haku. It has been submitted to become a World Heritage site because of its relevance in the country’s cultural history.
#20 Yunnan (China) This mountainous province and an exotic hiking location in China boast a fusion of cultural, historical and environmental diversity. It is riddled with lakes, rivers, rice terraced mountains, national parks, and three UNESCO World Heritage Sites, two of which are natural sites and the other one is a cultural site. The popular Tiger Leaping Gorge is one of its popular hiking spots.
#21 North Drakensberg Traverse (South Africa/Lesotho, uKhahlamba/ Drakensberg Park) The Drakensberg is the highest mountain range in South Africa, crowned by the “Amphitheater” which is a three-mile-long up-to-3,280-foot-high wall of rock. The range forms the border between South Africa and eastern Lesotho. Moreover, the uKhalhlamba/Drakensberg Park is protected by UNESCO as a World Heritage site.
#22 Torres del Paine Circuit (Chile) One word to describe this popular hiking location: gorgeous. That’s why almost every avid hiker in the world wants to experience this mesmerizing Patagonian sensation. Here, blue glaciers create a vivid dichotomy with the earth, exotic animals–like the guanacos–dot the hillsides, and the mountains themselves take on wild and incredible shapes.
#23 Inca Trail (Peru) The Inca Trail is by far the most famous trek in South America and is rated by many to be in the top 5 treks in the world. The 26 miles (43km) trail combines beautiful mountain scenery, lush cloud-forests, subtropical jungles and a stunning mix of Inca paving stones, ruins and tunnels. To top all this off, the final destination of the trail is Machu Picchu, the mysterious “Lost City of the Incas”.
#24 International Appalachian Trail (USA, Canada, Greenland, Scotland, Spain, Morocco) Although there is already an established international trail which covers 1900 miles (3058 km) there are plans to extend the trail towards Great Britain and North Africa. It currently runs from the northern terminus of the Appalachian Trail at Mount Katahdin, Maine, through New Brunswick, to the Gaspé Peninsula of Quebec, after which it takes bridge crossings to Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island, a ferry ride to Newfoundland, and then continues to the northern-easternmost point of the Appalachian Mountains at Belle Isle, Newfoundland and Labrador.
#25 Mount Everest (Base Camp Trek, Nepal) Mount Everest towers above the Khumbu at over 29,000 feet and is perhaps the most iconic symbol of challenge and adventure on Earth. At the base of the mountain, you can stand face-to-face with the fabled Khumbu Ice Fall and its towering seracs. You can also hike to the summit of Kala Patar at over 18,100 feet for an unobstructed view of Everest’s windblown summit.
Source: List25
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alaska-now · 8 years
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Alaska National Organization for Women and Mat-Su College Present their Third Annual Equinox Women’s Film Festival
Film Schedule:
6:00PM – 8:00PM
Knowing she could never prepare her for everything the future holds, a mother tries to impart life’s most essential lessons to her daughter in a single letter.
 Under A Stone
A woman returns to her hometown for a family obligation. She reunites with her brother, but they clash in how they cope with their awful past.
A young woman tries to create a piece of art.
 Rosetta's Blues
‘Rosetta’s Blues’ is the story of a young woman finding it difficult to come to terms with her father’s passing. Acting out in theatrical and amusing ways as methods of coping, this is a coming of age tale of how Rosetta is inspired to move forward in life rather than being weighed down by her loss.
 Won't Somebody Think of the Children?!
Amanda and Catherine, both in third grade, are writing a comic book together about feminist superheroine Sergeant Laser. They are hurrying to finish as their deadline approaches, and their "publisher," their classmate Andy, refuses to give them another extension.
 Everything It Takes
Shortly before Mary Helwig signed up to fulfill her dream of running the 2016 Iditarod, a 1,000- mile long sled dog race across Alaska, she lost her home and her dogs' houses, plus almost all her racing gear and possessions to the Sockeye Fire. Everything It Takes documents the year of Mary's life leading up to race day as she and her dogs struggle to ready themselves for the challenge of a lifetime.
BLOCK I - 10AM - 12:50PM
You're Just Projecting
Shot in Paris, and later projected in Rhode Island onto walls and objects, You’re Just Projecting is an intentional fragmentation of the female body wherein legs, breasts, stomachs hands and feet have been placed in or near pieces of architecture that give the illusion of being separate from an actual body to create a sense of entrapment. The concept of the popular image of women in the 1950's-60’s, and today is repurposed by altering and satirizing the male gaze which is only accentuated by the incorporation of the male voice.
From the writer of Solo Dios Sabe (Diego Luna, Alice Braga; Sundance 2006), Niñera looks at the bitter ironies many nannies face.
 Emerald Ice
Emerald Ice is a cinematic journey exploring the mind of the American poet Diane Wakoski. This experimental short brings to the screen her work--the sprawling beauty that is Diane's emotional spectrum.
 Five Awake
Five Louisiana women -- outraged over husbands shooting their wives-- set out to strengthen domestic violence laws, including a controversial proposal to restrict the gun rights of domestic abusers. In Louisiana, this was considered lunacy. Not the part about armed abusers. The part about wanting to disarm them. This is the story of what happens when women, armed with passion, pluck and political savvy, wake up and refuse to take no for an answer.
 Midnight Poetry
A young mother, Tilda, has escaped London with her 7-year-old daughter in order to end an abusive relationship. In Sydney, the pressure of guilt and memory challenge her new life.
 Home Invasion for the Holidays        
A freshly divorced mom and her daughter foil a dimwitted burglar's plans.
 Real Artists    
Real Artists, a dark tale set in the near future, is based on Ken Liu’s short story of the same name. Sophia just scored every animator’s dream interview at world famous Semaphore Animation Studios. Was it Sophia’s rebel ethos and creative instincts that landed her the invitation?
On the final day of packing up her home, Rita can’t shake the regret she feels about her late husband, Bernard.
One night, eight-year-old Alice is forced to stay with her distant father, after overhearing a big fight between her parents and witnessing her mother leave.
 Klocked: Women with Horsepower
The desolate, alien landscape of the Bonneville Salt Flats, barren, gleaming white…in the distance, the faint, high whine of motorcycles shifting through gears…and then three-woman stream into view on their roaring machines. Designed as a feature length documentary, Klocked: Women with Horsepower focuses on women motorcycle land speed record holders Laura Klock and her two daughters Erika and Karlee Cobb.
Proclamation Punctuation
“Proclamation Punctuation” is an enthralling fashion film centered on a fabulously fascinating woman reciting a short soliloquy paying homage to her love for using exclamation points in her missives.
 Feeling Wanted          
Charell, age 6, woke up to find herself alone. She made breakfast, dropped her baby sister off with a neighbor, and walked to school. With a dad incarcerated for murder, a mom on drugs and a childhood in foster care, Charell knew it was time to break the cycle.
 Love Somehow          
"Genius is a terrible thing.”  Caitlin Thomas was a dancer, writer and woman behind the famous Welsh poet, Dylan Thomas. She partied as hard as him, advised him, loved him, kept him sober enough to write and brought up their family on no money, finally surviving his early death. Very little is written about Caitlin, her role in their legend or her recovery, and most portrayals are laughably inaccurate. This is Caitlin’s lyrical version of her life with Dylan, adapted from a one woman play written by Welsh poet Phil Bowen.
 Relation Shipwreck: The Great Boob Debate
Brooke has to make a difficult decision regarding her most recent acting role.
Chill is an inspirational documentary about a single woman fighting to preserve her fertility and dreams of motherhood through egg freezing in her mid-thirties. Weeks before she decided to freeze her eggs, actor, Jennifer Frappier began documenting her thoughts on fertility and parenthood.
A young artist, dissatisfied with her efforts to draw, opens a portal that absorbs her within the pages of her sketchbook.
 The Highway
All Henley wants to do is get home in time for his anniversary.  He has a 17-hour drive from his last business trip stop. He tries to drive straight through, but he gets too tired, and he decides to stop for the night.
 Silent No More - Louise Pentz: A Voice for Social Change  
No longer willing to remain silent about the injustice she sees, Nova Scotia ceramist Louise Pentz uses her art as a force for social change. Her sculptures give voice to women around the world who are silenced by social, political, religious or family circumstances.
'Mom' is about Alex--a young woman who rents a room in a house with an older woman, with what little money she has left. But Alex must ultimately decide what she is willing to do for money.
Iris and Finn are two sisters with a special affinity for hot dogs and sexy cartoon animals. Devastated by Iris's recent diagnosis, the two are left to navigate their time left together.
 Find Me
After the death of his father, a young man falls victim to the darkest parts of his own mind.
The Last Farewell
An honorable soldier must choose between the woman he loves or the country he had pledged to die for. The story takes place in the year 1973 when the Philippine republic is under Martial Law.
 In-between the Scripts
An experimental film about A male suffering from mental health issues, and his physical and psychological experience with anti- psychotic medications.
 The Baby Lu`au
Brooke Cho, an ambitious young attorney, confronts her estranged family after a 5-year absence, only to discover that not everything is what it seems to be. She soon must race against time to uncover the truth or lose what she loves most.
 America Heard: Refuge of Hope
Syracuse, New York is an unlikely home to over 10,000 former refugees. Two women at the forefront of this community reflect on what their presidential vote means to those whose only true home is the American town that took them in.
A lonely man does battle with a relentless piece of music.
After moving into a new apartment, a young woman discovers a hole in her living room wall.
 Tucker Noir
Take a brief look into the life of Northern California's drag king sweetheart, Tucker Noir. Watch as he hosts Chico California's 2016 gay pride weekend and gives us a little insight on what performing drag is all about.
Sophie is an unmotivated comedian. When her estranged young daughter is unexpectedly thrust back into her life, Sophie's plans have to be reshuffled.
Shades of Winter’s BETWEEN, a Red Bull Media House co-production, is the latest film by Austrian pro skier and filmmaker Sandra Lahnsteiner who keeps redefining women in action sports movies since her first release in 2010. Between earth and sky, ocean and snow, old friends and new, between the day-to-day challenges and the once-in-a-lifetime thrills of travelling to some of the most exotic and challenging slopes in the world and then mastering them, not missing the moments between. The new UHD 4K action sports feature film with a documentary aspect, not only follows the crème de la crème of female skiing including Olympic gold medalist and alpine skier Julia Mancuso and many more on compelling journeys and to thrilling destinations; it also features three-time world surf champion Carissa Moore. For Between, the long-term duo Sandra Lahnsteiner and director of photography Mathias Bergmann teamed up with German film editor Thomas Kohler known for the documentary “Cerro Torre” (2013).
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avaliveradio · 4 years
Erick Beau's Romantic Single 'I Found Love in You' (MJ's Song)
A couple of weeks before my wedding, this song was composed as I asked myself how I could express this powerful love I feel for MJ. The answer was to express it in a song that is all about true love and the amazing feelings we experience when we have finally found it.
We managed to finish it just in time to perform an acoustic version of the song before our wedding guests.
I co-produced the song in Montreal, and because of COVID, I worked with top Nashville sessions musicians, Hubert Payne, drummer for Little Big Town, did the drum track, and multi-skilled Andy Ellison played the guitar and steel. Finally, I was fortunate to have Grammy nominee Eric Torres mix the song and Georgetown studios to master it.
What can people expect when listening to my songs?
The idea was to create intimacy in the song as it is a personal message one would give to the one they love. The song opens with an acoustic guitar that brings out the graspy vocal and progresses to the double bass, drum, piano, and steel guitar. Power chords are introduced to the song, all supporting the dramatic bridge.
They can expect to relate to the songs since I mostly write about life experiences most of us have gone through. You will hear strong soulful melodies, backed by a high-quality production of real instruments played by giving and talented musicians.
I Found Love in You (MJ's song) is the third single launch coming for my up coming album "What it Takes".
The first 2 singles slowly made a name for me in the industry, and I am counting on this one to be the song that brings me closer to my goal: to share my music with a greater audience. This song is all about true love and the amazing feelings we have when we finally have a chance to experience it. It is a song that bares my soul where I just wrote the lyrics as I felt them regardless of what others would think of them. It is a very personal message only lovers and believers of true love can relate to.
What's ahead?
I am very excited to launch the video for the song. It was quite challenging to make the music video in COVID with no crew available. The Video was entirely directed by MJ and is our story so, it's very special to me.
Artist: Erick Beau
New Release: I Found Love in You (MJ's Song)
Genre: Country, Folk love song
Sounds like: Lady A, Keith Urban, Blue Rodeo, Lonestar, Shania Twain,
Located in: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Artists Bio.. 
 Son of an RCAF officer, Erick was born on a Canadian air force base in Nova Scotia. He was nurtured in a musical environment led by his mother, who initiated his violin study, and later on, he picked up the guitar to write his songs. No novice to live performances, the professionally trained vocalist was only 12 years old and a member of various bands entertaining his first audiences. 
Erick signed a production & licensing deal at 18. Rebellious to embrace the Industry's demands, Erick decided to acquire more knowledge and became a lawyer. Putting his musical dreams on a shelf, he followed a more traditional path and kept his passion alive by writing songs, knowing that they would be heard one day!
Erick has acquired rich and hard-earned life experiences throughout this tough choice, allowing him to write lyrics that tell a story, share emotions, and paint a picture of everyday challenges. His musical compositions and sound are influenced by Bach, Elvis, Simon & Garfunkel, The Beatles, Shawn Phillips, Led Zeppelin, ZZ Top, Cat Stevens, U2, Sting, Elton John, Garth Brooks, the Eagles, and Keith Urban.
The time has come to take these songs off the shelf! 2020 is his year, folks; he is now in the process of launching his debut album "What it takes"! Erick is excited to have released the two first singles of the album: 'Coming Home and 'Waiting for You'. He feels fortunate to work with Michael Benjoar, Erick Torres, and some of the greatest session musicians of Nashville and worldwide to celebrate, through their art, the magic of root instruments.
 https://open.spotify.com/track/0Nm7eJDZbB9332UIwWJNGl?si=Rt5v1jHvSpeUS3lU3zO_sg Twitter: https://twitter.com/erickbeaumusic Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Erickbeaumusic Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/erickbeau1/ Youtube channel: https://youtube.com/channel/UCRvGGt9_14Gz9qa2WfTnUwg
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