#nova torres;loves
gypsybelladonna · 10 months
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I'll crawl home to her - Rhaenyra Targaryen x reader
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disclaimer these gifs are not mine, they belong to @clixsmxdernxs and divider @dingusfreakhxrrington
Resumo: Rhaenyra Targaryen x fem reader; hozier; angst, fluff; não revisado ainda
I'm not sure if I liked how it turned out, maybe I'll redo it
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Do alto da parca torre em um longo planalto, uma mulher observa o horizonte. Seu rosto é cansado e suas vestes causam estranhamento em seus companheiros de batalha, não era filha de uma casa digna de lembrança, muito menos esposa de um alto cargo, mas mesmo assim sua mortalha de guerra lembrava aquelas dos velhos reis e rainhas.
Sob o olhar de muitos era um ato de desrespeito, mas lhe fazendo justiça, a própria rainha dragão colocara a malha sobre seus ombros, gostava de pensar que o toque de Rhaenyra ainda pesava lá. Olhando para suas mãos sujas de sangue ainda fresco ansiava por sua presença
"Boys workin on empty Is that the kinda way to face the burning heat? I just think about my baby I'm so full of love, I could barely eat"
Após ter certeza que ninguém as observava tomava em suas mãos a de sua amada e a puxou para um quarto ainda mais reservado. O dia havia amanhecido silencioso enquanto todos iniciavam seus caminhos para guerra, havia chegado a hora, era possível sentir no ar o pesar, principalmente naquela sala. A rainha Negra já havia se despedido de seu primogênito, ato que ainda a sufocava, todos que amava estavam partindo e mesmo que o destino fosse de certa forma o mesmo, alguns jamais se veriam novamente.
Por um breve momento apenas se olharam em um silencio confortável, até que a rainha com um soluço o quebrou.
“já me desfiz em lagrimas com a partida de jace, mas parece que ainda restam muitas lagrimas em mim” o tom emulava a alegria, era seu papel manter todos os seus solados dispostos para a guerra, mesmo para os mais íntimos
Levando a mão cálida da targaryen aos lábios, a mulher de um beijo casto também tentando sorrir
“não sofra por mim alteza, não a primeira vez que encaro espadas inimigas, e em seu nome? O faço com honra”
Seu olhar se tornou régio
“agradeço sua intenção, mas não é o momento para me poupar, nossas baixas já são significativas, Daemon também era bravo e caiu em batalha e nós sabemos que muitos outros homens honrados também vão. Não há uma vitória garantida no futuro, só os deuses sabem o que pode vir acontecer” a fitando enquanto inspirava “eu mesma sou uma variável e- exasperada a lady de armas soltou as mãos de rhaenyra  
“Não fale assim! Não vê que agoura nosso caminho? Nem eu nem ninguém permitiria que a rainha legitima seja morta, possuímos mais dragões com montadores, exércitos aliados!”
Mas assim como já havia acalmado criaturas maiores, a rainha segurou seu rosto em ambos os lados, buscando a atenção dos olhos da mulher que agora eram arregalados e nervosos com a nova perspectiva
“então apenas me diga que entende, hm? Que entende o perigo que todos nós corremos, que a coroa e a sucessão correm, não aceito discutir na despedida do que talvez seja a nossa mais longa separação. Apenas me diga isso, meu amor” pediu tão docemente com aqueles belos olhos expressivos que mais uma selvagem criatura se viu domada e sem ressalvas um “sim, entendo” saiu sério dos lábios da outra.
Satisfeita e com pressa a rainha se virou e caminhou em direção a uma das camas do aposento, próxima a ela se inclinou e revelou o que um pano de veludo preto cobria, uma rica e nobre armadura da casa da Targaryen.
“posso saber o que significa isso, vossa graça” seu tom era quase divertido, também não desejava brigar
Virando-se segurando as peças nos braços se pôs diante da lady, colocou as vestes em um descanso próximo e delicadamente começou a tirar a armadura comum de soldado que a cavaleira usava, essa apenas observava os movimentos da rainha.
“quando eu era criança minha mãe me contava como preparava meu pai para suas pequenas batalhas”
“achei que o reinado do falecido rei fora pacífico a sua maneira”
“é verdade, mas há momentos onde uma armadura pode passar uma mensagem mais efetiva que palavras de conciliação. Ela dizia que ato era para dar sorte, uma forma de faze-lo se lembrar dela, mesmo que em campo, uma forma de acompanha-lo a distância” agora já fazia os ajustes na nova armadura.
“acha que eu poderia esquecê-la? Jamais”
“eu acredito” disse sorrindo após fazer o ajuste final, realmente lhe caia bem “gosto de pensar que de alguma forma uma extensão de mim protege seu peito do fogo da batalha” agora tocava o local, se sentia cansada e seus olhos voltaram a marejar, eram tempos cruéis.
Tocando seu rosto de forma melancólica quase nostálgica, sentia que a hora da partida havia chegado de vez, doía “deuses, sentirei falta de olhar para esse rosto”
Pegando para si a mão de nyra a cavalheira aproveitou sua deixa “não importa o que aconteça, eu voltarei para casa” nyra inclinou a cabeça, com um olhar conhecedor “e mesmo que eu tombe isso não ira me impedir”
Agora havia confusão no rosto da rainha
“você me deu honras que não sei se mereço, o comando de uma tropa, as vestes de uma nobre, então lhe confidencio o único pedido que farei aos meus homens que já marcham conhecendo seus possíveis destinos, pois já não faço questão de esconder meu amor e apreço por você Rhaenyra.  Peço que quando minha hora chegar deitem-me suavemente na terra fria e escura, pois nenhum túmulo pode segurar meu corpo, eu vou rastejar para casa, para você”
A rainha respondeu a agarrando em um beijo febril, se pudesse a manteria em seu lado longe de todo o perigo. Queria ter a conhecido antes, queria demonstrar melhor como a amava, queria não temer tanto por sua vida, queria não sentir que a ela caminhava para a morte.
Encerrando o beijo para respirar ambas continuaram abraçadas, forte, uma podia sentir o coração da outra bater em sua pele, era como se o mundo tivesse parado e apenas o calor do momento existisse. Antes de se separarem, a Targaryen deu mais um aperto na mulher e sussurrou em seu ouvido em tom de promessa “eu a amo mais do que um dia sonhei ser possível amar”
Após cortar com sua lamina o pescoço de tantos homens a mesma mulher se encontrava caída sem forças no chão, respirar doía e podia sentir o gosto de cobre na boca, pensava na sua promessa, parecia próxima agora
"When my time comes around Lay me gently in the cold dark earth No grave can hold my body down I'll crawl home to her"
Porém com o resto de força que sobrava em seus braços se virou e se pôs de quatro enquanto segurava firme o punho de sua espada, pronta para se levantar, pois mesmo a memoria do toque quente e amoroso dos lábios de vossa graça afastava o abraço frio da morte
"When I was kissing on my baby And she put her love down soft and sweet In the low lamp light I was free Heaven and hell were words to me"
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lottiecents · 5 months
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Brazilian!Rhaenicent - Headcanons
- Alicent Hightower and Rhaenyra Targaryen would actually be named: Alice Torres and Rafaella Trindade.
- Them both would be from different states! in my head if we fit westeros in certain brazilian states i think oldtown/the reach would be Minas Gerais and Kings Landing/Dragonstone would be São Paulo and Rio. So Alicent would be from Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais and Rhaenyra would be from Rio!
- Alicent would study in a federal university (which are Brazil’s ivy leagues), and i can see her studying letras (english/lit) or journalism. As for Rhaenyra she would go to a private university to study economics and business, but i also can see Rhaenyra trying her best to get into Brazils aerospace engineering (ITA).
- Alicent loves to read and her favorite authors are Guimarães Rosa, Clarice Lispector and Hilda Hilst (she also loves with the bottom of her heart Machado de Assis and Lygia Fagundes Telles), and also loves books about Brazil’s (and the worlds) history and books that has that journalistic vein. Rhaenyra wouldn’t be that much into books, she would like one or another, but Alicent would make her a reader because of her recommendations (poetry is one of the genres that grows a lot inside Rhaenyra especially Carlos Drummond de Andrade and Hilda Hilst).
- they curse. a lot. it’s always a “puta que pariu”, “caralho” and “vai tomar no cu”.
- Alicent loves to use her film camera, especially when they do road trips. Rhaenyra is always buying her lots of films and a new camera to support her hobbies (she also books little trips and vacations and outdoors dates just to see alicent taking pictures).
- Both of them would LOVE mpb and bossa nova, it would be their go to songs for everything. Alicent would be a big fan of Milton Nascimento, Gal Costa, Djavan, Marisa Monte and Ana Carolina, and Rhaenyra would be a big fan of Secos e Molhados, Rita Lee, Jorge Ben and Belchior.
- Still talking about music, their biggest guilty pleasure would be funk, Rhaenyra would love the explicit lyrics and the beat but she wouldn’t know how to dance… even though alicent doesn’t like it very much she knows how to dance and knows her way when the song starts to play
- beach dates! beach dates! beach dates! (and also camping and going to visit the natural beauties that exist like waterfalls, caves and many others)
- As two good brazilians they would love football and they would be serious about it, especially in the world cup! (they saw Brazils and Germanys game in 2014 and still haunts them). Alicent would support Cruzeiro Esporte Clube from Minas Gerais, and Rhaenyra would support Vasco da Gama from Rio de Janeiro.
- Rhaenyra would be very into football. like super into it. in an annoying level. she would even play back in high school and at college, later she would play for fun or at the beach.
- Alicent wouldn’t do sports until she was in high school, she did ballet but in her first year of hs she rebelled and tried out to the volleyball team (she is actually very good and very competitive).
- Alicent is a big fan of soap operas, and rhaenyra teases her because of it (she watches with her and is even more interested than alicent sometimes).
- them both would love the bohemian, bossa nova pubs and enjoy a good caipirinha, cold beer and delicious food (and also xeque mate!).
- they would smoke normal cigarettes but also wouldn’t pass the opportunity to smoke a paiol/palheiro (a cigarette made out of straw with tobacco).
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kilfeur · 11 months
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Voilà enfin fini mon nouveau comic Rayllum avec cette fois ci, un cauchemar de Rayla mais Callum est là pour veiller sur elle. A la base il y avait deux scènes que j'ai pas mit au final, la première est pendant la crise de panique de Rayla, Callum fait toujours le truc avec le pouls mais descend sa main vers sa coeur. Pour qu'elle puisse sentir ses battements puis l'allonger en lui demandant de se concentrer sur lui et sur sa voix. Au final j'ai opté pour autre chose qui on va dire plus réaliste même si je pourrais toujours placer ça ailleurs. La deuxième scène c'est qu'après la discussion du duo, Callum était censé jeter un coup d'oeil à l'arc de Rayla. Pensant aux dernières paroles de Claudia jusqu'à ce qu'il sente la main de Rayla et lui dise qu'il aime quand elle le touche s'en suit Rayla qui l'entoure dans ses bras pour se réchauffer. Je trouvais déjà que ça traînait en longueur et même si j'ai pu mettre le câlin, j'espère que je pourrais mettre la scène de l'arc sur un autre dessin ou bien un one shot par exemple.
At last I've finished my new Rayllum comic, this time featuring Rayla's nightmare, but Callum is there to watch over her. The first is during Rayla's panic attack. Callum still does the pulse thing, but lowers his hand to his heart. So she can feel his heartbeat, then lay her down and ask her to concentrate on him and his voice. In the end, I opted for something more realistic, even if I could always place it elsewhere. The second scene is that, after the duo's discussion, Callum was supposed to take a look at Rayla's bow. Thinking about Claudia's last words until he felt Rayla's hand and told her he liked it when she touched him, followed by Rayla wrapping her arms around him for warmth. I already felt it was dragging on and even though I was able to put in the hug, I hope I could put the bow scene in another drawing or a one-shot for example.
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Rayla : Where I am ?
Claudia : You're selfish, tell me why I don't have the right! All I want is to keep my father alive?! Everything I've done is for my family! To keep him with me! So why am I being robbed of what is rightfully mine?! So tell me you elf… Why should you be allowed to have yours back?
Rayla : Your father wanted to invade Xadia. He allowed a kingdom to be corrupted for his downfall. And you helped him, turning your back on your brother
Claudia : You know nothing! He did it for the good of mankind! Don't try to blame me for anything! When you've abandoned and hurt your loved ones. You came back like a flower, thinking you'd be welcomed. Nothing was going your way. You're no saint! So don't accuse me and see your own mistakes
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Viren : Tell me, elf, was my hunt really worth it?
Rayla : Ca... Callum. No... I beg you... Don't look at me. Outside, we'll be attacked! I've got to go! Otherwise we'll never reach the tower! Getting Nova's blade is the priority, we can't take a detour! I must protect you!
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Callum : Rayla, it's okay, you're not alone. You're here with me and Stella, remember. Can you feel my pulse and my touch? Rayla, relax. There you go, breathe just like me. Good again. We've eliminated the creatures that attacked us. And we've surveyed the area, haven't we?
Rayla : Yes, I remember.
Callum : That's good, Rayla, keep going.
Rayla : And the air dome you created at Umber Torr. You remade it for this cave.
Callum : See? Then breathe again. We're safe, you have nothing to fear. Do you want to talk about it ?
Claudia : You're selfish.
Rayla : Before that, I'd like to know… Why are you so intent on saving my family?
Callum : Eh… Well, why not? Recovering Nova's blade and saving them is like killing two birds with one stone!
Rayla : But...
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Callum : Rayla, in those two years, we created our own path. We've moved forward and sometimes lost our way, but we keep going. Because we want to achieve our goals. And we've done things for ourselves. Because we thought it was the right thing to do. But also for others, so that they can live in a better day. And finally, so that we can grieve properly. But you have the choice of reuniting with them. You shouldn't waste it when the opportunity is there. You could have continued your hunt. And yet you've come back to us.
Rayla : There are so many things I could have done better. So many things I haven't told you about my two years without you all. Even with Stella, I felt so alone. I was so cold and had nothing. I wish I could have stayed with all of you for those two years. I regret it but I'm here now and I want to stay by your side.
Callum : Rayla, you've always had a place with us. Even when you're reunited with them, that won't change. I promise!
Rayla : You always find the words to soothe me. They are magic! They make me feel able to face anything. You bewitched me and I've always been under your spell. So I can only love you more.
Rayla : I had a nightmare I thought I was going to die.
Callum : Really? And now you're thinking about it?
Rayla : Not so much now that you're here. Of course you do, Stella
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torukamacktoyu · 11 months
Recom Headcanons 4
Brown and Prager
Quaritch & Lyle • Zdinarsik & Walker • Ja & Lopez
Full Name: Alex Rafael Torres Brown
Goes by Rafael or Raf.
Best friend is Prager.
Keeps fucking up his back because he always forgets to lift with his knees.
A bit of a scaredy cat when he finds something gross. Mainly bugs with many legs and stuff that oozes.
First language is Spanish.
Tries to help when Lopez forgets what a word is in english, but struggles because Ecuadorian spanish is not the same as Mexican spanish. 
Tactile, takes it out on Prager because he knows that he doesn't mind.
Really likes dancing and is pretty good at it, but can only dance like dollar bills are being thrown.
Absolutely Loves getting his head scratched.
He and Prager accidentally made a secret handshake, as their greeting dap up just kept getting more and more convoluted.
Can play the guitar. 
An okay singer, but can never remember the full lyrics.
Would name his Ikran Dulzura(f), because she's a sweetie.
Dulzura, or Zuri as the Deja Blu nicknamed her, is absolutely a sweetie… for Brown. For everyone else she's a jealous, picky, bitey, hissing brat, that demands everyone stays at least two wing spans away from her and gets especially upset if another Ikran gets too close to Brown. 
Full Name: James Prager
Goes by Jamie.
Best friend is Brown
Likes asking absurd questions, weird hypotheticals, and impossible would you rathers. 
Does Yoga, regularly drags Ja into doing it with him. The other Recoms don't make fun of it, cause they got hassled into doing a routine with him one time and he absolutely kicked their asses.
Was very displeased with how stiff he was straight out of the Amino-tank. Being curled up in the foetal position while your muscles are artificially stimulated for muscle tone doesn't leave one feeling the most lithe or limber, who woulda guessed.
Amazing singer, doesn't often sing.
Was the eldest brother of eight and was very surprised by how directly the ability to corral rowdy kids translated to keeping tabs on his Squad and stopping them from burning their base down.
If it's nothing official and they're not on a mission, Quaritch has always told the squad that Prager is in charge when he leaves. The squad never fails to find Wainfleet's following pouting-session hilarious.
Knows how to massage, frequently massages Brown into a purring puddle.
Neutrally tactile. Only actively seeks it sometimes, but never turns away or rejects anyone else that comes to him for cuddles, friendly, reassuring, or comfortable touch.
Named his Ikran Nova(f)
Babies the heck out of Nova. Scritches and praise are available 24/7 for 'the most perfect Ikran in the galaxy'. Would also like to baby the other Recom's Ikrans, but not all of them enjoy it.
Really likes animals and animals really like him. Would pet a Palulukan, 70% chance the Palulukan would let him.
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zemagltd · 1 year
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[Estação de comboios General Torres - Vila Nova de Gaia - Portugal - 07.09.2023]
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diegosouzalions · 1 year
A Diamond seria estilhaçada ou embolhada, por não ser feita pela Rainbow ou pela Torre de Criação, ela considerada como "defeituosa"(copiado)
Então quer dizer que a magenta e considerada defeituosa?
Diego e se uma diamante roxa brota na autoridade colorida isso seria um crime diante da rainbow praticamente ela iria se sentir inútil pra autoridade ou ela basicamente inventária nova Açores na paleta de cor dela própria?por exemplo azul cristalino?violeta? e love?
• Não, porque as Diamonds tem uma noção que ela foi criada pela Rainbow, afinal, as Diamonds são as únicas a criar Gems, e como elas não conseguem criar outras Diamonds, no raciocínio delas, Rainbow é a única que consegue fazer isso. E tudo que vier da Rainbow é considerada perfeita, mesmo que ela não saiba de nada.
• Isso seria impossível, porque Rainbow é a única que consegue criar Diamonds, logo, ela não cometeria um ato errôneo afim de que as outras Diamonds pudessem criar Rainbow Gems "falsas".
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thexdesk · 2 years
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TO: SAGE (re: the X-Force)
FROM: Emma Frost
SUBJECT: Guest List & Security
Hello, darling.
It’s that time of the year once more. The Hellfire Gala is upon us and we are elated to welcome humans, mutants and all others to Mykines Island to celebrate the partnership between humans and mutants. This year, we’ll be honoring those who benefit from our medicines and petals. Of course, I’d be remiss if I did not mention the recent bombshell that Cyclops so lovingly blew up in our faces regarding the secrets of mutant resurrections. We expect people to attempt to crash the Gala in an attempt to prove a point, and as a result the Five have been prohibited from attending. They are to stay in the Healing Gardens with a chaperone at all times.
Like last year, I must thank you and X-Force the services you’ll provide to keep the event safe and secure. Unlike last year, however, I request that you do not let anyone get murdered again. What happened with Wanda Maximoff cannot be repeated. Keeping that in mind, please reach out telepathically if there is an EMERGENCY of any sort. Both myself and the Cuckoo’s will be keeping our minds tuned in.
In the meanwhile, I have attached the guest list below. Please do not let ANYONE in who is not on the list. There is one exception: foreign diplomats and politicians were sent over separately for security purposes.
Do note that many guests will be attending masks or other disguises to preserve their secret identity. Verify their identities before they access the Gates.
With Love,
Emma Grace Frost, the White Queen
ASGARDIAN -- for unity and future prosperity: korg. loki. king valkyrie. 
AVENGERS -- for their work saving the universe time and time again: bruce banner. carol danvers. clinton barton. hope van dyne. samuel wilson. scott lang. spider-man. doctor stephen strange. thor odinson. valkyrie.
CELEBRITIES -- for their accomplishments in the social and cultural world: Audra McDonald. Conan O’Brien. Dua Lipa. Eminem. George R.R. Martin. Jimmy Kimmel. Justin Bieber. Lin Manuel Miranda.  Meryl Streep. Patton Oswalt. Rihanna. Saweetie. Saya Ishii. Seol Hee. Snoop Dogg. Taylor Swift. Virginia Potts [ click for more names ].
* Please note Kanye West has been uninvited.
CHAMPIONS -- for their resilience in the face of C.R.A.D.L.E. and the promotion of change: amadeus cho. amka aliyak. joaquin torres. lana baumgartner. ms. marvel. nadia van dyne. nova. red locust. riri williams. spider-man. starling. viv vision.
ETERNALS -- for fostering new relations: druig. eros. makkari. kingo. phastos. sersi. sprite. thena.
FANTASTIC FOUR -- for their heroic acts across the multiverse: ben grimm. johnny storm. susan storm. reed richards.
GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY -- for their work defending the galaxy: heather douglas. gamora. hercules. nebula. noh-varr. peter quill. phyla-vell. richard rider. rocket raccoon.
HEROES OF TOMORROW -- for those who serve the future: america chavez. ghost-spider. ate bishop. ms. marvel.
HONORED ACHIEVEMENTS -- for accomplishments in their field:  daimon hellstrom. elsa bloodstone. greer nelson. hank pym. janet van dyne. jennifer walters. madame web. marc spector. michael morbius. natasha romanoff. steven rogers. tony stark. wanda maximoff.
HUMAN REPRESENTATIVES -- for fostering ongoing relationships: mary jane watson. matthew murdock. michelle jones. patricia walker. 
INHUMANS -- for unity and future prosperity: blackagar boltagon. crystalia amaquelin. daisy johnson. gorgon. karnak. medusalith amaquelin.
PLUS ONES -- for the association to someone who is more special: brian braddock (meggan puceanu braddock). cassie lang (scott lang). felicia hardy (spider-man). jack russell (elsa bloodstone). katherine bishop (clinton barton). layla el-faouly (marc spector).
SANCTUM SANCTORUM -- for their work on magical defenses: clea strange. wong.
SHI’AR EMPIRE -- for unity and future prosperity: cal’ysee neramano. gladiator. xandra neramani.
WAKANDA --  for unity and future prosperity: nakia. okoye. shuri. t’challa.
STANDY BY -- the following have received an invite during the second round and barely made the cut: barbara morse. james buchanan barnes. monica rambeau. yelena belova.
ERROR: When attempting to invite Spider-man, three invites were sent out and accepted.
alex summers
amara aquilla
angelica jones
anna-marie lebeau
betsy braddock
bobby drake
emma frost
gabby kinney
gwen poole
illyana rasputin
jean grey
jeanne-marie beaubier
jimmy hudson
kate pryde
kurt wagner
laura kinney
laynia petrovna
logan howlett
lorna dane
madelyne pryor
max eisenhardt
megan gwynn
meggan puceanu braddock
neena thurman
nikolai krylenko
ororo munroe
rachel summers
raven darkholme
remy lebeau
scott summers
stepford cuckoos
tabitha smith
xi’an coy manh
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gaslite · 2 months
            ⁰¹ˑ      GASLITE    is    an    independent    ,    private    ,    and    selective    multi  -  ship    blog    written    by    buffy    (    twenty8    ,   she/her    ,    gmt+9    )    .    activity    will    be    extremely    slow    .    primarily    interested    in    interacting    with    friends    ! everything will be found under the read more because i don't feel like making a carrd right now .   
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⁰¹ˑ basic rules apply to this account , i don't think i need to tell you guys those . ⁰²ˑ may flucuate between gifs and rp icons . sources for icon templates or psds used will be reblogged and filed under a resource tag . ⁰³ˑ discord available for plotting if asked . ⁰⁴ˑ may flucuate between gifs and rp icons . sources for icon templates or psds used will be reblogged and filed under a resource tag .
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ᵐᵘˢᵉˢ ᶠⁱˡᵉᵈ ᵘⁿᵈᵉʳ : original - mostly fandomless
ˑˑˑ NOVA PRICE , lead singer rockstar of cven , maggie lindemann ˑˑˑ KATHARINA MAYER ... gaming streamer , sabrina carpenter ˑˑˑ MIYEON GO ... gaming streamer, student , kim minjeong ˑˑˑ NINA SIN ... demon possessed model , bae suzy / go minsi ˑˑˑ MATTHEW BROWN ... paranormal investigator , alex aiono ˑˑˑ MILES LIU , art teacher , chen zheyuan ˑˑˑ NARI YOON , pop star / model , im nayeon ˑˑˑ KIKI , lead singer & guitarist of peach riot , fc pending ˑˑˑ ALIYA TORRES , bartender, student , maia reficco ˑˑˑ KAALAM BALIAD , pro skater , evan mock ˑˑˑ ROMEO LOVE , bar owner , mason gooding
ᵐᵘˢᵉˢ ᶠⁱˡᵉᵈ ᵘⁿᵈᵉʳ : canon
ˑˑˑ SHAGGY ROGERS , scooby doo , felix mallard ˑˑˑ BETTY COOPER , archie comics , samantha logan ˑˑˑ SABRINA SPELLMAN , sabrina the teenage witch , sabrina carpenter
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sporadiceagleheart · 4 months
Eybymia “Effie” Babanatsou,5-year-old, Rose Pizem, 4-year-old, Saffie-Rose Brenda Roussos, 8-year-old, Louis XVII, 10-year-old, Lois Janes, 7-year-old, Gracie Perry Watson, 6-year-old, Ava Jordan Wood, 14-year-old, Heather Michele O'Rourke, 12-year-old, Judith Barsi, 10-year-old, Ema “Emica” Kobiljski, 13-year-old, Ava Martin White, 12-year-old, Ava Johnson White, 60-year-old, Riley Faith Steep, 7-year-old, Destiny Riekeberg, 9-year-old, Makenna Lee Elrod and Eliahna Torres, 10-year-old, Ava Ellis White, 92-year-old, Nova Henry, 24-years-old, Ava Safiyah Henry-Curry, 10-months-old, Ava Carroll Overton Waller, 87-years-old, Ava Wright Hadley, 67-years-old, Caroline Schermerhorn Astor Wilson, 86-years-old, Caroline Astor, 78-years-old, Emily Astor Van Alen, 26-27-years-old, Charlotte Augusta Astor Drayton, 62-years-old, Mrs Caroline Astor Drayton Phillips, 84-years-old, Helen Rebecca Roosevelt Robinson, 80-years-old, China Machado, 87-years-old, Elizabeth Grace “Bessie” Gahan Myers, 75-years-old, Dorothy Julia “Dodie” Pennebaker Brando, 57-years-old, Jocelyn Brando, 86-years-old, Frances Elizabeth “Frannie” Brando Loving, 71-years-old, Lois Ayers Coggins, 90-years-old, Frances Ellen Watkins Harper, 85-years-old, Irmgard Christine Winter, 3-years-old, Anna D. Crnkovic, 7-year-old, Destiny Anne Norton, 5-year-old, Michelle B. Norris, 7-year-old, Heather Angel Alexandre, 8-year-old, Serenity Gail Elmore, 6-month-old, Heather Lynn Aspin-Thomas, 10-year-old, Shirley Temple, 85-years-old, Dorothy DeBorba, 85-years-old, Mary Ann Jackson, 80-years-old, Jean Darling, 93-years-old, June Marlowe, 80-years-old, Darla Jean Hood, 47-years-old, Mary Kornman, 57-years-old, Catherine Violet Hubbard, 6-year-old, JonBenèt Ramsey, 6-year-old, Skylar Annette Neese, 16-years-old, Tristyn Bailey, 13-year-old, Maite Yuleana Rodriguez, 10-year-old,
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logan ★ 25 ★ queer ★ nonbinary ★ he/they ★ brown latine
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music: louis tomlinson. rachel chinouriri. kendrick lamar. alemeda. blackswan. zayn malik. one direction. jade thirlwall. darumas. debii dawson. the last dinner party. samia. olivia rodrigo. the aces. honey revenge. soyoon. towa bird. pacifica. manumi. leigh anne pinnock. normani. chappell roan. the academic. idkhow. selena quintanilla. lauren jauregui. beabadoobee. snarls. pale waves. muna. meet me @ the altar. natalia lafourcade. the snuts. ryan ross. arctic monkeys. black belt eagle scout. nova twins. hozier. muna. blur. the smiths.
media: 23.5 degrees. gap the series. bad buddy. the eclipse. the loyal pin. the last case. doctor who. yellowjackets. star trek. it 2017/2019. skamverse. first kill. julie and the phantoms. do revenge. drive away dolls. house of the dragon. the walking dead game.
characters: kieu my vu. aylin keuaahree. clementine (twdg). anaïs davis. maya etienne. felice ehrencrona. kat edison. evie alexander. aster flores. ellie chu. sana bakkoush. kali prasad. nancy wheeler mj sevilla. bill potts. lottie matthews. sam anuntrakul. taissa turner. donna noble. martha jones. nancy gillian. nyota uhura. jamie (drive away dolls). marian (drive away dolls). francesca bridgerton. michaela stirling. pat jindapat. richie tozier. ray pakorn. simon haynes. calliope burns. elena alvarez. deena johnson. drea torres. tony stark.
ships: kieutou. ayluna. anobbie. monsam. aninpin. jamiemarian. spirk. tpura. violetine. yousana. ronance. kalancy. ongsasun. inkpa. calliette. ellister. reddie. stozier. samdeena. dreleanor. lottienat. mistynat. sydlena. patpran. rhaenicent. zimon.
people: view benyapa. freen sarocha. ayo edebiri. laura harrier. rachel zegler. milk pansa. esther oruche. adria arjona. jude bellingham. trent alexander arnold.
misc: women. astronomy. education. astrology. purple. platypuses. beluga whales. cats. purple. football (soccer). plushies. indie/pop/punk/alternative rock. queer history. vampires. thai gls. wlw media.
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first and foremost, i’m a larrie. i don’t care if you’re not as long as we can remain civil about it. otherwise don’t follow and/or block me.
that being said, i’m not into harry anymore, so there won’t be much about him on this blog.
louis is my number one and i post about him a lot.
i love zayn too.
expect a lot about rachel chinouriri.
unexpectedly got into kendrick lamar so expect a lot about him too.
you could say i’m a louie zquad darling kenfolk who happens to be a larrie.
i also post a lot about my other interests which are always tagged in case you want to filter.
i don’t talk about freddie/babygate here and i’d like to keep it that way thanks.
i believe louis and harry are queer but i don’t discuss nor care about their specific sexualities/labels (despite the url).
i don’t keep up with their families. my philosophy is to leave them alone.
i don’t like jeff azoff, irving azoff, ben winston, rob stringer, kid harpoon, james corden, sony, pleasing, nizam, liam payne, olivia wilde, simon cowell and savan kotecha.
i don’t like taylor swift or travis kelce. sometimes i reblog negativity about them. i tag it as #anti taylor swift and #anti travis kelce.
in this house we like joe alwyn.
i believe in criticizing your faves when they fuck up. criticizing them and/or feeling disappointed in them doesn’t mean hatred. i don’t agree with all of the comments/actions/beliefs my faves do/hold and i’m critical of it.
we support rpf here.
i don’t engage in proshipper and/or anti discourse. ship and let ship. block people and filter tags. curate your online experience.
i’m a crack shipper. 98% of the time when i’m shipping my irl faves it’s not serious.
i am a notorious url changer so sorry in advance for that.
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@latinecentral (owner)
@tomlinsonsource (owner)
@purpledit (member)
@musicgifs (member)
@userchappell (member)
@nataliasource (member)
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kieumy. waoyf. faithinthefuturedeluxe. judevictorbellingham. usertomlinson. lt3. louwilliam. malikson. itslouistomlinson. zainmalik. rachelchinouriris. rachel-chinouriri.
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sinceileftyoublog · 8 months
TORRES, My Brightest Diamond, & Aisha Burns Live Show Review: 1/18, Lincoln Hall, Chicago
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TORRES' Mackenzie Scott
Many times throughout TORRES' set Thursday night at Lincoln Hall, Mackenzie Scott remarked how polite the audience was. While we're from the Midwest and are certainly very nice, I think we were just enraptured. First and foremost, Scott is an intense songwriter whose lyrics are diaristic, who puts her whole body into her guitar playing. Live, she demands attention. You never know when she's going to scream--she chose a good moment on "Helen in the Woods"--or show vulnerability with a creaky falsetto, like on love devotional "Gracious Day". Meanwhile, her scraggly guitars followed her vocal delivery on "Skim", as she shredded, leaning towards the crowd. Her atonal laying on "Sprinter" provided a sharp contrast to J.R. Bohannon's shimmery pedal steel. Over 10 years into playing as TORRES, traversing aesthetics and soundscapes, Scott has developed the stage presence to match the ferocity of the songs themselves.
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From left to right: J.R. Bohannon, Rosie Slater, Scott, & Erin Manning
But then there was another reason we wanted to remain silent and soak it all in: the new TORRES songs from What an enormous room, out this Friday via Merge. For many in the crowd, this past Thursday was the first time hearing tunes bound to become new favorites in the catalog. I watched smiles form on the faces of folks realizing the plucky "Jerk into joy" will become an anthem, as Scott sang, "What an enormous room / Look at all the dancing I can do!" As as it was the band's second night playing these songs on tour, each member relished their opportunities to stand out, from Rosie Slater's driving drums on "Forever home" to Erin Manning's fried synths on "Happy man's shoes". Towards the end of the set, someone yelled, "Play 'Honey'!," referring to the song that made many of us fall in love with TORRES' music in the first place. They never played it. Had this been the last time TORRES played Lincoln Hall, I might have walked away disappointed. But years later, 6 records in, Scott's catalog runs deep enough that the supposed enormity of "Honey" is a small hike compared to the canyon sounds of her most recent material.
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My Brightest Diamond
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Jake Woodruff (left) & Aisha Burns (right)
Opening for TORRES was two artists who haven't released full-length albums since 2018 but are experimenting live with new material: My Brightest Diamond, the long-running chamber folk project of singer-songwriter Shara Nova, and multi-instrumentalist/former Balmorhea member Aisha Burns. Nova played solo, using percussion backing tracks and samples, walking out to the audio clip of the late, great Sinead O'Connor saying, "Fight the real enemy" on Saturday Night Live after tearing a picture of Pope John Paul II following her a capella rendition of Bob Marley & The Wailers' "War". Many of Nova's songs, both new and old, responded to O'Connor's fearless spirit. Nova's vocals were show-stopping on "Fight the Real Terror (for Sinead)", controlled over the harmonics of the recorded drums on "Imaginary Lover". Finger-snapping new single "Black Sheep" expanded on themes of ostracization and its oft-permanence even when the court of public opinion changes its mind, pertinent to O'Connor's story. In context, All Things Will Unwind standout "Be Brave", too, acted in spirit with Nova's newer material. "Imagine all the flutes and bass clarinets," Nova quipped to old-school My Brightest Diamond fans, but she didn't need to ask us; lines like, "Shara, this is going to hurt," tugged at our emotions more than any instrumentation could.
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Woodruff & Burns
Really, it was up to Aisha Burns to yield happy tears from instruments. Accompanied by guitarist Jake Woodruff, she graced us with atmospheric loops, violin, guitar, and falsetto vocals. Songs from 2018's Argonauta (Western Vinyl) hypnotized the crowd, the dual guitar sway of "I Thought I Knew You Well" and impassionedly picked and sung "We Were Worn". And yes, she performed her great cover of Chris Isaak's "Wicked Game", her vibrato and vocal harmonies with Woodruff standing tall against the sensuousness of the original. The performance got me excited for whatever comes next for Burns, whether original material or more clever covers.
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Woodruff & Burns
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dustydoop · 9 months
Alright since cringe is dead, I'm info dropping about my OCs, idc if you don't want to know you get to now (I'm using this picrew since I haven't the time to make actual headshots for all of them)
Nova Robertson
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Birthday: May 13th
Favorite Color: Jade green
Symbolism motifs: Sun, big cats (mostly lions)
Personality: Firey, passionate, stubborn, curious
Fun fact: She's very tall! Like 6'
Angela Gartner
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Birthday: May 17th
Favorite Color: Bubblegum pink
Symbolism motifs: Daisies, stars
Personality: Bubbly, sensitive, selfless, sociable
Fun fact: Her house is based on a real abandoned dvd rental place that's across the street from my house
Jessica "Jez" Salucci
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Birthday: November 19th
Favorite Color: Cherry red
Symbolism motifs: Trees, electric guitar
Personality: Independent, abrasive, determined, reserved
Fun Fact: She rollerblades in her free time
Millie Easton
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Birthday: June 4th
Favorite Color: Lavender
Symbolism motifs: Meadows, gears
Personality: Intelligent, clumsy, creative, perfectionistic
Fun Fact: Her first name is Amelia, not Mildred
Kylar Sato
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Birthday: December 2nd
Favorite Color: Charcoal grey
Symbolism motifs: Metal, maps
Personality: Bold, chaotic, direct, defiant
Fun Fact: She is so good at impressions and impersonations that it's scary
Brianna Rosa
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Birthday: September 30th
Favorite Color: Goldenrod yellow
Symbolism motifs: Wheat fields, breeze
Personality: Organized, blunt, stuck-up, dedicated
Fun Fact: She's a distant relative of Catherine of Aragon
Gene Carter
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Birthday: April 26th
Favorite Color: Teal
Symbolism motifs: Moon, ocean
Personality: Caution, supportive, emotionally fragile, willing to help
Fun Fact: He's a very musical guy, he knows a lot of instruments
Quill Torres Martinez
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Birthday: July 6th
Favorite Color: Burnt orange
Symbolism motifs: Fire, beach
Personality: Goofy, easliy bored, charismatic, disordered
Fun Fact: His parents are very rich, he's a bit spoiled
Rae Woodfield
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Birthday: February 10th
Favorite Color: Indigo
Symbolism motifs: Butterflies, rain
Personality: Impulsive, open-minded, dissatisfied, analytical (if she thinks about something first)
Fun Fact: She has port wine stain birthmarks under her eyes
Jesse Mintz
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Birthday: October 29th
Favorite Color: Forest green
Symbolism motifs: Gladiolus, bricks
Personality: Quiet, calm, dependable, insecure
Fun Fact: He's naturally good at skateboarding
Benedict Lewis
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It won't let me add more audio links so pretend its a link to Sparks by Coldplay
Birthday: March 27th
Favorite Color: Navy blue
Symbolism motifs: Dogs, photos
Personality: Prepared, unrealistic, altruistic, overly reminiscent
Fun Fact: He always carries a bag full of absolutely anything you could need
Thea Robertson
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Again, only 10 audio links so pretend it's Gold Dust Woman by Fleetwood Mac
Birthday: May 23rd
Favorite Color: Tangerine
Symbolism motifs: Gold, sunflowers
Personality: Tense, rational, aloof, protective
Fun Fact: She's the oldest of the group, and Nova's older sister
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dear-indies · 10 months
hello! first of all, i'd like to add that i'm extremely appreciative of how you continue to repost awareness about palestine to this day and how you haven't been afraid to toss aside one thing to uphold the blog's main purpose. if that makes sense, haha. as for a request, i'm wondering if you have any face claims that could fit a woman or nonbinary person that looks as though they have the vibes of being in a modern-day band, please? i have no preference for ethnicity, and the fcs should be able to pass as 30 or under i think! and i'd be happy with fcs who are actors or are musicians themselves, though appropriate resources are always perfect. thank you so much!
Mae Whitman (1988) - is pansexual - Jack.
FKA twigs (1988) African-Jamaican / English, Spanish.
BbyMutha (1989) African-American - is non-binary and bisexual (they/she).
Eliot Sumner (1990) - has said that they did not believe in gender labels and did not identify with a particular gender (they/them).
Sarah Kameela Impey (1991) Indo-Guyanese / British - We Are Lady Parts.
Lucie Shorthouse (1991) Ugandan, Irish / English - We Are Lady Parts.
Sky Ferreira (1992) Ojibwe, Cree, Chippewa Cree, Cheyenne, Brazilian of Portuguese and Possibly Other descent, Galician Jewish, Bukovina Jewish, Irish, Scottish, English, and French - has Chronic Lyme Disease.
Faith Omole (1992) Black British - We are Lady Parts.
Mads Paige (1992) - is non-binary.
Katie Gavin / MUNA (1992) - is queer.
Rhian Teasdale / Wet Leg (1992/3)
Taylor Momsen (1993)
Naomi McPherson (1993) West Indian and Irish - is queer and nonbinary (they/them).
Jup do Bairro (1993) Afro Brazilian.
Naomi McPherson (1993) - is queer.
Park Gyu Young (1993) Korean - Sweet Home.
Nemahsis (1994) Palestinian.
Hester Chambers / Wet Leg (1994)
Ryan Destiny (1995) African-American, 1/4 Irish.
Yseult (1994) Cameroonian.
Dua Saleh (1994) Sudanese - is trans non-binary (they/xe) and gay.
Josette Maskin / MUNA (1994) Jewish - is queer and nonbinary (she/they).
Liniker (1995) Afro-Brazilian - is a genderfluid trans woman (she/her).
Kehlani (1995) African-American, French, Blackfoot, Cherokee, Spanish, Mexican, Filipino, Scottish, English, German, Scots-Irish/Northern Irish, and Welsh, as well as distant Cornish, Irish, and possibly Choctaw - is a non-binary womxn and a lesbian.
Nat Puff / Left at London (1996) - is a non-binary trans woman, has ADHD, PTSD, borderline personality disorder and OSDD-1b, and is also autistic.
Juliette Motamed (1997) Iranian - We Are Lady Parts.
Rico Nasty (1997) African-American / Puerto Rican.
Kaiit (1997) Papuan / Gunditjmara, Torres Strait Islander - non-binary (she/he/they).
MegaGoneFree (2001) African American - is non-binary and pansexual (she/they).
Stella Quaresma / Flo (2001) Black British.
Jorja Douglas / Flo (2002) Black British.
Renée Downer / Flo (2002) Black British.
SuperKnova (?) Korean - is a genderfluid trans woman (she/her).
Amy Love / Nova Twins (?) Iranian and Nigerian.
Georgia South / Nova Twins (?) Jamaican and Australian.
Bobbi Lanea Tyler / Flyana Boss (?) African-American.
Folayan Omi Kunerede / Flyana Boss (?) African-American.
Here you go! And people who don't post about literal genocide need to do better.
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annakade · 1 year
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~IN PROGRESS~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
(Mortal Kombat 1) Smoke/Tomas Vrbada
(Mortal Kombat 1) Reptile/Syzoth
(Mortal Kombat 1) Kenshi Takahashi
(Marvel) Dr. Strange
(DC) Batfam/Damian Wayne
(Star Wars) Poe Dameron
TMNT 2003
(TMNT 2003 x Mortal Kombat) Kung Lao
(Attack on Titan) Jean Kirstein
(Attack on Titan) Marco Bodt, Jean Kirstein, Reiner Braun
(Chicago Fire) Otis
(Lord of the Rings) Haldir
(Lord of the Rings) Legolas, Haldir, Eomer
(Lord of the Rings) Modern AU
(Naruto & Naruto Shippuden) Kankuro
Love Island The Game S2 (Gary, Carl)
Love Island The Game S2 (Gary, Carl, Gary, Carl)
Fire Force (Benimaru Shinmon)
Baccano (Luck Gandor)
Cardlin, Todd
(Lovelink) Zayn Kassab
(Lovelink) Hugo Hornsby
(Marvel) Bucky
(Marvel) Loki
(Marvel) Nova
(Marvel) Gambit
(Swat) Dominique Luca
(Swat) Donovan Rocker
(Chicago PD) Adam Ruzek
(Chicago PD) Dante Torres
(Love Island The Game S1) Levi
(Love Island The Game S3) Harry
(Love Island The Game S4) Will, Bruno
(Love Island The Game S6) Lewie, Andy
(Shall We Date: Angel or Devil) Reiner
(Durarara) Shizuo Heiwajima
(TMNT x Gargoyles) Brooklyn
(Lovelink) Brett O'Hara
(Blue Exorcist) Yukio Okumura
(Twilight) Embry Call
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ksoccer · 1 year
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