#novas headcanons
miss-tc-nova · 1 year
After Running Away - Leona x Jamil
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Well hello again @completeanduttermess​
Okay so...of course I had to finish this before June ended so, yay! Happy pride month! Second, oh my god, I’m so sorry this is so bad. I may have had free time, so my brain decided all work was out of the question. It was either this or the pet!au that was getting way out of hand and almost not LeoJami at all. 
Anyway, this is meant to be in the era after The Lives We Want. 
Leona & Jamil After Running Away
In the beginning, it’s rough.
Mostly for Leona.
Big Kitty may have been shunned by his kingdom, but he was still a prince. He still had people looking after him and doing all the grunt work for him.
He can’t do that now.
Well, he probably could. Jamil would probably do it, but then the desert native would be living the same life Leona just saved him from.
So, even if he grumbles and moans the whole time, Leona is going to do his own chores with his own hands. Or at least try.
Jamil has to save him.
It’s terribly awkward for him to watch Leona try to cook or wash clothes. The lion could barely dye his own hair after all.
Leona is smart and talented and could probably easily survive on his own. But for the life of him the man cannot navigate a kitchen.
So Jamil does often end up with those chores, but Leona always watches carefully. He’s observing and taking the process in. And it’ll be soon enough that he’ll knock Jamil’s socks off with a curry he made himself.
Jamil is faring a bit better at this new life. But he still has a lot of anxiety.
Every bit of him is nervous that someone is going to recognize him. Or recognize Leona. And when that happens, Leona might be punished. And Jamil’s family might be punished. All the consequences of a single slip up plague his thoughts.
Those nerves often come out in his overplanning. He starts mapping out their next stop, the sights they’ll see and the places they’ll stay, but in an excessive way—like down to the minute. He’s scarily accurate. Sometimes, he unpacks the bags to take stock of their supplies, check their cash, and mend any clothes.
The worst is when he starts making contingency plans. That’s when the paranoia really starts to win. He’s rehearsed in his head what he’d say to anyone who asks who he is and if they’ve seen him on the news. He’s even thought about what he’d do if anyone tried to detain Leona for this whole thing.
While it may all look normal on the outside, Leona is very aware when Jamil is stressing. And in those times, Leona does what Leona does best.
Annoy Jamil.
Sometimes it’s literally laying on top of Jamil’s focused task, sometimes it’s sitting nearby to poke him, sometimes it’s throwing random things at him (like socks and pillows and wadded paper), and sometimes it’s picking the snake up to haul him off. Somehow, this stupid “pay attention to me” tactic always work. Jamil does pay attention to him and that gives Leona all the leverage he needs to be a distraction.
Because Jamil knows that, no matter what happens, they’re in this mess together. Surely their two bright minds could get them out of any situation.
Aside from Jamil’s anxieties and Leona’s lack of daily living skills, these two are having the time of their lives!!!
Leona doesn’t feel the eyes of everyone comparing him to his brother. He didn’t realize just how much of a weight that was.
And there’s no pressure of “royal appearances.” He can be as “slob” as he wants…if Jamil lets him. Well, maybe he cares about his appearance a little, but it doesn’t have to be annoying anymore.
And Jamil gets to do whatever the fuck he wants! He gets to say “no” when he doesn’t want to do something. He gets to do whatever he wants. And he gets to show off, so long as no one recognizes him.
Though part of him might yearn for the world to recognize him, Jamil is rational. Besides, it’s more than enough for him if only Leona sees him.
At first, they visited some small places, trying to keep a low profile while the world was on the lookout for them.
But as time went on and their faces faded from the news, they got see the rest of the world.
They’ve seen the inside of many motels and Airbnbs. But they’ve also spent nights under the stars. Lying on grass, saying stupid stuff and laughing at nothing until they fall asleep. Those are probably their favorite moments.
They have acquired a broom. It’s the fastest, and really only way, for them to get around. They may have money, but rentals, taxis, and tickets add up. And brooms run on magic, which is free. It also makes the quickest escape if necessary.
And sometimes, just floating on by is peaceful enough for them.
Mostly Jamil is in charge of where they go. Sometimes Leona will put in his opinion on where to go, but mostly, he has no opinion and just lets Jamil choose.
As they approach each new destination, the excitement tends to spark in Little Snake. His demeanor lightens and usually there’s a smile on his face. Leona almost always catches himself staring—maybe smiling a bit too.
Leona actually stares a lot. He gets a bit of second-hand excitement watching Jamil. That and just watching his sweetheart makes him feel all warm and fuzzy inside. But he’ll never admit that. It one of the things that Jamil teases him about.
But honestly, how could he ever stop himself when all the wonder of the world sparks in those gorgeous eyes.
Though there’s a lot of cooking, there’s also frequently the taste-testing of local cuisine. It gets a little interesting considering Leona’s picky pallet but they enjoy taking a break and sharing something new. When he finds something he likes, Jamil analyzes the flavors, wondering if he could easily recreate it.
Though there’s plenty of money from Leona’s savings for now, Jamil keeps an eye out for little odd jobs as they walk through. Things like helping load or unload trucks, delivery across town—just little things to make a quick buck. Leona grumbles as he pulls his weight.
Despite enjoying the travelling, sometimes they talk about settling down somewhere. In fact, as they travel, they talk about the pros and cons of living in the location they’re in. There’s a small list on the places they’d want to live, but both of them agree that it’s going to be a few years before they think about that.
For now, it’s just enjoying their newfound freedom and enjoying each other’s company.
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mysterystarz · 4 months
greekmythology!au with ryomen sukuna.
sukuna is the lord of the underworld, responsible for all the dead passing in from one world to his. he finds himself painfully bored, acting out on particularly malevolent souls and having to be the lord of a realm so lifeless. it’s the cherry on top when the terrifying goddess of harvest decides to call him useless — that’s when, he decides to act.
when he sees you in the field of flowers, entertained by nymphs who weave flowers into a crown on your head, he is taken aback by how gentle you seem. you smile at the sunshine and the nymphs and the way that life seems to unfurl at your touch. he’s only more startled when you cruelly lash out at a nymph who was spying on you for your mother, the goddess of harvest.
he decides that perhaps, you’d be good leverage to get some standing in the mortal realm. he abducts you, uncharacteristically deterred by your tears and your screams to be let free.
you’re cold to him in the underworld, and he finds it amusing. you refuse his food, his water, and spend your day crafting ominous looking vines that only fascinate him more. nobody’s ever created life in the underworld, and with each day, you start to see the change in sukuna.
he teases you mercilessly, meddling around your things and always waiting for your reactions. he personally arranges for your outfits and even makes sure your favorite dishes are at every meal. when you finally allow yourself to get close to him, he saves you from the jealous souls vying for his attention.
and perhaps he fell for you too. your smile, the easy laughter you always brought to him, and the way your hands always seemed to hold his heart, even when you weren’t near him.
when he offers you a pomegranate, an unspoken relic of his affections, he is surprised when you agree. he feels your lips, soft and plush brush his fingers as he feeds you the seeds, and sukuna decides right then that he’d fight heaven and earth if it meant he’d have you.
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supernovasilence · 2 years
Ok we all talk about the Pevensies' trauma at returning to Earth at the end of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe and their trouble readjusting to life there again but think of all the funny/good parts too
They return from the country, and their mom is surprised when all her children hug her at the station. Even Peter, who thinks he's all grown up. Even Edmund, who went away surly and withdrawn. She doesn't know her children haven't seen her in over a decade.
They miss their dear Cair Paravel, but they absolutely do not miss its chamber pots. Indoor plumbing is amazing.
It takes a while to remember how modern technology works, though. How many heart attacks did the siblings give their parents or the professor because they walked into a dark room only to turn on the light and find the children sitting there in the dark. (They were by the window! There was still plenty of light from the sunset! They would have gotten a candle in a minute!) The kids sheepishly remember oh yeah electricity is a thing.
(Edmund has a new electric torch in Prince Caspian. He was so excited to get that torch. Almost more excited than you'd think a kid his age would be, and his parents expect Peter at least to tease him, but the siblings all agree light in your hand at the touch of a switch is terrific.)
Suddenly getting really high grades in some subjects and terrible in others. Their grammar, reading comprehension, spelling, vocab, even penmanship? Amazing. History and geography? They don't remember anything. One time in class Susan forgets Earth is round and wants to die.
Also they can never remember what the date is supposed to be because Narnia uses different months and years. They can estimate time really well by looking at the sun though, and Edmund at least can always tell which way is north etc without thinking about it (again, using the sun)
Okay but how many times did they go to pick something up or reach something and realize they are so much shorter and less muscled than they expect? It's a common sight to see Peter climbing on counters to reach a top cabinet, grumbling about how he's High King this is demeaning. (No he never takes the extra five seconds to grab a stool. He will climb that shelf.)
Peter and Susan being delighted because they are no longer almost thirty. (In a few years Edmund and Lucy will tease them about being old and their parents will not understand.)
Lucy doesn't have to deal with periods anymore for a few years yet. Susan might not either. Heck yeah
Lucy loves to climb into her siblings' laps and be cuddled. In Narnia she eventually she grew too big, but now she is small and snuggleable again. Peter is her favorite, and if she's upset, he'll tickle her and tell bad jokes until she's smiling again, but really she loves cuddling with all her family. She grew up without her parents; how many times did she just want to crawl into her mom's lap and her mom was a world away? Imagine the first time she realizes she can now. Or, imagine one day, a cold and grey sort of day, when the rain is pattering against the windows, and it sounds like the rain on the windows of the Professor's house, that first day they went exploring. It sounds like the day they played hide and seek. It sounds so like the rain on the windows of Cair Paravel, that if Lucy closes her eyes she can imagine she's back there, having tea and chatting with Mr. Tumnus before the fireplace of her room, and soon the rain will stop, and they will go out on the balcony and wave to the naiads and the dryads and the mermaids, who have come out to enjoy the rain and visit one other on the banks of the Great River winding past Cair Paravel down to the sea.
But if Lucy looks out the window, all she'll see is the rain over London, so it's not only a cold and grey sort of day, it's a lonely sort of day too.
Susan and Edmund are playing chess in the living room (and they must have studied with Professor Kirke, thinks their mother, because they certainly weren't that good when they left). Lucy goes over to Edmund, and oh dear, thinks their mother, now he's going to call her a baby and be horrible to her, but instead he picks her up and puts her on his lap without even taking his eyes off the chessboard; it's simply a matter of course.
"Doesn't the rain sound familiar?" says Lucy in a solemn, wistful way.
Their mother doesn't know what that means, but her siblings must, because Susan says, "Yes, Lu, it does,” and Edmund gives her a little hug with his free arm as she tucks herself under his chin to watch the chess match.
(Five minutes later there is a crash from the next room as Peter falls off a counter. Their mother does not understand the words he must have picked up from the Professor, but he's grounded for them anyway. His siblings have no respect for their High King, because they refuse to stop laughing.)
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faerieroyal · 6 months
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thinking about charlie, who will call you every single pet name known to the english language, and use them so much that sometimes you wonder whether he remembers your real name. thinking about charlie, who always insists on having his arm around you when the two of you are in public, no matter if it’s around your shoulders or your waist. thinking about charlie, who will absolutely cover your face with kisses when you’re upset until you laugh from how much it tickles, and have the most smug smile on his face when he’s accomplished it. thinking about charlie, who will attempt to write a saxophone melody just for you, and even if it doesn’t turn out quite like he wanted will feel like the sun has started shining in his chest when you smile at him after he plays it for you. thinking about charlie, who as much as he craves validation, eventually comes to find that yours is the only laugh he really cares about hearing after he’s told a joke.
thinking about charlie, who is always so jovial and takes so little in this life seriously, but who is deadly serious about his love for you; as much as he tries to bring light and levity into other people’s lives, you are the light in his life, and he will be damned if he doesn’t love you with the same determination he gives to telling jokes and causing mischief - strong, steadfast, with all the warmth and power of the sun he cannot help but remind people of, and that he insists he sees every time he sees you smile.
dead poets society taglist: @fairyofthehollow, @lovings4turn, @agentlilicarter, @renqiisnce !
general taglist: @maddipoof, @thatmagickjuju, @talkingturnedtoscreamss, @malafvma, @auxiliarydetective, @heliads, @oneirataxia-girl !
( send me an ask if you want to be added to a taglist !! )
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veny-many · 5 months
My favorite Bacara headcanon be like:
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Bacara: They said I can't have friends because I use Concord, so my boys used Concord.
Neyo: wait what
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milkycarnations · 1 month
Proxies with the reader begging them to breed her mid sex pleasee, like she has a breeding kink but never told them and the words just came out without thinking >w<
I'm gonna do short ones because I'm experiencing horny shame, but as a compromise, I'll throw in a lot more characters. Divider here.
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Laughs at you but is totally into it. In fact, they do go a bit harder. "Haha, really? You've never mentioned that before..." he'd hum before pushing your legs closer to your chest and thrusting deeper. Jack, Brian
Literally whimpers and their pace stutters because that was hot as fuck. "Jesus," he fumbled over his words, his hips jolting forward as a soft whine fell from his lips. Tim, Toby
Laughs at you, but in a demeaning you're into that? kind of way. "Haha! What the fuck? You're seriously into that shit?" he said, but his hips continued to piston quickly, pushing deep inside of you. His hands tightened around your hips. Jeff
They may be wearing a strap, but they'll find a way to get you pregnant with silicone. "Don't worry babe, you'll be full of my cum by the time I'm done with you." Natalie, Kate
Confused fem noises. She paused, her fingers tracing your clit. "Huh??" she'd ask, unsure if she heard you properly. Jane, Nina
Takes it a bit too seriously. "Aren't you on the pill? I think that might make things difficult here. Are you going to come off of it?" Helen, Liu, Nurse Anne
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okaerina · 1 year
#사랑 enhypen as your bf !
warnings!...none just pure fluff and affection, lowercase intended.
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notes : fun fact this was the first work i wanted to post but got distracted :)
genre : fluff, established relationships, slight angst
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soft flirty bf huhu he's literally gonna flirt so hard and on top of that if you're shy he's absolutely gonna shapeshift your cheeks into a tomato/strawberry whatv red stuff you prefer :) i mean we all know hee is a pro at flirting so good luck to your sanity RIP
lots of singing fs this man's gonna sing for you like can't sleep? dw babe he's got a soty typa lullaby, bored/stressed? who needs a lofi playlist when you got lee hee :) hEAR me out he's definitely gonna write songs for you jsjsjs he's gonna sing em to you randomly cause It's romantic right?? he'll look deep into your eyes, throw that signature smirk of his and sing oh so lovingly cause he knows he's driving you nutz ;)
lotsss of movie gaming dates he'll beat you at every game heyyy he's an ace i don’t make the rules 🥱 but time to time he'll chill down and let you win few rounds intentionally but you don't need to know that
he loves to kiss you sm, your cheeks are his fav place to smooch uwu. but don't forget to smooch him back hehe.
his love is is a mix of quality time and words of affection !
omg he's gonna be so caring and protective towards you he's basically your second momma 😭
but don’t get fooled by his strong facade deep inside he's your lil kitty ready to be taken care of so plz do check on him and give him the affection he deserves
he gets seriously jealous whenever your paying too much attention on maeumi and she's reciprocating it with heavy affection. "cats are best" he would literally blurt out of nowhere and you can't help but laugh at his silly tantrum.
there will be times where won wouldn’t be feeling his best. all the stress, work and commotion tires him out sm yet he still feels like he's not the best. on those days he only seeks for your comfort. knowing very well all he needs is you beside him to make him feel better plz always love this boy he's gonna be a mess without you :(
his love is a mix of quality time and soft physical affection !
rich sugar daddy bf but he actually acts like a dad lmao
if your eyes lingers on a item from more than 0.00001 seconds he'll buy it for you no matter what
he makes you lots of healthy homemade meals and does all the chores for you plz he's such a material man I want him 🛐
jay loves you alot and is always there to guide in every situation he'll be both mature and goofy cracking silly dad jokes to lighten up your mood girl you better appreciate this man and love him back 😾‼️
his love is a mix acts of service and words of affection !
so how does it feel to have a rizzmastser as your bf 😃? /j
he's so cute goofy and babygirl you wanna gatekeep him
he'll get excited over all sorts of lil things. will take you out on various fun dates like arcades, amusement parks, pet cafes but his most fav date place and activity is going out on a walk with you and layla in a nice, less crowded, green park uwu!
you’re basically layla's mom now. he'll let you play with her and take care of her in his absence (layla's so cute noo 😭)
another smooch lover but his fav place is the lips ;) his lips are basically glued to yours.
his love is a mix of quality time and physical affection !
awkward ahh goofy bf 😃
he's gonna be so unserious in general but dw he gets pretty mature and serious when he needs to be :)
he'll be a bit awkward at initiating affection first so if you take matters in hand and initiate affection first he'll be over the moon ahaha.
once he's opened up to you he'll be quite a affectionate guy but he isn’t a pda lover so behind closed doors he's all lovey dovey ^^
he'll let you play with gaeul and then he's gonna be like "gaeul is so lucky to have visual parents aka me n you 😌💅" and you’re like 😀👍 lmao
ice rink dates uwu. he's gonna be your personal figure skating coach &lt;3
his love language is definitely quality times !
the slayest bf ever im jealous 🥺
king of affection boy's literally gonna bicker about who's the most affectionate one or who's more slay lol.
lots of tteobokkie dates and self care nights
yall will do sleep overs and do each others skincare. he's practically gonna turn into your special dermatologist 💅
but he can be very serious and understanding. whenever your having a hard time he'll be there in a flash of light he understands you better than anyone in this world and is always there to cheer you up &lt;3
his love language is a mix of physical affection and quality time !
A 6'3" TEASE
but first he needs time to open up to you to get friendly enough to tease relentlessly
so when he gets all warmed up say bye bye to your life 😈 /j
he teases you and is very playful but dw he respects you alot too and is very understanding and serious when needed to be &lt;3
lots of piggyback rides from him, he loves to cuddle you and play footsies lol.
he loves to lay on your lap cuz in that position he can admire your pretty face and relax too 😍
he'll call you in his late night solo practices to showoff but it'll turn into a goofy dance session and filled with laughs and affection he's so 😢
he'll take you out on arcade or bowling dates and would tease the he'll out of you if you suck :D
insists on playing video games with you but it ends up with him doing some stupid bets you always keep losing 🙄 but dw he'll let you win time to time intentionally ;)
he'll be such a sillygoofy fun boyfie plz I want him he's so cool and cute
he's love language will be a mix of quality time and physical affection !
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© aenfilmz /2023 !
taglist : @solarwoniii @shiningstar-byulxx @wtfhyuck
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nova2kss · 1 year
Laying back against ony’s chest as he stuffs his fingers deep into you’re cunt whispering the nastiest things into your ear, telling you how much of a slut you are for going behind your boyfriends back to fuck on one of his best friends.
His hands run up and down your bare chest and stomach squeezing the flesh occasionally, speeding up his finger strokes.
“Mhm hmm, you know he can’t even fuck you the way my fingers do huh baby?”
You couldn’t do anything but mumble incoherent words, the way his thumb was attacking your clit as he continued his thrust was to much for you.
The squelching of your wet pussy meeting his fingers was enough to make him cum right along with you.
He softly sucked on your neck making you moan even more than you already were, onyankapon knew all the right places to get you to your peak.
He knew places Not even Your man knew and that’s what made him so special to you, the way he could get you wet just by staring at you next to your man, knowing he’s dapping you’re boyfriend up with the same hand he was finger fucking you with was such an adrenaline rush, and it add you crave him more and more.
“S-ahh, I’m gonna cummm”
You were gonna gonna give him exactly what he wanted every time and that’s what made you so special to him.
Ony doesn’t even know how this started but he did know he had a thing for you since he laid eyes on you.
He wanted you to cum all over him, anywhere he offered to you.
And you were gonna do that no matter how wrong it felt, it still felt so right.
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cosmicstarlatte · 1 year
[Knocking on the castle door]
MC & The Demon Bros: Trick or treat!
Diavolo: Trick!
MC: (opening their bag) Well, usually it's a treat
Diavolo: But there's no fun in that!
Diavolo: (Pulls a lever & they all fall down into a soft pit)
MC & The Demon Bros: DIAAAAAAAAA-!!!
Diavolo: These human customs are so fun!!!
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⬦—OM Flufftober 2023
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concidineart · 1 year
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Count fWhip. The guy.
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miss-tc-nova · 11 months
Head Bonk Headcanons - TWST
More Nova weirdness. This is how Luxu wakes me up and it's just kind of been adopted as general affection around my house. And I think it'd be funny for some TWST boys to suffer the same affection.
Gif by Keithweikel here
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TWST Boys being subjected to affectionate head bonks
Riddle finds the head bonks annoying…at first
He’ll yell at you to stop and try to put space between you if he had the feeling you might bonk him
It’s a fruitless endeavor
Inevitably, he’s reduced to grumbling acceptance as he acknowledges he wastes more time avoiding them than just letting it happen
Besides, knowing what they mean to you does bring him secret smiles he’ll never willingly show
Very confused and very loud complaining
Dodges at first, quite smug about making it a challenge
Even now, he’ll turn it into a game, which has led to a few bumps and bruises
But when he’s chilling and not being a smart-ass, he’s fine with it all
Extra confused until it’s explained that it’s just an affectionate habit
Then he’s happy to accept and return the gesture
He may misjudge the force the first few times. Congrats on the bruises
Happy to be considered a friend
Finds it cute
Has definitely recorded the interaction for magicam
Tried to get #headbonk trending
May insist you do it again so he can record it but it’s funnier if you don’t
Beyond confused but there’s no harm in just letting it happen
Gives a nervous laugh at first each time
But eventually just accepts that this is a thing
No muss no fuss
Grumbles and growls the first few times
But actually really likes it due to the social behavior among lions
Especially since no one else would dare cowards
Will also tease you about it
Heck yeah! Enjoys the interaction
He was wary at first, wondering what it was you wanted to butter him up for
But began to really enjoy it when he realized there were no ulterior motives
May also use it as a tool when he wants something from you
Hates it. No, he doesn’t
Grumbles even as his tail wags
Also makes himself more accessible by sitting or leaning down when he expects it
Still denies he enjoys it saying it’s easier to get it over with than let you continue to pester him
Thoroughly baffled. Could not understand
Was worried that this was a crucial land dweller ritual he missed
Causing internal panic after realizing no one had graced him with a head bonk before
Until he realizes that it’s just a you thing
Tries to maintain composure as he graciously accepts each one
Also uses it when he wants something from Ramshackle
Pleasantly surprised
Also graciously accepts the gesture
Will also situate himself to accommodate the head bonk
Unless he’s been scorned, then good luck
No longer allowed to receive head bonks
Severely misunderstood the gesture and intent
Thought it was funny and went around giving people headaches
Can only get a head bonk when he’s not expecting it for fear of trying to return the gesture
Probably don’t need anymore concussions
He’s sad about it
Confused but happy
May adopt the behavior at least for a little while (annoying Jamil)
Always smiles when it happens
Learns faster than Riddle that it’s just easier to endure the bonk than waste time resisting
Sighs and rolls his eyes at first
But learns to enjoy the behavior
However, he WILL use it as a bargaining chip
Such as only letting you bonk him if you promise to settle down if you’ve been annoying
No. Not having it. It’s childish and silly
But Rook and Epel always seem happy about it
Oh very well. He gives
And is surprised at the pleasant friendliness. It helps that you’re not actually rough or malicious about it
Comes to genuinely enjoy the silliness
Could not be more indulgent
Thrilled to receive each one
Will also monologue about how beautiful and unique your demonstration of friendship is
May also kneel to accept his bonks
He’s on board
Gives a cute laugh every time it happens
Is much more casual about it than Rook
But still happy
WTF! What is happening?!
Is confused and tense and nervous every time it happens
Might even run away
Until Cater sends him a cat video—about cats headbutting for affection
He’s still very nervous, but actually begins to make himself available for head bonks
Fails miserably not to blush
Initially confused but comes around really quickly
Happy to consider it a gesture between friends, and have a friend, and for his brother to have a friend
Also likely to initiate and/or end most conversations with you with a head bonk
Baffled. Does not understand this Child of Man’s behavior
Goes searching through the library to try to understand but obviously finds nothing
Is very happy when it’s explained as a form of you-specific affection
Will also make himself available for bonks as if this is a common human ritual
BUT watch out for those horns. This makes bonks to the top of the head pretty much off limits
You made that mistake once
This also upsets Sebek, of course
Is not happy for you to bonk Malleus
Isn’t even happy for you to bonk him. At first
Refuses to let it happen even if he secretly likes it
Will scold you when you manage to sneak up on him for bonks
Despite the blush on his face
Huh, okay
Is not bothered at all
Finds it cute
Is very gentle when he bonks back. Especially when he’s sleepy
My, you are a silly human, aren’t you
Treats it as a game, teasing you about not being able to catch him
But always indulges you in the end
Best head bonk buddy
Doesn’t understand why it makes him happy, but it does
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mysterystarz · 4 months
nanami kento is standing at a wedding. he’s dressed in a dapper suit, fitted and tailored to the contours of his muscular frame — a product of constant dedication and jujitsu sorcery. he’s exchanged his usual glasses for a fresh set of sunglasses that you picked out for him.
he’s at a seat near the altar, watching his old workplace friend stifle tears while he waits for his bride to emerge on the other side. he recalls the way you messily tied his tie and swept his hair aside, swearing that it was just your attempt to get him ready to look stunning in pictures.
he can almost conjure the image of you in front of him, face scrunched up in the cute confused way he loved as you attempted to smooth him out.
“screw your stupid ties,” you huffed, pouting at him in the way that always melted his heart. “they’re too…twisty.”
he hears the bridal fanfare erupt into the venue as his friends bride walks down the aisle. he can smell the scent of the rose petals as they’re thrown about by the toddlers excitedly.
the bride herself seems radiant, and when he takes a glance at his friend, the tears have already started to run down his face.
he paused to picture it then — you walking down the aisle with flowers in your hands. you with that smile he treasured so much, making your way towards him. you and your infectious love that he’d receive at the edge of the altar and seal with a kiss.
the two of you forever, til death do you part.
looks like it was time to buy a ring.
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novasintheroom · 2 days
Ghost who, under “orders” from his army therapist (and with Price’s encouragement), starts looking around for hobbies when he’s on leave.
Not sure what to do at first. Tries gaming but gets bored of it and the PS4 stays gathering dust in his flat. Plants don’t appeal to him because he won’t be around enough to take care of them. Thinks about knitting, but is a bit too embarrassed to walk into the local craft shop to start making doilies.
Finally goes to the library after seeing a flyer advertising a painting class and thinks, “Hell, why not.”
Shows up in his hoodie, black face mask, and black baseball cap. Gives most of the old ladies attending the painting session a good scare
Until he rolls up his sleeves to avoid getting paint on his good hoodie. Then those old ladies are ogling his forearms and the tattoos painting his skin.
Is very attentive to the hired artist leading the session. Hasn’t got an artistic bone in his body, but dammit, he’s going to report back to his therapist that he tried if it’s the last thing he does.
Two little old ladies, Mrs. Levine and Ruby, pluck up the courage to sit beside him and start chatting him up. Compliments his painting, talk about their grandkids, how one of Ruby’s grandsons is into heavy metal (assuming Ghost is as well). Ghost listens half-heartedly, just trying to get the brown right for the deer he’s putting on paper. They manage to weasel out his name:
“Simon,” he announces gruffly.
“Oh, what a good name,” Mrs. Levine says.
He goes to the next activity as well: polymer clay creations. His hands are big and meaty and he has to take more clay than is probably reasonable to make the little pig he’s got going.
Mrs. Levine and Ruby are there too and sit right next to him to chat with him again. They love his idea of a pig and make a cow and sheep to go with it. When the hired artist comes around to see how everyone’s doing, Mrs. Levine announces that the three of them “have a little farm going” and that “Simon’s the farmhand.”
He's glad he's got his face mask on. He can feel his ears going red at the look the artist gives him.
Again, he’s very attentive to the hired artist, watching her hands carve into the soft clay with her nails to get texture on her dinosaur. He tries to do the same, giving whispy little hairs to his pig. It’s not pretty, but he feels a smidge better about going when it’s all done.
Mrs. Levine and Ruby get more information out of him as time goes on and he attends more activities. Soon their friends join in on the conversation, and Ghost – Simon – is well-known at the library for being the military guy who attends every Saturday when he’s not deployed. The little old ladies love him, even if he “doesn’t say much.” He’s helped them carry their bags of books and crafts to their cars, listens to them prattle on about activities and their aches and pains, and even scared off some hooligans who were trying to disrupt their library activity.
(They’ve all got little old lady crushes on this big man who takes time out of his day to better himself, and they love his dry/dad jokey humor)
(And he won't admit it, but these are his little old ladies now. Clarice brought him brownies that he absolutely devoured when he got back to his flat they were so good, and he can't help but laugh at how often they try to set him up with their granddaughters. And how they "trip" often just to hang on to his big arms. Birds are birds, no matter their age.)
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rachmob · 1 month
Si'ha Nova but younger
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It's canon that her and the Traveler meet before, therefore I say she also became friend of Leda before her corruption.
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madamofthestars · 6 months
Soft jing yuan plot idea :
Jing yuan with an lover who have some struggles with falling asleep as he tries to help them fall asleep either through some tea or even just talking telling you things from small parts of his day to even playing a video you watched before as he holds you gently until you feel ready to fall asleep.
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milkycarnations · 3 months
HC's for the creeps aftercare after a rough night with their SO?
A rough night or a rough night? ;) Let's do both. Please keep sending stuff to my inbox I'm obsessed. For context, the sfw ones still apply in the nsfw context lol. I wanted the sfw ones to apply even in the context of just going through some tough shit.
Makes you breakfast the next day - let's you pick. Or gets something for you if you prefer something from a cafe/restaurant/fast food chain.
You want a sausage egg McMuffin and breakfast ends in three minutes? He's gonna find a way to get you that sandwich.
He really believes in food as comfort and love, so whatever you prefer he wants to make happen.
Can't stop staring at you. Like, it's almost disturbing how his eyes are on you constantly.
Prefers if you don't get dressed, but if you must, would ask you to wear a long t-shirt or a slip.
In this moment, you could literally ask him to do anything for you - and he would. Use that information however you please. He just wants to pamper you.
Won't let you go until you ask him to, even if he's lying in bed all day.
When you're genuinely bothered or upset by something, he can soften up and be really good support for whatever it is.
If cuddling for very long isn't your thing, then he's content just being near you.
This man is so smug.
Of course, if you're in sub drop or anything, he's going to go easy on you, but the back and forth between you doesn't really stop. He will bring up whatever happened and kind of keep that going - even if you're a bit embarrassed now that you came.
Really - he just wants to work you up all over again and keep the game going for just a little bit longer. I really do believe he's a mean dom and really does get off on humiliating you. He will remind you of everything embarrassing you did for him.
Makes you drink a glass of water - even if you say you aren't thirsty. He knows you're dehydrated.
If you're hungry now, he'll make you a meal, but he's not opposed to waiting. He makes you what you like the most, whether that's from that restaurant you like or just Kraft mac n' cheese.
He knows what he's doing and he already has everything set up. He's cleaning you up with a warm towel before you can even catch your breath. He doesn't want you to get an infection, after all.
Usually spitting praises and compliments to you.
Often suggests a bath together - even though he can't fit in the tub at all.
Now is the perfect time for adventure. Wants to go on a night walk.
Just wants to go out and do things with you alone in nature - pretend to not exist to the rest of society with you.
You'll walk down the empty 2 am street and just talk about whatever's on your mind. Sit on the swings at the park and kick rocks enjoying each other's company.
His aftercare is horny.
He'll still be touching you in ways, or still be inside of you.
He's a biter and finds himself still giving little nibbles to your neck, but when he finally stops, he catches himself running his fingers over the love bites.
It's all fervent and reckless, but not neglectful. I don't really know how else to describe it like that. Toby loves like a teenage boy loves his first girl friend - unabashed and adventurous - even though he's an adult now.
He's a rock. Your rock, but still a rock. I don't imagine it's easy to get him all empathetic, but he's still there for your struggles.
Encourages more of an activity - cooking a meal together, smoking, whatever it may be.
I'll be honest, I think sex with him is very primal and animalistic. He's not too keen on you cleaning yourself up immediately after, so if you're cuddling he'll try to convince you to sit in it.
Obviously he won't force you, he just thinks it's hot when you get physically exerted over something. It plays into this dynamic of sneaky, taboo sex where you get off and then go along with your day pretending nothing happened. Might not be there emotionally, but again - he'll ask if you want to go out and do something.
He definitely feels with you the most. Whatever emotions you're going through, he parrots them very easily.
A back rubber. Just constantly running his fingers over your back in gentle caresses. Wipes your tears gently, if you have any. Pokes your cheeks when you smile.
In regards to sex, Liu always makes you a cup of tea after. He's narrowed down your preferences (but I always like to think he'd give you unsweetened peppermint tea - unless you don't like it).
Prefers silent cuddles after sex. Usually this lasts for about half an hour (unless it's right before bed.)
You probably fell asleep while watching movies or something. The movie is still playing when you wake up.
A moment for self-care and pampering. Pedicures, facials, and backrubs. Real stereotypical "girl" stuff - even if you aren't a girl. She wants the sleepover experience with you.
I imagine her aftercare for sex is very similar.
She doesn't want you to dress, but if you do, she insists you wear a cute matching robe with her and fuzzy slippers.
Lots of pillow talk - she really isn't content with just being quiet and cuddling.
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