#now i dont have to hide them away and can just swap between the type of music i wanna listen too
ghostighostly · 6 months
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0 notes
redactedwriting · 14 days
cant decide if i want to put this in maryland or cabin era so lets consider both
both feel like Big Pivotal Times and everyones kinda getting on each others last nerve when theyre not staying up late having deep talks and giggling like middle schoolers. ryan and brendon are the only two awake once in maryland, sitting on the floor of the main room while spencer and brent are asleep in the bedrooms. ryans prying about his dating history and sex life and even though hes only a year younger than him, at their age, brendon feels so young and inexperienced talking about this with ryan. like yeah hes had dates and done some stuff with girls, but hes never, like, gone all the way, let alone had a serious relationship, whereas ryans had a couple, and hes definitely had sex. then theres also the fact hes maybe sorta gay and trying to handle(push down) the crush he kinda has on ryan while ryans asking about his ideal type or whatever and suddenly ryans asking, "have you ever kissed a guy?" all low and conspiratorial. brendon blushes and says, "what? no, why would i??" ryan smiles and shrugs, "i dont know, at a party, on a dare... or just because..." n then he trails off, picking at the carpet, suddenly seeming a little nervous. brendon answers as steadily as he can, "no, ive never kissed a guy. but i... im not. im not opposed to it." ryan hums and looks up at him, scooches a little closer until their knees are pressed together. "then maybe we should fix that."
"yeah. maybe"
and ryan kisses him. it starts off close-mouthed, gentle and unsure, and he pulls back the same time he brings his hands up to brendons neck. "b. you wanna kiss me?"
"then cmon." and he surges forward, more sure, so fast and hard that brendon nearly topples over. then he goes with that, kissing ryan back at the same time he gets his hands on him and drags him down to the floor. ryan catches on and climbs into his lap, kisses him harder and pants into his mouth and his hair is falling around his face and he maybe grinds a little and they maybe both make embarrassing little sounds.
okay that got longer than i expected but we're still gonna do cabin era too. similar-ish: its just the two of them, maybe this time locked up in one of their bedrooms. theyre both high and giggling and theyre a little older now so they have a little more dirty details of their sex lives to swap with each other, but when ryan asks "waitwaitwait, have you ever kissed a guy?" and hes already holding brendons face in his hands so theres no hope of subtly looking away, his answer is still an embarassed, "uh, yeah, somehow, no." and ryans like "WHAT!! youve.....never..... you want to though?" brendon shrugs and ryan says "okay. okay. im gonna kiss you now." and he doesnt hold back from the start, kissing brendon hard until he relents and kisses back and they topple over onto the bed.
in both instances IDK how far they'd go or what the aftermath would be but. yeah
OUGH FUCK.......FUCK!!! also. calling him b. im gonna die bad
i think in maryland they'd probably cut it at grinding, either stopping before anything else happened or actually making each other come, im not totally sure. they don't touch each other beyond normal making out touches, hands in hair and on bodies but not touching between thighs or even under clothes beyond like, hands under the hems of shirts.
in the cabin ough theyre so stupid i love my boys sm. they'd totally make out for hoursssss and not realize how long its been. they're older and more experienced, so they're a bit more handsy than they are in maryland, hands going under shirts and maybe even taking off shirts, maybe undoing belts but not much more than that. um. or maybe they jerk each other off, brendon ending up in ryans lap, their cocks pressed together as they both jerk each other at the same time. maybe brendon calls ryan a good boy under his breath and ryan gasps and hides his smiling blush against brendon's chest. maybe ryan tells brendon he's a good boy too and brendon giggles and flushes pretty pink, murmurs "shut up," breathlessly...
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maddiewritesstucky · 3 years
Snare Me His Shadow
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Pairing: Steve/Bucky
Rating: Explicit 18+
Words: 4.5k
Tags: Primal Play, Prey/Predator Kink, Fighting As Foreplay, Rough Sex, Biting, Choking, Dom/Sub Undertones, Come Swapping, Anal Sex, Overstimulation, Fucking Outdoors, Storm Sex, Poetry As An Aphrodisiac, R18 Hide And Seek
So a million years ago, @howdoyousleep3 passed on an ask from her inbox that read:
[I dont know if you’re familiar with primal play, but it’s so fucking hot. Yeah, I know, Steve is all muscle and ability, he’s strong he’s fast, he’s smart, he is not prey. Usually. But Bucky - the winter soldier - is a hunter. The best, in fact. He loves a good hunt]
...This one possessed me. Please heed the tags, this is an entirely consensual and agreed-upon game between Steve and Bucky, but it is very much a hunter/prey type situation 😈
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It’s electric, like this.
Barefoot on the damp earth, navigating by muscle memory more than sight, because darkness settles that much denser beneath the tree canopy.
Steve could move faster, could take this barely-worn path through the woods behind the compound at a sprint. But fast is loud. 
Fast is leaves cracking and branches splintering, and the muted thud of footfalls on the forest floor. It’s eyes fixed only ahead so you don’t stumble, and nothing but the sound of your own exhales in your ears.
‘Fast’ gets you caught. 
The in-rolling storm crackles humid in the air, sparking against Steve’s skin as he weaves through the underbrush. He throws his every sense outwards, searching and sifting through those faint currents of movement around him, those quiet signs of life. But it’s all life out here; birds and insects and creatures who can’t bear the light, all just playing the same game he is, and every last one of them pricks at his awareness. 
Every last one of them kicks at his pulse and drip-feeds new adrenaline into his bloodstream, because experience echoes a warning way down in his cells - the apex predator comes silent as a spider. 
There’s so many eyes on him, the weight of being watched pressing down on him from all sides. He digs the heel of his hand into his arousal and pulls in a lungful of air on the cusp of rain; feels himself splintering between his warring desires to put up a worthy chase, and to drop down belly-up in the dirt.
It’s a choice that will be made for him, eventually. 
He might be strength, and speed, and strategy. But out here, he is prey. 
Out here, in these weeping woods that stretch endless into the night, Steve is achingly, exquisitely outmatched by the hunter who lies in wait; biding his time, unseen, and slipping ever closer. 
Dressed in black from head to toe, or skin bared to the shivering pulses of the forest; empty handed, or palms laden with the urge to grab and pin and possess…
The Winter Soldier is out there, and Steve’s blood runs so much hotter for the knowledge that he won’t see or hear or feel him coming until it’s too late. 
He winds his way amongst the weathered trunks, hugging the shadows and pawing at the lines of his own body; stroking his thighs and pulling at his nipples, raking fingernails over the bare skin of his stomach. It’s rough and absent and frantic all at once, a weak precursor to what he’s evading.
The dissonance of it is dizzying, hiding from the thing he wants most. He wants to cry out, to make for the clearing in the middle of the woods and sprawl shameless in the open until he’s found, but he knows the rules - run, hide, don’t make it easy.
Pursuit is the purpose, and capture is a pleasure that must be earned, no matter how raw his skin is screaming for touch. And it is screaming - he’s a copper wire stripped bare, and he shivers for every stinging snap of branch and damp drag of leaf against his body as he picks his way through the darkness. 
Hard limits apply, he’d told Bucky, the rest is up to you. 
He shudders for it now, those words and the way Bucky’s eyes had darkened for them; the way he’d leaned in to kiss his sugar-laced threat right onto Steve’s waiting lips - I will find you.
It’s only a matter of time. The forest is vast, and countless months have passed since they last played this game, but Bucky is a blade that never dulls. 
Bucky is razor-sharp, in wit, beauty, and battle; made up of midnight and silent strides when he so chooses, and he will find Steve. 
He might have had eyes on Steve this entire time; ten soundless steps behind, watching Steve’s slow descent into desperation with a smile on his face, and the mere possibility has Steve’s cock weeping through the thin fabric of his shorts. 
His fingertips dip beneath his waistband and sweep through the wetness beading at his tip; stroke that sensitive spot just beneath the head. His palm slips to press at the heavy throb in his balls and it makes his breath catch too loud in the confines of his chest, has a moan slipping out past his gritted teeth. 
He knows it’s foolish, knows he’s only making himself easier to track. But every step he takes is winding the hunt toward its inevitable climax, and intellect is giving way to instinct. 
His consciousness is beginning that steady downward drip, sinking from logic and reason to settle and swim with the dense heat pooling at the base of his spine. Soon, he’ll be nothing more than the urge rippling under his skin, the tight-squeezed air in his lungs and the thrum of blood between his thighs, and every brush of his own hands is permission to slip a little further to it. 
So he doesn’t stop. 
His feet and his fingers keep moving; his body acting now on his mind’s behalf to draw towards the river's edge, where his desperate sounds will be swept away by the unending rush of water over rock, because this is about preservation now.
It’s about surviving the voracity of his own need until he is found, until Bucky catches him, and then…god, then...
The rest is up to you.
The beginning of rainfall winds its way down through the tree canopy, and it does nothing to quell the heat radiating off Steve. He’s burning so hot for this, so hungry for it; his need only growing sharper as the atmosphere curls in thick and charged with the promise of thunder. 
It’s rumbling in the distance already, too faint for non-enhanced ears but creeping closer; a rolling bass beneath the surge of the fast flowing river up ahead. He can see the diluted black of open space through the trees now, can hear the clack of wet-tumbling stones, and it’s nothing short of delusion, the way it feels like he’s headed for sanctuary. 
Logic knows it’s a weak veil of auditory cover at best, and an outright plea for ambush at worst.
Steve knows, down in his gut, exactly which one he’s hoping for, and he sprints for it with the last of his tactical thought seeping out through the soles of his feet. 
He breaks through the tree line, hitching a gasp as he stumbles out into the full force of the downpour. It’s coming down heavy, sluicing at the fever-sweat clinging to his skin, and he tilts his face up towards it; lets his eyes drift shut and his shoulders drop as he bares his throat to the purple-black sky. 
His pulse riots for the sheer abandon of the gesture, of shifting his posture to one of invitation in the midst of evasion. It only spurs him on, makes him want to find out just how shrill that siren in his cells will wail when he refuses to curl in on himself. 
He forces his hands open at his sides, turns his palms outwards and walks further out onto the exposed riverbank. He stands ankle deep in the river with his heart in his throat, soaked to the bone and all but shaking with the desire to drop to his knees in submission.
And that’s when he hears it. 
The slow-whistled high note, followed by a low; the signal that shivers from the top of Steve’s spine to the cradle of his hips.
Found you. 
It’s a question as much as a warning, that signal; a chance for Steve to respond in their shared language of gesture whether he wants the chase, or the fight. 
As if he hadn’t made up his mind the moment they agreed to play tonight.
As if he’s not done for either way. 
He pulls in a shuddering breath, his skin prickling with the presence he can sense now off to his left. Survival instinct begs him to open his eyes, to scour his surroundings and prepare for what’s coming, but he only shuts them tighter. 
He grins up at the pelting rain, curls his quivering right hand into a fist, and beats it against his drenched, heaving chest.
Take me down where I stand. 
Thunder rumbles overhead and shakes the stones underfoot. Steve’s blood beats frantic in his ears, one heartbeat stumbling over the next, and he waits, waits for the blow he doesn’t want to see coming.
A foot to the back of his knees, an arm wrapped around his throat, a strike of unyielding metal between his shoulder blades...it’s never the same twice, and it’s always better than the time before, and he can’t stop the desperate whimper that falls from his parted, rain-slick lips.
“Bucky!” he pleads, hurling it into the current of the storm raging around him.
“Steve,” comes the answer from directly behind him; the word falling across his skin in the split second before teeth sink deep into the meat of his shoulder.
It’s nothing short of wanton, the way Steve cries out with it. 
Five fingers curl a punishing grip around the column of his throat and a soaking wet body plasters against his back, and Steve doesn’t even try to hold his centre of gravity as he’s wrestled down to the riverbank.
It’s a messy takedown, raw force over skill; dripping all the same desperation that’s been twisting hot in Steve’s gut all night. Bucky pins him belly-down against the stones at the river’s edge, the full weight of his body draped over him, and Steve knows the tremor he can feel humming through Bucky’s muscles has nothing to do with the cold.
“The river,” Bucky growls; metal forearm jammed against the back of Steve's neck, “of course you came to the river.”
Steve squirms giddy beneath Bucky’s mass, beneath that deep-thrumming power crushing down on him. 
The storm-swollen current reaches up the bank to wash shallow and frigid beneath Steve’s cheek, his chest; against his nipples and his thighs and his cock inside his drenched shorts. It’s cold enough to draw gooseflesh across the bared expanse of his skin, but fuck if that persistent rush doesn’t feel like getting tongued; like every single time Bucky’s ever slipped an ice cube in his mouth and sucked him off just to see him hit the ceiling. 
It’s the only word that makes sense anymore. Steve gets his elbows under himself and pushes his body up, but only so much as to feel the stifling weight of Bucky on top of him. 
Bucky’s hand slips to the front of his throat and grips him tight up under the line of his jaw; tips his head back to get his lips and teeth pressed hard against Steve’s ear.
“Steven...did you even try?” 
The rain and the river aren’t enough to sweep away the mockery in his tone. He’s shifting himself on top of Steve, putting scant inches of space between their bodies, and Steve knows this cue; grins bright and breathless for it.
He digs his hands in against the riverbed, plants his knees and shoves upwards. He heaves his weight forward and Bucky’s grip loosens just enough to let it happen, to let Steve crawl and clamber a few meager feet forwards.
Steve knows it’s a false freedom but he laughs half-hysterical for it anyway, and even more so when Bucky’s hands are catching him again, clamping bruising tight at his hips and grappling him onto the flat of his back. 
He winces at the battering strike of rain against his face, but it’s just as soon blocked by the cover of Bucky caging him in; replaced by the tepid drips rolling off Bucky’s perpetually warm skin. 
Steve’s body reacts the way it thinks it’s supposed to, going through the motions of trying to throw Bucky off - strength funneled into a forearm arm pressing here, a knee striking there. But it’s pointless; sabotaged by the underlying truth that the only place Steve really wants to be is stuck exactly where he finds himself - pinned pliant beneath his predator.
He lets himself look, then; lets his gaze slip down between them to drag over the length of Bucky’s body. He’s bared to the elements just the same as Steve - not a stitch on him save for running shorts that barely hit at mid-thigh. His hair is pulled back, and he’s soaked to the bone, and when lightning splits the darkness in two and catches on the angles of his face, that raw perilous beauty strikes a blow all of its own to the center of Steve’s chest.
“You win,” Steve rasps, dragging his voice up from the pit of his billowing lungs.
Bucky’s answering laugh is darker than the wet-ink midnight pressing in on them, and it shudders all the way to Steve’s bones when Bucky sinks down to purr ominous against the vulnerable stretch of his neck.
“Not yet, I haven’t.”
The ravenous clamp of teeth on his throat sends Steve’s body bowing, writhing for that merciless bite that doesn’t break the skin, but makes purpled ruin of what lies beneath. Fascia and blood vessels and Steve’s sanity, all broken down in the transcendent grind of Bucky’s jaw, the heat of his mouth; all over Steve’s neck and his chest and his belly, and it’s so feral, the way Steve wants it. 
He wants the shred of busted stitching and the shock of rain against newly bared skin as his shorts are torn from his body.
He wants the red welts raked down his rib cage, the kiss-split lip and the deep set imprints of Bucky’s teeth all up the insides of his thighs. 
Bucky’s touch is heavy and he means it to be; his shifting, squeezing grip claiming handfuls of Steve’s willing flesh wherever he can get it. And he can get it everywhere - every last inch of Steve’s body splayed out for him in tribute to his prowess, and Steve wants him to take it. 
He wants Bucky to make sacrilege of it out here under the split-open skies, until it feels like heaven itself is sobbing for it. 
“Fuck me,” ruin me, desecrate me, arch-backed and bleeding-lipped in the dirt, “Bucky, fuck me…” 
Steve begs with all of himself, legs split and arms thrown above his head; dripping sweat and storm and half-crazed surrender. Like he actually has to plead for this, like Bucky’s not already stuffing searching fingers up between his cheeks to grope for the base-end of silicone that says Steve’s body is primed for the taking.
Bucky bites taunting denial into his skin, over and over. ‘No,’ even as he pulls the plug from Steve’s body and replaces it with his fingers. ‘No’ growled against Steve’s body every time he begs now, and please, and I’m ready, just to fray that tenuous thread of Steve’s resolve. 
Steve’s delirious with it, crying out high and sharp for the stretch of cold metal inside him and the drip of remnant lube. He chants Bucky’s name and reaches out with clinging, clawing hands that only get batted away; that get caught at the wrists and pinned down, and Bucky’s laughing at him. 
Bucky is toying with him, leaving him empty and climbing back up over his body to graze teeth over Steve’s cheekbones, to whisper sweet mockery against Steve’s lips before he kisses them bruising-hard.
“Tell me you want it,” Bucky coos, clamping his hand over Steve’s mouth and pushing the clothed head of his cock up against Steve’s hole. 
Steve sobs against his palm. He forces the words out wet and incomprehensible onto Bucky’s skin; again and again as Bucky tuts and tells him to speak the fuck up. 
Tears are streaming free from the corners of his eyes and his legs are hooking desperately around Bucky’s waist, and he knows that Bucky wants this just as bad. He can feel Bucky shaking and shuddering under the strain of holding back and holding out, trying to push Steve closer to his breaking point just because that’s what Steve wants; devotion at its most deranged.
“Don’t cry, baby,” Bucky laps at the tears tracking down Steve’s face, letting up his hand from Steve’s mouth only to settle it heavy on his throat. 
He slips his other hand down between them to shove at his shorts, fighting the clinging fabric down far enough to get his cock free, and then they’re both groaning for the rub of naked skin on skin. 
“Buck,” Steve chokes out a half-strangled cry as Bucky sinks his whole weight onto him, dragging his stomach over Steve’s weeping cock and rocking his own into the crease of Steve’s hip. 
“Tell me you want it?” Bucky says again, a question this time instead of a taunt. 
Steve’s rasp of yes, fuck, do it barely makes it past his lips before Bucky’s cock is pushing into him.
There’s no hesitance, no pretense of patience to it. Bucky doesn’t finesse it and Steve doesn’t want him to - he didn’t spend half the night skulking through the woods in the middle of a fucking thunderstorm just to get taken the way he would be in the sanctity of their bed.
Steve came out here to get fucked vicious, and Bucky knows better than to pull his punches.
He shoves brutal and punishing into the tight heat of Steve’s body, knocking the air from Steve’s lungs and the sense from his psyche. 
He’s tucking words up against Steve’s ear, something lilting and familiar, and the roar of Steve’s own blood and the groaning sky above don’t drown out Bucky’s voice so much as darken it’s edges; slip a rumbling bass beneath it’s baritone. Steve loses himself in the well-worn rhythm long before the words catch up to sink hooks into his ribcage.
“O Hunter, snare me his shadow,” Bucky hums, “O Nightingale, catch me his strain…else moonstruck with music and madness...I track him in vain.”
Steve would weep, if he had it in him to do anything other than lay there flat on his back and take it. 
Bucky grinds in blinding-deep and stays there, rocks there; drips poetry all over the side of Steve’s neck like he’s not fucking him fit to kill.
He squeezes Steve’s throat until his eyes roll back, swats at Steve’s cheek and pulls merciless on his hair. He stuffs fingers into Steve’s gaping mouth deep enough to gag on, and hinges Steve’s jaw open so he has no choice but to set loose every raw, wrecked sound Bucky knocks out of him. 
It’s fucking flawless.
“Give me one,” Bucky growls. 
Steve needs no clarification beyond the spearing of Bucky’s cock into his prostate, and he reaches down between their bodies to jerk himself frantic and heavy-handed. 
It should be pitiful, how little it takes. But it’s been mounting for what feels like hours, and when Bucky wrenches himself abruptly from Steve’s body to slap a hand down square over Steve’s balls and his slick, aching asshole, that orgasm crests with near-painful force.
“Fuck!” Steve’s wracked with it, shuddering and flinching from it like it’s not the makings of his very own flesh and blood. 
Bucky doesn’t even wait for it to be over before he’s dipping down to lap at it; rubbing his cheek and his chest and his belly through Steve’s release on his slow crawl back up to spit it into Steve’s mouth.
“Don’t you fuckin’ swallow it,” he warns, pressing his thumb to the seam of Steve’s lips, “I want it back.” 
Steve’s body is sparking chaotic, crying too soon and too much just as loud as it’s screaming too good as Bucky grips him by his sodden hair and buries his cock back inside him; falling into rhythm like he never stopped thrusting in the first place.
He wants to moan, wants to cry out for that welcome knifepoint of forced pleasure building within him, but the desperate sounds creeping onto his tongue are every bit as caged as the come he can’t swallow. 
Which is the whole point, Steve flushes submissive to realize - Bucky’s got him gagged without even touching him. 
He twines his limbs up around Bucky’s body, groping and pulling at him like there’s still an insufferable distance left to close. The guttural moans Bucky’s spilling into the crook of his neck only render Steve’s own noises even more pathetic; huffing high and reedy the longer they remain trapped in his throat. 
“Christ, listen to you...”
Bucky pushes up onto his elbows to stare down at Steve, to watch the play of desperation on his face. 
He’s no less transparent himself in how affected he is, a lifetime of ceaseless want spelled out in his gaze; hunger and rapture and the kind of adoration Steve doesn’t think he’ll ever fully earn, not really.
But it’s all right there, in the way Bucky’s looking at him; the way he’s bearing the howling force of the storm against his back just to give Steve this, and Steve is sunk.
Steve is nothing more than the sweet ruin of his body and the near painful swell of his heart for the multitudes that Bucky contains. A death sentence if you ask the history books and still the better half of Steve’s soul, Bucky is the boundless shadow and blinding light of Steve’s entire existence; his every reason for being and doing and fucking trying, after all these years. 
It would be terrifying, if Steve weren’t bone-deep certain that he’s the axis Bucky’s world spins on, too.
“You found me...” 
The words are almost a sob hitching off Steve’s tongue, pitched fuck-drunk and slurred around his mouthful of himself. 
He’s breaking the rules and he knows it; half hopes for the crack of an open palm against his cheek for it. But the look Bucky hits him with lands harder than any physical strike could hope to; taking Steve’s face firm between his hands and staring down at him like there’s never been a truth so vital, so dire.
“I will always find you, Steve.” 
And that’s just it, isn’t it? The one thing their shared existence will always narrow down to. There’s nowhere either of them could go that the other wouldn’t tear the world apart to get to, and the scant inches of distance between them right now might as well be oceans for all Steve’s burning inside to cross them. 
He cups his hands around Bucky’s neck and arches up, pulls him down; pleading with everything but words for Bucky’s mouth on his, and Bucky doesn’t make him wait. He meets Steve right there in the delirium with lips and tongue and moans that rival the swelling thunder; sucking the taste of Steve off his tongue and dripping a starved groan into his mouth in its place.
“I wanna make you come,” he says, like he hasn’t already dragged one out of him, “tell me you’re gonna come.” 
“Fuck, I am, I’m gonna come...” 
“Say it’s for me, Steve, tell me it’s mine.” 
Steve nods so hard, he can feel a bruise bloom at the base of his skull where it grates against the riverstone. Of course it’s for Bucky, everything’s for Bucky; every breath in his lungs and every beat of his stricken, obsessed heart. The sensations within him are mounting too immense, too desperate to be named pleasure, but they’re careening all the same towards the one thing Bucky wants from him, and it will only ever be Bucky’s, this perfect agony of coming undone.
“It’s yours,” he sobs, voice weak and body shaking. "Just—fuckin’ take it from me, Buck.”
He gives up all conscious hold on himself; submits entirely to the relentless drag of Bucky’s dick against his insides and the wet rasp of rock against his back as Bucky drives deep into his surrendered body, chasing that climax for the both of them.
It burns so bright, when it hits Steve; wrenched from his core and rolling sharp through the splay of his trembling frame. He cries out with it, but the storm cries louder, Bucky cries louder; moving ceaselessly through the spasms of Steve’s orgasm and drowning in the give of Steve’s body beneath him. 
“Fuck, Steve, I—” 
“Do it,” Steve slurs, needing nothing more than the tell-tale shudder of Bucky’s body and the way he gasps Steve’s name like a warning. “In me, Buck. Do it.” 
Bucky cusses sharp, pulsing his hips as he lets go inside Steve like he can bury that seed deep enough to stick. And fuck, Steve wants it to. It’s all raw nerve on the inside but Steve never wants this to end; possessed by the slick grind of Bucky’s twitching cock and the heaving half-moans of Bucky’s breath. 
“Don’t stop,” he pleads, reaching fingertips down to where their bodies are joined, where Bucky’s stuffed into him and leaking out of him. “Keep fucking me, just—just keep—” 
Keep coming. 
Be that monstrous entity in the woods who fucks me like it’s a haunting, ’til not even an exorcism would rid me of you. 
He prods at the stretch of his swollen rim, drags his fingers through the warmth seeping out around Bucky’s cock. He wants it everywhere; brings those slick fingers up to smear over the pulse point on his neck, down the line of his throat, and Bucky heaves a moan dragged right from the marrow of his bones. 
“I won’t stop,” he grits out through clattering teeth, rocking into Steve graceless and starving. “Not gonna stop, Steve.”
It sounds as much like threat as it does promise. 
They’re both quaking with it, overstimulated and frigid cold and too achingly, crushingly lost in each other. For all the serum may have made them both to defy science and probability, to withstand war and stall the ravages of aging, it still couldn’t create a vessel vast enough to contain this - this raw, insatiable need for one another. 
Steve looks up from the flat of his back; tips his head to offer up the stretch of his throat as he offers up a tremulous verse — a challenge — into the space between them. 
“The woods are lovely, dark and deep...” 
Recognition sparks dark and joyous in Bucky’s gaze. He catches Steve’s hands in his and threads their fingers together, palm against palm in a too-tight grip.
“But I have promises to keep,” he grins, “and miles to go before I sleep…” 
His lips are turning up wolfish; the roll of his hips turning to something liquid and long-haul, and the rain beats down just as violent as it ever did. 
Steve lets his eyes slip closed, lets the final refrain slip from his tongue before he surrenders, smiling, to the slow closing of Bucky’s teeth around his windpipe.
“...And miles to go before I sleep.” 
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If you’re at all curious, the poems they quote are ‘In The Forest’ by Oscar Wilde, and ‘Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening’ by Robert Frost 😘
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sleepy-exe · 3 years
Shapeshifter AU - 9
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Iwaizumi x f!reader
<< Part 8 | Part 10 >>
Summary: The morning after Iwaizumi found out about shapeshifters. Y/n tries to play it cool. Iwaizumi gets to see into part of her world.
Word count: 3k
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Warnings: none, fluff
Genre: sfw (18+ regardless), shapeshifter au, strangers to lovers
a/n: Ahhhh this is so late. The next two parts are almost ready at least. Haha..
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Part 9: Walls Will Fall 
Y/n woke up in her bed at home, alone as usual. Not long after her and Iwaizumi’s shapeshifter discussion, she had to head home to get ready for work later that morning. She had today off though, so she could clear her head from yesterday’s events, and she hoped to hear from Iwaizumi. He had texted her once that evening after he got home from his own job, not that he’d planned to come over. He still didn’t know exactly where she lived anyway. Regardless, he normally says more even if he doesn’t seem to text much. She hoped he wasn’t scared off.
>> To ‘zumi’: “good morning~”
She immediately cursed herself realizing she majorly slept in. It’s far from morning now. She stretched while sitting in bed for a moment before heading to her master bathroom. Her phone chimed as she stepped foot on the tiled floor, so she ran back to grab the phone she had left behind before heading to do her morning routine. She checked her notifications while grabbing an elastic to push any baby hairs out of her face. He texted back already. She sighed in relief; having wondered if he’d answer at all.
>> From ‘zumi’: “morning? Dont tell me you just woke up”
>> From ‘zumi’: “y/n it’s 1pm”
She smiled to herself. At least she didn’t get a one word reply. He can’t be completely avoiding her then, right?
>> To ‘zumi’: “course not i meant afternoon lol”
>> From ‘zumi’: “you totally just woke up”
She admitted defeat in silence and headed for the shower. During her shower and the rest of her morning ritual, she heard several dings from her phone but ignored them.
Exiting the en suite, she tossed her phone onto the bed before walking to the kitchen completely naked. The joys of living alone. She grabbed a water bottle from her fridge and checked the cat’s bowls before returning to her bed, water in hand.
She swapped the bottle for her phone, plopping down on the foot of the bed with a light bounce. There were various app notifications that she ignored and texts from a few friends, which she also ignored. For now. She’s not a bad friend for that, right?
But below her friends’ texts was another text from Iwaizumi, and she clicked it. She’s definitely going to reply to her other two friends very soon.
>> From ‘zumi’: “no reply makes it sound like I was right”
>> To ‘zumi’: “maybe I was busy all morning”
>> From ‘zumi’: “I thought you had the day off”
>> To ‘zumi’: “Nope was definitely busy and I’m definitely being productive”
>> From ‘zumi’: “prove it”
She paused. She’s pretty sure he’s expecting a pic. At least if she was texting Mizuki or another friend that would be more or less a demand for a selfie to prove what she’s actually doing. But not only would that prove she lied, she still hadn’t picked out clothes to wear.
Her cat suddenly jumped onto her bed and started head butting her. “Yeah yeah, breakfast. I saw you had some left in your bowl, kitty cat.”
>> To ‘zumi’: “well i can’t send a pic not dressed”
After several minutes of giving the cat much needed attention, she moved her to the side so she could get to her wardrobe. While she decided on an outfit, she heard her phone chime again, but decided maybe she should go ahead and get dressed.
Now fully clothed she grabbed her phone and headed over to do some minimal makeup. Fill in her brows, cover her dark circles, the usual.
>> From ‘zumi’: “Not dressed this late in the afternoon? At work?”
>> From ‘zumi’: “I dont believe that’s normally acceptable in an office setting”
>> From ‘zumi’: “I’m guessing that means one of those things was a lie. you’re not supposed to lie to your friends”
She clicked her tongue. “Okay.. Oh wait!”
She quickly checked her other messages. Sakusa and another friend had texted her earlier. Sakusa just sent a reminder about plans they had made for later in the week, so she confirmed the plans were still on. Her best friend surprisingly didn’t blow up her phone for ignoring him; not that he had anything important to say. She typed out a quick message to him, then got back to Iwaizumi.
>> To ‘zumi’: “fine I did sleep in”
>> To ‘zumi’: “sorry for lying how can I ever make it up to you”
Mochi was on her heels as she left the bedroom. “Okay! Okay!”
>> From ‘zumi’: “depends”
>> From ‘zumi’: “are you planning on getting dressed today”
She chuckled, and quickly gave Mochi food and fresh water.
>> To ‘zumi’: “yeah. Done. Mochi got her breakfast and now I’m getting mine”
As she stepped into her kitchen, Iwa was already calling her. What did she expect? She sighed and answered the call.
“You haven’t eaten yet?!” Did she expect him to say anything else? No.
“Hello to you, too.”
“Don’t dad me.”
“Don’t ya have work today?”
“No, I have today off.”
“Oh. Fun fun.” She sent a request to switch to video chat before working on her brunch.
“..You’re dressed, right?”
She snorted. “I generally don’t cook naked.”
“Generally?” He accepted the switch to video call and she propped her phone up on the countertop. She could see he was indoors, but did not recognize where.
“I’m making something to eat now, but we can talk. Don’t worry, I’m fully clothed.” She snickered.
“Oh, so you do live somewhere,” he said with a coy smile. She winced at the nod to her secrecy. “What are you making?”
She paused staring down at her phone, then looked around and left the phone’s frame.
“You haven’t even figured out that much? I can’t believe you haven’t had anything to eat yet! It’s after 3pm!”
“It’s not-“ She caught sight of the time on the microwave and winced again. Whoops. She popped her head back in the camera frame long enough for a, “Nah.. Totally know what I’m cooking, yup!”
But she still caught his less than pleased expression before she turned away. She heard a sigh then, “Why don’t we just have lunch together?”
“Oh? You wanna have lunch with me, Iwaizumi?” She said, digging through the refrigerator for something she could make a meal out of.
“Do you want to cook or do you want to join me?” He cocked an eyebrow.
“Boo.” She picked the phone up and held it in front of her as she abandoned what food and cookware she already laid out. “Yeah, I’d love to go get somethin’. Anything.” She glanced around the room. “I apparently need to grocery shop.”
He shook his head. “Any preference?”
“Nah. I’m literally wilting away. I’ll eat anything.” She threw an arm over her face dramatically as she walked from the kitchen.
He laughed. “Okay. I’m already out. Want to meet me somewhere?“
“Well, if yer out already,” she smirked and fell back onto the loveseat, “Why don’t you get whatever and come to my place. We can eat here.”
“Uh huh. I don’t know where you live, you little shit,” he grumbled.
“Ah, well, I could text you my address.. Are you anywhere near Kita ward?” His eyes were fixed on her through the screen, but he gave no response, verbally or otherwise. Her cheerful expression dropped and she spoke with an apologetic tone, “Look, I’m sorry about not sharing this stuff. I only didn’t want you to know where I live to be careful. Because the whole.. y’know..”
“Because you were afraid that I knew. And now you know that I do. How is that better?” The screen adjusted as he stepped outdoors from wherever he was.
She flicked stray hair out of her face. “Well.. because of your reaction. That’s what I was afraid of. But it was fi-“
“I’m still mad about it,” he commented without looking at the screen as he walked. Wherever he is isn’t too busy.
“Yeah, well.. ya have the right to be.”
“Please, just.. don’t lie to me anymore.” He stared at her through the screen with furrowed brows.
She nodded. “I won’t. I promise.” Mochi jumped over her face and onto the arm of the loveseat behind her head. “Also, sorry for lying this morning too.”
“What- Was that a cat?”
“Huh? Yeah.”
He just stared for a second before shaking his head. “And I don’t care about the thing earlier. Playing around and teasing is different than hiding a part of yourself and your life.”
“Yeah..” Mochi flipped her tail in Y/n’s face and she quickly slid it away. She then tilted her phone up so the cat was now in front of the phone and the shifter’s head was peeking from the bottom of the screen. “This is Mochi by the way. Umm, are ya allergic to cats?”
“So that’s who that is, huh. And no, I was just surprised you had a cat. You never talk about it.”
Around you, comment best left to herself.
“Good ‘cause her fur is everywhere.”
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Y/n ran across the apartment when she heard knocking at the front door. Unlocking it, she opened the door to Iwaizumi with takeout. “Hey! Did ya have any trouble getting here?”
The smell of food suddenly hit her and she moaned, “I am so hungry. Oh my gosh, thank you.”
He stepped into her apartment and kicked off his shoes. “I didn’t think you’d live in the city.”
He looked around the apartment. It appeared to be not much bigger than his, but the floor-to-ceiling windows along the entire wall to the right made it feel much larger.
Y/n grabbed the bags of takeout from him and ran off to the kitchen which sat to the left, dining table sitting in the area between the entryway and kitchen.
The floors were a grey wood and the walls were painted a darker grey. The white and black in the kitchen along with her mostly black furniture definitely gave the space a monochrome feel.
“What, thought I lived in the woods?” She laughed. “I just run there. And, like, chill there. I love nature and the city alike, and this is closer to work so..”
He walked toward the living room, walking past a sofa to reach the wall of windows. Mochi jumped onto a small end table next to him to request a greeting. He ran a hand along Mochi’s back after letting her sniff him. “What do you do again? It’s close by?”
“Uhh,” he could hear her shuffling around in the kitchen, “Best summary would be really boring business stuff. For other businesses. Around Chuo Ward.”
“How creative,” he said dryly.
“Logistics,” the kitchen noises stopped, “Making calls, boring desk work.”
She walked up behind Iwaizumi so quietly he didn't notice she had left the kitchen. “I mean, other stuff too, but ya know.”
He jumped a little when her voice came from his right where she suddenly appeared.
She stifled a giggle. “Sorry. Do ya wanna eat over here?”
He gave a wary look.
“Believe me it’s fine,” she shooed the cat from the end table, “This little brat makes a bigger mess than you ever could.”
She paused before adding, “Ah.. Actually, I might make more messes.”
He snorted. “Wherever is fine.”
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The two of them shared the larger of the two sofas. She placed her mostly empty noodle bowl on the coffee table, then leaned back and maneuvered so that her legs were draped over the arm of the sofa and her head resting against one of his thighs. “Excellent choice. You are definitely allowed to pick where we eat in the future,” she said staring at the ceiling, totally content.
Iwaizumi’s legs were stretched out in front of him, one hand holding a drink and the other now moved to the back of the sofa after Y/n claimed where the arm once was. “Oh yeah?”
She hummed in agreement, eyes now gazing across the room.
He looked towards the windows again, sipping at his drink. “I bet sunrise is pretty from here.”
She hummed again, but this time in disagreement. “Nah, wrong way. But I never wake up early enough anyway.”
He looked down at her resting face. She was wearing much less makeup than usual. It’s the first time he noticed the faint details of her face. “You wake up early enough when you stay with me,” voice low.
“Yeah.. But that’s the only time. I don’t sleep much there.” She opened her eyes just barely to look at him.
His eyebrows raised, he wasn’t aware of that. He thought she just woke up early. “Why’s that?”
She turned her head so she faced away from him now and spoke softly, “..Anxious maybe?” She turned back to him. “You make it sound like I stay with you a lot. I’ve only stayed twice.”
“I think it was three times.”
“Nah,” she sat up this time, kicking her legs around to face forward, just missing Mochi, “Maybe four times.”
“Definitely not four times.” He looked around the room again, taking in her home.
“Eh. Next time,” she reached down to swipe at Mochi under the coffee table.
He chuckled as Mochi took off to climb a cat tree against the wall behind them.
“So other animals..” He trailed off, not sure if he should finish that sentence.
“Cats don’t mind at all,” she met his gaze, “You’re talking about Mochi living with me, right? Dogs and some other animals do seem to notice, but she doesn’t. I could shapeshift in here and she wouldn’t care less.”
“And you can ask me whatever, I won’t get offended. Not really anyway.” She turned in her seat to fully face him, leaning her head against the arm he had along the back of the sofa. “Well, I mean, if you did ask something I didn’t want to answer, I just wouldn’t answer,” she playfully crinkled her nose at him to which he rolled his eyes.
He sat his drink to the side. “You do that in here?”
“What, shapeshift? Not usually.” She moved her attention to the windows. It was well into the evening now and sunset had started, shades of yellow and orange filling the sky around the city. “Hmm.. I might not get to see sunrise here, but sunset always gets me.”
He looked over this shoulder then shifted to face the windows to watch the sunset as well. “What’s better, sunset or sunrise?”
She shifted again, this time to sit on her legs. She hadn’t had the chance to go for a run lately, and it’s starting to catch up with her, making her fidget. She leaned forward, letting her chest press against his back and head rest on his shoulder. She hums. “They’re two different things that can’t be compared. I pick both.”
They stayed there in silence watching the sun set behind the tall buildings of Kita. At least until Mochi saw her chance and jumped onto the coffee table just to nosedive into takeout leftovers. Y/n jumped up, chasing the cat away. “Mochi!”
Iwaizumi shook his head, watching her remove a food container from Mochi’s head. “How about I help you clean this up?”
She exhaled, starting to already stack some of the takeout containers. “Sure. I’d appreciate it.”
He reached over to grab anything she missed and followed to dispose of everything. She made a second trip to carry glasses to the sink. He met her back in the kitchen just for her to grab his wrist and drag him back to the living room.
Sunset was almost over, the sky fading to darker shades, deep pinks and purples painting the sky. “Watching the sunset from here is beautiful,” she whispered.
They returned to their spot on the sofa, this time she leaned into his side. “But watching the sunrise from your living room.. feels warm.”
“Is that so?”
They stayed like that while the sun disappeared, lights of the city illuminating the dark blue sky. Iwaizumi caught her starting to doze off as she leaned heavier into him. One arm around her side, he shook her lightly. “Hey, go to bed.”
She stirred and grumbled a response, “Fine. Stay?”
“Yeah, if that’s what you want. I’ll stay out here. You go to bed.”
She sat up and stretched. “Nah. My bed‘s huge. It’s like a.. I don’t know.. There’s plenty of room.”  
“No, that’s okay.” He watched her stand and shuffle towards the front door, checking the locks.
“Look, I can’t make ya,” her voice filled with exhaustion. She walked behind the sofa and reached over to wrap her arms around his shoulders in a lazy hug from where he sat. “But if ya change yer mind.”
“I’ll get blankets.” She released him and moved around the living room towards the back of the apartment. She walked through her bedroom to one of the closets and pulled out a huge fluffy blanket and headed for the living room.
Iwaizumi was outside the bedroom door by the time she reached it. “What’s up with you and sleepovers?”
“I get lonely.” She handed him the oversized blanket. “Here.”
Taking the blanket, he said, “We don't even sleep in the same room.”
“Yeah. Well.” Her unfocused eyes looking past him. “My other friends do, but that’s fine. Just bein’ here matters.” She yawned again before continuing, “I have extra pillows too.”
He waited outside the doorway as she went back to the closet to retrieve pillows. Unlike the rest of the apartment, her bedroom was colorful from what he could see, and also messy. Compared to the monochrome, nice and neat main areas, this room could have belonged to an entirely different unit.
She returned to the doorway with two pillows and they walked back to the living room. “If you need anything, ya know, make yerself at home,” she said sleepily followed by a yawn, “I’ll leave the door open. And if Mochi bugs you, you can close her in my room. She’s a cuddler.”
He smiled before chasing the tired shifter off to bed, exchanging goodnights.
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Parts 10 >>
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Well, hey, if youre willing to write for it im delighted to request it! If you dont already have an idea in mind, how about snapshots of each rfa member with the rfas unofficially/officially adopted child? Or what each would do if they needed to pick them up from school cause they got sick? I kind of love this whole idea so ive already thought up way too many ways to use it haha, but id be happy with literally anything related to the rfa communally raising a kid
I've written some little blurbs for you, nothing long but something just enough to get a taste of what it might be like. I couldn't decide on a specific kid to use so I'm just going to swap between a boy and a girl for whichever it feels right for. 
"Sungie, do you always get to see so many animals?" 
"Mmm. Yeah, it's part of my studies. If I wanna be a great Vet someday, I have to learn about all kinds of animals and meet them." 
"Really cool! I wouldn't mind if I got to hang out with puppies all day." 
"Well… It's not always like that." 
"Oh, right, there must be kitties and bunnies too!" 
They always chatted like this. 
Yoosung spent the time that he did have free with everybody's favorite son. He was often one of the least busy members of the group but only during the afternoons while the others were working. They would waste a lot of time playing games that he enjoyed or LOLOL, which Yoosung liked. 
They got along really well. Yoosung had taken to him like a big brother, and while he wasn't entirely sure if he was doing it right, he enjoyed the time they spent together. 
He wasn't ever really that close with his big sister, so to have a little buddy to hang out with like this was so different!  
He wasn't the youngest person now, so a lot of the words directed towards him were now thrown to the wayside. It made him feel like he was pretty mature! 
That wasn't always the case, though. 
Video games were an easy way for them to interact and because of that he got a little too invested in them. Of course, just because he was older didn't mean that he always won those games. 
The kid took it ten times more seriously than he ever did and he had to actually try to win what they were on. He never really had that issue before without having many people to play against. But, it was like Seven had been tutoring him on how to destroy others. 
Today was no different. 
"I WIN!" he shrieked as he jumped off of the couch and thrust his hands in the air as Yoosung hung his head in defeat. 
"Looks like you win again," he laughed, though still a little embarrassed. 
She was a star, a bright shining star. 
All she wanted to do was be the one who made all the sad stuff go away, far, far away from here! It was a dream of hers to be as cool as her family was, and she thought the best way to do that would be to practice for the next party! 
She got the idea from Jaehee, cause she always said that Zen could shine so brightly that it made her feel better. 
So, who else to ask for tips then Zen? 
So, she put on her little show as best as she could for him. 
"You're doing great, keep it up out there, princess!" Zen cheered her on as she spun around in circles and circles on end, pretending to perform for the little crowd of plush toys and Zen.
He clapped as she finished up her little routine a few minutes later, with her arms stretched out wide and little chest heaving from all the little motions. 
Her eyes twinkle with such joy. It was a blessing to see her look so happy and all she ever wanted to hear was that she was getting better at this. 
She puffs out her cheeks when he doesn't say much more, "D'ya like it, Zenny? I can't show everybody else less you think s'good!" 
This little girl was an absolute darling to everybody that she came into contact with and it was no surprise given her parent, who had been the kindest soul ever to walk the face of the planet. She never caused any trouble and all she wanted to do was have a little fun every now and again. 
Zen wasn't all that great with kids, at least, he never felt like he was. He didn't exactly do a perfect job all the time, but he did try his best when he could. 
She had insisted that he sit down and watch her perform this time around. She wanted to show that she could be as dazzling as Zen was, and he would stand to agree that this little girl had a future in talent if she wanted to pursue it. 
Even if she was a little bit pitchy with her own rendition of Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star. 
Zen let out a little laugh. He pressed his hand against the top of her head and ruffled her hair. "It was very good. You'll blow everybody away at the next party for sure, okay? I need to watch out. You're going to give me a run for my money." 
The little boy clutched at his locks, clearly frustrated with the paper of homework in front of himself. It just wasn't making any sense to him and he really wanted to just give up and quit it. 
He had been trying so hard to do it all on his own so nobody would get worried.  
That hadn't worked because Jaehee caught him looking so dejected in the corner of the café. 
There was no hiding anything from that woman. She just knew when something was wrong and wouldn't let the subject go when she started talking. 
She always got onto him. It wasn't rude or mean though! 
She was just looking out for him, he knew. It didn't change the fact it was a little embarrassing. 
Jaehee looked over his notes and instead of scolding him for the bad marks, she merely hummed and nodded her head. She pointed out some of the troubling areas for him and tapped the spots. 
"So you see, you'll need to do this first before you start doing this part of the question. You're getting ahead of yourself when you're working on these types of problems." 
He stared at the paper for a moment with pursed lips, "...Oh. I guess I didn't think about that." 
"Why don't we try some together and see where it's confusing, okay?" Jaehee smiled. 
He may have felt unsure of himself but he knew that he could trust her judgment at times like this.��
"You look lovely today… I see you and Elizabeth the 3rd are wearing matching bows." 
"Oh, you noticed? I tied them all by myself too!" 
"Did you? That's very crafty of you to do so, princess. Elizabeth seems positively pleasant about it. Why, may I ask, did you do it?" 
"Oh! Elizabeth and I are having a tea party today. We can't have one without looking cute n' stuff. You think my Mommy would like these?" 
"She would. That's her favorite color."
Jumin had never been sure how to act around children. He had never really been a normal child himself, and by the time he figured it out, he was already well grown into an adult. Now, he was really learning how to interact with children. 
This little girl had stolen not only his heart but the hearts of everybody she came into contact with over the past few months.
She was bubbly and sweet, never out of line, she had a penchant for cute toys and little accessories, and she liked to make her own things and play pretend. 
Most importantly, she was the only person in this world who could get CEO Jumin Han to sit in a small chair and pretend to drink tea. 
That's what he was doing right now. 
Elizabeth the 3rd was sitting on her own chair as the girl pretended to pour out some tea into her cup with a smile, "You want some more, Elizabeth? Really? Okay, more tea for the lady!"
Once she set it down she glanced over at Jumin with a big grin, "I'm glad you like it too, I tried really hard. I made some for everybody to wear! I made you a purple one!"
And if anybody thought he wouldn't wear a bow in his hair for this kid, they were wrong. 
“I did it! I think I put it together, it works, it really works!“
She always looked at the world with stars in her eyes. 
Every new experience was something great to watch happen and it didn’t matter what it was that she was doing or trying out. She always smiled and laughed. It was a great sound, and it had been such a long time since Seven had even heard anything like that. 
This little girl was equal parts smart and sweet. 
If Seven handed her something to work on, she would devour it and figure out what was wrong or what needed to be fixed within a couple of minutes. Seven let her tinker with some of his old robots. Granted, he didn’t give her anything really complex, but still, she learned fast. 
It didn’t always work out, but she never lost her big grin. 
He beamed. “Oh? So you did!  That’s impressive. Good job! Meowy 2.0 here is looking much more lively, huh?” 
She gripped onto the little bot and nodded her head. “Mhm! I wasn’t sure if I was gonna be able to figure it out, but thanks to your help, I got it.”
He couldn’t have been more proud. 
Seven didn’t know what it was like to have many older people in your life care for you like this in a way that was more domestic and typical. He never thought that he would ever have to chance to be around kids like this, but it was something that he always wanted to do. 
She had stolen his heart, though. He would do anything for the kid. 
“That’s right,” Seven nodded. ”You don’t have to do everything alone to figure stuff out. It’s actually better to ask for help when you don’t know what to do next time.” 
She was quiet for a moment and grinned. “...Yeah, about that. I was wondering, how hard would it be to add a flamethrower?” 
Nobody tell the others about that though. 
"Does it matter if I make my sky a different color then blue? Why does it always have to be blue? Is it wrong to do something like that? Can it only be blue…? I don't understand." 
"Well, the sky isn't just blue, you know. It can be almost any color you want it to be, it's your drawing to paint so it's your choice what it looks like. Why do you ask?" 
He hung his head, not wanting to look V in the eyes. "... Some kids told me I was stupid and wrong. I guess... I’m just not as good as you thought I was."
V frowned. He got to the boy’s level and pressed his hands against his shoulders, "Hey… that's not true at all. I love your sky, that's why we put it up on the fridge." 
He had really low self-esteem. It wasn’t something that was always remedied by the fact that he had a support system behind him. For some children, it was hard to connect with others in some capacity. 
This boy was always radiant and smiling when he was with the RFA. But, when he was alone or by himself, there were those times when the unease shined through. It wasn’t for a lack of love. Those feelings could affect anyone no matter their life or background. 
V hated to see that. 
“Are you sure?” he asked, quietly. “I would understand if you didn’t.” 
Because he was special, not only to him and the rest of the RFA but to himself as well.
“I’m sure. I would never lie to you. Now, let’s see what we can do about this problem of yours at school, okay?” 
Saeran was always wary of children. 
He always thought of his parents and how badly they had screwed him over as a kid, and his first fear was that he was going to do something as bad as what they did to him to somebody else. That was the last thing that he wanted to do to anyone. 
It wasn’t easy for him to build a bond with MC’s little girl, but he did try every now and again. For some reason, the girl really liked him and stuck to him like glue at every chance that she got. It was kind of hilarious to see somebody so bright and cheery reaching out for somebody as dark looking like him. 
There were times when she would talk somebody’s ear off, but she would never do that to anyone apart from the people in the RFA. She was often quite shy and anxious. With Saeran, though... she was quiet and didn’t often press him for talk and chats. 
She seemed to understand that he really wasn’t much of a guy for chatting, and they both could just hang out without worrying about anything. Today was a little different though. 
He had walked in the room that she was sitting in, and noticed that she was crying. His body stiffened, and he felt rather uncomfortable. He knew that he could have directed somebody else to the situation but at the same time, he didn’t think he could make himself do that. 
He had been in that position too many times as a kid and nobody was there for him. Against the dread in his gut, he sat down next to her and didn’t say anything at first. She was clearly looking over at him. 
“I wasn’t... cryin’... just got dust in my eyes.” 
“You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want too,” he said, quietly. “I just figured you would feel better if you had some company.“
“...Thank you.” 
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notalentdouchebag · 4 years
Coda 1x20
Prodigal son
Malcolm x Edrisa
Some little fluff-ish stuff
agging you all cuz you liked my post regarding writing this. Thank you for motivation. I hope I dont disappoint you too much @ muslimintp-1999-girl @ rocknghorss @ love-thedate @ watersactuallyprettygood @ butterfliesinthenightsky @ flareonfury
I think you  would like that kiss
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Dani and JT left the room. They both knew that the evidence an only prove Malcolm as the killer while both knew they had to find some way to prove that he was framed. Edrisa stood there beside the corpse of Eddie with tears in her eyes. She knew it wasn’t Malcolm just as the others knew. She just wanted to scream in the face of everyone that he wasn’t the killer; that her Malcolm might have been unstable but he wasn’t a killer—at least in this scenario he wasn’t. The pizzazz, as she had yelled in Gil’s face just moments ago was actually true regarding Malcolm, and Gil also knew that she was right. She was almost always right.
Whatever Malcolm did, had the pizzazz he had inherited from his mother.
Gil left in the end. He knew Edrisa was never going to even doubt Malcolm. She stood there waiting for them to exit the examination room. They don’t know Malcolm, she thought. He’ll never, never do this, not at least like this. Just as Gil stepped outside the door, she called Malcolm out.
“How much of that did you hear?” she asked sadly.
“Enough…”, Malcolm stated as he came out from the corner where he had been hiding all that time.
“And to think I was just about to start a meaningful female friendship with Dani, maybe.” Edrisa always tried to have a frank conversation with the team but her humor and flirting with Malcolm was seldom well received, or rather never. Dani had always been a cold person and Edrisa didn’t blame her; she knew the life and the consequences. But still a little friendship would be nice, she always thought.
Malcolm walked towards the examination table and stood beside Edrisa. “Her profile is correct.” He knew how badly he was framed. Dani had only been a professional.
“Don’t tell me you think you did this!”
“No, I have been framed. What I can’t figure out is the DNA. How did they get my skin and blood under Eddie’s nails?”
“Maybe the killer planted it on him after the murder!”, Edrisa jumped in.
“Planting DNA isn’t like planting a gun. It would take time, the kind you don’t have in a busy hospital”, he explained. Malcolm couldn’t make out how his DNA had been planted because from what he remembered, he did not kill Eddie at all. He didn’t even get to talk to him. “When did you swab his nails?”, he bit his lips.
“Back here at the lab”, Edrisa said as she gave Malcolm the reports.
“I take it you trust your team”. They both trusted their teams. Their teams were usually all they had.
“I do, with my life. They are also super fun at karaoke!” she exclaimed. Malcolm shifted his gaze from the file and looked at a very excited Edrisa. Between Malcolm being suspected of murder and them not finding any evidence opposing that, Edrisa was low-key asking him out to karaoke. Because she knew he will be out of it, or more like she couldn’t bear to have a thought of Malcolm not coming out of this mess.
“O, well. Then let’s do karaoke someday”
‘You do karaoke?!!!”
“No, but I can try!”, he said as he smiled at the bright-eyed doctor.
“So, that just leaves Corbell Laboratories. They processed the results. What do we know about them?”, he moved back to the report.
“Well, we do most of our work through them. There’s no way a single employee could swap out the results!”, Edrisa replied.
“Well I am not worried about an employee. I want to know who owns it”, he took out his phone and started typing into the search bar. “All I can find is a number for their outside counsel. That’s it! I have to go”, he quickly put his phone in the pocket of his jacket and turned to exit the place. He had a good lead and there was no time to be wasted.
Edrisa grabbed Malcolm’s arm. She was more in haste than Malcolm, and for quite similar yet different reason. He turned back surprised. Maybe she needs to tell me something important.
Edrisa looked at Malcolm and hesitated for a moment and then all of a sudden, she jumped on him. Malcolm couldn’t make out what was happening but the hug made it clear. The surprise evaporated and a calm smile took its place. The butterflies in both their hearts hugged just as they did.
“Don’t die”, she whispered to him, fighting her tears. In that moment, they both thanked heavens which provided them this little moment. Malcolm needed that since the death of Eve, but he didn’t except it from any other place much. She needed to do that for if not now, maybe it never would have been. She broke away from him in the same hesitation and confusion at what his reaction might be. She knew how others treated her affection towards him and sometimes she feared if Malcolm felt the same and was always just trying to ignore her in his way.
Malcolm looked in to her eyes and softly grabbed her both arms.He was somehow relieved and happy that Edrisa did this.
“I won’t. I promise”, he leaned in closer to her worried face. I promise.
“He didn’t want me to kiss him, right?!”, Edrisa asked herself just as he left, in hope that there might be a yes as an answer floating in the air. But the answer wasn’t floating in the air.
“No, he doesn’t”, Malcolm’s voice shattered the mist of that hug which Edrisa was reliving.
“AH, Bright, I uh…”
“Yeah, you should probably talk to yourself a little more in your mind”, he winked at her as he came closer again. She stood there, embarrassed even to look at him. Malcolm came closer to her, towering a little above her head. He gently swiped the hair that fell into her eyes back and kissed her clear forehead. He lowered down a bit more and softly held her chin. A moment rested sweetly on Edrisa’s supple lips as Malcolm’s touched them in a peck.  
“Don’t worry. I am going to be okay. Its going to be fine”, he looked into her surprised eyes and saw a slight glisten of tears again. Her smile stayed a little while after he had gone away.
She could only wish that it was going to be fine.
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legion1993 · 5 years
together forever!
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AN: this is another piece for @icantlivewithyou for her 800 followers challenge! enjoy! ps. sorry about the long beginning i kinda lost track of what i was doing with the story... but it still works...
Prompt 54 “Let’s forget about destiny.”
pairing: Draco Malfoy x Reader
summery: there isnt one...
another year had come and gone, hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry was one of the best things to ever happen to you, the best decision your parents ever could have made...
 over your years you mastered every spell you were taught, you learned spells to use in your daily life... you were favorite amongst all your teachers... 
well all except Snape but then again he really didnt like any student that wasnt in Slytherin, and even then he sometimes rarely tollerated them... as extra credit you were one of Hogwarts spell tutors...
 meaning basically you were the only student brave enough to tutor the students who needed extra help with their assignments. let me give you a hint as to which house had the most trouble with staying focused... 
thats right it was the Slytherin house... meaning you a Ravenclaw were the only ravenclaw dumb enough to say yes to the job... even for extra credit the other ravenclaws wouldnt do it...
but the only slytherin that stuck with the tutoring throughout the years was Draco Malfoy... he was dashing but fraternizing between houses was frowned upon, i mean if it happened it happened no one would dare stand in the way of soulmates...
 about a year ago to this day you and Draco had met outside of school. you were in diagon alley when he found you in the book store, you went to the 3 broomsticks to meet privately... 
to get a head start on some of the paper work for tutoring.. both you and Draco had turned 18 within a week or 2 of eachother... 
this was one of the reasons Madame rosmertta didnt say anything to anyone about you 2 being there together. she handed you 2 a complementary birthday butterbeer, and went back to her regular customers... 
Draco: “that reminds me i made you something... its just something i happened to make when practicing some art spells... this is to say thank you for not giving up on tutoring me...”
you watched him place a small box on the table in front of you, with the tap of his want he made appear a glass figurine of your house crest... you picked it up and held it...
 YN: “Draco i’m impressed you found a talent that you enjoy... well done... i am grateful for this token... all i got from my family was a fully paid 2 years away from home. just me myself and i... in a magic community just outside of paris...”
Draco: “kind of like a place of your own type thing... when do you move in?”
YN: “supposed to be going to check out the place over christmas break... did you want to come with?”
Draco: “so long as no one sees us that we know, we should be good... i’ll just tell my parents that im doing some travelling over christmas break and that im not coming home, that im doing some soul searching...”
You could only smile as Draco held his glass of Butterbeer towards you...
Draco: “to our final year at Hogwarts...”
YN: “may it shine supreme...”
you clinked your glass with his... thats when both of you felt it, a burning into your arms, it was like an instant connection... something that had slowly been building over the years. 
Draco moved closer to you, your secluded location now hiding your unforseen passion. 
Draco: “whats happening?”
YN: “i dont know its almost like we are magnetized...”
Draco: “its like a new string of feelings.”
your hands at that moment became intertwined.. it was like the force of 2 magnets being forced together, but the connection broke when a familiar voice broke the room...
Lucius: “Rosmertta, business is good i presume...”
Rosmertta: “its fine lucius, what can i do for you today?”
Lucius: “im looking for a place to host a private function is one of your rooms available...”
rosemertta had to think for a moment she knew you and Draco were back there... she made something up on the spot...
Rosmertta: “let me just go do an inspection of one room thats just come available... ill be back in a jiffy to bring you back there...”
lucius as impatient as he was, wasnt gonna argue with rosmertta... she came back there to where you children were and did a sound proofing spell on the room...
rosmertta: “you both need not be here right now... boy your fathers out there... flash yourselves someplace else far from here... ill cover your scents... ill also not tell anyone you were here...”
you both thanked her, grabbed all your things, holding hands you both thought of a different place, far from there... you guys wind up in an alley near the london station... you look at Draco as he does you, both of you searching for something that is there but shouldnt be...
Draco: “can i walk you home? or do you have to be home?”
YN: “i dont have to be home right away but i sense you wanna talk about what happened back in the 3 broomsticks...”
Draco: “can i try something?”
you nod unsure of what it is that he wants to do, at that moment it hadnt hit you... till he popped both of you to a room he had rented in the leaky cauldron, thats when he wrapped his arm around your waist slowly, he moved his other hand to cup your cheek, your body was starting to react... 
thats how it started, the sneaking around, the lying, the keeping it a secret from everyone. except for a few weeks in summer when draco would come to your secret place and stay with you, he also was kind enough to help you move some of your stuff... 
the start of the school year...
YN: “our last first day of school like ever... how the hell are we gonna survive next year...”
Hermione: “i dont know but if anything it will be awesome! when is the first quidditch game of the year?”
You had to think about that for a moment but as you were thinking you heard a voice like a whisper in your ear...
Draco: “meet you in the quidditch house i wanna talk to you about the upcoming game schedule...”
you didnt reallize it but you now had a goofy smile on your face...
Hermione: “okay spill girl!”
YN: “spill what?”
Hermione: “whats with the goofy look on your face?” 
you had to recompose yourself... you turned to Hermione and smiled lightly...
YN: “so for my birthday my parents got me a all expense paid 2 year home away from home type thing... they want me to experience my own world away from them for 2 years...”
Hermione: “what thats amazing! and congrats again on the big 18 i cant believe we will all graduate from here at 18.. but that smile on your face was one of a love struck girl... is there something your not telling me?”
YN: “no girl if i was in love with someone dont you think i would have told you by now...”
Hermione only had to think about that for a moment for she knew as well as you that there wasnt anything you girls wouldnt tell eachother. 
Hermione: “okay ive gotta go meet the boys ill see you for whats our first class together?”
You pulled out your class list and smiled...
YN: “potions... but right now i gotta go get changed and meet Draco at the quidditch tent, he is captain for slytherin he wants to discuss the game schedule or something...”
Hermione: “please be careful dont let that dick wad walk all over you... we will see you in potions... love you...”
YN: “love you too...”
you stalked off to your dorm to place down your bags, and get into your quidditch gear, making sure that you are not seen too long by many, but seen and marked as arrived... 
you headed down to the field. you arrived at the captains tent to find only one other captain signed in currently. you knew the other captains werent as worried about quidditch on the first day... but with Slytherin and Ravenclaw teams being the only 2 teams to ever make it to the semi finals for the wizarding world champs... 
lets just say that was part of yours and Dracos ploy to get to spend time together. sneak a few moments here and there... but this was the captains tent the one that ravenclaw and slytherin teams have shared for decades.
you entered the tent after sound proofing it... and smiled lightly at the sight of Draco all comfy on the lounge chair...
YN: “hey...”
that was all you had to say, Draco laid his eyes on you and got off of that chair so fast you didnt have time to blink... you also really didnt care... it was kinda fun sneaking around... 
Draco cupped your cheek and kissed you ever passionately... he knew that there was a very slim chance that you werent feeling the same way he was...
Draco: “god that train ride was dull and long... it would have been more fun if you had been beside me...”
YN: “i know but we have to keep up appearances... who has the practice field first...”
Draco: “hufflepuff... we have the evening slots...  which i guess is so they dont interferee with our afternoon classes...”
YN: “i can see if i can swap my slot with Gryphindor so i can put my tutoring slot this evening...”
Draco: “i guess my girl has 1st and 2nd years that also need help...”
YN: “yep my tutoring list is already growing and most studentz have only taken 1 or 2 classes by this point...”
that of course is when the earth shook... both you and Draco pulled out your wands searching for anything to be the cause... thats when you both recieved a fire message... because you both were also your house prefects... you both popped over to just outside the great hall where students and teachers were gathering... 
both you and Draco were called up front with the other prefects and teachers..
McGonigal: “teachers we need to try and keep the students calm... prefects your task is to keep your houses in order... Dumbledore and a few other teachers have gone to see about the school barrier... if its what we fear the school is about to be under war.. we have also sent owls to all the families of the normal and first year students... alerting them of the situation... they will have the option to pull their student home if they desire...”
Draco: “professor, what or who exactly is attacking the school?”
Mcgonigal: “death eaters... followers of you know who... now everyone to your stations and brace yourselves... and prefects keep in contact... leave all quarrels and bickering at the door... right now everyone in this room friend or foe is allied...”
the great hall where many a banquet and dinner and ball party whatever type of event was or had been held... the room this year was set up so from left to right it was Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Gryphindor & Hufflepuff... 
so over the last year and a bit, you and Draco could steal a few stolen ‘bickering’ exchanges... you two had developed a kind of love-hate relationship for the public eye... the daily prophet one year had a rivalry photo between your 2 houses... it was a huge deal... 
anyway back to the matter on hand. after settling your Ravenclaws down, your other prefect went to sit at the other end of the table as Draco now came to sit across from you. he noticed you putting your head in your hands and the pannic setting in, he decided that instead of sitting on his side he would come and sit beside you.... ‘pretend to be friendly’
Draco: “are you okay, YN?”
you turned your head slightly and shook your head, you were beyond scared right then you didnt know what might come out of your mouth...
YN: “no im not... what if your father is out there? are you really prepared to face him?”
Draco: “well i mean if it comes down too it yeah, but it will be alot harder for us to keep you know what a secret from the effects of whatever curse they decide to throw at any number of us...”
YN: “i know thats what i’m afraid of... i mean we have kept us a secret for almost 2 years... i think the world deserves to know...before everything goes to shit...”
thats when Draco got up and walked over to mcgonigal..
Draco: “excuse me professor but i think i know exactly what inspirational speech to give right now... may i?”
Mcgonigal: “of course mr malfoy...”
Draco stepped up to the podium and cleared his throat, thus making everyone in the room turn their eyes to him.
Draco: “we live in a world today where voldemort and his death eaters think they have a spotting chance at ruling both the wizarding world and the muggle realm... this is why hogwarts and other schools were started to train the younger genration of witches and wizards alike in the art and practice of magic. but today we are gathered for a different cause, our school is under attack, but i know we have all seen a change in the last few years here within these walls, within our lives, within our houses, we never cease to amazing ourselves and eachother. but one thing that has amazed me over these past few years, is how amazing YN of ravenclaw is... you know what she sits over there at the other end of her table because she exhausts herself every single damn day. tutoring, being a prefect, leading the ravenclaw qudditch team, and still going to her regular classes. YN you have changed my life in ways i can’t express in alot of words but i have several little words now that will change both of our lives... may all of you bare witness to this momentus moment. for if we live through this tragedy we will be in a time of celebration.”
Draco comes around the podium and stands on the stage in front of you...
Draco: “YN, lets forget about destiny, lets forget for a moment that we are under attack, or surrounded by our peers, lets pretend that its still summer and we are hiding in a alley way outside of london station hiding from my father, lets forget about what the world already thinks of us, and show the world what and who we can be together...”
this earned all the students and all the teachers to put their eyes from you to Draco as you now stood up to Draco’s getting down onto 1 knee...
Draco: “YN will you marry me?”
you started walking towards him slowly...
YN: “Draco you changed my world too, i was a little lost before you came into my life, i knew that there was something there from that first day till that day a year ago when we talked without hesitation or speech impediment, or stuttering or any barriers... i know a different side of you as you do me... i guess what i’m trying to say is: Yes of course i’ll marry you!!!”
the entire great hall bared witness as you ran up the stage and into Dracos loving embrace, tender arms holding you close, his lips then passionately kissing you with a joyous noise erupting from the entirety of the room. then Draco used his new found arts magic skill to forge you on the spot a diamond ring, he slid it on your finger and the kissing continued...
you guys were interrupted by several teachers including your house teachers and several others, then approached by your partner prefects, and your head boy/girl... then you were approached by Ron, Hermione, and Harry... 
Hermione: “YN girl, what i mean how, i mean when... i mean you said you werent interested in anyone...”
YN: “we wanted to make sure we were gonna last first before we told anyone... we have been sneaking around, and making excuses, making up little white lies, taking no small moment however small for granted...”
Harry: “well Draco i guess if YN ends up with anyone i suppose i should be happy she ended up with someone who wont break her heart...”
Draco: “ya well i know if i did that she would kick my arse... so im gonna avoid that...”
Ron: “i suppose i agree with both hermione and Harry but i guess i should add that its a good thing your both 18 now right...”
You and Draco looked at eachother and smiled...
YN: “yep during the summer within a week or 2 of eachother...”
Draco: “thank you all of you for supporting us... i’m sure...”
just before Draco could finish his sentance... the windows of the hall were blasted open... Draco you harry hermione and ron all crouched and huddled together, then looking up at the sound of a voice speaking from the smoke entering the room...
Lucius: “oh my my my what is happening here... it looks like a bunch of marry ment was going on...”
thats when Lucius spotted Draco and how defensive he was of you... then he noticed the ring on your finger...
Lucius: “boy get away from that girl.. or i swear i will beat you with my belt son...”
Draco: “never you cant make me...”
this made everyone clear out of the way... this was a wizards stance... kind of like 1,2,3 shoot... except it was cast your spells and see whose wins... Draco and you already having your wands ready prepared your shots...
Lucius: “Avarda Kadarva...”
Draco: “impedimenta..”
YN: “imperio...”
Lucius had his aimed right for you and Draco...
Draco Aimed his right at his father  that slowed him right down.... long enough for your spell to hit lucius and point him and one of the death eaters... 
this was the start of the great Battle of Hogwarts as well as your new journey of life with Draco... but thats another story for another time...
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mf-despair-queen · 7 years
Slow Hands - Stuart Twombly
Author: @mf-despair-queen​
Characters: Stuart Twombly/Reader
Word Count: 6,721
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Oral (both receiving), Orgasm Denial, Multiple Orgasms, Hair Pulling, Choking, Face Riding, Boob Jobs, Shower Sex, Making out on the Couch
Notes: STUART WEEK. STUART WEEK. Thank you @rememberstilinski and @sarcasticallystilinski for giving us these times to focus on cuties like Stuart. As thanks, I give you the opportunity to bathe in holy water because... Stuart is a dirty little shit. Also a big thanks to @minhosmeanhoe because she was a babe and proofread this for me while I was on my way home! I love youuuuuu. PS This was a request. 
Request: could you maybe do a smut with stuart twombly based off the song "strip that down" or "slow hands" i dont like 1d but i heard them and i'm like "ooh so sexual i know just the right person" and now i'm here. thanks💕💕
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You sat at your desk, your fingers drumming on the table in front of you. Your eyes weren’t focused on your computer, or the task in front of you. They were staring through the glass walls of the office space you shared with your team across the hall at Team Lyle. Particularly, your eyes were focused on the beanie wearing cutie that is Stuart Twombly.
You licked your lips, rubbing your legs together as you watched him talk to Billy and Nick, pointing at something on his computer. His whiskey brown eyes were hidden by the black frames of his glasses, and he was wearing a dark blue button up shirt with his normal khakis. Your body was heating up just by watching him work from afar.
His hands quickly typed on the laptop, and you imagined what those hands would be able to do to your body. Running them through your hair as his lips met your neck. Running along the curvatures of your body slowly, feeling your soft skin. Groping your tits between his fingers, fondling them gently, tweaking your nipples. Running his fingers through your wet folds, probing your aching pussy while his thumb pressed to your swollen clit.
You bit your lip, Stuart glancing your way briefly. You blushed, your legs pressing against each other tightly, hoping to hide the arousal you knew was pooling in your panties under your skirt. You gave him a small smile, waving in his direction. The corners of his lips tugged up, Stuart looking back down at his computer before anyone noticed his expression change.
Your coworker, Ann, rolled over in her chair, her gum snapping loudly in your ear. You jolted in surprise, almost falling out of your seat when you turned to look at her. “Jesus Christ, you scared the shit out of me! Do not sneak up on me like that,” You told her, seeing her grin.
“Well, you were so preoccupied staring at someone else that you were starting to slack in your work. And you didn’t hear Chris tell everyone to head home early to get ready for the company party tonight,” Ann said, picking at her nails. “Do you want me to come over and help you pick out something sexy? Maybe we can find you a cute guy to bring home and fuck for once.”
You rolled your eyes, beginning to type on your computer. “You know that I’m not interested in that kind of thing. I’m not a one-night-stand kind of girl, Ann,” you mutter to her. She groaned, leaning back in her chair.
“I don’t see why not. Sometimes, you just need a release. You’ve been so uptight lately.” She scanned your face, leaning on the palm of her hand. “Fine. What about finding you a boyfriend? Someone like Stuart Twombly of Team Lyle? You guys are always hanging out at lunch when neither of you are busy.” She hinted, nudging you slightly.
“Ann, I am here to focus on my career. Dating is the last thing on my mind,” you told her. “As for Stuart, we are just friends. There is nothing going on between us,” you mutter, glancing at the male across the hall.
Ann groaned again, resting her head against the desk. “Ugh. Sometimes I swear you are actually dating and just not telling anyone.” You shut your laptop, gathering your stuff together, Ann’s eyes on you. “Is it so wrong to want to date? There is nothing wrong with dating someone in the company. You and Stuart are the same level, so there should be no conflicts.”
You slung your bag over your shoulder, giving her a smile. “Think of it this way. If I was dating, I wouldn’t make a big deal of it regardless. Because neither of us would want to make a big deal of it at work. We would want our personal life to stay personal.” You waved at her quickly, rushing out the door, heels clicking down the hallway as you hustled towards the parking lot. You glanced at Stuart’s team before you left, meeting Stuart’s eyes. You gave a small smile, waving at him before running out the door as fast as you could, jumping in your car.
You rest your head against the steering wheel, Stuart running through your mind again. You groaned, feeling the ache in your core for him. “Fuck. I need to get laid or something,” You mumble to yourself, reversing from your parking spot and heading towards your apartment. “Fuck you, Stuart Twombly. Why do you always have to be on my mind?”
You strolled into the company mixer, tugging at the bottom of the black dress you were wearing. Your heels clicked on the floor as you made your way through the crowd of people that had already arrived towards the open bar. You grinned as the bartender handed you a margarita, thanking him quietly and heading to find a seat. You sat at a small, isolated table, sipping your drink while you scanned the crowd.
You noted the various teams having a good time together, enjoying each other’s company outside of their normal work environment. You smiled at the energy people had, knowing this was why you loved your job so much. Google always made sure your spirits were high between the long, grueling days on the job.
Your eyes stopped on Team Lyle sitting at a round table, laughing at something Billy said. You watched Stuart lift his beer bottle to his lips, taking a long swig of the bitter liquid. You licked your lips, your body growing warm from just watching him. He had forgone his normal beanie, his hair spiked up in the front. He swapped his khakis for black jeans, the Google lanyard from his keys dangling from his pocket. He wore the same button up shirt, but the top buttons had been undone so you could see his collarbone.
You were side tackled by Ann, your team following behind her closely. “You look gorgeous, Y/N! Are you sure you’re not looking for a hot date tonight?” She joked, wiggling her eyebrows. You laughed, shaking your head as you took another sip of your margarita.
“No, of course not. I bought this dress a while back and never got a chance to wear it. So, what better time than tonight right?” You mention, giving a small turn. “Too much?”
Your teammate, Lulu, giggled, leaning on the table you were hiding at. “Babe, you’re smoking. There is bound to be some guy that’ll want a piece of that.” She reached over, smacking your ass playfully. You shoved her shoulder in return, all of you laughing.
You chatted with your team for a while, finishing your drink before the DJ changed to an upbeat song, the girls squealing. Ann flipped her hair over her shoulder, placing her hands on her waist. “I think it’s time to get this party started, guys.” She dragged you and Lulu to the middle of the dance floor, rolling her hips to the song. You and Lulu followed her lead, all eyes in the room on you guys. Ann smiled, hollering to the crowd. “Come on guys! It’s time to dance!”
The crowd cheered, groups of people making their way to the floor. It was packed in seconds, giving you a chance to sneak away from Ann and Lulu. You snuck through the crowd, trying to escape, when two hands met your waist, pulling you back against a hand chest. Their lips pressed against your ear, their hot breath fanning over it.
“How about a dance, sexy lady?”
You turned on your heel, wrapping your arms around Stuart’s neck, his arms winding around your waist. “Well, hello to you too.”
He grinned, something everyone saw him do very rarely. He tugged you closer, leaning in to whisper so no one around could hear. “How is my sexy secret girlfriend doing?”
You hummed, twirling your hair playfully. “I think I could be better. Did you know it’s a lot harder keeping this a secret than I thought it would be when we agreed to this arrangement?”
Stuart chuckled, swaying you to the music. “Why? Because our teams are constantly pestering us about not dating? Do they not understand that we want our personal life to remain personal?”
You giggled, pulling him down to your level. “That’s part of it, I guess. But most of the time, it’s because I see this really hot guy across the way, and I can’t help but imagine what amazing things he can do to me. It takes everything in me not to jump his bones in the middle of work.”
Stuart groaned, his lips brushing yours slightly. “Hey, just remember, we both agreed to this. We didn’t want our personal life to interfere with work. We knew this would be hard because we are on different teams and don’t have a lot of time together between normal work, time with our teams and traveling for projects.”
You grumbled at his words, pressing against him. “I know, I know. I just don’t know the last time we’ve had time to ourselves to just hang out. We’ve been so busy lately.” Your lips pressed lightly to his neck, Stuart biting his lip to stifle his groan. “When was the last time we fucked, Stu? All I think about is you, and it makes me horny while I am trying to work. Especially today. You’ve been running through my mind all day long.” Stuart stayed silent, feeling you against him. You looked up at him, staring directly at him. “How about we go back to my place instead of hanging around here? No one will miss us and we can make up for some… lost time.”
Stuart dragged you off the dance floor before you knew what was happening, looking down at you once you were free of the crowd. “Meet me in five minutes at your car. I am going to let Nick know I am heading home on my own since I got a ride with him. That way no one will be suspicious.” You nodded, watching him disappear to find Nick before heading out to your car.
You sat in your car, your mind wandering to Stuart the way it always did when you were alone. You were growing more eager by the second, your heart fluttering when you saw him slip from the building, rushing over to your car. He slid in the passenger seat, his fingers lacing with yours.
The drive was silent, Stuart playing with your fingers while you drove.  He leaned over the console, his lips pressing against your cheek softly. “I missed you, Y/N. I promise I will make up for all the time we missed while I was at that conference.” He nuzzled his face into your neck, nipping at your skin. You closed your eyes as you moaned, your car swerving slightly. “Keep your eyes on the road, baby. We’re almost there.”
You slammed on your breaks as you got to your apartment, watching Stuart jump from the car before it was completely stopped and practically running to your front door. You giggled, locking your car and following him inside, locking the door behind you. His arms were instantly around your waist, peppering your face with kisses. You couldn’t stop laughing at him, slowly pushing him down on the couch.
“Couch sex?” Stuart asked, grinning wildly. “I’m down. We’ve done that only once before.”
You smiled at him, sitting next to him. He pouted, looking over at you. “Well, I was thinking that we could take it slow for once. It’s still early,” you mention, glancing at the clock. “We have all night to do whatever you want, babe. So, why rush into something just for us to fall asleep or something afterwards? This is one of the few times I get you all to myself without anyone around.”
Stuart sighed, leaning one of his arms on the back of the couch, placing his hand on your waist to tug you closer. “If that’s what you want to do baby. I want to be with you and I want you to be happy. That’s what makes me happy.” You rest a hand on his arm, rubbing small circles on his skin. “So, what exactly do you want to do if we aren’t having sex right now?”
You grinned, tugging him closer by the neck. “I want you to kiss me. But, just kiss me. No trying to cop a feel.” You heard him groan, pecking his lips. “Come on, Stu. Just make out with me for a bit. I read online that this sort of thing is supposed to be super hot and can bring us close together.”
Stuart cocked his head, quirking an eyebrow. “Are… are you reading things online to spice up our sex life?”
You played with the hairs on his neck, burying your head in his neck to breath in his cologne. “Just thought we could try something new. Sex is always good with you but it’s so rare for us, we need to keep it special.”
He smiled, leaning in to give you a slow, sensual kiss. His lips moved against yours slowly, placing open mouth kisses to your lips. His head tilted to the side, allowing him better access to mesh your lips with his. He would carefully envelope your lips with his, the soft feeling leaving yours seconds later. He would quickly delve into another kiss, occasionally tugging your lip with his teeth. Your hands threaded through his hair, his hands planted firmly on your waist. They held tightly, trying to refrain from running over your skin-tight dress.
You spent a few minutes just sitting on the couch, gently kissing each other. You were surprised he stayed true to not feeling around, but you were glad he did. You never got to have this kind of passionate moment with Stuart. Ever since you had agreed to go out with him, life was quick, leaving you little time to enjoy things like this. You cherished the rare times you got with him in your busy schedules, but this was the cherry on top of everything.
His tongue darted out to lick at your lips, a small moan escaping against his lips. He pulled back, licking his lips. “Please, baby? Can I French kiss you?” You giggled, pulling him down for a kiss. He placed a heated kiss to your lips, his tongue slipping through the crack in your lips. He massaged your tongue, the two wrestling against each other playfully. You shifted against him without breaking the kiss, propping yourself on your knees next to him, your hands pressing against his chest. His hands cupped your cheeks, the kiss growing more heated and deeper in those slight movements.
He broke the kiss, his lips traveling down your jaw to your neck, sucking at it harshly. Normally he wouldn’t do that, afraid to leave marks that people would question, but right now, neither of you cared. You were in the moment and a hickey was the last of your worries. He began laying you back on the couch, your arms reaching above your head, Stuart kissing down your collarbone. Unfortunately for you, your hand knocked the open bottle of Gatorade you had left on the table before the party, the blue liquid pouring over your head. You let out a squeal at the sudden liquid on your body, jumping up. Of course, it was your luck that the bottle got knocked up at well, spilling the remainder of the liquid on Stuart’s head.
Stuart started laughing, resting his head against your shoulder, his hair wet and sticky. “How the fuck did that just happen?” He asked, feeling you shrug, your wet body shivering slightly. “How about we get you a shower then? Get you warmed up. You’re soaked to the bone,” he chuckled, seeing the glare on your face.
He got off the couch, throwing you over his shoulder easily. “Stuart Twombly! Put me down right this instance!” You banged on his back, Stuart making no effort to drop you. “Fine. At least I get to see this fine thing,” you told him, smacking his ass.
“You forget,” he started, pushing your dress up to smack your ass loudly, “Where yours is baby.” You grumbled at him, Stuart clicking on the light in the bathroom. He carefully put you on the sink, turning on the shower so it could heat up. He turned back to you, leisurely helping lift the tight, wet material from your skin. His warm fingers brushed against your bare sides as the dress was pulled up over your head, Stuart discarding it in the corner. His eyes locked on the strapless, lace black bra you wore with a matching thong. “Damn, baby. You must have been planning to come back if you wore that.”
You grinned, pecking his lips. “I told you. You’ve been on my mind all day. I contemplated masturbating before the party, but it’s never the same.” Stuart smiled, kissing your cheek before turning to leave. You frowned, grabbing ahold of his shirt. “Where are you going?”
He glanced back at you, his face cutely confused. “Letting you shower?”
You bit your lip, staring at him. “Join me? You got wet too and should get cleaned up,” you mumbled, never removing your eyes from him. He chuckled, unbuttoning his shirt and tossing it with your dress. You gazed at his toned chest, eyes trailing over his flexing muscles in his arms and the patches of hair on his chest and stomach. Stuart just smirked, kicking off his jeans and boxers and jumping in the shower.
“You coming, baby?” He called out through the steam, missing your low moan. You unhooked your bra, tossing it away randomly as you jumped off the counter, slipping free of the thong. You poked your head in the shower, Stuart's back to you as he scrubbed at his hair under the running water. You gingerly stepped in, making no noise, wrapping your arms around him, chest against his back. “Well, there you are.”
He turned in your arms, tugging you under the water. You clung to him, feeling his hands run through your hair to clean off the sugary drink. You placed kisses on his chest, feeling a certain member down below twitch against your leg when you did. He felt you grinning against him, placing a kiss to your forehead.
“Stuart, this is nice,” you murmur, Stuart looking down at you. “We don’t normally take time to be… passionate like this. It’s been nice for once. Kind of romantic, don’t you think?” You look up at him with a large smile, Stuart smiling in return.
He didn’t answer with words, leaning down to kiss you. It was slow like before, his mouth meshing with yours in hot, open mouth kisses. Your nails raked against his chest, pressing yourself hard against him. The water dripped down your bodies, adding to the heat that was building up inside of you.
Stuart broke the kiss, kisses trailing down your neck to your chest. His lips tenderly wrapped around your nipple, placing soft kisses to the tender bug. He gently tugged at it with his lips, his tongue running over it. His tongue circled the bug, flicking it occasionally. His hand grabbed the other one in between his fingers, pinching the nipple. Your head fell back, fingers tangling in his hair, moaning loudly. Stuart swapped breasts, repeating his actions when he did.
He pulled away with a pop, running his tongue along the valley of your breasts back to your lips, kissing you forcefully. “I’m sorry, baby. I’ve tried to stay calm and be romantic like you said I was. I wanted to make you happy by doing what you want.” He kissed you again, the kissing harder and sloppier. “But, I fucking need to be inside of you. I’ve waited as long as I could, but you’re so sexy and I love you so much. I need you.”
He picked you up abruptly, aligning himself with your pussy. You moaned, feeling him slide inside easily, the water from the shower and your already wet pussy aiding his cock. Your arms wrapped around his neck, your back hitting the shower wall. Stuart held your thighs, your legs winding around his waist in a tight hold. His hips shifted into yours, his cock sliding out and back in deeply. You quietly mewled at the feeling, his thrusts getting faster and deeper.
“Fuck, I forgot how good you feel,” he panted, using one hand to brace himself on the wall. “It’s been so long, Y/N. Your pussy is so much better than my hand. Only you can make me feel this good.”
You cracked your eyes open at him, placing a sloppy kiss to his lips. “You’ve broken records today. First, you’re hella romantic, now you sound hella dirty. Have you always been this dirty? You’re normally quiet when we fuck, popping off sarcastic remarks now and again. You’ve never talked dirty to me.”
He looked up, halting his movements, reaching over to turn off the shower. “You want me to be dirty? Baby, I can be dirty. You’ve seen nothing yet.” He pushed off the wall, holding you against him as he climbed from the shower, heading for your room. You left a trail of water through your hallway, Stuart’s cock still throbbing inside of you. He kicked the door open, dropping you on the bed. You whined at the empty feeling you felt when he left your pussy, Stuart grinned as he stroked his cock. “God, there are so many things I want to do to you.”
You whimpered, Stuart leaning over you to kiss down your body. “God, do you know how many things I’ve wanted to do to you?” He whispered, stopping once he got to your pussy. “I’ve always wanted to cum on your tits. To fuck you doggy style since we’ve never done that. To have you ride my face.” He licked a stripe up your pussy, hearing you moan. “To have you call me daddy while I fuck you into next week. To leave you unable to walk.”
You grumbled, wrapping your legs around his head, shoving his face into your pussy. “Less talking, more doing then.” He complied silently, his tongue delving deep into your pussy. Your head fell back into the pillows, your back arching off the bed. His tongue was always magic, but this was more intense than normal. He was swirling his tongue around, lapping at the juices that were constantly leaking from your core. The tip rubbed against your walls, finding every sensitive spot he knew you had.
He pulled away, two fingers replacing his tongue, thrusting into your pussy at lightning speed. His lips wrapped around your clit, sucking at it harshly, tongue flicking against the engorged bud relentlessly. You moaned loudly, Stuart pressing his tongue to your clit, fingers curling inside of you. The tips of his fingers pressed to your g-spot, prodding at it with everything he had and shoved them deep inside of you. The coil in your stomach was unwinding quickly, your body shaking uncontrollably.
“Stu, baby. I’m going to cum.” At your words, his fingers pulled free of your walls, his lips placing a quick kiss to your clit before he sat up, licking his fingers clean. Your mouth fell open, staring at your secret boyfriend. “Did you… did you just deny me my orgasm?”
He grinned, rolling you over so you were on top. “You should ride daddy’s face while you cum. Because that sounds so hot.” You blushed at his words, hearing him call himself daddy. Your heart rate picked up, your core aching at his words.
“Ok, I never thought calling you daddy would actually turn me on,” you mumbled, shimmying up his body until your pussy was directly over his face. You looked down at him, meeting his dark brown, lust-filled eyes. “But it did. So, will you let me cum now, daddy?”
His hands met your waist, pulling you down until his lips met your clit, his tongue darting out to lick it rapidly. You squealed at the feeling, leaning your hands on the headboard to keep upright. Your fingers curled against the wood, Stuart’s tongue licking long stripes through your folds. Occasionally he would blow cool air over your pussy and clit, shivers running up your spine. His lips would wrap around your clit in sucking kisses, his tongue dipping into your wet pussy whenever it passed by.
Stuart snaked one hand under you, two fingers sliding into your pussy when he attached his lips firmly to your clit, spelling his name slowly on the engorged bud. He thrust his fingers into you slowly, scissoring them as he moved. The feeling was different than anything you’ve ever felt, your body shaking violently on top of him.
You used one hand to support yourself on the headboard, using the other to massage your breasts while he finger-fucked you. His eyes cracked open when your moans got louder, your panting increasing. He broke from his attack on your clit to watch you fondle yourself, his fingers roughly pressing into you. “Fuck, baby. That’s hot. Are you picturing my hands caressing your tits? My lips around your nipples?” You nodded, head falling back to moan his name.  
“Oh fuck, daddy. I don’t know how long I’m going to last,” you whined, Stuarts fingers speeding up. He turned his attention back to your clit, his teeth nipping at the bud, a loud scream ripping from your throat. You could feel him groan against you, curling his fingers into your sensitive walls. You felt the coil in your stomach unwinding like before, your body convulsing. “Oh god. I’m cumming, daddy!”
Waves of pleasure rolled through your body, Stuart replacing his fingers with his mouth before your fluids leaked from your pussy. His tongue shoved its way into you, massaging your walls as you came, your juices spilling onto his taste buds. He happily lapped at your juices, swallowed every drop you had.
You crawled off him carefully, hearing him sigh contently. “God, you taste as good as I remember,” he mumbled to himself, though you heard him clearly. You grinned, your hand reaching over to wrap around his stiff cock. His head turned to you, raising an eyebrow. “And what do you think you’re doing?”
You smiled at him, adjusting your position until you were nestled between his legs, grasping him tightly. He let out a short breath, propping himself up on his elbows to watch you. He saw your eyes shift to his cock before returning his gaze, silently telling him what you were planning. When he didn’t protest, you began stroking his cock, your mouth wrapping around the tip. You ran your tongue over the swollen tip, tasting the precum that was leaking from it. You hummed happily, vibrating his cock.
“Fuck, baby. You like to torture daddy, huh?” His fingers tangled in your hair, laying back in the pillows with his eyes closed. You smiled against him, beginning to bob your head along his length, pumping what couldn’t fit in your mouth with your hand. Your nose buried in the dark curly hairs at the base of his cock, swirling your tongue around his length. Your cheeks hollowed out, the feeling around his cock growing tighter. “God, that feels so good. You always know how to please me baby,” he murmured.
Your tongue ran along the pulsing vein on the underside of his cock, faintly hearing Stuart moan your name during the action. The noise he made filled you with additional adrenaline, bobbing your head faster. He moaned louder, tightening his hold on your hair. He used it as leverage to guide your movements, his hips jerking up to meet your movements. His tip hit the back of your throat, your eyes watering slightly to avoid gagging. You pushed yourself to deepthroat him further, Stuart’s cock twitching against your cheeks sporadically.
“Fuck baby. I’m going to cum soon,” he grumbled, your lips pulling back to suck his tip. When your lips pulled away completely, his eyes snapped open, looking up at you. You were sitting back on your knees, licking your lips, a smirk present on your cheeks. “Oh. Touché, babe. I see what you did there.”
You giggled, sliding back on the bed. He watched you lean forward, your chest against his groin. He propped himself up on his elbows, watching you wrap your breasts around his cock, rubbing them against him. He groaned, thrusts his hips in motion with you, steadily speeding up. You pushed your breasts together, hugging his cock between them. You moaned at the feeling of him pumping between them, Stuart moaning in return. Your lips wrapped around the tip, harshly sucking at it and running your tongue along the slit.
“Fuck,” he mumbled, his body growing warm. “I’m not going to last long.” You pushed your breasts together at his comment, rocking your body to jerk him quickly. “Shit!” Stuart yelled out, his head falling back. His seed shot from the tip in spurts, filling your cheeks and sliding down your throat. It was salty, but sweet, and you enjoyed the taste more than you thought you would. You gripped him with your hand, pumping him to milk the last drops of his cum.
Stuart was panting heavily, watching you through his lashes as you licked your lips clean of his seed. You crawled up his body, fingers tangling in his hair as you kissed him fiercely. Stuart returned the kiss without hesitation, rolling you over until your back was pressed against the bed.
His cock buried itself in your pussy while he kissed you, swallowing your moan with his lips. His hips pressed forcibly into yours, his cock bottoming out before he dared move. You broke the kiss, lips nearly atop each other, moans escaping both of your mouths at the same time. He pulled out slowly, slamming his way back into you quickly, his speed instantly at one hundred percent. He was pounding you into the mattress from the get go, and you were enjoying every second of it.
His cock never stopped moving, vehemently thrusting into you. It brushed against your sensitive walls, causing them to clench around him tightly. He trailed his kisses down your neck, sucking countless marks along the way. His lips wrapped around your nipple, your back arching into him from the mixture of his assault on your breasts and his restless thrusting. He sucked at your nipple, tugging at it with both his lips and his teeth. You moaned loudly, your mind blanking on what was happening.
Stuart pulled away with a pop, gripping your thigh tightly. He shifted it over his shoulder, the angle causing your body to shake violently. He was reaching new depths with his endless thrusting, easily prodding at your g-spot every time he shoved his cock deep inside of you. The sound of slapping skin filled the room, Stuart panting and sweating from his movements.
“You’re so tight, baby,” he murmured, licking between your breasts. He leaned back slightly, his thrusts becoming faster and more powerful. Each thrust caused you to scream out loud, your breasts bouncing freely with his thrusts. Stuart’s eye locked on them, watching them jiggle with his motions, his mouth watering. “You have the best tits. Fuck.”
He leaned forward again, supporting himself with one hand. His other hand wrapped around your neck, squeezing it gently. It wasn’t enough to constrict your breathing, but there was something about the action that turned you on. Your stomach churned with desire, your body heating up dramatically. Waves of pleasure rolled through your body, your pussy dripping with arousal around Stuart’s giant cock. He would tighten his hold on your neck occasionally, hearing you whimper at the act.
His cock twitched inside of you, pressing into your walls repeatedly. The knot inside of you was unraveling. One squeeze of the neck was all it took for your juices to splatter your walls around him, soaking his cock completely. Your body quaked, turning into a moaning, jumbled mess. Your back arched off the bed, toes curling into Stuart’s shoulder. Your leg wrapped around his waist, tugging him closer, his cock buried to the hilt. He jostled his hips, unconsciously rubbing against your clit as he did, escalating your orgasm.
“Fuck! Daddy!” You screamed loudly, walls completely closing, your fluids pouring from inside of you in endless waterfalls. Stuart groaned happily, the tip of his cock tapping your cervix as he buried himself deep. He twitched uncontrollably, feeling your juices on his cock, the warmth of your pussy enveloping him. He let out a grunt, spewing his seed into your womb, his juices mixing with yours.
He pulled out of you, rubbing himself in his hand, giving you a chance to catch your breath. You were pulled up by the arms into a rough kiss, Stuart’s cock still proudly erect. “Ready for another round, baby?” He whispered in your ear, nipping at your earlobe.
“God, where did this stamina come from?” You joked, Stuart backing away to give you a dull look. “Aw, don’t be mad, daddy. What can your baby do this time for you?” You leaned forward, your chest pressing against his. He grumbled, muttering incoherent things. “Well, you must be done if you can’t decide.”
You were spun around, Stuart pressing against your back until you were on your hands and knees in front of him. His cock pressed against your core, your pussy already growing moist at the feeling. His hand ran over your ass, groping it between his fingers.
“You’re being a naughty girl, Y/N. I think someone needs to be punished,” He stated, smacking your ass hard. You squealed loudly, your hands grabbing at the blankets around you. Another smack was heard, echoing through the room. Your ass was beginning to sting from the impact, but it was also filling you with intense desire. Pleasure was filling your veins with each smack, tears prickling the corners of your eyes from the painful stinging, filthy moans slipping from your lips.
When he smacked your ass for the tenth time, he gently rubbed the bright red skin, caressing it carefully. You looked over your shoulder at him, licking your lips. “I learned my lesson, daddy. Now, will you please fuck me from behind?” Stuart groaned, his cock sliding inside before he could produce words. Your face buried into the bed, biting your lip. “Shit, that feels amazing. You’re so big, Stu.”
His hand met your ass, a squeak coming out of your mouth. “It’s daddy, baby.” His hips pushed forward, snapping against yours in rapid, hard thrusts. Your moans were muffled by the mattress and blankets, listening to skin slapping against each other, feeling his balls smacking against you whenever he pushed in.
His hand reached out, threading in your hair, tugging back on it slightly. Your face was pulled away from the bed, your moans bouncing off the walls instantly. “That’s it, baby,” he panted. “Let everyone hear your moans. Let everyone know who you love. Whose cock you love. Whose girlfriend you are.” He tugged at your hair again, a pool of desire filling inside of you.
He thrust into you at an ungodly speed, your walls contracting around him in intervals. They contracted more often the harder and longer he thrust into you, his fingers never leaving your hair. His cock repeatedly poked your g-spot, hitting your cervix every time he thrust inside of you. You moaned, feeling the pool overflowing inside of you. He bottomed out with his thrusts, filling you to the brim with his large, pulsating cock. It pushed against your walls, your juices flowing around him quickly. Your eyesight went dark, your eyes slightly rolling back as your orgasm hit intensely, your body collapsing onto the bed. You convulsed, Stuart’s thrusts slowing to ride out your high. He moaned at the warm feeling around him, your juices coating his cock.
He pulled from you, his hand wrapping around the base of his cock. He stroked it gently, making a move to get off the bed. “No,” you muttered, catching Stuart’s attention. You got up shakily, turning towards Stuart. He watched you with wary eyes, trying to figure out what you were doing.
“It’s fine, baby,” he uttered lowly. “I can just jack off. You’re worn out already.” You shook your head, pushing his hand away from his cock, taking it in your own.
“You said you wanted to cum on my tits, Stu,” you told him, dropping the whole ‘daddy’ aspect. “So, let me fulfill your desire.” He watched you closely, grunting when your mouth wrapped around his cock completely, bobbing along his length quickly.
“Shit, babe. This is even better than before,” he muttered, resting his hand on the back of your head. You tasted yourself on his cock, your tongue swirling around his length to taste everything. A bit of cum leaked from his tip, the sweet salty liquid making your mouth water. Stuart was already twitching and pulsing against your cheeks, his head falling back.
“Fuck baby,” he panted, feeling something starting to snap inside him. “I’m cumming now.” You pulled away, pumping him with your hand quickly. He moaned your name, hot white streams of cum shooting from his tip, landing on your face and chest, and landing on your tongue when you opened your mouth. You stroked his cock until he had nothing else to release, swallowing the bits that landed on your tongue. Stuart panted, staring down at you, covered in his cum. “That’s… kind of hot.”
You giggled, crawling off the bed slowly, waddling towards the bathroom. Your body was sore, but you were in complete bliss. You grabbed a towel, cleaning off the juices you were wearing. When you came back out, Stuart was laying back on the bed, under the covers already, staring at his phone. You crawled into the bed with him, curling up on his chest.
“That was probably the best sex we’ve ever had, Stu,” you told him, looking up to give him a kiss. “I miss you so much, baby. I love you.” He grinned, placing a slow, chaste kiss to your lips.
“Back at you, baby. You were a beast tonight.” He nuzzled into your hair, placing a kiss to the top of your head. “I love you so much, Y/N.”
You notice him look back at his phone, turning to grab yours from the side table, right where Stuart always put it. You figured he grabbed it when he went to grab his. You glanced at your messages, seeing dozens of texts from your team. The one that caught your eye the most was one from Ann.
[11:21 PM: Ann Bby] I saw you and Stuart disappear one after another. I should have known you two were secretly together. You guys are cute.
You blushed, looking up at Stuart. “Ann saw us leave together. She said she knows we are together.” Stuart nodded, handing you his phone. You scanned his texts, everyone on his team making comments about him leaving with you. They even sent him pictures of when we were dancing at the party. “I guess there’s no much point in keeping it secret now.”
He ran his hand through your hair, taking his phone back. “Well, maybe it’s a good thing we do. We’ve been dating for over a year without a single word to anyone. Maybe now we will get some more time together.” He noticed your eyes drooping slowly, kissing your head. “We’ll talk about it in the morning. For now, sleep. And remember this as you fall asleep.” He nuzzled his face with yours, kissing your cheek. “I love you.”
You smiled, snuggling into him. You fell asleep quickly, muttering a quick ‘I love you’ back to him. Stuart smiled, relaxing into the bed, reminiscing about the night you had shared before he fell asleep with you.
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ghoulmika-blog · 8 years
thangs @elliottdanchou for the tag ! (✿^◡^)
1. Favorite anime?
um.,, owari no seraph, noragami. erased was also amazing. and zankyou no terror. and mirai nikki? as u can see i suck at making decisions lmao bye
also i’m not listing tokyo ghoul because the anime wasn’t as good as the manga and i’m still bitter about it
2. Worst anime?
out of the anime i have watched it’s gotta be kokoro connect rip i mean the idea was cute and it was entertaining to watch but what the hell did the producers get themselves into here the end was shit and just not satisfying like how did the body swapping etc work in the end?? IT MAKES NO SENSE WHAT
3. Do you read manga that goes with the anime?
yes because if the anime is good i am most likely to get a 24/7 obsession and want to see more of it so i’ll go read the manga
4. Most favorite genres?
psychological, mystery, violence. give me that dark shit. but i will also enjoy a cheesy slice of life highschool romance there is literally no in between
5. Least favorite genre?
hmm i think i wouldn’t watch an anime if it’s comedy only. idk that just wouldn’t keep me entertained, i want an intense plot line that’ll have me on the edge of my seat u feel
6. Favorite character?
ok this is hard but i’m gonna go with kaneki mika hide and yamaguchi, i’m a sucker for relatable characters with a tragic backstory basically (hide though..,we sTILL don’t know his backstory..,,, , sue me)
7. Least favorite character?
five from znt, and tbh hiyori from noragami i know she’s cute and kind and shit and IDK WHAT IT IS ABOUT HER THAT PISSES ME OFF SO MUCH but she’s annoying rip rip
8. Qualities you like in a character?
TRAGIC BACKSTORIES. as i already mentioned lol. the characters that have suffered from any kind of abuse always evolve to really strong badasses which is hella cool. i also love really sick and crazy people who do cruel things though, villains are nice, and last but not least the cute and soft characters that just fill you with delight bc they’re smol and need to be protected. maybe this explains to you why i love kaneki so much, he was all of these character types at some stage lmao
9. Short or long anime?
hm i feel like long anime at some point loose their worth because they just keep producing new eps which in the end leads them to just running in circles and thats boring. additionally i’m not sure if i have the patience for 723898 seasons but at the same time whenever i finish an excellent anime i wished there was more. so like, if i am genuienly enjoying the anime i’d be happy to watch many seasons lmao but thats just rare.
10. Anime or manga?
i prefer watching anime because it’s more chill and i am a really slow reader so manga can be a drag
11. How do you choose the anime you watch?
50% because of things i see on my tumblr dash 50% because every time i finish a good anime i end up googling “ANIME LIKE x” “i jusT FINISHED x WHAT DO I D O”
12. Skip or listen to intros/outros?
i always listen to the openings the first time and if i like them i usually wont skip and as for the endings, actually i rarely ever listen to the endings bc i want to watch the next ep right away
13. How do you cope with friends or family don’t like you watching anime?
okay so there’s not really anyone who specifically doesn’t like me watching anime so, idk how to answer this. sure some people find it weird, and if i really value someone’s opinion on me then i will feel ashamed of my anime passion for some reason. except the person is as obsessed as i am lmao then its nice lmao
14. Do you stop an anime midway if you don’t like it?
i usually don’t want to just stop midway because maybe it will get better and if i stop watching now then i’ll never know™ but sometimes i’m just plain disappointed and have to drop the anime
that’s it wow this took me longer than it should have
i’m tagging @castiel-fuckin-winchester (i mean i know you didn’t really have the time for anime lately but i still wanna tag u??) @mxsachxn @shinguuxi @distressedphilosopher @idkmikayuu and OH GOD I DONT KNOW WHO TO TAG just. whoever actually read this post till down here is hereby tagged. goodbyE
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