#now i have an idea of what to give cain as an outfit. tho i am still thinkin of leather jacket as part of a casual wear thing
aria0fgold · 5 months
Feeling very Cain from Wolves Den coded right now. Gonna be designing an outfit for him to use for the drawing and so off to firefox I go to search up: "are leather jackets good for hunting" answer is No, so I went to search something else again: "what jacket is good for hunting with a license" (i added the with a license as an afterthought cuz i feel like google wont understand me if i just put hunting on that). Which finally led me to: "shooting jacket mens"
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lycanhood · 7 years
Supergirl 3x01 Liveblog
Okay so we’re doing away with the voiceover intro? Can’t say I miss it
INice, that daydream was actually better than I thought. It seemed to be communicating that Mon-El is just the latest in a long list of losses Kara has suffered (her family, culture, planet), which is what I was hoping for.
Damn Supergirl looked hot as hell during that car chase.
New intro logo! nice I like it
Haha Alex “I’m not like that!” no honey of course not
Oh god Lena and James both being like “but Supergirl is great tho” haha I needed this
Morgan Edge is coming out swinging, shit
Okay but Sad/Angry Kara looks great? Her outfit her hair 10/10
Lena actually just told Kara she missed her and apologized for sending Mon-El, that is straight out of post-S2 fanfics
Oh no, Alex isn’t enjoying wedding planning b/c Kara is sad :’(
Oh shit, no Catco? Shouldn’t have pushed her, James. She’s not having any of it
I’m actually really enjoying this(?) Like it’s not over yet, but Kara pulling away from everyone makes so much sense to me. She has always surrounded herself with people trying to feel the whole Krypton left, but now she has lost too many people and can’t handle the idea of losing anymore, so she is pulling back.
Lena was like “I came here to ask you to leave my wife’s magazine alone. K? Thanks”
Lena just buy Catco yourself
That Danvers Sisters angst was rough, but I didn’t hate it. The "That's what humans do. And I'm better than that." line is on par with the superiority problem Kryptonians seem to have, = as a society. They were kind of pretentious and self righteous. Superman himself always carries this sort of moral superiority. And he didn't even grow up there. So Kara who was raised in that culture saying something like "I'm better than that" makes alot of fucking sense to me. This is hard to watch tho.
Kara and Jonn bonding over the losses of their worlds!! Give me MORE!
This angst anti-human Kara is reminding me alot of some Supergirl comics I’ve read, where Kara is like hardcore Kryptonian. I don’t hate it.
How do Chyler and Flo have that much chemistry across a whole courtyard and through a crowd?
Okay, we all know Maggie is leaving so why the fuck you got to bring up Gertrude? Are you just trying to hurt me?
But like are we ever gonna find out what happen to Jeremiah after Exodus? Dean Cain wtf are you?
You’re wrong, Lena, we are all actually just here to see you.
Lena called Supergirl her FRIEND!!! In front of everyone!
Jonn your mind reading is useless
Someone fucking save Sam;s baby so she doesn’t go evil!!!
Alex honey she can’t answer you she’s underwater
Wait so Sam’s kid didn’t die? How are we gonna kick off that villain arc then?
I know, I’ve already said it but Kara/Supergirl looks soooo good in this episode. Wet Supergirl carrying that submarine? 10/10
OH MY GOD SHE ACTUALLY FUCKING DID IT!!! Lena you are extra af! She bought Catco wtf?
Kara turned to Morgan like “excuse me what the FUCK did you just say to my wife?”
Oh my god that Lena and Morgan and Kara/Supergirl scene had me like djsagdkwuaekgfuibasbldukjbdk XD
I can’t believe that just happened.
The word “gayest” actually just came out of Alex Danvers mouth. What fanfic is this?
Oh no, Alex is gonna ask Jonn...she asking him...its happening I’m not ready!! Cry motherfuckers! CRY!
Haha Alex is too funny this episode “Kevlar and boots”
She texting Lena!
A heart emoji?!!?! A fucking actually heart emoji, Lena? what the actual fuck?
And...a we’ve got a Worldkiller folks
I actually really enjoyed that. Maybe I’m just crazy or obsessed or both. But that episode was actually good, sorry
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