#now i have it out of my system and can do other stuff again
olenvasynyt · 2 days
Top 3 most controversial acotar takes/opinions, now☄️
Uh nooooo only my top three? Alrighty. These are going to be very harsh:
1. I have read the ACOTAR series at least 3 times since 2021 and I very often skim chapters every week for posts and videos. And I will be fully honest, I never want to reread the series ever again because of Feyre. I dislike her biases, her hypocrisy, her habit of ignoring other people’s POVs and the mistakes she’s made. I hate her excuses and her blindness and selfishness and how she treats everyone who is not in the IC. I hate how she treats Tamlin and Lucien. I physically cannot reread ACOWAR without flinching at all of the stuff she does, ESPECIALLY her taking down Spring out of revenge. I do not like her as an FMC and I’m glad we have moved past her story and onto other characters.
2. I think the fanbase’s hatred for Tamlin is so extreme and it is heavily influenced by Feyre’s own biases, as well as stupid memes on tiktok. If you take a second to look at the story from Tamlin’s perspective, you can easily understand his actions. With Hybern, EVERYONE FORGETS THAT 1. He was not part of the Archeron Sister’s kidnapping, that was Ianthe. It’s literally explained by Hybern in the book. And 2. He was playing as a double agent, which is hinted at many many times and it is something we later discover. I would go into it more but I feel like that’s its own post that many people have made before.
3. I don’t think SJM is the best writer. I know writers can retcon, especially in huge series like this, but she uses retconning as a crutch, and it’s very frustrating. She has so many inconsistencies and plot holes and inconveniences that personally bother me. I think her world building in ACOTAR is so flat and not thought out at all, and her magic system is even worse. Most of her villains, not just in ACOTAR but in her other series, are not that good idk. She also has a habit of the typical villain monologue that I am getting so sick of and I literally skip the part of the human queen during the Blood Rite because I think it’s so badly written 😭😂
And here’s some random ones just for fun with no to little explanation (I couldn’t do just 3 LMAO sorry)
4. ACOTAR would be better in 3rd POV limited and we can still get the mystery of the world, Feyre’s biases, etc. A lot of problems I have would be solved if we got the POVs of other characters
5. I would like Rhys so much more if he was revealed to be a villain
6. Lucien is one of the only characters I genuinely enjoy, and I’m holding out for him. If he did not exist, I would not be reading ACOTAR at all
7. The IC are awful for how they treat Nesta and I DESPISE THE “intervention” they put her through. It was not a real intervention and readers should not try to defend it in that way
8. This fanbase is filled with too many straight normies who have never experienced a fanbase before and refuse to broaden their minds and think beyond canon. Tamsand would be the most popular ship in any other fanbase. There would be more sexuality and gender headcanons. Trans headcanons, trans fanfics, m-preg fanfics, etc etc. But I guess this is a very popular fantasy romance so I get why those aren’t popular but I should not have to explain why it’s okay to ship ships that aren’t canon, and why people often insert their heteronormative fantasies in queer ships (looking at you Azris)
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kakitetan · 2 days
Phighting! Self Aware AU x Reader (Scythe's Route)
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Description: Your friends won't stop talking about Phighting! and so you decide to check it out. With confusing mechanics, and most of all, and odd partner system. You soon learn that it's much more than you bargained for.
You had no idea what Phighting! was. Your friends were talking about it, but you never paid too much attention, until there was one detail that caught your attention. They rely solely on you, as their partner. The game is a PvP game, where you fuse with your partner character. You have to take a quiz before playing, and the character you get will be your partner. You both have to work together to fight the other players. It sounded unreal, and it even made you a bit nervous. But it was a free game, so you decided to try it out.
Your eyes reflected the screen, processing the quiz questions that appeared…
Scythe's Route:
You stared at the screen, and a cowboy-looking figure appeared. A text popped up on your screen, "So yur my partner', ay?" She spoke, "Not too shabby, don't disappoint me now, Partner." She snickered before you logged into the game. You were greeted with a loading screen. It gave you time to process it, were these characters sentient? You knew that Roblox has some AI stuff, nah. It had to be programmed. There's no way. You leaned back in your chair. The game finished loading, and you clicked 'play' and saw other players in the lobby.
"So Partner, since yur' new, let me explain some things. I'm Scythe, I'm pretty famous round' these parts. Heh.. I use a Scythe, it can change into a rifle. Just press that button' in that corner of yours." She said.
"Pft.. Yea, no shit. I can see your Scythe." You remarked.
"Watch that mouth of yours, sweetie." Scythe glared at the camera.
You paused, staring at the screen. "Uhh." You mumbled.
"Uhh is right, now don't make me lose my temper now. Click the damn button!" Scythe demanded.
"Uhh! Yes ma'am!" You said, clicking the button to switch weapons.
"Yes ma'am is right, damn kids." Scythe tsked, "Let's go to a lobby now. Talk to that fine gentleman over there, his name is B. Zuka." She told.
You silently took control, heading over to B. Zuka.
"Hey, wanting to head out?" B. Zuka said.
"Yes sir.." You mumbled, you didn't want to test his temper either.
"Hop in." He sighed.
The loading screen appeared. You didn't realize how tense your body was until now, you tried to relax more. You appeared in an ongoing game, Scythe loaded in.
"Yur' in complete control, Partner. Let's show these folks who's boss." Scythe told you, and you nodded.
"Alright. I'll try my best!" You exclaimed.
Author's Note: Hey, it's been a while. I stopped posting for a while to focus more on my other hobbies, I didn't expect people to actually miss me. I felt unmotivated due to the death threats I've been receiving from the Pressure fanbase. But nonetheless, I decided to do something new again. I have Pressure fanfics in the making, but it will be slowing down. I have multiple hobbies, many outside of writing.
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RLGL au peeps featuring that feeling when a late night baking session turns into a group therapy session instead
I just went wild hearing this song for some reason
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gratitude list time I'll go first
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Having Tomadachi Life with yourself and your F/Os is all fun and games until it says they don't like you/you have to watch them get hearts over someone else
Uuuhhhh I vent/rant/lose my marbles in the tags just as a heads up. Nothing HEAVY just. Very bothersome
#okay i can normally ignore the they dont like me thing. if anything i giggle a little over it and move on#i gotta be like having a rough moment for that to bug or bother me#and i PURPOSELY made an island with only boys cause most my F/Os are boys and if i only do one gender then-#-I dont have to worry about them asking anyone else out cause Nintendo is/was scare of same-gender relationships#But i wanted to unlock the park and cafe and amusement park but you only unlock those if someone confesses their feelings#so i purposely made two random default Miis and then prayed that they liked each other and hopefully ask each other out#which thankfully they both like each other so far and im still hoping. knock on wood.#but i made ONE MISTAKE and accidentally told the girl one to go be friends with Jackson IT WAS AN ACCIDENT#and i thought nothing of it because she didn't really like him but nooOOOOO FOR SOME REASON HE DECIDED TO LIKE-LIKE HER#I almost soft reset my game and I wouldve too if he didnt decide to have the heart problem for it until after i finished all my-#-daily stuff and answering other problems and things#so i just shut it down really fast. I considered just ignoring it until the problem went away nathrally but I didnt want it to come up again#ugh. Im not like. devestated or anything over it but eating my own faults SUCKS#If it was the reverse then it would be a different story but. ugh. I mean i still wouldve shut it down cause i dont need them-#-being a couple especially cause then i really wouldve lost it#I just had to get that out of my system im all good now😮‍💨😭
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medicinemane · 5 months
And maybe you'll be like "but if you don't trust businesses, how can you trust welfare?"
I fucking don't. My mom trying to get on food stamps fucked me up because a lady I never met without my permission got my SSN from my mom and started editing my files. My heart still races to this very second whenever I think about it, it kinda messed me up bad and I'll never ever ever see any kind of recourse
And I'm terrified that I'm gonna lose my medicaid just cause I inherited some money from my grandpa
And I've never even applied for disability cause it kinda doesn't matter finding out if I'd qualify or not cause of my depression, when the rules are so restrictive I don't know if I've even be allowed to keep my house
I do not fucking trust these things on a personal level. I feel like out of a lot of people I have the most to fear from them cause I'm on the edge of having things work, and that gets you punished
...but I need medicaid in order to have insurance (and when you strip out the finance side of medicaid, I love medicaid... they're honestly incredible insurance... I just... I just... dental is like 90% of why medicaid is so important to me, ever since I found out this state pays for it I've actually been able to do cleanings which is important to me cause I can't always get myself to brush)
And I think things like disability and food stamps are pretty damn important on a personal level, and honestly are also good for the economy cause they get people spending... it's practically a free cash infusion into the economy, cause these are people who need to buy stuff
There's just so much important stuff welfare does that it's worth dealing with government
No, what I want is more accountability so if someone gets my SSN from a 3rd party like my mom they're held to HIPPA styles standards where that's not ok to access my files without my permission (She changed my fucking address and tried to get medicaid to investigate me for fraud! Never even met me)
Like have some accountability there and in every situation
Secondly I want less punitive focused rules. I'd frankly prefer bezos get on disability than smack down some poor sod cause they got $2000 in the bank or cause their friend lets them live with them for free
If there's gonna be a cut off on these programs, it needs to be a solid step above the poverty line, cause... by definition I assume poverty line denotes kinda the minimum expected income people can reasonably live off of, and if you take away benefits people are gonna lose a chunk of money to covering that stuff themself, so you need a buffer before you kick people off
I don't fucking trust the government for a second, I've actively been fucked by them and on a personal level I avoid everything but medicaid and only that cause everything but the money is pleasant to deal with and I kinda need it (honestly if I was rich I'm not even kidding that I'd rather give medicaid like $400 a month than some insurance company, I sincerely like them as insurance)
But I'd trust them a lot more if they were less punitive, less out to hunt me down and gut me cause someone handed me a fiver or cause I started to get on my feet, and if government employees had concrete rules they had to follow that were actually transparent and enforced
Like 90% of my problems with welfare go away if they're held accountable and there's less "catch the welfare cheats" mentality going around
I don't trust the government in the slightest, but sadly there some jobs it kinda has to do, so I'd just rather force it to be an open book where the public can keep an eye on it and if they step out of line there's consequences (sort of like I don't trust most mega corps but happen to sometimes need stuff from them... did you know literally every cell service provider has been illegally selling shit like your location data to random people like bounty hunters, and the FCC just slapped them with a fine that's 0.02% of their yearly incomes and debated even doing that? I even can offer a source on that)
...I don't trust much of any authority cause they constantly fail me and kinda screw me. Don't trust doctors either, but I still gotta go to them, you know? ...they're just... they're real bad at listening... so many systems need systemic change
(You know who I really don't trust is the cops. I could point to so many examples. My uncle doesn't trust cops either, and he's an ex Fire and SWAT paramedic, he worked with them and we still got into a long conversation where he basically tore into them far better than I can)
(I don't trust authority that's not accountable)
#anyway; if I'm a lousy cheat or whatever least they can do is give me a gun so I can solve that problem#shit makes me wish I was canadian so I could take advantage of their sick implementation of assisted suicide#what should be a system that gives people a choice about the quality of their life; and I don't think should be relegated to terminal illne#...there was... think he was dutch; had been burned by his girlfriend all over his body; was in constant pain#and he ended up using assisted suicide in the end cause he was just in constant agony... think that's his choice to make#but of course the canadian system concretely pushes people; mostly the poor and disabled; to kill themselves#not theoretically; as in literally says word for word to them 'you should really kill yourself; just sign here'#it's sick; it truly is#but for any americans that want to dunk on it; I'm telling you we're no better#we have the exact same miserable desperation and people (again; mostly poor and disabled) into despair#only difference is we don't offer assisted suicide#the underlying issues in the US and canada are so damn similar; so much of what's happening ends up being the same#you can't act smug just cause you only make people want to die instead of also offering to help#that's like saying that you're the good guy cause while you did everything you could to drive someone to the brink#get them fired; slash their tires; just cartoon level villain stuff to personally harass this person... at least you won't hand them rope#we have such similar systemic issues to canada; and I am explicitly telling you that like the people in canada that have said#'I can't take it anymore; disability doesn't cover my expenses and I can't get any help... I'm at my wits end so I'm gonna go die'#I'm telling you that I feel that same way; just without any eugenics agency I can call up#I'm really working to get things stable; but it feels like I'm teetering on the edge of falling into permanent failure#and... and I'll actually tell you the amount even though I don't like to mention money... makes me feel guilty#my gramps left me $27k; which sounds like a lot; but I got 20 windows that need redoing (house has a lot of windows)#...if they ended up being 1k each; that's most of the money gone; if they end up being more...#and I got a whole lotta other stuff I've been putting off like plumbing around here; need to replace that faucet#it's an amount of money that helps; but it's an amount of money that isn't gonna last#...that's like a year of bills; and my mom already needs me to pay like $400 to the propane bill since she got behind#I want to use it to... to try and really get my feet on the ground; but it might loose me my insurance... it makes me want to die#and not to be a selfish bastard; but if I could I'd like to try and take and invest a bit to maybe build some passive income#given that... that a job never seems to work out for me cause I fucking suck and cause like... my insomnia has me up at 5:30 am right now#mm tag so i can find things later
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levil0vesyou · 1 year
Having a post get popular enough to be independently reblogged by someone you follow but aren't mutuals with is. Wild
#yes it was the sex poll obvs#given the person is a minor i'm very glad they picked answer one lmao#like i do think minors in general are allowed to want and even have sex (with each other obvs) but when it's a minor i personally follow it#would just make me feel pretty weird lmao. like on a personal level ya feel? i mean when u reach an even closer level it becomes not weird#again like my dear friend ness (17yo) who afaik doesn't actually HAVE any sex but occasionally wants to and i support her hot girl summer.#but as stated this person barely knows i exist i just follow his blog (i used they earlier but this was incorrect but tumblr won't let me e#edit the tag 😔) and he's 16yo so seeing him talk about wanting and/or having sex would have been. uncomfortable. like obvs he'd be allowed#to because my personal discomfort is no indication of morality but you get it. like if my big little cousin (she's 15 now by god the years#don't stop coming) were to talk about sex and stuff to me or within earshot i would ummm. throw myself out the window? but like i'd still t#try to be supportive and if push comes to shove then yes i would give her condoms 😔 cuz like if a minor wants sex i will not be able to sto#stop them lmao but i can at least try and make it somewhat safe y'know#actually i remembered i have literally given a 15yo a condom before lmao she's prolly over 20 now but like as the adult dormmate it was alm#almost like a responsibility y'know like what do you want me to DO?? let her get pregnant?? anyway enough tangent lmao#btw all this is also why in the poll i included 'too young' but didn't specify an age cuz that's individual y'know. some people are p late#bloomers (i was one) while others choose to have consensual sex by 14 y'know. not something i like to think about but that doesn't mean it#won't happen ya feel. i mean what am i the american education system? lmao. so some ppl have interpreted being 17 as too young but there's#also folks like this who clearly consider 16 old enough and that's defo ppl's good right. and again i usually don't mind just the fact that#he in particular is someone i already knew made it uncomfy. but anyway yea back on topic it's very interesting in general when your post#gets big enough to independently make it to ur dash thru a non mutual lmao. love the hellsite honestly where else amirite#personal#mine#ok to rb ig#like the actual body of the post anyway. i'd be pretty uncomfy if said person saw my tags on this cuz y'know it's kind vagueing even if it'#not negative but anyway. anyway#*kinda
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somelazyassartist · 2 years
#i know I've been venting a lot recently and I'm really sorry but i am. so stressed out with my job right now#for multiple reasons and it sucks so bad#and it just got worse a bit and so I'm conflicted with what I'm supposed to do#because i WANTED to give myself a later deadline so i can take the Etsy stuff slower#because you know!! already stressed about that and tons of other stuff!!#but now i feel like i have to push my deadline up even further than it was before because of some stupid bullshit#pardon my language. it's not anybody's fault. it was two cases of website malfunctions.#I'm not ranting about the people working at either place because they weren't in control of it I'm just kinda mad about the issues itself#cuz i made a bunch of stuff for the Shoppes right?? but it turns out!#there was an issue in the system which meant they couldn't sell anything and nobody thought to tell me until i asked why my stuff wasn't up#and so that's like. 3 cloaks‚ 8 hats‚ and 4 plushies that i could've sold on Etsy a month ago that just never were up for sale#and today at Joann's i had a few issues with mechanical based issues too!#so i went there to get more supplies because if the shop isn't selling i need more stock to sell online to make up for it right?#so i put in half my order for pick-up and was going to get the rest while i was there because i had coupons for both#soooo. the other things i was going to get there were said to be on sale. and then i find out there#that the website hadn't updated right and the sale was cancelled early. so i paid way more than i thought i was going to#and! since the website wasn't updating right! the order i put in for pick up didn't show up in their system until too late in the day!#so i have to go BACK to pick up the half of my order i already paid for and didn't get today#and again since the website didn't update some of the things that it said were in stock sold out in this store so i have to get them online#which is another bit of money I'll have to spend to finish the projects i got fabric for today#i know worrying and stressing isn't going to do me any good#i know that i should probably just sleep this off (if I'm able to) and sort things out tomorrow when I'm feeling better#but it's just kinda upsetting already having a lot of other personal issues i don't want to talk about publicly to deal with#and then having issues with my job and only way of making money on top of it#i know it's a small stupid thing to be upset about#but it's like a needle in a haystack but if the haystack was also all needles#sure i can fix that problem-needle but i hurt myself on every other little problem-needle i have to dig through#it's just so many little things and it all just has been wearing me down. and i know it'll be fine eventually but it still sucks right now#vent#again I'm sorry for venting so much i just kinda have to get this one thing I'm comfortable talking about off my chest
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dawntheduckrb · 6 months
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Low resolution borb chilling on the curb
#tag wall#i sat and watched this little fella#it found a bug! so awesome#broski was nibbling away#my dad made biscuits and gravy this morning and omg they were heavenly#im convinced the closer the gravy looks to actual prison slop the better it is#bc omg#i was nibbling away too#food ramble sorry; its just been a while since i had them and i cant seem to make a rue w/o messing it up so im super grateful#anyway ive been drawing tiny things here and there#i've decided i wont post them still#half of the problem was i just too busy trying to draw 'for fun' so i could post something on my main#so when i sat down to draw for myself i just couldn't do it#the hiatus seems to have helped with that because im actually making small stuff again#*but*#the other half of the issue i was having was checking my activity page too much#it was a bit obsessive if im being honest and it still kind of is#so while that issue needs to be corrected still#for now it's going under the rug; if i post doodles on my alt like i said i might#I'll still be checking for notes and i simply dont have the time or headspace for that#<<<none of that is in a negative tone btw! im doing much better than i was a few weeks ago! not 100% still but baby steps :3#I'm putting the drawings i make in my drafts and marking the date on each post#whenever finals are over I'll load them up in a queue and start posting them!#that way i can still get my thoughts out of my system without defeating the purpise of the hiatus#**purpose i am not fixing that#ok that's all bye bye 🦆🦆#not rb
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ritsmew-sakunya · 2 years
i remember like 3 years ago i was so excited to go to uni and to be in a new place and be independent. and then i went thru 2 years of hell before i couldn't take it anymore and left at the start of my final year.
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hoshigray · 1 year
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Had the most random thought, but what if you caught Miguel by surprise and sneaked a kiss on the back of his neck when he's stressed out?
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An: Don't mind me, just feeling soft for Miguel because he's corrupting my brain at the moment, lol. Also, wanted to write this to distract me from the fact Pleasurable Practice got smacked with a community label ffs. But, tysm for the love on that fic <33, and [MAYBE] I'll work on pt ii for next week! Thanks again, you lovelies, and enjoy!!
Edited Note: Also, here's an ATSV masterlist I made earlier for your convenience!!
Cw: Miguel x reader - fluff - stressed Miguel bc when is he not - you give him a kiss on the neck - pet names (amorcito/little love, mi alma/my soul; amor/my love) - just you and Miguel being adorbs and him being whipped hehe~
Wc: 902
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You snap away from what you were doing to find where the noise came from. Not to your surprise, it's from your boyfriend — Miguel O'Hara, who's expressing his dismay by throwing another tray full of empty containers you got from the cafeteria.
The man is descending from his [godforsaken slow-ass] station, tapping his feet and huffing by the second. His brows are furrowed in anger, and he moves a hand to soothe his forehead with his fingers. When his post finally stops, he jumps down to sit on a chair and groans into his hands.
That was the third time this week. A villain was supposed to be captured and brought into the Spider Society to be sent back to their own universe; however, that was two days ago. And for some reason, this evil-doer has been hopping in and out of multiple universes. It's been a hassle for the other Spiders to grab hold of them; Lyla has to have eyes on them within every minute of every hour, and Miguel...Obviously, he would like to have this matter taken care of already.
You get up from where you're sitting and walk up behind Miguel, whose face is still covered by his hands with inaudible curses that you can tell are in Spanish. "You okay?"
The rise and fall of his broad shoulders entail a huge sigh seething out of his system. "No, mi amor." He frees his face only to rest his forehead with a hand propped by his leg. "This game of cat-and-mouse has been going on longer than necessary, got Spiders who're tired of the chase — I'm tired, yet there's more stuff piling up and—" He stops himself with another deep sigh, and you place your hands on his shoulders. "I just can't right now...."
All you can do is hum aimlessly while massaging his shoulders, his trapezius and deltoids tense with stress. You understand that a lot is going on for Miguel, giving him his space and letting him do what he does best: being a hero. But of course, being a superhero isn't all sunshine and rainbows, and you're bound to get hit with obstacles that'll hinder your progress. Annoyingly so, if you're a leader of an organization like your boyfriend.
Nevertheless, he's only one man, and you know he forgets this fact when he's too wrapped up in work. He's dedicated to protecting his peers, his home, and you. And although you appreciate the sentiment sincerely, you wish he'd remember to not go too hard on himself before he's burnt out.
You sigh through your nostrils, your hands kneading out any remnants of tension while Miguel indulges before storming back to work. That's when an idea hits you when your eyes land on the back ends of his hair, a smile creeping in slowly. Your hand brushes the lower tufts of his brown strands, and you lean down to press your soft lips on him after pulling his suit to expose his neck.
Immediately, Miguel goes rigid at the feeling of your lips on him. And his breath hitches when your hands wrap around him, pulling him closer to you as you lay your chin on top of his head (which you realize is a rare opportunity as he's taller than you).
"Mi lindo araña," You chuckle to yourself when you notice hints of red sneaking on the lobes of his ears. "The more you stress yourself, the more you look like a grouchy face."
"A grouchy face?" His tone holds slight confusion. "You've been hanging with Peter B. too much, amorcito." He shakes his head while you giggle, and you two sink into each other's presence for a little while, taking in the silence outside of the calming breaths Miguel takes. If he were to confess, it's as if almost all his fatigue has vanished into thin air when he's in your embrace. But he doesn't say anything — he doesn't have to. Because you already know.
You set your lips on his temple. "Feeling okay now?" His body vibrates from a tiny purr, and you remove yourself to stand up straight. "Alright then, I'm gonna go to the cafeteria to get something to share. Because you clearly need a snack. And while I'm gone, pick up that tray and those empty containers off the floor before Lyla has another reason to call you a 'grumpy man-child.'"
His face molds to a deep scowl from the mention of his pixelated peer's name-calling. "I am not a man-child."
You give him a look. "You kinda are."
"And what gives you that—"
"Muñeco," Miguel quickly refrains from arguing when you call him by his nickname, the name only you can use. "If you're not a man-child, why haven't you stood up and done what I asked yet?"
The man opens his mouth, yet no words dare leave. Reddish-brown eyes are honed in on your figure as you survey his reaction, and he exhales in defeat when he stands up from his chair. Your smile flourishes. "I'll be back," is what you say as you turn to exit his domain and head to the cafeteria.
Miguel watches you leave until you're out of his line of sight, unable to fight the twinge of his lips while he moves to pick up his mess like you instructed him to.
"Sólo tú puedes darme órdenes, mi alma."
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2tcs · 2 months
day 1: camping and candle
“Ugh. Why are we doing this again?” Danny complained as he watched his dad pull supplies out of the GAV.
“Well, your dad and I agreed that everyone has been a little too stressed. What with the ghosts destroying part of the school and your father and I's recent slump.” Maddie absently replied as she began clearing a spot for the fire pit.
“Besides Danno. This gives us the perfect opportunity to try out the new and improved Fenton Anti-ghost Tent.” Jack shouted as he put a glowing box on the ground and pressed a button on the side that caused it to fold out into what could only be described as a family-size carnival tent.
“Hay Jazz?”
“Ya Danny?”
“Please tell me you packed the actual tent.”
“Yes. I even managed to buy a box of MREs in case Mom and Dad brought contaminated food again.”
“A week of MREs. Yay. Well, we might as well get our side of camp set up 'cause I am not sleeping in that.”
“Come hi everyone this is going to be fun. Think about it! Tents, roasted marshmallows, campfire stories. This will be awesome.” Dick said as he jumped out of the van and started unloading camping supplies.
“This is a survival training exercise, Richard. Not a family bonding trip.” Damian said as he looked at the single-family size tent that Dick had packed.
“For once I agree with Damien. This is not what I would consider “fun” or “awesome”.” Tim said as he set up his laptop to finish his report for the next WE project that is due next week.
“I just want to know how the hell I got roped into this.” Jason grumbled as he started picking up stones for a campfire ring.
“Come on guys. This is as close to family vacation as we have been able to get in, like, ever. Let's make the most of it and have some fun.” Dick pleaded with them. “You agree with me, right Duke?”
“I mean. Except for you and Damien, we're all city kids. But I guess it could be fun.” Duke hurriedly added on as he saw Dick start to pout. “Yeah, yeah. Well, I ain't setting this up myself. Duke help me with these rocks. Tim helped Dick set up the stupid tent. And Damien you got the most experience in survival training. I need you to go through and scout the area and pick up wood for this fire.” Jason said while ignoring Dick's happy dance at his family getting along and helping each other.
“Come on Danno! How can you protect yourself from ghosts if you don't put on the Anti-ecto Spray?” Jack asked as he followed Danny as he gathered wood for the fire.
“We're in the middle of the forest, Dad. All we have to worry about out here is bugs and bears. And we have a spray for both already.” Danny argued.
“He's right Dad. Besides you have that Ecto Shield that will be covering the camp once everything is set up for the night.” Jazz said, watching as her dad pouted and walked over to their mom.
“Madds? You'll put on the Anti-ecto Spray won't you?”
“I'm sorry dear. But you know that stuff causes my skin to rash. I think I might be allergic to something we used in it.” Maddie said as she pulled out a dutch oven and some baking supplies. “Here honey, why don't you go and make some fudge? I know how much you like your campfire fudge.”
“Campfire fudge is pretty good. But we're going to need more firewood if we're going to bake.”
“I got it Dad.” Danny said, taking off into the woods in a desperate attempt to get away from all the anti-ghost stuff.
“That's my Danny Boy! Always eager to help out. Make sure you get some good size logs too!”
“I’ll go with him. For the buddy system.” Jazz said as she began to walk in the direction Danny had run off in.
“Don't Tt me. A dutch oven is an essential if you are going camping.” Jason said as he checked to see if the water was boiling before moving the pot back over the fire so that the water in it could stay hot.
“It is cumbersome and will weigh us down if we must move quickly through the woods.” Damian huffed.
“Well, it's a good thing we aren't going to need to move quickly through the woods. Now here's a knife and some potatoes. They've already been washed so now they just need cut up.”
“And what makes you think I will help you cook?”
“For the same reason that Tim is cutting up veggies and Duke is cutting the vegan turkey sausage. If you want to eat. You need to help.”
“Richard is not helping.”
“Richard would burn the forest down if we let him do anything more than roast marshmallows.”
“Hay! I'm not that bad.” Dick whined from where he was still struggling with the tent.
“August 26th, 2010.” Tim deadpanned as he put the veggies into the oven.
“Okay. That's not fair Tim.”
“Um. What happened in 2010?” Duke asked before they were interrupted my a loud explosion to the east of them.
“Put a pin in that Glowstick. I think we should check that out.” Jason said as he put the lid on the pot and moved it away from the fire before Tim quickly grabbed the bucket of dirt they had and smothered the fire with it before taking off towards the sound.
“What the hell was that!” Danny yelled as he dropped the sticks he was carrying and ran back towards camp.
“I don’t know! Just run!” Jazz shouted back as she pulled out her collapsible creep stick and tossed Danny the laser lipstick.
By the time they broke through the brush, they saw the camp in chaos. The new tent was trying/failing to eat Jack and Maddie was fighting the ecto lights.
“I kinda want to let them suffer.” Danny said as he deactivated the lipstick. Only to sigh as a group of four men ran into the clearing and began to try and help.
“I don’t think that’s an option anymore.” Jazz commented as she watched the human tank shoulder-check their dad to get him out of the way while a tall slender man expertly climbed the poles of the tent to get to the power switch that was at the top of the tent for some reason.
“I don’t know Jazz. They seem like they're doing a good job.” Danny replied as the shortest and skinnyest of the group tried to help Maddy with the lights.
“I’ll get the lights. You get the tent.” Jazz sighed before taking off and using the creep stick to tangle the lights and yank them out of the portable ecto-battery that their parents brought with them. Danny in the meantime ran to the GAV and climbed on top to give him a clear shot at the off button seeing as the tent was moving too much to climb. One clean shot and the tent folded in on itself, back into the box it was that morning.
“Danno! Jazzypants! Good job!” Jack shouted as he scooped both kids into a hug.
“And thank you to you four as well. It’s clear you have had training but you should really leave the ecto fighting to the professionals.” Maddy addressed the young men who had come over to make sure everyone was okay.
“Ecto fighting? Lady I don’t know” The tank asked as he crossed his arms.
“What my brother means to say!” The one who tried to climb the tent interrupted. “Is that we’re from Gotham so are kinda used to having to fight. I’m Dick by the way. This is my brother Jason. Tim is the one who is currently investigating the tent box? And Duke is standing next to him. And last but not least this is Damian!”
“Well, it’s nice to meet you all! I’m Jack! That’s my lovely wife Maddie, and these are our kids! Jazz and Danny!”
“You were quite adept with your baseball bat. Have you ever thought about training with a bo staff?” Damian asked Jazz.
“It’s actually what I was originally trained in when Mom was training me how to fight.” Jazz said while straightening her hair once Jack put her and Danny down.
“If you want honeybun I can make you a new bo staff when we get home. It would offer more maneuverability during a ghost fight.”
“Ghost fight?” Tim asked as he and Duke walked over to the little family.
“Ya! Me and Madds here are ectobiologists!” Jack excitedly said before Jazz took the wind out of his sail.
“It doesn’t really matter what we are right now. The FAT completely wrecked the camp. The GAV and the MREs are okay but we’ll probably have to move camp or go home.”
“I saw an old cabin to the west of us with some candles and stuff not far from here when I got the first batch of firewood. We could stay there and leave some of our supplies in exchange for anything we use.” Danny chipped in.
“Hay! I think we passed that on the way here! Maybe we can all camp together! Safety in numbers you know?” Dick suggested as he bounced on his toes.
“That’s a great idea! How about you boys gather your camp and meet us there!” Jack cheered before he ran off to pack the GAV back up.
“Danny dear. Can you go with them and mark a trail to the cabin for us? Here’s some orange ribbon to tie to the trees.” Maddy said before ushering Jazz off so that Danny could “hang out with boys his age.”
“So,” Danny said as he started down the trail. “Gotham huh?”
“Yup. Where are you from?” Dick asked.
“Amity Park.”
“The most haunted place in the world?” Tim asked as he pulled out his phone and began typing.
“Sounds interesting.” Duke said only for Danny to through his head back and groan loudly causing the siblings to look at each other.
“Yes, it's haunted. No, I would not recommend going. The government already has it’s nose in it. And even though my parents didn’t recognize a group of Wayens doesn’t mean I didn’t. We do not need that kind of publicity.”
“Fair enough.” Jason shrugged while leaning over to look at Tim’s phone.
“Let’s just get this done.” Danny grumbled trying to walk ahead of the group.
“We’re totally going to investigate this aren’t we.” Duke whispered when Danny was far enough ahead.
“Tt. Obviously Thomas.”
An hour late but I think I did it. Hope everyone enjoyed it!
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pomefioredove · 3 months
Saw the flirty prompts list and thought, what a cute idea!!
Of those prompts, maybe Ruggie and "Can I borrow a kiss? I promise I'll give it back" please?? Thank you! <3
AW this one is so cute and so ruggie
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summary: "can I borrow a kiss? I promise I'll give it back" type of post: short fic characters: ruggie additional info: romantic, reader is gender neutral, reader is yuu, not proofread a part of this event
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"You should really quit doing this stuff for free,"
"Hm?" you ask, turning to the boy beside you. "Why, you want me to start charging you for my help?"
Ruggie's face pales at the thought. "Nuh-uh, that's not what I meant. But other people are gonna start walking all over you if you keep giving handouts."
"Tsk. But not you, right?" You roll your eyes.
He grins. "Not me,"
You can't help a laugh, even with the weight of the grocery bags straining your shoulders and the hot sun overhead. It's a long walk back to the hall of mirrors from Sam's on days like this.
...You've always thought that you could probably get by without gym class as long as you keep hanging out with Ruggie.
"What's in these things, anyway? Bricks?"
Ruggie flashes another grin. "Meat. The cafeteria's doing that vegan week thing, and Leona's been fussy about it all month,"
"Now that makes sense,"
He snickers, holding the door open for you and you step inside the much cooler building.
"But anyway, as I was saying," Ruggie goes on, watching a group of students pass by. "You should know your worth. You can't keep being everyone's therapist and not even charge them a session fee."
You scoff. If your hands were free, you might have put one over your heart to show him just how offended you are. "I am no one's therapist, thank you,"
He gives you a look.
"Well... whatever you need to tell yourself to get through the day, I guess, shishishi,"
The cool sanctuary of the school building is gone in a flash, and you're met by the overeager sun again.
"...You could at least bargain a little," Ruggie mumbles, shielding his eyes from the perpetual Savanclaw heat as you make your way inside the dorm. "A give and take system, you know?"
You reach the appropriate fridge, surprisingly emptied out for the occasion, and he begins shelving the meat.
"Why are you so interested in what I give and take, anyway?" you ask, handing him a plastic-wrapped steak.
"Eh... I just don't like seeing you taken advantage of. That's all,"
His tone is casual, though a little strained, as if he's forcing himself to sound uninterested in your personal life.
"Are you sure it's not just cause you'd get to keep all my manual labor to yourself?" you smile, sitting on the floor with him as he packs the fridge.
Ruggie chuckles. "Aw, come on, I'm not that bad. I can play fair, too, y'know,"
"Really? You'd bargain with me?"
"Fair's fair," he shrugs. "I take and I give. I'll even ask nicely. I'm like a saint or something."
You can't help another laugh. "Alright... I'll bite. What do you want?"
He's completely silent for a moment, tapping his chin to give off the illusion of thought. Then, in an all-too casual tone: "Can I borrow a kiss? I promise I'll give it back,"
Another silence falls between the two of you, and for a moment, he almost looks nervous.
Then, you giggle. "Wow, so polite..."
Somehow, you find yourself closing the distance between the two of you, pressing a quick, chaste kiss to his lips.
Ruggie pauses. He seems awestruck, as frozen as the raw meat in the fridge as you lean back. Then, he grins.
"A worthwhile purchase, I'd say,"
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sillygoofyqueer · 1 month
Silly fic idea for you:
SVSSS AU where Shen Yuan transmigrates as a half-human half-crow-demon Phantom thief character.
He doesn’t want to steal from Bing-ge, but his System makes him, and naturally Bing-ge ends up obsessed. Bing-ge keeps luring him into traps with shiny things he just can’t help but want!!! Stupid crow impulses. (That he kinda wants to see Binghe again is irrelevant, obviously).
This is SUPER silly. Anon, this is so funny, I feel like I simply have to write this now oh my god. The idea that Bing-ge is confused at first, and he then sees this super handsome half bird-half human-demon thing and is like "man I need to get me more shiny things, I want to keep this fucker". ALSO, (I've heard that) crows are quite intelligent and start leaving presents as a response to getting fed or being given shiny things, so it could also be something where Shen Yuan starts having the urge to give Bing-ge things back after receiving all these shiny things (better if he doesn't recognise most of the traps as traps, mistaking Bing-ge for being a generous demon who doesn't need all of the shiny stuff he takes) and starts giving him shit like rocks and plants and the cool parts of beasts he fights... It also can be silly no matter when in the timeline this happens - it could be during the QJ peak arc where Shen Yuan sneaks around because he wants to see the awesome protagonist up close! The first time he steals something from Bing-ge, it's something super dumb like a particularly shiny rock or a coin that the boy left lying around, and Bing-ge's quickly like "??? The fuck just happened?" so he sets up a trap with the axe he uses for chopping wood (kind of rusty but still useable and particularly shiny). After that, it's chaos of trying to keep Shen Yuan the demon hidden while also stopping him from stealing other shiny things (cultivator's swords and such). Liu Qingge finds Shen Yuan trying to steal one of the swords he was gifted after saving a village and is also like "??? Kill?" It can also be after the Endless Abyss, when Bing-ge is like a demon lord and just has shiny stuff lying around. He throws it out occasionally and one day, while doing this, he notices a certain person swooping in and grabbing one of the shiny things. More antics ensue but I don't want to crash my laptop lmao (Which one would you rather me do, anon? Before the Endless Abyss, or after? Or both??) {part one! Part two, part three, part four, part five, part six, part seven!} [This gorgeous fanart from @slurmdog that's making me go insane here] [More awe inducing fanart from @moonlightobsessions that has made me pass out here]
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harryslittlefreakk · 9 months
the pact part 2
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summary: a look into your’s and harry’s life since the night of gemma’s wedding. the proposal, your wedding and all that yummy stuff 🤭
warnings: fluffy fluffy fluff, smut, breeding kink, slight soft dom!rry if you squint
wordcount: 4.7k
a/n: thank you SO much for all the love on the previous part. i honestly love this story and these two 😭 i don’t know how much I like this part, it feels too rushed but my brain is fried from writing. so it might be pure rubbish lol
part one
my masterlist can be found here . happy reading!
“Harry, get off!” you shrieked. “Can’t, m’afraid. Just want to love on you forever.”
“You can love on me forever, but right now we need to go.”
Harry had been totally insatiable since the night of Gemma’s wedding. He needed to have his hands on you at every possible second, staying close to your side wherever you went. Your parents joked that you were more like newlyweds than Gemma and Michal, basking in the glow of your newfound love. “D’you remember when I proposed to you?” Harry asked you, smiling at the memory. “Yes Harry, of course I do.”
It was the morning after his 30th birthday, and you were still slumped in his bed nursing a hangover. You’d learned quickly that Harry never does parties by halves, clearly inheriting the fun-loving spirit of his mother. Every surface of his house had been littered in booze and nibbles, every corner teeming with more famous people than you’d ever seen. Harry had introduced you to everyone he spoke to, his affection and love for you radiating off of his body. Anyone would have thought that you’d been together for years, not a measly 8 months. But you’d barely spent a second away from each other in all that time, never wanting to take your eyes off each other in case you lost one another again.
Harry had woken up before you that morning, insisting he needed to go for a run to knock the hangover out of his system. You usually went with him, not to run, but to sit on a bench close by with a coffee and book in hand, ready to blow kisses to him every time he jogged past you. You’d learn later that his run that morning had less to do with his hangover and more to do with the ring he had hidden in his nightstand.
He’d handed you a coffee when he came home, a vanilla latte in your favourite navy blue teacup. It was little things like this that made you fall in love with him. Every morning he’d make your favourite coffee, bringing it to you in bed before climbing back in with you. Even on the nights you were both too tired to wash up, he always made sure your mug was clean before going to sleep that night.
You’d sat up to take the coffee, pressing a gentle kiss to Harry’s mouth, when something oddly familiar caught your eye. A pristine paper napkin, blue felt tip in a child’s handwriting scribbled across it. Your fingertip traced across the writing delicately, eyes resting on the tiny initials dotted underneath. “Harry,” you whispered. His head was in line with yours now, eyes glistening with adoration as he looked over you. “I don’t want to spend another day without you,” he told you, voice strangled by the heart hammering in his throat. He was on one knee, a black ring box cradled in his hands. You set the coffee down with a shaky hand, brown eyes brimming with tears as you took in the sight before you. “My darling Boo, will you marry me?”
“Yes, H. Yes,” you nodded through tears, pulling his face towards you without even glancing at the ring. The kiss was deep and sloppy, so many emotions coursing through your veins. “Love you s’much,” he spoke into your mouth, taking your hand from his face as he pulled away from you. Harry held your finger delicately, his strong hands shaking slightly as he slipped the ring on. It was beautiful. A dainty white-gold band, delicately inscribed with H.E.S in the same child-like handwriting from the napkin. A glistening diamond sat in the centre, clusters of smaller diamonds hugging each side. It was exactly like the dream engagement ring you’d described to him months ago, only now it was sitting on your ring finger, a delicate symbol of the love you shared.
“Knew I was going to marry you from the second I kissed you,” Harry rasped, pulling you out of your daydream. “Felt so natural to me, felt like I’d known your body before.”
“Imagine where we’d be if you hadn’t ditched me for a decade,” you laughed. “A house, babies, a little dog. Could’ve had all that by now,” you told him, wriggling out of his grip and running for the door. “Can have all of that now, little Boo,” he replied, rolling over to watch you as you leaned in the doorway. “Not if I murder you for making us late.”
Your parents and Anne had decided to spend the day with you, your last day all together before and Harry spent the remainder of the summer in Italy. Your dad was already on the grill, ranting and raving about how his one at home was much better and he wouldn’t be blamed for any of the food being overcooked.
You’d chosen the same church as Gemma for your wedding, though it looked so different now with colourful ribbons and flowers covering every corner. There was a huge wildflower archway over the old doors, pinks, purples and bright blues dotted through. Bouquets were attached to the end of every pew, stray petals guiding you to where you’d wed Harry tomorrow. Though it was miles from home, you’d told Harry you wanted all your hypothetical children to be christened here, wanted to bring them here on holidays and for special occasions. The ancient bricks held the beginnings of your love, the crumbling walls housed your fondest memories. Your little cul-de-sac in Holmes Chapel was really the beginning of your life with Harry, but your love and friendship had been reborn here. Squinting up at the church now from your rented cottage on the seafront, you couldn’t imagine getting married anywhere more perfect.
Anne came up behind you as you watched the breeze roll over the church, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. “Not getting cold feet are you?” she asked. “The opposite,” you told her, giddy with excitement. You rested your head against her shoulder, sighing happily. “Thank you, Anne,” you said. “For what, darling?”
“For Harry, for everything. He has so much of you, all your best bits. You turned him into something really perfect,” you told her. She laughed away the tears brimming in her eyes, jabbing at your side playfully. “Save it for tomorrow, I vowed not to cry until my boy is a husband.”
Your perfect day rolled into a perfect evening, huddled up under blankets with your family after a day of chasing Harry through the waves and building sandcastles. “I can’t believe this time tomorrow we’ll be real family,” your mum gushed. “You’ve been like a sister to me all these years Anne, your children an extension of mine.” Your dad laughed, rolling his eyes as the two women gripped onto each other’s touch. He lifted his beer in the air, cheeks stained pink after a day in front of the grill. “To family,” he said, eyes wandering around the group in front of him. “To family,” you all chorused in response, glasses and beer bottles clinking together.
It wasn’t long before everyone retired to bed, needing to get a full night’s sleep before the long day ahead. You and Harry lingered behind, not ready to split off into your separate rooms. “Come with me,” he whispered, tugging on your wrists as he turned on his heel. You giggled, following him blindly. He led you back onto the beach, fingers tangled up in yours as you trudged through the sand, his hands guiding you around a corner of the cliff face. He pressed you up against the smooth rock when you were out of the cottage’s view, hands spread either side of your head. His mouth kissed down your jawline, nose nudging upwards to get better access to your neck. “What are you doing?” you laughed, back arching as he pressed open mouthed kisses to your throat. “Missed you so much today,” he murmured, voice vibrating against your skin.
“Yeah, baby? Even though you’ve been with me all day?” you smirked, hand slipping up the back of his t shirt to feel the warm skin underneath. “Missed kissing on you, touching this perfect body.” Just the rasp of Harry’s voice was enough to turn you to putty in his hands, never mind what his mouth was doing to you.
“Harry,” you whimpered. “Can’t do this here.” You tried to push him away with a limp hand, not truly wanting or needing him to stop. “Can’t do this?” he challenged, untying the straps of your bikini top. “Or this?” he continued, pulling it off your body and slipping it into the pocket of his shorts. He rolled your nipple between his thumb and forefinger, eliciting a whine from deep within you. He pulled your shorts and bikini bottoms down to your ankles, his cock springing free from his shorts as he tugged them just low enough to free himself.
He was so hard already, a result of watching you prance around in a tiny bikini all day, you were sure of it. The tiniest sight of your bare skin riled him up to no end, always trying to pull your top up or trousers down to get his fix. His fingers always found their way under your shirt as you slept, ankles always rubbing against your bare calves. He was always so needy for you, his touch and lingering eyes making you feel like the prettiest girl in the world. “Y’ready for me?” Harry asked you, reaching down to tap two fingers against your entrance. It was far from romantic, a lust-driven quickie on the beach the night before your wedding, but it was so you and Harry.
He ran his tip through your folds, collecting your juices before wrapping a hand around the back of your knee to open you up more for him. “So wet,” he groaned as you wrapped your calf around his hip. “For you, baby, all for you,” you whined as he pushed into you, the familiar burn tearing through your core. Every time he entered you felt like the first time all over again, your walls never fully expecting the size of his cock. Harry tangled his hand in your hair as he fucked into you, hips snapping hard against yours from the second he was inside you. His eyes were darkened over, scanning over your face as you moaned. “Let me see your eyes,” he panted, free hand gently grabbing at your cheeks and pulling your your head to face him. You gulped, his soft command leaving a knot in your core.
“Good girl, so good for me,” he drawled. “Want you to watch me while I fuck your sweet cunt.” His words were dirty, echoing through your mind over the sloppy sounds of your juices mixing. His hand slithered down your front, pausing to grab at your breasts before slipping between his mound and your belly, thumb rubbing at your clit in persistent circles. He was always so desperate for your high, wanting to hear you cry out his name from the very first thrust into you. Harry’s mouth found your throat as he bucked up into you, tongue swirling warmth across your delicate skin. He always found a way to give you exactly what you needed, exactly where you needed him, without you even having to open your mouth. From day one he’d explored your body like he’d been doing it all his life, hearts somehow connected even as he fucked you rough and dirty.
Moans were tumbling out of you now, unable to contain your pleasure as his thick cock, thumb and tongue worked in unison to bring you to your climax. Your hand shot down to grip at his wrist as your walls clamped down on him, entire body trembling as your orgasm hit you hard. “Fuck,” you cried out, head knocking back against the hard rock as you came. He kissed into your mouth, silencing your loud cry as his hand pulled back from your pussy, his thrusts harder and yet sloppier. The feeling of you coming around him was enough to push him over the edge, your already tight walls pulsating around his shaft sending a guttural moan tumbling from his lips. His come splashed against the inside of your walls violently, his mouth unable to form any of his usual obscene remarks as he thrust into you a final time. Harry stilled inside of you, forehead pressed against yours as he panted. “Better?” you asked him, chest heaving. “Much,” he confirmed, pulling out of you before stuffing his come further inside of you with two fingers. You’d decided to skip birth control for a while now, knowing you were each other’s one and only and accepting whatever may come. You pressed a kiss to the end of his nose, slipping away from him with a grin plastered on your face as you laughed, “see you at the alter, husband.”
You watched in the mirror as your mum pinned the veil to your head, tiny embroidered flowers cascading down your shoulders and back completing your perfect look. Sunlight streamed through the window behind you, the warmth highlighting every inch of the flowing lace. It trailed behind you, so thin and delicate it cast an angelic glow around every dip and curve of your body. Your dress was the perfect ivory satin, its square neckline and thin straps showing off your bare collarbones, ready for Harry to nuzzle into later. He’d always loved being cuddled up into the curve of your neck, his nose nudging deeper into your scent, mouth pressing delicate kisses onto your soft skin.
The shape of the material was simple, you’d wanted to keep it from obscuring the true form of your body. You knew how much Harry loved your body, and the way he adored every inch of you had made you view yourself in a new light. Your body, your face, your brain, it was all perfect for him, loved so hard by him that it made it perfect for you too. You were totally under his spell, his thoughts and feelings becoming your own. You wanted your dress to be perfect, for him and for you. It would mark the single greatest day of your life, and looking up and down yourself now, it was perfect. You’d known from the second you tried it on that this was your dress, the fit perfect even without any alterations. The satin was almost an exact match to Harry’s suit, the length sweeping the floor at the end of your long legs. You’d worried for so long that something would go wrong, something would break or you simply wouldn’t feel pretty. And yet everything was so perfect, so right that it was almost magical. You pinched the inside of your wrist lightly, needing to check you weren’t dreaming. It was all real, and all right.
You heard a choked sob from behind you, and turned to see Anne and your mum with tissues pressed to their noses, arms right around one another as they looked between each other and you. Smiling, you pulled them both into a hug. “You look incredible darling,” Anne told you. All your mum could do was nod, nod so hard her head was sure to come loose. “Come on,” you laughed. “No tears yet.”
“No tears yet,” your mum and Anne echoed, dabbing at their eyes to protect the makeup underneath. You called in your dad from outside the door, needing one last picture of you and your two mums before you headed next door into the church. “Smile ladies,” he told you, holding the little Polaroid camera up in front of his face. He looked over the little picture with sparkling eyes, one finger tracing over the sharp edge before he set it to the side. He replaced it with his phone, finger tapping harshly on the screen in a typical old man way. “One more,” he told you, shaking finger jutting into the camera button. He turned the phone around to show the three of you, you all immediately cooing over the picture. “Now get lost and let me walk my little girl up the aisle,” he told the two women as he pulled you into an embrace.
You stopped for a moment at the end of the aisle, fingernails pressing half-moons into the fabric of your dads suit. Sucking in a deep breath, you shook off the nerves and turned to face your dad. He was looking down at you proudly, blinking back the start of tears. “I love you,” you mouthed, unable to let any real words out. “Love you. You’ll always be my little Boo,” he choked out. “Now let me take you to your husband.”
The walk down the aisle felt incredibly long, like you were moving in slow motion. All you could focus on was the back of Harry’s head, one foot in front of the other until you reached him. The sun was streaming through the stained glass window, casting colourful shadows right across the middle of the tiled floor. As soon as you stepped into the light, Harry turned to see you. You’d desperately wanted to do a private first look, but Harry wanted to do it ‘properly’, see you for the first time when everyone else did. And watching him fall apart in front of you now, it was worth it. His bottom lip quivered the second he saw you, tears spilling out as his eyes trailed across your body.
He looked incredible, like pure sex as his watery eyes grazed over your body. It was like every time you saw him he managed to become more attractive. You’d been with him at each suit fitting, watched as his tailor placed each individual pin to fit the fabric perfectly to Harry’s body. But seeing him now, just a few yards away from becoming your husband, all yours forever, he was radiant. The ivory satin of his suit against the warm tan on his skin, his favourite Gucci loafers poking out of the wide leg slacks. His hands were shaking as he pulled them to his mouth, knees bent as he tried to hold himself steady at the sight of you. The way he loved you was written all over him, you could almost see his heart glowing as he watched you step closer to him.
“Hi,” you giggled as you took your final step, taking one of his hands in yours. His rings were cold against the warmth of his skin, the tiny chill sending you back down to Earth. It was like you’d floated through the whole day, heart so full you could barely focus on anything except the excitement leading up to standing there, face to face with Harry as you prepared to say your vows. The entire ceremony passed in a blur of shy smiles and giggles, commitments and vows tumbling out of your mouth as if you were on autopilot. Seemingly within one blink you were crashing your lips onto Harry’s before walking back down the aisle, hand in hand, buzzing deep in your core. You were a wife, Harry’s wife.
“Nearly 20 years ago, almost to this day, we made a promise to each another to wed when we were old and lonely. I lost you for so many years, my sweet girl, and my heart felt old and lonely without you. You are my happiness, my light, my home and my everything.
Those of you who know me well will know my all-time favourite movie is the Notebook. And if you thought I’d get through this speech without referencing it once, you’re mistaken.” Harry’s finger pointed through the crowd of your guests, chuckling at himself as he smirked. “‘The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds, and that's what you've given me. That's what I hope to give to you forever.’ I always imagined saying that to my future bride, though every time I imagined her I��d see someone that looks just a little like you. And as soon as I saw you again, as soon as I kissed you for the first time, every time I imagined her I’d see someone that looked exactly like you. I love you now and forever, and I will thank that pact every day for the rest of my life, for letting me come back to you.”
There wasn’t a dry eye in the house as Harry finished his speech, a proud toothy grin nestled between his dimples as he sat back down beside you, pulling your hands into his lap. He peppered kisses all over your face, mouth not even able to pout fully through the strength of his smile.
As you started to settle into his side, a soft piano sung out from across the dance floor. “Dance with me?” Harry asked, with the same boyish grin he’d had when he asked you the same question at his sister’s wedding. He led you around the table, thumb grazing delicately across your hand as he pulled you into the middle of the room. It was the same song you’d danced to then, Fleetwood Mac’s ‘songbird’. He held you close to him as you danced, stepping together slowly and carefully as if no one was watching. Your head was settled in the crook of his neck, your breath tickling against his skin. “Love you s’much,” he whispered, just loud enough for the sound to reach your ear. You felt so full you could burst, biting down on your tongue to keep the feeling from tumbling out of you. You wanted to stay like this, close against Harry, mind running through your love story, forever.
“Like what you see?” you asked Harry, twirling around in your tiny silver bikini. His jaw was slack, eyes trailing across every inch of tanned skin on offer. He’d been taking photos of the view from your balcony, the sun setting low against orange clouds over the Italian sea. “Come here,” he demanded, out-stretched finger beckoning you towards him. You untied the strings of your bikini as you walked, letting the tiny triangles fall under your bare breasts. The minute you were in front of him his phone was thrown against the tiled floor, crashing around somewhere near the glass sliding door. He untied the second string on your bikini, hands smoothing over your body as the material fell to your feet. He turned you around quickly, pressing you into the metal railing as he nudged your legs apart. He dropped to his knees behind you, tugging your thong bikini bottoms down your legs and groaning at the sight of you, folds slick with wet only inches from his face. “Anyone could see, Harry,” you reminded him, suddenly nervous. “Let them,” he rasped. “Let them see what I can do to you.”
His tongue was on you as soon as he spoke, diving into your folds without any warning. He lapped at you, collecting your warm juices on his tongue. “Perfect fucking pussy,” he rasped, words vibrating against your core. He paused to lick and nip at your inner thighs as your hips knocked back towards his mouth, already needing it back on you. “So needy for me,” he chuckled, snaking a hand up around your hip and smacking at your clit as he started to lick into you again. His tongue was faster now, stronger, spurred on by your desire for more. He got such a high from your pleasure, a giver through and through. His mouth suckled against your opening, tongue darting around you to collect the juices that were spilling out, before he pulled away suddenly.
You turned slightly, watching him as he pushed his shorts down his thighs. “Want you too much, want to fuck you too badly.” You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. The same man who’d written songs about eating pussy, the man who’d rarely thrust into you without making you come at least twice first, stopped short of your orgasm to fuck you. He must have been close already to cut his favourite activity short.
Harry lined himself up with your entrance, one firm hand wrapping around your throat to pull you closer to him as his tip pushed into you. “Want to fuck my babies into my pretty girl, fill you up so good,” he groaned against your earlobe. He’d been feral since you’d decided to go without birth control, the idea your swollen belly, everyone knowing who’d fucked you so good, driving him insane. It sent shivers down your spine, core heating up at the thought of carrying his babies and making him a dad.
He slid into you in one fluid motion, his hard cock already red and angry with desire. His hand moved from your throat to wrap your hair around his fist, tugging at the nape of your neck so hard you worried your scalp might come loose. But the pain only added a different dimension to your pleasure, the ache in your core mixing with the pain and spreading throughout your body, fingers slack on the railing as he thrust into you without remorse. His balls slapped against your ass as his hips knocked against yours, his cock so deep inside of you that you were sure it could be seen through the skin of your belly. The sweet smell of sex and airplane sweat lingered around you both, intoxicatingly dirty. “Louder,” he urged as you bit back your moans, “want the whole country to hear how much your cunt loves me.”
You couldn’t help but give in to his every command, so drunk on his cock that you couldn’t even care who heard or saw you both. You cried out when he tugged harder on your hair, voice deep with lust as he asked you, “who’s fucking you? Who’s cock is buried in your perfect cunt?” Harry, Harry, Harry, you screamed over and over again, the ball in your core bursting at his words. Your orgasm was heavy, your juices squirting down the sides of his shaft as you fell into the railing. His thrusts never relented, your limp body beneath him not stopping him as he fucked into you harder and harder. He used his free hand to pull one cheek to the side, watching with an open mouth as he fucked deep into your pussy, your thick cream pushing up and down his shaft.
“Want you t’fill me up,” you whimpered, voice strangled by the angle of your throat. “Yeah? Want daddy’s come inside you, want my babies?” he asked you, his deep voice hoarse as he held himself back from his high. “Please,” you begged, reaching a shaky arm around to cup the back of his neck, back arching as he slipped deeper into you. He pushed you forward, hands gripping onto your waist as he thrust harder and harder. “So fuckin’ perfect,” he drawled, cock twitching inside of you as you yelled under his touch.
Harry cried out as he came inside of you, his locked jaw pressing sloppy kisses onto the back of your shoulder. He continued to thrust every last bit of his come into your walls, hips jutting towards your core. He stilled finally, cock lodged between your swollen folds as he wrapped his arms around your shoulders, head resting against your lifeless body. “You ok?” he asked you, voice soft, a sudden change from the dirty rasp he had before. You nodded, still seeing stars, too fucked out to say anything. He picked you up in one swoop, carrying you into the little apartment and dropping you onto the bed with your head at the foot. He carefully picked up both your legs, balancing your tingling feet against the headboard before laying down beside you. “Got to keep them up if you want my babies,” he smirked, pressing a gentle kiss to your cheek. You were in total bliss, fucked out under the Italian sun, wedding band glistening in the tiny crack of light let in from the curtains. If this was how you started your honeymoon, you’d be a trembling mess by the end of it. And you’d never have it any other way.
more here! 💖
taglist: @sleutherclaw @slutforcoffein @harrysolaf @opheliaofficial07 @dragonslayersupremacy @nikkisimps @michellekstyles @im-an-overthinker @fangirl7060 @indierockgirrl @palmettogal508 @thereunion1d @angstygyal @hannah9921 @harryshotpocket
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notjustjavierpena · 6 months
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Series Masterpost | Main Masterpost | Support a disabled creator
A/N: Back in November, I posted a fic where @nerdieforpedro wrote a comment in their tags that said ‘I need you to crack my back, sir’. This is stupid but it stuck with me, so here you go. I suppose it’s also my own way of saying that I see everything you all write about my stuff. I love y’all.
Summary: Your husband cracks your back when you come home from work. Also, you are trying for a baby.
Pairing: Javier Peña x f!reader (no y/n)
Tags: +18 smut, back-cracking, massages, a good girl, fingering, dirty talk, hard and fast piv sex, javier whimpering is its own warning, clit stim, breeding kink, creampie, they’re in loooove
Word count: 2k
Link to this work on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54705589
You drag yourself into the living room where Javier is currently napping on the couch, arms crossed over his chest and chin pointing downward. He looks peaceful but the tension in your back is enough to disturb him from his slumber and not feel bad about it.
You bend down over him, gently shaking him.
“Javi,” you call softly. It takes you three tries before he stirs, opening his eyes with a little confusion as he tries to figure out where he is. 
“What is it, baby?” His voice is slightly raspy from sleep. You smile apologetically.
“I need you to crack my back,” you say. 
You don’t know how it happened but it feels like something is pinched, probably from an awkward position during the night or even during other activities. You have tried to relieve the tension all day by twisting your body from side to side but to no avail.
“What?” He grabs the back of the couch to pull himself into a sitting position. You take a step back.
“I think something’s… I don’t know, it’s just so frustrating. I’m tense as hell,” you explain, turning your back to him to try and point to the spot that’s been aching since you got into work in the morning, “It’s right here. Between the shoulder blades.”
“Right,” he pinches the bridge of his nose, inhales deeply, and breaks into a yawn, “Take your top off and lie down on the floor.”
You do as he says, smiling a little to yourself as you hear the groan that he makes when getting up from the couch. Perhaps you should return the favor. You lay down on the floorboards of the apartment, flat on your stomach, face turning to the side, and your arms along your sides. 
Another grunt is heard as Javier gets down on the ground with you. He places a knee on either side of your thighs, hovering above your legs, and then he takes a hold of the hem of your pants, “Okay if I pull them down a bit? Then I can do the whole spine.”
“Go ahead.”
Javier yanks down your bottoms, turning them into something that resembles low-rise style. He then heats up his hands by rubbing them together, “How rough can I be?”
“Can’t believe we’re doing something that requires you to ask that and it isn’t sex,” you wiggle your hips a bit but then wince as pain shoots through your body again.
“Answer the fucking question,” he says with a roll of his eyes, smiling but impatient.
“Don’t hold back.”
Javier’s now-warm palms settle on your back. You sigh softly at the feeling of him touching your skin so carefully, treating you like something delicate until you feel him place one hand on top of his other to center the pressure right between your shoulders. He pushes down and you exhale sharply.
You moan in relief. Endorphins flood your system. 
“That was so nice, baby,” you praise, “Thank you.”
“I’m not done,” Javier kisses you right where he has just relieved the tension. Then he moves down and does it again.
Another crack is heard. You curl your toes, eyes fluttering closed as another wave of feel-good hormones begins to flow through your system. 
“Good girl,” Javier compliments, and you don’t have to ask if he is smirking because it’s evident from the tone of his voice as he sees the shiver that creeps up your neck, “More?”
So he does it again.
And again.
And again.
Until you feel like putty underneath his touch. You want to say something but with each skim of his fingers, each rough push of his entire body’s weight, you only manage to groan in pleasure. 
Above you, Javier has gone quiet but his breathing has turned more erratic. He has switched from cracking your back to massaging your sore muscles instead, kneading along your sides whilst you reward him with small sighs and moans of satisfaction as well as gratitude. 
You shiver as he presses his thumbs into the place where your neck meets your shoulders, holding it for a while before dragging his whole palms outwards. It feels good, almost like an embrace.
He repeats the move until you feel sweat starting to break out on your skin from how warm his hands are. A moan escapes your mouth, the same kind that you usually make when he kisses your neck. 
“You like that?” He asks in a tone that you know too well. You nod. He does it again but goes closer to your neck this time, fingers skimming along your pulse point.
Something in the atmosphere shifts after that. 
Soon, he descends on your body, going achingly slow as he searches out his goal. He ends up digging two thumbs into the very top of your ass. He isn’t downright groping you but there’s a hesitation each time he pushes into the plump flesh there. Teasingly, you push up into his hands.
“You’re so sexy like this,” he mutters and you can hear him move on the floor, crawling backward so he can kiss the small of your back when he leans down. 
“With a sore back?” You snort to hide how excited this is making you, a dull ache settling between your thighs.
“In any way,” he clarifies. He doesn’t even hesitate when he starts pulling down both your pants and your underwear, and you don’t protest but instead lift your hips to help him yank them down until they sit around your ankles. 
“Fuck,” he mutters under his breath as he dips a finger inside of you, pushing down towards your stomach to make you squirm on the floor. You whimper. He makes a come-hither motion to rub against your g-spot and you immediately move your arms forward to grab at the ground. Your cunt squelches and Javier swears again, “You’re soaked.”
“Of course, I am, was so fucking good the way you were touching me, and… I’m like a damn clock with being wet for you when I ovulate,” you moan, pushing back against his hand. He groans at the realization of what time of the month it is. He gets to put a baby in you.
His fingers work you open, teasing you towards an orgasm by doing exactly what he knows gets you there quickly. The sounds of your wetness are obscene, only getting more lewd when you come right there on the floor with your pants around your thighs. 
“Baby, shit, more,” you pant with a desperate whine, clenching around Javier’s digits as they continue rubbing against your front wall even though your orgasm has long subsided. He doesn’t relent but you don’t mind, relishing in the pressure inside of your cunt. It’s good but it’s not his cock, “Fuck me, baby. Please, I— I need you in me.”
You hear the sound of a belt buckle being undone and then the shuffle of denim being pulled down. You look over your shoulder to find him with his jeans sitting around his knees, too desperate himself to get fully undressed. 
“Eyes forward,” he commands you and ignores his own desire until you do as you are told. You hold onto the floorboards with flat hands, only spreading your legs slightly to make him as tight a fit inside of you as possible. 
His whole weight crushes you so heavenly in the next moment, and his generous length sheaths itself in the warm embrace of your soaked walls with ease until he bottoms out. Your face screws up with the intensity especially because he leans down over you to groan hotly into your ear. 
“Love this little pussy,” he moans as you both adjust to being connected like this. He rests a forearm beside your head, biting into your shoulder and soothing the mark with his wet tongue. It drives you insane that he is not moving inside of you yet, and he seems to know with how he taunts you, “Want me to fuck her silly?”
“Javi,” you whimper and nod frantically, “I’ll come so good for you, milk your big cock with my pussy. Please, baby.” 
“I bet you will, mi chica sucía (my dirty girl),” he answers before giving you exactly what you want; the first roll of his hips makes your mind go blank, even moreso when he starts fucking you into the floor like an animal. 
His legs frame yours, his pelvis crashes into the plump flesh of your ass with a dirty smack each time, and he is burning hot against your back. You won’t last long with him reaching so deep inside of you, the thick head of his stiff cock sliding over your g-spot like his fingers had earlier. Each nudge makes your cunt suck him further in, and he starts panting above you with the effort he puts into fucking you. It doesn’t even occur to you that your knees are aching when he has you like this. 
“Please,” you beg without exactly knowing what you want from him; everything he is giving you has you dizzy with lust. You tense up as your orgasm approaches with rapid motions, and he goes even harder now that you don’t fly forwards with the slamming of his body into yours, “Gonna come— I’m… oh, I’m coming, fuck, baby, I’m coming!”
“I can feel you,” he growls and barely moves inside of you anymore, having replaced it with grinding against you to not miss a single pulse of your spasming, peaking cunt. You writhe underneath him, and he treats you to a messy kiss as one of his hands comes up to cup your chin so he can turn your head. 
“Come in me, please, baby, need your babies in me,” you cry against his mouth with furrowed eyebrows. He whimpers at your request, faltering in his rhythm for the first time since he started fucking you. 
“I’ll make you come so hard again, mi amor (my love), want you to spasm around my dick,” he stutters a bit when he speaks. The hand on your chin slips down your body and then underneath it too, his flat palm against your pelvis until he presses up into it to angle your hips. You stay in this new position, back arched to perfection - dopamine in your body making you forget the ache - so he can stab at your g-spot and follow it up by rubbing your needy clit with no buildup. 
The neighbors are bound to hear you screaming as you come again a minute later. The clenching shocks of pleasure are mind-altering and enough for Javier to finish alongside you, spreading his warm seed inside of you with a desperate groan. 
You both collapse with him still buried in you. Your clothes are sticky with how much you have sweated, your knees ache with reality slowly coming back, and your body feels warm and sated despite it all. 
“Let’s just lie here for a while,” you say and reach behind you to grab at him as he starts to remove himself from you, “I think this was it. I know it sounds stupid but—“
“Nothing you say sounds stupid, mi amor (my love),” he still breathes hard, brushing your hair away to kiss your neck, “Love making babies with you.” 
You make a noise of agreement. Then you rest your cheek against the floor whilst he nibbles on your neck, humming softly at the feeling of it combined with the lingering pressure of him in your cunt when he finally slips out. 
“Te quiero tanto (I love you so much),” you say with closed eyes and a satisfied smile. 
“Love you too, baby,” he says back and you can hear the smile in his voice. 
If you would like to follow my writing then go follow @notjustjavierpena-fics and turn on notifications 💖❤️
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