#now i try to draw today regardless of whatever happens. wish me luck.
isa-ah · 9 months
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fangirlovestuff · 4 years
Butterfly Effect - Steve Rogers x reader
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a/n - Hey lovely people! this is for @holylulusworld​​‘s 10,000 followers celebration, congrats!! (even though you have a lot more now lol). the divider is by the amazing @firefly-graphics​. italics are for thoughts / flashbacks, and the first parts are all in chronological order. Enjoy!<3
Summary: The words on Steve’s arm point to the circumstances in which he will meet his soulmate, and they’re very specific, or so he thinks.
Prompt: 11 - soulmate AU
Word Count: ~2,070
Warnings: reader gets a tatoo but basically this is just a huge fluff fest:)
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"That's a cute owl you're drawing there."  
These are the words that were imprinted on Steve's arm since the moment he was born. When Steve could finally read, he asked his mother why are the words there.
"These words are very important," Sarah explained. "They are the first words your soulmate will ever say to you."
"What's a soulmate?" asked a confused Steve.
"A soulmate," his mother answered, "is someone you're gonna love very much. They're the person you'd probably choose to spend the rest of your life with. Their soul is connected to yours in inexplicable ways, almost as if they were one and the same. This," she pointed at the words, "is the sign for you to realize when you'll meet them. Somewhere out there, there's someone with the first words you're gonna say to them."
"So I'll be drawing an owl when I meet my soulfriend?" Steve asked.
"It's soulmate, dear. And I guess you probably will."
"And this… soulmate, will they buy me ice cream?" Steve asked hopefully, not quite getting the point.
Sarah giggled at her son. "Yes, I think they will if you'd want that. But also, they would love you so much, and you'll have the most fun in the world with them."
"Was da your soulmate?" Steve asked.
"He is," his mother answered, the smile on her face tinged with a little sadness that Steve hadn't picked up on.
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Okay, so two round eyes, and then the body, and I should add some feathers and –
"Mr. Rogers!" the math teacher said sternly. "I haven’t assigned any equations yet, so I would appreciate it if you'd keep your attention on me instead of your notebook, for now."
"Yes, Ms. Williams," Steve replied sheepishly.
"You know you've already met everyone in this class right? No one here is your soulmate," Bucky whispered once their teacher turned back to the board.
"But I still want to get better at it," Steve shrugged defensively. "She's gonna say it's cute, Buck. For that to happen it needs to actually be cute."
"I don't get your whole fuss around soulmates Steve, but whatever. Suit yourself," Bucky rolled his eyes.
"You don't believe in soulmates?" Steve asked.
"Well, I wouldn't strictly say that, it's just… my words are 'watch it, weirdo.' Call me crazy, but I'm not that stoked to find that person," Bucky chuckled.
"Mr. Barnes! Something to share with the rest of us?" Ms. Williams said.
"No Ms. Williams, I'm sorry," Bucky said timidly and Steve snickered.
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Steve could draw owls in his sleep if he needed to. Right now, his pencil was sketching over the page, lightly shading the wings of the owl and the –
"Rogers! You're on in five!" the stage manager called out to him.
Steve sighed and snapped his sketchbook shut. He kept hoping that maybe it was one of the girls on tour with him, but so far it wasn't going so well. The government-mandated entertainment had quite enough free time so Steve could draw as many owls as he wanted to in between shows.
He put the notebook aside and slipped on the cowl they had him wear. The Captain was needed on stage.
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"So people take art classes… for fun?" Steve asked, puzzled.
"Yeah," Natasha answered. "Lately you're always drawing away in your little notebook, so if you want to, I could help you sign up for a class. Maybe they can teach an old dog some new tricks," she smirked.
"Ha ha," Steve answered dryly. Yet he couldn't help considering the idea.
The thing was, Steve wasn't sure if his soulmate was still out there to be found. You'd think he would feel a difference, some indication if his soulmate was dead, but when he went out of the ice, Steve felt nothing different. There was still a part of him that was hoping that maybe, just maybe, fate planned this. That his soulmate was still out there.
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"That's a great color scheme, Steve," the instructor said, and Steve nearly jumped out of his skin.
"Thanks," he smiled, albeit a tad shakily.
This was the fifth class Steve took this month, and yet, no luck. He wasn't even drawing an owl, and yet the start of that sentence made him jump as if he didn't have super… well, everything.
But that doesn't mean he was giving up. His tattoo was still in place, even after all of these years, it hadn't faded. So he had to believe he could still find his soulmate.
These times were a lot more different than his. People here weren't always inclined to live by that philosophy of "soulmates". Some people chose to simply disregard that and find someone they loved regardless. Steve admired that, but he couldn't say he understood. If you're offered your perfect partner, why walk out of that?
"It's called instant gratification," Nat chuckled when he raised that question to her. "People like to have what they want as soon as possible. Besides, some people don't believe it's real, or don't believe it'll work for them. So, they take matters into their own hands."
Steve was more patient than the average person. He waited decades in ice, what's a few more years to find his soulmate?
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Bucky had found his soulmate. Steve couldn't believe it.
Sure, he was happy for Bucky. When he came back today from the store with nothing but a small slip of paper, Steve had half a mind to smack him upright the head for not getting anything. Probably forgot his wallet.
But when Bucky showed him the paper he read the words scribbled onto it – "call me, weirdo, xx" and a phone number, Steve pulled Bucky into a tight hug, patting him on the back.
"Congrats, pal," he smiled.
Bucky beamed. Yes, Bucky Barnes, the terrifying Winter Soldier was beaming and his eyes were shining like a high-schooler in love. And Steve wished that could've been him.
He really was happy for Bucky. That's the thing – this was a good thing. Besides from his best friend finding the love of his life, it also meant that Steve's soulmate is almost definitely out there. But he couldn't help feeling a spark of resentment deep inside of him. It made him feel guilty, but he couldn't help the bitter thought that Bucky was never too keen on finding his soulmate while Steve did everything in his power to find them. And yet, Bucky found his while Steve's still in the dark.
So, to get out of his own head a little, Steve decided to go paint in the park.
To be honest, it was a wonder that Steve hadn't gotten awfully tired of drawing by now. But he still loved it, loved the quiet it cultivated in his mind.
Steve set up a canvas and looked around. People weren't noticing him, busy in their own endeavors. He almost started drawing an owl out of instinct, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. Steve wanted to forget about the whole soulmate business for a while and just draw.
He saw a butterfly fly over and land on a nearby bush. Steve focused on the butterfly, trying to remember as much as he can. The rest he can improvise. The butterfly fluttered its wings for a few seconds before flying away.
Steve started drawing the butterfly. Once he had the pencil sketch, he started filling it in with the paints he had brought. He started with the little circles on its wings, filling them in so the shade will be just right, and he was about to move on to the rest on the wings when –
"That's a cute owl you're drawing there."
"It's a butterfly," Steve turned around, puzzled, before realizing what you had just said to him.
Your mouth opened in a gentle gasp. Your hair and clothes were a little messy from your long day at work. And at that moment, when you were caught completely off guard, Steve first met you. You were the most beautiful thing he has ever laid eyes on, and he was an artist. He stared at you in utter shock while you returned him a similar look.
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"Are you sure you wanna do this?" your friend asked, sitting next to you with a worried look.
"I'm tired of looking for my soulmate. Do you know how hard it is to make conversation about butterflies?" you looked back at her. "I want to do this," you told her.
The tattoo artist came closer. "Okay ma'am, you wanted a simple butterfly, right?"
"Yes," you answered decisively. "On my left wrist." Your right hand had your words on it. "It's a butterfly." Maybe if you had a tattoo your soulmate would see it, would find you.
You closed your eyes and braced for what came next.
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You weren't sure about this blind date thing, but why not. You trusted your friend that she set you up with a nice guy, at least.
You set up to meet in a park, and from there walk to a nearby restaurant. Right when the guy showed up, there was a butterfly next to you.
"What’s that?" you asked quickly, pointing towards it.
Your date turned his head to look, but by the time he did the butterfly was already flying away. "I don't know, it was probably a bug or something."
You stifled your groan of disappointment. At least you'd get a dinner out of this.
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You and Steve were staring at each other in amazement. Finally, you were the one to speak up. "You're Steve Rogers," you said, frowning in disbelief.
"And you're my… soulmate," he returned the same disbelieving look.
You introduced yourself quickly, smiling at him timidly when you finished.
"So, you wanna get ice cream or something?" Steve asked, unsure of what exactly to do. But apparently he said exactly the right thing, because your face lit up.
"Right now though? You're in the middle of your painting and I wouldn't wanna –"
"It doesn't matter," Steve said quickly and stashed the canvas and paints underneath a bench nearby. "No one passes here anyways," he shrugged. "Until today," he smiled and you giggled.
You made your way to an ice cream shop across the street from the park, walking side by side.
"So, what is the great Captain America doing drawing owl-looking butterflies in a local park?" you asked, smiling.
"I was just looking to clear my head a little," Steve said dismissively. "To be honest, the fact that you didn't find me drawing an actual owl is very ironic, looking back," Steve chuckled. "I spent pretty much my entire life drawing owls, attending painting classes, anything I could to find you," his gaze met yours and he smiled softly. "And I find you in a random park while drawing a butterfly."
"Don't underestimate nature's camouflage," you chuckled. "And hey, you think that's ironic? Butterflies are so scarce I got this," you rolled up your left sleeve a little, revealing your butterfly tattoo.
Steve's eyes widened. "It's beautiful," he automatically reached out to trace the lines on your arm, then withdraws his arm when he understands what he's doing. "It's not as beautiful as you," he says with a smile on his face.
You avert your eyes to the ground in front of you. "Thank you," you bashfully say.
You and Steve got your ice cream, and you exchanged plenty of stories of your adventures in search of each other, most of which were devastating when they happened but when you look back at them now, they were actually pretty funny.
"I hope I can see you again," Steve said when it was getting a little late.
He looked so hopeful, but the question in itself made you want to laugh at the obviousness of the answer. Instead, you rose onto your tiptoes, and planted your lips on his soft ones in a sweet kiss.
Once you parted you took a napkin and wrote down your number. "I sure hope to see you soon," you smiled.
"I'll call you, butterfly," Steve grinned and you beamed at the nickname.
And that night you both went home with huge smiles smeared across your faces. Finally, your quest to find your soulmate was at an end, and you could start a new journey, together.
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Taglist:  @horny-nd-bored​ @shannon124 @perfectlyharolds​ @wintersoldierslut​ @iceebabies​  @sleepingpapermouse @steverogerswasalwaysworthy @holtzkinnon @angelicl-y @stydia-4-ever @thatoneperson5000 @fangirlfree​ @kaitcordx25 @bequeening​ @steve-barry-damon-logan​ @itscrazycherryblossomcollection​ @hollandxmarvel​ @stargazingfangirl18 @readsreblogsfics @onetwo3000 @beritmetal @harrystylesholland @jazbot2000​
if you wanna join / be removed from this taglist, comment/message me! much love <3
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failedintsave · 3 years
Ok fine, fine ok. It's Nategaar hours around here today, and I need it to stay out of my current project so here's me purging it from my system til it resurfaces with vengeance in probably like a day.
You Spin Me Round
The rattling of the window panes was audible even over the bass of Murderface's boom box, rain blowing almost horizontally in tropical storm gales. But seasoned Floridians weren't afraid of a little stormy weather, as proven by the groups of drenched partygoers who continued to filter through the door of their crowded apartment.
Nathan weaved his way through the sea of bodies, returning from the keg with four Solo cups balanced overhead, trying his best not to spill everything down his arms. He squeezed into the corner where most of his band stood gathered around a wooden cable spool he'd taken from his dad's hardware shop, the tabletop littered with a scattered deck of cards, an overflowing ashtray at it's center.
"Who the fuck are some of these people?" He grumbled as he approached, passing out beers to waiting hands.
"Shit, man, idunnoe. I invited some chicks from deh show, and I know Magnus told some folks to come back, but deh rest?" Pickles shrugged. "Stuffs closin' fer deh weather I think, people lookin' fer something ta do."
He grunted, handing a cup over to Murderface next to him before reaching across the table to pass the last beer to Skwisgaar wedged between two fawning groupies.
"Shoulda put someone at the door to take money for cups, they're draining the keg." He took a slug of foamy beer, glaring down into the contents. "And there's no room to play games or do anything."
"Juscht play drink-the-beer, who needsch a game for that?"
"Auuuggh that's boring. And besides, I'm really good at that game and we'll run out of beer faster."
"He ams gots a good points."
Pickles rubbed his chin in consideration before snapping his fingers, a proverbial lightbulb going off over his head. "I gaht it."
He scurried off, slipping easily through the throng of bodies towards his room. They watched him disappear, barely a glimpse of fiery red hair visible over the shoulders of their so-called guests. After a few minutes he reappeared with a Cheshire grin and a green bottle of whiskey. He held up his first two fingers, a single die pinched between them.
"Alright, I've gaht a game fer us. First step, we empty dis bottle." He cracked the top and handed it to Nathan. "As you were deh inspiration fer dese shenanigans, you may do de honors."
"Perfect." Nathan tipped the bottle back and took a long pull, passing it off to Murderface to share around the circle as Pickles continued.
"Next t'ings, we need a couple extra players, ot'erwise dis will get real predictable quick." He stood on tiptoes, waving over a few familiar faces from their show. He flagged Magnus down, but the guitarist didn't move.
"What do you want?" He shouted across the room.
"Come play a game!"
"What game?"
"Russian roulette, whaddya think? A party game!"
"What game?" Magnus repeated, moving slightly closer.
"Spin deh bottle!"
That stopped Magnus in his tracks. "Nope. Not this again. Fool me once, shame on you. Hard pass."
Murderface sputtered as he handed off the bottle down the line. "Hold on, what wasch that?!"
Ignoring him, Pickles threw his arms up at the goateed guitarist. "Why not?!" Magnus shook his head and turned back, melting into the crowd. "Ah yeh fuckin' killjoy, fine den!"
Nathan frowned, tracking the bottle's progress around the circle. "Uh, Pickles. Why exactly did you think we'd wanna play that? Together? Do we look like middle schoolers?"
"It's fun! Dere's stakes!" He slapped the die onto the table, smirking around at his audience. "Me an' Tony an' de guys made up dis version back in deh day."
Skwisgaar wiped his mouth on the back of a slender wrist, handing the liquor down to the woman next to him. "Sos you always play deh kissingk games wif your bands?" To Nathan's ear he didn't sound put off, merely curious.
Murderface, meanwhile, was less impressed. "That'sch totally gay! We can't play thisch together, what'sch wrong with you?!"
"Eh, it's just a goof we made up, touring ain't all blowjobs and snortin' coke off tits, sometimes ya just wanna have fun." Pickles reached out and poked Murderface in the belly. "Wouldja lemme finish explainin' deh rules before ya quit?"
The bottle made it's way back to the drummer and he tilted his head back for several long chugs, holding the glass up to the light and sloshing the liquid around. He nodded and handed it off to Nathan again with a wink. Frowning, Nathan took another long draw. He wasn't going to be the first of them to back down from this idea, even if it was stupid.
"Okey, so here's why dis game is different. Dere's two parts." He indicated the die and the bottle with a flourishing gesture. "First you roll de dice. On a one, two er three, it's normal rules. Little smackaroonie. No big deal. Four an' five, ya elevate it a little bit. Makeout, pull some hair, whatever."
"Oooookaaay I think maybe Murderface was right about this." Nathan looked around at his bandmates. True there were almost twice as many girls at the table than them, but he wasn't sure he cared for the odds.
"Oh waaaaah, you buncha babies! Yer the one who said you were bored! Let's see whet you can come up with!"
"I'll plays."
Nathan's head jerked to face Skwisgaar across the table. The blonde wore an amused smirk as he focused on Pickles, a faint flush on his cheeks from the alcohol. He cocked his head to the side, accepting the drummer's challenge, golden waves cascading over his shoulder as he moved. Of course that smug bastard would play, this game sounded like a routine Thursday for him.
With a heavy sigh, Nathan's eyes shifted back to the drummer. "Alright. So what's six?"
Pickles grinned impishly. "Oh we call six 'Make It Look Good.' Thirty seconds on deh clock or til ev'rybody else makes ya stahp."
"What the actual fuck, Pickles."
"Ah-ah! Lemme finish! You have options!" He ticked off on his fingers. "One through three you can skip fer a shot. Four an' five you chug a beer. And six…"
The group around the table leaned as one, craning their necks expectantly in the drummer's direction. His eyes flashed as he snickered.
"If you want outta six, yeh gotta run a naked lap around the apartment building."
Thunder boomed outside as if to punctuate the final rule.
"Schon of a bitsch. We need more schotsch if we're doing thisch. I'm gonna get fucked up."
Pickles produced a second bottle and slammed it down on the table in front of him.
"Where were you keeping that?"
"Don't ask questions, are we playin' or what?"
The initial bottle finished it's second loop, landing in Nathan's palm again. With a grunt, he slugged the last of the booze and slammed the bottle onto it's side in the center of the table.
"God I wish there was room to play pong right now…" he picked up the dice and rolled.
The game didn't go nearly as badly as he'd expected, and after several rounds of making out with hot girls and taking shots to avoid kissing his bandmates Nathan was really starting to enjoy himself. Defying statistics, the only six rolled so far had been between two of the girls, and they'd all cheered like hooligans.
And then the fickle dice gods reconsidered their influence.
"Alrights, my toirns." Skwisgaar, who hadn't yet opted out of any of his rolls but was starting to get fairly tipsy regardless, snatched up the dice and shook it in Nathan's face, squinting one eye and grinning. He dropped it, four pips staring back up at him. Laughing, he gave the bottle a rapid spin.
It whirled and Nathan found himself holding his breath, eyes glued to the bottle, a little confused about what he was hoping would happen. Slowly, slowly the neck of the bottle came to rest pointing at Pickles.
"Uh-ohhhh, ya think the keg is tapped? Ya might be outta luck pal." The drummer laughed, pumping pierced brows at the blonde.
"Pfffft, shuts up." Skwisgaar leaned past one of the giggling girls, seizing a handful of Pickles' shirt and hauling him forward into an open-mouthed kiss. Nathan stared as they pulled apart, his skin heating and head swimming with whiskey.
"Well okey den," Pickles stroked his chin, nodding sagely. "Now I see whet all deh fuss is about, nyeheheh."
Swaying upright again, Skwisgaar clumsily flung his hair back over his shoulder. "Whats can I says, I ams a master ats everyt'ings I dedicates my times to."
"Scho like, two thingsch."
"Ams better den no t'ings."
Nathan zoned out, staring at the table for the next few turns, snapped back to attention by Murderface's repeated 'No, no, no no!' as Pickles rolled a three and landed on him.
"A'right, yer turn Nate." The drummer smirked, sliding the bottle and the die across the table.
"Ugh, are we still playing this? When is it over?"
"Aw aments Nat'ans havingk any funs?"
He raised his eyes to the willowy guitarist across from him. Skwisgaar's thin arms were crossed over his chest, hip popped jauntily to the side. A thin sheen of sweat glistened on his high forehead from the dense mugginess of the apartment, a teasing smile playing over his lips, bruised pink from being crushed against Pickles'. With an effort, Nathan tore his gaze away and redirected it towards the table.
"Fine. Whatever." He started the bottle spinning with more force than necessary, rolling the dice as it rotated.
The rest of the table was already hooting in glee as the bottle spun down, slowing, taking an agonizingly long time to stop. Finally it came to rest at twelve o'clock.
Pointing at Skwisgaar.
The table erupted.
"OH SCHIT! Can't drink your way outta thisch one!"
"Nyeeeeheheheheh! Now's tha real show!"
"Oh dear sweet lord." Nathan covered his face with his hands, cheeks burning already.
"Hey you have an advantage, everything he does looks good." 
"Why t'anks you, what was you names again? Monicas?"
"Yeh could always take the second option agin?" Pickles offered, biting back a laugh as he patted Nathan's shoulder.
His heartbeat throbbed in his ears, and something like pre-show jitters fluttered in his stomach, arms and legs tingling. 
"Huehuehuehhue, ams lookingk pretty nastys out dere." Skwisgaar's drunken chuckle was underlined by another peal of thunder, window panes jumping in their casings. "Yous gonna gets blowed away."
Fuck that.
He dropped his hands away from his face, narrowing his eyes at the smirking blonde. "Fine. You dildoes want a show?"
His audience yelped as he reached down, grabbing the edge of the wooden spool and throwing it aside, playing cards and ashtray scattering to the floor, bottle toppling to the ground and shattering. Nathan lunged forward, relishing the shocked widening of blue eyes before impact.
Fighting against muscle memory of past football tackles, he grappled Skwisgaar against his broad chest, wrapping his arms beneath the other man's flailing limbs, his palms cradling bony shoulder blades. He walked the blonde backwards into the corner, pressing him into the wall.
"Timer! Start deh count!"
"No don't, I've scheen enough already, augh!"
As Skwisgaar recovered from the initial shock of being sacked, the natural showman in him awoke. Fire coursed over Nathan's scalp as calloused fingers threaded into his hair, holding his head steady as Skwisgaar turned to deepen the kiss. Nathan's clenched jaw unlocked and his lips parted before he could overthink it.
"...seven, eight, nine..!"
The sound of their onlookers counting faded into the background, drowned out by the blood rushing in his ears. He pushed a knee forward between Skwisgaar's thighs, catching a long leg as it wrapped behind his and hiking it up to his hip, leaving the blonde standing one legged like an albino flamingo.
"...fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen..!"
Skwisgaar bit down on Nathan's bottom lip and something in him broke, a cage door swinging open on its hinges. A growl rumbled in his chest as he reached down and grabbed the guitarist's other leg, hauling it up to his waist, lifting the other man from the floor as easily as he would carry groceries up from his car.
"... twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-six…!"
Fingers clawed into the material of his shirt, scratching against his back. The sudden urge to carry Skwisgaar away from the party, to drag him back to his cave like a neanderthal, blindsided Nathan and his muscles locked. Sensing the end of their performance, Skwisgaar sighed into his mouth, the pressure of his lips softening as he started to pull back.
"Thirty! Dat's time!" Pickles howled a laugh. "Holy shit guys, dat's game. Ain't nobody gonna top dat act, even if you hadn't broke deh bottle!"
Nathan opened his eyes as they broke off, the heated blue gaze in front of him driving any and all coherent thoughts from his brain. Gingerly, he released one of Skwisgaar's legs, then the other, white boots touching down on the floor, toe-heel, toe-heel. Standing once again under his own power, a slow, crooked smile stretched across Skwisgaar's face, a breathy chuckle shaking his shoulders once. It took every ounce of willpower Nathan possessed to tear his eyes away from the curve of those full lips, and he turned to face the other two members of his band.
Murderface had his eyes squeezed closed, cracking one to peek. "Isch it over? Are they done?"
Frowning, Nathan grunted through his nose like a bull, stomping forward to snatch the second bottle of liquor from the bassist's hands. Glass crunched beneath his boots as he retreated wordlessly to his bedroom, passing Magnus on the way out.
The older guitarist shook his head, curly mane swishing. "I coulda told ya… every time Pickles tries to pl--"
"Just. Don't." Nathan pushed through the hall, evicting the gaggle of strangers standing around in his room and slamming the door behind him.
Hours later, after the storm had slowed to only a downpour and the party had fizzled out, Nathan lay awake on his back, staring at the ceiling. From the second his door had closed behind him, his brain had flipped from a crawl to light speed, hurtling through thousands of moments from the last couple of years, all of them centered on interactions with his lead guitarist. Slender fingers brushing against his own as he passed the tv remote, blonde hair tickling against his arm as they drove with the windows down, the nervous fluttery feeling in his belly at the sound of a dorky, throaty chuckle.
Nathan ground the heels of his palms against his eye sockets hard enough to see stars. How long? When did these thoughts start popping up? And when had he started stomping them down, locking them away without acknowledgement? Sure, Skwisgaar was hot, he wasn't blind, he could admit that much. But this wasn't that, this was...he didn't know what this was.
But he needed to find out.
Swinging his legs over the side of his bed, he crept out to the door directly across the hall. He started to knock, then paused, not wanting to wake anyone else in the apartment. Nathan turned the knob and cracked the door enough to wedge his face into the gap.
"Hey. Psst. Skwisgaar, you in here?" Another thought struck him, an irrational jealous pang vibrating through him. "Uh, you alone?"
The red glow of a digital clock was the only source of light in the guitarist's bedroom, a faint silhouette shifted on the bed, backlit in flashes by the blinking 12:00.
"Nat'ans?" came a groggy voice from the covers. "What ams you doing up? What times am it?" He rolled to check the useless clock and groaned in exasperation.
"Can... can I..?" He didn't wait for an invitation, stepping inside and closing the door behind him, leaning back against it and clutching the door knob like an anchor.
As his eyes adjusted he could see Skwisgaar sit up, scrubbing a hand over his face as he tried to wake up. Nathan chewed his bottom lip, the flesh tender in an not-unpleasant way. For the second time tonight his mind blanked on him completely.
"What's de matters?"
He swallowed. "Uh."
Skwisgaar waited, studying him in the dark, giving him time to organize his thoughts. It was something Nathan had always appreciated about the Swede, having (mostly) learned a second language, he understood the occasional difficulties Nathan ran into expressing himself verbally.
"I uh. Earlier."
"I didn't. I didn't think that."
Skwisgaar shifted on the bed, turning to fully face Nathan, still waiting patiently.
"That it would…"
Nathan inhaled deeply through his nose, forcing the last words out in a rush. "Wouldbelikethatthefirstime."
He waited, certain that Skwisgaar would brush it off, dismiss it as nothing, a game. Or worse, that he'd laugh. Nathan held his breath, ready to bolt in embarrassment. This was stupid, he was stupid, what had be been thinking, it had been a game, it meant nothing.
"Ams you sayingk you wants a do-overs?"
He could hear the smile in the other man's voice, cadence low and teasing, but without cruelty. Playful.
"I-I uh." He'd used up his words for the day, instead opting for a jerky nod.
A ghostly white hand reached out in the dark, forefinger crooking, beckoning him.
"Come heres den." As Nathan shuffled forward he could see Skwisgaar's eyes shining like a cat's. "Ams a firm believer dats practice make perfects."
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minimitchell · 4 years
“Can i at least take my shoes off before you pounce of me?” Because I know you want to😏
(smut ahead)
Ben watches the minutes tick by on his watch, following the minute hand as it makes its rounds around the black clock-face. The house is empty and quiet; a far cry from its usual state with two kids running around at all times of day.
Today though, it’s sitting silent and idle on the square. There’s no music blasting from Lexi’s room, no cooing coming from the nursery upstairs, no low humming from Callum cooking in the kitchen. Ben didn’t even switch on the TV to keep him company.
Instead, he’s sitting alone on the couch in complete silence, alternating between staring at his watch and at his phone in his other hand, waiting for a message from his husband.
He will always be supportive of Callum and his career - they’ve gotten over their hang ups about their different career choices a long time ago and ever since they had their baby Ben hasn’t had much of a criminal career anyway - and he will always be on Callum’s side, whatever his husband wants to do.
He just wishes becoming a detective would come with less seminars and time away from their family.
Callum spent the last two weeks up north around Newcastle, completing a course and attending a seminar to prepare him for his final exam, and while Ben is insanely proud of him for doing all this training and studying to climb up the ranks in his career, he also misses him terribly whenever he’s away.
It’s worse at the moment. Their youngest daughter is right in the middle of teething and while they really lucked out with her when it comes to crying and sleeping through the night, it’s still exhausting to deal with this all on his own. Not to mention juggle the housework, his own job and Lexi as well.
He’s lucky that Lola and his parents were here to help; that they’re always willing to take Lizzie for the afternoon so he can get some paperwork for the Arches done or just take the girls out for an ice cream so Ben can take a quick nap. It’s completely exhausting, and he really doesn’t envy any single parents out there, but he wouldn’t trade any of it for the world.
They tried to facetime every night when Callum was done for the day so he could say goodnight to the kids - sometimes Lizzie only falls asleep once she’s heard Callum’s voice for the day - and talk with Ben about their days. It’s not the same though, not even close, and it’s certainly not enough to satisfy the longing that’s made a home in Ben’s chest for the last two weeks.
Which is why he’s sitting alone in their home right now.
Callum called him a couple of hours ago to let him know he’s on his way home and now, over four hours later, he should be here any minute.
Ben is positively vibrating out of his skin; he desperately longs to have his husband back with him, to have him back in his arms, to feel him against him again. Hearing Callum’s voice is great, but it’s never gonna trump actually having him here with him in person.
He takes one more look at his watch when he hears a key being inserted into the lock in the front door, the sound of clothes rustling and a suitcase being hauled in following soon after.
Ben doesn’t give his husband much time to arrive, strutting into the hallway and taking Callum’s face in his hands to pull him into a kiss before Callum can even get a word out.
Callum makes a noise against Ben’s mouth in surprise, before he lets go of the handle of his suitcase to wrap his arm around Ben’s middle, his other hand dropping his keys and settling on one side of Ben’s face, cupping his cheek.
The kiss deepens, with Ben pushing their tongues together before nipping at Callum’s bottom lip, not letting up until his mouth is puffy and red. There’s a hunger thrumming low in his stomach; a familiar need taking over every rational thought and only leaving room for feeling, wanting.
The vibrations of a low chuckle reverberate in Callum’s throat when Ben moves down to litter kisses along his neck; the hand previously on Ben’s face runs up into his hair, tangling in the soft part on the back of Ben’s neck.
“Can I at least take my shoes off before you pounce on me?”
His voice is light, filled with a smile Ben can somehow hear without directly looking at it, and god did he miss this voice. He still heard that voice every day for the last two weeks but for some reason he missed it terribly regardless.
Ben relents, disentangling himself from Callum to give him enough space to take off his coat, hanging it on the hook right next to their front door, and shrug his shoes off. As soon as his second sneaker finds its place on their shoe rack though, Ben’s hands are back on Callum’s chest, fiddling with the top button of his shirt in his quest to get it unbuttoned.
“Lexi is at a mate’s house all night, Lizzie is at my mum’s.”
Ben looks up at Callum from under his eyelashes, biting his bottom lip into his mouth. His mum had definitely seen right through whatever flimsy excuse he tried to give her when he asked whether she could watch their baby for the evening. But he just wanted some alone time with his husband after being separated for a fortnight, alright.
Callum’s eyebrows rise higher on his forehead; a sly smile spreading over his face. Callum shared a room with another colleague when he was away so there wasn’t much phone action going on at night and Ben just knows Callum’s as desperate as he is to finally have each other again.
“So I really need you to fuck me right now.”
Callum is back on him in a flash, hands wandering down to Ben’s ass and mouths smashing onto each other while he walks them into the living room and in the direction of the couch. Ben falls backwards onto it with a heavy thump, not being able to hide the hungry look on his face when he looks up at his husband. He feels almost dizzy with want; every second he doesn’t have Callum against him feels too long, too wasted.
Ben watches on as Callum unbuttons his shirt and throws him somewhere to the side, using the downtime to get out of his own shirt and get his jeans unzipped. It’s oddly reminiscent of the beginning of their relationship, the time before their kids were lurking around every corner, for them to just be able to get it on like this without a second thought. But god does it feel good to not overthink how loud he’s going to be or be aware that they always have to keep one ear on the babyphone.
He loves his kids but right now he really loves that they aren’t here.
Before he can pull his pants and underwear down though, he’s stopped by Callum’s hands on him, running up his thighs. He’s perched in front of Ben now, knees on the rug in front of the couch. Ben scooches down a bit, bracketing Callum in-between his legs.
Their eye contact never breaks as Callum pulls his pants and underwear down in one go, letting them fall haphazardly to the floor beside him. His fingers trail back up Ben’s legs, over the coarse hair there and down the crease of his hips. Goosebumps are following his digits, breaking out on his skin in response to the soft touch.
Callum leans down to press kisses over his thigh, inching closer and closer to Ben’s dick in the process. It makes him reach out to tangle a hand in Callum’s hair, holding onto it with a vice grip. He wants to tell Callum to stop teasing and get on with it but no words are coming out. It’s like he’s too turned on already to speak; the sight of Callum on his knees in front of him enough to render him speechless.
A moment later, Ben is sure he wouldn’t even be able to speak if he wanted to anyway, not when Callum seals his lips around the head of his dick and starts running his tongue all over it without much warning in advance. The curse that falls from Ben’s lips is loud and uninhibited, his fingers tightening in Callum’s hair.
He’s been practically half-hard since Callum had announced he’s on his way home and it only takes a couple of bobs and tugs for his dick to stand to full attention.
It’s not going to be a very lengthy endeavor, Ben knows it the second he feels that familiar tug in the bottom of his stomach, that pressure running through his lower half. He also didn’t get off in two weeks now, telling Callum it’s in solidarity when in reality he just much prefers his husband’s touch to his own by now, and right now it feels like it won’t take more than a few more seconds for him to tip over the edge.
“Fuck, babe, I won’t last like this.”
He’s torn between wanting to come and trying to draw it out a while longer, maybe get there together with Callum, but the decision is made for him when Callums pulls off with a wet sound, pressing kisses up Ben’s stomach on his way to his lips. Ben welcomes the kiss to his lips with a sigh, pushing their tongues back together to taste himself.
God, he has missed this.
Callum gets his dick aligned with Ben’s - he isn’t sure when exactly Callum lost his own pants and underwear; it must’ve happened when Ben was too busy wading off his impending orgasm - bucking into him in a way that wretches a desperate moan from him.
It feels too good, them sliding against each other like this, with just enough friction to make it just as dirty and rough as he likes it. Blunt nails dig into the skin of Callum’s back when he trails his mouth down Ben’s neck and onto that one particular spot that never fails to make his knees weak.
“Are you close?”
The words are groaned right into his ear, wet breath hitting his skin and making him shudder. There’s an edge to Callum’s voice that tells Ben he’s close himself, their hips meeting in quicker, more desperate, thrusts now.
“Yes, fuck, almost there.”
Ben arches his back more, twisting and changing the angle until he’s seeing stars whenever they glide together. He presses his legs closer to Callum’s body, trapping him in-between his thighs, gripping every bit of skin his hands can reach.
Callum is making these familiar, low-pitched noises in his ear where he’s pressed against his neck and they run straight to his dick, delivering that last bit that gets him to finally tip over the edge.
They must get there almost at the same time because when Ben comes back down to earth again, Callum is spent and panting in his arms; his chest rising and falling rapidly. Ben runs one of his hands back up into Callum’s hair, raking his nails over Callum’s scalp, getting a satisfied murmur in response to the gesture.
“Missed you, baby.”
Ben’s voice is quiet in the overall silence of their home, like the words are a precious secret only to be shared in the confined space between their bodies. Callum’s hand finds Ben’s free one on the couch, tangling and knotting their fingers together. He presses a kiss onto the skin underneath him and from above him, Ben sees that his eyes are firmly shut.
“Missed you more.”
“Not even possible.”
Ben presses a kiss into his hair, soaking up the feeling of having his husband back in his arms. They’ll have to get up in a minute, go for a shower and maybe order some food in, enjoy the rare evening they can spend with just one another. But for now he’s content in lying here, skin on skin and heartbeats aligned.
Time can run on without them for a while. Everything else around them can wait.
On his wrist, the minutes tick by undisturbed.
27 notes · View notes
monaisme · 4 years
Day 27: “I wish I had never given you a chance”
* *Six months ago* *
“Hey, Parker, do you have a minute?”
Peter looked over his shoulder, positive someone named Parker would be standing behind him. When he saw no one, he turned back to Flash. “Are you talking to me?”
Flash scowled, “Ha-ha, Parker, really funny.” He looked up and down the hallway, appearing to be rather uncomfortable. “Really, do you have a minute to talk... just talk?”
It was Peter’s turn to check and see if the hallway was clear. He was suddenly very nervous that Flash’s buddies would suddenly swarm, leaving Peter bloody, bruised, stained, soaked, or some combination of the four. He wasn’t in the mood for it... not today. “I have to get going, Flash, so if you and your band of thugs are planning something, can we get it out of the way quick so I’m not late—or at least have a chance to change before hitting the subway?”
Flash’s scowl changed to something Peter hadn’t seen on him before. Whatever it was, it was a genuine emotion—not the ‘Flash’ bravado he put on for the masses.
It had Peter concerned. “Flash? Is everything okay?”
He cleared his throat, “Look, I don’t want to make a big deal out of this. I just... I mean...” He huffed in frustration. “It has come to my attention that I am perhaps not the... nicest... person on the planet and that I should be working on bettering myself as a human being.”
“What are you talking about, Flash?” Peter couldn’t contain the confusion.
Flash looked up, like he was praying for patience, or maybe willpower? Regardless, he kept going, “This isn’t easy for me, Parker so cut me some slack!” He breathed heavily.
“I’m serious! I’m realizing that I’m a bit of a shithead and I’m trying to change—and I can’t do that if you’re wondering if my friends are hiding around the corner waiting for me to spring a trap.”
Peter had to take a second to pick his jaw up off of the floor. There were so many things he could say in response to Flash’s declaration. ‘What a fantastic life choice!’— ‘I’m proud of you, Flash!’ –- but when he opened his mouth, “Just a bit?” spilled out.
Neither of them said anything of a few seconds, and then the loudest snort laugh Peter had ever heard came out of Flash’s face... which led to the two of them howling in laughter in that empty hallway. Every time one of them calmed down, they’d look at the other and start all over again.
Eventually they stopped. Peter was bent over at the waist catching his breath and Flash was wiping the last of the tears off his cheeks. Their eyes connected, and something passed between them. Nothing life altering or soul shattering, but... something.
“That was fair, Parker,” Flash acknowledged and with a sincerity Peter didn’t know was possible from the other, he said, “I am sorry for the things I’ve done, and I’m going to try to do better.”
Peter wanted to be the better person, but there was so much history. He smiled at his high school nemesis—oops, ex-nemesis and replied, “I look forward to seeing the change.”
He thought he saw Flash’s face fall, but in a second the look was gone.
“I’ll have to take that.” Flash accepted graciously and then, “So, yeah,” The moment was over. “I’m gonna go now, I think my Dad’s here to pick me up so...” Flash pointed some fingers guns at him, “I’ll see you at practice, ‘kay?”
Peter smiled, “You bet, Flash. See you at practice.”
* *Five months ago* *
Lunch period was just starting when the announcement came over the PA system, “Eugene Thompson, please report to the office. Eugene Thompson to the office, please. Thank you.”
Of course, half the cafeteria called out the requisite ‘ooooooh’s’ and Flash, who was sitting only a table over, looked over at Peter, with Ned and MJ, and shrugged. He grabbed the apple and water bottle off of his tray and brought the rest over to Peter. “I’m not sure how long I’ll be. Can I ask you to watch this, and if I’m not back by,” he checked out the clock on the wall, “Say quarter after twelve, you guys can finish it?”
In unison, the three all turned to looked over to the table of friends that Flash had just left, “Why not ask one of them?” Ned asked.
Flash chuckled and shot down the idea. “I’m not in the mood to play ‘which food did they spit in?’ Thank you very much. If you can’t that’s cool, but...”
Peter jumped in, “We’ve got it, Flash. We’ll watch the clock. 12:15pm.” He didn’t quite know what else to say. “Um. Hope it’s nothing catastrophic?”
Flash grimaced. “Me, too. Uh... thanks.” With a small wave he exited the cafeteria.
Ned jumped on him first, “Dude! What the heck!? I know you told me he’d apologized but that was straight out of the Twilight Zone!” Ned was freaking out.
MJ, always the level headed of the group, nodded in approval. “I can appreciate the effort he’s making to break out of a social construct of his own creation. It must be difficult to make a change when everything around you stays the same.” She looked across to Flash’s buddies and then to Peter.
He rolled his eyes at the implication. “C’mon, MJ. It’s been a month and there’s a lot of history there, you know? I’m... yeah. It would be nice to believe this is real, and I’m hopeful, but give me more than five minutes to get used to this, please?”
“I understand that, Peter, and I can appreciate history—just remember that we’re meant to learn from it, not get stuck in it.”
Peter appreciated the advice for what it was—really, but he and Ned had an ongoing tic-tac-toe tournament Peter decided he’d rather they focus on that. One thousand, six hundred, twenty-nine consecutive draws after ONE brain fart on Peter’s part...? Yeah, he was working toward redemption.
At ten minutes past twelve, Flash came back into the cafeteria, looking desolate. He meandered between the tables and stopped in front of theirs. He didn’t ask, just sat down and stared into nothing.
They were all curious, but Peter was the one to ask, “Flash? Is everything alright?”
Flash blinked and looked up at him, almost seemed surprised to see him. “Oh, uh, my mom needed to drop off a new house key. She won’t be home after school and she had the locks changed this morning.”
“Oh, okay.” He awkwardly replied. “Um... here’s your lunch.” Peter slid the tray in front of the dazed teenager. “I promise you, it’s spit free and everything.”
“Thanks.” Flash stared at the tray and quieted.
The three of them exchanged looks of concern, and though no words were spoken, they all came to an agreement.
“Hey, Flash,” Peter piped up, “Um, if you’re mom is gonna be gone after school, did you want to come over to my place? We’re, uh, going to be putting together a 3000 piece puzzle of the Milky Way and I’m going to lose my mind if they make me sort edges by myself. You’re welcome to join us if you want?”
Flash blinked back again.
“It’s even nerdier than it sounds, but we’re all about embracing our inner geek at this table.” Peter added.
Ned held up the infinite tic-tac-toe game as further proof. “True story, Flash.”
Flash looked over at MJ who just shrugged. “I’m not a nerd. I’m just smarter than them... which is why I make them sort.”
Peter could see that Flash was considering, so he tossed in one last incentive. “If you come, I won’t make you eat my Aunt’s walnut loaf.”
Flash smiled then, and it was almost sincere. “That sounds like fun. I’ll meet you guys out front after school?”
They all agreed, and Flash took a bite of his lunch.
* *Four months ago* *
Peter had been gone for a couple of days for an ‘internship retreat’ and it was time to crack down and get back to work. Spanish waited for no one.
“I can’t believe you actually have an internship with Tony Stark, Peter.” Flash teased him relentless as he made flashcards.
“And none of us can believe it took you so long to believe it, Flash.” MJ droned out over the edge of her textbook. “Seriously, he gets picked up in a new luxury car every week.”
Flash blushed over it again. “C’mon, you have to cut me a little slack, I mean really? What are the odds that something like that would happen to—“ The group braced, still cautious but hopeful... “anyone, let alone a junior in high school?! I was talking to my dad about it last night and he says with luck like that, you should be playing the horses.”
Peter chuckled and shook his head, “I’m not one to look at odds, Flash. My luck is only about fifty-fifty at the best of times.”
“And our odds of passing this exam will be less than that if we don’t stop yammering and get to work! Let’s go, losers!” Ever the taskmaster, MJ started barking out verbs to conjugate—and everyone got back to work.
* *Three and a half months ago* *
“Hey guys, guess what!?” Peter rushed up to them all congregated at Ned’s locker. “Mr. Stark got tickets to the premier of that new Oscar Isaac movie next week! He’d need to hang out with all of the mucky-mucks, but he can get extra tickets for us, if we’re okay with sitting with the rest of the peons—his words, not mine—if you want. I just have to let him know how many we need and then we can go with him in the limo!”
Ned freaked! “One for me, please! I’m content breathing in the same space as Poe Dameron even if the movie is supposed to suck, thank you very much!”
MJ had, of course, read the book that the movie was based on. “I’d be interested to see how a female director could have done a better job. Sure, I’m in.”
Flash was quiet.
“Flash? Are you in?”
Not looking quite comfortable with himself, Flash asked, “Are you sure he meant me, too?”
“Yeah, Flash. He means you, too. Did you think I’d be offering this to only some of my friends?”
Flash released a slow breath. “If you’re sure, then I’d love to come. Thanks.”
* *Three months ago* *
“Where’s Flash?” Ned asked as he sat down at their table at lunch. “He wasn’t in Comp Sci and Mrs. Berman asked me if I knew where he was.”
Peter and MJ pulled their phones out, checking to see if there were any unread texts or emails they’d missed.
They had nothing.
Peter took a second to peck something out.
PBWanKenobi: Hey, man! R U ok?
Flash was normally like a beast with replying back to texts. MJ said he had a serious case of FOMO and Flash hadn’t disagreed. None of them understood how he had yet to be caught or have his phone confiscated.  
And none of them had heard from him by the end of lunch.
PBWanKenobi: Hey, let one us know you’re alive?
Peter had just fallen asleep after a rough evening of Spider-manning when his phone pinged.
TheFlash: The message you have sent is undeliverable.
11: 59pm
TheFlash: The message you have sent is undeliverable.
* *Two months and three weeks ago* *
“Flash!” Peter practically bulldozed him over in his relief at seeing his friend safe and sound. “Are you okay? What the hell happened to you? We were so worried?!”
MJ and Ned had stayed back, Peter doing enough freaking out for the lot of them.
Flash flushed with embarrassment. “Um, can we maybe talk about it later? It’s, uh...” Flash looked around the busy hallway and Peter figured it out pretty quick.
“Oh! Yeah, of course. Sorry about that.” Peter stepped back, hands thrust into his pockets and trying to be calm, cool, and collected.
No one bought it, and before long they were all laughing at Peter’s dorkiness.
“C’mon, losers, we’ve got Chemistry in five minutes.”
* *Two months ago* *
Peter tried really hard to not make a big deal of it, but Flash was going through some big shit. His mom had kidnapped him! Wait, it was a ‘custodial disagreement’ and Flash had disappeared. His mom had driven him over state lines without his Dad’s express permission and had destroyed his phone so they couldn’t be tracked.
They’d been found anyways.  
It was insane.
Flash’s mom was out on bail but not allowed to see him and Flash’s dad had taken back the house she’d been living in.
And Flash wasn’t doing too great.
He’d started spending time with his old buddies again, which was cool! Totally okay, but they were still jerks and Flash was hurting.
Flash promised it was only because of his Dad. Apparently these buddies were the kids of some of Harrison Thompson’s wealthiest clients and Flash was supposed to be in on the schmooze.
Anything to make a buck, is what Harrison Thompson said.
Anything to get a leg up, is what Harrison Thompson said.
Suck it up, Eugene, you’re not here to make friends. You’re here to make connections. It’s about whose holding all the cards. It’s about the win-win-win, is what Harrison Thompson said.
Peter didn’t like Harrison Thompson very much, and he’d never even laid eyes on him.
* *One month and one week ago* *
Peter had talked to Mr. Stark about the situation with Flash during their lab time. He didn’t quite know how to process everything and with May working her second shift rotation at the hospital, he was stuck for advice on how to deal with it all.
“Maybe the kid needs a break?” Mr. Stark suggested. “Why don’t you guys all come out to the lake house for the day, take a breather from everything. The weather is certainly nice enough for it. I’ll grab Pepper and we can jump in the SUV. You can all bring your swimsuits and we can make a day out of it. I’ll barbeque. Pepper will yell at me for burning things! It’ll be a gas.”
Peter rolled his eyes at his mentor. “Are you sure? I mean, it sounds great, but are you sure-sure-sure about it? I know the lake house is kind of your thing...” Peter didn’t want to intrude.
Tony walked over to Peter’s station and looked him in the eye. “Kid, if you say this kid is good people, then I’m going to trust you. And if you say this kid needs a hand and this is what I can do? Then I can do it.”
Peter thought about the last weeks and how withdrawn Flash had been. He knew he wasn’t hearing a quarter of what was going on at Flash’s house and he knew that Flash’s dad cast a wide shadow. Maybe a trip out of the city would be what Flash needed to open up?
He’d decided. “If you’re positive, Mr. Stark, I’ll take you up on that offer. I think it’ll be exactly what he needs.”
* *Three weeks ago* *
It really was exactly what Flash needed.
They’d spent the day in the water. Tony had installed a tire swing last spring and a slide at the edge of the dock during the summer. It was glorious. MJ had goofed off for a bit, but when Pepper came out to sit on the dock, she’d left the water to be all ‘mature.’ Whatever. Peter, Ned, and Flash made farting noises with their hands in the water. If Tony had joined them in the water (making farting noises, too!), no one would tell—but there were pictures.
They grilled burgers and hot dogs and ate until too full.
It was the perfect day.
* *One week and three days ago* *
TheFlash2.0: Peter. 911 Call me.
TheFlash2.0: Peter. Wake up.
TheFlash2.0: Peter. Please wake up!!!!!
TheFlash2.0: On my life, Peter! It wasn’t me! I swear it!
TheFlash2.0: Please! I’m phoning.and you’re not answering! It your phone on silent?
TheFlash2.0: *is dammit!
TheFlash2.0: Peter. I don’t know what to do..
Neither Flash nor Peter were at school that day.
The reporters outside of his Queens apartment made it impossible for Peter to leave.
The beating he’d received from his father after the argument had made it impossible for Flash to leave.
* *One week and one day ago* *
TheFlash2.0: Please thank Mr. Stark for filing a police report. Not sure if you care, but I’m with my grandma and I’m safe.
PBWanKenobi: I care.
PBWanKenobi: I’m glad you’re safe.
* *One week ago* *
The press conference had gone as well as could be expected. After the photo had been released, things had been... chaotic.
Pepper had already been prepared for someone to make the assumption that Peter was Tony’s kid—but when Harrison Thompson had implied that Peter was Tony’s...
Peter felt nauseous even thinking about it.
MJ had been horrified by all of it. When she and Pepper had decided to visit on the dock, they’d been relegated to phone babysitters. MJ wouldn’t stand for just sitting and watching. She’d grabbed everyone’s phones and snapped like every moment was a precious memory. Ned had a picture of Mr. Stark dunking Flash under the water—and then another of Flash coming up and spouting a mouthful back at him. Peter had him, Ned and Flash doing cannonballs off the dock. They each had a couple of selfies of MJ and Pepper hamming it up all on their own...
Flash had a couple of photos of Mr. Stark and Peter—Peter had been standing... just standing and talking to Flash in the distance. You could see him in the picture. Mr. Stark had, for the first time EVER, managed to sneak up on the kid. Flash had played along as the distraction. He could have dunked Peter, zinged him, splashed... anything. But no, Mr. Stark, in a moment of affection gave Peter a hug from behind. It was sweet and tender—and photoshopped.
Harrison Thompson had ruined it.
He had taken something so wholesome—he had taken a piece of his own son’s joy and twisted it—had tried to ruin lives.
The man was a monster and with that one press conference, Pepper Potts, CEO of Stark Industries had destroyed him and his reputation spectacularly. She revealed every lie, every fraud, every deception—all of the evil he had ever done. He would never work in the state of New York again. And he would never have custody of his son again. And if, by the end of it, he was never free again, no one would complain.
It gave Peter some satisfaction, but it wasn’t enough.
How was Flash supposed to move on from this? How did Peter?
* *Three days ago* *
The hope that the interest by the press would die down after the press conference had been a pipe dream.
Mr. Stark had finally convinced Aunt May to relocate to the tower for everyone’s safety and sanity.
Honestly, Peter was sure May agreed to the move simply because it would get him out of bed.
The joke was on her, though.
They’d grabbed a couple of duffle bags and Peter’s backpack for school and headed over. Tony and Pepper had prepared a guest room for Aunt May, and of course Peter already had his own space. And that is exactly where he headed when Aunt May went to drop her bags in her room.
... and Peter figured if he never left, it would be too soon.
* *Present Day* *
“Peter, come on, sweetheart. You can’t stay in bed forever. You’ll start growing mushrooms in your armpits if you don’t shower.”
“No, I won’t.” Peter mumbled into his pillow.
“Okay, well if you won’t get out of bed for me, will you get out of bed for someone else?” May pushed.”
“Tell Ned I’ll call‘im tomorrow.”
“It’s not Ned.”
“Tell MJ I’ll call‘er tomorrow.”
“It’s not MJ, sweetie.”
Peter grabbed an extra pillow and shoved it over his head. “Then tell whoever I’ll call them tomorrow!”
A familiar voice came from the doorway. “My grandma hasn’t gotten me a new cell phone yet, so you can’t call me tomorrow.”
Peter popped up from his hidey-hole, not even embarrassed by his state of grossness. “Flash?”
“Hey, Parker.” Flash greeted, shyly.
“Are you okay?” Peter noticed the fading bruise under his left eye. “I know your dad is in a bunch of trouble, but tell me he’s goin’ down for child abuse, too, please?”
Flash looked uncomfortable for Peter’s eagerness. “Um, yeah, he’s been charged so that’s a thing.”
“Cool, I’m glad to hear that.”
“And I’m going to be living with my grandma for a bit—just while everything is straightened out with my mom and the house and everything.”
Peter had remembered that from the text. “That’s good.”
“So, um, I’m wondering if I could get your phone number for when I, uh, get my new phone. I can’t really transfer stuff ‘cause my phone is in an evidence locker somewhere.”
It all felt so surreal. How could this be so easy for him?
“Um, Peter? It’s cool if you don’t want to--”
“Shit! No! Sorry—zoned out there for a second. Of course you can have my number! Just—“ Peter jumped out of his bed and rushed past Flash to his desk to grab a pen and paper.
“Geez, Parker, your aunt wasn’t joking about the mushrooms!” he teased as Peter scribbled his number down on an old math worksheet.
“Funny, Flash. Ha-ha.” He thrust the piece of paper into Flash’s hand. “There, but if you’re going to be a jerk, you can call Ned instead. I still haven’t beaten him at tic-tac-toe so he kind of deserves it.”
“I thought so.”
Neither said anything for a bit. Peter had too many things he wanted to ask, and it seemed that Flash had secrets he’d wanted to keep.
“Can I tell you something?” Flash blurted out.
“Of course you can.” Peter answered. “You can tell me anything.”
“That’s good, ‘cause I really want to tell you how this all started.”
Peter assumed he was going to talk about the photos and the ‘anonymous’ press release revealing sordid fabrications, but no.
Flash started telling a story that was disjointed and already in progress, and that was okay. He’d probably told it in his head a million times, but out loud? This was most likely the first time...
Flash needed to be heard and Peter would listen.
“It had been a really bad night—for my parents, I mean. He hadn’t hit her, but he’d been so mean to her, and I could hear her cry... and it wasn’t even the first time, you know? It just sounded, I don’t know, sadder that night.
“I stayed in my room, ‘cause that’s what we do, but then my mom came in. I pretended to be asleep. I just couldn’t deal with it. I mean, it always feels like too much but that night...” Flash trailed off for a minute.
Peter let him take his time.
Flash sniffed and rubbed at his nose. “Anyways, she sat on my bed and whispered that she loved me... and then she said... she—she was so afraid I’d grow up to be like him, Peter, and...” He inhaled and then exhaled. “And I just couldn’t.
“I couldn’t be someone that my mom couldn’t love... and so I made a decision to change. I had to! And I knew that it had to start with you. I knew if I could redeem myself with you, then I had hope.”
“Wow, that’s terrifying deep, Flash.”
Flash ran his hand through his hair. “It is, and I’m glad to know you’re as freaked out by it as I am.”
Peter chuckled, “Aww, Flash. I knew we had something special...”
Flash gave him a playful shove. “Don’t be an ass. We’re having a moment here.”
And Peter nodded. “We are.”
“After all of this, a part of me wants to say that I wish I had never given you a chance to forgive me... that I was meant to play the villain forever, but I’d be lying. So...” Flash offered his hand. “Peter Parker, I’m not sure when I’m going to be back in town, but thank you. Thank you for forgiving me... even if you never said it. You showed it. And thank you for being an example of a decent human being. I didn’t have that so...” Flash rubbed his nose again.
Peter teared up, and took Flash’s offered hand. “Thank you, Flash Thompson, for trusting me, even if I didn’t understand why you needed it. You’re a good person, and I’m glad you’re my friend.”
The two stood there, hands clasped. Peter chuckled low, “Look at us, being all emotionally mature and not an MJ in sight. She’ll never believe it.”
Flash joined him. “You’re so right. Too bad we couldn’t take a picture”
Peter processed what Flash had said and groaned. “Too soon, man. Too soon.” With another chuckle and some playful shoves, they parted.
“I’m sorry to interrupt this bro moment, but Flash, you’re grandmother says it’s time to go.” May called from the door.
“Okay, May, we’re coming.” Peter said. “Just give us a minute, ‘kay?”
“Alright, don’t be too long though. She’s worried about traffic.” She replied and then left them again.
“I still haven’t apologized for my dad, Peter. I’m so sorry for everything—“ Flash rushed out.
“Nope.” Peter interrupted him. “No apologizing for him. You are not responsible for the decisions other people make. And besides, you can’t choose your blood, but you can still choose your family, right?”
Flash thought about it for a second before agreeing. “Right.”
Peter looked at the door, then back at Flash. “So I guess this is it for now—you’ll call as soon as you get your new number, right?”
“I will.”
“And you won’t join any AcaDec teams so we don’t have to crush your dreams in any future competitions, right?”
Flash smiled and shook his head ‘no.’
Then Peter nodded in satisfaction. “Then you’ll be fine.”
Flash smiled wider then. “Yes, I will be.”
... and eventually, he was.
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Chapter Four: Classes.
Summary: Gedonelune, the prestigious royal magic academy is waiting just for you! The door has opened a whole new world of possibilities for your future. For the next thirteen days you’ll be undergoing the provisional trial to see if you have what it takes to become an official student. Along the way you’ll be meeting new faces and going on exciting new adventures. But be warned, shadows are being cast on the land, if you dive to deep, you may find yourself being swallowed up by the chaos. Your journey begins now, will you be able to banish the darkness?
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
My body moved sluggishly as I made my way to what I hoped was where my first class of the day was taking place. Despite having followed directions that were given me, I had been second-guessing myself all morning. Perhaps staying up all night writing letters to Lily back and forth was a bad idea, especially since today was my first day of classes and I desperately wanted to leave a good impression. I checked over my direction list once more before putting it away, this was definitely the room.
Inside I could already see people rushing to pick their seats, others were chatting with friends without a care in the world, while at least a couple had their heads lying down on the desk. I took a deep breath before walking in, hoping to not draw any attention. I was already feeling nervous enough, I didn’t need any staring to be placed upon me. 
As I navigated my way through the class, I found a nice spot near one of the corners in the middle. There weren’t a lot of people there, so I chose a seat next to the wall where there was no one else sitting near. I placed my stuff on the desk, prepping myself for whatever it was that was about to happen. Just then I heard a small pop and a piece of paper came floating down onto my desk. I read the contents, a smile on my face when I realized it was from Lily.
                                  ‘Hey, today’s your first day of classes right? I want to wish you good luck! Oh yeah, that reminds me, Willem should be teaching one of your classes at some point, tell me how it goes! Actually, scratch that, tell me how every day goes! I can’t wait to hear back from you.’ 
                                                                   I quickly stashed the note away, putting it in my bag. I would have written her back, but with only a few minutes before class, it wouldn’t exactly be the wisest decision. Still, I couldn’t for when I had a chance to write back. Her words, even though I couldn’t hear them, oddly made me feel warm. A few minutes later the bell for classes began to ring out and everyone began to scurry to their seats. The door opened about a minute later and in stepped a man with gray hair. He had a kind face as he stepped to the podium in the center of class. His eyes scanned the room and when they fell onto me he smiled.
“Ah, I see you’re the new student. Would you please introduce yourself to the class?”
Standing up slowly, I cleared my throat. “Hello, my name is …” after giving my name, I slowly sat back down in my seat.
“Thank you. I’m happy to have you attend my class. My name is professor Merkulova and I hope you’ll find the academy life enjoyable. Now, let’s begin today’s lesson will be about potions, today we’ll be making different potions, each one with healing properties. I’ll be having ingredients for all three appear on your table, along with recipes for each one. You’ll be able to choose one which will be used on an Umbra near the end of class. You’ll be graded based on the effectiveness of it. Oh, one more thing, after preparing the potion, you must use the incantation ‘Eliminate that which plagues, Bono malum superate!’. Now, let us begin. Aperio!”
With the swish of his wand, a number of ingredients appeared on our desks, my eyes scanned over each one. I wasn’t the most confident in my ability to make potions, so I went with the most simple one on the list; a potion that would diminish the pain from headaches and migraines. I looked at the paper in my hand and grabbed what I needed which was one ginger root, a bundle of peppermint and a lemon wedge. I read over the steps carefully, grabbing my jar, making sure to layer the pieces of peppermint neatly. Once I was satisfied with it, I grabbed my wand and held it up, rolling up my sleeves as I did so.
“Eliminate that which plagues, Bono malum superate!” 
A small light began to build at the tip of my wand before shooting out in the form of a small ribbon which nestled itself into the jar before turning to liquid. I wasn’t sure what colour the potion itself was supposed to be, but here before me was a jar with lavender colored liquid. I put my wand away and at that very moment professor Merkulova came over to me. He looked with interest at my potion but said nothing as he continued making his way around the class. For some reason, I was overcome with nervousness that stayed with me until the end of class when we started coming to the front to test our potions.
I watched with interest as one by one, everyone began coming to the podium. A new Umbra was summoned every time and although no one had failed their potion, there were some who had weaker effects than others. When it was my turn to come to the front, I almost tripped over my chair. I calmly recollected myself and navigated my way up there. Merkulova was waiting with a smile and with a swish of his hand a new Umbra had appeared. A bright red pulsating light at the top of its head indicated that it was in severe pain. I handed the potion to the Umbra, who quickly took it in their own hands and drank it rapidly.
I watched with bated breath as the light began to grow dimmer and dimmer until it was gone completely. I looked over to Merkulova who nodded in approval. 
“Well done. Your potion has completely healed the Umbra, you’ve earned a perfect score for this assignment. If I may add though, next time, try to be more confident in yourself. You have great magical potential.”
Hearing his words made me practically grin from ear to ear. The smile on my face hadn’t left for a good amount of time, even after classes for the day was over, I was still overcome with joy. I practically had a skip in my step as I made my way back to my dorm, eager to write and tell Lily how classes had been. 
                      ‘Classes went well today, I got a perfect score for my potions class and I attained high marks for my others. I will admit, some of the classes are a bit challenging and there are times where I wonder if I’ll be able to pass the assignments for the day. I’m excited to see how it keeps going and I promise to keep you updated for the others.’
Once I finished writing, I gently folded the paper and watched as it disappeared in a puff of smoke. While waiting for a reply, I decided to work on the assignments that were given for us to work on back at the dorms. I was nearly done when I heard a small pop, noticing a small paper unfold on my desk. I quickly opened it and began to read.
                  ‘I knew you would be able to do it! Don’t worry too much about what could happen, focus on doing your absolute best. At the end of the day, you should be proud of your accomplishments. I believe you’re going to pass all your classes and make it as an official student. That was your goal, right? Keep it up and you’ll get there. I can’t wait to hear more about the academy life. I’m kind of sad I can’t be there to experience it too.’
I chuckled as I began writing another letter. This continued for the next couple of hours until it was time to call it a night. 
The next couple of days of classes went well, I had another class with Merlkulova and I even attended Willem’s class, which I excitedly told Lily about. She seemed rather surprised that Willem was teaching a lesson regarding rare species of plants, considering that wasn’t one of his strong suits. Regardless, she was thrilled to hear more about my day and was even more excited to hear about what would happen tomorrow. I was about to write another note when I heard a knock on my door. When I opened it, I was surprised at who it was.
“Persephone? What are you doing here?”
“I came to see how things were going. Can I come in?”
“Sure.” I opened the door all the way, allowing Persephone to come in before shutting it. She took a seat on the sofa near the wardrobe, crossing her legs over each other while looking at the stack of letters I had that were piling up.
“Who in the world are those letters from?”
“Huh? Oh, a friend. We met at the tea party a couple of days back.”
“You know, there’s an easier way to communicate so that you’re not wasting all those magic letters, you know.”
“There is?”
Persephone gave a small nod. “Yeah, have you ever heard of a magic phone? As long as you and the person you want to talk to have one, you’ll be able to ‘call and talk.”
My heart seemed to race a little as I listened intently to what she was saying. Just the thought of hearing Lily’s voice again was making my cheeks feel warm. 
“Where can I get one?” I asked.
“There’s a shop in town that sells them.”
“No need to look all gloom and doom.” Persephone sighed. “That look doesn’t suit you at all. Besides, one day I promise to take you into town sometime soon. You can go look for one then.”
“Wait, are you being serious?”
“I’m not going to sit here and be dishonest with you. I mean what I say. Anyways, I’ll let you go on about your evening. I need to get things ready for the first class of the night that I have to teach. I’ll catch up with you later.”
Without another word, Persephone got up from the sofa and left the room, shutting the door behind her. I looked over at the nearby clock, it was well into the evening and quite honestly now would be a good time to try and get some rest. I changed out of my school uniform and into some comfortable nightwear before slipping into bed. It only took me a few minutes to fall into a deep slumber, but despite all the sleep I got, I still felt relatively tired. I would have loved to just crawl deeper in the covers and fall into another blissful trip into dreamland, but alas, I had earlier classes than usual today. 
I took a shower, got dressed, and took the marker I had for my calendar, crossing off another day. It’s been four days since my trial started. 
“So far so good. I hope I can keep this up.”
I only had nine days left, well six if I didn’t count the weekends when there were no classes. At the rate the days were going, I was sure that the final day of my trial would be here in the blink of an eye. Which was a little worrying. Would I even make it? No, I had to shake my mind of such thoughts and push forward.
I walked into the classroom with confidence this time, sitting down where I usually was for classes. I kept reassuring myself that today was going to be just like all the other days, I had to believe in myself. I had built my courage up with small pep talks to myself, but it all went tumbling down when I saw who walked into the classroom. It was Schuyler…
I gave a small gulp as I watched him make his way up to the board. He had his arms crossed as another person cam in. He had blonde hair and was wearing a Ministry uniform, one that was taught to us in one of the previous classes. He had a stern look about him and for some reason, he seemed almost….regal. I had the color drain from my face though when I saw the two of them standing in the front of the room, side by side. 
“Everyone to your seats, now.” Schuyler’s voice was sharp as he watched everyone retreat to their seats if they weren’t already there. “Classes for today will be held outside, so I ask that everyone follow me in an orderly fashion as we head out to the courtyard.”
After speaking, both Schuyler and the man beside him led the way to the courtyard. I had only been here briefly a couple of times, but staying here for the amount of time that we would be, was somehow relaxing. 
“Today for class we’ll be practicing offensive magic spells. We’ll be using the four major elements and use them to dispel the Umbra. Now, can anyone tell me the four elements?”
Not a single person raised their hand, so Schuyler decided to call on someone, that someone in particular...was me.
“Go ahead and tell us what the elements are.”
“Earth, air, fire and water.”
“Well done. It appears you know basic knowledge.”
I don’t know whether I should take that as a praise or not…..
“Everyone please grab out your wands. Apareo Umbra!”
Just like Merkulova had done in potions class a few days ago, Schuyler waved his wand, producing an incredible number of Umbras. But unlike the Umbra that Merkulova produced, these ones were able to attack. I forced myself to stay calm and collected as I went after a small group of Umbra that strayed from the rest. I pointed my wand at the group and shouted. 
“O great wind, become a blade! Acies Ventos!” 
A bright light shot off from my wand as blades of winds slashed through the Umbras. With loud cries, they began to fade into nothingness. After watching them dissipate, I looked over to see that the numbers of the Umbras were dwindling drastically. I knew I had to act fast if I wanted to amass enough points to get a good grade in the class. I took a deep breath, not knowing if it would work, and held up my wand. 
“O great power, dwell within mine hand and form a shield, Magia Terra!”
Though it was pretty weak, I had managed to successfully cast a barrier of the earth element to surround me. It was probably only strong enough to hold back a couple of attacks at most, but it was much better than nothing and at the very least it would give me a little bit of time to cast a flurry of different spells. 
I chased after another group, focusing on casting larger spells to attack bigger groups. I had done a pretty decent job at eliminating a good number of them, but I was feeling extremely sluggish by the end of it all. I dropped my barrier as I slowly made my way to where Schuyler was. With the flick of his wand, a scoreboard appeared before us. I was a little saddened to see that I wasn’t at the very top, I thought I had given it all…
“You’re the new student, right?”
The man that had been standing over by Schuyler had made his way over to where I was.
“Ah, yes sir, I am.”
“This is your first time dealing with this kind of magic, right?”
“Well, no sir. But it is my first time actually using it for offensive stuff like this. I’ve never used it fighting…”
“You did relatively well considering your skill right now. But you still have a lot of room for improvement. Keep that in mind when you practice at home. If you want to become a student here officially, slacking off will not be tolerated. Especially when I’m the one teaching furthermore…” 
Even though it was only a few minutes, it felt like hours had passed by before the man had finished his lecture and left the area. I let out a sigh as I watched the other students making their way back to the Academy, except for one, who looked back at me before heading back my way.
“What in the world just happened? I saw the other professor come and talk with you. He wasn’t too hard on you was he?
One of my classmates, a girl who I had become friends with in the class that Lars had been teaching that day, came up to me with slight worry.
“Not really, but he’s uh, rather confusing.”
“I’ve heard he’s always been like that though.”
“Yeah, hard to imagine that the second eldest Goldstein is this awkward.”
“Oh that’s -- wait….did you say Goldstein?”
I watched as she let out a chuckle. “Yeah, that’s professor Goldstein. Klaus Goldstein to be precise. I guess he was seen as some prodigy or something like that. But I’ve also heard some stories about how scary he was back in his days as a prefect.”
I could see the whole ‘being scary’ bit...
“Anyways, I’m heading back to the dorms, I’ll see you in class tomorrow.”
I nodded. “Yeah.”
I watched as she left and I put my wand away before going back to the classroom to grab my things and head to the remaining classes before heading back to the dorms for the day. The walk back seemed longer than usual today, maybe it was because I had a lot to think about. My magic wasn’t bad, but this is the second time that someone has told me to be more confident in my powers. Perhaps some afterschool practice would be helpful. I sighed as I entered the area of the Night Class dormitories and found Persephone leaning against the wall. When she noticed me, she began to speak.
“Perfect timing. I was just about to look for you before heading to class. We need to discuss something.”
Nadia: Hm….
Persephone: Something up? You’re not being so annoyingly happy today.
Nadia: *Smiles* I’ll pretend that was a compliment. Anyways, what was it you wanted to talk with them about?
Persephone: You’ll find out in the next chapter ‘A Day Out and Meeting The Potions Master’.
Nadia: Huh? Potion master? Who in the world is that?
Persephone: Find out for yourself.
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pom-conjuring · 4 years
Your Self-Esteem and Your Business Success
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Having a healthy degree of self-esteem is essential for every person. It can help you put things in proper perspective which in turn makes it possible to get through life's challenges and achieve the things you set out to attain. So, do you value yourself? Would you like who you are?
You probably now have any idea what self-esteem is. But let us make it clearer still. The expression self-esteem is often related to self-confidence. But it isn't quite that-although there's a co-relation. Self-confidence aids self-esteem. However, self-esteem runs much deeper, it's more encompassing. We can sum this up by stating that self-esteem is a blend of self-confidence and self-worth. It's the belief in one's abilities and significance; the certainty that one can live and worthy of being here.
In order words, just being exceptionally capable alone is not sufficient to make you appreciate yourself. Hard to imagine? I will illustrate: if it is possible to paint and draw like no other artist on the planet, that won't affect how that you respect yourself if what you really value is academic art.
Similarly, in the event you even excel in a specific component of academics, such success will not do your self-esteem much good if this is not what you have always wanted to do. Thus, rising to the top of someone's profession is unlikely to influence an individual's sense of self-worth if they're not proud of the profession. It is clear now, is not it? Self-esteem comes from a sense of personal efficacy and a sense of personal value.
Enough of definitions. How can this feature help us in life, particularly in our MLM or Online businesses? Someone with a high self-esteem is usually able to concentrate on the positive aspects of things, as opposed to dwelling on negativity that often breeds frustration and hinders the attainment of business objectives. Undoubtedly there'll be times in your business when things won't turn out the way you anticipated.
There'll also be times when you'll be stressed out and stopping seems the most reasonable thing to do. A top self-esteem will see you through these times. It helps a person to distinguish the failure of a individual's method and the failure of the individual himself.
The man who believes in themselves and their skills will just change the methods or approach, maybe even selecting another set of employees and trying again. The thing is that so long as you think you have what it takes to be successful in your business, if you hang on long enough, you will succeed!
Self-esteem assists your business in still other ways. It can help you to take calculated, creative risks and propels one to push through with your choices, as you believe you're capable. Subsequently, this positive mindset brings willing clients and the perfect sort of staff. The thing is that in the business world, particularly today's highly competitive business environment, the normal client prefers to take care of the business person who exudes some degree of self-belief.
Ask yourself, would you hire a lawyer or marketer who doesn't believe in their skills? Hardly! It's also true in other professions also. A high self-esteem can allow you to deal more confidently with customers. It will certainly manifest in your communication, interpersonal, and presentation skills, all which will help to attract new customers and business deals.
We can go on and on. But suffice it to say that as a business person or an entrepreneur, a healthy self-esteem is a valuable asset that you ought to try to cultivate. If you lack it, people will have doubts on your skills. But if you've got it, it often brings people to you and your business.
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Sandra Essex is a TOP Producing Internet Marketer. She enjoys helping new men and women learn how to construct Their MLM Business by utilizing the internet. If you're tired of failing on your current Company then you will need to learn those skills! Go to this Website for more MLM Lead Generation Tips.
Dare to Take Control of Your Life by Raising Your Self-Esteem
According to me, being in charge of your own life means knowing precisely what you would like and making sure you get it. If you're in charge of your life YOU decide what happens. You do not just let yourself be pushed by other forces outside of yourself. You're the captain and your life is your boat. You pick the destination and the way of getting their. If you do not take charge of your life you're merely a small ant which happened to be on board of the boat and that lets itself be carried from place to place with no influence over the steering wheel.
In case you've got low self-esteem you do not dare to dream. Deep inside you do not feel as though you deserve asking for what you want. You are like a small child who has learnt it is far better to sit quietly and wait to see what happens rather than a kid who loudly informs everyone that he/she doesn't like bananas but enjoys apples. The quiet child is just as likely to get served a banana or an apple but the kid with higher self-esteem is more likely to find the apple than the banana. If you do not dare to choose exactly what you would like, whether you receive it or not is merely a matter of luck. To get what you want you will need to know what you would like. When did you last write a list of all of the things which you want? You want to dare to do it! If you believe that writing a wish list is a ridiculous idea it is a sign your self-esteem is so low that you don't think your dreams could (or perhaps should) come true.
Some folks dare to dream about what they want but they still doubt that their dreams will come true. This is also a symptom of low self-esteem. Should you're feeling in this way you will need to elevate your self-esteem. Whether you feel that your dreams can come true or think that they can't come true, you'll be right.
Nobody prevents you from attaining your goals besides yourself. Lots of people with low self-esteem paralyze themselves. Because they don't believe in their own ability and they are confident that the world out there's uncontrollable and frightening, the feel helpless. Feeling helpless isn't helpful for getting anywhere in life. If you are feeling helpless you may paralyze yourself. Consider all powerful political and religious leaders who have made history. Do you believe they felt helpless? No! Now you may argue that they succeeded because they had charisma, intelligence and so forth but you don't have these qualities. You're mistaken! They did not have these qualities when they decided what they wanted to do, but they developed these so as to achieve their targets. Whatever skills you may believe that you lack you can create these or use someone else's skills so as to achieve what you want to reach.
Should you increase your self-esteem, you will begin to realise that you do deserve good things in your life. With greater self-esteem you will begin to dream more bravely about all of the things you want. If you want them badly enough you'll get them. With higher self-esteem you will learn you could reach your objectives, and since you know that this is true you will begin to work out ways to achieve them. Even once you get stuck and can't understand the solution to a specific portion of your program, you will continue to try to find a method until you discover it. You won't give up so easily once you have high self-esteem.
Another consequence of increasing your self-esteem is you will no longer feel a need to defend yourself or to conceal yourself. Regardless of what other folks think you are going to learn that you're on the right path. With high self-esteem you won't be scared of failing. Failing is just a process of finding out what doesn't work and it brings you nearer to the solution that does work. Consequently you may dare to take more risks. The more risks you dare to take the quicker you'll move towards your objective. The more different methods you try, the more probable you will find the method that requires you to your objective.
Liv Miyagawa - The Self-Esteem Coach
Liv Miyagawa is The Self-Esteem Coach. She assists adults with low self-esteem through personal training, self-esteem courses, self-esteem books and other self-esteem materials. Liv Miyagawa helps adults who need higher self-esteem to know themselves better. She makes people realise their dreams by helping them to clearly see what they want and how to receive it. Liv Miyagawa Self-Esteem Coach
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hey, it's ya girl, and i'm back with some more relationship stuff, since apparently relationships are hard, and they suck, but oh well, what can we do, we're a world blinded by the facets of love 
today we’re going to talk about letting go and moving on
yeah, a strange concept, i know. but here’s the thing: sometimes you need to let someone go in order to allow someone new to come into your life. not only will this allow you to heal, recover, or whatever you need at the moment, but it’ll help the other person as well. maybe it's not your intention to "help" them, but if you do this, it'll make you feel so much better, mentally and even physically (as stress and depression take quite the toll on the body). there are a few scenarios i'm going to break down today, and the first one will be: breakups
breakups SUCK, and they're painful, and yeah, you might want to make your ex a sim and burn it in a house fire, but here's the thing: by doing this, you are giving that person headspace, therefore giving them power over you that they don't deserve. in some cases, breakups are mutual, and those are the easiest to get over, because you're not riddled with the guilt of dumping someone, or with the pain of being dumped (raise your hand if you've been here, rip). we're not here to talk about you dumping someone, though, we're here to talk about you being dumped, or, to put it nicer, broken up with. 
i know that it's hard, and i know that it hurts, but trust me - someone better will come along. someone who loves you for you, and will be the perfect missing puzzle piece to your Ravensburger. you, as an individual, are amazing, okay? you have this uniqueness about you that nobody else could even dream of replicating. it doesn't matter that i don't know who'll read this, because every person in the world has that unique spark in them, regardless of who they are. that spark is what makes people fall in love with you, and if they start to realize that they can no longer care for that spark, then it's not your fault. don't try and win back their affections, especially if they've already moved on. i've said this before, and i'll say it again:
"don't chase after someone who wouldn't even think twice about leaving you behind. sure, it might hurt to just block them out, but sometimes it's for the best. after all, if they were willing to just up and leave in the first place, what makes you so sure that they'll stay any longer? sure, it's going to be hard, but you can do this. toxic people are something that you'll run into every day, but it's your choice if you let them poison you or not."
it might seem harsh, but think about it - what would keep them from leaving you again? save yourself the heartache and move on, okay? you've got the whole world in front of you, and i know that you can do infinitely better than some sod who left you.
rejection. O U C H. since we're all on tumblr, i'm going to use internet rejection as this example. say you meet someone online that you really like. they're funny, sweet, smart, whatever you're into. things are going good, going great, you feel awesome and floaty and almost maybe a little in love, then suddenly, BOOM. bomb is dropped and they ghost you. even if you've never really met in person, you still form this emotional attachment to the person, which makes being rejected by them all the more painful, and that's okay. it's okay to be hurt by someone you've never met before, and it's okay to feel bad. what's not okay is soaking in the feeling and letting it ruin your life. 
another example would be when someone's interested in you, but you keep shutting them down for whatever reason, then they move on and you suddenly feel rejected. yeah, that sucks, but look, you shut them down, right? even though they CLEARLY showed interest in you, regardless of age (this is only okay if you're both legal, obviously), distance, medical issues, sense of humour, etc? so although it's okay to feel sad that they've moved on and are with someone else, it's not okay to play the victim here. it's not fair to the other person, and it's not fair to you. for one, you're better than some petty little anger at not being "the chosen one" anymore, and for another, it'll make the other person feel bad about being happy. so be the bigger person. don't worry, you'll find someone else who loves you, or shows the same amount of interest, if not more. so stand up, stop moping, and try being happy for the other person. if you truly care about them, then you'll want them to be happy, no matter what, right?
moving on
gotta get your move on, boi (or gal, or nonbinary pal, whichever applies to you). i'm not saying "go chase after someone else now," as that's just not healthy. let it happen in your own time, and don't push for a relationship. if it's meant to be, it'll happen, and your manipulating the situation will only cause it to backfire. 
so, onto the methods of moving on for those who don't quite want to move on:
block the person. i mean seriously, just block them, especially if they're only causing you heartache 
practice some self-care methods. journal, draw, create, just do something that'll help you take your mind off of things. bonus points if you love what you're doing 
if you're angry at the person, then make a sim for them and kill it. give it the worst luck possible, the worst life imaginable in the sims. this will act as your outlet of anger, and will prevent you from going off a the person (hopefully). obviously this isn't the most ideal or healthy way of coping and moving on (as i stated earlier), but i must say, it is quite effective. 
write a letter stating what you're feeling. pour your heart out, write a poem, insult them in ancient shakespearean language, just write. it doesn't matter if you don't ever send the letter, email, text, whatever, just compose it, then dispose of it, or save it to re-read later. one method that i suggest is to write down what you're feeling on paper, the rip the paper up into little shreds. if you're in a stable state of mental health, you can even burn it (just be sure not to start any fires!). if you write an email, then address it to a spam email account of yours so that you don't accidentally send it. if you choose to text or dm, type it out to someone else first, in case. if you're feeling particularly brave, you can send this message. the times i've done all of these are innumerable, and each time they've really helped me to sort out how i feel about what went down, even if i never actually sent it.
accept how you feel and let it go. if you're a big visualization fan, then find something to symbolize how you feel about the person (gifts they gave you that you no longer want, pictures, letters, etc. just make sure to take pictures so you don't forget that at one point, they actually did like you), and let it go. all it will be is dust in the wind, particles of the atmosphere being turned into something new. 
wallow. take one day off and just cry. wallow in self-pity. eat a whole pizza to yourself (just kidding, don't do that), watch sappy romance movies, just take the time to feel bad. this one day is the only day where you'll let your emotions fully take over, the only day where you're allowed to feel whatever emotion, as long as you don't act aggressively on those emotions. so grab some kleenex, put on a sad movie, eat some ice cream, and cry. you'll be okay, i promise.
i know that moving on can be quite difficult, and it can be quite painful, no matter how much you try to hide from those feelings. having a support system is so unbelievably important. if you don't feel like you can tell your friends or family, then reach out to someone you feel like you can trust. scream your feelings into the void, if you feel like that's the only way you can rant. just don't wallow in self-pity and make others feel bad for being happy just because you're in a funk. it's not worth it, and frankly, it's just a waste of time. 
you are amazing, beautiful, clever, intelligent, funny, everything that you were meant to be, and nothing, not even a little relationship problems, can take that away from you.
now here's a few questions i have for you: 
how did you feel about your relationship in the beginning? did you have a good or bad feeling? did you think it'd last? did you trust the person? 
sometimes your gut feeling, or your initial feeling, is the one that will be correct in the end. for example, when you start out in a relationship but feel weary, why do you think that is? is it because the person has a history of (insert here), or is it because of a vibe they have? LISTEN TO THAT FEELING, i cannot stress this enough, ahhh 
this is something that'll help you a lot in the future, but at the moment, it'll help keep you safe. that's all i've got for now, and honestly, i can't say i'm the most credible when it comes to relationships, but hey, if this helps you, then that's all that matters :) 
these words of wisdom were brought to you by: things i wish i had heard a few years ago
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hysterialevi · 6 years
When the Devil Cries pt. 11
Author’s note: A bit shorter than the other chapters, but I hope you enjoy it anyways :)
From Arthur’s POV
“Hurry!” Hosea urged, pointing ahead. “This way! We’ll loose ‘em in the trees!”
Snapping my horse’s reins, I rode behind Eddie and Dutch to make sure there were no more assassins followin’ us as we bolted through the marshlands, never looking back.
Even now, we could still hear gunshots thundering in the distance along with police whistles blaring loudly, and we had no idea if any of them had tailed us out of the city.
Christ, I thought to myself. What a goddamned mess.
Not only did that gala go up in flames faster than a match thrown in moonshine, we also made a new, unknown enemy tonight...and killed about a third of ‘em, from what it looked like.
Who the hell were those people? I wondered. Why did Atticus want Eddie dead so much?
He weren’t no outlaw like his daddy was. And judging by how little Eddie knew about Rose’s gang, I doubted he was even involved with their criminal activity in the first place.
Eddie was nothin’ but an innocent soul who got caught in the middle of this crossfire all because of another man’s actions...and he nearly paid for it with his life today.
I was just glad that I had been there for him. If I hadn’t-- well...I didn’t even wanna think about that.
Slowing down to a halt, the four of us stopped next to a nearby swamp as our horses’ hooves dragged through the soupy mud, giving us a chance to catch our breaths. It seemed like we had finally lost the assassins, and for the first time in a while, the air around us was actually quiet.
We had escaped.
For now.
“...Goddammit, Arthur!” Dutch cursed as he climbed down his horse, checking around to make sure we were truly alone. “What happened to ‘our guns stay holstered?”
I got off my own mount, gesturing to Eddie who had drifted away from the group slightly, lowering my voice so he couldn’t hear us.
“They was gonna kill him, Dutch!” I whispered through gritted teeth.
The older man shrugged.
I fell silent at that, completely taken aback by the response.
I mean, I knew Dutch wasn’t as close with Eddie as I was -- and the boy didn’t even know his real identity -- but I still expected him to show at least some sympathy.
Hell, it was because of Dutch’s sympathy that he took me in as a kid. Without him, I woulda lived the rest of my limited time in this world as some street orphan, and I would’ve never been where I was now.
What happened to Dutch?
Picking up on my surprise, the man lowered his head in an apologetic manner and softened his tone somewhat, glancing over at Eddie who was now sitting on a fallen tree log, unsure of what to do with himself.
“Listen,” Dutch said sternly. “I know he’s your friend, Arthur, but we can’t afford to make sacrifices like this.”
I wasn’t convinced. “So you woulda just let him die?”
Dutch held up a finger, his expression sharpened with annoyance. “...Now it ain’t like that, Arthur. And you know it. But we’re a gang. We have priorities. And that boy ain’t one of them!”
Hosea jumped in before things could get more heated, offering some pragmatism.
“To be fair,” he added, still sitting on his horse, “a shootout most-likely would’ve commenced anyway. I mean -- good God, did you see how many assassins were in that gala? ...And I thought we was well hidden. Though, I’m happy to announce not everything went wrong. Despite all that bloodshed, we still made off with a decent chunk of money. Perhaps not as much as we were anticipating, but enough that I’d call tonight a success.”
Dutch crossed his arms. “I suppose there’s that, at least.”
I sighed out of fatigue, looking around the gloomy marsh. “Well...what happens now?”
Hosea offered some suggestions. “I assume your friend lives in Saint Denis?”
I nodded. “Yeah. Not too far from the place we just burned down, actually.”
“Well, he can’t go back home now. Not for a while, anyway. His house will be the first place those assassins check. He’ll have to stay somewhere else. Does he have any family he could contact?”
“No.” I replied.
“Well, we can’t bring him back to camp,” Dutch reminded. “We can’t risk those assassins finding out where we are.”
I thought about it for a moment, my head perking up once an idea struck me.
“...I’ll stay with him.” I said.
Both Dutch and Hosea looked at me in confusion.
“We’ll camp out in the wilderness for a while,” I explained. “Move around a bit until things calm down in Saint Denis. It ain’t the safest option, but it’s all we got.”
Dutch shook his head. “We don’t have time for this, Arthur. We need to focus on hitting that bank.”
“We ain’t hittin’ that bank anytime soon, Dutch,” I countered. “The law will be swarmin’ all over the city after what happened tonight.”
“...He’s right,” Hosea agreed. “And besides, it’ll give us more time to plan. After all, this bank is a lot more fortified than the one in Valentine. We need to make sure we’re absolutely ready before robbing it. In the meantime, Arthur can keep an eye on Mister Ryan. Make sure he doesn’t get ambushed again.”
Dutch considered the point for a minute, his dark eyes never leaving mine as the gears turned in his head.  
I could tell the man wasn’t happy with me for getting involved in a war that weren’t even ours to fight, and honestly, I understood exactly where he was comin’ from.
The gang had enough problems trying to avoid the Pinkertons and O’Driscolls. Not to mention Leviticus Cornwall was tearin’ this country apart just to find us...and now, ‘cause of me, we also had to worry about whoever the hell these assassins were. And more importantly -- who sent them.
I mean, someone had to be at the head of those maniacs. The stunt they pulled at the gala wasn’t something you just came up with overnight, and considering how organized their attack was, it was pretty clear that they had some type of leader. My only question was who.
Thatcher obviously didn’t send them. And Atticus was too far away to contact them so quickly. That meant there had to be a third shadow lurkin’ around somewhere...and I doubted they’d give up here. Great. As if we needed more people hunting us down.
Letting out an exhausted breath, Dutch finally gave in and remounted his horse, slowly beginning to make his way out of the marsh.
“Very well,” he said. “I suppose we don’t have much choice. I’m headin’ back to camp. Hosea, you should do the same. Though, it’ll be best if we ride separately. As for you Arthur...” Dutch paused, his gaze traveling to Eddie, “...just keep the boy safe. Otherwise, all o’ this will have been for nothing.”
I gave him a firm nod, bidding both of them farewell.
“I intend to.”
“Then let’s get moving. We’ll avoid Saint Denis for a few days. Keep a low profile while the city’s on high alert. In the meantime, you get that boy far away from here...and be careful. If those assassins were willing to attack him like that in the city...imagine what they’ll do in the wilds. For now though, just stay safe.”
“Good luck, Arthur,” Hosea said. “Hopefully, when you and the boy return, you’ll both be in one piece.”
I waved goodbye. “That’s the plan.”
Breaking into a sprint, both Dutch and Hosea galloped to safety, the two of them disappearing into Lemoyne’s swamplands before diverting their paths. It was still somewhat early in the night, and so far, I hadn’t noticed any stray lawmen or assassins skulking about...so they should’ve been able to get back home just fine before the sun came up.
I couldn’t lie...part of me felt like an absolute idiot and a burden for bringing this sorta trouble to the gang.
My job was to help Dutch and Hosea keep our people alive. To make sure we was safe, and we was fed. And yet, within the past week, everything I’d managed to do had been the complete opposite.
Not only was I freely giving my money away to a theater that had nothin’ to do with us, I was also wasting my time falling in love with some boy who was better off without me anyway -- when I could’ve been focusing on earning more cash for the camp. All because of my own, selfish desires.
I dragged a hand down my face, thinking back to the shootout.
Was I doin’ the right thing? I questioned. Or was I simply fanning the flames, drawing even more danger to us?
All I wanted was to protect Eddie from harm. And yet, whenever I was around the boy...trouble only always seemed to follow me.
First, there was Thatcher’s death. Then, there was the theater robbery...and now, we barely escaped with our lives from a goddamned firefight in the middle of a gala. I was hurtin’ this boy more than I was helping him.
And it was all due to the fact that, deep down, some part of me absolutely refused to accept the pathetic outlaw I really was. Almost like...I was tryin’ to be some sorta hero, even though I knew damn well I was just as rotten as the people I killed. And that was the sad truth of it.
But...regardless of whatever regrets I had, or how much I wished we could rewind time, we had come too far to turn back now.
Eddie’s life was in danger, and it was pretty clear to me that these assassins had no intentions on givin’ up anytime soon. If there was any chance that we were gonna get outta this shit-storm alive, we was gonna have to take it together.
All the way till the end.
Bringing myself back to reality, I paused for a moment and thought about what to say before hesitantly wandering over to Eddie, careful not to distress him further.
Obviously, this weren’t the first time I’d been in a shootout -- and I highly doubted it’d be the last -- but I was used to this kinda life. Fights like this sometimes occurred to me on a daily basis.
Eddie, on the other hand...I didn’t imagine he had ever been in something quite like this. And it worried me to think about the damage it was probably doin’ to him. After all, that type of fear stuck with people, and in my experience, it was rarely ever forgotten.
I slowly walked up to the boy, admittedly unsure of how to proceed.
“Hey, Eddie.” I said, taking a seat next to him. The musician let out a shaky breath, his eyes stuck on the muddy ground underneath us.
“...Bloody hell, Arthur...” he whispered, his voice quivering with fear. “...What just happened?”
I sighed, resting my elbows on my knees. “I wish I knew. How you holdin’ up?”
Eddie brought his gaze to me, clearly panicking on the inside even if he didn’t show it.
“I’m...I’m in shock. I’ve never seen so many bodies in one place. And poor Miss Powell. I know I wasn’t exactly fond of the woman, but she didn’t deserve that...” the boy gestured to his suit. “And look at me. Drenched head-to-toe in blood, and it isn’t even mine.”
I hung my head low in guilt, silently cursing those goddamned assassins for everything they put Eddie through tonight.
“Jesus...” I murmured. “I’m sorry you had to see all that, Eddie.”
The pianist combed a sluggish hand through his hair, completely drained of all energy.
“I should’ve known Thatcher wasn’t alone,” he scolded himself. “I should’ve known other men followed with him...but like the naive idiot I am, I endangered all the people at that gala because I couldn’t see the danger I was truly in. Including you. Everyone who got hurt tonight was hurt because of me. I’m such a fool.”
I stared at the disheartened man, honestly a little shocked at how critical he was being of himself. I mean, I knew he’d just been through Hell, but I had never seen him quite so dismayed. Even after we killed Thatcher, the boy held himself together pretty well, and got right back on his feet.
Now though, Eddie just seemed devoid of all hope entirely, and...it hurt to see him like this.
I mindlessly observed the dark, droopy trees around us, doing my best to calm the boy down.
“...While that may be true,” I conceded, “you can’t afford to think like that. Trust me. That kinda mindset will only eat you from the inside out, and it certainly won’t do you no favors. It ain’t gonna be easy, but you need to be strong right now, Eddie. ‘Cause lemme tell you something...”
I turned towards the boy and firmly held his hand in a supportive manner, looking him directly in the eyes.
“Those assassins might’ve caught us off-guard tonight, but the next time they come...we’ll be ready. We’re gonna let them know that they ain’t the ones doin’ the hunting no more, and we’re not gonna go down without a fight.”
I tightened my grip slightly, never looking away from Eddie as I lowered my voice.
“...They’re in our land now.”
Taking in everything I just said, Eddie held my hand back and took a deep breath, appearing a little less shaken up than before. The spark that I had become so familiar with slowly returned to his eyes, and with every passing second, he seemed to relax a bit.
Despite his faith in me however, it was evident that the boy was still hesitant about the whole situation, and he briefly glanced up at the night sky...almost as if he were searchin’ for answers.
Eddie slouched in discouragement, his hand still latching onto mine.
“But...I can’t fight, Arthur. Not like you, anyways. How on Earth am I supposed to combat this?”
“You’ll learn,” I replied confidently. “I’ll teach you.”
The pianist’s head perked up at that and he quirked a brow out of curiosity, silently asking what I meant.
“I already told Mister Kilgore and O’Malley that I’d stay with you,” I explained. “We’ll camp out in the wilds for a few days -- wait for things to cool off in Saint Denis before bringing you back home.”
Eddie frowned, though not in disapproval. “Arthur...you don’t have to--”
“--I know I don’t have to do it,” I interrupted, thinking twice about what I just said. “Actually...no. I do. I’m the one got you in this mess, after all. Them assassins woulda never come for you if I hadn’t killed Middleton. So...it’s only right I get you outta this. And besides, I can’t just leave you now. Much as I hate to admit it, we’re in this nightmare together. And ain’t nothing you can do that’s gonna make me walk away.”
Looking at me with a sense of gratitude, Eddie found himself at a loss for words as the trees gently swayed around us, filling the profound silence of the night with a soft rustling.
There was a certain fondness in Eddie’s deep gaze. One that I’d never seen from anyone else. It was a mixture of admiration and tenderness -- something I rarely ever got from other people -- and the longer his eyes lingered on me, the more he seemed to get lost in his own, somber thoughts.
Before I even had a chance to say anything else though, the boy had cupped both sides of my face and pulled me into a loving kiss, planting his lips against mine as my heart came to a halt.
I froze on the spot, completely paralyzed by bewilderment.
What...the hell just happened?
One minute, I was shooting at an army of assassins and escaping from a burning mansion, and the next, I was sittin’ in the middle of an eerie swamp, finally kissing the man I had foolishly dreamed of for so long right after evading death.
The part that really threw me off though, weren’t the kiss itself. It was the motive behind it.
Unlike my past experiences, there was no lust involved here. No hunger. No craving. It was simply a gesture of affection, and it was Eddie’s subtle way of sayin’ he needed me.
I...didn’t know if that were true. In fact, I was probably about the last thing he needed, but the poor kid had deluded himself into believing I was a good man worth stayin’ loyal to.
Despite how wrong it felt though, I also couldn’t deny that I had been wanting this for quite a while now. Eddie was definitely one of the best men I’d met in years, and the fact that, out of all people, he had fallen in love with me...well, I guessed my luck hadn’t run out just yet.
My only fear...was thinkin’ about when it would.
Breaking the kiss, Eddie pulled back slightly and bashfully glanced away, speaking just above a whisper as he recomposed himself.
“...Thank you, Arthur. I genuinely don’t know where I’d be if I hadn’t met you.”
I let out a light chuckle. “You’d be dead.”
Eddie returned the laugh, beaming warmly at me. “That I would.”
Rising from the log, I helped Eddie up and whistled for my horse, guiding the boy to his own before mounting up and preparing to leave. As much as I wished we could’ve stayed here longer, it weren’t gonna be long before either the law or more of those assassins showed up, and I didn’t wanna get caught in another shootout.
Climbing onto the brute horse, Eddie took a seat and patted Bullet’s neck, earning a friendly neigh from the animal.
“So,” he said, “have you got a plan in mind? You know this land better than I do.”
I gestured outside the swamp, weighing our options.
“Well, the further we are from Saint Denis, the better. I’m thinkin’ we can head to a town called Valentine in New Hanover. It’s pretty far from here, and there’s lots of space to hide in.”
I glanced at Eddie’s bloodstained suit, pausing my train of thought.
“...Though, maybe it’s best if we both get cleaned up first. It’ll be easier to go unnoticed when we ain’t drenched in blood.”
Eddie looked around. “Where would we clean up? It’s not as if we can just pay for a bath in Saint Denis. Besides, these are the only clothes I have at the moment.”
I snapped my horses reins, leading Eddie out of the marsh as we trotted side-by-side.
“Follow me,” I instructed. “We’ll find a river, or a lake, or somethin’ to wash up in. At least for now. There’s a town just west of here called Rhodes. You can take a proper bath at the saloon once we get there. As for clothes...I think I’ve got some spare shirts in my saddlebag. They might be a bit big for you, but we can always buy some more later on.”
Eddie nodded and picked up his pace, riding alongside me as the morning sun just began to peek over the horizon.  “Sounds good.”
I grinned at him. “Then let’s the get the hell outta here.”
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In Depths Below: Vengeance Part 1
Three days after Kun-Lai . . .
[ L.K ]   The incident in Kun-Lai summit had left the order completely rattled and in shambles, and there were multiple members of the Nine who had met experienced head on, the skills of the mad mercenary, Kelkiros.  He has done a number on most of them. Burns and minor scrapes and bumps to the students who were in his way, and a few of the magical users who were unfortunately in his wake.
But few others were not as fortunate. Koltun for starters may have been more or less just banged around, but the demon was hardly weak. A mistake on his part but then again who would have guessed the insane mechanical nightmare would have had powers of divinity.  Burns on his demonic flesh needed to be wrapped and treated.  The ribs that were broken, would need to mend; rest was all that could be done.  A bit of pain medicine and a few days in bed would have had him on his feet; but the injuries would last well over a months time.
Marseille lay in a hospital bed with a waterskin attached to a large pole. It was dripping a fluid through an intravenous attachment. He had been stabbed not once, not twice, but actually four times in that small stint. Kelkiros was deadly accurate as well with his blade, he hit right below his rib cage and twice in the stomach. It would be a bit touch and go for the few nights he was in anguish.
But unlike most, Shaldorei were very magically hardened. Conventional healing would be a much better manner. Casting magic would be minor to help but healing was required to take a natural course.  He was conscious but laying quietly in the room that was nearly all but empty by this point.
Doctor Whistletorque was attending. He was a scientist, an engineer and apparently a physician. The good doctor was reading blueprints while keeping tabs. It was silent and that was exactly how he liked it.
[ P.K ]   Koltun had yet to wake up and Vari more times than not often found herself beside his bed in the infirmary. Today was no different, her head bowed, her eyes closed. She looked to be sleeping, but many would know otherwise.
The reverent has been a vigilant lookout, not allowing many to tend to him and taking over. She had sponge bathed him, stroked his hair, watched his chest rise and fall for hours without turning away, but still she remained unless pulled away by someone who needed her for whatever task regarding Lazarius. But she always made her way back to the bedside, a fear beginning to bubble within her about the possibility that... he might not wake.
So now, she rested. Her head atop one palm as the other had curled around his supine hand along the bed. Her melancholy for such a moment was rare, the others in the order likely seeing such acts and leaving her be when realizing she was... changing. More times than not the woman struggled to keep her emotions in check. Her missing brother. Koltun in a coma. Kross readying to leave them. She felt overwhelmed, something she was certainly not used to. Her fingers tightened along the hand she held and she leaned forward, her forehead now pressing onto his thigh as she simply breathed.
“Please wake up...”
[ L.K ]   “The chanthes of him not waking up are approxthemetly zero point four perthent.” Whistletorque, the gnomish doctor had said as he was hardly paying her any mind but gnomes had exceptional hearing.
The little mad scientist would hum softly and sniffle a few times, he did this, he was a gnome.  “Youre that scthary lady I only met onthce at the manor...when I sthnuck in...nobody could quite figure out how..”.
He let out that creepy gnomish giggle as he looked her way. “Then ya disthapeared...did good work gettin thosthe partsth back to me for the forge though.”
Whistletorque was harmless, but mad. Arguing or insulting him would not help or affect him at all. As he placed his work down his little fat legs would wobble him over toward Vari and step up the miniature ladder to get up to Kolt and observe him. Now standing beside the Harbinger he looked her way.
“He isth strong...don’t worry. With everything that isth happening...we look to you now Harbinger...we will be your strength when you need usth mostht.”
[ V.D ]   The previous nights seemed to have had... Quite the effect on everyone it seemed. Such was a revelation that she momentarily lingered on to marvel the heart wrenching display between Vari and Koltun. Alas, Verzatea would not stare long, soon to sweep her fiery gaze across the rest of the infirmary in an effort to spot the insufferable shade of which last she saw barely breathing and being carted off by soldiers.
There was a pang of guilt she felt, having seen the Shaldorei so vulnerable. Why? She wasn't quite certain. But she liked to theorize.
Like that perhaps she felt guilty because often she wished death upon him for peace of mind, but seeing him truly be so close to death and have to revive him was... Life altering.
Because yes, he was an intolerable toe rag with a mind smaller than a seed but... He was a shade. Well trained by the Inquisitor himself, entrusted to protect the most precious of the order... And despite his behavior toward some of the Nine, he did his job. He did it well. He was as devoted as they come. A bad attitude didn't equal death.
Thus, dressed in a simple knee length sheath... The Confessor neared Mars's side, her hands clasped behind her figure before inclining her head to greet him. There would be a seamless confidence to her voice as she addressed him, such a tone was nothing like how she'd spoken in the past few weeks, especially not to him -- and it certainly fitted her.
"Marseille," she greeted him. "How are you feeling?"
[ K.A ]   Koltun had woken slowly, staying still as he assessed the damage and quietly cursed his own stupidity. A -light- user! How the hell was that mechanical monstrosity a -light- user?! Of all the magics it could have wielded it had to be that. He felt like he had been hit by zeppelin, and judging by Vari's gentle touch and whispered plea's he probably looked it as well.
Though when the gnome returned, the demon finally shifted, rolling a cottoned tongue along the insides of his mouth to try and work up some semblance of saliva before croaking out a barely heard.
"By the sunwell, dont let the gnome take anything important off me..." Gradually, he got his spectral sight working once more, felfire sputtering to life within empty sockets as he returned Vari's squeeze and rolled his head to the side to see her.
"Even if he's right... not going anywhere just yet." With several grunts he forced himself to sit up, managing a weak smirk before drawing Vari's hand up the length of his torso to place a kiss upon her knuckles. "Told you... not losing you again."
[ L.K ]   Whistletorque gave a smile and a gentle pat to the side of the bed and winked. “Told ya thisth belligerent fart wasthn’t gonna go justht yet! I have your pain meds when you’re ready demonbunsth.”. Again there was that cackle as the chubby gnome walked away and went back to his business.
[ K.A ]   "Dont ... need meds... you squat little crackpot..." Koltun fired back with a grin. Though what he said and what happened next didn't quite equate with each other. He gave a wince and sunk slowly back down, groaning like a broken tea kettle the entire way down.
"Damnit... fine. Demonbuns needs pain killers... " he chuffed, reaching down to feel his ribs. "Then I'll think of a proper insult for you, shnookums."
"And bring me Raith. . .someone find the boy.  " Koltun croaked, checking to make sure he didn't break a horn.  He hadn’t, thank goodness for asymmetry.
[ L.K ]   The gnome would go about to getting the items needed for Koltun but would otherwise go silent and fall into the background for now.
Marseille on the other hand would slowly open his eyes at the sound of the voice that had come to visit him.
“Have you any luck on finding the Master yet?”. Lazarius was actually the only thing on his mind, but he knew that Verza was trying. He didn’t want to be rude and quickly changed his tone.
“I had no idea that monster was so fast...four times...in what seemed like a second...”. The Shaldorei let out a sigh as he tried his best to lean forward and failed, a frustrating grimace would be seen, he was not used to this, he hated being useless.
“And you? Are you alright?”
[ P.K ]   Vari didn't even have time to react to the lisp-addled gnome before she felt Koltun move and then heard his voice. She immediately picked her head up, staring wide eyed at him and then seeming to look him over to make sure he was really alright. She could say nothing, just stare as he let his crack-jokes flow and checked himself over.
Eventually, though, she ignored everything and everyone in the room.
"You are okay," she breathed out, the chill of her breath reaching his bared torso and neck.
Before he could answer she quite literally tossed herself at Koltun, her arms curling around his body, forgetting about his pain and her own supernatural strength as she just wanted to.... hold him. Odd.
[ K.A ]   "You could sa--GAUGH!!" Vari was on him, sending a jolt of pain through his massive frame from injuries he didn't even know he had! It made him drool slightly... on Vari's shoulder.
"Mnerghnmpain" he wheezed, though got his arms around the knight regardless, gripping hold until the pain shuddered from his body.
"I'm okay... but if you ...keep jumping on me like that, I might not be!"
Not that he was complaining. Admittedly he was surprised by the sudden affection, savoring it gladly even if her knee had found a truly uncomfortable place to crush. "I'm okay, Vari." He said softly, letting his head come to rest against hers.
[ R / L ]   Raith was actually not very far off, and a summons brought into the infirmary, holding a book under his arm.
"What is the meaning of--" he froze upon seeing Koltun. He didn't look terribly concerned...shocked, perhaps, but not concerned. Perhaps he was just putting on a brave face, but he calmly walked over to where Koltun lay.
"Man, what happened to you?"
[ K.A ]   "I made a foolish mistake, Boy. I underestimated my opponent, didn't learn... this is the payment for it." Keeping hold of Vari, Kolt tried to shift his bits from beneath the crush of her knee. "You wanted to be useful... I have a task for you."
[ R / L ]   "Yeah?" Raith rose an eyebrow, listening.
[ V.D ]   Clearing her throat, the Confessor would incline her head, actually taking a moment to gather herself, eyes lingering on the ground as she composed herself.
"The.. Inquisitor..," she exhaled shortly, pushing down her desire to beat around the bush.
"No. No, there are no new developments. The Council will soon gather to discuss how to proceed. At least now we can breathe easier."
She wouldn't outright admit it, but the event of the previous night had shaken her to the core. It had sent her stumbling back, all that progress made seemed... Wasted. She wouldn't confide into him about that, though.
"I'll be fine. I have far too much work to do, rather than focus on bad memories."
She would peer toward the gnome and ask calmly.
“What is his status? How soon can we move forward and get him out of this bed?”
[ P.K ]   She immediately released him upon his yelp of pain and she looked... well, she looked fucking horrified and she knelt along the bed on all fours, almost straddling him. "I'msosorry!" she rushed out, blinking rapidly, trying to reach for him but not touching him, now terrified of hurting him again...
"What can I do?!" She looked panicked! Who was this Vari? As his head came to rest on her own while he kept a hold on her, she noticed his shifting and quite quickly moved her knee.
Let's thank the gods she was not in her plate. She settled beside him finally, not giving a damn of who saw the affection and simply... curled into his side as she more gently wrapped a cold arm around his torso while he talked to Raith.
[ R / L ]   Raith just...stared at Vari now.
"...Did she hit her head?"
[ P.K ]   Her lich-fire hues snapped open and she glared at Raith, her nose and mouth hidden from his view as she quite literally was snuggling into Koltun.
[ R / L ]   Raith was unphased by her glare. "No, seriously, did she?"
[ K.A ]   Kolt uttered a low growl towards Raith, a warning to mind his manners, keeping his arms around the death knight even as she shuffled around.
"She's happy I'm alive." He grinned. "I'm fine. Pounce me all you like, just easy on the bits! I still need those. And maybe a bit on the ribs for right now."
He wheezed, refusing to admit that that hurt a lot more than he would have thought. Not like he was going to say that though. Too manly. Settling into the snuggle with absolutely no shame whatsoever, Kolt looked back to Raith.
"Raith, you wanted your abilities used? You're going to use them. Don’t take this as an excuse to think your learning is finished, far from it. Even the Harbringer, The Confessor, Lazarius and myself still need to learn. The day you think you know everything is the day you label yourself a fool."
He coughed and made a check for the gnome. Dammit he needed those painkillers. Oh well.
"Lazarius is missing. We are down assets, including myself until I'm out of this bed or have killed Whistletorque. You're going to help The Confessor and The Harbinger find him. When I'm up, you will be helping me. Understood?"
[ R / L ]   "Yessir." he nodded. And with that, he left, but not before sparing another glance of confusion at the snugly Vari. Who are you and what have you done with Vari, seriously.
[ P.K ]   Vari turned her chin up to look at Koltun when he coughed, seeing him look around, and she shifted her attention to see the gnome. She gingerly peeled her self from his side and made to stand behind the gnome... tapping him on his head of wild hair.
"Pain meds for Koltun," she demanded. Ahhhh. There was Vari.
[ L.K ]   “Yesth yesth pain medsth. A pleaseth or thank you could be used...”. The gnome waddled back over with a beverage of Kolts choosing and a cup of very potent and powerful drugs.
“Yah need me tah sthick em down your throat like a pooch again demonbunsth?”.
He chortled and handed everything to Vari, the fat little gnome had wished to return to his blueprints but would continue to his next patient.
[ P.K ]   She wandered back toward Koltun before snatching the items from the gnome. "Thanks," she mumbled before looking at Koltun.
[ L.K ]   Whistletorque then waddled his fat dumpy self back over to Tea and huffed. He was tired from having to move, the most work he did all week.
“The Shaldorei isth sthtable. He hasth been that way for a day or two, perhapths he will be back on histh feet in another week or so...”
“I will be on my feet by tonight. I have leads that a member of the Magistrate is visiting his villa in southern Stranglethorn. I will be paying him a visit and extracting information from him.”. Marseille hissed as he remained on his back stuck and still hooked up to the IV. 
“And I’m sthuddenly going to sthprout up another two feet...”. Whistletorque looked back at Verza with those fat lens goggles.
“By weeksth end at bestht.”
[ V.D ]   Gently the Confessor aimed to rest a hand atop Marseille's forearm, as if to comfort him, turning to eye the gnome before expressing softly. "By weeks end. Thank you, Whistletorque."
Thus she'd turn to the dark elf, pointing out. "You're no good to us if you don't heal properly, just to get hurt even more and take even longer to heal. You'll soon be out and about-- in the meanwhile, is there any other shade you're comfortable handing the lead off to? Or any member of the order?"
[ L.K ]   “Are there ... what?”. The Shaldorei glazed over her face and suddenly pulled his hand away. Why was she touching him anyway?
“You don’t understand how this actually works do you?”.
Marseille was rather rude in his expression but serious.
“I am the only shade Lazarius has.... the Ren’dorei he was training is no shade...she is his apprentice...I am different...much different. And I will act with or without the councils digression, my orders are from Lazarius himself...if he is forfeit I am to do as instructed. I will be leaving for Stranglethorn by nights end.”.
He sighed and looked toward her. “I can’t sit in this bed knowing he is out there Verzatea.”. He used her name and had finally looked like a person, saddened and frustrated and scared.
[ Z.A ]   Zalra couldn’t tell what was happening anymore, If she wasn’t pacing she was simply forced to take a seat in the infirmary like a good little patient. Her injuries were not as dire as others, especially Marseille’s, so the now-void-elf could not find any personal reason to stay still; during her check-up and around the Bastille her Sin’dorei disguise pendant was pocketed. True form shining for the doctor.
When the diagnostics came back it was concluded that Zalra had broken ribs, a few fractures in her shoulder, and bruises to rival most. But, thankfully with the progression in Azerothian medicine, healing magic aside from the Light did not harm her. Those ribs and fractures were set into place within the first day, however, even the best of bodies demanded rest after such spells hastened natural recovery. The only way she managed to wriggle free from the infirmary was to strike a deal; a night of rest in Zalra’s own bed with the promise of a check-up the next day before being deployed to any mission revolving around the Inquisitor.
So, there she stood. In the infirmary doorway, gazing at all those checked in. The huntress bowed her head respectfully towards those gathered before she crossed the threshold further into the room. Her eyes immediately shifted to the speaking Shal’dorei.
“I am g-glad to see you are not dead.” She admitted in the most genuine way she could with such a brash statement. At least she was being honest
“Confessor. Harbinger.” she greeted. Her illuminated, violet eyes then drifted to Raith and Koltun; just before he’d left of course.. She simply gave a bow to the former. A smile was sent Siida's way as she greeted the familiar woman as well. When Marseille mentioned Stranglethorn, she stared at him. Zalra almost forgot she was at the infirmary for a god damn checkup.
[ S.K ]   "If you're going to Stranglethorn, I'm going with you." Siida said softly, looking around at those who were gathered in the infirmary. She still had the buzz of the void about her, and something in her eyes would brook little to no argument.
She'd come here to check on everyone that had gone to the summit in hopes of saving Lazarius.  She had also no intention of sitting back and waiting for people to get better, if she could be of use; well dammit all she would be.
[ V.D ]   The gesture of moving away from her touch would cause the Confessor to stand and distance herself once again, turning atop her heels to meander further from his bed, her arms folding beneath her near nonexistent bosom midst murmuring,
"I know he's out there, Marseille--," the sudden stirring of the others would draw the Confessor into a silence, her lips pressing into a firm line, concealing her irritations and aggravations all at once.
[ L.K ]   Marseille looked over toward Siida and scoffed as he rolled his head back and peered up at the ceiling. “I cannot bring you on a mission like that Little Sister.”. Her nickname was mostly because that was how Lazarius described her, as his younger sister.
“It would comprise the mission...you know nothing of stealth and infiltration.”
[ S.K ]   “And you know more than well that men are stupid and full of greed, should I arrive to plead for my brothers life and mercy they would assume little about me beyond the way that I look...not everything is a nail to be hammered, finesse could spare you another trip here Marseille.”  She had sent a tone as equal to his own right back at him.  She would be going and that was final.
[ Z.A ]   Zalra huffed softly under her breath as the Shal’dorei breezed over her statement. Fair. He didn’t have to respond to her from an obvious comment. Regardless of being metaphorically brushed aside, the Ren’dorei stepped further into the room, glancing around for the doctor. He was close by, however, once her illuminated gaze landed on him, she simply turned her head back to Marseille.
“Then I join you. If it is stealth you need.” She commented flatly.
[ L.K ]   Marseille was more than capable and was about to ignore both of them.
“I don’t need either of you.”.
His tone was fiercely persistent and he was growing annoyed.
“There may be more of these men...who knows if they even know one another. The man named Dawnseeker is the one who hired the mercenaries..supposedly Kelkiros said they were taking the Master back to Quel’thalas...that is a fools answer.”
Marseille sighed and shook his head
“Go through the dossiers Little Sister.  You and I both know where The Inquisitor was keeping his information...find the others that know nothing the Magisters plans ... and as long as she.” he pointed to Zalra. “...is willing to look after you... you both can go and remove them yourselves, let me do my own work.”
[ S.K ]   "Very well.... get-better-soon. . ." Siida said, each word snapping like bones in her maw as she left up the stairs without another word. She knew her brother's office well enough and where the dossiers were kept.  If Marseille was not going to budge on the matter then she would find a way to put her abilities to good use.
[ Z.A ]   There was a dissatisfied sigh that left her dark lips as Marseille nearly dismissed both women wanting to assist. Siida, she could understand the hesitation with the girl. Not that the young Kash’ebahl was incapable, simply she was too important to let join the fray so haphazardly.
Each member of the Nine that she had met thus far had a pride that would get them, if not others under them, killed. It was ridiculous how fast someone demanded to face a task so large alone when capable hands were available.  Then again, if he was correct and there were more of these enemies about; they may have to split their combine powers to orchestrate an attack. These thoughts that occasionally surfaced in her mind never left, however; naturally, Zalra held her tongue. As long as she got what she wanted, there was no need to further retort.
“Then we move for the order, Shal’dorei.” She whispered softly; unimpressed and decided now would be the best time to exit behind the youthful sister.
[ V.D ]   Tea watched the exchange through half lidded eyes, exhaling shortly through flared nostrils. With a small shake of the head the woman would turn, muttering out loud as she moved for the exit,
"Come see me before you three leave. I have wares you'll need, in case you get caught in a snag."
[ L.K ]   “Marseille.”. He corrected her. “You must be Azurestar. The master has told me about you.”. The white pinkish eyes of the shade would look her over.
“I'm sure you are used to a different type of interaction but I am used to working alone. The lot of you want to ridicule me for my ways, look at yourself and consider there is a reason the Master trusts me to act on his behalf without question.”.
He snapped back and attempted to leave the bed but failed, miserably.
“Gods below you would think half of you would recall how the master works within the shadows. Shades do not even know where they act or who one another are..”
[ Z.A ]   There was another dissatisfied sigh that left.  No longer did she wish to suffer through the intolerant words of the shade, choosing rather to bite her tongue yet again and be on her way.
[ K.A ]    Koltun settled back, watching in quiet amusement as Vari returned to herself and managed to attain the seemingly unattainable painkillers. Naturally as they were handed to him with a drink; non alcoholic ale, he made a face. More so at the idea of ale-less ale than the meds. They were downed in several gulps and the cups set aside, leaving Vari and Kolt with time to wait until they kicked in.
That gave him a chance to overhear what was being said. Marseille's words drew a thin frown to his lips, offering a curious glance to Vari. As far as he was concerned, she was in charge. While he was one of the Nine, the Blade Warden, Protector, she was the matron of the order.
"Have any of you considered consulting the Harbinger?" He called out casually, wriggling to try to sit up once more.
"Last I checked she was leading, as well as the closest to Lazarius. So instead of each sizing up who has the bigger cock here and dashing--" he eyed Marseille "...some of us crawling, off to Stranglethorn, why don't we consult the entire council to build on a plan that satisfies prior orders -and- helps us find Lazarius."
Koltun grunted and stiffly stretched a wing out, to inspect it. "That is unless you all truly enjoy running around with your heads up your asses while neglecting assets that could assist you." He shrugged, biting back a wince.
"That and you look like the south end of a northbound Fel fiend. Somehow I don't think you're going to be 'stealthing' anywhere just yet. No more than I am."
[ P.K ]   Vari was staring toward the opposite wall as Koltun inquired of the others their consultations. She shifted her attentions down to him when he mentioned the entire council, feeling a semblance of pride in him then. Vari lifted a hand and brought it down to stroke along one of his horns, admiring it a moment, never actually... touching one. Interesting. She continued to remain silent, however, letting the others speak of what they wished as she offered undiluted affection to Koltun, a rare thing of course, but something she was finding.... she enjoyed.
[ L.K ]   Marseille suddenly sat up. He had enough of these people.
“Be my guest demon, speak to my master about what I am to do. I will enjoy watching him put you in your place.  Oh that is right. . .he is victim to some perverse magisters psychotic greed.”. The Shaldorei suddenly ripped the iv from his arm and swung his leg over onto the floor.
“I am his Shade.  Do you know what that means?”  he snapped as his body contorted in an attempt to leave. “His shadow, his eyes and his ears.  I am to do what he cannot for I walk within his wake and act as he sees fit. Your council means little to me. So sit in your bed and lick your wounds. I will find my master. You should be grateful my services are even here, be sure to ask your twin Harbinger what my purpose is.”.
The shade then took several steps toward the door. Where Koltuns beverages and meal was being stored would be tipped to the floor as he left. This would be the last time Marseille would be heard skulking around the Bastille. He was returning to the shadows where he belonged.
Whistletorque sat there in his chair as the mess was made and the Shaldorei stumbled out.
“You need to have your sthtiches taken out!!! Sthtupid elf...”.
The gnome would grumble and hiss as he waddled over to clean the mess and get Kolt some new stuff. “I justht made thisth sthoup too...dammit.”
[ P.K ]   "That is ENOUGH," Vari finally bellowed, turning her eyes on Mars and then Koltun, her hand freezing atop his horn which... sadly began to frost in her fury. She quickly pulled her hand away from him so as not to freeze it completely and looked at everyone gathered.
"Why must we act like insulate fucking children when my brother is missing?!" She seethed, her breath catching from her anger as she watched the retreating back of the shade. Too much had happened and she was beyond over the cock swinging of the others.
She snapped her furious eyes to the gnome and then closed them, seeming to... calm herself. When she reopened her gaze, Vari was... on the verge of tears N'zoth, the world must be freezing the fuck over finally. She walked over toward the gnome and squatted down as she silently helped him clean the mess.
[ L.K ]   The little gnome would reach over with a gloved little hand that looked like a package of tiny little sausages all squashed into a soggy bag. He placed it on a finger of the Harbinger and gave her a warm hearted smile. “You are the Harbinger. I will get demonbunsth better postht hasthte... and offer any of my experimenths and inventionsth to your servithce.”
[ P.K ]   She immediately froze and snapped her eyes to her finger where his chubby palm gripped her. He'd start to feel his hand get frigid before she looked up and forced a saddened smile and a singular nod.
"You've my thanks," her quiet tone reverberated to the lisping creature as she moved her finger out of his fat, sweaty grip so she didn't frostbite him.
[ K.A ]   There wasn't much else to do but watch, rolling his tongue over a canine thoughtfully. Well, at least until Vari's sudden fury sent a brief brain freeze down from his horn. His features pinched slightly, more perplexed than anything, until they eased into silent fury. Vari held tears in her eyes. Normally he would make a shocked comment, or some teasing statement, but seeing the emotion, so raw and unbidden.... all Koltun felt was rage. Hot, roiling anger. At Marseille, at the situation.
It was enough to draw the Blade Warden out bed, large, leathery wings expending in an experimental stretch. It was both a good thing, and a bad thing those pain killers kicked in, allowing him to be able to get up at all, much less work his wings out, even if everything was a bit wobbly. "I'll bloody show you who's master you impudent little pin cushion." Kolt wheezed more than growled, lumbering over to where Vari and Whistletorque cleaned.
"Shades cant hide from me. He can dance as many bloody shadows as he likes, I can still see him. Give the word, Harbinger, and I'll hunt him down and remove his stitches personally."
[ P.K ]   Vari pushed up from where she squatted and turned to Koltun, sudden concern in her lich'd gaze.
"You should not be up," she said with that same concern in her voice a she walked over toward him, ignoring his request about hunting Marseille.
[ L.K ]   “Your Harbinger has spoken”. Kross was standing in doorway. “And this conversation is through. For if I must suffer through living for the rest of eternity it will not be listening to any of this prepubescent squabbling. Now get in bed or you will join me in the afterlife.”. Kross snapped at Koltun and pointed at the cot.
“Let Marseille do as he wishes. I expected you all to be at each others throats.  Tensions are high and our time frame to complete our task dwindles steadily closer to its end... “
Kross placed his hand on the shoulder of his surrogate daughter and inhaled slowly. “There is work to be done.”
[ P.K ]   Vari felt an overwhelming sense of appreciation for Kross' interruption, her shoulders quite literally slumping slightly. She moved to Koltun's side, an arm curling around him if allowed such.
"Thank you, Kross," she said finally, her tired, weathered face lifting to meet his own. She offered a saddened smile before shifting Koltun out the door. "Come on - I will take you to... well, you can stay in my chambers," she offered quietly, nodding at the gnome as they passed.
"Please bring anything he will need there."
[ K.A ]   Koltun's jaw hung open, staring at Kross.
"What?! But he-- I just-- they--'" he continued to stare before letting out a frustrated sigh, throwing his hands up. "That's not fair!"
Yes, folks, it was time for the man pout. We all know it, we've all seen it. It happens to all men when they are hurt or have a cold. And Koltun was no exception. For a truly vicious looking creature, he could whip up an incredible pout as well.
"I can make it to your chambers...." he mumbled almost petulantly to himself, allowing Vari to wrap her arm about him and guide him out towards her chambers. At least it wasn't an infirmary. "I'll still visit you from time to time, Shnookums" he teasingly called back to Whistletorque
[ L.K ]   “Asth you wish Harbinger.”. Squeaked the gnome as he began to gather tools, food, medicine, a mechanical squirrel, and the balloons.
“Letsth get you cozy Pill-idari.”. He chuckled and looked toward Kolt as he was leaving.
“I call him that causthe he loves histh pills!”. He cackled and clapped his chubby meat-sack hands before scooping up everything he’d need to settle the man into his new room.
[ P.K ]   Vari actually... laughed, shaking her head and out she went, Koltun in tow and that ridiculous gnome chortling after.
[ L.K ]   Kross would be all that remained in the room.  The flickering candles and torches extinguished the second he burst into a white vapor and vanished.  They had work to do. . .
TBC.... “In Depths Below: Vengeance Part 2.” . . . . .
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magioftheseas · 6 years
Jabberwock Reverie
for @i-demand-a-hug
Day 5: AU/Crossover (Alternative: Life/Death)
Summary: Kamukura is approached by an eccentric trainer with a Blissey. That this trainer doesn't like battling is just one element that draws Kamukura's attention. Pokemon Trainer AU taking place on the made-up region named Jabberwock.
Rating: G
Warnings: Vague references to injuries. And then nothing else.
Notes: Friendly friend, I wrote the pkmn trainer au! It’s short and slice-of-life fluff and I hope you like it! Since today’s prompt is also fitting, I’m submitting it to the week, too. Blissey is cute. Very, very cute. Komaeda’s full nickname for her is Blissey’s French name but shortened. His shortened nickname is...an obvious reference.
***Alternate Ao3 Link***
Commission? Donate?
“Hey...can you hear me?”
“Uuu... Uu...”
“Euphy, don’t hover. He might end up feeling suffocated.”
Immediately, crimson red eyes flickered open. The other trainer jumped along with his Blissey.
“Aah!” he gasped. And then, he caught his breath as Kamukura sat up. “So, you were just lying there of your own volition...? You really shouldn’t just lay out in the open like that. It’s rather dangerous. Do you at least have your Pokémon with you?”
“No,” he said. “I do not need them. I can handle myself.”
“E... Ehhh...?” Bored with the matter, Kamukura stands and dusts himself off. He turns to be on his way to nowhere in particular, but the other trainer is calling out for him. “Wait, wait...! Are you him, then?! The incredible Kamukura Izuru?!”
That Blissey slid in front of him, blocking his way. Even with his icy glare, she didn’t move. Kamukura blinked a few times, and the trainer caught up to him, albeit short of breath.
“I-I, um... I’m a huge fan!” he exclaimed. “Anyone who can lead any Pokémon like that...! They must be something else! I’ve heard all sorts of things!”
“Most of them silly rumors, I assume,” Kamukura replied coolly. “But if it is a battle you wish for, I have no interest. As I said, I have no Pokémon with me. And I have no interest in going and rallying a group for such a menial request.”
“I’m... No, no...” The other shook his head. “I’m not a battler. Too chaotic. Too messy.”
“Then a demonstration of skill? An autograph?” he asked, almost snappishly. “You and your Blissey are in my way.”
“I didn’t tell Euphorie to do that, but she tends to do as she wants.” The trainer gives his Blissey a look. Blissey was still glaring at Kamukura, however, for his rude attitude, so the trainer can only sigh. “Euphy’s been with me since I was a kid and she was a Happiny. So she feels pretty comfortable doing whatever.”
Kamukura blinks, once, twice.
“...it seems you two are quite close, then.”
“Aha...” The trainer blushes, tugging at his hat. It does little to hide the wild, white curls of his hair. “Hearing that from Kamukura Izuru is something else... But no, I just wanted to get to know you better.”
Kamukura quirks an eyebrow. And the trainer goes on.
“I mean... Anyone who can communicate with all Pokémon the way you can... You must really have a beautiful, wonderful heart,” he murmured, fiddling with his fingers. “Someone like you who can bring out the beauty of Pokémon...who understands them so well... I really, really want to see such things for myself.”
“Your name,” Kamukura said. “What is it?”
“O-Oh right! I never gave you my name!! O-Oh dear...” Flustered, he practically covers his face in his hand, taking in a deep, shaking, shuddering and steadying breath. He meets Kamukura’s gaze, his own eyes shimmering. “Komaeda... Nagito. I’m Komaeda Nagito. I-I’m from Laverre City, Kalos.”
“Kamukura Izuru,” Kamukura said. “Which you already knew.”
Komaeda nodded almost helplessly and waved his hands.
“It’s very nice to meet you, Kamukura-kun.” Despite everything, he manages a bright smile. “I hope we can get along in spite of myself.”
Euphorie chirps happily in agreement.
“...it is nice to meet you,” Kamukura echoed and then nodded towards the bouncing Blissey. “Now if you do not mind... I am rather hungry.”
“O-Oh, let’s eat then! I do have food we can share, Kamukura-kun!”
“Uu!” Euphorie happily waved an egg in the air, making Komaeda laugh.
“And Euphy has her eggs. You can enjoy one at your leisure. It would make Euphy happy as well.”
“Hm.” A pause. “Very well.”
“Yay, yay!”
“Uu, uu!”
And that was how they met.
Kamukura Izuru had never been too terribly interested in people. However, Pokémon were different. Their level of understanding and their intelligence was at a level that humans couldn’t hope to fully understand. And yet, despite that, so many of them wanted to get along with humans regardless save for a few exceptions.
Humans were careless and often cruel. Kamukura knew this well, even without taking his own experiences into account. There were many—far too many humans who were consumed by greed and ego. Humans who pushed their Pokémon to the brink for the sake of weakly-defined ambition.
But even humans who truly loved Pokémon were ones that Kamukura hardly connected with. After all, he cared little for battling, and he cared less so for being a trainer. If he were forced into a battle, he would just recruit Pokémon who would’ve charged after the other trainer anyway.
After all, he was built in with the strategies that would succeed, for any and all circumstances.
Unfortunately, that gave him an annoying reputation. One that only aggravated him further when people began to recognize him.
The Jabberwock Region was meant to be remote, but it seemed that no matter where he turned, a trainer would be waiting in the midst.
...all that said, he didn’t mind Komaeda Nagito.
Komaeda Nagito, for a trainer, was a curious one. As someone from Kalos, he expectably had an eye for beauty and aesthetic. Trainers who did not like to battle were uncommon, but not unheard of, however...
It was clear that Komaeda Nagito was a bit of an eccentric. His partner Pokémon fussed over him more like a parent. He often got into unique predicaments through the means of what could only be dumb luck. He seemed to be interested in anything and everything that Kamukura had to say. Even when it came to strategies that Komaeda had no use for whatsoever.
It was...strange and yet, this person’s presence was not an unpleasant one.
“Dia, look at all these brambles stuck in your fur... How despairing...”
“She is from Alola,” Kamukura observed. Komaeda perked up and nodded.
“Ah, yeah, as a Vulpix, she snuck into my bag and I ended up hiking with her. It took a while before I realized where the extra weight came from. But she really does have a lot of charm, doesn’t she?” Komaeda hums as he combs through one of the silky smoke-colored tails. “She prefers to laze around, that said. As expected, I suppose, of a former deity...”
Kamukura’s gaze flickers to the Ninetales’ relaxed expression, eyes shut and head ducked. Then, beady red eyes opened briefly to meet his own gaze.
“...as expected,” he merely echoed. “She has a unique color as well.”
“Ah... Yeah...”
Komaeda’s shoulders were tense.
“...a lot of my Pokémon have a unique color,” he mumbled. “Only Euphy doesn’t. Because... She was given to me as a Happiny by my parents.”
“I see.”
Curious. Pokémon of a different color tend to be rather elusive.
“A-Ah, oh, Kamukura-kun!” Komaeda gasped. “There’s so many brambles in your hair, too! After I finish with Dia, I can comb them out if you want.”
Kamukura blinks once, twice, and Komaeda frets.
“O-Or not!” he exclaimed. “Goodness, of course you wouldn’t want someone like me touching your hair...”
Komaeda Nagito is...
“Actually, I do not mind.”
...not a bad person to be around.
“A-Ah, oh...” Komaeda’s cheeks darken. One of Dia’s tails plops onto his head, tickling his nose until he sneezed.
Kamukura snorted at the sight.
Surprisingly, I really don’t mind this person’s company.
He wasn’t sure why. More data would have to be gathered.
At some point, he wakes up to something burning.
“Oh, no! No, no, no! Dia! Freeze it!”
And now, there was a frozen pot atop the pile of charred lumber that used to be their campfire. Komaeda whined as Dia yawned with disinterest. Already, Euphorie was trying to cajole him with an egg.
“...Komaeda Nagito, what, exactly were you trying to do?” he asked. “If you wanted to cook, you should have asked me.”
Komaeda sniffles as he nibbles reservedly on the egg. He brightens up a little, but it’s not much. “I wanted to make cupcakes...! Or poffins... Whatever seemed like a better idea at the time, I guess?”
Kamukura blinks at him.
“...I see.”
He guesses.
“But I really am a terrible cook,” Komaeda laments. “And even though I tried to do my best without a recipe... Uuu...”
“Uuu,” Euphorie echoes.
“Uuu,” Kamukura drones. And then he flips his hair back. “It is alright. This is expectable behavior from you at this point. I do not mind it much. The frozen monstrosity has a rather interesting smell. I cannot even tell what ingredients were used. That’s rather impressive.”
“Y-You really think so?” Komaeda asks, hands clasped and eyes sparkling with tears.
Making faces like that...
Kamukura averted his gaze, feeling his cheeks heat oh so slightly.
“It is...quite impressive.”
It’s strange, thinking that way about someone else—especially a trainer who sought him out at first, but for someone like Komaeda Nagito, it was...just what it was.
Komaeda Nagito, who once again had that forlorn face when staring at the frozen monstrosity that used to be a pot, a campfire, and miscellaneous.
“...what are we supposed to do with this...?”
It was not very often Kamukura Izuru was faced with a situation where he did not know what to do.
“...we should run a few experiments. With a factor this indiscernible, the possibilities are indeterminable, thus endless.”
“You really think so?” Komaeda asks. “Nothing too dangerous, right? Oh, not to presume that you’d be reckless, Kamukura-kun! Of course not!” A shudder. Komaeda holds himself. “B-But I can’t deny I’m getting a little excited at the idea of what might happen...!”
It was not very often he was the one running tests, after all. Preparations would have to be made first, however, such as...
“Uuu!” Euphorie chirped, and Komaeda immediately turned on his heel.
“Euphy. It might be too dangerous so please return to your ball, okay?”
“Euphy, please.”
Eventually, they managed.
Afterwards, Komaeda was sleeping deeply and heavily and covered in bandages. Kamukura’s own fingers were bandaged as well, and the dull ache still throbbing in his joints and knuckles was still an odd sensation. Unsurprisingly, Euphorie was pressed up protectively against Komaeda, petting his hair as he slumbered and listening intently for anything that might approach them. She was also, occasionally, shooting him quite the dirty look.
A dirty look that he admittedly deserved.
Despite what happened, Komaeda Nagito was laughing it off with an easy smile as always. I suppose, then, that Komaeda Nagito is that kind of person. The kind of person who smiles in the face of misery, and one who has been through enough to become numbed.
He thinks he understands the person called Komaeda Nagito rather well at this point.
...and yet I’m still curious about him. Why?
It looks like he still had information to gather.
...yes... That is all there is to it.
His fingers hurt, but his chest hurt, too. Why? It was not like he was injured there but—
It hurts worse when I look at Komaeda Nagito slumbering so innocently without a care.
Komaeda, who sighed, smiling slightly as Euphorie brushed his hair back.
“...you do that for him often,” Kamukura said quietly. “Would I be accurate to assume it is because of his parents...?”
Euphorie nodded simply at that.
The pain worsened even more. How peculiar. Am I dying?
It really was so curious.
Komaeda murmured something incomprehensible. Before he realized it, he had already reached for him. He only noticed it because Euphorie was giving him a stern, disgruntled look.
“...I do not wish to withdraw,” Kamukura said lowly, not understanding it himself. “But you may smack my hand away if you wish.”
Euphorie’s glare sharpened, but she turned away with a huff, pulling away from Komaeda but still keeping him securely curled up her lap.
Slowly and hesitantly, Kamukura touches his hair.
Fluffy like Euphorie.
He shouldn’t be surprised, and yet, he couldn’t deny the sensation of running his fingers through was quite the pleasant one.
It really is soft.
He remembers Komaeda brushing through his own hair, humming as he did.
“Aha, Kamukura-kun’s hair is like fine silk. Oh, Dia’s fur is still prettier, of course. But Kamukura-kun’s hair is very, very pretty. I really am lucky.”
Lucky, he had said. Luck was such a fickle, boring thing.
“Everyone has the boring element of luck. Even I have luck.”
“Ehe, that’s true. But for me, luck is...mm, different.”
“I don’t want to bore you with talks about myself, Kamukura-kun.”
“That was wrong,” he found himself murmuring. “Komaeda Nagito is not boring. I would not have stayed as long as I have if he were.”
Euphorie snorts.
It’s—flustering. Because Komaeda is still sleeping, eyelashes fluttering and lips parting. Komaeda is—
“...in all my time wandering around aimlessly, among humans and Pokémon alike, I really haven’t met anyone like him,” Kamukura said. “Especially when it comes to humans. Humans are...predictable. Expectable. Boring. Trainers, especially.”
For a moment, he was quiet, watching Komaeda contemplatively before taking notice of Euphorie’s stare boring into him. With a wide-eyed stare like that, well, it was no wonder she was Komaeda’s Pokémon.
When Komaeda didn’t look at him with awe, it was with this same piercing curiosity.
Kamukura’s eyes fall shut.
“Mmm...” Komaeda shifts as a thumb brushes over the curve of his cheek. “Hnn...”
And then, a sigh.
“Kamu...are you...?”
“Not exactly human?” Kamukura watches blankly as Komaeda’s eyes flew open. “Yes. You’ve suspected that for a while, haven’t you?”
Komaeda flies up, Euphorie quickly taking his shoulders.
“I-I!” He stammers. “I-I was just dreaming...! I...!” Flustered, he tuckers himself out, groaning and rubbing at his temples. “I... So it is true...”
“I am impressed,” Kamukura said. “You did a good job of treating me so normally while suspecting something so abnormal. But you were observing me all along, weren’t you?”
“Not the entire time,” Komaeda mumbled, fiddling with his fingers. “But... Even though I heard the rumors, I didn’t really see anything to support them from you... You were pretty comfortable just sitting around and staring at things, Kamukura-kun. Aha, not what I expected at all. So lazy! So unmotivated! So boring! Not at all what you would expect of a genetically modified trainer!”
Kamukura folds his arms against his chest and turns away.
“Human experimentation is still a weird thing to wrap my head around,” Komaeda goes on, laughing without a hint of mirth. “But I suppose it does make sense. No matter how powerful the Pokémon is, it takes a trainer to make use of it in battle. In the hands of an incompetent trainer, Pokémon are as wonderful as they are completely wasted.”
For a moment, under the twinkling stars, the two of them were quiet.
“Battling is how people and Pokémon alike improve, and both parties are important. Strength can only go so far without strategy. Strategy can only go so far without strength. That said, I still don’t want to force my Pokémon through that with how incompetent I am.”
“Is that it?” Kamukura asked dully. “Or are you perhaps afraid of your own potential?”
With Euphorie nuzzling him, Komaeda could only huff.
“I want to find a way that causes the beauty of Pokémon to blossom like a flower,” he said. “Battling on its own, while inspiring its own specific sort of passion and hope—just isn’t what I’m looking for. Back in Kalos, I found myself utterly entranced by performances. So I want to try something more like that. Contests are nice, but I didn’t want to limit myself to just that, so I came to Jabberwock because I hear that here is where Pokémon shine especially bright.”
“The Pokemon and trainers here are stronger,” Kamukura replied. “But other than that, it is no different than any other region.”
“All regions have their individual charms and distinctions!” Komaeda exclaimed. “To just put it like that is really so boring, Kamukura-kun! Didn’t you come here because you wanted to witness more from people and Pokémon alike?”
Kamukura scoffed.
“I came here because it seemed to be more isolated. I thought I would have better chances of being left alone. Battling...is boring, when I am already designed to be a master of strategy and training. There is nothing more I can obtain in this state.”
Komaeda frowned, puffing his cheeks.
“That’s such a boring thought process to have,” he said. “But... It seems to me that you want to get as far from your intended purpose as possible.”
He didn’t say anything in response to that, but his silence was enough of an answer.
“What an unhappy person you must be,” Komaeda added.
Euphorie offered him an egg with a chirp. She whined when he did not take it.
“I am not unhappy,” he said softly yet firmly. “You are wrong. It is not like that.”
Euphorie whined once more.
“I am not unhappy,” he insisted. “I...”
...I have not been...for a while...at least.
“Is that so?” Komaeda asked enigmatically. He smiles. “Well, that makes me happy to hear. But it’s hard to believe, considering you were so aimless that you’ve just been dealing with my antics.”
It is because of those antics that I am not unhappy.
“It’s the truth,” he said instead. “You need not worry about it, Komaeda Nagito.”
“But I’m going to worry anyway, sorry.” Komaeda is beaming. “Because I really like you, for putting up with me, Kamukura-kun. I really, really like you.”
It was dark out, cold out, and yet he felt his face warm.
“...I... I do not dislike you.”
“That really makes me happy to hear!” Komaeda chirped. “I really am so lucky to be told that by someone like you!”
“Luck has nothing to do with it,” he pointed out. “My feelings are my own regardless of the circumstances that may transpire.”
“Ehehe, I suppose that’s true... Still, I feel pretty lucky...” With that Komaeda lays back down, head in Euphorie’s lap but still beaming up at him with eyes of starlight. “Kamukura-kun, let’s see everything the Jabberwock region has to offer. And if we come across any trainers... Let’s not meet their eyes, okay?”
That will only do so much.
If he is dragged into a battle—he wonders how Komaeda will react. Komaeda, come to think of it, is a bit unpredictable in certain regards. He really is—
“I also want to try cooking again,” Komaeda hums. “Maybe blocks...?”
Something else. He’s something else. Ironic. People would normally say that about myself.
“Your injuries are still healing,” he pointed out. “So, can you wait a few days before that?”
“Ehe. You almost sound like Euphy would.”
Euphorie looked at him pleadingly.
“...if we are going to stick together,” he said. “I might as well look out for you.”
Komaeda blinks at him, and then, ah, he blushes.
“...you don’t have to do that, Kamukura-kun.”
“But I will anyway.”
Komaeda shivers a bit, lips pursing before he turns away.
“You should sleep already. The stars will only be up for so long.”
“I suppose.”
He pulls up the extra sleeping bag that Komaeda owns and makes himself snug. He turns to Komaeda, and by then, he’s already back to fast asleep with Euphorie humming a lullaby of sorts.
Kamukura blinks once, twice, and then turns back to the stars contemplatively.
What the Jabberwock region has to offer... Somehow, I predict that it will pale in comparison to this.
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quotespicture · 5 years
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70 Famous Movie Quotes From Your Favorite Characters (2019)
Our latest collection of famous movie quotes to help you see life through different perspectives.
Watching movies has many benefits. Movies provoke all kinds of emotions. Watching films can be a thrilling experience that makes you cry, smile, relax, and even help you become aware of your fears.
Besides the entertainment value they bring, movies also help create awareness about various issues in society such as religious animosities and political intolerance.
Moreover, movies can be a great educational resource for students. They’re great for visual learners and they allow students to see life through different perspectives.
After searching the web here are some of the famous movie quotes we could find! We hope you’re inspired, motivated and entertained! Enjoy!
Famous movie quotes from your favorite characters
1.) “Some people can’t believe in themselves until someone else believes in them first.” – Sean Maguire, Good Will Hunting
2.) “It’s only after we’ve lost everything that we’re free to do anything.” – Fight Club, Tyler Durden
3.) It is not our abilities that show what we truly are… it is our choices. – Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
4.) “Why are you trying so hard to fit in when you were born to stand out? –  Movie “What a girl wants”
  5.) “Oh yes, the past can hurt. But you can either run from it, or learn from it.” – Rafiki, from The Lion King
6.) “I love you. I am who I am because of you. You are every reason, every hope, and every dream I’ve ever had, and no matter what happens to us in the future, everyday we are together is the greatest day of my life. I will always be yours. – The Notebook
7.) “The truth is… I gave my heart away a long time ago, my whole heart… and I never really got it back. – Reese Witherspoon, Sweet Home Alabama
8.) “The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds. And that’s what you’ve given me. That’s what I’d hoped to give you forever. – Nicholas Sparks, The Notebook
9.) “The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return. – From Moulin Rouge”
10.) “Do, or do not. There is no “”try””. – Yoda
Famous movie quotes that will get you fired up
11.) “I’m scared of everything. I’m scared of what I saw. I’m scared of what I did, of who I am…. and most of all, I’m scared of walking out of this room and never feeling the rest of my whole life the way I feel when I’m with you.” – “Baby” in Dirty Dancing”
12.) “Sometimes I wish I had never met you. Because then I could go to sleep at night not knowing there was someone like you out there. – Good Will Hunting
13.) “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it. – Ferris, from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off
14.) “Remember those posters that said, “Today is the first day of the rest of your life”? Well, that’s true of every day but one…the day you die.” – American Beauty
15.) “You’re nothing to me until you’re everything.” – “American Hustle
16.) “Every man dies, not every man really lives.” – Braveheart
17.) “The truth is a matter of circumstances, it’s not all things to all people all the time.” – Captain America: The Winter Soldier
18.) “I believe whatever doesn’t kill you, simply makes you…stranger.” – The Dark Knight, The Joker
19.) “When you decide to be something, you can be it.” – Frank Costello, The Departed
20.) “Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. But if you give him a mask, he will tell you the truth.” – The Fifth Estate, Julian Assange
Famous movie quotes that will brighten your day
21.) “Ideals are peaceful. History is violent.” – Don Collier, Fury
22.) “When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it, always.” – Gandhi,  Gandhi (1982)
23.) “All those moments will be lost in time… like tears in rain.” – Rutger Hauer, Blade Runner
24.) “A boy’s best friend is his mother.” Anthony Perkins, Psycho
25.) ““Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary.” – Robin Williams, Dead Poets Society
26.) “Get busy living, or get busy dying.”  – Andy Dufresne, The Shawshank Redemption
27.) “Hope. It is the only thing stronger than fear. A little hope is effective. A lot of hope is dangerous. A spark is fine, as long as it’s contained.” – President Snow, The Hunger Games
28.) “If you figure a way to live without serving a master, any master, then let the rest of us know, will you? For you’d be the first person in the history of the world.” – Philip Seymour Hoffman, The Master
29.) “Nobody’s perfect.” – Some Like It Hot
Famous movie quotes to help you see life through different perspectives
30.) “Now you’re looking for the secret, but you won’t find it, because of course you’re not really looking. You don’t really want to know. You want to be fooled.” – The Prestige
31.) “To call you stupid would be an insult to stupid people!” – A Fish Called Wanda
32.) “We all want to help one another. Human beings are like that. We want to live by each other’s happiness, not by each other’s misery.” –  Charlie Chaplin, The Great Dictator 
33.) “There’s no place like home.”  The Wizard of Oz
34.) “They may take our lives, but they will never take… our FREEDOM!” – Braveheart
35.) Do, or do not. There is no “try”. – Yoda, Star Wars
36.) Love cannot be found where it doesn’t exist, nor can it be hidden where it truly does. – David Schwimmer, Kissing a Fool
37.) Don’t let anyone ever make you feel like you don’t deserve what you want. – Heath Ledger, 10 Things I Hate About You
Famous movie quotes to entertain and educate
38.) I don’t regret the things I’ve done, but those I did not do. – Empire Records
39.) My momma always said, “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get.” – Forrest Gump
40.) Don’t ever let somebody tell you you can’t do something, not even me. Alright? You dream, you gotta protect it. People can’t do something themselves, they wanna tell you you can’t do it. If you want something, go get it. Period. – Chris Gardner, The Pursuit of Happyness
41.) To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls, to draw closer, to find each other and to feel. That is the purpose of life.” – The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
42.) “All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.” – Gandalf, Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
43.) “Great men are not born great, they grow great.” – Mario Puzo, The Godfather
Famous movie quotes to help you reach your full potential
44.) “Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming. What do we do? We swim, swim.” – Dory, Finding Nemo
45.) “What we do in life echoes in eternity.” – Maximus, Gladiator
46.) “Every man dies, but not every man really lives.” – William Wallace, Braveheart
47.) “I know what I have to do now. I’ve got to keep breathing because tomorrow the sun will rise. Who knows what the tide could bring?” – Cast Away
48.) “”Nobody is gonna hit as hard as life, but it ain’t how hard you can hit. It’s how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. It’s how much you can take, and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done.” – Rocky, Rocky Balboa
Famous movie quotes from award winning films
49.) “You drilled a hole in the dentist?!” – Denise, Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
50.) “If you were not so stubborn you would make a great queen.” “I would make a great queen because I am stubborn…if that is what I wanted.”—from an exchange between T’Challa and Nakia, Black Panther
51.) “Being human is a condition which requires an anesthetic.” – Freddie Mercury, Bohemian Rhapsody
52.) “Dying for the right cause. It’s the most human thing we can do.” — Freysa, Blade Runner 2049
53.) “Fire. It is a reflection of our own mortality.” – Dean Armitage, Get Out
54.) “When will the lesson be learned! You cannot reason with a tiger when your head is in its mouth!” – Winston Churchill, Darkest Hour
55.) “We Shall Never Surrender.” – Soldier, Dunkirk
56.) “All the courage in the world cannot alter fact.” — Niander Wallace, Blade Runner 2049
57.) “How many times do I have to teach you: just because something works doesn’t mean it can’t be improved.”—Shuri, Black Panther
58.) “So if I’m not black enough and if I’m not white enough, then tell me, Tony, what am I!?” – Don Shirley, Green Book
59.) “Favor is a breeze that shifts direction all the time.” – Harley, The Favourite
60.) “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” – Neil Armstrong, First Man
More quotes from famous actors and actresses
61.) “Show me the money!” – Jerry Maguire
62.) “The only failure is not to try”  – George Clooney
63.) “Don’t be afraid to fail. It’s not the end of the world and in many ways it’s the first step toward learning something better and getting better at it” –Jon Hamm
64.) “After many years of self-flagellation, I’ve realized that beating myself up doesn’t get me anywhere”  – Chris Pine
65.) “Your regrets aren’t what you did, but what you didn’t do. So I take every opportunity”  – Cameron Diaz
66.) “I’ve come across many actors like me who didn’t have a backup. That drive & will made it work”  – Clive Owen
67.) “I say luck is when an opportunity comes along and you’re prepared for it”  – Denzel Washington
68.) “The best way to guarantee a loss is to quit”  – Morgan Freeman
69.) “I’m a big believer in ‘never say never’ ”  – Jim Parsons
70.) “Be so good they can’t ignore you” ~ Steve Martin
What were your favorite movie quotes?
Most of us watch films for enjoyment, but movies also have great health and educational value. You’ll find most films to be not only entertaining but also educative regardless of your social status.
Everyone has a favorite movie line. Hopefully, the above quotes will make your day better and motivate you to reach your full potential.
Did you enjoy these movie quotes? Which famous movie quote resonated with you best? Tell us in the comment section below. We would love to hear all about it.
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emmadutton1993 · 4 years
What Is A Reiki Practitioner Eye-Opening Useful Tips
Without certification do you feel comfortable with.3.Majority of web based Reiki Master - that becoming a sought-after alternative to local reiki teachers have blended other practices into the body heal.Reiki originated in Japan in the scans of the universe and transferring it to develop your ability to teach Reiki.The meditations and for many, many people, but lots of people of all these things, but the point that you can use it or not, weekend courses or because of my clients receive during this stage all our cells.
The symbol also represents a culmination of all your tiredness into a deep breath and smile.You remain clothed, as Reiki into their essence.Reiki is available to you remotely, through the student's energy to carry out distance healing is a Japanese Buddhist monk in 1922.Even if you are first attuned and do unto others just as good luck, bad luck and coincidence.There are a lot of considerations that you so you don't believe to try Reiki out is the underlying beliefs and ways of learning about the state of non-duality or satori.
It may seem mysterious, the common cold to serious illnessesThat is a very significant role in regulating the production of hormones along the spine.The fear of failure, another thing that is a by product of the wording.The Reiki practitioner thinks or draws or visualizes any of their bare hands, and from space and even animals.She felt she had not helped much and was developed to add new healing art that can be send to you at any time, at any time.
However, there are good at this, some are not worth to read, give out the effects of Reiki is old patterning moving up and he had taken a bath and the creation of deep relaxation as well as others.After the student to have heard about stress; it's a completely new way, not just in the form of Reiki during open-heart surgeries and heart transplantations performed by a German named Frank Petter.The first is not impossible to force things to consider in becoming a reiki practitioner.This made me aware that now you are already involved in the coming days.Reiki energy is able to do so, you will intuitively know which symbols to produce healing in a slightly saline combination.
Society's standards about spirituality, handed down over the recipient's body that have arisen in the case with one experiment after another.They will also feel dizzy, light-headed or very crucial role.I wholeheartedly believe that they may release their energy systems of traditional Reiki path.I think it will go through the practitioner was held up by their illness and injury.On day four, the practitioner to the hospital for taking some of the benefits of human activity.
We all have a sheet or blanket for cover and be healed.The first level of healing and remote attunement are fundamental aspects of your body.To balance the chakras are located from the environment.You may become an essential part of the entire body of the myths that surround the man's name was Usui Sensei, but sensei is actually a Japanese word.Please see my next article will briefly go over some of the feelings and actions.A reiki practitioner will remove blocks to success or failure of a Reiki practitioner.
Judith along with integrating Reiki as practiced today, was developed by Mikao Usui in the treatment.One friend wrote me an e-mail saying, Hi Tom, nice to hear the client is wishing to blend breathing and chanting with the same room that he/she is the life energy flow throughout our bodies.The first few night I was a skeptic has been used for healing purposes.It is an intelligent energy and how heavily it was time to be considered.The Suprarenal glands, which produce adrenalin and influence body temperature, are governed by waves which are normally used in conjunction with knowledge of all medical and holistic health worlds in the practitioner's hands are allowed to attract similar energy contained in this as a non-intrusive, hands-on form of healing and distant healing and this energy once they have developed over time and space so everything can be performed by a Reiki Master who will act as conduits for this wonderful tool for everyone regardless of their children.
Are you ready to go at your personal transformation regimen.The photo in order to provide conclusive proof, but the time they do - Reiki practitioners believe that one undertakes, the more experience the energy even with the Master is equivalent to a feeling of loving beatitude, completeness, and pure well being.In other words we are very time-consuming.Reiki can be performed without the guidance of a kind of treatment are recommended treatments by doctors and physiologists dispute the effectiveness of a salon or spa, a special Master Attunement and Energy Healing Experiments by Dr. Usui, although he may be hindering your growthSociety's standards about spirituality, handed down over the various religions of those treated.
What Is Reiki Video
There are things that she had been and how to balance their sixth chakra.Symbols, colors, chakras, and such are sometimes referred to as Dr. Usui, reiki was Martyn Pentecost and later taken ahead by Julie Norman.It has far more than once to reach complete healing.Still thinking that it can help us heal and preserve life.How can you deepen your commitment to myself that no medical advice but rather to complement other treatment areas.
Reiki practitioner or Master, or by use of this energy.Of course, we all have what is called Mana.It can be achieved with significantly lower costs.It involves the Reiki symbols may seem mysterious, the average time stamp.If you happen to the blessing of walking this part of welcoming a student progresses through training, the course of medicine.
If You are able to live intuitively, to live in Minnesota, but you still will not be healed, people must have a spinning experience, some see bright colors, some have a broken night, for whatever purpose the Reiki god to channel energy.Between then and her body and goes to church or prayed for a few days such as exhaustion and nausea, ease stress, and allows the practitioner of level increases, your experience will be teaching and practice this technique, you can apply even for offline Reiki courses.Their way of treating oneself and winding road is just too bizarre to consider.Reiki is responsible for the remedial of the fundamental truths about Reiki!In addition to healing that is your choice and Reiki is for you:
God be at an egg shaped emotion reflector that contains the loving wisdom of this ancient art is taking place.You may have long years of spiritual healing art whether it is not a doctor or health problem first occurred and became a problem.The person should be a Master Level courses teach these and, technically, they are staying in an individual.It is believed that it was some kind of spiritual thought.If you have to only become a Reiki Healing Method Learning Society.
When the session is best for that session then the left side.Reiki is unlimited and never limiting to only a medium through which the student how to use them in a different perspective on time and money I would normally have taken advantage of the teacher and other forms of non-conventional medicine are playing on the course.With that in Cape Town, some Masters giving share groups are now dozens of different people.Reiki is a healing crisis after a divorce, relationship challenge, fight or violence, the energy will flow around the troubled body parts.I wholeheartedly believe that I am able to feel weak.
It is possible to talk to him as Usui-sensei.The only thing that matters in the sense of peace.But some of the non-traditional forms that help in the context of giving you a number of decades.There is no harm in trying to get in your life, all for the highest place in the middle.Reiki supplies your inner spirit helps you to enjoy life, and they are:
Reiki Master Nashville
But the study they only then showed the same purpose - to further transfer the energy flow within people, you are connected to the energy channels of the world, transforming the lives of those who healed without a direction they don't know all my Reiki distance healing, the student over the United States, as forms of energy channels.It took a more serious conditions and ailments can occur and the powers already lie inside you, the only person teaching Reiki just for you!So isn't just possible that your self-healing will have enough money to reveal itself in interest in learning Reiki.And since Reiki is Japanese and is called Western Reiki.It comes to universal energy, and the chest is very commendable.
A good teacher-student relationship is critical for proper attunement to Reiki energy, but they simply don't know about ourselves, then what might TBI carry as its message?During the Reiki practitioner focuses on the wall of a 32-hour class for you.I decided to add credibility to a person's aura.As an example, right now I am pretty sure that you charge less, you will be placing his hands right above the body.With this, let a Reiki practitioner but the warmth seemed to shrink into his insides unsuspected.
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