#now if y’all excuse me I’m going to go sob
“It was an irreplaceable love”
A little sequel/continuation to my “dyin’ ain’t so bad” fic i wrote back for tuggoffelees week, this time featuring more angst thanks to @soh-da-meatball who broke my heart with her latest tuggoffelees art <3
Obviously this takes inspiration from “saturation” (the song that soh used) but while i was writing i also couldn’t stop thinking about “something to hold onto” from the “between the lines” musical and long story short i’m crying over this
Warnings: mentions of major character death, descriptions of violence (basically what had happened to tugger), unhealthy coping mechanisms (mistoffelees isolating/punishing himself), overall a lot of grief
Mistoffelees stayed in his den for weeks after Tugger’s death.
He spoke to no one, not even his sister.
The only reason he ate was because he knew how much Tugger would hate seeing him waste away, but even then, he only ate the bare minimum to keep himself alive.
Munkustrap, Victoria, and Old Deuteronomy were the only cats who came into Mistoffelees’ den, after every other cat had found themselves unable to enter due to the magic surrounding it.
Munkustrap would sit in the silence with Mistoffelees, a strong, calm presence. He was the only cat who truly understood Mistoffelees’ grief, seeing as he had been there as well when Tugger died.
Victoria held her brother during her visits, wrapping her arms around him and protecting him from the world.
Old Deuteronomy was the only cat Mistoffelees would cry in front of, clinging to the old tom as violent sobs ripped through his body. Deuteronomy cried with him, cradling the younger cat gently, whispering gentle reassurances that Tugger’s death wasn’t his fault, that he had done everything he could.
Mistoffelees wasn’t so sure about that.
Every time he closed his eyes, he saw Tugger’s bloody, broken body in front of him, fur mangled and matted.
He saw Old Deuteronomy collapsing to the ground when he saw Tugger’s body.
He saw Munkustrap falling into Demeter’s arms, the golden queen clinging to her mate with tears streaming down her face.
Every time he sat in the silence, he heard Bombalurina’s screams when she saw Mistoffelees and Munkustrap enter the Junkyard with Tugger’s body on their backs.
He heard Plato’s choked sobs at the sight of his brother in all but blood, lifeless and limp.
He heard Jemima’s terrified questions about what was wrong with her beloved uncle.
Despite Deuteronomy’s reassurances, and Tugger’s insistent final words, Mistoffelees blamed himself. He should have been faster, his magic should have healed Tugger.
His isolation was his punishment, his misery his penance for his mistakes.
So he remained in his den, curled on his bed, Tugger’s favorite blanket clutched in his arms as he breathed in the scent of his mate. Occasionally he would move around, a quick cleaning, a tidy-up of the bed, but that was only if one of the three cats he still saw came to visit.
He didn’t deserve for the den to be pristine.
Mistoffelees did manage to leave his den one night.
Like the other magical cats, Mistoffelees’ powers took strength from the moon, and the full moon shining above him in the sky made it feel as though his magic was about to burst out of him.
He sat in the center of the hidden clearing, the spot where he and Tugger had shared a private dance after their mating, and stared down at his paws. He hadn’t used his magic since the day Tugger died, and when he wiggled his fingers briefly, the rainbow sparkles he had once loved so dearly shot out, the pent-up emotions and magic exploding out of Mistoffelees in a wave of grief and pain.
He spread his arms out, magic flaring around him. The only reason the magic did not spread to the rest of the Junkyard was thanks to the barrier Mistoffelees had constructed around the clearing so long ago, when it had served as a secret place for him to practice.
Mistoffelees waved his arms and spun around, kicking out and lashing his tail until he stopped, hunched over with paws on his knees, heaving great, deep breaths, exhaustion settling into his bones.
The awed whisper had the tom freezing. The voice was one Mistoffelees would recognize even in a sea of screams and cheers. It was the voice that had spent countless hours reassuring him, whispering sweet nothings as they curled together, giggling over thoughts of a future they would never have.
Slowly, Mistoffelees turned around, and he felt everything around him grow silent.
Perched on the old chair, as though nothing had ever changed and Mistoffelees was simply practicing parlor tricks, was Tugger.
Clean fur, not a trace of blood or injuries in sight, and amber eyes glittering with only love and adoration.
Mistoffelees could think of nothing else do to but collapse on the ground, sobbing. His only thought was that he had finally cracked, his weeks of isolation and punishment had caused him to hallucinate. It made sense, he supposed. His greatest punishment would be to see the ghost of the mate he failed to save everywhere around him.
“Sparkles?” Tugger’s voice was now filled with worry, and much closer than before. Mistoffelees buried his face in his paws, shaking his head. He couldn’t bear to look up and see the vision his grief-riddled mind had conjured for him. Firm, warm paws grasped his wrists, and slowly pulled his paws away, but Mistoffelees kept his eyes shut. Those same paws then cupped his face, thumbs stroking the fur beneath his eyes gently, wiping away the tears. “Come on, gorgeous, let me see those beautiful eyes.”
Mistoffelees could never resist it when Tugger spoke to him like that.
Slowly, he opened his eyes, meeting Tugger’s loving gaze. A soft, warm smile spread over the maine coon’s face, and Mistoffelees couldn’t resist throwing himself forward, wrapping his arms around Tugger’s neck with a broken cry.
Tugger’s arms wound around Mistoffelees’ waist, strong and sure, and the two cats clung to each other, faces buried in the other’s fur.
“I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry.” The magical tom gasped out.
Tugger pulled away, a small frown on his face as he looked at his mate. “Sorry for what, Mist?” Mistoffelees’ face dropped, but Tugger placed his paw beneath his chin, gently tilting his face back up towards him. “Mistoffelees, listen to me. What happened to me was not your fault. I would never, ever blame you for what happened. All that blame? That’s on Macavity. He’s the one who killed me.” He leaned forward, resting his forehead against Mistoffelees’ with a deep sigh. “You and Straps brought me home, Misto. You came after me, and I was able to say goodbye to you.”
Mistoffelees shook his head. “I should have done more, Tugs.”
“You couldn’t have done more, Misto.” Tugger replied firmly. “It was my time, and as horrible as it was, you couldn’t do anything to change it.” Mistoffelees let out another sob, and Tugger pulled him back into his arms, hugging him fiercely.
Mistoffelees wasn’t sure how long they stayed like that, the two cats clinging to each other. By the time they pulled apart, he had cried out all his tears, and Tugger was back to smiling, pressing soft kisses all over the magical cat’s face.
Now that he was no longer crying, Mistoffelees could see the soft glow around his mate wasn’t simply due to his own watery eyes.
“This isn’t a hallucination, is it?” He asked softly.
Tugger chuckled, standing and pulling Mistoffelees up with him. “Not at all, my marvelous, magical magician. You did this.”
Mistoffelees’ brow furrowed. “Me?”
“I’m not sure exactly, but all that magic you let out, combined with your grief and love, it brought me here for just a little while.” Tugger said gently. He looked up at the moon above them. “It’s a full moon, as well. Like during the Ball.”
Of course.
Full moons, whether it was the night of the Ball or not, were when the Jellicle magic was strongest, and the veil between the Heaviside Layer and the living world was lifted, allowing moments of peace between deceased cats and their families.
Mistoffelees let out a soft, disbelieving laugh, tilting forward to rest his head against Tugger’s shoulder as he sent an unspoken whisper of thanks to the Everlasting Cat for granting him a final moment with his mate.
“I’m going to sing at the next Ball.” He admitted quietly.
Tugger’s arm wrapped around his shoulder, tight and comforting. “I had a feeling you would.” He leaned over, nuzzling the top of Mistoffelees head lovingly. He then stepped back, away from Mistoffelees, and held out a paw with a bright smile. “One last dance?”
Mistoffelees felt bittersweet tears fill his eyes. Their last dance in their clearing, the spot where their relationship had started. He took a steadying breath, and waved his paws.
Soft music filled the clearing, just like it did on the night so long ago, when they had snuck away as new mates, giggling and holding paws. Now, he reached out, tangling his fingers with the ghost of his mate’s, and Tugger gave him a sad little smile, pulling him closer.
The maine coon slipped an arm around his waist, and pressed a kiss to the spot just below Mistoffelees’ ear, where he knew the magical cat was ticklish. Mistoffelees laughed, something he had not done in ages, and his grip on Tugger’s paw tightened. He felt Tugger smile, and he felt himself pulled into a slow, gentle dance, Tugger never letting go of his paw.
Mistoffelees’ smile faded into something quieter, something more secretive, and he burrowed into Tugger’s mane, breathing deeply.
As Tugger’s arms tightened around him, their dancing turning into more of a gentle sway, Mistoffelees found himself with a single thought.
“What a precious love it’s been.”
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dazed--xx · 9 months
SKZ Reaction: He hurts the reader II (Hyung Line)
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A/N: this is for @slayhyunjin one of my favorite followers and I’d like to say a friend now. Merry Christmas hun you wanted them to make up and I did what I could but please remember in part one Minho was a Yandere so his is technically a good ending in his mind but I will have the Maknae line out soon so get the cutest most fluffy Jeongin pics ready cause that was what was promised 😭😂 but anyway I hope y’all enjoy this and it makes y’all a little happy to see that I’m alive and still writing.
Masterlist Part 1
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Your phone had been ringing off the charts since you had left your shared apartment with Chan. You stared at the waves of the ocean as the sea breeze kissed your tear stained cheeks. Your fear had dwindled in the hours you had been sitting here on this empty beach. You bite your lip, maybe you did misunderstand. You knew Chan almost better than you knew yourself; which is why you know he’d never cheat on you. You know that she probably did fall or even if she purposely fell Chan was probably innocently helping her up because that’s the type of person he is. Well, you thought he was…that is until that lamp whipped past your head and was sent crashing against the wall. Guilt filled you as you remembered the way Chan pleaded with you not to go. He knew you had nowhere to stay, you weren’t from South Korea though you had lived here for almost 5 years it wasn’t easy for you to make friends as a foreigner wether you fit in or not. You didn’t fit with most of the things that happened around you in this country and without your relationship with Chan though, living here was apart of your dreams growing up, you would have never made the leap into moving here without him and his support. Tears filled your eyes once again as you remembered the only people you have to talk to would probably immediately send Chan over to your location. You hate yourself for wishing he was actually here, you hate how much you feel like you need his insight in what you should do but you did know he’d probably think of an answer logically without including his own emotions into whatever advice he’d give you. You sigh heavily as you lift yourself from the sand and make your way back to your car. Your phone in hand as the special ringtone you had set for Chan blared through the speaker. You almost chuckle to yourself at the irony; he finally called you right after you thought about how much you needed his help. You were relieved to see the comforting texts from his members after they had called but for those few hours you had been gone Chan hadn’t once called you. Pressing the green button you lift the phone to your ear hesitantly as you sit yourself in the drivers seat. .
You almost let out a sob as you heard his tear laced voice ring through your phone “Y-Y/N?” He questioned as he sniffled. You hear him struggling to catch his breath between his sobs “Y/N if you’re there you don’t have to say anything but please just listen..” he pleads, you could tell he was trying to calm his breathing “I-I’m so sorry, I know what you saw with that trainee looked really really bad…b-but I swear I don’t even know that girl. She is—was just a backup dancer for the Case 143 concept but since she made you and me uncomfortable we all agreed she can work with Itzy or Twice.” Your heart clenches at his caring nature which is why the girl still had a job in the first place. “But Her actions and my behavior wasn’t okay and I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have done that and I don’t want to make any excuses like I was angry because that doesn’t make it okay. I should have never gotten that violent, I should have just let you cool off and came to talk to you when we both had calmed down and. For that I’m so sorry and if you don’t want to be with me anymore I’d completely understand honestly I think you shouldn’t be with me anymore because what I did isn’t okay and I know that and i deserve for you to leave—ITS NOT LIKE YOU HIT ME OR ANYTHING!” You exclaim almost fuming at the way he was describing himself “it doesn’t matter. What I did was wrong and I don’t want you to justify it either. I was wrong to do that it makes me sick to my stomach knowing I could have really hurt you. Thank god I didn’t but what if I did? I wasn’t paying attention Y/N you could have gotten seriously hurt what would have happened if it hit you—but it didn’t” you cut him off once again, as tears rolled down your cheeks “Chan are you breaking up with me?” You hear a whimper release from his lips “Why would you want to be with a guy that almost hurt you physically?” He questions “you even said you wanted to get your stuff and leave me because of all this” he cries “why wouldn’t I want to protect you even if it’s from myself? I love you more than anything in this world and that’s why I don’t want you to forgive me because the idea of you getting hurt by my own hand makes me disgusted I can’t even look at you without feeling like shit knowing I really fucked this up” your heart cracks at the pain and guilt laced in his tone “you want to know why I do want to forgive you?” You ponder “You do?” He asks bewildered you give yourself a small sad smile before answering “yes, because if you were really the type to hurt me physically you wouldn’t feel like breaking up would be the best option, you think about things rationally and always put how I feel or could possibly feel first. You genuinely show that you care about me and it makes me know you’re a genuinely good person and that’s why I love you that’s why I want to be with you. Things were…intense to say the least but I do want to work things out soon maybe not today maybe not tomorrow but I do want to work things out with you and move on from this with you as your girlfriend” the line goes silent for a second “okay..b-but can I ask you something?” He asks hesitantly “yeah anything..” you reply instantly. “C-can we move on from this with you as my fiancé? I really didn’t want to propose like this but I really really want to marry you and I can’t imagine us breaking up without me at least asking you s-so that y-you do know my intentions” You can hear the hesitation and love in his words the question really throws you for a loop “C-can I answer you when I’m ready to come talk? I do want to be with you but I’d like to be proposed to properly I don’t want to remember the way we got engaged like this even though the answer is and will always be yes but for right now it’s a maybe later I love you Channie I’ll see you in couple days I promise..” you reply lovingly. You can almost hear the smile on his lips as he responds “I’d wait for you forever don’t worry I’ll see you soon my love and I’ll do it right next time I promise..”
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The smell of mildew filled your nose, the feeling of your bed is different. Your eyes are burning as they adjust to the fluorescent light, your eyes widen in shock. This isn’t your room. You look around in a panic as you throw the foreign blanket off you. You look around the room, you didn’t see a single window. The only furniture that was there was the bed you were seated on and a chair across the room facing where you were once sleeping. Where were you? You lift yourself from the bed and make your way toward the door, noticing your lack of pants and shoes you rush toward the door trying to twist and pull on the knob before slamming your fist into it repeatedly “HELLO?! HELLO?! IS ANYONE THERE?” You call as you continue to pound your fist on the door. Panic filling your body in a tidal wave you hear footsteps coming toward you “HELLO?! Who’s there?! PLEASE HELP ME!” You hear the person stop infront of the door as you try to open it again. “Hello?!” You call once more to the stranger finally realizing how much of a bad idea it was. You had no clue who was on the other side of that door. It could be the person that put you here. Were they going to hurt you? What did they want? You questioned to yourself, bile rose in your throat as you heard the slight ‘click’ from the lock and see the knob turn “W-wait!” You shout the door doesn’t move “A-are you going to hurt me?” You question pressing your ear to the door only to hear silence in return “please answer me” you plead the stranger knocks once “d-does that mean yes?” You question fear filling your tone. They knock once again “Does that mean no?” You hear two knocks in response “O-Okay…why am I here? Where am I?” You hear a heavy sigh on the other side of the door before they force it open.
Your eyes widen in shock and relief washes over you, as you’re greeted by your boyfriend. “Minho!” You exclaim tears almost streaming down your face as you rush over to him and wrap your arms around his neck burying your face in his neck “Thank god! Why did you do that why didn’t you answer me I’m so scared right now and you couldn’t just tell me what was going on? What happened why am I here how’d I get here? Where are my clothes?” You question as you pull back noticing the stoic expression on his face “I took them” he states matter of factly. “W-why?” You question slowly removing yourself from from him “so you can’t leave of course” he smiles sinisterly. Your mouth hanging open in shock “what? You did this to me so I can’t leave?” He smiles once more the light that always sat in his eyes now gone their almost soulless. “Min what’s going on? Something seems off” you question nervously as you take a step back away from him “you think it’s okay to break up with me? I think it’s quite okay that I prevent that. You told me to not come back to see you anymore. I can’t just let that happen, it’s okay you just have to stay here; I’ll take care of you baby, don’t worry.” He says taking a small step toward you as he placed a pout on his lips “can’t you hug me again? I wasn’t ready so I really didn’t get to hold you like I wanted” his hand caresses your cheek “what do you mean I just have to stay here? What about my apartment? My job? My friends and family?” You question. Minho smiles sickeningly “That’s the best part baby everyone already thinks you’re either dead or missing at the very least. It’s okay I made everything look very believable and it won’t be linked to me or anything I am really sorry that I did have to collect your blood a little, I know you’re scared of needles that’s why I put those pills in your drink so you would sleep through it cause I know you’d be scared but, because I needed everyone to think you’d died in the ordeal but you can’t even feel it can you? I really did a great job right baby? Now we can be together and nothing is wrong anymore everything is fine. I mean it will suck to have to act really sad around my members knowing you’re alive but I have to so they don’t think something is wrong didn’t I do good baby? I’ll always do great things for you and now you can be free from those burdens, I’ll take care of you. You can live here it’s a house I know about that’s underground you can walk around it as you like. I’m sorry I locked you in here but you were sleeping and I didn’t want you to possibly sleep walk or anything because that was one of the side effects—you’re fucking crazy” you cut him off in shock at his admissions. “What the hell is wrong with you?” You growl. Fear grows in your stomach as his façade drops the smile quickly gone from his lips turning into a straight line.
“Fine then I guess you can’t go around as you like. And if you try to run I’ll cut your Achilles tendon look I don’t want to have to do it this way but you’re not giving me a choice so go lay on your bed and think about what you said to me and fucking fix it when I come back with food for you. I love you so I don’t want to have to leave you in here for too long, but I am an Idol you know? things like random world tours can come up and be there for months on end so who would take care of you if I decide to leave you here while I go? Either figure out if you want to be truly like the old you and die in a bloody gory death. If you be good and listen to me like you used to then I’ll be just as good to you. I don’t want to hurt you nor does the idea appeal me honestly it makes me nauseous but I’ll do what I have to. Be good lay down and just let me love you the way only I can. There’s no one else for you anyway it’s us for the rest of our lives babe and if you have a problem with that, well I’ll take Stockholm Syndrome even if it’s your own brain tricking you into loving me again just so you can dissociate from this. I’ll take it but if you act like this again we will have an issue.” He threatens tilting his head to the side taking a step toward you “Do you want there to be an issue?” You shake your head in response “O-of course not, Min I-I was just surprised by what you said. I’m just mad you had to use a needle on me but I really appreciate all the effort you went through, y-you did well I promise. Im not mad at you im sorry for trying to break up with you I won’t ever do it again but Min I don’t want to stay here let me go with you.” You force out, you felt like throwing up at the softness of your tone. “I’m sorry baby you have to stay here but if you’re really not mad come here give me a kiss let me hold you.” You pout at his words “p-please min I don’t want to be left here don’t leave me here please I’ll be good ill listen to your rules can’t I just be with you all the time? C-can’t I just live with you? I’m scared please Min” you plead, you felt disgusted with yourself begging him but you could tell he’s unstable and you didn’t know what he was truly capable of but you knew this was not going to end well if you didn’t listen to him. Bringing yourself closer to him you place your lips on his feeling his arms wrap around you and you could almost pretend like things were how they used to be.
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Waking up in a panic you look around the room, almost worrying when you didn’t find Changbin sleeping beside you. The events from the night previous replay in your mind as you lift yourself from the bed. A sharp sting spreads throughout your back. You groan in pain, the door shooting open at the sound. “Y/N, are you okay?” Changbin rushes into the room in a frenzy. You stare at him bewildered, “yeah. Why wouldn’t I be?” You question almost sarcastically. You finally notice his disheveled state, the ghost of the trails of tears that streamed down his face. The scabs and bruises on his knuckles, you’re eyes widen in shock seeing his hands. Almost like a reflex you rush out of bed and grab his hand “What happened?!” You question worriedly taking his hand in yours .“I’m an asshole….” He states with a pout on his lips. “What? What happened to your hand Binnie? Are you okay?” He removes his hand from your grasp. “I’m a disgusting person…I was mad that I-sigh- I was mad that I hurt you s-so I punched the wall” you’re eyes widen “YOU PUNCHED THE WALL?!” You exclaim. “I fixed it after I made a hole in it. I have to paint it but it’s fixed” he murmurs. “DO YOU REALLY THINK I CARE ABOUT THAT FUCKING WALL? ILL DEMOLISH IT IF I WANTED TO WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?” You growl at him anger growing in your gut at the idea of him hurting himself. “I deserved it.” He states matter of factly. “Honestly I deserve worse. I’m sorry, but when you were sleeping I checked on your back and put some ointment on it but it’s a really big bruise. S-seeing it….I wanted to die. I hate myself for doing that to you. I got really mad at myself and it just happened. I’m so sorry, you don’t understand how much I said it when you were sleeping but I need you to know I’m really sorry and that it won’t happen again because-sigh-Y/N I think we should break up.” He sobs. You stare at him. “What? You want to break up? W-why? I won’t be clingy or harass you anymore I love you I don’t want to break up” you cry.
It was his turn to be shocked “Y/N I hurt you. I gave you a huge bruise on your back. I put my hands on you which is something I never thought I’d do. I can’t be with you knowing I did that and honestly I’m disappointed you would just let it go. Don’t make excuses for me, don’t try to justify it because there is no justification. I can’t redeem myself from this—yes you can—No I can’t you may be able to forgive me but I won’t be able to forgive myself. Look at your back Y/N! Actually fucking look at it I look like a domestic abuser. It makes me fucking sick!” He snaps. Your heart feels like it’s being ripped right from your chest and dangled infront of you. “Bin I love you I don’t want to break up we can figure things out. We can fix this. My back will heal” you go to grab his hand again “but the trauma from it won’t. Not right away.” He states sadly as he takes a step back. You let out a whimper “please we can work through this I love you. I know you’re going to be disappointed that I want to forgive you. But look at you right now I know you wouldn’t do it again you look like you hate yourself right now. You are beating yourself up already why would I pour salt on that wound I’m sorry but you’re not breaking up with me I’m the one that got hurt I’m the one with the bruise on my back so I’m the one that gets to make this decision and we’re not breaking up.” You see the disappointment on his face “Y/N.—no we’re not breaking up if that’s what you want to say then I don’t want to hear it” you argue placing your hands on your ears. A pout etched onto your lips as you stare at him with tear filled eyes. You shake your head at him. A small sad smile spreads across his lips. “Okay. You win we won’t break up. Im happy you’re quite stubborn and strong willed when it comes to people you love. But I am disappointed you would forgive someone that hurt you physically…” His tone is soft and caring. You feel the anxiety of a break up dwindling as you wrap your arms around Changbins neck placing soft kisses against his cheek. “I love you, you’ll forgive yourself in time with me by your side okay?”
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“It’s just a sprain. Rest it for 48 hours and take your anti-inflammatory. And keep the splint on for a week or two as it is only a Grade 1 sprain. Come back if the pain gets any worse or if it seems like the swelling isn’t going down.” The doctor informed as he handed you your discharge paperwork. You nod along before making your way out of the hospital. You’re not excited about going home, the drive here was excruciatingly painful but at least your wrist is splinted. You couldn’t believe how Hyunjin reacted. How could he hurt you like that? The thought of the events earlier in the afternoon made you fee nauseous, how could the guy you loved for the past year choose his crazy ‘best friend’ over you? You had allowed Yerim’s antics to go on for too long based on her friendship with Hyunjin. Pulling into your driveway you’re quite pissed to see Hyunjins car still there. Meaning they were both still here. Your blood boiled as you forced yourself out of your car locking it behind you as you make your way to the door. Before you could enter your code into the pad, the door is forced open. You’re greeted with the sight of a disheveled Hyunjin. Tears streaming down his face, his sobs growing worse and worse with the glare you had directed at him. You roll your eyes as you shove past him, seeing his suitcase that was once under your bed now in the living room right beside the couch a complete lack of Yerims presence lingered. “W-wait! Please…” his whimpers between his sniffles as he wipes his face on his sleeves. “Wait for what Hyunjin? You weren’t supposed to be here when I got back remember? It seems your friend knows how to listen properly but you can’t.” You growl your mouth pulled into a harsh line, as you clenched your jaw. “I-I know but how could I just leave? I tried okay? I tried to listen to you I packed my stuff even though I didn’t want to I just—I couldn’t leave knowing you’re hurt. I couldn’t leave knowing that I may never get to see you again and I know it’s selfish but I have to try to fix this. I didn’t know what Yerim said but if it’s anything like what she tried to do then I’m sorry I never realized. I’m sorry I never knew the things Yerim did to you…b-but I do now! I swear I know the truth now and I’m sorry I should have never pushed you I should have listened to what happened.. a-and I would have probably done worse to Yerim if she said the things to me that she said to you.” He cries as he makes his way over to you stopping right infront of you he tries to caress your cheek. You flinch at his action, and a pout forms on his lips as he hesitantly places his hand back at his side “how’d you find out?” You question your eyes finally meeting his “cause there’s a reason I never told you”
His eyebrows scrunch together “does it matter how I found out? And why? Why would never tell me? How long has she been harassing you with that bullshit because that’s what it is. It’s bullshit! I never once slept with her. I never once told her I loved her, she was my best friend and I saw her like a sister and when she tried to throw herself on me when you had left I just lost my shit and realized what was going on.” He explained with tears streaming down his face. A heavy sigh is released from his lips and his current state is enough to send your heart into the morgue. “Jinnie—She was fucking pissed that I supposedly was choosing you over her but she doesn’t realize how many times you probably feel like I chose her over you. You should have told me but that doesn’t excuse what I did to you and I’m so fucking sorry Y/N. I really am, a-and if you let me I’ll make it up to you. Yerim is gone she’s out of my life she means nothing to me if she could try to ruin something that she knows I’ve dedicated myself to. She knew I wanted to marry you. She came with me to pick the ring for when I proposed but in the end even her attempts didn’t ruin anything. You knew she was bullshitting. In the end, I ruined everything but I will fix it. I’ll make it up to you I want to be with you I love you and I’m so fucking sorry” He cut you off dropping to his knees and holding your good hand in both of his “if you forgive me for this it will never happen again. I’m so sorry that I pushed you. I’m so sorry I let my anger get the better of me because you are right I heard her tell you those things and I heard you defend me and I don’t know I couldn’t think and I got mad. But if it makes you feel any better I pushed her too probably a lot worse than I pushed you and I told her I want nothing to do with her anymore I think she got the message cause she slapped the shit out of me and left” you’re eyes widen at his confession your hand instinctively lifting his face inspecting his cheek seeing the fading red mark. “I’ll fucking kill her she did what?!” You growl “she hit you?” You rush past him grabbing your keys only to be halted by Hyunjin grabbing your hand “it’s fine I deserved it for what I did to you” he comforts, your eyebrows raise “yeah and if anyone deserves to hit you it’d be me not her and I didn’t nor would I want to hit you let alone allow some slut to do the same thing to MY boyfriend. Don’t try to stop me cause I’m going to fuck her up Hyunjin” you notice the way his face lit up “Am I?” You shake your head at him in confusion “are you what?” He bites his lip as he stared at the ground “Am I still your boyfriend? What I did was really really bad…and I don’t feel like I deserve to call myself that anymore since you told me to leave” you look at him feeling a little guilty, whilst you did indeed tell him to pack his shit and leave you are kind of relieved he didn’t listen. While you didn’t enjoy the fact that he pushed you, his loyalty and the love he has for the people around him is what drew you to him in the first place. If Yerim wasn’t such a bitch and didn’t antagonize the issue then this wouldn’t have happened and yes, while he shouldn’t have pushed you he thought he was protecting his childhood friend.
“I’d like to think you still are…I-if you still want to be—more than anything I want to be your boyfriend more than I want to be an idol at this very moment” he cuts you off looking at you with hope. You bite your bottom lip and wrap your arms around his neck. You hear a sigh of relief release from his throat as he holds you against him as if you’d disappear when he let go. “Thank god….I love you so much I’m so sorry you won’t regret this I promise” he cries as he buries his face in your neck. You smile slightly pulling your head back to look at your sad puppy of a boyfriend pressing your lips against his. He kisses you passionately before you pull away “But if I ever see Yerim it’s on sight. She doesn’t have the right to put her hands on you just for rejecting her. She’s going to get her ass whooped and you won’t be able to stop me…”
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Okay, I think my request is weird? I don't know haha. It's my first time doing this😔
The other day I imagined a reader being a demon who saved a little girl from her own abusive family and the reader tries to find a home for the little girl, but she couldn't, so she ends up adopting her.
But, after some time, Shinobu Kocho finds the demon and, of course, tries to kill attack the reader, but the reader doesn't attack back. Anyway, when she was going to kill the demon, the little girl stopped her. Shinobu didn't understand what was going on.
Anyway, when Shinobu understands what kind of relationship the demon has with the kid, she decides to protect them (with the excuse of protecting the kid, actually, because she didn't trust the demon at all) and eventually falls in love with the demon.
Sorry, first time doing this haha! I love your writing!
A Home
Shinobu Kochou x She/Her Demon Reader
A/N: Not a weird request, it was cute! Sorry for the lack of updates y’all, idk what’s wrong with me. I just don’t have the energy. Here’s one thing at least. Sorry if it seems too jumpy/fast between breaks, it was getting longer than what I’d prefer to do these days. Hope you enjoy, thanks for reading, and thank you all for being patient with me! Word Count: ~4,750
“That’s right, Sachiko, go on.” (Y/n) ushered the young child towards the lantern lit house. “Go knock on the door.”
The little girl took a few cautious steps further along the path to the house before looking back at (Y/n), unsure.
“You can do it, they’re nice people. You’ll be happy here.” She continued to coach her from the bushes.
This pattern continued a couple more times until the little girl made it to the front door.
“Good job, sweetheart! Now just knock on the door like we practiced…”
Sachiko looked at (Y/n) over her shoulder, her eyes were big and her bottom lip wobbled.
“Go on…” (Y/n) nodded, smiling reassuringly.
Finally Sachiko knocked timidly on the door, patchy blanket clutched against her little body, and (Y/n) released a sigh of relief when her sharp ears picked up on a stirring within the house.
“Onee-san?” Sachiko’s voice quivered stepping away from the door when she saw (Y/n) slinking back into the woods.
“It’s time to part ways, you’ll be happy and well taken care of here.” (Y/n) could hear a familiar hitch in Sachiko’s breathing, hear her little girl’s heart speed up fearfully, and that could only mean one thing… “No, nonono, no tears sweetheart, please? Not again.”
But it was too late, Sachiko started sobbing. (Y/n) tried her best to comfort her from afar while also attempting to direct her back to the house.
“What’s going on out here?” A concerned man slid the door open fast, making a loud clacking noise that only made Sachiko cry louder, running away from the man and in the direction of the woods, the direction of (Y/n).
“Who is it dear?” The man’s wife joined him at the door, lantern in hand. She aimed the lantern’s light into the woods and caught sight of the little girl running right into the arms of what appeared to her to be a monster. A humanoid beast with curved horns and sharp teeth, reflective, piercing eyes.
The woman shrieked, flinging the lantern away and grabbing her husband by the collar, practically dragging him back into the house, slamming the door shut. (Y/n) could hear the sound of heavy furniture dragging across the floor inside and she sighed deeply.
“Alright, alright… come here.” She picked up the sobbing girl, tears and snot immediately staining her neck and shoulder, little fingers clutching her for dear life.
“You were gonna try and leave me again!” Sachiko wailed as (Y/n) carried her through the forest.
“It’s for your own good, Sachiko. I’m only trying to do what’s best for you.”
(Y/n) sighed again. This had been her seventh attempt at re-homing Sachiko since she rescued the little girl from her abusive home. It was no easy task vetting out potential families looking as fearsome as she did. One would think the little girl would leap at the chance of a normal, loving family, but no, she always came running back to the demon each time.
“It’s not safe for you to be with me, Sachiko. Don’t you want the certainty of a roof over your head, food, medicine… to be able to play with other kids on a sunny day?” (Y/n) beseeched the girl each time to see reason, but each time, Sachiko refused.
“I like sleeping outside with you. You gave me a name and you give me lots of food and hugs and you scare all the bad things away. You’re all I need, Onee-san.”
(Y/n)’s heart clenched an the sweet sentiment, but this was no environment for a child to grow up in. She’d have to search for another viable family and try again, but for now, she would need to find a yet another suitable place for Sachiko to sleep and for her to avoid the morning sun.
“Besides, medicine is icky!” Sachiko grumbled.
An exhausted chuckle left (Y/n)’s lips and they carried on, eventually finding a cave. (Y/n) scoped it out for any dangerous creatures before bringing Sachiko inside. She then used the remaining darkness to gather a bunch of leaves, sticks and even a few fish from the stream.
She made a little bed from the leaves topped with the raggedy blanket she had snatched for Sachiko a couple months ago. It had been brand new at the time, but between the weather and the traveling, it had seen better days. Sachiko adamantly refused (Y/n)’s attempts to get her a new one, however.
(Y/n) then made a little fire, cooking the fish over the flames. After awhile, she carefully inspected one, gently fanning it to cool it off before handing it off to Sachiko.
“Careful, it’s still a little hot.”
“Yummy, fish again!”
(Y/n) felt a bolt of shame strike through her body despite Sachiko’s genuine excitement.
“We’ll be in the city in a couple of days and I’ll get you all kinds of good food, alright?”
“Onee-san is gonna steal again.” Sachiko more so stating a fact than asking a question. She took another bite of the crispy fish.
“N-no! Stealing is bad! What I’m doing is just… really long-term borrowing! Yeah!”
“Oh, okay.” Sachiko said, not at all bothered.
(Y/n) felt awful for lying, but she was trying her best to instill good values in the poor girl whilst also keeping her alive. It wasn’t like she had money, and she certainly wasn’t going to be getting any job offers looking the way that she did. Stealing was the only viable option.
When Sachiko finished her fish, she curled up on her leafy bed and (Y/n) tucked her within the raggedy blanket. The demon recited a little bedtime story that she had made up. It was one of Sachiko’s favorites. Before she could finish, the little girl fell asleep and (Y/n) spent most of the day that followed watching over her, making sure she didn’t seem too cold or uncomfortable.
“Yes… Yes! everything I need is right here.” The demon whispered to herself over her bag of stolen goods. They had been caught in an unexpected rain a few nights ago and Sachiko had gotten sick. (Y/n) had fretted over whether or not she could leave the little girl alone or not, but the fever Sachiko had was growing more concerning by the hour, so the demon finally decided to slip out of the cave one night as the little girl slept fitfully. She covered the cave’s entrance and left for the nearest village as fast as she could and broke into a general store.
She filled a bag to the brim with medicines, foods and drinks and slunk back out of the dark store’s open window and ran off into the night as quick as her feet could carry her.
“Almost there, hang on just a little longer.”
She ran, unaware of her pursuer sailing through the trees above until—
A foot was planted squarely between her shoulder blades, the force causing her to tumble to the ground, her bag of stolen goods scattered across the forest floor in front of her. She tried to scrambled to her knees to start shoveling everything back into the canvas bag, but the foot between her shoulders doubled down its force and another foot planted itself squarely on her lower back.
“I thought I sensed a demon in the area.” A pleasant sounding voice stated from above. “But what is all this here now?”
Shinobu’s eyes scanned the array of items splayed over the ground and felt an extra tick of annoyance rise within her. If she wasn’t already putting all of her body weight on the demon, she’d add a bit more pressure.
“Food, water, medicine… what could a demon possibly need such things for? You creatures always manage to find new ways to surprise me. It’s not enough to slaughter humans, must you also feel the need to waste perfectly good food and medication?”
(Y/n) tilted her head to the side, breath hitching when when she saw the point of a blade resting dangerously close to her eye. Above her, backlit by the moon, she saw a woman wearing a seemingly neutral smile, though (Y/n) could sense the terrifying aura she gave off. Then she caught sight of the gold buttons, the durable dark clothing she wore, white collar and welt pocket. She imagined if she could check, she would also see that the kanji for ‘extermination’ would be written upon the back of the woman’s uniform. (Y/n) had done well to avoid demon slayers until now and as her luck would have it, she had been found by a Hashira of all people.
“No, wait,” (Y/n) pleaded. “There is somewhere I have to be. There is a little girl who desperately needs that medicine. If you would let me show you—”
“Oh, one of those demons, are you?” Shinobu interrupted. “I always find the demons who toy with peoples’ lives for longer than necessary to be the most detestable. But I’m feeling surprisingly generous tonight, so if you tell me where this little girl is, I’ll use one of my more ‘gentle’ poisons on you.”
“She’s in a cave not too far from here, maybe half a kilometer at most, eastward, by the stream. I covered the entrance with woven sticks and leaves.” (Y/n) shared, voice shaking, “Please just… just make sure she’s well taken care of.” She closed her eyes tight. Was this really it? It was all happening so fast.
“Thank you for being so forthcoming, how admirable.” Shinobu praised, thought it did not feel sincere to (Y/n) in the slightest. “Now, to ensure you aren’t lying, I’ll be poisoning you within an inch of your life. If I do find this girl you speak of, then I shall make my swift return to finish you off, alright?”
(Y/n) took in a shaky breath, shutting her eyes tightly as she waited for the strike. She prayed Sachiko would not see whatever may be left of her after this…
With a fanciful flourish of her sword, Shinobu took aim at the back of the demon’s neck and—
A shrill voice wailed, freezing Shinobu’s very blood in her veins, causing her to hesitate. The hesitation giving Sachiko enough time to half run, half stumble over to the scene and cover the back of (Y/n)’s head and neck with her whole body.
Defiant, teary eyes glared up at Shinobu as if she were the root of all evil.
“Stop bullying my Onee-san!” Sachiko punched Shinobu in the knee with enough force to make Shinobu at least wince and take one foot off of (Y/n)’s back. “You mean old ugly hag!”
Shinobu blinked, her neutral smile twitched ever so slightly.
“Sachiko!” (Y/n) gasped, forgetting all about her pending execution, “You can’t say things like that!”
“I don’t care!” Sachiko wailed, “She’s—“ Sachiko broke into an awful coughing fit.
“Sachiko!” (Y/n) tried to get up on impulse.
“Don’t move, or you won’t live another second.” Shinobu warned the demon before putting her attention back on the little girl, her other foot finally leaving (Y/n)’s back. “Come here, let me see you.”
“No!” Sachiko refused, still kneeling protectively over (Y/n).
“Listen here, little one. I don’t know what this demon has told you, but you are not safe with her.”
“Uh uh! If I didn’t meet Onee-san, I’d still be getting hits and rumbly tummies and bad sleeps! —Hey!”
Shinobu put the back of her hand on Sachiko’s forehead, more focused on checking the girl over than listening to her rebuttals.
“You’re burning up.” She murmured with concern, the she turned a glare onto (Y/n). “These cheap remedies aren’t going to do her any good. She needs a doctor, fortunately I am more than qualified. Come little one,” Shinobu opened her arms to pick Sachiko up, putting on her best motherly smile, “I’ll take you to my home and make you feel much better.”
“I’m not going anywhere with you! No touch!”
“Just— ah!”
Sachiko bit Shinobu’s hand and the Hashira held her indented palm to her chest, a string of expletives griping the edge of her tongue for dear life.
“Enough! That’s enough foolishness!” Shinobu nearly hissed once she had recovered enough of her mask to not cuss out a child. “Demon, stand. Now.”
(Y/n) found it in her best interest to quickly clamber to her feet, but not so quickly as to earn cause for impalement.
“Obviously the child’s life comes first. I will do everything I can to save her, and if that means working with you, then so be it. Carry her and follow me. Just remember that I’m much faster than you. Try anything, move one toe out of line, and you’re done, understand?”
“Yes, ma’am!” (Y/n) squeaked. “Come here, sweetheart.” She picked up Sachiko and the girl squirmed in her arms.
“No! We can’t go! Stranger danger, Onee-san! You said never go somewhere with a stranger!”
“Yes, but—“
“Kochou Shinobu.” The Hashira introduced herself. “And I’ve gathered your name is Sachiko, correct? We are strangers no more.”
“Shinobu… bu… boo! Boo!” Sachiko jeered.
“I’m sorry.” (Y/n) apologized to Shinobu in a strained whisper.
“Just start moving.”
(Y/n) looked back at the toppled bag of goods, “What about—“
“Time is of the essence. Keep up.”
And so the demon ran beside the Hashira, both focusing on the same goal.
They were cutting it very close, making it to the Butterfly Estate just before dawn. Sachiko had passed out in (Y/n)’s arms along the way so no fuss was made when (Y/n) was made to hand her over to Shinobu.
(Y/n) was then sequestered to a room in the furthest corner of the the estate by another butterfly girl with a white cloak. Another demon slayer to make sure she didn’t step out of line while Shinobu was tending to Sachiko, (Y/n) would have to guess. Only guess because her attempts to create small talk with the girl were met with silence.
A few hours past before Shinobu decided to come to the room with an update and (Y/n) had to stop herself from running up to her, grabbing her by the arms, and begging for all of the details.
“Her fever broke and she’s stable. She’ll be fine as long as she rests.”
“Oh,” (Y/n) put a hand on her chest, unshed tears shinning in her eyes, “thank you so much. I don’t know what I would have done without your help. I’m so glad you found us.”
“That would be the first time a demon has ever said that to me.” Shinobu said, seemingly unmoved by (Y/n)’s emotional display.
“Can I see her?”
“Absolutely not.” Shinobu shook her head. “We have a lot to discuss, you and I.”
The combined intense stares of Shinobu and Kanao made (Y/n) shudder involuntarily.
Oh Sachiko, I have found a safe haven, a home, for you, but for me, these are quite dire straits…
After hours of intensive questioning, Shinobu was finally interrupted by Aoi knocking on the door. Kanao let her in and the exasperation on the girl’s face was visible to all.
“Our new arrival is awake and currently screaming her lungs out. We’re doing everything we can just short of sedating her, Shinobu-sama, but she won’t calm unless her demands are met.”
“She wants to see the demon, I presume.” Shinobu sighed, giving (Y/n) a sideways glance.
“Yes, but she’s also screaming about a blanket.”
“Oh dear,” (Y/n) pressed her hand to her cheek, “I completely forgot about it in the heat of the moment! It’s still in that cave!”
“Supply her with a new one please, Aoi.” Shinobu asked.
“Believe me, we tried, Shinobu-sama, but she tossed all the options we provided her with aside. She won’t accept a new one.”
“That girl…” Shinobu sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose.
“I can go retrieve the blanket.” (Y/n) offered. “I think I could find my way back.”
“Do you honestly believe I would go along with that?”
“You could come with me if you think I’ll run off. Trust me, you’ll want that blanket. I have tried to replace it numerous times, but her persistence and lung capacity is stronger than my will.”
Shinobu stood silent for a moment before sighing quietly. “Very well then…“
Once night fell again, Shinobu and (Y/n) set off, (Y/n) still had not been allowed to see Sachiko, they could still hear the girl’s wails as they left the estate.
“If you would have just let her see me, I’m sure she would have calmed down a little…”
Shinobu ignored her and forged onward. Her pride was actually a bit bruised from this whole ordeal. Kids loved her. They flocked to her for comfort. The irony of this single child not only despising her, but also desperately wanting the comfort of a demon, was not the least bit lost on her, and she was not at all happy about it. This has to be some kind of demon art, right? But if that was true, then surely the demon would have tried to pull the same tricks with her, even going as far as to sever whatever hold she had over the child to switch for Shinobu if such a power could only work on one person at a time.
Shinobu pondered deeply until they made it to the cave, (Y/n)’s ‘aha!’ of triumph breaking her out of her thoughts.
“I found it, thank goodness. Gods… it could sure use a wash though.”
Shinobu couldn’t help but agree.
“It looks like it’ll fall apart if washed, however.”
“Yeah…” (Y/n) walked over to a nearby stream and placed the ragged blanket in the water. She then began gently massaging little circles with her knuckles, removing the dirt as carefully as she could. “It just needs a gentle wash. Takes some extra time, but it’ll help keep it from getting worse at least. If only I could sew, but these stupid claws get in the way…” she sighed.
Shinobu watched (Y/n) carefully scrub the dirt from the blanket, finding the contrast between her almost ferocious appearance and her gentle hands bizarre. Why would a demon put so much care into preserving a worn, threadbare blanket for a child?
Shinobu exhales softly through her nose and kneels beside the demon, exhaling quietly when she sees her jump.
“Settle down, you’re fine.” Shinobu took an opposite corner of the blanket and copied (Y/n)’s movements. “Aoi should be able to mend it. It’ll be a patch-job, sure, but at least it’ll hold it all together.”
“That would be wonderful… you don’t need to help me with this if you don’t want to. The water is pretty cold.”
“It’s fine, besides, the sooner this is done, the sooner I can go home and the sooner I can give everyone’s poor ears a break.”
“Right…” (Y/n) gave an awkward chuckle, “Sorry about that. She never really was allowed to have any feelings before so I have a hard time trying to discipline her for bad behavior. She was so timid, I didn’t want to scare her when she was just finally starting to have her own voice, you know?”
Oh, Shinobu could relate to that. When Kanao ran off to Final Selection without telling anyone, Shinobu was beside herself. When Kanao came back safe, she wanted to give her a piece of her mind, but she was also so proud that Kanao had made that choice on her own, that she didn’t really know what to say to the girl.
They finished cleaning the blanket and (Y/n) carried the sopping fabric back to the mansion where occasional wails could still be heard.
“I guess you should take it from here…” (Y/n) said once they were reunited with Kanao, who had taken up sporting a couple of pink ear plugs in their absence.
“No,” Shinobu sighed, “You should come in. Giving her the blanket will only take care of half of the problem. She’s been asking about you nonstop.”
“Really, I can see her? Thank you so much—!”
Shinobu grabbed (Y/n) by a horn and lowered her to her level so they were eye to eye.
“But don’t think that I won’t be watching you very carefully, alright?”
“Uh, uh-huh, yes, I completely understand.” (Y/n) nodded awkwardly with her horn still in Shinobu’s grip. After a moment of studious silence, Shinobu let go and allowed (Y/n) to follow her into the room and almost immediately, Sachiko’s wailing stopped… only to be renewed when she realized that both (Y/n) and her special blanket were okay.
She leapt out of the bed despite various protests and jumped into (Y/n)’s arms.
“Onee-san! I thought you were gone forever!” Sachiko blubbered.
“There there…” (Y/n) tried to shush her, “You need to rest, Sachiko.”
“No! What if when I close my eyes, that mean hag takes you away again?”
“Sachiko…” (Y/n) warned, her eyes flickered to Shinobu in an apologetic manner.
“I won’t be taking her away from you again as long as she behaves herself.” Shinobu chimed in. It was time to start trying to burry the hatchet. Yet make no mistake, at the moment she felt even a twinge of danger from the demon, this tentative peace would be over. She crouched down in front of Sachiko and presented her pinky to her. “You have my word.”
“A pinky promise!” Sachiko gasped, almost looking at Shinobu in a new light. “The hag knows about pinky promises!”
Shinobu’s eye twitched subtly, “Yes… so you understand this is a serious promise I am making.”
“Sachiko,” (Y/n) piped up, “In return, I want you to promise Kocho-san that you will be a polite houseguest. That means no name calling and no screaming when you don’t get your way, understand?”
“No buts, it’s time to make up. You have to remember that I’m a scary monster so it only makes sense that Kocho-san would act the way she did.”
Shinobu almost wanted to refute that point. She hardly found (Y/n) scary at all. However, she just wanted to focus on sealing this deal and finally, finally get to go to sleep.
“Okay… fine.” Sachiko pouted, looking Shinobu in the eye again before she hooked their pinkies together, sealing their promises.
How could a demon be so sweet and gentle? Shinobu wondered to herself for not the first time since Sachiko and by extension, (Y/n), joined the mansion’s residents several months ago.
Shinobu watched from the herb garden as Sachiko ran back to the shaded engawa, her hands full of dandelions. Sachiko deposited one handful into (Y/n)’s lap, the other on the floor in front of her. Shinobu wondered what they would make, crowns, rings, bracelets, all fair game.
She felt her cheeks warm, not from the gentle sun shining down from above, but from seeing (Y/n)’s fanged smile as she oh so slowly and patiently showed Sachiko how to tie the stems into knots for probably hundredth time since the little yellow weeds began popping up earlier that spring.
Oh to hell with it, weeding the garden could wait. Shinobu surely earned a little break, right? Sachiko already took care of most of it anyway with her dandelion picking. It was a wonder that she managed to find any at all since it seemed that she was always picking them as soon as they would pop up.
“Hello, Kocho-san.” (Y/n) aimed that sweet, fanged smile at her and she felt her knees go a little weak. “We aren’t disturbing your gardening, are we?”
“Not at all, and please, (Y/n), I told you to call me Shinobu, remember?”
“Right, sorry.”
“No need to apologize. Just relax.” Shinobu teased, bumping (Y/n)’s shoulder with her own as they sat side by side. The simple contact made both of their hearts flutter.
“Look what I made!” Sachiko presented Shinobu with a patch of woven dandelions. “I’m gonna give this to Nezuko. It’s a little pillow.”
“That’s very thoughtful, Sachiko.” Shinobu praised, though it was certainly too small a pillow for even Nezuko to use effectivley.
She was fortunate and thankful that Sachiko had forgiven her for their rough beginnings. It took time to really earn her trust and respect, but once Sachiko started feeling comfortable, it was all water under the bridge. Though there were times when she could still be wary of Shinobu’s intentions with her adoptive demon sister. Which admittedly left Shinobu more than a bit chagrined, especially when she was admittedly trying to put the moves on (Y/n) rather than threaten her existence these days.
Fortunately or unfortunately, neither had seemed to catch on to that fact. She would need to step it up.
“And what are you making, (Y/n)?” Shinobu asked, brushing their shoulders together again.
“Oh, um,” (Y/n) finally looked down at her hands. Truthfully, she had been a little too busy trying to steal glances at Shinobu in the garden to really pay attention to what she was doing. Her heart spasmed as she realized she had been putting together a ring during her mindless weaving. “Just a simple ring.” She said, trying her best to sound casual.
“That’s cute, planning on giving it to someone?” Shinobu teased.
Shinobu and (Y/n)’s attention were brought back to Sachiko, one of her twin buns had unraveled and in her hand was a soft yellow butterfly clip.
“It fell out again.”
“It wouldn’t fall out, if you wouldn’t mess with it.” Shinobu reminded with a smile. She patted her lap and Sachiko quickly sat with her back to Shinobu so she could fix it. “That reminds me…” Shinobu’s eyes slid back to (Y/n)’s face, finding her looking almost guilty, “Where is your clip, (Y/n)? You aren’t wearing it again.”
“You know… it’s just too nice and I’m afraid I’ll break it.”
“You seem plenty gentle when dealing with those dandelions.” Shinobu pointed out.
“You’re a resident of the Butterfly Estate, so you should look the part, don’t you think?”
“It just, it doesn’t look right on me, you know? It’s so pretty and delicate and I’m so… not.” (Y/n) was intimately aware of how frightening she looked to the average person. Horns, claws, fangs and burning eyes… wearing such a pin would look more ironic than a statement of belonging. (Y/n) had not expected Shinobu to look so serious for stating what she thought was the obvious.
“I’m not going to beat around the bush, (Y/n).” Shinobu stated, “You are very pretty, bewitchingly so, and though not physically delicate, I did see you cry over that perfectly healthy kitten that Kanroji-san brought over. On top of that, I picked a color with the intent that it would compliment you. Are you really going to deny me the pleasure of seeing the completed artwork?”
“That wasn’t my intention!” (Y/n) could feel her skin becoming warmer.
“Then go retrieve it.“ Shinobu smiled almost menacingly, softening when watching (Y/n) bolt inside.
(Y/n) came back to the engawa as fast as she could and gave the delicate pin to Shinobu. Sachiko watched thoughtfully as Shinobu placed the pin in such a way that she new (Y/n) would be comfortable and happy with it.
“There, just as pretty as I imagined.” Shinobu smiled. “And you know I’m always right, so it’s obviously true.”
“Yeah…” (Y/n) shared a bashful smile of her own, still staying close to Shinobu even after the pin was secured.
“If you’re gonna kiss, I’m gonna leave.” Sachiko’s nose scrunched up.
“Huh?!” (Y/n) squawked, “Sachiko! Why would you say that? We’re just talking!”
“For now,” Shinobu said mischievously, moving her face closer to (Y/n)’s, “uh oh… I’m getting closer…”
“Ewwww!” Sachiko made a few fake gaging noises as she ran back inside with her handful of dandelions, ignoring (Y/n)’s protests.
“Why did you say that?” The demon’s face buzzed with heat, “She’s going to give the rumor mill around here a field day! Everyone’s going to think that we’re— you know…!”
“I don’t see any issue with a rumor like that.” Shinobu spoke casually, “In fact, it would be even better if it was true. What do you say,” Shinobu leaned in even closer, “will you meet me in the middle?”
(Y/n)’s mouth gaped like a fish for a moment, her eyes flicking between Shinobu’s lips and eyes as if trying to ask if she really meant it before nodding and carefully closing the gap, making sure her fangs didn’t cause too much trouble when their lips finally met.
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brittle-doughie · 7 months
hiya brittle!! i have this like idea for a white pearl cookje x reader
so like i wanna make it angsty cause like
i like angst!!
and it's kinda similar to the even more heartbreak one you made
so what if reader was in love with white pearl, but white pearl chose lord oyster over them, and then she well
gets betrayed
i hope you can make something similar or something it's just an idea i had!! sorry to bother you for this 😭😭‼️‼️
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Even More Heartbreak (Alt) - Mermaid’s Lament (White Pearl Cookie)
Why are y’all making her fumble so bad? Oh my lord-
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You sigh solemnly as you seated yourself on a rock, gazing at the moon beyond the horizon. You’d occasionally look down to see your mercookie tail fiddle with the water a little bit before looking back up. The moon…it was beautiful…like…White Pearl Cookie…
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“I’m sorry, Y/N Cookie. I’m sorry that I can’t return your feelings…”
“I do hope this doesn’t drive a wedge between us and what we have right now..”
Your attempt to confess was only met with White Pearl Cookie’s polite decline. You knew it was a fruitless effort, but you wanted to at least try…
A small part of you hopeful…that she did harbor something for you…
It only made the later events all the more painful for you…
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“You’re already shining so radiantly. You’re my Moon.”
White Pearl Cookie giggled. It sounded like there was something genuine in her voice, something..loving.
“Then, you are my Sea. The Sea only I shine upon…”
Thinking of that meeting only made the pit in your heart worse…
Hearing her calling him her Sea, the way she looked at him, you knew that what she has for him was way different then how she saw you…and yet, you held no ill will towards this Lord Oyster Cookie.
Of which this only served to bring you nothing but an ache to your heart..
For she wasn’t and is never going to be yours, her heart had belonged to another..
You wanted nothing more than to just sink to the deepest abyss…
Maybe then, this pain would stop…
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“Is everything alright, Y/N Cookie? You haven’t come back to Tearcrown in a while..”
O-oh, you were just observing the night sky, you’d be returning back shortly, Mystic Opal Cookie shouldn’t worry about it.
She wasn’t buying it as she narrows her eyes at you.
“Something is troubling you. Are you comfortable enough to share it with me?”
You opened your mouth, ready to excuse your situation, but the look Mystic Opal was giving you made you realize that any attempt would be fruitless.
You didn’t know what to feel anymore. You wanted to be happy for White Pearl Cookie for finding the one she wants to be with, but it was hard to do when you felt nothing but emptiness..
Mystic Opal Cookie sighed as she swam to your side on the rock.
“I understand that things are difficult for you right now…but you need to know that White Pearl Cookie isn’t going to forget you…”
H-how does she think so? She seemed so infatuated Lord Oyster Cookie-
“That will change nothing. She may not show it…but White Pearl Cookie greatly values your friendship. It would sadden her if you two drift away over this…”
She shifted up to sit next to you on the rock, as she gently grabbed your hand into hers.
“It may hurt for a little while, but always remember that you aren’t alone….you can always speak to the others about how you feel. Me included…”
“Let it all out. I’ll never leave you…”
You quietly sobbed to her as she gently embraced you. It still hurts, but…Mystic Opal Cookie was helping in slowly making you feel better…
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Day by day, you’ve spent time with Mystic Opal Cookie as she helped you with your emotions. She was always ready to put aside what she was doing to tend to you, you appreciated how attentive she was about you. You felt like you could come to her for everything, a sentiment that Mystic Opal shared.
As time went on, you felt like that pain from before was no longer plaguing you and your heart. It had made you believe that there was a chance to find the one you cherished in another cookie.
You’ve started to talk to White Pearl Cookie again with a new outlook, she was still your friend and you’ll do whatever you can to help her! White Pearl herself was happy that what she did had not driven you away from her…
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And yet..she can’t help but feel like something was missing with how you spoke to her. You didn’t gush about her or overly complimented her, you talked her..basically like she was your friend. She has no problem with this, it’s just…she wouldn’t have minded if you continued to pay her compliments every now and then..
She sees how you are with Mystic Opal Cookie…with how you look at and talk to her…
It..reminds her of how much you used to do that with her…
It made her a little worried…and jealous….
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The sound of a cannon firing its shot was heard, hitting its target as White Pearl Cookie cried out in pain.
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“Gotcha! Now catch it while it’s tired out!”
A fishnet was fired at her direction as all White Pearl Cookie could try to weakly get away…before the fishnet was caught by a thrown spear!
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Not if you had anything to say about it! You called for Crimson Coral Cookie and the others to make themselves known and get White Pearl out of there!
“Right! White Pearl Cookie, come with me!”
“Hahaha! You be looking different compared to the rest! Wonder what you’re worth!”
Abalone Cookie had thrown a harpoon in your direction, you had barely enough time to dodge it. The eclipse had weakened your movement somehow, so timing was everything!”
“Slippery little fish, are ya! Pass me another harpoon!”
You tell him to give it his best shot!
“Y/N Cookie!”
“White Pearl Cookie, we have to go now!”
“No, I’m tired of running away! Not with Y/N Cookie in danger!”
A harpoon managed to graze you by the arm, it was enough to make you grunt in pain!
“Ha! Not so slippery anymore, are ya?!”
A fishing net was fired at your location, seemingly ready to trap you in its bind when you’re quickly pulled under the water! Abalone clearly annoyed that you had escaped.
It completely took you by surprise until you saw Mystic Opal Cookie along with you!
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“Just like before and like I’ll always continue to do, Y/N Cookie. I’ll never leave your side…”
You quickly grow flustered, you..thanked Mystic Opal for her help. She gently smiled as she looked at your graze wound.
“It doesn’t look too bad, but I’ll tend to it just to be sure…”
You thanked her again as she patched you up. When she was done, she brought your hand to caress her cheek. Her cheeks grew warm with a blush, a small smile making its way on her face. It must’ve been contagious with how your own face grew red..
It was like there was nothing else but you and Mystic Opal Cookie in this world…
She got closer…
So did you….
Was this…?
“So, it’s true then…”
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You and Mystic Opal quickly retracted from each other, turning to see White Pearl Cookie staring you two down, her eyes darkening…
“Y/N Cookie…I thought you had liked me…”
White Pearl Cookie…
“I…I was a fool to think he would cherish me…”
“When I had you with me…”
“I’m sorry, Y/N Cookie. I’m sorry for having been so blind to your feelings..”
“I thought that I would’ve been happy with our friendship…”
“But seeing you with Mystic Opal Cookie, it’s brought nothing but turmoil to my heart…”
“Please…all I want now is for you to reconsider. I know it’s a selfish request, but I promise that I do cherish you now!”
“You were my Sea all along…”
“White Pearl Cookie, I understand you’re hurting, but you can’t just-“
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The incredibly loud shriek of White Pearl Cookie made everyones’ heart stop for a moment. White Pearl Cookie was upset at the mere implication of rejection..
“Y/N Cookie is all I have left…they cared about me despite the pain I’ve put them through…”
“That cookie, Frilled Jellyfish Cookie, the Kingdom…all gone. Only Y/N Cookie is left for me.”
“I refuse to let them go…whether it be to this war or to another cookie like you, Mystic Opal Cookie.”
“I won’t let you take them away…”
“I won’t leave them…not this time…”
“Aha…he he he…HA HA HA HA HA!”
The waters around you grew tense as Mystic Opal Cookie and Crimson Coral Cookie shielded you.
Something told you that it wasn’t this war that should make you afraid anymore…
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On thin ice (Hockey player! Miguel O’Hara x Figure skater! Fem! Reader)
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A/N: Im in a fucking rollllll. This series is my current hyper fixation and since I don’t really have an uploading schedule I just do it whenever lol. Also I LOOOVE reading all of y’all comments, they’re funny and they warm my heart. Y’all got me kicking my feet, giggling, blushing, twirling my hair. Anyways, apologies for If Miguel’s ooc and any spelling mistakes and grammatical errors since this isn’t proofread. Y’all may feast lol.
(Y/N)- Your name.
Cursing, angst.
Word count: 1.4k
Series Masterlist
Chapter 4: Are there some aces up your sleeve?
“(Y/N), that is the 4th time you messed up the Camel spin today. If you can’t do it then we’ll just take it out of the program-“
“No! No, I can do it coach! I’m just having an off day and-“
“That’s not an excuse. Regionals are in late October, it is September. There shouldn’t be any excuse, we’re been doing this on repeat. This should be muscle memory.”
Coach Kavinsky words were only twisting the knife. You brought your shaky hands up to cover your nose and mouth, attempting to warm your face a bit and keep yourself from sobbing. Ever since you woke up in the morning everything has gone to shit. You failed your exam in your math class, on your way to your english class, you tripped and dropped your Starbucks, causing it to spill all over your shoes, and now you kept messing up the program. Logan could tell you were mere minutes away from a breakdown, your eyes were wet and your breathing was rapid, partly from skating and partly because you were trying to keep an oncoming panic attack at bay. “I-I can do it! I can do it, I just need a minute-“ you stutter and stumbles over your words, you bring your gloved hands over your face and placing them on the top of your hands.
“I think we should take a break coach, (Y/N) just needs to get some fresh air, right (Y/N)?” Logan said in a calm voice as the put his hand on your shoulder, but you quickly shook it off.
“No, it’s okay I can do it. See?” You were going hysterical, getting into position to do the spin only to fail the spin and fall butt first on the ice. Okay now you were having a breakdown.
“Jesus… okay. Logan take her outside, help her calm down will you?” Coach Kavinsky said to Logan who just nodded, waiting for you to move to your knees to help you get up and out of the rink.
“I-I don’t know what’s wrong with me today…” You stuttered in between shallow breaths, Logan’s hand rubbing slow smooth circles on your back in an attempt to help you calm down. “I’ve- I’ve never had trouble with that spin before- I just- I-“ you couldn’t finish, you’re stutters just devolving into more sobs as you put your face into your partner’s chest, tears spilling out. “I’m getting your shirt all wet…” You managed to say with a small chuckle as you pulled away after a few minutes, but the laugh was devoid of any warmness or joy. Your hand wiping some left over tears from your cheeks.
“It’s fine, I’m more worried about my best friend.” Logan said with a small smile, the hand that was rubbing your back now tracing up to your shoulders and pulling you closer to him in a side hug, you let out a small sigh as you laid your head on his shoulder.
“Thanks Logan… I’m sorry… I’m a totally mess…” You mumbled as you wipe some more tears away, your eyes red and puff, a headache slowly creeping up on you from all the crying.
“Why… the fuck my is Ice princess and her little skating partner so close…” Miguel thought as he got out car, slamming the door without realizing as he glares at you and Logan from his spot across the parking lot. You or Logan hadn’t seen him since you were both so far away, and were more focused on trying to calm you down, Miguel was too far to noticed your tear stained face.
“Damn Miguel, dent the door why don’t you.” Peter attempted to joke while getting out from the passenger seat but his voice faltered, letting out a nervous chuckle after. Peter already knew the team was gonna be used as Miguel’s personal stress ball for the entirety of the practice time. Miguel just sent a glare at him in response, a small grunt escapes his lips as both of them grab their bags and hockey sticks from the back seat. “You seem more mad than usual, wanna talk about it? Or are you just gonna “accidentally” slam half the team into the boards like always?” He probes his captain, but he already knew his answer. Everyone on the team knew that Miguel isn’t a talk-about-your-feelings person.
“Shut up Parker.” He mutters as he slings his bag on his shoulders, closing and locking the door before both males started to make their way to the entrance. You currently burying your face into Logan’s shoulder, so Miguel couldn’t see your face, and Logan’s head was resting on top of yours, his arm still over your shoulders, his thumb creasing small circles on your shoulder. As soon as you were in ear-shot, Miguel shouted out to you both. “Aww look at the two lovebirds!” His voice dripping with sarcasm to hid the slight anger and jealousy he felt.
“I’m not in the mood, Miguel…” You’re voice was horse and raspy, as you spoke, and your eyes were bloodshot and puffy when you lifted your head up to look at him. The sight made Miguel’s heart ache, but the way your body was so close to Logan’s made it fill with rage and envy a lot more.
“She’s having a bad day, can we save-“ Logan started but was swiftly cut off.
“And that’s my problem because?” He hissed, eyes narrowing. “What’s wrong huh? Did he drop you on your back again? Or was it something stupid like missing up a spin?” He taunted with a head tilt, Logan glared at Miguel, his hand’s grip tightening on your shoulder, Peter just nervously shifted his weight back and forth between his feet and you, well you were trying not to burst into tears again. He made it sound a lot more simple then it felt like, it made you feel embarrassed for being so distraught about it. He had no way of knowing that’s actually the reason for your tears.
“Can you not be a dick for 5 minutes?” You ask with an exhausted dry laugh, the laugh was your body’s way of holding yourself back from beginning to sob again. Your hand goes up to wipe some smuggled mascara from under your eyes. “Everything has been so fucking shitty all day, I-I don’t need you to come her and kick me while I’m down, Okay?” Your voice cracked as you spoke, and it only made Miguel feel worse.
You were right, he was acting like a major jerk right now. God what is wrong with him? Here you were in such a vulnerable place, your heart laying bare in front of him, and instead of making you feel better, instead of making your chest full with warmth and reassurance, he grabbed your still beating heart and began to feast on it like it was that night’s dinner.
God. What the fuck Miguel? What the fuck? What the fuck. Whatthefuck. Whatthefuckwhatthefuckwhatthefuck-
“Alright,” Coach Kavinsky came outside, crossing her arms as she spoke. “I’m just gonna cut practice short, it’s almost over anyways.” She said to Logan and you, before turning to you and speaking to you directly, “Go home, get some rest, and don’t stress yourself out too much over this, alright (Y/N?) Tomorrow is a new day, a fresh start, don’t let this one bad practice ruin your confidence in the program.” She finished, you just shook your head at her before she turned around and walked back into the building.
“Alright… let’s get you inside…” Logan said to you in a low comforting tone, getting off the sidewalk before helping you up, and began to walk you inside.
Miguel Let out a Heavy sigh, glancing to his side, running a hand through his slicked back dark hair, before attempting to speak, “Look. Princes-“ but he quickly shut his mouth when Logan looked over at him and sent him a dark glare, not stopping as he grabs your hand and drags you inside. If looks could kill, Miguel would be six feet under.
After a beat of silence, Peter cleared his throat before speaking, “well…that’s one way of trying to get her to notice you, nice going Miguel.” If Miguel didn’t already plan on releasing all his confused feelings and frustrations out on the ice before, he sure as hell was going to now. Miguel sent Peter a glare, mumbling some curses under his breath in Spanish , before he began to go walk into the arena, Peter stumbling to catch up with him.
Taglist: @tayleighuh @cowboylikeevie @coralineyouareinterribledanger @jukioku @loser-alert @migueloharaspookiebear @serpentstarr @littlexscarletxwitch
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CW: dub-con incest, age gap, minor mention of drug abuse and being high
Minors DNI 18+
A/N: happy birthday to me! hope y’all enjoy :)
You stuff your hand over your mouth, hot tears burning tracks down your cheeks as a strangled sob rips from your throat. Christmas dinner at the Berzatto’s has always been a stressful time but your mom is really on a warpath tonight, scrutinizing everything you do to try to help.
“Baby Bear? Where’d you disappear to?”
Your eyes fly open at Mikey’s gravelly voice just beyond the closed door of the pantry and you clear your throat, roughly scrubbing your sleeve over your eyes as you call out, “in here, Mikey!” The handle rattles as he pulls the door open and you shoot him a weak half-smile, stretching up to reach a box of crackers on the top shelf. “Mama wanted me to get some crackers for Tiff.” Mikey cocks an eyebrow at your weak excuse, easily reaching up to grab the box for you.
“I don’t think grabbing some fuckin’ crackers takes ten minutes, what’s really going on?” His voice is soft as he hands you the box and your face falls at the question, fresh tears burning your eyes. He sighs and pulls you against his chest, trapping your arms between your bodies.
“I can’t do anything right, Bear. Mama- she just keeps screaming at me and it-it feels like everyone else doesn’t want me here.” You sob, the cardboard box collapsing underneath your tightening grip.
Mikey rests his cheek on the top of your head, running a soothing hand down your back, “Now you know that ain’t true, baby, you’re such a good girl all the time, it'd be a crime not to want to be around you.” You let out a quiet hiccuping laugh and his lips curl into a smile, turning his head to press a kiss to your hair.
You pull your face away from his chest to wipe your eyes and he grins, cupping your cheek to pull your forehead against his. “There’s my girl.” He says quietly with a grin, “don’t let mom ruin Christmas for you, yeah? Keep being good and once everyone’s gone, I’ll give you your present.”
You let your eyes flutter shut, a small smile sneaking onto your face. “Okay, I promise.” You grin at him, “do I get a hint on what you got me?”
Mikey laughs and pecks your cheek, brushing his lips over the corner of your mouth, “Cheeky girl, where’s the fun if you’re not surprised, huh?” You giggle and wind your arms around his waist, squeezing him tightly.
“Never hurts to ask, right?” You tease, eyes sliding shut as you linger in his warm embrace, “Thank you, Bear.”
He hums, bending down to press a kiss to the top of your head, “It’s nothin’, Baby Bear, I’m always gonna be here for you.”
More tears threaten to spill and you squeeze your eyes shut, taking in a deep breath to let the smell of his cologne calm you before stepping away. “I should really get these to Tiff.” You say, shaking the half crushed box, “you promise they don’t hate me?”
“If they do, they’ll answer to me, yeah? Don’t let them get in that pretty head of yours.” Mikey shares a reassuring smile with you, dropping down to kiss your head one last time before heading back to the gathering. You press your lips together as he returns to being his boisterous self, loud voice spilling through the rest of the house.
After dropping off the crackers with Tiffany and fussing over her when another wave of nausea ran through her, you drag your feet back to the living room, loitering in the doorway as your heart pounds at the constant chatter between guests.
You force a smile when Mikey notices you, curling in on yourself as he gestures you over to him. Without a stutter in his words he wraps an arm around your waist and guides you onto his lap, smoothing a reassuring hand down your back as he talks. You curl into him, tucking your face into his neck to hide from the eyes of everyone, perfectly content to just listen as Mikey commands the room.
“And I thought incest was a southern thing! Who’d have thought we’d see it from my own son and daughter!”
Mikey stiffens under you and your body burns with mortification, pulling away from your hiding place in Mikey’s neck to look at your mom, “Mama!”
“What?” She laughs, nearly choking on her last sip of wine, “I’m just saying what everyone else is thinking, Baby Bear, what kinda siblings sit like that?”
Mikey glares at Donna, opening his mouth to defend himself when you slide off his lap, curling in on yourself. He resigns to glaring at her and touches your back gently, leaning down to whisper, “Don’t listen to her, she’s just trying to start shit.” You just nod, shifting away from his touch as tears burn your eyes.
An awkward air fills the room as the conversation tries to move away from Donna’s outburst and you take your chance to slip away, busying yourself with readying the table for dinner. The heavy thud of boots makes you glance up, your stomach twisting at the sheepish look on Mikey’s face. “Baby Bear, you know I’d never-”
“So this is where you ran off to!”
A cold trickle runs down your spine as Lee wraps an arm low around your waist, fingers just barely brushing against your hip bone through your jeans. Lee shot Mikey a shit-eating glare and tugs you against his side, “what are you doing, hiding away in here with him?” He spits the last word like an insult and Mikey bares his teeth in a snarl, stepping forward to pull you away from him.
“I-I just wanted to make sure the table was set, I know Mama’s almost done cooking.” You answer nervously, eyes flickering between the two men. “I should actually… see if she needs help, please excuse me.” You extract yourself from Lee’s grasp, shuddering as his hand glides over the globe of your ass. You hurry to the kitchen, plastering a smile on your face as Donna turns to you with a dish full of food.
“Put this down and go tell everyone it’s time to eat. Go, hurry!”
You nod frantically and carefully balance the hot dish as you move as quickly as you dart back into the dining room, barely sparing a glance at the two men still locked in a standoff before dipping your head into the living room to call out, “foods up!”
You go back to the kitchen to help your mom and by the time you get into the dining room with the final platter, the only seat available is between Mikey and Lee. You take a deep breath, slowly letting it out as you move to sit down. You stiffen in your seat as Lee’s hand drops to your lap to squeeze your knee. Mikey lets out a deep growl and glares at Lee, reaching over to force his hand off your leg, “how about you keep your fucking hands to yourself, huh?”
Lee laughs, “Yeah like you could follow that rule! You think I don’t know what you and Baby Bear have been up to? Maybe if you stopped dreaming about your dick in her mouth maybe tonight wouldn’t have been so stressful for your mom.”
Your eyes widen, nails digging into your palms as Mikey scoffs, slamming his hand against the table before pointing accusingly at Lee, “Don’t you dare say shit like that in front of her! You know damn well you could’ve gotten your head out of your ass and helped too!”
You gently touch Mikey’s arm, sharing a pleading look with him, “Hey. Just leave him, Bear, okay?” You shake your head as you speak softly, “This isn’t worth it, please.” His face softens and you give him a small smile.
“Don’t act like I didn’t catch you in her bedroom the other day! Your poor mother’s at her wit’s end because you’re just some sick junkie pervert that can’t keep his hands off his own sister!” Lee yells, “How long has it been going on, huh? Did you get addicted to the pills first or was the guilt of fucking your little sister too much to handle sober?”
The room falls silent, everyone exchanging silent glances, trying to decide who to believe. No one could believe Mikey would ever hurt you but… the Mikey they saw in front of them, the one high on pills, who knows what he could do. You stand abruptly, knocking your chair over as you look around the room for a moment, almost pleading with them to come to your defense. Tears of humiliation burn your eyes as you rush from the room, finding solace in your bedroom as the first sob rips from your chest.
You’re curled up on your bed when someone knocks lightly on your door. Sniffling, you sit up, calling out for them to open the door. Michelle pokes her head in and you manage a small smile, wiping your face with your sleeve, “What a shitshow, huh? Sorry for just running out like that.” Your voice cracks and she shoots you a sad smile, moving to sit next to you.
“None of that was your fault, honey. What they were saying about you and Mikey, I…” She trails off into a deep breath, “I was talking to Carmy earlier and I invited him to come stay in New York with me for a couple weeks.”
You nod, picking at your nails, “He’d love that, I know things have been stressful for him recently.”
“For you, too.” You look up at her questioningly and she sighs, turning to face you, “Baby Bear, I think you should come with us.” She begins, placing her hand on your knee, “with everything going on, I think you need some space from M- from everything… you could spend some time with Carmy and maybe find a good school to go to out there.”
You press your lips together in a firm line to stop them from wobbling as a fresh wave of tears builds in your eyes, “from Mikey, you mean? You want me to just leave Mikey like that?” A look of betrayal washes over your face, “who would he have if I’m gone? No. No, I can't go with you.” You finish with a shake of your head, pushing her hand off your leg.
“Honey, don’t say no yet, okay? I’m not leaving until next week, you’ve got time.” Desperation laces her voice as she stands up from your bed. “Just… think about it?” You turn your head to avoid her gaze and she sighs, lingering for a moment before leaving.
You take a shuddering breath and flop back down onto your bed, letting your comforter muffle your quiet sobs. Another knock causes you to jump, scrubbing your eyes furiously to hide the evidence as you croak, “D-doors open!” You steel yourself for more nosy relatives, pressing your lips together as you will back your tears.
“Baby Bear?”
Your facade breaks when Mikey’s face comes into view and you jump off your bed to crush him into a hug. “I’m sorry for leaving you down there alone I just- I just couldn’t-'' Your voice cracks as the words of your Uncle Lee replay in your mind, pressing your face hard against his chest “You’re not what he says! You’re my big brother, you'd never hurt me, why can’t people see that!”
His laugh vibrates through your body as his arms come up to wrap around your shoulders, “People see what they wanna see, Baby Bear, you know that.” His voice is laced with hurt and you look up at him, heart twisting painfully at the defeated look on his face.
You tighten your arms around him, “Well they’re wrong, you’re the only one that really cares ‘bout me.”
Your words bring a smile to his face and he leans down to kiss your forehead, “I’ll always care about you, you’re my baby bear.”
“Come cuddle with me,” You demand and tug at him, sending him stumbling against you as you walk backward toward your bed.
He lets out a shocked laugh, grabbing your shoulders to steady himself before he’s sent sprawling on top of you across the bed, “Careful, Baby Bear! Nearly made me crush you.”
A pout forms on your lips and you tug at him again, pulling him down nearly on top of you on the bed, “I’m not that fragile!”
Mikey snorts but lets you maneuver him to your liking before curling up against his chest. He grabs the hand you slung over his chest, pressing a gentle kiss to your fingers, “no, you’re not. You’re a big, strong bear like me, huh?”
You giggle and lace your fingers with his, marveling as his hand engulfs yours, “Yeah! That way we can take care of each other.”
“That’s right, baby.” He smiles and leans his head back against your pillows, running his thumb over your shoulder as a comfortable silence falls over the room. He looks out of place against the frills of your bedding, the same sheets you’ve had your whole childhood.
You trace invisible shapes into his chest, letting the slow movement of his breathing calm you. “Michelle came to talk to me after the fight.” You whisper, not wanting to disturb the peacefulness, “She wants me to go back to New York with her for a while. Says it would be good for me.”
“Oh yeah?”
You nod against his chest, “I don’t know… maybe it’s a good idea with everything that… that Mama is accusing you of.”
His breathing stutters and you look up at him questioningly. “You’d leave me, just like that?” He asks, speaking over you as you open your mouth to reply, “You’re all I got Baby Bear, if you leave there’d be nothing left for me here.”
Grief fills your face and you shake your head furiously, sitting up farther to pepper his face with kisses. “Don’t say things like that, Mikey! You’ll always have me, ‘m not going anywhere!” You exclaim, wrapping yourself around him in a tight hug.
Mikey nods and leans up to catch your lips with his, missing his mark and catching your cheek instead. His hands glide over your sides, gripping your waist tightly as he twists to pin you underneath his weight. “I love you, Baby Bear.” He whispers as he finally finds your mouth, forcing his tongue past your lips in a sloppy kiss. You gasp and grip his shirt, too shocked to respond as he kisses you slowly.
He’s breathing heavily when he pulls away, resting his forehead against yours. “M-Mikey, I think you need to go to your room.” You say hesitantly, pushing against his chest, “What if Mama catches us, you could go to jail.”
He shakes his head and dips down for another kiss, hand slipping down your body to grab a handful of your ass. A reluctant moan slips from your throat as he drags your core over his hardening bulge and he groans in response, grinding harder against you.
“You’re always so worried about everyone else, just think of us for once.” He murmurs, trailing hot kisses down your neck, “Everyone already thinks we’re having sex, why fight it?” You shake your head, letting out a gasp as he nibbles your pulse point. He dips his fingers between your thighs, humming quietly as he finds your panties soaked with your wetness.
You throw your head back with a whine as Mikey pushes his fingers past the barrier of your panties and sinks his fingers into your core. He slowly thrusts them into your cunt, groaning at each quiet whimper slipping past your lips. “M-Mikey stop! They’re going to hear us!”
He shakes his head, curling his against your sweet spot, “Don’t worry, Baby Bear, they’re too shit-faced to care what we’re up to.” Mikey presses his lips against yours as he coaxes a third finger into you, drinking in your moans. Your hips stutter, torn between arching towards the pleasure and away from it.
Mikey hums, other hand dropping down to free his cock from his jeans, “tha’s it baby, ready for my cock?” You shake your head, a gasp catching in your throat as he grinds his cock against the softness of your inner thigh. He curls his fingers inside your cunt, forcing a loud moan out of you and grins, “Yeah you are, don’t worry baby, I’ll make you feel good.”
He pulls his fingers out, chuckling softly at your whine, and blindly wraps his hand around his cock. You squirm underneath him, pressing your palms against his chest as he glides the tip through your folds, “I-I don’t think we should be doing thi-” you lose your words on a choked gasp as his cock sinks into your cunt.
Mikey lets out a shaky breath, resting his forehead against yours as he rolls his hips, slowly pushing deeper with each thrust, “been wanting this for so long, Baby Bear, feel so good around me.” He growls, gritting his teeth as he bottoms out inside you. Your breath comes out in short pants, cunt clenching around his thick length.
“Mikey…” You whine as he grinds against you, a hot shock of pleasure jolting through your spine, “We should s-stop.” He shakes his head, forcing his mouth over yours in a heated kiss. His hands grip your thighs, using the leverage to drive his hips harder into you. The room fills with quiet squeaking, your bed frame thunking gently against the wall with each thrust.
You throw your head back against your pillows with a loud moan as his cock angles perfectly against your sweet spot. Mikey slaps his hand over your mouth and shushes you, leaning close to your ear. “Y’need to stay quiet, princess, want Ma to hear? Or Uncle Lee? I saw how he was touchin’ you tonight, I think he’d try to join. Don’t want that, do you?”
You shake your head frantically, biting down hard on your lip as another moan bubbles from your chest. Mikey gives you a mock pout, thrusts speeding up as he murmurs, “I know, I know Baby Bear, it feels too good, huh? Love your big brother's cock in your little pussy.” Mikey loses his rhythm as he looks down at you, nearly angelic with your eyes half-lidded with pleasure, your hair sprawled across the princess pink of your pillows like a halo.
Mikey grinds his fingers against your clit and the taste of blood fills your mouth as your teeth break through the skin of your lip in your attempt to stifle your noises. You clench around him as his fingers push you closer to the edge and he grins, thrusting harder into you. “I can feel how close you are, Baby Bear. C’mon, you can let go.” His fingers move against you faster and your body arches against him, muscles tightening as you teeter on the edge. “Yeah jus’ like that, cum on your brother’s cock.”
Tears burn your eyes as your orgasm rips through you, shaking beneath him as overwhelming pleasure frays your nerves. Mikey lets out a choked grunt, hands moving to pull your hips flush against his as you clench around him, drawing his orgasm from him.
Mikey carefully shifts onto his side, his frame dwarfing the small bed as he pulls you tightly against his chest to keep you from falling off. He presses a gentle kiss to your lips, mouth curving into a smile as you kiss back. “Merry Christmas, Baby Bear.”
255 notes · View notes
zofi-persson-quotes · 5 months
A very, very long one ahead
Your elemental power is… G R E E N (Sec): call out post for Dark
Your elemental power is… G R E E N (Sec): said he doesnt love me
Animal Whisperer (Red): excuse me
NetherwartEater69 (Blue): damn Dark looks like you're getting kicked
Music Man!! (Green): Dark you better fight me 1v1 I'll be waiting at Purple's
#1SpiderFan (Dark): however i’m having second thoughts
Your elemental power is… G R E E N (Sec): :(
The Avatar (Chosen): Dark no
NetherwartEater69 (Blue): He is, by the way. We were at Purple’s anyway.
#1SpiderFan (Dark): oh don’t worry i’m on my way
Living Gun (Ballista): oh i gotta see this i’m also on my way don’t start w o me
Your elemental power is… G R E E N (Sec): U CANT FIGHT OVER ME
Your elemental power is… G R E E N (Sec): without me there
Warning Sign (Sign): I have work I can’t come
Animal Whisperer (Red): don’t worry Sign if i remember i’ll keep you updated
Warning Sign (Sign): Thanks I think
Animal Whisperer (Red): Sec, actually SLAMMING THE DOOR INTO THE WALL: YO IS DARK HERE YET
Animal Whisperer (Red): Vic, a sensible person: NO WHAT
Your elemental power is… G R E E N (Sec): HEY I THINK I MIGHTVE BROKE THE DOOR
Your elemental power is… G R E E N (Sec): AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Animal Whisperer (Red): THEY D I D
Your elemental power is… G R E E N (Sec): IM SO SORRY
Your elemental power is… G R E E N (Sec): I CAN PAY FR IT
RedstoneGalore (Yellow): i can probably fix the door
RedstoneGalore (Yellow): what did he do to it
Your elemental power is… G R E E N (Sec): I RIP[PED THE FUCKI NFDFJKSDLGSL
Your elemental power is… G R E E N (Sec): I SRDAHYKALKHSGJKD
RedstoneGalore (Yellow): ARE YOU GOOD?
Ghost Puppet (Vic): Sec is currently cry-laughing and sobbing that he can’t type.
Music Man!! (Green): HE’S TRYING TO SAY HE R I P P E D T H E H I N G E
Ghost Puppet (Vic) uploaded an image!
[A very blurry photo of Sec lying on the ground, curled up laughing. His phone is lying on the floor next to him.]
Ghost Puppet (Vic): Green is torn between being in fight mode and helping
RedstoneGalore (Yellow): I’M HERE
RedstoneGalore (Yellow): THE DOOR IS ON THE FLOOR Y’ALL
NetherwartEater69 (Blue): I’m literally going to cry
#1SpiderFan (Dark): i can hear Sec shrieking from miles away holy-
Your elemental power is… G R E E N (Sec): im hsjkldghjks
Your elemental power is… G R E E N (Sec): calmr now
RedstoneGalore (Yellow): barely
#1SpiderFan (Dark): i’m almost there
NetherwartEater69 (Blue): GODS I FORGOT WHY WE WERE HERE
Your elemental power is… G R E E N (Sec): HJKhsddkah=hsdkghajkhkajhSHGKSDJHGJKJALHLSADGSADGHKJSDG
#1SpiderFan (Dark): WHAT’S UP FUCKERS
#1SpiderFan (Dark): wow that door really is gone huh
Ghost Puppet (Vic): Dark came in and Green just yelled “FIGHT ME!”, so I think we’re off to a good start.
Your elemental power is… G R E E N (Sec): SAASSAHGJKSDGHJKSDGH D ARK
Warning Sign (Sign): WHAT
Your elemental power is… G R E E N (Sec): WE;RE WITNESSIGN A WRESLTING MATHC
Your elemental power is… G R E E N (Sec): AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
RedstoneGalore (Yellow): I rescued their phones.
Warning Sign (Sign): how are you so calm??
RedstoneGalore (Yellow): This is a normal activity for us at this point.
Warning Sign (Sign): I’m losing my MIND and I’m not even THERE
The Avatar (Chosen): it’s sweet
Living Gun (Ballista): ew nevermind
Your elemental power is… G R E E N (Sec): Ballista I'M abt to fight U
Living Gun (Ballista): try me
Living Gun (Ballista): SAGH NTO LIKSE THAT
Warning Sign (Sign): What happened
Living Gun (Ballista): HHE TAKLRD ME
Warning Sign (Sign): THEY TACKLED YOU?
Living Gun (Ballista): YEAJK
Ghost Puppet (Vic): Chosen gave me some of his popcorn. We are having an amazing time.
NetherwartEater69 (Blue): i got Sec and Ballista’s phones. they are also wrestling
Ghost Puppet (Vic): This is better than WWE.
The Avatar (Chosen): Vic do you watch wwe
Ghost Puppet (Vic): Occasionally! I find it entertaining to watch how good at acting the wrestlers are.
The Avatar (Chosen): oh you’re so valid
Ghost Puppet (Vic): Thank you! :)
Warning Sign (Sign): Is everyone else still fighting? Are you guys talking about WWE while two fights go on in front of you
Ghost Puppet (Vic): Yes.
The Avatar (Chosen): yup
NetherwartEater69 (Blue): oh no
Ghost Puppet (Vic): Blue, what was on Sec’s phone?
Ghost Puppet (Vic): Ah. Oh no.
Warning Sign (Sign): What happened???
The Avatar (Chosen): Blue: Sec, you just got a text from Dad.
The Avatar (Chosen): The entire room: Silence.
Warning Sign (Sign): Oh no
27 notes · View notes
sarahsmi13s · 1 year
This Is How It Feels
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whumptober day 5: hostage / kidnapping / held at gunpoint
pairing: beau 'cyclone' simpson x daughter!reader
characters: beau simpson, y/n simpson, reagan simpson, ncis: new orleans team, the squad breifly, hayden and frankie, everett north (oc villian), cameron north (deceased)
warnings: 18+ MDNI, language, kidnapping, torture, guns, blood, waterboarding, loss of will to live, oc character death, revenge killing, if i missed any please tell me!
word count: ~3.2k
a/n: this is for whumptober! please please please proceed with caution and use discretion, protect your peace
also if you are on the whump taglist but are not familiar with a character, you can skip it will not hurt my feelings!
also also, i do want to apologize for getting this up late got distracted while writing it so i finished it later than i had hoped
whumptober 2023 masterlist
summary: a parent's grief is strong and powerful and it can make you crazy, if the opportunity presents itself to get revenge... you take it
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You turned at the call of your name, spotting your friends waving to you from the front of a bar. “C’mon! We’re starving!”
Shaking your head, you jogged over. “You two, my goodness,” you laughed before you all walked in. “Are you sure we can even eat here? It’s a bar.” “We’ve eaten at the Hard Deck before,” your friend, Hayden, said as she walked over to a table.
“Okay okay, you have a point there. Just don’t try anything stupid, we’re all repping the school, but I’m also repping the Navy and my dad. So if any of you try to pull-”
“Relax, Simpson, I left my fake ID in California,” Frankie, your best friend said as she nudged you playfully.
You looked up to see an older gentleman standing there with an apron around his waist. 
“As in Beau Simpson?” He asked, looking over your face quizzically.
You nodded, “Yes sir, he’s my dad.” The man chuckled, “Yeah, I know your dad, grew up down the street from my mama. I’m sure he hasn’t talked about me much, I’m Dwayne Pride – folks around here call me King.”
“Oh! Yeah, Dad did tell me about you,” you said with a smile and stood up to shake his hand. “It’s nice to meet you, sir.” Dwayne chuckled, “You can call me Dwayne…” He trailed off, brow arched as he silently prompted you to fill in the blank. “Y/N, I’m Y/N.” He smiled and nodded, “It’s nice to meet you, Y/N.”
You sat back down, but looked up at him. “Now, is your mama Reagan Autry?” You nodded, “Sure is!” He chuckles, “I knew they’d last. Anyhow, what can I get y’all to drink?”
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Back in North Island, the squad was at Cyclone’s house for a little get together.
“Where’s Y/N?” Mav asked, sipping his drink as Beau sat down. “Oh her culture club is visiting New Orleans for Mardi Gras week,” Reagan said as she sat down on the arm on Beau’s chair.
“Now y’all are from NOLA, right?” Jake asked, relaxing back on the couch. They nodded, “Sure are. High school sweethearts at that.” He nodded, “That’s impressive.” “It is, because of all the hours and missed dates over the years because he’s such a hard worker,” she said, kissing the side of Beau’s head.
“I made up for it though,” he chuckled and squeezed her hip. “Yeah, you d-”
Reagan’s statement was cut off by Beau’s phone ringing.
He furrowed his brow and picked it up, checking the caller ID to see that it was Frankie.
“I better take this, excuse me,” he sat his drink down and stood before going out on the back patio.
He closed the door as he answered, “Frankie? What’s-” 
“Y/N’s been taken!” 
Beau froze, the breath being pulled from his lungs. “W-what?” Frankie was hyperventilating on the other end, “W-we were get-getting something fr-from the vending machine and-and-and some guy c-came up and t-took her. I tried to he-help b-but she-she told me to run.” 
Frankie sobbed, even though he couldn’t see her he knew she was pacing the hotel room 
“I-I’m sorry…” 
He had to remain calm, knowing that she would freak out if he did. “Frankie, Frankie, you need to breathe sweetheart. I know you’re scared, but I need you to listen to me. There’s a bar, it’s called the Tri-Tone, you need to go there and find Dwayne Pride.”
She sniffed, “W-Why Dwayne Pride?” “He’s an NCIS Agent, he’s the team leader down there and he can help.” She coughed a little, “O-okay…” He took a breath and glanced back inside, seeing his wife leaning on the wall and watching him carefully. “Frankie, I’ll try to be down there soon. Stay safe and be on alert.” “Y-yes sir.” 
He hung up and ran a hand over his face before turning to go back inside.
His eyes stayed on the floor as he closed the door behind him and leaned on it. “Beau… Honey, is everything okay? Is Y/N okay?” 
The concern in Reagan’s voice grabbed the squad’s attention and they looked over concerned.
“Uh.. She.. She was taken… Y/N and Frankie were getting something from the vending machine.. and–and some guy took her…” Beau looked up and met her eyes, tears filling his, “Someone took her…”
Reagan collapsed, Beau catching her just before she could hit the floor. “No! No! Not her, not our baby girl! Please,” she sobbed, her manicured nails biting at his shoulder as she clung to his shirt.
Beau couldn’t say anything as he held up his wife, trying to be strong for her and not break down in front of the squad.
But it was hard. 
I mean of course it was. 
You, his baby girl, in the hands of some stranger. It was his worst nightmare come to life.
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Cold. Damp. Dark. 
Those were the words you would have used to describe the room you were in. The only light on in the room was a yellow bulb swinging in its cage above your head. The chill nipped at your exposed skin, having been stripped of the clothes you were in when you were taken. The room smelled of mildew, and you knew that any water ride you ever went on would remind you of this room.
Your arms were tied above your head, spread in a ‘Y’ to keep you from attempting to free yourself despite being in chains. Your bare feet scraped the rough concrete, your toenail polish being scraped off and leaving red, pink, and white streaks on the floor.
If you had to guess, you’d been there about 12 hours, if not a whole day.
The man that took you had only been in the room one other time and it was to tighten the gag in your mouth. It was a relief that was all, but you had a sinking gut feeling that he had something in store for you.
Your view of the room was awful, you could only see the staircase in front of you, the small window at the top of the wall letting in the moonlight and illuminating the assortment of instruments on the workbench underneath it. If there were worse things behind you, you couldn’t see it. But if what you could see was any indication, there was a reason you were here.
All you could do was pray that Frankie got help and that someone was on their way to save you.
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“What do we know?” Dwayne asked as he came in, Beau and Reagan following behind him. “Any updates?” 
Chris and Tammy turned, heads tilted in confusion as to why they were there. But they continued when Pride nodded.
“We were just sent this photo anonymously, Patton’s tracing it now.” Sebastian put the photo on the plasma.
The photo was a newspaper being held by cracked manicured nails but the face in the background was too covered to be enhanced effectively. 
“However, there’s no way to determine-”
“That’s her,” Reagan spoke up, tears gathering in her eyes. “That’s my baby girl…” 
Dwayne looked from her and up to Beau, “Are you sure?” She nodded and held up her own hand, “We got a matching manicure before she left…” Reagan turned and sobbed into Beau’s shoulder.
“She was playing with her brothers when she was young and scraped her left hand on the brick wall, the scar never went away,” Beau added for more confirmation that the hand in the photo did belong to you.
Dwayne nodded, “Then there’s hope, it’s a proof of life photo.” 
All the Admiral could do was nod before holding his wife close and silently cry with her.
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It had been 5 days since you had been abducted. 
5 agonizing days.
Beau was a wreck, he was falling apart with worry. With fear. Anything awful that came to Beau’s mind, it’s what they were doing to you. And it wasn’t getting better.
Because they hadn’t heard anything else from your abductor. Patton’s trace led them to a library computer, where they were able to obtain security footage but no one in the film looked suspicious. All the team could do was tell the library staff to keep a lookout for anything or anyone sketchy.
But other than that, they had nothing.
And they were running out of time.
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“Please, stop!” You sobbed as the hot knife ran across your skin. 
The past four days have been non-stop pain. Even when you were given a break so your capture could do whatever, you were in pain. 
You felt like you had zero hope of getting out, of ever seeing your family again. You could only think of your dad, how he must feel. That he may never see you again, his only daughter, taken from him.
“No! He has to know the pain! The suffering I went through because of him!” 
That was all he ever referred to this mystery man as. Never said a name or anything other than ‘him’ or ‘he’.
“Who?! Who are you talking about?” You screamed before a fist collided with your stomach, the slick slap of his fist on your wet, bloody skin making you sick to your stomach. 
Your skin was littered with cuts, all ranging in depths and lengths but none deep enough to be immediately fatal. 
It had to be slow.
Whomever this ‘he’ was had to experience the same pain your capture felt.
The man hit you again, smearing your own blood across your face and bruising your swollen skin. 
You cried out, begging for him to stop and to let you go as he walked away. Your voice was raw and broken, cracking as you desperately pleaded. 
“Let me go! Please! I just wanna go home…”
“My daughter never came home, why should I let his?” 
You blinked, not sure what he meant by that. 
“I’m sorry about your daughter… I am… but why inflict this on someone else? Why take someone else’s daughter away?”
He didn’t answer you and released the tension on your chains, sending you to your knees harshly and reopening the wounds on your knees. 
Grunting, he took long strides back over to you. 
You knew what he was after and you tried to crawl away, scraping your palms on the concrete. But you could only crawl so far and so fast. 
Your entire body throbbed and your blood made the floor slick. Your capture was faster than you were in your weak state. He grabbed your hair, yanked you back and grabbed you by the throat. Your yelp was cut short as he applied pressure, cutting off your air flow.
Weakly, you tried to claw at him, get him to let go, but he wouldn’t. He squeezed until your eyes rolled back and you passed out.
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Beau paced the living room of his childhood home, waiting on Pride to arrive.
Dwayne had called, telling him they needed his help identifying a man and that they had a lead, a promising one.
He wasn’t given any other details, but even that was enough to give him some hope. It had been over a week, so this was gold to them.
The normally calm and collected admiral nearly jumped out of his skin when there was a knock at the door. He raced over and pulled it open, revealing the two agents behind it.
“King, Agent Gregorio,” he greeted, stepping to the side to let them both in. They nodded their thanks to him before they went to the kitchen.
“We’re gonna get right into this, Admiral, you and your wife have waited over a week for something like this,” Tammy said, with sympathy in her voice as she held the evidence bag and a printed photo up. 
Dwayne took the evidence bag, “This was in a book returned to the library early this morning.” He turned it to show the folded up notebook paper, the words, “FROM ONE FATHER TO ANOTHER THIS IS HOW IT FEELS” scrawled sloppily across the page in red ink and what looked to be blood droplets and a bloody fingerprint on the paper. 
“The blood is fresh, as old as this mornin’...” Beau didn’t have to ask, there was no other person whose blood it could be. But he needed the confirmation, no matter how sick it made him feel. “Is-Is it…” Both agents nodded, Tammy speaking, “Sebastian ran the print… it’s Y/N’s. The blood is her’s as well…”
Beau gripped the back of the chair to keep him from falling, Dwayne coming to his side to help him sit down.
“Do-do you know who sent it?” 
Tammy sat the photo down, “We were hoping you might.” He picked up the print and looked at it, recognizing the face instantly. “Yeah, yeah, that’s Everett North… His daughter, Cameron, was under my command a few years ago. She died on a mission.”
They nodded looking at each other, Tammy stepping out to call Chris and tell him to look up Cameron’s name. 
Beau runs a hand down his face, “He blames me for Forest’s death and is taking it out on my daughter…”
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Everett sat in a chair, fiddling with a hose waiting for you to wake up. 
You were laying on the freezing floor, the only warmth being the pool of blood you were laying in. You weren’t sleeping so much as laying unconscious, passing out from the previous day's torment. You knew what today held, the same as yesterday. 
That’s what it was, a routine. Torture of all kinds day in and day out. Pain and suffering, that’s all it ever was.
You didn’t want to open your eyes, wake up to another day of this. You were sick, coughing and shivering as the cold basement plus your wet skin plagued you. Your wounds were infected. Your throat was raw from screaming, but Everett managed to pull them from you still. 
And you knew what was in store for you today… but keeping your eyes closed would only delay the inevitable.
You cracked your swollen eyes open, weakly trying to push yourself up. 
“They’re she is,” he gruffed out before getting up and turning the hose on. He puts his thumb over the opening on the hose, spraying you in the face with the freezing water. 
You could only weakly yelp before he was coming over and pulling you to your feet and dragging you to the table on the back wall.
“No, no, no, please, please don’t…” You protest weakly, still trying to fight him. 
“Stop fightin’, you know it's no use,” he said coldly before putting you on the table and strapping you down before running the cold water over your cuts and burns.
You whimpered, squirming to get away despite it being futile. 
He just laughed before covering your face with a towel and soaking it with the hose.
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“Everett North, his daughter was Cameron North. Cameron was killed after her plane crashed and she was taken by the enemy. She was held and tortured for two weeks before her body was dumped back at the wreckage for search and rescue to find,” Gregorio started.
Chris was next, “After seeing her at the Tri-Tone and following her to her hotel, North abducted Y/N. She has been with him for a little over a week. But she isn’t trained like military personnel is, she’s only 18 and what Lieutenant North went through was intense and extensive. We don’t know if Y/N can handle it.”
“Okay, do we know where he lives?”
“Sebastian is–”
“I found it! I’ve got his address!” Sebastian shouted as he stood up.
With that the team jumped up and got their gear.
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The moment the towel was yanked off your face you started coughing up the water you inhaled, lifting your head so you don’t choke on it again.
Everett started and ended with the same method. That's how you knew your day was over.
He unstrapped you from the table and watched you weakly roll until you fell onto the ground limply.
“Please… just kill me…” 
Your plea was weak as you continued to cough up water. You hated that you had gotten to that point so soon. That you could pull through for just a little longer. But you were in agony, body broken and bloody. You didn’t want your parents to see you like this.
“Oh no no no, your dad has to feel the same pain I felt.”
You look over your shoulder, “M-My dad? What did my dad do to you?” Everett reaches down and grabs your hair, pulling you up to your knees.
“He killed my daughter, I’m only returning the favor,” he hissed, yanking down to put you on your back.
You yelped, your head making contact with the ground. “My dad would never do that!” He kicked you across the face, “Shut up! You don’t know!”
You went to retort but you could hear movement upstairs.
And that’s when you felt your will to live enter your body again. 
“Help! I’m down here, help me!”
You could hear the flurry of footsteps to the basement door and Everett pulled you to your feet.
He held most of your weight and pointed a gun at your neck as the door flew open and agents ran down the stairs.
“Everett North! NCIS put your weapon down!”
“Come any closer and I’ll shoot her!”
Everything suddenly became blurry, the voices around you muddling together. You didn’t know exactly what was happening but you could only assume it was shock or your body finally letting go and relaxing because you had a chance of living.
But before you learned the answer, everything went black as a gunshot rang out.
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The first thing you noticed as you woke up was the incessant beeping of a heart monitor. Next was the fact that the lights were off. Then it was the weight of a large, calloused hand in yours.
“D-Daddy?” You rasped out, attempting to squeeze his hand. 
Beau’s head whipped up, “Oh, baby…” “Daddy, I-I’m so sorry,” you nearly sobbed out. “Shhh shh baby girl, no, it’s not your fault. It’s never your fault.”
All you could do was nod before you started coughing. 
He was quick to react, getting you a cup of water and offering it for you to take, afraid that if he tried to help he’d send you into a panic.
You take it and sip it carefully before giving it back to him. He grabbed your hand, “I’m so glad you’re okay, sweetheart. I’m so sorry this happened.” You shake your head, “Not your fault… he-he blamed you… but it’s not your fault.”
He smiled gently at you before pushing hair behind your ear and kissing your forehead and you sent him an identical smile. “What matters is that I’m okay… well that I will be okay.” He nodded and kissed your hand, “Yeah, you’re gonna be okay. It’s gonna be okay.”
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taglist: @valmare @fanboyswhore9 @bradleybeachbabe @cassiemitchell @startrekfangirl2233 @horseshoegirl @nightowlalltheway @86laura11 @kmc1989 @mayhemmanaged
hi, if you're seeing this and are currently not on the taglist and would like to be please fill out the taglist form -> whumptober taglist
i can not stress this enough, but whumptober can have some very serious and heavy topics and i want to make sure i am doing my part as an author to prepare my readers for what they are about to experience and that includes not only warnings above but my taglists as well
so if you want to be added check out the masterlist and read that carefully and fill out the form -> whumptober 2023
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just trying to get shit done, but thinking very heavily about Josh helping you have an orgasm for the first time. actually reaching an orgasm is something that I struggle so much with (when it’s not by my own doing), for anxiety reasons. it’s a rough spiral to be caught up in. So, for those of you who struggle also, this is for you too <33
I just know Josh would be so so patient, working you up with lots of kissing and praising your body. A lot of verbal encouragement.
“You can do it, mama,” he’d encourage, slipping his fingers down to your heat. “Just stay right here with me. I’ll get you there, I promise.”
“Promise I’ll get you there, baby.”
“Wanna see you cum so pretty for me.”
He would just stay soooo, so patient. I can’t stress that enough. Cooing against you, tongue trying different little things against your clit in search of all the ones that make you tick, or pull the louder noises from you. After a while of not feeling that heat build up, you’d start getting frustrated and he’d ease you through that too.
you’d set off in a frustrated ramble, “Josh, I can’t. I can’t do it-“
“No, no, mama. Shhhh,” he’d pull away just to coo up at you and stroke his thumb over your hip. “Relax for me, yeah? Let it come to you, don’t rush it, sweetheart.”
“S’gonna come to you so soon, I promise.”
“Just watch me, mama. Eyes down here.”
He would go right back to working you towards your orgasm again, going back to doing all the things that he knew your body liked the best. Eventually, you would start to feel that heat in the pit of your stomach and ohhh god the praises he would send up to you when your start cumming. He would replace his mouth with his thumb, just so he could talk you through it.
“Fuck yeah, mama, that’s it. You’re right there, baby c’mon.”
“I know, baby. I’m right here… not gonna stop, mama. Promise.”
“Gonna make you cum.”
“There you go, that’s it right there, isn’t it?”
“So beautiful when you cum for me,”
“Sound s’pretty”
“You’re so good for me,”
Yeah, so uhm… if y’all would exCUSE ME I AM GONNA GO SOB IN THE CORNER NOW.
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adelaidedrubman · 8 months
wipfire wildsday. or something
was tagged for wip day by dearies @cassietrn and @direwombat, thank you! against all odds we are back on wildfire chapter 19! here’s a very shaky early draft little excerpt of jestiny being her lovable charming relatable self. warnings for violence and killing that is… not particularly gruesome or gory but perhaps particularly cruel. wildfire is a romcom as we know
“Alright.” She cut off his self-important monologuing with a press down of her thumb and a laugh, wedging the radio between her shoulder and ear to continue talking as she reached to place hands on either side of the cultist’s head. “Let’s play a fuckin’ game then, and you can show me just how much you actually fucking care.”
“Excuse me?”
“You value their lives so much? Let’s see if you can save this one.” She leaned down, so terrified sobs could be picked up by the meager speakers. “I let her limp off with no more than a broken arm. If you can do one. Simple. Thing.” She paused for effect before clarifying, “Tell me her name.”
“What on earth are you —”
“You fucking heard me,” she ground out. “Show me how much you actually care. Tell me the fucking name of the woman you sent out here to die for your fucking bullshit excuse for a cause,” she demanded. “Pale. Skinny. Ballpark five-two. Freckles. Green eyes. Curly brown hair. What’s her name?”
“Whatever infantile point you think you’re proving —”
“Would putting a voice to it help?”
She jammed a knee down on the twisted limb, grabbing a fistful of brunette curls to yank back and guide her screams towards the radio. 
“Please —! P-Please —”
“I think she’d like you to remember her name too, John,” Jestiny offered in a sugary sweet sing-song, pressing a hand back over her mouth. “What the fuck is it?”
“Do you think you’re doing anything but displaying every ounce of bloodthirsty wrath pulsing through your —”
“C’mon, surely you remember her?” she pressed with a rise. “She’s family, after all. You wouldn’t have just been bullshitting about how much you care about ‘every single soul I rip from it,’ right?” she teased in mocking falsetto. “Shoveled pig shit at the farm for y’all. Would be leaving behind a younger sister by the name of Stephanie. Guess that brainwashed cultist!”
“— can all now see it isn’t enough for the Deputy to simply take from our Family, no. She has to revel in her cruelty, to —”
“Maybe he could use a phone-a-friend, ya think?” Jestiny hummed, yanking her captive up by the hair again. “Think fast — aaanything he would remember you by?”
“I — I —” she let out a few more sobs, before sniffling and continuing. “We never talked much, sir. But I was over at your r-ranch a little while back, with B-Brother Will and Brother Nathan. When Brother Nathan h-had to be corrected for gossiping about —”
“Well, that oughta jog his memory, huh?” she said with a click of her tongue against teeth as she shoved the woman’s head back down into the dirt. “Got a name for me yet, darlin’?”
“Brothers and Sisters and wayward souls in need of salvation alike, listen to the lows this sinner who would ask to be called a savior will stoop to in order to —”
“No! Please, please, please, no —” The woman cried up at Jessie, features that had been contorted in agony seeming to sink with hopelessness as John preached on. “I don’t want to die, I’ll do — anything! Please, I —” 
“Clock’s ticking!” Jestiny chimed into the radio. “Give me a fucking name!”
“Do you think you set the rules here?” John snapped, finally breaking down to resume addressing Jestiny directly. “Do you think any of this cuteness and cleverness is going to save you when —”
“I think I’m the one asking the fucking questions!” she shouted over pained screams. “What’s her name?!”
“Deputy Rook, mark my words —”
“Her name!” she screeched, hands tensing. “What’s her fucking name?!”
“Jessie —”
“Bzzzzzzzzzzz-zzzzzt!” She kept her jaw pressed down on the talk button as she held tight onto her skull and twisted, so that telltale snap of her neck followed by the sudden absence of screaming could be heard punctuating the mimicry of an incorrect buzzer noise she drew out. 
“So sorry, Caroline. No prize this time!” She released her hands to allow the woman’s skull to drop limp to the ground as she hopped up to stand, shifting her radio into her hand. “And a special thanks to all the Hope County viewers at home,” she enthused, pacing in circles around the dead body to run out unspent restless energy. “Be sure to tune in next week for another round of ‘Does John Seed Give a Minimal Fucking Shit About the Followers He Sends Out to Die?’ when the answer will still be hell fucking nope!”
She clicked the radio off with a final sharp inhale, clipping it back to her belt. She ran a hand through her hair as she tried to slow the still frantic heaves of her chest. 
She turned in about-face to find Adelaide and Sharky having emerged from their battle positions to stand in the open space of the field, staring on at her with wide eyes and hanging jaws. 
“What?” she asked, looking between the pair and the dead body at her feet with a shrug. “Did we start doin’ capture over kill and y’all forget to tell me, or something?”
Adelaide cleared her throat. “Killing is one thing, but sugar, did you have to drag it out for the poor gal like that?” she questioned, blinking away the look of shock with a shake of her head. “Edging is supposed to be for the bedroom, not the battlefield.”
“Making John Seed look like the lying, hypocritical, scumbag, piece of shit fraud that he is live on air is more satisfying than anything I’ve ever experienced in the bedroom,” Jestiny grunted in reply, nudging the corpse’s contorted arm with the toe of her boot. “She was gonna have to die anyways. At least her death proved a point.”
“Better than anything in the bedroom? Sounds like what we really need is to find you some more gifted lovers, then,” Adelaide mused, crossing her arms and looking down at the corpse with a pink lipstick frown. “And a, uh — more willing audience for the whole public humiliation kink deal. You know they have nightclubs for shit like that, right?”
sending no pressure tags out to @belorage @hctknives @fourlittleseedlings @galaxycunt @lordundying @florbelles @josephslittledeputy @afarcryfrommymain @poetikat @voidika @captastra @confidentandgood @deputyash @blissfulalchemist @shellibisshe @thedeadthree @nightbloodbix @miyabilicious @henbased @clicheantagonist @firstaidspray @strafethesesinners @jackiesarch @v0idbuggy @orionlancasterr @stacispratt @professorpineapple @strangefable @shallow-gravy @inafieldofdaisies @corvosattano @socially-awkward-skeleton @g0dspeeed @wrathfulrook @simplegenius042 + opt in/out for the wip day tag here!
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writingsfromhome · 2 years
The Ex-Text
Prologue (the text)
A/N: warning that this fic does include cheating. I’m trying something new with this format, just a road trip story which is one of my favourite tropes everr. Plus a lot of drama. It was too short to split into parts but I liked the idea of some logues lol. Main should be out soon. Hope y’all like it too. <3
Prologue (text) / Main (ex) / Epilogue (what’s next)
“He’s cheating on me,” I spit into the phone. My best friend gasps. “I saw him! He’s fucking cheating on me Taz what do I do? Do I confront him? Should I wait ‘til he gets home?”
“Where are you?” She asks.
I’m standing in front of the glass window to the bar that my boyfriend sits at. He’s facing a woman in black, with his hand on her knee, and a smile brightening his face. I blink, my focus going to the reflection in the glass. I look back at myself, dazed and heartbroken and disheveled.
“I’m-“ my voice cracks. I was not going to fucking cry here. I sniffle and move down the street to a parkette, a bench warmed by the sun invites me to sit down. “I’m at this patch of grass that’s a pathetic excuse for a park. Taz I don’t know what to do!”
“You don’t have to do anything right now. Where are you exactly? Let me come to you! Or come over. Don’t do anything rash-“
“I want to,” I sniffle. I wanted to, but all the energy had been drained from my body as soon as I sat down. “I was planning my future with this fucker. I…I thought he was going to propose soon! I caught him looking at rings the last time we were out remember? Do you…d’you think they were for her? Oh my god I’m such an idiot Ican’tbelieveIdidn’tseeit!”
It wasn’t British of me at all. At all. But I hang my head and sob. I couldn’t hold it in, my future crumbles before my eyes and all I can do is cry.
“Fuck’s sake,” I hear Taz say. “I’m coming to get you.”
I don’t remember much of what happened after that. How long I sat there until Taz found me—she’s tracked my phone. She called us a cab and taken me to her place where I crash on the couch for three days. Ethan had called and texted me, growing progressively worried. Until he showed up at Taz’s and her fiance had kept him out.
I always wanted to be one of those girls who was strong and tough, who could tell a guy who she’d been dating for nearly two years where he can shove it when he cheated on her.
Instead I was the girl who curled up even tighter when she heard his voice at the door. When he shouted her name over her best friend’s fiance’s body (that was built like a brick, I knew he wasn’t getting past).
I was the girl who snuck into the flat when I knew he was gone to work to get everything out with the help of friends.
It was two weeks before I could face him. He’d apologized, tried to give excuses but I was so numb by then I’d just let him ramble before giving an excuse about having to go and leaving him behind. I never quite got the closure I wanted but I was okay with stuffing it into the dark parts of my mind and never thinking about it again.
That is until 10 months later an invitation shows up in my inbox.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” I say at the notification. My colleague in the next cubicle turns his head and I duck down. I didn’t mean to say that out loud.
I click the email subject * Ethan and Van Make it Forever *
If you’re reading this, you mean a lot to us!
Join us on October 17 for a small (medium) celebration of love and commitment. No gifts, just your sexy selves.
Glitter rains down on loop over the invitation while dreamy clouds move on loops from side to side in the back. My own thoughts loop: is this a fucking joke?
“Yes?” I look up over the cubicle to where my name’s being called. My manager points to the room he’s in.
“We need minutes?”
“Oh…” I glance at my growing inbox. I didn’t actually have the time to lend a hand but I didn’t know how to say no. “Be there in a minute.”
My colleague beside me glances over and shakes his head. I shrug my shoulders and take my laptop in to spend the next hour in excruciating pain as I take pointless notes on a meeting I have no clue about. By the end of it my fingers are cramping and my inbox had doubled.
I had forwarded the email to my best friend by then and when I get back to my desk, collapsed in my seat, I read all of her 13 texts. They weren’t family friendly and they definitely make me feel better. I wasn’t crazy. My ex who cheated on me had invited me to his wedding.
My phone vibrates, Taz. But instead it’s a number I’d only ever gotten bad news from. One-time bad news I’d dubbed the ex-text. I open it:
Did you get the invite too?
The invitation wakes me up, and I untangle myself from the warm body beside me to get my phone. Apparently I’d missed a phone call too.
I open the email and can’t help the laugh that comes out. Obviously nothing is funny, it’s unbelievable.
“Hm?” The woman beside me stirs, but my eyes are glued to the invitation. What a bitch, I can’t believe she had the audacity to invite me to her wedding!
I remember it so vividly, my girlfriend of years telling me she wasn’t in love with me anymore. That she met someone new. I’d asked how long, I had to ask again before she told me. Since the spring. So I had been walking around and living my life for over three months thinking my girlfriend loved me, that we were soulmates and all the other bullshit.
I couldn’t be depressed, I lived that next month with a drink attached to my lips at any given moment. It ruined me. It ruined my whole life. And then I got angry, that was when the drunk phone calls and late night messages began. I found out the person who replaced me. I stalked him on the internet and when I found out he had a girlfriend, it was my lucky day.
I’d texted my ex then, hoping this piece of news would be the end of that relationship. She’d come crawling back to me. Instead she had said, I know. He’s breaking up with her he just needs some time. Harry nothing’s changed, we’re not going to get back together.
I put on my detective hat, somehow through some intense stalking and help from a friend I’d gotten this stranger’s number. Then I’d texted her the screenshot, the photos on my ex’s private page of her and him. I was dropping a bomb on this random stranger but she needed to know. That’s how I justified it.
It was over a year since this all came about and everyone in my life expected me to be over it. Including my ex. I text her, hoping her number was still the same.
Are you really inviting me to your wedding with him?
She responds immediately, I thought we were at a place where I could. That you could be happy for me? It’s been so long.
She was delusional. How could I ever be happy for me after she left me like that, blindsided and broken hearted. The only conversations between us since then were when she wished me happy birthday. We never spoke.
Did he invite the girl he left behind too? I go with snarky, my favourite tone.
No ofc not. But are you coming? You can bring a + one.
I’ll see
Hope to see you there. xx
She really was delusional. A part of me wanted to show up, prove to her or me or the universe I could get on with my life. But I also didn’t want to be in this alone. I put my skills to work and an hour or so later, after the girl I woke up with had gone home and I put my empty coffee mug in the sink I text her. The stranger whose life I had imploded.
Did you get the invite too?
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1staind-3 · 29 days
Argument hcs for blue lock 🤯🤯🤯 (half angst, half crack?)
This list includes Nagi, Reo, Aiku, Kunigami, Chigiri, and Kaiser
‼️Tw: mentions of gaslighting, cheating, dv (kaisers backstory), chigiris leg, uhmm someone says “kys” but idk what the warning is called‼️
Very badly formatted pls be warned sob
Probably like 1k words lmao
•y’all started arguing because he keeps dropping all his dirty clothes off by the washing machine and expecting you to wash them (green aura with dead flies)
•when he’s in an argument he responds like 5 times until he makes his point, then he just stops responding.
•he’ll just stand up, walk away and watch tv or start playing fortnite or smth
•if you follow him, still trying to talk to him, he’ll put headphones on
“Just drop it y/n, you’re letting your emotions get the better of you.”
•if you wanted to turn the argument physical, then snatch his headphones out
•he’d just stand up and look at you with a face blank with anger, waiting for you to make the next move.
“You really wanna do this, y/n?”
*locks in* nuh uh
•yall started arguing because Reo is acting passive agressive around you, and you dont know why.
•he’ll just be saying shit like
“having fun?”
“Gee, if only you had a boyfriend to talk to… right infront of you.”
“Is he my replacement?”
•when you ask what’s wrong, he’ll say,
“Oh, nothing.” Once again, completely pissed off.
•after a week, the alpha wolf inside you SNAPPED, and you started asking him why he’s doing all this? Like what’s his problem!
“My problem? You’re always watching these stupid romcoms like you dont have a boyfriend right infront of you!! Just admit it, you’re getting bored of me. I knew it…”
•Erm… what the striker is bro going on abt??
•you replied, on the verge of laughter, that you’ve only been watching all these romcoms for an English assignment. Who would willingly watch binge watch hallmark movies while writing down notes in a notepad?
•Reo stared at you in shock, then blushed. “Really..?”
•You smiled and ushered him to sit next to you, cuddling him the second he sat down. “I know i just dissed Hallmark movies, but they’re popular for a reason… i always cry in the end. Hey, you see that guy?”
•Reo smiled back and cuddled into you, apologizing for how he acted. You apologized as well, and reminded him that there’s no need to overthink these so much, you’re not gonna get mad at him for having feelings.
(Erm… what the roleplay !! Sorry guys idk like what pov the rest of these are in 😭😭 forgibe me)
(Deep breath in…. Deep breath out…. Deeep breath in…. NOOOOOOOO)
•yall started arguing because you found a pair of underwear in his duffle bag… lingerie underwear…
•Aiku is literally the gaslighter of all time🔥🔥 so he’ll managed to convince you that this was all just some silly mistake.
•after that, arguing either him became really hard. He seemed to have a question or excuse for literally every problem you accuse him of
•seen him with a girl?
“Cmon y/n, ive never been to a bowling alley in my life. Who even goes there? I think you’re just being paranoid babe.”
“Want a massage?”
•seen him again with a different girl? And this time he looked you right in the eyes?
“No way babe, that’s impossible. I hate chinese food.” Then he’ll carry you to your room, feel your head and say
“You’re burning up… fevers can cause hallucinations in some people, I’m surprised you made it here without wrecking. Hey, don’t worry now, everything’s gonna be darling.”
•eventually you just stopped arguing with him about it. Or anything.
•yall started arguing because you feel like Kunigami’s being secretive with you, and hiding some messed up issues
•Kunigami tries his best to avoid arguments with you, but when they happen you stress him out the most in the world because he seriously has to watch what he says and does
“Im not being fu- freaking… secretive, y/n, you don’t have to know my entire life story to be with me.”
“I know… i just…what? No! I dont need fucking therapy? Dont piss me off, y/n.”
•the last thing he wants to do is hurt you, so he most of the time tries to keep his responses curt and to the point and walks out before he starts yelling.
“Im gonna take a walk, y/n. Dont follow me.”
•if you grab his arm, he’ll look back at you and repeat what he said.
“Dont. follow. me.”
• he cant let you know about wild card. He cant let you know about the person he used to be. He can’t ever, ever, let you meet shidou. He cant ever, ever, ever, let you see him cry.
•all arguments with him lead absolutely nowhere, so you’d better change your approach with him to get what your looking for out of him.
• do not, i repeat, do not ever slap/hit him. He wont hit you back, but now you’ve instantly made him lose any will to preserve your feelings and have a normal conversation
•he will think of the most foul, personal, targeted insults known to man. Lots of “kill yourself”s on his part. You two will without a doubt break up after this.
•he wont act like he didn’t feel betrayed, and he’ll touch the spot you hurt him at while he falls asleep, and tries not to cry.
•yall started arguing because he keeps using up all ur shampoo whenever he showers at your place
• first thing he’ll do is deny it, then pin the blame on you (darvo type sh)
•he doesn’t mean to be toxic, he just really, really, hates being wrong.
•you guys argue alot. Over basically everything.
•half the times, chigiri can admit that he was wrong, but he’ll NEVER apologize
•he doesnt really think he did anything wrong??
•when you notice that Chigiri had never ONCE apologized to you for literally anything.
“Oh really? Well that’s literally impossible but sure.”
•you told him to say sorry right now then
“Fine. Sorry.”
•then you told him to say sorry to you
“For what though?”
•eventually chigiri revealed that he doesnt apologize to people unless its something really fucked up. He doesn’t wanna just say it so lightly, because then the word becomes meaningless. A worn out formality that everyone uses when someone bumps into them at the store. It basically used to be a greeting for him back when he fucked his ankle up. they’d see his wheelchair before they saw him. Theyd say sorry before they even said his name.
•your mouth did an O and you understood instantly.
•after that, you guys argued just a little bit less
•you don’t argue with kaiser
•kaiser is ALWAYS right.
•maybe if you ask him kindly for a solution to your problem, he would grace you with an answer to your plight
•but arguing back to him is unacceptable, unless you want to be grabbed by
“You dont deserve to cry.”
•is something you hear from him often.
•he’ll always somehow find a way to mention how his dad used to beat him for crying, if you start crying infront of him which you find very ominous
“How long will it take to put this in your stupid head already. Im right, you’re wrong. You’re more suited for looking pretty instead of thinking”
• after you eventually stopped talking, Kaiser decided it was time to start looking for someone who could actually entertain him
Ty for reading !! And ik i did shitty w kaiser but i dont fucking like him so i never rlly paid attention to his personality LMAO but if yall want to give any crituque id be thankful!! Bye yall ❤️❤️
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nalaniisthebest · 2 years
hey girly pop if you’re still taking requests can you do one where jack is in a relationship with like an extremely small celeb i was thinking a painter and she wants everyone to know he’s in a relationship but doesn’t want a public one 🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾💕 hope this makes sense 😭
i gotchu girl!!
( i made this a while ago so dont mind if it’s bad. i’m sorry that i haven’t been active, i’ve been so busy w/ school and my mental health rn. but just letting y’all know i have like three jack harlow stories and a couple austin butler ones that im working on rn so just be ready when they’re done!!! but enjoy this one while y’all wait!!!)
lemme know if y’all wanna part two??
request are open!!!
“you won’t even fucking consider it.” i yelled as jack rolled his eyes. getting up from the couch, he walked off to our shared bedroom. jack and i have been dating for almost a year and still refuses to hold my hand on public. we’ve had this conversation a couple of times, but it’s always ended with jack saying ‘the public doesn’t need to know everything.’
“excuse you!” i said following him “i’m not done!” he sat at the edge of the bed with his face in his hands. i slammed our bedroom door shut behind me. “why won’t you even consider it?” i asked softly. there was a big pause before jack looked up from his hands. “you know why..” he mumbled in response. “ the publi-.” “don’t say that.” i said cutting him off. “you’ve been saying that for the last year and im tired of it.” i said crossing my arms.
“give me a real answer jack.” i asked. “i-i don’t know y/n. maybe i don’t want everybody in our business.” he said with a frustrated tone, looking up at me. “it’s not like everybody is gonna know how our relationship works.” i said in defense as he shook his head. i stood there shocked on how somebody could be so stubborn about one thing, until realization hit me.
“i-is it because you’re embarrassed of me?” i softly asked mumbled, choking on my words. jack quickly looked down running his hands through his curls. “are you fucking serious right now.” i chuckled to myself. tears forming in the corner of my eyes as i quickly turned around, facing my jack towards him. “y/n..” jack started, he stood up wrapping his arms around his waist as you quickly pushed him away.
“don’t fucking touch me.” i said with tears stained on my cheeks. i quickly wipes them away, finally up at him. “i’m not anyone’s fucking secret, jack. not even yours.” i mumbled with tears dripping off my cheek. i quickly wiped my tears, once again. waking straight out the room. i heard jacks heavy footsteps behind me. “y/n, where are you going?” he asked as i grabbed my keys.
“away from you.” you said opening the front door. you turned around looking back at jack. he had this desperate look on his face, telling me not to leave, to stay with him and try to understand his point of the story. but i couldn’t, not after this. “i can’t fucking look at you, anymore.” i mumbled, before shutting the door behind me.
i walked as fast as you could outside to your car. i hopped in the drivers seat in complete silence before an uncontrolled sobs floods out your mouth. you were crying so hard, you’re lungs felt as if they were gonna explode. your eyes red and puffy, you started your car pulling out the parking lot. you didn’t know where you were going.. but all you knew is that you had to get as far away from jack as you could.
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hhighkey · 2 years
Headcannons for Toge who upset his SO with a prank gone wrong/too far? Like what would he do to apologize? Thanks for taking the time to write your headcannons/one shots!
AN// ahhh so excited for this toge is my fave <3 always love a little angst with happy ending
Inumaki Toge Headcanons
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inumaki is known for his fun little pranks but sometimes it’s just too much after a rough day
he’s your perfect boyfriend
the light of your life and your his
he’d sacrifice himself for you if it came down to it
your needs go above his own
but the one thing you can’t escape is - his pranks
he’s known for them you learned when you joined jujutsu high
and you loved taking part
the two of you together the dream team
i mean it’s what initially brought you two together!
you just got back from your second solo job since getting promoted to grade 2
after your first solo, toge had been waiting by the entrance with flowers and your favorite foods. he wanted to celebrate after seeing you were unscathed proud baby
so you expected something similar as in he’d be waiting patiently for your return
but things were quiet around the school, maki’s on the track, and dorms empty
did something happen while you were gone?
you’re instantly anxious
you open the door to your room and
a loud popping noise pierced your ear and when you look down, there’s paint splattered all over your uniform
panda and inumkai’s laughter comes not long after
you feel ridiculous
you feel stupid
you just take a deep breath, say nothing and march straight out your room
tears were beginning but by the time you’re in the women’s bathroom your sobbing
today was terrible
the curse was harder to defeat than was thought, you’d twisted your ankle, got thrown around a bit with bruises and cuts to show it
and inumaki didn’t even bother to check in with you first. just assumed you’re fine
normally you would have laughed and then made him do the dry cleaning
but you’re crying into your hands as all you wanted was the comfort of your boyfriend
uh oh inumaki is dumbfounded and feeling terrible
panda excused himself immediately for y’all to deal with this
he sits his ass down outside the bathroom and waits
he’s internally combusting and wants you to come out. he wants to apologize. wants to hold you
he thought the prank would go over differently in his head and now he just knows he’s an idiot
when you finally come out he’s on his feet in and instant trailing after you as you ignore him
the tears stained on your face with your puffy eyes destroy him
“go away toge,” you say with a broken voice as you slam your door so he can’t come in
the next few days is a cycle of this happening again and again
you won’t talk to him
you won’t be bud usual training partner
and he just sits outside your room so he can keep following you around when you go somewhere
because inumaki is clingy
he can’t handle you being mad at his stupidity he just wants to apologize
he always leaves you little love notes so he realizes he can do that with apologies
so he starts leaving them under your door
on your water bottles
little things telling you he loves you and is sorry and what’s to prove it
so you realize you’d been stubborn as hell
you feel bad now for taking it this far
when you two sit down to finally talk, he pounces on you as it’s the first chance he’s gotten to hold you
he shows you a message on his phone
it’s a long paragraph ending with im sorry i just assumed it would be okay when i shouldn’t have. i hope you can forgive me
“i’m sorry too toge. that job was so tough, i was tired and hurting. it was making me re-think being a sorcerer. i just wanted to come back to you and relax. so it just set me off,”
don’t apologize you did nothing wrong. i should have been there to support you
“i love you toge. i have missed our cuddles,”
be prepared for him to not let you out of his bed for the rest of the day (or week lol)
inumaki will definitely do everything you could possibly want for awhile too. get you any food you want, tie your shoes, carry you around - you name it he’ll do it
he wants to hear everything you’re feeling or what happened on the job. all your insecurities and doubts about yourself and life
he’s so attentive to you and wants your happiness
the cutest boy who’s so thankful you’re not mad at him anymore
i’m jealous
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anansislibrary · 11 months
Before The Lights Come On [First Chapter]
The other two chapters can be found here!
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Chapter One:
Cool fall air jetted through the thin slit of an opening, in the window of the small, four door sedan that Amina found herself crowded into the back of. It smelled… slightly unpleasant. Somewhere between rotting leaves, manure, spilled gasoline from the road, and spoiled roadkill. Behind her, she could hear the dog scratching at himself while he sat among their bags. She briefly considered closing it, but changed her mind when she remembered the sound of rushing air was the only thing covering up the sound of her eight-year-old brother, Jay, tapping away on his GameBoy, as well as the repetitive sounds coming from the game itself.
She gave him a cursory glance, before looking back out the window. Heavy gray clouds hung themselves low in the sky, just above the barren trees, as they sobbed thick raindrops onto the dirty asphalt. What little light that came through shone on barren branches stretching toward the sky like gray fingers.
Her father gave her a look through the rear-view mirror of the car as he drove, his deep brown eyes observing her forlorn expression, and began to speak.
“Don’t look too excited Mina.” He said jokingly. Amina didn’t react.
“I’m not.”
“It was a j- nevermind.” He sighed. “Look, I know you aren’t happy about the move, but I promise you this place is gonna be better than you think. It looks bad because of the weather, it’s just that end-of-winter-rain.”
Amina looked at her dad with a raised eyebrow.
“What even is there to *do* here dad? It’s like, the middle of nowhere. We probably ain’t even gonna have internet are we?”
“We’ll have internet.” Her dad said, rolling up her window. Amina wilted but said nothing. “Not that you need to be on there more than you already are anyway. Why y’all can’t run around outside or somethin’ boo. All these trees out here, go enjoy nature. Put the phone down…” He muttered that last part to himself, as Amina’s mom chimed in.
“That’s exactly right. Shoot you probably look so miserable now cause you can’t be on that phone-”
Amina tuned it out as her parents went on a mutual tirade on the evils of cellular devices.
“Devices *y’all* paid for, but lemme not say that…” She thought. It didn’t matter anyway. She’d packed her charger in one of the boxes on the moving truck and forgot which one, so her phone was essentially little more than a plastic brick. Amina silently cursed God for her useless little rock and silent headphones as her brothers game and parent’s chiding rant droned on. It took everything in her not to claw her eyes out, but she managed.
She nearly faltered when Jay leaned her way and stuck his tongue out at her as he heard her get fussed at. She responded by covertly punching the shit out of his arm. Jay bit his lip and held back a cry, before punching her back in the thigh. Amina glared, but remained silent. She tried to distract herself from the sensory hell by counting the passing cars. The road wasn’t empty, but there were few other travelers around them, and eventually even this distraction failed to entertain her sufficiently.
After a few minutes of silence, she remembered something her father had mentioned before they left their old house in Jackson, for whatever unnamed Gulf town they were headed to now. She couldn’t be bothered to remember the name of a place she already hated. But she did remember him mentioning the town's history, and it didn’t assuage her frustrations doing so.
“Dad, didn’t you say something about the town having a fucked up-
“Excuse me little girl?”
“Sorry ma- MESSED up history?” she said, rubbing her slightly throbbing thigh.
Her father sighed and removed a hand from the steering wheel to rub at the stubble on his chin.
“Yea, It’s an old story but it still comes up occasionally. A bit controversial. Back in nineteen-o-one there was a race riot here. An ethnic cleansing.”
Jay looked up from his game.
“After the Civil War, there were a lot of former Confederates who moved here, as well as a lot of free black folks who had taken up residence. One day the white folk decided they didn’t want to put up with that setup or what it could mean, so they got together and decided to forcibly… evict the black population. Everyone who didn’t leave was lynched. Whole thing took three days, and any evidence was destroyed, or so local sheriff’s claimed. No one ever got arrested or held accountable.” He sighed and continued picking at his chin. “It’s a debate among some what actually happened, or if it really happened, but there's eyewitness accounts, and people who escaped with the scars to prove it.
Amina and her mother shared a look, before her mother asked.
“And we just decided moving here was a good idea?”
“It was over a hundred years ago, baby. It’s different now, there’s a higher black population now than there was back then. And when was the last time somebody got lynched here anyway? I’m telling y’all, it’s gonna be fine.”
Amina turned back toward the window, unconvinced by her father's words. As she peered through the rushing tree line she tried to imagine what it would have been like, sprinting through cold woods to escape that kind of violence. She shuttered internally, and banished the thought. Something in the trees seemed to whisper to her of danger, to warn her that this place didn’t welcome her, but her parents seemed blind to it, as did Jay.
As if the universe had sensed her discomfort, and sought to validate it, there was a flash of red and blue, and the quick blare of a siren behind their car that made her jump in surprise. Amina’s dad sucked his teeth and slowly edged to the side of the road, slowing to a stop.
“I know Marie, it’s fine,” Amina’s father chided softly.
The cop car behind them mimicked their motion and pulled to a stop just behind them, inches away from bumping chassis. Amina watched her mother look down and begin taping on her phone, then place it face-down in her lap. Her father kept both hands on the steering wheel, knuckles visibly straining, but kept a calm voice.
“It’s fine, y’all don’t worry.”
Amira watched as the deputy, a slightly pot-bellied white man, with a balding head covered by a comically appropriate cowboy hat. Amira would have laughed and expressed exactly how stupid he looked, in the most poetic form her tongue could twist out, but instead she remained silent, knowing the risk. He wore sunglasses, but even from the back of the car, twisting her neck around to watch him approach, she could see the almost predatory blankness of his expression, a look that offered no empathy and little patience.
The knot in her stomach grew with every step he took, until the pain of the tension made her almost nauseous. He glanced through her window as he walked by, clammy hand pasted to his pistol as he met her eyes for a moment.
A chill went up her spine.
He leaned into the driver-side window and offered a thin smile as he chewed his gum.
“Evenin.” He said in a calm voice. He pressed his arm against the window and leaned in.
“Hello, officer.” Dad replied.
The officer looked around the interior of the car. Amira could see him mentally sizing the entire car up, taking them in. Examining them the way a butcher would examine a sheep.
Amina glanced at Jay. He wasn’t looking up, and had placed his hands in his lap, still as stone. The way the cop looked at him made her want to stand in front of him and shield him. This was the kind of look that left a curse.
“Where are y’all headed, exactly?”
“Sir do you have a reason to st-”
“Yeah, I do. We’ll circle back to that.” The deputy said. “What are y’all doing?” He pressed in a stone cold, perfectly even voice. To anyone driving by the conversation would have looked almost friendly. Only those in the car could feel the heavy, acidic contempt leaking from the officer’s pores.
“We’re moving into town, sir. Am I free to go?”
“I got a job as a teacher here.” Amina’s father answered.
“Teaching what?”
“History. Am I free to go?” Amina’s father said, his voice even, but starting to drip with a similarly cold energy.
The deputy sniffed and swiped at his nose with his free hand. The movement made Amina’s breath jolt.
“I got a kid who goes to school there.” The officer said in an almost, *almost* amiable tone as he stood to his full height. “Make sure you’re teaching that history right. It would be a shame to spread any… misconceptions.”
The wind blew and the trees behind them shuttered.
Her father met his gaze.
“It certainly would be. Am I free to go?”
The pig gave a toothy, glutinous grin, and waved them off.
“Yessir, you certainly are. I’ll be seeing ya. Be on your best behavior.”
The moment he sauntered back to his car, Amina’s caught breath released, and her parents both breathed a sigh of relief.
“Did you rec-”
“Yeah, baby. I got it.” Amina’s mother interrupted. She rubbed his leg and turned back to the kids.
“Are y’all okay?”
“Yeah.” Amina said quickly. She glanced at Jay and noted his silence. He gave his mother a polite nod, but nothing else, and pulled his game back up with lightly trembling hands. She took off her headphones and placed them on his head, handed him the wire to plug into his game, then patted him on the back softly.
Aaron pulled off the shoulder of the road, and continued their journey.
No one spoke for the rest of the ride.
They arrived while the sun was still fairly high in the sky. The shadows under the trees were beginning to stretch out further and further. Closer to the town some of them still held brownish-gold leaves that danced toward the ground as they drove over the winding roads, past the town marker, and into town proper.
The houses were a mix of very few more modern looking setups, mixed with visibly older colonial houses, some split up into duplexes, others normal sized, or smaller but in the same style. Their new house was one of these slightly smaller colonials. Chipped red paint that had completely faded in some sections covered the outside of the house. Otherwise, it looked mostly normal. A bit old and worn, but not damaged. The moving truck was already there, parked in front of the house waiting for them, as well as a lanky tall white man, with blonde hair and a blonde goatee, and thick framed brown glasses. He wore a blue polo button up, and simple blue jeans and what Amina could only describe as “dad shoes.”
“Michael!” Amina’s dad shouted out the window with a wide grin as they pulled into the driveway. The car rocked with a soft whump as it drove over the bumpy gravel driveway.
Michael’s eyes brightened and he offered a similarly bright smile.
The vehicle jerked to a stop and Amira tore off her seatbelt, clumsily launching herself from her seat to stretch her aching legs.
“Michael, it’s good to see you man!” Aaron said, clasping his friend on the back. Amina tuned the adults out as they ran through their standard greetings and instead focused on relieving the soreness she felt when she stood.
She glanced around as she stretched, and noticed a blonde haired little boy standing behind Michael. He looked vaguely similar in the face, but had more impish features and a little scar on his bottom lip.
He met her eyes, but didn’t speak up.
“Oh!” Michael said. He looked at Amina and Jay, who was exiting the car with Amina’s headphones around his neck.
“Y’all this is my nephew Mason. I brought him with me since he doesn’t live too far from y’all. Figured he could introduce you to some other kids and maybe show y’all around?”
Amina’s dad nodded and turned to them.
“That’s a good idea. Y’all go take a walk while we sort out the moving crews.” Amina wilted.
“Dad my phone.”
Amina’s father put a hand up.
“Don’t worry I’ll find the charger while we unpack. Take the dog with you. Go enjoy nature. Unwind. We’ll get everything unpacked.”
Amina sucked her teeth quietly and walked back to the trunk, then popped it open.
“C’mon Bones.” She said, and gave a short whistle. The mottled brown and black pit sprang from the back of the car, tail wagging excitedly as Amina struggled to leash him.
“Let me hold him!” Jay demanded, Gameboy still in hand. Amina gave him a withered look.
“Can you hold onto him?”
“Can you?”
“Better than you.” Amina said, sticking her tongue out.
“Don’t start.” Mom said, giving an even more withering glance.
Amina handed Jay the leash and walked on.
Bones led the three kids on the walk, straining against his harness and nearly dragging Jay along. The eight-year-old barely managed to stumble step by step down the street with leash in hand, as Amina and Mason walked along either side a few steps behind him.
“Why’d y’all move here?” Mason asked her. Amina looked at him and gave him a once-over. He was a little shorter than her, and probably about ten years old. He had sandy blonde hair and grayish-blue eyes, and wore tan cargo shorts with a grey t-shirt and a black baseball cap. When he smiled and spoke, she could see one of his two front teeth missing, and a new one halfway grown in.
“Your uncle didn’t tell you?” Amina asked, “My dad moved us here for work.”
Mason shook his head.
“He didn’t tell me nothing. You ever been to the old courthouse?”
“How would I have been there if I just said I just moved here?” Amina deadpanned.
“Oh.” Mason said. There was a second of silence.
“Wanna go?”
“I do!” Jay said excitedly, nearly tripping over a rock as Bones pulled him toward a particularly interesting-smelling plot of grass.
“You don’t even know what it is, stupid.” She chided her brother. He rolled his eyes back.
“It's an old abandoned house! It’s suuuper creepy,”
Amina walked up and took the dog’s leash from him.
“Is it far?”
“Nah not at all.” Mason said loudly with a broad smile. He and Jay were practically vibrating.
“Fine.” Amina said in a blank tone.
The two boys whooped and nearly ran off without her. Bones barked and took off too, dragging a barely-stumbling Amina behind him as he followed her brother and his new friend.
The dog pulled Amina down the road, past rows of thick trees that still had green on their leaves. The sound of gravel under her feet played alongside a chorus of rustling, wind-blown leaves, bird calls, and the smell of rainclouds on the air.
Bones slowed down and began to walk at a normal pace, and Amina sighed heavily in relief as she caught her breath. She took in more of her surroundings as she did, and realized they had arrived at a clearing. Despite the grayness and decay of late winter, there was a grim beauty to the place. She hoped that it would be less creepy in the summer when things were greener. Mason and Jay were both walking off the road and into the grass of the clearing now.
There was a gravel driveway, mostly overgrown with grasses and weeds, snaking its way up to an old barn-house. Tall grasses up to Amina’s knees blanketed what probably used to be a well managed lawn for some kind of farmhouse, but was now slowly being reclaimed by wilderness. Her legs itched from the blades, and she scratched absentmindedly as she followed after the two boys. Branches empty and barren clattered like cold teeth, and the chorus of their swaying was dense in her ears, cacophonous.
All around her seemed to be a song of death.
The closer she got to the strange old barn-house, the less in a rush she felt to press on. She couldn’t name it, but the place felt familiar in the worst way. A paranoid thought told her the song of death was dedicated to her own.
She looked up as she followed her brother onto the uneven, grassy ground, and realized that the birds had stopped singing. The scent of rain grew a little stronger and the air seemed to thicken around her and weigh her lungs down. Each breath felt heavy, like a strong hand was pressed gently against her gut and wouldn’t let go. Mason seemed not to notice or mind as he trampled along through the grasses toward the farmhouse, though Jay had slowed behind him, enough that Amina and Bones caught up to him, while Mason continued to leave them behind.
Eventually he realized that Jay was falling behind him and turned.
“Wanna go inside?” He asked, a grin on his face.
“Hell no.” Amina thought.
“What is that?” She said instead, feigning a lack of apprehension.
Mason grinned.
“It’s the Old Courthouse.” He said that as if the name itself should explain everything, then ran up the drive toward the barn house. Jay followed after him, but Amina hung back, hesitant. The hand over her gut gripped her tighter.
She examined the old, crumbling building with an anxious, morbid curiosity. She could see even from her current distance over a hundred yards away, that the wood was deeply rotted, turned black, grey, and deep brown by the decomposition of its material. As she slowly approached with timid steps and drew closer, she could see the light film of mildew and mold eating away at the wood. For a brief moment the image of rotting flesh of a similar color intruded into her mind's eye.
She shook her head and followed her brother as he and Mason slipped into the building.
When she arrived at the actual farmhouse, and the makeshift entrance substituting for the collapsed front doors, she saw Jay hadn’t actually gone in yet. Instead he stood stiff by the large crack in the wall that Mason had slipped through.
Amina opened her mouth to speak as she approached, but stopped as if a hand had clutched her throat and squeezed her words sharply back down her throat.
Her feet remained rooted to the spot as she stared at the building. Something about the darkness inside seemed to reach out to her, yawn toward her to drag her inside. Her throat closed, and her chest pounded so hard it made her dizzy, the darkness seemed to focus and refocus, drawing closer, jaws widening until-
Bones licked her hand and gave a soft nudge, whining as he pulled them away from the barn. Amina’s eyes refocused and the hole into the house was suddenly just that. A normal crack in an old building.
“Come on through y’all I’m on the other side!” Mason shouted.
Amina turned to Jay, to see him still rooted, hands shaking as his unfocused eyes stared on. She grabbed his hand, snapping him back to awareness, and pulled him away, around the side of the barn to the back of the building, rather than through.
“What the hell is this place Mason? You said it was a courthouse.” Amira hissed when they got to the other side of the house and saw Mason waiting. He was sitting on a rotted pile of wood and bricks and grinning like an idiot. His smile dropped when he heard her tone and he gave a halfhearted shrug.
“I heard it from my dad,” he said dismissively. “Let me show you something weird in the woods!”
“Hell No.” Amina said firmly. “We’re turning back. Now.”
“Don’t be a chicken come on!” Mason protested. “You’re such a baby!”
“Come on Jay,” Amina said, ignoring him. “Let’s go.”
Jay looked back at her, unsure, then back to Mason, who was making chicken gestures in their direction.
“Idiot…” Amina thought.
“Come on Jay, ignore him.”
He turned to Mason.
“I’m not a chicken,” he declared, before taking off toward the tree line across the field. Amina groaned, realizing she had no choice but to follow, and walked after them, Bones whining in protest the whole way.
She walked as if she were calm, but a stabbing tingle in the back of her neck, hissed that someone was watching her. When she looked back she saw nothing but the rotted barn, a field of grass, and a loop of blackening frayed rope, hanging from a rusty nail on the back wall of the barn. The image gave her chills.
“I think I know who was having trials here…” she muttered to Bones.
The woods themselves were no less unsettling. The coming spring had not set in yet, and no breath of life blew through the trees. While some had a few leaves or the faintest hint of buds, most were still barren, or holding dead leaves from the previous fall. The scent of decaying plant matter filled Amina’s nose, as did the sound of cold, dry wood cracking as it swayed. Leaves crunched and squelched in the muddy, damp ground underfoot, and Amina had to tug her shoe free of a few muddier spots.
The gap between her and the boys grew wider as they sped ahead while she and Bones struggled uphill on rough terrain after them. She could hear Mason chatting away, but couldn’t make out his voice well. The wind had picked up, and the trees began to rattle, their skeletal forms filling the woods with the sound of creaking, cracking wood, and rustling wind.
Amina lugged herself up the hill until the ground began to level out, and they came to a small clearing.
The trees here were entirely barren. While the trees in the rest of the woods were a mix of sparse, reviving, or still holding leaves from fall, the ones in this circle were dead, not even in the process of reviving. The ground looked almost like it had been blasted a long time ago. There were no plants growing in this soil. In fact, the clearing formed an absolute perfect circle. A perfect ring of sandy dirt, trampled flat. And in the center, a massive oak tree towered above, its dead, barren branches stretching high into the sky around them, and nearly spanning the length of the entire clearing.
Amina looked at the tree in the center, feeling the coldness of its shadow wash through her and send a chill through her bones. It was nothing like before. The barn was scary, cold, creepy yes. And she’d felt something… someone, touch her neck in a way that made her blood feel like needles under her skin.
The tree was worse.
Much so.
A pit seemed to be carved through her stomach and she turned sharply on her heel.
“We need to leave.”
“Well hang on!” Mason said cluelessly. He began to climb the tree, huffing heavily as he pulled himself up a few branches and sat down near the base of a thicker one.
“How did you find this?” Jay asked as he walked up to the tree himself and began bracing himself to climb.
“My uncle told me about this tree. He said people like to leave stuff in a hole in the stump a little higher up, or bury it under the roots. He said it's like a shrine.”
“Have you seen it?” Jay asked, pulling himself up to the first branch to follow Mason.
“WE need to leave.” Amina interjected. “Now.”
Mason groaned.
“Does she ever like shut up?” He asked Jay. Jay shrugged and began to climb, until Amina jerked him off the tree by his collar and began marching away. Jay stumbled down to his feet and jerked away once he regained his footing.
Amina looked up. The sky seemed to be darkening for another rain, and the wind was blowing harder now, unsettling the dust of the clearing and stirring it up around her legs. She gave another cautious glance at the tree. It’s jagged arms tore through the sky and seemed to yawn toward her, as if they would reach down and pluck her into the sky to swallow her whole down its trunk. Shadows extended toward her like warped fingertips. She could swear she felt the brush of a hand on her neck. Or a rope.
Amina didn’t have to guess what this place was. The rounded grooves in the branches, frayed still-hanging tatters of rope, and scorch marks that seemed impossibly, terrifyingly recent, across one of its sides. As if someone had burned not the tree itself, but something suspended beside it. Her stomach churned with fear and rage as she whipped to face Mason.
“Did he bring us here on purpose?” She turned her tongue over the thought like it was a bleeding tooth, but forced herself to move on.
Something jabbing at the back of her mind told her she had to be gone before dark. She was inclined to listen.
“The street lights are gonna come on soon.” She said. We don’t need to be in this place after dark, let alone at all.”
Jay sighed, but no longer argued as Amina led him away.
“C’mon Mason, I *will* leave your ass.”
The wind fussed through the trees lightly as they began walking, and soon the strange howls and creaking of the dying forest subsided, and with every step away from that foul place, so did Amina’s anxiety.
A voice, half her own, half another, felt like the place deserved to burn. She was in agreement regardless.
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mythicalshipping · 2 years
*deep breath* 
Okay, so I’d seen the cuddling videos and wasn’t really sure what to expect with this one...
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...excuse me, their WHAT now?
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This feels like a fic prompt. Like the writers just...browsed Rhink Tumblr for an idea that Wouldn’t Go Too Far. 
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Rhett was just demonstrating, but Link couldn’t help himself and was like “ME FIRST!” 
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Dude, you’re not covering your a** at all with this, but nice try. 
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Is Link like, unable to hug people (or maybe just Rhett?) with his eyes open? If so, that is so adorable and I can’t deal with it, excuse me while I walk into the sea. 
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Not Link’s hand pressing and Rhett’s chin pressing fOr ScIeNcE.
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LINK’S ~*FACE~* IS JUST PURE BLISS (and I’m sure he wasn’t low-key thinking that if Rhett just tilted his head down a lil’ further, it’d be a forehead kiss). 
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Link couldn’t let go. ;-; PLS. HALP.
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DAYUM just calling Link out; I wouldn’t have noticed, but now I cannot unthink about the locked hands ;-;
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Link patted Noah because only Rhett has a key to his lock... ;-;
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Charles Lincoln “Who’s jealous? I’m not jealous” Neal III
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I watched this clip back and it DEFINITELY wasn’t...am I alone in this? 
Either way...someone is jelllyyyyyyy.
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Maybe Link just wanted an excuse to talk about his Rick Rubin dream...science is still out on what exactly dreams meme but THIS is kinda telling, just sayin’... ;) 
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Not the mirrored stances ;-;
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Link’s facial expressions through this entire episode look positively o*gasmic whenever he’s hugging Rhett. 
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“You want to envelope me?” ;-; (And also, fun fact, if you are shorter than your partner, and they wanna be little spoon, just shift so that your head is resting slightly above theirs and wrap an arm around their waist). 
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THIS IS SO TENDER I JUST ;-; And Rhett’s face is pressed up right against Link’s nealples. 
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...Uh, okay...not where I was expecting this ep. to go but...
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Stevie giving 11/10 commentary, and also can I just point out RHETT’S. FACE.
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Yeah, real coherent response there Rhett. 
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Rhett suggesting they just *actually* make out. As if he could handle the FEELS. I wish someone would have called his bluff. XD
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Rhett is the Princess of Genovia, I don’t make the rules. (peach-worthy and I were totally on the same page with this one ;) ). 
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So...what exactly do you want to feel from these hugs, Rhett?
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Rhett low-key panicking.
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This screencap is unedited. Noah is all of us. (And okay okay, so they didn’t REALLY kiss obviously, but a girl can dream right?)
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And so, it’s time for Stevie to reveal if leaning to the left when you hug someone is more romantic or platonic. And Link is just like “I’m just gonna put in a Superman pose and pretend that everything here is for science.” 
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Link is fidgeting SO MUCH here.
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Finally, a man of truth. ;) 
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But is his guess correct?
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Rhett and Link standing there just re-evaluating their entire lives.
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Rhett grasping onto this for dear life. 
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Stevie...that is fanfic writing ma’am. 
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Oh no. WhatEVER will they do? ;) 
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He’s not wrong, but it’ll come back to haunt him a bit later. ;) 
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Jessie is such a real one <3
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Rhett beckoning Link for them to try the five second hug before pedaling tf BACK, in fear that he seems too eager. 
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...for what? In case it goes on too long? XD
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Link fighting the urge to lock his hands ;-;
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Link truly is unable to hug Rhett without looking entirely blissful. Rhett patting Link’s back and counting out the pats to take away some of his own worry, but Link, even still, looks happy anyway. 
Noah is all of us looking on. 
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Link Neal and his PROJECTION.
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...you guys good there? lol
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Not this mirroring...
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YEAH WE’LL DO THE 10 SECOND HUG. BUT UH, OBVIOUSLY, FOR SCIENCE, AND IT IS GONNA BE JUST *TERRIBLE*, SO LESS SPICE IT UP WITH OUR OWN FANFIC?!?! HELLO?!?! EXCUSE ME?!?! (Omfg my stream of consciousness screenshotting self named this “you mean like your mission trip?” D:)
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I think I’ve read this fic before...
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This is their suggestion and I JUST...pls I need (another?) Mythical OT4 beach ep. 
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Link just SINKING into the hug. 
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...WTF auto-generated closed captions?
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Me trying to recover from this ep. 
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Idk what part of the ep this was in, but I need a GMM London trip because of reasons. 
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