#now is it a coincidence or is it that voyager is so much better not sober....
pissfaggit · 7 months
Man whenever i go through bouts of sobriety i will watch like 15 dogshit episodes of voyager in a row, and then soon as i buy another pack of gummies ill be zonked out of my mind and sit down to one of the most compelling and also goddamn insane (affectionate) episodes of star trek i have ever seen and also ill be so high i want to start crying
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miminmimikyu · 3 months
Prodigy episodes 15-16: If at first you do not succeed (your first officer says "no, we should be sensible" re: your plan steal a ship AGAIN), try again (just immediately ask your former first officer, hoping for a different answer). King Janeway <3
Tell me this (top) doesn't remind you of this (bottom)
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“I’m not your number one anymore…” “things can’t stay the same forever” god why are those two like this.
Iiiiiiinteresting that they’re discussing Endgame here. And I can't believe Janeway’s clothes are a bootstrap paradox now
I 100% wonder what the gang is assuming about Janeway and Chakotay’s relationship!! Is their takeaway message “ah. married?” or “huh. i suppose captain-first officer dynamics are like that”
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Kinda obsessed with how often Janeway and Chakotay being loving towards each other is paired with Dal and Gwyn, either in the same frame or in a shot directly preceding/after it.
Ahh I’m reminded again about how Chakotay’s a former terrorist but was probably the most rule-abiding person on Voyager. There’s probably a higher chance of Tuvok agreeing to a plan involving ship stealing than Chakotay.
Ascencia has the worst (best) timing. Doesn’t realise that by attacking she’s given Janeway an ironclad legally bulletproof reason to ignore Starfleet orders and to continue with the mission (HER mission). Don’t get in the way of a Janeway who’s just been told they’re going to split up her crew. Ascencia may think she has a near-omniscient time traveler as a trump card but he didn’t tell her to wait x days until Janeway was locked up in her office before declaring war with the Federation!
Just the idea of Janeway sitting behind a desk is making me itch.
Obviously Ascencia couldn’t know about Jellico’s orders, but she really hasn’t studied Janeway enough (both during the time she infiltrated the crew of the Dauntless + any reading she did while in Starfleet). It’s interesting that just by the coincidence that Janeway was the highest in command on the ship Ascencia infiltrated, Janeway morphs into a representation of all of Starfleet in Ascencia's eyes and thus has turned almost Ascencia's entire focus of revenge towards Janeway. Notably, the other revenge target is Gwyn (Ilthuran's betrayal) and though that's definitely 95% personal/5% mission, she acts no different with Janeway. She's taking pleasure in seeing Janeway suffer, so similar to how she takes personal joy in Gwyn's suffering. Even more interesting is that Chakotay, the guy who foiled the future!Vau Na'kat plans with the Protostar, was right there in view when she videocalled Janeway. She must know of him, but she didn’t react to him at al-- just to Janeway & Gwyn (Or maybe that confrontation is for a later episode).
I’m loving Dal gaining some respect from the other Nova cadets. NOT loving that they’ve been sent off to battle
So many Tom Paris mentions (yay) but what i really want is a Harry mention....... please
Right, that's what I forgot about in episode 13: Jankom helping Zero through their body deteriorating is everything to me………"I just want to feel like... me." aaaaaaaaaaa
Dal has grown so much! I can’t believe he’s the one to put the gang at ease and reassure them that the Federation might better equipped to fix everything. No doubt that all the competent, trustworthy adults Dal has met since boarding the Protostar have had their hand in this change. Again, I really love that the Prodigy writers chose to have the S2 adults treat the children with respect, so we get moments like these.
God that space battle was so exciting! After so many Voyager-A crewmembers were killed by the Loom, it was so nerve-wracking seeing them sit there dead in the water! I for sure thought Tysess was a goner!
Zerooooooooooooo!! A harrowing experience and sacrifice worthy of any of the "adult" Star Trek shows!!! π_π Zero’s new suit is so nice! It's even crafted "from" the Protostar by Jankom, couldn't be nicer! Also I really like how this episode resolved the whole corporeal-noncorporeal binary with Zero settling on not one or the other, but something new and unique in between. Good for them!
(Too bad they can’t eat anymore, but if original Voyager’s crew is anything to go by, Tuvix’s food was the best anyone has ever eaten so after experiencing that, there’s nothing to beat that I suppose)
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Maj'el is pretty bold doing that in front of everyone! Teenage "who cares" mentality or is that hypothesis about "unhinged" Vulcans ending up in Starfleet true?
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War For Cybertron
Deluxe Class
by Hasbro (2021)
I got Scorponok from Amazon and arrived on 09-14-21
For those of you unaware, Scorponok is the fiercely loyal, brilliant mad scientist (or bumbling idiot depending on what episode of Beast Wars you’re watching), second in command of Megatron’s Predacon team.
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Collector’s Card:
The card which came with Scorponok is another Dinobot.
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Once removing the sticker, we see Dinomus, a Unicron ungrade of Dinobot. This never happened in the Netflix series, nor is there a toy of him so instead of getting Rodimus Prime, Optimus Primal, a beast Megatron, OR even a Scorponok card, we get a guy who has no toy, or appearance in media. Wonderful job Hasbro…
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Beast Mode:
Scorponok’s beast mode just happens to be a scorpion (what a coincidence!) And personally I think it’s a pretty good look scorpion too. The original toy was a Mega class figure, what would be a Voyager class now but for half the price. However, this Scorponok is a bit more in scale how he appeared in the Beast Wars cartoon series; he was not a large guy.
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I wouldn’t say that the beast mode is real like accurate, but it has more realistic features such as the head and the small eyes, the legs look pretty convincing, and I really like the textured bumps of the carapace.
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As a beast the articulation is pretty limited, aside from the arms, claws and tail, and don’t look at this guy from underneath because of all the robot kibble.
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Transforming him into robot mode is a bit different than expected.
The legs go in two different directions. One leg fairly well integrates into the scorpion tail, while the other leg runs down the later center of the body. I thought that was pretty clever.
The chest opens up in a weird way to allow the head through, and I’ll elaborate mode on that once he’s in robot mode.
Robot Mode:
Once you get Scorponok into robot mode, he’s looking pretty accurate to the 3d animated model.
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Aside from the complaint’s you’re about to hear Scorponok stands well in spite of his proportions and balances well.
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I really dig his head sculpt, however I’m not a fan of the lateral line running down Scorponok’s body. The body splits open as part of the transformation, however there’s an obvious seam in the front.
I suppose it wouldn’t bother me so much is the small circular piece in the chest wasn’t also split down the middle too. I don’t see why that circular piece couldn’t have been sculpted on one side of the chest or the other and I think that alone might have made a better presentation. I’m going to chalk this up to cost cutting on Hasbro’s part.
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Lastly Scorponok’s smaller claw has a tendency to pop off at the hinge if you open it up too wide. It’s very annoying to deal with and reattach.
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As far as accessories are concerned Scorponok comes with two, which both can peg into any 5mm port.
Missiles and a cyber bee. One can be stored in each claw.
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Final Thoughts:
My final thoughts on Kingdom Scorponok is that I think he’s okay. He was never one of my favorite Predacons, and I get the feeling that he wasn’t Hasbro’s either, since it appears the C team worked on him.
Still, it’s not a terrible toy, just a mediocre one in my opinion.
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greyias · 2 years
FIC: Chance Encounters - Chapter 1
Title: Chance Encounters Fandom: SWTOR Pairing: Theron Shan/f!Jedi Knight (pre-relationship) Rating: T Genre: Canon Divergent AU. Pre-Relationship, Slow Burn Synopsis: Even the smallest change can have large, unseen ripple effects. When Theron Shan books a voyage on the Esseles, he has no idea how a chance encounter with a Jedi Knight will change the course of his life. A canon divergent alternate universe examining what happens when Theron and the Hero of Tython meet much, much sooner. Spoilers: The Esseles flashpoint and SWTOR Lost Suns comic. Author’s Notes: This story/verse came about from a plot bunny that my friend @confettininjabean​ came up with, and my muse just took off with. Graciously, she let me adopt this plot bunny that has turned into its own little monster. This first story is a retelling of the Esseles flashpoint/storyline, and further entries will loosely follow some of the near encounters during Theron and the Knight's story as their paths intersect.
Crossposted to AO3 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12
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In the infinite expanse of the galaxy, all things were bound together, irrevocably linked by the Force. To ignore its will was futile, to defy it was impossible. Those who embraced it could connect even the most minute thread to create a tapestry of possibilities. Every single facet of one's life was created precisely when it was meant to be, assembled together with care and precision. For such a being, chance encounters were not coincidences — they were inevitabilities crafted by fate.
Or at least, that’s what Jedi Master Ngani Zho had said once or twice.
Maybe when he was a kid, Theron Shan would have been more apt to believe in that sort of thing. But with how much consideration the Force had given him, he was pretty sure it had better things to do than concern itself with him. The only fate was what he made with his own two hands. It was the way it had always been, and the way he had learned from experience, it would always be.
For example, it wasn't some grand master plan of a mystical all binding energy that had brought Theron to the Esseles today. No, it was a chance fluke that he'd been able to get a seat on this flight out of Carrick Station after he’d had to resort to public transport to remain inconspicuous on his latest mission rather than use his own ship. Normally a more luxury transport such as the Esseles would be out of the Republic Strategic Information Service’s meager travel budget for its agents, especially when there were far more affordable, and overcrowded, shuttles heading to Coruscant.
Theron had just been a bit lucky, getting the ticket by being in the right place at the right time. The seat had been originally booked by some corporate executive who had forgotten to cancel, and he’d overheard the ticketing agent trying to call the man to discuss with him what to do. Wanting to avoid the cramped, uncomfortable shuttle flight, he'd offered to take the seat at an incredibly reduced price, and the agent jumped at the offer.
And now, here he was, settling into a plush recliner seat that seemed to almost mold itself around him, like it had been crafted just for him. If the beds were anything like this chair, it would probably be the best sleep of his life. First, he just had to make it through the standard safety talk, and then he'd be left to his own devices.
Having heard this spiel about a million times before, Theron pulled a datapad out of his pocket and did his best to get absorbed into it so he could block out the bored droning of the crew when the time came. This flight was probably as close to a vacation as he'd get for quite a while, and he intended to fully enjoy it. He had almost succeeded at tuning out his surroundings when the astromech at his side let out a high-pitched whistle in greeting.
Theron and M-6 had been working together on several missions together and the little astromech was probably the closest thing to a consistent partner Theron had within the intelligence agency (if you didn’t count Jonas Balkar — and for the sake of his own sanity, Theron didn’t). He did his best work alone, and his record and reputation spoke to that. So the Director of the SIS tried to put Theron’s considerable skills to good use by not saddling him with the dead weight of another agent who would just slow him down.
Being employed by the Republic’s intelligence wing, M-6 typically kept to himself, so when the normally solitary droid seemed to let out almost a delighted noise of greeting, Theron couldn’t help but quirk an eyebrow, letting his gaze drift away from his datapad to see what the fuss was about. An unfamiliar silver astromech happily let out a chirp in response as it wheeled over. Theron gave it a once over, but nothing particularly remarkable jumped out at him. It was a T7-series astromech, although its design was clearly an older model. A little curious, but nothing warranting the almost fannish glee coming from his own droid.
“You lost or something?” he dryly asked the newcomer.
The T7-unit answered with a whistle, and  Theron was familiar enough with droidspeak to be able to mentally translate. Apparently, the droid was attempting to find an open seat for its owner. He offered it a shrug, showing the open seat next to him was available. In what Theron assumed was an affirmative response, the droid let out a cheerful beep before happily rolling away to find its owner. He shook his head and returned his attention to his datapad.
M-6 let out a series of beeps and whistles that more or less translated to “Do you know who that astromech is?”
Theron ignored the question — because no, he didn’t, nor did he care — and valiantly tried to focus on the text on his screen, but the soft padding of boots against the plush carpet heralded the approach of another person. There was a lightness to the steps that indicated a grace and assurance of their owner — and if Theron had to guess from the sound of the stride alone, the individual was shorter than him. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a flash of dark blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail as a human woman settled into the seat next to him.
When he glanced over, he caught her doing the same, tilting her head to look at him quizzically with a slight smile. Due to his training, it was almost second nature for him to immediately catalogue and profile her. She had bright and inquisitive blue eyes, which seemed to take in everything they saw. A scattering of freckles graced her nose and cheeks, and despite her somewhat petite frame, she seemed athletic and toned with the lean musculature of a dancer. She was probably a few years younger than him, twenty at most, he guessed. There was an air of eagerness about her that could have been charming for most people — but he knew better than to place his trust in a single glance.
The Republic and Empire might no longer have been formally at war with each other, but all the Treaty of Coruscant had really done was start a now ten years long Cold War between the two superpowers. Both sides had a very robust and active spy network, and one of the first things drilled into any young recruit to the SIS was that any stranger could secretly work for the Empire. Agents were trained to be hyperaware of their surroundings at all times, picking up on the most minute details. A little healthy paranoia went a long way to keeping you alive, not to mention keeping intel safe.
However, the likelihood of this young woman being an Imperial spy was extremely low. He took in the distinctive brown and gold tunic commonly worn by Knights of the Jedi Order, as well as twin lightsabers clipped to her belt. For most people, the sight of a Jedi was a novelty, an uncommon occurrence even before the destruction of their temple on Coruscant during the last days of the war. Now that the Order had retreated to Tython and become even more insular, it was a downright rarity. Again, for most people.
Theron Shan wasn’t most people. 
He schooled his expression so that the instinctual glower and groan wouldn’t come out unbidden, even if the thought of having to make small talk with a Jedi made him want to abandon all thoughts of relaxation and luxury and fling himself into the nearest escape pod. Although that knee-jerk reaction was probably just a little on the melodramatic side. As usual, the Force was not pulling strings for him — it was laughing at him.
All of this happened in a millisecond, and the Jedi gestured to the seat she had taken with the hints of that little smile still quirking at the corners of her mouth. “Thank you. I was beginning to think that I would not find a seat before the safety briefing started.”
Theron gave an inarticulate grunt as a reply, trying to fix a look of practiced disinterest on his face. His experience in the field taught him that ignoring people usually worked, and once they realized you weren't going to speak to them, they would usually lose interest and get distracted by something else. It was one of the easier ways to go about unnoticed while still in plain sight. He made a show of pulling his datapad up to his face as an unsubtle reinforcement that he wanted to be left alone.
“These accommodations are very nice for a transport.” At first, Theron wasn’t sure if she was talking to him, but in the periphery of his vision, he could make out that she had turned to address the silver astromech at her side. “I do not know about you, Teeseven, but I am not used to this kind of luxury.”
The T7-unit let out a series of beeps as a reply that seemed to express something about the luxuries of Senate travel, that were nearly drowned out by a positively embarrassing whistle of glee from M-6. Theron lowered his datapad just a fraction at the commotion to fix his own astromech with an annoyed stare. M-6 either didn’t notice, or care, and spun his bronzium domed head around as if his socialization circuits were almost overheating.
“Oh? I didn’t realize you were so political.”
Another whistle implying it was a long story. Somehow, that seemed to amp up M-6’s overreaction anymore, which Theron thought was nearly impossible at this point. He was almost — almost — tempted to ask what the deal was, when that thought was interrupted by the oblivious Jedi’s continuing conversation with her own astromech.
“Either way, I think we should thank Master Satele for booking this passage for us. I’m sure this will be much more comfortable than taking a public shuttle.”
The whistling agreement of the T7 unit was drowned out by the walls of the wide room seeming to close in at the mention of the Jedi Grand Master. The next breath Theron drew in came as if from star systems away for how little oxygen it seemed to bring into his lungs. A memory of a blinding desert sun, the sands of Haashimut crunching under foot, rose unbidden, but he clamped it down. He blinked once, twice, and expelled the breath forcefully as he pushed his mind out of blind reaction. The past was in the past.
Thankfully, no one had seemed to take any notice of his initial reaction, as the Jedi and her droid continued their conversation, and there was a soft beep from the implant in his ear signaling an incoming message. A second later, a message in text from M-6 was superimposed over his normal vision. In the field, they used this silent way of communication to avoid being overheard, although from the contents of the message, Theron suspected that his droid’s reasons had nothing to do with skullduggery.
That = T7-01!
This time, when Theron fixed the droid with a look, there was no need for words. The high arch of his brow effectively communicated the message of “And I should care because?”
M-6 gave an annoyed whir of his dome before a reply appeared: T7-01 = legend among SIS astromechs for the GenoHaradan case!
Wait. Theron’s brow furrowed. Was this… he quickly pulled out his datapad and tapped out a message that was transmitted back to the droid: Are you fandroiding out on me right now? If you don’t calm down, you’re going to fry your circuits.
M-6 let out an annoyed flat beep and Theron had to quickly move his foot so it didn’t become victim of the astromech’s treads as he determinedly rolled on by to boldly introduce himself to what Theron guessed was the droid equivalent of a celebrity in their midst. 
M-6 gave the Jedi a cheerful beep in greeting before turning to his metallic hero and the two astromechs suddenly devolved into an indecipherable series of happy sounding chirps in what may have been the most obnoxious droid conversation known to man. Normally Theron could keep up with even rapidfire conversations between droids in binary, but it was almost as if they were speaking in some kind of code as it just rendered as gibberish to his ears.
His confusion must have shown on his face, as the Jedi frowned ever so slightly as she turned back to him. “It appears that our astromechs have become fast friends.”
“That’s one word for it,” he grumbled as the barrage of beeps and whistles assaulted his ears.
“Have we met before?” Her brows drew together into a deeper expression of contemplation.
“You just… look familiar somehow.”
“Yeah, I get that a lot,” he said brusquely, acutely aware of her scrutiny and the possibility she was mentally comparing his features to that of Satele Shan. “Just have that kind of face.”
It wasn’t exactly a lie, but nor was it the complete truth. As far as humans went, Theron was a fairly unassuming individual at first glance. It suited him well. He had the kind of face that allowed him to blend in easily with a crowd, or slip into a role as needed for missions. Pleasant enough to look at, but not necessarily striking enough to immediately be remembered. In fact, his most distinguishing features were probably the cybernetic implants visible on the left side of his face. However, even those were fairly unobtrusive compared to others in the galaxy. He was the type of person who was easily forgotten, someone who could get lost in the cracks with no one really noticing or caring. It was the story of his life.
Whatever she was looking for, she must have found it because the frown lines eased as she extended a hand out to him in formal greeting. “I do not believe I introduced myself earlier.”
Theron stared at the hand proffered in his direction, then back up to the guileless expression on the Jedi’s face. “Do you normally introduce yourself to random strangers?”
“Some might say that a stranger is just a friend you have not yet met.”
Even though he probably should have, he didn’t bother stopping the snort of derision that escaped him. “Look, Jedi—”
“I am a Jedi, but that is not my name.” He just stared at her, which she apparently took as an invitation to continue, as if that was the next logical step in this non-conversation. “It is Greyias Highwind.”
“Well, that’s a mouthful.”
“My friends like to call me Grey.”
“Okay, Highwind,” he corrected himself, but if she had a reaction to his intentional brusqueness and use of her last name, it didn’t show, “so I know your name now.”
Undaunted, she flashed him with a winning smile that was brighter than the Haashimut sun. “And if you tell me yours, then we are not strangers anymore, are we?”
“That’s not how that works.”
With the air of a man done talking, he pointedly and forcefully brought his datapad to bear, as if holding it in front of his face would shield him from this awkward attempt at socialization being thrust upon him. On the clock, and on mission, he might have forced himself to go through the song and dance, come up with some cover identity on the spot if he didn’t already have one in place. But for once, he wasn’t working, and he really didn’t want to put forth the effort. Especially not for some Jedi that apparently was close enough to his mother to be on a first name basis and also chummy enough that the Grand Master bought her tickets on a luxury transport. 
But apparently all of this was too subtle for the now most irritating Jedi that he had ever met to take the hint. “I disagree.”
Apparently, he was being too subtle. Theron dropped the datapad down and fixed her with a look. “About what?”
“That we’d be still be strangers.”
“Well, someone is strange here, and it’s not me.”
“I mean, you are acting a little odd and cagey,” she prodded.
“Maybe I just don’t want to talk to you.”
“But… you are?”
This entire conversation had gone off the rails so quickly, and Theron wasn’t sure how he’d wound up on the defensive after such a stupid, simple question. “Who I am is not any of your business.”
Those expressive eyebrows rose in surprise and maybe a hint of irritation. “I did not realize I was asking for a state secret when I was asking for your name.”
“Yeah, that’s right, it’s classified.” Theron shot back, so much sarcasm practically oozing from his tone that any reasonable person would realize that he was joking.
“Classified?” she echoed in an almost teasing tone that grated even more on his nerves. “Is that a first or last name?”
“Ha ha.”
Theron closed his eyes and sat back in his seat, relishing in the way the plush material gave way and molded to his body. It was going to be a long flight, he could tell. 
The overhead lights dimmed, indicating that the crew’s precheck was almost complete. He cracked an eye open, daring a glance at her. She had one elbow propped on the armrest, chin resting on a lightly balled fist as her eyes sparkled with mirth. Her wide smile emphasized the almost cherubic nature of her features. With the rosy cheeks, the crinkling of the freckles across her nose, for a moment he was struck by how young and innocent she looked. Then she spoke and shattered that illusion.
"So mysterious." Yeah, she was definitely mocking him at this point. Which was probably better than her studying his features with any closer scrutiny and comparing it to the mental image she had of Satele.
A loud ding over the ship’s speakers heralded the start of the safety briefing.
“Saved by the bell,” he said sarcastically.
She shook her head at him and dutifully turned her attention to the nearby screen that went over the safety procedures. She seemed duly distracted by the boring list of emergency protocols. Small mercies. Having been on enough strainers to know the whole thing by heart, Theron tuned it out, choosing to once again try to focus on his datapad.
A trill from his side let him know that M-6 had caught some of the conversation, and apparently the astromech didn’t approve of their little standoff. Theron really could not care less what the droid thought, and endeavored to ignore that too.
As the briefing wound to a close, the gentle hum of the engines starting up filled the cabin, and the ship drifted away from the station’s docking ring. He felt his own body pushed back into his seat as the ship accelerated, the chair once again molding itself to his body. In the viewport, the single dots of stars stretched out into lazy lines indicating that they’d reached travel speed.
Another overhead ding preceded the announcement, giving passengers the all clear to move about the ship. Theron took the chance to beat a hasty retreat and put as much distance between him and the nosy Jedi. With any luck, he'd be able to find a nice quiet spot on the ship where he could get some peace.
Next Chapter
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steps-to-parnassus · 3 years
dead men tell no tales reimagined as horror-action
thinking again about how dead men tell no tales had so much wasted potential to be a fantastic horror-action film. instead of focusing on j*hnny d*pp and his stale, washed-out-drunk “comedy” or trying to shoehorn in yet another love story to replace will and elizabeth, the writers/producers/directors should have taken a look at the absolutely phenomenal make-up, costuming, digital effects, and actors’ performances that they had on their hands for the crew of the Silent Mary, and at how the original script written by Ted and Terry heavily played up the horror element.
a horror-focused film would have been a breath of fresh air for the series and could have even made several other elements of the film (lieutenant scarfield, shansa, etc) work better. it would have made the idea of a “final adventure” ring much more true, and most of all, it would have harkened back to the horror elements prevalent in curse of the black pearl and ESPECIALLY dead man’s chest, which worked very strongly in those films’ favour.
just think about the possibilities (quite long, so i’ll put it under a cut):
ghostly hands coming out of the walls of the Monarch like in the trailer, but the viewer never sees what happens next. all we get are flashes of the massacre and Henry’s perspective, trapped in the brig with no light as he struggles to see and hears screams of terror and demonic shrieks of glee.
we don’t see the ghosts coming into the brig due to the darkness; all we see are golden pinpricks in the dark, noises of shuffling and agonized breaths and the sense that something is terribly wrong. they only appear to the audience as one of them brings a torch down into the brig for Henry’s benefit, and suddenly the Mary’s crew is revealed in all their terrifying glory to both Henry and us.
they stare and leer at him, and crewmembers in the background have red blood around their mouths. the audience gets the sense that they very much don’t want to let Henry go.
when we next see Henry in Saint Martin, he’s raving. he still meets Carina, still speaks with her, still agrees to help her, but he is terrified by what he has seen. he tells her about the corpses and the pools of blood he had to walk through to get to the Monarch’s longboat. he tells her how the demons watched him go with hungry eyes. he tells her that he can still hear the screams.
Scarfield does not seek to kill Henry just because he is a traitor - Scarfield sees him with Carina, whom he lusts after. Henry might help her off the island, might protect her. Scarfield wants him out of the way so that he might possess. he has heard plenty of the ghostly crew and cares not that they are attacking british ships - every officer not himself that dies is a greater chance Scarfield will be promoted in the seniority-obsessed ranking system.
Jack is doing well when we first see him, the cunning fast-talker we’ve always known him to be. it is only after the rumours of a ghostly crew with a captain calling himself Salazar spread like wildfire around Saint Martin that he starts trying to drown himself in liquor to assuage the bone-deep terror. 
when Salazar and his crew are freed, they don’t have a mild little cheer. no, they tear their hair and howl like madmen. they have been storing all their pain and hate against pirates and empires for decades - they are going to bathe the oceans in blood.
when we first see Shansa, she is hooded and cloaked, somehow able to track the movements of the dead. she takes her robe off and we see why: she is covered in scars from blades and fingernails and teeth, wounds left her when she was the “one man left alive” from a voyage into the Triangle many years ago, back when the Mary’s crew could not control their bloodlust as well as they can now. and that is terrifying to us - what they did on the Monarch was their version of being restrained.
we see the news of the dead crew spreading as they attack pirates and british ships alike. churches are overflowing with terrified citizens; people bar their doors and hold fast their rosaries and guns at night.
Jack’s crew were loyal to him up until they heard of the dead - now they must be paid off by Henry to rescue Jack, because every pirate in the Caribbean knows who Salazar is; and now that he is the undead, they daren’t let him find them. the rumours are coming back from men left alive that the crew of the Mary sing and laugh as they butcher without remorse, that the evil curse they lay under forces them to feast on human flesh just to keep going, just to feel anything. Jack’s crew do not mutiny later because he suggests it - they mutiny out of sheer terror.
the scene with Salazar and Barbossa’s first encounter is one of the few in the film where the horror element is quite prominent (the other being Salazar’s intro, and it isn’t a coincidence that these are two of the film’s strongest and most compelling scenes). very little about this would need to be changed to work, save for one thing: Salazar does not tap his sword five times at the end. instead he simply says, “you can take what’s left of them,” and nods to his lieutenant and his men, who all begin to smile as they turn to the crew. when we see them next, Barbossa’s crew are down to less than half. we never find out what happens to them.
when Salazar tells his story and we see the past, we are stunned. here is the crew of the Mary, working together, smiling, laughing at their victory. we see and hear them talking about how finally civilians will be safe; about how they can retire, go back to their wives and children and parents and siblings. we see them as normal men with a noble goal. 
we see them awake and scream in pain and terror, and it is on their agonized screaming at the start of their decades-long imprisonment that we cut back to the present. now we can understand, at least a little, how once-good men became monsters.
Carina, Henry, and Jack would have far more dramatic reactions to the Mary’s crew on the beach. for Henry, these are the demons that slaughtered an entire crew as he sat in the brig, trapped and helpless and terrified that his horrific end was imminent. for Jack, these are men whom he’s seen before as humans, and whose hatred and bloodlust is directed at him. for Carina, who has never seen ghosts before, she is struck dumb. these men have horrific injuries, and they are looking at her with detached curiosity and bloodlust that seems a thousand times more horrifying than the looks Scarfield gave her. she can almost see what they would have done to her had they caught her.
there is no ridiculous wedding scene on at hangman’s bay. instead, the locals saw the giant ghost ship sailing into their waters. they know who it is the demons want, but are not aware that the Mary’s crew cannot set foot on land. they intend to give Jack up to the ghosts in exchange for their own lives.
Salazar still executes Barbossa’s men in the name of the king. he is completely mad, but some part of him still thinks himself a righteous naval officer.
Scarfield wants the trident, but more than that, he wants to use it and Shansa’s knowledge to control these dead men. he remembers the reign of terror Beckett wrought with the Dutchman. he would see it repeated for his own personal gain.
in the ship-to-ship battle, Henry initially tries to defend Carina until he realizes that the ghosts aren’t attacking her. they want her to lead them to the trident so that they can seize it for themselves. our heroes do not yet know that they want to end their curse. in fact, the crew of the Mary don’t really know that themselves - they’d much rather have the pirates surrounding them dead to rights, and then free themselves.
every time one of the Mary’s crew is dissipated due to contact with land, the others react. they scream and howl and gnash their teeth and their eyes flare gold. the viewer can feel how much they would like to crush the heroes’ bones into pulp.
when Henry is captured, the officers of the Mary cannot take their eyes off of him. he is terrified for his life, shaking the whole time. when Lesaro mentions that they have tried possession before, the other officers mourn their comrades who became trapped in human bodies and slowly died of thirst, still unable to leave the Triangle, all because they wanted to see the sun again. the viewer is conflicted - are we supposed to pity these monsters? there are flashes beneath the madness that suggests that deep down, they just want to be human again.
when the crew’s curse is broken, we see more of it. we see limbs regrow, bodies knit together again. we see the bloodthirsty monsters we have come to fear laughing and weeping with joy, embracing each other. we hear their terrified screams for help as Salazar finally demonstrates that his own bloodlust was decidedly not the byproduct of a curse as was the case for his crew and pursues Jack.
Barbossa climbs down the chain to kill Salazar, but the former spanish officer deals a mortal blow. just as he is about to kill Barbossa, Jack himself decides to muster up his courage and sacrifice to save those dear to him, which throughout the films, he has always done. he falls from the anchor, and together with his rival-turned-best-friend, he plummets to his death with one last jaunty sweep of his tricorne hat.
there are many dead from the battle. Barbossa’s pirate empire is in ruins, and british power in the caribbean has taken a massive hit. people everywhere are terrified. Henry, however, finds that his terror has stopped and resolves to be a braver man after witnessing what Barbossa and Jack have done. Carina pledges to honour her father and never again to disbelieve in ghost stories. she decides to become a pirate.
in this bittersweet ending, a glimmer of hope: the Dutchman surfaces, with two new crewmembers. Will hangs up his hat to Jack, with Barbossa as his first mate, and Jack is finally reunited with Bill, who has made amends with Barbossa. the old captain-versus-captain dynamic is back - and destined to play out forever. with uncharacteristic solemnity, Jack vows to ferry Salazar’s crew to the other side so that they can finally rest.
Will climbs aboard the Black Pearl, where the crew has elected Carina Barbossa captain. he asks if she might sail him to Singapore - his wife is the pirate king and lord of the south china sea, and that is where she holds court. Henry and Carina, true pirates, share a kiss as the sun rises and our heroes head off to find new adventure. the nightmare is finally over.
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zintranslations · 3 years
Kaleidoscope of Death, Ch. 120
Kaleidoscope of Death by Xi Zixu Link to Chinese / Novel Updates
Chapter 120: The Thirteenth Door
Right after the new year, it came about time for Gu Longming to enter his door.
Ruan Nanzhu selected a sixth door hint slip, and on it was a name familiar to all—Minotaur. A monster from ancient Greek mythology with a bull's head and a human's body that guarded a maze.
In the myth, it was a creature of an extremely violent temperament born of a human and a white bull. Shut away in the Labyrinth on the island of Crete, it ate seven pairs of boys and girls each year. Then it was killed by a bastard son of Athens, Theseus. Point was, there wasn't much intel to gain about the door from a hint like this. Only once they went in and encountered the actual situation could they connect it to the hint on the paper slip.
Lin Qiushi also showed this hint to Gu Longming ahead of time. After Gu Longming received it, he expressed his thorough gratitude for Lin Qiushi, and Lin Qiushi too was forthright with a vaccination—he said that in this door, he could not be responsible for Gu Longming's life, and Gu Longming ought to prepare himself accordingly.
Gu Longming agreed to every stipulation, and said he had already prepared himself for never coming out.
Their time of entry was roughly the tenth of the lunar new year, when celebrations were trailing off, leisurely vacations were coming to an end, and everybody grew busy again.
Lin Qiushi readied everything and began to wait for the door.
The tenth quickly came. It was a bright, sunny afternoon, and few people were in the mansion. There was only Lin Qiushi sitting in the living room eating Lu Yanxue's freshly cooked pumpkin seeds. Lu Yanxue's culinary skills were, as usual, the best; the pumpkin seeds she fried up were flavored with the five spices and fragrant as all hell. Lin Qiushi could pass an entire afternoon with just a handful of the stuff.
Ruan Nanzhu had already gotten changed and was waiting upstairs. Lin Qiushi saw that it was about time, and so hoisted his hefty backpack and headed upstairs to go look for him.
Due to their last door, Lin Qiushi intentionally stuffed his bag with a great number of food items. Daily necessities from outside could be brought inside, but weapons that were more against the spirit of the doors were not. Guns and other firearms, for example, could not be brought inside.
Once you'd entered the doors, of course, there might exist some special limitations, like in the sanitarium door when the NPC told them the rule where they could not eat food brought in from the outside. The reality was that these kinds of limitations were rare, but all Lin Qiushi wanted to achieve was the principle of Better Safe Than Sorry. At any rate, the condition from the tenth door where they had to open a chest if they wanted to eat had left quite the shadow on his psyche.
Lin Qiushi entered Ruan Nanzhu's bedroom and sat with him on the bed for a while. Then he felt the atmosphere around him change. It took only the time of a blink for Ruan Nanzhu, who had been sitting right beside him, to disappear without a trace. Lin Qiushi pushed open the bedroom door in front of him and saw that what had originally been the hallway was now a series of twelve black metal doors. What a familiar sight.
He walked to the sixth door and gave it a tug. The next moment, Lin Qiushi was sucked in by an immense force. The scenery around him was also altering dramatically, and by the time he opened his eyes again, he could feel a faint rocking beneath his feet.
Lin Qiushi took a closer look, and discovered that he'd appeared on a large old ship. It was just about sunset, and there were black clouds frighteningly low in the sky, as if they were going to smother the horizon at any moment. Inky seawater tossed before him, blown into violent waves by the winds.
Lin Qiushi smelled the gamy salt of the ocean, and because of the excessive waves, the ancient deck beneath his feet was ceaseless in its swaying. He saw that on the floorboards, there were seaweed-clung creatures clutching at the wood, making for an immensely uncomfortable sight.
Lin Qiushi took a few steps forward and saw in the ship cabin a dim-glowing light. He followed the corridor to the interior, and heard miserable wailing coming from inside.
"Uwaaaa, why am I here? What the hell did you all do to me?!" It had been a while since he last heard these cries of a newbie—Lin Qiushi was actually a bit surprised. He spotted the crying person immediately. It was a young woman, wiping at her tears with her hands. "You goddamn perverts, you guys must have kidnapped me. I'm going to call the cops and have you all arrested!!"
Most people were listening to her sob in silence. Newbies, after all, only ever reacted in so many ways: most cried; some tried to run; and some, of the truly psychologically frail sort, came in and pretty much had an immediate meltdown.
Lin Qiushi stood where he was. He noticed that around this girl were a few people who didn't look so good, who also seemed in various degrees of panic. They clearly weren't prepared to enter a door, and were likely newbies like the girl. But at least they weren't wailing endlessly like the young woman, and were still calm in comparison.
Lin Qiushi's gaze searched through the crowd and very quickly found its target—a woman seated in a corner and smiling at him.
The woman wore a long dress—the same outfit Ruan Nanzhu wore before they came in.
Lin Qiushi had the script in his head, and he took his time approaching the woman and holding out his hand: "Yu Linlin."
"Zhu Meng." The woman took his hand and smiled. "The red thread of destiny found us inside this door, let's cherish this meeting."
Lin Qiushi couldn't help but laugh.
"Indeed. Let's cherish this meeting."
Really, this little drama queen of his—putting on a show even when there was no stage to be had.
Just as the two were talking, a young man came tumbling in through the door. Though his face was unfamiliar, his clothes told Lin Qiushi his identity—it was Gu Longming, who'd agreed to meet with Lin Qiushi over the internet.
Gu Longming was entirely soaked. Once he came in he began to curse under his breath: "fuckers, throwing me on a lifeboat—why don't you just throw me into the ocean huh? Goddamn jealous of my beauty or what—"
Though he kept his voice down, Lin Qiushi's hearing was superb, and so could easily hear all the crap he was spewing. For a moment, Lin Qiushi himself didn't know whether to laugh or cry.
Of course, he didn't laugh. He only cleared his throat once and covered his mouth with his hand, swallowing down the urge to smile. Gu Longming's eyes lapped the gathered people and very quickly fell upon Lin Qiushi and Ruan Nanzhu. He came over with a bright grin, greeting the two as if they'd just met completely by coincidence.
As a matter of act, this little trick where they faked a chance encounter was only useful for the earlier doors. Once in the later doors, that old fox-spirit manifested in everyone, and not having a partner actually made you the odd one out.
As for whether or not somebody would identify them as part of the same crew, Lin Qiushi used to worry about that. Now though, not so much.
The cabin of the old ship wasn't big, nor was it bright. The only lighting equipment was a handful of tiny kerosene lamps overhead, flickering periodically with the sway of the ship.
The sky grew darker outside, and the number of people kept increasing. Finally, it stopped at the count of fourteen.
Everybody assessed their surroundings as they met up with their own teammates. The crowd seemed to be very quickly divided up into teams, with the handful of newbies left out. Without much choice, they had to make up their own team.
Just as the crowd grew noisy with discussion, a middle-aged man came in from the outside. His get-up looked a bit like a medieval pirate, and he carried a swaying kerosene lamp in his hand.
"Welcome to the Black Skerry," the man spoke. His voice sounded quite raspy, like the effects of long-term drinking or smoking had brought about irreversible damage to his throat. "I hope you all have a good time here."
After he finished saying this, he laughed like a maniac, and his high-pitched laughter, like fingernails scoring a chalkboard, sent goosebumps rising along the skin.
"In ten days, the Black Skerry will reach harbor," the man said. "Our voyage will end then, so please enjoy our wonderful time together."
Just as he finished speaking, somebody rushed out of the cabin. Lin Qiushi first thought that this person had gotten scared, but not long after, there came from outside the sound of violent vomiting—it seemed that some unlucky bastard was seasick.
"Where in the world are we?" The sobbing young girl had also been scared by the man before her, and she spoke: "are we filming a show? I'm really, really scared, can I please quit? I don't want to play anymore, I'm begging you…"
The man completely ignored her. He merely went on watching the crowd with a cool gaze.
The girl seemed to want to go up and take hold of him, but when she got to his side she suddenly stopped, face draining of all color. She then backed up a few steps, as if she'd seen something truly terrifying.
Lin Qiushi's eyesight wasn't as good as Ruan Nanzhu's, and due to the dim lights he didn't see a thing. It was Ruan Nanzhu who quietly explained the situation to him:
"That person's covered in some sort of black insect."
Gu Longming shivered.
"Is he dead or alive then?"
"I don't know," Ruan Nanzhu said. "Doesn't look too good either way."
Under typical circumstances, only the NPC who provided them with the key information was somewhat normal. If even that NPC wasn't normal, then there really weren't any normal people to speak of.
Lin Qiushi hadn't imagined that their door this time would be an ancient ship. And by the looks of things, the time limit was ten days.
"Come along, I'll take to to where you'll sleep," the man said. "It'll be dark soon…and it'll rain."
After this, he began that manic laugh again, and the group was even more disturbed.
The man brought them to the guest cabins and began divvying up the rooms.
Most of the rooms here were doubles, with a rare triple here and there. At first, Lin Qiushi was assigned a double, but Gu Longming brazenly went and found a man to switch room numbers with, strong-arming them into a triple.
"You'll bargain for even this sort of thing?" Lin Qiushi shot Gu Longming a look of admiration.
"Well I'm scared of dying, aren't I…" Gu Longming said. He didn't want to sleep alone, and though it wasn't quite right to be a third wheel, being a third wheel was much better than being dead.
Ruan Nanzhu’s smile was inscrutable.
"That's fair."
They'd planned to inspect the entire ship, but because the night was already so dark, moving about outside would be too dangerous. They would rest first, and wait until tomorrow to make plans.
And so the three got their key and went to their room, getting into bed after quickly washing up.
When Ruan Nanzhu went to change, Gu Longming took the opportunity to poke at Lin Qiushi, whispering, "yo, not cool man, how come you didn't tell me you had such a pretty girlfriend?"
Lin Qiushi answered a vague: "…mh."
"Oh she's stunning," Gu Longming said with a sigh. "If I had a girlfriend like that I'd want to stick around her every day too."
As he spoke, he looked to Lin Qiushi with an expression that was both envy and admiration.
Lin Qiushi watched him back and wondered how he would react if he knew Ruan Nanzhu was drag queen. Of course, it wasn't something he could tell Gu Longming now. Gu Longming was not yet part of Obsidian, and the fact that Ruan Nanzhu wore drag was Obsidian's biggest most vital secret…
After Ruan Nanzhu got changed, he came back inside.
"What are you two talking about?"
"Nothing," Lin Qiushi answered in brief. "He said you were pretty."
Ruan Nanzhu replied with a meaningful oh.
Gu Longming: "…" Why did a chill suddenly go down his back?
The beds on the ship all emanated a damp smell—very uncomfortable for the people lying on top. At this point, the waves and wind were getting bigger, and even the sleeping quarters were beginning to rock. Lin Qiushi remembered that ridiculously seasick, endlessly vomiting pal of theirs from earlier and thought that that guy was pretty much done for.
The sky outside gradually darkened in entirety, leaving only the bellowing winds and the sound of waves beating against each other. With his eyes shut, Lin Qiushi grew drowsy—but before he could fall asleep, he was woken by a sudden crack of thunder. It was like lightning had struck right above their heads. With the loud boom, all three of them awoke in an instant.
After that, it was the pattering pour of rain. The rushing rain and the howling wind—they seemed on the verge of destroying everything.
Their quarters rocked even harder. Lin Qiushi sat up in his bed.
Through the window, he looked to the black evening outside. He saw, however, two illuminated lights. It seemed like the only light sources on deck were kerosene lamps, but how did these lamps stay so bright in the middle of a thunderstorm…? Just as Lin Qiushi wondered this, he suddenly felt that there was something off about those two lights, and Ruan Nanzhu, sitting behind him, spoke up quietly:
"Don't look anymore."
Lin Qiushi, "hm?"
"Those aren't lights," Ruan Nanzhu said. "Those are eyes."
A pair of yellow, inhuman eyes. The owner of the eyes spied through the darkness with malicious intent, as if a beast looking for its prey.
Lin Qiushi instantly looked away, and asked, "what is that thing?"
"I don't know, I can't tell," Ruan Nanzhu said. "The shape is humanoid, but it doesn't seem to be human."
Lin Qiushi's brows lightly furrowed, but by the time he looked out the window once more, the eyes were gone.
Thunder rumbled on and on, and that stench of ocean salt grew thicker and more cloying.
Ruan Nanzhu climbed into Lin Qiushi's bed, and holding each other, the two very quickly returned to sleep. However, the only bachelor present Gu Longming didn't have such luck. Lying beside Lin Qiushi, he stared with plaintive eyes, thinking that in the following days, he'd be fed enough dog food to bloat.
The rainstorm lasted until dawn, and though the rain let up, the weather did not turn any sunnier. Black storm clouds still hovered over the ship, and when the alarm rang, Lin Qiushi actually thought it was not yet morning. He checked the time, however, and saw that it was 8AM. It was just still dark outside.
"Good morning," Ruan Nanzhu greeted Lin Qiushi.
"Good morning. It's so dark outside today."
"It's probably going to keep raining," Ruan Nanzhu said. He walked out onto deck with Lin Qiushi and watched the black waters roil underneath the ship.
Looking up, they couldn't see any land, only the endless swath of sea. Only the old ship beneath their feet felt like any sort of reality.
This sort of isolating environment was easily taxing on the psyche. Even for Lin Qiushi, the scene before them was discomforting.
"Come on, let's go get breakfast," Gu Longming called to the two.
"He's pretty thick-skinned," Ruan Nanzhu commented after hearing Gu Longming's call.
"Yeah," Lin Qiushi said. "His nerves are petty good."
Inside the doors, you didn't have to be too smart, but you definitely had to be brave enough. Before terrifying situations, fright could make a person abandon a large part of their cognitive abilities. The smartest person could lack a strong heart and still do worse inside the door than the obtuse, oblivious Cheng Qianli.
The three went to the dining area and found there an atmosphere that could very well be called lifeless.
Lin Qiushi didn't know why at first. After he saw the menu, however, he couldn't help but also feel a touch of depression.
All the ship offered was fish. And it wasn't even fresh fish—Gu Longming poked at a dead-eyed staring head with his chopsticks and said, "is this thing even edible?"
It was disgusting just to look at.
"It looks gross," Lin Qiushi said. "Try a bit?"
Gu Longming took a bit of meat from the gills and gave it a taste. His expression twisted.
"Fuck, did they deduct the food budget for this door or what? It's disgusting. It's like they’ve had it outside for three days. You try it?"
Lin Qiushi, "oh no, no thank you."
Gu Longming: "…"
The breakfast served in the dining room was, for the most part, stale fish. Aside from that there was only flavorless noddles and peas. The environment had already been vicious enough, but the food in front of them now was salt on top of the wound.
But Lin Qiushi and Ruan Nanzhu didn't care at all. After seeing the inedible breakfast they snuck back to their room and fetched from their bags the food they'd prepared.
Gu Longming watched as they pulled out a bottle of chili sauce, eyes bulging out.
"You guys even brought Lao Gan Ma? Did you come here to picnic?"
"Want some?" Lin Qiushi drizzled the Lao Gan Ma over some noodles they'd brought out of the dining hall.
"Yeah yeah yeah. More please." Gu Longming's expression was shameless.
With breakfast finally done, they got ready to search the ship.
There were a total of three decks in the ship, constructed a bit like the sailing vessels of the great nautical era of the Middle Ages. It was extremely old, was all, covered in the marks and traces of times past.
Beside that NPC, they didn't see any other crew members on deck; there was likely only the one NPC on the entire ship. Wait for the ship's return was the mission the NPC left for them this time, but Lin Qiushi had thorough reason to believe that if they couldn't find the door in ten day's time, this voyage of theirs would cycle back and repeat—and they'd experience the ten days all over again.
When Lin Qiushi climbed onto the second deck, he heard a sort of thumping sound, and was uncertain if Ruan Nanzhu and Gu Longming had heard it as well. So he asked, "did you guys hear that?"
"What?" Gu Longming didn't seem to have heard.
Ruan Nanzhu said, "I think I did, but not very clearly."
"I think it came from the corner…" Lin Qiushi followed the sound forward. "Let's go see."
But before they could get close, Lin Qiushi was hit with a thick, fishy stench. It was disgusting and nauseating to smell; fortunately Cheng Yixie wasn't here, or he might have passed out immediately upon smelling it.
The source of the sound and smell was the same room, and they were close enough now that both Gu Longming and Ruan Nanzhu could hear the thumping noise as well.
The three of them slowed their steps, and through the window, looked into the room.
It was a kitchen with knives and other tools hanging inside. The most eye-catching thing, however, was the dense masses of dead fish hung up on hooks all over the sides.
A person in an apron stood in the center of the room with their back towards them and head down. They were chopping something. After some observation, Gu Longming almost gagged, and said, "don't tell me he's making our breakfast—"
Ruan Nanzhu was very calm.
"It's possible."
Gu Longming did gag. He'd even had a bite of that fish that morning.
Lin Qiushi gave Gu Longming a sympathetic pat on the shoulder.
This person in the kitchen, however, was the second living NPC they'd found on the ship.
The three of them stood watching in the kitchen doorway for a while, and saw that besides chopping fish, this person didn't do much of anything else. And so they decided to go see elsewhere first.
Very soon, they discovered a more peculiar room. This room was locked, and curtains were drawn over the window. It was quiet inside, but they could still smell that thick waft of stale fish. Lin Qiushi initially thought the smell had clung to them from the kitchen, but after a careful sniff, found that it was coming from inside the room.
"Do we go in?" Gu Longming was pressed against the window trying to look in, but he could see nothing.
Ruan Nanzhu gave this some thought, before saying, "let's try," and getting out a hairpin to pick the lock.
Watching his adept motions, Gu Longming's eyes widened. Then Gu Longming glanced at Lin Qiushi.
"Is this…is this a basic skillset that y'all come with?"
Lin Qiushi grinned as he joked, "yeah. You have to learn to pick locks if you want to join us."
As he said this, there was a click. Ruan Nanzhu really got the lock open. But oddly enough, after he unlocked the door and gave it a push, he found that though the door lock was undone, there was another lock hanging on the inside. The chain on that lock held the door closed, and they could at most manage a crack—it couldn't be opened at all.
"Wait," Lin Qiushi suddenly said, stopping Ruan Nanzhu from going up and pushing the door. "Stop for a second. There's movement inside."
Ruan Nanzhu halted, and just as he stopped mid-step, a hand, sharp-nailed and covered in scales, reached out of the door. And through that crack in the door, a pair of yellow eyes looked out, peering at the world outside with malicious intent.
Translator’s Note:
The name of the ship could more simply be translated as “Black Reef,” but “Black Skerry” sounds more like a ship name? Let me know if you think otherwise (or know if it’s a specific reference to something).
Lao Gan Ma is a brand of **hot sauce (edited: 7/26), as you can probably tell from context. The original next never uses “hot sauce” though, and just call it Lao Gan Ma in both the prose and the dialogue.
[Ch. 119] | [Ch. 121]
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kanmom51 · 4 years
JM JK timeline.- my observations how they grew over the years - 2017
Disclaimer: these are my own opinions and conclusions.  Feel free to disagree, but hate or aggression will be unacceptable.
2017 - part 2
12 Feb 2017 – “You never walk alone” preview show.  Who’s JM’s little cutie? 
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14 Feb 2017 – JM Twitter post –  the boys with matching jackets.  I know. I said not Twitter, but sometimes rules are made to be broken.
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17 Feb 2017 – Hobi’s birthday.  JM to JK: “stop coming to our room at night.” There’s something about JM throwing JK under the bus time after time.  It’s like he enjoys to see JK squirm.
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22 Feb 2017 – Gaon Chart K-pop chart – JK ushering Hobi to another seat, so that JK can sit behind JM.  JM turning around see this, rolls his eyes and smirks.
24 Feb 2017 – KBS Music Bank comeback - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4_ASZuLeVk&t=156s  
Another one of my favourites.  A perfect example for both boys hesitance, wanting to touch, but just not getting there. 
 JM putting arm behind JK, but holding on to wall behind, and then matter of factually laying it on JK’s shoulder.  
JM micro touching, or brushing JK’s hand with his thumb.  
Prior to JM brushing JK’s hand with his thumb, JK’s hand is heart signing to JM. 
The minute JM moves his hand away, you see how the expression on JK’s face changes, then he rubs his hand where JM touched him.
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24 Feb 2017 fan meet – are they in actual F… sending flying kisses to each other?
25 Feb 2017 MBC music core comeback – JK moving Hobi aside, so that JK can stand behind JM.  JK being JM’s number 1 fanboy.
26 Feb 2017 – Wings – you never walk alone fan sign.  Really JM? What was that neck grab and what exactly were you doing there????  No, I don’t believe he kissed JK’s neck, but it sure was ‘out there’, so much so that Jin was in total shock when it happened.  JK was surprised by it, and I think that even JM was shocked by his own actions waling aimlessly in what seems like the wrong direction .
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28 Feb 2017 Run BTS episode 12. This one for me was cringe worthy, at some points I felt like an actual intruder.  JK the detective and JM the prisoner.  JK whacking JM on the behind (remember JK is the younger – how bold).  JM’s private dance for JK.  I know the episode was mostly scripted, but I seriously think JM was surprised by that smack to his behind.  Also, the way JK was looking at JM when he was dancing all heart hands for him.
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12 March 2017 - Wings tour Santiago Chile
Santiago day 2 – JK suffers from exhaustion.  As he is taken back stage to a treatment room, JM is the one to race after the team into the room.
JM is in the treatment room when the cameras come in.  He is standing there, and later, as the other members are walking in, JM is by JK’s side, helping the medical team lift up one of his legs.
The rest of the members come in together to see how JK is doing, and when the medical team suggest to take off JK’s pants, all the members leave the room.  All except for JM, who stays there with JK the whole time.
JM leaves the room only together with JK, after he feels better and is able to walk out of the room on his own two feet.
Wouldn’t you expect RM, being the leader and all, to be the one by JK’s side? Or J-Hope maybe?  Wouldn’t that have made more sense under the circumstances? Why JM?  
Because, clearly JM is the one JK feels closest to, the one he can be himself with freely, the one he doesn’t feel embarrassed or needs privacy from.
JM may not have been a family member, but he was the closest thing to it.  JM to JK is and was his home, his safe place, and most certainly the one to be by his side when he was in distress.
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March 2017 BTS Live trilogy episode the Wings tour in Santiago Chile & Brazil.  
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March 2017 BTS Live trilogy episode the Wings tour in Chicago.
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April 2017 3rd Muster dvd – the muster was at end of 2016, but dvd was released in 2017. During photo shoots they are being posed by the photographers.  Yes, there will be authentic moments between them, but sometimes it’s hard to tell what’s real and what’s being directed.  That’s why I don’t always like to add these to my timeline.   Even so, they were so cute, so I couldn’t leave this one out.
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3rd April 2017 – BTS Front row live entertainment interview – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UotjcB_X4ag��. What happened there?  
This one intrigues me. I watched and re-watched the full interview several times, and for the life of me I can’t see what happened there between JM and Hobi that triggered JK’s reaction?  JM’s placating look at JK, like telling him nothing happened… this one is used a lot to create the JK jealous narrative, and to be honest, I really don’t know what happened there. When JK turns back, JM looks into the camera with an uneasy gaze.
After that, most of the time, JM looks lost in his thoughts, not happy.  Towards the end they are asked what artist they would want to collaborate with, and Suga’s answer makes them all burst out in laughter, all accept for JM.  When he is asked and answers, you also see he is unhappy.  You can easily see something is bothering him.  JM just wasn’t his happy own self.  He looked pensive.  BTS did several interviews and had a concert that day, so maybe he was just tired or wound up, but he just wasn’t acting like himself.
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April 2017 - Bon Voyage 2 Hawaii
Highlights of the highlights: The but checking and identifying (are we taking skinship to another level, are we??).  
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JK getting drenched at the beach, JK getting drenched period. Lol.  
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JK gobbling down piping hot Pizza so JM can eat. 
JM playing footsies under the table with JK, all while sitting opposite V.  
JK edging JM to come along calling him “Aegyo” = “Baby”.  J
M making sure JK doesn’t go hungry, buying him food with his own money.  JM taking care of JK. 
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JK and JM on same team – the joy… Spending the day together and just being happy. 
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 Did JK really lose the game on purpose so he can be in the room with JM? 
The amount of times we hear Jimin-ssi in every kind of cute and flirty way JK can say it…
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22 April 2017 JK Vlive – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5n8y3D0Z9pM . 
JK doing everything to get JM back to his room while playing loud music. 
JK’s face lighting up when JM returns to his room. 
JK telling JM he looks handsome without makeup.  
JK pissed off when V comes in too, saying “why is everyone coming?”.    
When V touches JK’s ear, JK pushes him away.  
JM moving off camera to fix his robe, and JK not taking his eyes off him.  
V putting his foot on JK’s back (this is something I have seen V do a few times, it’s not a gentle touch, to me it feels more like asserting dominance), and JM pushes him off.    
And what exactly did JM mean when he said he has no talent for games but “I was quite good at it a year ago”?  Only to be followed by the stare, OMG, the stare.  Why, oh why did V have to ruin the moment, eh?
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22-23 April 2017 Bangkok concert. Flirting on stage, attention to each other.
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24 April 2017 Eat Jin Vlive with JM and JK - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MqxX_UGXSlY .   
Jin complaining why JM doesn’t hit him like he did JK, so JM hits him too. Lol. JM stealing the steak JK cuts for himself, while JK lets him, smiling.  The way JK just lets JM get away with anything, even interfering with the ultimate ‘ship’ - Jungfood. 
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3 June 2017 – J-14 magazine interview - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7rXl8uuUTY&t=306s .  from 3.33min. to 4.37min especially.
Wtf was JM up to there????? It looks pretty dubious, especially when you look at the faces on the two of them when it was going on.  Up to your interpretation.
2 June 2017 – Ceremonial first pitch at baseball match – Hanshin Koshien stadium - JK and JM’s jersey numbers – coincidence or not?
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12 June Festa 2017 BTS BangtanTv –  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWA6f7g7NUQ&t=2s.
JK’s intense stare at JM, when JM joined the others in with the others when they were laughing at JK eating everyone’s food but not ordering any for himself, which causes JM to immediately stop laughing.  
Poor JK being blindsided when it was pointed out that the only one he bought a birthday present for last year was JM.  Oops. (why oh why JM did you throw him under the bus like that??? You were curious? Really???? JM keeps doing this) Poor boy was so embarrassed.  Hobi was the one to actually save him, stating how generous JK has become lately giving away his things that he didn’t need. JK never answered the question. 
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27 June 2017 BV2 special commentary live – JK getting all flustered when asked to explain the difference between BV1 and BV2.  JM looking at him, enjoying every second.
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4 August 2017 - KBS Music Bank Singapore.  JK not loving on Taemin.  The way he turns around the minute JM and Taemin interact, and the discontent look on his face…cold.  He’s not a happy camper.  He glancing in the direction a couple of times, but he is mostly turned away from them.   And when JM runs up to slap Taemin in the butt, JK sees this, averts his head, and just keeps walking off the stage.  He is clearly upset. Besides the obvious faces he makes, not waiting for Jimin when walking off stage is not something he usually does. Was it jealousy?  Was it just a disliking of Taemin specifically?  And if he dislikes Taemin, why is that?  We can’t know. 
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OK now, I know I said that I won’t be doing Twitter, but this one I felt I had to (again, oops):
On the 6th of August 2017 JM posted a photo he took during their Hawaii trip (BV2). Why take this photo, and why post it?  Do I really have to ask this question?
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29th August 2017 the famous, or infamous People Now “arrest me” interview -  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgGxcMndEk8 .  
I couldn’t find the actual date of this interview, but it was uploaded end of August 2017. I really enjoyed this one.  Everyone talks about JK’s “arrest me” JM mishap during this interview.  The members reactions are to die for.  
Can someone tell me please what Suga told JK in Korean before they moved on?????  
Also, JK’s reaction when JM said he wanted to collab with Suga (watch from 7:58min), was like:
 W H A T  in  T H E  actual F U C K???. LMAO.  
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Summer package 2017 – released August 2017.
JK and JM being all playful by the pool.  JK letting us know how adorable JM is to him when he is swimming doggy style in the pool.
The one that stands out to me, though, is the ‘dream catcher necklace saga’.  Felt a little uneasy to see that one, like I was witness to a lover’s tiff.  
The boys were given a budget each to purchase themselves a gift.  They are taken together to a gift shop, where they check the merchandise out and each buy themselves a little souvenir.  When they all sit down to show each other their gifts, that’s when this moment happens.
JK takes out his gift. I once again want to emphasize, this is a gift he bought with his budget for himself.  He explains it’s a dream catcher and says he will put it in his room.  
JM, sitting next to him, takes it from JK and says: “this is a necklace Jungkook-ssi”. 
JK blurts out adamantly that he won’t hang it around his neck.   
This is when things get awkward, because you can see JM is clearly upset, throws the necklace back at JK and says: “OK, then”.
JM has a dream catcher necklace around his neck too, and when it’s his turn to tell what gift he bought himself he takes the necklace off and gives it to V, saying he bought the gift for V, who had a nightmare last night.
After JM’s mini tantrum JK, who previously adamantly professed he will not put it around his neck, does everything he can to put the necklace on, finally turning to JM to help him put the it on, which he does.  
Later on, while sitting for the personal interview, with the necklace around his neck, he tells us how from now on he won’t have nightmares.
What did I get from all that?
Clearly JM was pissed at JK’s reaction.  Why?  JK clearly bought this by himself for himself. 
But did he?  Was it something he chose for himself, or was it something JM suggested to him?
JM also bought a dream catcher.  Was that a coincidence?  For some reason, I don’t think so.  
My theory is that the dream catcher is something JM suggested or wanted JK to buy for himself, and JK reluctance to wear it offended him.  JM clearly bought the other dream catcher for V.  Perhaps he wanted both his boys to have one, and to him, JK’s comment felt as a rejection.
The way JK reacted to JM, his immediate change of attitude towards the necklace, trying to put it on, when only a second earlier he said he won’t put this around his neck, shows how attuned he was to JM, how he immediately realised he did something wrong, something to upset JM, and how he tried, in his own way, to atone for it, by wearing the same thing he but seconds ago rejected.
This brings me back to the point I made about the boys relationship, and them finding the balance. A perfect example to how there will still be conflict, but how JK realises, immediately, that he had done wrong and what he has done wrong, and immediately sets to right the wrong, hence to restore that balance.
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JM throwing the necklace at JK.  Also, notice the editor’s remark.  JM’s anger is obvious not only to me.
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To be continued... 
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kaizokuou-ni-naru · 4 years
The Voyage So Far: Fishman Island
east blue (1 | 2) || alabasta (1 | 2) || skypiea || water 7 || enies lobby || thriller bark || paramount war (1 | 2) || fishman island || punk hazard || dressrosa (1 | 2) || whole cake island || wano (1 | 2)
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i know i’ve said it before but i really, really love the entirety of reunion arc. it might be short, but there’s just so much fun and joy packed into it after the extremely fraught and upsetting paramount war. there’s something exhilarating about seeing characters who could barely compete on the world stage two years ago not just come back from nigh-obliteration, but come back so much stronger. this is true about fishman island as a whole as well, really, which is the main reason i enjoy it so much. 
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every time we get to see luffy flex his conqueror’s haki absolutely fills me with delight.
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brook’s return to the crew is, i think, the most meaningful of all of them. he knew them for, what, a week or two in-universe prior to the separation at sabaody? and in the two-year interim, he becomes basically an extremely successful rock star known worldwide and selling out stadiums. and yet he doesn’t hesitate a moment to drop all of that, to declare before the world that luffy is alive and will be king, because he might have only known the strawhats for a little while but they saved him, and he’s going to see his dream through to the end with them. 
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this is possibly my favorite panel in all of one piece. it just makes me so fucking happy to finally see him again! 
i’m a big fan of oda’s choice in not revealing his full design until this moment, so that we get to see him finally appear in all his glory the same moment the rest of the world does, just in time for him to explode back into the public consciousness and fuck up sentoumaru’s whole day. 
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i feel like i might be repeating myself a little with regards to reunion arc, but i don’t really care- it just makes me happy. this spread where luffy finally arrives back at the sunny- look how delighted they all are to see him! look how much they missed him! the strawhats are such a family, even though at this point they’ve just spent far more time apart than they’ve ever spent together, and i just adore them so much. 
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roger is one of my favorite flashback characters and definitely one of the characters i wonder about the most, and a lot of the thoughts i have about him circle back around to this panel right here. where did he get the hat? why did he give it to shanks? why did he choose to set out to sea who is he- 
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i think about kuma a lot. for such a minor character his tragedy is immense, and i would really like to know more about him, why he chose to do the things he did, what his relationship with dragon and the other revolutionaries was like- whether there’s any chance he can still be saved. 
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fishman island is absolutely gorgeously drawn. i’d call it absolutely the prettiest setting in the series until wano, and i think that, like wano, it’s clear oda was waiting to draw it for a very long time. the amount of detail and care put into all of the big establishing shots is really breathtaking.
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one of the reason i think fishman island is so fun is because the comparatively lower stakes, combined with how much stronger the strawhats are, means they get to be at their most fully chaotic best. they take ryuuguu palace hostage almost completely unintentionally, off-screen, and then immediately start bickering and making ransom demands. i love them so much. 
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i love luffy and shirahoshi’s relationship so much- i love how much she trusts him to keep her safe, and i love how easily he does it. i love how he’s brutally honest with her but never really mean and how he encourages her to open up her world and do new things even when it’s scary and dangerous, and lets her take things at her own pace. 
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i think the sun pirates’ symbol is probably my favorite jolly roger in the series, both because it’s so well-established in the story, all the way back to arlong park, and because it has so much meaning. the shadow of fisher tiger’s life and death is cast over the entire story long before we even know he existed. 
the symbolic destruction and replacement of the slave brand with the rising sun is so, so cool, and the knowledge of the reasoning behind the symbol also makes it clear long before its confirmed in-story just how empty hody and his crew are. their versions of the symbol are open, with the silhouette of a decapitated human, because they have no brand to cover. 
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i care so much about koala and fisher tiger, and the relationship between them as two former slaves and two deeply injured people, and how fisher tiger still manages to muster the strength to be good and gentle to her even after how much humans have hurt him. 
i think it’s really a shame that he never got to see who and what she grew up to be as a direct result of his kindness. i think he would’ve been really proud of her.
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i’ve always really liked that otohime isn’t perfect. she’s not as flawless as she first appears to be- gets angry and frustrated and even drunk and shouty when her own people won’t listen to her trying to help them, and it makes her feel so much more real. her patience and pacifism feel much more admirable when we’re also shown how hard she fights to keep them up. she works to be good.
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one thing i like in one piece is how much value is placed on just the value of knowledge, of writing, of reading and understanding. it’s visible in how one of the rarest powers in the world is the ability to hear the voice of all things, and in the poneglyphs, too. 
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one of my favorite things about luffy is how he becomes a hero by trying not to be one. he doesn’t care about how people view him, and he never has; he really only cares about his friends and loved ones. it’s just that he’s also an incredibly easy person to befriend, and if those friends need help, then he’ll help them, regardless of the cost. most of the island-saving he does is just positive collateral to luffy’s driving desire for the people he cares about to be safe and happy. 
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i have always loved strawhat group shots ever since back in east blue when the crew was just three people, and they’ve only gotten more exhilarating as the crew has expanded and full-crew shots have become less common in the new world. it’s always just awesome, seeing them all together and united for a common purpose, whether it’s saving robin in enies lobby or kicking hody’s ass here.
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my friend zeph grainjew calls moments like these, where other members of the strawhats deal with a problem so luffy doesn’t have to, ‘honor guard moments’, and i really like them. they’re a display of both the loyalty luffy’s crew has for him and the trust luffy has for them right back.
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the thing about shirahoshi is that she’s not a coward. she’s a crybaby and overemotional and extremely skittish (which, for the record, is fully understandable for someone who’s been the subject of constant assassination attempts since she was six), but when it comes down to it, she’s fully ready and willing to let herself get killed by the noah in order to protect her people and her country. she’s so brave.
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i sometimes see people complain that the villains of fishman island are flat and boring, as though that’s not the whole point, as though the entire arc isn’t a treatise on the importance of not passing hatred down to children. of course hody and his crew are hollow, they’re the equivalent of malcontented shitty white men who become neo-nazis because it’s easier to blame minorities for their problems. 
luffy’s victory over hody itself is nothing. it’s easy, it’s only barely a challenge because they fight in the open water and luffy is a devil fruit user, and in the larger scheme of the one piece world, hody is nobody to even take notice of, no matter how grand his ambitions might be. what’s important isn’t hody’s defeat itself, it’s that the children of fishman island see luffy come when shirahoshi calls, and that at the end of the arc, they all want straw hats of their very own.  
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this might genuinely be a coincidence, but i’ve always liked that fishman island, an arc all about inheritance and what we pass down to our successors, is when luffy first pulls out red hawk, an attack clearly inspired by ace. inheritance can positive or negative- the negative examples in this arc are obvious, but there are positive ones, too. we can also see it with koala and fisher tiger, or with jinbe and both of the legacies he’s shouldered. it’s up to us what we leave behind. 
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for all that fishman island isn’t the strongest arc on its own, i do think it has by far one of the strongest endings. it’s an arc all about hurt and loss and how it gets passed down and renewed over generations, and it ends with a return to zero. everything’s not better, but the wound’s been cleaned and bandaged, and now it can finally, finally start to heal. 
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and into the new world we go! with skies full of fire and oceans full of lightning, looking just like the entrance to hell- and all our crew can’t wait to get there. 
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stargazer-balladeer · 4 years
Christmas Greetings from Them 2 [Genshin Impact]
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Characters Included: Jean, Kaeya Alberich, Keqing, Klee, La Signora, Lisa & Lumine.
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With Diluc
“You’re still working at this late of an hour?”
“! Master Diluc! What a surprise-“
“I told you to not call me that. Before you ask how I come in here, I knocked several times but didn’t receive an answer. So I decided to let myself in.”
“Ah.. I must’ve doze off. No matter, what can I help you with?”
“It’s not me that needs help actually. I’m here for you.”
“.. me? Care to elaborate, sir Diluc?”
“I’ve been informed that you’ve been working non-stop this past few days. Tell me, is this your way of getting your mind off of [Y/N]?”
“! O-Of course not! It just happens that there’s been lots of duties to be done all at once-!”
“-and all of it is a coincidence? The sudden attack of a peaceful Hilichurl in the east side of Mondstadt, Margaret’s stray cat gone missing, Taxes, Patrolling the city more often than usual, is there a need for me to go on?”
“You look tired than usual. Tell me, how many hours have you been sleeping lately?”
“... 2-3 hours.”
“*sigh* I knew it.”
“But your wrong! It’s not because of [Y/N] at all! It’s just a coincidence that there’s a lot of duties to be fulfilled when they left-!”
“Look. Do you honestly think [Y/N] would appreciate it if they find their girlfriend passed out, almost half-dead because she isn’t taking care of herself properly?”
“*sigh* I didn’t come here to lecture you. I came here to invite you to a party that the Dawn Winery is hosting.”
“A party? What for?”
“Don’t tell me you didn’t realize what day it is today?”
“It’s already December 24. It’s almost Christmas Eve actually.”
“That’s all. I better take my leave.”
“I’ll show up later. I’ll just.. finish some paperworks.”
“.. get some rest, Jean. You got everyone worried for you.”
“.. *sigh*”
“Stars up above the sky, ones that’s shining brilliantly like the moon, so many and so small, won’t you grant this tired woman a wish? Perhaps, a letter for my beloved? How are you faring, [Y/N]? It seems like I’ve been neglecting myself with my many duties again. If you can see me right now, I know you’ll be disappointed in me. Perhaps, master Diluc is right, maybe I was trying to find excuses. Trying to get my mind off the loneliness I feel whenever you’re not around. It’s once again the season of Christmas, and yet, you aren’t here with me. This is suppose to be a festive of love and happiness, yet all I feel is nothing. I’ll try to have some fun in master Diluc’s party tonight, but I make no promises that I’ll not force a fake smile. I miss you dearly, [Y/N]. Come back and warm me up again. Smile again for me and take my worries away. Merry Christmas, wherever you are. Forever yours, Jean.”
Kaeya Alberich
With Amber
“Sir Kaeya! Sir Kaeya!”
“Sir Kaeya! It’s about the report for Acting Grandmaster Jean-!”
“Oh? Then why didn’t you say so sooner?”
“I was trying to but you keep ignoring me-!”
“What is needed in the report? Don’t waste my time.”
“Ah.. well.. all she wanted was that you bring in your report tomorrow morning because she needs it immediately-“
“Oh. Is that it? Then consider it done. Farewell, have a nice evening, Amber.”
“H-Hey! Wait!”
“*sigh* what is it now?”
“Why’re you so cold to me? Did I do something to anger you?”
“I can reassure you that it isn’t that. You’re just.. too energetic for my taste.”
“Too energetic? What’s that suppose to mean?”
“That. You’re always curious. Always willing to help someone. You must’ve had a great life when you were a kid..”
“.. well, I would be lying if I say I didn’t.”
“See? You’re practically a normal girl. And that’s boring.”
“I-! That’s just rude, sir Kaeya!”
“Oh, sorry. I didn’t know that that was rude.”
“Hmph.. say, sir Kaeya. Do you know of the legend of the Wishing Stars?”
“That was a smooth shift of conversation, I would give you that. But to answer your question, doesn’t everyone know of it?”
“I guess.. so are you going to make a wish?”
“If I was going to make a wish, why would I tell you that?”
“I’m just curious. *pouts*”
“Well, there’s a infamous saying that goes, ‘curiosity kills the cat’.”
“You know what? I’m just gonna go and patrol now. Have a nice evening, sir Kaeya!”
“Annddd off she goes. *sigh* what a waste of time..”
“Hm.. o wishing stars, hear my wish. Do you mind if you can deliver this makeshift letter to my beloved? Hello darling, how are you doing? Hope you’re still alive. You better didn’t leave me by dying. Afterall, you’re the only thing that’s keeping me sane. After all that I’ve lost, you wouldn’t go disappearing too, right? Anyways, I’m getting too sentimental there. Hope you haven’t found another man to pleasure you while you’re out and about. If I ever find out that you’re cheating, there’ll be consequence.. Hahaha.. of course I know that you wouldn’t do that. I trust you that you wouldn’t do that to me. Though I do admit I miss the embarrassed, red face you always have whenever I tease you. I also miss your sharp tongue, always managing to keep me at my wit’s end by bantering with me. I would love to do all those moments again. Merriest of Christmas, [Y/N]. Bon voyage~”
With Beidou
“... oh, miss Beidou. What a surprise to see you here.”
“... who are you again?”
“Oh.. Keqing. That girl who helped protecting Liyue from danger, right?”
“I suppose so.”
“Aren’t you a workaholic though? What’re you doing here?”
“I was forced to relax.”
“Ah. Shouldn’t that be a good thing?”
“Not to me. There’s so many things that needs to be done on time-!”
“Ah.. I understand now.”
“But what’re you doing here, miss Beidou? Not to be rude or anything.”
“Hm.. I don’t really now. Sudden urge, I guess.”
“Oh.. would you like to accompany me then? Since you’re here already. It’ll be a waste if you don’t enjoy the scenery.”
“I thought you wouldn’t ask. Sure.”
“So.. how’s life for ya?”
“Alright. It’s been getting chaotic though, ever since the incident.”
“Ah.. right. Well, I’m not really surprised. Liyue Harbor was almost destroyed afterall.”
“I suppose. Say, miss Beidou.”
“Do you know of the legend of the Wishing Stars?”
“Ah, I heard it from one of the crew. But what’s got you interested in it?”
“Well.. it just sounds fascinating.”
“Fascinating? First time I heard someone say that to a legend.”
“Think about it. How does it work? Why did people start talking about it in the first place? If this legend exists till this day, then it must’ve worked before, right? Won’t it work now?”
“Ah, I’ve found myself a curious one.”
“Hehe.. sorry. I guess I rambled a bit there.”
“Not at all. All of us have a interests in different things. Yours just happen to be the legend.”
“Yes.. I believe that too..��
“Why not give it a try then?”
“Since you’re interested in it, why not try it? No harm in trying, right?”
“Hrm.. I suppose not but.. isn’t that.. albeit childish..?”
“Childish? Bah! Nonsense. Nothing is childish, especially on things you’re passionate about.”
“.. thank you, miss Beidou.”
“My pleasure. Afterall, we gals stick together, right?”
“Go on then. No one’s here to judge you.”
“O shining, wishing stars. Would you hear me and my wish? Please send this wish to my beloved. How have you been, my beloved? Has life been easy on you? I’m glad that you’re finally searching for your calling but I didn’t think of the setbacks it has. Selfish I may seem, I’m starting to regret sending you off on your way. It’s been almost a torture without you here by my side. I can still feel the pressure of the people behind my back. I wish you were here with your reassuring words. I would love to hear your voice, and possibly your singing as well. Even if you’re embarrassed by it, I still think it’s the most beautiful sound I’ve heard. Please return immediately, my beloved. Let’s celebrate the last few days before New Year. Merry Christmas, my beloved. May more years come and meet us. Let us face the upcoming challenges head-on.”
With Albedo
“Klee? What are you doing still up at this hour? It’s way past your bedtime.”
“Oh.. mr Albedo.”
“? What’s gotten you so sad, Klee? Tell me so that I know who I should beat up.”
“It’s nothing like that. I just.. miss [Y/N].”
“Ah, your playmate. Don’t worry, Klee, I’m sure that they miss you too.”
“.. do you really miss them?”
“*sigh* well, I cannot exactly bring them to you..”
“Hm.. how about making a wish to the stars?”
“Make a wish? To the stars?”
“Have you heard of the legend of the Wishing Stars?”
“Ah! Grandmaster Jean told me about that! If we wish from the bottom of our hearts, then the stars will hear it!”
“*chuckles* I guess that’s one way to sum it up. How about we make a wish?”
“But what would I wish for, mr Albedo?”
“How about you wish for your friend’s safety?”
“Eh? I thought you can only wish for yourself? You can wish for other people as well?”
“There’s a million ways to wish, Klee. One way is for yourself, the other is for someone else, and the rest is something else entirely. So, c’mon, let’s wish from our hearts.”
“Hmm.. okay! Klee would do it! For [Y/N]!”
“*chuckle* yes, for [Y/N].”
“Shining wishing star, can you hear my wish pretty please? This is for my friend, [Y/N]. I wish them the best! I hope they find what their looking for and they return safely! So that we can still play hide and seek, and dolls, oh! And tag! I recently made a game that I’m sure that both of us will enjoy very much! Though, for now, Klee would stay patient and wait for [Y/N]. Just like Grandmaster Jean, sir Kaeya and everyone said. I just need to be patient. But, I don’t know how long I can be patient for.. oh! I also recently gotten some new toys from everyone! I want to share them with [Y/N]! Hehe. Happy Christmas, [Y/N]! Oh! And happy Christmas, wishing stars! I’m gonna continue to hope that [Y/N] will return so that we can play again!”
La Signora
With Scaramouche
“.. well, isn’t this a surprise.”
“Tsk. What’re you doing here?”
“Now now.. is that a way to greet a fellow Harbinger?”
“I’m going now.”
“Hold on. Why don’t we chat? It’s been a while since I’ve last seen you and I’m getting lonely with no one to talk to here.”
“Why not talk to yourself? Why drag me to your ‘chat’?”
“Do you think you have a choice?”
“Good. Now, come, join me outside.”
“Why go outside when its freezing as hell out there?”
“Did I stutter?”
“To the outside it is.”
“I still wonder why you decided to drag me out of here when we could’ve had our ‘chat’ indoors.”
“If we had our chat indoors, then we won’t have a view of the stars.”
“Stars? Since when were you interested in astrology?”
“I’m still not interested in astrology. The legend behind them though is what interest me.”
“Oh? Do tell.”
“Have you heard of the legend of the Wishing Stars?”
“Who hasn’t? Everyone’s been talking about it that it makes me sick.”
“It would be wonderful if it was true though..”
“Ha? You do know it’s nothing more than a legend right?”
“Well, it does have the ‘legend’ part in its name.”
“Oh, so you are aware of it. Now, c’mon, let’s head inside before we get frostbite out here-“
“Just because it’s a legend doesn’t mean that I don’t believe in them.”
“... are you serious?”
“I still don’t get why I’m here in the first place.”
“Call it a moral support.”
“How is this moral support-??”
“Quiet. I must say my wish now.”
“*sigh* does it look like I have a choice-?”
“Shining Wishing Stars. Even if I am a Fatui Harbinger, would you still grant me a wish? I would like to wish from you the safety of my beloved. Let no harm befall for them because of my status as the 8th Harbinger in the rankings. I truly wish I could spend this Christmas season with them but duty calls. I wonder how they are right now. Are they happy? Or are they miserable? I really want to go home to them and spend the rest of my life with them. But alas, the Tsaritsa goes first.. as usual. I miss pressing my body against theirs while cuddling with them. I miss the affections they shower me with constantly.. maybe I’ve taken that for granted, now that I’m seeking it constantly. I should probably stop now, I’m already rambling.. Merry Christmas, [Y/N]. I promise we’ll be together soon. Just continue to wait for me, my love.”
With Razor
“Hm? Oh my, Razor. Is there anything I can do for you?”
“Happy.. Christmas, miss Lisa.”
“*chuckles* Happy Christmas too, Razor.”
“.. are you okay?”
“Oh? Of course I am! Why wouldn’t I be anything but okay?”
“You look.. sad. Are you.. missing someone?”
“Ohh you’re good~! Why yes, perhaps I do miss someone..”
“Where are they now? Why they not with you?”
“I’m afraid their on a adventure of their own. As much as I want to accompany them on it, I’m afraid that I can’t. I can’t abandon my position as a librarian afterall.”
“Oh.. I see.”
“Now, why don’t I tell you a legend? It’s quite fitting for the seasonal festivity right now.”
“A.. legend? Similar to me?”
“Yes! It’s the legend of the Wishing Stars. Have you heard of it?”
“Red.. bunny girl mention about it.”
“.. oh, you mean Klee. I suppose that either Albedo or Jean must’ve told her about it. Though I’m quite surprised you were able to understand it given her unique wording.”
“You just wish.. from the heart.. and the stars.. will make it true. That’s what red bunny girl said.”
“Hmm.. I supposed that’s one way to word it. You just basically wish for something and, if you really mean it, it will be granted by the stars above. Though there’s no evidence that its actually true.”
“So.. it’s fake?”
“Not at all. If its truly a fake one, then people would soon forget about it and it’ll be lost in history. But the fact that it was able to reach to our time means it must’ve been atleast real to make it this far.”
“Oh.. then why don’t miss Lisa make a wish?”
“.. me? Making a wish?”
“The legend.. is for everyone right? So, why don’t miss Lisa make one?”
“.. I suppose that is correct.”
“So? Is miss Lisa making a wish?”
“Hmm.. I think you’ve convinced me enough. Fine, I’ll make a wish of my own.”
“Wishing stars, hear my wish. I wish the best for everyone around me. I hope that Jean wouldn’t continue to overwork herself and actually learn to take some rest. For Kaeya to stop leaving and letting the other Knights of Favonius behind to do whatever he’s doing. For Razor to continue being my cute student and find a place for himself in this world. I also hope to see my darling once more. It’s quite lonely without them, not being able to see them is quite a nightmare actually. It’s worse than having a book overdue- Wherever they are now, I hope their okay and safe from harm. I better not see any scratches on them, but if there is scars, I would just kiss them and love them~ they are a part of them afterall. I wouldn’t change it for the world~ Merry Christmas, everyone. May tomorrow shine even brighter than today.”
With Aether 👀
“Now that we’re together again, dear sister. Shouldn’t you atleast be happy? Why the frown?”
“It’s just that.. we’ll be leaving soon.”
“Yeah.. you know that we aren’t welcome in this world.”
“I know-! But.. what will happen to everyone- what will happen to [Y/N]?”
“... and this is why I told you to not get attached to anyone.”
“.. I can’t help it brother. I love them with all of my heart. Leaving them so suddenly, without a goodbye will haunt me for the rest of my life.”
“So, if you’ll say goodbye to [Y/N], that’s okay for you?”
“You want to stay, don’t you?”
“I learned to love this world, brother. I can’t just get up and leave so suddenly. I’ve met so many wonderful people while searching for you. Meeting [Y/N] was honestly the best thing that could happen to me, besides finding you of course.”
“.. I don’t want you to suffer in this world, dear sister. We don’t belong anywhere. That’s why we travel from world to world.”
“How about we settle in this world instead? Besides the goddess who put us here, we’re at peace-! For the longest time, ever since I can remember, we’ve been running and running. We’re never truly at peace!”
“If we stay here, then this world will be in-danger.”
“Do you want this world to suffer because of our selfishness?”
“I’ve also come to love this world, sister. But danger always follows us wherever we are. If we stay here, then this world would be in danger because of us.”
“... hey brother.. do you know of the legend of the Wishing Stars?”
“.. the others were talking about it. It’s about wishing something from your heart and then the stars will grant it, right?”
“Hmhmm.. that’s the summary.”
“Are you gonna make a wish?”
“Yes. If we’re truly going to leave this world behind, then I’ll just leave behind a wish.”
“.. alright.”
“Shining stars, won’t you grant my wish? I won’t be here for long, and I’m honestly scared of what’ll happen from now on. Especially to everyone here in Teyvat, to [Y/N]. Please protect them when I can no longer. When I’m no longer here to protect them, please don’t bring them any harm. I wish the best for them. Please don’t let their smile vanish. Don’t let them lose their light, their happiness and their love. Even if it pains me, I wish them the happiness if ever they find someone else to love. Please don’t let them forget about me. Atleast keep me in their heart. And in return, they shall remain in mine. Happy Holidays, my love. Though many seasons will pass, I know you’ll remain strong throughout it all. You are afterall my love.”
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untaemedqueen · 4 years
Bon Voyage (M)
Idol!Jimin x Reader
WordCount: 6k
Genre: Smut, Fluff
Warnings: Virgin!Jimin, Needy!Jimin, Cunnilingus, Fellatio, Unprotected Sex (We Know The Rules Already), Choking
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The night air was cool against your hot skin. The alcohol in your blood keeping your body warm as you waltz through the streets of Venice. Humming gently, you step on the cobblestone street with not a care in the world. You had quit your job, saved up your money and decided to travel. You always wanted to go somewhere romantic, so Venice was a great first choice. You giggle before moving out of the way as a vespa passes you by. Venice was beautiful at night, the sound of lively chatter and street music makes you feel alive. Your black sundress rippling as you step back into the street. It was so free here, so exceptionally perfect. 
You hold your hand up apologetically to a car as you cross the road quickly, your body smacking into another as you jump on the curb. 
"Sorry!" You cheer before giggling and looking up at the person. 
"That's okay." The man's small eyes scrunching up into half moons as he gives you a big smile. He had on a straw hat, denim button up shirt and white shorts. It fit him perfectly. He was cute, and not in the 'Wow, I'm drunk so anyone is cute' way. He was handsome. So, with your cheeks turning pink you smile once more before bowing your head to him. 
"See ya!" You say with a giggle before walking down the road towards the busking music. 
You stop in front of a busker, sitting on the bench as you tap your sandaled foot to the rhythm of her guitar. Her voice was melodic and beautiful, your eyes closing as you hum to her music. 
"Oh! Hello again!" You hear from your right and you turn your head to the Asian man you had run into not too long ago. 
"Hello!" You smile at him as he sits down next to you. 
"You like music?" He asks, setting down his camera and putting his hands in his lap. 
"Yes! I love music!" You say before laughing, his broken English is very cute. 
"Me too. Me too." You smirk before looking up as the song ends. Your clap happily before pulling out some money and tossing it into the girl's guitar case. 
"You're on vacation?" You ask the Asian boy, his teeth biting at his plush bottom lip before tilting his head. 
"Va-ca-tion?" You nod before marrying his action. 
"Trip. You on trip?" 
"Ahhh! Yes!" He says before laughing, his hand flying to his mouth as he giggles. His laugh was maybe even more beautiful than the music you were sitting here listening to. 
"Where are you from?" 
"Korea!" He says before pulling money out of his wallet. 
"I speak some!" You say in Korean making him go wide eyed. He takes off his blue tinted glasses before laughing. 
"Wow! You're so good!" He says giving you a thumbs up, his white teeth shining in the dimly lit lighting of the street. 
"No." You say with a laugh shaking both of your hands at him. 
"Yes! Good!" He says in English. You sit for a while listening to the music before sighing. 
"I'm Jimin!" You look back over at him before putting your hand over your heart. 
"I'm Y/N." "Nice to meet you!" You hum in agreement before smirking. "Same here." 
"Are you on vacation?" Jimin asks as the girl's guitar case finally closes. You had been sitting here for a long time, making small talk with this handsome boy. 
"Yes! I am visiting." He smirks before looking up as someone calls his name. 
"Aish." He mumbles before grabbing his camera and bag. 
"My manager is calling me. Y/N, it was fun!" He holds out his hand and you smile before shaking it. 
"See you later." You wave as he jumps up and skips over to his manager and another young looking boy. His head turns back to you as he waves once more before being greeted by a camera crew. 
"Oh? He must be someone important." You mumble before standing up and clapping your hands. He's so handsome, of course he would be someone important.
"What was that about?" Jeongguk asks Jimin as they walk down the road. 
"Y/N? I ran into her. She's cool. Speaks Korean and everything." 
"And she doesn't know who we are?" Jeongguk asks before putting down his camera. 
"She didn't seem to. She was just...normal." Jeongguk hums before elbowing his hyung gently. 
"You thought she was pretty, huh?!" Jimin chuckles before putting on his glasses. 
"Yeah, she was pretty." He admits before entering the rented house the group shares.
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"We should go get breakfast and then meet back up at the house at 11." Namjoon tells everyone as the crew pushes bags out of the way. 
"Free time?" Hoseok asks loudly in English scrubbing his face with face wash as he peaks out of the bathroom. 
"Yes! Free time!" Namjoon calls back before laughing, "Okay! Taehyung want to get food with me?" Jimin asks cutely grabbing his sunglasses from the living room table. 
"Yeah sure, where do you want to go?" Taehyung grabs his hand bag before smiling at Jimin. 
"We'll just walk around and find a place." Taehyung nods before opening the door. "Sounds good."
Jimin jumps off of the curb before pointing at a restaurant, "How about this place? Andiamo?" Taehyung shrugs before picking his camera up to his eye and snapping a photo. The stone work on the front of the restaurant was inviting, 
"Sure!" Taehyung gives Jimin a box smile as he takes off his hat. 
"Two, please." Jimin says quietly in English. 
"Inside or outside?" The waitress questions as a large gust of wind blows picking up sand and dirt from in between the cobblestones and berating both of the boys legs. 
"Inside." They say at the same time.
The inside of the restaurant was gorgeous, all trimmings painted gold as pearlescent fixtures hung from the ceilings. 
"Wah." Taehyung marvels before taking a picture. 
"So pretty." Jimin says before putting his stuff down in the seat next to his. Taehyung sits across from Jimin opening up the menu before tilting his head. 
"It's in Italian." He mumbles before taking a sharp breath between his teeth of uncertainty. 
"Following me?" The voice has Jimin's head springing up before smiling widely. Your body angled around your chair as you cross your arms. 
"Hi again." Jimin says before laughing. Taehyung looks up confused before smirking. This is the girl Jeongguk was telling him about. 
"She's pretty." Taehyung mutters before looking back down at his menu. 
"She speaks Korean." Jimin whispers through clenched teeth making you smile. Taehyung buries his face deeper into the menu before cringing. 
"I think you're following me, Jimin." You quip flirtatiously before picking up your glass of champagne. Jimin chuckles before shaking his head closing the menu. 
"Just a happy coincidence." Taehyung perks up as Jimin speaks Korean, curious at how well you would speak. 
"So it would seem." You reply in his native tongue making Taehyung smile. You were good, better than good. 
"Would you join us?" Taehyung asks loudly, turning his head. Jimin's small eyes almost becoming saucers as he looks at his best friend. 
"Sure!" You say happily before standing up and grabbing your menu. 
"Oh my God." Jimin mumbles fanning at his face with his menu as Taehyung pulls his handbag off of the chair next to him. He was way too outgoing for his own good, or so Jimin thinks. 
"I'm going to sit here." You tell the waitress in Italian as she passes by. She gives you a nod and you sit down before shooting back the rest of your champagne. 
"You speak Italian, too?" Taehyung asks impressed as he leans back in his chair. You hum in agreement before opening up your menu. 
"Can you help us read this?" Jimin asks with a laugh, your eyes crinkling cutely as you nod to him.
"YO BRO!" You hear loudly as Taehyung picks up a piece of bread. Jeongguk stops short as he enters the restaurant with Yoongi and Jin. 
"Yo bro!" Taehyung says happily before high fiving Jeongguk. 
"Yo Y/N!" Jeongguk cheers happily extending his hand. Jimin puts his hand to his forehead embarrassed as you high five Jeongguk confused. 
"You know BTS?!" Jin asks loudly, high fiving you. 
"Now I do." You answer with a giggle as he smiles down at you. 
"Do you want to sit with us?" Taehyung asks as Yoongi bows his head to you. You bow back before looking at Jimin. He takes a sip of his champagne before looking up at you, an embarrassed smile gracing his face. 
"No, don't worry. You guys eat. We'll get another table." 
"Y/N?" Jin whispers audibly to the youngest as they walk past the table. You hum in amusement as Jimin chuckles uncomfortably. 
"I'm going to get another drink." He says before lifting his hand for the waitress. 
"Hey Y/N?! Can you read this?" Jeongguk calls out loudly as you turn your head to the cute younger boy. 
"Yes." You reply in Korean standing up and walking over to them. 
Jimin slaps Taehyung's wrist embarrassed, to which Taehyung slaps Jimin back and it continues on like this for a few seconds before Jimin puts his forehead to the table. 
"Fucking embarrassing. Jin hyung is probably embarrassing me." He mumbles into the white table cloth. 
"She seems really nice." Taehyung comments as you laugh at something Yoongi says. His gummy smile radiating through the restaurant as you laugh. 
"She is nice. And, she's pretty. And, she speaks our language." Jimin tells his best friend before picking up his head. 
"And, she knows that I told Jeongguk about her because he called her name." Taehyung picks up his glass of Coke before leaning over the table to Jimin. 
"Hate to break it to you, but this is probably a one time thing. So you should soak it in as much as possible." Jimin sighs before nodding and running his fingers through his hair. "I should, right?" 
"Thanks, noona!" Jeongguk calls out to you as you sit back down at Jimin's table. You give him a thumbs up before grabbing your glass of champagne. 
"Oh. Noona, is it?" Taehyung asks with a laugh, you nod happily as the food is placed in front of you. 
"Wah!" Jimin cheers excited before grabbing his fork. 
"This looks so good!" Taehyung says as you pick up your utensils. 
"Gratzie." You tell the waitress before going to dig in. 
"Hey!" Taehyung calls loudly, making you stop as he pulls out his phone. 
"Oh. My bad." You laugh as he takes pictures of the food. 
"Okay. Eat up." He says before giving you a big box smile. 
"I'll eat it deliciously!" You say in Korean making Jimin smile. His hand falling on his cheek as he watches you cut your ravioli. 
"What're your plans for today?" Jimin asks, pushing his pasta around on the plate. 
"I don't know. Just letting the wind take me." You tell him, his brown orbs staring at yours before smirking. 
"Jin oppa told me you guys have free time later on tonight. Maybe we'll run into each other again." Jimin smiles as you call his oldest brother, oppa. You were so comfortable, he loves that. 
"Hopefully I get to see you." He was right, this was probably a random one time event. He should make the most of it. 
"I hope so, too." Taehyung smirks into his lobster before turning his head to his other brothers as they call your name. 
"Nice choice! Tastes delicious!" Yoongi calls to you making you smile.
Jimin sighs before fixing his hair again, if he does run into you tonight he wants to look perfect. "Bar hopping in Italy! So fun!" Yoongi cheers loudly coming out of his shared bedroom with Jeongguk in tow. 
"Behave yourselves, please. We don't need more footage like when Jimin was in Paris." Jimin's cheeks heat up pink at the mention of his escapades while they were on vacation. His eyes looking nervously at their manager before giving a small apologetic smile. 
"Don't worry, we'll be good." Jin says before putting on his tie. 
"Oh my God, hyung. Please. What the fuck are you wearing?!" Hoseok yells with a laugh as he throws on his Fila hoodie. Jin looks down at his mismatched attire, blue jeans, a pink and white striped shirt with a black tie and sandals. 
"What?! I'm fashion in it's very form." Jimin snorts before fixing his Balenciaga shirt and nodding at the long mirror on the wall. 
"Okay! Let's go!" He says putting his arm under Tae's as all seven boys shuffle out of the rented house.
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"Amoré." Yoongi calls out fixing his bucket hat before pointing at the bar down the street. 
"Okay!" Jimin was barely trudging along, he had expected to see you. He wore all brand new clothes, fixed his hair. He put on makeup and they've been bar hopping for three hours and you were nowhere to be found. 
"Maybe she left." Jeongguk says putting his arm around Jimin as they enter the next bar. 
"She would have told me this morning. She said she hoped to see me tonight." He could even hear the hurt in his voice as the thumping bar music enters his ears. The swell of the bass pumping through his ears. He sighs before walking over to the bar, his cheek landing on his hand as he flags over the bartender. 
"Whisky sour!" He yells in hopeless English. 
"What?!" The bartender yells back sticking their neck out. 
"Whisky sour!" Namjoon yells wrapping his arm around Jimin's shoulders. 
"Thanks, hyung." Why was Jimin so obsessed with the idea of seeing you again? He had seen you for the first time last night but you were so intriguing to him. You knew different languages, you had a beautiful smile. Maybe because it was the excitement of seeing you after his work hours. Or, maybe that it was such a spontaneous happenstance. And, spontaneous and idol do not go together. Jimin pulls out his wallet as a thin arm comes in between Namjoon and Jimin's heads. A credit card between the index and middle finger as the bartender places Jimin's drink in front of him. Jimin turns his head before smiling widely. 
"Jimin." You say with a smile as the bartender takes your credit card. 
"Y/N! Wow! Hi!" Namjoon smirks before slinking away, he gives Jimin a two thumbs up as he walks towards the others. Jimin looks you over, your gold tight fitting dress making his eyebrows quirk up as he smiles. 
"You look great." He says pointing at you. 
"Huh?!" You yell over the music. Jimin's hand mindlessly slinking around your waist as he leans into you. His lips mere centimeters away from your ear. 
"You look beautiful." You pull back with a smile before standing on the bar beneath the bar and leaning against the wooden bar. 
"Amaretto Sour!" You yell loudly as the bartender gives a thumbs up throwing the towel over his shoulder. 
"I was looking for you for like four hours." You tell Jimin before shoving his shoulder. His big smile widening, if that's even possible. 
"I was looking for you too!" He says as you nudge him with your hip. Jimin pulls out his wallet as you grab your credit card. 
"I got it." You allow him to pay for the drink before swaying to the rhythm of the music as you wait. Jimin steps back, obviously ogling you. Your dress landing mid-thigh and your cleavage was practically on display. Jimin sips his drink before smirking as you turn your head to him. You were beautiful, graceful and confident. 
"It's so loud in here." You yell to him as you grab your drink, your body turning and pressing to the bar as you cross your legs and take a sip. 
"Wanna go out to the garden?" Jimin asks pointing at the white wooden archway that seemed to lead to the backyard of the bar. "Sure!" 
The backyard was so much quieter, the thumping still vibrating through the floor underfoot but at least you and Jimin could hear each other. You sit down at the umbrella covered table as the rest of BTS floods out of the bar. 
"Fuck, it's so loud in there!" Hoseok yells looking back into the bar. Jimin sighs gently sitting down across from you. He wants time alone with you, he wants to actually speak to you, and get to know you. 
"Don't mind us!" Namjoon says as you take a sip of your drink. They sit on the other end of the backyard and Jimin looks back over at you. 
"They're always around." He tells you, making you smile. 
"They're nice! I like your group." Jimin smirks before sitting back in his chair.
"This is different... Being outside with a person. Drinking." He holds up his drink as you lean your cheek on your hand before nodding. 
"It's not something you can do often, huh?" He shakes his head viciously. 
"No way! I would get in so much trouble." "I don't want to get you in trouble." Jimin finds his hand grabbing yours as you go to stand. 
"You won't, stay." His small eyes staring up at yours as you smooth out the back of your dress before sitting down. 
"Shots!" Yoongi yells while bringing out a tray. Jimin turns his head before chuckling. 
"Y/N! Come on!" Yoongi says loudly, setting down the tray at your table. Jimin looks on in amusement as you grab the shot and turn your head before downing the contents and cringing. 
"Wow! She's even polite!" Namjoon teases making you laugh loudly. Jimin puts his hand under his chin staring. Your laugh was beautiful. Everything about you was inviting. A smitten smirk gracing his face as you laugh at something Yoongi says. And, suddenly Jimin knew he wanted to know all of you. 
"Y/N?!" Jin yells out as you dance with Jeongguk in the backyard, your head turning to him as you giggle. 
"You like my fashion?" Your hazy eyes looking over his attire before smirking, 
"You look great, oppa." 
"See!" He yells at Hoseok who laughs loudly throwing his body onto the wooden bench by the table. You laugh before turning back around, Jimin had disappeared. He was right next to you and Jeongguk a few seconds ago. You furrow your eyebrows before grabbing your water bottle and peaking inside of the bar. His silhouette leaving the bar and out the door. You frown following him quickly, pushing through bodies on the dance floor as you call his name. Your voice getting drowned out by the music as you sprint to the doorway. Jimin is across the street, his foot perched behind him as he folds his arms. You step out of the bar and make your way across the street as he looks over at you. 
"What's wrong?!" You ask putting your hand on his shoulder as he stares at the sky. 
"Nothing." You give him an incredulous look as he looks down at you. 
"Jimin." He sighs before letting his foot slide off of the limestone wall behind him. 
"I just want some time with you, alone." Jimin tells you, grabbing at your hand as a few drops of water hit your face. 
"Time alone with me?" You ask putting your hand on your forehead shielding your face. Jimin does the same as the skies slowly begin to open up. 
"Yeah, I want to get to know you. Just you without my members around. Frustrating." His sentence ends in a mumble and you smile before pulling his hand. His body stumbles before catching itself as you step underneath a closed shop awning. 
"You didn't have to run off, you could have told me that." You tell him making him smile. His dark brown eyes staring down at you as he brushes his thumb over your bottom lip. 
"I'm telling you now." He whispers before smirking. There was silence as you stare at each other, the rain starting to patter harder against the fabric awning over head. You wanted to know him too, he was a joy to be with. 
"Come." You tell him grabbing his hand and pulling him out into the rain. His face scrunches up as he laughs. 
"Where are we going?" He asks as he jogs behind you shielding his face. 
"To have time alone." Jimin stops for a second before intertwining your fingers.
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You enter your hotel room, both of you dripping wet as Jimin shakes his sodden hair out of his face. 
"Oh my God it's pouring!" He says with a laugh before looking around your room. 
"Wow, this is nice." He mumbles as you take off your high heels and step into the adjacent bathroom. You grab two towels before putting yours over your head. 
"I quit my job and saved my money and decided to travel." You tell him before stepping out of the bathroom and handing him a towel. He nods opening his mouth understanding as you flick the lights on. 
"It's really spacious." He says before looking at the king sized bed by the window. He sits on the edge before drying his hair off. His wet white shirt clinging to his body making it almost see through. You find yourself staring as he leans back his abs apparent through the shirt as he wipes at his neck. 
"I have beer." You tell him pointing at the mini fridge. He looks over before nodding. 
"That sounds good." You look at the price list before rolling your eyes. Fifteen euros for one beer. That's just ridiculous. You grab two bottles out of the fridge before handing out to him. Jimin pops it open before leaning back on his elbows, his body shifting the cream colored sheets as he looks up at you. To have him alone, in this space. Your own space, makes you feel on top of the world. Jimin takes a sip before looking you up and down. 
"You must be cold." He says before grabbing the towel and draping it around your shoulders. But, you weren't you felt alive, all of your nerves firing. The goosebumps were not a sign of being cold. It was a sign of excitement. "I should change out of this dress." You tell him and he nods. 
"You'll get sick, if you don't." You hum in agreement before turning around and showing him your back. He takes in a deep breath before sitting up straighter and grabbing the zipper of your dress. You could pull it down yourself but where's the fun in that?
Jimin grabs the small zipper, his hands eagerly opening up your bare back to him as he bites his bottom lip. 
"Thanks." He hums before leaning back, the dress drops into a puddle on the floor and Jimin gives himself away by groaning gently. Your ass and legs on full view as he looks at your thong. His eyebrows furrowing as he licks his lips. 
"This what you had in mind for alone?" You quip turning around to him. He chuckles to himself before shrugging. 
"I can't say no now that you're in front of me like this." You crack open your beer can taking a sip and Jimin ogles your shielded breasts. The cusp of them making his eyes hang lower as he sips his beer slowly. 
"I decided I am going to do whatever I want to. On my vacation." You clarify making him smile. 
"Oh yeah? Whatever you want?" You smirk before straddling him. His free hand grabbing at your side before rubbing his thumb over your skin. He puts his beer can on the floor before holding you steady on top of him. His chest smacking into yours as he sits up. His hand comes up to caress your face, his thumb sliding over your cheek bone as he looks up at you. The silence was comfortable. 
"You're really pretty." Jimin mumbles, his alcoholic breath fanning your face as you smile down at him. 
"You are too." He smirks as his hand leaves your face to rub small circles on your collar bone. His tongue darting out to lick at his plush lips. Fuck, his lips were perfect. Simply calling out for you to kiss them. 
"And, since I decided I am going to do whatever I want-" Jimin grabs you tighter, his acid blue jeans rubbing against your ass as you bite your lip.  
"What're you going to do?" He asks tilting his head. You bend down pressing your lips into his and he groans happily pressing his hand to your back pulling you as close as he could.
His teeth nibble at your bottom lip, your legs wrapping around his stomach as he pushes your head closer to his. Your mouth opening for him as he rubs his tongue against yours. A small moan leaving your lips only to be swallowed by him as you run your fingers through his black hair. His body is quick, his arm muscles tightening as he flips you over. A gasp leaving you as you grip at his hair, he groans in pleasure before pulling away and taking off his shirt. The wet fabric hitting the floor with a heavy thud before his lips are back on yours. The kiss wasn't urgent, it was slow, sensual and full of wanting. Jimin pulls back only to gasp for air as he looks down at you. Your head angling upwards to catch sight of his eight pack. 
"Fuck." You whisper raking your hands over his stomach. He sighs content before closing his eyes. 
"I don't get to do this, ever. This is a first for me." You look up at him wide eyed, 
"Your first time having sex?" He sighs before nodding. 
"Yes." Oh, you were going to fucking ruin him. You could feel how soaked your panties were already. 
"You're telling me you're this hot and you never had sex before?" Jimin smirks before leaning back and unbuckling his belt. 
"I'm serious." He chuckles before leaning down. 
"Is that alright with you?" You smile at the question. 
"If it's alright with you." He nods eagerly and you giggle before pulling him back down in for a kiss. A moan leaves him and it might just be the prettiest noise you've ever heard in your life. His forehead connects to yours as he unbuttons his pants. 
"Fuck. You're so hot." He mumbles before standing up and stripping off his wet jeans. You smile up at him gratefully, his briefs already tenting and stained with precum as he rubs at your legs. His thumbs giving small massaging motions to your calves as he kneels in between your legs. 
"If I'm not doing something right, just tell me." His eyes earnestly looking at you as he grips at your thighs. You nod to him making him smile as he bites his bottom lip.
Your hands reach around your back before unclasping your bra. His eyes honing in on your breasts as you throw your bra on the floor. 
"Shit." He mumbles before fixing his erection, his hands reaching out to touch your breasts before looking at you for the okay. You nod to him and his hands palm them. You sigh gently before he leans down, his cologne enticing your nose as his plush lips leave featherweight kisses on your neck. 
"Your skin is so soft." He mumbles into you before pulling his hand away from one of your breasts. His tongue encircling your nipple before suckling sweetly at it. Your breath catches in your throat as you run your hands over his arms. 
"Oh fuck." His gentle suckles have your back bowing off of the bed. His arm snaking behind you to hold you up as you mewl for him. 
"Jimin!" His eyes closing as he flicks your nipple with his tongue. 
"Oh my fucking God!" His mouth was skilled, it's incredible to believe it's his first time doing this. He pulls up before looking at you, his cheeks flushing pink with lust as he looks at you through his lashes. 
"Okay?" He asks quietly to which you can only giggle. 
"Perfect." He smiles before giving your other breasts attention. 
"Okay." His voice is a whisper before attaching to your other breast. His warm fingers gliding over your stomach before fingering at your thong. His fingertips tracing the hem and your eyes roll back as he pulls up. It was so sensual, his gentle movements have you dying for more. He hooks his fingers into the sides of your thong before slowly pulling them down. His lips kissing along your thighs before hanging your thong from your ankle. 
"Christ." He whispers before spreading your knees wider. His tongue licking at his lips. 
"I want to taste you." He bows down as you run your fingers through his hair. Your thighs squeezing around his head as he opens your pussy lips. He lewdly views your cunt before sighing content and leaving a flat stripe. You squeeze your legs tighter as you moan his name. His lips clasping onto your clit and gently suckling before going to town.
You moan loudly, back off the bed as Jimin enters a finger inside you. A groan leaving his lips as you close your eyes. 
"Look at me." He whispers picking his head thrusting his finger into you faster. You lift your head with a moan as he adds another finger. His tongue flicking at your clit as he curls his fingers. 
"Good?" He asks before kissing your soaked lower lips. 
"So fucking good! So good! Keep going!" Jimin smirks before going back down on you. Your eyes stare at each other as you bite your bottom lip. He was so hot, so fucking handsome and he was eating you out. Your stomach starts to tighten as you pull Jimin's hair harder. His eyes squeezing shut before moaning. 
"Fuck! Yes!" You moan loudly as Jimin adds a third finger. 
"I'm so close!" You whine as Jimin suckles harshly against you. Your thighs begin to shake before moaning loudly as you orgasm. 
"Jimin!" He sits up, a confident smile on his face before wiping at it with his hand. 
"You taste so good." You pull his shoulders down and bring him into a kiss as he moans against your lips. Your hand reaching out and grazing his briefs. 
"Fuck." He whimpers before grabbing onto your hips. 
"Lay down." You tell him as you sit up. You push your drying hair over your shoulders before crawling over him. His lust filled eyes taking you in as you pull down his briefs. His hard cock slapping against his stomach as he whimpers your name. 
"Do you want me to touch you?" You cock your head teasingly as he grabs at your thighs. 
"Please touch me! Please!" You lean down licking up his protruding abs. He groans gently, his fingers gripping at your thighs as he grits his teeth. You watch as his cock precums in excitement and you can't help but smile. 
"Someone's eager." 
"Fuck, Y/N. Please, touch me." He grabs at your hands as you kiss up his chest to his neck. 
"Oh fuck." He closes his eyes biting down on his bottom lip. 
"No marks. I'll get in trouble." You nod before pulling away. "No marks." 
You kiss the length of his cock, it wasn't the longest but it was thick making your mouth water. 
"Oh my God! You're such a tease." He groans before grabbing at your hair. You giggle before licking at the head of his cock. He gasps loudly as his cock precums once more. You swirl your tongue around him before dipping your head down his length. He sounds as if he's been shot. The loud groan that leaves his mouth makes you feel on top of the world. 
"Oh fuck! You- Ah!" His head lulling back as he whimpers out. Your cheeks hollow as you choke on his cock. 
"Oh fuck! You know how to use your mouth!" You moan in agreement, the vibration of your tongue has his hips thrusting upwards. 
"I'm not going to last!" He yelps out before repeated thrusting. His teeth gritting harder as he squeezes his eyes shut. Tears collecting in your eyes before spilling over your cheeks. 
"Y/N! Fuck! I'm going to cum! I'm-" Without warning he orgasms with a loud whine. His hands pull at your hair as he whimpers, tucking his lip between his teeth. 
"Oh God!" You swallow his seed before sitting up and rubbing his chest delicately. He takes a deep shaky breath before looking up at you. His smile seems drunken as he sits up. His fingers raking through his hair before climbing over you. 
"That was incredible." He whispers before wiping some cum off of your lip and holding out his finger. You open your mouth, your tongue swirling over the pad of his finger before suckling it gently. His mouth opening as he strokes his semi-erect cock. 
"You're fucking perfect." He tells you before knocking your legs open. You giggle wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him down. 
"Are you on birth control?" You wrinkle your nose before nodding. 
"You wouldn't lie to me, right?" He asks quickly, picking up his head and looking into his eyes. 
"No, Jimin. I wouldn't lie to you." He kisses you gently before parting your pussy lips with his cock. Your arousal coating him as he moans. 
"I'm sorry if I cum fast. I-" You silence him with a kiss before biting his bottom lip. He moans gently before aligning himself to you. He enters you slowly, both of you moans gently as Jimin presses his face into your neck. 
"You're so tight. Christ, you're fucking dripping." You whimper wrapping your legs around him as he grabs at the sheets next to your head. His hips pulling out before thrusting back in. 
"Jimin!" He knew how to work his hips, that's for sure. 
"Fuck, your pussy feel good." Your head falling back as you run your hands over his back. He gets his bearings of how you like the thrusts. Taking into account when you moan loudly compared to your whimpers before bulldozing inside of you. Your breath catches in your throat as you moan loudly. 
"Fuck!" His body picking up to kneeling before playing with your nipples. 
"Tight little fucking pussy all for me. So fucking gorgeous." You moan his name loudly. Your nails digging into his arms as he fucks you up the bed. The headboard smacking into the wall only goads him on as he puts your ankles over his shoulder letting him thrust deeper. 
"Yes! Fuck me! Right there!" Jimin licks at his lips, his body enveloping a sheen of sweat. He could feel his balls tightening. His throat going dry from moaning your name. 
"Rub my clit!" You tell him as you feel his cock beginning to throb within you. He puts his thumb in his mouth before circling your clit. Your back bowing off of the bed as you moan loudly. 
"Just like that! Fuck!" Jimin groans as you grab his hand and place it over your throat. 
"Fuck, you're such a good girl." He whispers before squeezing your throat gently. The grip was perfect enough to have your head swimming as your heartbeat begins to fill your ears. 
"Fuck! Feels so good! I'm close!" Your stomach tightening once more as you bite down on your bottom lip. 
"Me too!" Jimin goes to work rubbing at your clit faster watching how your breasts bounce with every thrust. Your walls begin to quiver, a gasp leaving Jimin's lips as his eyes flutter shut at the feeling. 
"Oh shit!" You moan loudly grabbing at the sheets as your knuckles go white. His hips beginning to roll and snap with every thrust and you orgasm around him with a loud moan. 
"Fuck! Yes! Cum on my cock!" He groans loudly falling over you before chasing his high. His balls slapping into your ass as your vision goes white. 
"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! I'm cumming!" His lips suckling at your nipple as he cums. Ropes of cum lathering your cunt as he whimpers against you. 
"Oh my God." You mumbles before putting your hands through your hair. Jimin sits up shakily before putting his hand on his chest. 
"Oh man. That was-" He can't even find words as he pulls out and throws himself beside you. 
"Can I have your number?" He asks looking over at you making you giggle. "Sure, you can have my number." 
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Jimin steps out of the shower first handing you a towel. 
"Any idea where you're going to travel next?" He asks before wrapping his arms around you and kissing you gently. You tilt your head resting your cheek on his shoulder. 
"Maybe Korea?" His lips quirk up into a wide smile before chuckling. 
"I'd like that, a lot." You hum as he wraps the towel around his waist. "Me too."
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mr-entj · 4 years
Hey Mr. E. What advice would you have for someone who wants to develop their own power? Enneagram 8 ESTP here who is thinking a lot about about power lately and my place in the world to use my power. Have you ever considered a career in politics? How would you define power and how do you use it? Thank you again for this blog. Your writing and thoughts have really forced me to take a hard look at myself and make me better plan my choices and future. Thank you for that.
Sure, let’s talk about my favorite topic: power.
First, I don’t define power like some of the edgy Tumblr users out here celebrating doing one push-up, drinking a full cup of water, and/or boasting about the one time they told someone they disliked to screw off. You don’t get a gold star for putting on your underwear before your pants-- that’s not power-- that’s called being an adult human being. I define power as the ability to impose my will on my environment and the people within that environment. It means that my actions can guide thought processes, influence decisions, change events, and decide outcomes. The more profound the impact and the greater number of people impacted-- the more power I have. Power is not a bold declaration, an expression of anger, or an edgy social media post, it’s an ability that can be verified through real actions and real consequences in the real world.
Power is a fact-- it’s not an opinion.
To your question: No, I’ve never considered a career in politics because politicians in western civilization don’t wield as much power as business leaders unless those politicians were independently wealthy prior to entering politics or were business leaders first. In today’s world (and even before that): money is power, businesses make money, and technology companies make unfathomable amounts of money. Therefore, technology companies are some of the most powerful entities who wield large influence on the citizens of this planet. Examples include:
The smartphone, computer, and internet that serve as your connection and critical lifeline to the outside world
The social media apps that allow you to meet and communicate with friends and family
The e-commerce shopping giants you rely on to buy food, clothing, and other basic life necessities
The learning platforms to watch your school lessons so you can become skilled, educated, and certified
The media platforms, apps, and channels to stream video movies, TV, video games, and music
The search engines, news websites, and critical sources of information you use to shape your views, form your opinions, protect your health, and make key life decisions
These are all provided by the technology industry. Everything from the hardware that keep the trains on the tracks and planes in the air to the healthcare software that stores critical life-saving patient data to the social media platform you’re currently using right now to read my post. Society relies on these things not only to function, but to survive, and that’s where power is concentrated today.
I’m not an improviser, a betting man, or an angsty internet 20-30 year old boasting about things he hasn’t achieved-- I’m a very calculated, deliberate, and strategic person. It’s absolutely not a coincidence that over the past 10 years of my career I’ve worked tirelessly to position myself on a very exclusive mountain to seize power, wield it judiciously, and maximize my impact on the world as a force for good on a global scale.
Everyone has the ability to have power. First, start with yourself and exercise discipline over your mind, body, and emotions. Focus on good habits, great nutrition, consistent exercise, adequate sleep, consistent work ethic, iron willpower, laser focus, and all the fundamentals that will serve you well in pursuit of your goals. If your ship isn’t properly maintained, it won’t survive the voyage. Focus on the basics.
Next, define what kind of power you want to have by identifying how you want to impact the world. For me, information and technology are my avenues but there are countless others like education, media and entertainment, law and policy, health and medicine, etc. A writer that creates thoughtful stories for a large audience or a career academic who teaches the next generation of brilliant minds can have just as much power as a CEO of a large corporation. Where do you want to leave your mark on this world?
Finally, get there. Make wise choices academically and professionally to best position yourself to succeed. You’re the captain of your ship.
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grailfinders · 3 years
Fate and Phantasms #172
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Today on Fate and Phantasms we’re making Rider of Resistance, a.k.a. a good reason as to why Type Moon should just... stop. Just stop, please, this is an intervention. As usual, expect spoilers below the cut, which is where you can find his build breakdown. Otherwise, check out his character sheet over here!
Next up: She’s a lumberjack, and she’s okay!
Christopher Columbus is a Gloom Stalker Ranger for a noble phantasm that lets him seek out whatever he desires as well as the smash and grab tactics the conquistadors are known for. He’s also a Swashbuckler Rogue to turn him into a high-seas swindler.
Race and Background
Cumulonimbus is a Human, but I want a feat so he’s a variant human instead. This gives him +1 Dexterity and Constitution, proficiency in Deception, and the Silver Tongued feat from unearthed arcana.This bumps your Charisma score up by 1, and you double your proficiency bonus when it comes to deception checks. You can also replace one of your weapon attacks with a contested skill check: your deception vs. their insight. If you succeed, you can move without provoking attacks from them, and your attacks have advantage against them until the end of your next turn. If you fail, they’re sick of your shit for an hour, and can’t be deceived in this way.
Unsurprisingly, Columbus is a Sailor, which gives him proficiency with Athletics and Persuasion. We’re changing things up a bit here, but you’ll need that silver tongue on longer voyages.
Ability Scores
Columbo’s highest stat is his Charisma; he’s a very clever leader, and an even more clever liar. Second is Wisdom, it’s like he can search things out using magic or something. If you’re going to survive a long ship voyage, your Constitution has to be solid as well. For your sealegs we’ll make your Dexterity better than average. That also helps with you running into fights wearing regular clothes. Your Strength isn’t that great, but we’re dumping Intelligence. We just don’t need it.
Class Levels
1. Ranger 1: Starting off as a ranger is cool, it gives you proficiency with Strength and Dexterity saves, as well as three ranger skills; Investigation for up close “treasure hunting”, and Perception to spot land just that little bit faster. You should also grab Stealth proficiency, it’ll make surviving in Chaldea a lot easier.
You would have gotten more skills by starting as a rogue, but starting here gives you extra health as well as Favored Enemies. Grab the two kinds of humanoids most akin to natives in your setting for advantage on survival and intelligence checks about them.
You’re also a Deft Explorer, which at level 1 makes you Canny with Deception checks, doubling your proficiency bonus. Take a shot every time I double your deception proficiency. You’ll take 3 shots, but that’s exponential, so it adds up quick. It’s still level 1, and you’ve got a +11 to deception, that’s pretty damn good.
2. Ranger 2: Second level rangers can get the Mariner fighting style, adding 1 to your AC while out of heavy armor, and giving you a swimming speed so getting knocked overboard isn’t a game over.
You can also cast Spells now using your Wisdom to cast them. Hunter’s Mark is a gimme since we’re not taking Favored Foe, but we’re also dipping into a third Unearthed Arcana for Wild Cunning, a ritual spell that gives you one of several effects. There’s a lot, but they mostly boil down to finding stuff important to survival more easily.
3. Ranger 3: As a Gloom Stalker ranger, you know the benefits of getting the drop on people better than anyone. Your Dread Ambusher takes the chillage out of your pillage by adding your wisdom modifier to your initiative rolls. Also on your first turn you get an extra 10′ of movement, you get an extra weapon attack, and that extra attack deals more damage. The conquistadors weren’t called the conquistadors because they were bad at conquisting.
You also get Umbral Sight thanks to all those nights of watching for the shore, making your dumb human eyes less dumb thanks to Darkvision. On top of seeing in the dark, you also count as invisible to any other creatures that rely on darkvision while in the shadows. Chris doesn’t have his own evade to be fair, but honestly with all the races having darkvision humans get screwed over so much that I’m willing to overlook it this time.
For this level’s spells, Hail of Thorns will give you some light weapons fire from your trusty ship. You also get Disguise Self for free from being a gloom stalker. It’s not in character, but again it’s free, and god knows you’d put it to good use.
4. Ranger 4: Use your first Ability Score Improvement to grab the Piercer feat, rounding up your dexterity for a bigger modifier and the ability to re-roll one die of piercing damage per turn. Also, your piercing crits deal an extra die of damage when they hit now!
5. Ranger 5: Fifth level rangers get an Extra Attack each attack action. You can still only use a crossbow once per turn, but you’ve got a sword, I’m not worried.
You also get second level spells! Locate Object is what we’re here for, but you also learn Rope Trick for free. Camping equipment was nice, but it’s time we set out for real treasure.
6. Rogue 1: Bouncing over to rogue gives you proficiency with Sleight of Hand, so you can finally get those darn eggs to stand straight. I don’t know why they made a Portuguese man obsessed with a Chinese myth, but whatever.
You also get Expertise in two skills, Perception will help you spot land faster, and Deception is basically just a meme at this point. Both of them get their proficiency bonus doubled. If you really wanted a crazy modifier out the gate you could’ve done this at second level for a +19 to deception, but instead you get it here for a +27. At this point you could totally lead someone on for the entirety of a pseudosingularity and not break a sweat! Not that you would, obviously.
You can also Sneak Attack with ranged/finesse weapons (hey, look at your arsenal, what a coincidence) to deal an extra 1d6 damage to creatures that are next to allies or that you have advantage over. As the men of Agartha could say, you don’t fight fair.
Also: Thieves’ Cant. It’s a language.
7. Rogue 2: Second level rogues get Cunning Action, so now you can dash, disengage, or hide as an action. You’re always moving forward. And sometimes, “forward” means “as far away from the people you’ve conned as possible”.
8. Rogue 3: Is making a sailor a Swashbuckler stereotypical? Probably. Either way your Fancy Footwork means you can ignore attacks of opportunity from creatures you’ve made a melee attack against, and your Rakish Audacity adds your charisma modifier to your initiative rolls. So now your initiative can be added to your growing list of character traits with silly modifiers thanks to its +8. Also, you can sneak attack against creatures when you’re dueling them.
Also also, your sneak attack is 2d6 now.
9. Rogue 4: Use this ASI to bump up your Dexterity for more accurate attacks and less accurate attacks against you.
10. Rogue 5: Use your Uncanny Dodge to get those sea legs working, dodging well enough as a reaction to avoid half the damage from an attack. And your attacks are scarier now, thanks to a 3d6 sneak attack!
11. Rogue 6: Use this round of Expertise to double up on Persuasion to figure how where people keep their valuables and Sleight of Hand to slip them into your pockets while no one’s looking.
12. Rogue 7: Admittedly, Chrissy Boy doesn’t have an evade skill, but he does get Evasion anyway, making his failed dexterity saves deal half damage and successes deal 0. I mean his guts arguably does the same thing at low health, but now we’re quibbling.
Also, 4d6 on sneak attack.
13. Rogue 8: We’ll go back to ranger soon, but first grab another ASI to bump up your Wisdom, speeding up your initiative and making your spells a bit stronger.
14. Ranger 6: It’s been a while, huh? You get another two humanoids to add to your Favored Enemies so you can terrorize a wider swath of natives, as well as Roving from the Deft Explorer goodiebag to speed yourself up and swim no matter what you’re wearing.
15. Ranger 7: Seventh level Gloom Stalkers have an Iron Mind, helping you keep your head on straight even during long voyages. Or against wisdom saves. Honestly the latter’s way more common, let’s go with wisdom saves. You have proficiency now, is what I’m saying.
We’ve also been seriously neglecting your magical damage, so pick up Magic Weapon so you aren’t mostly useless against a demon.
16. Ranger 8: Use this ASI to bump up your Dexterity one more time for better guns and AC. You can also use Martial Versatility to swap out your Mariner fighting style since it overlaps with roving, but I like it where it is. To be fair you could also make Columbus a Triton barbarian, but then he wouldn’t be Columbus.
You also learn Land’s Stride, which lets you ignore nonmagical difficult terrain, and you have advantage against magical difficult terrain like the one caused by Entangle.
17. Ranger 9: Ninth level rangers get third level spells like Conjure Barrage, which lets you conjure... a barrage. Like Hail of Thorns, this is basically your cannons firing off in the background. You also learn Fear for free. That smile is pretty creepy, after all.
18. Rogue 9: Ninth level swashbucklers get another feature, Panache, letting you make a persuasion check against a creature’s insight as an action. If they’re friendly, they become charmed. If they’re unfriendly, they have disadvantage on other creatures, and can’t make opportunity attacks against other creatures.
Personally I like Silver Tongued’s version better for combat, but the added utility is nice. Also, 5d6 sneak attack. That’s important.
19. Rogue 10: Grab the Tough feat with your last ASI for an extra 38 HP now and two more at level 20. You’ve survived at sea for over a month without getting mutinied, and you’ve got guts. Literally.
20. Rogue 11: Eleventh level rogues get 6d6 sneak attack as well as Reliable Talent, meaning you can’t roll lower than a 10 when using skills you’re proficient with. This means you’re guaranteed to roll at least a 16 on Athletics, a 25 on Persuasion, and a 61 on Deception.
You are really good at deception. Like, ridiculously good. Like, literally can’t fail good. A minimum roll of over 60, in a game where DC 30 “nearly impossible”, is dumb. Especially since you can weaponize that check thanks to your UA feat.
Speaking of, if you’re willing to only make 1.5 attacks a turn instead of 2, you’ve basically got guaranteed advantage thanks to that feat.  That’s really useful when it comes to setting up your sneak attacks.
You’re also pretty tanky, with almost 200 HP and most of the rogue’s abilities to avoid damage. You don’t have your own healing, but I’m sure you can talk Medea into helping out.
Your casting modifier is only a +3, so your spells aren’t as strong as they could be. Most of them don’t use your modifier at all, but expect your cannons to be a bit lackluster.
You will never need to roll a 61 on deception. You could have used that Canny on another skill to make two skills busted, but when you gotta flex you gotta flex.
You are playing Christopher Columbus.
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niuniente · 4 years
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As the New Year 2021 is finally here, following the demanding year of 2020, I decided to make a global reading to check energies of 2021. You might want to read this as global energies affect every one of us in a way or another.
We’ve reached the top of 2020, The Sacred Mountain. The climb has been demanding – more for some than others – and we have needed to overcome obstacles. Notice also how Sacred Mountain as a symbol is related to hermits, who isolate themselves from others to be on top of the mountain. Year 2020 was a year of isolation and distance, which was part of the hard climb we all had to go up in a way or another. While it doesn’t look like it, year 2020 served its spiritual higher purpose and thus it was a sacred year. Usually the most demanding years are the best in a long run for us all. We might be here anymore to see the events which evolve in the future – like in 100 years – but people in 2121 will be able to track things from their time to 2020 and its events.
As we leave 2020 behind, we emerge more wiser than in the beginning of 2020 with the Elder card. This is the most important key for the next year. All the knowledge, wisdom and experience we have gathered in 2020 will serve us in 2021 (and for many for a lot longer). Many people emerge from the old to this new year with new understanding. We have seen globally how different old masks and facades fall, how peoples’ truest wants and desires come out, how governments truly are etc. That was also part of the 2020’s lessons so that we’d learn to turn within and trust our own guidance. This is also the message of the Elder. The humanity will continue turning more within and accept less from the outside sources in 2021. This is the time of a major energy shift, when people are awakening to their own powers, to their own wants. No more walking with closed eyes while forgetting ourselves. We have gained understanding of how things can be done differently (for example remote work, online purchases, better communal operations) and there’s no return to the old with the wisdom of Elder. Surely, government and the status quo that’s “dying” will try to keep up with it (good example is Trump refusing to leave his post. He’s an embodiment of the old times which won’t work anymore but which refuse to let go of their benefits and what they have gained without a futile fight).
Year 2021 will be the element of Air. Air is wonderful because it represents dreams, ideas, thought and freedom. We will feel a sense of lightness this year when the year changes and we have big hopes that things will turn better in 2021. People will be keener on trying new things, developing new things, having better innovations and this will affect also marketing and business. While the business world is all about money, they are very adaptable now and willing to try new things because how people behave and think and live has changed in 2020 for good. Air is also the second most spiritual element right after water, so changes in old religions can happen (like them being more open minded and really going there to genuinely help people). People are awakening more for the spirituality and will want to find their own ways. Revival of old religions and traditions can also arise more in 2021.
Air’s negative side is that it’s fickle and can’t make decisions. It’s hasty, unreliable, hard to grasp, too high to understand. While ideas appear, they might not be able to put in use yet. We can take a breather but obstacles of 2020 aren’t yet over. For that, there’s Narrow Pathway. It means that the path that opens in 2021 after the struggles of 2020 is narrow and we might need to squeeze through it with our last strength, without knowing what’s on the other end (because of the fickle air). The world isn’t free from obstacles yet and this is understandable. Themes of 2020 will continue appear in 2021 too with the card of Overcoming Obstacles, but they won’t be so disastrous or demanding anymore. In 2021, we’re mending things and overcoming them. The worst is behind. It is the last sprint.
What these obstacles are globally are related to government, work life, employment, social security, social structures etc. a bit depending what country it is we’re talking about. That’s why Discovering Truth is present in this reading. Like said, 2020 shook people up; “Wake up! Listen! Are you following your own truth or someone else’s? Who are you? What do you want? Are you happy in your life? If not what needs to change?”
People will be less willing to just suck it up and follow blindly authorities with their demands. Together with the Spirit of Air, the innovative governments, companies, organizations and people, who operate together with others giving them freedom to choose and live from their truth, will succeed the best in 2021.  This unwillingness to give your own power back can appear as clashes against old authorities refusing to let go of their old glory. People are closing the moment when they have had enough of all bullshit. It is important that everyone finds their own truth and lives from it. The obstacles appearing in front of every person this year will ask them “Who are you? What do you truly want?” It might not be a time for taking action yet for everyone as the Air represents thinking and thoughts. It is definitely good year for some mental work and figuring out who we are. I think everyone will have more or less work on that this year.
Voyage of the Heart is very soothing and warming. It says that this all happens so that people would dare to go towards their dreams. That they would learn to listen to their hearts instead of listening others, following authorities and traditions blindly, and operating from the space outside heart (fear, gluttony, greed etc.) There’s NOTHING wrong with following any authority if it makes the person happier, more fulfilled, more in tune with who they are. Some people will find different guides, authorities etc. for this new journey they want to follow. That’s okay.
Matters of heart will be important. Compassion, wanting to be together and unite again are strongly present in 2021. The year 2020 stopped everyone on their track, forced them to climb up the Sacred Mountain without much any help and leisure, isolated everyone from one another and did this so that we would see what is TRULY important to us. What truly makes people happy and healthy. Connection to others. Compassion. Kindness. Free will. Freedom. Laughter. Socializing. Hobbies. Friends. Family. Loved ones. Nature. Working together for a better goal. All these are high qualities which are natural to us. These qualities will get more important role in 2021 and we will appreciate these a lot. I just saw the movie Soul and laughed how such a movie with a motto “Enjoy your life & See what’s truly important in it” appears in the year 2020 which forces people to stop and do those things. The reward of all these wonderful things will taste even better in 2021.
Voyage of the Heart can mean for some people that they will find a new home somewhere else. They will move and start anew. Relocating is typical for awakening of one’s heart and own truth.  This is also feminine card and feminine energy will heal more in 2021. This has been already happening (see Me Too-movement and Black Lives Matter) and it continues in 2021. Many can figure out this year that it is OK to be feminine and have gentle qualities. This includes companies and authorities with gentler, nurturing, more accepting and creative approaches and values. Green values are part of the uprise of feminine energy.
The 2021 will have a Favorable Outcome. It also says that all this bullshit we’ve gone through will have a Favorable Outcome for the whole world in a long run (but like I said, we might not be here to witness all those good things). New innovations, people rising up to fight for their right for happy and meaningful life, fighting against oppression so that all would be treated equal, quitting the old bullshit spewed on us by the authorities, and all personal discoveries will benefit everyone. As we’re all connected to one another, your personal happiness will spread through this network of souls to others and uplift not only you but the whole global energy.
This Is Your Life’s Purpose says that we all came here on this time intentionally. It’s not a coincidence. We are all gaining something of this energy shift which will support us in our daily lives, in our bodies, in our purpose. Remember what I said about the movie Soul? Yeah. That’s the thing happening now! The harder the obstacles hit the farther you have accidentally wandered from your truth and yourself. It can be hard, but you can do it! No matter where you are now, it is OK.
Focus Upon Divine And Perfect Health is a wonderful thing to see for 2021! Covid will loose its grip on us and we would do well if we concentrated more on thinking health and healthy thoughts and mongering in fear. This DOESN’T mean that people should dismiss the pandemic. No. It means “Keep Calm and Carry On”. Wash your hands. Keep your distance to others. Wear a mask. Look after yourself and others. Don’t take stupid risks. And, while doing that, concentrate on health, healthy thoughts and the promise that this pandemic shall pass. We’re almost at the end of it. The scientific discoveries as well as the economical and social discoveries and changes will promote better health for people in the future, too, and hopefully change for example work life to healthier with remote works and such (of course, it is not possible to change ALL working environments to healthier in a zap, but any progress is better than no progress). Also, as people respect their truth and themselves, and allow the feminine energies flow with nurturing, creativity, equality, girl power etc. it will benefit peoples’ health too. This includes everyone no matter how their identify themselves. Energies don’t have genders or identities. They just are, just like colors.
The last card is Let Go Of Fear…Now. This is for the end of the year. Things will be better then but everyone will benefit if they can calm down as much as possible and fear as little as possible. Suppressing emotions and feelings is not healthy, so if you feel something, you feel it. Getting stuck in there is the problem. As the previous cards said, the new changes will let people and businesses let go of some fears, which will benefit people in a long run (like “if I let my employees have remote work days, they will be lazy”).  The fear of the pandemic should also ease up the deeper we get into 2021. Notice also how the character is a man and in the sword, there’s a reflection of another man. This is a symbol of masculine energy also healing. Masculine energy is toxic when it has lost its connection to feminine energy (and feminine energy is toxic when it has lost its connection to masculine energy). As the feminine energy cleans up and gets stronger, it will benefit masculine energy and men/those who identify themselves as men or masculine. Men are healing, too, and a health masculinity is protective, loving, supportive, gentle and warm.
This is a promise that there’s nothing to be afraid in 2021. Everything is panning out in the big picture exactly as it should, even if it didn’t feel like it from our limited perspective. All is well and all will be even better.
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Magnificent Scoundrels: Welcome Aboard
I was going to write a second part of “The Team”, but it ended up being extremely long-winded and boring, so I decided on this instead.  Hope you like it.  
Despite his apparent oddness, it must be said that Drake didn’t waste any time.  Already, he had a job for the team, now called the Magnificent Scoundrels at his insistence.  They were to rendezvous around a planet on the outer edges of Drake’s home galaxy, where he would inform them the rest of the details.  For those who did not own their own starships, accommodations were provided by the members of the team who did.  Jack Cooper, who was introduced as the lone military-looking man at the back of the room, would be traveling with Drake, as Drake’s ship, called the Apocalypse, was the only one with enough room to transport Cooper’s Titan, a monstrous twenty foot tall piloted robot designed to crush anything it would possibly face.  The elaborate-uniformed man, as it turned out, was a commissar (Author’s note: Commissar definition- a political or morale officer) attached to an entire regiment of soldiers.  The only ship that was equipped to fit an entire military regiment inside was Adam Vir’s, and as such, Commissar Ciaphas Cain and the Valhallan 597th of the Imperial Guard were put aboard his ship, the Omen.  Master Chief was a singular person and thus did not require much room, and so Kirk volunteered to transport him aboard the Enterprise.  And so, it was now that welcomes were issued, people and supplies were loaded, and mooring lines were cast off, figuratively speaking.  
Aboard the Omen
Adam Vir sighed contentedly as he settled into his command chair.  It was good to be back on board his ship, and definitely good to get away from maniacal mercenaries and people who he wasn't sure were hallucinations or not.  Speaking of which, he glanced around his shoulder.  Commissar Cain and the commanding officer of the regiment, Colonel Kasteen, were standing ramrod straight, hands behind their backs, at the back area of the bridge, apparently wanting to see takeoff.  Cain’s elaborate uniform was drawing rushed glancines from the bridge crew, several who gawked at the newcomers before Vir snapped at them to get back at their stations.  Sighing again, this time in annoyance at his crew’s lack of social skills, he stood up, put on his best diplomatic smile, and walked towards the duo, arm outstretched.  
“Commissar Cain, Colonel Kasteen, I trust your soldiers have made themselves comfortable.”  Kasteen looked bewildered at the outstretched hand for a moment, then shook it and gave a rather sickly smile.  
“Er, yes they have, Admiral.”  Her grip noticeably weakened as Sunny, the ship’s eight foot tall four-armed Drev weapons officer brushed past.  “All the Guardsmen are secured for warp jump.”  Vir nodded appreciatively.
“Excellent.”  He then turned and shook Cain’s hand, which on second glance, had several cold metal prosthetic fingers.  Cain had a warm smile plastered on his face as he shook Adam’s hand.
“A pleasure meeting you, Admiral Vir.”  His smile grew larger, and Adam couldn’t help but smile back in genuine amusement.  
“And a pleasure meeting you, Commissar Cain.”  He turned back to the bridge crew.  “When are we ready to jump?” he asked.  
“Three minutes, sir, came the reply from his first mate.  
“Excellent,” he replied.  Kasteen cleared her throat behind him.
“Admiral, would you like the Guardsmen to their battle stations?” she asked.  Vir turned around in puzzlement.  
“Battle stations?  Why?”
“Well, some Imperial Captains like the Guardsmen and naval provosts at battle stations when in warp transition.”
“Uh, no.  Don’t bother.  Alright, all hands prepare for jump!”  Little did he know, but this was to be the first, and smallest, of many misunderstandings to come.  
Aboard the Apocalypse
Already, and astoundingly for someone who had never seen a Titan before, Drake and his crew had already stashed Jack Cooper’s Titan, BT-7274 into the cargo hold, and were preparing for takeoff.  Currently, Drake was leading Cooper through the labyrinth passages of the Apocalypse, headed towards the cabins closest to the bridge where Jack was to have his quarters, Cooper’s measured military stride contrasting remarkably to Drake’s confident swagger.  They passed through the well-lit uniformly grey hallways of the ship, and as they went, Drake flippantly introduced passing crew members.
“And, of course, there’s Maria, very handy with a knife, laughs like a chipmunk when excited.”
“It’s true.”  Jack nodded at a disgruntled looking Maria as Drake continued his grand tour without pause.  
“There’s Ziwazzi, a Gunleron, who keeps pretending he’s tough, but he’s actually quote sweet; was kicked out of his planet’s premiere military school for stealing an actually astonishingly impressive amount of stuff.”
“Hey!  Captain!” replied an offending looking reptilian alien.
“Ziwazzi, you ought to know me by now,”  Drake turned to Cooper, “I am a firm believer that when meeting someone new, you should know their best and worst traits.  For instance, I am a rather nice person if you get to know me, have an excellent taste in fine arts, and donate a lot of the money I make to help orphans, but I am a shameless thief, a pyromaniac, and a massive playboy.  See?  Now you know everything you need to know about me.”  He spun on his heel dramatically and continued walking.  “If you ever need advice on fine arts or romance, I’m your guy.  Don’t hesitate to ask.”  They passed through more identical hallways and into the crew’s cabin section.  A door popped open and a woman stepped out from the cabin beyond, holding two dresses in her hands.
“Er, Captain, uh, I was wondering...well, you give good fashion advice-”
“Blue dress.  It highlights your eyes perfectly, is made of light synthetic silk with a cooling texture, so it will be more comfortable than the cotton one, and Jackson likes blue better, so it’ll be better for your date,” replied Drake without pause.  The woman turned bright red.
“How did you know that Jackson and I were-”
“Please.  I’m the Captain.  I know everything that happens on this ship.  I won’t tell anyone, though, unless it threatens security, everyone already knows, or you want me to.  Have a nice night.”  Cooper hurried to keep up as Drake started down the hallway again.  They reached another section of the ship before Drake stopped abruptly, almost making Cooper bump into him.  “And here, finally, is your cabin,” Drake gestured with a dramatic flourish.  “Pleasant dreams, try not to die.”  And, just as quickly as he had led Jack there, Drake vanished.  
Aboard the Enterprise 
John-117, more commonly referred to as “Master Chief”, was currently sitting in his new quarters aboard Captain Kirk’s ship, the Enterprise.  His helmet was on, of course, and a data pad, which the crew had called a “first contact package”, was in his armored hands.  It contained all the information regarding the species and governments within Kirk’s home galaxy.  Master Chief had found Kirk and the entire crew to be most agreeable.  They were all friendly, helpful, and normal, especially compared to the oddly uniformed commissar and the slightly looney Drake.  It was refreshing, really.  He hoped that this group, which he had been ordered to join to gain a better picture of the new galaxies, wouldn’t take up too much of his time.  It was, in the end, his job to prevent the collection of hostile aliens known as the Covenant from overwhelming humanity.  But such thoughts could wait.  He busied himself in the pad, learning as much as possible about his new reality.   
One Week Later
Aboard the Enterprise
It had been probably the best space voyage that Master Chief had ever experienced, although that wasn't saying much.  Most of the time, if he was in space, he was killing Covenant or on his way to kill Covenant.  But this...this was positively relaxing.  He had little to do, as the crew kept the ship running smoothly.  He spent most of his time reading up on the history of the various new galaxies that had appeared seemingly overnight next to his own.  The first contact package from Kirk was exhausted, and now he was perusing through an absolutely massive information report compiled by Drake.  Curiously enough, many of the files there were from official government sources and marked “classified”, several of which he recognized as top secret from his home universe.  He did wonder where Drake had gotten his hands on those.  Or perhaps, it was better not to know.  Speaking of which, he started to consider:  how was everyone else on the different ships of this makeshift fleet doing?
Aboard the Apocalypse
Jack Cooper stared, shell-shocked, at the wall of his cabin.  The past week had been probably, no, scratch that, most definitely, the most bizarre he’d ever witnessed.  The strangeness of it all was such that he had been like this, staring at a slate grey wall, contemplating life, for the past five hours.  Inevitably, the weirdness of the voyage all boiled down to one individual: Thomas Drake.  The man was, to put it exceptionally mildly, eccentric.  It had started on the tour, and only gotten worse on the first day of the tour; Drake had given Cooper free reign of the ship, and thus, like any other over curious human would, he had decided to unobtrusively explore, starting, of course, with the bridge.  It unfortunately coincided with Drake’s arrival to the command deck of said bridge, which was herald by several disco balls dropping from the ceiling, the playing of an altogether too cheerful tune for the time of the morning, and Drake himself disco-dancing his way through the bridge.  And, while Drake was actually quite a good dancer, it was much too strange for Jack.  Regrettably enough, though, it turned out that this was Drake’s morning routine.  A song, completely random, was chosen, and Drake would enter the bridge every morning with his characteristic dramatic flourish.  The second day Drake was to enter the bridge to a military march, his hands clasped behind his back, while he waved to a non-existent crowd as if he was in a parade, much to the delight of the bridge crew and the bemusement of Cooper.  The day after that he quite literally waltzed into the bridge to the symphonic melodies of some classical song that Jack was sure he had heard before, but could not put a finger on.  Drake had sat in his command chair and grinned at Cooper.
“Like it?” he asked.
“Uh, yeah.  Your dancing is..quite impressive.”  Drake gave a strange, wheezing laugh at this.
“My dancing is quite impressive, yet my habits are quite strange.  Yes, yes, don’t be surprised,” he dismissed Jack’s glance and him with a wave, “I can see it in your eyes.  You’ve never seen anyone do this before.  ‘Why?’  I’m sure you’re wondering,”  Drake leaned forward on his chair, “The answer is quite simple.  Because I can.”  Cooper was about to interject, wanting to ask a question along the lines of “But why though”, before the ship itself was wracked by a massive force, causing several panels above the crew’s control stations to spew sparks.  
“What the hell was that?” asked Cooper.  Drake leaned back in his chair, unconcerned, and waved a hand dismissively.
“Something exploded.  It’s probably fine.”
“Probably?  What do you mean probably?  And shouldn’t that not happen, though?  I mean, I’m not an expert on spaceships, but isn’t stuff blowing up on your ship not a good thing?”  Drake shrugged.
“Eh, it’s fine.  If it were really a problem, the alarms would go off.”  As if on cue, the ship's alarm system started flashing red and emitting an ear-piercing shriek.  “Alriiight, now it’s a problem,” Drake said with a sigh.  “And I was just getting comfortable.”  He grabbed some sort of portable communication device and walked briskly for the door.  “Richter, what the hell happened?”
“Try and guess,” came the voice on the other end.
“Muelka?” asked Drake as he and Cooper half jogged through the hallways to the wails of the alarm.
“I should have known,” replied Drake with a sigh.  They traveled through several more decks of the ship, going at an uncomfortable half-walk, half-jog, and finally reached an open area in one of the lower decks where several crew members were hosing down tiny fires with foam suppressant.  The area held quite a lot of what appeared to be chemistry equipment, and what looked like but Jack fervently hoped were not bombs.  One of the countertops, identical to several others throughout the room, was a scorched mess, with blasted and melted shards of glass scattering the floor around it.  And, in the middle of all the chaos stood a sheepish-looking woman with frazzled hair wearing some sort of protective apron, and an average-looking brown haired man with a scar across his forehead, who was currently busy staring at the destruction around him.  
“Right.  What the hell happened?” asked Drake briskly.  The man answered.
“Muelka was mixing chemicals, again, and they exploded, again, and the resulting shockwave loosened some wires and set off the alarm system.”
“Sorry, Captain,” the woman muttered.  Drake rubbed his forehead.
“Muelka, while I do love your work, you need to take better safety precautions.  You’re on censure, again, until I come up with something else.”
And, while it was gratifying to Jack that Drake did have control of his crew, his rather flippant attitude was something he was slightly concerned about.  But, the main point was Drake's overwhelming oddness.  At lunch, just the other day, Cooper had the misfortune to be at the mess hall at the same time as Drake.  Due to the nature of the Apocalypse being a mercenary ship and having many different alien species on board, the food served at the mess was much more numerous and varied in nature than any military ship.  However, Drake was simply not eating a typical meal, or for that matter, any form of unrecognizable food.  Instead, he had a plastic container filled with cheese spread, the type one usually puts on crackers.  However, Drake was not most people, and so he was eating the cheese spread plain.  By itself.  With a spoon.  Wonderful.  The worst part was that Drake then proceeded to get a bottle of aerosol cheese and spray that on top of his other cheese, creating some sort of cheese soup.  Honestly, Jack found Thomas Drake more concerning than the aliens, which was a feat considering that aliens did not exist in his home galaxy, and these were the first he’d ever met.  He sighed to himself.  This was going to be a long ride.
Aboard the Omen
Admiral Adam Vir sighed and tiredly rubbed his forehead.  The last week had been extremely taxing, even more so than the time where he was forced to bring a civilian tour group on board the ship.  Hell, it was probably worse than the first time he met aliens, which involved miscommunications, lots of treats, and eventually him rolling over like a dog.  It was complicated.  But back to the matter at hand.  The last three days (or was it?  He seemed to be losing count) were filled with nothing but tension and problems.  The first, and least concerning, was that all the alcohol on board the ship seemed to be mysteriously vanishing.  
Even the drinks smuggled in by the marines that he conveniently (for them) overlooked were somehow gone, spirited away from their hiding places by an invisible force.  But, by far worse, was the hostility between the Valhallan soldiers and the crew of the Omen.  The Imperial Guardsmen were intensely xenophobic and openly belligerent to all aliens on board the ship, so much so that that many members of the non-aggressive races would flee at the sight or sound of an Imperial infantryman.  It also very much did not help that said infantry always seemed to travel in packs, which just seemed to escalate the tensions.  
The third problem was that the human members of the crew were not immune to this either.  The Imperials seemed to regard them as traitors of sorts, and whenever human crewmembers walked by, Valhallan mutterings of “heretic” or “Gue’vesa” could often be heard.  The only ones the regular Imperial rank and file respected were himself, as he was the captain, and the engineers.  A group of Guardsmen had gone to the engineering department, predictably sneering at anyone who crossed their path, only to be put in their place by the furious head of the engineering department, Nairobi.   Ever since that particular incident, any members of the engineering crew were either avoided by the guardsmen or were given grudging, but respectful, nods.  Adam had originally thought the Imperials might get along well with the Marines, seeing as they both shared the bond of being human combat soldiers, and so had organized a joint training exercise for both groups.  It had gone...well...horribly.  The Marines loathed the Imperials for treating the other crew members so poorly, and the Imperials despised the Marines for harboring and living alongside aliens.  Both groups were now furiously competing to see which was better.  Drinking contests, arm wrestling, combat training, weapon skills, you name it, there was an extremely nasty competition going on between the two rival groups of soldiers.  There were several fights, most notably between Maverick, the Marines chaplain, and Magot, a Corporal in the Guard.  That particular fight had seen the spectators get involved, and two Omen crew members, one Marine, and three Valhallans were sent to the infirmary with critical injuries, several of which might have been life threatening if not for the ship’s two excellent doctors.  The only reason that no one had died immediately in that fight was because Ciaphas Cain had interfered, attempting to pull people off one another, and, when that didn’t work, firing his pistol into the ceiling, which resulted in an immediate secession of hostilities.  Adam didn’t care much about the damage done to the mess hall ceiling, which could be repaired, but he was very much fed up with the entire situation.  In fact, come to think of it, the only thing that prevented the two sides from outright trying to kill each other was the fact the Valhallans had enough respect for Cain and the two battalion commanders, Kasteen and Broklaw, to obey them no matter what, and that the Marines had enough respect for him even though the Imperials were threatening their crewmates.  Speaking of Cain, Adam really did wish he would come out of his office more.  At the beginning of the voyage, Adam had given Cain a personal quarters, which had been promptly transformed into a combination living quarters and Commissar’s office.  The problem was that Cain always seemed to be holed up inside, and to get inside, one had to cross Jurgen, the Commissar’s malodorous aide.  Jugen was always extremely polite and to the point, traits to be commended, but his personal hygiene was terrible, and many would rather just skip seeing the Commissar rather than wait near him.  To Adam, though, there seemed to be something fundamentally wrong about Jurgen, although what he couldn’t really lay a finger on.  Jurgen did have terrible body odor and rather bad psoriasis, but that didn’t seem to be the problem.  The problem was that whenever Adam got close to Jurgen, an odd, creeping, chilling sensation would occur.  There was nothing specific about Jurgen that made Adam feel this way, and that was probably the most creepy thing about it.  But, for whatever reason it was, Cain’s callers never wanted to stay around long enough near Juren to actually get into his office.  The only two people allowed to go straight inside were Adam and his first lieutenant, Simone, but they were so busy running the ship and trying to prevent the Marines from murdering the Valhallans in their sleep that they rarely got the opportunity.  But, in the end, he felt as if he had no choice but to meet with Cain to sort out this problem.  And so, he and Simone walked through the decks of the Omen, the aliens skittering in front of them until they realized they were no Imperials, until they reached the lower decks and the quarters of Ciaphas Cain.
Cain looked up from his paperwork as Jurgen ushered Vir and Simone in.  Truth be told, he wasn’t really doing any paperwork, but appearances had to be maintained.  They were, inevitably, here to talk about the mess hall fight and the general situation.  Well, they didn’t really need to know that instead of heroically trying to pull people apart, he had been stuck in the middle and was trying to pull people off of him.  But they didn’t need to know that.  He was forging a reputation with these new people, and it wouldn’t do to seem cowardly.  And, of course, it wouldn’t do to insult the aliens, possibly treacherous xenos that they were, as, if he did, he would probably get shot in the back by one.  And, above all else, Ciaphas Cain wanted to not die.  
The Admiral and his first mate sat at the two chairs across his desk, ones that had been provided by themselves.  
“Admiral.  Lieutenant.  A pleasure to see you.  What brings you here today?”  He knew, obviously, but pleasantries had to be observed.  
  “Why we’re here is because your troops are way out of line!  It is completely unacceptable and against regulations to insult someone based upon species.  You-”
“Simone-” said Vir in a warning tone.
“That’s perfectly alright,” responded Cain, who flashed a smile that would have charmed a fish out of water.  “I believe, after reading all the reports,” which was a lie, but they didn’t need to know that he was pulling all of this out of his ass, “that what we have there is a failure to communicate.  I’m sure you’d understand, Admiral Vir, as your reputation for dealing with aliens and different cultures is legendary.”  Well, he did know that Adam Vir was the first to make contact with non-humans, and was quite good at dealing with them.  And, of course, flattery never hurt.  “You see, where I come from, every single alien race believes it is their divine right to rule the galaxy, and will try to kill you on sight.  Consequently, it is a part of our society to kill any alien on sight, before they kill you.”  Simone and Adam looked stunned.  
“Every...every race wishes to...eradicate you?”  
“Yes,”  replied Cain.  “That’s why we have the imperial guard.  Of course, I am but a humble Commissar.  It’s the soldiers who do the real heavy lifting.”  Modest hero; a strategy that most people fell for, and these two seemed to be no different.
“That’s disturbing.”  
“Well, we seemed to have misjudged you, but we still have a problem,” said Vir.  “How do we prevent our respective soldiers from killing each other?”
“I-I have an idea,” said Simone.  Both Vir and Cain looked at her with surprise.  “I can captain the ship, and you two can switch places.  You’re both good leaders, and if you can explain to each other’s soldiers why we should not fight, then we have a chance.”
“That’s actually a very good idea,” responded Vir.
“I concur,” replied Cain.  No, I most bloody well do not concur with that frakkin’ idea.  I would prefer my head un-squished by ten-foot tall four-armed aliens, thank you very much.  But, it’s the only way that we have a chance at not ending this voyage with people dead.
“So, it’s settled, then.  You are in command of the ship, Simone.  I will take control-”
“Er, my apologies, Admiral, but I believe you misunderstand,” said Cain smoothly.  “I am not the commander of the regiment.  I am merely an adviser and moral officer, although I do hold some sway.  So, before we switch places, Admiral, what should I know about the...Drev and Marines?”  
“Well...uh, the Marines are typical human soldiers, I guess.  The Drev are a warrior culture who place a high emphasis on personal combat.  Otherwise, they’re not that different from us.  And your troops?”
“Valhalla is an ice world, and thus soldiers from that planet are very comfortable in cold temperatures.  I should also inform you, that you are now acting Commissar.  You are in charge of discipline, morale, and combat effectiveness of the regiment.  You reserve the right to take any necessary steps to restore order, including summary execution.  You have the full authority of the Commissariat until otherwise dismissed by me.  The Emperor Protects,” recited Cain, as if he was quoting something.
“Alright.  Wait, you have the authority to execute your soldiers?”
“Yes.  Although, only a foolish Commissar will do so unless absolutely necessary.”
“Uh, that’s...alarming, to say the least.  Anyway, let’s get to it, before more people get hurt.”
That’s that.  If you have any questions, comments, criticisms, or concerns, feel free to ask.  
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norcumii · 4 years
The Rex/Obi theory
Since apparently we can pin a post, bringing this back from the old blog even though I really ought to do a better write up and just post it as meta on AO3. As always, ship and let ship, we’re all here to have fun, etc.
First off: background sources. Post Blue Shadow Virus, the Naboo gave Rex a set of guns. They are very shiny, very nice, and named Negotiator and Vigilance. Now, given that Obi-Wan has “The Negotiator” as a title, one has to wonder about “Vigilance.” Since Anakin is known as “The Hero With No Fear,” it’s probably not him.
It has also been pointed out to me (thank you, @morecivilizedage) that Obi-Wan’s flagships were the Vigilance and Negotiator. Which…yeah.
Later on, it seems the shuttle that Cody and Rex take in Rookies is named The Obex.
…I am not a fan of the name smushing habit people have for ships, but that’s…kind of blatant.
Also, I recently found out that Sideshow put out an Obi-Wan figure, based on the 2003 Clone Wars design (the modern Clone Wars, and what’s declared current canon, was the 2008 version). To my admittedly limited knowledge, Rex does not exist in the ‘03 show. If nothing else, he’s not listed as a character on the IMDB page. HOWEVER, part of this figure’s design is a wrist com hologram – of Rex. Not Cody. Not another Jedi. REX. WHO DOESN’T EVEN EXIST IN THAT SHOW, WHICH HAS SCREENSHOTS SHOWN ON THE BOX. They didn’t have to call the hologram Rex, and it’s out of continuity to the presented Obi-Wan, and would calling this hologram “Rex” instead of any other clone really sell more figures?
Gotta admit that’s Interesting.
Now, given I totally pick and choose data from non-show sources (…see the horrific novelizations of The Clone Wars – or better yet, please don’t. Character assassination abounds), we need to look at the actual show.
It starts with the movie. Cody has a minimalist presence in there, whereas Rex interacts with Obi-Wan a lot. There’s several scenes where there’s some lovely close interplay, including a bit where Obi-Wan is ordering Rex to pull back – while gripping Rex on the shoulder.
Take a moment. Consider how often you see on the show Obi-Wan touching anyone. He doesn’t tend to initiate that, and it’s rarely outside of a combat situation. But that man can’t seem to keep his hands off Rex. Watch with that in mind, and please, feel free to tell me I’m missing things.
So back to the Blue Shadow Virus. When Anakin is freaking out to Obi-Wan because his wife and student are liable to be the first to die, he wants to know how Obi-Wan can not be on edge. “I’m just better at hiding it.” Take the parallels – Padme and Ahsoka are Anakin’s family. Now, Obi-Wan is prolly also having a HUGE internal freakout because they are in THE hanger that started Duel of the Fates in Episode I, but if he’s hiding the same sort of emotional breakdown, who is that about?
Parallels are important. Take The Deserter. That is THE  shipping episode. Watch how Obi-Wan reacts throughout: he’s grumpy at first, because Grievous is up to the usual shit. Then he coms in to find out what Rex’s status is – and upon hearing Rex has been shot, his immediate reaction is worry, concern – I’d almost say he’s distraught. His orders to Jesse to hustle up and help them take down Grievous is more snarled, harsher, and from that point on Obi-Wan has an edge to him that wasn’t there before. This particular battle has become personal to him, and when Grievous gets away, there is genuine ANGER that a Jedi should not be expressing. What the hells else has Grievous done this   episode or the last to merit that sudden change?
As for the literal parallels, Cut is Rex’s counterpart. They are contrasted again   and again throughout the episode, and that culminates with Rex bidding Cut and his family farewell – so that Rex can go back to HIS family. So. If Rex is Cut, then the kids are obviously the other troopers under Rex’s command, and who does that leave as Suu’s counterpart?
Who is it that Rex talks to immediately? G’on, guess.
Also, Obi-Wan cannot stop gushing to Cody about Rex. I imagine poor Cody has to put up with this a LOT.
In fact, we can show that he does! The episodes with the Zygerrian slavers  – Kidnapped, Slaves of the Republic, and Escape from Kadavo – are just chock full of this. The main crew takes out two BARC speeders. Anakin has Ahsoka riding shotgun in the sidecar, while Obi-Wan has Rex. The intriguing bit is that Cody is left for cleanup and directing the rest of the clones, even though technically Rex is ordinarily in charge of a larger battle group (depending on what bit of canon you’re looking at). There’s that exchange in the slave mines OP mentioned (2 slightly different versions and commentary are linked). There’s also the sequence where Rex gets permission from Obi-Wan to take the shot and be a bad ass on the villain (“I’m no Jedi” indeed). That interplay is subtle, and implies the two work together and closely enough that a glance and a nod are enough to convey what’s  going on. Sure, the 501 and 212 work together often, but Obi-Wan has his own second-in-command.
Interestingly, Cody does not show up after the first episode in this arc. Given that they have the voice actor on hand, and the Wolf Pack is called in at the end for the rescue, tossing Cody and some 212 into the mix would have been easy. So that dynamic has implications.
Not factual enough yet? Screenshots of character positioning being more like a romance moment than in a war flick not good enough?
Let’s go to the Citadel arc. There’s more of the circumstantial evidence, where Rex can be interpreted as having Obi-Wan’s back more than one might think is usual.
But then there’s this gifset. As the mixed 212 and 501 soldiers are thawing from carbonite, watch Obi-Wan in the background. He nopes out of Anakin and Ahsoka’s tiff, and goes over to chat with Rex and Cody. When Obi-Wan gets over there, he raises his arm to do the shoulder grip thing (like I mentioned above, in the movie!). It might not be clear from the gifs, but there is not enough time for Obi-Wan to do that twice before he goes to the one arm behind the back kind of “at ease” posture. When he steps away from the troopers to be the Actual Adult in the room to Anakin and Ahsoka, Rex stands a bit straighter, in proper military posture, and dusts off his armor. It might not be a universal gesture of “aw yeah, I’m awesome,” but it sure seems pretty satisfied. Poor Cody meanwhile is watching the move, which  helps capture the viewer’s eye (and leaves me wondering if he’s going “what the hell is up with you?” or “do not make me hose you down”).
I would honestly love to know someone else’s interpretation of that with un-shipping goggles on. ‘Cause I admit, I don’t see it.
That, folks, is why I ship it like mad. There’s more circumstantial evidence throughout the show, like how Obi-Wan and Rex interact (like a married couple, or in fact often like Anakin and Padme are presented at their best). There’s Rex being extra fancy and staring at Obi-Wan WAY more than Anakin in The Voyage of Temptation, otherwise known as “Satine and Obi-Wan in a Shuttle and Anakin Being Oblivious.” There’s the simple implication of the chemistry between the characters, though that is obviously open to interpretation.
This is animation. It takes time and effort and money to animate a simple shoulder grip, or a specialized gesture such as buffing one’s nails. Voice acting is an art where you have to convey so much emotion with what can be small adjustments to words. Scripts have to go through so much oversight and tweaking to convey a particular story, within the wide scope, and themes and plot threads have to be carefully considered. This isn’t chance, this isn’t one   writer/animator/storyboarder going off into the weeds because they had a Neat Idea.
I really do think it’s canon.
Random other bits I’ve gathered while re-watching the show:
During the movie, when Rex is told that General Kenobi’s been captured, he just freezes. He goes from digging around off screen for what I suspect is a new ammo cartridge, stills, then yells at the soldier that they have to hold  out, now keep. fighting. It’s less rallying the troops as a bit of emotional pushback.
During Voyage of Temptation, when Anakin is sassing Obi-Wan in the elevator about Satine the possible old flame, Rex is right there in the elevator with both of them (along with poor Cody). Rex isn’t on Anakin’s flank, but Obi-Wan’s (little odd, but I don’t recall offhand how they filed in). And Anakin is “sensing some anxiety” from Obi-Wan about Satine. I love how there’s now another reason for that.
In an…‘interesting’ coincidence, it seems that when Rex got shot in The Deserter, that’s the exact same place Obi-Wan gets shot in Deception. Nothing conclusive there, but it’s intriguing.
from The Zillo Beast Strikes Back – The first time we see Rex, Anakin is giving him orders to “Stay with General Kenobi” – there’s the implication that he’s already with the General.
They’re continuing to leave breadcrumbs in Rebels.
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bisexualsforprompto · 5 years
What’s in a Family?
Would you believe that I actually wanted to get through more content? This “Drabble” got a little out of hand lol. Honestly I don’t think I’ll continue this, sorry!
Thank you @abrx2002 for this amazing idea! You rock!
‘Playboy billionaire Bruce Wayne does it again.’ Thought Valentina Cross as she shoved her skinny jeans back on her. She looked back at Bruce who was still out like a light and sighed. She had a feeling she’d never see him again, but did she want to?
Almost a full month later Valentina cursed the rich man. She was pregnant.
Her parents would not be happy, not when she was only in her twenties. Valentina considered turning to her other family members, her grandparents would certainly tell her parents and her aunts and uncles as well, but there was one woman Valentina could always trust.
So Valentina showed up at her elder sister’s doorstep in Paris fresh off the boat from America. Only three months pregnant at the time, her sister vowed to look after her for the last six months and even take her newborn child.
But things didn’t go as planned. Some sick, cruel hand of fate dealt its cards. When Valentina was only one week away from her due date her sister went to run some errands and... never came back.
Callia Cross was pronounced dead from a car accident on the very day that Valentina went to the hospital. What felt like years later a newborn child with tufts of blue hair like her mother’s and beautiful bluebell eyes like her father’s was born. At first the doctor’s were afraid the child wouldn’t make it, but the lucky young girl did.
Valentina wasn’t so lucky.
Not even five minutes after her child was born Valentina was dead.
The unnamed baby was sent into the nursery while the doctors debated where to send her.
Valentina had no identification on her, she was a Jane Doe to everyone in Paris except her sister who couldn’t say a word unless it was to the worms.
Sabine Cheng and Tomas Dupain only wanted a child and one was sitting right before them. After years of trying to get pregnant with no success Sabine was ready to give up until she saw a small blue-eyed little girl staring at her with wide eyes as she was carted into a nearby room.
“Mother was a Jane Doe, we’ll have to send her to an orphanage or put her in foster care.” Sighed a petite doctor to her male coworker.
“It always breaks my heart with cases like these.” He responded before walking the baby into the nursery.
“Doctors Richmond and Poppy please report to the ER, code red.”
The doctors absentmindedly left the door open as they dashed past Tom and Sabine.
With shaky hands Sabine walked over to the baby girl who had never made it into the nursery. She picked her up and without a spoken word to Tom they silently made their way out of the hospital.
Sabine and Tom had underestimated the weight of having a child. They treated the baby from the hospital, who they named Marinette, as more of a burden than a blessing especially after Sabine succeeded in getting pregnant and brought Brigette Dupain-Cheng into the world.
With all the negligence her parents showed her in favor of her little sister, Marinette had a lot of free time on her hands. She was an inquisitive kid with practically nothing to do, so it was no surprise when she turned twelve, she started noticing things.
First off that she had blue eyes when her parents didn’t and Sabine had no blue eyes in her family so she didn’t even carry the gene. She also noticed that her blood type wasn’t possible when her Tom and Sabine couldn’t have possibly made AB blood.
Marinette kept digging, it took her two years but she finally figured out who her biological mother was under the noses of her “sister” and “parents”.
In a way Marinette was almost happy that Tom and Sabine weren’t related to her, they never acted like family to her. The only downside that Marinette could think of was that her mother had been categorized as a Jane Doe whose child was stolen. There wasn’t much to go on and there was no trace of who her father could be.
She was originally going to ask Max for help finding her birth father in hopes he was still alive and would want to meet his daughter, but it wasn’t possible when all that her class gave her since Lila came to the class was the cold shoulder. It was also the only thing her parents gave her, they didn’t even need Lila for an excuse to pay attention to Brigette over her.
Some days she wouldn’t even get back to the house because she was patrolling and fighting as Ladybug or cleaning up one of Chat’s messes and they didn’t even notice.
Chat was a whole other thing. After a few months of being the guardian of the miracle box Marinette, with the help of Tikki, found out that she had the power to make things better for herself. Maybe she couldn’t do anything about Tom and Sabine or her friends but she could make being Ladybug, the best part of her day, bearable for her.
She took Chat’s ring away. She wasn’t going to tolerate being sexually harassed and cleaning up after someone who was supposed to be helping any longer. She couldn’t say she was surprised to find Adrien the pacifist behind the mask. He was sad and slightly angry but he said he understood. Marinette wasn’t sure if he really did or maybe he had his own fantasy of why she had taken it away.
It was irrelevant. She should’ve known she wouldn’t last long as the sole savior of Paris especially with all the media asking about the former black cat wielder. She couldn’t survive much longer without help and Bustier’s class couldn’t be trusted anymore.
She was utterly alone. Lila ostrichsized her in class, her parents isolated her at home and she got rid of her partner. It got to the point where Marinette asked Tikki if she should give Adrien his ring back to which Plagg butted in and said no way in hell.
So Marinette did what she did when she felt alone, she researched. A big city in America sounded promising for her objective.
Kaalik opened her a portal for Gotham City. Ladybug’s mission was to find Batman or another hero and ask for something she hadn’t asked for in years: help.
It didn’t go as planned.
So there she was standing in front of a hero of Gotham, Robin, who she tied to a street light with her yo-yo.
“Are you ready to listen now?!” Marinette spat in perfect English. Robin scowled and furrowed his brows making him seem older than he actually was. Marinette was slightly annoyed that he had attacked her on sight and was acting all holier than thou on her when he couldn’t have been any older than her!
“I’m a hero from France named Ladybug, we are currently fighting a terrorist named Hawkmoth. I am the sole hero of Paris and I need some help.”
“TT. Not likely.” Frowned the boy. Marinette was about to blow a gasket when she heard a series of thuds behind her. She spun around to see the rest of the Batfamily in all their heroic glory.
‘I’m in for it now…’ Marinette thought when she realized that when the Bats saw Robin was tied up behind her they’d think she was a villain just like Robin did.
Batman stepped towards her slowly and held his hand out. Marinette looked at it quizzically.
“B you can’t be serious.” Said Nightwing.
“Yeah, that story’s obviously bullshit, we would’ve known about a crisis in Paris.” Red Hood frowned.
“We did.” Was all Batman said pressing his communicator into Ladybug’s hands, “Take this. The number for the Batcave is programmed into it. I assure you we will look into the situation. I was told by my colleague that it was nothing more than a hoax so if you’ll excuse me I have a green lantern to skin.”
“Thank you monsieur. I really mean it.” Marinette smiled blinking back tears. “Voyage.”
Ladybug placed on foot through the portal before remembering Robin. She retracted her yo-yo and stepped completely into it.
Marinette had no idea what to expect when Batman had said he would check Paris out. For all she knew the American army could be on their way.
What she wasn’t expecting was to bump into a boy the next day who looked very similar to her in facial structure. She pushed the thought away, he was only like her in stature and facial symmetry, she shared nothing else with him so it was probably just a coincidence.
He scowled at before going into Bustier’s room, she realized he must’ve been a new student.
She didn’t pay that much mind, he’d probably be a part of Lila’s web soon enough so there was no point in befriending him. She walked into the room to see her prophecy was already coming true, the emerald eyed boy was right at Lila’s desk.
She walked to the back of the class where she had been banished to. She shoved her books down before catching the conversation Lila and the new boy were having.
“So Damian, since you’re from America I bet you’ve heard of Bruce Wayne. Well…” she giggled and paused for dramatic effect, “I know him. I actually used to babysit his youngest, David.”
Damian rolled his eyes, “Unlikely as his youngest is your age and his name isn’t David.”
“Uh- I- ha ha!” Lila sputtered before laughing obnoxiously, “It seems we’re probably thinking of different Bruce Wayne’s.”
“It seems I don’t care, don’t talk to me again, got it?” Lila burst out into fake tears causing the rest of the class to glare at Damian. He simply rolled his eyes and went to the back of the class and sat next to Marinette.
“They’re like sheep.” He noted. Marinette nodded, “I think they’re dumber.” She mumbled under her breath. Damian smirked and turned to her.
“Damian Grayson.” Marinette beamed, “Marinette!”
“I think we’re going to get along fine.” He said before turning his attention to the front of the class.
A frazzled Miss Bustier ran into the class shortly after.
“Sorry class, I got a bit held up! Now I hear we have a new student!” She squinted at where Damian was sitting, “Damian why don’t you come down here and sit next to Lila?”
“The liar? No thanks.”
“Damian, that kind of behavior will not be tolerated. Marinette has been seen bullying Lila and I just want you to have a positive experience at DuPont!”
“Really? It seems to me like you’re an enabler. Marinette is perfectly capable and seems to have more brain cells than the rest of you.” Damian sneered with a ferocious protectiveness he hadn’t felt before except with his brothers and sisters.
Miss Bustier went into a flustered frenzy, opening and closing her mouth before she finally announced, “Alright class open your books to chapter three.”
“Predictable.” Damian scoffed beneath his breath.
“Thanks.” Marinette whispered.
“Don’t mention it.”
For a week Marinette and Damian’s small back and forth dialogue became increased. It made him a target for Lila but he didn’t seem to care. They’re friendship almost thrived on mocking Lila’s threats. Damian had many choice words for the flock of Lila’s followers as well. Marinette had been feeling a pull to him as if it was magic.
One night she thought it over, long and hard, could it have been miraculous magic?
“Tikki?” Marinette called.
“Yes Marinette?”
“I was wondering...I feel very connected to Damian but it’s hard to explain, it’s not like what I used to feel for Adrien, Luka or Kagami.”
Tikki sighed. “I’ve had my suspicions for awhile but this confirms it...I think Damian is your black cat. Every Ladybug and cat bond is different, more times than not it’s romantic but I think yours is platonic or even familial.”
“I guess that’s a relief in a lot of ways. Besides, dating Damian would be like dating my brother if I had one,” Marinette wrinkled her nose, “Though maybe I do…” She let out a long groan, “I wish I knew my birth father.”
“There, there Marinette. I’m sure you’ll know someday,” Tikki patted her back. “But as guardian it’s your decision to give Damian a miraculous or not, so we should focus on that. I know you’ve known him for a short time but do you think you can trust him?”
Marinette paused. Damian wasn’t an open person, in fact quite the opposite. He dodged the subject of his past, or gave her some small tidbits out of context. Damian had a good heart, that she could see, but it also felt tainted. But Marinette knew what made her a good guardian wouldn’t be stressing out over the choice or overanalyzing everything. That wasn’t how magic worked. “I think I can…”
The next night Kharaab made his debut as the new black cat. It was on the news and the Ladyblog quickly and spread like wildfire. She had given Damian a heads up beforehand, she had a feeling that when the news came out they’d have to face another akuma.
She was right. Chat Blanc, a jealous Adrien who missed his power, took hours to even make any slight headway. The moment Ladybug cast her lucky charm Chat Blanc had made a nasty gash in her stomach. Damian had trapped him out of pure rage and knocked him out. Disregarding the lucky charm which was nowhere to be found, Damian took Marinette back to the makeshift apartment he had been staying in. After detransforming, Damian consulted Plagg. The god of destruction told him that the only way she’d be saved was from a blood transfusion. Ladybug was passed out on his couch and if she detransformed it was likely that Marinette would bleed out faster and even die.
He took a test for her blood type himself, he had brought the necessary kits with him thank kwami. He quickly found out her blood type was AB, which was odd considering how rare it was and that he happened to share the same type. Though maybe that was just the luck of the miraculous...either way Damian didn’t waste time, he quickly fixed her and waited until she woke up.
“Damian?” Marinette asked groggily.
“W-what happened?”
“Chat Blanc hit you, he’s currently unable to escape so I patched you up and gave you a blood transfusion, luckily we share some of the same DNA.” Marinette’s eyes lit up.
“D-Damian, Tom and Sabine...they aren’t my parents.”
“What?” Damian was taken aback.
“No...my birth mother died when I was born and I think Tom and Sabine stole me. I don’t know my birth father.”
Damian cleared his throat, “Well I guess now’s a good time to tell you that I haven’t been entirely truthful. My real name is Damian Wayne and my father is Bruce Wayne. I’m also Robin.” Marinette gaped. “Don’t look so surprised. The point is, it’s possible we are related but we probably aren’t, either way...I’d be proud to call you my sister.”
Marinette brushed a tear from her cheek, “T-thanks Damian.”
“Whatever,” He said avoiding eye contact, “Let’s go, we still have an akuma to beat.”
They made short work of Chat Blanc once Marinette found her lucky charm. She returned Adrien safely home and took Damian to her home to get Kaaliki.
“Are you going to tell your parents where you’re going?” Damian frowned as Marinette got ready to open the portal. Marinette gave him a small smile.
“T-they don’t really love me. They’ve never been my family…”
“I can get my father’s lawyers for a lawsuit. Stealing a child is illegal.”
“I know Damian, but Brigette. They love her. She’s the closest thing I’ve had to a sister even if they always chose her over me. I don’t want her to grow up alone and hating the world because her parents are out of the picture.” The dangling ‘like I did,’ that Marinette hadn’t spoken was deafening.
“If my father is yours...I’m going to face him with my blade for not giving you the life you should’ve had.”
“Thanks Damian, but if my hunch is correct whoever my father really is had no idea I existed.” Damian nodded before making a motion as if to say, ‘go ahead.’
They were standing in the bat cave. Marinette quickly undid her transformation in front of the many bats before her.
“Father, this is Marinette.” Damian introduced as he walked near his father, “You know her better as Ladybug but I believe you could also know her as your biological daughter.”
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