#now my barbies can do whatever they want and i dont get subjected to actual torture sleep deprivation bc fallon isnt accommodating enough
shameboree · 4 months
I've been following you for a long time, and Fallon has changed a lot in that time! Can I ask what prompted you to change her from having short red hair to hair much more like her sister (Assuming her sister hasn't been retconned?)?
this ask inspired CHAOS in our home as me n polkie are fucking floored someone remembers ancient defunct oc lore from like, pre-2015 ocs era????? defunct oc lore never posted on this blog, ever, which means u managed to find your way here somehow from [redacted&burned]??! and somehow neither of us recognize you?? chaos, and mystery
around 2015 i started making fallons hair more strawberry blonde, and I was playing with length off n on for longer before that. We had an au where ashley was her teacher and she accidentally called him dad in class, and in the next au we were like 'he should adopt her. he should find her as a baby, in a dumpster' because we are disrespectful. after that came teen dad ashley, and that's when fallon went fully blonde. over time we played w family dynamics, and nowadays we mostly use them as twins bc the dynamic is impeccable (sometimes they have a darcy and georgiana type gap and relationship, and sometimes ashley is just a couple years older and so bad at being an older brother he ritual sacrifices her to colin's fucked up eldritch cat god. normal sibling fare). fallon got pointier and freckled over time to match ashley, who is a pointy little rat bitch, bc i wanted a family resemblance💖protofallon (circa 2009-2014ish?) was recycled as a design for ellis, my 6ft nightmare twink, in probably 2016? fallons only sibling now is ashley, and addies an only child
many of my ocs personalities have either changed DRASTICALLY since that time OR ive just straight up dropped their asses, and thats primarily bc i was the main target of my bananas bonkers ex's unmanaged borderline obsession and she LOVED to use ocs to control me (very cute and normal behavior). if my ocs did something she didn't like then suddenly she'd be having a hysterical suicidal meltdown and id have to like hold her hand all night instead of sleep (which she only let me get 2-4hrs a night for actual years, so!!) while being told i was the crazy problem person , so like all my ocs had to be on their best caretaking behavior at all times. anyway the physical changes in fallon were the first manifestation of me getting away frm that control, which very first started happening in 2014, and fully took root when polks moved here to scare my evil ex away and thats why fallon now gets to be a mean little blonde girl instead of a docile perfect waifu💖
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nora-durst · 1 year
re: my last reblog/barbie, the fact that the barbie movie exists is whatever. it’s an eye roll emoji. this is the world we live in and people can enjoy things that are fluff etc etc. it’s the larger conversation around it that drives me insane. this isn’t pointed at anyone in particular (nor at any of my mutuals who have expressed excitement towards barbie because i know you are media literate and have taste lol) but just at like the general populace. sorry i just have to be a hater for minute. scroll now if you don’t want to hear this akdkfjdk but:
idk why we as a society are not only uncritically accepting a multimillion dollar toy commercial in cinemas but actively embracing it!!! i see red whenever i see people make jokes like “barbie is going to save cinema” like i’m fully aware such statements are just for laughs but consider the fact that movies like this are killing cinema, actually! why is everyone so excited for this movie??? why is it so hyped up??? why have so many of the people i know bought into this hype hook line and sinker??? “well it’ll be good and not like a lame superhero movie because greta gerwig is directing it and noah baumbach wrote it” have you considered the fact that this probably took up at least a year of the lives of two acclaimed independent filmmakers when they could have been making idk something that wasn’t a toy commercial?? literally anything else?? sure get that paycheck whatever but it’s so sad that filmmakers have to do shit like this if they want to really make money. and the thing is i understand the desire to see it because it probably will be good, or at least entertaining — the production value is clearly quite high, there’s a large cast of very popular actors, etc. — but it’s frustrating to see the same people i know irl who complain about all the dumb formulaic mcu bullshit and the horrible disney live action remakes suddenly turn around and uncritically and unironically be so excited for this movie, and participate in the hype train that mattel is counting on to market the movie. (and okay yes the memes are funny and yes i have enjoyed them. i am not immune to a good meme. but STILL) like barbie is not only part of the problem it’s making the problem worse!! how do you not realize this is one of the same bullshit IP-driven marketing vehicles that we’ve been subjected to for years now?? or if you do realize it, why am i not hearing anyone acknowledge that?? “let people enjoy things” sure go for it im not saying you can’t!! but at least be honest about what you’re enjoying!!!! i think that’s the crux of the issue for me tbh. i dont care that barbie exists (even if it annoys me) or that people are enjoying it but it makes me crazy that i’m seeing almost nothing even remotely critical of it or acknowledging the larger and very harmful phenomenon that this movie is absolutely undeniably a part of. and maybe i’m overreacting a little and maybe there actually is a huge critical discussion of the movie occurring in spaces i’m not aware of, but i think my point still stands
(and i’m aware im being a snob but i think this current cultural moment might need more snobs actually. sorry)
okay rant over i am exiting hater mode peace and love on planet earth
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ravenclaw-reblogs · 4 years
All of the shades of pink asks!! (only if you want to though)
THANK YOU @thatsmartidiot24 💙💙💙
Champagne pink - If you became famous, what would you want your fans to love most about you? I suppose I'd like to be someone's inspiration, like to follow a dream ecs.
Pink lace - If you could ask one yes or no question and get a truthful answer, what would it be? Boring, but probably "is there life outside Earth?" just because it's a clear yes/no and that's all you really need.
Piggy pink - Do you trust your intuition? Has your intuition ever guided you to make good decisions? Trust it? Not at all. But I sometimes do things on a whim and they pay off in the long run.
Pale pink - What’s a smart choice you made recently that you felt good about? I've decided to try and motivate myself more.
Baby pink - What advice would you give your 10 year old self? I did this earlier but... 1) dont try so hard in school, 2) you're gay as fuck & 3) dont be afraid to smack a bitch.
Spanish pink - When was the last time you yelled at someone? "Yelled" is a bit far but this afternoon I tried (and failed) to stand up to my Mum...
Cameo pink - When do you think it is acceptable to lie? When it spares someones feelings without causing them further harm, and to prevent something terrible I guess?
Orchid pink - What is the biggest dealbreaker for you when it comes to relationships? I've never been in one, but I'd say being rude for no reason and gaslighting.
Fairy Tale - What is your favourite mythical creature? Kelpies sounds wonderful (the water horses right?) and dragons.
Cherry blossom pink - If you could pick any celebrity to be your guardian angel, who would it be? *desperately tries to think of an unproblematic celebrity* can you fuck your guardian angel? cos then that's a very different question...
Cotton candy - What was your last dream about? Pain Au Raisin. I'd had my first that day and dreamt about them, but in the dream I couldnt have one and cried 🤦‍♂️
Carnation pink - Congrats! You get to write direct and star in a film, about whatever you want! What’s the genre and what’s the soundtrack for the opening credits, the action or drama sequences, the climax of the film, and the closing credits? I love a good espionage/heist/something sneaky film, but also historical things so let's go for period with sneak, preferably set between 1920 and 1960 with the music of the time in the soundtrack.
Tickle me pink - Do you believe in karma? If so, how do you think it manifests, if not, why? I like to think what goes around comes around, but I dont really know what the 2nd part means...
Amaranth pink - Type the first 10 words that come to mind. That is anon’s fortune for next week! I CANT HANDLE THIS PRESSURE.
Charm pink - If you were a celebrity, would you read fanfiction about yourself? Who do you think people would ship you with? Maybe once or twice, gauge what the people think. Hopefully someone who isnt already in a relationship, since that sucks for them.
China pink - What is your favourite fairytale or myth? Ghosts sound fun. But just spirits who chose not to pass on, like actual people with actual sense, not women in black that stand in various corners intimidatingly for no apparent reason. (If you've seen BBC Ghosts, I absolutely love that idea)
Mimi Pink - If you could relive any moment in your past, what would it be and would you do anything different? My first (only, thanks COVID) dance comp, and I'd comb my fucking hair and actually dance well 🤦‍♂️ (nothing more frustrating that knowing you can do much better but you just... didnt)
Tango pink - What is your favourite food from your culture?  "culture" is pushing it, but Welsh cakes fucking slap just saying...
Congo pink - How are things better now than they were yesterday? I'm better mentally.
New York pink - Is there a book or film that’s your guilty pleasure? This whole fandom is my guilty pleasure, but also How To Train your Dragon, both the books and the films.
Queen pink - What advice would you give to yourself 8 years from now? How do I advise future me? I guess if I'm still as I am now, get help because it's not going away...
Mountbatten pink - If you could get any tattoo, disregarding pain or cost, what would you get? Colour tattoos are gorgeous, proper bright vibrant ones, and probably something natural like flowers or vines ecs...
Mexican pink - What is your favourite lyric from your favourite album? I don't listen to albums tbh...
Barbie pink - If you could make one extravagant purchase for yourself, what would you buy? The proper outfits for my dance comps, that costs WAY more than they should 😪
Fandango pink - What is the best lie you’ve ever pulled off? Pretending I was never given the homework probably. basic bitch...
Paradise pink - Is there a subject you could talk for hours about? I'm meant to write about it here, but I wont bore you, since I could talk for hours about ballroom and latin dancing and I wouldnt even know where to start...
Brink pink - Did something odd or uncanny happen to you today? I got two asks in the space of 10 minutes 😂
French pink - Do you believe in intuition as your brain figuring things out quickly or as the universe guiding you? I have no faith in my own brain so let's say the ✨universe✨
Bright pink - What is your dream outfit/fashion aesthetic? I absolutely love the dancesport outfits, they can be absolutely insane if you have the money (I know nothing about aesthetics so I'm saying that...)
Persian pink - What quality in people do you gravitate towards? They pay you attention before you pay it to them, sometimes.
Rose Pink - Do you think it’s better to forgive and forget, or do you think holding onto anger is important? I'm useless at holding on to anger, so the former for me.
Ultra pink - How are things better now than they were six months ago? Not the best of years to be asking this 😂 but I didnt have to sit my final GCSEs so that's nice...
Shocking pink - What pisses you off the most? People having opinions on things they know nothing about.
Rose Pompadour - What is your favourite name from your culture’s language?  Again, "culture" is pushing it, but I love the names Owen (from Owain, I think) and Seren (meaning "star" in Welsh).
If you read this far, I implore you to get a hobby. Why is it so much fun to answer random questions about yourself?! 😂💙
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dysphoric-dumbass13 · 5 years
All of them. Every single fall themed ask at once. Lets see how you like it. (love you)
Whatever. Something to do in bio. Love you too boo.
Lantern: (how did you meet your best friend?) I have three. For Evan, they said something about the flannel I was wearing. I didnt like them that much to start out, they were too bubbly for my taste. For TJ, I was friends with his best friend in 6th grade. She left and I didnt have any friends so J tried to become friends with him and Angel. I loved him, he was so sassy and cool. For Kass, the asshole who's making me do this, it was 6th grade science. I didn't know what to call them and spent the entire year trying to figure it out but being too afraid to ask. They were actually pretty cool. Idk what all of their initial opinions of me were.
Frost: (if you could give some advice to your younger self, what would you say?) Quit pretending you're an adult, itll just hurt you. Let yourself dress masculine, it's ok to do that. And it's ok to like girls like you do, dont be afraid to express yourself.
Maple: (is there a hobby/skill you've always wanted to try but never did?) Yeah, I always wanted to be on a little league football team when I was little.
Harvest: (what fictional character do you most identify with? Why?) Dean winchester. Because I am just..... basically him if he wasnt raised in an environment with toxic masculinity *cough cough* John *cough cough*
Fireside: (if you had your dream wardrobe, what would it look like?) Flannel, band tees, everything would be from the Mens section. Some binders for masculine and nb days and lots of mens skinny jeans. Also David Bowie Vans, pride converse, and combat boots.
Cider: (a food that you disliked as a child but now enjoy?) Idk. For a period of time I hated coffee, I dont mind it now.
Amber: (share an unpopular opinion that you may have.) Oof. Um, christians aren't necessarily bad, the ones we all know of are because they hide behind the bible to hate people.
Fog: (how well do you think you'd do in a zombie apocalypse scenario?) Either really well or terribly. I'd either let then get me, or wear a medieval suit of armor and just walk through everywhere boss mode. And Costco.
Jack-O-Lantern: (if you could look like any celebrity, who would you choose?) Ruby rose.
Spice: (have you ever encountered a house that you believed to be haunted?) Yes. Mine. Creepy baby handprints in the basement. In keeping the spirits occupied with my old Barbies.
Orchard: (share one thing you'd like to happen this autumn) Oh, that's hard. I think I'd want a partner so I dont go into winter depressed like I always do.
Crow: (which school subject do you have an aptitude for?) Math or English? Does choir count? Idk
Bonfire: (describe your dream house) Idc that much. As long as it has a library and multiple bedrooms, and the people I care about loving with me/nearby
Cinnamon: (if you had to live in a time period different than the present, which would you choose and where?) Either Ireland in the medieval times as a knight, or the 70s in Europe or the US.
Cranberry: (what is one physical feature you get complimented on?) Annoyingly, my boobs. Apparently they're big and nice, whatever. Recently, my hair though. I just cut it short.
Maize: (share the weirdest encounter you've had with a stranger on the street.) Last year, I was at the mall in a bathroom and an older woman (idk maybe 60?) came up to me and said "I'm either having a drink or I have to pee. You're living the golden years kid, not me." In hindsight I think she was just quoting John Mulaney at me, but it was weird to me when it happened.
Quilt: (how do you take your tea or coffee?) Tea, chai and Irish breakfast are my favorites, I really like green tea though. It has to be sweet though, I can't stand unsweetened tea (theres my mom's Texan coming out)
Pumpkin: (do you think that humans are inherently good or bad?) Neither, I think people are born blank slates and our experiences shape everything about us.
Moonlit: (are you a neat or messy person? Is your room/house orderly?) Hahahaha, what's a floor?
Flannel #1: (have you ever gone on a bad date?) No. I've only ever been on one date, and I thought it was pretty good. I dated one person who was an asshole but that's it.
Cocoa: (if you could have any type of hair, what color and cut would you have?) Probably my natural color (light brown, easiest to dye), cut short, but curly in texture instead of this wavyish shit.
Ghost: (is there someone that you miss having in your life?) Yeah. I mean she isn't dead, but my 6th grade best friend. I miss her.
Pumpkin spice: (what is your drink of choice?) Mt Dew, Dr. Pepper, or tea. But it has to be sweet.
Wool socks: (what is something you look forward to in fall?) If I lived anywhere but where I live this would work, my wardrobe is actually fitting for the type of weather. Coolish, with some breezes, and crisp. Warm sometimes. My flannel is great for that, but stupid Colorado snows nearly year round.
Falling leaves: (you're stranded on a desert island and here's the twist: what three things do you NOT bring with you?) A boat so I can live in solidarity, thank you very much, anyone that's homophobic, transphobic, antisemitic, racist, etc, and peanuts.
Smelly candles: (what's your absolute favorite scent?) Fredh baked apple pie 🤤
Big sweaters: (do you prefer the cold, warmth, or a perfect in-between?) I'm practically a living heater. So cold weather.
Halloween: (if you could dress up as anyone/anything and pull it off absolutely flawlessly, who/what would it be?) Idk if this counts, but whatever gender I currently identify with (nb, feminine, masculine, in between). If that doesn't, then Jensen Ackles.
Cozy blankets: (where do you feel the most safe and at home?) With TJ. He's my family.
Hot tea: (when was the last time you kissed someone?) July 21st at around.... 5 or 6am?
Flannel #2: (what's your favorite day of the year? Is there a reason it's your favorite?) I don't really have one.
Chilly air: (what's your least favorite and favorite type of weather?) Is it weird that snowing is both my favorite and least favorite type of weather depending on the time of year?
Scarves: (if you could only wear one outfit for the rest of your life, what would it be?) My pair of black ripped guys skinny jeand with my dark blue distressed flannel and my wolf shirt.
Apple cider: (if you could throw a party and invite absolutely anyone, who would they be?) All of my close friends, plus the one I haven't seen in forever that I miss too much, and Misha Collins.
Haunted houses: (what's your scariest memory?) It was a dream I had when I was 5 that I remember in perfect detail. When I find the time I texted it to Kass I'll make a post with a screenshot of it.
Fuzzy boots: (if you could live in any year/era, which would it be and why?) See cinnamon above
Thanksgiving: (what is someone/something that you're most grateful for? Any particular reason?) That's hard. Can I say my best friends? That's only 3 people. And because they're always there and care about me and I love them.
Black friday: (what is one thing, if anything, that you would sell your soul to own?) The rights to be the writer of a Supernatural sequel.
Apple picking: (if you could go anywhere, where would it be and why?) Ireland. Castles. About 60% of my heritage. Green.
Corn mazes: (do you have any secret talents/abilities?) Not secret ones
Hay rides: (if you could pick absolutely anything to be your form of transportation, what would it be?) A 1967 4-door black Chevrolet Impala. Obviously.
The color orange: (do you have a specific song that reminds you of autumn? What is it?) Yeah, a few. Sweater Weather by The Neighborhood, Trees by twenty one pilots, Smithereens by twenty one pilots, Californication by Red Hot Chili Peppers, Snow (Hey Oh) by Red Hot Chili Peppers, Blackbird by The Beatles, Perfect by Ed Sheeran, Castle On The Hill by Ed Sheeran, Heartbeat by Carrie Underwood, and What I Got by Sublime. To name a few.
Windy nights: (if you could go to any concert whose would it be?) Live Aid lmao. If they dont have to be alive then Queen, if they do then either Ed Sheeran, twenty one pilots, or Panic!
Holding hands: (do you believe in soulmates?) Kinda? I think I want to. I think you feel it at one point, if you meet someone you love that dearly. But idk, maybe I'm just being stupid.
Kass, thank you. And I hate you.
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flameontheotherside · 5 years
Bye-bye Dating Game
I deleted that dating app I posted about because I realized it's for people who "hate themselves". That's what Erik said. I'm still creeped out over hearing his voice this morning. How I hear isn't usually by voice it's hard to explain. ☝️😊 Basically I'm listening to my heart beat and it's in there. Best I can describe it. Every once in a while I'll hear the voice and it freaks me out.
Anyway so I visited Erik at "home" and it was easier to see him without getting all weird. So naturally Erik was freaked out this time. I'm like
😆🖕 Oh look whose in the hotseat now fucker! You dont like it?
It's like every now and then it's at least one of us acting a fool all bashful and shit. This time I tried my best to not get that way because I'm actually trying to get used to seeing him in all his gloriousness again. 🤦‍♀️ Since the Matthew thing and him being very close to resembling Erik at about 75% and drama, I've lost love for both Erik and Matthew. 🙄 Both of them pissed me off.
Now that Matthew and I are in different cities, and agreed to remain friends I'm trying to return to Erik. Now I'm butthurt about Matthew when I'm with Erik instead of the other way around. Sooooooooo 🙄 Matthew's higher self aka Bragi came to our house and the both of them had a yelling match. I had to break it up but they still argued. If only there was a video of it. 🤣 They're like children fighting over a barbie doll.... Not trying to compare myself to a fucking barbie doll, I'm just saying... 😑
Anyway so there's that.
Erik figured I don't really have the same feelings as before. I do love him it's just complicated. I don't want to just love a spirit. I need a human and in a small way Matthew was perfect for that. But he's full of drama 🤷‍♀️ and Idk why really gorgeous guys have an IQ of a walnut. Shit... 🤦‍♀️ He's not worth my time. At this point he's qualified to be a walking dildo 🤣 that for some fucked up reason loves me so much he's still trying to impress me in to one day maybe we'll get back together.
In all honesty, again, at this point, I'm thinking I'm better off being a legit crazy cat lady.🤷‍♀️ I'm never going to find a human that meets my needs. Whatever the fuck they are. It's kind of sad. 🙄 The one I'm "supposed" to be with is dead and I can see and talk to him but can only in our own designated space. Our own little dimension or whatever. 🤦‍♀️ The live ones, all they ever do is be stupid and disappointing. Just like 99% of men on dating sites. They are all discussing and losers. It quickly became more annoying than entertaining. It's off of my phone now.
😘❤️ Good night!
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(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧Don’t forget to take a look at Erik’s blog run by his amazing mom Dr Elisa Medhus. Lots of stuff about his afterlife and 💩 at channelingerik.com.
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