#now reblog this so I can return the favour!
juletheghoul · 3 days
too close
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a/n: Yeah. The trailer got me again. I can't help myself!!! Also - I didn't actually want to write feelings for these two but I have no say anymore. They have feelings, they are obsessed with each other and I can't just ignore it lol. Not beta’d and barely proofread- any mistakes or errors are my own. Hopefully you enjoy! (PS I did a little research on fruits in Roman times- they had no word for orange, so any shade of orange was just called red)
Warnings; 18+ no minors, vague but big-legal age gap, piv sex, dirty talk, Marcus eats pussy and I don't CARE, giving him that gluckgluck3000, creampie, Marcus gets hurt (hurt comfort), hand stuff from him because he's my precious man and he likes to give his girl pleasure, master / slave dynamic (power imbalance) he’s still pretty possessive, Marcus calls reader Girl, reader calls Marcus Dominus (for now?👀), **FEELINGS** let me know if I missed any!
This is the fic I referenced in this preview
Pairing: Marcus Acaciusx F!Reader
word count: 5.1k (whoops!)
reblogs are appreciated
Prev chapter Masterlist series masterlist
You frowned, despite your station, the confusion and slight worry breaking through the years of training your face to remain neutral. For a moment, you forgot your place.
“But-“ he turned, head tilted in curiosity instead of anger, thankfully, “I am to stay here? You do not wish me to accompany you Dominus? To pour and serve…?” You could not keep the slight hurt from your voice, much to your dismay. 
“No Girl, you will stay here, at the villa.” He saw the confusion, the unabashed anguish on your face and his expression softened, “peace Girl, it is not a matter of not desiring your presence or your service.” You listened to him with a lump in your throat, a wild fear seizing your heart that he might have grown tired of you. 
“I will not have the luxury of a tent, the rebellion is small enough that I can squash it and be back in less than a moon’s turn.” He came close, close enough to have your face tilt up to stare into his eyes. “I would not have you waiting for me in such a meagre camp, I would not have you sleeping in the dirt.” His hand settled on your arm, a soft offering, a reassurance but it did nothing to calm you. You have grown so accustomed to having him close, to ending up in his bed of a night more often than not before heading to your own, naked and pleasantly sore; to falling asleep with his seed trickling out of your puffy little cunt.
“I am comfortable wherever you are Dominus, I could still be of use, to light your fires-“ 
“I would have you here, and safe. That is my decision, and no amount of temptation will sway me from it.” He lifted your hand, pressing his lips to your fingers in silent, but firm apology. You knew there was nothing to be said, you had already pushed the matter far more than would be allowed on a normal day. 
“Your will, Dominus.” You bowed your head, despite the hurt and worry swirling around in your belly. “I will pray to the Gods for your swift victory, and safe return home.” 
He nodded, leaving shortly after. 
Time passed, and a feeling of restlessness took firm root in your being. The house felt empty, despite the attendants and sentinels left to guard them as well as the property. The days found you listless, moving through the motions of your chores and daily duties practically numb. The days were marks on the wall of your mind, praying to the Gods to send him back to you. 
Whispers travelled swiftly through the city, through the market stalls and through the villa itself, most of them rumours and it was difficult to keep your emotions in check. 
He has advanced
He has killed the leaders of the rebellion
He is victorious, already on his way home
He has been hurt
He is dead
He is victorious - Rome's favoured son has triumphed once more
The moon turned, once, and then twice, finally a third time before he was home. The all encompassing relief was short lived however, that wash of relief turned to ashes in your mouth at the sight of him. One of the rumours had been true after all. A sword wound to the side had laid him low late into the battle, it hadn’t killed him, thank the Gods, but it had slowed him down and made his journey home nothing short of agony. 
Your heart raced to see him weakened, every fibre of your being itched to run to him, to press your lips to skin but you refrained. You stood aside, dutifully, letting his trusted soldiers practically carry him to his bed. The older women got to work, bringing fortified wine with all manner of powders and potions to aid in his recovery while you stood next to him, the little half-moon marks in your palms from your nails barely felt like anything compared to the ache in the back of your throat. 
Your eyes would not leave his face. 
He looked so tired, mud and grime still marring his skin as he lay prone on his bed. To forfend the ugly thoughts swirling around in your mind, you focused on the tasks at hand. 
He needs to be cleansed, after he eats something I will boil some water and move gently, leave him to gather his strength. An offering must be made so the Gods will hasten his healing-
“Girl.” His voice was soft, and instantly you rushed to his side. 
“Yes Dominus, I am here.” You took his hand tentatively, your heart soared to feel him squeeze it. 
“Fetch me some broth, and help me to sit up–a few pillows behind me. I would sit upright.” 
You rushed to comply, happy to focus on his instructions. With soft touch, you did your best to prop him up, biting your lip to stop your eyes from welling up when he winced. Once satisfied, you set about fetching hot water and linens, as well as his broth. He sighed at the sight of it, and drank almost all of it within a few heartbeats. 
“Shall I help you cleanse now Dominus?” You brought the basin closer, showing him the steaming water and he nodded. 
Tentatively, you removed the soiled clothes he wore, ears pricked up for any sign of discomfort. He beared it with good grace, keeping the twinges of pain to himself, you imagined for your benefit, and you were grateful. It took time, but finally, you had divested him of everything, and he half sat, half laid on his bed, not an ounce of shame for his nakedness. It was secondary, to see him bare, more alarming was the soiled linens with the dark bloom of dried blood staining it on his side like some grotesque flower. 
He was pale, weak, his injury robbing him of his normal, ruddy health. He watched you, his expression somewhere between exhaustion, and a calm content. 
With gentle hands, you dipped the clean linen into the steaming water of the basin, and methodically cleaned the dirt, and dried blood from his skin. Eventually his eyes closed, soft sighs filled the air with every pass of the warm cloth across his shoulders, down the firm muscles of his thighs, his hands, until you reached the contours of his face. The lines were more defined, this battle had taken a toll on him. 
Your thumbs smoothed over his brows, wiping dust and worry away with a bone deep gratitude that he had come back. He melted into your touch, and you tried and failed to suppress the smile. 
“I must clean the wound, Dominus.” You reached for more clean dressings, giving him a chance to steel himself but he kept his eyes closed. You thought he might have fallen asleep, but he nodded, and so you did what needed to be done. 
To his great credit, he didn’t make a sound. Even as you cleaned at the angry, but healing edges of the wound. He said nothing when you packed it with the poultice one of the women had brought, when you covered it in a clean dressing, even as he drank down the no doubt foul tasting potion to help him sleep. Instead he settled back, and sighed, his eyelashes fluttering against his skin. 
You gathered all of the soiled clothing and discarded bandages, and moved to leave him to rest but his hand snatched at your wrist. 
“Wait, Girl, stay. Stay with me–” His words were almost slurred, and he didn’t finish his thought, his hand loosened around your wrist but you stayed, taking great care to lie beside him on his bed, and watched him sleep. Your heart raced with something you couldn’t–wouldn't name, something that threaded through your ribcage like smoke, wreathing its way around your lungs and taking root in your heart. You pressed the back of your hand to his brow, thankful that no fever lurked there and once satisfied that he was indeed resting, you rested your head next to his. 
Sleep took you, swiftly and without warning. 
The world outside was dark when your eyes opened, and it took a moment for you to get your bearings. His warm skin pressed to your arm and you jolted with the memory of his injury. 
“Peace, girl, I am well.” His voice was quiet, but stronger than before, “You did well in changing my dressings.” His praise squeezed at something in your belly, robbing you of any words you might have had. “You must be hungry, go and fetch something to eat and bring it here, I will share the meal with you.” The concern in his voice brought a smile to your lips, his thoughts on you, despite the pain he must have been in. 
“Yes Dominus, shall I fetch more of the potion as well? You should rest-” He raised his hand softly to forestall you. 
“I have rested enough, I would have my wits about me just now. Go on, you may fetch whatever else you need, I would have you sleeping in my bed.” 
His words rung in your ears as you moved throughout the silent house. They shone through your eyes as you piled a serving tray with olives and cheese, with bread and ripe fruits. They camped in your belly as it rolled with something when they repeated over and over like a prayer in your mind as you filled a serving jug with the wine he favoured, they strengthened your grip as you carried it with the utmost care down the moonlit halls of the house, almost sharpening your eyesight to bring you swiftly back to him. 
You set it down between you on his bed, careful not to spill anything or jostle him too much and just in time too, the hunger rung out from your empty belly loud as thunder but you ignored it, your priority was to help him sit up.
“Eat Girl, you are starving. I will pick at my leisure.” He frowned, gesturing to the food and you were grateful beyond words. It was a quiet meal, but comfortable. He usually ate by himself, most of the time while in his study and with you, it was after chores and duties had been completed. Despite all of your trysts and time spent together, it was the first meal you’d ever shared. 
“You do not favour the olives.” He said it without judgement. You shook your head shyly, covering your mouth to speak through bites of bread and cheese. 
“My desire for them is unpredictable.” He tilted his head, “Sometimes, they are all I want. Other times, I cannot stand the sight of them.” You wrinkled your nose, confirming that this time, the latter statement was true.
He smiled, huffing out an amused laugh through his nose.
“What else do you like? I see you favour the fruit, which one do you like most of all?” It was strange to be asked about yourself, no one in your life had ever wondered about what you might of preferred, for anything.
“Figs, I think. Pomegranates too, although peeling them takes a lifetime.” He huffed again, wincing slightly, “Are you in pain? Shall I fetch–” He raised a hand. 
“I am well, continue. Why do you favour them if they are so troublesome to eat?” He shifted a tiny bit, with great effort, turning to face you better. The room was dark, save for the few candles burning and the moon shining in through his window, casting stark shadows across his lovely face. 
“They are worth the effort.” 
He smiled, and finally reaches over to help himself to the food. Something about the darkness, about the quiet seclusion made you bolder.
“What about you Dominus? Is there a fruit you favour?” Your heart raced, fear that you might have overstepped grabbing hold of you but it was for naught, he merely frowned in thought. 
“I prefer plums.” He said after a moment, “I like figs as well.” It was both exhilarating and strange to speak with him like that, in the quiet dark, almost comfortable. “Although–in my younger days we fought in Spain, and there I tasted a fruit I have never seen again, I do not know the name of it but I enjoyed it very much.” 
“What was it like?”
“It was round, a strange shade of red with a thick peel but underneath it had segments like a lemon.” He continued eating, and you were content to sit with him, only moving the tray once he had eaten his fill.
“It is good to be home.” The words came out as a sigh, “I missed it while I was away, more than any other time I must admit.” He shifted slightly and winced again, “Help me lay flat, my back aches from sitting.” He held out his hand and you rushed to oblige, moving pillows and positioning him flat on his back. “That is better, gratitude Girl, let us blow out the candles and settle in.” 
“Yes Dominus.”
“Have you something to sleep in? What is most comfortable for you?” 
“I am content in this, Dominus.” You gestured to your tunic as you made your way around the room, snuffing out the candlelight.
“That is not what I asked you.” There was no bite in his words, but the expectation of truth was plain as day. 
“Most nights I sleep in the nude, it is what is most comfortable for me.” You made your way back to the bed but he did not let you get in. 
“Please, make yourself comfortable, there is no expectation from me, much as I have missed the pleasures of your body. I would have you sleep how you are accustomed.” You nodded once, undressing down to your skin before slipping into bed with him. In the dark, in the quiet, it was peaceful and the sound of his steady breathing worked it spell on you quicker than you would have thought. 
“Gratitude Girl.” He said it soft, and with a full belly and heavy lids, you questioned him. 
“For what Dominus?” The words were almost slurred, as the heavy press of sleep pushed you into the deep pool of blackness. You thought you heard him say everything, but you could not be sure, sleep had claimed you. 
You woke with the sun, the first few rays sliding across your skin like water and it was hard to move from your place. In the night, your body had brought you close to him, seeking out the warmth of him. He was still asleep, but his legs had tangled up with yours and it was strange to lay with him like this, both of you nude as the day you were born, yet incredibly comforting. 
You took the time to check over his wound, and were pleased to find it looking much better. The edges of it stitching together, thankfully without corruption. 
“It does not hurt as much as it did before.” His voice was sleepy, “I will be back on my feet soon enough.”
“Let me dress Dominus, and I will fetch you something to break your fast.” 
“Not just yet.” He shifted, and although you helped him, he didn’t struggle quite as much. “Come, lie with me.” He held out his arm, and you went to him, trembling like a leaf to rest your head on his shoulder. “Gods, I missed you, Girl.” He buried his nose into the mess of your hair and something inside you grew and swelled, was fed and made strong by his words and by his skin. 
“I missed you, Dominus.” Truer words had never been spoken by you, the ache for him had been unbearable.
“Did you?” There was something underneath, something desperate and had it not been so early, so peaceful, he might not have asked.
“Desperately Dominus, I feared you had abandoned me, I feared you no longer desired me.” You pressed your face into his neck, breathing him in, his scent, his warmth, him- sustenance
“Come now, Girl, you know of my desire for you, it is like a thirst I cannot quench. A hunger I cannot satisfy, despite my dark moods, despite my sour face, you are a source of joy and pleasure I have not known in some time.” His hand brought your face up, his gaze burned into yours and his words affected you so that tears welled in your eyes. He wiped them away, and the tenderness was too much, a sob clawed its way out from your throat. All of the worry, all of the fear that he might have left you alone in the world, to be sold to another bubbled up and he held you as you cried.
“Do you wish to be free of me? Is that why you cry?” Something in his voice broke your heart.
“No Dominus, no-“ you wiped at your eyes, moving to look him in the eye and the expression you saw in them was almost too much to bear. “I have never been so happy in all my life, I have never felt about anyone, the way I feel for you.” You pressed your lips to his, petal-soft. 
“Sometimes, the things I feel for you are almost too big for my body, I want to be with you always, I want to feel you always. I feared so much while you were gone that I could barely eat, barely sleep-” Your words were frantic, so many things to get out that you could barely speak and he pulled you close, shushing you softly. 
“My heart swells to hear you speak this way.” He reached down, sliding his hand towards the hinge in your knee, to pull it over his thigh. “Peace, let us just enjoy the silence.” You nodded into his neck, letting go of a great breath in your lungs. 
“If I was myself, and whole, I would be pulling every ounce of pleasure from you now.” 
You laughed at the annoyance in his tone.
“Soon enough Dominus, I would have you healthy and healed.” Your hand slid up the smooth expanse of his chest, threading through the curls at the base of his skull. “Once your wound has healed, you may have me any way you please.” 
“Any way?” His tone darkened, and your body responded, thighs clenching, heart racing, nipples hardening. “Any way I please? And what if I want you for a day and a night? What if I want you wet and spread for me in this bed until you’re so full of my gift it spills all over my linens?” The hand that had been softly stroking your back moved down and grabbed at your backside, pulling until the lips of your sex spread open. 
A moan slipped out at the feel of his hands, and he all but growled. 
“Do not make those noises Girl, not when I cannot fuck you how I wish to.” He pulled your face up, licking into your mouth with a hunger you could not satisfy, not in his current state. 
“Dominus, I beg of you not to taunt me, not when we cannot indulge.” You kissed him again, despite your words and finally he pulled away, the tremble of frustration in his grip. You shifted, and felt his manhood press against your thigh, the sight of him, leaking and hard against his belly made you sigh. 
“Do not concern yourself with that, I am ravenous for you, but my body cannot fulfill the wishes of my cock. Go and fetch something to break our fast. I will need you to change my dressing as well, if you could.” He sent you off with a kiss, and with desire dripping onto your thighs. 
“Yes Dominus.” You smiled, and rushed off to do what needed to be done. 
Weeks passed, and he healed beautifully. His wound knit together cleanly and with that, his strength came back. More often than not he stood and cleansed without your help, he left the safety of his bed and his chambers and sported a genuine smile as he made his rounds through his house.
You trailed behind him, your own smile in place to see him coming back into himself. 
Things were different. He was different. 
He spoke more, that was for one. Before he would keep his own council, his words were curt and his thoughts would be kept close to his chest. Some nights he reverted to his silence, but it had grown into something peaceful, something comfortable.
The biggest change though, was his attitude towards you. 
For one, he refused to sleep alone. The darkness of night found you tending to his needs and after the candles had been snuffed- he pulled your tunic off and pulled you into his bed, into his arms. 
At first, you thought it was his injury, a fear that he might suffer some setback in his sleep, but as the days passed on and he was well past the point of danger, he still refused to let you go. 
His desire had come back too, much quicker than his body could handle. Mornings would find you in the cage of his arms, with his lust pressed hard and hot at the cleft of your ass. You would pull away so as not to tease him, and he would let you at first, but as his body caught up to him, he stopped letting you pull away. 
Most mornings, he’d whisper how much he missed burying himself inside you, how he couldn’t wait to gift you with his seed while slipping his fingers between your legs and swirling them around your clit, only stopping after you’d fluttered around his fingers. Then he’d send you off to fetch food with a smile on your face and an ever-growing ache between your thighs. 
A part of you fretted as to why he hadn’t taken you yet, as the days passed it was clear that he was well enough to indulge. Another part, a hopeful, possibly quite foolish part of you thought maybe he was waiting for you to ask him. That couldn’t be, could it? You ruminated on your previous encounters, yes–he’d called you forth to warm his bed, but with every recalled memory it was clear that in his own way, he'd let you decide whether to push things or not. A luxury you knew was rare. It was an intoxicating thought though, to think that you could decide when and what you wanted him to do.
So many possibilities. 
When night came, you brought him his meal, and his wine and tried to keep the tremble of excitement out of your hands. You watched him move about his chambers, his strength back to normal as he dipped his hands into the fresh water in his basin. His hair had grown out a little, dark with silver mixed through and that thought struck you again, that he was some beautiful marble statue come to life. An emperor of old, standing before you in all his glory. 
“Dominus-” You called to him, unable to hold back any longer. His eyes raised, finding you as he dried his hands. 
“Before you take your meal, I would ask something of you.” Your voice shook, never had you openly asked him for anything before. He raised his eyebrows, more surprised than anything.
“What would you have of me Girl?” He moved towards you, eyes curious. 
“I would have you–” You stopped him, guiding him to sit on his bed, “I would have you sit here, and accept my mouth.” 
You kneeled before him, staring up at him with your lip caught between your teeth. Your hands landed on his knees, sliding up to pull his tunic up to expose his manhood. For a moment, he stared at you with wide, surprised eyes. 
“I have missed our times together, I have missed you filling me of a night and as much as I treasure your fingers in the morning, I would have you feel pleasure at my hand–or, my mouth.” He did not stop you from exposing him and heat flooded your body to see how quickly his cock responded to your words, to the soft exploration of your hand. 
“You would do this?” His palm landed on your shoulder, sliding up to cup your cheek. “You have no obligation, I would not command you to do this should you not want to.” You spit onto your palm and grasped him in hand and despite his words, he shudderred to feel the way you stroked him. 
“I dream about this Dominus, I desire you so deeply that I ache for you–” You opened your mouth and took the blunt tip of him into your mouth. He moaned, slack-jawed at the sight of you. You placed open mouthed kisses at the tip, and the sensitive underside, stroking at the base of him. His thighs spread, making room for you and you relished the warm strength of them under your arms. 
He tasted like the ocean. 
“God’s above Girl-” You pulled away, smiling as you continued to stroke him, he barely fit in the palm of your hand and with his passion dribbling out and your spit the sounds were loud and slick. Your own arousal unspooled between your legs, the ache intensifying as he tensed underneath you, hissing when you pressed soft kisses to the scar at his side, to the softness of his belly, to the firm golden thighs bracketing you to his hips. 
“Open your mouth.” His confidence resurfaced, and then his hand wrapped around yours, guiding you to stroke him the way he liked. He guided the reddened tip into your mouth. “Look at me when you take me in your mouth, open wide, I want to touch your throat.” You moaned around him, taking him deeper, breathing through your nose in an attempt to stay calm. 
“That’s it Girl, Gods be damned-” His tone was filthy as he held you there, eyes watering until you pulled away, sputtering and messy. 
“If you continue, I will spill in your mouth.” he guided your hand still, slowly stroking himself against your lips, smearing your spit and his salty arousal onto your lips. Never in your life have you felt that powerful, that beautiful, with tears spilling down your face and slick dripping down your thighs. He held himself suspended in his pleasure, awaiting your word. 
“Would you like to spill in my mouth Dominus? Or would you like to fill my cunt?” You held out your tongue, letting him rub the tip of himself against it while he decided. Your heart soared to see the conflict on his face. 
“I would fill your cunt, I have missed it terribly.” You smiled and rose with a final kiss to his cock and once you did, he ripped the tunic off your body. The loud tear of it made you squeal with a mix of shock and excitement. 
“I promise you, I will not last.” He all but tossed you onto his bed, spreading your legs wide for his gaze. “Greedy little cunt, so wet for me.” He spoke in a daze, staring at the place that ached at the mere thought of him. He slipped down and it’s with a shock that you watched him dip down to spear into you with his tongue. Never had anyone used their mouth on you and the sight of it was almost too much to bear.
It’s with a greedy, filthy groan that his lips dragged up to latch around the pert little pearl of you, his tongue stroking, stroking, stroking while his mouth suctioned around it. Your body was a taut string, legs shaking under the strong grip of his hands, holding you to him tight enough to hurt. Your breathing came in pants, the climax was already there, balancing on a knife's edge, so close you could almost taste it.
His hands moved, sliding up to pinch at your nipples and the wave crested. Your hands gripped into his curls, both holding him close, and desperately pushing him away while you fluttered into his mouth. 
You felt the strong muscle of his tongue slide down, drinking you from the source. 
He made his way back up, your slick shining on his face and on his whiskers. You’re almost too shocked, and too shy to look into his eyes. 
“I confess, I have wanted to do that for a long time.” He pulled his tunic up and off as you lay under him, boneless. “I know it’s not something commonly done, but I enjoy it. Did you enjoy it? I felt you flutter.” He raised your leg, wrapping it around his hip while his cock slipped inside you without any resistance. You let out a relieved sigh, finally, he was home. 
“Yes Dominus–” You almost whispered, half-shy as he dropped down, his arms holding himself up on either side of your skull. “No one has ever–Oh–” He snapped his hips hard, unable to hold himself back and already, the need built in your core, robbing you of any coherent thoughts. 
“No one but me ever will.” He kissed you, making you taste yourself and it was so perverse, so exhilarating you held him close, wrapping your arms and legs around him to feel as much of him as you could. His cock pushed and pulled, hitting that special place he owned and with a handful of thrusts, and a punched out groan he filled you with his gift. Finally. 
He watched himself pull out of the mess he'd made, watched in silence as his gift dripped out and onto his linens. 
Things felt different this time, there’s a vulnerability, an intimacy that is almost overwhelming. You pulled his face up, and pressed your lips to his softly, praying that you conveyed the feelings swirling in your chest. He kissed you back, his hand gliding up to wrap around your neck. When you opened your eyes, his brow was furrowed, the same feelings shining back at you through his dark eyes. 
Seconds passed, and the feeling did not disperse. Before he would have sent you away, but he held you close. Wordlessly he pressed his lips to yours over and over, he stroked at your skin, your shoulder and your thigh high on his ribs, your breast, your lips. He moved off, and went about dampening a cloth to clean himself off of you. Once he was done, he brought the food you’d served him and fed you from his own hand. 
You accepted the food, smiling shyly as he watched you, something like affection, like love shining out through his eyes. 
“Thank you Dominus–” He shook his head, a small frown at your words. 
“Call me Marcus.”
– Tag list: @frannyzooey @greeneyedblondie44 @lola4pedro @221bshrlocked @artsymaddie @supernaturalgirl20 @sleep-tight1 @sherala007 @cannedsoupsucks @thirstworldproblemss @ilikechocolatemilkh @freeshavocadoooo @hrk-fic-recs @maxwell--lord @the-feckless-wonder @kirsteng42 @thisshipwillsail316 @feministfanboi  @stevie75 @readsalot73 @pedrostories @tobealostwanderer @mandocrasis @elegantduckturtle @diogodxlot @alczysz17 @evyiione @absurdthirst @beskarboobs @andruxx @littlemissoblivious @1800-fight-me @maievdenoir @gracie7209 @omlwhatamidoinghere @magikfanatic @frankiecatfish @pedritoispunk @studythoreauly @missswriter @pintsizemama @mswarriorbabe80 @a-trial-run-on-paper @la-le-lu @chickadee-djarin @dobbyjen @rosiefridayrogersunday @ajeff855 @johnsrevelation @the-witty-pen-name @zombiesnips-blog @sarahjkl82-blog @fan-of-encouragement @queenofthecloudss @deadhumourist @felicisimor @toomanystoriessolittletime @what-iwish-you-knew @pedrostories @athalien @bi-thewayy @literallydontlook @pedrosbrat @gamingaquarius @luxmundee @iamafadedmoon @nakhudanyx @littlemisspascal @grogusmum @recklessworry @heyitmelexie @killyspinacoladas @gothicxbarbie @evildxad @dragonslarimar @spideysimpossiblegirl @chemtrail-mix @breezythesimp @altarsw @artooies-scream @staygolddindjarin @softsweetedbeauty @littlemisspascal @yuiopiklmn @squidwell @just-blogging-around @bbyanarchist @girlofchaos @maddiedrmr @frasmotic @acourtofsnakes @buckybarneshairpullingkink @astoryisaloveaffair @harriedandharassed  @shirks-all-responsibilities @androah @alwaysachorusgirl @dindjarinsmut @captain-jebi @gallowsjoker @tusk89 @dadbodfanatic-x @naiomiwinchester @blazedprince @avidreader73 @mr-underhills-things @avengersfan25 @tastygoldentaters @nyotamalfoy @mymindfuckery @its-nebuleuse @missladym1981 @inept-the-magnificent @yesjazzywazzylove-blog @ladyofmidlo72 @greenvita @honey-on-your-tongue
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chuulyssa · 5 months
​​🇸​​ 🇵 ​​🇦 ​​🇳 ​​🇰​​ !
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↷ A/N ─ as usual please leave likes and reblogs to show support :D i love spoiling you guys !! now please tell me to go study i need some motivation :(
★ FT. ─ dazai , chuuya , ranpo , akutagawa , fyodor
!! TAGS ─ spanking, mentions of smut
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momentarily surprised but quickly recovers
smiles and turns to you
it's like you just gave him a treat :D you can almost see his tail wagging as if he's a dog (he hates dogs btw grrr)
he believes that you spanking his ass gives HIM permission to do the same to YOU :( how mean of him
so he catches you off guard by spanking your ass
and you two end up chasing each other down to take turns spanking each other. whoever loses does the dishes tonight
"You've been very good today; you even completed your punishment for provoking me," he says, engulfing you in a cuddle after you returned from doing the dishes.
chokes on air this time (yes chuuya chokes in every single scenario of mine but he's the one choking you at night so its ok !! :D)
he's surprised because wtf?? he's the one supposed to be doing that conventionally????
defo spanks you back but tries to be as soft as possible because he's a gentleman
i think this is already an hc but he's an ass guy so once you've spanked him don't think he's gonna leave u at all
i did say his spanks are gonna be as soft as he can make them be but i never said how many 🤪😇
"Count," he hisses. It's midnight, and you're at his mercy. After his long and hard day at work, he needs something to relieve his stress.
stops your hand mid-air because duh he already knew about what you were gonna do
twists and turns and ends up holding your ass and squeezing it
all the while you're like wtf is wrong with you
his eyes make it look like he's enjoying it sm :( such a kitty cat
im still mad they didn't give us a whole separate scene for his ass :< anyone who's read the manga, any pics you wanna share? 👁
"You need to buy me extra candy for putting up with your stupidity," he rolls his eyes, pinching your cheek.
his reflexes immediately act and you see rashomon from the back of his coat
but then he realizes its you...
well now you have :D his poor virgin ass
not a virgin anymore once he started dating you u horny ass mf /lh
he has literally no idea how to reply to that
he just shrugs cluelessly
"I guess I should return the favour?" he tries to sound confident but ends up delivering the lightest, most gentle spank. He doesn't want to hurt you. He loves you.
one, because he's another virgin (virgin slander less gaurr 💪🏻 even tho im one myself; its the self burn guys !!)
and two, for the last time STOP. MESSING. WITH. HIS. RELIGIOUS. SELF.
you're SATAN in his eyes, trying to distract him and make him sin (as if he isn't a murderer and a terrorist cough cough)
if we're being delusional enough he'll leave the room with a faint pink on his cheeks 🤡
definitely returns the favour at night 🤭🤭 (only if you're married tho!!)
"My sole undivided attention is all yours now," he hits your ass again. "Anything to say? Hm? Why not? You were all for giggling at my face today. What's wrong now?"
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
© chuulyssa 2024 - do not copy, plagiarize or repost my works on any platforms. do not translate.
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thetriumphantpanda · 7 months
new perspective | joel miller
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Summary | the summed wedged between finishing your undergraduate degree and starting on your graduate programme just got a lot better when Joel Miller turns out to feel exactly the same about you as you do to him.
Pairing | dbf!Joel Miller x F!Reader
Word Count | 3.7k
Warnings | Explicit Smut. dbf!Joel makes his return on my blog, mentions of food and alcohol, Joel being competent and fixing stuff, the classic dbf trop of a cookout, sex while your parents are around, oral sex (f), masturbation (m), unprotected PiV, talk of contraception, dirty talk, praise kink, THE RETURN OF MIRROR SEX BY THETRIUMPHANTPANDA, no outbreak au, no use of Y/N.
Authors Note | I missed dad's best friend Joel so I wrote him :) I hope you like him. This is a standalone but I won't rule out adding more in this universe if y'all like it. I have to shoutout @hellishjoel for talking me through how to make a moodboard so beautifully, thank you honey! If you like this, consider reblogging/commenting/leaving asks for me - it really helps!
Please follow @thetriumphantpandanotifs for my writing updates. 
Main Masterlist | Ko-Fi
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The incessant dripping of the kitchen tap is driving you insane. You’d come back to Texas for the summer to relax. Hoping to leave behind shoddy workmanship that your landlord refused to fix because he would do it when you moved out, ready for the next lot of college kids to come in. If your dad had mentioned the dripping kitchen tap, the creaky floorboards on the stairs and the issue with water pressure that meant showering took longer than necessary, maybe you’d have stayed where you were.
“Someone’s comin’ to take a look at that later,” He’d said on his way out to work that morning, head tilting towards the kitchen, “Should be here after lunch.”
You’d waved him off, barely looking up from the book you were reading, legs outstretched on the couch with your notepad and pen resting on the arm. Wasn’t much of a summer when you were going straight from your undergraduate degree into a graduate programme.
As the day moved on, the heat got worse. Glasses of ice water turning lukewarm before you had a chance to cool down. The patio door open, hoping for a breeze every now and then, but finding no reprieve. The ice pop doesn’t even help that much, melting too quickly before you had a chance to enjoy it.
It’s pushing 2pm when there’s a knock at the door. Reading material and notepad pushed onto the floor, trash TV on in the background as you try not to sweat to death. It takes you a minute to register the noise, so long that whoever it is here to look at the tap knocks again.
You pull open the door, wincing when the heat of the sun being let in sinks across your skin. The change in light means it’s a few seconds before your eyes adjust to who it is standing in front of you. Joel Miller.
It’s been a while since you’ve seen him. He’s been busy, according to your dad, building his business with Tommy. Lots of out of town trips now Sarah is grown and away to college for her first year - schedules not quite lining up for you to see him when you come home, but God are you glad you have the chance now. He’s older now, obviously, greying a little. His hair has grown too, curls flopping onto his forehead and around his ears. He looks broader now than he did - the physical labour obviously working in his favour - you can see the arms of his t-shirt straining around the muscles there, but as you let your eyes trail down a little, you’re pleased to see that he clearly still enjoys his barbecue and beer.
“Y’gonna let me in, sweetheart?” He asks and that Southern drawl hasn’t changed either, low and slow, tickling just the right parts of your brain as they always had.
You’d thought whatever it was that you felt for him was just some silly schoolgirl crush, but the longer he hung around, the older he got, the more you realised he wasn’t something you’d grow out of liking. Not even the fair amount of fooling around at college had helped - boys that had no idea what they were doing, who couldn’t take instruction to save their lives. Whenever they’d leave, you’d lie there, sheets pulled up under you chin, and think, Joel Miller would never leave me like that - wet, wanting and unsatisfied.
“Sorry,” You mumble, taking a side step to let him in, “Here to fix the tap, right?”
“That’s right,” He replies, walking in and straight to the kitchen - he spends more of his time here than you do now, “Nice t’see you back for a while.”
You close the door, stopping off to lean over the couch and grab your half-empty water glass before following behind him to the kitchen.
“Weird to be back, honestly,” You muse, pulling a fresh glass out of the cupboard, “Didn’t think this place would ever change much, but it feels different.”
“Probably you that’s changed,” He talks as he opens the toolbox he’s bought with him, “Got a different perspective on things now you live in the big city.”
“You’re probably right,” You agree, filling the glasses with ice and water, sipping from one and putting the other near to where Joel is working, “And the fact no-one else left I suppose - did you know Becca from my year at school has had two kids since I’ve been away?”
Joel let’s out a low whistle as he uses some tool to tighten something on the tap, sighing when it doesn’t stop the leaking, “Two kids at your age?” He asks, “I could barely deal with Sarah, I don’t know how folks do it.”
“Yeah, me neither,” You shrug, leaning against the kitchen counter, “I can barely keep myself alive.”
He turns his head, his brown eyes roving you up and down, is he…? Is he checking you out? He lets out a little cough and reaches for his water, taking two deep drinks of it before he turns back to the job at hand, sinking to his knees on the floor to open the cupboard under the sink. He’s got his head inside it when he speaks again.
“I don’t know,” He muses, “You look pretty alive to me.”
“Thanks,” you chuckle, “Best compliment I’ve ever received.”
You can hear him laugh a little from under the sink, the noise punctuated with the sounds of him gently hammering at something.
“Can you pass me the screwdriver down?” He asks, an arm extending out towards you as you rifle through his toolbox, setting the tool in his hand when you find it.
It doesn’t take him much longer to fix whatever was wrong, the dripping from the faucet stopping, giving you the sweet relief of silence, save for him groaning as he stands from his knees.
“Maybe time to retire, old man?” You offer with a smirk as he shoves the tools back into the box.
“Careful,” He warns, but his voice is light and you know he’s teasing, “I’m in the prime of my life.”
“Whatever you say.”
“I’m all done,” He says a few moments later once he’s cleaned up, “Tell your dad I’ll be back sometime in the week to look at the shower.”
You follow him back to the door, like a lost puppy on his heel, wanting to spend as much time as possible in his company before he leaves.
“Thanks for coming,” You say when he opens the door, “The dripping was driving me wild.”
“No problem sweetheart, my pleasure,” He smiles, “Anythin’ else you let your dad know he can call me, okay?” You nod in response, about to close the door, “It’s real good to see you again.”
“You too, Joel.”
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It’s been just over a week since Joel had fixed the tap. He’d been back and forth to tinker with the other issues throughout the house, talking to you here and there, but tonight is the first time he’ll be here without the pretence of needing to fix something. It’s always the same in Southern households in the summer - each household in a group of friends taking turns to host some form of dinner for everyone else, eating together in the name of community.
There’s a table full of food - your mother had made enough side dishes to feed the five thousand, potato salad, fresh bread and enough green salad that you’d all be eating it for days afterwards. The fridge stocked full of beer and wine and the crowning glory of a cheesecake you’d slaved over for hours yesterday.
Joel is here, along with Tommy, and your neighbours on both sides too. Your mom and dad had invited friends from work, but just like you’d expected, none of your friends from before you left were able to make it - prior commitments of children, husbands and work.
It’s a low-key affair, a table full of grilled meat and sides and plenty of alcohol, but it’s the alcohol that’s made this difficult for you. With Joel sitting right next you, smelling of cologne and entirely unaware that you’re creaming in your panties about wanting him to fuck you.
You’d not been subtle today either - picking the shortest dress you own, bending over to pick something up in front of him, laughing at his jokes and pressing against him at the table whenever he says something interesting or funny - you want him to know that you want him, you want him to know that he’s all you’ve been able to think about since he showed up on the porch last week.
And you think he does. When you rest a hand on his knee under the table after a particularly funny story about his apprentice and a drill on the worksite, he gives you a pointed look, but doesn’t brush your hand away, and when you announce to the table that you need to use the bathroom and cool down a little, you’re halfway up the stairs when you hear his footsteps following you - almost hunting you into the bathroom and closing the door.
“Don’t think I don’t know what you’re doin’, sugar.”
Got him.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Joel.” You smirk, turning around to lean against the sink as the bathroom door closes with a snick.
“Though you were a smart city girl now,” He muses, leaning his back against the door - you don’t miss his hand turning the lock, “You know exactly what I’m talkin’ about.”
“Maybe you should explain it to me,” You say, looking up at him through your lashes, “I’d hate for us to have crossed wires.”
He shakes his head, but you can see the twitch of his mouth upwards, “Firstly, this little number,” His hand waves at your dress, barely short enough to cover your ass, “And the way you’ve been bendin’ over all night right when I happen to be lookin’, sittin’ right next to me, the way you’re puttin’ your hands on my leg whenever you laugh?” You shrug in response, “Definitely not the sweet girl I remember before you left.”
“Things change,” You offer, “New perspectives and all that.”
“And those new perspectives make you wanna fuck this old man?” He asks, eyebrow raised.
“Is that such a crime?”
“College boys ain’t doin’ it for you?”
“No.” You reply simply, trying to keep your grin from blooming as he starts stepping towards you until you can feel the heat from his body.
He’s looming over you, hands on either side of your body, caging you between his body and the sink. You look up, find his face close to yours and waste no time in pressing up onto your tiptoes to kiss him.
It’s soft. Softer than you’d imagined from him - his mouth moving slowly against your lips as he presses his body flush to yours. You open your mouth against his a little, let your tongue trail over his bottom lip, hands reaching up to grip onto his t-shirt as his tongue meets yours.
You think you could stay like that forever, tasting him, but he pulls away, hands gripping your hips through the material of your dress to turn you around. There’s a brief moment where he presses himself against you, letting you feel the hardening of his cock against your ass, but then he’s gone, dropped to his knees behind you, tearing your panties down your legs to pool at your ankles.
Joel brings his palms to the naked skin of your ass, squeezing before he pulls gently, spreading you open with a low whistle from his mouth.
“Don’t tell me you’re this wet from teasing me, sugar.” He says, leaning forward to press his mouth to the top of your spine.
You’re about to respond when you feel one of his hands drop and then brush against the slick folds of your cunt, all you can do is watch yourself in the mirror as you tip your head forward and wait for what’s coming.
You feel him run his fingers back down before one of them dips lower, dangerously close to your fluttering hole that’s begging to be filled - and he knows it.
“She’s desperate, huh?” He coos behind you, “Practically beggin’ for someone to fill her up, ain’t she?”
“Please, Joel?” You breathe out, looking at yourself in the mirror, “I need it.”
“What do you need?” He asks with a tender squeeze of his other palm to your ass, “Huh? You tell me sugar and I’ll give it to you.”
“Your m-mouth,” You stutter out, “Or your f-fingers, anything Joel, please.”
“Like this?” He asks, and you’re about to ask what he means when you feel the warmth of his tongue lapping at you.
He’s tasting you, lapping at your core where you’re seeping slick just for him, his fingers trailing up, finding that bud of nerves, gently circling as he drinks from you.
“Ohhhhhh,” You sigh out in relief, taking yourself in when you look at your reflection, hair a little mused, skin slick with sweat already, “Just like that.”
You can feel his tongue pressing inside a little as his finger finds a rhythm of short gentle swipes across your clit - he’s got your knees wobbling already, making you flatten your palms on the marble sink to keep yourself upright.
“You gotta be quiet, okay?” He says, pulling his mouth off you to speak, dragging his fingers from your clit, “You make too much noise, I’ll have to stop.”
You hum in agreement, waiting to see what his next move is, which is to sink of of his thick fingers right inside your cunt and to lean forward underneath you enough so his tongue is moving against your clit. You have to bite down on your bottom lip to stop yourself from crying out - if there’s one thing college boys don’t do, it’s this.
You’re not sure how long he stays down there, lapping at your clit and slowly moving that finger inside you, but you know you’d have stayed there all night if you could, teetering just on the edge until he felt like finishing you off.
There’s a whine that leaves your mouth when his lips leave you - the finger that was inside you also gone, but he swaps them again - soaked fingers rubbing at your clit whilst he literally sucks the wet from your cunt, like a man who has gone without water for months. The hand that he’s hand pressed to your ass cheek is gone too - you can hear him fumbling with his belt and the movement of material somewhere along the line too, then, he’s groaning into your cunt.
You turn your head a little, but you can’t see him well enough to confirm what you think he’s doing - lapping at your cunt and circling your clit whilst he’s fisting his own cock.
“Are y-you-” You choke out, trying to keep your moans quiet as you feel the coil tightening in your tummy, “Are you touching yourself?”
Joel’s fingers continues its movement across your clit but his mouth leaves you, “Course I am,” He confesses, “Couldn’t help myself, sugar.”
“Just-” You trail off, a small, quiet moan slipping through the cracks of your resolve, “Put it inside me Joel.”
“Not yet,” He says, “Gotta make you cum first.”
“M’close,” You breathe out, pushing your hips back a little to get him to go back to what he was doing before, “Please Joel, I wanna cum.”
“Go on then, baby,” He coos, tongue back to licking at your wet hole, “You can let go.”
You feel your cunt pull tight and your knees buckle and your teeth bite down onto your bottom lip hard enough to draw blood as his fingers expertly push you over the edge. You can feel your walls clenching around nothing, begging for him to slip himself inside you so you have something to clench around as the hot furl of pleasure drifts like electric across your skin.
“Good girl,” You can hear him murmuring behind you, “So good bein’ so quiet like that.”
You’ve barely got time to recover before he’s standing up and pressing into you from behind, his lips wet and hot across the skin of your shoulder, a trail of wet being left from the drag of his beard where your slick has gathered.
“I don’t have anything on me,” He breathes into your ear, teeth nipping at your earlobe, “You got anything?”
You shake your head, “I’m clean though, I promise,” You speak softly, feeling him press his cock through your folds, “And I’m on the pill.”
He’s dragging his cock back through your folds, letting the head of it nudge slightly at your entrance, “You let anyone else fuck you bare before?” His hot breath asks into your ear.
“N-no,” You confess, “Only you.”
You can feel him press himself forward a little bit, feeding the tip of his cock into your cunt. There’s no doubt he’s big, bigger than you’re used to, but there’s no ache, not even when he pressed his hips further forward until you can feel his skin against yours and he’s buried fully inside you.
“Jesus,” He chokes out, “Fuckin’ Christ you feel good.”
Joel brings a hand up to rest against your throat, but it’s only to guide your eyeline to the mirror in front of you. He’s crowding behind you, hot and heavy against your back as he slowly starts to move, dragging his cock from your cunt and back in, chuckling against the skin of your cheek when you smile and giggle as the tip of him nudges at the very depths of you.
“You look good like this.” He whispers.
“We look good like this.” You counter, struggling to breathe a little as he picks the pace up, hips hitting into the meat of your ass on every thrust.
“We do,” He smiles, dragging himself off you a little to rest his hand on the back of your neck instead, “You like watching yourself get fucked, baby?”
You can’t speak anymore, the angle of his cock brushing against something inside of you which has you struggling to keep yourself quiet, so you just nod your head and let him press you further down into the counter, holding you still with his firm hand on your neck as he really starts to fuck you now.
You’re glad you can hear the music from the garden from here - means your dad has it turned up loud enough that no-one would be able to hear the squelch of your pussy on every thrust or the sound of your skin slapping together as Joel speeds up. It feels too good, you feel too full and you can feel that tightening coil again, feel the clenching of your cunt around his cock.
Looking into the mirror, you can see he’s in a similar state to you, his eyes angled down to watch his cock disappear into the heat of your cunt each time, sweat gathering along his brow. He sounds good too - small grunts on every thrust and a suck of breath whenever you constrict around him.
“One more, baby,” He urges, “Want to feel you cum on my cock, okay?”
He shifts his position a little so he’s fucking up into you - head of his cock pounding against that spot inside you that only you’d been able to find until now. It makes your legs shake and you have to bite down on your fist when he makes you cum again to stop yourself from crying out - tears springing at the corner of your eyes, threatening to spill as he talks you through it, tells you how pretty you look and how good you’re being for him.
“M’gonna cum baby,” He warns from behind you, “Where d’ya want it?”
You have no sense in your head anymore, he’s fucked it from you thoroughly, so you say the first thing that comes to mind - beg him to cum inside you, to fill you up. It’s safe, of course it would be, but you’re glad that somewhere in the haze of it all, he’s got more sense than you, pulling himself out of your cunt at just the last second, resting it against your ass as he spills across the skin of your lower back with a growl of your name on his mouth.
There’s silence as the two of you suck in breath to your lungs, letting your senses come back to you. Joel is quiet as he steps back and pulls his jeans back up to dress himself. He uses some tissue to clean you up, inspecting the hem of your dress for any stains he might have left before he’s dragging your panties back up your legs.
You have a try and fixing your hair, wetting your fingers from the sink to try and tame the flyaways, wondering if he’s going to walk away and leave you, but he doesn’t, he just stands behind you and waits for you to finish.
“I hope that was okay?” He offers sheepishly, rubbing at the back of his neck when you’re done.
“I asked for it,” You smile at him, “It was fine Joel.”
“Only fine?” He asks with a raised eyebrow.
You chuckle and slap him playfully on his arm, “Best I've ever had,” You offer, “Happy now?”
“Ecstatic,” He chuckles, moving to unlock the bathroom door before he turns back to you, “We don’t tell anyone about this, okay?”
You make a sign of a cross above your heart, “Not a soul.”
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rebornofstars · 1 month
I honestly can't believe this is actually happening. This event was a shower thought a few months ago.
Here's a recap of the event: to participate, make at least one fanwork of any variety during September that features a woman or women from the Zelda franchise as the main character/s. All Linksmeets are welcome in this challenge, as well as general LoZ fans!
Before I drop the prompts list for those who are looking for a little direction, I'd like to mention that I have made an AO3 COLLECTION FOR THIS EVENT. It's open and unmoderated so you can add your works to it freely. And if you post on tumblr, please tag #sepfember !! I'll be scrolling through the tag every day looking for things to reblog and gush about 👀
If you have any questions at all about this event, or you want to chat about it, my askbox is open! I will also respond to comments and reblogs of this post.
Now, onto the prompts. Disclaimer: you DON'T have to use all/any of these prompts, or only create things for certain characters on their featured day. This list is just a GUIDE for those who want it. If you have other plans, go with your heart!
At the end of the day, this is a celebration, and all that matters is that you have fun. I hope some of you will join me next month in giving our girls some time in the spotlight, but if you can't, that's okay! There's no pressure! This is just a passion project of mine, really, and I am overjoyed that people are interested 💛💛💛
(apologies in advance for the terrible quality of these pics and the equally terrible commentary. i thought it would be funny. also, i've never had to come up with a prompts list before and it shows.)
(we start at the beginning of course 💛)
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(it was SO hard to find a screenshot of her that didn't have link in it. they're both cute but this ain't about him.)
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(i didn't know she played the harp until i saw this screenshot! i obviously have a lot to learn.)
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(how creepy does she look here?! so awesome)
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(SUCH a good character for real. she has depth!!!! she has a thematic purpose!!!)
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(two words: LIGHTNING POWERS ⚡⚡⚡)
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(babygirl you are 2 entire pixels.)
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(oh she is everything to me)
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(she looks so soulful right now)
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(what a FIRE camera angle??? her armour is so impractically attached but SHE HAS A SWORD‼️)
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(hylia, din, nayru, farore, the list goes on...)
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(mipha, ruto... poor suckers... it can't be fun, falling for link...)
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(note: I personally hc this character as a trans man, but since this isn't explicitly confirmed in-game and might not be shared with everyone, I've given them a celebration day anyway. you are free to do what you wish.)
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(she is adorable. look at her)
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(i loved her in the fsa manga. she's barely in it but STILL. go read it.)
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(the great fairies, navi, ciela, tatl, proxi...)
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(isn't she KICKASS?!)
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(our lovely loyal girl 🥰)
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(a classic character! isn't this picture so peaceful)
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(technically, she's one person. between the two of them they certainly only wear enough clothes for one person... )
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(sister to the hero! but what's her story?)
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(hehheehehehe. i bet you weren't expecting her. neither was i tbh)
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(listen. i know erune is a very niche character - she literally only exists in the four swords manga - but consider. i love her)
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(she has no canon personality. you know what that means. get the building equipment out fellas)
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(and here we are - LAST DAY!)
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audreyscribes · 9 months
⚔ ARES: God of War and Violence 🐗
author's note: I had a sudden idea about writing some headcanons Camp Halfblood demigods being claimed and what it's like for each respective god and cabin, followed by a small blurb afterwards. Thank you for reading and please like and reblog! The order is not in order of the cabin numbers. [PJO DEMIGOD HEADCANONS MASTERLIST]
When you get claimed, it’s either during or after a victorious battle. If it’s during a battle, like Capture the Flag, it’s when your blood is pumping and you’re on adrenaline high. You could be losing or winning, but you hit that point of state where you’re just so in the zone before you realize you’re covered in red. You decimate the other team, striking fear in their hearts as they see you running over their teammates, your weapon swinging like it’s your own limb. Everyone looks above your head as they see the floating red boar above your head and then you hear a roar of cheer from your now half–siblings. They let out whoops, howls, and cheers, slapping you on the back and some wrestling you if you’re still battle high, before they lift you up and carry you around. 
When you’re shown the cabin, you’re immediately nerved by the boar head posted above the door, its eyes following you…but you can’t focus on that because you’re immediately told and made to remember where the live mines are around the entrance. They didn’t clarify if they were actual mines or alternative mines…they said it was classified information and you didn’t have the clearance level yet. Either which you didn’t want to find out the hard way.
If the Hephaestus cabin is the forge, you bet you can imagine that the Ares cabin is their armoury. It's not on the scale as theirs, but its pretty close. Weapons galore. It's a weapon maniacs dream. You have equipment here to upkeep and maintain weapons and if you pick out a weapon that you're not sure how to maintain? You have siblings jumping up the chance to show you. 
You wanna try and wield different weapons? Go on ahead! Every Ares’ member has their own mini armoury and collection of weapons. 
Y'know how siblings like to push each other and get into play fights? Yeah, the Ares cabin is like that constantly. It goes from rough housing to actual sparring. If you're not a big fan of participating in it, you're going to learn how to redirect people's movements. Don't worry about it getting the heat off you, as long its not entirely personal, you have another Ares’ sibling ready to switch with you. 
You also begin to take on bets because with the amount of rough-housing and sparring, it's just too good of an opportunity. The currency ranges from actual dollars, drachmas, candy bars, or what have you. All currency is accepted.  
People often like talking with their fists, but it's mostly getting rid of the pent up emotions when you guys do some talk to talk. Got to be fair you know.
If you're not particularly looking for a fight, don't worry about it. While it is true, you're a war god child, you're also good at de-escalating. After all, there's a reason in the book, "The Art of War", Sun Tzu says "The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting".
Blood was roaring in your ears with eyes red as you gripped your weapon high. Your veins were pumping with adrenaline, almost making you shake but you never felt more alive. You had just won and you thrust up your weapon high in the air, and let out a yell. Immediately, a cacophony of cheers and yells joined you, sending another spike of adrenaline and you faintly saw the claim of Ares above your head. People swarmed you and in the zone, you attacked them which they gleefully returned back the favour. Then they lifted you up in the air, cheering that about another child of Ares as you were carried back to the Ares cabin where your siblings plopped you in front of it, and Clarisse at the head. 
She grinned at you, her figure imposing but you kept your chin high. 
“Not bad, but expected as a child of Ares. Don’t let it get to your head because there’s plenty coming” she said. 
“Bring it on” you fired back with a grin as she gave a smirk. 
“I’m Clarisse Rue, cabin leader of Cabin 5. Welcome to the Ares cabin.” 
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kiatheinsomniac · 11 months
hi kia :) are you doing ok? i hope you are queen 💃 I was wondering if you could write how the assassins (altair, ezio, connor, arno, jacob) would react to a reader who suddenly passed out after standing up too fast 😭 it happened to me yesterday and it made me laugh so hard afterwards like thats the goofiest way to pass out ever 💀 iron deficiency queen 👏
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☾ ⋆ ゚𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 / 𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒: bestie mood. i stand up too quickly and immediately go semi-blind and have to lean on things for support lol 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒: altaïr, ezio, ratonhnhaké:ton | connor, arno, jacob 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: none
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。・:*˚:✧。 altaïr ibn-la'ahad
♡ he's got the fastest reflexes you've ever seen, he's lunging to catch you so you don't fall or hit your head. He immediately checks that you're still breathing and will cup your face in his hands and give firm pats to your cheeks while talking loudly to you, trying to pull you back to consciousness
♡ when he finds out why you've passed out, he's immediately reprimanding you and sending you to go and eat enough nutritious foods.
。・:*˚:✧。 ezio auditore
♡ he wasn't quick enough to catch you yes this is based on how quick you have to be to interact with the game or you don't get to hug Leonardo sobs but he does immediately check you over for injury, your head being the first he checks. He lays you on your back with your head in his lap as he waits the few moments it takes for you to return to consciousness
♡ he immediately begins to ask how you feel and if anywhere hurts and wants to know if you're sick or if you've been eating or drinking enough. He'll pick you up bridal style and cook you a meal himself if it's older Ezio but younger Ezio will lay you down somewhere cosy while he sends for a servant to cook for you.
。・:*˚:✧。 ratonhnhaké:ton | connor kenway
♡ he won't show it but he panics. He's watched his village be burned to the ground as a child and his life's work revolves around killing people so when he sees you drop to the floor, his first though isn't that you've fainted but that you've died.
♡ he soon gets over that moment of gut-wrenching panic though and comes to his senses, immediately checking you over for injury, checking your temperature and your breathing. He sets you down somewhere comfortable, assuming you're now on your way to bruising from hitting the ground. He makes sure that you get plenty to eat and drink, trying to use the most nutritious ingredients he can for you.
。・:*˚:✧。 arno dorian
♡ another one who panics due to childhood trauma: when he sees someone laid on the floor like that, for a moment, that awful memory of his father flashes before his eyes. He's not so good at hiding his concern as Connor is though. The panic is evident in his voice as he calls out to you and dashes to your side.
♡ Arno knows to make sure that you haven't hit your head or anything and he sets your head in his lap while he waits for you to regain consciousness. When your eyes do open again and you look up at him, you'll see teary eyes and shaking hands on him. But he's just relieved you're ok. You'll get a very pointed tongue-lashing from him following by him insisting on making sure you're well-fed and hydrated
。・:*˚:✧。 jacob frye
♡ with quick reflexes and his very extroverted personality, Jacob is either fast enough to catch you or surrounded by some Rooks who he can call to so they can break your fall if he's too far. His first worry is that you're overworking yourself so he makes sure you get a break from work
♡ cannot cook to save his life so he's had to go out and order food to bring back for you (or he's begged Evie to cook for which he now owes her many favours) but he insists that you eat and drink well to recover
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665 notes · View notes
Office Space 6
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such as noncon/dubcon, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: you’re an assistant to private and corporate investigator, Nick Fowler, and find yourself brought into the fold of his shady professional life. 
Characters: Nick Fowler, Jonathan Pine, this reader is known as Elfie.
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself💜
💼Part of the Bad Bosses AU💼
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Dinner is spent in a similarly contentious spar of words. You're so over it that you find yourself zoning out in favour of your plate. The steak is good. Better than anything you'd spend money on. 
As you chew on a morsel, the server returns and Nick gestures, "another round." 
Before you can stop him, though you can't argue with him either way, you're locked into a fourth cocktail. He keeps doing that thought your third is hardly complaining for it. You can't help but wonder if this is going to be an expense report. 
You swallow and grab your napkin. You dab your lips and shift. The weight in your bladder settles and you nearly squeak. You lean forward and fold the cloth. 
"Er, excuse me, I need... to go to the ladies," you try to make it sound as proper as you can. 
"Mm, pardon," Pine is quick to slide off the bench. "As you will." 
You shimmy over, biting your lip as your insides knot. As you stand, he looms close, and you swear his hand brushes closes against your pants. You don't flinch as you can only focus on the urgency in your pelvis. 
You flee, grateful for more than the relief of your body, but to be free of them for one second. The two men together are the definition of suffocation. You can't keep track if they're having fun or doing battle. Over what, you're uncertain. 
You take your time before you return to the table. You see the men huddled over as you approach, voices low. They're strangely amiable after a night of dueling.
Your drink is waiting on the table. This time, Nick stands to let you in. You skirt by and he sidles in after you. 
"Well, that was a wonderful meal," Pine intones, "are we keen for dessert?" 
As you lean forward to busy yourself with a stir of the slender straw, you feel a tickle on your back, "how about it, Elf? You like sweet stuff?" Nick asks. 
You sit back before you can taste the cocktail and crush his hand. 
"Huh, oh, now, I'm stuffed." You affirm. He doesn't pull his hand away. 
"I am in the mind for it," Jonathan caresses your sleeve and you look at him. "Mm, something warm and soft." 
"Hm?" You make a face and Nick pinches a fold in your pants, giving a tug. "Woah, hey." 
You catch his hand as Pine's flutters along your neck. You lean away from the latter as you wrestle your boss. 
"What the hell are you--" 
"We had a civil discussion when you were occupied," Pine explains  
"We've come to an arrangement," Nick grins as he bats your hand off of his. 
"Um, can you stop?" You latch onto both of their hands, squirming as you try to push them away. "This is not--" 
"Ah, come on, Elf, just a little after work fun..." Nick squeezes your knee  
"I don't--" you're dizzy with confusion and surprise. What the hell were they talking about when you were gone? 
"You've had a bit much to drink, it would be irresponsible for two gentlemen to allow you to go home alone," Pine toys with your fingers, "it isn't safe." 
"Woah, stop," you his as you writhe between them, "I'm fine. I haven't-- I'm barely tipsy." 
"Is that so, darling?" Pine tuts. 
"You know, it isn't very professional to flirt with my professional colleagues," Nick reprimands. 
"No, I didn't--" you choke on your words. Maybe you are a little drunk because you can't see straight. "I... it's a business dinner." 
"It's a formality," Pine insists. 
Heat speckles down your neck and across your shoulders. Pressure constricts your chest and throat as you try to set yourself straight. You can't focus as they keep pawing at you. 
“Form-- hey, okay, buddy!” You barely keep your voice from exploding as Nick’s hand slips between your legs. 
“Buddy? What happened to sir, Elfie?” He teases. 
“What the hell happened to you?” You retort, too addled to think clearly. You know he’s still your boss but he’s not acting like it. 
“It’s Saturday, loosen up. You think I don’t know what you do when you go out with the girls?” he grits. 
Jonathan’s hand wraps around your neck and Nick fights with your own desperate grip. You struggle to keep him from going higher. You glance over, aware that you could have witnesses to this display of animalism. 
“Why don’t we get out of here?” Jonathan purrs. 
“How about--” You clasp onto his wrist, “we don’t? I should go home.” 
“Darling, you’ve been flirting all night and now you want to spoil the fun?” The blond chides. 
“No. Not flirting, I--” 
“Come on, Elf. Don’t you wanna have some fun? All those dull office days? Sitting there, in those pants, bending over...” 
“Jesus,” you hiss and wriggle between them, “what’s-- what’s-- this can’t be real.” 
“Oh, this is very real, darling,” Pine hums into your hair. 
He runs his other hand down your arm and guides your hand back. He places your palm against his lap and you squeak. Nick chuckles and frees himself from your clutches. He pushes his fingers against the front of your pants and winks. 
“Elf, you’re a good girl.” He pushes until you whine, “you always do what you’re told... and you’ll do just that tonight.” 
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greyfics · 5 months
even if it's handcuffed, I'm leaving here with you.
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pairing: the ghoul (cooper howard) x reader fic type: enemies to lovers, no smut, mild spice + eventual fluff slow burn meter: ◈◈◇◇◇ word count: 3.8K inspo: TPD lyric prompt list, reblogged on main reader type: assumed wastelander background, gender neutral, 'I don't need a knight to save me', assumed negative views of BoS, assumed gun for hire cw: strong language, violence, reference to fictional drugs, mild dismemberment summary: reader is a gun for hire who has gotten themselves into a bit of trouble in the form of a moderate bounty with a local segment of the brotherhood- and cooper howard knows he can get all the drugs he needs for what seems like an easy job.
- °•. ✦ .•° -
"We can do this all day, darlin'. Even if it's handcuffed, I'm leavin' here with you." you feel the pressure of a pistol barrel pressing against the base of your skull from behind, and a disgruntled, defeated sigh slips through your lips. The game is up- you're out of ammo, down to the ripper hanging from your side, and 'gun against the brain-cage' is the indisputable checkmate.
Up to this point, you'd been pretty successful in shaking off the swathes of bounty hunters and jet-scrounging raiders that'd been on your tale since you became an enemy to the brotherhood- which, nowadays, seemed to be a pretty fucking easy feat to accomplish. The rusty knights were getting a little big for their oversized, several-tonne boots- and you had never been a fan of self-asserting authorities using their power in the name of 'order', especially not when they could hardly organise their own little sectors across the expansive, sparse remains of the USA.
As good with a revolver as you are, today it seems your luck has ran out and your karma has caught up with you, because you've finally met your match in a ghoul with a face so smug you wish you at least had a chance to slap it before losing the game of cat and mouse you'd been playing for a couple days now across Junktown. Your face collides into concrete and a quick click combines with the feel of steel against your wrists, The Ghoul's threat having evolved into a promise.
You spit a ball of blood and saliva from your mouth, wrought up by the hard impact with the ground below, "Alright, you win this round you freak- I'll come with you, just get these off of me." You hear a smirk from above, "Now how stupid do you fuckin' think I am? No, I gave you a chance to come willingly, you chose to shoot me in the leg. Lucky I ain't returned the favour." He gives you a light, sharp kick in the side with the tip of his boot, "Up. We got a long way to travel, and sooner we get there, sooner I get paid. I'll be reminding you now that I only get a bonus for bringing you alive, so make my life hell and I'll live without the extra caps." "Not exactly easy when my-" you hear the chick of a safety being cocked, and awkwardly shuffle back until you can jut sharply up onto your knees and slowly stand, turning to glare daggers into your now captor. The Ghoul's expression remains stiffly affixed with the wry, smug facade he bears: relaxed, squinting eyes peeking out above a thin, ever-upturned lip- you swear to yourself to you'll smack that smile off his face- but by all accounts, beneath the withered, decaying skin that had festered in his ghoulish transformation, the man had the stature (and admittedly, the jawline) of a filmstar.
You shake off the irritable possibility of monster like this getting lucky with the gene pool as a calloused hand secures a vice grip on one of your wrists and tugs you in suit as it's owner sets into motion, dragging you away from the remnants of an old civilisation and towards a military base miles away you are all too acquainted with.
You had been so caught up in the wild ride of adrenaline that came with being on the lamb that you briefly detached yourself from the catalyst of the chase- but as concrete and clay inevitably crumbles away to distant sandy dunes and cacti, the dread stirs in your stomach like a plague. It was easier to wave off the consequences of your actions when you weren't being marched towards the gallows to face them- it wasn't like you made an attack on the organisation. You kill one knight trashing up a town in the name of redundant technology, and suddenly you're on a hit-list. You know The Ghoul probably doesn't know this, and you know for certain that even if you tried to give the man a sob story he wouldn't care. This was it. "You about to be sick?" You snap from your pessimistic daze at the sudden interruption of silence, "No. Why?" "You look like you just ate a mouldy iguana, that's why- and I don't want sick on my boots." You let out an irked groan, and sharply snap your head to face the horizon in the opposite direction to your captor. You hope this will satiate his sour jabs for the time being-
Your hope is crushed five minutes later.
"Go on then. I'm bored shitless and I'm outta jet, so spill." He says with an almost theatrical exasperation in his voice, "Spill what, exactly?" you coldly respond in a mute tone, focus still fixed on the horizon to the west, "Well what's the big story? Someone's always gotta be the victim when they got a bounty on their head, so what's the tragic tale behind 'Y/N', huh?" the muscles in your neck and shoulders tense up at the mention of your name- you weren't exactly a known associate or long-time rival to the brotherhood, and the wanted poster you had wrestled from the stiff fingertips of a raider last week only had a sketch and a scrawled account of the incident. You falter for a moment before replying, but ardently avoid taking the bait, "If your plan is to get me to tell you how we got to where we are right now just so you can mock me, then I think I'd rather carry on enjoying the view, if you don't mind." The sweet-toned sarcasm at the end of your sentence seeps with venom, and the hostility it implies does not slip away from your adversary.
This time, his laugh is a soft, whisper of a chuckle- something spiteful, foreboding- followed by matching words, "You should hear what your little community had to say about you for a couple caps and a promise not to shoot anybody- well, anybody else-" his words cut into something personal, then- and though you would normally know that attacking someone with your hands cuffed behind your back is never going to end in your favour, at this moment you couldn't care less as you swing your leg round in a swift roundhouse motion, and raise your knee towards the only place you can think to leave a mark-
You hit your target, but instead of howls of pain you are met with a split second of awkward silence as the ghoul cocks his head, unimpressed, before slamming it into your own, sending you staggering back a few paces-
Before you can reorient your vision, a heavy dull force plummets into your ribs- the sand cushions your blow slightly better than the concrete you met face-to-face with an hour ago, at least. Your arms, however, are not grateful to be pressed beneath you as a familiar, withered hand pushes into your throat, putting as much pressure on your trapped limbs when your upper body presses back as it does on your esophagus, halting your air supply as he lowers himself down to a kneel and fixes your gaze onto his,
"If I wasn't already a walking corpse, that could've really hurt- not a very nice thing to do to someone just tryna have a little bit of light conversation now, is it?" All you can do is glower through eyes blinded by the sun, which gleams behind the shadow of the ghoul's head, bearing on it a smile tweaked with frustration- you need to breathe- you can't keep this up, your heartbeat is louder than the sun in your eyes and-
The pressure releases. You turn your head to the ground and suck in air between dry, heavy coughs, and after you've finally steadied your breath, you find a minor fleck of relief in being hoisted up from the ground this time instead of scrabbling to get up at gunpoint. You wonder, perhaps, if this is some small act driven by guilt- perhaps this man had a conscience once and a set of values beyond doing what it takes to ensure one's own survival. You were a gun for hire yourself, so it would be hypocritical to criticise your captor for his line of work- mostly, you preferred to stick with jobs guarding merchant caravans and to take out bands of raiders harassing the cities you passed through, but you never questioned the legitimacy of the requests you received, or the cargo you oversaw; you had settled for a little while, having stuck around the same little settlement for a few years now and had started to develop some semblance of a connection to the people there-
or so you thought.
You know you're going to be walking for a while- so with a resigned breath, you begin saying what little there is left to say about your present situation, "Well, you probably know most of what I can tell you from the sounds of things, but I guess there's nothing else for me to do right now, and the horizon is the same no matter where you go around here. I guess you could say we're in similar lines of work, but that's not really what got me in trouble with The Brotherhood. They think they can rock up in a power armour with a logo on it and wreak havoc as they please because it's for 'the greater good', but they leave towns half-destroyed when they pass through. I didn't want that to happen to... well, I didn't like the sound of that happening where I was. So, dude gets out of his power armour and starts waving guns around screaming about some piece of pre war tech or the other, and I tell him with... a strong choice of words, to get going. He starts running for the power armour, guns blazing- and I just have better aim, I guess. Not even like I got paid for killing him, either. Maybe that would've made this whole thing a little bit sweeter."
Your profession leaves a silence hanging in the air for a little while after, but it feels appropriate. The dunes filter sand from the far west to respond to your story- the horizon quivers, but only through the illusion of heat; the sand dries your eyes before they have reason to shed tears. A loaded sigh escapes the ghoul in front of you, and the clasp on your wrist softens but for a moment before stiffening to pull you onwards, "Yep, well, caps keep you going a little longer round these parts, but money can't solve all your problems." "You should tell that to the Brotherhood. They seem to be doing pretty well for all the wealth they've hoarded- can even pay big time bounty hunters to do their shitwork from the looks of things." You retort, but after a moment follow up with, "Wish I could say I was upset about it but hell, if I were you, I'd turn me in too."
You hear that soft chuckle again, but when you turn around to catch a look at the face that matches it, you see relaxed muscles and a far-off stare- he won't let you go, but he has let his guard down but a little bit- perhaps when we get closer to my story's end, he'll even let me walk to my death with my hands unbound.
- °•. ✦ .•° -
After trudging on in silence for a while, head bowed to your fatalistic contemplations, you find as you drag yourself out of the pit in your head and look over the horizon once more that the scene has changed: the atomic orange dewdrops spattering the sky not long ago have quickly to faded into a bruised overhanging shadow of violent, lavender, crimson; twilight approaches, and you're still surrounded by desert hills and illusions.
One of these illusory quivers catches your sharp eye, a dark blip that has appeared somewhere in that distance; it's moving, but it isn't close enough for you to determine whether it's just a trick of the heat or whether it's something heading in your direction. Your brow furrows, but you say nothing yet.
Within a minute, the object comes into better focus- or, rather, the creature. Your heart skips a beat, and you open your mouth to utter some kind of warning, managing to rasp, "Get the handcuffs off of me." "Now, darlin', I thought we managed to get past this already-" "No-" You tug your bound wrists, pulling the ghoul into your side- his other arm steadies itself against your shoulder before slipping up to your jaw and dragging it to face him, his own clenched and unaccompanied by a smile this time- the pallid complexion of your own face gives him enough pause for you to blurt in a fruitless, strained whisper, "Deathclaw."
If The Ghoul's skin could have paled more than it already had in his lifeless state, then it might have at that moment. The tight grip holding you against him slackens completely and you thud onto your ass as he draws his guns and casts you a playfully pitiful glance from above, shrugging and saying, "Sorry, darlin', guess I forgot to pick up the keys." He steps in front of you as a curse rips out of your throat in the sudden panic that ensues, and you try to muster enough brain cells in this moment to figure out a way of not dying, prematurely, and becoming just another skeletal curio.
There's the back-up plan, the 'if shit goes south' plan that you still hadn't gone through with because of the possible dismemberment that it might entail- but you had not been unarmed when you had been restrained earlier, and the phantom hum of a ripper blade always strapped to your waist as your last resort. You won't be able to wield it with any competence with your hands restrained as they are, but you can hit the power button from your current position-
Though, usually, you'd prefer to do it when the blade was already in your hand, not digging into the side of your leg.
shredded leg is better than deathclaw snack. Your astute analysis confirms your decision, and with a grunt and a whack, the blade starts chugging into a steady whirring action by the will of the dregs of an energy cell embedded inside- the next couple of seconds are far too long.
The blade begins it's excursion into your thigh as the gunslinging ghoul whips around at the sound, eyes wide at the sudden display of spraying crimson. You scream, struggle to try to align the cuffs without jerking your shoulders out of place. The deathclaw bounds into the mid-distance, closing in upon it's approach- it caught your scent before you could even see it's silhouette-
The tip disappears as your leg reflexively jerks, responding to the dancing jig of the chainsaw blade- you see pathetic sparks as the thing bounces off of the cuffs- strong enough to sever a leg, too rusted and battered to cut through metal. Your plan is failing. Your leg is bleeding. The cowboy falters as the deathclaw closes further-
You make a snap decision: fingers are easier to fix than legs.
You twist your wrist, and the pain just melts into the already existing burn emanating from your leg- a bloody, three-fingered stump slips from it's cage, and you swing your still-cuffed hand around in a fluid movement to drag the ripper from its sheath within your leg, snapping the cord that ties it to your waist-
You hear a frenzied firing of a revolver, but the approaching thunks are unimpeded- and though you know your leg may give way when the adrenaline finally dies, and though you know you need to find the two fingers you lost before sand vipers snatch them up and you're known as three-fingered y/n for the rest of your life- you launch yourself from the ground on your good leg, and stagger towards the approaching beast.
You grew up in the wastelands. You grew up in a settlement up here that, like any of the rest, was constantly plagued by critters and beasts- and if you were taught anything by the survivors that surrounded you, it was the following:
If you can't blow the bastard up, get 'em in the belly.
The deathclaw- a baby, thankfully- has it's gaze fixated on the man that had in the past half a minute become it's primary aggressor- so when you stumble forward, low and bleeding, with what to the creature is just another indistinguishable bit of metal in your hands, it does not see reason to change the track of it's jump.
As it launches itself above you, you pray to lady luck that you hit your mark.
An ear-splitting yowl and a sudden muffled crash tells you she's listening, for once.
Finally, after a few ragged breaths, the adrenaline wears off and you feel the weight of your body pressing into the wounds that liberated you- and the blueberry sky fades to black as you become weightless. This time, your fall is of your own accord- and this time, something stops you from hitting the ground.
- °•. ✦ .•° -
When you come to, you do not open your eyes at first- awake though you might be, your body is heavy with exhaustion. Before your encounter with the ghoul, you had been on the run for weeks, and in the last twenty four hours had not had time to stay put long enough to sleep. Coupled with the rough journey and the blood loss, you couldn't move if you wanted to. That being said, in those few dark minutes, a few things of note still catch your attention.
There is a faint crackling to your side, and the lulling warmth of a fire that brushes in waves against your face- and though you feel the silky grains of sand cushioning most of your resting body, your head lays higher up, neck leaning up to a more elevated surface- your attention snaps to the light sensation of fingertips absently grazing your neck in a repeating pattern, and the distant hum of an old country song embedded into muscle memory. The surrounding sensations are a strange comfort for all the brutal imagery this post apocalyptic world usually beholds; but it is brief, as your neck tenses, giving away your lucidity. The hand pauses, lifts- settles somewhere to the side.
When you dare to open your eyes, you are unsurprised to see the question-begging smirk and sharp eyes peering down from above, "Have a good nap?" You bolt upright, and immediately regret it when the bending of your leg snags one of the stitches you didn't know had been sewed into you until just now. Defeated, you flop back down, turning your head to the side to gaze into the dying embers of the fire beside you- praying you can brush off the flush of blush creeping into your face to the influence of the fire. Eventually you garner the courage to speak, "Feels like I've only been out for an hour." He snorts, shaking his head, "You went down around sunset, and it'll be sunrise in a couple hours." This catches you by surprise, and not just because of the amount of time you've lost, "What happened to getting your caps as soon as possible? Lost a lot of time waiting." He frowns, but does not lose his grin, "You trying to get yourself killed? 'Cos you've done a damn fine job of that so far. No, I've just been doing some thinking." "Congratulations. I'm proud of you." His eyes narrow into slits and he tuts at your sarcasm, following your gaze into the fire, "See, it could be argued that I would've been minced ghoul splattered n' buried six feet under the dunes if you hadn't gone all psycho slicing yourself up like that to get that baby deathclaw where it hurts." "That was a baby?-" "Anyway, guess my point is I might be willing to do a lot of things, but I still got my principles- only human thing I got left, probably. So I'd say I owe it you to not kill you at least. When you can walk, we'll go east to- well, to what's left of Shady Sands, and then you can do whatever the fuck you want."
You consider his words, and not knowing how to express appreciation or what to begin to make of this mysterious stranger and his obscure appeal, you find yourself rejecting this suggestion, though you don't know why- and so naturally, you dig yourself into a hole, "Well, you could also say that I would have died of blood loss if you didn't stitch my leg up." He studies you then for a minute, before shrugging and clasping your hands together at the wrists. You begin to stammer indecipherable protest and with a smirk he pulls you up, your hands still held rigid in your lap by his own, his head resting on your shoulder as he murmurs, "Now, I'm starting to get the impression you want me to march you up to our friends at the brotherhood just to keep my company." If he can't see the warm hue in your face now, he can certainly feel the heat flushing through your flustered face- you fight against the feeling, if only to make sure you stand a chance of winning this little exchange,
"Says the man who watched me sleep all night." You feel him shrug your comment off as his grin extends, "I might look like a monster, but I was a gentleman once upon a time. Like I say, I got principles." He lets you slip forward out of his grasp when you move to shuffle yourself around. As you do, you feel for the first time you are looking at him properly, sincerely- face to face, on equal grounds, with no threats of death or necessary facades of false confidence. After soaking in as much as you allow yourself to without losing yourself to curiosity entirely, you crossing your arms across your chest, and reply,
"Well, I have principles too- and if you're oh so graciously not turning me into the brotherhood then I still I owe you, so I guess I'll just have to stick around until you nearly get yourself killed again- that's all. No other reason." The ghoul rises, resting a hand on his pistol,
"You tell yourself that, darlin'- I'm gonna enjoy this change of scenery, I think."
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brights-place · 4 months
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Tendou giving you a Sweet Treat !!
Pairings: Tendou X Reader
Warnings: Fluff, Tendou being stupidly cute
A/N: Okay but Tendou in the future is a chocolatier and I love him for that! OML Imma smooch him ε(´。•᎑•`)っ 💕
- Tendou was always cheerful and loud, though a bit sardonic at times so He enjoys teasing you happily whenever so he couldn’t help but grin like an idiot whenever he see’s you.
- Always lazily wrapping an arm over your shoulder or waist as he chirped and spoke to you happily
- Tendou was never really interested in baking but when you made him so sweets on your last date he couldn't help but want to return the favour into baking some cupcakes for you
- So when he plopped down a box with a cute deisgn and wrapped with some pink cutesy design
- “Afternoon my loveeee! I brought you something” Tendou cheered with his usual sleepy expression with a stupid looking smile that you adored so much
- “what did you do Satori?” You snickered looking to the pink wrapped lunchbox as he slid it towards you stealing a Seat and sitting down infront of your desk holding his head in his hands
- Tendou smiled eyes looking to the box then back up to you as you smiled your hands pinching the tied knot of the cute wrap undoing it as you asked Tendou if he did something to the lunchbox as he shrugged
- “I swear Satori if it’s something horrifying I’m gonna jump you” you said as Tendou snickered “You can try”
- You couldn’t help but hesitate as he spoke “Aw come on! It’s not bad just open it… or maybe it is! Who knows” Tendou teased gesturing you to open the lunchbox as you sighed lifting open the box before pausing staring down at the cupcakes
- The cupcake looked amazing as you gaped looking up to Tendou and back to the cupcake then back up to him as he piped a brow
- The icing is a swirl of soft pink and pure white, creating a dance of soft colours perched atop is a tiny heart decoration The cupcake was wrapped in a pale pink wrapper adorned with an array of tiny hearts giving it a truly charming appearance
- “Tendou what the fuck…” Tendou paused “last names now? Do you not like it..?” You shook your head “No no it’s not that it’s just have you baked before this looks so good!” Tendou shrugged “I baked with my mum once or twice” you paused before picking up the cupcake eyeing it before raising it to your lips
- Your lips slight opened taking a bite of the cupcake as you froze at the mouthwatering taste the velvet vanilla sponge infused with a dreamy combination of smooth strawberry and rich chocolate tasted delicious.
- you couldn’t help but take another bite after another before looking to Tendou who smiled sweetly “Was it good?” “It was magnificent !! So not fair!” you pecked his cheeks as he froze before a red hue on his cheeks matched his hair
- “Tendou You should bake more.. it’s so good!” You said eyes sparkling as Tendou paused “Hmm.. maybe” he said looking away then back when he heard you complain while you were eating another cupcake “You really should! And you should also make me some more sweets if you continue to bake this stuff then I would stop giving you my burnt ass baking failures”
- Tendou laughed “but I love your burnt failures!” “Shuddap Satori!” You said annoyed as Tendou smiled at you with a soft smile
reblogs + comments are appreciated ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
©brights-place 2023 — do not repost on another platform, copy, translate or edit my works! if you fit my DNI list please don't interact
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sebastianstanisahotmf · 11 months
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Bucky Barnes x Fem!reader
A/N This is part two of the fic too many missions. However, there is a lot of angst in this fic. Idk what happened but I got a bit carried away and it gets really sad but it has a happy ending. Also, likes comments and reblogs are appreciated. All mistakes are my own so if you notice any feel free to comment below.
Summary Bucky starts to take care of you when its actually him who needs taking care of
Warnings Fluff, angst (a lot) and Bucky has a flashback.
After Bucky helped you put the hoodie on, he put his other clothes back on. He proceeded to lift you up bridal style and take you to your shared floor of the tower.
“I’m capable of walking, you know,” you said while yawning.
“I know babydoll, but you deserve to be carried.”
He walked into the bathroom and set you on the counter while he turned the shower on and got it to your preferred temperature. He started to take his clothes off so you decided to take your his hoodie off (since it was the only thing you were wearing.)
Bucky turned around and picked you up again which made you giggle. He pressed a kiss to your lips and another to your forehead.
He walked under the spray of the shower and leaned in to kiss you again.
“Can you put me down please,” you asked, breathless from the kiss.
Bucky put you down and reached for his shower gel; he knew that you loved it when you smelled like him. Then, he picked up a loofah and put his shower gel on it before cleaning you thoroughly.
Once you were clean, Bucky picked up your shampoo and put some on his hand before massaging your scalp. You let out a sigh and then moved your head under the water so you could rinse the suds out of your hair. Bucky picked up the conditioner and applied it to the ends like you taught him to. You turned to face him and rested your forehead on his chest while the conditioner was being washed out of your hair.
“Thank you, baby,” you said, looking up at him with a smile on your face.
“You're welcome doll,” Bucky replied and kissed you once again.
“Let me return the favour,” you said. It was more of a demand though because Bucky loved taking care of you but still believed that he didn’t deserve to be taken care of due to his past actions- which were completely out of his control.
“You don’t have to doll,” Bucky replied, looking down at the floor.
You softly put your hand under his chin so he would look at you and you told him, “Darling, you deserve to be taken care of more than anyone else I know, especially since you’ve been working so hard lately. I know what you’re thinking and you need to stop. You’re the most amazing man I know, you’re so kind and caring and didn’t choose to do what you did in the past. Everyone knows that. Even Tony knows and we both know how much of a stubborn asshole he is.”
Bucky chuckled and his cheeks were tinted red. “Thanks, doll,”
You grabbed the shower gel and loofah and started to clean him. After that, you used your shampoo to wash his hair. Bucky loved when you washed his hair because he loved you playing with it especially when he was struggling with the memories and flashbacks of his past.
It was while you were rinsing the shampoo out of his hair when you noticed that he had gone completely still and his muscles were tensed up. His hands were shaking and tears were streaming down his face. You quickly finished rinsing his hair so you could help him out.
“Come back to me Bucky,” You whispered in his ear and grabbed his hands, “Honey listen to my voice, I need you to come back to me now.”
Bucky shuddered when he snapped out of the flashback and looked at you with the most fear-stricken eyes you had ever seen.
“I-I can still see it so vividly,” Bucky whispered.
You wrapped your arms around him and stood there for a minute or two.
“Come on, let’s get you out of here and in bed,” You grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the shower.
You turned the shower off, grabbed a towel and wrapped it around your body. Then, you gave Bucky one to wrap around himself.
“Go into the bedroom Buck, I won’t be long. I just need to put a towel on my hair.”
Bucky just shook his head and stood in the doorway waiting for you to finish what you were doing. When you had finished, you grabbed his hand and pulled him into the bedroom.
You grabbed some boxers for Bucky to put on and give them to him; you grab yourself some panties and nothing else since Bucky needs physical contact when he’s like this. You finished off drying your hair and brushed it through.
The bed hadn't been made yet which made it easier to get under the covers, “Come on baby,” you held your arms out to Bucky.
He walked over and crawled onto the bed. He rested his head on your chest and wrapped his arms around you as you played with his hair.
“I’m sorry, so sorry,” He whispered.
“Shhhh. It’s ok. You’re so tired and overworked.”
“But I shouldn’t be so fucking broken,” Bucky’s voice cracked on the last word and the tears started to fall again, wetting your skin.
“Hey, you’re not broken. You’re a good guy who has been put through hell and back. You didn’t deserve any of it and you had no choice.” You replied, running your fingers through his still-damp hair.
You stayed like that for a while before Bucky sat up and moved to lay next to you. You looked at him confused. He rolled onto his side and used his hand to support his head.
“Thank you doll. I love you so so much.” Bucky leaned over to kiss you.
When you pulled back from the kiss, you responded with, “I love you too, so much.”
There was a comfortable silence that was disturbed by bucky when he said, “I need to finish the mission report.”
“It’s ok. I’ll explain why it’s late tomorrow. I'm sure Fury will understand.”
Bucky moved to lay on his back and moved his arm so you could cuddle up to his side.
“I definitely need the break, the lack of sleep makes everything worse.”
“Luckily, I spoke to Fury then,” you giggled.
Bucky was smiling, “I still can’t believe that you intimidate Fury. No one intimidates Fury.”
You leaned up to kiss Bucky, “Goodnight Buck,”
“Goodnight doll,”
That night, you both fell asleep quickly. Happy that you're able to sleep together after spending so long being unable to do so.
Taglist: @buckys-wintersoldier, @nicoline1998enilocin
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wangxianficrecs · 5 months
violent delights by justdoityoufucker
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violent delights
by justdoityoufucker (orphan_account)
T, 4k, Wangxian
Summary: Wen Qing is fairly confident in her own skills. She knows the theory—wrote the theory—and has performed many surgeries before, has worked with broken cores and devoted her life to the study of it. But there’s something different about this. - Or, the one where the Golden Core transfer goes...sideways. Kay's comments: This story explores an idea that I find super interesting, what if the Golden Core Transfer just didn't work? The odds weren't in their favour after all and here it just doesn't work, Wei Wuxian's core says nope and returns to Wei Wuxian, no matter what Wen Qing attempts. It changes things and for the better, at least for Wei Wuxian and the Wens and I love that and love their relationship especially. You know I'm so weak for Wei-Wen found family vibes. Ah, and now I'm sad again that justdoityoufucker left the fandom. I adore their fics so much. Excerpt: Except, a half shichen later, it disappears. It disappears. The core disappears out of Jiang Wanyin’s body. It’s an instantaneous happening—one second it’s there, channeling the remnants of Jiang Wanyin’s spiritual energy along with Wei Wuxian’s, and then there’s an abrupt, gaping emptiness that is familiar only because it’s how his dantian felt before the transfer. “J-jie?” a-Ning asks at the same moment that Wei Wuxian makes a rough noise of abject confusion, an emotion that is mirrored on her didi’s face. “What’s h-happening?” She forces some of her spiritual energy to remain in Jiang Wanyin’s meridians, cycling to ensure nothing goes wrong, and rushes over to Wei Wuxian, who has suddenly regained some color in his face. It’s hard to focus on splitting her energy, cycling it in two other bodies, but immediately she can tell what’s wrong. Wei Wuxian’s golden core is back in Wei Wuxian, like she never took it out. His meridians are perfectly reconnected, spiritual energy cycling as if it had never been stripped out.
pov wen qing, pov wei wuxian, canon divergence, no golden core transfer, jiang cheng has no golden core, not jiang cheng friendly, pre-sunshot campaign, sunshot campaign, post-sunshot campaign, wei wuxian lives, wen remnants live, families of choice, hurt/comfort, rogue cultivator wei wuxian, angst with a happy ending, everybody lives, wei wuxian leaves the yunmeng jiang sect
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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archiveikemen · 5 months
『Love Sparks From A Mean Lie』 Collection Event
Liam Evans
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This is a fan-made translation solely for entertainment purposes with no guaranteed perfection. I do not own any of the original content. Please support CYBIRD by buying their stories and playing their games. Reblogs appreciated.
Warnings and FAQ
Liam: What do you mean by that, Victor!? Kate and I are going to be apart for a few days…
Victor: I’m sorry. I’ve taken that into consideration and tried to make adjustments as much as possible, but… due to the circumstances at hand, this is the only way.
Victor: … Anyway, I need Kate to infiltrate a women’s club where there have been rumours about drugs being sold.
Kate: Only a woman can enter the club because it's strictly for women.
Victor: Due to the unsuitability of the Crown members’ physiques for crossdressing, we can only count on Kate.
Liam: Can’t I infiltrate the club too!? I can crossdress!!
Liam begged Victor with so much force, he looked like he was going to take off his clothes on the spot and put on a dress.
Victor: I want you and Harrison to investigate a gambling den in the outskirts of the city.
Victor: A ticket is needed to enter the gambling den, but I only managed to obtain one.
Victor: So I want you to use your disappearing abilities to get inside.
(Somewhere only women can enter and somewhere you’ll need to be invisible to enter…)
(... Both missions don’t have alternatives.)
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Liam: …
Liam: … I understand.
Victor: Sorry, Liam. Thank you for being understanding.
Victor: I’ll take extra precautions to protect Kate from danger during your absence.
Victor: How about having Roger be on standby so he can rush in when the need arises?
Liam: Yeah… I’ll feel a little more at ease with that.
Liam was initially agreeable to the next mission’s arrangements after hearing about it from Victor…
But he was completely dejected on the way home.
(... Is Liam really okay?)
It wasn’t my first time seeing him anxious about being separated from me for a little while.
(This time, we’ll be separated for a few days…)
Kate: … Um, Liam—
Liam: … Okay!
Liam suddenly slapped his own face.
Liam: Sorry for showing you that foul facial expression, Kate. I’ve changed my mindset.
Liam: Even without you by my side… I’ll be alright!
Kate: Really…?
Liam offered me his pinky finger with a reassuring smile.
Liam: I’ll complete the mission flawlessly and come back to you. … I promise.
Kate: Then I’ll safely complete my mission too… and wait for you to come back.
I smiled back at him and we interlocked our pinky fingers.
Liam: *sigh*... Kate…
Harrison: How many times have you sighed now? There’s a saying that whenever you sigh, happiness escapes through your mouth.
Liam: … Which direction is Crown’s castle in?
Harrison: Southeast from where we are… isn't it over there?
Liam: *sigh*...
Liam: I hope the happiness that escaped me reaches Kate.
Harrison: … The mission hasn’t begun, yet you’re acting like you’re terminally ill.
Liam: I have ‘Kate Deficiency Syndrome’.
Liam: … Don’t you think the drawing on that signboard over there looks like Kate?
Liam: The flowers at the roadside too…
Liam: Kate… I’m doing well.
Harrison: Don’t talk to the flowers…
Harrison: … Didn’t you tell Kate before heading out that you'll be fine?
Liam: That’s because I’ll put Kate in a spot if I keep whining about not wanting to be apart, okay?
Liam: It’s not what I truly feel… but what I have to say to her.
Harrison: You’re like a toddler refusing to go to preschool because you don’t want to be separated from your parents.
Liam: … Hey, Harry. I have a favour to ask of you.
Harrison: What?
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Liam: … I want you to imitate Kate and cheer me on.
Harrison: Huh?
Liam: Without a dose of Kate… I might…
Liam: … Abandon the mission and return to Crown’s castle right this instant.
Harrison: … Do you promise to pull yourself together and complete the mission without fail, if I imitate her?
Liam: I promise!
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Harrison: … You’re not lying. Looks like I don’t have any other options, you’d better not laugh.
Harrison: Hmm… “Liam! I’m rooting for you, Liam! Please do your best!”
Liam: … Completely wrong.
Liam: Kate’s arms are in this angle. Her head tilt is like this. Her legs are this far apart from each other— *sigh*
Liam: Because of your bad attempt at imitating her, I want to see Kate even more now…
Harrison: … I can’t stand you.
Kate: Liam! Welcome home!
A few days had passed after Liam and I were separated due to our missions.
Liam returned to Crown’s castle after he finally completed his mission.
Liam: Kate, I’m home…!
Liam pulled me into a tight hug without saying much.
The hug was so tight that it kind of hurt, but it made me incredibly happy to know he was really there.
Harrison: I’ll go report to Victor about the mission. Liam, you and Kate can go ahead, yeah?
Liam: Really!? Thanks, Harry!
Harrison: You owe me a whole table full of sweets to compensate for that stuff during the mission.
Kate: “That stuff”...? Did something happen?
Liam: I made a rather difficult request to Harry during the mission.
Liam: To protect Harry’s dignity, I won’t go into the details, but…
Liam: It made me fully aware that there is nothing that can ever replace you, Kate.
Although he was tired, Liam effortlessly lifted me up and sprinted straight to his room from the entrance hall.
My lips were quickly stolen before the room door could even close entirely.
Kate: Mmh… ah…
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Liam: … I missed you so much, Kate…
Our countless passionate kisses continued, as if we were trying to make up for the amount of “together time” we lost, until we finally paused.
Liam: … The mission was completed perfectly like I promised. How were things for you during my absence?
Kate: I completed my mission safely too! I didn't encounter any danger at all.
Liam: That’s good…
Kate: I felt relieved too, knowing that you handled your mission well while we were apart.
Liam: That’s uhh…
Kate: … To be honest, I had a little problem on my end.
Liam: Huh…?
Kate: Even though you weren't there with me, I found myself reflexively turning to say “this tastes great, Liam” during meals.
Kate: While I was writing my reports, I accidentally wrote your name instead of someone else’s…
Kate: I was worried about you the entire time… and yet, it turns out that I was the only one struggling.
I recalled my days spent at the castle without Liam by my side.
My supposedly delicious meals tasted bland, and I felt moody even when the sky was clear.
As the days went by, it felt like the world was gradually fading away.
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Liam: … T-That’s not the case! I… I wasn’t doing well at all!
Liam: I regret pretending to be strong and lying to you that I was "fine" so that you wouldn't worry about me…
Liam: I felt lonely and sad while I was away from you… it was driving me crazy.
(So I wasn't the only one…)
Liam: I’m sorry. I’ve said time and time again that I’ll change, and yet…
Liam: I’m still a weak and hopeless sorry excuse for a person who can’t even stand being separated from you…
Kate: That’s not true! I love you, Liam who’s always working hard to change and move forward.
Kate: There’s no time limit for the change to take place, so… it's okay to take it slow.
Kate: Besides, if you instantly became able to handle being separated from me, I’d feel so lonely too.
Liam: Yeah…
We smiled at each other, kissed, and expressed our love once more.
Liam’s lies showed how deep our love was, as it was proof that we couldn't bear to be apart for even just a little while.
And then—
Liam: Hey, Kate. I think I kind of bumped into something during the mission…
Liam: Can you help me check if I got any bruises on my body?
Kate: What!? That’s terrible… let me have a look right away!
I rushed to remove Liam’s clothes.
Kate: I don’t see any bruises on your upper body though…
Liam: Then what about my lower body?
Kate: L-Lower body…?
Liam: Yeah! I want you to help me check that area for bruises too. I can’t have a good look if I do it myself.
Liam responded energetically, he didn’t seem to be in pain.
Kate: Um… Liam. Sorry if I’m misunderstanding, but…
Kate: Are you lying about the bruises, by any chance?
Liam: … You caught me.
Kate: Liam, you said it yourself that you’re bad at telling lies…
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Liam: I lied because I just wanted you to take my clothes off and pamper me… sorry.
Kate: Jeez… I can’t get mad at you if that’s your reason.
Kate: If you want me to forgive you, you’ll help me remove my clothes too.
Kate: Are you going to strip me this time, Liam…?
Liam: … That’s more of a reward than a punishment, Kate.
Giggling, we kissed again… those mean lies intensifying our night.
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chanshoesunite · 2 years
Chan wants to see how you touch yourself
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What to expect: smut, Chan telling YN what to do, Chan recording YN, fem!reader, masturbation (f and m), penetration
Author’s Note (Co-curator Tortoise): This picture fucked me up. I wanted to write something involving it for a few days, not knowing the exact premise, but then I watched SKZ Code #19 and ... well. You will see. If you enjoyed this, please reblog, leave a message or a like so we can descend into madness together
WARNINGS: rated M (minors do not engage!), condomless sex, use of petnames, use of the word slut
Today the boys are filming a mukbang for SKZ Code and you are allowed to play mouse behind the scenes. It is glorious. You live for the members teasing your boyfriend, and you can always depend on Jeongin to push Chan’s buttons. You try to hold back your laughter as Jeongin instructs Felix to make the delicious food inedible before Chan can have a taste.
“Can you pour some water in the kimchijjim? You should eat all the meat!”, Jeongin says with a wide grin.
“NOOO, no, no, no!”; Chan screams, partly in good humour, partly upset because he really wants to try the tastiness they have rustled up.
Felix, being the sweet angel he is, does not comply with any of the instructions. Not even when you cheekily express the – in your opinion totally innocent – idea of mixing the kimchijjim with a big spoonful of wasabi. Chan shoots you a very dirty look at that.
When it is finally his turn to do the mukbang, Jeongin is right on teasing Chan again, and you are loving every second: “Don’t eat! Dance Maniac for us instead!”
As you silently collapse with laughter, Chan’s eyes slide towards you again with a pout.
“You are so dead! Tell me what to eat!”, he shouts, exasperated but still a smile on his face.
Finally, graciously, the boys allow him to stuff his face which he does happily. You watch him with a soft expression.
After the shoot, you wait for Chan while he changes into his own clothes. You bounce on your heels a little, feeling bubbly from having witnessed the kids having fun. When Chan emerges, he smiles at you and gives you a big hug.
“I won’t even ask if you enjoyed that, I saw you falling off a chair laughing”, he teases. He grabs your hand and you start walking.
“Can you blame me? Jeongin is such a firecracker”, you say, swinging his arm.
Chan nods and grins, but then halts his steps: “Oh damn, I forgot something in the green room – let’s get it real quick, yeah?”
He turns you around, ushering you back inside. You walk down some corridors, and it starts to feel curiously secluded. Before, you came across a few members of the crew, ready to leave or still talking shop. But now, you come across no one.
Suddenly, Chan pushes you up against the wall, kissing you fiercely. His open mouth caresses your lips, then your cheek, before sucking on your throat. With a moan, you let your head fall to the side, allowing him more access. Your hands roam his torso. He is so hot under your touch. Chan’s hands glide from your hips up to your breasts, squeezing them gently before abruptly letting go. You nearly stumble, but he catches you, leading you on again as if nothing had happened.
Not caring where you are headed, you follow along, trusting that Chan knows where he is going. He leads you into a room. It’s empty apart from a little table and a sizeable sofa which looks very comfy. Huh. You wouldn’t say no to staying here and resuming your actions from the corridor. You pull him close, attacking his lips again. He gently walks you back until you drop onto the sofa. Then he rights himself, shrugging out of his jacket.
“Chan? What are we doing?”, you say, enthusiastically shrugging out of your coat too.
He doesn’t reply at first, only picks up a camcorder lying on the table. He calmly turns it on. Then he looks at you with a little smirk: “You got to see me being ordered around, I feel like I should return the favour. So you see what that can feel like. How frustrating and…satisfying. Yeah?”
Your breath hitches. You swallow before whispering: “Oh? I am open to trying with you…”
“That’s my good girl”, he rumbles, “let’s start with you taking off your top, baby. And take your time”, he adds with an amused tone as you start tearing at your shirt.
Chastened, you bite your lip, looking up through your lashes. Slowly you lift your shirt above your head, leaving you in your bra.
“Lovely…now stand up and take off your jeans…turn around so I can see that juicy arse of yours”, his voice is collected, domineering.
You are enjoying his instructions, they make you feel sexy and desired. With a coquettish look behind you, you unbutton your jeans, slowly wiggling them down your legs. When you bend down to take them off entirely, you bend at the waist to give Chan a good view of your ass and pussy, covered in simple underwear. He makes an appreciative sound. Feeling triumphant, you right yourself, rubbing your thighs together – this whole situation is turning you on a lot.
“God, you are sexy… Stroke yourself. Yeah, down your sides. And your butt. Squeeze it and lean forward. Mmh, what a sight…Do your tits feel neglected yet? Take your bra off, princess.”
You trail your hands up from your arse to the clasps, slowly unhooking your bra. You let it gently fall down one arm to the floor. You decide to turn around, so Chan can enjoy the sight of your naked breasts. With a little sigh, you cannot help but let your hands start kneading them.
“I wish you were touching me instead”, you say, looking into Chan’s eyes while you tease your nipples, “your hands feel fucking fantastic on me.”
“That can be arranged”, he says roughly, palming himself through his jeans, not lowering the camcorder for a second, “but first you will give some attention to your pussy. I can see you getting wet from here.”
You bite your lip, flicking your gaze directly into the lens, and then back up to Chan.
“What shall I do then?”
“Touch yourself. Spread your legs so I can see. No, don’t take off your panties yet. Just touch yourself through the fabric.”
When you make an impatient noise, he laughs a little: “I will make it worth your while. Just a little bit more, baby…focus on how good you make yourself feel. You know exactly what you love, don’t you? You know just where to rub and press and tease.”
You close your eyes, relishing his voice and what your fingers do. He knows you just as well as you know yourself, and he gives you time to make yourself writhe from your own administrations. You buck your hips involuntarily the more turned on you get.
“Mhm…do you feel good?”, his voice drops lower and it’s so fucking hot, you cannot hold back the little moans spilling from your lips.
“Yes. But I need you. I want you inside me. Come join me!”, you open your eyes, and you see that he has his hard cock out, slowly stroking himself, “please?”
“In a bit. You are still in your panties aren’t you? Don’t you want to present me with a good view?”
Your knees nearly buckle from his words. “I definitely do!”
“Then hook your fingers in your panties and slowly pull ‘em down – fuck, look how they stick to your lips, you are so wet, aren’t you?”
You keen a little, his words paired with the sensation of your skin slowly releasing the wet fabric surprisingly erotic. Once your panties are around your ankles, you impatiently fling them off your legs. You rake your hands across your torso, needing to be touched, needing to feel more. Your legs are once again rubbing against each other to give yourself friction.
“You are so needy, baby”, Chan groans, clearly enjoying your frustration, keeping up his slow strokes along his dick.
“Needy for your cock”, you whine.
“Do you think your own fingers might help? Sit down. Spread your legs. Wider. Yeah, that’s that view I was talking about. Just look at you. What a pretty picture. Try fucking yourself on your hand.”
Your feet are up on the couch, knees pressed as far apart as you can. Your hand trembles as you let it wander between your lower lips, slipping a finger inside your cunt. You slide it in and out, adding your other hand to stimulate your clit. You have closed your eyes again, head thrown back.
“This just isn’t enough! I need you in me, please.”
Chan pumps his hand quicker at the wanton sight of you.
“Fuck – alright, baby girl”, he finally relents, and you moan your relief. You watch him set down the camcorder to continue filming you on the couch. You admire his broad back and when he turns around, your eyes wander between his throbbing cock and his soft lips. You cannot wait to feel his touch.
Chan does not undress. He gathers you in his arms and sits back down, you on top of him. You cover him with little kisses before showing him how frustrated you were by aggressively biting his lips and licking into his mouth. His roaming hands warm you up, even though you are already burning with desire. He squeezes your arse, and you automatically roll your hips against his length. You moan, lifting yourself up to finally take him in. Chan grabs your jaw lightly and leans his forehead against yours, breaking the kiss and stopping your motion.
“You have to keep giving a good performance, princess”, he grins. “Show them how you take my cock, you sexy little slut.”
He pushes you to your feet and turns you around. He moves your legs either side of his knees, so you are once again obscenely open. Holding your hips tightly, he guides you back down. Chan’s cock nudges at your entrance. You groan, slowly bouncing up and down, taking more and more of him in with each motion. You love the feeling of being filled up.
Once you are flush with his body, you just sit on him for a moment, until he twitches his dick, making you laugh.
“Keep touching your clit, baby, and let me bounce you”, he says, which causes your pussy to clench in turn.
You do as he says and admire his strength helping you move up and down. You ride him with abandon, staring into the camera. You cannot wait to see the finished product.
“Chan, I’m close”, you breathe and he groans.
“I know, baby, so am I – you feel amazing.”
He kneads your flesh, fucking into you with more powerful thrusts. Your orgasm builds and in a delicious wave crashes over you. You nearly go limp, unable to move while you ride your high, but Chan keeps up his pumping, going harder, faster until he too comes inside you. All tension leaves your body and you let yourself fall against him. You both breathe heavily, and he presses a soft kiss to your temple. For a minute, you just luxuriate in your shared afterglow.
“I love you”, you say. “When can we watch the video?”
Chan laughs and replies: “As soon as we get home, if you wish? I am so glad I actually turned it on, you naughty little minx.”
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mazeinthemiroh · 2 years
hnnnn in my soft era so could i perhaps request a skz reaction to you prepping a whole self care day for them 🥺 like face masks massages everything cuz i love them
stray kids reactions to their s/o preparing a self-care day
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genre: fluff
word count: 0.8k
warnings: extremely fluffy
please like and reblog if you enjoy :D
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if there's anyone more deserving of a self-care day, it's bang christopher chan. he's a workaholic, it's in his nature. it's admirable but you want him to have some time for himself. so when he finally has some time off for some quality time with you, you've got a whole pamper session planned out. face masks, delicious food, and pop on a feel-good movie. if you ask him though, his favourite way to relax is by cuddling and/or making out with you. depends on his mood but it's cute either way. it's always a self-care session just by being with you, you don't even have to do anything special for him ;-;
lee know
minho is into skincare routines and eagerly wants to be that couple who do it on each other. he mainly wants to see you with one of those fluff hairbands on because he says you look adorable. he will take lots of selfies of you both with them on because he's cute like that. when it comes to actually applying the products to your face, he's not going easy on you. can be quite brutal and also starts laughing at you because he makes your face look all strange with a mixture of products on #donttrusthim #menacetosociety
changbin will marry you on the spot if you suggest giving him a massage. he goes to the gym every day and works hard on his body. massages are always appropriate and always needed. he will literally melt if you ask him if you can massage his back and he will make happy binnie noises and have that cute smile on his face awww. just the whole routine of it, especially if you use proper massage oil, makes him feel so relaxed and refreshed. he will also return the favour and want to massage you too he's really good with his hands
hyunjin is all heart eyes when you reveal to him you planned a self-care day for the both of you. sheet face masks: on. sad, emotional romance films: on. tissues: ready. let's go. yes, hyunjin likes to spend his self-care day with you by indulging in his emotions and crying over fictional characters. he has you watching the notebook or me before you idk something to make you both bawl. it's so fun, 100% recommend. he's got a cute little candle lit and he's holding you close for comfort. it feels very... hyunjin in there, that's for sure.
hannie just wants to laze around and do nothing. that's his self-care day. because he's always doing something. it's very rare that he actually gets a mental break from things. cuddles are very important to him so he might pop on an anime or a cute little movie whilst being snuggled up in your arms. will 9 out of 10 times fall asleep like that. he's just so comfy and relaxed and your comforting presence creates the perfect mood for sleepy time. you both fall asleep with each other :( it's an adorable sight.
this fluffy boy is having the best time of his life. he has so many ideas for a self-care day that he actually doesn't know what to do first. fluffy blankets and plushies are obligatory. felix wants to binge-watch a load of comfort movies, mostly disney and marvel, you get the idea. he just wants to snuggle up with you and be near you. you both will talk through all the movies and make fun of everything that's happening. for the sadder moments, of course, the laughter will stop and you both will hold each other, holding back tears.
seungmin's idea of a self-care day consists of you, a good book and an unlimited supply of tasty snacks. you knew this, and so preparing a pamper day would be a piece of cake! just laying back with a cup of coffee, you leaning on his shoulder, reading the latest best-seller; he can't imagine being more at ease with life than he is now. it warms his heart that you wanted to day a self-care day with him. he will shyly thank you and shower you with extra love because he really appreciates your efforts.
i really do see jeongin going out in his pyjamas to the grocery store in order to get some snacks for your self-care day. only if you come with him, of course. he's so excited when you mention the idea to him. he feels like it's been a long since he's spent one-on-one time with you. being busy with promotions for their latest comeback and whatnot, he loves to take any opportunity he can to chill out with you. this man is really into marvel so a marvel marathon is not too much of a shock. you guys don't go to sleep until the very early hours of the morning.
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Blessed Are The Meek 6
Summary: you are trapped in an awkward circumstance with a widowed commander. (Handmaid AU)
Warning: this series will contain violence, dystopian aspects, rape and noncon, blood, coercion, sterility, and other dark elements. Please read these warnings and beware.
Character: Tommy Shelby
Note: thank you for following along. I’m sure yall didn’t expect to write Tommy again but here we are. Also feedback and comments if you dont mind. Maybe a reblog. 💕💕💕💕
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You sleep little better than your time on the bench. The curtain pale with the rising sun and you shimmy to the edge of the bed, sitting up as a tilt of dizziness slants in your skull. You rub your forehead and suppress as yawn. You grasp the footboard of the bed and push yourself to your feet.
“Where are you going?” The Commander’s gritty voice shakes you.
You stop and turn to his silhouette on the bed. You press your hands flat to your apron, “I was going to put on a kettle for your breakfast tea–”
“I did not ask for it.”
“Yes, Commander.”
He rolls onto his back and sighs, “you presume a lot. About me.”
“Sir, I only serve my duty. As the martha in your household–”
“You pretend at wifely duties.”
“Never, Commander, I do not–”
“You argue like a wife,” he snaps and sits up, the dim blue-gray hue of the dawn limning his features. “It is ungodly and insolent.”
You don’t reply. You bow your head. You have let yourself say too much. You are as he says. A dog waiting for an order.
“You stink. I will not smell you all day, so go and wash or I will drag you from the axel.”
You curl your shoulders in defeat, “yes, Commander.”
You turn and stride towards the door. He clears his throat.
“Where are you going? Take a bath.”
You stop and wince. You planned on your usual hand bath from the sink, wiping yourself down with a wet rag until you felt relatively presentable. You turn and peek at the bathroom door. You retreat and enter, placing your hand on the knob.
“Open,” he girds, “for your own safety.”
You flip the light switch and proceed. You go just beyond the view of the doorway and face the bowl of the toilet. You remove your veil, setting it on the end of the counter. Then you sit and unroll your stockings. You pile those atop the veil and stand to untie your apron.
You lift your smock over your head and do your best to fold it before putting it with the rest. You go to the tub in only your shift and bend to turn on the water. You longed for the very pastime but now, you would rather drown in a river. This is not a favour.
You push yourself straight, hips reverberating with agony. You hear the soft pad of a foot and turn to face the Commander. He watches you from the doorway. He wears a pair of grey sleeping pants but nothing else. He breaks the threshold as you remain flush against the edge of the tub.
He takes the heap of your clothing as you watch him in confusion. He spins on his heel, strutting away without explanation. You shudder and look down at your thin linen shift. A rotten feeling knots in your stomach.
Commander Shelby returns as you hide behind the bath curtain. Silence but his footfalls and the soft rustle of clothing. You emerge when you are certain he is gone and scrubbed to your hide. Your shift has disappeared too, but a new one lays with a neat stack of gray fabric.
You unfurl it and pull it over your head. Then the black stockings roll easily up your legs, a gray smock and matching cap. You dress in your sentence. The Colonies where the soot and pollution will blend in with that shade of charcoal. You won’t face this shaking.
You steady yourself and come out into the bedroom. The Commander loops his tie as he stands before the oval mirror hung on the wall. He glares at his own reflection as you cross to the door.
“You look older. That colour does nothing for you.”
“Commander,” you bow your head.
He scoffs. You would rather he just send you off to your fate. You can go rot with the other unwomen. This was only ever purgatory.
You flinch at the word, not processing it at first. You reply with your habitual, ‘yes, Commander’ and flit off to your task.
You boil the kettle and prepare some toast and jam with it. The Commander appears to gruffly take the plate past your elbow as you steep a bag in the steaming mug. You put it before him as he chews mechanically. You stand by the wall and await the next step.
“Funny, isn’t it?” He says as he blows across the top of the mug.
“Not much changed for you, did it?”
You push your shoulders up and swallow.
“I don’t know what you mean, Commander.”
“A maid before, a maid now,” he states, “I suppose the lord truly does know our purpose.”
You seal your lips. He’s mocking you. He knows who you are. Who you were. It only surprises you that he would bother to figure it out.
“‘All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty,’” you recite the passage. “I believe I remember that clearly.”
He sips loudly and sniffs, “something like that.”
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f10werfae · 2 years
My own Milf
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pairing: Tom Holland x Older!Girlfriend!Reader
summary: Fans retell the best moments of what they see from tom holland and Y/n’s spicy relationship (Tom is 26, Reader is 31) (Requested by Anon)
Likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated🫶
Tom Masterlist, Full Masterlist
@/bornintheflesh: Tom finally posted a pic of him and his new girlfriend, and she is so hot. What a milf. I really don’t care if she’s 31, they make such a sexy couple wtf, did y’all not see the photo of them at the beach. TOM IS ENJOYING HER BLUE BIKINI A BIT TOO MUCH, his hands are gripping onto her ass for dear life😭😭
@/osterfieldlol: Harrison said on his story that he introduced Y/n and Tom, and that the first time Tom saw Y/n he said to Harrison “I’ve got to get her number mate” So he likes to think they’re the reason they got together
@/Marvelgyal101: Why are you guys hating on their age gap? Just cause it ain’t you. They’re such a beautiful couple and they both treat each other so well, that video of them both feeding each other at Tom’s family barbecue was everything!🫶
>> @/loserlovers: So true! I’ve seen some people call her a gold digger, but don’t they know she’s literally one of the only women representing her field?! Lord have mercy these people are dumb. Anyways Stan Y/n L/n, she’s a gorgeous independent woman who wouldn’t even need Tom to sustain herself
@/spiderwickman: Can Tom just marry her already? They acting too cute to just be bf and gf, surely he’s already put a ring on her? That story Tom told where every morning Y/n gets a shower and he ends up joining her just to piss her off, THAT IS TOO MUCH FOR MY HEART TO HANDLE
>> @/Y/nL/n: PSA. The only reason it pisses me off is because he gets too handsy and then that leads to a two hour shower and then I get hungry. THEN I HAVE TO COOK BECAUSE HES TOO LAZY.
>>> @/TomHolland: Now come on love, you love my pancakes
@/bunnyrabbitexpress: Did anyone see Tom’s tattoo? It’s a tattoo of a dove on his shoulder, and he said it’s because it’s what he used to call Y/n when they first started officially dating😭 Don’t mind me just sleeping on the highway tonight😭
@/Y/nL/n: Can someone please tell @/TomHolland that i’m not talking to him until he returns all underwear to my closet, he’s such a pervert and now i’m left going commando 25/8. Or i’m stuck wearing his stinky boxers, 😪
>> @/TomHolland: Well i’m telling you, Y/n Holland, I prefer you without em, plus those lace things look terribly uncomfortable. So i’m doing you a favour, stick to the granny panties or go bare❤️
>>> @/liviaughholland: HE HAS TURNED INTO A SEXUAL BEAST, WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM😍😭😭 Lowkey lovin the PDA tho, so keep goin
@/Biggiraffe: Saw Y/n and Tom out in London walking Tessa, well actually, it was Y/n walking Tessa while Tom took videos of them from behind laughing and giggling as Tessa just trotted pulling Y/n along to her hearts desire.
@/princesstulip: My sister saw the Holland couple on the beach in Spain, she told me Tom was literally all over Y/n like a rash. Reapplying her sunscreen for her, refilling her drinks, kissing her body literally EVERYWHERE, puckering his lips for a kiss anytime she complimented his sand castle he built around her and adding a moat to “protect his queen”
@/lestalk: No one makes me happier than seeing fan girls get humbled. While Y/n and Tom arrived at the airport in New York, they were absolutely ambushed by fans and paps, to a point where Y/n was physically pushed over because someone had clearly deliberately tripped her. AND TOM WENT BALLISTIC, SHOUTING AT PEOPLE TO “Calm down and step away from me and my girlfriend please! We just want to get out of here” Poor Y/n I think had to be seen by a medic because she hurt her knee or something💔
@/TomHolland: Happy 32nd birthday to the love of my life, and my forever home, Y/n L/n (will be Holland soon I promise) Thank God I went to Harrison’s party and met you, because I seriously don’t know where i’d be without you. I love your gorgeous self, mind and spirit; that ass too but that’s for later ;).
Lots of love, your Tommy
@/britishteafluff: Y/n is glowing, I don’t know why or how, but she’s got a different kinda beauty going on right now and i’m in love, sorry Tom. That photo Tom posted of her in a sundress with his family has gotten me starstruck, the way she carries herself so elegantly! Also not Tom’s mom hugging Y/n and not her own son, rip Tom lol
@/DailyMagazine: Breaking News! Tom Holland and lover Y/n L/n seen shopping at baby aisle at the local Target, does this mean a new arrival is on the way? Y/n and Tom have been together for 2 years now, with her being 33 and him being 28, last year we saw the couple engaged by the Swiss Alps; now are we seeing another new Holland?! Not only that, fans are also gushing at the sight of Tom wrapping his arms around his stunning fiancée, the couple seen to be as in love as the day they revealed their relationship. Whatever the pictures mean, we wish the happy couple the best!
PSA: As some of you know because of Taglists getting too big for some of my writing, I am making a library blog where I will simply reblog all my writing and ONLY my writing. Everything I write will still be posted here! Instead of my taglist, you can now follow @f10werfaes-cosy-collection 🫶 You can turn on post notifs if you wish, and instead of receiving a tag, you will see i’ve reblogged my own writing onto my library blog! Hope that isn’t too confusing, if there’s any questions then let me know♥️
Taglist (Until my library blog is ready!):
@Kaydesssssssss @esposadomd @imahallucinationnn @elenavampire21 @stuckysgirl27 @cookielovesbook-akie @theekyliepage @thoughtsofreid @acornacre @fdl305 @alexxavicry @bookfrog242 @alina02 @aerangi @mischiefsemimanaged @nikkitc0703 @hallecarey1 @misshale21 @stormcloudss @uwiuwi @marvelgurl @tinyelfperson @vrittivsanghavi
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