#nureyev is my baby boy
thinking about nureyev's dream hallucination thing again and screaming
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twizona · 2 years
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Colored an old sketch of the angel himself ❤
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mykelneedssleep · 5 months
I had the realization today that I dont think I’ve ever spoken about my son on here and since a lot of you know me for podcast content this needs to be rectified immediately so I present to you my first born son: Nureyev
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Yes, as in Peter Nureyev. Hilariously this is the most accurate name I have ever chosen for anything because this little bitch has such Peter Nureyev vibes it’s actually crazy. I present a list of random facts about him that I can think of off the top of my head:
1. Literally the first day I had him one of the first things we found out about this tiny little baby was that if there’s a dead cricket in his tank you bet your ass he’s not eating it. This bougie ass bitch only eats live prey. You physically don’t understand how often I have to buy him food because god forbid it dies before he kill it, he’d actually rather starve than eat a dead bug. I can attest to that because one time there was a cricket shortage in my area because it was so cold that all the crickets were dying in transport and this little bitch actually went days without eating because he wouldn’t eat the dead crickets (I finally got him to eat by pushing them around with a clear plastic spoon to make it look like they were moving- lying to your kids works folks)
2. He makes regular attempts to escape from his tank by climbing up the glass. Despite 4 years of trying it still hasn’t worked once but he’s determined he’s going to do it one of these times
3. My mother who typically lovingly refers to him as Nev (“his name is longer than he is, I’m giving him a nickname” -my mother approximately 10 minutes after his name was chosen, took her 3 more days to come up with Nev) will often refer to him as Pete if he’s doing something bad (see above escape attempt). This is particularly funny in the presence of people who are unaware of this nickname but aware enough to know the names of all the animals in our home because they become very confused
4. “The thief is on the prowl” is a very common phrase in our home, this typically means someone has to feed the boy because he’s stalking around the tank looking for living creatures to torment and finding none
5. He regularly sticks his entire head into his water bowl and just leaves it there for a little bit until I become quite convinced that he’s going to drown and then he will just get up and walk away like he didn’t just give me a heart attack
6. If you’re holding him he will climb all over you and somehow find a place to randomly jump off from (again, heart attack every time). Hearing “Nureyev!” said loudly in a concerned but sort of exasperated way is very common
7. If one of his water bowls is empty he will lay in it to get you to pay attention to the fact that it has no water in it but will then refuse to move when you go to put water in it and will become very upset when you eventually give up and just pour water onto him (the above photo was taken directly after I deep cleaned his tank and before I put the water back in, shockingly he looked quite cute instead of seriously pissed off like usual)
8. He likes to have the high ground (he likes to climb on top of people’s heads and just sit there and watch the world as you walk around and continue what you were previously doing. Luckily he has never attempted to jump off someone’s head before)
9. Very dramatic sleeper. I’m talking will sleep in the weirdest positions but like you do you king, if that’s comfy I endorse it
10. He regularly hides in any available nook and/or cranny in the tank. This is yet another cause of great stress for me when I cannot find him
Bonus fact: This bougie bitch was approximately half of the inspiration behind how I play Lizzie (shoutout O!ASKAP enjoyers, this one’s for you). If you’re wondering the other half is simply my penchant for playing the least helpful character I can possibly get away with
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adickaboutspoons · 2 years
tag 9 people you want to get to know better!
you're the sweetest, @givefangapuppy !
Three Ships of All Time:
Ed/Stede: I mean, no question. They haunt my every hour. I love their love with all my might, mind, and soul. Because of them I'm writing for the first time in decades. Overly verbose meta! Fic of dubious quality! I'm all in, baby!
Clark Kent/Lex Luthor (Smallville): I can't not. I still think of these boys on the regular. True story - I turned in some CLex fanfic I had written with the names swapped for aliases for my final project for my senior creative writing seminar in English, because my prof was the kind of jackass who had "poet" listed as his specialty on his office door but couldn't recognize haikus when I submitted them earlier in the class, and I was damned if I was going to waste my time on something new for him instead of focusing on my senior thesis in psychology. I got As on both ;). Also, my wife and I met by writing CLex fan fic together. We will have been 20 years in March.
Juno Steel/Peter Nureyev (Penumbra Podcast): Hardboiled enby space detective with crippling insecurities that they mask with hypercompetency and witty quips? and their complicated homme-fatale master thief sometimes-lover? This show seriously ticks all my boxes.
First Ever Ship:
The Baroness/Destruo (G.I. Joe): I'd say this was a tie with my Lady J/Duke/Flint/Scarlett love-quadrangle, but I honestly don't remember whether that was in the text of the show, or just the shows I'd stage for myself with my brother's action figures. What can I say? I started shipping young. My 3rd grade teacher commented on one of my writing assignments that I should write soap operas when I grew up.
Last Song:
Burning by Alcazar. Sometimes a girl just wants to dance alone in her living room.
Last Film:
Free Guy. Guilty pleasure. Comfort movie.
Currently Reading:
Aunts Aren't Gentlemen by P.G. Wodehouse. Guilty pleasure. Comfort author. Wodehouse is my brain candy, my absolute fav. author (yes, I know I said 'House of Leaves' by Danielewski is my fav. book. I'm complicated), and I rarely go more than a few months without a re-read. This isn't one of my all-time faves, but it's delightful nonetheless and it's been awhile since I read it last. Bertie retires to the peace of a simple country living at the urgings of his doctor after coming down with a minor rash, but still manages to get himself tangled up in crime due to the machinations of his Aunt Dahlia and accidentally engaged to a local stunner against his will. Jeeves/Wooster would have made it into my OTP list above except Jeeves would never permit himself the liberty. :(
(Except, hear me out - "Jeeves and the Tie that Binds" was the American release of "Much Obliged, Jeeves", and is identical except for the ending, in which Jeeves reveals that he destroyed the pages enumerating Bertie's peccadillos from the Junior Ganymede club book - FOR WHICH HE COULD BE BLACKBALLED FROM THE CLUB -, because he doesn't want anyone but him to ever be Bertie's gentleman's personal gentleman but him, because there is a "tie that binds" them. I mean to say, really!)
Currently Watching:
The Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir. Look. I have a 10-year-old. He loved ladybugs as a toddler so we started watching the show together when he was wee based on the title alone. But it's actually SO GOOD. And the new season recently dropped on Disney +. I get to talk to my kid about how it's a metaphor for how bad actors in the world exploit feelings of fear and isolation to radicalize otherwise normal people to their destructive agendas? And how there's real heroics to be found in community organization and creative problem solving? And about issues of consent, both romantic and platonic?
But also I have OPINIONS and SHIPS, and I'm DYING to talk to someone who is NOT my child about how Nathalie just SLAMMED Gabriel face down on the kitchen counter and leaned over him to hiss in his ear about how he betrayed her and I am IN TO IT, but I will NOT go anywhere near the fandom because I don't need the drama of being in a kid-show fandom as a full-ass adult. Send help.
Currently Consuming:
Some cucumber/lemon-infused water.
Currently Craving:
I mean, other than another grown-ass person to indulge my not-kid-friendly thoughts about a superhero cartoon? Feeling pretty satiated, thanks!
If you're down for it, my v. dears - @nicnacsnonsense @tisziny @chocolatepot @the-orange-in-red-silk @wearfinethingsalltoowell @okayestokapi @asneakyfox @batsarebetterthanpeople @red-sky-in-mourning and anyone else who feels so inclined ;)
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mxcosmic · 5 years
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celebrating the thief of hearts release by drawing more of this lovesick lad 🌹
check out @thiefofheartstpp to play one (1) awesome game
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elledritchorror · 3 years
Hello nath dear.
I know you always have the best titles and wanted to see more. Can I ask about ‘when your gay bullshit it televised to the whole galaxy’ because oh boy, that sounds like a ride.
ahaha ty ty i do have the best titles
i think you know this one! this is my penumbra dance au!
a brief rundown is essentially:
- juno and rita have to dance at a club to get info on a mark and there's sexy dancing (also juno and nureyev didn't get back together right away they're still having issues and nureyev is having a turn at being a baby because he deserves it)
- the thing they need isn't there BUT it is at the hq of a competition that juno conveniently got invited to compete in
- competition begins and juno is killing it, he and nureyev get together again, it's gay as hell, juno's dress is amazing
- uhhhh something something more competition and now juno has to be away from the family and it's sad
- HEIST!!! TIME!!!
- excitement! action! no spoilers! one day I will finish this fucking fic!
- fairy light house party in the carte blanche garage the end
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mollymauk-teafleak · 4 years
just as much as all those years ago
Please consider reblogging and leaving a comment over on Ao3!
This is for my ever wonderful girlfriend @spiky-lesbian who is just the Best and will always be the absolute Best and I love her very much. Returning to my favourite comfort AU and of course it’s angst I write.
Trigger warnings: descriptions of an injury, specifically a burn
Memories were funny things for Juno Steel.
They came when he didn’t call them and hadn’t asked for them. When he needed them, he couldn’t find them, only the ragged edged gaps where they’d once been. And they were never whole either. They came as sounds, one random lyric from a song his brother used to warm up to or the sound of his mother’s footsteps in the hall or the way the coffee maker in the HCPD had always sputtered close to the end of its cycle. They came as smells, Buddy’s hairspray or the way the hallways had reeked in his old high school, the milky smell of when his babies had been brand new or Rita’s goddamn salmon things. They were fractured and jumbled and awkward to hold.
And they were so hard to tell from reality. One moment Juno was up to his elbows in soapy water, taking advantage of the boys actually going to bed at a reasonable time to get the dinner dishes done. He was whistling a song that had been on the radio as he’d driven back from the office, tapping the hell of his bare foot against the tiles in time with the beat that existed only in his head. He was tired, he had a few new aches to catalogue and he was perfectly happy.
And the next moment his nose was full of burning ozone, scorched fabric, heat and blood.
Juno froze, hands stilling and letting the plate he’d been soaping drop back into the water. Suddenly he was pulled into a handful of times and places at once. He was at the practise range at the academy, he was trying not to be sick the first time a perp had shot at him, he was pounding on his brother’s bedroom door and begging him to answer, he was lying on the floor of the Carte Blanche and seeing Sasha shake, he was a cop, he was a kid, he was a pirate, he was a twin without a brother. All because of a smell in the air.
And he might have shook himself, pushed it all away and told himself not to be an idiot if he hadn’t heard the voice and realised it wasn’t a memory.
“Mama? I...I’m sorry…”
It wasn’t a memory. Juno whirled, eye wide, heart no closer to restarting in his chest. His oldest daughter stood just behind him, holding her arm tightly with a hand that trembled, with skin that was ashen and a face wet with tears. His old coat was black from elbow to shoulder, one stripe of it completely gone and giving a glimpse of raw, red skin. A laser burn from a distance, it had just glanced off her but it was enough.
She looked so scared.
“Bianca?” he breathed, not really wanting to believe this was actually happening. His daughter was off on a job, of course she could never tell them much about it but she was meant to be off being young and reckless and having fun and swinging on starlight, just like her daddy did.
“I...I thought I got away but I missed one of the guards,” Bianca’s voice was tight, adrenaline clearly the only thing holding back the pain, “Mama…”
Juno swallowed hard, putting a firm, hard foot on his panic and shoving down hard. His baby girl needed him and when it was over he could go and find a quiet corner to scream and cry and rage about it. But for now he needed to get a goddamn grip.
“Bathroom,” he moved forward, sliding an arm to take her weight, just in time as her knees buckled.
Suddenly her free hand was bunched in his shirt tight enough to pinch his skin, his arms holding her as easily as if she was two instead of twenty two. As if she was as small and delicate as she had been then, when he’d first met her and realised just how much he’d be willing to give to keep her safe…
No. Not now.
He went to call for Nureyev, he was doing yoga in their bedroom, but Bianca’s hand tightened and she gave a strained, pained whine through her teeth.
“No,” she begged, breathing coming hard and shallow, the pain of her wound coming in through the cracks as she realised she was safe and didn’t need to run on sheer adrenaline, “Please don’t, not until...not until it’s covered up, I don’t want him to see…”
Juno went to protest but stopped himself, they didn’t have time and he couldn’t say she was wrong. Nureyev didn’t need to see this part, his husband’s field medicine skills weren’t as practised and when he saw the state their daughter was in, it wouldn’t even have mattered. He would freeze and he would break. Juno didn’t blame him in the slightest, he’d nearly gone himself, but he couldn’t hold both of them together.
So he kept quiet and carried his daughter to the poky bathroom of their apartment, moving quickly and quietly as he could past the twin’s bedroom.
“You need to keep talking for me, kiddo,” he said through gritted teeth, as soon as the door was shut behind them, “Tell me how you got in without any of us hearing you. Give me all the details.”
Bee Bee managed a weak chuckle as he sat her down against the edge of the bath, “I’m not giving you all my secrets, mama…”
Juno could dredge a smile for her, if she was going to make the effort, throwing it over his shoulder as he wrenched open the medicine cabinet and pulled out one of the many emergency first aid kits stowed around the apartment.
“Then give me all the moons of Jupiter in size order, biggest to smallest. I know your daddy made you memorise them.”
Bee Bee swallowed hard, shifting as she started to slump, “Um...Ganymede. Callisto…”
“Good, good girl,” Juno was more focused on pulling out the scissors and cutting away the ruins of the coat sleeve so he could start cleaning and dressing it, but as long as he could hear her talking he knew she was conscious.
“Io…oh mama, no, your coat…” Bianca tried to lean away from the blades.
“Bee Bee, I don’t know if you noticed but I care about you a little more than I care about some ratty old coat,” Juno sighed, ignoring her weak protests.
He couldn’t help but wince as he saw her arm, fully exposed. The bolt had only grazed her but clearly it had been set to kill, it had scorched a clean edged, diagonal path along the top of her arm. If she hadn’t been running away, if the person had fired a second before…
Juno shook himself and focused, it was clean and wouldn’t need more than a gentle dousing with cold water which he quickly set to. Don’t think about what could have happened, focus on what’s in front of you.
It broke his heart when she hissed in pain, the second where she clearly wanted to pull away from him, however much he could rationalise it. But he’d been doing some version of this for a long time, from the first time Bee had caught her tiny fingers in the door on the Carte Blanche.
“Hey,” he gently reached over and turned her face to him, “Just look at me, okay? You’re doing so well.”
His brave Bianca took a shaky breath and nodded, ‘Himalia is next. In the size order.”
Juno smiled with a soft, tired pride, motioning for her to go on as he applied a thin layer of salve and started to bind it with the smart tech bandages that wrapped tightly around her arm with no effort from him. They’d hold it fast and safe, healing the torn and blistering skin underneath until barely a trace remained.
But Bianca wouldn’t forget this. This would be another one of her memories, the ones that would come up when least welcome and stop her in her tracks when she thought she was safe.
Juno contented himself with doing what he could for her now. He helped her up, though her legs were still shaky, helping her take shuffling steps to her bedroom, the one they still kept exactly as she’d left it the last time she visited. Neither he nor his husband could ever bring themselves to move anything around, happy to admit to themselves that they were just waiting until their daughter came home again. So the old stuffed animals were still lining the bottom of the bed, the books were still piled on the nightstand, there were still soft blankets ready for her to sink down onto.
“Right,” Juno brushed a hand over her curls, “Now water, painkillers and lots of rest. Got it, kiddo?”
“Yes mama,” she sighed, leaning into his touch, “Um...I think I want to see daddy now.”
He saw the guilt flicker through her dark eyes and he softened it with a kiss to her forehead. He understood the instinct to protect people you cared about, feeling like you couldn’t let them see you cry or fall or hurt because you’d see just how much they cared about you and it could be so scary. Knowing so much of someone else’s happiness rested with you.
He left her to get settled, needing to take a few deep breaths as soon as the door closed. Just a little longer.
Nureyev was just stepping out of their room, his long hair pushed back from his face with a band that had probably once been Bianca’s. He looked calm, content, and his whole face lit up when he saw his wife walking towards him. Having to watch all that unravel, that would hurt Juno as much as any of it.
He tried to speak clearly, concisely, only repeating again and again that she was fine, that there would be no lasting damage or even a mark. But he wasn’t sure any of it actually got through after he finally said the words ‘Bianca’s been shot’. Because that was when he pushed past him and started running down the hall. Cursing under his breath, Juno took off but couldn’t hope to catch his husband on those legs, only getting there when the bedroom door was already open.
He was braced for tears, he was braced for the anger that sometimes came when Nureyev was feeling too much to hold within himself and had to lash out to try and grasp some control. He was braced to have to pull his husband out of there.
What he found was his husband and his daughter embracing as tightly as her wound would allow.
“I’m sorry, daddy,” Bianca was sniffling, har face pressed to his shoulder, where it had always fit so perfectly ever since she was small, “I know you said to check, you said and I thought I did but…”
Nureyev shook his head, his own voice thick but steady, “No, no, it’s okay. You did nothing wrong, as long as you’re okay.”
“Promise?” Bianca mumbled, still sounding a little like a child wondering what her punishment would be.
“Oh my treasure,” Nureyev drew back to hold her face in his hands, “I promise. All I care about is that you’re whole and well and...and next time, you will see it. You’ll get better and better every time, just like I did. I just couldn’t be more thankful it was no worse but...next time will be better.”
Bianca’s face flooded with obvious relief, she’d clearly been worried her daddy’s first response would have been to ground her. Juno had to admit, he’d expected it too.
Nureyev only touched her bandages lightly, checking everything was in place, “But...if you wanted to stay here for just a few days just while you healed? We could make room for you?”
Bianca gave a tired smile, rolling her eyes, “Only if you could make the room, of course.”
Juno leaned against the doorframe, giving them a few more moments together before joining them, giving Bianca some time before having to endure both of her parents fussing over her. As he watched Nureyev draw Bee Bee back in to hug her tightly and let her rest against him, he felt other times overlapping it, other times he’d seen that light in Nureyev’s eyes, the smile he saved only for their babies, the way they clung to him and looked to him for safety. He felt the years they’d spent together as parents, the memories sending warmth running through his chest, soothing the anxiety still gnawing there, giving him a few more hours before he’d need to release it. Hopefully Nureyev would be in his arms by then.
Memories were funny things for Juno Steel. But some were everything.
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everyone on the carte blanche for the ask meme
everyone? oh boy this is gonna get long ajfhdsf
First impression: i, like a lot of people who get into the podcast without knowing a great deal about it, was expecting at most an ambiguously bisexual angst machine with a closely-guarded heart of gold. juno being an explicitly bisexual genderqueer angst machine is perhaps the most pleasant surprise of my life. the angst machine heart of gold characters were kind of my type at the time, so i loved him right away
Impression now: every time i think about juno’s arc from depressed mess held together by bad coping mechanisms, safety pins, and a few good strong puns into someone who can talk about his feelings, feel comfortable about being happy, and recognise when he needs to change, i want to cry about it a little bit. the depth of my love for juno steel has only grown along with him
Favourite moment: juno has a lot of great one-liners and i’m still a big fan of the “on the other hand i wasn’t wearing a watch” bit and who can forget such classics as juno finally deciding to stop moping over nureyev and move on only for him to open the door to his apartment and find nureyev sitting in the dark dramatically, but honestly nothing will ever hit me harder than his sudden, pissed-off declaration of “i can’t die yet, i still have shit to do!” in promised land. god.
Idea for a story: oh i have so many and i want to write most of them so no spoilers, but juno accidentally kidnaps a baby during a carte blanche heist and shenanigans ensue
Unpopular opinion: obviously we all know he’s dummy thicc but i feel like a lot of people forget he’s an actual genius, like the stuff he notices and how he strings it together is sometimes so obscure and he’s almost always right. oh, also juno is not skinny and i will not be taking criticism on that
Favourite relationship: this is so tough because every dynamic is so good, but i think it has to be juno and rita. those two are so good! the best best friends in the world!! i’m really a sucker for any dynamic that’s ridiculously in-sync so i loved these two as soon as juno saw rita’s notes in prince of mars and went “makes perfect sense to me” (which it probably didn’t, because rita, but he trusted that she knew what she was doing which is the important part)
Favourite headcanon: this isn’t really a headcanon but i still think about how juno is (was?) deathly afraid of heights but when he heard rex glass coming he still attempted to climb out of the window. either his aversion to working with dark matters/other people in general was so strong is overrided his fear, or his office was actually on the ground floor. not sure which of these is funnier.
First impression: we’ve all seen the memes about nureyev knowing juno steel for one (1) day and deciding to Risk It All by leaving him with his name, look at this Hopeless Romantic, this utter DISASTER of a homosexual. the fact the very next time we hear from nureyev (at least directly) he’s patiently waiting in juno’s dark apartment to surprise him with a heist definitely supports this image.
Impression now: even after literally being inside peter’s head, i feel like we didn’t get a real sense of who he is until man in glass, where we find out he aggressively compartmentalises everything that causes him stress. he’s also distinctly someone who’s had his heart broken before, i think, which makes those first appearances of his very strange. but it does remind me of what juno says about diamond, and how he decided to provide the trust first and wait for the trustworthiness to grow in (only to get severely hurt), and i think that’s exactly what nureyev did. i am also... very uneasy with how suspicious he’s behaving this season because obviously i want to believe he’ll sort it all out and not betray the crew but... oof
Favourite moment: the beginning of what lies beyond pt1 where he’s affectionately bullying juno into taking care of himself? cleared my crops watered my skin etc etc etc
Idea for a story: i’d love to hear more about his past as a young thief idolising buddy and vespa (i can’t actually remember if that’s canon or fanon but anyway i wanna read it!)
Unpopular opinion: i think people often cling to an image of him that more resembles his first impressions in season 1 instead of seeing the depth that we’ve been given about his character in season 3
Favourite relationship: him and juno but honestly it’s a close call between them and his budding friendship with rita. even though she learned it by accident, his name is still a point of intimacy and it’s one less secret to keep around her which has to be a weight off his shoulders, at least a little? they seem like they could be really good friends once ultrabots is out of the way. juno steel love (and also bullying) zone activates whenever they’re together
Favourite headcanon: i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again - nureyev has never done a household chore in his goddamn life. he doesn’t know the water needs to be hot when you wash dishes.
First impression: honestly i’m not sure? i don’t remember having a big awareness of her in murderous mask but i remember loving her “note-taking” in prince of mars, i thought she sounded really fun and cute
Impression now: rita is really fun and cute, she’s also an extremely hardworking and dedicated woman who had the guts to throw in with a detective fired from the force and then invest all of her time and money into helping him help people.
Favourite moment: Rita Gets A Knife. enough said
Idea for a story: i don’t know honestly! i really struggle to write rita because her thought processes are so wild and i don’t think any story i could come up with would match mega ultrabots of cyberjustice.
Unpopular opinion: this shouldn’t be unpopular because juno steel himself shares this opinion but all future-jupeter headcanons are incomplete without rita also being a huge part of their lives
Favourite relationship: rita + franny 4ever obviously.. jk it’s juno & rita have you heard rita minute 3 they’re too adorable for this world. im still Soft over their conversation at the end of soul of the people when he said he couldn’t stay in hyperion anymore but he wouldn’t leave with the carte blanche if rita wasn’t coming because he was done leaving her behind, and she threw out all her hesitations on the spot and said call the big guy. speaking of, rita & jet are a close second. instant best friends i love them.
Favourite headcanon: i think this is basically canon now but rita being literally half the height of jet is so good
First impression: “haha lorge funny man puts juno in the trash”
Impression now: jet sikuliaq is one of the dearest characters to me out of anything ever. he is a huge, menacing, polite, kind, sincere man who i would very much like to give me a hug. he’s the best aro ace in outer space and while being generally very levelheaded and straightforward, also takes every opportunity to fuck with juno because it’s very easy and very hilarious to him personally. he is everything my autistic acearo ass needed and i’m so glad to have him
Favourite moment: all of them every single one. him putting juno in the trash is of course a classic and every moment jet chooses to be funny makes my heart happy, but also every piece of genuine advice he gives. i’m a particular fan though of buddy recounting her years in the lighthouse and him saying he became concerned when she didn’t come downstairs at the usual time. “you took the door off its hinges.” “i was deeply concerned.” king of understatement
Idea for a story: again no spoilers for you but..... tools of rust time loop au
Unpopular opinion: this isn’t “unpopular” as much as it is unknown but jet is buddy’s queerplatonic partner and i will keep saying it until everyone believes it
Favourite relationship: jet and buddy,,, just everything about them. the way he suspects when she’s lying, the way she makes tea for him when she expects him to drop by. the fact he comes to check on her when she is 41 seconds late to the family meeting because it’s unlike her to be late and the last time she was late for something her brain was turning to radiation soup. but most especially the way she snaps at him to stay out of her business and he said he could not because he made her promise eight years ago to never stay out of the business of her health, no matter how many times she asked. they r literally in a qpr
Favourite headcanon: i don’t think this is true but i still think it would be funny if the ruby-7 used to be painted red but when jet got it he had it painted green because he Just Really Likes Green (as evidenced by his hovercycle). it’s very funny to me.
First impression: it’s been a minute since i relistened to time gone by but i’m pretty sure the first thing she ever says in the podcast is sliding up to depressed accidental whiskey thief juno and say “that’ll be ten million creds,” scaring the shit out of him, so needless to say i was in love instantly.
Impression now: my love for buddy aurinko has only grown and if it sounds like i already said that in this post it’s because i did about juno and it’s appropriate because the parallels are astounding. the heart of it all gave us such depth to buddy’s internal monologue and why she always sounds like she knows exactly what to say and what that’s like and honestly will i ever be over the heart of it all as an episode? unlikely. i think i’m gonna have a little piece of it in MY heart forever.
Favourite moment: everything she’s ever said is iconic as hell i especially like “in an impressive fit of hubris i’ve decided not to prepare my words for this vow” which made me laugh out loud but once again i must give it up for her iconic “I WANT TO LIVE” moment. honourable mentions to her taking rita out for ice cream and giving juno shooting lessons while she’s in her actual wedding gown. i love her
Idea for a story: buddy and vespa as sun/moon dieties.... that’s all
Unpopular opinion: stop drawing her with a fancy high-tech eye like the theia!! it canonically looks like garbage and it’s described in detail, please, i’m dying, also don’t minimise her scars you bastards
Favourite relationship: buddy and vespa invented romantic love and the entire carte blanche crew’s relationship to her is great but you know by now i’m a slut for buddy & jet out-of-this-world queerplatonic partners. the way she checks in on him during tools of rust to make sure he’s not relapsing and he comes to find her when she is 41 seconds late in the heart of it all to make sure she’s not having a heart problem!! it’s the trust,, the devotion,, the mortifying ordeal of being known
Favourite headcanon: she can sing. absolutely tears it up at karaoke. i’m right
First impression: knife lesbian goes STAB. she will heal your wounds but she will be threatening to give you more the whole time
Impression now: she is extremely strong, heart-rendingly tender, and despite being in the older half of the carte blanche crew somehow has unmistakable little sister energy which makes her downright hilarious. i’m so glad she got to marry buddy and they’re official space wives now they’re so good for each other
Favourite moment: both from shadows in the ship, either “GUN!!” “KNIFE?!” (iconic) or when she clocks the dark matters drone pretending to be juno because it called her crazy and juno wouldn’t call her crazy. i’m always a sucker for “shapeshifter fails to fool mark because they Know Each Other Too Well” and it was just *chefs kiss* so good
Idea for a story: i really want to write something about when she was first staying at the lighthouse with buddy post-reunion, and getting to know jet and stuff. i think it would be cute
Unpopular opinion: i know vespa doesn’t canonically have lots of scarring but people who don’t draw her with scarring? cowards.
Favourite relationship: once again, although buddy and vespa invented romantic love, i just love the dynamic between vespa and juno so much. they’ve come so far with each other and their weird sibling dynamic gives me life. at the end of what lies beyond when juno says “we’re not gonna kill her, vespa” and instead of sounding full of Rage and Suspicion she’s like “whyyy notttt?” and he’s like “because i said so!” and that’s just good enough for her even if she’s a bit grumpy about it. i love it.
this took.. a hot minute to do! jshkfjsdgsa thank you dyl ily <3
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sapirserket · 4 years
why 'call me maybe' is a jupeter song: an essay (part 2) (sadder than the first one) (not clickbait) (but yes spoilers)
1. "You took your time with the call
I took no time with the fall"
the first part of this song was about murderous mask, but i believe these lines refer to juno calling peter at the end of midnight fox (which is the best juniverse episode yall). he really took his time, i mean really, six episodes without nureyev? why juno, w h y (and yes i know it's technically three but they're still separate episodes so...)
also, it really took nureyev no time to break into juno's apartment just so he can say that it's been a while. this man is extra.
also, this song doesn't have anything specifically relevant to train from nowhere, so it's miasma time :)))))))))
2. "I beg and borrow and steal
At first sight and it's real"
juno sees peter's memories (big oof time #1) and sees him learning to be a thief. he also sees peter killing mag (big oof time #2), but peter doesn't know that, therefore only mentioning the borrowing and stealing in this song (and yes, i'm implying that peter nureyev wrote this song).
3. "I didn't know I would feel it
But it's in my way"
the thing that's in peter's way could either be the door to the Egg Room™ in final resting place (big oof time #3), or, if we're still talking about teen peter, the memory of his past (which fits the beginning of the song, when peter talks about his wish to become nameless). either way it's a sad time.
4. "Your stare was holding,
Ripped jeans, skin was showin'"
although it first seems like the stare is just juno staring at the love of his life, this line takes a darker turn - this time, the 'stare' is juno reading peter's mind. also, there probably wasn't a washing machine in the martian tomb, so it makes sense that their clothes would be dirty and/or ripped.
5. "Hot night, wind was blowin'
Where you think you're going baby?"
y'all know what this part is about :')
i still stand by my explanation of these lines in the first part, but like the previous lines they change a bit with the context of the ending of final resting place. as @thejade7 said on discord, 'where you think you're going baby?' is peter waking up alone in the hotel room (or even worse, him being half asleep when juno leaves and thinking he just went to the bathroom or something. big oof time #4).
6. "Hey, I just met you and this is crazy
But here's my number, so call me maybe"
i believe that this time, the chorus is not peter's thoughts at the moment - it's him not being able to move on from juno. he keeps thinking about the first time they met and how he felt when he saw juno crawling out that window, and wondering what could happen if juno hadn't left.
"And all the other boys try to chase me"
this is peter trying to calm himself down, remind himself that he's still the best at Be Gay Do Crimes and other people still exist. all the other boys are still chasing him, so he needs to move the frick on and disappear again. for a whole fricking season. w h y.
7. "Before you came into my life
I missed you so bad
And you should know that"
guess what? we just skipped to season 3!! this is jupeter finally talking about their feelings!! peter wrote this whole mcfreakin song for one of their poetry nights. i love one (1) poetry nerd. in fact, i am one myself. why did i write this thing? no one knows.
hope y'all enjoyed this, i'm gonna go do some homework now. or maybe write another song analysis. yeah, probably that.
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windowedcrown · 4 years
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[ID: A page of flatly colored drawings of Beans and Caonach, @peter-nureyev-kinnie and my dnd characters, as children in our modern au. They are against a medium grey background. Beans has brown skin and long, wavy, blond hair, with triangular markings on his arms, legs, and tail to match, as well as freckles of the same color, and long pointed ears. Caonach has green skin and darker freckles, as well as pointed ears and long curly black hair, cut just longer than his chin. His bottom front canines also protrude from his mouth.
In the top left, we see an image of Caonach, round faced and smiling slightly.
In the top right, we see Caonach holding Beans' face in his hands.
In the center of the page is handwritten text reading: "Thinks abt them" in all caps.
In the middle left, we see Caonach and Beans asleep on a couch, Beans curled up half on Caonach's lap. Caonach wears a blue tshirt and jorts, while Beans wears a red tshirt and darker blue shorts.
In the middle right, we see two uncolored sketches of stick figures labeled "C" and "B", with an arrow connecting them. On the right, B is taller than C. On the left, C has grown significantly taller, towering over B, who has stayed around the same height. B is crossing their arms.
In the bottom right, we see just the faces of Beans and Caonach. Beans looks extremely angry, his eyes noticeably slits and he is bearing his teeth, looking like he's hissing, while Caonach stands behind him, a shocked and concerned expression on his face. /End ID]
Archive Date: July 24, 2020
modern au baby boys baby boys baby boys
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eternalgirlscout · 5 years
Good Omens AUs where Juno and Nureyev are an angel and a demon are fine and dandy, but my personal favorite Juniverse AU starts with that moment two babies are in the same delivery room.
“Twins?” asks Sarah Steel, and, I mean. One of them was supposed to be superfluous anyway. Why not?
“Yes,” answers a nun, and life goes on.
The Antichrist grows up. Growing up alongside him is a brother everyone--himself included--expects him to resemble. Because he believes this, reality shapes itself to suit him. They’re identical in all but personality. They make two best friends; they have adventures and explore places they aren’t meant to explore; they’re accidentally cruel to one another; they are, all of them, unflinchingly loyal.
The End of the World comes, four children staring it down. The Great Beast, Angel of the Bottomless Pit, Prince of this World and Lord of Darkness understands... well. He understands just about everything, all at once, but one of the most important things he understands is this: the world will end, his brother and his friends and all the places they have ever made theirs, will be gone if he continues to be as he is. If the Son of Satan exists, everything is doomed.
He has more faith in the one parent he’s ever known than he should, but she’s not really Reshape reality for the sake of familial love material. He comes up with another solution. A better solution.
If there was no boy... the process would stop. If there had never been a boy, everything would go back to the way it was.
He uses all the powers of Hell and all the powers of love and removes himself from existence.
In this safe and Armageddonless world, Sasha, Mick, and Juno are the only ones who remember Benzaiten Steel.
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strechanadi · 6 years
POB Swan Lake overthinking no. 783
I don’t have time for this, she said. I have to work on actual papers, she said. And here she is, writing shitload of words about another POB Swan Lake, since she’s a respectable, responsible adult human being.
(Dear @spinmelikeyoumeanit, this is purely your fault, please do know I hate you right now. Enjoy the madness and all the mistakes I am far too lazy to correct. If I’d be able to find them in the first place, that is.)
Shockingly enough, I was yet again asked to share my opinions on POB Swan Lake. And we all know the real meaning behind question „what did you think about SL?“ is in POB case „What did you think about Wolfgang/Siegfried relationship?“ Can’t quite believe that after the madness that was 2016 recording, someone think it healthy to let me dive into this once again. But you wanted it, so here we go!
  You know, despite my academic title, that was supposed to made me educated in matters of history, theory, aesthetics, and who the hell knows what else of dance, I’m still just 5yo child in a overgrown body deep down. So watching anything on stage I am still very much driven by my feelings, my opinions formed by and based on my liking certain things and disliking others (and by disliking I mean hating – 5yo child, don’t forget that). I am all too well aware of my reviews, critics, even the supposedly professional ones, being strongly personal and not at all objective. (As I think is pretty clear even from bad English translations…) (And let’s not begin with the „is it even possible to write an objective, i.e. unbiased, review at all?“ let’s just… not.) (Because it surely is and it‘s just me, painfully incapable of doing so, and desperately trying to hide my own lameness by saying such things as „it can’t be done, so why wasting time trying?“) (However an essay on me and my way of writing things is absolutely different matter, that no one was asking for, and reasonably so. I’m going to shut up now and maybe even get myself to the point…)
  Thinking about yesterday’s performance, there’s one feeling coming back constantly, no matter how valiantly I’m trying to fight it. It’s disappointment. And I HATE it! Partly because – come on, disappointment is not at all something one should feel after watching Nureyev’s POB SL, partly because it’s utterly absurd – the company was in top shape, 2nd and 4th act corps de ballet flawless, Nureyev’s choreography still one of the best I know. And yet…
It’s like I cannot be given POB SL I would like 150%, without questions, without reservations.
Don‘t get me wrong, I love the 2005 recording. It opened my eyes, it made me realize French technique is IT for me, it showed me Karl for the first time and made me fell in love with him (and with Wolfgang) the second he stepped on stage in prologue (if anybody ever tells you love at first sight doesn’t exist, well…). I utterly loved Agnes as Odette/Odile and after few years I realized I actually adore the costumes, the faded colours, the weirdly dreamy atmosphere. But even though I got to understand José Martinez and his interpretation of Siegfried at the end (like after 3 years, never said I was the brightest one), I still felt there’s something missing for me to be completely happy. (But then again, there was Karl the-best-Wolfgang-one-could-ever-hope-for Paquette, and that alone could make me happy for days!)
Knowing me you are probably a bit confused right now, because hello, you were obsessing over 2016 recording for literal weeks, you wrote utterly mad review on it AND another positively deranged essay on main characters, you were clearly unable to shut up about it for even 5 seconds, so what the hell are talking about now, not being 150% happy with any SL recording so far. Well yes, I got to see Siegfried I loved embarrassingly much, and Wolfgang/Rothbart that worked so well with him, that I was almost able to forget Karl (for exactly 27 seconds or so), but then there was Amandine, whose Odette was just… well… eh, nothing special, and as minor issue as it may seems, it still left the faintest bitter taste somewhere deep, deep down, thanks to which I simply couldn’t make myself to say – yes, this is the best Swan Lake of all Swan Lakes I’ve ever seen and you all should just stop with whatever you are doing right now and go watch it (even thought it was one of the best Swan Lakes I’ve ever seen and you all should stop with whatever you are doing right now and go watch it).
And now, now I got Odette/Odile with personality and strong charisma again, Wolfgang that is still more Rothbart that anything else, but that I got used to. And Siegfried, who I fucking hate. There. My inner child strikes again. In full force.
 Honestly, Germain was my biggest disappointment. And kind of the only one, thinking about it now. It’s rather ridiculous, dismiss the whole performance because of one character, isn’t it? And that character being Siegfried. It’s not like there are not quite few SL with a bit boring princes, right? It’s kind of expected, not that shocking, is it? But hell – if I love Nureyev’s ballets it’s because he’s given his male heroes more time, more space, more dance, more personality. If I love Nureyev’s SL it’s because of Siegfried being the main character (and because of Wolfgang/Rothbart, because of corps de ballet, because of many other things, but you get my point, surely). This SL demands much from its main hero, and is not forgiving. Or maybe in reality it is and the unforgiving bitch is me. And rest assured I am. I love Siegfried. I love his character, the possibilities the dancer’s given in interpretation and I fucking love his variations. And Germain kind of killed everything, or almost everything for me. It is personal, of course it is, how it cannot be? But one just couldn’t mess one of the most beautiful variations ever made and expect I’d be just, you know what, whatever, your feet were pointed, your 5th position perfect, your technique overall crystal clear, and you are pretty, so who cares? Who cares about interpretation? Who cares about how it seems you have no idea, what you were doing 5minutes ago, what you are doing now and where your character is heading? God, Germain, please, this Siegfried is not just some other prince. He’s so much more than that. You could do practically anything with his character, built it the way you want, the way you are, the way you believe. Just use that pretty head of yours and what’s inside!
There were moments in act 1 (that, let’s be clear, sets the mood for the whole thing), that were promising. I loved what a child Siegfried was, how eager he was to pleased Wolfgang, what an adorable little puppy he could be. (And what is it with me and puppies lately?! First Armand, then one of Bourne’s princes, now Germain, when does this stop? I should choose different animal, seriously. Or different comparison altogether…), but the more promising these moments were – like the one, where Siegfried was looking at Wolfgang as (and I cannot describe it in any other way) a blushing virgin, which, and I swear, made me screamed so loud it could be heard across the ocean! - the more frustrating the outcome.
As I said yesterday, Germain’s Siegfried was like 5yo. You can tell just by looking at him the moment Wolfgang stopped him from following the other boys. I kind of expected Siegfried’s going to stamp his feet or something equally mature :D (but he just went and killed off my favourite variation) (I cannot watch it without screaming, so don’t make me just so you would know what exactly I found problematic).
If anything, his interpretation was simply incoherent. All right, you decided to portray your prince as a child, so pure, so clueless, fine. But if the only thing you can do is one smile, it’s too little, and it is really hard to make your character convincing and not simply annoying after 5 minutes. (Yeah, we got it, you are dreamy, starry eyed kid, cool, could you maybe do something different now? ANYTHING?) But OK. Still could work. But then there’s Siegfried’s variation at the end of act 1. And suddenly you are acting like the teenage prince who is about to marry, who is forced to become and adult and who is scared and has his doubts and all that, but – there was exactly NOTHING before in your way of building your character, that would justify such change. No self-doubt during whole act. None. Zero. Who are you trying to convince now? It’s not going to work all of sudden! And then, another ultimate favourite part of mine – Siegfried/Wolfgang duet. And Siegfried is yet again his unsuspecting, depending, pure baby self. And reading this, you may think, OK, well it could make sense, don’t be such a bitch about it. But it didn’t make sense. The whole interaction had so much potential from Francois‘ part and almost nothing from Germain in return (apart from his perfectly perfect legs – I swear, should he spent as much time thinking about his character as much as he seemed to be thinking about his technique, what an interpretation we could‘ve seen)!
Someone on twitter or somewhere said Germain did his variations beautifully, but they looked more like from concours, than from an actual performance. And that’s exactly it. Not just he became all melancholic out of blue, but the second he was about to do a sissone or a pirouette or a developpé or anything, he was all about technique, about pointed feet, about jump higher and I wanted to scream (so I did).
What hurts me the most is knowing it really, truly could have made sense. Were Germain’s presence more genuine, more real… (or at least consistent!)
  Francois was his usual self as Wolfgang. Still more Rothbart in disguise (*sigh* I want Karl *more pathetic sigh*), smug smile on his face the entire time (I caught myself smirking with him, so he did something right, I’d say) (or maybe I’m just a bad person who would love too much to play with this Siegfried and make him suffer without him even knowing what’s going on) (I told you he was annoying, didn’t I?), he was aware of his power, he was using it freely, enjoying himself (maybe in a bit more reserved manner than in 2016, more for his sake, than for show, even though he could probably laugh at Siegfried’s face and the prince would still run to him happily). And there was Siegfried, all wide eyes, unguarded smiles, so out of touch with anything he physically needed Wolfgang to hold his hand to take him here and there (at one moment pretty disturbing idea crossed my mind – how it would be easier for Wolfgang to just have a leash… I sincerely apologize for my brain, I’d like to say it’s not my fault, truly, but it most probably is.)
Honestly – it was far too easy for Wolfgang this time. This Siegfried believed him implicitly, without question, without doubt, completely, unreservedly, with everything he has, while having no idea, while being completely unaware of a single thing going on around him, not to mention with him. Their relationship was (or could have been) (sorry, inner child, remember) even more uncomfortable, with all those touches literally all over prince’s body – his bare neck, his chest, his arms, his hands, and yet there was anything remotely sexual (not even intimately intimate – if it makes sense) between them. Which was a good thing, because that would be pure child’s pornography…
In act 4, Francois‘ Rothbart was positively mad. Like cartoon villain mad. And it is so not for me… (give me Karl, please, give me all his performances, and if it’s too much, give me just his 4 acts, that’s all I would ever ask for, pretty, pretty, pretty please with the whole cherry tree on top)
 You know me (well you don’t, but you do in a way, which is terrifying and I hope you all have already come to terms with me have to kill you some day), I love looking for things, for meaning of this and that, analysing every tiny bit of one interaction between characters (i.e. overthinking everything and making up more and more insane theories) (this applies on ballet only, I’m literally unable to see anything that is not canon in literature/tv shows/films/whatever, so if I had the misfortune of stumble over fandom of one thing or another, I’m more often than not at loss for what the people are talking about, but that is probably just my own autism showing…) – but with this SL, this Siegfried, I had to try unreasonably hard to see something. And that’s simply wrong. The (over)analysing should be an outcome of pure need, that was brought into life by strong emotions you felt while watching something, it should come naturally. There should be no effort, no trying… It’s quite easy – heart, then mind. If there’s nothing in your heart in the first place, why bother your poor, overworked brain with it? While it probably doesn’t even exist. It doesn’t make sense.
  So to sum this whole SL up, here you have my ultimate conclusion:
Siegfried wasn’t just autistic, he had serious mental affliction. I mean, weren’t Wolfgang right sadistic bastard, he could tell Siegfried to jump out of window, be done with it and spare himself all the effort.
  And since it’s 3.30 AM again, I’m going to bed. To sleep. Not watching Siegfried variations when they were perfect and therefore the world still made sense… (God, it is I who have mental affliction!)
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lightvoices · 6 years
⇷ ⇷ ⇷
Send “⇷” to view a memory from my muse’s past life | ACCEPTING
☼ - He’s two years old when he has his first vision.
It’s nothing too dramatic.  The little blonde boy describes it as a plain filled with wheat, and it felt like a gentle, soothing presence was watching him, a soft hum filling the air.  But after talking to some doctors and child psychologists, his parents had come to one conclusion.
Their son was a Seer.
Little Vadim Nureyev had heard his parents talking, but all he knew was that they were moving far away from Moscow.  To meet another Seer, whatever that is.  His parents explained that he was special, chosen by the Traveler to guide humanity.  But the two-year-old didn’t quite understand.
All he knows is that he’s in a strange city, hearing a strange language, watching strange buildings go by the window of the car.  His baby brother Timur is sleeping soundly in the seat next to him.  His parents are talking back and forth in Tatar in the front seat, and he catches pieces of the conversation, but as they drive through the City, his eyes drift closed.
The next thing he knows he’s being picked up out of his carseat and his father is lifting him into his arms.  He makes a soft sound of protest, and his father smiles and hushes him softly, mumbling soothing words in Russian.
He lays his head against his father’s shoulder, almost drifting off to sleep again, before his mother’s voice cuts through the haze.  “Vadim, sweetheart,” she says in Russian, her voice soft, gentle.  “Wake up, honey.”
Vadim sits up in his father’s arms, blinking blearily.  They’re in a  clean, warm room with a few couches.  He’s held in his father’s arms, while his mother sits next to him, Timur held in a sling against her chest, her dark eyes gazing into his hazel ones.  He blinks, looking around, and for the first time notices the strange woman sitting across from them on another couch.
He buries his face into his father’s shoulder, and he hears the woman across from them laugh softly.  His mother makes a soft sound, and he feels her rubbing his back.  “Apologies,” she says to the stranger.  “He’s being rather shy.  Vadim, sweetheart, look at me.”
Raising his head, he looks up at his mother, and she touches his cheek gently, a fond smile on her face.  “Vadim, this is Lucia Vicario.  She’s going to be your mentor.”
He looks over to the strange woman - Lucia, blinking at and clinging to his father’s shirt.  She smiles softly, and stands, white robes flowing around her, and moves to kneel in front of Vadim and his family.
“Hello, Vadim.  It’s nice to finally meet you,” she says in fluent Russian, with only the hint of an accent.
Vadim glances at her warily.  “Hi…”
She holds out her hand.  “May I?”
“Go ahead, Vadim,” his father whispers.  “Take her hand.”
Turning around in his father’s arms, Vadim hesitantly reaches out a hand, and she envelops his tiny hand with both of hers.  He feels a jolt go through him, and he gasps.  “I can feel you,” he mumbles.  She feels cool, calm.  He stares at her wide-eyed as she smiles patiently at him.
“He’s strong,” Lucia says to his parents, and his mother leans forward.  “Stronger than I’ve ever felt.  He will be an excellent Seer.”
Vadim still doesn’t quite know what that means.
Lucia smiles at him, placing a hand on his cheek, and leans in to kiss his forehead.  “You’re going to do great things, little one.”
“Hey, Timur!”
The call draws his brother’s attention, and the dark haired boy looking at his brother with narrowed eyes.  Vadim runs over to him, nearly tripping on his skirt while he does.  Timur is sitting on a swing in the backyard of their Zürich home.  His young brother gets up and approaches when he calls him, throwing his black braid over his shoulder.
There is curiosity in ten-year-old Timur’s eyes as he observes twelve-year-old Vadim bouncing from foot to foot excitedly.  He raises a dark eyebrow at his over-excited sibling.  “You wanted to show me something?”
“Yeah!  Look what Lucia showed me how to do today!”  Vadim cradles his hands together, closing his eyes.  He draws on that spark inside him, drawing on his innate Light, and breathes deeply.
When he opens his eyes, Timur is staring at him with a shocked look.  There is a small flame cradled in Vadim’s hands.  He grins, holding it out, and Timur takes a step back from him, shaking his head.
“You’re…you’re holding fire,” his brother states blankly.
“Yes!  Isn’t it cool?!”
Timur laughs, shaking his head.  “You’re something else, Vadim.  It is pretty cool.  Just don’t go burning down the whole city with that fire.”
“What?  Just speaking the truth!”
And then their mother is calling them from the back door.  “Vadim, put that fire away!  You and Timur come inside, it’s time for dinner!”  Their little sister Yesfir is clinging to their mother’s leg, whining softly, and both brothers exchange an amused smile.  The mother picks their sister up and walks over, taking a moment to ruffle both boys’ hair.  Vadim accepts his fate, while Timur swats at their mother’s hands in protest.
“What am I going to do with you two?” their mother says with a shake of her head.  Vadim can only laugh softly as he follows her into the house.
“Seer Vadim.”  His mentor’s voice cuts through his thoughts.  The young adult had been idly thumbing through the pages of the book he was supposed to be reading.  Vadim winces slightly, hazel eyes flickering up to his mentor’s face.  She only calls him by his full title when she’s irritated with him.  Well, two can play at that game.
“Seer Lucia,” he replies matter of factly, and she raises a brown eyebrow at him before snatching the book out of his hands and smacking him in the head with it.
“Hey!” he protests, voice almost a whine, pressing a hand to his head where she hit him, fingers tangling in his long blonde hair.  “What was that for?”
“To make sure you were paying attention,” Lucia replies wryly, a smirk on her features.  She’s a lot older than him, at least 90 to his 26, but she doesn’t look any older than her late 30′s.  Thank the Traveler for their extended lifespans.  “Have you been recording your visions in your journal?”
“Yes, Lucia,” he replies with a sigh.  He’s had this lecture from her many times.  “I haven’t really had many, as of late.”
She snorts.  “Good.  At least you were paying attention to that.”
“Are you implying I have an idle mind?”  He crosses his arms, smoothing the white of his robes, similar to the ones all Seers wear, and stares at her.
“I am implying you have as of late.  What’s on your mind, Vadim?  Have you seen something that you haven’t recorded?”  Lucia takes a seat across from him, concern suddenly written on her features.  “You can tell me, you know.  You are my apprentice - it is my job to help you, and to help you interpret the visions the Traveler has gifted us.”
Vadim hesitates, avoiding her gaze for a moment. It does no good, for he can feel her concern through his limited connection to the Light.  It takes him a bit to gather his thoughts, before he speaks.
“I am standing in a lush field of flowers, the sun is high in the sky and I can hear birdsong.  There is life all around me.  But there’s a black line in the distance.  As I move towards it the sky grows darker, the plants more sparse, the birdsong more distant, until I am walking across bare dirt and rock and the world has fallen silent save for the howling of the wind,” he starts hesitantly.  Lucia’s face has gone from mildly interested to concerned, and she nods for him to continue.
“I keep going until I reach the edge of a cliff.  It’s dark, there is no moon in the sky.  Even the stars have gone out.  There is no life to be seen anywhere.  I walk to the edge and look over into darkness that is darker than the night.  Sudden cold overcomes me, and I try to back away but it’s like I’m frozen.  And as I look down into the darkness, it seems that something is looking back…”  His voice trails off, and his eyes flicker up to Lucia hesitantly.
Lucia looks very troubled.  “If you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back at you..” she mumbles.  “This is extremely troubling.  I will have to converse with the other Seers about this.”  She stands quickly, before moving to the other side of the table, leaning down to press a kiss to Vadim’s forehead, like she used to when he was a child, and he offers a hesitant smile.  “Thank you for telling me, Vadim.  This could be far more important than any of us realize.”
Vadim nods numbly, watching her disappear into an adjacent room, furiously typing on her datapad.  And he can’t help but wonder what exactly he’s seen.
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floral--disaster · 6 years
Cecil Kanagawa and Juno Steel for the character ask meme??
Cecil!favorite thing about them - I like how extra he is! I think hes a lot more complex than first meets the eye and I appreciate that? I really like, when I was first listening to 2m2m which was my first episode, in my head I was hyping him up to be a super masc and dark, brooding character and I appreciate how he defies convention!least favorite thing about them - Tbh, I wish he got a bit more screentime/development. I'm also not a big fan of OG MM's Cecil, he's not the Cecil I fell in love with I guess? He's a lot less out there and a lot more reservedfavorite line - the whole "I'm making you a star, baby" thing, also "I THOUGHT JUNEBUG WAS FINALLY GOING TO BE ON MY SHOWWW" brOTP - just, let him and Cass get along and be happy - also Cecil and Juno and I like the idea of he and Nureyev being friends in another lifeOTP - I don't? Ship him with anyonenOTP - I mean? I guess Juno and Cecil? I don't mind it much but if I had to pick onerandom headcanon - He taught Cass most of what she knows makeup wiseunpopular opinion - He's! Such a complex character! And I love him! Give him all the gd validation! He would die for validation!song i associate with them - Tiffany Blews - Fall Out Boyfavorite picture of them - I really like @spectral-sketch's design of him!Juno!favorite thing about them - casually calling himself a lady, his recent development (!!!!), tbh just how well rounded and developed he isleast favorite thing about them - He! Needs! To! Learn! Self! Care!favorite line - "wow. Miasma ate a lot of soup."brOTP - Rita and Juno, Buddy and Juno, Cass and JunoOTP - Jupeter!!!nOTP - I guess Juno and Cecil if I had to pick? Also Ramses and Juno BC I've seen like. A vvv small minority shipping thatrandom headcanon - He, Peter and Rita eventually have self care Saturdays where they get face masks and cheesy movies and just, relax (yo, discord how are y'all)unpopular opinion - this! lady! is! the! biggest! sub! (Idk if that's unpopular but)song i associate with them - at the minute? Passiona by The Smith Street Band or 27 by Fall Out Boyfavorite picture of them - @spicybruha 's Juno tbh, I stan
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melody-pendras · 7 years
hey kids!!!!!!! who’s ready for a jupeter high school au!!!!! i know i am!!!!
Peter Nureyev had only been in Hyperion City for a week, and already Juno was infatuated. Was it Peter’s enigmatic atmosphere, far too confident for a kid who’d moved schools halfway through senior year? Was it his elegant, quick hands? Was it the look in his eye as he smiled from afar at Juno sometimes, like he knew how Juno felt and felt the same way? It didn’t matter. Juno was hooked.
Juno was lying dramatically on the ground behind the school, using his disgusting trench coat as a picnic blanket between him and the grass. (Rita always offered to share her gingham red-and-white one with him. He always refused. He had an aesthetic to uphold.)
“Why does he have to be so goddamn pretty?” Juno said, covering his face with his arm.
“I don’t know. Why don’cha talk tah him?” Rita said, flipping the page of her thrift store romance novel.
Juno sighed and rolled over onto his face. As if someone like Peter would ever want to talk to him. Juno was just some kid who’d lived in Hyperion all his life, and Peter was so…Peter.
They sat like that for a little while, Rita reading, Juno moping. Suddenly, she gasped.
“Juno! JUNO!! Look!! It’s HIM!” she said, elbowing Juno repeatedly. He looked up and saw Peter Nureyev walking towards them.
He scrambled up and tried to look like he’d just woken up from a nap. It wasn’t difficult, considering the bags under his eyes.
“May I sit with you, ladies?” Peter said, eyes sparkling, looking only at Juno.
“Sure,” said Juno, trying to look like he didn’t care that much. It didn’t work.
It’s been a couple of months. It was the last day of school before spring break, and Juno Steel had detention. Five unexcused absences were punished with silent lunch. Ten unexcused absences were punished with an after-school detention. Juno had skipped class one too many times. It would be okay, though. An hour in purgatory was a good exchange for ten days out of a much louder, bigger, hell. And hell— it was peaceful. The teacher supervising was reading in the corner, his phone facedown on the table in front of him. Juno studied him (he was sitting sideways in the chair, facing the door, as if he was ready to bolt, which was interesting) before pulling open his backpack to take out the romance novel Rita had loaned to him at the last second. It was quiet. The only sound in the room was the ticking of the clock. (The teacher didn’t even flip the pages on his book; he was staring at the door.)
Then that door opened and Peter Nureyev walked in.
Juno’s heart started pounding. Peter smiled at him and walked to the seat next to Juno.
“Sorry I’m late, sir,” he said to the teacher.
The teacher looked up for a second, startled out of his trance. “What? Oh. It’s all right.”
Peter opened his mouth to speak again, but the teacher’s phone rang loudly. He sprang to his feet and snatched it off his desk. “Oh! It’s my wife! She’s having our baby, finally, thank God. Can I leave you boys here?”
Peter smiled. “But of course! Give your wife my congratulations.”
The teacher walked quickly towards the door. He paused at the threshold. “Have a wonderful spring break,” he said. As the door closed, his quick footsteps made a discordant rhythm with Juno’s heartbeat until he was out of earshot.
Peter, still standing, casually leaned on his arm on Juno’s desk and looked over his shoulder seductively. “So, Juno,” he said. “We’re alone.”
Juno couldn’t focus with Peter’s lean arm right there like that. How awful. He may as well have been a character in that book Rita let him borrow. He broke his stare and reached down to zip up his backpack. “I’m going home.”
Peter reached out and put his hand on Juno’s. Juno froze. “Why leave so soon, Juno? We have the whole school to ourselves and we have plenty of time.” He laced his fingers between Juno’s.
Juno couldn’t think about anything other than Peter’s long, elegant fingers against his palm. His stomach did flips.
“Come on,” Peter said, pulling Juno away from his desk and out into the hallway. Juno wanted to ask where they were going, but he couldn’t think. He’d pined after Peter for months. And now it was just the two of them. And he didn’t know what the hell Peter wanted. But he definitely knew that he wanted Peter.
They arrived at the auditorium. Peter turned on a spotlight and led Juno to the stage. Softly, he let go of Juno’s hand, their fingers lingering for just a second before contact was broken. He walked backstage, leaving Juno freaking out on the proscenium.
When he came back, Juno thought he could hear his heart stop. Peter looked…incredible. When was the last time Juno really, really stared at him this close? They were within arms’ reach now.
Peter sat down on the edge of the stage and looked out over the empty seats. Carefully, Juno sat down next to him, just close enough that their knees graze a little.
Peter put his hand on the floor between them and looked into Juno’s eyes. Juno could barely keep eye contact.
“Do you know why I got detention, Juno?” Peter said softly.
It took Juno a second to wrap his mind around words again. (There were other things his mind was wrapping itself around.) Still, he couldn’t manage anything coherent.
Peter smiled and broke eye contact. He removed his hand from its position next to Juno’s thigh and used it to open his jacket. He reached into the pocket and pulled out a pearl necklace. “I stole this from the principal,” he said.
“Oh,” said Juno. Goddamn it! Why couldn’t he think of anything more flirtatious or suave or— hell— coherent?
Peter started to undo the clasp on the necklace. “But, detective, do you know why I stole it?”
Juno felt like he was in a dream. He watched Peter’s hands undo the lobster clasp, the long peach-painted nails catching the sliver of metal.
“I stole it for you, Juno. Come here.”
He leaned in and reached around Juno, his head brushing against Juno’s ear, his hands grazing the back of Juno’s neck as he fastened the necklace again. Juno’s only thoughts were about how close Peter was. And the fact that he cared enough to steal something just for Juno. Which made no sense.
“You stole this…for me?”
“Yes, Juno. I knew you would have detention today, so I planned a crime that was sure to land me in there with you. I just happened to obtain a gift for you along the way. Killed two birds with one stone, as it were.” He leaned back and smiled. Juno looked down at the necklace.
“But…why…me? Why would someone like you EVER care about someone like me??” He started to raise his volume unintentionally. “You’re— you’re so much better than me! Why the hell would you— I’m just some kid who’s lived in Hyperion City his whole goddamn life! I’m not worth your time!”
Peter’s eyes melted into concern. “Is that what you think, Juno? That you’re…beneath me?”*
Juno looked away. “I’m not good enough for you, Nureyev. You’re— you’re the stars, and I’m…so much less than that.” He sighed. “I just don’t get why you’re doing this.”
“Juno…” Peter stopped and touched Juno’s wrist. “I’m doing this because I like you, you idiot.” Juno froze.
Peter put his hand on the side of Juno’s face and leaned in to kiss him. It was soft and sweet.
“Oh,” said Juno.
PS: they become sappy boyfriends. Peter gives Juno roses all the time and Juno has polaroids of him attached to his walls. They’re on the phone all the time. And guess what!! No sad hotel room scenes!!!
(* i mean... yea lol)
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theradioghost · 8 years
eternalgirlscout replied to your post: to throw my two late cents into the discussion,...
another point to Ravenclaw Nureyev: so much of his drive to keep moving is rooted in wonder. He genuinely loves the universe, wants to see and know and appreciate as much as possible. As a Ravenclaw with a healthy sense of awe, that really resonates with me.
Angel of Brahma/Baby!Nureyev was motivated by ambition, maybe. Present day Nureyev’s drives are all so very wonderstruck and Ravenclaw. This boy is just so very much in love with seeing and doing everything!
(Not to mention the way he lives his loves; the way he looks at Juno Steel and sees a field of brand new stars in which to map constellations, a riddle as wonderful in the pleasure of getting to solve it as in the beauty of its solution, a person who makes the whole universe look new and exciting all over again in brand new ways. What a very Ravenclaw way of falling in love. I love him.)
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