#nya stays because she feels responsible for keeping everyone safe
fishybehavior · 10 months
I have ideas that are stuck in my head
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fluffyk97 · 3 years
Basic backstories, setup and just few little things about Werewolf Cole Au. A synopsis if you will?
There's no elemental powers, Overlord, Zane isn't a nindroid, etc. Just basically a regular world with small real myths such as Werewolves.
Werewolf wolf forms aren't humanoid, but really are just big 6ft tall wolves.
Kai and Nya do live in a house near the woods and their parents were never kidnapped so they were raised by them. However they both are in a line of work that has them not home most of the time.
Kai & Nya found Lloyd on the streets being bullied from other kids. Kai immediately couldn't stand it and stepped in. When asked where Lloyd lived so they could take him, Lloyd said he didn't have one.
After a long video call later, and a quick visit by Maya, Lloyd was able to be adopted into their family and enroll in school under the name Lloyd Smith.
Kai is 20, Nya is 18, Lloyd is 14, Cole is 21, Jay is 18, Zane is 23, Pixal is 22, Skylor is 21. Excluding Cole till later, they're just a big friend group.
Kai is trying to find a good College to get into while working at Skylor and her Mother's small Noodle Shop. There is no Chen because I said so.
Skylor and Kai used to date in Highschool, but found to be better friends instead and now are just close friends.
Jay & Nya are in highschool Senior Year, and are together.
Zane & Pixal was friends with them in highschool, but now are in College together. Also a couple, and they love to visit when they can and video chat.
Lloyd is in Middle School. He's managed to make few friends there but his best friends are his adopted siblings, their friends, and his adopted cat, Meowthra.
Cole was childhood friends with Jay back in another town until one day him, his father and mother had to suddenly move out without a word to anyone. So to Jay, his childhood friend just one day disappeared.
There are Werewolf Hunters after them.
Cole gets his wolf side from Lily.
Lily doesn't pass away when he was younger, but is sick. Lou moves them to the Town where the gang are, hearing about how it's nice and close to some woods, good clean air, and he did some digging and saw nothing about Hunters being in the town because the Forest and its wildlife are supposed to be protected.
Cole is trying to figure out what to do for his mother and always goes out to the woods at night to let himself be a wolf, especially because he doesn't have complete control of his transformation like Lily.
Unfortunately Hunters did follow them.
The Hunters one day went to eat at the Noodle Shop and talked about going hunting in the Woods. Kai overheard, and he knows the Woods are not to be hunted in. Kai tried leaving a voicemail to Skylor but his phone unfortunately died mid message. He wasn't sneaky enough about it and the Hunters did notice.
At the end of his shift, locking up the Noodle Shop, Kai is jumped by the Hunters so they don't have a goody goody try and ruin their hunt.
Kai managed to get away and did run off into the woods, hoping to lead them off his tail, not find their way to his house, while also hoping to manage to get home through the woods.
Kai of course loses the Hunters, but unfortunately his ankle did get sprained pretty bad and he stops to sit against a tree once he's sure he's safe.
That's when Cole finds him after smelling some of his blood.
Kai never heard of any reports of wolves in the woods, especially none that are 6ft tall. So understandably, Kai freezes up in fear while also knowing he wouldn't get anywhere if he tried.
Cole approaches, luckily just have hunted something himself so Kai's blood doesn't affect his hunter instincts too much.
Cole slowly approaches Kai before licking his wounds. He turns Kai around and grabs him by the back of his jacket, carrying him off to his little den he set up for when he's out in the woods.
Kai freaks out and is about to yell before he hears the distant sound of a Jeep driving through the woods which leads him to shut up in fear its the hunters.
This also has Cole rush to the den.
The den is set up with a large bedroll, campfire and few other necessities because Cole goes to it when he's a human as well. It surprises Kai, but he doesn't complain when the big wolf sets him down and carries over a first aid kit.
Even after patching himself up, Kai still can't get up, but it seems the Wolf in front of him basically saved him and maybe has an owner. Plus, out of fear of running into the hunters, he decides okay he'll stay for the night.
Cole does notice Kai starts shivering when trying to sleep, so he goes over to offer some warmth. Kai while uneasy with a big wolf next to him, accepts it, not wanting to risk going against it and it is nice.
This leads to both of them falling asleep and Cole completely forgetting he's going to change back in the morning.
So Kai wakes up being hugged by this large shirtless man. His screaming wakes Cole up, leading him to screaming as well as the scramble to get apart.
The den is surprisingly close to Kai's house, so as Nya is about to head out on her bike to find out why Kai didn't come home last night, she hears him screaming in the woods.
After the screaming stops, Kai and Cole stare at each other. Kai in complete bewilderment, glancing around for that wolf from last night unaware it was Cole. Cole meanwhile is frozen, slapping himself mentally for some reason helping this random stranger as a wolf and not thinking about him turning back in the morning.
Nya calls out for Kai though, drawing his attention away from Cole and allowing him a moment to slip away.
Kai after realizing he was left alone, decides to get up, limping out of the den to call out to Nya.
Kai is brought home and his wounds are more properly treated. A call to Skylor to look out for the guys that jumped Kai and to let her know what's up.
Kai tells the story about the Wolf. Lloyd gets excited wanting to find a big nice Wolf himself, but Nya quickly dismisses it to it most likely just being a dream passing out in the woods. Hoping to delude Lloyd from going and searching the woods for said Wolf, while also not believing it herself.
Kai is basically forced to stay home till they know the Hunters aren't going to go after him again, and to heal up his ankle.
Kai keeps thinking about that night while during his little house arrest, and even dreams of the man he woke up next to, turning into the 6ft Wolf that helped him.
One night when he's okay to walk again and Nya is at Jay's house with Lloyd to help him study, and for a little sleepover, Kai sneaks out back to the woods, finding the den again and hopes to come across the Wolf again.
Cole wanders in as a wolf and freezes noticing Kai waiting for him. He was no different from Kai, constantly thinking about the other in numerous ways since their encounter.
Cole unfortunately wasn't so prepared for another meeting and turns to run away, but finds himself freezing when Kai cries out "Wait!"
Kai slowly approaches Cole.
"You can understand me, can't you?" Cole looks Kai in the eyes and nods to Kai's slight surprise.
"Are you that guy I woke up next to?" Cole whines in response, in fear of Kai knowing.
"It's okay! I... well its little weird to think about, but... wow I was actually right? Haha, I don't know how to feel about this, but I won't go ratting you out don't worry!" Cole's ears perk up in surprise.
That's when the familiar sound of a Jeep reaches both their ears. Smelling the air, Cole whines, recognizing the smell of Hunters, moving to turn and run again, but Kai stops him again.
Kai offers and brings Cole back to his house to help hide him. Cole feels like he should reject, and not trust so easily, but he finds himself following Kai easily.
That's when Kai walks in with Cole, ducking through the back door and see Nya and Lloyd who just got home because the sleep over got cancelled.
After a lot of panic and explaining later, Nya agrees to help out Cole, wanting more explaining from him if Kai saying him turning into a human is true.
Lloyd is very excited to see such a big wolf and starts talking to Cole a lot. It surprises Cole, but he also finds it enjoyable to see a kid so excited to actually see him like this after growing up and being told by Lou he should never show his secret to anyone.
Lloyd does bring Meowthra to Cole, and while Kai and Nya were expecting the usual Cat vs Dog or this case, Wolf, Meowthra surprisingly really likes Cole and they get along fine.
Lloyd helps Kai give food to Cole once they hear the wolf's tummy growl.
The next morning, Cole wakes up in the living room as human and he does explain what he is. Pleading for the trio of siblings to not say anything, especially after he smelled Hunters and learned they're the ones who hurt Kai. They of course agree to the promise.
This starts the cycle of Cole coming over some nights as a Wolf and staying the night.
Cole is excited to talk to people again after being on the run and being hidden for so long and a nice distraction from worrying about his mother.
Kai finds himself wanting to spend more and more time with Cole until he realizes he's actually falling in love with a werewolf.
Overtime the rest of the friend group also accidentally learn about Cole but agree to keep the secret. Jay especially being really happy to see his childhood friend again and getting an explanation why he disappeared so long ago.
Kai find himself talking a lot about Cole to his siblings and Skylor. Cole does the same to Jay about Kai.
Of course they do confess at some point. Or basically forced to by everyone.
Cole keeps all this a secret from Lou because his father has grown to always have a constant worry of his son and wife being hurt because their Wolf sides. He talks to Lily about everyone though when he thinks she's asleep, but she does hear it all and is happy to hear her son is happy. She doesn't tell Lou until Cole is ready.
Cole is a clingly bf when him and Kai are together, being very touch starved from only having his mom & dad for so long. Kai loves attention, so it works out perfectly.
Cole as a wolf will sometimes just pick up Kai to bring him t lay down with and enjoy cuddles. When human, he loves to come up from behind for a hug.
Kai brought Cole to work one day and Cole fell in love with the food there ofc.
When Cole first ate cake around the others, he was a wolf and they did immediately get scared with mindset of chocolate bad for dogs. Morning came and Cole reassured he was fine and is still okay to eat anything he can as a human, as a wolf.
Cole does still struggle with gaining control of his transformation but that mainly affects to him turning into a wolf every night. Lily can turn into a wolf anytime she wants.
However sometimes Cole finds himself losing to his wolf instincts and needs to hunt or gets hostile.
First time Cole loses himself as a wolf he is hostile, but Kai slowly approaches him, treating it like he would for Lloyd when he has panic attacks, and brings Cole out of it. Mostly succeeding to get close because Cole smells his own scent on Kai.
They all do try and pitch in to find a way to help Lily, and stop the Hunters.
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shabre-legacy · 4 years
Looking Back
Tyrenic stepped away from the SIS agent and stared out at the Mantellian skyline. He hadn’t been here in so  long. The memories were crashing against the feelings of the planet. The pain, and fear and hate and suffering that were part of the landscape for any Jedi in a war zone was everywhere. It hadn’t always been this way. That was part of what made it so painful, he could remember when this planet had felt warm and safe. When he couldn’t sense everything the people suffered here. 
Shelerik and T7 were next to him, Shelerik had been waiting when he’d returned from the imperial stronghold. The agent said he’d been waiting there for awhile, led a few rattled soldiers through a meditation and sent them to their missions calmed and focused. Hopefully, it would help them. 
He felt a strong hand land on his shoulder as he stared, lost in his memories. He needed to do this. It had haunted him for too long and Force knows how long it would be until he could make it back to the planet. He heard T7 chirp next to him. The droid had become a trusted member of his team, maybe even a friend.  “Head back to the ship, get Kira and prepare to head out. I’m sure the general has more that we need to accomplish urgently. I have some things to take care of, I’ll be there soon.” 
T7 let out a quick and quiet stream of binary. “Jedi sure? Jedi - T7=safe?”
 Nic looked down at him. “I’m sure T7. I’ll be fine, I just have some personal business to take care of.” 
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Shelerik kneel down and place a hand on T7 “Please go on ahead. Find Kira. I need to talk to Knight Shabre for a moment. I’ll be along soon. Wait at the ship please.” Shelerik smoothly rose to his feet as the astromech chirped his agreement and rolled away toward the spaceport. Nic was always impressed by how easily Shel could move his bulk. He was tall and broad and seemed like he shouldn’t be able to move with the grace he did and it was always interesting to see how he interacted with much smaller beings like T7 or like Kira.
 He hadn’t missed the way Shelerik seemed to look a bit longer than necessary or spend a bit more time than he might normally talking to her. He was careful though, they were Jedi and though there were few years between them in age, Shelerik was a Knight and Kira still a padawan. Shel seemed aware of that and was keeping a proper distance, though a little chat between them couldn’t hurt.
 It was also interesting how around T7 and Kira and others, they were still so formal. often referring to each other as Knight Shabre or Knight Coro, occasionally shifting to Knight Tyrenic and Knight Shelerik instead. It helped to differentiate between on duty and off duty time. Not that there was much of an off duty time. You were always a Jedi, whether actively engaged in the duties and business of the order or not. And, ok, maybe they were still kind of proud of finally passing their trials.
Another set of fighters streaking across the sky drew his attention back to the present. 
“You’re going back there, aren’t you?” Shel had stepped next to him barely noticed and spoken in Mirialan. It was a bit of a surprise. Both were fluent in it, but like many of the order they spoke either pure basic, or basic mixed with what remnants of Dai Bendu they still had, the majority of the time. It was rare for them to speak Mirialan unless they were with other Mirialans. It wasn’t their first language after all. Tyrenic learned basic first and Shel had told him that his first few words had been in High Sith, before learning basic at the temple. Mirialan did give them at least slightly more privacy then they otherwise might have had though, and that was appreciated, if a bit more awkward. No one would stare though. Their people were known to be a bit private and Jedi were as well. He could speak freely.
He sighed again. “I have to, Shel. I need to face it.”
Shel gently pulled at his arm ‘til he faced him. “It was not your fault. You were a child. You were not there. It is not a failure of yours. You need to let go. Remember our code.” 
Tyrenic nodded “There is no emotion, there is peace. I know Shel. But I can’t let it go. I’ve been trying. It’s the only part of my past I haven’t faced. My sisters died there, my mother almost died there. The only reason I didn’t was because Knight Riqr took me away three days before the attack. I have to go to Krosstoen. I need to face it as much as I needed to face the Coruscant Temple.” 
This time Shel sighed. “You’re not going to change your mind, are you?”
He shook his head. He needed this closure. 
“Alright then Nic, lead the way.”
“Wait, what, you’re not coming. I didn’t ask you to..?”
“Tyrenic, you are not only my brother in the order, but one of my oldest friends. You don’t have to face this alone. Also it’s not safe to travel alone, even for a Jedi as good as you and I know you don’t want Kira seeing you break down and sob and scream... AGAIN. You’re supposed to being a good example after all.”
That almost got a laugh. “And I want you to see that?”
“I saw you after Coruscant and Leshlaa got reassigned. I know how ugly your crying is, you can’t impress me anymore.”
“Alright my friend, alright.” Tyrenic was not surprised that his friend chose to visit his childhood home with him, but he was grateful. He stepped over to the speeder droid and arranged for them to head to the mainland. Krosstoen wasn’t a sight of much fighting anymore, so they shouldn’t have too many issues. 
The journey was quick. Krosstoen wasn’t that far from the coast. And the shuttle they were using was very fast. Almost too soon they saw the ruins and, parking the shuttle near the ashes of the front gate, the men climbed out and walked into the small village. 
The buildings were in shambles, doors ripped off hinges, collapsed roofs, some burned completely. There were still bloodstains on some of the stone, even almost 2 decades later. Tyrenic wandered silently, the fear and the pain that was still held in the force here a twisted symphony that he couldn’t block out. The screams so loud, he could almost hear them. The village was small, it had only a few dozen houses, so it didn’t take long to reach the remains of his old house. He stood there staring. Only the door frame and one wall remained standing. A few broken pieces of furniture. The chest that his mother had never allowed them to touch sat open and broken. “This is it. I lived here for years. I think we moved from somewhere else before my sisters were born. I don’t have any memories, only a feeling that we lived somewhere else once.” 
Shelerik nodded “I don’t remember life before the order. I guess there’s a certain age that you start to remember things. The only impression I have of the time before is pain and yelling. You have your mother and your sisters. That sounds like a good start.”
Nic had to smile. They’d compared memories before, but he rarely went into detail. “There were the four of us. I was always trying to help everyone play, Nya would usually follow the rules, if she didn’t then she either stayed so close to them she couldn’t get in trouble or she’d have a good reason. Nat and Kael though. The youngest two were trouble makers. Nat was a bit closer to Nya though, protective and always ready to fight. Leikael, the youngest, was chaos. Always finding something to do that would send the rest of us into a panic, usually dragging Nat with her. I remember one time when some of the bigger kids were picking on one of her friends, she somehow rallied the rest of us and we all got in this massive fight. Half the kids on the street got in on it. We won though. Mom was upset, but also seemed proud. Told us we were risking our place, and everything she’d risked for us. We never did that again that I can remember. “ 
He’d moved over and placed a hand on the doorframe. 
Shelerik laughed at his story and continued watching his back. Shel was the best friend he could ask for, giving him this time. He noticed a small broken frame and picked it up. There behind the broken transparisteel was a flimsiplast portrait of him, his mother and sisters. Taken a few days before he’d gone to train as a Jedi. That was the last fragment of pain he could take and he broke screaming into the mantellian wind as he sobbed. 
Just as in the Jedi Temple, Shelerik stepped to his side and rested a hand on his shoulder and the other on his saber, facing away and letting Tyrenic cry while he kept watch for anyone trying to attack them. 
After a few minutes, Nic started to come to himself. He pulled back and shifting began his meditations. “There is no emotion, there is peace.” He repeated the mantra, the first line of his code over and over slowly. Letting it’s meaning sink into him. This emotion was powerful, but understood. He had an attachment to those he loved, and their lose hurt. ‘There is no death, there is the force.” His sisters were part of the Force now. His mother injured for life. And it was all his fault. 
“There is no emotion. There is peace.” It wasn’t his fault. He’d been seven years old. He’d been in transit to Coruscant. He’d had no training. Even if he’d been here, how could he have helped? He could have done something. Riqr or another Jedi could have done something. They had to have sensed it coming. 
“There is no emotion, there is peace.” Riqr would have believed any prompting of the Force as referring to the war, which would have gone to the bigger cities or the forts. Not a small village in the middle of nowhere. He was not at the time able to do anything. The response had been the best it could be. It wasn’t his fault. It wasn’t his orders fault. His sisters were at peace and his mother had care. Nyaisa was as safe as a soldier could be with her training. 
And as those thoughts settled into his bones. As the repetition revealed no new information and he began to believe himself, he was able to find peace. The pain was still there, he would likely always feel it. And it would always be amplified by being here where the pain of others was so loud. And he still felt some guilt, but he understood it to be nothing more than uncontrolled pain and fear. But he could handle it. The pain and guilt and grief no longer overwhelmed him. It could no longer control him. The teachings he held so tightly too had again served him well. He reached up and squeezed Shel’s hand in thanks before rising to his feet. Folding the flimsiplast, he tucked it into his robes and stepped away from the place that was no longer any kind of home. 
As they moved through the ashes, Tyrenic noticed something gleaming slightly under a broken beam. He stepped over and fished it out, staring at it in confusion. A Mandalorian helmet? What was that doing here? The reports hadn't mentioned any mandalorians, not one. It wasn't a Mandalorian or Imperial attack. And based on what he knew, they'd never leave their helmets behind. If one had been arrested or killed, the reports would have said so. He heard his name and turned to see Shel holding a pauldron, he turned it and there etched into the metal and lingering in traces of paint was the mythasaur skull. Another piece of Mandalorian armor where it was not supposed to be. He took the pauldron and dropped both pieces into the small pack he'd brought with him. "I'll look into this later. Let's get back."
The Jedi took in the ruined town one last time before starting back. They still had a mission, and a Padawan to train, because they were totally ready for that responsibility. It wasn’t like they’d been Padawans themselves very recently. The Sith wouldn’t stop until they destroyed the galaxy, so there wasn’t room for second guessing or delaying a Padawan’s training for a Master’s mission. There was still work to be done and duties to fulfill. They would be ready, no matter what was thrown at them next.
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jannabbb · 4 years
Happy Birthday, Valerie
may everything happy
and everything bright,
be Yours on your birthday
from morning till night
and then through the year
may the same thing hold true
so that each day is filled
with life's best thing for you
may your all wishes and dreams came true,
and your future always shine,
you glow, you shine the light of Christ,
keep fighting for God's calling in your life
written by Arabella
Happy Birthday Bayeeee! Patangkad kana ha pero okey na den naman height mo cute hehe. Bawasan naden pagiging mainitin ulo, smilee lang lagi :)) Alam ko minsan naiinis ka na den sa pagiging nega ko pero thank u kase ur always there when I need someone to listen to and mostly when I cry??? HAHAHHAHA jk. Malapit na ko humiwalay sa inyo ni janna gawa ng shs pero hope to enjoy my last year with uu and bugers. Tsaka after covid ah simba tayong tatlo hehe. Wish ko matupad mo lahat ng dreams mo at maging succesful ka sooooon! God will always guide u, miss u and love uu baby shark!!
written by Ivan
To me valerie is kind and quiet person and she is so adorable I wish she grow few more centimeters. Happy Birthday!!!
written by Shayne
Happy Birthday Valerie! MISS U BEBE KO. Patangkad ka hehehehe joke cute nga yon e. May the Lord be your blessings and more birthday to come. Kahit di na us masyado nakakapag-usap, I'm still here kung may problems ka or whatever sa life HAHA. Ayun, I wish you the best things in life. You deserve the world. I miss you. Stay safe palagi and stay healthy. Stay positive rin (pero wag sa COVID) enjoy the rest of the day. Hope to see you soon!
written by Andreahna
We’ve been best friends for a long time now Im blessed to know that Im able to call you my bestfriend even though we’ve had arguments in the past HAHAHAH and Tbh, Im so grateful for our friendship co’z one of the hardest things is to find true and loyal friends, that’s why I feel so lucky to have a bestfriend like uu vaye! Thank you for always being there for me through the good times and the bad times I really appreciate it and of course if u need someone to talk to, Im always here for u:) miss ko na kayo ni bugings hope makapag bonding tayo soon! Enjoy your day luv u always vaye, WE STAYING BFFs NO MATTER WHAT!
written by Zyvene
Happy Birthday Valerie! Malapit na ulit magpasukan alam mo na wag mo akong kalimutang idamay sa mga sagot mo at sana payagan ka na tuwing may mga gala laging magbabait. More kopya to come HAHAHAHA Mbtc! Ingat kayo!
written by Jessica
Si bayee ano yan mabait yan tahimik lang minsan tas luka luka din HAHAHAHA tas pag may mga gagawin pag di ko gets tatanungin ko jan di din niya gets iba HAHAHAHA tas pag nag aaya mag among us pag napatay yan chinachat sakin kung sino yon HAHAHAHA
Happy Birthdayyy Bayee! Patangkad na ikaw HAHAHAHA char miss uu na gala na uli tayo pag pede naa. Pag may problem ka dini lang kami ha. Enjoy ur day loveuu God bless!
written by Tyrone
Hii bayeee! Happy Happy Birthday hehe stay kind pretty humble! Ano pa ba haha pakabait mong kaklase Haha akala mo tahimik tas pag tumawa e hanggang oval korni haha jk basta ako yung makakatuluyan ni kim jojo ako yung pinili nya abangan mo sa season 2 haha basta happy happy birthdayy enjoy your day bayee gotchuuu Godbless uu!
written by Marcko
Happy Birthday Bayeee!! Godbless, Stay Healthy and Mbtc!!! (simplicity is beauty)
written by Angel
Hello bayeee! Happy birthday!🥳 Thank you for being a good friend and classmate. You're one of my close friend in room, I guess hahaha. You are kind and lovely person so just stay in that personality. Ang wish ko para sayo sana matupad mo yung mga pangarap mo. I also wish for your health. Just study smart and always work hard to achieve your future plans and goals. I believe na matutupad mo den yung mga pangarap mo sa pagpa-fan girling mo someday. Just keep believing in yourself and always be happy. I'll wish for your success in life! Sana naging mabait na kaibigan den ako sayo hahaha. Happy Birthday bayeee! Enjoy your day!
written by Francis
Happy birthday Valerie! Salamat sa pagiging mabait. Wish ko wag ka magbabago kahit may lovelife na ako.
written by Jason
Happy Birthday Valerie! Napakabait mo at napakacheerful! Ang wish ko para sayo matupad wish mo, wag ka mag-alala sa height mo tatangkad ka rin (siguro)
written by Ashley
Si Vaye kasii yung klase ng friend na kabait minsan tas minsan luka luka kapag may prob ka magtatanong yan kung okay lang ba or may prob ganurn tapos lagi niya ko niyaya mag among us HAHAHAHA
Happpyy birthdayyy Vayee! Yun sana tumangkad na ikaw kahit konti charr lab kita lagi. If need mo ng friend, dito lang me enjoy your day godbless loveuu mwahh
written by Sammantha
Si Valerie? Ano apaka liit magsulat kahirap kumopya WHAHAHAHAH joke lang mabait si baye maliit din.
Hi Baye HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAYYY!! enjoy your day babes matangkad ka na ba ha? Char WHAHAHHAA wag lalabas haa mag ingat palagi. Happy birthday ulit MBTC!
written by Sher-Ann
Hi Valerie, happy happy birthdayyy. Enjoy your day. Sana tumangkad ka na hehe. Love youuuu
written by Kaye
Si vaye? Super responsible na tropa as in then napaka bait ang ganda ganda pa. Full package na si vaye ihhhh. Sana sana eh stay mabait lang lalo na sa akin HAHAHAHHA. Atsaka, HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! DITO LANG ME PALAGI, GOT URR BACK. LOVEUUUUUU
written by Jelaine
Valerie is that type of friend who's very observant and sensitive in a good way. She's that type who'd notice if someone's upset or someone's having a bad day. She knows where she stands. She's strong. I noticed, she won't cry as long as she can endure it. And I really admire her for that. Honestly, she's the only friend whom I considered as my family. I mean, I've been a stray all my life, I've been depressed and suicidal. And everytime I'll feel down, I was actually looking for a friend or just a random person who'd ask me if I was okay. And I found it in Valerie. She might not remember it or she might think that it's just a question but it really made a deep impact on me. That simple 'okay ka lang?' save me from suiciding. It made me realize that there are still people who cares. Who notices, and that I'm not alone. That simple question made me realize that I gotta help myself for Valerie. That I gotta survive for her. If I'd surrender then that means I'll leave her behind too. So thank u bayeeee. Omooo don't mind what I said hihi, I guess I'm still the same old cry baby Jelaineee. But yeah, thank u! And happy happy birthday! Uwu this is impromptou so I don't wanna say some usual wishes like mbtc and such. I'll just pray for you. Enjoy your special day. I love uuu and I miss you so.
written by Chelzea
Hi Bayeeeee!!! Happyyy Happyy Birthdayyy to youuuu... Wish you that continue to love life and never stop dreaming. You deserve all the happiness in the world because you are such a great person and a wonderful friend. Ikaw kase yung taong di ko aakalain na magiging kaibigan ko, magiging kaibigan namen kase sobrang bait mo at tahimik ganon pero iba pala talaga pag naka close mo madaldal, makulit, sumasabay sa trip tapos parang baby cutieee ganon ang saya ko, namin ni chinny na naging kaibigan ka namin kahit sa panandaliang panahon kase vibes vibes tayo non dahil bet na bet natin kpop hehehe happy birthday uli labyuu miss you godbless more birthdays to come keep safe wish you all the best enjoy your day!!!
written by Jubeth
Si baye kase yung tipo ng kaibigan na tahimik pero pag nakasama mo eh sobrang kalog HAHAHAHA tawa ng tawa kung san san tas lagi deng napapagalitan kase kung ano yung niliit nya yon den yung niliit ng sulat nya HAHAHAHAHA tas si baye den yung akala mo walang pakialam sa mundo pero pag nakausap mo, don mo malalaman lahat. Solid ni baye gagi yung pagiging aports namen sa gilingers HAHAHAHAH maaasahan mo pag may prob HAHAHAHAH sa mga activities HAHAHAHA basta solid non tas wish ko sayo eh sana yung ma-achieve mo yung mga goals mo sa buhay hehe wish u all the best buddy iloveyou hehe
written by Janagurl
I see you as one of a kind woman. A friend whom I can be real and never pretend and always see's the best on everyone. Can't believe that you are gettin' older again today. Thank you for not giving up on me. Always remember, I'm always here for you no matter what the circumstances are. And I will support you in everything you want. Thank you for always bringing the best in me. Continue being you and don't be afraid to express yourself and continue fighting of what you think is right. We may never get along at all times and a lot of things may change, always remember that you will always hold a special place in my heart and you will always have me. May you have all the joy your heart can hold, all the smiles a day can bring and all the blessings a life can unhold. May you gave God's best in everything. Wishing you a Happy Birthday!
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Ninjago Oneshot
"Cole, what are we going to do?" Dani asked, brushing her bangs from her eyes.
"I don't know. What I do know is that we all can't live in the monastery anymore.We're living on top of each other. And there's nothing to do but train. We fight each other more verbally than we do in training. The mayor of Ninjago offered Jay and I jobs as police officers and Zane could be a doctor. I really think we should move out," Cole answered, sitting next to Dani, on the bed.
"What about Kai and Lloyd?" Dani asked.
"Kai is too stubborn to leave and Lloyd is going to stay where ever Kai is, you can't keep everyone together and happy."
Dani sighed and laid down. Cole laid down next to her.
"Why do I feel responsible for keeping all of us together? " she asked, covering her face with her hands.
"Because Sensei Wu left you in charge. You want to keep everyone together to keep them safe. With Jay and Nya expecting and Zane and PIXAL starting to build their own child, your brain wants to keep the newborns safe as well as the parents. And if everyone is apart, it's easier for something bad to happen." Cole answered.
"How is that supposed to help me feel better?" Dani asked sarcastically.
"How about this, you are a great leader and you want to keep everyone safe. However, you don't want to believe that everyone can take care of themselves. I'm not saying that everyone move to different corners of the map, I'm just saying that we move out, get our own houses and visit the monastery to train." Cole answered, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear.
"I guess you're right. And I do like the sound of Sensei Danielle," she giggled.
“Ha ha. Don’t let that go to your head,” Cole chuckled.                                        
Sorry that it’s short. It’s my first one.
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