nym-wibbly · 22 days
A Bed of Thorns - the ending
I've answered a few Asks recently about the state, fate, and ending of my 12-year-old Belle/Rumple WIP, A Bed of Thorns.
I don't have it in me to admit that this thing defeated me (Once Upon a Time is all about not giving up hope, after all, so that would be silly) but I think it's time to put the ending out here for anyone who'd like the closure to find. It's not a huge secret. I've been sharing details of the ending and epilogue with anyone who asked privately since a couple of years into writing it, and I've never asked those people not to tell others.
As with all my works, anyone is welcome to snag my ideas and original characters for use in their own non-profit fanworks, so if my planned ending doesn't float your boat, by all means create your own! Of all my stories, I know that A Bed of Thorns was, is, and always will be so much bigger than myself. I lay claim to nothing but the words I've written. Even if I'm never able to complete it, the story lives in my head and heart, and the privilege of touching something once-in-a-fannish-career special still leaves me humbled (and more than a bit intimidated!)
Don't click the 'keep reading' if you don't want to know how the story ends!
Rumple eventually lets the Dark Curse (and Regina) go, trusting Belle to find a way to reunite them with Baelfire. A way that doesn't rack up the cosmic debt and devastate more lives. Belle finds the way, because there was always another way—multiple other ways to move between the Enchanted Forest and the Land Without Magic—Rumple just couldn't access those solutions by using dark magic, distrust, or dealing. And, having let Baelfire go all those years ago, he couldn't see the flaw in his approach until he had love in his life again. Magic bean, plot, then Rumple hesitates at the portal, afraid to go through and become powerless on the other side. Afraid it won't work. Afraid that Bae won't forgive him. Afraid he'll fail as a father again. Belle just holds out her hand and waits patiently for him—trusting him to make the right choice for Bae, not doubting for a moment that he will. She's so excited for the big adventure of this strange land without magic. They step together through the portal into Victorian London. In the brief epilogue Rumple and Belle finish up an anxious search by knocking on the Darlings' door, finding young Bae before he's taken to Neverland. Before it's too late for them to be a family.
If you love A Bed of Thorns even a fraction as much as I do - thank you.
Nym - September 2024
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taino-ti · 5 months
Supernatural Rewrite Project
Howdy, if you've seen me around you've probably heard I have a Supernatural Rewrite Project going. With a focus on delivering in both diversity & many of SPN's empty promises, I have started my revision of the pilot, which you can start reading here if you haven't already! Even if you've never seen Supernatural, the novelization of these episodes are written to be a cohesive presentation of the plot for a new audience, with my own changes as well (featuring brand new characters, like brand Winchester Middle Sister, Lorelai 🏳️‍⚧️)! As always comments and kudos are appreciated but never required, just hope you like my product! Want to connect with the project in a more hands on way? Join our Discord Server (15+!)
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unreadpoppy · 7 months
Hi darling. Can I ask for soft Raphael? To help you a little I am giving you few prompts. You can use only one and if you are brave enough all of them :) *pearl necklace *bow - tie *swan
Hi anon, thanks for the request! I ended up only doing one of the prompts kkkk. This fic was very much inspired by @reallyhatethiswebsite fic, ‘Creature Comforts’ (go read it, it’s amazing!) and I took the concept of a Tav who’s a sex worker at Sharess Caress and Raphael’s favorite. Warning for the usage of the word “whore”. Hope you liked it!
Pearls - Raphael x Fem!Tav
That peacefulness was cut short when Tav felt someone shaking her awake. Still with her eyes closed, she turned around, ignoring whoever it was. Then, the sheets which she covered herself with were ripped off of her, prompting Tav to finally open her eyes, being met with Nym’s gray ones. Sitting on the bed, she asked “What do you want?”
The drow crossed her arms. “There’s a client waiting for you.”
Her eyes widened. “But it’s my day off! Can’t you attend to whoever it is?”
Nym shook her head. “He asked specifically for you. Mamzell tried to change his mind but he paid good coin.”
“Ugh.” Tav rolled her eyes, stretching her arms and putting her feet on the floor. Before getting up, she asked “Do you at least know who’s the bastard that ruined my sleep?”
The drow raised a brow. “Who else but that devil.” She smirked. “He seems quite smitten with you.” She teased as Tav quickly put on a simple, beige dress. “Considering how often he comes here, one might even say it’s love.”
Tav stood in front of the mirror, trying to make her hair look presentable. Her eyes met Nym’s in the mirror, and she raised one brow, skeptically. “He’s a devil. I doubt he even knows what love is.” She turned to look at the drow. “And if he was in love, he’d be a fool.”
“And what about you?” Nym asked, walking closer to Tav. “How do you feel about him?”
She contemplated her answer for a moment, gathering her thoughts. In truth, she quite liked him, as he was one of the few clients who treated her with respect. He would converse with her, long after her services were done, asking her about things beyond her work. He’d gift her with books and then discuss with her about it, complimenting Tav on her mind, saying ‘You are far more than just a body or a pretty face, dear. If none else can see to that, they are not worthy of your presence.’
It also helped that the devil was quite easy on the eye. Tav smiled. Maybe, if he wasn’t who he was and she didn’t have the work she had, there could be a chance to pursue those feelings, let them bloom.
Alas, Tav was still a whore and Raphael was still a devil, and so, she told Nym “He pays me well. That’s all I need to care about.” Grabbing a nearby shawl, she wrapped it around her shoulders, and left the room.
She remembered her mother’s words, uttered once when she was a child but that haunted her since.
There is no such a thing as love for people like us.
With that in mind, she made her way to the Devil’s Den, knocking on it twice before the doors were opened. Raphael stood in the middle of the room, hands behind his back, a smirk forming on his face as she walked in.
“My, my, finally you decide to arrive. Any longer and my feet would become rooted to the ground.”
Tav raised a brow, holding her shawl closer. “Well, it’s what you get for bothering me on my day off.”
“Ah yes, that. Mamzell tried to tell me off, but as you well know -“ He took a step towards her “I always get what I want. One way or another.”
Tav took in a deep breath. Raphael was close enough that she could smell his cologne - cherries with a hint of musk, overwhelming the smell of sulphur that fiends were known for. She looked at him, into his deep brown eyes, trying to take a read on him. He didn’t look like he was there for carnal pleasures, but Tav couldn’t tell his true intentions.
“And what do you want, Raphael? What was so important that you demanded I come see you?”
The devil smiled, taking a step back. “Do not worry, my appearance here is only momentary. In an instant, you shall be free to enjoy the rest of your day off.”
Tav huffed, crossing her arms, as Raphael walked around, giving a little speech.
“I have grown fond of you, you know? In my own way. And I kept thinking, how can I express my gratitude for all the time you have so graciously spent in my presence?”
With a flick of his wrist, a small, wooden, rectangular box appeared in his hand. Tav stepped closer, noticing carved inscriptions along the sides and on the lid, recognizing the language as infernal. She traced the words with her fingers, impressed by the fine work.
“Open it.” Raphael demanded in a soft tone. She did and inside, there was a pearl necklace.
“Raphael, I-“ Tav gasped at the sight, almost scared to touch it. The necklace seemed expensive, probably worth more than what Tav had ever earned.
“Do you like it?”
“I-it- it’s lovely.” ‘But I don’t think I should have it’ she finished the sentence in her mind. Tav had only ever seen the ladies of the Upper City wearing this sort of jewelry, doubting that a whore such as herself, who bedded devils, would be worthy of wearing it. However, she knew better than refuse such a gift. “Thank you.”
Raphael smiled. “I want to see it on you.” He grabbed the necklace, leaving the box on a nearby table. He moved behind Tav, his hands appearing in front of her, holding the adornment against her neck and clasping it on the back.
The pearls were snug against her neck and collarbone, not a tight fit but not too loose. She walked towards the pool, looking at her reflection.
“It’s beautiful.” Tav said, admiring the way the necklace looked on her.
Raphael appeared behind her, placing his hands on her shoulders. “You’re beautiful.” He whispered, and Tav almost didn’t catch it. She felt his lips on her shoulder blade, and she could feel the blood rushing towards her cheeks.
Inhaling, Tav turned to look at him. “Thank you, again. It is a most precious gift.”
Raphael nodded. “I do not know when will we see each other again, as I have business to attend elsewhere and it might take long.” He sighed. “I hope you’ll see this token of my affection and remember me.”
“I will.” Tav moved forward and pressed a small kiss to his cheek, before walking towards the door.
Raphael smirked. “Tav.”
She turned to look at him. “Yes?”
“I want to see you wearing it when I return.” She smiled, nodded and Raphael snapped his fingers, leaving in a circle of smoke and fire.
Tav left the Devil’s Den, trying to contain a smile from forming on her face.
‘Maybe I’m the fool.’
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nymphenberger · 4 months
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I will write again one day but you got to bear w me
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alwritey-aphrodite · 2 years
Omg congrats on 300 hon!!! Here's to 300 more!!! After some serious contemplating, I went with a prompt instead 👀 "standing on your tip toes to reach your partner's lips" + Poe?
It was common knowledge that Poe Dameron was an absolute menace.
No matter the situation, he would find some sort of way to tease you. It didn’t matter if you were alone in your quarters, doing maintenance on Black One, or out on a mission: he’d find an opportunity to get on your nerves.
You knew it was his way of dealing with all of the stress and tension of the war, of keeping both of your lives a little bit lighter. And, as much as you hated to admit it, sometimes his antics put a smile on your face, accompanied by a roll of your eyes.
Today, though, he seemed more keen to get on your nerves than usual. Maybe he was feeling stir-crazy, adrenaline building up with nowhere to go. Maybe he just wanted to be near you, spend time with you while you worked. Or, maybe, he just likes to be a smart ass and annoy you.
“Maker, Dameron, can’t you find something else to do?” You ask, feet sticking out from under an x-wing, BB-8 whirling around you.
“Nope,” he responds, popping the ‘p’ sound in the most obnoxious way possible.
You roll yourself out from under the ship, and fix Poe with a look that says ‘please let me work for five minutes before I lose my mind’. He understands, smiles gently at you, and plants a kiss on your oil-stained forehead.
“I’ll see you later!” He yells out as he retreats, BB trailing behind him.
You loved to spend time with Poe, but you’d been feeling overwhelmed and strung out, and Poe understood that. He always understands you, never takes it personally when you get a little frazzled with him and send him off, because he knows he can be a bit much for you at times.
Plus, he knows you’ll always come back to him, ready to be smothered in his attention and affection.
Tonight, when you return to your quarters, Poe has already showered, biding his time until your return by reading over some reports, BB sitting quietly by his feet. You strip from your grease-stained coveralls and spend more than enough time in the shower, letting the hot water work over your muscles.
When you exit, you’re ready to spend the rest of your evening with Poe, even if he insists on being a shithead.
But, as you exit the ‘fresher, Poe is not sitting in the same chair he was before, BB-8 gone as well. It doesn’t take you long to find him: he’s in your small kitchen on a step ladder, fixing a light that has gone out the night before.
Craving time with him, you go and stand by him, craning your neck to talk with him as he tries to fix the light. Competent as he is, he’s certainly not an electrician, and it takes him a while to replace the light.
“Alright, come down and we can watch a holo or something.” You say, pushing off the counter you had been leaning against.
“No thanks,” he says, trying and failing to hide a smile.
You sigh, in a good natured way, and cross your arms.
“What will it take for you to hop off that stool?”
“A kiss.”
“A kiss?”
“Mh-hm.” He looks all too proud of himself, but he’s too cute not to indulge him.
So, you lift yourself up on your tiptoes, kissing him gently before grabbing his hands and pulling him off the stool. He stumbles a bit, right into your arms. Despite his teasing, there’s no one you’d rather spend your time with, no one else you’d rather indulge on their silly requests.
Because, it’s really no secret that you’d do anything for Poe. And, you know he’d do whatever you asked of him, whatever you needed from him. So, you smile into the kiss and pull him a little closer, feeling beyond lucky to have him in your arms.
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ancuninfiles · 4 months
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🍃I wanted to share Nym's official playlist. These are a mix of songs that she would listen to, and they are also the songs I listen to sometimes to get into the mood for writing her character.🌿
It's mostly a mix of nu metal and indie 🖤 I will be adding more to it periodically. I hope you enjoy.
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thecharmingchimaera · 6 months
ok but bodies on a balcony? i must know??
(From this post)
Ahahaha argh, so I came up with the title at 9am this morning. Considering the fic is meant to be Hurt/Comfort, it sounds a little too crime drama/noir for my liking.
It's yet another BG3 oneshot, because that game just keeps giving me brainwaves. It's set after the infamous drow threesome scene at Sharess' Caress, after Astarion has killed Cazador. Nym is curious about Astarion's skills and experience, and asks him about it. They sit on the balcony outside the room, and have a chat about their respective pasts.
It's meant to be part helping Astarion come to terms with his abuse, and part venting. In my mind, there is so, so much juicy potential in having Astarion interact platonically with the staff at Sharess' Caress, given they would have similar outlooks on intimacy. I'm so excited to explore it.
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piratemousey · 1 year
Bg3 fanfic
Astarion x Tav
Tav = Nym Drow Sorcerer
Kinda dark but kinda sweet. Just like our favorite vamp
Warning: blood kink, monster kink, a little cnc, he's a vampire so, yeah
As a child of the Underdark, the surface sometimes made Nym sweat on even temperate days. She liked when there was a breeze a chill in the air. Winter was nice.
Winter was why when Nym first left the Underdark, she headed north. She'd read in a book at her academy library that there were training schools in the north of Faerun which could hone you into a weapon of precision. A wrist and a blade.
When Nym first woke up with the parasite, they were frightened. They began to meet others with the same affliction. She easily gained their trust.
Nym figured they could get rid of the parasite and maybe make a little coin along the way. They knew how to influence people and began to guide the group.
Nym (they/she) was a wild magic sorcerer who never wanted that life. They ran from the magic school her mother sent her to and trained in duelist weapons fighting on the surface.
The first time Astarion bit Nym they thought they could use his hunger and desperation to their advantage. But something changed as the seven companions traveled together. They began to grow friendships and bonds.
The defining moment of their friendship came during a particularly hazardous fight with a hag. Shadowheart fell to the ground after scorching the hag with radiant power. As Nym saw Shadowheart collapse, they felt a desperation they'd never felt before.
When Nym turned to Astarion she saw the same dawning horror on his face.
They both cared. Truly cared.
Passed the schemes and keeping their hides alive, they both knew to lose Shadowheart or any member of the group would be devistating.
Astarion dispelled an illusion of the hag with his off hand and reached for Shadowheart with his left. He pulled her up and she managed to down a potion. In several more moves, the hag lay dead.
Karlach and Shadowheart wasted no time in looting the hags sanctuary, a joy the friends usually shared. But Nym stood with Mayrina as she cried over her husbands coffin. Nym slid the blackened wand which they'd found on the hags table into her bag. They'd pocketed it before anyone else could see. As wild mages sometimes made the best hags, Nym studied their magic as well as her own. She knew a wand to raise the dead. An object that could be nothing but cursed.
Meanwhile, Astarion returned to the surface and hurried off into the putrid bog. He disappeared through the yellowed fog without a word.
Nefore the hag, the group had together that their next step would be to enter the Underdark. When Astarion didn't show up at the entrance they'd agreed on, Nym felt terror in her gut.
Astarion had run from them.
Despite descending into the Underdark with a carefree wave of her hand, Nym couldn't continue. She couldnt pretend Astarion's absense didnt sting.
They made camp the underground ruins of a temple to Selunè. Usually, Shadowheart had something to say when the group encountered the moon goddess and her people, but she was quiet as she made camp. They were all quiet.
The Underdark felt cool and refreshing to Nym after the humidity and stink of the bog. She washed in a small river they found, then settled into her bed. The day was too full of surprises and pain. Though Karlach and Wyll did a lot to bolster moral at dinner, it wasn't enough to sustain Nym's sense of hope.
Later that night, Nym felt the tadpole in her brain move. A shiver of anticipation running over it.
Astarion was back at camp. He moved quietly despite the tadpole sending out a call to the others. She felt some of the others breathe easier knowing he'd returned safe.
She didnt call to him, she waited to see what he would do. Nym often found that if you wanted long enough someone's true self would always be revealed.
The opening to her tent eased back. She could hear the rustle of cloth. Smell the perfumed body of her lover.
But was he her lover? If they were both being manipulative, what could they be?
Nym's heart skipped despite the calm she was trying to maintain.
Astarion eased under the soft sheet which covered Nym. His body was comfortable against their skin. His cool arm slid over her as it did each night. He leaned his mouth close to their neck. His breath warmer then the rest of him. Astarion hovered there in the dark, but he hesitated.
In that moment of hesitation, Nym turned her head to gaze up at Astarion. In the dark, she could see his face. His eyes glowed like deep garnets set into the face of a marble statue.
"You don't have to feed on me tonight if you don't want to."
"I thought you rather enjoyed me feeding on you," His head titled and his voice was smooth. That same cocky humor laced his words but Nym could see through the mask, around the venier where fear was hiding. "Your breath does flutter so."
Hunger? Passion? Nym felt panic as they tried to analyze Astarion's tone. But her complex emotions from the days events had her fogged up.
"I like being close to you, I suppose." Nym said. She let herself be vulnerable. While the worst thing that could result from her vulnerability was Astarion killing her, she knew if he mocked her it would hurt, if he left she might cry. But she couldn't play right now, and she didn't want him too either.
"I'm glad you found us," Nym said. "When you didn't come home..."
"Home?" Astarion chuckled dryly.
The sound stung but Nym pressed on. "I was worried you wouldn't find us because we'd come down here."
"Worried? About me?" Astarion asked, his tone softening around the edges. "Why would you do that?"
"I don't know," Nym said. "I couldn't stop thinking of bad things that could happen."
"Darling, you should know better. Not only am I a viscous killer but I'm an expert at tracking."
"I know you're capable," Nym answered. "We've simply faced so many obstacles."
"Well, you can stop worrying," Astarion said. "I've returned to open all the locks and do most of the fighting. Your delicate tool is back."
"I'm glad you're back," Nym replied. They ignored his boasting and his cutting remarks. Nym trusted what he said and accepted it.
"What in the hells is the matter with you?" Astarion asked. He sat up, pulling away. Nym missed the contact but she wouldn't force him. "We dance around such feelings. We're above deep, short term gain attachments. I thought we understood that about one another."
"I don't know, Astarion," Nym said. "Some of the game isn't fun anymore. The risks are too high."
He loomed over her, his hands landing on either side of her head. "The risks are worth the rewards. These fools would blindly follow you into a fire. What an opportunity."
"I know," Nym said. "But, things are different. I'm different. There's my friends, you're my friend."
"Friend," Astarion's eyes flicked towards the entrance to the tent. Either afraid someone my hear him utter the word or he was about to run again.
Nym touched Astarion's arm, letting their fingers move up the sculpted muscles to his shoulder. Their fingers trailed delicately over his bottom lip.
"You can feed on me, or you can hold me," Nym said. Throat was tight with emotion, they continued. "I'm just happy to have you back."
"And if I chose to tear through this camp, drinking all their blood and ingesting their worms to gain power? Then what?" Astarion threatened.
"I'd be dead." Nym replied. "I wouldn't care what happened after that. Though, my soul would mourn you on whatever plane I ended up on."
Astarion's eyes softened before hardening again. He moved so fast that Nym felt the sting of his teeth before she was aware he'd even moved. Her body arched against him as he laid his weight on top of her, pushing himself between her knees. She let him take her, let him do what he wanted.
If he'd been a mortal, she'd have stabbed him under his ribs with her dagger. But he was a vampire spawn. He was Astarion.
His mouth soften on her neck and he pulled back, his arms holding him up above her.
"I didn't mean to bite so hard," Astarion rushed to say.
"I know," Nym stared back at him. They both knew he was lying, but Nym knew he lied because he regretted it. For Astarion that was a big deal.
Nym waited for his next reaction. He tilted his head as he looked over their face. While the Underdark didn't have moonlight and stars to illuminate things, it did have phosphorescent mushrooms, spores, and insects. Most of which cast a lavender glow.
"Are you all right?" He asked in a hushed tone. Astarion moved off their hips. She missed his weight but didn't say anything. Nym worried about Astarion more than herself. More than she'd worried about anyone for a long time.
"I'll be fine," Nym said. I just need rest and a restoration hit from Shadowheart.
"Perhaps we can sleep in tomorrow," Astarion said. "We'll claim we need rest and make the big-boot squad go out without us." Astarion tilted his head. Nym could tell he was satisfied with his nickname for when Karlack, Lae'zel, Wyll, and Halsin went for supplies.
Nym reached up and touched the soft white curls on his forehead which did little to hide his worry lines.
"We should," Nym said.
"We'll squirrel away with a jar of Gale's honied plums and get fat on them." Astarion said.
"He'd give them to you if you asked, darling," Nym loved the small moniker. It started as Astarion attempting to flirt with her to get into her good graces but had become so many other things too.
"It's more fun to take them and watch him wonder what happened to them while we lick sweet nectar from each other's lips."
"You have me sold," Nym said, smiling up at Astarion.
"I do like how agreeable you are," Astarion said. He leaned close to her neck, cleaning the small trickle of blood which remained. Sealing the wounds enough to stop the bleeding.
"You just happen to make the same choices as me and we agree about things, it's not the same thing." Nym said.
"Go back to telling me I'm pretty," Astarion teased.
"You're the most beautiful person in the world to me," Nym said. She didn't have to lie. Her affection made Astarion beautiful, but also, yes, Astarion was beautiful.
Astarion kissed over Nym's eyelids before settling beside her again. She turned toward him, resting against his chest. They held each other even after the first sounds of the others in the camp stirring reached them.
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nym-wibbly · 15 days
TY for writing how much Aziraphale hurts too from the finale, not just Crowley pain.❤️‍🩹💜🩶
Well, they like to do everything together. Even getting their hearts broken.
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petchic101 · 1 year
Chapters: 6/? Fandom: Baldur's Gate (Video Games) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Astarion/Tav (Baldur's Gate), Halsin/Tav (Baldur's Gate), The Emperor/Tav (Baldur's Gate), Harleep/Tav (Baldur's Gate), Astarion (Baldur's Gate)/Original Female Character(s), Astarion & Tav (Baldur's Gate), Astarion/Charname (Baldur's Gate), Astarion (Baldur's Gate)/Original Character(s), Halsin (Baldur's Gate)/Original Female Character(s), Halsin (Baldur's Gate)/Original Character(s), Astarion/Halsin/Nym/Sorn (Baldur's Gate), Halsin & Tav (Baldur's Gate), The Emperor & Tav (Baldur's Gate), The Emperor (Baldur's Gate)/Original Female Character(s) Characters: Astarion (Baldur's Gate), Halsin (Baldur's Gate), The Emperor (Baldur's Gate), Balduran (Baldur's Gate), Harleep (Baldur's Gate), Tav (Baldur's Gate), Nym (Baldur's Gate), Sorn (Baldur's Gate) Additional Tags: Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Trauma, Polyamory, Elf Tav (Baldur's Gate), Druid Tav (Baldur's Gate), POV Third Person Summary:
Pietra is a wood elf druid who is thrust into the unknown, her unbridled look on love and relationships brings her to an old lover,  a vampire spawn and an illithid? Perhaps she'll pick up an incubus and a pair of drow twins when she gets back home as well.
3rd POV Loosley Following my main playthrough of Baldur's gate My Tav Pietra works through relationships, friendships and saving the world Pietra is Polyamorous and we will be exploring that in future chapters, along with Astarion's relationship with his own trauma There will be smut when appropriate <3
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offonaherosjourney · 2 years
Are you "resize the Ao3 window and zoom it to at least 150%" old or are you "download fics longer than 50k, format them to your liking and convert them to epub to read them comfortably on your ereader/phone" old
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nymphenberger · 5 months
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High Priestess is a card of mystery, stillness and passivity. This card suggests that it is time to retreat and reflect upon the situation and trust your inner instincts to guide you through it. Things around you are not what they appear to be right now.
The modern interpretation of the High Priestess represents the unknown, mystery, intuition, spiritual knowledge, and the subconscious mind. She is an esoteric figure, unlike The Hierophant. Reversed, the High Priestess can be interpreted as secrecy and disconnection from your intuition
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When the Magician appears in a spread, it points to the talents, capabilities and resources at the querent's disposal to succeed. The message is to tap into one's full potential rather than holding back, especially when there is a need to transform something.
On the broad level, the Magician is interpreted with energy, potential, and the manifestation of one's desires; the card symbolizes the meetings of the physical and spiritual worlds ("as above, so below") and the conduit converting spiritual energy into real-world action
my aestethic for this fic has very little true bearing on the plot but it is important to MEEEEEE
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shadowofahope · 2 years
hello! may i ask why you are choosing to not write for seungmin or in? thanks :)
Hello lovey! You are more then welcome to ask 🥰
Now this might be an unpopular opinion, but i will say it’s purely how I see them. They are the 2 youngest members of the group and for me being older then them, older then chan, I felt it seemed inappropriate for me? 🤔
I know some people will argue that Felix and Han should be in the same category by the logic. But it’s also how I feel for them individually. IN and Seungmin are my babies, so I find it hard to write romance for them. It may change in the future but for right now that’s how it’ll be.
As well as my BTS fics do sometimes contain smut. In the case of skz I will not be writing anything containing smut for them.
I hope this made sense and answers your question! If you have any other questions or need me to explain more don’t hesitate to send me!
This applies to everyone else as well, my anons are on and I’m always here to answer questions like these 💙
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giggly-squiggily · 2 years
I want to ask you ALL OF THEM! Lol but I’ll settle on these for now: 💖 🦅 🤩
I hope you’re having a good Friday!
AJLJRJKERLJKEKJRJKE MOOD!!! That's me with these games too- I just want to ask all the questions! :D Hey friend! I hope you're having a good Friday aswell! :D
💖 What made you start writing?
Pffft- god, I can't remember! I've been writing since I was a little girl, so I can't say what exactly it was that started making me love writing in general; for now I'll chalk it up to books! I love to read, and eventually I wanted to start making my own stories :) As for tickle fics, that one's easier to answer- this community! Seeing all the incredible works here and equally amazing creators was really inspiring, and it gave me the courage to finally make my blog and post my admittedly cringy at the time fics!
🦅 Do you outline fics or fly by the seat of your pants?
90% time I'm flying by the seat of my pants; for alot of my fics it's a vibe; I just kinda feel out the story as I go on :) For commissions and longer fics that have multiple chapters I'll attempt some outlining, but more often then not it's just a bulleted word list of what I want to happen akjerjaejraker. Right now I have two fics I'm attempting to outline before I write them because they're gonna be multi-chaptered, but usually I just jump in and see what happens :)
🤩 Who is your favorite character to write?
Ooo, that's tough! I really like writing for all sorts of characters- my favorites often vary from fandom to fandom! For now my favorites are Leopold (Black Clover), Yor and Loid (Spy x Family), Tengen Rengoku and Misturi (Demon Slayer) oh! And Zenitsu! (Demon Slayer) These characters I find the most fun to write for; something about them feels so easy- like I can get a grip on them and their characters. That all said I still enjoy writing for everyone! :)
Thanks for asking! :D
Fanfic Emoji Game
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firstemcee · 9 months
“Nah, It’s all good.”
Veneer x Male!Hip-Hop/Rap artist!Reader (can be read as female or gn, i jus feel like they’re male leaning. uses amab pronouns.)
Part 1(you’re here)—Part 2—
Warnings: just cursing, as far as I know. Reader is written to talk like how I do, which might be a bit confusing to some. No use of y/n.
wc: 799
Summary: Finally getting your first vinyl on the shelves of the record shop that was practically your whole childhood was a huge accomplishment. That accomplishment also came with the well known pop-star coming to get one signed!
THIS IS ALSO MY FIRST FANFIC!! This part is gonna focus more on reader, the second will focus more on Veneer.
thank you @nym-blogs and @miralunawritez for helping me and giving me tips!!! I owe y’all, seriously 🙏🏽
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“I can’t be happier my record’s being sold here, man. Really, i’m honored.” You smiled, giving the owner of the small record shop a subtle nod as you spoke with genuine happiness in your tone.
This record shop had been around since you were just a kid, and now you’ve got your first record on the shelves…here. It was just perfect.
The owner gave a small nod in return with a smile, going back to…whatever he was working on.
Award Tour (feat. Trugoy the Dove) - A Tribe Called Quest (I’d say listen to it just for vibes, but you don’t gotta) played quietly in your wired headphones, causing you to slightly nod your head to the beat as you made your way through the isles full of records in search of your own.
You never thought you’d end up here. Doing rap battles in middle school, messing around with different beats in your parent’s basement. Now you’ve finally made a name for yourself.
It brought a huge smile to your face, really. Like a kid getting just what they asked for on christmas, it was perf-
“Oh- I’m so sorry.” A guy spoke softly with hands raised in defense before you after bumping into you. You recognized this guy, who was it again…?
“Nah, it’s all good.” You spoke with a smile and a slight nod to the person who you had finally identified as the overnight pop-star, Veneer. “Nice to see you here.” You murmured, not wanting to cause too much disruption to him. You figured he was used to being interrupted when out, so you wouldn’t give him the whole: ‘Oh my godd, you’re that famous guy!! What’re you doing here—‘
Once you had finally made your way to your record, you gently picked one of them up with a proud sigh and the smile of an accomplished father. You couldn’t help but admire the art, the font, the…everything. Shit, it was yours! You’d look at it all you wanted.
You weren’t gonna look at it forever, of course. You set it down and left the store for a moment to go get a drink from one of the vending machines outside of the shop, returning to the checkout area afterwards while sipping your Fanta.
“You know, some couple just bought your record. First hour and you already got a sale, man.” Your friend at the register subtly congratulated you, earning a smile back.
Sure, one sale in an hour wasn’t much. But you were trying to break out of the underground rap. Plus, it’s a small store, you convinced yourself.
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Off of work for the day, you decided to pay the shop a visit…again.
And in that visit, you found yourself looking around the back rooms behind the counter curiously. Until your name was called. “Uh— Yea! Give me a minute…” You murmured informally, stumbling out of the creaky door before making eye contact with the pop-star…again.
“He wants you to sign a record.” Lenny, one of the two guys that ever worked here spoke flatly before handing you a nice pack of bold markers with a raised brow.
“It’s a few. Just for a friend.” Veneer placed three of your vinyls on the counter before you with a sheepish smile. It’s not every day that you were the one signing something for a famous person. So of course, you picked up the yellow paint marker and gave him a small thank you before staring down at the vinyl. “Shit. How does my signature go again…?”
You shook your head to dismiss your thoughts and signed all three in yellow, brows furrowed for a moment as you smoothly glided the marker along. So focused that you didn’t notice the absolute daggers Veneer was staring into you as he watched you do so.
“So, do you uh…come here often?” Veneer asks, snapping out of his small trance and clasping his hands together in front of his chest. His poor choice of small talk made you crack a smile.
“On occasion, yeah. It’s a spot I used to come to a lot as a kid, brings back good memories.” You tried to make him more comfortable, noting his nervousness.
You handed the three back after they had dried, and set the maker down. Of course you weren’t gonna charge him.
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Veneer, typically caught up in his fame, never spent any time venturing into different genres of music besides his own. So when he came over to his friends house and happily handed her her birthday gift, the signed vinyls, he was incredibly curious to hear this guy’s music. He had a pretty face, it couldn’t be that bad…
“Oh. My. G- No you didn’t.” The girl’s jaw dropped as she looked over the gift, then to Veneer. Then the gift, then Veneer…before trapping him in a suffocating hug.
“Okay! okay, oh my god, you’re welcome girl—“ Veneer stammered and patted her back with a loud laugh, though desperately trying to make her let go.
When the two eventually started listening to the music, Veneer was practically entranced. It was so different from him and Velvet’s style!
It was so energetic, but still just…calm. And it conveyed so many different emotions and there were so many words—
Clearly he wasn’t used to it.
But he didn’t mind it, not at all.
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Again, this is my first fanfic!! I’d appreciate any tips you guys have if i end up doing a second part. Thank you so much for reading.
under no circumstances do i accept you posting my shit on other sites. don’t.
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acnproject · 1 month
I Exames Chuunins Fanfics
Com vocês, as histórias participantes da primeira fase dos Exames Chuunins Fanfics!
E nossa primeira dupla se apresentando! é o Time 17, da dupla @Simp_SasuNaru e @potatov trouxe uma SasuNaru Elas vieram diretamente de Iwagakure / Vila Oculta da Pedra e seu sensei é ninguém menos que "Itachi Uchiha".
Já leiam, comentem, favoritem!
== E a segunda dupla chegou!! Se apresentando para os Exames Chuunins Fanfics O Time 1 formado por @Koethe. e @sourneji vieram de Ninja no Monogatari Mura/ Aldeia dos Contos Ninjas, junto ao seu sensei Naruto Uzumaki!
Leiam! Comentem! Favoritem! Adicionem as suas listas de Leituras!!
Olha a 3ª Equipe a se apresentar! O Time 3, formado por @Nisaba/Tenjin | Kage por aí e @Nym | @Ny-meria vieram das longínquas terras de Uzushiogakure / Aldeia Oculta do Redemoinho e vieram acompanhadas do sensei Iruka Umino.
Leiam! Comentem! Favoritem! Adicionem as suas listas de Leituras!!
E chegando com a 4. dupla, que veio diretamente de Kumogakure / Vila Oculta da Nuvem, acompanhadas de Sai, seu sensei. O Time 17 de @Iseven e @Solariana_ trouxe uma fic incrível, com o casal SasuSaku!
Leiam! Favoritem! Comentem! Adicione nas listas de leituras!
E quase nos últimos minutos, a 5ª dupla chegou! Vindas diretamente de Amegakure / Vila Oculta da Chuva @Tenjin por aí e @UzumakiKen chegaram junto ao seu sensei, Yamato para apresentar sua história! Leiam! Favoritem!
Comentem! Adicionem as suas listas!
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