#nysm 2 imagine
bobawitch · 1 year
The Different Stage (Jack Wilder x Reader)
warnings: fluff, mentions of stripping, suggestive situations.
A/N: i was rewatching the now you see me movies and I am absolutely obsessed with Jack Wilder so I thought I’d write a fic abt it. So in this reader is a stripper, she’s not a prostitute but she pole dances at a strip club and Jack goes in with Atlas and Merritt. Jack likes her and wants to actually get to know her. that’s basically it! Hope y’all enjoy!
Word count: 1307
Chapter 1:
It was just another night at the club. You had to work, in fact your hours had just about doubled since your rent went up. Though that’s just how it is in New York isn’t it. Thankfully you had done your last dance for the night and were packing up to go back to your crappy apartment. You pulled your hair up into a messy bun held together by a big clip. You walked back through the drinking area, the dancer scheduled after you had already taken the stage. You looked at her, smiling at her and waving, she smiled back. All the dancers were close, you all had to be to make sure no one got in trouble with a creepy customer. You turned to resume your journey home when you knocked into someone. A smooth male voice hit your ears and you found yourself face to face with these beautiful brown eyes. “Miss?” He spoke and you realized he had definitely said something else. The other two men that were with him eyed you before shrugging and walking to a table. “Oh uh, sorry. I wasn’t paying attention to where I was walking.” You said before moving to the side to push past him. He let you leave but watched you very closely as you did leave. Then he found his friends. Jack sat down with Atlas and Merritt, still looking back at the door you had left from. Atlas nudged Merritt with a devilish grin. “Look Jack’s got a crush!” Jack smacked Atlas’s arm, his eyes not leaving the doorway for a few more minutes. “Shut up.” Merritt and Atlas laughed before their night went on.
The next day you found yourself thinking of the man you ran into. You had never seen him around the bar before but he looked so familiar. You tried to push the beautiful stranger from your mind as you got ready for your night. You chose a fan favorite dance tonight, with the fan favorite outfit too. You didn’t enjoy your job but you were damn good at it. You walked out onto the stage after their announcement of your stage name and the music began. It was your most popular song for stage dance, So High by Doja Cat. You slowly strutted to the pole, throwing one leg around and letting yourself swing around. Your arms stabilized you on the pole and your head made a slow circle. It was the first time you actually looked at the audience and when you caught a pair of chocolate brown eyes you nearly stopped your routine. It was the man from the night before. He had come with the other two men again though one was being escorted off for a private lap dance. You let your eyes linger on him as his eyes burned your skin with intensity. You slowly dragged yourself back up the pole before moving to the side of the stage. Fingers twisting together you dropped to your knees at the beat, crawling forward before touching up your torso as the chorus began. Soon you lost yourself in the music, temporarily forgetting about the candy-eyed man. After your performance you had groundwork to do, that of course entailed a costume change and small makeup touch up. Once you changed your outfit and pulled your hair to one side you walked out. You were headed to one of the tables in your area when you were stopped. A man had walked in front of you, causing you to look up. Once more you found yourself in an intense staring match with the handsome stranger. “Uh.. hi.” He said, obviously a bit flustered, You smirked and touched his shoulder, walking next to him. “Hello loverboy.” You replied, beginning to walk away, your finger signaling for him to follow behind you. Upon hearing his footsteps behind you, your smirk grew. You got to the bar and picked up a tray for one of the tables. The stranger finally caught up and leaned on the bar. “So what’s your name… y’know your real name?” He asked. You laughed, “I don’t give my name to customers, sorry sweetcheeks.” “Then who do you give your name to?” “Hm, let me think on that.” You winked at him before moving to the table you were to serve. You set down the drinks, chatting up the gentlemen at the table for a few moments. A few tips were made through that before you walked back to the bar, handsome stranger was waiting for you. “I’m Jack, by the way.” He said. “Alright Jack, you going to buy something or just keep talking to me?” You glanced at him, smirking again. “Hm, how much would a date cost?” His lips cracked into a smirk to rival yours. A sultry giggle escaped your lips before you shook your head. “Dunno, how much you willing to pay? And what do you want me to do for that date?” Out of the corner of your eye you saw him shake his head. You leaned against the bar now, looking at him and holding tense eye contact. His cheeks had gone a bit pink as you spoke but he composed himself as he replied. “No no, not that kind of date.” “Hm, how about I think about that? Maybe I’ll let you know at the end of my shift.” You shrugged, grabbing another drink tray before moving to deliver them. As you began to walk to the table one of Jack’s friends came over, obviously drunk as hell. “Heyy Jack! You found her! Great job!! Hey, how about I pay for a private lap dance huh?” He spoke, smirking at Jack and still blocking your path. Jack began to protest the idea of a lap dance, giving you an apologetic smile. You giggled a bit, his smile was kinda cute. But his friend had already pulled out the money and stuck it in your top string. You sighed, handing your drink tray to one of the other girls to deliver. Jack looked down at you when your hand pressed to his chest. “Well, come on loverboy, a lap dance was ordered.” You wrapped your fingers around his tie and pulled him off. “You don’t have to give me a lap dance, I’m so sorry about my friend.” He spoke in pure panic until you got to the booths for private lap dances. You turned and wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him close. Hesitant hands found your hips and you smiled. You leaned in, your lips almost brushing against his before turning him around and pushing him into the chair. You climbed onto his lap, your thighs trapping him beneath you. You leaned down to his ear and whispered, “If you want me to stop, just say that.” As your words left your lips you began the dance. Your hips grinded gently in a circle, your hands dragging up his chest. Jack opened then closed his mouth, his hands not knowing where to touch. You leaned forward, pulling yourself up. Your chest was at his eye level yet his eyes stuck onto yours. You brought your hands around his head, playing with his hair. You dragged his head back, leaning into his neck to whisper. “I’m Y/N. And a date sounds nice, if you still want that.” Jack’s hands finally found your waist and he sat you down on his lap, looking at you with a different kind of intensity. “When do you get off?” “11.” “Let me get you food after work.” “You have a deal Jack.” You stood back up and pushed your hand onto his shoulder. Slowly you climbed off his lap and opened the curtain. “See you at 11 Jack.” You winked and walked off before he could get another sentence in.
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jb3islife · 1 year
Love is Like a Playing Card (J. Daniel Atlas) Chapter XXI
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After Lula left, Sutton looked over at Danny, still engrossed in his thoughts as he sat on the chair. She walked towards him, crouching down in front of him. Sutton placed a hand over his phone. Danny looked up at her, his eyes showing his confusion. His lips parted to speak, but he was unable to.
“Just… let me do this, okay?” Sutton told him. Danny nodded, unsure of what she was about to do. Sutton sucked in a breath. She moved to her knees, making herself taller and eye level with Danny. Slowly, she scooted herself closer to him, her hands on his knees for support, afraid that she may pass out from her rapid heartbeats. Sutton sucked in another breath, moving her hands to Danny’s cheeks. She looked into Danny’s eyes, searching for an answer of some kind, whether she should or shouldn’t do this. With all the confidence she had, Sutton kissed Danny, their lips quickly finding their missed places, like two puzzle pieces.
Danny sat in shock for a moment. Once he finally realized what was happening, he pushed himself off the chair, sitting on his knees in front of Sutton. Danny’s arms wrapped around Sutton’s waist, drawing her as close to him as possible, missing the feeling of his body next to hers. Sutton’s body molded into his, her arms snaking around his neck.
After what felt like only meer seconds, Sutton pulled away from Danny. He stared at her, confusion, shock, and utter disappointment from the loss of her lips evident on his face. Sutton shimmied herself out of Danny’s arms, standing up. “Goodnight, Danny,” she smiled.
Sutton turned, heading toward one of the two bedrooms left, leaving Danny to his own thoughts. She put three fingers to her lips, smiling at the moment the two shared. Happiness tingled throughout her body from Danny’s touch.
Danny ran a hand over his face. He found himself laughing at the event that had just occurred. He shook his head, feeling his heart beating fast. Sutton just showed Danny how much she missed him, and how much she still wanted to be with him. She poured her heart and soul into one kiss, and it was everything Danny needed at that moment. It was everything he needed to become the man Sutton knew he truly was.
The next morning, Sutton awoke to the sounds of others talking outside her room. She rubbed her eyes, groggily standing and walking out of the room.
“Shit!” she shouted as she bumped into someone.
“Good morning to you, too,” Danny smiled as he held Sutton’s elbow to support her.
Sutton smiled. “Seems like yesterday I was tripping over you to get to the bathroom.”
Danny chuckled. “Yeah. I wouldn’t trade those bruises for anything in the world.”
The two stood there for a moment, grins plastered on their faces. Danny brushed a few strands of hair out of Sutton’s face. “I always loved your bedhead.”
Sutton involuntarily leaned into Danny’s touch, his thumb absentmindedly grazing her cheek. “I always loved your morning voice.”
“Alright, who wants pancakes?” Merritt announced.
Danny and Sutton turned to see a large stack of pancakes on the counter, Jack and Lula already scarfing down their helpings. The two smiled at each other, walking over to join the group.
“Since when did I lose my cooking job to you, Merritt?” Sutton asked as Merritt poured her a glass of orange juice.
“Since I realized Jack and I couldn’t survive on your meals alone anymore,” Merritt answered. “And, well, those late night calls to you helped, too,” he winked.
Sutton giggled as Danny said, “Ah, yes, the “Merritt emergencies.” How could I have forgotten?”
“Hey, some of us weren’t blessed enough to move in with Sutton,” Jack retorted with a mouth full of pancake. Lula hit him, telling him to not talk with food in his mouth.
“Yeah, she’s pretty amazing,” Danny murmured, just loud enough for Sutton to hear. She smiled at Danny as he patted her bare leg in the shorts Walter “generously” supplied.
As the five of them ate, Danny looked over at Sutton. She pushed the last few bits of pancake around her plate, obviously becoming full. She elbowed Jack, telling him to finish it off, which he happily did. Sutton sipped her orange juice, scrolling through her phone. Danny smiled to himself, realizing that now was the perfect time to tell the others what had been happening and to show her he is trying to get better.
“So,” Danny said, pushing his plate away from him, “there’s something I need to tell you guys.” Sutton locked her phone as the others looked at him. Jack was still engrossed in his food, so Sutton slapped his hand to listen to Danny. Danny glanced at Sutton who looked at him in confusion. “I have been in contact with someone. Someone I believe to be The Eye.”
Merritt and Lula shouted as Jack murmured, “I already knew that,” and shoved another bite in his mouth. “I arranged for them to pick up the stick from us once we have it.”
“How could you not tell us that?” Lula questioned Danny.
Danny sighed. “I’ve been in contact with them for a while now. I’m not proud of it, okay? I thought I was doing what was right for the team. You know, taking charge, getting us out of hiding.”
“Controlling the situation,” Merritt scoffed, “as usual.”
“Guys, just listen to him,” Sutton pleaded, “please.” Jack and Merritt glanced at one another, nodding in silent agreement as they always did at Sutton’s request.
“I agreed to meet with them a few weeks ago, back in New York. I only did it because we,” he looked at Jack and Merritt, “agreed that we were only letting Dylan lead us on for another month, then we were done. We were taking matters into our own hands, remember?” Jack and Merritt sighed, recalling the conversation the three had without Sutton, but her being their soul focus. “I-I was afraid Sutton was going to leave me, leave us, next, if I didn’t do something.” He glanced at Sutton, her smile showing him how proud she was to hear him tell the truth. “So, when I got a message from The Eye, I took the chance. I wanted to help us. I did it for the team, I promise.”
The Horsemen sat in silence for a moment. “So, why didn’t you tell us, you know, when you got the first message?” Jack asked.
Danny sighed heavily. “I don’t know, honestly. All I could think to do was talk to these people, save us, save our sanity.”
“While I hate that you did this on your own, I do respect it,” Merritt told him, receiving surprised looks from everyone. “Sometimes, Atlas isn’t always the asshole we all know he is. Sometimes, he’s a little more like Sutton.” Merritt smiled at his young partner as she mouthed, “thank you.” Merritt nodded.
“So, these are definitely the same people you plan on giving the stick to, right?” Lula asked.
Danny nodded. “Definitely. They’re going to help us stay out of jail.”
“Thank God because this pretty face wouldn’t last a day in the slammer!” Lula exclaimed, pointing at Jack.
The others laughed. Sutton grabbed Danny’s hand, pulling herself toward him. “I’m proud of you,” she whispered, their fingers entwining like they once did.
Danny smiled, staring down at their hands. “That kiss last night,” he whispered, making Sutton bite her lip to hold back a smile, “it made me realize that I needed to tell them. I need to learn to trust them with everything that’s going on. I’m not in this alone.”
Sutton smiled. “You never were,” she reminded him, kissing his cheek.
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Say My Name
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Prompt: If you're still taking requests? Possibly a one-shot where you try to guess what the J means in Daniel's name? Just having it be playful and him never really telling you.
Pairing: Daniel x Reader
Word  Count: 470
Warning: none
" Daniel Jackson Atlas." I spit out as I spread the cream cheese on my bagel,
"No." Daniel laughs, stealing the top half of my bagel, taking a huge bite of it before he puts it back down on my plate. "Not even close."
My jaw drops, "Daniel, you're a jackass, this is the last bagel too!"  I reach out to hit him but he moves just in time, "Daniel Jacob Atlas." I suggest again and he shakes his head laughing,
"No," He giggles as he pours himself a glass of apple juice, sipping it slowly as watches me, scribbling names on a paper,
"Okay, okay, Daniel Jesse Atlas." I look at him, trying to see if there was any reaction, "Okay, not.  How about Daniel Jack Atlas?" Daniel almost spits out his apple juice,
"There is no way I am named after Jack, no, fucking way." I laugh, scribbling down another name and crossing it out.
"Okay, Daniel Jace Atlas. Jace sounds cool." Daniel sipped his apple juiced, and nodded, looking as if he was thinking  about it,
"I mean it's a cool name, Jace, Daniel Jace Atlas." He tried it out, then saying it slowly, "I like it, Jace, Daniel Jace Atlas." He shrugged, taking another sip of his apple juice, and picking up the half of my bagel he had taken a bite out of, finishing it off. "But no, the J in my name does not stand for Jace, or Jacob, or Jack, or Jackson." I groan, slumping my shoulders,
"I'm not giving up, oh, I got it." I looked at him, and he smiled trying to peek at my paper, "Oh, no you don't." I laugh covering it, "I'm sure this one is the right one, Daniel Joe Atlas." Daniel shook his head,
"Babe just gives up, you're never going to guess it, and even if you do, I'm not telling you." I roll my eyes, slapping my pen down,
"Danny, babe, you're being a real jackass, just tell me." Daniel smiles and finishes his apple juice and my bagel. "Please," I beg,  with prayer hands, using my best puppy dog eyes, and Daniel just shook his head, washing and drying the cup.
"Y/N I will tell you but you have to promise not to tell anyone." I nod and lean in, waiting for him to tell me, "It's Jessica, my middle name is Jessica. Daniel Jessica Atlas." My jaw drops and we stare at each other, faces straight until he busted out laughing,
"Danny, you're such a fucking jerk." I cry, throwing my pen at him. "I swear I hate you so much." I pout, crossing my arms, leaning back in my chair, Daniel just laughing and shaking his head,
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They try to braid your hair (Danny and Jack mini-imagines?)
It was a rather dead day for the four horseman, they finally got a break after their big show that lead to their “disappearance”. You and Danny were sitting in the living room watching reruns of your favorite tv shows. You were seated on the floor with your back leaned up against the couch. Danny was sitting on the couch directly above you. He was playing with your hair. Something he always did. It helped calm him down. You could tell he was trying to braid it because his fingers kept getting wrapped up in strands of your hair. “Dang it.” You heard him say under his breath. “I wish I had a magic trick for this. I don’t know how you do it everyday Y/N.” You laughed a little and turned so you were facing him. “Years of practice my dear.” You said taping his nose lightly with your finger. He just scrunched his nose and smirked at you. He was adorable that way. You leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. “Let’s go get some food yeah?” You asked him. “Sure, why not.” Danny replied and the two of you grabbed your coats and walked to the nearest Chinese takeout place.
You guys were on the jet headed to the next destination. You sat on the ground messing around with jacks cards trying to figure out his tricks. You just didn’t know how he did it. “You know that might be easier if your hair wasn’t in your eyes.” Merritt laughed. “Oh you try doing it grandpa.” You snapped back. “Oooh.” You heard your boyfriend jack say as he waltzed back into the area you were currently sitting in and sat in the chair behind you. “But seriously babe, I think Merritts right. Do you want me to pull back your hair for you and then I’ll show you some tricks?” You smiled at him but rolled your eyes. “Sure. Why not.” You handed him a hair tie. Jack separated your hair into three parts trying to do a braid. You could hear him mutter under his breath. “This one over top of that one and that one goes there..done!” He said tieing it off. You felt small pieces of your hair fall out of the braid. “It’s harder than it looks.” You reassured him. “Thanks for trying though.” You smiled at him and kissed him on the nose. “Now... for those tricks...” you said blowing a strand of hair out of your face. He just laughed and kissed you on the cheek. “Of course.” He said getting out of his chair and sitting directly across from you on the floor. The two of you spent the rest of the time practicing card tricks and laughing at each other.
A/N: sorry this is so bad. I’m a little rusty and this is the first time I’m writing for NYSM. Requests are open if you’d like. So yeah.
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Danny: I have a plan, alright? And it involves you giving this letter to Lionel Shrike. Now, I have given this to Thaddeus Bradley, The Eye, his mother- I've even put a copy on his grave, and he has not gotten back to me, which means he hasn't gotten it yet.
Dylan: Okay. What is in this letter?
Danny: That's... none of your business, alright? Just give it to Shrike.
Dylan: Did you write a love letter to my father?
Danny: In a lot of ways, yes, I do love him but that is not a love letter in the way that you're thinking of it, okay? There's nothing sexual or...
Dylan: Okay, that sounds good. I'm gonna read it.
Dylan: "Dear Lionel-" oh shit, there are stickers. Oh, my god. "Dear Lionel, I feel like I can call you Linol because you and me are so much alike." Really? "I would love to meet you someday, it would be great to perform. I love your hair, you magic good. Did you have a good relationship with your father? Me neither. These are all things we can talk about, and more. I hope you write back this time, and we get to be good friends. I am sure our relationship would be real magical."
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kookie-kakes · 7 years
Jack Wilder - Now You See Me
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A/N: Honestly I used to hate this but after some heavy editing it kinda grew on me and I kinda really like it now... Who knows, maybe you will too! ^-^
- - -
A series of knocks immediately brought me to my feet.
I swung the door to my side to reveal a young man, hunched, clutching his side. He looked up at me through a lock of hair that had fallen over his eyes. He winced and clutched his side. My eyes flickered down to find blood seeping through his fingers.
My eyes widened. “Jack, holy shi-”
“Yeah, I know, it’s bad…,” he said in a strained voice, cutting me off. He gestured to the inside of my house. “Can we just…?”
I shook my head at him, my eyes narrowed. “I hate you. So, so freaking much,” I mutter in a dangerous tone, just enough for him to hear. Despite my frustrations, I stepped outside, taking his wrist and slinging his arm over my shoulder. I gripped his waist and helped him limp into the house.
“Laying down,” I ordered, lifting his arm from my shoulders. He proceeded to get down on the couch before I stopped him, shaking my head and wagging a finger at him. “Ah, ah. Shirt’s gotta come off first.”
He let out a hollow chuckle, making himself wince. “You could’ve asked before I’d lost two pints of blood.”
I rolled my eyes. “No laughing, Wilder. It speeds up the heart rate, makes you lose more blood,” I said blandly as I opened my first aid kit from the drawer.
“Sorry to break it to you, princess, but that’s not the only reason my heart rate’s going up,” he said cheekily.
I shook my head. “You really have lost a lot of blood.”
He didn’t say anything. I turned around to find him sprawled out on the couch with exhaustion, still clutching his side, his head to the side and his eyes closed, trying his best to control his breathing. As bitter as I was at him, I still felt equally sympathetic; he really was in pain.
I took my materials and sat down with them in front of him on the hard wood floor. I took his wrist and checked his pulse while subconsciously running my fingers through the front of his hair. I concentrated on his pulse as I studied his face. I finished counting his pulse. An abnormally quick heart rate… hmm…
He groaned and turned his head, opening his eyes with a struggle as if I were shining a blinding light in them. His gaze met mine and a strained, playful smile graced his lips.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” He asked.
My eyebrows furrowed. “Like what?”
“Like that.”
I shook my head once again. Must be the blood loss talking.
My eyes traveled to his side where his hand still lay clenched. I gingerly placed my own hand on his, glancing at him. “Can I see?”
As a response he lifted his hand, which I could see was shaking as it traveled through he air. A pang of sympathy thudded against my heart.
I studied the wound for a second before fishing around for the supplies to treat it.
“Third degree trauma wound. Cut from a knife?” I asked, pulling out a numbing injection.
“Yeah, I got- woah, hold on a minute, doc,” he said, his eyes wide as he peered at the needle. “Can we talk about thi-“
“Look, you don’t want me dressing a wound like that without numbing it,” I explained, pulling out a gauze and smearing alcohol on the skin right next to the huge gash.
“Yeah, okay, just make it quick,” he said, turning his head again and squeezing his eyes shut.
As fast as the needle entered his skin, it left just as quickly. I glanced at Jack, who still had his eyes squinted together as tight as he could.
“I’m done now, genius,” I told him, cracking a small smile. My bitterness was quickly fading away; it was hard to stay mad at him for long.
He cracked an eye open, then quickly both of them when he realized the needle was well away from him. “Oh- right, uh, yeah, I know, ” he replied. “Just testing you.”
“Right,” I nodded, raising my eyebrows in a sarcastic way.
I wasted no time in proceeding to clean the wound. I was about halfway done with the stitching when he broke the silence.
“I’m sorry,” he said simply.
I took a brief pause to send him a questioning look. 
I went back to work, still talking. “For?”
“Working you like this. Showing up at your house at midnight to get stitches. It’s not fair to you.”
I shrugged. “Just part of the job, I guess.” A brief silence passed before I let out a short laugh. “But I do have to admit, as much as you get yourself hurt you’d think you’d know how to stitch yourself up by now.”
“Well, maybe you should teach me?”
I shrugged again. “It’s not too hard. Kinda like knitting I guess. Here, watch.” I leaned in close to show him. I tied off the end of the stitches in slow motion so he could see what was happening. As I finished, I glanced up at him to find his attention intently trained on me. I didn’t fail to notice that his face was particularly close to mine. I let out a slightly nervous laugh.
“Why are you looking at me like that?”
He grinned. “Funny, I asked you the same question just five minutes ago.”
“Okay, yeah, but why?”
Then he grinned even wider. And, as if to answer my question, he propped himself on his elbows and tilted his head forward, just enough to close the gap between us.
I couldn’t comprehend it at first, but as quickly as I tensed up, I relaxed. In one hand I accidentally dropped my tweezers on his chest, abandoning them for a hand in his hair. However, it seemed as if as soon as we kissed, we broke apart. I opened my eyes to find that same silly grin spread across his face.
I guess that’s why.
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prob8850 · 8 years
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the-fifth-horseman · 8 years
Date Night ~Jack Wilder~
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Prompt: Being married to Jack {taking care of him when he gets sick on date night}
Pairing: Jack x Reader
Word Count: 400
Warning: it’s short, it sucks, i hate it, it’s the best I got...
"Jack, honey, have you seen my red heels?" I yell, looking through our closet. Throwing every heel that isn't a black heel every which way, until I finally find my red heels, "Never mind, Jack." I scream again, grabbing them by the straps and began my way back downstairs until I heard Jack  heaving, I drop the heels and race to our bathroom, "Jack, baby, are you okay?" I walk in to find Jack hunched over the toilet, puking. "'Ah, man ew disgusting." I screech like a child, Jack stops puking and looks over to me, "Yeah, I know you married a literal child whatever, vomit is gross." I spew and Jack laughs before yacking again. "Oh, baby, hold on, I'll be right back." I rush out the bathroom, making sure to grab the trash bin by the door before rushing back to our room. I set the bin on his side of the bed, and I rush downstairs grabbing chicken noodle soup throwing it in the microwave and grabbing a sleeve of crackers with two sleeping pills. I also grab a wet rag, wettening it with cold water, I rush back upstairs to find Jack laying in bed, arm over his eyes,
"Y/N, are you there?"I laugh.
"I'm here baby and I brought chicken noodle soup and crackers." I move over to him, putting them on the nightstand,
"Do you have sleeping pills? Please tell me you have sleeping pills, I just want to sleep this off." I laugh and lean over kissing his forehead, his temperature was high.
"I have sleeping pills baby but I think you have the flu, eat your soup and crackers. I think we have some Tamiflu in the bathroom, don't worry, eat up, I'll be right back." I leave the room rushing to our bathroom, frantically searching the cabinet for the Tamiflu, smiling in success when I finally get it, I come back in, finding  Jack sleep, half a cracker in his mouth, "Oh, you're a doof. This is why I married you." I walk toward him pulling the cracker from his mouth, throwing it in the bin that was a quarter full, "Oh it's going to be a long night."I laugh and Jack grumbles something under his breath, in a sleepy haze before rolling over in bed, "I love you too, goofball."
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minsugapie · 5 years
Get to Know Me
Tagged by @xlilybebe
- I’m at work rn, so please enjoy this while I try to finish NYSM chapter 33 tonight 🤞🏻
How tall are you?
- 5’11”
What colour(s) and style is your hair?
- I have medium length straight brown hair with bangs
What colour are your eyes?
- A really light blue with like dark navy around the iris(??)
Do you wear glasses?
- unfortunately
Do you wear braces?
- nope. I’ve never even had a retainer but I do have a chip in my front tooth that I love
What’s your fashion sense?
- I like docs and grunge and retro looking things like 60s and 70s styles but also find me in a ball cap and cowboy boots
Full name?
- call me doll or dolly. It’s not my real name but my dad has called me doll since I was in the womb I imagine.
When were you born?
- July 6, 1997
Where are you from and where are you now?
- A city in Saskatchewan, Canada
What school did/do you go to?
- I went to a catholic school my whole life and now I’m in uni to be a French teacher
Favourite subject?
- Art and French
Favourite tv shows?
- gossip girl, Gilmore girls, Buffy the vampire slayer, meteor garden, Brooklyn 99, American horror story (season 1 and 3), Scooby-Doo, Sailor Moon, Inuyasha
Favourite movie?
- The Harry Potter movies, Dirty Dancing, Mary Poppins, Legally Blonde, How to Steal a Million, The Santa Clause, Singing in the Rain
Favourite book?
- The Bell Jar, Cather in the Rye, Perks of the Being a Wallflower, Harry Potter books (obvi)
Do you have any regrets?
- who doesn’t?
Dream job?
- book critic maybe? Right now, I really want to go teach in South Korea for a bit
Would you ever like to be married?
- Is this even a question? Of course.
Would you like kids?
- you bet
How many?
- 2-4 (maybe a couple adoptions idk)
Do you like shopping?
- Depends on what it’s for. Books? Yes. Jeans? No.
What countries have you visited?
- Canada and the USA
Scariest nightmare you’ve had?
- when I was little I had 2 recurring nightmares (I don’t have scary dreams now). One was where I just had earthworms crawling all over me. That’s literally it. The second was where I was being stalked by Diego the saber-toothed tiger from Ice Age in a spelunking cave made of ice and my only companion was Molly (Lunette the clown’s doll from Big Comfy Couch) and we got eaten by him.
*fun fact, I stopped having nightmares once my mom got me a dream catcher and I’ve slept with one ever since
Any enemies?
- no? do people actually have enemies in rl?
- Always. Who doesn’t?
Any significant other?
- Single Pringle. I’m trying to finish school and travel a bit before settling down so
Do you believe in miracles?
- yes. and fate.
How are you?
- Can’t complain.
I tag whoever wants to do it 🤙🏻
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gay-gay-very-gay · 7 years
Imagine playing video games with Jack
Y/n: Jack stop it! You’re cheating.
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Jack: Am not!
Y/n: Yes you are!
Jack: 2-0 to me.
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Y/n: Only because you’re a cheater.
Jack: Are you really accusing me of cheating?
Y/n: Yes!
Jack: How about now?
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Jack: Do you admit that I’m not a cheater!?
Y/n: Never!
Jack: Okay, I give up. You win.
Y/n: Told you.
Jack: Come here
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jb3islife · 3 years
Love is Like a Playing Card (J. Daniel Atlas) Chapter III
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“So,” Sutton stated, her knees pulled up to her chest and her head resting on them, “it’s just like that?” Danny kissed the top of her head to comfort her.
Henley sighed, along with Jack, Merritt, and Dylan. “Yeah, Sutton,” she said, “it is.”
Sutton bit her lip, deciding how best to respond. “I won’t lie to you, Henley. I never have. And using Danny and I as a reason for why you’re leaving…” She shook her head. “That’s low.”
“But I-” Henley started, silenced by Merritt’s hand on her arm.
“No, don’t,” Sutton stated. “I need to do this. First, I was in denial and ran away. Now, I’m angry. I need to say this.”
Henley sat in shock, never seeing this side of Sutton come at her before. “Um, yeah. You’re right. That’s fair.”
Sutton sighed heavily. She placed her feet on the floor and took Henley’s hand in her own. “I need you to know that I am angry and hurt that you are choosing to leave us. However, I don’t blame your reasons for wanting to.” Henley let out a breath at Sutton’s words. “I don’t want you to leave, but I don’t want to hold you back. You deserve a happy life. You deserve to have a family. You know, not a criminal one,” she smirked. Henley choked out a laugh. “Please, don’t abandon me. I need to know you’re safe.”
Henley smiled at her younger cousin, amazed by how much more mature Sutton seemed compared to herself. “I’ll never abandon you, Sutton,” Henley comforted her. “But, it’s me that will always need to know that you’re safe. After all, you’re living your life as, well, a criminal.”
“Actually, I’m dead,” Sutton joked, receiving a laugh from the others.
“Awe, shit!” Jack shouted. “I am too!”
The group laughed together, feeling like the family they had been for the past two years. Henley looked around the room at the smiling faces before her. She looked at Sutton, so strong even when she was hurting. She looked at Danny, so in love with her cousin that he couldn’t even see it for himself. She looked at Jack and Merritt, ready to put themselves in harm's way to protect Sutton. She looked at Dylan, the person who could see the great potential Sutton had within her to change the world.
“Henley?” Sutton said. “You okay?” Danny wrapped an arm around Sutton’s shoulder, pulling her toward himself to place a kiss on her temple.
Henley gave her a side smile. “I am,” she responded. “I think I am finally becoming okay with the idea of leaving you with them.”
Sutton put a hand on Henley’s. “You aren’t,” Sutton told her. “You’ll be with me in more ways than you think.”
Henley stood, pulling Sutton up with her. “I love you so much, Sut.” Henley pulled her into a long, tight hug.
“I love you more, Hen.”
As the two pulled away from one another, Danny cleared his throat. “So, what’s next?”
“You’re moving in with Sutton,” Jack and Merritt commanded. Danny cocked an eyebrow. Sutton smiled at the irony of the situation.
“What’s so funny, Sutton?” Dylan asked her, his smile showing that he was ready for her shenanigans.
Sutton giggled. “Merritt and Jack think they are being protective of me as if Danny and I haven’t had sex all over this apartment when Henley would stay with the boys.”
Danny spit the water he was drinking out in surprise at her comment. His face was already turning bright red, and it wasn’t from choking on the water. Jack, Merritt, and Henley started to yell their own profanities about the comment as Dylan sat and laughed harder than Sutton had ever seen.
“Oh, my God!” Jack screamed. “All over? Really? The kitchen?”
Sutton bit her lip as she sat down next to Danny, avoiding Jack’s deadly stare. She tousled her hair to hide her smile from the others as she gave Danny a wink. Danny bit his lip and looked away from her, his mind already going to the first day he threw Sutton up on the counter as she made dinner for the two. He ran a hand up and down Sutton’s upper thigh, the friction burning a hole in her jeans.
“Fuck my life,” Jack huffed, his hands covering his face. “Why not just stab me in the back? That place is my sanctuary when I visit your apartment, Sut! God, those poor leftovers. The things they’ve heard.”
“We can all be grateful,” Merritt started, patting Jack on the back as he pretended to choke up, “that those helpless leftovers never had to see a thing.” Sutton and Danny rolled their eyes.
Henley laughed loudly. “I raised you well, young Reeves.”
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jb3islife · 3 years
Love is Like a Playing Card (J. Daniel Atlas) Chapter IV
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~~ Three Months Later ~~
Danny pulled up to his destination. He let out a frustrated grunt as he stood and marched up to the building in front of him. His fists slammed against the door.
“Who the hell pounds on a fu-” the voice cut itself short when the person opened the door. “Oh. Danny.”
“Dylan,” Danny stated through gritted teeth.
“Uh, come in?” Dylan said, unsure of what to do. 
Danny stepped inside the cold apartment that Dylan used as his FBI coverup. It was dull, completely free of decorations. It was nothing like the home Sutton had made their apartment.
Dylan walked around Danny, flopping down on his couch. “To whom do I owe this pleasure to on my day off?” he asked, picking up his laptop and typing quickly. Dylan claimed he had recently been working on finding The Horsemen an opportunity to make their big return.
Danny took a minute to collect himself before answering. He thought about his conversation earlier with Jack and Merritt. The three were, for once, in agreement with each other- if Dylan didn’t find them something, anything, to do within the next month, they were taking matters into their own hands, even if it meant bringing Jack and Sutton “back from the dead.” Sutton, on the other hand, was still adjusting to life without Henley. Sometimes, Danny caught her looking at old photos and programs from their shows, or overheard their phone conversations. The sighs Sutton heaved after she hung up a call were starting to get to Danny, slowly eating away at his sanity. 
“Look,” Danny finally said, “we are done waiting.”
Dylan sighed. He closed his laptop and sat it down on the coffee table in front of him. He steepled his fingers in front of his face, letting out a deep breath. “I know,” he said, turning his head to Danny.
Danny looked away from Dylan, ashamed of the vulnerability he was about to show. “I’m afraid if it takes any longer, Sutton is going to leave, too.”
Carefully looking at the illusionist, Dylan replied, “I can’t see Sutton ever leaving.” Danny gave him a look, one filled with hope. “She loves you too much. Hell, she loves Jack and Merritt too much. That’s her Achilles heel that will get her in trouble.”
“What do you mean?” Danny questioned him, his eyebrows furrowing.
Again, Dylan sighed, choosing his words carefully. “The more a magician, especially one in our position, cares, the more likely they are to mess up.”
Danny scoffed, disgusted by Dylan’s words. “The size of Sutton’s heart doesn’t affect her magic. She is still the same person she was when performing with Henley.”
“Is she?” Dylan questioned with a cock of his eyebrow.
Danny’s jaw clenched and unclenched, anger building within him at Dylan’s clear betrayal of Sutton’s talents. “Maybe it’s time that I put my trust in my team and do something you haven’t been able to do.” With that, Danny walked out the door as Dylan scoffed his disapproval.
When Danny reached his motorcycle, he took out his cell phone, prepared to call Sutton. Instead, a text message popped up on his screen from a secured number.
Prove yourself, the message read. The Eye is always watching.
~One Week Later~
“Yes, Merritt,” Sutton mumbled into her cell phone as she walked back into the living room. She handed Danny his bottle of water as he read yet another mystery crime novel. “We will be there. I promise.” Sutton sat beside Danny, her body instinctively curling up to his. “What do you want me to do? Pinky promise? I can’t do that over the phone.” Sutton threw a leg over Danny’s outstretched ones as her arm wrapped around his torso. Danny welcomed her body next to his as he wrapped an arm around her, his eyes never leaving his book. 
In the last three months, this had become a normal occurrence for the couple, spending time with one another in comfortable silence. However, there were plenty of moments when Danny began to rant on and on about The Eye. He was getting tired of being cooped up all day. Sutton had talked him into reading crime novels to help get his mind off of the magical crimes he would rather be committing. Sometimes, this backfired and caused Danny to then rant about how he could pull off the crime “much more efficiently by using magic.” More often than not, Sutton was quite persuasive in getting him to drop the topic quickly.
Sutton huffed, bringing the phone down from her ear and holding it to her chest. “Merritt needs us to pinky promise.”
Danny rolled his eyes, sitting his book down. “You miss one take-out movie night for a roll in the sack and it all goes to hell.”
Sutton giggled. “No one says that anymore, babe.” She gave him a quick kiss and stuck out her pinky to Danny. He smiled, wrapping his pinky around hers. 
Sutton quickly snapped a photo of their entwined fingers and sent it to Merritt. “Did you get it?” she asked the mentalist. “Good. Now, we will see you tonight at ten. What?” She rolled her eyes. “Tell Jack I am not baking cookies. When you’re the host, you make or buy the food. I don’t make the rules. Bye, boys!” Sutton huffed, ending the call.
Sutton snuggled closer to Danny’s side, her arm wrapping tight around his torso. Danny ran a hand through her hair as his other hand gripped her thigh, pulling her leg up more.
Danny placed a light kiss to the top of her head. “You already made the cookies, didn’t you?”
“Chocolate chip, yeah,” Sutton laughed, tilting her head up to see Danny smile. They kissed, their lips moving as one, a feeling that neither one had yet to get tired of.
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jb3islife · 3 years
Love is Like a Playing Card (J. Daniel Atlas) Chapter II
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“Sutton? Sutton?”
Sutton heard the voices, as fuzzy as they sounded. Her vision was still spinning. She felt herself moving, standing on her feet. Her legs lifted with a weight she never felt before.
“Sutton, honey! Please!” Henley’s voice choked out. 
“No.” Sutton felt the words leave her throat, not sure if they actually made it past her lips.
Sutton felt the cool sensation of the doorknob in her hand. She felt her wrist bones crunch as she turned it, every involuntary movement suddenly aware to her. She heard the crash of a door behind her, her body turning to lock the door. Her body slid into a sitting position on the floor, the soft feeling of the mattress hit her back. Arms wrapping around her legs, she felt her body suddenly fall to the side.
“Maybe it will all go away,” Sutton whispered to herself, her eyes closing, “and Henley won’t leave me.”
“I can’t leave her alone,” Jack stated, getting up to follow Sutton after the door crashed shut.
“No, Jack,” Henley told him. “Let her sleep through this.”
“Excuse me?” Danny yelled, annoyance and anger laced in his voice. “You’re going to leave without actually speaking to Sutton? Your cousin? The one person in this room who loves all of us unconditionally?”
Henley huffed, wiping at her tears. “Maybe it’s for the best, Danny.” She stood, moving toward the door. 
“Like hell it is!” Merritt exclaimed, standing in her path. “I told you I respected your decision, Henley, on one condition- give Sutton the closure she deserves. If you walk out this door without doing that, I promise you, that girl is never going to speak to you again.”
Henley turned around, tears in her eyes once more. She looked at Danny, his hands in a ball in front of him, his jaw clenching and unclenching. Despite her better judgement, Henley sat beside him. 
“I’m sorry,” she told Danny, her voice small. When Danny didn’t look at her, Henley placed her hands on his. “Danny, I have my reasons. I’m not doing this to hurt Sutton.”
Danny swallowed, shaking his head. “What reason could be great enough that you would leave Sutton, Henley?”
Henley glanced at Merritt and Jack. They nodded, signaling her to tell Danny the truth. Henley huffed. “I want more, Danny. There is more to life than magic and secret societies. I want to find someone who loves me the way that you love Sutton.”
Danny looked at her, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion. “I-I’m not even sure what that is supposed to mean.”
Henley chuckled lightly, smiling to herself, amused by Danny’s inability to see how great his affection for Sutton is. “Danny, how can I find someone who loves me if I’m in hiding? You and Sutton have known each other from the start of this crazy journey. What am I supposed to do? Tell the guy, “Oh, by the way, I robbed a bank,” on the first date?”
“You know,” Merritt interjected, “that’s really like a fifth date thing. Even better, I already know your history!” He opened his arms for a hug. Jack laughed.
“Anyway,” Henley said, rolling her eyes, “it’s just not possible. After watching you and Sutton these past two years, I have really fallen in love with the idea of having someone to love me, maybe even a family.”
“But, we are a family,” Danny stated, not even registering what he was saying
Henley put her hand on her heart, tears threatening to fall once more. “You will always be my family.” She looked at Jack, Merritt, and Dylan. “You’re all my crazy, messed up, criminal family.” They all chuckled. “And maybe,” she looked back at Danny, placing her hands around his once more, “maybe someday, we will be a family in that official-type of way.”
Danny looked over at her, a smirk crawling across his lips. “Yeah, maybe someday.”
“Sutton? Sutton?” 
Sutton threw her hands over her ears. She was hearing the voices again. A hand touched her shoulder, forcing Sutton’s eyes open.
“Hey, beautiful,” Danny smiled down at her. “How are you feeling?” he asked, sitting down on the floor beside her.
Sutton rubbed her eyes and let out a heavy sigh. “It wasn’t a dream, was it?” she asked, sitting up beside Danny. 
“No, baby,” Danny stated, moving the hair out of Sutton’s face. He kissed her forehead. “I’m sorry.” Danny took Sutton’s hand, rubbing the back of it with his thumb. “You need to hear Henley out.”
Sutton lifted her eyes to Danny’s. “Did she tell you?”
Danny nodded. “She has her reasons, Sut. Just listen.”
Sutton sighed, leaning her head into the crook of Danny’s neck. “But are they good reasons?”
Danny gave a slight chuckle, running a hand up and down Sutton’s spine. “Better than I would have thought.”
Sutton leaned back, studying Dann’s expression. Deciding he was being sincere, she pecked his lips. Danny helped Sutton up off the closet floor, wrapping her tightly in a hug.
“Whatever it is,” Sutton spoke, “it won’t change us. Right?”
Danny was caught off guard by her question. Sucking in a breath, he said, “Never.”
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jb3islife · 5 years
A Magic Trick Gone Wrong (Horsemen)
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Request: Reader is in the hospital after a magic trick goes wrong and the Horsemen are concerned.
“Imagine��”: You are a Horseman and a magic trick winds you up in the hospital.
 “I can’t just sit here and wait like this,” Henley said, shoving herself up from the chair. She made her way over to the receptionist for the umpteenth time in the past six hours.
The other Horsemen watched her careful, their eyes following her movements. Fixated once again on the lips of the receptionist, they whispered, “Damnit,” in unison.
Henley’s shoulders slumped farther yet as she sat down in her seat. “She said there are no updates since I last asked.”
“Maybe if you wouldn’t ask every fifteen minutes, they would tell us something,” Danny whispered.
“Fuck you, Danny,” Henley snapped. “At least I’m trying to find out what is happening behind those doors to (Y/N)!”
“You two need to relax,” Merritt pointedly stated. “Why don’t we go for coffee and some food? I think we all need a break.”
“What if (Y/N) wakes up?” Jack asked, groggily rubbing his eyes. When he removed his hands, his eyes were bright red with dark circles becoming even darker underneath.
“I’ll have the receptionist call for us over the intercom if there are any updates,” Henley stated simply, rubbing Jack’s shoulder as she walked over to the counter. The nurse kindly agreed to her request.
In the hospital cafeteria, the group ordered their food and slid into the seats of their table. They ate in silence, taking sips of coffee every so often. Once finished, the team sat, the steam from their coffees seeming to speak the conversation they did not want to have.
They had practiced it hundreds of times, making sure everything was in place. It worked every time, (Y/N) safely escaping with no issues. It was too easy that the Horsemen were not sure if the audience would believe it was actually magic.
“What happens if they find the escape fake?” (Y/N) asked, whipping her hands on her pants.
“They won’t,” Henley consoled her. “You make it look easy which makes them think it really is magic.”
“Besides,” Merritt spoke, “who is really going to question the Horsemen at this rate?” The group laughed, the tension slowly rolling off them.
“Let’s go, my money makers!” Arthur Tressler called from the stage. “Time to get you all looking pretty for your audience!”
The Horsemen waved to Tressler. “Anyone else want to punch him in the face?” Jack asked, a fake smile plastered where his usual real, pleasant smile would be.
“Face?” Danny questioned. “I was thinking along the lines of kicking him right in his-“
“Woah!” Merritt exclaimed, hands shooting up in the air. “A little too graphic, even for me, Daniel!”
That night, the stage was set. Everything throughout the night was leading up to this point in the performance- (Y/N)’s escape.
“Ladies and gentlemen,” Danny’s voice echoed, “it is now time for the moment you have all been waiting for!”
The audience’s cheers roared throughout the building. (Y/N)’s heart pounded to the beat of the roars. Adrenaline was already pumping through her veins along with her nerves. Shaking out her limbs, (Y/N) continued to listen to the words of her fellow Horsemen.
“This is a new trick we have been practicing for some time now,” Merritt explained.
Danny continued, “This is a trick you need to think about before you judge it.”
“Hey,” Jack’s kind voice whispered behind (Y/N). “Nervous?”
(Y/N) chuckled. “What do you think, Wilder?”
Jack smiled, the light bouncing off his beautiful teeth. “I know you have everything under control. Just stay calm like I know you can and everything will be fine.”
(Y/N) nodded. “Thanks, Jack,” she said, pulling him into a tight hug which Jack gladly returned.
“If you can all put your hands together for the bravest of our group, (Y/N) (Y/L/N)!” Henley announced.
The lights shifted over toward (Y/N) and Jack. The two waved toward the crowd. Jack helped (Y/N) into the standing wooden box. As she stood inside, Jack gave her a kiss on the cheek. “I love you,” he whispered. “You got this.”
(Y/N) breathed in and out deeply, nodding her head. Jack closed the wooden door, locking it tight.
A crackle came from above the Horsemen. “Will the family of (Y/N) (Y/L/N) please come to the waiting room? Thank you.”
The Horsemen looked at one another knowing that this could go either way. Regardless, they hustled to the nearest elevator. When they reached the floor, they rushed out, meeting the receptionist who pointed them toward the doctor.
“The surgery went better than expected due to the amount of burns (Y/N) suffered,” the doctor explained. “Right now, she is sleeping. She may be asleep for a little bit yet but you are more than welcome to go in and stay with her if y-“
There was no waiting for the rest of the doctor’s spiel. The Horsemen were getting in that room and not leaving until they saw (Y/N)’s eyes open. When they entered the room, the escape artist was hooked up to IVs and other machines. (Y/N)’s body was wrapped in bandages from head to toe.
As if it were planned, the Horsemen each swallowed back their fears. (Y/N) was alive, yes, but she would not be the same when she woke up.
“How are we going to help her when she wakes up?” Jack spoke, his voice cracking.
Henley wiped her tears. “We are going to take a break from magic, that’s what we will do.”
“How is that possible?” Danny asked, his voice filled with concern for both the plan and (Y/N)’s life.
“I have a plan,” Merritt spoke. “We do the last show as it is written out.”
“No way!” Henley and Jack yelled, angered by the fact that Merritt would even say such a thing.
“Hear me out,” the mentalist begged. “The last show has us going into hiding. The world thinks (Y/N) is dead from a magic trick gone wrong. Jack was supposed to “die” anyway, so we can go on with everything as planned.”
“And what about (Y/N)? Where will she be this entire time?” Jack asked, concerned for his best friend. The team sat in silence for a moment, knowing fully well that (Y/N) would not be able to be alone.
“Go now,” a small voice spoke. The Horsemen looked up. Despite the bandages and the amount of pain she must be in, the team saw (Y/N) smiling back at them.
“(Y/N)!” the Horsemen yelled, crowding around her bed. They were careful not to touch her out of fear they would hurt her.
“As much as I love you all,” (Y/N) spoke, “I need you to go and finish the plan. Jack can come get me when his part of the plan is over.”
The Horsemen chuckled. “You never stop thinking about magic, do you?” Merritt asked.
“Not as long as I have a family like you guys,” (Y/N) smiled.
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I promise!
I promise you guys I will start writing more I’m just out of ideas, I’ll post this on all my other accounts for each fandom too just to cover all my bases. Please request. I love you guys and I love writing for you and I finally feel like I’m at a place where I can do that again. I love you all so much 🖤 xx
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jb3islife · 7 years
100% The Father (Dylan Rhodes)
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“Imagine…”: Dylan realizing he is your father.
 “(Y/N) (Y/L/N),” an agent with curly black hair and scruffy facial hair. “So, what is your ‘magical ability’?”
 You smirked at the agent as you balanced the metal chair on its back two legs. With your arms crossed and shoes on the table, you had made yourself at home. “I do it all. I’m all four of my fellow Horsemen in one body.”
 “I find that hard to believe,” the agent mumbled under his breath.
 The woman with him made a clicking sound with her tongue. She extended her hand. “Alma Dray,” she introduced herself. “Dylan Rhodes,” she gestured toward the man. You shook her hand, eyeing up Agent Rhodes as he took a seat.
 “So, exactly what was your role in the bank robbery?” Dylan questioned, sliding your manila folder across the table. Catching it beneath your hand, you slammed the chair to the ground, a loud echo ringing through the small room.
 “Not much. I mean, as far as I understand, the French guy just put on the helmet,” you demonstrated the motion for the two agents’ understanding, “pushed the button, and poof! Money everywhere.” A grin spread across your face as you recalled the ever-so-clear memory.
 “Don’t be a smartass,” the annoyed agent squinted. You rolled your eyes, opening your file to a picture of yourself. The mugshot you were forced to take when you arrived stared back at you. You swallowed, not believing that you would never be able to check ‘no’ on applications that asked, “Do you have a criminal background?”
 “Hey,” Dylan’s voice yelled, his fingers snapping in your face. Your head shot up, his eyes meeting yours. “Stay with us, huh?”
 “Um, sure,” you mumbled, pushing the folder his way. “W-What exactly do you have in there?”
 Dylan raised an eyebrow at you. Amusement pulled at the corner of his lips. “Oh, a little of this. A little of that.”
 “If you are wondering how much we know about you,” Alma confirmed your thoughts, “we know just about everything.”
 “Everything?” You echoed, refolding your arms across your chest.
 “From the accidental fire in the chemistry lab in high school to the deadbeat of a father-“
 “Step-father,” you reminded him through gritted teeth. “Emphasis on the step.”
 Dylan nodded. “Understandable annoyance in your voice. I noticed there isn’t a father listed on your birth certificate. How come?”
 You shrugged. “My mom always said she didn’t want people to make fun of her. She said something about him being a magician, always rambling on about how he could escape any trick with ease.” You laughed, the irony settling in. “Imagine her shock when I started to practice magic.”
 Alma smiled at you, a twinkle in her eye reminding you of your mother. Dylan, on the other hand, had rested his chin on the palm of his hand, studying you. “What year were you born in again?”
 “1992.” You scrunched your eyebrows at him.
 “And your mother’s maiden name is what again?”
 “The same as my last name. She never changed it, even when she married.” Dylan stood from the table frantically. “What does any of this have to do with the bank robbery?”
 “I-It doesn’t,” Dylan told you, his fingers combing through his hair. He moved his head from side to side a few times before closing his eyes, breathing deeply, and settling back down on his chair. “So, you have no idea who your father is?”
 “Nope,” you said, popping the ‘p’. “All I know is what I told you, and that he was 20 when he and my mom had their short fling in New Orleans. He was gone before she could even tell him she was pregnant.”
 Dylan folded his hands, his forehead settling on them as he breathed. “Miss (Y/L/N), you’re free to go,” he mumbled.
 “That’s it?” you questioned, eyes wide in surprise.
 Dylan nodded as Alma fumbled with her French words, possibly swearing. You shrugged, standing to make your getaway.
 “Oh, my God!” Merritt exclaimed. “I did not see that coming. That’s impossible!”
 “No way,” Jack muttered beside you.
 “That was actually, uh, pretty good,” Danny admitted.
 “Thank you,” FBI Agent Dylan Rhodes smiled. “(Y/N)?”
 “Um, uh, y-yeah?” you stuttered, not sure if you were even speaking out loud.
 “I know who your father is,” he smiled at you, stepping closer.
 “Really?” you shouted your surprise, excitement and ear running through your veins.
 He nodded, taking your hands in his. “I’m sorry I didn’t know before.”
 You furrowed your eyebrows. “It’s okay. I mean, it’s not your job to worry about my past.”
 Dylan chuckled lightly. “No, (Y/N). I’m sorry I didn’t know back then, back when I woke up after one amazing night with your mom.”
 Your eyes grew in shock, mouth falling open to speak. All that came out was a mix of unfinished words. You looked at your fellow Horsemen, them blurry from the tears forming in your eyes. Henley’s hands had covered her mouth, keeping her own sobs under control. “You-You’re my…”
 Dylan nodded. “I had no idea until you said that your mother describing your father as a “magician” during the interrogation. That he always said he could escape anything. As if this all doesn’t sound crazy enough, I took a DNA sample of yours. Um, there was a hair on the table in the interrogation room when you left. I sent it with one of my own. I am 100% your father.”
 “Actually, it’s more like 50% because her mo-“ Merritt interjected, trying to break the awkwardness, but he received a hit in the stomach from Jack.
 You laughed, your tears of happiness mixing with the choking sound that erupted from your lungs. You weren’t sure what to do, so you decided on the only thing that you ever wanted to do; you hugged your father.
 Dylan, after receiving a blow to his stomach by your surprise attack, closed his eyes, wrapping his arms around you and settling his head on top of yours.
 “I always imagined hugging my father one day,” you mumbled against his chest.
 Dylan’s body shook with his laughter. “I never imagined hugging my daughter but I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
 Again you choked out a sob. Dylan held you at arms length, allowing you to dry your eyes. He stared at you carefully, like he was studying you for a test that he had the next morning. “Wow. I can’t believe I didn’t notice it sooner. You look exactly like your mom,” Dylan smiled, pulling you back into a hug and pressing his lips into the top of your hair.
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