#nysm one shot
1010lilfoot · 11 months
It must be tough to draw such big shots like the latest update. How do you do it? ><
It can definitely be tough! Some are harder than others. As you might expect, the fabled crowd shots are rough ones. This wasn't so bad, but I've had to draw shots with like 40 characters milling around (I made myself do it so I have no one to blame lol).
The hardest part for me is that I get bored halfway through. I don't like spending too long on one page, or even one panel, haha. Well, it also gets difficult to keep track of all the little details. I must train harder...
My advice for big establishing shots? Just stick to it! Don't get bogged down in details. You'll be done after a while and you won't be bored anymore!
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Okay I did have very vague thoughts when drawing the background characters for this one, so I will elaborate on them! Going from top to bottom/left to right!
Fishhead Guy: He's part of security for the event! A wise adult. He can only drink salt water, and Partridge keeps a steady supply for him. Keeps a small aquarium at home. Has he ever taken a sip of the water? That's for him to know and for us to never find out...
Below our group of known characters is...a whole bunch of NYSM members! Yes, they are a big group. The size is more like TDD than TDL.
Blond Hair and Green Dress: Young adults dancing around a relationship. Both are thinking the same thing... "Does she like me back?" She does! Work it out! In terms of their Talents, Green Dress gives totally accurate horoscopes. When Blond Hair feels down, her presence turns into that of the sea at night, when it's completely dark. She draws you in, and if you take her hand, you'll be lost at sea... Not on purpose, though. She's nice!
Suspenders: They are good friends with Blond and Green. They don't actually have a Talent, but they're a part of NYSM nonetheless. When Green became Talented, Suspenders joined her in leaving home to find a Talent City. Suspenders is very, very good at math. A lot of Talented ran away from home/left society as young teenagers, so being good at math is like, an insane skill.
White Fire and Suit Friend: Besties. :) White Fire acts on impulse 99% of the time and Suit Friend enables him. They're cool kids who like to...uh, loiter. White Fire tried to skateboard and completely wiped out, once. Suit Friend's Talent is being literally impossible to knock over. White Fire's Talent is self-explanatory. The fire isn't hot, but it has zero functionality.
Birdcage and Puffer Jacket: Birdcage's Talent is reminiscent of a phoenix! Fire will randomly generate in her birdcage head–also not hot. She heals fast, and is immortal (except for old age). She doesn't know a lot about her Talent because, like...how would she test this stuff? Bubbles will spontaneously generate from Puffer Jacket's body. This is all her Talent does. She knows a lot about it, though, and in a dangerous situation, she can create a bubble smokescreen easily. Birdcage thinks she's super cool.
White Hair and Star: Star looks familiar to me too... She's not a reference or anything though, so I probably just reused an old design on accident. She can jump on those stars and use them as platforms, but they shrink and disappear quickly. Her Talent is like a real life video game platformer. White Hair can find any sort of plant in their sleeves. They've learned how to make tea/herbal remedies/etc. because of this. They're shy but they'll give you a flower.
Feathers, Green Hair, and Red Jacket: All adults! Feathers' Talent is just that–growing feathers like a scarf. He really likes it and think's it's fashionable. He's a bit narcissistic. Green Hair can change her hair like a chameleon. It usually happens on accident, like a mood ring. She can't control it well and she's a chaotic person, so it's constantly changing. Red Jacket is doing their best to make both these weirdos chill out. It is not going well. Their Talent means everything they touch with their bare hands will be stained red. It washes out eventually, but they wear gloves, for practicality.
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myriadimagines · 7 years
Say It Again
Now You See Me One Shot
Characters: [GENDER NEUTRAL] Reader x J. Daniel Atlas + Henley Reeves, Jack Wilder and Merritt McKinney
Warnings: lil bit of swearing, alcohol consumption
Request: “Hi! Can I request a one shot where Daniel Atlas and the reader are dating but he gets jealous when someone else starts flirting with them? Thanks!” - fandom-imagines-forever
Word Count: 1,468
A/N: first Now You See Me one shot !! i ended up writing more for this than i expected, but i actually kinda like it!!
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Danny fiddled with his microphone and smiled to himself as he watched you, Henley and Jack laughing loudly as the three of you fooled around with a pack of cards. Danny wasn’t quite sure what the three of you were up to, but it looked like some intricate game in which Jack was losing. You were perched on top of one of the speakers as Henley was sitting on the edge of a chair, and Jack was sitting cross-legged on the floor. You and Henley exchanged mischievous grins before all three of you held out the cards you were holding, and shrieked with laughter as Jack groaned loudly and threw his card onto the floor.
“I swear,” he grumbled, trying to suppress his grin. “This game is rigged.”
“You’re just bad at it.” you teased, and smiled when you noticed your boyfriend watching you. It always brought a smile to Danny’s face seeing you smile, as cheesy as that was. You waved your arm and beckoned for him to come closer, exclaiming, “Come play with us, Danny!”
“You’re boyfriend’s too serious for games.” Henley snickered after Danny hesitated, and Danny rolled his eyes.
“No, I’m just too busy preparing for our show.” Danny folded his arms. “You know, the show that’s supposed to start in, oh, five minutes.”
“Oh, lighten up.” you laughed, getting up and moving towards Danny. You loosely wrapped your arms around his neck as you kissed his nose, and he relaxed as he wrapped his arms around your waist. “He’s right, anyway, we should get ready.”
You looked over your shoulder and raised your eyebrows at Henley and Jack, who sighed loudly and began picking up the cards. The curtain next to Danny suddenly moved, and Merritt pushed it aside and poked his head out. Adjusting his hat, he asked, “Is everyone ready? The crowd is packed.”
Danny was just about to respond when a loud voice boomed over the speaker, announcing the Horseman’s act. The five of you exchanged glances before quickly scrambling into position, ready to run onto stage. You straightened your shirt before your eyes widened, and you looked around, panicking. Besides you, Danny chuckled as he reached for your jacket on the table next to held it out to you, an eyebrow raised.
“Looking for this, y/n?” he teased, and you laughed as you grabbed it and quickly slipped it on. You leaned over to give him a quick kiss as Merritt and Jack pretended to gag besides you.
“Thanks, babe.” you smiled, ignoring Merritt and Jack’s teasing. Just as the voice over the speaker introduced the five of you, you reached over to squeeze Danny’s hand and said, “Ready to wow the audience?”
Smirking, Danny replied, “Aren’t I always?”
You excitedly smacked Merritt’s shoulder as the five of you escaped off the stage through the secret passageway. Merritt shook his head, a wide smile lighting up his face as you spun around to face the rest of the Horsemen. You flung your arms around Jack as everyone finally made it backstage, and Jack laughed as he enthusiastically hugged you back.
“The crowd loved it!” you squealed, the excitement and adrenaline still flowing through your body. “They loved us!”
“Well of course they’d love us.” Danny piped up from the back of the group, and you laughed as you moved to hug him. As you hugged, he whispered in your ear, “I think they loved you the most.”
“Cute.” Henley scoffed before you could reply, and the group all laughed before you spun around to face the others, your arms still around Danny’s waist as he wrapped an arm around your shoulders.
“We should celebrate.” you suggested, and Jack grinned as Merritt and Danny exchanged dubious glances. “Oh, come on! Just something small, like we could all go out for a drink. This show went so well, we all deserve a treat.”
“Alright, but only if I’m not the one paying for all our drinks.” Jack clapped his hands together, and everyone rolled their eyes good naturedly.
“y/n’s right.” Henley tucked her hair behind her ears. “Drinks on me. Let’s go out.”
After changing out of your show clothes and into something more casual, the five of you stumbled out of the back door, arms around each other.
Merritt and Danny snickered as they watched you, Henley and Jack dancing wildly in the middle of the club, waving your arms to the music as you jumped around. The three of you grabbed each other’s hands and started spinning around. Danny could barely hear your laughter over the loud music, but the smile on your face seemed to light up the whole room.
“You really love y/n, don’t you?” Merritt suddenly piped up, and Danny looked up at him in surprise. It was not often he had an actual serious conversation with Merritt, and it felt strange.
Shrugging, Danny nonchalantly replied, “Yeah, I guess.”
“That’s very vague.” Merritt chuckled as he took a sip from his drink. “Have you told them the three magic words?”
“The three- oh.” Danny scoffed when he realised what Merritt was talking about, and he pressed his lips together. “Why do I need to say it? y/n knows it already.”
“Well, sometimes it’s just nice to hear it.” Merritt shrugged, and Danny rolled his eyes. However, deep down, Danny had been dying to tell you that he loved you, but something inside of him always seemed to hold him back. He looked up and saw you approaching, and he put down his drink just before you grabbed his hands and pulled him towards where Henley and Jack were dancing. Danny hesitated, but you looked so adorable with your flushed cheeks and goofy smile. You gestured for Merritt to join too, and you began jumping up and down and forcing Danny to dance too. Danny smiled bashfully as he moved rigidly, and you placed your hands on his shoulders and leaned closer to talk.
“Just relax, babe.” you laughed. Danny rolled his shoulders back and let himself move to the music, and you clapped as he began dancing more wildly. You laughed as he grabbed your hand and spun you around, and the other Horsemen smiled to themselves as they watched the two of you. Danny was always so serious, but with you, he seemed like a whole new person.
“I’m going to get us more drinks.” Danny yelled over the music, and you nodded as he moved towards the bar. He quickly ordered your favorite drink and his, before grabbing the glasses and turning around. He froze when he saw another man approach you from behind, and you spun around, alarmed, when the man put his hand on your waist. He could see you trying to move away as the man leaned down to whisper something in your ear, and you gave him a tense smile before scanning the dance floor, trying to look for Danny.
“You better move, man.” Jack suddenly appeared by Danny’s side, and nudged him with his arm. “Otherwise he’s gonna steal y/n.”
“He’s not going to steal y/n.” Danny snapped, angrily gripping the glasses. As much as he wanted to move forward and show this man that you were taken, he felt like he couldn’t move.
“Here, let me just…” Jack gently pried the glasses from Danny’s hand, before gesturing for him to go over to you. “Come on, man, you are so jealous. Just go up to them.”
“I’m not-” Danny tried to deny, but Jack gave him a pointed look.
“It’s written all over your face.” Jack chuckled. He motioned back to you, and urged, “Go.”
Danny finally snapped out of his trance, and marched over to you. He could see relief wash over your expression as you saw him approach, and before you or the other man could say anything, Danny grabbed you by the waist and pulled you in for a kiss. You paused, slightly taken off guard, before reaching up to hold Danny’s face and kiss him back.
After Danny finally pulled away, he yelled over the music, “I love you!”
Danny could see an ecstatic smile appear on your face before you yelled back, “What?”
“I love you!” Danny exclaimed again, and you laughed.
“I heard you the first time.” you giggled. “I just wanted to hear you say it again.”
“I love you, I love you, I love you.” Danny couldn’t help but feel some weight in chest lift every time he said it. Now that he had said it once, he felt like he could say it forever, and mean it. “I’ll say it as many times as you want me to, y/n.”
“Oh, you’re such a dork.” you sighed before pulling him into a kiss again.
tags: @jb3islife / @myfriendmagislit
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somedayonbroadway · 4 years
PLEASE pretty p l e a s e write a nysm au scene PERHAPS possibly maybe a scene where jack finds out why race idolizes him so much so we get more insight on why he so protective ?? 🥴
So sorry this took so long, friend!
Now You See Me AU
TW: Mentions of child abuse
Jack looked stressed. They’d been holed up in this apartment for a week now. Race had started cleaning it up on instinct. Katherine has helped him, along with David, eventually. Jack never wanted to help. Katherine and him had fought about it before, but Race never cared. If Jack didn’t want to clean, Jack shouldn’t have to clean.
No one else seemed to understand but Race.
Right now, the boy was watching Jack go over the plans again, needing to know and memorize every detail.
He was on the couch, just sitting, having run out of things to do. David had tried to get him to read. Race had never been much of a reader. So, while Davey and Katherine were out at the store, he’d been timing himself while picking various locks he’d found and lifted from stores around town. And now, he was just bored. So he watched Jack analyze every detail, letting himself get a little bit lost in his own head.
“I can feel you starin’, kid. What d’ya wan’?” Jack groaned a little bit, gripping at his hair. He had bags under his eyes, like he hadn’t been sleeping.
Race rubbed at his eyes, shrugging just a little bit. “Just… thinkin’...” he sighed, not tearing his gaze away.
“Alright, well, could ya think in another direction? You’re startin’ ta make me think you wanna steak my soul ‘r somethin’,” Jack joked.
For a month now, Race had wondered. He supposed now was as good a time as any to bring it up. “Ya don’t remember me, do you?”
At this, Jack paused, turning to him with a curious look. He shrugged. “Should I?”
Ducking his head down, only slightly embarrassed, Race shrugged. “Um… no… I just… you… I always really looked up ta you,” he admitted, finding his hands very interesting all of the sudden.
Jack smirked a little. “Lots a’ people do. I guess I have that effect on folks,” he winked.
The younger boy nodded, smiling a bit at Jack’s smugness. Sometimes he wished he could be like that, brush off every insecurity he had and play to his strengths and never show fear. Not at anything. Scratching at the back of his neck, he bit his lip. “Yeah… I mean… I guess my fascination started when you basically saved my life,” the kid stated offhandedly, standing to his feet, planning on leaving. He was nervous all of the sudden, like Jack would be disappointed in how he turned out somehow.
But Jack’s voice stopped him, “Alright, I’ll bite. What are you talkin’ about?”
So Race sighed and turned back to him. He shoved his hands in his pockets. “I was a foster kid growing’ up… in n’ outta homes all ova’,” he explained shyly, only glancing up at Jack who seemed to now be giving him his full attention. “No one wan’ed me so… I ended up in bad places… includin’ a boys home called—“
“The Refuge…” Jack finished for him, understanding coming over his voice. “Oh my God… you were that boy…” His shock was slow and quiet, but still very much there. It only occurred to Race now that Jack might’ve singled him out because he was very clearly the youngest most malnourished boy in that whole house.
Race fought to keep himself put together. He didn’t want to think about everything that had happened in that place. “Yeah… I was that boy…”
Race was freezing. It was always freezing in that room. Snyder never turned on the heater. Not even in November.
That boy was at the window again, passing food and blankets through the window. The young child didn’t even bother trying to fight for any of it. Every time the older boy came, he was shoved aside, forgotten and shoved away. He curled up on his spot on the ground, sniffling and trying to trap as much warmth in as he could.
All he could think was that he was grateful he wasn’t in the closet tonight. These other kids might be mean and defensive, but at least he could stretch his legs out.
“Alright, alright, ya vultures, go ta bed…” the voice of the guardian angel at the window whispered. It sounded like he was smiling, but Race didn’t look up to see. He waited for the window to click shut, just like it always did, so he could try to close his eyes and get some sleep.
The window did click shut. But footsteps were making their way towards him. Squeezing his eyes shut tight, the kid tried to ignore them, hoping they’d leave him alone if he didn’t react.
He didn’t expect a blanket to be pulled over his shivering shoulders. A hand pat his back gently as something that smelled amazing was placed just in front of him. Letting his eyes slide open, the boy realized he’d been crying. He hadn’t even noticed.
Kneeling before him was the boy from the window, holding out a piece of bread to him with a sad smile on his face. “Don’t be shy, kid… take it,” he breathed, nodding to the small bit of food that was more than Race had eaten in two days. Looking around fearfully, the ten year old waited for someone to snatch the small snack away without a second thought. Everyone was staring at him, almost like they were warning him against eating. “Hey, don’t worry about them. Just eat,” the mystery boy from the window coaxed.
It was all Race could do to comply. He slowly sat up, letting the blanket pool around him as he cautiously reached for the roll, his hands shaking all the way. When he brought the thing to his lips it was impossible to keep it away. He began devouring the thing, hardly even tasting it as it filled up his empty stomach.
A hand caught his wrists, pulling it away as the boy whimpered for more. “Hey, don’ make yourself sick. It ain’t goin’ nowhere,” the older boy promised, handing him a small bottle of water and giving him a wink before standing to his feet and glancing around. “Listen up!” he whispered to the room. Eyes were on him in an instant as Race eyed the bread in his hand. He didn’t want to disappoint the boy from the window who had shown kindness to him for no reason at all. “Anyone takes anythin’ away from my new friend n’ I’ll have ta soak ya,” he announced.
Race’s eyes shot up to him as the older boy turned back to him, squatting back down beside him. “There… now ya can take yer time, alright?” he whispered only to the scrawny ten year old on the ground beside him. “Ya can’t let ‘em beat ya.” With one click slip of Race’s chin, the boy from the window was leaving, the child watching him in awe as he slipped back out into the night as though nothing had happened.
When the little boy looked around, he found eyes staring at him in amazement. The boy from the window had never singled anyone out before. But he’d chosen Racer to talk to, of all people. He had tears in his eyes as he feared they’d pounce, not heeding the threat they’d just been given at all. But they just rolled over in their bed, letting out sighs as they all collectively agreed to leave him be, silently.
Glancing out the window again, Race broke off a piece of his roll, trying to savor this moment while he could.
He’d been given a single night of peace by his guardian angel. And he’d bask in every last minute of it.
By the end of his story, Race had resigned himself back to the couch, unable to look Jack in the eye. The young many probably saw him as pathetic now, a little kid who couldn’t fend for himself let alone keep up with three great magicians. “That piece a’ bread was all I had for the next week. Snyder… locked me in his office closet n’... h-he forgot about me. It was the first time I had ta pick a lock.”
The couch dipped beside him. Race didn’t look up. He fiddled his hands in his lap. Jack let out a long sigh beside him. It wasn’t until Jack began playing with some cards, shuffling them around expertly, that Race looked up. But Jack wasn’t looking at him. “You… you looked like my brother…” the man admitted sadly. It was clear that he was trying not to focus on his own words. The cards were the only thing that were going to get him through. “I saw you layin’ there on the floor… like you was givin’ up…” He paused, flicking some cards into the air and catching them perfectly. Not quite like how Race threw cards, but still very gracefully. “I remember how it felt ta be in there n’... the thought of a tiny kid like you givin’ up in the middle of a place like that… j’st didn’t sit right with me…”
Race watched those cards whirl around in Jack’s hand. There would never be a day that went by where it didn’t amaze him. Everything he’d learned, he’d learned because of this man. “Nothin’ about that place should sit right with anyone…” he muttered.
Letting himself fold his cards together, Jack blinked the memories away, kicking his feet up onto the coffee table in front of them. He turned to look at the kid beside him, extending out a hand to him. “Hey… survivors for the win?” he smiled.
The boy let out a breathy laugh and shook Jack’s hand. “Survivors for the win,” he agreed.
Together they sat there, messing with locks and cards and plans, forgetting about how they’d gotten there completely. But there was something a little bit lighter inside of both of them.
Survivors for the win.
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jessefandomunited · 7 years
You ever thought of an Four Horsemen oneshot or Atlas oneshot where Henley appears after not having seen everyone for ages? The reader is a new member of the Horsemen and is dating Atlas and then during one of their missions, they all run into Henley, who's now living a quote unquote normal life and things get super awkward.
I am so friggin sorry it’s been taking so long to get this out, or anywriting out. For whatever reason i only get inspired at the oddest times. Todayit so happens to 10:00pm. I really hope you guys arn’t too upset ^w^ i reallydo want to start writing more, it makes me super happy, i just need to findtime. Annnyways, onto the story. (sorry if I took a different approach to it^w^)
it was fall, and you along with the other Horsemen were taking a walkthrough a empty field. The Horsemen couldn’t be seen in broad daylight ,however, Dylan would search all over for nice spots where you could just walkaround and decompress, which was needed, a lot. You and Atlas found a nicesunny spot to spread out the picnic blanket you brought. You plopped yourselfdown and he followed suit. “ Hey Danny,” You asked softly. Atlas had put on hissunglasses and was leaning back, almost looking like he was asleep. “ DANNY,”You yelled . He jumped , “ what what??” You giggled slightly and pouted, “ canyou lay down so I can rest my head on your chest?” He rubbed his neckembarrassed and looked around at the others before reluctantly laying down. Yousmiled and rested your head on his chest, listening to his heart beat. Itannoyed you sometimes that he was so paranoid about what everyone else thought,but he had never denied a request you’ve made or stopped once people werelooking, which made you really happy. “ I wonder what the big surprise was thatDylan was talking about,��� Jack asked, suddenly right besides you , causing youand Atlas to jump about a foot in the air. “ GOSH DANG IT JACK,” You yelled, “you gave me a friggin heart attack!” he chuckled and scooted you to the side abit as to make room for him and Lula. “ Great why don’t you invite Merritt overhere too,” Atlas grumbled. As soon as Atlas finished his sentence Merritt wasright besides you, “ you rang?”  “ WHYNOT,” Atlas said in an exasperated manor. You giggled a bit, kind of liking howworked up Atlas got when things went wrong. “ He said it was a really big surprise,”Jack continued as if Atlas didn’t say anything. You patted Atlas on the backand gave him a small smile before joining in on the conversation, “ Maybe it’sfood, I hope it’s food.” Merritt smirked, “ He gets us food every day, whywould that be a big surprise.” Lula raised her hand slowly, “ uh, I’m up forfood, especially pizza!” Jack snickered, “ when are you not up for pizza?” “When there is pizza in my mouth,” She said with a wide smile. You all breakinto laughter, except for Atlas who rolled his eyes and turned away, mostlikely to hide a light smile. “ I don’t see why you went for him,” Merrittjoked, messing up your hair, “ I mean I am completely free, and I haveemotions.” You chuckled, “ you guys aren’t gonna believe me, but Atlas really issurprisingly sweet when he wants to be.” Merritt gasped dramatically, “whaaaaaatttttt, noooooooooo.” You all snicker as Atlas mumbles something aboutall of you being idiots under his breath. You smile and casually look backtowards the car when you saw something that made you freeze. “ Whats wrong____,” Jack asked looking over at you. “ Th…the surprise,” You stuttered as youmoved out of the way , there , plain as day, was Dylan standing right besidesHenley.
Everyone jumped up and ran over to her excited, apart from you and Atlas.You didn’t know what to do or say, I mean, what could you do? Your head wasswimming and you felt like just a simple hi would send Atlas crawling back toher, I mean he knew her way before he had met you, they had more history. Yousuddenly felt Atlas’ hand on your cheek, “ Hey, ___ you ok?” You look up athim, he looked worried. You forced a smile and nodded, “ yes…yes I’m great, youshould go say hi to her, I’m just going to stay here.” He shook his head, “ heycome on now, after all we’ve been through, you think I’m gonna throw ourrelationship away just because my ex decided to come back to the eye?” Youshrug and look down, feeling miserable. “ Give me more credit than thatplease,” He said lifting your chin back up, “ I love you, ok, I really do, nowcome on.” He slowly stood up and extended his hand to you which you grabbedhesitantly.
The walk over to the rest of the group was terrible, it felt like your shoeswere filled with led and your throat had gone completely dry. “ Hey Henley, good to seeyou,” Atlas said in his normal monotone voice. She smiled, “ good to see you aswell Atlas, who’s that?” She gestured at you which made your face becomeincreasingly red, you couldn’t speak. Atlas gently rubbed your back and said, “this is our newest addition _____ , who, is also my girlfriend.” Henley lookedsurprised, “ wow, I’m impressed that you were able to settle down with just onegirl after all your years of one night stands.” You bite your lip and look downwishing this whole meeting was over. “ Ya , those days are behind me, and whatexsactly are you doing back here,” Atlas asked tilting his head slightly. Shegently moved a strand of hair behind her ear and gestured over at Dylan, “ Ijust wanted to see how you all were doing, and honestly, I just missed you, isthat really so bad?” Atlas opened his mouth to say something but retractedit,  “ I guess not, so how are you.” Shesmiled, “ really good. I am a nurse now, still doing some magic on the side,but mostly just nursing. Oh also.” She was practically beaming as she showed usher left hand that had a very beautiful ring on it. “ Wow,” you gasped, feelingslightly relieved. Everyone else cheered and ogled at it however it was Atlasturn to go quiet. “ So you really moved on from the eye then,” He said in adarker tone. She smiled and shrugged, “ I can’t do this anymore, it wassomething I really wanted, but then I realized that I wanted kids, a normaljob, a life. The eye said they could give that to me, so I took it. I’m stillsaving lives, just in a different way.” “ right,” Atlas said simply and walkedaway. You smiled slightly at Henely saying, “ sorry, I’m very happy for you,” beforerunning after Atlas, “ Hey wait just a minuet.” He rubbed his head and turnedaround grabbing your shoulders, “ Do you want that life?”  You were taken aback slightly by the question,“ wait what?” He ran his fingers through his hair and asked, “ do you wantkids, a normal job, a family, because I sure as heck can’t give that to you!”You raised an eyebrow, “ Atlas, do you really think I want that?  If I did I would not be here! I could havehad that life, I was working in an office, with good pay, doing some magic onthe side, but I wanted to make a difference in the world, I wanted more thannormal, and finding you here just improved that, but it doesn’t change what Iwant.” He smiled lightly and asked, “ really?” You nod standing on your tiptoes so you can wrap your arms around his neck. He hugged you back tightly andwhispered, “ thankyou so much.” “ now,” You said pulling away slightly, “ doyou want to catch up with her, you really should.” He took a deep breath andsaid, “ ya…ya lets go, oh but first.” You tilted your head confused before heleaned in and kissed you. “ thankyou,” he whispered letting you go. Your facewas completely red as you stammered, “ n..no problem.” He chuckled and scoopedup your hand in his and beckoned, “ come on lets go.”
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daenerys1417 · 4 years
Hi!!!is “now you see me” getting an update soon? I love it so much!!!!❤️❤️❤️
Hi, thank you ❤️ My writing has really fallen off lately due to a number of things such as working from home while homeschooling my daughter and all the stress from covid19 and now the protests against police brutality. I hope to get back on track at some point in the future.
I do have a one-shot I’ve been working on little by little for a while now and it’s close to being ready to share. Drafts for the next chapter of NYSM as well as The Lone Wolf are still in-work. I’ll never abandon my fics but it may be a while until I get the chance to update, so sorry for the delay. Take care.
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One More Night - Chapter III
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Pairing: Daniel Atlas x reader Summary: They are like the sun and the moon. Chasing each other, but never quite finding each other to finally become one. Daniel and the reader are solo artists with loads of charme and character. What happens when two stubborn minds meet and are forced to work together? Words: ca. 1200 Warning:
One More Night - Prologue / Part I / Part II
Months had passed since Danny and your shared night, and you had decided to never mention it again. You had put the memories to the back of your mind, no matter how hard it was. You both agreed it’d be better to forget it, but silently, both of you were hurting with this decision.
But you’d never admit that. It was easier to tease him and put him into place whenever he forgot who he was talking to again.
You first show in Las Vegas had gone absolutely amazing and couldn’t have gone any better. Art had his private jet ready for y’all as soon as the police released you. You had never been on a plane like this. One, with no more than fifteen seats, beautiful, leather-clad walls and a washroom with a shower and enough space to spread your arms. It was amazing, but you knew it wouldn’t last nearly as long as you wanted it to. The flight from Las Vegas to New Orleans was no more than four hours, but you’d enjoy the feeling of this private jet till the last minute.
Unfortunately, or maybe happily, you ended up in the seat right across from Danny whilst Merritt sat with Jack - Art and the rest of the crew had seated themselves in the front of the plane. You had tried to unobtrusively change your seat with Jack, but he’d only shaken his head and flipped one of his cards onto the seat to mark it as his.
“Uh-uh, I’m not sitting with Mr. Know-It-All for four hours.”
You slumped into your seat. Danny raised his eyebrows at you as he tried to hide a smirk, but you still saw it. You rolled your eyes at him and grabbed the card set from your back pocket, rehearsing some of the standard tricks.
You loved the simplicity of card tricks. They were easy to learn, but hard to figure out. Most of them simply needed nimble fingers and patience.
Jack was still teaching you some easy things, like how to hide the card at the back of your hand, so you decided to exercise this a few more times. Unfortunately, you had tiny hands and hiding the card in your palm only worked in two out of three times.
Danny successfully distracted you as he played with his own cards, flipping them from one hand to the other whilst studying you. Not one card flew away as he mindlessly shuffled them around. Your patience was as thin as a rake after your first performance and the police investigation, so after just a few minutes, you huffed and put the cards down again. Atlas stared straight into your annoyed face, so you crossed your arms and leaned back, closing your eyes and praying for at least a few minutes of peace.
“No, no, no, don’t do that. You’re not doing that thing to me. No.”
You stirred awake at Atlas’ frantic voice. He stood right next to your seat, holding his hands in the air. Merritt stood in front of him and wore a cocky grin, taking a few steps closer to him, causing Danny to move back. What were they doing?
“What thing? I’m just looking at you.”
Merritt wore a mask of innocence. Even wihtout knowing what made him look like it - you had to laugh at it. Merritt and innocence? Those two things didn’t fit together.
“No, you’re not. I’ve been watching you for a year. I know all of your little tricks.”
Atlas’ and his arrogance again. They were talking about McKinney’s mentalism again. Danny always thought he was smarter than Merritt, even if he knew deep down he’d never stand a chance against him. There were situations Danny should better shut up - situations like this - but his ego was always stronger than his brain. He’d never be able to crack people like Merritt could. It just wasn’t his thing.
“That’s what they are to you? Tricks?”  
“Yes, it’s gimmicks. it’s Barnum statements. It’s reading the eyes. Body language. I get it.”
“If it’s such an easy thing, why don’t you do (Y/N)?”
Danny’s eyes widened at the proposition and his gaze snapped to yours. If Danny knew so well what to look for when reading a person, how come he still had no idea what you really felt for him? How he was the one to make you go insane, good and bad. How he was the one you dreamt off every night or how your sassy comebacks were your poor attempts at flirting? The night you’d spent together may have meant nothing more to him than to relief some tension, but to you, it was more, which he would know if he had Merritt’s abilities. You weren’t sure if McKinney knew what had happened between Danny and you, but you were sure he saw right through you and your cold behaviour.
“Yeah, Atlas. Why don’t you do me?”
You were well aware of the double meaning behind your words. He knew it, too. You raised one eyebrow and waited for one of his amazing comebacks, but he was beaten to it by Art.
“No. Do me.”
You were a little disappointed how everyone enjoyed Art’s idea. You were hoping to mess with Danny and his arrogance again, maybe even get something out of him, but maybe it was safer for the both of you if he tried his mentalism with Art. The smirk on his face told you he believed as little in Danny as the rest of you did.
“So, Art, you were a tough kid. You know, kind of a real rapscallion. You had a dog. A real tough dog. A brutish breed. Like a real…I want to say, Ben the bulldog.”
The thing is, Art wanted to be seen as exactly that. As a tough kid who grew up to be a tough men, but the truth was completely different. He was a wimp, a sacredly cat who was coincidently able to build a successful company. A company he could hide behind if he ever came to face difficulties.
“Actually, I was a prissy little tot. I had a fluffy white cat called Snuffles.”
You started laughing at the baffled expression on Danny’s face. He squinted his eyes at all of you, but he caught your gaze. He knew what you were thinking. He knew you were mocking him - he didn’t need the ability to read people for that.
“What, you think you can do it better?”
A laugh bubbled up your throat as you shook your head.
“Better than what you just did? Yeah, probably. But I’d never be stupid enough to challenge Merritt, so that makes me better than you in two things already.”
The sarcastic smile he sent you in reply only caused you to laugh again and run your small hand through his messy hair. He looked like an offended hamster as he swatted your hand away. A light blush appeared on his cheeks and you winked at him, sitting down in your seat again and closing your eyes with a content smile on your lips.
Messing with Danny? Done.
You missed Merritt’s slightly confused look and how his eyes hastily moved between Danny and you, so as he let out a loud laugh and clapped his hands together, all of you jumped in surprise. His eyes lit up as he caught your glance.
“Son of a bitch! You guys slept together?!”
Read Part IV here
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let-it-raines · 5 years
Ah! I really want that Hospital Au prompt in a one-shot! Her ex boyfriend is Killian? :( :( We need them back together! 10 bucks says Emma got scared and Walsh and all her other dates are just a poor poor substitute for the good doctor... I need it! Haha. (Please?)
Hi nonnie!
This trope game is so much fun (I think even more than last time even if I did get NYSM that way), and I have quite a few more to do - I am getting there, you guys! My chill day turned out very much not to be chill so it’ll be over the next few days ❤️
Anyways, haha, that’s what was happening in my mind there when I plotted the fic, so you’re very much onto things! I can’t promise anything, but I am thinking about turning some of these into one-shots! This one is definitely in the list!
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dannyyatlas · 5 years
hello my friends
I’m super bored so imma reblog a BUNCH of prompt lists,, and if you feel up to it, send me one and I’ll write a lil nysm one shot. I haven’t posted any of my writing on here yet but I’m will to start soon :)
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catvampire · 7 years
things i wish i had the patience to write, from most to least likely for me to actually finish the thing
a lil one-shot from the pov of li & bu bu abt the horsemen showing up at iong’s after dylan’s near drowning (nysm)
a military era semi-simmvez thing (cm)
that fucking lioddeus fic to which i’d almost finished the first chapter before i got destructive and scrapped the whole thing (nysm)
the unrequited phoederic fic (musical thond)
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Hey I was wondering what is on your request list?
I have so much different things: smuts, fluffs, fluff smuts and what not. From characters from all my shows I watch. I could use some more Riverdale, Shameless, and NYSM smuts tho. And a lot more one shot requests for every show and movie.
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daenerys1417 · 6 years
How do you do it?! Switching between "The Lone Wolf" with the fluffiest feel good fluff ever, and "Now You See Me" with the smuttiest feel good smut ever - Like it is nothing! On the one hand we have this amazing story full of young love and endearing naiveté that literally brings me to call the dentist for acute tooth pain, because it's so sweet my teeth immediately start to rot. On the other hand we have this sexy, smutty dreamlike story full of young lovemaking and endearing kinks that literally brings me to finish ... ahem, brings me to finish reading the chapter that much faster! Yeah! That's what I wanted to say ;) The first time I read "The Lone Wolf" I thought you must be the kindest, purest person - full of innocent love >" I literally saw you two swapping spit in the kitchen not too long ago."
Comment on “The Lone Wolf” and “Now You See Me”, my Jonerys fanfics on AO3
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Are you still writing NYSM fanfiction and smuts? I miss them! 😩
Hii!! Yes! Yes! Yes I will continue writing them! Actually, me and @jb3islife​ exchanged some smutty ideas and they’re just waiting to be written *_* Sadly, I’m really busy at the moment, cause I quit my job and it turns out to be harder than I thought to find a new one... The stuff I’ll post at the moment is pre-written, so thankfully I don’t have to take an official break yet (Until I run out of one shots)... As soon as this mess clears up, there will be more NYSM stuff, I promise xx Until then, check ou @jb3islife! She’s got an amazing series going on I’m sure you’ll absolutely love!! xox thank you for understanding xox- Sharon
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