#nz tomorrow and play cards with their little sister
wutheringhestia · 1 year
standing at the bus stop with the winter sun, listening to northbound by grace petrie, was a moment from today that was so <3
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7 years has passed since I last set foot on that beautiful and exquisite country, New Zealand.
I was browsing through magnificent libraries all over the world making an addition to my bucketlist to the places I’d go to and since I wanted to have one of my own. But then, I suddenly remembered me, my mom and my little sister used to visit a library back in NZ. We used to spend hours in this building reading and looking for more books we’d like to borrow and read at home. My sister and I were also very fascinated at the librarians or volunteers who served as storytellers to the little children like us in library. We even had our own library cards which I was very fond of using as far as I can remember. Oh, and that was the first time I wrote my own signature. The signature I’ve been using for years and still have no idea what to replace it with (lol).
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The remnants of my memories led me to search my old school...
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Since social media 7 years ago wasn’t as robust as it is now, I remember that my old school had its own website but I can’t seem to find it. So, I clicked on the facebook page instead and it showed recent posts and pictures of the activities held at my old school this present time. I felt so nostalgic looking at the pictures because they still did the activities we used to do back then. Here are some:   (So, I accidentally deleted this paragraph and I have no idea how to retrieve it that’s why I wrote it again)
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                                                 Marble Season
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                                                   Athletics day
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                  My last memory when I left-- making our own board games
They also had their assembly times like we used to every week or every month (I can’t really remember) and their performances in a highschool we used to perform in too. I also found out that their primarily focused on sports these days. I’ve seen them garner so many achievements in that field. There’s that honor and pride I feel even though I don’t study there anymore. Actually, what I really miss are the WOW Wednesdays we have every week wherein you can choose what subject, what activity etc. you’d do on that day aside from your usual school routine. That day of the week was my favorite because our teachers always had something up their sleeves and it was always fun and exciting. I also miss the playgrounds they had for the little ones and grown ups. You’d never get tired of playing, literally. (Note: I would like to state the difference of their education system compared to ours in PH but I’d rather not make this blog any longer lol)
And of course, I also miss the people. The friendships I gained over my 2 years stay. The people I met and the bonds formed than can never be broken. I might not remember most of them, I know it’s the same with them also. But, I will always cherish the memories I had and the moments experienced during those significant and worth-remembering 2 years in my 15 years of existence.
I wish I could remember and reminisce them all as if it was happening all over again. I wish my life was taped and recorded like a movie and I would repeat everything when I’m old and until my very last breath. I wish it was like that. But, things don’t always go the way we ought, planned and wished them to be. Life is unexpected, really.
Thank you Palmyyyyy (Palmerston North) for the memories. Those memories will always be treasured and locked up in my heart and mind.
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Note: That’s where we stayed for 2 years in New Zealand
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PS. This isn’t a requirement or anything. I just felt like writing since I saw my old school’s fb page. I really felt like crying because I miss that place so badly. And I just want to slap myself for a bit because why didn’t I search that page for how many years? Lol. Blaming myself won’t change anything anyway. So yah, I’m just happy I got to see it, making me feel all those feelings I had back then to the point I was almost in tears. And yah, it’s Monday tomorrowwww. I have to sleep. And actually, I haven’t really finished the poem due tomorrow I didn’t feel like writing it that’s why I wrote this instead HAHA.
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