#o: Nils Eklund Vogel
sadserotonin · 1 year
fuck, take a bullet for, murder: SB August, canon Nils and RC Sven
WHY WOULD YOU SAY THIS I DON'T WANT TO KILL ANY OF THEM. But if I must it's going to be SB August, sorry boo you're truly the best of us for putting up with the shit that you do but you're also directly the reason my problematic fav SB Charlie ends up in prison and Jensen's ENTIRE life breaks so...
And you BET I'm gonna fuck my real canon husband are you kidding me? RC Sven is arguably one of the SEXIEST Sven's to me because he's the ideal husband and father. Me laying down and opening my legs to him shamelessly for being the suburban dad dream goODBYE.
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thedangelos · 4 years
to have and to hold | lyla ➢ nils (canon)
Lyla was blinded. 
By the sunlight in Nils’s hair, brightening his eyes, brushing his skin. By how his shoulders filled his suit and his bow tie had become just a little crooked. He was perfect this way and she felt her ears warm from the sheer crush she had on her soon-to-be-husband. 
She only turned away from him to the sound of her name, still smiling as she faced Milo Ëklund, uncle on most days but beloved officiant today. 
Lyla nodded to him as he prompted her to speak her piece but turned right back to the man in front of her after. 
“I’d say I was the luckiest girl in the world to be standing here with you right now,” she began, chin tipped up so she could look into Nils’s eyes. “But luck had nothing to do with how we got here.”
“The truth is we chose each other and we did everything we could to stay by each other’s sides after that. We chose each other over and over and over and over.”
Lyla paused for a moment, just as she had rehearsed it in front of the mirror and to Nils’s very best man time and time again. 
She took a breath. “And today I choose you again. I choose you to be my partner in life, in love, in mischief, in the saddest times and the happiest times. I choose you to be with me on the days we have to make hard choices and the ones where all the pieces of our puzzle just fall together.”
“I choose you and our family and the life we’re going to have together.” Lyla brought a hand to his cheek, her head tilting slightly to the side in affection. 
“Nils,” her voice was breathless as she said his name, “you are so loved. And I choose, right here and right now, to remind you of that every single day for the rest of our lives.”
Though she neared the conclusion, Lyla wished she could keep going simply to see him continue smiling so. Her grin blossomed into a soft chuckle, “Deal?”
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othertmrkids · 4 years
summer evenings | bristol&sven (canon)
Bristol Overgaard was not where he thought he would be at 33 years of age. He expected to be at ease, entirely at home, and possibly even having an intimate hilltop picnic with people he loved the way he was now. But he certainly didn’t expect those people to be his boss and the bright, loving child he had been tasked with caring for three years ago.
But in the time that passed between them, Bristol had grown accustomed to regularly coaxing Sven Vogel from his comfort zone, so he’d called Sven at his office earlier in the day, “Let’s have dinner at the park tonight.” Don’t say no, remained unspoken, Because in just a few short weeks Nils will be gone and so will we.
It had felt unnaturally natural, leisurely strolling beside Sven as Nils ran ahead of them, searching for the perfect spot for them to lay their blanket. They always went back and forth with how they approached finding themselves together but apart in such a way. Sometimes Sven would feel Bristol’s gaze on him and look over- sometimes he wouldn’t. Sometimes Bristol would hold Sven’s eyes and sometimes, he looked away as soon as their glances met. Regardless, the smile which tickled on Bristol’s lips afterward was a constant.
It was nearly instinctive to Bristol at this point to encourage Nils’s laughter during their meals, to ask questions, and attempt to cement the cracks between father and son with his own bare hands. These days, it was a blessing that Nils was so excited to start school, that he could go on and on, telling them about which house he and Jensen thought they would be sorted into. 
The boy’s excitement served as an easy distraction from the way Sven sat beside Bristol, staring off into the distance as though they had already lost everything which held them together as a family. A distraction from how Bristol was so used to observing the details of Sven’s handsome features, that he could tell the man had given his beard a light trim that morning.
Bristol looked down at his own hand on the blanket; it was crinkled under his palm but more so under Sven’s large one, just a few short inches from his own. It was not the first or last time Bristol would look at the small space between them and have reckless thoughts. More often than not, the only thing that could pull his mind from such far off places, was Sven himself, grounded so firmly in their reality.
It was rare to hear his name on Sven’s lips but each time he did, the sound seared itself onto Bristol’s chest. It sounded like it belonged there, even when Sven was merely nodding in the direction of their picnic basket tipping over within Bristol’s reach. 
Bristol rescued the thing quickly and took a deep breath, straightening his back to return himself to the present. He reached a hand out towards Nils, urging the boy to come closer, to revel in physical affection the way he knew Nils loved, while he continued his stories. It was the one way Bristol would be able to keep his focus where it belonged, on the boy who had won over his heart even before the other member of their party.
As Nils suggested they take a picture to commemorate the moment and Sven shifted a hair closer to him as agreement, Bristol’s heart swelled. Whatever happened when September came upon them, he would always have this moment. And that brought him a peace he always hoped for by 33.
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thedangelos · 4 years
one more year | the whole crew
scotia -> charlie
Scotia can smell the wine on Charlie’s breath and even as they stumble on the uneven sidewalk, it makes him chuckle. 
“We’re a block from the car at best, Charlie, are you going to make it?” He teases his boyfriend, tightening his grip on the arm Charlie has around his shoulders. 
Charlie retorts something about being perfectly functional all while leaning more into the older man for support and Scotia snickers. He thinks that perhaps Charlie shouldn’t be so endearing to him this way, hammered on the night he’s turned 37, but Scotia can’t help it. This spirit is what he fell for in the first place. 
Charlie gives him a look and Scotia immediately knows what’s about to happen. His hands come up to Charlie’s cheeks the moment Charlie turns towards him and just a moment later he’s kissed deeply. It’s sloppy and tastes like pinot noir but laughter bubbles in Scotia’s throat anyway as his back presses against the storefront they were passing. 
“You’re crazy, you know that?” He mumbles between their lips, to which Charlie slurs back, “Crazy in love. With you.” 
The happiness on Scotia’s lips is smothered with kisses and he thinks to himself, this man is going to keep him young till the very moment he dies. He inhales through his nose so he doesn’t have to break apart from Charlie and indulges the more inebriated man in a form of affection they otherwise wouldn’t have on the streets. 
It’s only when their kisses slow and their noses are touching slightly so they can catch their breath that Charlie speaks again, sounding more sober than he has in hours.
“Hey, can you do me a favor?”
“What is it, Charlie?”
“Don’t let Dex plan my parties anymore. I might be getting a little too old for this...”
And Scotia erupts into a complete laugh. “Alright, next year’s on me. Now, let’s go home.”
chris -> will (spy au)
Like any casual Tuesday between them, they’re huddled together, cold, dirty, exhausted and alone. They’ve been hiding out in the very abandoned warehouse where they took shelter hours ago from the Polish mob, trying to find a clearing to escape several times with no avail. And with HQ failing to respond to their extraction calls, it’s become apparent that they’re going to have to get themselves out of this one.
Being still and quiet is pertinent to surviving, so Will raises a brow quite high when he sees Chris rustling through his utilities. His hiss of an inquiry of, “What are you doing?” goes unanswered and he’s left to simply watch Chris unwrap one of his rations before pulling a match from a different pocket.
“Almost forgot,” Chris grumbles as he strikes the match against the sole of his boot and digs it into the ration. 
Realization begins to dawn upon Will just as Chris smirks at him, “Happy birthday-”
“Are you completely insane?”
“Completely, yeah,” Chris’s lips grow into a grin. “Come on after all this shit at least acknowledge that you made it one more year to here, hm?”
Will looks into those blue eyes and as they reflect the dull glow of the match, he can remember all the times in their youth when Chris had surprised him. Bought him silly little snacks with candles in them, insisting on celebrating that he was alive and a blessing to him. 
“You’re my best friend,” Will could hear the echo of Chris’s voice now from a version of him long gone, “And I’m going to make a big deal of this if I want to.”
He watches Chris wait with bated breath for his partner to accept the gesture of the best version of affection that he could put forth. It’s only after a beat that Will supposes he it would be alright to lean over this one time and blow the match out. 
And instantly Chris’s lips are on Will’s, devouring them slowly and painstakingly as they do, blindly no matter where they find themselves on this earth. 
“I love you,” Chris whispers huskily between them, and Will hates how much those simple words tug at him, how much they remove him from their current situation. “If we die out here, just remember that I went out loving you, hm?”
callum -> emma
Callum rearranges the candlesticks on the dinner table at least four times before he hears the keys in the door. He flattens a palm over the white table cloth he’d bought for the occasion before glancing at Banjo, who is donning an elegant tuxedo ensemble- also purchased for the night. 
“Showtime, girl,” Callum tells the dog, giving her a scratch behind the ears before moving towards the now opening door. 
“Hey,” is the greeting Callum musters, and he kicks himself for it just a little. He’d spent hours being precise and careful over dinner, over decor, and over the general set up but hey is all he manages when he’s actually faced with his beautiful girlfriend. It’s his saving grace to know by now that she finds every bit of him charming, even the parts he sees as flaws himself.
She’s quick to notice the mood lighting, the smell of food, and especially, her dog and her laughter alone is enough to make Callum feel like each bit of his efforts were worth it. To be rewarded with a kiss is only a bonus and Callum hums into it, one arm wrapping around her back as his fingers find her hair. 
She has to know by now that kissing him this way puts him in a one-track state of mind. That he could have planned a hundred things for her but the moment she traces her palm flat down his chest so, he will only be capable of thinking about taking her out of her clothes and laying her on any surface in the apartment that he can.
“Emma- dinner-” he tries to insist once, but he’s met between their lips with a brisk, “Will still be there in a few minutes.”
“A few minutes?” he raises a sharp brow, and she has to know he can’t resist being provoked like that. 
Emma grins at him and just like the first day they ever met, Callum loses himself in it. 
lyla -> nils
Lyla has an itinerary. She’ll start with breakfast in bed for Nils at 9 am; then they’ll go to the new digital art museum in town at 11 am; lunch at his favorite pâtisserie at 1 pm; a walk down the annual street fair near their dads’ house- the one with the stall of shirts Nils really likes- at 3:30 pm; a paint and sip except they have to work together on their painting, at 5 pm; dinner reservations at 7:30 pm, and finally a walk in the park at 9:30 pm.
That last part is the important one. Lyla links her arm into Nils’s elbow as they walk slowly, taking in the familiar views before she sits them down by a trickling and illuminated water fountain. She asks him if he had a good day, to which he kisses her forehead and answers that of course, he did. There’s no one else he would rather have gone on so many birthday adventures with. 
Lyla grins. She parts her lips to begin the small speech she prepared for this very moment but is interrupted by the buzz of Nils’s phone. They had always been good at disregarding their phones in favor of time for each other- that is until they had a child. 
Now, Nils answers his phone readily in the middle of their lovely evening and Lyla is grateful. 
“Hi there, is everything okay?” Lyla watches her husband speak to their sitter with a smile curling at the corner of her lips at his confident tone. “Is that Nova I hear back there? It’s a bit past her bedtime, isn’t it? ...Oh, I see.” 
Nils lowers his phone so he can put it on speaker and tells his wife in a whisper, “She wants to say good night.”
And Lyla’s heart warms. “Hi, baby,” she coos easily to her three-year-old as Nils echoes a similar greeting. The sound of Nova Ëklund-D’Angelo’s voice brings forth a smile and a tenderness in the two adults that they never thought was possible before. That they would do anything for the little girl in their lives is apparent from the kisses they blow her through the phone and the promises they make of how much they love her and how excited they are to see her again in the morning. 
By the time they hang up, Lyla doesn’t care for speeches anymore. She doesn’t care that she’d all but rehearsed the best way to present her idea, or that she had some pretty solid points. She simply takes Nils’s hand as soon as he puts his phone away, looks into his eyes with the unequivocal love of one half of his soul, and tells him, “Let’s have another baby, Nils. I’m ready.”
bristol -> sven
Bristol traces the letters on Sven’s chest. It’s only been a handful of months since the skin has healed but Bristol can hardly remember a time before he could run his gentle touch over the ink in their most vulnerable moments. 
His finger rises and falls with the older man’s breaths, ones he’s still trying to catch after the evening they’ve spent entangled together, isolated in their bedroom despite the many invitations they had received to more luxurious celebrations.
“What are you thinking?” Sven breaks the silence between them, fingers traveling through Bristol’s salt and pepper locks. 
The younger man doesn’t answer right away. Instead he lifts his nose from the crook of his husband’s neck and leaves light kisses along his jaw. He watches Sven shift to lean more into him and it’s only when his heart flutters to feel that Sven wants him even now, that he speaks.
“I’m so happy, Sven. I’ve never been so happy in my life,” he hums quietly, his sharp blue eyes wandering up to meet the other pair. “I could die right now and that would be perfectly alright with me.”
“Well, it wouldn’t be alright with me,” Sven says almost warningly. He kisses the beginnings of a smirk from Bristol’s mouth and leans up on an elbow to hover over the man he married so surely, so long ago. 
“Sven Vogel, you romantic,” Bristol purrs under Sven’s lips, but the older man doesn’t respond. He braces his body over Bristol’s with an intensity they’re both accustomed to by now, a possessive hold that they’ve both thrived in for 10 years and will continue to thrive in for nearly 10 more.
jensen -> august
It starts with a phone call six months prior to August’s 28th birthday. 
“Hi, uncle Milo. If you had a minute, I wanted to talk to you about the family vacation this year. Namely the time and location. Hear me out, I’ve got a good reason.”
On the day of, it isn’t easy to keep a straight face when just about every Ëklund in the house knows what Jensen has planned, but it is easy to convince August to get away with just him for the evening. After all, they’d been talking about taking a trip like this since the day they met. 
So they stand together at the outskirts of August’s hometown of Kiruna, peering up towards the most beautiful sight either has seen in nature, perhaps besides each other. August leans into the arm around his shoulders even if Jensen is trembling slightly. He plays back with Jensen’s restless fingers as the blue-green lights flicker along their strong features and smiles when a kiss is pressed to his hair, not for the first time. When he finally looks beside himself to see if Jensen is enjoying himself he finds his boyfriend gazing only at him. 
“You’re missing the good part,” August teases, pointing towards the sky, though he is grinning at the notion that Jensen would rather spend this time looking at him than the seventh wonder of the world. 
Jensen just shakes his head and drops a kiss to August’s cheekbone before he pulls back entirely. He answers August’s raised brow with a gesture that he needs both hands to zip up his coat and August lets his boyfriend be.
He looks back up, expecting to feel Jensen’s arm come back around him in due time. But it doesn’t and instead, he hears Jensen’s voice from a slight distance. 
“Every part is the good part when it’s with you, August,” Jensen speaks through a deep breath and when August turns to look at him, the younger man has one knee in the snow. The majestic Northern Lights reflect off the object in Jensen’s hand and he continues, “I thought I was complete before but you’ve changed everything from the very first day we met. You’ve made every second we’ve had together a new adventure and I decided a long time ago that I never want it to stop. So August Ëklund, will you make the happiest man in the world and marry me?”
Jensen dashes off the ground the moment he’s done, laughter bubbling on his lips as his arms come around August. “Can’t wait for your answer, sorry. It’s freezing down there!”
For as nervous as he’d been leading up to the moment, Jensen hugs August close to his body now, kissing his face adoringly, knowing full well what their future holds. 
bristol -> linus
It should have been expected that they would end up in such a position after a month and a half apart. Long distance was a bitch- especially long distance with someone that had the touch of a blazing wildfire. 
The celebratory hike was Bristol’s idea but the kisses they shared at the summit were Linus’s. Linus’s idea to slip his cold hands under the other man’s shirt and Bristol’s to press his lips to the crook of Linus’s neck to keep from crying out. 
It was Linus that pulled them among the orange and yellow leafed trees, but Bristol that tugged at their jeans. Bristol who shivered as he was exposed but Linus who covered Bristol’s back with his chest. 
Bristol gripped tightly at the tree first, not caring for the bark that dug into his skin, especially when Linus’s palms came over the backs of his own. Bristol was the one to turn his chin back and bruise Linus’s lips but Linus was the one to use those lips to drop a dark red sign of possession on Bristol’s shoulder. 
It was Bristol’s decision to reach back and hold his partner around the back of the neck as he felt his stomach turn. But Linus’s to pick up his pace, loudly so.
Bristol cursed while Linus said the other’s name and their hips stuttered in unison. Birds fled from a nearby perch at the height of the two men’s commotion and the only sound following was that of their labored breaths.
Surely one of them could be credited for their utter lack of self control, but honestly, who was keeping track anymore?
dex -> sven
The wind rustling through Dex D’Angelo’s curls in itself is a treat to behold. More than ever, Sven has no regrets about accidentally dropping Dex’s product behind the sink that morning. From the benches on deck, he watches his partner, who appears to be one with the rope between his hands, pulling with a strength that tightens each muscle in his upper arms. 
Sven observes the laser focus in those oceanic eyes as Dex changes directions of the sail overhead, and the half-step he takes as it catches the wind. It’s an art, what he does, a muggle one that Sven would have had no appreciation for at one time in his life. But now, to watch Dex command the waters he waited 40 years to return to bristles each sense in him. 
Turning back to the more natural views before him, Sven takes a sip from the glass of wine hanging loosely between his fingers. The oaky flavor is one connected to strong memories for him. As it turns out, Dex had passed on his impeccable tastes onto his daughter, who had selected their favorite drink for her engagement party so many moons ago now. 
Sven can taste full-bodied berries and the irreversible changing of tides as a pair of knees comes to frame either side of his body. Looking up he sees Dex’s sun-kissed form, making himself comfortable on the back of the bench and the sight is damn near blinding.
“May I?” Dex’s voice is smooth as he lifts the glass away from Sven’s lips. The latter can only pretend to be offended as he leans back into the warmth of his partner. Dex’s arm, slipping around Sven’s collarbones similar to how he himself is often held in bed, makes the older close his eyes to simply lose himself in the moment.
He vaguely hears the sound of Dex setting the wine glass aside before he feels a warmth breath at his ear.
The whisper of “Happy birthday, my love,” sends a shiver down Sven’s spine and he only opens his eyes at the kisses that are peppered to the side of his face. 
In a few hours they will return to their fulfilled and bustling lives, full of friends, family, endless projects and engagements but for now they are simply Dex and Sven, together in ways that can never be comprehended by the average person.
It doesn’t matter the cycles of life it took them to reach this destination, just that all is, as it is supposed to be. 
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thedangelos · 4 years
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moodboards: the detention club  →  jensen fallon, lyla st. clair-d’angelo, nils ëklund-vogel
"Lyla is my girlfriend and one of my best friends. Jensen is..." Nils is prepared to say cousin and best friend but then he changes to, "Jensen is my person. No one understands me like he does."
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thedangelos · 4 years
Prompt for Lyla's reaction to seeing Nils kissing someone else, back when they weren't together.
Lyla’s jaw tightens and it’s very reminiscent of her father. She might not be a D’Angelo in blood but by god, she is one in demeanor. She stares because she cannot and will not look away. The image of the boy she’s loved since she was a little girl, locked with someone that isn’t her, seared into her mind will either serve as an incentive for her to fight till Nils is hers or forget that he ever had the potential to be hers in the first place. And as of now, she hasn’t decided yet which it will be.
When she turns on her heel to take off, Jensen tries to catch her wrist but she quickly pulls away. “Forget it, Jens. It’s fine,” she bites as she starts for the door of her own 18th birthday party. “At least we’re all having fun,” she bites back at his expression of sympathy before disappearing for some air.
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thedangelos · 4 years
in the moondust | sven&lyla (canon)
Through the bustle of the warm, populated living room, Sven found himself laser-focused on only one thing. The very thing which had slowly consumed most parts of him over the last four years was now, at that moment, all he could bring himself to see, hear, and put his interest in. The form of Dexter D’Angelo, on the other side of the room, speaking animatedly with his hands, the boldest smile Sven had ever seen, entertaining people half his age that he’d met not an hour ago. 
To Sven, even at the age of 58, Dex was the brightest star and he simply could not look away. He could only sit there on the sofa, far away, and imagine behind his eyes how it would feel to be by the side of such a striking energy. Sven had to dig the wedding band into his finger to tether his heart back to where it belonged. What kind of man was he, to be lost in the wonder of a man who was not his husband, at his granddaughter’s first birthday party, no less? The thoughts sank Sven’s stomach steadily, second by second. 
And of all the surrounding people engaged in conversation, in drinks, in laughter, in enjoying friends and family, there was only one who noticed the faint furrow in Sven’s brows, the distance of his mind from his physical form. 
“Feeling okay, dad?” A gentle hand came to rest over the back of Sven’s and when he looked over, his daughter-in-law was gazing at him with eyes as perceptive as her father’s.
It was still new for Sven to hear the title in her doting voice but ever since Lyla had married Nils, she grew closer to Sven than she had been her entire life. As though she embraced that marrying his son meant being a part of his family in a different way than she had been since she could walk, run, and jump. That their futures were tied together now and she would be steadfastly by Nils’s side when the roles one day reversed and the kids were the ones looking after their parents. 
Sven returned to his reality with a soft sound and pressed a small smile to his lips, nodding. “Just fine, Lyla, thank you. Perhaps a little tired,” he answered, peppering the second sentiment in so she wouldn’t feel brushed off. He wasn’t lying, he could lie down. 
Lyla’s smile grew more soothing somehow and she tilted her head to the side, as though she didn’t quite accept his reasoning. She shifted the baby in her arms closer towards Sven and cooed to her, “What do you think, Nov? Will you join your grandad for a nap later?” 
Nova laughed happily at her mother’s tone of voice and then followed her gaze to Sven. The recognition in her eyes of her grandfather was accompanied by a blossoming smile and she reached a hand for his beard, a favorite way to inflict what she perceived as slapstick injury to him. 
Sven noticed that Lyla was watching him, waiting to see if her actions helped to make him smile and he indulged because, well, of course, they did. The little girl between them was his whole heart and he certainly could forget the world for her for now.
Of course, the fates would grant Sven no such luck as their tender moment was interrupted by none other than Dex’s voice, calling over for his daughter, his toothy grin aimed right in their direction.
Lyla nodded to her father, indicating she was coming and adjusting Nova in her arms, she leaned in towards her father-in-law to speak to him quietly. 
“Let me know if you need anything, even if it’s a distraction so you can stealth your way out for a break, okay?” she offered along with her knowing smile. 
Nova cooed as her mother stood, drawing her away from her grandfather and Lyla rubbed her baby’s back. “I know, you miss daddy, he doesn’t make you go around saying hello to everyone like this,” Sven heard her speak lovingly before she kissed Nova’s dark hair.
His line of vision followed her to where she stopped briefly to check in with her husband and Sven couldn’t help but think to himself, this was it. This was all his mind and heart were at war for; the happiness of the family he worked so very long and hard to deserve. 
As he stood himself, intending to move somewhere the view was a bit different, Sven exhaled deeply. It was worth it. It was worth it. It was worth it.
#c: Lyla St.Clair D'Angelo#o: Sven Vogel#c: Nova Eklund D'Angelo#I guess this is technically#svex#also#I'll give it a gratuitous#c: Dexter D'Angelo#tag too goodbye#drabble#my writing#I was going to hold on to all of these till next week to spam all at once but I'm IMPATIENT lmao so have a drabble a day till your birthday#LOL#I had like 3 other drabbles on the docket when I pictured the hand over hand moment and my chest SQUEEZED cause I've always keeled over at#the notion that canon Sven and Lyla are never that close because he's aloof and she's warm and gravitates to Alice and Bristol but there are#MULTIPLE VERSES where he's SUCH a good dad to her and they'll just never know they'll never know that in ER AU she's Lyla D'Angelo-Vogel#like I'm choKING UP JUST /THINKING/ ABOUT IT. But it's so clear to me now that once her and Nils gets married she's very easy to step into a#different kind of role as an official part of the Vogel-Eklund family. And she's always /noticed/ Sven her whole life. Seen him stepping#back and letting the more fun parents take the reigns whereas Jensen just got involved in Bris and Alice and Dex's energy and hardly noticed#Sven there at all because their energies were so different. But Lyla always wondered if he was alright and why he was so quiet. All her life#she did and then to become his daughter-in-law and be able to actually make sure he's alright and loved and cared for? Especially since his#and Nils's relationship gets better with adulthood? LIKE I FUCKING CRY. I CRY.#ITS FINE IM FINE#I tried so hard not to become svex trash in this I tried to resist SO bad lmao but I needed it to frame the circumstance. This is like less#than a month before they go on that walk with Nova and Dex puts his feet up on Sven and just fuckin triggers their whole friend group#falling apart lmao But I needed it to be this soon cause I needed Sven to feel it in his chest each time he's in so much as the same room as#Dex fck#can we just talk about how I'm so used to writing for our aus that now when I don't see any au tag in the title next to the character names#my brain is like...something is...missING#carols birthdrabbles
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