feralknights · 7 years
Palablog: OB56+OB57
Hoo nelly, fellas.  OB56 + OB57 were absolute doozies for me, and I mean that in the best way possible.  I'm sorry I haven't responded to asks or been updating much lately, things just got busy and then I was running a lot of hardware upgrades so I missed a chunk of the OB56 patch cycle, and ... yeah.
I'll get the Skye gushing for OB56/OB57 out of the way now:  These two patches have been significant quality of life improvements for me as a Skye main and all across the board.  I think the art team knocked it out of the park with both the Samurai Ash skin (I didn't call it Ronin for a reason, will explain!) and Kunoichi Skye.  We saw the entrance of the Skye Mastery skins, too.  OB56 brought us the 1800->2000 HP boost as well as Retribution finally getting the nerfs it's needed since Lex was released, and OB57 gave us the reworks to Debilitate and Surprise Attack.
In a weird way, Skye having that extra 200 HP made something of a negative impact on me early on.  I was so used to the audio cues for low HP at 1800 that I'd overplay my hand and spent the first day or two fumbling around getting my butt handed to me.  I've gotten used to it over time; the tweaks to her damage dealing and range made my life a whole lot easier and has enabled me to (in some cases) actually work around people that actually buy Illuminate.
I still haven't tried Surprise Attack, but I'm actually somewhat curious to now.  At first I thought, "just slapping more damage onto it will not fix the fact that it is an objectively terrible legendary," but I gave it more thought and gave Raynday's video on SA a watch.  Now, he did amazing with it, but he also had a team comp and players on his side that allowed him to have some of that pressure aleviated from him.  Similarly, our test sample for his praise was one match-- I want to give it more hands-on time, but this means I'm probably going to have to build a deck that balances some of Skye's mandatory cards with cooldown cards and find what works right for me.
Is it weird I'm actually kind of looking forward to trying Surprise Attack at all?
Admittedly, I'm going to miss the innate cauterize effect of Poison Bolts, but if you think about it, the reworks to Decrepify allow it to actually be even more punishing, even more dangerous than it ever was before.  Decrepify is a card that rarely leaves my Debilitate decks with Skye, and now it's more than likely going to be a cornerstone for the Twilight Assassin.
With Strix's introduction, it did highlight issues that Skye still has with cards, but I can understand if the team wants to pump the brakes on further Skye adjustments for the time being:  Healing Vapors is still essentially a useless card at 1-2, mediocre at best at 3, and just not worth the value at 4.  Comperable cards on different champions grant way more value at almost any level, from Androxus' Abyss Walker healing a burst of 40/80/120/160 to Lex's Fortitude healing 25/50/75/100 damage across 1.5s, and then they have access to healing items such as Life Rip-- and Life Rip is essentially the only form of feasable long-term self-sustain that Skye has available to her.
I'm still trying really hard to Devil's Advocate myself on how to justify Slip Away still existing in the form it does.  Ninja and Dissipate both serve the purpose for stealth speed boosts, and I personally feel Victory Rush is one of the best cards in the game.  Again, personally, I'd rather it be "gain damage reduction while in stealth" at the same values it has right now.  Of course, it was easier to justify conditional up-to 20% DR when Skye was at 1800 HP.
OB56 brought a lot of exciting changes in general:  Ash was given an additional ult charge on Rally Here, arguably her weakest legendary.  Admittedly, if I know a team is going to try to maintain point presence and stay with me, I will play the hell out of Rally Here; the damage boost makes ally Ruckus players or even a good Fernando or Ying turn into crazy point-dominating monsters.  Buck's Bulk Up was given an extra boost-- and I'll be honest, I'm glad.  I sometimes feel bad for the guy, because I rarely ever see him played anymore.
Cassie's Exaction was given a light bop on the nose in OB56 though the thing I hear complained about the most is that her dodge roll is almost always up as long as you can land one shot-- and that's honestly not too hard given how much faster her projectiles move these days.  Jenos' HP reduction was warranted and welcome; I love the guy and I play him pretty hard as a support, but he was just too hard to kill.  I barely felt the adjustments to Stellar Wind or Astral Mark, I run a CD reduction build on him and just keep churning heals.
Jenos does present an interesting situation that I hope gets looked at:  Though negative status effects are cleared from her when she goes into her ice block, Astral Mark will persist.  Essentially, if Evie is running the Reprieve Legendary card, she will get all of that healing as well as the healing from Jenos, and all of that healing will just keep going right when she comes flying out of it.  In essence, this allows even a mediocre-at-best Evie to be an absolute immortal monster.
Retribution got nerfed hard in OB56, and I could not be happier.  I'm actually a bit surprised, if only because I was hoping for some QOL tweaks, or one or two touches, I didn't expect such a drastic swat on the ability.  OB57 brought some interesting changes to Lex, and slowly he's coming to the point where I feel like he could potentially be fun to play as as much as against.
The semi-auto was a good change, I feel, but after a few days I started to see the problems with Lex's new Magnums:  The ammo count is too high, the accuracy drop from rapid firing is too low, and it does nothing to address the problem of Lex having In Pursuit, still arguably one of the most devastating abilities in the game.
"Feral, you're mad.  You just hate Lex.  1050 damage over 1.5s is nothing!"
I mean yeah I do dislike Lex's kit, but you can't argue with the fact that as he is right now, Lex can pop In Pursuit for unerring auto-aim accuracy for 1.5s at long range while Combat Sliding in at a target I dare say farther and faster than even Cassie's roll, then hammering 10 shots out for long-range *and* burst potential that comes dangerously close to Point Blank Skye.
In essence, I just hope that In Pursuit's functionality is given a second glance now that he's got these devastating new Magnums.  I also would like to see if it's possible to get the rapid fire inaccuracy increased a bit, because gosh.  dang.
Lian is an interesting case; I make claim about how much I hate auto-aim on Lex but I mind it slightly less on Lian.  I really wish I could better explain it, but something just feels "off" about her kit-- maybe it realy does have something to do with her being able to have two auto-aims?  I'll have to ruminate on it more.
and the grover puns man wtf arrghghhggh
Skipping ahead a little, the Ying changes are great.  Back as recently as 3 patches ago, I was on the train that Ying needed to have Lifelike boosted by 5-10% to help address her throughput, but Illusory Rift is absolutely great and the changes to her in-hand attack are almost terrifying to play against-- but in a good way, of course.
A'right, now that we've gotten this far:  It's time for Strix.
I love Strix.  Dude is insane.  His rifle feels great, offers a lot of feedback when you're firing, and it feels responsive.  His pistol does a lot to offer him some close-range gameplay, and I like that he's so polarizing (long or short range) compared to Kinessa (long or mid-range).  Flare is incredibly powerful, and I would argue almost *too* powerful-- I don't mean that this needs to be slapped hard, but definitely monitored.  They say "large radius" in his skill description, but from some light testing it looks like it's a near-100 unit radius.  I run Flare XL 3 (increases the reveal range significantly) and Overburn 3 (increases flare duration by 3s), so I'm covering a pretty massive swath of a map for about 6 seconds-- that's basically Cassie's ult without the CC/speed boost with a pretty short downtime.
I thought I'd be a little more leery of toggle stealth, but it actually works great.  I've compared Strix a lot to some Warframe friends as being like a MOBA version of Ivara, and when I say this, I mean it in the most complimentary fashion that I can possibly achieve.  Ivara is one of my favorite Warframes as her gameplay pushes for a methodical, strategy-driven focus, stealthing at opportune times, and playing to enemy awareness.
As I said earlier in regards to Skye and her sustain cards, Strix has a card, Escape Plan.  If you aren't familiar with it, if Strix is at 65% or lower health, Escape Plan will heal Strix for 100/200/300/400.  As a burst heal sustain, this is great, and arguably as good as a maxed out Abyss Walker and close to the potential of other non-legendary sustain cards for Flanks.  I really hope the team considers giving HV a rework to be closer to this; the current state of Healing Vapors makes it take too long for too little effect.  But, again, balance, and changing too much in too short of time, etc., etc. -- I can still hope, though!
And in case you didn't know, there's another one on the horizon:  PALADINS STRIKE!  A 5v5 actual MOBA-style Paladins game for Android/iOS.  The game has me excited, and I've signed up for the alpha.  I have some concerns and criticisms about the decisions the team has made for the game, however, and I'll highlight that in my next post.
edit: Made a few tweaks for clarity, going through and highlighting/emphasizing certain words.  Also forgot:
Why did I say "Samurai Ash" instead of "Ronin Ash?"  Because ... really, there's nothing about this incarnation of Ash that makes her a ronin.  She's wearing full armor and helmet, discussing honor very heavily, and carrying a flag that would signify she's actually serving a feudal lord/house, rather than being honorless.  I was kind of bummed that the only Ash/Skye interaction we got was a one-way "poison bad!!" thing from Ash that is just basically the same thing as her default voice pack.
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iphonexpapers · 5 years
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iphone6papers · 5 years
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iphonepaperscom · 5 years
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queezleposts · 7 years
So I Heard Y’all Like Lore
Been Noticing a lot of people discussing the connections between Viktor, Strix, Ash, Lian, and others, so I compiled all the “canon” evidence we have into one handy dandy post.
Edit: I should point out, you’ll notice how the farther into champion development this gets, the more and more character personality, connections, and world background becomes important talking points during patch streams. Compare Kinessa “she’s a bounty hunter” and Viktor “he’s a soldier” to Tyra’s reveal, Lian’s, Strix, etcetera.
Paladins CB17 Patch Preview (release of Kinessa):
“Her character idea is that she is a Bounty Hunter. It’s very core in all of her lines and her kit.”
Bonus: Behind the Scenes Making (video)
Kinessa Voice Lines
Play "Out here, I'm judge, jury, and executioner."
Kill Taunt
Play "Remember me?" (Skye)
Play "That bounty is mine!" (Skye)
Idling (Unused)
Play "We've got unfinished business, you and I."
Card Art - Note: a few depictions could portray other bounty hunters in her field.
Paladins CB28 Patch Preview (release of Viktor):
“He’s the quintessential run and gun character, if you’ve played any fps before, he’s going to feel right at home with you.”
" [...] This is kind of designed to be one of our friendlier characters, and harken back to players who have played other fps games on the market and kinda really, that’s kind of their thing.”
Note: Earned Champion “titles” weren’t added until Open Beta 47. However “The Lone Wolf” was used for Viktor back during this closed beta patch; other example.
The term “Lone Wolf” when talking about a person is usually meant to describe someone who prefers solitude, working alone, etcetera. Unusually, many of his voice lines would contradict this and seem to imply an admiration for teamwork.
Viktor Voice Lines 
Play "The strength of the team is each member, and the strength of each member is the team."
Kill Assists
Play "Great shot!"
Play "I've got your back!"
Capturing A Point
Play "Well done team."
Play "Keep your head up, you have nothing to be ashamed of."
Play "That was close. We get them next time?"
Play "Go after my friends, and I'll hunt, you, DOWN!"
It’s certainly an odd choice, unless “Lone Wolf” is meant to refer to something OTHER than his personality. That’s speculation territory though.
Card Art  - Note: a few depictions could portray other soldiers from similar military units.
Paladins OB40 Patch Preview (release of Tyra):
“One of the things we have, as I mentioned earlier, with our world, we have these fantastical settings, it’s a deep and diverse world. And part of that is there’s this idea that there are these fantastical beasts; that there are these monsters. And she - so one of her inspirations is, she’s our monster hunter. So she’s scouring the realm, going village to village, you know, taking some money, and you know, taking on these things. And so that idea of a strong, lone wolf kind of female character that can move and deal with these larger than expected fantastical dangers was really appealing as far as a character to bring into our game.”
Tyra Voice Lines
Play "I defeated a Gorlock with my bare hands. These foes will be of little trouble."
Kill Taunt
Play "Aye, comrade!" (Viktor)
Play "Have a dirt nap." (Viktor)
Climate (Unused)
Play "The snow beasts that dwell in this lands are cunning. Be on your guard."
Play "There is something... beautiful... about winter's brutality."
Card Art - Note: Some depictions of different beasts and monsters. Also other possible “monster hunters” doing their job.
Paladins OB46 Patch Preview (release of Lex):
“The idea is that he does represent “The Law.” He’s part of this order, right, that keeps law and kind of the outskirts of the Realm. So, he’s responsible for a district, and he’ll travel around, and as such, he IS the sole representation, his voice IS the law. He is the judge, the jury, the executioner, so he has that full authority to be the law, and to represent it, and to carry it out in the Realm. And so, to that theme, there’s confidence; you see it in his personality, in kind of his tone, the authority he speaks with, and kinda his kit.”
Lex Voice Lines
Kill Taunt
Play "You mistreat your subjects, and do not deserve to live!" (Bomb King)
Play "Monarchies are out-dated and corrupt governances" (Bomb King)
Climate (Unused)
"I've been here before..."
Play "The warmth of day leads me to my target."
Card Art - Note: Quite a few other lawmen of Lex’s  order are depicted here.
Paladins OB51 Patch Preview (release of Ash):
“She’s a knight like character, but she’s pretty much in her backstory is a siege machine. She’s a one person unit, she basically will anchor the army of the Magistrate, and go for, take out a castle, take out an encampment, and kind of as you saw in her trailer, single handedly anchor a point for her team.”
Magistrate definition | More Information on Magistrates
Ash Voice Lines
Spawn Chatter (Unused)
Play "Watch where you're pointing that thing, comrade." (Viktor)
Climate (Unused)
Play "I was here the last time these walls came under siege."
Play "Look at all this reinforced stone. Nothing I can't handle!
Card Art - Note: The other armored knights depicted are also carrying RED banners; examples would be “Fervor” “Indomitable” and “Thrive.” There is also a scarlet charger in “Vanguard.” Note that the castle in “Battlement” is flying purple banners, a color which is often associated with royalty. Battlement is the card which increases the duration of Siege Unit.
Paladins OB54 Patch Preview (release of Lian):
“Lian is definitely high born; she comes from a family that once had a large amount of power - still has a quite a bit of money and power in the realm. And she's kinda taken it upon herself, like she's the sole heir of this thing, she's taken over for her father, she runs the armies, and basically sees it as her destiny to restore her house to its proper place. Which is basically controlling everybody else.”
“She’s definitely dangerous [...] She’s got this rifle, she’s a great shot with it, she’s definitely not a ‘sit back’ kind of leader, she will lead the charge and do that kind of stuff. But she has A LOT of attitude, like A LOT of attitude. As you saw in the cinematic [...] she just exudes it. And its one of those things where like, it comes across in everything she does that she believe she is better than you; and she’s probably right! It’s not just attitude, she’s got the competency to go with it.”
Lian Voice Lines
"This isn't the end, Viktor." (Viktor)
Play "I underestimated you." (Viktor)
Kill Taunt
Play "I had respect for you, Ash, but I've been wrong before." (Ash)
Play "The war machine, dismantled." (Ash)
Play "You're no leader, you're just a foot soldier. Ha, expendable." (Viktor)
Play "You've ran from Gorlocks, you should've ran from me!" (Viktor)
Climate (Unused)
Play "This city was grand once." (Stone Keep)
Play "A solemn reminder: even great houses can fall." (Stone Keep)
Card Art - Note: Dominant colors used are gold, red, purple, and some green. The symbol of the house is that of a Phoenix; the royal crest is also depicted. Card Titles included are “Heir to the Throne” and “Divine Right.”
Paladins OB57 Patch Preview (release of Strix):
“He’s got some special relationships with some of the other champions. [...]
As far as the visual look though, those relationships are why he is...looking the way he is. Because of who he is, right? And so, he used to be part of Viktor’s unit. And so, he definitely is a soldier, he’s kinda a veteran of that, he’s been around, probably his whole life actually, has been in service. So uh, he is the best of the best. And because of that, he has a very interesting relationship with Kinessa as well.”
“He very much fits into our fantasy universe as a soldier.”
In a series of tweets before Strix came out Thomas Holt also revealed that Strix was the man who trained Kinessa.
Strix Voice Lines:
Play "Finally." (Kinessa)
Play "See you soon." (Viktor)
Kill Taunt
Play "How many shots to get to the center of a frontline?" (Ash)
Play "You learned nothing!" (Kinessa)
Play "Sir?" (Viktor)
Spawn Chatter (Unused)
Play "Greetings, War Machine." (Ash)
Play "You start, I'll finish." (Kinessa)
Play "You're small... Like a cat." (Maeve)
Play "You haven't aged a bit." (Tyra)
Play "Been a while." (Viktor)
Card Art
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paladinsheadcanons · 7 years
oohh q&a! what's you guys favourite favourite champions aesthetic-wise, lore-wise and gameplay-wise? could all be the same champion! and which champion would you want to be perfect if you could only pick one to master?
Oh what an interesting question! I think we answered the first part before for lore-wise and gameplay-wise, but it’s been a long time and since then a lot of new champions have come out so I expect there might be some changes. 
For me, aesthetic-wise I’m weak for Sha Lin (hahaha whoops). Lore-wise Zhin definitely takes the top, and gameplay-wise I actually enjoy Jenos over Mal’Damba! I’m a very aggressive support main (stunlock Mal’Damba) so Jenos is right up my alley and I really do like him. If I had to pick one champion to master, I’d definitely pick Jenos. He’s a very strong and viable healer (even after the OB57 nerf) and definitely goes above Mal’Damba in both damage and healing capabilities with the right cards and legendary. I’m averaging at 100K+ healing and 50K+ damage with Jenos while I average at 70K+ healing and 30K+ damage as Mal’Damba.
- Mod Mal’Damba
Aesthetically and gameplay-wise, it’s honestly Lex. I really don’t know what you’d expect from me but I picked up Lex because I saw my brother play as him. I gave him a whirl and while I wasn’t very good at first, he was very fun and easy to pick up! On really good days, I can get 100K damage as him as well as most of the accolades using the loadout I made while knowing nothing about him. Lore-wise, however, I’d say Strix! I gotta say I’m curious how his relationship with Kinessa is. (although I’m very curious what Replicant Ying has to do with Lex)
- Mod Lex
Aesthetic is Maeve, lore is probably Sha Lin, and game-play is Maeve! I would love to be a perfect Ying, since support is usually least played.
- Mod Ying
Aesthetic and gameplay would go to Maeve! Lore-wise, however, I really do love Seris.
- Mod Maeve
Pretty sure it’s obvious who i find the most attractive aesthetically, Zhin and Evie. Gameplay wise I love playing as Seris and Evie. As for lore, I’m very interested in Seris, Zhin and Inara.
-Mod Zhin
Aesthetically? Maeve! I adore her design and I’m also in love with Jenos’ design. Gameplay wise I play a lot of Skye, but also Seris and Tyra when the time calls for it! Lore wise I have nothing solid JUST YET.
-Mod Skye
Asethetic is probably Maeve or Ying. Lore would probably be Sha Lin, and gameplay is is definitely Ying and Maeve!
-Mod Sha Lin
- Mod Waffles
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ilovepapers · 5 years
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papersco · 5 years
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Wallpaper: http://papers.co/ob57-leaf-forest-tree-hand-green-nature/ - All phones and desktop wallpapers via http://Papers.co
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kinessie · 7 years
pip main anon here,, i really hope pip gets a mastery skin in ob57,, and kinessa too,! i just really want cool space guns for my mains!! :(
pip would look really good with a mastery skin!! pip’s had some love in the recent few patches so i wouldnt be surprised if he was given one in ob57. kinessa, sadly, was confirmed by mr thomas holt himself to not have a mastery skin coming for at least a few more patches. :(((( she deserves it, and will look amazing in obsidian and cosmic shit but for now we have to wait,,,,,
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papersiphone · 5 years
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iPhone wallpaper http://papers.co/iphone/ob57-leaf-forest-tree-hand-green-nature/
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androidpapersco · 5 years
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Wallpaper: https://androidpapers.co/ob57-leaf-forest-tree-hand-green-nature/ - Android Wallpapers via http://AndroidPapers.co
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freeios8 · 5 years
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desktoppapers · 5 years
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ngnanduplays · 7 years
First game as the new champion Strix, bird of prey from the latest update OB57. Played a bot match cause first game and weak internet connection. Recorded using GeForce Experience inbuilt recorder.
 my computer specs: I7 7700k 7th gen Intel Processor Nvidia 1060 6 GB MSI Gaming X Gigabyte GA-Gaming B8 LGA1151 8x2 GB Corsair Vengeance Pro DDR5 2 TB Seagate Harddisk Cooler Master Air Cooler Cheers Add me on steam : http://steamcommunity.com/id/virat3 follow me on instagram https://www.instagram.com/knarrenhienz/ follow me on twitter @virattiwari70 follow me on soundcloud www.soundcloud.com/virattiwari www.soundcloud.com/theunshavencomestotown tumblr virattiwari.tumblr.com
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Paladins Barik Guide And Gameplay! How to Play Barik Better In Paladins! Barrik Gameplay Guide OB57! has been published at http://www.theleader.info/2017/09/04/paladins-barik-guide-gameplay-play-barik-better-paladins-barrik-gameplay-guide-ob57/
New Post has been published on http://www.theleader.info/2017/09/04/paladins-barik-guide-gameplay-play-barik-better-paladins-barrik-gameplay-guide-ob57/
Paladins Barik Guide And Gameplay! How to Play Barik Better In Paladins! Barrik Gameplay Guide OB57!
Welcome to my paladins guide episode 1. In this barik paladins gameplay and guide video, we look at barik and show you how to play as one of the best paladins tanks and front lines in the game! This barrik paladins tutorial, gameplay and guide aimed at helping you get better at paladins and get better at barik as a front line and tank! ⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬ Donate to me!! PayPal.Me/SBudgen Today’s T-Shirt: https://goo.gl/qld0bF My CUSTOM APPAREL STORE: http://santuapparel.com/ MY TSHIRTS FACEBOOK! https://goo.gl/eVHf22 PRODUCT ‘O’ THE DAY!! ⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬ (US LINK) https://goo.gl/FgJJJv (UK LINK) https://goo.gl/FgJJJv ⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬ CHECK OUT MY MINECRAFT CHANNEL! https://goo.gl/K7BaQ3 CHECK ME ON VID.ME: https://vid.me/MrPatrioticP2P Discord group: https://discord.gg/FmckCNQ ⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬ ✪Watch the whole video!! ✪Enjoy the video?? ✪Maybe leave a like + SUB??!!?? ⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬ Watch my most recent video!►https://goo.gl/ODVFQN Watch my most popular upload!► https://goo.gl/VaGvoo Or Even VISIT MY Vlog Channel!► https://goo.gl/Fb5fR0 ⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬ ☛Connect with me!!☚ ►GOOGLE+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/1160021 ►FACEBOOK: https://goo.gl/jwxU4w ►Twitter: https://goo.gl/HnWOyi ⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬ ►Support me + Help me out! http://patreon.com/MrPatriotic ⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬ ♨Wanna see some more videos??!!♨ ✌FTB Sky Factory 3 Episode 1: https://youtu.be/dQlb_t0VdVs ✌FTB Beyond Letsplay Episode 1: https://youtu.be/Gy34Wehe8DM ✌Paladins Gameplay #2: https://youtu.be/Vew2WMH2lpg ✌Planet Coaster Lets Play #2: https://youtu.be/vs6Zdl-DvO0 ✌Elite Dangerous HT GET MONEY: https://youtu.be/FOPcAzcg1bg ✌:CSGO Arms Race LS: https://youtu.be/ZFpgsRQNAd0 ⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬ ♨Wanna see EVEN MORE VIDS??!! ✌SKY FACTORY 3 Lets Play SERIES PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZJCJ-1eAbyU59z7xM2jZAniWnTqzwKQJ ⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬ ✌Elite Dangerous Lets Play SERIES PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZJCJ-1eAbyVR5JlXfV7caFUTQvWax3JW ⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬ ✌ALL VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZJCJ-1eAbyWkvP_Nni-Y0QD0e82T38FY ⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬ ✌Planet Coaster Lets Play Series PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZJCJ-1eAbyWPueX0YSm8azsrac_cYUW7 ⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬ ✌Paladins Gameplay, Letsplay SERIES Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZJCJ-1eAbyWiSj6uWe1iK0iPLdXpXnPa ⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬ ✌ MINECRAFT ULTRA MODDED SERIES PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZJCJ-1eAbyVLckZW09wkxrXdtVRxitFB ⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬ ✌CSGO ARMS RACE Gamplay SERIES PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZJCJ-1eAbyXSUJxiVai7USE6TCUz3qrM ⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬ ✌HOW TO MAKE LOADS OF MONEY IN ELITE DANGEROUS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZJCJ-1eAbyVTRaurHYMvZQzPntgHc_CR ⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬ #mrpatriotic #mrp #mrpatrioticp2p #patrioticallypaladins #santu #santuapparel #loyaltotrend #minecraftletsplay #minecraftgameplay #creativerseletsplay #creativersegameplay #elitedangerousletsplay #elitedangeroustutorial #elitedangerousgameplay #minecrafttutorial #creativersetutorial
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