#obey me levithian
asmolemmeeatyouout · 4 years
The Boys With an Autistic MC HC !! (SFW !)
(aka I’m projecting bc sad) (I also have adhd so there will be adhd moments)
This boy has so much work yet he still find the time to help you put together a routine
WILL make sure you stick to it
He will rearrange the entire school if it will help you
If any demon and I mean ANY demon is even the slightest bit mean to you they go mysteriously missing the next day
Sometimes he infantilises you but he doesn’t mean to, tell him to cut it out and the shame will rip through him
In line with that you will probably find him cutting the crusts off your sandwiches and rearranging your stuffies, up to you if you want him to stop that (I hate crusts and my teddies deserve to be comfortable too)
Makes sure you’re accommodated everywhere in the devildom not just rad and and the hol
One day you realise his suit jacket? Perfect fabric for stimming
He starts dressing according to the fabrics you like
Let’s you hold his sleeve arm when talking bc it’s a good stim
Will put his jacket on you when you’re overwhelmed and need some familiarity
You start to associate his smell with safety
Pretends he doesn’t care
Treats you the most normal out of all the brothers
Has actually memorised your routine and knows your stressors/meltdown/shutdown triggers
White knights you very subtly
You think demons are very accepting in the devildom but in reality mammon does the same as luci but his approach is much more ‘stop it before it starts’
Buys you stimmies bc he loves the way you look when you’re happy stimming (yes BUYS not steals)
Too embarrassed to give you them so they just appear in your room
He’s just coincidentally in the hallway when you come rushing out to show people
You eventually realise it’s gotta be him bc he’s always there when you find em so you just start running directly to him
Loves it if you have echolalia
Tries to get you to repeat ‘the great mammon’ as much as possible
If he finds you repeating words/beeping at the microwave he will engage and do the same until you happy stim (then he will try get you to repeat ‘mc’s first man the great mammon’
If you start calling him that ?! The boy will melt. (I get intense echolalia with ‘mammonie’ and i think he would straight up die hearing mc go ‘mammonie mammonie mammonie’
After all it makes sense that the great mammon is constantly on your mind
Another nerd ?! Heck yeah!! !
Very glad you aren’t a normie
Perhaps relates the most to your experience against the allistics as ppl don’t like him bc he’s a ‘yucky okatu’
Loves when you talk about a special interest (SI) because you’re just as obsessive as he is
Will try and get you obsessed with anime and manga if you aren’t already
Is a shut in so he gets that people are overwhelming and scary at times
Is uncharacteristically vulnerable and open with you bc he feels like you understand his existence at a deeper level
If you like squishes (and show him first) he will start asking for the deep pressure hugs when he feels he needs them
But ofc bc you’re both you, the method for asking is just repeating the word squish over and over while you hug
Eye contact !? Oh hell no
Most of your conversations are done facing away from each other
Same clothes? Comfort items? No no no no no you gotta look beautiful like you are!
Does not entirely get it at first, how can anyone want to wear something more than once?
Once you explain it he will drag you shopping (to high end shops, using avoiding crowds as an excuse to pamper you) to find a signature, beautiful, comfortable and easy to put on outfit for you to wear
He will then buy 30 of them just in case you lose anything
He WILL give you presents randomly after you told him you like to wear clothing with emotional significance
Bonding time includes decorating your ear defenders and sunglasses
If your SI is anything to do with fashion or beauty or just asmo things in general this boy will NEVER leave your side. You become the only person he wants to talk to
If you excited stim by bouncing, hand flapping or squealing he is right there with you creating a feedback loop of excited stimming
When he finds out you like routine he will check you’re doing the beauty routine he made for you every night
If you’re too tired he will do it for you (or even if you just ask he loves being close to you)
If you’re touch repulsed he will ask every time before he even gets close to you (EVERY DAMN TIME ! This man understands consent and the fact that some days touch is too much others it’s not)
Acts like lucifer visa the routine n rad but with no infantilising
Reads every study ever done on autism and neurodivergence ever
ANGOR at human world autism studies bc they’re dumb and there’s so much more interesting things to investigate to do with being autistic
He does go to the human world and he does stab a$$ and those involved
If you let him he will study you
Tracks your sleep, eating habits, and mood regulation (after he asks ofc)
Meltdowns? No that’s a regular day in Satan’s head
He lets you use his rage room (he definitely has a room exclusively for smashing stuff) if you feel even a little stressed
Likes talking about your SI’s with you bc it’s rare he finds someone so knowledgeable on a subject
The kindest most patient boy
Helps you find foods that don’t mess with your texture issues
Checks to make sure you’ve eaten in case you’ve been distracted and not realised you’re hungry
Doesn’t understand AFRID because food is good?? But is willing to help you with it (see previous points)
Stims with you because it makes you happy
Will let you info dump for hours even if he doesn’t get it
Is generally very warm so he makes the perfect person for squishes
Perfectly happy to just sit in silence and not talk or make eye contact
Definitely understands the exhaustion that comes with being disabled
If you even look overstimulated he will kidnap you for a nap (whether than be physically or if you’re touch repulsed he will fake an emergency (the emergency is you being over stim Ed) just to get u out, it’s the only thing he puts effort into)
Shares his secret super soft blanket stash bc you are the only one who can appreciate how freaking soft the texture is
Best person to look after you in a shutdown bc he kinda gets it
Gets his own ear defenders and sunglasses so he can sleep in class (claims it’s solidarity with you)
Just enjoys your company like his bro so ditto on the silence thing
(There’s more I can think of but this is already really long, comment if u want part 2)
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luxthestrange · 3 years
Incorrect quote #59
Levi: Oh, no, no, no, don't go! I've scared ya'! I've said too much! I’M HOPELESS AND AWKWARD AND DESPERATE FOR LOVE!
Mc*Mc who was only coming for their daily game team-up, Already used to the Tsundere Levi*YEP SAME SHIT AS ALWAYS, You want normal soda or diet tonight?
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spacebunnysstars · 4 years
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Of course!! I myself am very shy and I have so much anxiety about meeting new people but once you get to know me I’m just walking chaos so I hope you enjoy these headcannons and have a great day/night (also I did big dumb and accidentally posted this when I was supposed to save it to drafts I hope this is okay!) 🥺💗✨
The bros with a shy/timid exterior s/o who is rather chaotic underneath ÙwÚ
Honestly really enjoys seeing you come out of your shell
It’s a big relief to him to see that you are getting more comfortable in your new surroundings and with him and his brothers
The sound of you being happy and enjoying being alive
And oh god your laUgH this man is heAd over heels for you
He doesn’t have the heart to punish you like he does with mammon even if the two of you are similar in nature
He doesn’t want to see you crawl back into your shell because he punished you for coming out of it
He’s really encouraging surprisingly and does his best to make you feel comfortable and safe
He’s had a lot of practice he was practically the mother of his seven siblings
He is hesitant arround you at first;; he doesn’t want to scare you or make you feel uncomfortable
When he starts to drag you around on his crazy money making schemes is shook by your enthusiasm
C H A O S T I M E ! !
Hes all over you he’s so happy to have gotten to know the real you
You couldn’t name a more iconic duo even if you tried
This man loves you to the moon and back it’s unreal
I don’t know what else to tell you;;
Your like a character from a shoujo anime he once watched but h-holy fUCK- YOURE REAL
He loves being apart of your growth and watching your true personality shine
You are the best person to play games with you just make even the dullest game so vividly exiting to him
He wants so be around you and to live your joyfully chaotic life; he goes out more and becomes more social because of you
Dream team 🥺👉👈
He was naturally drawn to your quiet timid nature, he thought it was cute; you where easy to fluster when you first came to the devildom
he didn’t see it coming that your roles would be reversed and relatively quickly at that
He is like putty in your hands; he loves seeing you so exited and full of energy.
They way you bounce of the walls when he asks you to go somewhere with him brings him so much happiness.
You also relentlessly piss lucifer off but that’s just an added bonus
Oh honey he’s going to unwrap you like the pretty present you are
Loves your shyness and adores teasing you;; he wants to get under your skin and see what your made of
Once he finds how chaotic you can be oh you better get ready he wants to get up to all sorts of things whilst your flaunt your vibrant personality.
Takes you to party’s with tons of people you don’t know just to see your shy side every once in a while he’d be lying if he said it doesn’t turn him on
He just thinks your scared of him 🥺
He is a huge demon who could eat you after all
It really worries him when you first come to the devildom, so he intentionally avoids you not wanting to make your stay anymore uncomfortable.
But then the custard situation happens and you have to stay in his room..
Now he’s actively trying to make conversation not wanting you to feel uncomfortable in his room.
The two of you start talking about food and he brings up your favourite food and the way your face lights up - oH GOd
The way you start talking about you favourite foods the sheer passion love and excitement that radiates out of you
He’s head over heels for you
He loves seeing this chaotic side of you! The first snippet he got had him falling
Is endlessly glad your not scared of him
Oh god oh lord
Your so tense when you first get to know him
He’s worried that it’s because he uhh killed you 👀
Is glad when you loose your shyness and loosen up
Your finally treating him how you treat his brothers;; and your chaos is free entertainment
He gets to watch as you drive his brothers up the walls with you antics and he wouldn’t have it any other way
Although he loves you chaotic side and adores getting in trouble with you and Satan he loves watching how peaceful you are when you sleep
You look so calm and serene. you’re really grounding for him like an affirmation that he is free and he is loved and capable of love
Eeeeeeee I hope that was okay I feel like this was slightly all over the place so I apologise for that! Regardless I hope you enjoyed that! If there’s anything I can improve on please let me know I endlessly appreciate the feedback!! Thanks for reading and stay safe 🥺💗✨🌸
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emiibunny · 5 years
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MY POOR BBY, WHY IS EVERYONE SO MEAN TO HIM 💔😂 i feel bad for laughing, but damn Lucifer is so savage 😭🤣 THANK YOU BEEL FOR BEING NICE & SUPPORTIVE OF MAMMON!
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roxyfoxgamer150 · 2 years
In all honesty, the biblically accurate angels just look goofy to me. Like sir, ma'am, helicopter. You look like the fucking illuminati, and I am no where near mentally stable to find shit that is scary or intimidating to others are scary or intimidating to me.
"I mean they're scary if you don't know or never heard of biblical accurate angels, but if you heard/saw pictures of them in the internet, they're less scary, intimidating yes, but not scary to the point you pee on the spot." Scrappy Mirabel stated.
Observer Mirabel can be seen blocking the door with Solaris, "WHICH ONE OF YOU FUCKERS OPENED A PORTAL TO THE OTAME GAME OBEY ME!?" Solaris yelled.
Everyone immediately pointed at Shadow Facade.
Solaris' mane immediately burst into flames, "IDIOT LEVITHIAN IS AFTER US BECAUSE OF YOU!"
"CELESTIAAAAA" A girl squeal was suddenly heard.
Solaris swore as loud as she could.
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mammonspeanut · 4 years
Element: Air
I’m going to just write a little something beforehand. I would really appreachate  if no-one would repost this without asking beforehand or crediting me. Simply because I poured A LOT of ME into this. I have done that with previous things I have written as well but this one feels as if I am exposing myself even more. It also will take me some courage to post it. What I am trying to say is that it would really mean a lot to me if you would respect my wishes, so yeah. Other than that I do hope you enjoy it (???) it. Xoxo 
Sitting outside on the doorsteps you felt the cool air against your skin. You took a deep breath as you closed your eyes, feeling the fresh air fill your lungs, you hold your breath for a second and exhale.
It was one of those nights, no matter what you did you couldn't sleep. You tried doing some exercises, a hot shower you even tried some hot milk with honey and cinnamon and nothing helped. Laying in bed you felt the sudden urge to go outside, the walls were coming down, it felt as if you couldn’t breathe. You quietly opened your door and snuck outside. The moment you felt the cool air on your skin you felt free again.
You inhaled deeply. You slowly exhaled.
After sitting down on the old steps you began to look around. You had to smile, you were told for years that you should watch out and do everything in your might not to go to hell yet, here you were. A chuckle made its way past your lips as you shook your head. Admittedly it was weird, you were in hell with another human, some angles and occasionally nice demons. Who would have known? You pick up a small stone sitting on the steps in front of you and threw it into the darkness before crossing your legs. Oh, how you adored each and every one of them in their own way. You begin to think about all the fun times you have had with them, the laughter the tears and even the occasional disasters. Suddenly you felt a pain in your heart, at some point you'll have to leave each of them behind and move on with life. How could you?
How could you live without Mammon's shenanigans that never work out but always ended in laughter?
How could you live without Satan constantly pushing you to gain as much knowledge as possible and be the best version of yourself?
How could you live without Levithian knocking on your door to tell you about the newest game releases as you both share your excitement?
How could you live without Belphegor's tips on how to deal with stress and how to not care about things that do not matter?
How could you live without Beelzebub's kindness and warm hugs that always came in the perfect moments?
How could you live without Asmodeus teaching you how to love yourself as you are?
How could you live without Solomon showing you how to feel slight changes around you and how to adjust to them?
How could you live without Simeon's kind heart, someone who always has an open ear and was willing to help in any situation?
How could you live without randomly standing in the kitchen with Luke to bake something only for it to end up terrible?
You inhale deeply. You exhale.
You push one of your curls the air playfully pushed into your face as you stare off into the distance and ask yourself :
How can I live without Lucifer?
You've met many different people throughout your life and the same amount of people also left. You searched for your purpose and bent yourself over backward to be exactly what they wanted you to be. You molded yourself so you could be loved and find a home within their lives. But, nothing ever worked, nothing you could have done would have worked. After arriving here and getting to know everyone you suddenly knew where you belonged, you learned that you didn't have to be someone you weren't. You suddenly knew what it felt like to be loved for who you are, you suddenly knew what it felt like to be loved unconditionally.
Closing your eyes you inhale deeply once again before slowly exhaling.
How could life be this cruel, to finally give you everything you craved for, only to take it away? You open your eyes slowly. Maybe you should just start shutting them out, make things easier for everyone. After all, if they don't care for you anymore, you leaving won't be as bad. Your heart dropped as the images of good times flashed before your inner eye.
Suddenly you hear a creaking sound behind you.
You can feel someone approaching you and then stopping.
The floorboards creak as they sit down right next to you.
"Can't you sleep?", a husky voice asks.
You turn your head and it's Lucifer, his dark hair messily sticking up in all directions as he yawns and rubs his face. He blinks a few times before looking at you with his deep red eyes. A soft smile flashes over his face before he blows a strand of hair out of his face.
You shake your head in response to his question, as you fight against the tears.
"Don't you think it's too creepy to be out here alone?", he asks once again as he looks out into the darkness you had looked out into moments before.
You shake your head once more. Not daring to utter a word that could break down your walls.
You look at him, taking in every little detail : 
You watch as the strand of hair he blew out of his face falls right back into place. 
You watch as goosebumps appear on his arms as he sits next to you only in a pair of pjama pants.
You watch his nose crinkle as he braces himself for sneeze and the way he rolls his eyes when it sadly doesn’t happen. 
You take in the way the edges of his eyes crinkle when he looks at you and smiles. 
The way his lips curl and the way he sticks out his tongue when he notices you looking at him. 
You take in the way he gently brushes over your cheek as he pushes one of your curls out of your face. 
You take in the way he carefully picks up your hand only to kiss it as he looks at you. 
You try to savor this moment as the both of you sit there in silence.
You breathe in once more.
The air suddenly feels heavy. You can feel the weight pushing you down. The fear choking you as you try to crawl out of your skin to breathe. To be free, to tell Lucifer that you are scared. You slowly open your mouth as Lucifer turns to look at you. His kind, loving face turns into one full of worry as he sees the tears you've been holding back rollover your cheeks.
Little streams of hopelessness and fear pooling, only to drop from your chin. Able to utter the words held hostage by the fear that is lurking inside of you. You choke on them as you try to catch your emotions. Maybe if you do you'll be able to have your vocal cords obey you. Maybe if you just try hard enough.
You inhale. 
There it is again, fear, piercing your heart with it's long ridged nails. Spreading quickly through your entire body. It feels like you are going to explode, you gasp trying to suck in the fresh air as you close your eyes.
Suddenly you feel a tug and something warm envelope you. A warmth, familiar to you.
Your eyes snap open, you inhale deeply and exhale. 
Lucifer had pulled you into his arms, embracing you tightly as he hums softly. Calming.
You inhale. You exhale shakily.
"Lucifer.. I'm afraid.. I don't want to lose your brothers, Simeon, Luke or Solomon. ", You stutter as you hold onto him as tightly as you can. Stumbling over your words as you try to utter them. Before fear plunges its nails into you once more you whisper: "I don't want to lose you. "
"You won't. I'll make sure that you'll always have a way to communicate and see all of them.", he replied as he squeezed you tighter "Nor will I allow anything to get between us. There is nothing in the three realms that can keep us apart.  Understood? Nothing. I'll be damned if I didn't try to do everything possible."
You nodded as he kissed the top of your head. You slowly began to relax as he swayed from side to side with you in his arms.
You took a deep breath and breathe out.
The cool air was now heavy with Lucifer's scent.
You breathed in and breathe out.
You felt loved.
You breathed in again and breathe out.
You were safe. 
You were home.
Surrounded by silence and nothing but the cool morning air you listened to Lucifer absentmindedly mumble once again: "Nothing."
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spacebunnysstars · 4 years
Hi! Do you think you can do some hc's for the demons bro, and a MC with really bad p. Cramps?
Of course!! As someone who gets really bad period symptoms myself I’m more than happy to write about this (I was just hit by the red demon hence why it has taken me so long to get to this 😅���) oh and this will be gender neutral like my other headcannons! I hope that is okay any who! Enjoy!! 💗✨🌸🥺
The bros with a mc who gets bad period cramps UwU
Why does such a hellish thing happen to humans who are weak enough as it is?
Genuinely confused but helps in anyway he can
Tried to soothe your pain but no physical contact;;
Even goes as far as to ask Solomon for a spell to help your pain
Has you in his office with him so he can keep an eye on you and you ‘condition’
“So you suffer monthly;; so that you have the option to bare a child?...”
He’s so confused? Like why that’s not fair?
This bitch wAnts to punch your uterus for making his human suffer 😤👊
You tell him that that is not necessary and would only make it worse
He rubs your lower stomach to help ease the pain (this actually works)
Even asks the witches who constantly summon him for help and advice so that he can make sure you are comfortable
Oh damn..
None of his favourite anime characters ever had to deal with this?!?
So why you!?!?
He didn’t know what to do he was genuinely concerned;; he thought that you were dying and just lying to him so he didn’t wouldn’t think about loosing his true friend
This boi is P A R A N O I D
Talks to Solomon about it and confirms that you are not dying
He has a heated body pillow that he gives to you to help soothe the pain shhh this boi baas lacked physical affection for thousands of years;; he just wanted something warm to hold
This! Bitch! Knows!
Smart boi has studied and researched human anatomy and the science behind every organ and it’s purpose
He is so well informed that it slightly blows your mind
Has spells, tea, hot water bottles, medication and all forms of sanitary products ready and waiting for your use
Your comfort is his upmost priority!
Hot chocolate and binging new shows really help distract you from your body murdering you from the inside out
He actually always carries around sanitary products in his school bag/ jacket pocket for you just incase
His knowledge of it is limited but knows enough to help out
It’s self care time all the time!!!
Pampers you and soothes your aches and sores any time you feel the discomfort of the cramps
Let’s you live in his fluffy robe
Bathes you!!! His bath tub is hugeeee! He runs a nice warm bath for the two of you to relax in (only if your comfortable with that of course)
Always touching you! He just wants you to know he’s there for you whenever you need him so he’ll always have a hand on your shoulder or enveloping you in a warm hug
Sad to see you in pain
Wishes it was him instead
Gives you all his food
Soft boi would rather starve than see you suffer
It’s just not fair and he thinks it’s really mean oh your supposed to care but all you do is take // @god
Constant hugs!!!! He is basically a radiator
Who needs hot water bottles when you’ve got bees big hands
Does everything in his power to stop your pain or at least reduce it
He loves taking care of you and will not let anyone else bother you
Carries you to wherever you need to go
What the ever loving fuck
Lilith never had to deal with something like this... did she?
Do naps help?
Naps help with everything
All the time is nap time
“I’m not doing this because I want to! It’s so that you’ll feel better and stop whining about it in my ear”
Another brother who is genuinely concerned for your health
Will rub your tummy and pet your hair
He really does care about you even if he doesn’t like to show it
Eeeee I hope you all enjoyed that! This was fun to write if you have any ideas or things you’d like to see me write requests are open and I’ve been really enjoying working on your suggestions and all of you are just so sweet so thank you!! Also constructive criticism is really appreciated! Thanks for reading and stay safe 💗✨🌸
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spacebunnysstars · 4 years
Can I please request a scenario with the Bois helping mc sleep? (It's 3 am and I cannot for the life of me fall asleep 😭😭😭) thank you bby 🥺💕
Of course honey 🥺💗 I understand I have such a hard time sleeping so this was nice to write I hope it’s okay that I smooshed Beel and Belphie together and I hope you enjoy them (and I hope you get a better nights sleep soon)💗✨🌸
Platonic sleeping scenarios for the bros UwU
This man has a hard tome sleeping too;; even though he’s one of the most powerful demons in all the devildom he is still haunted by the paperwork on his desk.
He is pleasantly surprised by your knocking on his bedroom door (he’s more so glad that it isn’t because mammon, being the chaotic ass hat he is, has caused trouble again)
He invites you in and offers you some warm tea as you sit on the sofa both in you pyjamas discussing your stay in the devildom so far.
When a small yawn escapes your lips that’s when lucifer decides it is time for the both of of you to get to bed.
He invites you to stay in his bed as he did offer to help you fall asleep it’s not like you haven’t napped on his bed when you wanted to get away from his brothers for a bit.
As the two of you where laying down he’d trace patterns on your back, his touch was surprisingly gentle and even through the fabric of your pyjamas his fingers felt like they where leaving silk trailing behind them.
You soon drifted of to dream land his fingers slowly coming to a stop as he realises you fallen into a deep slumber whispering to himself “works every time.” Proceeding to turn over reminded of sweet memories of helping his younger siblings fall to sleep whenever they where unable to fall asleep on their own.
Being the cheeky ass that he is, he was originally intending on plotting out his new money making scheme with you to patch up the holes that his brain left open for disaster to fill.
But seeing the tired look that dawned his humans features filled his heart with overwhelming sadness; knowing he was the cause of their current state.
“Tonight the great mammon is here to lull ya to sleep! Now ain’t you a lucky little human!” Mammon stated in a softer version of his usually snarky tone as a small smile adorned your features.
Mammon leaped onto your bed next to you, rolling around causing the bed to creak as he got comfortable on his side resting his chin on one of his hands wiggling his eyebrows at you.
A soft laugh escapes your lips as you playfully push his chest. “Ya stupid human I came here to help ya sleep not keep ya awake” he mumbled lightly flicking your head.
After a while of your sleepy eyes staring into his blue ones he started to run his fingers through your hair gently scraping at your scalp as he did so. Sinking into the feeling you began to feel even drowsier until you eventually settled into a deep slumber.
Mammon’s face almost angelic as he looked over you sleeping form as he gently ruffled your hair and softly smoothing it back down. Leaning down pressing a kiss as light as a feather to your hair. He then proceeded to get up to return to his room (knowing full well that he is a fidget and will likely wake you) whispering to you as he left “sweet dreams MC see ya tomorrow.”
Having forgotten how human his true friend is he was upset when you got up to leave to tired to explain yourself “we haven’t finished all 50 episodes yet!! You can’t go!” Levi whined at you having paused the anime the two of you where watching.
After explaining that you needed to sleep Levi understood,, your a human after all you need you sleep to function. You end up walking back over to where the two of you where sat and plonked down resting your head on Levi’s thigh.
“W-w-what are you doing!?” Levi was panicked by you action “I’m gonna sleep here so when the anime is over you can wake me up and tell me all about it” you smiled at him.
Your warm smile relaxed him instantly and he turned the anime back on and continued watching the soft sound of your breathing was the soundtrack the anime needed.
The anime eventually finished and as the credits where rolling he looked over your sleeping form desiring to let you sleep “I’ll tell you all about the ending when you wake up but ahh it was amazing... thank you for staying with me.”
You where hanging out with Satan in his room, it was late and you where watching a murder mystery documentary. It’s not that it wasn’t interesting you where just tired but with the complete inability to sleep.
Satan quickly caught wind of your tired eyes and turned off the tv getting up and grabbing his jacket whilst tossing one of his jumpers at you. “Come on let’s go out for a walk” he smiles at you.
You climb off of his bed almost tumbling over a stack of books followed by Satan’s soft laughter reminding you to be careful. You both leave his room and head towards the front door. You both popped on your shoes and out the door you went (luckily for the both of you lucifer was too busy with paperwork to even realise you had left.)
The nights in the devildom are surprisingly quiet only the soft sound of the cool breeze and yours and Satan’s feet could be heard, it was a comfortable silence with no need for conversation.
You found really relaxing just to walk at the side of the blond demon letting the wind blow your worries away. The two of you ended up waking into a field of soft grass and small wild flowers, it was beautiful.
Both you and Satan stopped knowing you had found the perfect place to rest your legs. You laid down on the grass staring up at the sky sparkling with stars. Satan watched over you for a moment before joining you.
Being the avatar of wrath you’d never expect his presence to be so comforting and calm, it was one of the qualities you admired about him. Lost in thought about the calm demon laying next to you, your eyes grew hazy with sleep as you felt yourself drifting off.
Satan soon realised the rise and fall of your chest had slowed knowing full well you had fallen asleep. He moved over to you and lifted your sleeping figure in his arms and took you back home.
He took you back to your room and removed your shoes before tucking you into your bed. He sat down on the floor leaning against your bed frame an arm and his head rested on your mattress as he slowly dozed off beside you.
It had been a long exhausting day at RAD and you just wanted go to bed; you had stayed late to help lucifer with some student council stuff and it ended up running until quite late. You walk home seemed to take forever; trudging along you felt as though the weight of the world was on your shoulders just to spite you.
Your limbs where achey and sore by the time you reached the front door, with an exasperated sigh you used up the last of your energy to push open the unusually heavy door. On the other side of the door was the usually chirpy Asmodeus tapping his foot with an irritated frown planted on his still beautiful face.
“MC you’re late” he whined turning to look at you the irritation leaving his face to be replaced by a look of sympathy. “Oh honey bunny you look exhausted” he stated as he wrapped his arms around your head pulling your face into his chest as his fingers stroked through your hair.
“Come, let’s fix you up” he smiled taking your hand in his own and slowly walking you to his room. He sat you down on the edge of his bed and like a burst pipe your emotions all exploded at once tears streaming down your face.
He pulled you further onto the bed cradling you and stroking you hair until you wave of emotions had slowed. He gently wiped away the stray tears stuck to your face knowing full well how delicate a tear stained face could be.
“Do you want to talk about it;; I could paint your nails for you?” He offered wanting to help in any way he could. You shook your head and told him you just wanted to rest, and that is what the two of you did as his manicured nail massaged your scalp.
Rather quickly you found asmo’s gentle touch working you into a deep slumber. He eventually removed is fingers and sighed “I guess I should tell lucifer off on your behalf. You really shouldn’t over work yourself even if you are just trying to help.” He gently pet your hair before leaving to give lucifer a piece of his mind.
Beel & Belphie
It was quite late and Beel invited you to the his and Belphie’s room to have some pizza with them. Although it being quite late you happily obliged making your way to the twins room with your blanket wrapped around your shoulders and a pillow in your arms you knock on their door opened very quickly by Beel smiling holding a whole slice of pizza in his mouth.
You step inside to find both of their beds had been pushed together to make a giant extra comfy bed for the three of you to enjoy pizza and each others company of course. You dived on the giant bed and greeted Belphie with a smile, none of you had to say anything mostly because you didn’t have anything to talk about you just enjoyed the pizza and the twins presence.
Being with the two of them was always warm and cozy you felt so lucky to have two absolute sweethearts as your best friends. The three of you ended up having mindless conversation about the most random things and the three of you would laugh together.
You eventually started do feel really sleepy as did Belphie and Beel. You all snuggled up together running you fingers through both boy’s hair. Beel was surprisingly the first to fall asleep, a puddle of drool forming on his pillow. Belphie ended up wrapping his entire body around you resting his head on your chest as he slept.
You felt so at peace with the two of them and you fell asleep shortly after the twins. Little did you know you’d wake up with Beel sucking your thumb and Belphie’s legs on your face. Not that you mind it was always rather funny to wake up to.
There you go! UwU I hope you liked that and if you have any other requests or suggestions/comments don’t be afraid to pop an ask I hope you have an amazing day/night! Stay safe 💗✨🌸
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spacebunnysstars · 4 years
I'm a fool for platonic love omg. I was wondering if you'd write something with an mc who has chaotic little sibling energy? Just a little menace. Or if not maybe mc getting a date and the brothers just kinda "nope" at the news?? If you decide not to thats okay! Hope you have a nice day uwu
The bro’s with a chaotic little sibling mc UwU
It’s like mammon 2.0 but breakable
You are just so annoying and loud and you know it; he wants to wipe that smug look off your face
You lowkey remind him of himself but shh
You end up getting him in trouble and this man is PISSED
But the smile on you face and the laughs you shared together might just be worth it
You fit in perfectly with his family and now can’t picture it without you constantly running around annoying him and all his siblings he finds it funny when you annoy them
He learns to love your chaotic nature and will treat you to head pats when you actually behave
You run circles arround this guy;; he’s the fastest of his brothers but even he can’t keep up with you
And he LOVES IT!!!
You smother him with you attention and your surprisingly well thought out plots to get under his brothers skin
Your his little apprentice and he couldn’t ask for anyone better!
When shit comes to shit and his brothers are throwing every insult in the book his way, you always defend him, after all how can they insult only him for your amazing plan
But at the end of the day sometimes he has to tell you that enough is enough;; and surprisingly you listen to him
And when the day is done he always makes sure to put you to bed and that you get to sleep;; you need your rest so you can cause more chaos tomorrow
He can’t have his little human getting sick because they want to keep the party going;; he would worry too much
You play tricks on him all the time because of how easy it is to get a rise out of him
But he also uses you to play tricks on his brothers or to get mammon to give him his money back
Although you can be annoying to watch anime with (because of the amount of questions you have) he really enjoys that time you spend together
Likes that you actually want to hear about his passions and engage in a conversation about them with him
One of the few brothers you skip school with to not cause trouble
At first he saw you as some what of a tool; a tool to piss off lucifer and nothing else
Eventually he got to know you and you got to know him too! You where in awe with his knowledge and looked up to him
And oh boy are his plans to wind up his brothers smart and hilarious
He’s always the one you turn to when you need help with homework;; the way he explains things and can somehow link them to things you enjoy really helps you understand whatever it is you’re struggling with
He adores seeing the way your face lights up once you understand the thing you where struggling with
Your annoyingly cute
And it pisses him off? The sheer amount of energy you have? Incredible. he wonders how useful your energy would be at horny hour
He enjoys testing out new makeup products on you if you can sit still for long enough
He thinks the way you wriggle when your getting impatient is adorable
He hates how much attention you give mammon! Can you not see his face?!
He craves your attention because you are so exiting to be around;; there’s never a dull moment for the two of you
He loooooves to pet your hair;; to him you are just an excitable puppy and he really enjoys the time you two spend together when you have lost all your energy
He sees you constantly getting yourself in trouble and putting yourself in danger because of your naturally chaotic energy and bois worried
He’s a big softie with a big heart;; as soon as he gets over you and mammon stealing his food he goes into big brother mode
He just wants to keep you safe; will often carry you arround to prevent you from running rampant around the devildom with his older brothers
Always makes sure you have snacks even if he has taken a bite out of them so that your body can keep up with your highly active mindset
C U D D L E S ! ! !
This demon is a walking teddy bear and when your energy has finally depleted for the day his arms are ready and waiting to engulf you until you fall to sleep
Just no.
You are loud and annoying;; this bitch just wants to sleep
No you are great!
You piss lucifer off like no tomorrow! That is endless entertainment for the sleepy demon without him even having to lift a finger
Once he gets to know you thinks you chaotic energy is hilarious and constantly send you on errands annoying his brothers whilst filming it so he can enjoy their suffering when he can’t sleep at night
When your batteries have run out of power surprisingly belphie prefers to watch you sleep rather that sleeping with you
There’s just something so fascinating to him about how you, an excessively high energy human, looking so calm and serene as your batteries recharge for even more chaos when you wake up
He secretly daydreams about what kind of nonsense you’ll get yourself into when you wake up from your slumber
All the while your sleeping there is a soft smile adorning the lazy demons face as he waits by your side for you to return from the land of dreams
Abbsnhdhdhzj I hope you all enjoyed that I’m so sorry at how ridiculously long it took me! I hope it was worth the wait! Requests are open if there is anything you’d like to see me write (I will also write for side characters!) thank you for reading and stay safe! 💗✨🌸
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spacebunnysstars · 4 years
Ok ok so you may have seen that one meme of monopoly that somebody drew with the bros (I wish I could remember who posted it), but could you write a scenario for that where everyone’s (with gn MC) playing monopoly and it goes downhill from there? Don’t worry if you don’t want to do this I just saw you wanted something platonic... if you could include our himbo lord diavolo too that’d be great!
Hell yeah!! I’ve seen the memes your talking about so I’ll do my best but I haven’t properly plaid monopoly in yeaaaarsss so I hope this is okay!! And of course the big tiddie bitch will be included! Also I’m so sorry for how much time it has taken me to get to your requests and I wanted to do it justice! I hope you like this UwU also I’m so sorry for the turn this took I hope it’s okay /)////(\💗✨🌸
Oh um warning for foul language and implied nsfw incase that ain’t your thing ÚwÙ
Monopoly with the demon squad ÙwÚ
It was the evening when diavolo had gotten back from a recent trip to the human world and brought back with him endless arguments and temper tantrums in a cardboard box; a cardboard box containing monopoly...
The game being played by diavolo, Satan, lucifer, mammon, Belphie, Beel, Levi and mc quickly went to absolute shit. To start with asmo refused to play because he didn’t want to ruin his beautiful new manicure which led to snarky remarks from belphie and mammon. Instantly when choosing their character pieces mammon and Levi started arguing over the small metal figure that seemed to match mcs piece. Levi the decided he’d rather play games by himself than with a bunch of normies anyway and scurried off to his room.
About 15 minutes into the game mammon was in debt to lucifer, Satan managed to wind himself up in jail for the fifth time and Beel had ate his character piece (idk what to call it) because it was shaped like a burger and he was hungry. The only two who seemed to be enjoying the game where lucifer and diavolo; diavolo being the banker and lucifer owning all of the highest properties, diavolo was more than happy to continue dishing out cash to the gorgeous fallen angel. Belphie quickly got to lazy to continue playing the game and fell asleep on mc. And that is when all hell broke loose...
All of the pieces fly off the board scattering arround the room, a few hitting asmo who is now about to smack a bitch. Satan’s face was twitching trying to contain his anger as mc sunk into their seat knowing full well that shits about to hit the fan.
Belphie: fuck off mammon you stupid prick! I’m going to sleep wherever I like and if that’s on mc then so be it! *nestling himself further into mc’s lap*
Diavolo trying to contain his laughter consoled lucifer who was doing his very best not to explode and almost kill mc accidentally. Mc knowing she’s in for it completely tense.
Mammon picked up the board and throwing it in Belphie’s direction but missing and hitting mc in the face causing tears to form in their eyes from the force. Satan was now in his demon form trying to beat the living shit out mammon quickly joined by belphie and asmo. In the chaos of screaming and shouting Beel took mc by the hand and dragged her to Levi’s room where it would be a bit quieter as he ran to the kitchen for ‘supplies’ so they could have a nicer time watching Levi play games.
Meanwhile lucifer was paralysed by stress. The usually composed demon was now shaking trying to keep himself calm, concern was plastered all over diavolos face as he lifted lucifer bridal style carrying him to his room. Diavolo massaged the tense demon who was now angry crying feeling so ashamed of himself and the mental state he was in.
Pulling the smaller man into his embrace diavolo encouraged the tears rubbing his back and softly kissing his forehead.
Diavolo: now now, *stroking lucifer soft hair pushing it back out of his face as he caressed his cheek with his thumb* you didn’t accept the chocolates I gave you to help with your stress. So instead will you accept me; will you allow me to relieve your stress?
Diavolo lifted lucifers chin looking into his glazed eyes as lucifer subtly nodded. That was all the confirmation diavolo needed as he pressed his lips to lucifers lowering his hands too his waist. The kiss was soft and and comforting but still passionate causing lucifer to tangle his gloved fingers in diavolos red locks pulling diavolo even closer. Their kiss became sloppy and heated; the taste of lucifers tears lingering on their tongues causing lucifers pent up emotions to explode into his love making with diavolo. They where going to be in the firey throws of love and passion all night long, and that is exactly what lucifer needed...
3 hours later in the living room mammon satan belphie and asmo where all laying on the floor exhausted.
Mammon: what game where we playing again I can’t even remember
Belphie: me either but I know this is your fault
Satan: shut up the game was monopoly but when did everyone else leave?..
Asmo: lucifer and diavolo are fucking in his room and mc and Beel are watching Levi play games
Mammon belphie and satan: damn...
They all passed out having wasted too much energy on a useless fight knowing they where going to pay for it tomorrow...
Eeeeee umm I’m sorry if you don’t like dialuci my brain just took over and insisted that it was necessary😅💗 I hope this was okay I’m sorry it was a bit all over the place. Please let me know if there’s anything I could improve on or send in more requests! Thank you guys and stay safe UwU 💗✨🌸
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spacebunnysstars · 4 years
Wait what other colour would Levi's hair be tho 🤡🤡
I have no idea but some people think his hair is blue but it’s damn 🅱️ur🅱️le
Like sometimes his hair can look like it has a blue tinge which is natural for darker hair colour to have undertones of other colours for example when I had dyed my hair black people would tell me it sometimes looked slightly blue. Its normal but his hair is purple
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