#obi-wan amut
The Will of the Force - CH 12
Fandom: Star Wars  Rating: Mature Pairing: Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker, Obikin   AO3 Masterlist
Summary:  What if Obi-wan hadn’t been granted permission to train Anakin in the ways of the Force? What if Qui-Gon hadn’t perished during the battle with Darth Maul? How differently would things have turned out?
Chapter 12
     “Members of the Senate, I call for your aid!” Padmé stood tall and spoke with all of her gathered confidence in the face of what she was about to say. She kept Anakin on her mind and close to her heart as she did, and honestly the only thing that was keeping her steady was the thought that if she succeeded, Anakin would be able to come home. “It is true, there was an attack against Naboo’s Prince, and yes I do wish to bring him home safely, but I am not here to ask you to help me do that in the way that the Chancellor has told you.”
     Her eyes glanced over to where the Chancellor sat across from her, his own eyes filled with confusion. She hated that she had to lie to him all this time, but she just had to remind herself it was for his safety that she had. Then she quickly glanced back at Qui-Gon, who gave her a nod and an encouraging smile, before she turned back and readied to finally put everything into action. “I am here today to inform you of a great danger that has slipped right past our ranks, as well as those of the Jedi. The Jedi Council has come to the conclusion that there are Sith Lord’s amongst us, situated within this very Senate!”
     Gasps and murmurs erupted from the Senate members around them, and the Chancellor was on his feet, his hands clenched tightly around the railing in front of him. Padmé flashed a quick glance over to him, to the Jedi she knew was placed strategically behind him just in case things got out of hand, then back to the other members of the Senate whose quiet murmurs were starting to turn into shouted accusations.
     “If this is true and there really are Sith Lord’s amongst us, then I suggest we start investigations with the Senate representatives from the Groperet.” Someone moved forward to point a finger. “Before joining the Senate they were once aligned with the Sith Lord’s. Who’s to say their sudden loyalty to the Republic wasn't just a ploy to inject themselves, and their Sith cohorts, right into the Senate undetected? I say we lock them away right now before they are given the chance to strike first!”
     Shouts filled the hall, echoing up the tall room. Some were shouts of agreeance and encouragement in the suggestion, and some were in defense of the Groperetan’s. This was not what they had planned for and Padmé felt herself beginning to panic, she feared there could be a riot and that would only put people, and the Chancellor in much danger.
     “No, no, that is not true,” another Senate member moved their seat forward, the representatives from Groperet, “our planet was never aligned with the Sith, but rather under their control for many years, unwillingly. And if you'll remember correctly we were mercifully rescued by the Jedi after years of oppression, after which we gladly joined the Republic. If you would like to point fingers, might I suggest Horrne.”
     “That's right!” Someone else shouted, “Half of their planet still rallies for the Empire!”
     “Why not Redigath VII?!”
     The screaming and blame escalated, and soon enough the entire Senate was up in arms. Padmé turned back to Qui-Gon, desperately looking for some kind of help, but he remained as calm as ever as he stared right back at her. “This is not what we had planned, and this is in no way going to help Anakin. What do I do?!”
     “Remain calm,” he held his hands out mimicking the motion of taking a calming breath, “bring them back to the issue at hand. You are strong and they will listen to you. You can do this.”
     She nodded, took a breath, and turned back. “Members of the Senate, please! Fighting amongst ourselves is only going to encourage the Sith Lord’s, and we will never find them or solve this crisis. We must focus, and find a way to bring the Sith out of the shadows and to justice.”
     “And what exactly do you suggest?” One of the members shouted at her, though thankfully most of the shouting had died down. “If we do not start imprisoning those who have been known to be disloyal to the Republic and instead loyal to the Empire, then what do you suggest we do? Or should we just end the meeting now and allow the Sith to walk away scott free?”
     “No, that's not what I'm saying at all,” she answered, almost begging them to just listen to her, “the Sith could be aligned with anyone, no matter where their past loyalties have lied, we have no way of knowing. What I'm suggesting is that we remain here and allow the Jedi Council to come in and use the Force to assess our minds, all of them, to see if they can find a connection to the dark side. And no matter how long it takes, we must remain here to ensure that we are all cleared. If after that, the Jedi have still not found what they are looking for, we can work together to make a plan to further vet the members of our planets who serve close to the Senate. And I propose-”
     The doors behind her burst open and Padmé turned to watch a body stumble through, take a few uneasy steps, then fall to the ground by her feet. Her heart instantly sank, she knew this man, despite the bruises and blood covering an almost unrecognizable face, she knew this man. “Gregar!” She rushed away from the railing and threw herself to her knees beside him. Qui-Gon was there in a second as well, on Gregar’s other side, and helped her to roll him over so she could hold his head gently in her lap.
     She registered Qui-Gon across from her, shouting for someone to get a medical droid, but she blocked it out. Despite her young age, she had seen much combat in her life, seen her fair share of wounds that had consumed their hosts, and she knew Gregar wouldn't be here by the time the medical droid arrived. So she focused on him, focused on keeping her voice calm and keeping him calm.
     “My Queen, I…” He forced out through gritted teeth, grunting in pain when he tried to reach a hand up to her face. She took his hand and laid it back across his chest, but held it in hers.
     “Hush, Gregar, just relax.” 
     “No, you must know,” he breathed heavily, ignoring her pleas to rest. “The Sith… it's the Chancellor, it's… it's Palpatine.”
     The entire Senate broke out into gasps and murmurs of betrayal behind her as they could hear everything he was saying to her. She looked up to Qui-Gon who was still across from her, on Gregar’s other side, and she could tell he was just as shocked at the news as she was. Chancellor Palpatine, someone she had considered a very close friend for all her year’s sat upon the throne, someone she herself helped into his high position of power within the Senate, was a Sith Lord. How could she have let this slip past her? How did she not see it? Surely there had to be signs, and she hadn't seen a single one of them.
     “And Padmé,” Gregar coughed, gripping her hand tighter in his own, though still weakly, getting her attention back to him, “he knows… he knows where Anakin is. Maul he… he used the Force on me, I was too weak to resist… I’m sorry, tell Anakin I’m sorry-”
     “You have nothing to be sorry for,” she whispered as a tear slipped past her defenses and landed on their clasped hands, “Anakin knows how much you love him, that you would never do anything to purposefully put him in harm's way. Don't you worry about any of this, Gregar.”
     “Padmé…” His eyes slipped closed and his chest heaved with his final breath. Whatever he had been trying to say was lost on cold lips as his hand went limp in hers. 
     She let her tears fall freely now, then looked up to Qui-Gon in fear. Everything had gone completely off the rails. Gregar was dead, the Chancellor was the Sith Lord they had been looking for, the Senate was presumably lost, and Anakin and Obi-Wan were in very grave danger. Her worst fears had come true. 
     A sudden burst of shouting erupted behind them, and they both stood abruptly to look out over the railing and down to the Senate. If they had thought it was a chaotic mess before, now that the Senate had overheard Gregar and the Sith Lord had been identified, they were all feeling as angered and betrayed as Padmé was. In seconds they watched as both Senate members and the Jedi posted throughout the room were on the move, jumping into action to try and get to Palpatine before he could get away. But of course it was never so easy. 
     They watched on in horror as Palpatine's usual calm and charming demeanor changed almost instantly to one of malice and hatred. He shot one last detesting look up to Padmé, then he turned and started making his way off of his platform, taking out the Jedi as he went with violently thrown purple lightning from his hands. But before they could do anything, he was gone, slipped right through their grasp once again. That was not seeming to be stopping the Senate members as they too began leaving their platforms, all wanting their own piece of the Sith Lord for one reason or another. Padmé and Qui-Gon took no time in following their lead.
     The halls of the Temple outside the Senate hall were no less chaotic then it had been inside. She kept close to Qui-Gon as they raced through the halls, weaving in and out of enraged Senate members, then finally they found Master Yoda and Master Windu within the throngs.
     “What happened in there?” Windu asked.
     “Chancellor Palpatine is the Sith Lord!” Padmé panted, her eyes still searching the crowd as she spoke. “And Maul is alive, he killed Gregar and now he's after Anakin and Obi-Wan.”
     “Contact your former Padawan, you must,” Yoda pointed up to Qui-Gon who nodded, then turned to Windu beside him, “find the Chancellor, we will.”
     “Master Yoda is right,” Windu said to Qui-Gon, “you make sure the Prince and Obi-Wan are safe and we’ll handle the rest. Once you have them both, take them and the Queen out of Naboo’s system, only contact us when you're all safe and hidden. Go.”
     Both Windu and Yoda left them, then Padmé looked up to Qui-Gon. He could see the terror in her eyes, could sense the panic attack on the edge of boiling over. “What are we going to do?! Maul, this… this Sith that killed Gregar is now after Anakin, and he has a head start. What if he gets to Anakin and Obi-Wan before we do?!”
     “Calm your mind, Padmé, we are no good to our boys if we let the fear consume us,” he reached out and placed his hands on her shoulders in an attempt to calm her, “I have a secure connection with Obi-Wan that I can use to communicate with him. I'll contact him on our way to the hanger and tell him to take Anakin to a planet outside of the system. Hopefully it will give them enough time to get out before Maul gets to them.”
     “And Obi-Wan, he's beaten this Maul before, right?! He can do it again?”
     “I have faith that Obi-Wan is stronger than Maul,” Qui-Gon nodded, “now come, we must find a ship.”
     They both took off running through the halls toward the hanger, and as they did Qui-Gon took out his commlink and tapped into the secure line he shared with Obi-Wan. They had only used it once since he and Anakin had arrived at the villa in the Lake Country, only to ensure the security of the connection, so he could only hope Obi-Wan would answer him. Unfortunately it would seem his hopes were wasted. 
     “He's not answering?” Padmé asked as they ran, looking between Qui-Gon and the commlink in his hand.
     “No,” he shook his head and tried him again, but still nothing, “I'll send him a hollo message. Hopefully he gets it, and I'll keep trying to call him while we are travelling.”
     As they ran he held the commlink out in front of him, not stopping his strides as he recorded his message, again hoping that at some point Obi-Wan would see it. “Obi-Wan, you need to get out of the villa, now! Take Anakin and run, get out of the system, the Sith know where you are and they are coming for Anakin. Maul is coming for Anakin. I will explain the rest when we meet, but you must get Anakin to safety as fast as you can, contact me when you're safe. Please, Obi-Wan, be safe.”
     It had been a long time since Obi-Wan had felt so calm in meditation. Ever since he and Anakin had been reunited for this mission he had been plagued by nothing but nightmares, and where meditation was usually a welcomed reprieve, it was only proving to raise his anxieties. But now he was finally starting to feel that relief of calm again, the Force wrapping around him while he was sunk deep in his meditation, finally at peace after so long of feeling trapped within visions of Anakin's capture and death.
     He was deep in his meditation, currently sitting on a carpet off to the side of Anakin's bed, soaking in the calm and quiet, when suddenly something hit his cheek and fell into his lap. He dropped out of his meditation and peeked an eye open, trying to hold back a laugh when he found a slice of pear teetering on his knee where it had landed. He closed his eyes again and tilted his head back up to try and refocus. But yet another slice of pear was vaulted across the room and this time smacked him in the forehead, sticking there for a minute, before it joined the first piece in his lap. 
     “Anakin,” he hummed out in a playful warning, though deep down he knew it was of no use, and he was not surprised when he was faced with yet another slice of pear. But this one floated across the room and rested against his lips, which were now stretched in a tight grin, and eventually he relented and opened his mouth allowing the pear to slip past his lips. 
     Once he swallowed it he opened both of his eyes and peered over at Anakin. “You’re being a menace, Anakin, perhaps if you're that antsy you should join me in meditation.” Then his eyes raked slowly down Anakin's body where he was currently laying on his side on the bed, facing Obi-Wan, stretched out and completely naked. “It is also very hard to concentrate when you're being so… distracting.”
     Anakin smirked, a devilishly playful look on his beautiful face, and it was right then that Obi-Wan knew that Anakin knew exactly what he was doing to him. “Or…” Anakin countered with the same sing-song tone as Obi-Wan had used, “Instead of sitting on the ground, also naked and also extremely distracting, you could come up here and let me help you relax in a much better way than boring old meditation.”
     Obi-Wan shook his head and closed his eyes again. “Meditation is important, Anakin, it helps you become closer to the Force. If you wish to get even stronger in your connection, you should join me. Allow me to guide you through the meditation and you will see a difference in your abilities. You are already strong, this will only help.”
     Instead of answering, Anakin remained on the bed and used the Force to float another piece of pear to hover against Obi-Wan’s lips. Though this time he resisted at first, keeping his lips closed tightly, but Anakin was not giving up. He used the Force to pull the pear back and smack Obi-Wan in the face more forcefully a few times before Obi-Wan gave in and opened his mouth to accept it, laughing as he did. But he kept his eyes closed against the beautiful distraction on the bed in front of him, because he knew if he opened them again he would not be able to resist a second time.
     When Anakin realized he was not getting his way so easily he groaned, a bit over dramatically, and rolled on to his back in the bed. “Fine,” he grunted and smacked a hand down on the bed for effect, “if you won’t come up here with me, I guess I'll just have to entertain myself.”
     Obi-Wan didn't answer him, or open his eyes, but he could hear Anakin shuffling around on the bed, the blankets shifting under him as he moved around. Then suddenly, he heard both outloud and in his mind across their bond, a shuddering, deep throated moan. He tried to ignore it, tried to focus and let Anakin know that he would not so easily give into his ministrations, but after another louder and even more guttural moan he couldn't take it anymore. 
     In the mere blink of an eye he reached a hand out toward Anakin and in a second he was seated on Obi-Wan’s lap, with both of Anakin’s hands trapped within Obi-Wan’s, held above his head. Obi-Wan finally opened his eyes and glared at Anakin. “I did not say you could touch yourself, did I?”
     “Well,” Anakin drawled and wriggled his hips against Obi-Wan’s growing erection, “what did you expect me to do when you're sitting here, naked and enticing, and refusing to come over and touch me yourself?”
     “I expect you to behave,” he growled and leaned in, touching his lips to Anakin’s, “and I expect you to do as I say, my good boy.”
     Anakin shuddered against him, tossing his head back and letting Obi-Wan run his lips along the taught muscles of his jaw line.
     “So,” Obi-Wan said after placing a soft, ghost of a kiss on the underside of his chin, “if I let you go, can you promise that you will sit patiently and wait, or am I going to have to tire you out first?”
     Anakin looked back down at Obi-Wan and smirked devilishly, “I am definitely not promising anything.”
     Obi-Wan rolled his eyes and smirked, “You will be the absolute death of me, Anakin Skywalker, but have it your way then.” Obi-Wan pushed against Anakin, still holding his hands above his head, and laid Anakin back on the floor. 
     Anakin's eyes instantly blew into lust filled orbs, seeing nothing but Obi-Wan, feeling nothing but Obi-Wan settled between his legs, already slowly grinding against him, making them both moan every time their cocks rubbed.
     He tossed his head back and arched further into Obi-Wan. “I need you inside me, Obi-Wan,” he panted, pushing against Obi-Wan’s hands still holding him down, but Obi-Wan only held his hands tighter. Anakin grunted in frustration, “Let me touch you.”
     Obi-Wan chuckled, leaning down and taking Anakin’s bottom lip between his teeth. He pulled, letting his lip slide slowly through his teeth, then leaned down again to glide his tongue across the now red and plump lip. “Have some patience, dear one. Afterall, you interrupted my meditation, I think I'm entitled to have my way with you.”
     “Have your way then,” he wriggled under Obi-Wan, causing their cocks to grind together again, “just don't make me wait too long. Laying on the bed, watching you sit here naked for so long was more than enough foreplay, and I'm still plenty prepped from this morning. So let's go, Obi-Wan, get inside me, please.”
     “As you wish.” 
     Obi-Wan moved to hold both of Anakin's hands in one of his, then moved his now free hand down to his cock. He lined himself up with Anakin's hole, pressing lightly against it and feeling that Anakin was indeed still loose and still wet from the bacta, and in one swift move he thrust all the way in. 
     Anakin grunted beneath him as Obi-Wan fully seated himself. He would never get enough of the feeling of Obi-Wan inside him, the weight of him on top of him, the width of his broad shoulders overtaking Anakin’s, the pull of his muscles against him as he thrust in and out of him, the lightning that shot through his entire body everytime Obi-Wan touched him. Even now, as Obi-Wan started up a steady pace, his free hand moving up and down Anakin's side, lips on his neck, heaven wasn't a strong enough word to describe it. And now all he wanted to do was get his hands on Obi-Wan’s skin, to make him feel the same electricity he felt.
     “Obi-Wan, please let me touch you,” he begged again, struggling against Obi-Wan’s still tight hold on his hands over his head.
     Obi-Wan stopped his thrusts and stared down at Anakin with a hunger in his eyes that had Anakin's entire body vibrating. “And if I let your hands go, are you going to touch yourself again?”
     “No,” he shook his head quickly, “no, I won't touch myself, I just want to touch you, I want to hold you.”
     “If I let you go,” Obi-Wan started, a warning tone to his voice, “your hands will go nowhere else but my shoulders, am I understood?” Anakin nodded. “Do not touch yourself, but do hold on tight.”
     Anakin nodded again, unable to say any more words, and relished in the look Obi-Wan was currently giving him. Then Obi-Wan let go of Anakin's hands, and Anakin kept his promise and wrapped his arms tightly around Obi-Wan’s broad shoulders. Obi-Wan took his free hand and braced himself on the floor with his elbow, and moved his other hand down Anakin's side, then his thigh and down to his knee, lifting his leg so Anakin would wrap his legs around his waist. Once Anakin was holding on as tightly as Obi-Wan had told him to, Obi-Wan slid his hand over Anakin's butt and up to wrap under his body and around his waist, then he lifted Anakin up by the waist so only his shoulders were resting on the floor.     Anakin threw his head back with a guttural moan as Obi-Wan picked up a sudden and brutal pace, his legs tightening around Obi-Wan’s waist as the new angle had him hitting Anakin's prostate every time. His cock was aching between them, and he wanted so bad to reach down and grab it, to release the glorious pleasure he could feel building inside him. But he held tighter to Obi-Wan’s shoulders, resisting the urge, and Obi-Wan felt his struggle.
     “Such a good boy, Anakin,” he grunted, thrusting harder into him, “you will come on nothing but my cock, and only when I tell you to. Such a good boy, my dear one.”
     That alone almost drove Anakin over the edge. The praise from Obi-Wan, when he called him his good boy, sent a thrilling shock through his body, it made his cock twitch against his stomach, and all he wanted was to be as good as Obi-Wan was saying he was. So he held tighter to his shoulders, dug his nails into the taught skin there. Obi-Wan growled in his ear as Anakin scratched his nails across his shoulders, and used the arm wrapped around his waist to pull Anakin against him with every thrust. Neither of them was able to say anything else, aside from the occasional moans of each other's names, the only other sound in the room was the rhythmic slapping of their skin every time they met. The carpet beneath them was scratching against the skin of Anakin's shoulders, every powerful thrust from Obi-Wan pushing him back and adding to the growing patch of rug burn he could feel forming, but he didn't even care. He could feel that he was close, and he could feel in the way Obi-Wan’s thrusts had become uneven that he was close too. 
     “Oh, Anakin,” he moaned, his hips stuttering even more, “come for me, darling, come now.”
     “Obi-Wan!” Anakin screamed his name, arching into him as he came and bit down on his soulder.
     Obi-Wan followed right behind him, holding Anakin firmly against him as he thrust one last time and came inside him. Obi-Wan slowly laid Anakin back down on the floor, then laid on top of him, resting his face in the crook of his neck while they both tried to calm their rapid breathing.
     Anakin was still clinging desperately to Obi-Wan while he panted, his breath hitting Obi-Wan’s cheek, and he lifted a hand up to run his fingers through Anakin's now sweaty hair. “Are you alright, Anakin? Did I hurt you?”
     “No,” he shook his head, his voice rough from their activities, “not at all, that was amazing, we definitely need to do that again.”
     Obi-Wan lifted up on his enbow again and slowly pulled out of Anakin, then hovered over him with a playful smirk, “I have noticed that you seem to quite like it when I take charge.” he leaned in and kissed his neck, his jaw, Anakin lazily lolling his head to the side and sighing. “I've also noticed that my good boy likes my praises.”
     “Ah, Obi-Wan,” Anakin moaned as Obi-Wan’s hand reached down to touch his very sensitive cock, “don't go starting something that neither of us can finish right now.” Then Anakin reached both of his hands up, his eyes all but closed already and said, “Now carry me to bed.”
     Obi-Wan chuckled, “I see I have accomplished my mission of tiring you out.”
     Anakin nodded and wrapped his arms around Obi-Wan’s neck, “I have never felt so thoroughly wrecked in my life, and now I need a nap. But you're not allowed to go back to meditation, I want to nap with you.”
     Obi-Wan shook his head fondly as he maneuvered his arms under Anakin then stood and lifted him. He laughed as he walked over and plopped them both down onto the bed, and Anakin immediately crawled up to tuck himself into his chest. “And you said I was an old man.”
     Anakin just smacked his chest lightly, but chuckled along with him, and it wasn't too long before they both passed out, happy and completely satiated.
A/N:  Hello friends! I am finally here with an update. But I just wanted to let you know the rest of the updates might be a bit slow to come, so please be patient with me. My entire fam got covid again and I have gotten very behind in writing but I promise I will keep going! But please enjoy this chapter!
Tags: @peaches-in-a-pancake
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generalkenobee · 1 year
Hello lovely! Two things: 1. GOOD LUCK SHIFTING I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT. 2. Might I send in a little request? If so; Obi-Wan and Reader are both Jedi masters on the council. They just so happen to be trying to meditate together when they begin reading each other's thoughts on accident... smut ensues?
Whether you do this request or not, just know I appreciate you and everything you create -🦇 anon
Your thoughts are extremely loud
I have the biggest thing for mind reading-
You're literally the sweetest
Warnings: SMUT, inappropriate use of the force, language, pnv penetration, FEM! reader, let me know if I missed anything 🩷
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Obi Wan sat across from you, his breathing was level, his face was relaxed, and his thoughts we concentrated. You knew this because every once in a while you would peek your eyes open and look over to him.
"(Y/N)" he said when you opened your eyes to peek at him "sorry.." you let out a sigh. meditation was your thing! You were always so content and focused however ,you'd never done it with another member of the council
"something bothering you?" Obi Wan questioned with his eyes still closed
You've learned from past experiences that it's better to be honest with your peers, that's the Jedi way "it's just that I'm having a hard time.. relaxing I guess?"
"be cautious of your thoughts (Y/N), just because I'm here doesn't mean you can't meditate" how did he know that?
"Obi Wan! What have I told you about getting in my head? I have private things in there" You opened your eyes completely and stood up. You weren't actually that upset, more scared that he would find your hidden fantasies.
"I'm gonna go train. Meditation isn't working.. maybe swinging a lightsaber around will"
You faced the large rock with your ignited saber in hand thinking about what you wanted to do. You went with sokan, sokan was developed by Jedi during the great sith war..it felt right.
The glow of your (L/C) saber grazed over the rock before you yelled and ran at it with full five attacking
"Y/N), I know you're having the time of your life slashing the holy hell out of that rock, and also- why a rock? You have PLENTY of sparring partners in there"
You rolled your eyes "I need to be alone" and you did. You needed to think about all of your emotions, because you didn't want to love obi wan, you just wanted to make a legacy, a change, help people. Falling in love wasn't helpful for a jedi.
"you know talking about things like this can help"
"you don't know what's wrong so how could you help, you don't know what I think about"
"actually I do" obi wan walked over to you and you pressed the small red button on your saber to retract the blade.
"what are you talking about?"
"oh maker I want to get dicked down by him so bad right now, like for real-"
Obi Wan had said to you exactly what you thought while meditating earlier "Obi Wan.."
"I would let him do anything to me" he looked down to you and smirked "your thoughts are extremely loud"
The big chrome door slid shut while Obi Wan pushed you down to his bed. Your hands immediately flew up to your robes sliding them off while he did the same
"Obi Wan please.." that was all he needed to use the force. He slightly drew a long stripe from where his cock was slamming into you up to your sensitive clit
"let me in honey" and you did. Whenever a force user has sex it's amazing..you felt like Obi Wan was a part of you and you felt as you were a part of him. "Shit, s'so tight..I'm gonna" you looked up at Obi Wan with pleading eyes "m-me too..."
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generalkenobee · 1 year
i’d love it if you could maybe write a little blurb or something about how obi-wan is this in control jedi master to everyone else but late at night, when it’s just the two of you, he lets himself relax and not carry the weight of the world. definitely needs a little reassurance and alllll the cuddles hehe
Obi Wan burst through the door of your shared room basically tackling you. "What's wrong baby?" You asked running your fingers through his hair, waiting patiently for his answer
"it's just" he let out a long sigh "it's the council and the Jedi and the sith and Anakin and the- ugh it's the everything" he looked up and you and it was almost like he was about to cry
Your hands found the sides of his face and you brought him in for a long kiss "I know honey, it'll all be ok, you're strong"
Obi Wan crawled up into your lap wapping his arms around you with his head resting in the crook of your neck
Your fingers traced circles on his back while you placed kisses everywhere "here do you want some water?" His head perked up looking at your stretched out hand offering him a half drunken water bottle
But it was ok. It wasn't like you didn't share everything before
Obi Wan nodded his head grabbing the bottle.
"We can just lay here till you feel better baby" you said kissing his cheek
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