#obligatory dusk and farron tag
petitfarron · 8 months
Write about a member of your ship giving the other a special gift.
Thanks for the ask! I'm sorry it took me forever to get to it but I'm here now!
Farron's actually given Dusk a few special gifts already but I'm just going to choose one of my favorite moments and re-write it in a not-from-our-rp style instead! ♡
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It was well into the night, and the house was silent with all occupants fast asleep; a peaceful atmosphere.
The soft sounds of tinkering could be heard from the basement. There was still one who hadn't found sleep yet and couldn't until the task he set out to complete was done. It was important!
And so Farron sat at Dusk's workbench, trying his hand at a craft he wasn't all too familiar with yet so that he could surprise the love of his life with an old gift restored. He always meant to transform the tiny, dried gloxinia flower from their first date into something more.
Sure, he had already given Dusk a necklace previously, but he couldn't help but think another, more sentimental type that he could carry with him anywhere would be perfect. They were both horrifically sappy and sentimental, after all.
Applying the final touches to his craft, Farron wiped the back of his hand across his brow and sighed softly as he held the delicate chain up to the light to inspect his work. A glint reflected off the small, glass bottle he had attached and enchanted, revealing the dried flower within. Obviously, his hand would never be up to par with that of a master goldsmiths, but he felt a certain amount of pride nonetheless. It was important to him to make this gift himself rather than have it commissioned... and here it was! Finished and beautiful, to his eyes.
All that was left was to slip it around Dusk's neck without waking him...
Steeling himself, Farron drew in the deepest breath his lungs would allow. Exhaling shakily, his nerves getting the better of him, he pushed himself to his feet and started the daunting task of getting back up two flights of stairs without waking anyone. He thanked the gods that no one but him could hear the way his heart was pounding or how the blood rushed in his ears in such a defeaning way.
One step had betrayed him on the way up with a low groan, and he held his breath, ears swiveling forward on high alert. And there he stood for much longer than he needed before he found the courage to continue. All remained silent, and deep down, he knew he didn't need to worry as much as he had been.
The sight of Dusk fast asleep in bed surrounded by amaro, a rabbit and a duck warmed his heart, and Farron carefully climbed into the bed with them. Luckily, not a single one stirred, and he quietly let out the breath he hadn't realized he was holding.
It was now or never.
Slowly crawling up next to his partner's sleeping form, Farron held both ends of the necklace, and quick as he could, he slid one end under Dusk's neck, clasping both ends together with ease. A loving smile played onto his lips, and he leaned over to press a lingering, gentle kiss to Dusk's forehead. His heart was still pounding fiercely as he adjusted the chain so the clasp was out of sight.
Late night shenanigans completed, all that was left was to sleep until morning when Dusk would notice the new adornment hanging from his neck. Until then? Farron would attempt to sleep through his excitement and giddiness.
And sleep he did.
In mere moments of being cuddled up with his favorite person, he drifted off, dreaming of how lucky it was that they had ever met. He would forever be thankful to have had such a chance in his life, and he would treasure this man like the gift he was until the end of his days.
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