#obon headcanon
momoty · 9 months
BLEACH headcanons
(pt. 02)
atenção!: spoilers, ichihime, chadishi, baseado no mangá e no Klub Outside, referência ao anime.
Sabe aquelas crianças que ficam implicando com as paixonites delas? Então... Ichika é essa criança.
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Mayuri tem interesse em analisar os poderes do Kazui e sempre que ele vem com esse papo Ichigo fica tipo "por favor, fique longe do meu filho".
A música Thank You (ending 2) de Home Made Kazoku tocou no vídeo de casamento de Ichihime.
Ganju e Hanataro são BBFs que se vêem regularmente e nada tira isso da minha cabeça.
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Mesmo que não pensem em ter mais um filho futuramente, Ichihime já falou aquela frase sobre irmãos mais velhos protegerem os mais novos. "Sabe porque os irmãos mais velhos nascem primeiro? Nascem para proteger os irmãos que vem depois dele."
Os votos de casamento de Orihime faz referência à sua declaração de amor. "Tinha um monte de coisas que eu queria fazer... eu quero ser gerente, eu quero também ser astronauta... eu quero ter minha propria loja de bolos... eu quero ir numa loja de rosquinhas e dizer 'eu quero todas!'... eu quero poder viver umas 5 vezes... entao eu renasceria em 5 cidades diferentes... me encheria de coisas diferentes e deliciosas 5 vezes cada... e entao nessas 5 vezes... eu me apaixonaria pela mesma pessoa".
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Gosto de acreditar fortemente que o Chad é uchinachu que nem eu e que ele teve vivências e experiências com o taiko, obon, comidas e coisas do tipo enquanto vivia no México.
Não sei se o fato do Chad aparecer lutando no final do mangá foi apenas por ser um evento beneficente ou se ele realmente trabalha com isso, mas se for o último caso, Ishida daria sempre algo fofo como presente de comemoração pelo Yasutora ganhar.
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itsfairly · 10 months
✮⋆Writing Masterlist⋆✮
💌 Fluff 💔 Angst 💋 Smut ✍ On the drafts
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✮⋆Drabbles & Headcanons ⋆✮
Jujutsu Kaisen Nanami Kento
💌 Foodie! Nanami
💌 Slow dancing
💌 Flowers, then Bread
💌 Not a fairytale
💌 Nanami and pan dulce
💌 Your Birthday Headcanons
💌 Recording your baby's birth
💌/💋 (its a bit suggestive, a dash) Nanami's suspenders
💋 a mess on his lap
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Attack on Titan Levi Ackerman
💌 Primer, Eyeliner, and Kisses to Top it Off
Jujutsu Kaisen Nanami Kento
💌 Baby Talk // Fem!reader
💌 Kitchen Charm // Domestic!Nanami Kento
💌 A Culture of Our Own // Latine! F! Reader
💌 Illicit Toasts // 1920s!Nanami Kento x F!Reader
💋 Recording // f!reader
💌 Untangling the Yarn
💌 Meeting Over Dinner // Teen!Nanami Kento x Latina! Fem!reader
💌 Obon & Día de Muertos // gn! Latine!reader
💔 Beyond Living // gn! Latine!reader
💌/💔 10:22pm
💌 Introvert Spotted at a Quinces // fem!reader
💌/💋 A Little Tense // f!reader
💌 Two Negatives Make a Positive // f!reader
💌 Nighttime Care // gn!reader
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cryopathiic-a · 6 months
[THE WORLD] - How would they define a utopia? What would it consist of, and do they see it as something achievable? [THE SUN] - What makes them feel good? This can be happy, energized, revitalized, etc. It's all about good vibes, so what gives them to your muse? [THE HIEROPHANT] - What are important traditions to them, if any? Do they stay true to these traditions, or do they adapt them to fit their current situation?
headcanon meme || accepting & thanks for sending!
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[THE WORLD] - How would they define a utopia? What would it consist of, and do they see it as something achievable?
Dōma is a hardcore advocate of demonic supremacy. But it is not in his character to be a visionary. He is not someone who can set long-term goals or have plans pertaining to a bigger picture. Instead, he tends to sate himself with temporary fixes for things and lives a very hedonistic lifestyle, focused solely on easy and quick pleasure. His sense of confidence attributes to that, by blinding him to some short-sighted decisions he makes. But in general, apart from the lies he feeds his followers, he does not have an ideal world in mind or cares about philosophizing on the topic. Because, to him, there is only the here and now. And being an atheist, he does not see the point in leaving a legacy behind or anything of the sort, as he does not ( at least in vanilla verses ) believe in an afterlife and thinks instead that the only time that matters is the present.
So, no dreams of an ideal world from this guy.
[THE SUN] - What makes them feel good? This can be happy, energized, revitalized, etc. It's all about good vibes, so what gives them to your muse?
Although happiness is a notion that eludes him, satisfaction and pleasure are very much present in Dōma's life. As a human, he used to be very prone to substance abuse whereas as a demon he has to limit himself to merely bathing in his beloved sake. The hookah, eating, fucking - primarily with other demons - and the like are still very much enjoyable for him and one could say that, at least during his time as a Kizuki, they were his prime focus in life.
Surprisingly enough, however, Dōma is capable of enjoying more 'unconventional' activities as well. He enjoys meditative yoga because it improves blood flow ( aka blood demon art control ), kabuki dancing & practicing his katas, ice sculpting that can reach so far as making little worlds out of his ice creations, ice skating and being out by the ponds on full moon nights. The moon, specifically, has an allure for demons, who primarily are born and belong to the night, so there's something calming for him in moon-gazing.
Dōma also genuinely enjoys giving sermons. He does not see that part as a chore - like he does the audiences. Sermons are more of a performance for him, so it gives him a chance to be creative and be the center of attention in the room. Plus, there's an incredible power high that comes from having that many people focused solely on you, dangling from your lips.
[THE HIEROPHANT] - What are important traditions to them, if any? Do they stay true to these traditions, or do they adapt them to fit their current situation?
Eternal Paradise faith follows some widespread traditions, such as Obon festival and summer festivals in general, as well. Most of them have been lost to time after Dōma took over, but a notable one that still stands is the Room of Remembrance ( not a conventional one at all ) This is the temple ossuary. It is believed that the skulls of every monk and acolyte that has passed through the temple are stored there. But from what he knows, for some there's only a femur or two left. Of course, Dōma does not eat anything that has stopped moving, so he never touched these bones even after becoming a demon. They are actually very important to him, as they are his family heritage and he is - at least supposed to - believe that they house the spirits of those who have died here. So it is the Lord Founder's duty to honor and tend to them, and in that way they may forever remain with him in Paradise.
As a reference for what that room looks like, think of the Capuchin Crypt ( bones warning! )
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erigold13261 · 6 months
Some more rosebots HCs because why not? -Yinu uses ze/zir as a neopronoun since it felt neutral -Yinu can now speak some Japanese and Hebrew. Peni can now speak some Spanish and Zulu. -one of the most prominent holidays that they celebrate are Día de Muertos and Obon -they both stopped working in their late 20s, and travelled the world for few years (Japan, South Africa, Mexico, and more) -some of their old friends or people asking for tech advice come and visit them in their getaway
I love all of these so much! They sound like such lovely headcanons!
Also, I can see Yinu not ever having to work anymore from like a teenager on because zir mother made sure all the finances as a Megastar were put in proper avenues (as well Mama putting her own money into good investments for Yinu's future).
Yinu just decides to keep working out of passion and love for the job (whatever that may be, might not still be an NSRtist). Ze will always have the option to quit a job ze hates or is treated poorly in. That privilege extends to Peni once they get together (I'm sure Yinu would have also extended help to Peni if they were both just friends, but now there is a definite security for Peni).
Peni honestly wouldn't need that security as much, but it does help as Peni doesn't come from money and most likely would have had to keep working well into later adulthood depending on how kit lived kits life (which I can see being pretty maximalist for a while before shifting to a more average, possibly minamalist, kind of attitude).
Yinu probably already knew some Japanese and Hebrew thanks to the Sayu Crew and Eve, however it was all just phrases and words. After Peni and Yinu became friends and then closer, Yinu was able to become conversationalist in those languages.
Peni might have known some Spanish from kits time in Nueva York, but again, it was more like phrases (less than what Yinu knew of Japanese and Hebrew). The two definitely use LSM as that is a very important part of Yinu that keeps zir dad's memory alive (I don't know what Peni would do to keep kits dad's memory alive as an everyday thing, but they would do it).
Speaking of keeping their dads' memories alive, I do love the idea that they participate in those two holidays! There is definitely going to be other holidays about keeping family members' memories alive and honoring the dead that comes from their other heritages, but those two holidays are probably the most important to them.
That last point though made me think of something sad. Imagine some of 1010 having to come to see Peni for tech issues (like really bad ones that Eloni or Purl can't fix) because Neon J is no longer around. That would definitely be a hard hit for Yinu (as well as obviously 1010) which would make Yinu keep in close contact with 1010 as best as ze can. Peni would absolutely help out when kit can.
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limey-self-inserts · 2 years
Howdy Limey ✨🌱💚
You're so so sweet, thank you for your kind words on my October art with Moriarty, I appreciate you ✨💚✨💚 to answer your question, they're indeed wearing the same symbol but in different metals; the symbol is a four-leaf clover ♡
I wanted to come ask, what are Avon and Aniketos going to dress up as for Halloween this year? Does Aniketos even celebrate it? Does Avon? If not, what do they like to do instead?
I'm rooting for you in all that you do!
Clover ✨💚🍀
Hi Clover! Must say I'm delighted that I managed to spot that in the drawing~ you always put such neat details into your pictures, they're absolutely lovely!
An interesting question on Halloween. Aniketos isn't really one to celebrate many mortal holidays unless invited, and Halloween doesn't really exist in Aalveir, not in the state that we know it. Around the time itself, there's Harvest Dance to celebrate the passage of summer into autumn, and there's Light Memorial to remember those that passed away in the past year. Meanwhile there IS a holiday called The Long Dark with a focus on supernatural 'spooky' creatures, but that takes place around Winter Solstice times, and the thought is that by dressing up as the monsters that come out during the long night, one might be safe from them.
(Note: I don't actually have any information on holidays in Aalveir, so Harvest Dance, Light Memorial, and Long Dark are all headcanons on my part)
Avon celebrates all of these holidays, apart from Long Dark. While they don't have close family, they've traveled with a number of people who fared less well on the road than they, so they like to remember them on that night. Aniketos has known many, many mortals who have long since died, and not taken much consideration into the remembrance holiday, but I reckon with Avon's invitation he would come to take part, and continue to do with them.
It's a family celebration mostly, with fair similarities to Dia de los Muertos, All Souls' Day, and Obon. Candles are lit within a bed of flowers, typically lilies, chrysanthemum and marigolds, with a name given to each candle - a family member or friend that is to be remembered. It's encouraged to recount a fond memory of that person when the candle is lit. Much the rest of the night is spent with family and/or friends, eating hot pot and grilled foods like marinated pork/beef, pumpkin, apples, squashes and potatoes. Aniketos probably enjoys that part the most, preparing a large spread for Avon, Soldagand, Carly and Alora.
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eastownrp · 2 years
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Bon Odori:
O Festival Bon japonês originou-se do Festival Fantasma da China, que é uma combinação do Festival Budista Yúlánpén e do Festival Taoísta Zhongyuan. Já na Coreia do Sul, o festival semelhante é conhecido como Baekjung e na Tailândia, Sat Thai. 
A tradição budista se origina da história de Maha Maudgalyayana (Mokuren), um discípulo de Buda, que usou seus poderes sobrenaturais para olhar para sua falecida mãe, descobrindo que ela havia caído no Reino dos Fantasmas Famintos. Perturbado, perguntou a Buda como poderia libertar sua mãe deste reino. Buda o instruiu a fazer oferendas aos muitos monges budistas que haviam acabado de completar seu retiro de verão no décimo quinto dia do sétimo mês. Mokuren o fez, assim, viu a libertação de sua mãe. Ele também começou a ver a verdadeira natureza de seu altruísmo passado e os sacrifícios que ela fez por ele durante sua vida. O discípulo, feliz pela libertação de sua mãe do sofrimento e grato por suas muitas gentilezas, dançou de alegria. Desta dança de alegria vem o Bon Odori ou "Bon Dance", uma época em que os ancestrais e seus sacrifícios são lembrados e apreciados. 
Os festivais Bon também são celebrados no Canadá, particularmente por imigrantes ou seus descendentes afiliados a templos e organizações budistas. Muitos templos também abrigam simultaneamente um bazar cultural e gastronômico que oferece uma variedade de culinária, principalmente vegetariana, músicas folclóricas e apresentações artísticas. 
Como o Obon ocorre no verão, os participantes tradicionalmente usam yukata, hanfu e hanbok, principalmente em seus países de origem. Seu uso não é obrigatório, mas interessante para aqueles que são adeptos de tradições e um retorno ao passado. 
Algumas práticas comuns desse festival são: queima de incenso, queima de papel vegetal, confecção de cavalos usando pepino e vacas usando berinjela, com palitos de madeira para as pernas, que agem como um receptáculo para os ancestrais voltarem para casa e retornarem. O simbolismo por trás disso é que o cavalo ajudará os espíritos a voltar para casa logo que possível, enquanto a vaca os levará de volta ao céu assim que o festival acabar. Também teremos a compra e liberação de barquinhos de papel em miniatura e lanternas na água, o que significa dar instruções aos fantasmas e espíritos perdidos dos ancestrais e outras divindades. 
Local: Sayonji Temple, Green Tea. 
Dias: 13/08 (sábado) - 14/08 (domingo)
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10h00 - 14h00: queima de incenso, queima de papel vegetal e espaço reservado a preces e orações.
14h00 - 15h30: oficina de confecção dos receptáculos de vegetais.
16h00 - 18h00: oficina de culinária com refeições típicas.
18h00 - 19h00: apresentações de Nongak. 
19h00 - 22h00: pique-nique com refeições típicas e vegetarianas.
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10h00 - 14h00: queima de incenso, queima de papel vegetal e espaço reservado a preces e orações.
14h00 - 15h00: apresentações de Taiko.
15h00 - 17h00: danças folclóricas: Bon Odori, Dança do Dragão (Wulong) e do Leão (Wushi). 
18h00: início da compra e liberação de barquinhos e lanternas, assim como sua soltura na água, no lago Seiryuu. 
19h00 - 22h00: piquenique com refeições típicas e vegetarianas.
Biang Biang Spice;
Gamja Jorim;
Hua Juan;
Sopa Tomyum;
Thai Green Curry.
Shaken Ice;
O cardápio será oferecido por um estande da Ramen Recipe, como também podem ser fruto da oficina oferecida de culinária, fica a escolha do consumidor. 
Notas da Prefeitura:
Depois de dois finais de semana de festa e shows, veio aí um evento mais cultural e próximo das datas reais do Bon Odori e Yulanpen.
Os personagens podem participar tanto como observadores, como participantes de exatamente tudo, seja nas oficinas, danças e apresentações, mesmo que o personagem nunca tenha feito a Dança do Dragão na vida ou tocado Taikô. São headcanons divertidos e desafiadores para alguns!
Fiquem à vontade para participar como quiserem, seja pela timeline, discord, selfparas, povs... Tudo é permitido. 
Qualquer dúvida, podem entrar em contato conosco. Um bom jogo! <3
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elenamegan14 · 4 years
Twisted Wonderland - Haunted House Headcanon Masterlist
Hey guys! Since this headcanon is going to take more than one post, I’ve decided to compile a masterlist for it! Please enjoy it whenever you want!
Prologue: Pt.1, Pt.2
Ignihyde: To be added soon
Diasomnia: To be added soon
To be added soon
To be added soon
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Headcanon #691
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Mao Mao secretly keeps a giant Taiko drum in the basement of HQ that he would use to wake his friends if they don’t get up on time.
(Submitted by @Anon)
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hunterartemis · 4 years
Mahoutokoro Headcanon #8: Festival of the Hungry Ghosts
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O-bon in the Tsunehito community is a Buddhist festival dedicated to the ancestral ghost. Buddhism was introduced in Japan when Emperor Asoka the Great of India took the initiative to spread Buddhism across Asia. It is a mid-summer festival dedicated to Hungry Ancestral Ghosts. It is almost equivalent to Halloween. In Madoushi community, O-Bon is called “Hachi-jiu-Hachi Onibi no Matsuri” or Festival of 88 Demon fires. This Festival indicates the end of the summer holidays, that was announced with the end of Tanabata Matsuri or Fireworks Festival on July 7th.
O-bon amongst Wizards are very ritualistic and elaborate. In Mahoutokoro it is observed with no less ostentatious. O-Bon begins with the fall of the 15th day in the 7th Lunar month, which usually comes at August 15th-20th. As per wizarding traditions, no fire shall be lit in the hearth and no food shall be cooked on that day. The night before the Obon, all the spirits are released from the kitchen duty, and after sundown, all the Fires that are lit in the courtyards shall be put out. Only a single Fox-Fire (a willow-the-wisp shaped black fiery orb) is lit at the front gate, which serves to repel evil at the absence of fire. The Night Fog Chariot shall arrive with the students right after the sun sets, and with the Yokai fire on, they will know that the preparation for the Onibi Matsuri has already begun. They will attend to themselves and wait for their Heads of the family in their respective houses. This night Head Teacher of the Families shall cook for their students. 
This tradition imitates the pre-funeral rituals amongst Japanese wizards. When a family member dies, the family members eat until they are fully stuffed, before the dead body leaves the house. The deceased person has to be kept in ice for two-and-a-half days. This is followed because the dead are given the chance to process that he is no longer alive so that he can pass on peacefully. After his body is out of the ice, he is cremated, and his ashes are buried in Hako or grave. From the moment the hearse leaves the house to the moment his cremation is finished, no fire shall be lit in the hearth, no food will be cooked, the family members can choose to fast, or their neighbors can volunteer to feed them.
However, in Mahoutokoro, this tradition is called “Okayri” or welcoming dinner after the summer holidays. It juxtaposes the grimness of the festival with the lighthearted welcoming banquet. The meal is lavish, indulgent and given to the young ones of the house so that they have a long and prosperous life, and enjoy every second of it. The head of the house sits with the students and eats along with them as if they are their own children. Dinner etiquettes are skipped only for this night, and a playful atmosphere is observed. This tradition was started by the Third Founding member of Mahoutokoro: Matsuyama.
On the night of the Onibi Matsuri the festival is started by the Ceremonial lighting of 88 Demon Fires or Cursed Blue Fires. The Heads of the houses goes around every periphery of the school and with their wands or by non-wand magic lights a single flame of Cursed Fire until they are 88 all around the compound. The Spirit flames are lit in the gratitude of the Five Founding members who chose not to leave their old non-magical homes of ancestors and therefore saved both magical and non-magical folks from the wrath of Hungry Ancestral Ghosts.
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After the Fire is lit, the Onibi Matsuri officially begins. The central compound of the castle is soon occupied to stage the Kaguramai or ceremonial dance. Both students and teachers dressed casually (in yukata or otherwise) and wearing monster masks gather around the stage to see the Kagura. Head Prefects from five houses usually have the duty to perform this, and they usually prepare for weeks. This is not only traditional but sentimental as well, because it symbolizes the harmony of Five Founders in a terrible time. Kaguramai is also a dance performed during an exorcism, which also symbolizes the guidance and responsibility of the prefects in the time of crisis
 After the Kagura is over, the stage would soon be a stage where anyone can go up there and perform, it can either be a student or a teacher or the resident spirits. From staging Kabuki to Shamishen playing, From singing both modern and traditional music to Taiko drums concert, from showing exuberant magical (muggle) tricks to comic skits, all are performed by the students or the teachers of the resident spirits. 
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 As from the night, the fire was re-lit and spirit workers are reinstated, all served foods are either grilled or roasted food. This is called “Hi no ryori” or “The cuisine of the fire” The kitchen spirits cook the foods in open fire at the compound and the eating environment resembles like food-stalls from any school festivals. The surreal lighting of the Blue Cursed Flame makes everything equally ghostly and exciting. The Onibi Matsuri ends the chime of midnight, indicating the official end of Natsuyasumi or the summer holiday.
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emcandon · 3 years
Ronin + folklore + ghost stuff
Compilation of a Twitter thread I did a couple days ago:
Here by popular demand, it’s time to talk Japanese folklore and ghosts in #StarWarsVisions RONIN! I’m going to keep it spoiler-lite, but there will be some vague references to characters, world, and themes.
One of the first things I did upon being offered this project was sit down and start listing folkloric entities and concepts that I wanted to see translated into Star Wars.
For example, my eternal favorite, Yamamba/Yama-uba the mountain hag, a ravenous old ogre woman known for devouring travelers and their wagons alike. Conversely, she’s also the doting adoptive mother of Kintarou, the golden boy, a child of the forest who grows up wrestling animals and eventually becomes Sakata no Kintoki, a loyal retainer to Minamoto no Yorimitsu.
Kintarou exists in a kind of historical-folkloric gray space, similar to Benkei, a warrior monk who I also deeply wanted to use but couldn’t ultimately find room for.
Benkei is famous for taking issue with samurai—these jerks and their swords, forever betraying their moral responsibilities! He vowed to duel and overcome 1,000 samurai, taking their swords as his trophies. He reached 999 before he met Minamoto no Yoshitsune and (you guessed it), became his loyal retainer, having been awed by his martial prowess and moral resilience.
You can see how Benkei’s whole deal kind of shows up in one of the RONIN cast members, though I idly headcanon that there’s a Benkei equivalent out there in the RONIN universe, beating up Jedi and Sith alike…
Now for an entity that DID show up: kitsune. Fox spirits in China and Korea are more consistently wicked and untrustworthy, but they’re more likely to be ambiguous or even straight-up benevolent in Japanese tales. Notably, kitsune may still possess a person and drive them cuckoo bananas, or maliciously trick them, but they’re also associated with Inari, a Shinto deity of harvest and good fortune.
As masters of illusion and shapeshifting, they can also be somewhat gender ambiguous. A kitsune may appear as a man, a woman, or…? Which is to say that I knew right off the bat that a kitsune character would be either nb or genderfluid.
Another one I wanted to bring in but couldn’t find room for: GASHADOKURO. Giant skeletons! “Gashadokuro mech” is somewhere in my notes and I’m still sad that I couldn’t figure it out. Gotta wait until THE ARCHIVE UNDYING for giant bone mecha I guess. There’s a famous triptych of Takiyasha, a rebel princess, summoning a gashadokuro in an act of girlboss witchcraft to come eat the emperor’s loyal vassals, who are begging her to stop rebelling, please.
Speaking of women becoming ungovernable, onryo, vengeful spirits, are kind of curse-like in their existence. The J-Horror “The Grudge” is just “Onryo” in JP, if that gives you a sense of how sticky these hauntings can get. Onryo are usually women, and they often share some visual features—think of that omnipresent Japanese ghost hair, long and wild, creeping everywhere… (Or ask my wife what it’s like to share a living space w/me when my hair’s long.)
Probably the most famous onryo in classic literature is Oiwa of Yotsuya Kaidan, a kabuki play about a woman wronged by a samurai, whose yearning for vengeance haunts him until his dying day…
Ghosts aren’t solely vicious, frightening entities, however! Obon is the yearly ghost festival where we welcome the dead back to our homes, rejoice in their arrival, and strive to send them back on their way. There’s dancing, festival foods, and lots and lots of light—lanterns, bonfires, the works—all to help guide the spirits of the beloved lost on their way to where they belong.
As for where else spirits and so forth belong…mountains. Strange things happen in the mountains, you know! As a mountainous archipelago you’d think that means strange things happen EVERYWHERE, but, well. There is the village, and there’s what lies beyond the boundary. Look for the points of transition. Torii shrine gates, stairs, bridges…
That’s all for now. Enjoy digging through Ronin’s secrets—and if you need more folklore, check out Tono Monogatari, Hyakki Yagyo, and Bakemono no e!
Extra: I just remembered that I thought about the cross-section of tsukumogami and droids. Household items that have been around for one hundred years may become tsukumogami—a sort of animate inanimate object. Frequently depicted as umbrellas or sandals or lanterns, etc.
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unliked-apologist · 3 years
hirako shinji headcanons
these were originally posted on Reddit. now they're here. enjoy.
He has lucky socks that he wears to fight Hollows. What makes them lucky is something that the other Visored find to be a mystery, since they look the same as his other socks, but if Shinji's fighting Hollows he's wearing his lucky socks. As a result, he's put on laundry duty a disproportionate amount of the time, because no one wants to deal with the tantrum he'd throw if someone mismatched his godforsaken lucky socks.
In the part of the warehouse that is his bedroom, he has a shelf of hair products. He rarely uses them, but sometimes he'll show up to dinner with a barrette holding his bangs out of his eyes, or a temporary streak of blue dye framing his face.
He loves it when someone brushes his hair out, especially when it's longer. There's just something so relaxing about the feeling of fingers tangling in his hair, guiding the knots out...he could fall asleep like that. He does, sometimes. When he's too wound up to sleep, or too antsy from days on the couch, Rose will sit down behind him and put little braids in his hair until he drifts off.
Shinji doesn't go shopping very often, but when he does, he splurges. From buying an entire piano without prior notice to hiring someone to install highlighter-orange carpets in the warehouse, the other Visored know better than to give him their savings and let him shop alone.
Despite the fact that he's a known paperwork procrastinator, he's very good at focusing when he wants to. He tends to hyperfixate on certain things - as Captain, he'd sit at his desk for hours at night, long after everyone else left the compound, and read through pages of everything from complaints to the Seireitei Bulletin.
He can play the piano. Not as well as Rose - which isn't saying much, since nobody can play the piano as well as Rose - but he's certainly better than average. He'd been in the human world during the birth and spread of Jazz, and would sit in front of an old piano every evening and work his way through Maple Leaf Rag. He taught himself to play.
Sometimes, the ties he wears make him panic. He wears them anyways, since he likes the way they look, but while the weight around his neck is usually comforting, there are times when they'll feel too tight and constricting and for a moment, he's not in the present but back in Seireitei, watching his friends' faces turn to Hollow bone. The tie-like cloth he wears once he regains his position as Captain is looser, and was designed to allow movement and air better than a regular human tie.
Shinji is stubborn. He'll focus on something and not let it go, until it takes over everything else. Once he has an opinion of someone, he rarely changes it. Some people deal with change well, are able to adapt to any environment. He is not one of those people.
(And maybe that's part of why he took his exile so badly. The human world is nothing like Soul Society, and part of him refused to believe that the human world was, in fact, his new home. He loves the human world, with it's strange inventions and funny quirks, but it isn't Soul Society.)
He's not a huge fan of tea. Partially because Aizen had liked tea, and there are indeed certain aromas of the stuff that will make him sick to his stomach, but mostly because boiling leaves in water had never really appealed to him. Sometimes he'll make a hot chocolate, when he's spoiling himself. He loves the tiny marshmallows, leaves them in his mug until all the hot chocolate is gone and then he'll scoop out the marshmallows with a spoon and eat them in one bite.
He's traveled quite a bit, especially in the early years of his exile. Harlem, Berlin, Paris, Madrid, New Orleans, even London - Shinji's seen more of the world than any of the other Visored.
Despite the fact that he's the strongest of the Visored, he isn't their leader. Not really. He bosses around Hiyori, and she throws things at him, and he'll order Kensei to make lunch when he's feeling particularly lazy, but he isn't the leader. He's distant from them, a little. Sure, he goes places with them and trains with them and eats meals with them, but it was his lieutenant that was responsible for their exile. He feels a responsibility for their situation that none of the others do.
All of the Visored have found ways to spend their time. Love and Rose loose themselves in manga, Lisa in swimsuit catalogues, Kensei in cooking and weightlifting. Shinji looses himself in his head. He'll sit on the old couch Hachi'd found on the side of the road two decades back, sprawled on his back with his feet and head hanging over the armrests. He'll spend hours like that.
Shinji is old. Older than Aizen and Urahara and any of the other Visored. He's one of the older Captains; younger than Unohana and Ukitake and Kyoraku, but decades the other Captains' senior.
He'd achieved Shikai quickly, had been hearing Sakanade's voice since before he got his hands on an asuachi. Bankai took him far longer. The average time Bankai training takes is a decade - Shinji was working with Sakanade for almost a century. He'd always got along with his zanpakuto, but harnessing Sakanade's power without loosing himself? That was harder.
He's bad at staying on one place. When he did do his paperwork, it'd never be sitting at his desk. He'd lay on the ground on his stomach, legs kicked up behind him; he'd sit on his desk with a stack of papers on his lap; he'd lay upside-down with his head near the wall and write with his papers against the wall and ink dripping on his face. In the human world, even if he does spend far too much time sulking on the couch, he'll shift from hanging over the back to sliding down until his head's on the floor.
He has terrible spice tolerance. Kensei cooks curry, sometimes, and Shinji'll just order out on those nights. Spicy food makes his eyes water and nose run and mouth burn, and he hates it.
For all of Shinji's moping and laying about, he really does enjoy doing things. He's the one to drag the Visored out for holidays and celebrations. He gets really into them, too; from specially ordering kimonos to hand-making everyone lanterns for Obon, he's throws himself into special occasions with a vigor that's very unlike his everyday self.
(The arcade in Karakura, a small decrepit-looking building next to a hair salon, has Shinji's name at the top of almost every high score list. On one or two of the games, Love's name is just under Shinji's. The arcade manager knows Shinji, calls out to him on the street: "Hirako! How're you doing?")
When Hiyori and Kensei are being a bit too loud, or when Shinji gets so antsy shifting positions on the couch doesn't settle him, he goes to the playground. He'll climb on the monkey bars and hang upside-down and talk to the kids around him.
Something that wears on Shinji especially hard is the secrecy the Visored need to maintain. Even around the humans, Shinji can't make too large an impression, can't make real friends. Sooner or later, they'd start wondering why Shinji doesn't age. The arcade manager's memory had to be removed, after a few years. When Shinji or the others leave their warehouse, they have to do their best to be unremarkable. When they slip up, sure, Urahara's there with a gadget to fix memories, but it's hard for Shinji to be unable to form a relationship with anyone outside of the Visored. For all of the ways his personality can be abrasive, Shinji really does like spending time with others.
Shinji got a Walkman as soon as they were available in stores. Even later, when cassette tapes were replaced with CDs, he still keeps batteries in his Walkman (even if he doesn't use it). If Rose collects instruments, Shinji collects music.
The other Visored find Shinji confusing. He personality contradicts itself. He spends days lounging on the couch not doing anything, but will suddenly decide that 'it's time for a family trip, guys, we're going to Tokyo'. They love him just the same, but wish he wasn't as high management.
(Shinji is old, yes, but there are times when he feels even younger than Mashiro and Hiyori.)
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skater-brain · 2 years
hc: holidays! setsubun obon etc. :)
Holidays headcanon [x]
✨ Beat is quite enthusiastic about holidays and festivals, and for being so devil-may-care in most other parts of his life, he takes traditions pretty seriously and is fully participatory in even some of the more esoteric ones. He can't remember his times tables, but does he know what the lucky direction is every year for setsubun? You bet your ass.
✨ Festivals and shrine visits are also some of the very few things he'll dress up for. If kimono/yukata/etc. are conceivably appropriate for the occasion, he considers it part of the fun.
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aer-serpens · 4 years
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Day: 7 gram gram
A small headcanon:
After finding out about the obon festival from their japanese heritage the turtle fam would attach small yet meaningful msgs for karai to obon lanterns and hope she reads and likes them during every year the obon festival rolls around. And they all do this in the years after this discovery :D
*for some reason i decided that splinter wrote his name in kanji onto the lantern*
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My apologies for the disappearance, I was having a crappy sleep schedule as well as working on this for the last few days.
I wanted to do a drawing involving Yukatas again before discovering that Japan is planning to have their next Bon Festival on Friday the 13th this year, so what better opportunity to do a Yukata-based art than a drawing inspired by that holiday?
For those who don't know: Obon(お盆) or just Bon(盆) is a Japanese Buddhist custom to honor the spirits of one's ancestors, it originated from China's "Ghost Festival" and it usually lasts for 3 days. This Buddhist–Confucian custom has evolved into a family reunion holiday during which people return to ancestral family places and visit and clean their ancestors' graves when the spirits of ancestors are supposed to revisit the household altars. During the festival, families traditionally sent their ancestors' spirits back to their permanent dwelling place under the guidance of fire in a ritual known as Okuribi(”sending fire”), that's were the floating lanterns come into play. the fire also marks the commencement(Mukaebi) as well as the closing of the festival. It has been celebrated in Japan for more than 500 years and traditionally includes a dance, known as Bon Odori or Bon Dance. There's also carnival rides, games and some delicious festival foods to go with it. Think of it as Japan's version of "Dia de Muertos"(Day of the Dead) from Mexico. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Anyways, I want to make that a thing in my KH story "Remembrance of Days" as a legit custom in the Destiny Islands because we have so little world building and lore in-universe and I wanted to expand it, that and I noticed some bits and pieces of the Island's culture is Japanese inspired just from hearing the characters' names, looking at game footage, and reading headcanons by fans, so why not? In this case, this takes place during my story's 7th and last arc where it's basically a retelling of "Dream Drop Distance" from Neashi's and Kairi's POV(I also brought back purple!Kairi because we miss purple!Kairi...no offence against pink of course). Speaking of which, they're both busy having a good time at the festival while unknowingly being watched by the fully revived Xigbar from the shadows, who's wearing a Kitsune mask and has his hair down to keep the girls from recognizing him. Neashi belongs to me
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haikyuucreations · 4 years
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Welcome to HaikyuuCreations’ Monthly Prompt Event! 
This is our very own event for all creators to create pieces inspired by the given prompts. At the end of the event, we will put all pieces into a randomizer to choose two winners. The 2 winning pieces (one written and one visual) will be announced on August 29th at 12PM EST and will be promoted on the blog until the end of the next monthly event.
scenario (at least 500 words)
social media au (at least 5 images, not including profiles)
headcanon (at least 100 words)
artwork (original art, recolorings)
edits (gfx, gifs, video edits)
This is a open event
Event is open from August 1st to August 29th
Entries can be any genre or pairing
Entry must use the event hashtag: #haikyuucreations 0820
Must state your given prompt within your post (beginning or end) and clearly implement it in your work
Use at least 1 prompt but no more than 2
You’re allowed to use a visual prompt for your writing entry or a writing prompt for your visual entry
Below are the prompts you can choose from! You can use the OTP, dialogue prompt, or both as long as you follow the given theme. Be as creative as possible as long as the prompt is the central focus of your writing piece.
1. Obon Week — The Bon Festival, or Obon Week, is a Japanese Buddhist custom lasting three days to honor ancestors. Celebrations include carnivals with rides, games, festival foods, and dances and lanterns to honor the ancestors. Festival goers try new foods and spend time together to make new memories while revisiting old ones.
Prompt: A asks B out on a date to the carnival. They decide to ride the ferris wheel, which ends up getting stuck, with the two of them at the very top. “Did I mention I’m deathly afraid of heights?”
2. International Hangover Day — August 8th is International Hangover Day, just a day after International Beer Day. The day previously was such a blast, though anyone can hardly remember it, but now your characters are suffering the consequences.
Prompt: A massive headache, nausea, and dizziness has overtaken A’s body, and B can’t help but try to help them through their hangover. “I’m going to throw up.” / “AH! Can I hold your hair? Get you some aspirin?”
3. Sweater Weather — As August rolls around, temperatures begin to drop and it’s time to break out the sweater paws. Leaves darken, and sometimes relationships do too. Whether it’s cuffing season, school season, or festival season, this is the season of changes.
Prompt: As the chilly weather rolls in, A notices that B is shivering. A can’t help but take both of B’s hands into the long sleeves of A’s sweater to warm them up. “It’s too cold, huh? Do you want my sweater?” / “Are you cold? Can I hold your hands to warm you up?”
4. Endings and Beginnings — The number 402 symbolizes a new challenge. For us, it’s the endings and beginnings of phases and cycles in life. 
Create a visual surrounding the start of Haikyuu!! vs. the end of Haikyuu!!
5. Color Palette  — Draw your favourite character, Haikyuu!! OC, recolour a panel, or create an edit/aesthetic using only the colors from this palette.
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HEX: 233D4D, FE7F2D, FCCA46, A1C181, 619B8A
6. OP/ED Lyrics Prompt — Create a visual with either of the given lyrics as the reference (Choose one of the two songs).
Imagination —
“There’s a blinding haze of heat My heart nearly skips a beat I get lost in the moment ‘til you pat me on the back”
Fly High —
“The flame that always burns the inside of my heart, becomes the lighthouse to illuminate my way The beam of light at dawn would make the flower of talent bloom, so Until your life comes to an end, exceed your limits and at the highest speed, Fly, fly; fly high”
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misc-headcanons · 4 years
Oooh I saw your ask box is open and also finished bleach recently so how about date headcanons (maybe like what kind of dates they like/what they like to do for dates and how they act?) for ichigo, byakuya, and renji? Thank you so much, I love your writing and am happy I caught the ask box open!
(Aaaa tysm! 🥰)
He likes chill ones at home, ideally at your place. Yuzu and his dad would be eavesdropping the whole time if you were in his bedroom, and they'd be constantly keeping an eye on you two and butting in if you were anywhere else in the house. If this is his first date with you, he may want to just hang out after school or somewhere in town (like a cafe or something), and then walk you home. He's a little too nervous about going to your house on the first date--and your room? He's fought all kinds of godly threats, and he's still flustered about entering his s/o's room for the first time. 
On the second or third date, he'd be able to say yes if you asked him if he'd like to come to your place as a date, or maybe chill there after you guys go somewhere else (like to a movie). He's so stiff though when he's in your room. Should he touch anything? Is it OK if he sits on your bed? After a while, he'll chill out though and relax with you on the couch or your bed while you guys hang out and just talk.
He'd also want to do "normal teenager things" (and yes, he'd actually say that shit out loud when asked what you two should do on a date. Ichigo's kind of an awkward dork sometimes, imo 😅) like go see a movie, check out an arcade, stuff like that. He hasn't had the chance to be a normal teen in a while, and he wants to enjoy the calm moments when he can. 
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Byakuya...he doesn't "date", per se. "Courting" is a more accurate way to describe it. There are a lot of festivals that occur throughout the year in the Soul Society (like in Japan, since that's the culture it's heavily based off of. Obon is definitely one of THE big events every year, as well as other ceremonies and holidays centered around the spirits.) He'd use these festivals as an opportunity to take you out on a "date".
The most he'd do when he's out with you is maybe hold your hand. He does care for you, but...public affection is "unseemly" if you're from the aristocratic families. It'd kinda feel like you're dating a love interest from a Jane Austen novel sometimes, lol. Yeah...he's very similar to Mr. Darcy, if you've read Pride and Prejudice. Though if he's feeling especially "brazen", he might let his hand linger on yours for a bit before brushing a strand of hair behind your ear (oooh, how scandalous~)
After a few of these outings, he'd invite you to tea at the family estate and would give you a tour of the grounds. If he shows you any portraits or pictures of Rukia, you can definitely hear a hint of pride in his voice when he shows them to you. Things might get a bit awkward if you find one of Hisana, but...Byakuya would be honest and up front with you. A part of him will always care for Hisana, but he loves you. Never doubt that.
When you two are enjoying the view of the grounds, he may try his hardest to actually flirt with you since you two are alone. He'd try to casually mention how beautiful it is to see the pond filled with cherry blossoms in the spring...and then not-so-casually add that when you're there though, it could only ever be the second most-beautiful sight he could lay eyes on.
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Renji could go a few ways when it comes to dates. If you're into combat and whatnot, he'd definitely love to train with you! Normally he's got laser focus when he's working on his combat skills, buuut...if you wanted to play dirty, you could flirt with him a bit while you sparred. He's not used to that on the battlefield, and he'd lose his concentration a bit. Plus, you can see his face turn as red as his hair!
He'd also be cool with getting a Gigai and going somewhere in the Human World. He's still a bit of a "tourist" when it comes to aspects of human life and culture (despite his claims of being an expert after his many visits there), so if you're a human or you're a more knowledgeable Shinigami/Arrancar/Quincy, you might need to show him how to be a bit more subtle. He'd be fascinated by just how many ways humans entertain themselves; if you want a fun time, just take him to an arcade, a movie theater, an amusement park, etc.
He's trying to act more confident than he really is, since on the inside he's super concerned about not screwing things up. He's also a bit protective, so he's ready to whip out Zabimaru at a moment's notice in case of danger. Like Ichigo, he's also a bit nervous at first, but hides it fairly well--unless you initiate any PDA or flirt with him, or you point out how he seems a bit nervous. Then he stammers a bit while asking what you mean, h-he's not nervous! Well, maybe a little. I mean, c'mon, he's just on a date with a gorgeous, funny, smart as hell s/o, why would he be nervous. He's pretty good at channeling that nervousness into some real sweetness.
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