agroupofcrows · 2 years
going off of my last post, yeah why did he call him sensei if he refused to teach him?
the way i think about it, that last utsuro before shoyo just. made shit up as he went. Blood transfusion because I'm alone, I cannot bear it, cannot contain it, the killing, my monstrosity, the world, the fear, the loneliness, the suffering. And suddenly there was this small child, his entire world is gone, everything and everyone he knew has been erased in the purge. The child himself died and has been brought back. And Gintama is about connections (like life) so Oboro tries to connect with this god, this monster, this killer and life-giver, the only person he has got now that he's lost everything. Including his own humanity. So Oboro says, because he is lost amd because he is a child, help me make sense of the world. And that is a teacher's job so he calls Utsuro teacher.
But teacher is a human term and Utsuro isn't human. However! Is he ready to pretend! Is he ready to fake it till he makes it! Yes, no matter the cost. He makes shit up as he goes. Sometimes enough is enough even if you are immortal. And now he has a little human he can copy! To make shit up for him! ...Think about this. This is miniature tragicomedy within the whole bullshit that is Gintama. They are two empty mirrors facing eachother trying not to be eternal emptiness. They are doomed to fail (they don't, in the end. One of gintama's messages, if i may, is that humanity isn't something you can lose for good.)
But as for now, a monster cannot absolve another monster. Only humans can wield a human sword, and Oboro isn't human anymore.
The rest is there in the story. Oboro tries to sacrifice himself in a way he cannot, and becomes something worse than before. In order to stop, first he has burn through all the blood that binds him to Utsuro and Shoyo. Ok I have to stop somewhere
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“diVinE rEvLEAtiOnS cOnVEyED bY tHe yAtaGrARSu aRe nOt gIVeN tWicE”
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agroupofcrows · 2 years
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i am so normal about this
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agroupofcrows · 2 years
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agroupofcrows · 2 years
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(via @jester-mereel)
he said time to go home and buried the body in the burned down school and stabbed the heart to his own heart which is also the school and he said 'whether his [resting]place will be next to his master or with us fellow disciples remains to be seen' but it was both! it was both
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You are the unhinged oboroposter to me
anon, that is the most nicest thing anyone has said to me 🥹🫂
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agroupofcrows · 2 years
Last reblog... his singular eye is red because that's the REC lamp <3
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agroupofcrows · 2 years
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is this anything
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