lotta-studies · 7 years
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✨30.09.17 last minute math revision notes~ uni is starting on monday, i'm filled with 49% anticipation and 51% crippling fear tbh
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intcllectual-blog1 · 7 years
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• september 10, 2017 •
i've had over two weeks of no school due to hurricane harvey, which luckily my community has recovered well from, but i go back on the 12th!! i miss school a lot, and i'm really ready to get back into the swing of things, which starts with me (finally) setting up my bujo for the month of september! ^_^
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hippiecub-blog · 7 years
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8.08.17 // annotating my ap world book and celebrating my bro’s birthday! school is almost here and i have mixed feelings, but i’m going to try and enjoy the rest of the summer 💫🏞
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bookishscholar · 7 years
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[ 03.09.2017 ]
some Norwegian I revised yesterday before heading off to my grandpa’s birthday party
I’m really excited for school tomorrow
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mangosstudy · 7 years
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8.29.17 8:01 AM I should not be aloud to shop on my own
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studejing · 7 years
blog rate??? i just hit a hundred followers today and i'm so so so happy that the studyblr community is so supportive even though i'm so neww haha then i saw your post and you're celebrating 100 followers too! so i think i'd drop by and ask for a blog rate! congrats for a hundred!💛
Congrats on 100 followers! Hitting that first milestone is great, and it’ll just keep increasing :)
URL: don’t get it sorry | it’s kinda cute actually | amazing! | wowowow | how did you get this who did you kill?
ICON: ngl kinda basic | meh cute i guess? | v nice | lovelovelove | okay i’m stealing it!!
DESKTOP THEME: default | i’m confused? | not bad | how is this so cute?! | aaah I love and might accidentally steal the code oops!!
MOBILE THEME: default | i’m confused? | not bad | how is this so cute?! | aaah I love and might accidentally steal the code oops!!
ORIGINAL CONTENT: couldn’t find any | you’re getting there | so pretty?! | aesthetic af | amazing i’m reblogging everything!!
OVERALL: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | out of this world
FOLLOWING: no, sorry! | i am now! | yes | duh ofc
COMMENT: I love ya blog!! Your mobile theme is great, that header is adorable! One thing I noticed is that it’s a little hard to read the names of the links in your desktop theme, since the purple is such a light color. I’d maybe change it to a darker color? I hope you understand what I mean! Other than that, your blog is great :)
WANT A BLOG RATE? They’re ending tomorrow!
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naomiwithanovel · 7 years
heyy i just followed you and i discovered you through @wildliners:DD i just wanted to drop by to say that your icons are so pretty i admire people who can create things like that!:>
this is such a nice thing to say, thank you 💛💛💛
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smthsmokey · 7 years
When you get this, answer with five things that make you happy. Then send it to the last ten people on your recent activity!
Aww that’s such a cute ask, thank you! I hope you have a good day sweetheart 💖
Five things that make me happy are:
1 - hugs and kisses2 - cooking (and tasting the food while cooking it)3 - being snuggled in warm blankets4 - receiving cute messages5 - being with the people i love
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lavenderwarm · 7 years
When you get this, answer with five things that make you happy. Then send it to the last ten people on your recent activity!
1. people like you!! omg thank you for even bothering to send this to me!!2. really really strong coffee3. rainy nights + soft jazz music4.cherry blossoms 5. being productive
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lotta-studies · 7 years
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✨07.09.2017 a little peek into my planner spread from last month~ the ‘august 2017′ was just something i doodled and it looked kinda cute so i glued it in. most of the time, i don’t even write the name of the weekdays bc i’m lazy af haha
on a side note, i made a studygram! pls follow if you like!
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univistudy · 7 years
Studyblr Intro! (finally)
Hey! I’m Vi~ This upcoming school year I’ll be a junior in high school and I’m really excited to be apart of the community, god knows i’m going to need it
Some of my interests include Japanese, Orchestra, and cooking!
Thank you to all of the blogs who have inspired me to start this blog and my journey to become a better student: @studyquill @studyign @obsessed365 @orbitstudy @fuckstudy @emmastudies
I have a lot planned for this blog, and although I’m new, I hope you can learn with me,,
 So stay tuned!
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bunnbooks · 7 years
back to school tag!!
Created by @rbstudies
I was tagged by @obsessed365
Rules: List 5 things for each criterion and then tag 10 people who you think would enjoy this! A blank form is under the cut if you would like to do this.
5 Things You Would Like to Do Before School Starts
1. go to the beach
2. fix my forver broken sleep schedule 
3. finish buying my supplies
4. try a new coffee order
5. get new sneakers
5 Things You Would Like to Do Once School Starts
1.  get a stats tutor....STAT (haha)
2. volunteer more
3. go to a hotpot (i am CRAVING)
4. make more meals (less eating/ordering out and instant food)
5.  drink more water (no soda or store-bought juice)
5 Things You Have Done to Prepare for the Start of School
1. bought supplies from muji
2. came up with a simple makeup look (nice and easy for the morning!!)
3. came up with a skincare routine!!! 
4. studied japanese 
5. bought stuff for the apartment 
i tag: @studybirb @succulentsandstudying @lanalearns @study-until-you-make-it @mangosstudy @letsallstudy @ploverstudies @studyspisces @startscholar @martiestudies
5 Things You Would Like to Do Before School Starts
5 Things You Would Like to Do Once School Starts
5 Things You Have Done to Prepare for the Start of School
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a-ofcolour · 7 years
11 questions tag!
I was tagged by @lesbianstudyblr (whom you should totally follow c’mon)
RULES: answer these 11 questions, make up 11 questions of your own, and tag 11 people. My Questions:

1. Would you rather live in a country that is always too hot or a country that’s always too cold?
- too cold because i like tea and tea makes you warm
- also you can get warmer by snuggling under the blankets but if you’re in a country that’s too hot air con would be your choice and that is harmful to the environment!
2. What would you order for your last meal?
- honestly? 16 nuggets with ice cream and a bowl of fried rice
- lying? salad.
3. What zodiac traits do you fit into?
- indecisive. i think i’m more a ukulele kind of musician than a guitarist but idk i can’t decide
- i also like to gossip so
(btw im gemini)
4. In what areas do you think you’re naturally gifted?
- procrastinating definitely
- also not meeting deadlines i’m very good at that
- (seriously though) i can keep a conversation flowing so there are relatively less awkward silences because i won’t shut up
5. If someone gave you $10,000 that you had to spend before the end of the week, what would you spend it on?
- buy a camera, filming equipment, guitar and headphones obviously
6. Do you miss any of your old friends?
- what old friends what are friends
7. Would you rather be able to fly or breathe underwater?
- fly. i’m slighly scared of the sea
8. Do you feel an unexplained connection to any countries other than your own?
- britain because the weather reflects my mood 24/7
9. What’s your favourite way to travel - boat, plane, car, or train?
- car. i’m terrified of heights
10. Do you believe any conspiracy theories? Which ones?
- that we’re in a parallel universe or there are multiple universes actually it’s not quite a conspiracy theory it’s a scientific theory idk
11. What are your top 5 favourite animals?
- wolves
- mini pigs
- hedgehogs
- dogs
- cats
thanks for tagging me! my questions are:
1.) favourite thing to do at a quiet cozy autumn night?
2.) favourite youtuber(s)?
3.) if train A moves at a speed of 4km/hr and train B moves at a speed of 2km/m in a sunny day, what is your favourite meme?
4.) what do you like most about yourself?
5.) announce an unpopular opinion of your own
6.) what instrument(s) do you play and why did you choose it(them)?
7.) what kind of music do you listen to?
8.) favourite nostalgic childhood cartoon?
9.) what zodiac traits do you fit to? (i stole this i’m sorry this is such a good question)
10.) what was the weirdest dream that you’ve had?
11.) book recommendation?
I tag @obsessed365 @study-matters @kaiitlynstudies @studyign and @study-at-the-disco have fun guys
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mangosstudy · 7 years
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8.28.17 11:54 AM I love space.
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nexbie-blog · 7 years
Ive got a presentation due Thursday(two days left!). it’s about the effects of corruption and solutions. I’ve got the content ready but I don’t know what theme my ppt should be.. Anyone got any ideas?Please?
@studyquill @studyign @studywithinspo @studytherin @obsessed365 @taylorswift @sensiblestudy @gloomstudy @emmastudies @annabaestudying
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lotta-studies · 7 years
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✨20.08.2017 i’ve spend my saturday looking through the first unit on howtostudykorean and writing down everything we haven’t learned in class. most of the stuff is reallyy easy, but it’s good to have an in-depth explanation nevertheless. 
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