#obvi OOC but these made me literally lol
anew-flame · 6 months
Incorrect Arcana quotes from this generator that just make sense:
✨Lucio edition✨
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musiclovingbitch · 5 years
Oh I want all of them 1-50!
Fuck. I brought this onto myself. Putting this under a read-more so that people don’t kill me.
1. What was your first fic and could you stand to reread it today?
I don’t think any of you know this but the first fic I ever wrote was a Shameless one-shot that was titled ‘Mine’ and it was just semi-good, semi-bad smut. The first and last fic I ever posted on fanfic.net, actually. I deleted it years ago and didn’t save a copy, so it’s gone forever now…
2. What’s your most recent fic and how far do you think you’ve come?
My most recent fic is Part, written for the 2019 Klaine Advent Challenge, and also the gleepotluckbigbang. I’m fallen majorly behind cause I have some studying to do, so I may take a long while to finish the rest of the klaine advent.
It’s much, much better than Mine was, lol.
3. In your opinion, what’s your best fic?
Oh, that’s so difficult. While I’m not happy with everything I’ve posted, there’s a bunch that have a special place in my heart. Escape came to mind first, partly because I love older!Blaine fics, which is kind of shocking to me cause it’s one of the very first fics I ever wrote, and statistically I tend to like my older fics less.
4. In your opinion and without looking at any numbers, what’s your most popular fic?
I have looked at the numbers before, though not recently, so I have an idea.
I think Escape is the reigning queen right now, actually, but Incapacitated by Love and The Effects of Cookies on Shy Teenagers are gunning for her crown, lol.
5. Is there any fic that makes you super happy to reread and remember you wrote that?
I don’t tend to reread any of my fics, but like I said, there are a few that I love. Escaped and Incapacitated by Love are two of them, along with Together, I Need A Gangsta, and Question.
6. Is there any fic that makes you super embarrassed to reread and remember you wrote that?
Uh, one of the reasons I don’t reread my fics is the cringe factor, so, no. I reread Mine a couple of years after I posted it and it made me delete it, so. I think it’s in everyone’s interest that I don’t.
7. What’s the fic you most want to continue (unfinished or no)?
I don’t write multi-chaptered fics, so, not in that regard, but.
When I first posted I Need A Gangsta, I had a surprisingly large amount of people asking for a sequel. It’s been years since I posted it, but last week I started thinking about it and I have a little bit of inspiration, so. You may wanna look for that in the upcoming months. (I have exams coming up, be patient.)
8. What’s the oldest (longest since last update) fic you most want to continue (unfinished or no)?
Again, I don’t write multi-chaptered fics, but.
I got asked for a sequel to one of the fics I wrote for the 2015 Klaine Advent, Wish, which is inspired by Aladdin. I haven’t gotten around to it yet… *hides in shame*
9. Have you ever written for a fandom without watching/reading/playing the source material?
Nah. I’m not sure if I could. Although, I do usually write AUs, so. I think some of them could fit pretty much any pairing.
10. Have you ever written for a fandom without reading other fanfic for it?
I hadn’t read any Shameless fanfic before writing and posting my own. But I read klaine fanfic for years before I attempted writing it.
11. Have you ever written a fic for a concept you know someone else has done before? How did it impact your writing process or feelings after posting?
Nothing specific comes to mind right now? I do occasionally get inspired by prompts, (and you can all blame @slayediest​ for reblogging them onto my dash) and they obviously get used by a whole bunch of people, but usually inspiration for different fics comes a little more naturally, like I’ll hear a song or whatever. 
I did write a fake dating au and I was nervous about writing it, I took more care than usual if that makes sense, and that was both because it’s such an iconic trope, but also because it was a gift to the delightful @lilyvandersteen​, so I was even more anxious than usual after posting it cause I was waiting to see if she liked it or not.
12. Have you ever written a fic and decided never to publish it? Why?
There are so. many. fics. in my drafts folder, but all but two are unfinished. Those two that are finished but not published I just don’t like very much. I keep them with the intent of re-writing the parts I don’t like and posting them. Eventually, hopefully, I’ll get around to that.
13. What’s the biggest change between your style when you started in fandom and today?
I’m more comfortable writing now than back when I first started, I guess? I was way more hesitant then.
I do write better smut now.
14. What’s the biggest change in your taste between when you started in fandom and today?
Let’s just say I’m into some kinky shit now and it’s definitely because of late nights spent on AO3.
Trope-wise, not much has changed about my preferences.
15. Have you ever purposefully written one fandom/fic idea over another because you knew it’d be more popular?
Nah. I don’t vibe like that. The words don’t come out of me.
16. Have you ever stopped writing a fic/for a fandom because it wasn’t receiving enough attention?
17. In your opinion, what’s your most overrated fic?
It’s definitely Closer. I was debating not posting it and it has more hits than it has words, I really don’t get it.
18. What’s your most underrated fic?
I’m not sure. I feel like I’d be nagging if I said, oh hey not enough of you guys read/liked/reblogged this fic of mine. 
People have their preferences. I’m okay with that.
19. If you had to pick one fic/scene/chapter of your work to describe your entire portfolio to a stranger, which would you pick?
Fuck. Maybe Together? It has the mix of intense angst/sappy romance that you’ll find in my fics 100% of the time.
20. Have/Would you ever rewrite a fic? If yes, would you take the original down?
I haven’t, and I don’t think I will. I don’t tend to linger over fics once I’ve posted them.
21. If someone starts kudosing and commenting your fics in a spree and has a few works of their own, would you go look through theirs?
This has happened three times and I loved it every single time. I would definitely check out their profile, yes. 
22. Has there ever been anyone who’s made you freak out because they read your work and followed/favorited/reviewed?
Are you kidding me? Literally all of you, yes. Fandom royalty has read my work, bitches. 
23. What’s the nicest review you’ve ever gotten?
Oh, god. Someone commented that I made them cry, it was the best, it made my entire week.
24. What’s the meanest review you’ve ever gotten? Do you think the reviewer intended it?
I’m very lucky in that aspect, I’ve never gotten hate in regards to my fic. 
I did write a fic where Blaine and Sam were teaching a CPR class that Kurt was in, and at the end, I had Sam interrupt them while they were speaking, and someone left a mean comment about Sam? I smelled fandom wank and did not engage.
25. What constructive criticism, however well-meaning, always makes you feel bad when you see it in a review?
Haven’t gotten any of that.
26. What aspect of your writing do you most enjoy to see praised?
I like making people feel things. If you tell me I made you feel good or bad with my fic, I’m going to be delighted.
27. If you could only ever write crossovers or single-fandom fics ever again, which would you pick?
Single-fandom fics.
28. if you could only ever write for a single crossover or a single fandom again, which would you pick?
Glee, obvi. I’d never give you cuties up.
29. Does the division of your writing across fandoms line up with your reading? What’s the biggest discrepancy?
Well, although I have considered writing for some of my other fandoms, it just hasn’t felt right. That may change in the future, and that’ll be an interesting day.
30. Do you continue to write for a fandom after you’ve moved on or do you focus solely on the new one?
I think klaine has become such an important part of my life that I don’t see myself giving it up entirely.
31. Who’s the one character you’ve just never managed to get perfectly right?
I don’t think I have ever gotten any character perfectly right, but that’s okay. It helps that the majority of my fics are AUs, so I don’t feel a lot of hesitation having them do or say some OOC things.
32. Who’s the one character who shines without you even trying?
I think I’ve nailed Kurt and Blaine at different scenes in different fics, but no particular character comes easy to me.
33. Is there any particular character whose scenes always wind up being longer/more frequent than you expected? Does the quality hold up?
Rachel kind of takes over sometimes and I have to go back and edit things out, lol. That’s just her diva way.
34. Was there any fic that you wrote that really surprised you in the fandom reaction? Was it just by the numbers or did they take it an entirely different way?
I think the one that surprised me with just how much response it received (I know that phrasing is wrong but I can’t be bothered right now) is Incapacitated by Love. Who knew people in the glee fandom had a thing about police officer!Blaine.
35. Have you ever written a ship into a fic without meaning to?
I keep klaine as the main focus, so the backround couples switch up ocassionally and I don’t particularly care.
36. Have you ever sincerely written a ship you do not support into a fic?
37. Have you ever purposefully bashed a character/ship in a fic?
Not that I can remember.
38. Have you ever purposefully written something you know your readers would find uncomfortable/would not enjoy? If yes, why?
I don’t think so?
39. Do you consider yourself to have a readership?
Not really. Although if any of you consider yourself to be a loyal reader of mine, please let me know.
40. Do you feel like you put out enough content?
No, that’s kind of the worst part about my muse, she’s a flighty bitch.
41. If you cross-post your fics on multiple sites, do you have a favorite? Are there certain fics you would only post on certain site?
AO3 is the best. Tumblr can suck my dick.
42. How many views has your most popular fic gotten?
Incapacitated by Love has 1554 hits! Wow.
43. Your least popular?
Ground has only 95 hits, but I posted it a few days ago.
44. Do you follow/favorite/kudos/comment/review more stories than you have received?
I have no idea what this question is asking.
45. If you had to call yourself an author of a single genre (besides fanfic) what label would you give yourself?
AU all the way, baby, although that’s apparent.
46. Do you consider yourself a diverse author?
No, I think I have a very specific style. I dither in between gut-wrenching angst and tooth-aching fluff. That’s it, that’s my fics.
47. If someone you know in real life who isn’t involved in fandoms asked to read your work, would you let them? If yes, what would you recommend they read first?
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. There’s too much gay porn and I’m too closeted for this shit.
48. Does anyone you know from outside of fandom know you write fanfic? Are they involved in the same fandom too?
Yes, one friend of mine knows, although she doesn’t know what I write, or for which fandom(s).
49. Has anyone in your life ever read your fanfic just because you wrote it?
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
50. Has writing fanfic had a significant impact on your life? Would you say it’s entirely positive?
Of course it’s had a massive impact in my life. It’s a huge creative outlet and I’ve ‘met’ so many people because of it! I think it’s like 85% positive.
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