#obviously discarding like. genuinely Not Okay media/irl people
shadowqnights · 10 months
idk i urge you all to please please be kinder to yourself and your brain and your interests idk. i know that in this day and age we have to be critical of our interests but you can Do that and still be able to admit that You think this thing is fun and cool. maybe its got some writing issues or maybe its got a funky fresh different format or media type, maybe its a youtube series or a podcast or whatever that isnt your typical netflix tv show or book but its still Your thing and if you love it then no amount of like . societal pressure should be allowed to rob you of that enjoyment or make you feel ashamed to have an interest that isnt a Common or Typical fandom because there is a very very broad wide world of content out there. you shouldnt have to like open every conversation about your special interest/interest with 'this is the worst piece of media alive i hate that im into it please never watch the things i enjoy because you'll fucking hate it' (in a deadly serious way not like the silly way)
idk . what happened to whimsy. what happened to sillyfun. what happened to showing people that you're excited about things. maybe its not for them, maybe it Is badly written. but thats still Your thing and the more you tell other people that its dumb and horrible the more you condition yourself that you have to feel ashamed that your brain has latched onto it and wont let go. you condition yourself that you need to isolate yourself in your passion and that no one else is ever going to share it because you like something Horrible and grueling and frustrating and you have to tell everyone that. disclaimer, you say: this is the worst thing ever even though i love it so you shouldnt put yourself through it. because i just know you're going to hate it and you're going to think im cringe and stupid for still kind of liking it. but they might love it, or at least give it a try Just for you. Thats Love.
the more you ridicule your brain for latching onto the 'dumb' stuff and being genuinely interested in it .. the more you feel ashamed that you want to infodump about it and in the same breath feel like you have to warn people to never touch your interest with a ten foot pole. maybe they Want to indulge maybe they want to understand what you talk about. maybe they will Agree with you over those Plot Holes and Writing Things and you can talk about it idk. be nicer to your brain. let yourself have a Thing that you feel ecstatic to talk about and analyse and make art about. tell your friends you're having fun. doesnt matter if its silly or theres errors. sure you might be cringe but you are free.
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