#obviously if you're borrowing a book you return it in the same condition it was lent to you
aurumacadicus · 1 year
Books are not sacred and I swear to god every post I see that's like "don't break spines!" or "don't dog-ear your pages!" makes me want to tear a book clean in half right in front of them.
Like obviously books that are valuable aren't part of this but a fresh off the shelf Lord of the Rings? A Narnia compilation? That post from years ago of a copy of the fourth HP book that was hollowed out for an engagement ring that had all those shitty "you ruined a perfectly good book! 😩" comments on it snapped something in me. I want to rip pages out right in front of these people. I want to go full asshole and just rip a book to shreds. I'll eat a page if I think they're not scared enough I just need them not to open their mouths about the "proper" way to treat books (ever, I hope, but at least in front of me).
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