#obviously there's meta to be had about knives and legato with the loss of innocence how violence shaped them
annaofaza · 1 year
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Wolfwood's arc in TriMax is all about him questioning the world, the ideals he's held all these years, all while wondering if he's good enough—for the world, for his god, for Vash, for the children he protects.
Even in his dream sequence, he can't have it all. Wolfwood so wants to be Big Brother Nico again but believes his hands are stained in blood and cannot be washed clean. He cannot put away his "work," even in his own fantasy.
We've seen Vash running away from his past and him realizing he cannot escape—and then we see Wolfwood with the same realization. Both of them believe there's no true redemption, that they're both lost, that they can't be anything more than what they've been turned into.
They're still going to fight for a better world—but one that doesn't include them in the end. They both recognize the necessity of donning their monikers and doing their duty, but that means leaving any peaceful life behind. As Vash had to cast off Eriks, Wolfwood says goodbye to Nico.
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