#oc distal
decmultiverse · 1 month
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jackhkeynes · 3 months
I have a question about pluralization in your conlang! From what I understand, your nouns aren’t conjugated for number. Are there any words where the plural survived sound changes? I ask this because my accent of Spanish (Dominican accent) loses syllable final S, meaning that only some words have a plural while others can only be distinguished by number by the verb and article. I’ve also heard that French is similar in that regard but my knowledge of it is very limited.
Also this is unrelated to the first question, but I’d like to see some examples of Boral names. The etymologies of names are very interesting to me and im curious if some Celtic names still survive in your conlang!
Hi—these are great questions! :D
Final /-s/ is lost really early on in the development of Borlish; it's one of the very first sound changes that distinguishes it from the mainland Romance languages, occuring by around 500 AD. This, along with the loss of the genitive case (replaced with the ablative) makes the noun declension of typical nouns look like this:
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Notice that masculine nouns typically have only two forms, and feminine nouns only three. Once final vowels also get neutralised to schwa (and eventually lost entirely), the noun paradigm for regular nouns has completely collapsed.
A few nouns briefly retain an irregular paradigm of the following shape, with a separate nominative singular:
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However, by the late Old Borlish period these have all been levelled to (usually) the oblique form; sour "sister" is the only counterexample where instead the nominative singular survives.
Several strategies for marking noun number were innovated during the Old Borlish period, mostly involving demonstratives like ille, iste and ipse. However, the forms that survive to the present derive from the demonstrative hic "this". Specifically, we have:
oc "singular" < hoc, neuter singular ec "plural" < haec, neuter plural
In the late Old Borlish period we see the redevelopment of a proximate-distal contrast, with new distal demonstratives formed using the adverb i "there" (since lost; cf. Modern Borlish la < illāc):
oç < oc i "that" < hoc ibi eç < ec i "those" < haec ibi
Coda: Some Modern Borlish Names
There are a few Celtic names which survive in modern Borlish, for various reasons.
A very few names entered Borland Latin from the local Celtic during the Roman Empire. As a possible example, the male name Ivocq is thought to reflect Borland Celtic *iwok- "like a yew tree".
More Celtic names enter Borlish at various stages since the medieval period. One of the earliest is the female name Jonnovar, cognate with Guinevere and Jennifer, and which is also used as a common noun meaning "butterfly".
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the-punforgiven · 8 months
I will say, playing the Bladesong playtest has really changed the way I think about and design swords for my ocs, not just in a narrative way, like how much you can express about a character through the weapon they wield through factors like how nicely it's maintained, it's size, the way the guard works, how fancy/plain it is, how easily it could be concealed, ect.
It's also forced me to think about them on a more technical level, asking questions like "Why the fuck is this thing so badly balanced? I've done everything right!" To which what I am assuming is the spirit of a long-lost ancestor appears in my brain and goes "You forgot to add the distal taper again."
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mt-musings · 2 years
Chapter 32
After being abruptly transferred to the BAU at what she suspects was Gideon's request, Cassie Boann struggles to find her footing. Shy and solitary by nature, the transition is made all the more difficult when Dr. Spencer Reid seems to take an almost immediate dislike to her. Unfortunately for them both, their respective areas of expertise leave them paired off more often than not. But when Cassie's past literally starts hunting her, Spencer is forced to consider that he might, in fact, not hate her at all.
Quite the opposite, actually.
Spencer Reid x OC
Warnings: Canon typical violence, kidnapping, stalking, drug use, blood, injury, death, PTSD, eventual smut, more tags to be added
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32. Dreams
She saw his face clearly for the first time in years. Maybe it was faded photos she’d been able to track down while in the Voron’kiv’s police archives, or maybe it was all the time she’d spent ruminating on it since exhuming her grandfather. 
She could see him looming over her, thin face contorted with anger and something else she couldn’t quite place. His nose could have been called delicate if it weren’t for the break in the bridge that had healed crooked, his eyes a piercing sort of grey under blonde lashes. His sandy hair was over-long, matted to his forehead with sweat. Then there was the crooked incisor, the reddish stubble that covered his cheeks except for the thick scar on his right cheek, right under the cheekbone. 
She could feel his breath on her face as he leaned in, knife in hand, smell the stale menthol-scent of his breath as he pressed the knife into her face, carving along the bottom of her cheekbone as his other hand held her still by the jaw in a bruising grip. She knew she screamed, trying desperately to wrench her face away, causing the abrupt uptick in the incision by her hair line. That of course had been the catalyst for the hammer, the strikes splintering the wood of the chair arm under her bindings. She could feel the nauseating snap of her bones, the way black stars exploded over her vision at the pain of it. The way he’d laughed as he’d brought it down a second and third time, the sound rough from years of chain-smoking—
She shot up in bed, knocking Spencer’s arms from her waist as she stumbled to the bathroom. She didn’t bother with the light, instead just fumbling with the shower until it turned on, the water freezing. She tumbled over the lip of the tub, curling up into a ball. 
“Distal, middle, proximal, metacarpal, trapezium—distal, middle, proximal—d-distal,” she chanted, sinking her fingernails into her arms to try and force her to ground but it wasn’t enough, she was still in her living room, staring at the thing that had once been her arm, her cheeks wet with more than just her tears. She could taste blood in her mouth and she didn’t know if it had trickled in from the wound or if she’d bit herself—
She leapt at the feeling of hands at her back, would have smashed her face into the faucet if the same hands hadn’t jumped between her and the metal. She hadn���t noticed that the bathroom light had been turned on, or that there was some else there, someone talking in a soothing tone that didn’t completely cover their apprehension. 
She felt a presence settle behind her in the tub, felt a shock of cold pressed to the base of her skull, gentle circles rubbed into her back. 
She didn’t know how long it was before she was able to un-tense her muscles, pull her nails from her skin and turn to see Spencer sitting behind her trying not to shiver in the freezing water, his hair and clothes plastered to his skin. She couldn’t help the fresh wave of tears at the concern in his eyes, the pity, and curled back into a ball, pressing her face into her knees.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry, I’m—“
“Breath, just breath. You’re safe, you’re safe. He can’t hurt you. Breath—in and out, like that.”
He reached around her to turn the water off before grabbing a towel from the hook by the bath and wrapping her in it as he pulled her into his chest. 
“Spencer, y-you’re going t-to freeze. I’m fine, I promise—“
“Just—just let me take care of you. For once. It’s okay. Oh fuck—“
She looked up as he grabbed a washcloth from the counter, pressing it to her lip. She hadn’t realized she’d split it, hadn’t realized that that was probably what had made the taste of blood so real in her flashback, made it so much harder to break free of. 
“I—I’m going to get you some dry clothes okay? I’ll be right back, just stay here.”
He returned a minute later with a fresh pair of his own pajamas and a pair of boxers. “There wasn’t anything else clean in your bag, but these are warm and I can throw your stuff in the washer. I’ll—I’ll be right outside the door, okay? Just holler if you need anything.”
She nodded, waiting for the click of the door before she pulled off her wet clothes, wringing them out in the tub before hanging them on the shower curtain rod and pulling on the clothes he’d brought. They were far too large, but they were warm and they smelled like him in a way that helped steady her wild heartbeat. 
She sat on the edge of the tub with her head in her hands until there was a knock at the door and Spencer peeked his head in. He’d changed into dry clothes, though his hair was curling from the water. 
“Come on Cass, come on,” he said, helping her to stand and leading her back to bed. She shook her head, digging her heels in.
“I don’t want to go back to sleep. I don’t—“
“Okay,” he said, instead making for the couch in the living room. He pulled her down onto the couch so that she lay on his chest, arms wrapped securely around her. For a long time she just lay there, trying to focus on the sound of his heart beating beneath her, of its constant reminder that she was not alone, that she was safe.
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t,” he said, pressing his forehead to hers. “Just—I know what it feels like, okay? Don’t ever apologize to me for that. I’m here for you, just like you’re here for me.”
She stared at him, at the sharp planes of his face, the way his hair has begun to curl as it dried, the deep brown of his eyes flecked with amber. 
“Spencer—Spencer I lo—“ she broke off, looking away as color flooded her cheeks. She hadn’t meant to say it, it had just slipped out and now—
“I love you, Cass. I have, for a while.”
She stared at him wide-eyed. He sat them both up, gently smoothing back her hair, his hands lingering, cupping her face. 
“Can I—can I kiss you?”
She nodded, closing her eyes as he pressed his lips delicately to hers, holding her like she was something that could shatter at the slightest wrong move. She supposed she was, but in that moment she didn’t think about how broken she was, or what a disaster she must look, or how she probably tasted like the blood from her split lip. 
She just felt warm, and safe, and whole in a way she never remembered feeling. She hesitantly brought her hands up to caress his face, one sliding into his still-damp curls. 
She’d had other kisses before—none that hadn’t tasted of cheap liquor or stale beer—but she’d thought she’d known what they were meant to feel like. Pleasant, in a diverting sort of way.
Kissing Spencer was nothing like that. 
Now she knew what people meant when they talked about fireworks, about pieces falling into place, about the world stopping. She found herself moving without thought, tangling her fingers in his curls as if she could capture the moment, stay suspended in it until they ran out of air. 
When they finally broke apart she reluctantly dropped her hands, just staring into his eyes. His hands remained, thumbs tracing the planes of her face. She only pulled away when his thumb ran along the raised scar of her cheek, cataloging it, following it into her hairline. 
Reminding her of why she didn’t do this. Why she shouldn’t. 
Why she couldn’t with someone as perfect as Spencer. 
She was broken and deformed and everything the opposite of what he deserved. And she was too selfish to walk away like she knew she should—because somehow, somehow he made her feel like a person again. Like she was worth more than just what she could do, what she could solve. Like he saw her, whatever was left, beneath the walls she’d spent years erecting, the mask she’d spent so long perfecting and living behind. 
She curled her arms around his neck, letting him pull her back down on the sofa as he covered the pair of them with the blanket on the back of the couch before wrapping his arms around her waist.
She didn’t want to close her eyes, didn’t want to break the spell, because she knew—she knew this was the dream, the beautiful, perfect, intoxicating dream, and whatever horror she saw when she closed her eyes was reality. 
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natb00 · 1 year
Revisión posparto nancy cifuentes lopez 22 años de edad residente en vereda el chuscal ama de casa escolaridad: bachiller unión libre raza: mestiza religión: católica antecedentes personales: -patológicos: niega -quirúrgicos: niega -alérgicos: niega -tóxicos: niega -ginecológicos: m: 13 años, g3p2a1v2, fum: 17 agosto de 2017, fup: 23/05/2018, fua: 2013. actual embarazo planeado enfermedad actual: paciente en su puerperio mediato, sexto día posparto,refiere sentirse bien, lactancia materna exclusiva cada 3 horas, sangrado vaginal moderado no fétido, niega fiebre, dolor u otros síntomas. tiene apoyo de su pareja buenas condiciones generales, consciente, alerta, afebril. cyc: normocéfala, pupilas isocóricas normorreactivas. mucosa oral hidratada sin lesiones. cuello simétrico, móvil, sin adenopatías, sin iy. cp: tórax simétrico sin signos de dificultad respiratoria. ruidos cardiacos rítmicos sin soplos, murmullo vesicular conservado sin agregados. mamas: turgentes, muy secretantes sin signos inflamatorios locales. se evidencia zona de empastamiento, no dolorosa ni con signos de inflamación local abdomen: panículo adiposo abundante, peristaltismo presente, blando, depresible, no doloroso, sin masas ni megalias palpables, sin signos de irritación peritoneal. utero 3 dedos por debajo del ombligo, buen tono. - blando depresible, útero involucionado, leve dolor al palpar. genitourinario: genitales normoconfigurados. vagina normotérmica cuello intermedio, duro, oce cerrado, sin dolor a la palpación loquios hemáticos no fétidos extremidades: eutróficas, simétricas, sin edema. pulsos distales conservados, llenado capilar <2seg. neurológico: sin déficit sensitivo, ni motor aparente. paciente femenina de 21 años, en periodo postparto de su tercer embarazo; parto vaginal sin complicaciones, alta temprana, con lactancia materna exclusiva activa, sin signos de mastitis, con adecuada involución uterina, herida quirúrgica sana suturada sin secreción ni signos inflamatorios locales y loquios escasos; en el momento hemodinámicamente estable. se dan recomendaciones, se resuelven dudas y se le indican claros signos de alarma.paciente dice entender y aceptar.
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ljungfrun · 4 years
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Testing......... (Móði belongs to @paranoiajustified)
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ghostytunes · 2 years
Aro can manipulate his body proportions(All Grafshens are able to) but this is his favorite
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This thing is the fucking coolest. Unfortunately as you can see I only got to plug one rig into it but it does 4 at a time with all different temperature controls 😭😍 my friend pulled it out cause he didn't think it worked anymore but we got it to with at least one lol
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ladykailolu · 3 years
Hey buddy, It's me again [I'm still making the animation thing]
I must ask some more questions about Mela >3<
1. I totally get "lady dimitrescu" vibes from Mela so,
can I have permission to make her rather tall O//0
2. Can it be canon that Mela calls Gyro aka Julius "Juju" to pick on him a bit
3. Does she fall victim to the zeppeli curse? If not does something else bad happen to her (I'm a bit of a sucker for tragedy)
!!!! And Im glad to answer them ❤
1) Fun fact! I have in mind another OC who is based off of Lady Dimitrescu to be Mela's dance mentor. She's regal, elegant, and refined, not to mention quite tall and thinks of Mela as one of her daughters. But going back to the question, while I imagine Mela being shorter compared to Gyro and Caesar, I wouldn't mind if she was also made tall like Lady D. I mean, she wears high heels and stilettoes and all that, after all.
2) omg 😂😂😭 she ABSOLUTELY calls him "Ju-Ju" for that exact purpose when he's getting cocky or just all around being an asshole in general. And he just kinda sits there with this glare and mad look on his face like: 😠😒 If it was anyone else, he'd chew them out to hell and back Italian-style and maybe knock 'em out, but even he knows better to lay a single hand on Mela.
Kinda like "Ok, boomer," but like, "Ok, Ju-Ju" and she delights in seeing the look on his face because she knows he hates it.
3) She actually breaks the shackles of the Zeppeli curse that has done in her predecessors by marrying her Jodie and dropping the name "Zeppeli" for "Joestar". ...but that doesn't mean she gets away scott-free. There's this one point where she gets into a fight with a stand user that can manipulate gravity to create black holes. And she gets pulled into one. If she doesn't do something to escape it quickly then she'll be "noodlefied" (theoretically, if you get sucked into a black hole, gravity increases so mind-numbingly fast that the pull on your feet is vastly greater than more distal parts of your body, so you'll literally get pulled thinner and thinner until you become a one-atom thick noodle...or so they say lol). Although her stand can make her travel at the speed of light, even light can't escape a black hole. But if I recall correctly, some radiation can escape a black hole over a long period of time, and once Mela remembers she read/watched this before on the internet, her stand evolves and lets her escape particle by particle from the trap. And while she's stuck literally reconstructing herself down to the particle level, the enemy stand user finds and attacks Jodie.
So I guess you can say that Mela, an Italian-American, nearly becomes an extremely long, one-atom thick spaghetti noodle 🍝
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@goldkirk replied to your post “i had a lot of wierd OCs growing up and i just now realized that i...”
I’m literally so interested???? I love her
Okay, so, in her original story Lucky the Mutant was created via DNA splicing.  They just glued in some extra chromosomes and turned her into a walking organ donation factory.  She’s like what would happen if two conjoined twins didn’t form two separate consciousnesses, except more.  In BNHA she would probably be a government-sanctioned Nomu, honestly, because what the heck.  Science experiments gone wrong.
She has: six extra chromosomes, three sets of arms (including shoulder blades/collar bones), two faces, four eyes, two working jaws, two hearts, six kidneys, three cervical ribs, twelve canine teeth (six in each mouth), twelve wisdom teeth (same), two fused pelvic bones (one set protruding from the skin in the back), two sets of internal reproductive organs, and extra little toes.
The notes in the picture are what she’s named her own supernumerary limbs: front arms are her ‘ana’ arms, middle ones are ‘meta’, back ones are ‘distal’.  Her left face is her ‘supra’ face and her right is her ‘infra’ face.  She was a bit of a book nerd growing up due to never going outside and being hidden from the world, so she looked up medical terms and labeled herself to make it easier to tell what part was doing what, like... if she grabbed something, which hand would do the grabbing?  Could she talk through her supra mouth if she was eating with her infra mouth?  That kind of thing.  She kind of made herself into even more of a science experiment because that was how she grew up and it was what her parents expected of her due to the circumstances of her birth.  
At sixteen, her father moved her out of the town and into a house of her own ten miles from the town limits.  He gave her an ‘allowance’ from a trust fund that paid for the house and food and some hobbies, and then left her here.  Her mother is ??? I’m not sure.  Probably her parents had a disagreement at some point and the woman left.  Who knows.  Lucky hasn’t spoken to them in literal years (she’s now 21).   
 She wears a specially made trench coat that covers her shoulders, with a hood that she draws up over her faces.  She’s into photography and photo development, can’t cook to save her life, and used to have an aide named Emily who was hired to help her (and keep her hidden) by her estranged and incredibly rich father.  She may or may not have been pining after Emily since she was sixteen (Emily was nineteen) and was extremely sad when Emily left.
...There’s more but this is enough for now.  I just... I cannot believe how nerdy and weird I was as a kid?  The part of the story I wrote about her was mostly whump and gore with a little bit of sci-fi thrown in lmfao.  I LOVE IT SO MUCH I’M MAKING MYSELF LAUGH HELP.
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bonkleton · 3 years
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Eliza's Long Reach
Insert joke about the legal system having phalanges extremely distal to its scapulae, or something... A quick drawing done for LegendaryCartoon! Their OC Eliza extending intensely! I did this quickly to cheer LC up, but I also took an opportunity to play with muscles a bit, and I'm still pretty satisfied with the result! That's about all I have to say, just a quick drawing of a long. If you like what I do, consider supporting me on Patreon! It would make me happy! :D If you don't want to subscribe, you can tip me on Ko-Fi! That would also make me happy! :) Hope you enjoy! ~ Bonkie
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jdhliwayo1-blog · 5 years
Wavelength Services
Wavelength Services | DWDM Services
FiberGuide is a one stop source for optical wavelength services (OWS) or DWDM services.  Below is a detailed discussion of wavelength services for your perusal.
What is optical wavelength service?
Optical wavelength service is a fiber optic based point to point, high bandwidth, delivery service. Using dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) technology, multiple high bandwidth channels can be transmitted in a single strand of fiber. When multiple businesses share a pair of fiber strands, the cost of the service is drastically reduced relative to the cost of deploying and maintaining fiber infrastructure. In DWDM, data is encoded on multiple laser transmitters each at a unique wavelength (or frequency). Corresponding laser pulses are multiplexed together into a composite signal and transmitted in a single optical fiber. At the distal end of the fiber, the signal is separated into the constituent wavelength components by a de-multiplexer and directed to relevant wavelength sensitive receivers. Because of the wide spectrum of the optical communication transmission window, up to 96 very high bandwidth channels can be transmitted in a single strand of fiber. Most optical network providers in the GeoQuote system offer one or more of the following types of wavelength services: Metro wavelength services: These are wavelength services offered over a metropolitan network. A business wishing to connect its facilities in Brooklyn to a data center on Madison street in Manhattan, for example, will have to choose from the many metropolitan wavelength service providers in New York city. Because of the ubiquity of metropolitan fiber optic networks, this is the easiest and least expensive solution to lease for businesses in major cities.\ Domestic Wavelength services: Domestic wavelength services are provisioned to connect locations within the same county. To connect locations in San Francisco and Chicago with a wavelength service, businesses typically use a national long haul fiber optic network provider. There are relatively fewer providers who can offer domestic wavelength services and this could have a profound impact on the pricing. International wavelength services: International (or non-domestic) wavelength services connect points in different countries or continents. For locations in different continents, provisioning of International OWS will take a combination of undersea and terrestrial networks. Organizations may have only a limited number of providers that can meet their requirements. We are available to point you to providers who can connect your geographically dispersed locations.
Important features of wavelength services:
High bandwidth: Wavelength services offer almost endless bandwidth of up to 100 Gbps per wavelength. Since higher data rates, including 400 Gbps, have already been approved by International standards, we believe that higher data rates will be readily available from some of our providers in the near future. Flexibility: Wavelength services can deliver different types of technologies including OTN, Ethernet, SONET/SDH and fibre channel. High security Wavelength services offer high security. It is secure enough to be used by very high security sensitive applications in the military and financial institutions. Because each data channel is separated from other data by wavelength (or frequency), there is no overlap in the data. Moreover, wavelength services are isolated from the public Internet. Static path and dedicated bandwidth A wavelength service path is typically fixed. This is in contrast to dynamic routing of IP traffic where the path changes depending on the conditions of the network. Protected and unprotected options Wavelength services come with protected or unprotected options. With the protected option, a redundant path is provided so that in the event of a cable cut or other catastrophic failure events, the service is automatically re-routed and does not go down. But redundancy comes at a premium and some clients may opt for the less expensive unprotected option. Service level agreement (SLA) Like many other dedicated network services, OWS come with SLA which specify a number of attributes including availability, latency and jitter. Typical availability levels range from 99.5% to 99.999%. Low latency and low jitter Because wavelength services are point to point optical services without any optical to electric conversion along the path, they have low latency and low jitter.
What are the applications of Wavelength Services?
Wavelength services are suitable for applications requiring high data rate transmission, especially when the cost of deploying and maintaining infrastructure is deemed too high. The following is a sample of suitable applications. Business continuity and disaster recovery Data center interconnection Credit card processing and other financial applications High resolution (4K and 8K) video streaming Research and educational networks (RENs) Manufacturing data transfer Transfer of high resolution imaging data in health The capturing and processing of cosmic signals in astronomy (e.g Square Kilometer array)
Wavelength service delivery | Transmission Rates
Wavelength services are typically delivered from a digital or reconfigurable optical add drop multiplexer (OADM) in the network provider’s central office or point of presence. The provider will terminate a pair of single mode fiber at each of the two customer termination nodes inside an optical distribution frame (ODF). The customer provides a compatible interface to connect to the provider network over the terminated fiber pairs. A list of compatible customer physical interfaces are listed below. For clients in buildings that are already connected by the provider (on-net), the installation process is quick. However for customers not directly connected to the provider network (off-net), fiber links from the customer to the nearest provider point of presence will have to be installed. For fiber maps near you and to find out if you can access wavelength services, contact FiberGuide. Typical transmission rates are 1 Gbps, 2.5 Gbps, 10Gbps, 40 Gbps and 100 Gbps. However, not all providers will offer all the transmission rates. Many physical interfaces are compatible with all providers’ wavelength services. Below is a matrix of transmission rates and possible physical user interfaces. 1 Gbps D1 Video (270Mbps) 1 Gigabit Ethernet 1 Gigabit Fibre channel 2.5 Gbps 2 Gigabit Fibre channel 5 Gigabit/s SONET (OC-48) 5 Gigabit/s SDH (STM-16) 5 Gigabit/s OTN (OTU-1) 10 Gbps 10 Gigabit Ethernet LAN PHY 10 Gigabit Ethernet WAN PHY 10 Gigabit/s SONET (OC-192) 10 Gigabit/s SDH (STM-64) 10 Gigabit/s OTN (OTU-2) 40 Gbps 40 Gigabit Ethernet 40 Gigabit/s SONET (OC-768) 40 Gigabit/s SDH (STM-256) 40 Gigabit/s OTN (OTU-3) 100 Gbps 100 Gigabit Ethernet 100 Gigabit/s OTN (OTU-4) Contact FiberGuide if you have questions on Wavelength services or other connectivity technologies.
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ljungfrun · 4 years
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Was playing around with some ideas for the subjectivity enhancement suite and I had this idea that while Serge is in a system he might take on different shapes depending on what he wants/needs. I imagine it’s something he does subconsciously to adapt to his environment. I don’t think it gets much weirder than the extra arms most of the time, they just manifest to let him do several things at once. Still I wanted to play around with designs just to see how weird I could make it and I had so much fun! I took a lot of inspiration from spiders and magpies since they’re his themes. The last one is definitely my favourite, I love it. I feel like I’m finally starting to figure out the Lancer aesthetic somewhat.
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penguinpyro · 7 years
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Peng’s Daily OC Bust #6
This one is of Beck Kho, a male woodling dryad. The best dressed nature guardian who ever lived. I’m fairly sure he is the only one of my male OCs I have drawn with properly-fitted clothing.
Not sure about the thick borders on the leaves. Do they distract from the rest of him or do they add? Also, in retrospect, probably should have paid closer attention to the distal side of his hair.
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letsgomappin-blog · 8 years
Supplements that will Boost Your Health
Pyridoxine (B6)
Sources and Physiologic features Sources: Poultry, seafood, liver, and eggs are good sourced elements  of the health supplements; milk and meat have actually smaller amounts. Pyridoxine in animal sources is 96% bioavailable. Vitamin B6 could be produced  by abdominal bacteria in healthier people. Plant dishes such as for instance legumes, peanuts, potatoes, yeast, bananas, corn, cabbage, yams, prunes, watermelon, and avocados furthermore have actually this supplement.
Populations at risk: As this supplement is usually distributed, deficiency is unusual except in chronic alcoholics and among females contraceptives that are utilizing are oral. Elderly individuals and children of preeclamptic moms or moms deficient in B6 have reached risk. Customers on Cycloserine, hydantoin, hydralazine, isoniazid, and penicillamine is given B6 supplementation. High protein diet escalates  certain requirements of this health supplement.
Severe deficiencies of health supplement B6 are rare, but inadequacies being mild extremely common. Dietary data from Second National Health  and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES II) in 11,658 grownups aged 19-74 y revealed  that 71% of males and 90% of females consumed less than the 1980 recommended allowance that is dietaryRDA) of vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 is the  most deficient that is common dissolvable supplement in senior. Solitary drug and medicine combinations taken by senior individuals may impose health risk. Undesired results of drug-food and interactions being drug-nutrient be minimized by instructing individuals who are senior their caregivers to avoid timing errors in drug-taking behavior and toxic responses due to food incompatibility. In addition, drug-induced deficiencies which can be health be precluded  by advising drug-taking elderly in  the appropriate quantities  of nutrient consumption. In a research that is scholarly contrasted the nutrient intakes of American kids aged 2 to ten years, vitamin B6 finished up being found become below  the RDA much  significantly more than 50% linked to the populace.
Contraception capsule usage and exposure that is carbon that is work-related induce supplement B6 deficiency and/or enhance supplement B6 requirement. Both compounds happen negative psychological/neurological disorders such as for example extreme irritability, manic depressive tendencies, headaches, as well as  other variables, but related disorders presumably by disrupting health supplement that is normal metabolic process and vitamin B6 management had been found to alleviate their unfavorable emotional symptoms. Further studies are needed to experimentally assess this interrelation. Conjoined exposure to OCs and CS2 can result in a disruption that is improved of metabolic rate which might in change cause exaggerated sequelae being psychological  with CS2 exposure.
Indications of Deficiency: In babies, convulsive seizures and hyperactivity is  the presenting that is usual. Diarrhoea can be typical. Anemia and neuritis that is peripheral noticed  in tuberculosis patients on isoniazid who develop pyridoxine deficiency. 20-30% of homocystinuric customers with dislocation with this lens for the eye, osteoporosis (brittle back), mental retardation, and a propensity for spontaneous bloodstream clots which will cause cardiac arrest and death, respond  to vitamin B6 treatment.
Biochemistry: Vitamin B6 isa collective term for pyridoxine, pyridoxal, and pyridoxamine, all  of which act  as precursors from the biologically active coenzyme, pyridoxal phosphate. Pyridoxal phosphate functions as being  a coenzyme that catalyze reactions in protein procedure that is metabolic transformation of tryptophan to niacin, fat metabolic rate, carbohydrate metabolism, folic acid synthesis, glandular and endocrine functions, and also for  the neurological and brain energy. Vitamin B6 possesses benefit that is clear lessening the severity  of homocystinuria, a illness that is rare always advantages of the problem within an enzyme used  for degrading homocysteine.
Safety: Deficient and extra intakes of pyridoxine can produce neurologic disruptions. Many cases of sensory neuropathy have really resulted from intakes of over 600 mg/day,  many evidence programs  so it might probably derive from doses only 300-500 mg/d and that the full total visibility as time passes could be  the determinant of toxicity. There was clearly one report that the consumption that is daily of mg/day (on average) for 2.9 years are regarding some toxicity. In  the exact research that is exact same, the control group that neglected to get any neuropathy possessed a typical consumption of 116 mg/day for the average of 1.6 years, plus  some feamales  in both groups was in fact using as low as 50 mg/day, questioning the accuracy of the telephone survey technique used to determine neuropathy.
Vitamin B6 is toxic at doses that are 1000 times the RDA. Regular doses of 2 to 5 g of pyridoxine can cause difficulty in walking and feelings being tingling the feet and soles for the legs. Continued usage  of this dosage that is toxic in further unsteadiness of walking, difficulty in handling tiny things, and numbness and clumsiness associated with hands. Where vitamin B6 supplementation is stopped, information recovery begins after 2 months. Complete recovery might take spot after two to three years  of discontinuing use  for the supplement B6 supplements. One research unveiled development  of pure central-peripheral axonopathy that is distal pyridoxine abuse. Pyridoxine dose ended up being 0.2 to 5 g/d, and degree of consumption before indications was in fact inversely proportional to your consumption that is daily. Atlanta divorce attorneys clients with sufficient follow-up, enhancement observed discontinuation of pyridoxine.
Is pyridoxine safe for durable found in big portions linked to the populace, including kids? It would appear from retrospective analysis of the studies which are few pyridoxine is safe at doses of 100mg/day or less in grownups. In children, there was  maybe not data that are enough make any type  of suggestion. As  the neurologic that is major is really a peripheral neuropathy, and  the sources of this condition are wide variety, pyridoxine could  cause neuropathy just in customers with  a pre-existing susceptibility to your condition. Family histories, medicines, liquor, health status, and promotion that is toxic  home or in  the workplace may all be predisposing factors which, in conjunction  with pyridoxine, create the peripheral neuropathy that's not noticed  in other clients using  the  exact same dosages. The size of publicity that triggers neuropathy continues to become a relevant concern that is major. Exceptionally doses which are high neurologic damage in a days that are few and chronic low doses look relatively safe.
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