#oc x Lloyd Garmadon x oc
qatheauthoress74 · 1 year
A Song From The Heart
For @the-painted-siren https://www.tumblr.com/the-painted-siren An AU of an AU for the Ninjago Secret Summer OC Exchange.
The dim lights from the theater added a soft glow to the overall techno-punk atmosphere inside the venture.
A young woman with her hair tied up in a braid observed the room with a quirked smile while her partner was more focused on the other patrons.
“It sure was nice of the people at the ticket booth to give us a discount,” the blond boy clad in green said. “They must understand how crucial this mission is after I explained why we needed to come inside.”
The girl’s half-smile molded into an amused smirk. “Maybe, or they just recognized us as the Ninja that saved Ninjago for the tenth billionth time and decided to give us special treatment.” Her eyes caught sight of a merchandise stall. “Hey, you wanna go buy an overpriced t-shirt of the musician everybody’s here to see?”
“We’re here on business, Lyra.”
Lyra feigned a pout. “Oh, but we never get to do anything fun.”
Lloyd’s emerald eyes widened in alarm. “What? But last week we went out—”
“I’m kidding, Greenie.” She playfully shoved him for good measure. “I know our Ninja-ing comes first. So, where are we supposed to find this new Master of Time?”
The young man held up a round item that resembled a pocket watch but it had only one hand and was pointing in one direction no matter where he moved. At that moment, the device directed its arrow in front of the couple. “According to Master Wu’s Elemental Compass, they should be around here somewhere.”
Lyra rolled her eyes. “That’s helpful.”
“You should’ve seen how we used to find Elemental Master without a Compass,” Lloyd recalled. “It took way longer.”
“So, which way is it pointing to now?”
“It just keeps pointing to the stage.” He looked up but saw nothing. Not even any stagehands setting up for the concert. “But I don’t understand why—”
Lloyd didn’t get to finish as he was cut off by an announcer.
“Ladies, gentlemen, and people of non-specific genders, it’s time for the show. Give it up for Calem Kahale!”
Suddenly the stage lit up with bright colors of red and gold. Beneath a trap door, an elevator pushed upwards, revealing a young man dressed like a punk biker holding a guitar in his hands.
When the young man smiled Lloyd felt his heart rate go up in a way that only happened when he was around Lyra. “Oh.”
“Oh?” Lyra ceased looking at the stage to stare inquiringly at Lloyd. “Do you think that’s him?”
Lloyd wordlessly nodded, mesmerized by the song the performer played.
Lyra turned to look back at the singer as a smile began to play on her lips. She wondered where this was going and how much fun she could have.
 Calem remembered he need to look at the audience while he played and chose to settle his gaze on one spot in the crowd of people. He let out a small gasp after his eyes met the greenest orbs he ever saw. The rest of the face that the eyes belonged to were quite the sight to behold as well. Without thinking Calem found himself drawn to the young man standing in the pit in front of the stage. He stepped forward, not really thinking straight (haha), and accidentally took one foot over the ledge.
Oh, that was stupid, was a thought that went through Calem’s head along with the regret he didn’t get the chance to ask for the cute guy’s phone number before he began to fall.
 Lloyd and Lyra wasted no time in quickly moving around the shocked crowd when Calem tripped over the stage’s edge. Both Ninja was experienced enough to know with how short the platform was to the ground they wouldn’t reach the musician in time and save him from the fall. Still, it was in their nature to help when they could, and were in for a surprise when they saw something out of the ordinary. 
“He’s slowing down,” Lyra observed, watching Calem’s body moving at a snail’s pace with each passing second. He was now less than a foot away from the ground and by the girl’s estimate, he might reach it in two minutes.
“That’s our man—I mean, Ninja—uh—” Lloyd stammered after catching himself making that entendre.
“I know what you mean, Lloyd.” Lyra playfully rolled her eyes.
Instead of rushing towards Calem the couple instead simply walked up to his semi-floating body and took a hold of his arms. The moment they did so the young man’s elemental powers deactivated, and time moved normally around him once again.
“Hey,” Calem said breathlessly to the people who “saved” him.
“Hey.” Lloyd shot back.
“Sup,” Lyra chimed in. “You okay there, bud? Not in any pain, are you?”
“Yep, uh-huh.” I just got saved by two good-looking people, that’s all. “No, I mean I’m fine. Thank you.”
“After you finish the rest of your show, we’d like to talk with you backstage if that’s not too much to ask.” Lloyd was quick to notice the large group of onlookers staring in awe at them.
“Please, um, by all means. My manager will let you in.”
 Calem almost spat out his water after hearing the full story. “Wait, you two are part of the Ninja team?”
Lloyd exchanged stares with Lyra before looking back at the musician. “Yes, just like I said we want to offer a proposition. What else would we mean?” he asked, referring to the rest of the conversation that had since visiting Calem in his dressing room. Alone. With no one else to bother them.
Lyra, however instantly got the connotation of what Calem interpreted after seeing him blush at the previous mention of the word proposition. She laughed out loud before speaking to her visibly confused boyfriend. “Oh, Lloyd, you sweet summer child. You truly are a Goofus in the best way.”
“What else would you…” Lloyd trailed off for a moment once the realization kicked in. “Oh, you meant—seriously?!”
“Oh, FSM!” Lyra laughed so hard she thought she was going to pee.
Calem blushed harder than Lloyd currently was. “I’m sorry! I just—I’m not used to two attractive people who saved me from a severe head injury suddenly taking an interest in me. Did I just say two attractive people out loud?” Man, Calem must be suffering from a head injury worse than he thought.
Lyra thankfully managed to calm down after wiping away a tear from her eyes and evaluated Calem. “Wow, your personality doesn’t match your look at all.”
“It’s my stage persona. It’s supposed to make me look cool and mysterious.” Yes, he was very cool and mysterious looking from how he was bringing his knees close to his chest and had cheeks redder than an apple.
“Which I guess you’re neither of those things IRL.”
“Lyra.” Lloyd frowned in disproval.
“What I still think he’s adorably dorky in a hot kinda way?” Her casual response did nothing to prevent Calem from flushing into a deeper shade of crimson. “And it seems like you are too, Mister Beet Red.”
The Green Ninja grumbled at her but was unable to hide his reddened face.
“Anyway, before any further misconceptions are made, I’ll cut to the chase and ask if you’d like to train alongside us.”
Calem appeared torn by the suggestion. “Oh, uh….”
Lloyd, not wanting the young man to reject their offer then made a compromise. “But you can still perform as a musician when you aren’t busy training or helping us fight.”
Lyra nodded but added warily, “Fair warning though, it’s been about a month since the last time we fought the latest bad guy bent on taking over the world or destroying it. So, we’re probably due for the next one to show up pretty soon.”
“But you won’t be fighting anyone just yet until you’ve finished your training,” Lloyd hastily included.
 Calem chewed his lower lip, still hesitant to answer. “Can I have some time to think it over?”
“I mean, you’re the new Master of Time so you have all the time in the world. Right?” Lyra winked at him after making the lame pun, causing him to turn red again.
“Yes, you can. But you can keep in touch with us,” Lloyd extended his hand for Calem to shake. The other boy accepted it with no problem.
Lyra smiled, wryly. “Meaning Lloyd here totally would like to date you.”
“Lyra!” Lloyd was aghast at his girlfriend’s comment.
Her grin turned into a full-on smirk and asked, “Is that not what I’m reading here?”
“I mean—I do think he’s cute but—ugh!” Lloyd threw a hand over his face.
“You think I’m cute?” Calem’s tone sounded hopeful.
 “‘Course we do,” Lyra answered with a genuine beam. “You wouldn’t happen to be busy later, are you?”
Calem bashfully shook his head no.
Lloyd, deciding to just roll with Lyra’s obvious matchmaking, then made another proposal to Calem, but a much more personal one this time. No, not that kind of proposal. “If you are not put off by my partner’s teasing, we would like to spend more time with you.”
“And just to be clear this isn’t a ploy to join our team. Unless you think I’m talking about a different team.” She added a wink for good measure.
“I think you’re going to confuse him,” Lloyd deadpanned.
“Oh, no I got it.” Calem nodded. “Yes, I would like to spend more time with you if that’s okay with you.”
Lyra shrugged. “I’m Poly and Lloyd’s Bi so I think we can work this out.”
So I borrowed the Elemental Compass idea from Ren [https://www.tumblr.com/the-ninja-legacy-whip]. It’s a literal plot device and I love it. XD
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justtwotired · 11 months
Secret kisses - Cole x Gn!Reader one-shot
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Summary: Cole and reader have been in a relationship for quite a while now, but have told no one yet. Last night, reader snuck to his room so they could cuddle and the next morning the wake with a small make out session, they didn’t rely on getting caught.
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Your legs where wrapped around Cole’s torso, back pressed agains the wall.
Your lips where attached and Cole’s hands rested on your waist while yours where tangled in his hair.
The two of you pulled apart for a moment to catch your breath. “You’re so beautiful.” He whispered making you giggle.
You whispered sweet nothings to each other before attaching your lips again.
There was sudden banging on the door. “Cole! Hurry up you’re late for training.” Jay’s voice sounded on the others side.
Cole quickly pulled away and looked at the door as it was about to open.
“Aah- don’t come in I’m changing!” He yelled and the door slammed shut. You couldn’t help but giggle and Cole quickly put a hand against your mouth.
“What was that!?” Jay questioned from the other side of the door. “Uh nothing!” Cole called back nervously as his partner giggled against his hand.
“Move Jay!” Kai’s voice sounded and you could hear someone being shoved away and then the door flew open.
“Cole, Sensei is becoming-” he stopped talking at the sight in front of him and quickly looked away. “I’ll tell him that you’re busy.” His face was red as he closed the door, while a horrified Jay laid on the ground.
You and Cole both shared wide eyed looks as they probably misinterpreted the situation, as both of you had not woken up long ago, and Cole did not sleep with a shirt on.
“Okay… that was.. uh, interesting.” Cole said awkwardly.
You then heard another voice on the other side of the door. “Has any of you seen Y/n?” It was Nya.
“Their uh, yeah…” they heard Jay awkwardly chuckle. “Their busy.” Kai answered for him.
You snorted and rested your forehead against Cole’s shoulder as he couldn’t help but laugh aswel.
“I think I need to get to training.” He said, pulling you away from the wall and setting you in your feet again.
“I think that’s for the best.” You laughed before kissing his cheek and walking out of the room to see everyone but sensei in the hall.
Nya had a smirk on her face, Kai and Jay looked traumatised, while Zane and Lloyd where just confused.
“Why is everyone here? And what happened to Jay and Kai?” Zane asked confused and you just pursed your lips.
Lloyd quickly caught on when Cole left the room moments later and his eyes widened.
“Oh come on! Why is everyone here?” He threw his hands in the air.
“If you don’t mind,” Nya said and snatched your arm. “We’re gonna have a quick talk.” She walked off and you complained.
“Oh come on! It wasn’t like that!” You insisted.
When they had left all eyes where on Cole and he rolled his eyes. “I’m going to train.” He muttered before walking off. He was followed by the others who where all calling after him to interrogate him.
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Request box is still open<3
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aliendxde · 4 months
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i’m an artist sometimes, i think
have some lloyd headcanons
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kassiedoodles-xo · 9 months
I still think to this day the most borderline insane thing I've ever done in secondary school (translation: highschool) was write a forbidden romance, mafia Lloyd Garmadon x reader fanfiction FOR A MOCK EXAM, without my teacher ever realising.
Picture this, year 11 (sophomore year), final GCSE year and im sat in my English classroom as my teacher hands out the first ever practice paper.
Note: we did multiple practice papers. This was just the begining of a LONGGGG saga.
After I finish all of the initial questions, I turn to the final page and OH? OH GOODNESS! I see a picture promt which perfectly aligned with my vision.
My little 15 year old brain started working on overdrive, my hand was writing, I could swear I was sweating. The pressure was INTENSE. I was fighting time. I was fighting the hand cramp. I was fighting my friends judgemental look from beside me. I was on a mf mission to finish.
I was writing like I was God. I swear in that moment I BECAME God.
And then the timer stopped.
I finished.
This masterpiece of a one-shot laid before me like a holy scripture.
The teacher took back our exams and I thought nothing of it, that is until the next week when we got the marked papers back.
And what do I see on the front?
A MOTHER FUCKING GRADE 9 (translation: A+)
I would like to add that for those who have never done a GCSE English Language paper, the creative writing question is worth 40 marks alone.
My hands shook as I flipped the pages, disregarding the previous questions, I only cared about my precious Lloyd Garmadon x reader fanfic.
Scribbled in pink pen it wrote "WOW!" "INTERESTING" "please write a full story"
My body was filled with so much happiness I was popping rocking and jiarating. I was slowly vibrating away from reality.
As someone who loved English, but who is dyslexic, has a short attention span AND doesn't have english as their first language i needed to keep myself motivated when answering the last question.
Fear filled my body as I realised the teacher might use my paper as an example for the class. I cowered.
The class never got to know my true genius.
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neteyammeowmeow · 1 year
sorry for my absency… have this scribble of bloydfam
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and my good friend @aurorababe999 ‘s drawing includinh a special guest ^_^
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cherri-dash · 2 months
Lloyd: *Child soldier, prophecy center, perfect ninja, mommy and daddy issues, toxic love life, protects the city for the city*
Me: get rid of the last three-
My Lloyd: Abandoned by his team, child soldier, prophecy center, anger issues, done with the world, cute love life, only keeps protecting the city because of his wife
Me: perfect 👍🏼
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Knock knock ! who's there ? AUTISM.
hi uhm. hi hi Zane and Data and their fuckingn brothers and other shit i came up with (IGNORE THE OLD INVENTOR MAN YAOI!!!!!!!!!)
also theres a ninjago mcdonalds au in here. no i wont explain. just click the photos to see everything better and also the video that noodle doodle is based on is under the cut
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kirstsshake · 10 days
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Pequeño Fanart de Padre e Hijo entrenando por la tarde ‼️✨
Ficha de Liam:
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En otro dibujito subiré info de mi Oc ✨
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teapopp · 10 months
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hes telling lloyd to shave 👍
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yellow-rose-lady · 7 months
Here’s the absent mom turned fav (only) grandma! Misako✨ (full sheet under crop)
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moxielynx · 6 months
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Sticker ideas
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partycsincsill · 4 days
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Lloyd birthday sketch featuring my child (oc) Yuna cuz I can and because I haven't drawn her in a while
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justtwotired · 11 months
Small blurb of GN!reader cleaning Lloyds wounds after a fight.
Lloyd had left for a mission about six hours ago and I was nervously tapping my fingers against the table.
We had not been able to contact him after his communication devise broke leaving us to hear nothing but static noises.
Everyone reassured me he’d be fine, it’s Lloyd and it’s a small mission, though I am still worried and up. I think it about one in the morning.
Sensei said that if he wasn’t back by five in the morning we’d go look for him.
Suddenly the door opened and Lloyd stumbled in, turning on the light. “Y/n?” I looked at him owlishly while he frowned.
“Why are you up?” He asked. “I was worried, your com broke, I was waiting for you.” I said and he gave me a small smile.
“That’s sweet, doll, but you should really sleep.” I wanted to agree with him, but then noticed the blood stains on his gi.
“Lloyd- you’re hurt!” I got up and rushed over, examining the deep gash on his arm and waist and then the burn mark on his shoulder.
“I’m fine-” he started but I glared at him. “No you’re not, come.” He grabbed his arm and dragged him to the kitchen, taking out the healing kit.
“Love, I’m fine, really, go to sleep.” He said but I glared at him. “Lloyd, don’t even start, you’re clearly hurt, don’t try to act as if you’re fine.” I scolded.
“Take that off.” I commanded as I pointed to the top of his Gi while putting some bandages on the counter.
“If you wanted to see me undressed you could’ve just said so”
“Alright, alright, fine.” He chuckled before taking off the upper part of his Gi.
I took an ice-pack from the fridge, put it in a tea towel and pressed it against his shoulder.
“Hold.” I said and he listened and put up his good arm to hold it in place.
I then started to disinfect his wounds, making him hiss in pain. “Thought you said you where fine.” I mocked making him roll his eyes.
After disinfecting and cleaning the wound, I wrapped it with bandages, making him complain it was to tight.
“Lloyd, quit complaining I’m helping you here.” I said after finishing with his arm. “You’re going to cut of my blood circulation.” He said making me huff out a small laugh.
I then started to wrap the bandages around his waist while trying not to blush, making him give me a cocky grin.
When I was done, I took the ice pack back from him. “Do you want another one?” I asked and he shook his head. “I promise I am fine.” He said and I sighed before kissing his good shoulder from behind and wrapping my arms around his waist, careful not to hurt him.
“Tired?” He asked and I nodded softly, making him let out a low chuckle. “Let’s get you to bed.”
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kynophobi4 · 23 days
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This time its not shipart 🤯 its lore art for Ajatar!!
Short explanation:
When Ajatar met Lloyd on a mission, he saved her and they became great friends. Ajatar lives alone in a place where she barely even meets other people, as she hates seprentines and doesnt feel good enough go be with people. Lloyd asks her to move to ninjago city/ live with them to help her find friends and live with humans. She refuses knowing she will scare children and disgust adults, although shes very greatful of Lloyd caring for her
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skierisa · 5 days
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I usually make bigger pieces for birthdays, even for characters, but I forgot that september 22nd was coming :D
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aminempalvanka · 2 months
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Go Ninjago collab!)
Lloyd x oc, or other character. (You can draw Harumi or Akita, or whoever you want.)
I decided to draw it as an example.
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Yes, it’s female Kai. I love her 🥰❤️‍🔥💖
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