#oc: ana welles
antivan-dragon · 7 months
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This is my latest shot and it will probably be the cover of my fanfic
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skunkes · 3 months
feel like im so so so close to unlocking a higher level of thinking about art google search how to induce brain blast
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paintingpuff · 1 year
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The cost of power
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safyresky · 5 months
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Scrimbly Jacqueline 18/52: this is how Dite meets Elle. Canonically.
INTO THE SHADOWS SPOILERS: Cupid gets Legend-napped and Dite is the big sad about it and sees Jacqueline first when she goes to report it and this happens. That's her emotional support sprite, sirs!!
Elle is with Jacquie as this is ALSO when Jacquie is introducing the other Legates to Elle and when this happens, I imagine it goes like this (since the TEXT GOT CUT OFF):
Dite, sobbing, looking at Elle: who's this?? :( Jacquie: Oh! Right! Dite, Elle. Elle, Dite. Dite: IT'S A PLEASURE TO MEET YOU ELLE (SOBS HARDER) Elle, muffled: Likewise! Sorry about your Dad!
This is around Chapter 11 territory? Jacqueline shadows Dite all day and I can't decide if it ends with Jacqueline getting Dite safely to her mom's place (underworld), or Dite having a sleepover with the besties themselves, lol.
Elle is @shittyelfwriter's blorbo!!! Sorry her hair is so LIGHT I only have 2 browns and they are somehow nearly EXACTLY THE SAME COLOUR
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ultramarine-spirit · 1 year
Lol I saw so many people crying over Anastacius having no countdown pic, but he doesn’t even appear in the novel, why would he have one
If anything, it would be wrong for them to do that, because it would create the image that Anastasius appears in the novel. False advertisement! Why would the novel's release campaign include the manhwa's OC?
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shadowglens · 2 years
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mother & daughter (x)
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arolesbianism · 1 year
I need to find new eternal gales songs right now I cannot keep living with most of the playlist being shit I listened to in 2018
#rat rambles#oc posting#eternal gales#I cant in good conscience remove most of them tho cause they've been in the eg playlist scene for too long 😔#<- referring mostly to call them brothers by regina spektor and silence by mike posner#like one of those was the main inspiration for one of my favorite scenes in the whole story#and was also if Im remembering correctly one of the big inspirations for alpha back in the day#well alpha and beats relationship more specifically but thats how alpha started exists so yknow#the other is an au snek song that manages to still fit well enough despite her backstory being completely reworked over the years#the snake siblings real og song was oh ana by mother mother and its another one thats still on the playlist albiet for owl nowadays#it was technically an au snek song back in the day but it was also what inspired the threes design in the first place#I had the image of a snake girl with two snakes on her shoulders all speaking in unison#which evolved into original au snek and I made all three of them proper characters for the main version of them#in au snek's original concept she had illusion based powers and used them to create fake versions of her brothers after they died#but that got scrapped during the reboot as I had long since grown to kinda hate the concept at that point#in fact the only one of the au antags that were mostly left untouched is owl I think#pretty much the only thing that rly changed was the nature of the being that took over her body#even au bloom who is still mostly the same personality and motivation wise had a completely different origin story and design#she was originally like an amalgamation of a bunch of different blooms along side some god like being? it was weird#now tho they're just some guy#au fydd also hasnt changed too much but I did age him up and he also was effected by the heavy changes made to base fydd over time#aka making him a bird boy#but yeah rip to au aris girlie has been stuck in brainstorming hell for the past 5 years#I think I have her pretty set in stone now but I thought that last time too so who knows gmfjfndg
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shadow0214 · 2 months
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I've been reading some fanfics with Noa and I love them, so I thought I'd give it a go. It's my first time writing so...don't judge me to hard.
Noa × human OC
Always the same thing around the 'bunker', no one told you the things that were happening, you hated that. You felt like they still treated you like a little child even though you were in your twenties already.
"Yes, didn't you know? We're going on an excursion." Samantha said to me while I was drying the dishes after dinner.
"Of course, I didn't, nobody tells me anything around here. It's annoying" You muttered
You were the best tracker they had, you loved being outside, learning the ways of nature, and still nobody ever took you into account when expeditions like this happened.
"Hey, that's enough Sam." A voice said entering the kitchen. "Don't listen to her, she's just trying to get on your nerves"
You looked back and smiled at the comment. Lila always knew how to calm things down.
"Why don't you speak with Anna? Maybe she'll let you go this time." Lila said
"Yes, like every other time I asked her" You scoffed and shook your head.
"C'mon, I'll go with you." Lila pushed
"I don't even own a horse yet." You said
"Well...that's your own fault, Envy could've been yours, you just gave her away to Kiara". Lila reminded you.
Kiara, the daughter of a couple that was part of the council, the leaders of your group. She was like a little sister to you ever since you met her. You had no family, your dad died on an expedition, most say apes killed him, and your mother died soon after she gave birth to you. Medicine was scarce and trying to make it from scratch was hard, not impossible since you had a lab in the facility but still, sometimes the main components were just to available.
Most expeditions could last for months, trying to find more humans, more medicine, or even mark places where apes had their homes so no one would go near. You had the firearms, but not the manpower to fight them alone.
You never understood the hate your kind had towards the apes, yes, they were now more and had claimed a lot of the land humans once ruled, but they had also healed the land. No humans meant trees and animals were free to repossess what was once theirs, and apes were not using human machines that harm the earth, so everything had regained its balance in a way. Since you were little, you went out of the bunker with a horse, you learned how to fish, how to hunt, how to track and look for things outside, you never understood why you felt more connected to nature than to your own people. 'They never understood' you'd think. ‘They will never see the world as I see it'.
Anyway, all of that wasn't going to change, so you had to take what was given to you and make the most out of it. Lila and you went to Ana, she was distracted with the preparations for the expedition. This time, from what Lila had told you, they were going to look for more survivors and other bunkers to see if those had more medicine.
"Ana, mind if we talk to you for a moment?" Lila asked
"What? Yeah, sure. What's up?" Ana said absent-mindedly while she tripled checked the supplies. It looked like they were going for some months at least.
Lila looked at you and pushed you softly, and nodded at you when you looked back. You took a deep breath and spoke.
"So...Ana, I heard about the expedition and I wanted to know why you hadn’t called for me? You know I'm one of the best people to take in things like that. I can survive pretty well on my own while I'm outside."
Ana sighed and stopped what she was doing.
"Y/N, you know the reason, I need you here, protecting everyone else" She said while putting her hands on your shoulders
"No one ever comes close to this place since we put the electric fence around! Let me go!"
"Y/N" Lila spat at me. "Careful with your words!"
I just stared at her with anger.
"You have absolutely no good reason to not let me go. Please, I can really help if something goes wrong!"
Ana didn't have a comeback for that, she knew what you were saying was right, she knew how helpfull you could be, and still the promise she had made to your mother drilled into her head could not allow you to go with them. You were already in your twenties, now there was no good excuse to tell you to stay and Ana knew this. She sighed again and with a very sad tone agreed to your request. You were going with them, and that was that.
-The next morning-
Ana and Aaron, parents of Kiara, were the ones in charge of this expedition. Samantha, Lila, Carlos, Seth (Samantha's uncle), and you were the rest of the group.
You went to get your stuff ready on Envy, the mare that was meant to be yours, but for some reason you had decided to give her to Kiara, still, she thought of Envy as a shared horse more than her own. Kiar knew how much you loved her, and she didn't mind giving her to you in times like this.
"Take care of each other, ride safely." Kiara said with a smile on her face while petting the side of the mare.
"We will, sis, we'll be back before you know it. Anything special you want me to look for?"
Kiara shook her head. " I just need you to come back to me, that's it."
"Aaww dear, of course I will." You said hugging little Kiara.
You loved her, she was the only one that understood you and never judged you. One day you were going to take her exploring with you, so you could show her everything you loved.
Two weeks passed. Everyone was a little on edge since the news of contact had gotten to you. Apparently, a week ago the satellites started working again and your walkie-talkies that you carried mostly just to feel like you were connected somehow started working again. The people on the bunker told Ana and Aaron that a girl, similar age to you and Lila, had found the missing piece to get satellite connection back on. We knew about the bunker on the east but we had little contact with them and the nomads that were looking for ways to communicate with each other had been murder by a big group of apes, but apparently one of the girls of the nomad group had survived and, with the help of some apes, was able to get to where the main computers where locked and retrieve de disc.
This news had everyone in our group freaked out, it had been a long time since we had been able to communicate over long distances. Some were happy about it, they were thinking that this way we were going to able to rebuilt what was ours, but others were weary of what other humans wanted. 'Humans are selfish and will do anything to get power' Others thought.
Our group tried to maintain calm during all this, we still had to find supplies and medicine that was not going to arrive even if we had connection with other humans. More people meant more food, more space needed and more medicine that we did not have to spare.
At night everyone was silently eating what you had hunted for the day. You were pretty good at using different weapons, but your favorite was the bow and arrow, you almost never missed unless you wanted to. The others had guns, and some knives with them, but most of them knew that using guns out hear meant that everything in a 1km radius or more could hear and pinpoint our location.
"We could've been eating earlier if we had used my gun, I never miss" Samantha spoke showing a cocky grin to you.
You just rolled your eyes at her.
"If we had done your way, every single ape around here would've come looking for us." Seth said calmingly.
Samantha hated it when he agreed with your methods, and you knew it; in a way, it made you proud when he did. He would always be om Samantha's side and agree with her, he never liked agreeing with you, but sometimes he just had to.
"You should be thanking Y/N for her quick thinking. Otherwise, we would've had to eat the dried-up food we brought, and I don't think anybody wanted more of that" Ana said laughing at the end. The rest of the group followed making faces of disgust and laughing at the comment of our leader.
"How long until we get to the big buildings?" Lila asked when everyone had calmed down
"Sadly, I think we'll have to go back. Ana and I have been thinking about it and it's better to be with everyone else at the moment." Aaron answered
"Uncertain times call for unity." Ana added
Seth nodded and kept eating.
You were thinking. The group needed medicine, and other things...maybe a tiny group could keep pushing forward while the adults went back.
"And what if some of us stayed? You said it yourself Aaron, we are a week away from the buildings and we need everything we can find over there. A small group will not be noticed as easily as all of us" you said.
You had a point, and they knew it. After some discussion, the leaders agreed, Lila and you could keep going, the rest was to go back with them. Samantha was going to disagree, but she knew better than to stay with you two. Lila and you were inseparable, and Samantha would only be outnumbered in any decision you made.
The next morning everyone gave you half of their rations for food since you two were going to need them more than them, and then they set off for the bunker.
Lila and you waved at them, and then kept going.
For some time, it was quiet between you two, but Lila was not going to let that be.
"Sooo, wanna race?" Lila said with a sparkle in her eyes.
You knew what that meant. The idea was in her mind, now you could only accept the challenge.
"I mean...It's kind of unfair. Char is not meant for sprinting" you said with a grin.
"And Envy is?" Lila replied
"Oh, I know she's faster that Char." You said, knowing full well that she was fast in short distances and Lila was thinking more of a long-distance race.
"Well, then start! See you at the end!" Lila said kicking softly the side of her mare that sprinted away.
"Hey no fair!" You yelled doing the same with Envy.
You passed trees and creeks so fast you felt like you were going to fall off the horse. Impressively you were just behind Lila and Char, who was galloping with all her might.
You were so enthralled by how fast Char was going that you barely missed a branch that could've hit you down.
Eventually Lila made Char stop. You kept going, but Lila screamed at you to stop.
"What? I thought we were going to end?" You said out of breath riding back to where they were.
"Look up" She said, almost like a whisper.
You did and saw tall buildings in front of you all covered in vines and trees. The trees had broken some of the sediments of the building but were also holding them up. Most of them were broken, and some had collapsed, probably by the sheer size of them.
"Wow, they are amazing" Lila said.
There were rows of them, all conquered back by nature itself. It was beautiful to see how two completely opposite things could come together to create art. All green and grey together forming structures that you had never seen before.
You were both still gawking at the immensity of the buildings when you heard a noise up in the sky. Eagles, huge and magnificent eagles. You had seen some flying around on your own little excursions, but now they were closer than ever.
"Should we follow them?" Lila whispered, this was unknown territory to her, this was more your area of interest.
"Mmm maybe for a while just to see where they take us." You said firmly. " We can also walk and get in some of these buildings to see if we find something" You added.
Lila nodded and dismounted Char, you followed suit. Both of you took the reins of each mare and pulled gently so they kept up with the pace you set.
Three days you walked and searched for supplies with no luck. You tried entering every building you could, but some of them where to destroy to even walk on the floor. Others had entrances that were too high for either of you to climb, and if you did climb the hard part later was going down.
"Thank goodness you came prepared, Y/N." Lila said, struggling while climbing down a rope.
"Don't mention it, just keep going we're almost at the bottom" You said short of breath. You were no stranger to climbing but doing it almost every day for 3 days was taking its toll on you.
Lila let go of the rope and landed on the ground huffing.
"We can't keep doing this, Y/N. It's too tiring. We aren't apes to be climbing around without a care in the world!"
"I know I know, but we've found some good stuff nonetheless" You said as you stretched out after jumping off the rope, you went back and pulled the rope 2 times so it could fall off the makeshift hook you had made to tie it up.
"Some expired painkillers and a bunch of gardening tools is NOT good stuff!"
Lila sighed, even though you’d a nice time sharing this little adventure together you were starting to feel hopeless. Maybe it was time to go back, maybe the others had gotten supplies from the other camp, and you were doing nothing out here but waste time.
"Lila…you can go you know?" You said softly cleaning some arrows that you had used to hunt rabbits earlier.
"What? And leave you here?? Are you insane?!"
"No… I just feel like my time here is not over yet. Yours though…"
"Nu uh, I'm not leaving you alone, we don't even know where exactly we are."
"It's my decision Lila"
"Bullshit! I know you love nature and such, but everyone is waiting for us!"
"Everyone?" You said lowering your head.
Lila didn't answer, she knew that most of the people treated you like an outsider. No one ever told her why, the only reason she could think of wad that you had no family left alive, but that was a cruel way of treating your own kind.
"Fine, I'll take what we found back. What do you expect me to say to the rest when you don't arrive with me huh?" Lila asked
"You tell them half the truth, that I simply didn't want to come back"
"That's the 'half-truth' to you?"
"Ok ok," you said rolling your eyes. " Tell them you begged me to go back, and I said I would keep looking for stuff for a couple more days, then you never met again with me"
"Mmm, alright. So, you got killed?"
"What?! No! Idiot" You said pushing her playfully. Lila just chuckled.
"I'm gonna miss you (Y/nickname)." Lila sniffled while hugging you.
You hugged her back with some tears in your eyes.
"I'll be back before you know it, I promise"
Lila waved goodbye to you while riding Char out of the jungle of buildings, you waved back until you couldn't see her anymore.
After that you kept searching for anything really for a couple of days, until one day the promises you had made to Lila and Kiara were going to be broken.
One day while you were scavenging around in a building you heard noises, noises you hadn't heard before. You took Envy and hid her next to some bushes at the side of a building and tried to keep her relaxed.
As the noise came closer it became clearer: apes.
You never really had contact with them since you were always cradled inside the bunker. The only experience you had was the stories people would tell you, but once you started growing up you stopped believing everything the adults told you.
You were a little apprehensive about the situation at hand but as long as Envy obeyed you, you were sure the apes would pass as quickly as they came.
"You only try to show off when climbing, the other things you just avoid!" A female voice said
"Not true! Anaya never avoids challenges, right Noa?" A male voiced reply
'Anaya and Noa' you made a mental note of the names, not sure why. You heard them walking away so you went out of your hiding place little by little, looking around you just in case you needed to hide from them.
From where you were you could see 3 apes; one had an armband different than the other two. You felt bad spying on them, but your curiosity got the best of you. You kept listening in the conversation, but you also noticed they would sign sometimes and that got lost in translation. The only signs you knew were tactical warfare signs that Aaron had thaught you when you were learning about weapons with Lila and Samantha.
"Soona is right, Anaya always showing off then running away when something goes wrong" The third one spoke, another male. After that the three started making a noise that you could only compare to laugh.
"I'll show you, climb to top to see sunset. First one wins!" The other male said running in all fours and starting to climb the building in front of you with ease.
"Anaya wait!" The female voice shouted but followed right behind him.
The other male chuckled and followed his friends up the building.
You were mesmerized by how athletic and big they were, but something inside you also wanted to follow them so you could see at least one sunset. The past days you've had missed all of them because of the tall canopy, but not today. The renewed strength gave you confidence that you could climb to the top of the building you were hiding behind.
You took your trusty rope and, your bow and some arrows just in case they attacked you and started climbing up. The building that you had chosen was in pretty good state, it still had most of its stairs and you didn't have to jump too far from one part of some broken stairs to another, which would also be handy when climbing down.
About 3 floors from getting to the top, you encountered the biggest problem: no more stairs. They were all broken or looked very unstable, your best option to climb up was the outside of the building. The design made it look like a stair, and if you went a little bit over the edge that was keeping you from falling you could see a metal hook thingy in which you could tie a rope to climb down.
First you made a knot at the end of the rope with just enough space to insert it in the hook, after that you threw that end of the rope with just enough strength to get it to where you needed it. It took you 3 attempts, but eventually you made it and started climbing the rope. Your hands were already tired from days before, but the view would make it all worth it.
Eventually when you were halfway through something made a weird noise. At first you didn't pay much attention to it but then y sounded again and this time you felt the rope moving. The hook couldn't withstand your weight anymore, and you could feel it just pulling down.
You tried to keep taking deep breaths but that was not working, they were faster than before.
You looked up and saw the rope sliding off the hook even farther than before, that was when you started panicking. Your breathing wasn't steady anymore and now you were seconds away from falling from the almost top of the building.
A piece of the building where the hook was gave up and you let go of the rope for milliseconds and eventually grabbed the rope but it burned because of the friction, and you screamed in pain.
Noa and his friends, who were happily watching the sunset, looked at each other when you screamed. The three of them looked around for the thing that had made such a horrible sound but couldn't see anything.
You tried climbing up again, but now your hands were bloody from the fall, and you were slipping from the rope. You were in agony.
"Please, not like this, I can't die like this" You said to yourself trying to reassure yourself that you were not going to die.
That's when Noa heard you and looked over the building, he signaled his friends to jump to the other building.
"She will die if we don't help," Soona said with worry.
" What do we do?" Anaya asked Noa.
Noa went to were the rope was tied.
"Please don't kill me!" You shouted, looking up seeing one of the apes.
Noa frowned his face but kept trying to pull you up.
You understood then he was trying to help, but you knew the extra weight on the now unstable floor was not going to help.
"No, let go! You'll make it worse!" You tried to explain with tears rolling down your face. You couldn't stand the pain anymore.
Eventually the rope itself started tearing up, you were about 15 meters from the ground, you knew it was unlikely to survive that fall, your only hope was now with the 3 apes that were trying to help.
You saw the male ape trying, again, to pull you up, but it was useless with the rope tearing, and that's when it happened.
The rope tore apart, and you started to fall, your only hope for surviving was the trees below you would cushion your fall enough for you not to die. The only thing you were able to come up with was using your left arm to cover your neck as best you could.
Silence. Silence followed after your fall. Anaya was the first one to get to you and he poked you with a stick.
Soona quickly took the stick from him and went to check if you were still alive. She saw that you were still breathing thankfully. But your left forearm was completely broken.
"What happens now?" Soona asked Noa.
Noa was not sure what to do, his instincts told him to leave you there to die, after all, you were Echo. You would only mean problems to the clan, but there was another part of him that felt responsible for you and wanted to help you out.
"We take her home, help her wounds. After that, she has to leave." Noa said to Soona.
Soona nodded and took your frail body, and the three friends started their journey back home, back to Eagle Clan.
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offside-the-lines · 5 months
Right Where We Left Off | Nico Hischier
Summary: It’s September in NYC and Ana finds herself unexpectedly face-to-face with her ex-boyfriend, Nico. They finally have the conversation they should’ve had seven years ago. But, where does that lead them and what does this mean for her future— their future? After all, who are they to question fate?
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This fic is dedicated to @fallinallincurls for her birthday bingo. Happy birthday, Bre! I am always so grateful for the incredible comments you leave on fics. Pairing: Nico Hischier x F!OC Word count: 2.5 k No warnings (as far as I know). Bingo card tropes: Second chance romance, invisible string theory, they’re both idiots; it's always been you. Masterlist
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Ana’s exhausted. After ten days of straight work and travel, she just wants to sleep and hide in her expensive hotel room. It’s a gorgeous day in New York City, not sweltering and muggy as it often feels in the summer, and she doesn’t want to waste the opportunity to actually explore the city she has visited many times but never enjoyed.
She turns her face up to the sun and closes her eyes. The sounds of the city carry on around her, and it’s strangely calming— it probably should be unnerving. Besides, she has to make a decision soon about whether she is going to move here, the offer letter taunting her from her email inbox. 
Her mind wanders across the Hudson for a brief second before she catches herself, eyes flying open. She takes a sip of her mocha, savoring the drink that she hopes will bring her some energy. 
It isn’t often that she has a chance to take a day off. Well, no, that’s a lie. She could take any day off if she wanted to. After all, she works for herself. But she usually never lets herself, always working through weekends in an effort to get ahead— of what, she’s not quite sure. 
She has always been a workaholic: working two jobs in college, graduating a year early, and starting and selling her own company before the age of 25. She tells herself that her hard work has given her the happiness she has now. She now has the freedom she always wanted— independence.
Ana’s mother always points out that she’s rushing through life because she doesn’t have an anchor. She always goes on about how the stress and inability to relax is going to take her to an early grave. Ana always sees it for what it is: an unwelcome probe into her dating life. 
She’s doing quite fine on her own, thank you very much— that’s what she always retorted anyway. She can't tell her that the only stress relief she needs is the occasional hookups from the fancy bars she goes to— a series of tall men with brown hair, warm eyes, and a good smile.
Before her mind even has a chance to ruminate on that again, a little boy bumps into her leg— causing her to spill her coffee a little— and runs to hide behind the chair opposite from her.
“You won’t tell him where I am, right?” he whispers. He startles her, and it takes her a few seconds to realize he’s probably playing hide-and-seek. It takes her even longer to realize this child is speaking in her native tongue. He peers up at her with pleading eyes. 
“Of course, sweetie,” she replies, pushing past her confusion. He has big brown eyes and the cutest dimples— it makes her heart ache. She presumes the little boy is hiding from his father and scans the cafe for him. Having not seen anyone looking for a child, she turns back to her coffee and continues to drink it, observing the little boy. “I’m Ana. What’s your name?”
“I’m Jan. I can’t talk right now because I’m hiding, see?” he whispers.
Ana can’t help but let out a chuckle at the earnestness in the kid’s eyes. “Okay then.”
She’s just about to take another sip of her coffee when she hears a gentle voice behind her. “Jan, where did you go?” There’s a pause, “Oh! There you are!” The boy giggles and moves to hide under the table.
Her smile freezes— her whole body freezes. The hairs on the back of her neck prickle, and she feels her cheeks grow warm. It might’ve been seven years, but she’d recognize that voice anywhere— Nico. She doesn’t turn around, praying Jan will just run to his daddy and leave.
She is not that lucky. Footsteps approach her chair, his voice getting closer and closer to her as he says, “Oh my god. Come on, Jan. Get out of there!” 
She closes her eyes and holds her breath.
“I’m so sorry if Jan’s been bothering you, ma’am. I—” His gentle, accented English stops abruptly, and a silence hangs in the air as she slowly opens her eyes. When their eyes meet, Nico lets out a barely audible “Oh.”
“Um,” her gaze darts around, trying to avoid the warm brown eyes that still haunt her dreams, “Hi?”
“My god, is that you?” he mumbles, barely audible. He stares at her, the color draining from his face. 
Jan finally emerges from beneath the table, his curiosity piqued by this stilted exchange. Beaming at her, he reaches up for Nico’s hand— his father’s hand? It had to be, right? The resemblance— she cuts her thoughts off.
“Um... yes?” she manages to say.
“I feel like I’m hallucinating. You’re really here? It’s been so long.”
“Well, yes, Nico, it’s been about seven years.”
“That’s a really long time.” There’s silence as they just stare at each other, neither knowing what to do, neither moving.
“Yes. It is,” she says cautiously.
He rests a hand on Jan’s shoulder, holding him close. “Why did you never call me?” he asks, looking down at his feet.
“Why would I have called you Nico?”
“You left for London without telling me. You told everyone else. I had to find out from Nina.”
“I had no reason to tell you, Nico. We weren’t together anymore,” she scoffs, “You moved too. And besides, you found someone to ‘replace’ me, clearly.” 
She looks at Jan, bile rising in the back of her throat. Nico responds with a puzzled expression before deciding to return to his original line of questioning.
“Why did you leave?”
“I had to go to university, start my career… I have dreams too, remember? Ones that are just as important as yours?” She shudders at the memory of their fight, the fight that broke everything. Her heart races; she can hear the blood rushing in her ears.
“I was young, stupid and immature. But, I swear to God, I loved you so fucking much. You should’ve told me you were moving to London… I would’ve—”
“You would’ve what, Nico? You broke up with me. What was I supposed to do? Stay at home? Or should I have followed you to New Jersey like a sick puppy? Continued wasting my time like I clearly did when you were in Halifax? Watching any and every opportunity— watching my future—  fly by me as I waited for and supported someone who was no longer mine?” 
“I said that we should take a break to figure things out. Figure out what to do long-term. I never meant to suggest that we break up forever. You just assumed— You left. You didn’t even give me a chance to—”
“Look at you, Nico.” She was struggling to keep her voice under control as it wavered and threatened to break. “It’s always someone else’s fault. Nothing’s changed, huh?”
He looks at her, his face shutters with an unreadable expression, before pulling out the chair opposite her. He sits and lifts Jan onto his lap. The little boy looks between them in confusion, ultimately deciding that playing with the wooden block table number is more interesting.
“I’m sorry,” he says, “I didn’t mean for it to sound so— I was heartbroken that you weren’t there anymore when I came back after the draft.”
“What about me? What about how I felt when you asked me to just drop my plans for my future like it was no big deal? Or when you suggested we take a break? When you never called me after that summer?” She studies his face, seeing his genuine sadness, and sighs. “We were so young, Neeks. What were the chances it would have even worked out anyway? Even if you had cared to fight for us.”
“I thought that you took the space and realized— I thought that maybe you didn’t want me anymore. I thought that maybe you hated me. I thought that maybe you realized that you were just too good for me. So, I thought that maybe I should let you go, live your life, and find your career like you said you wanted to,” he says, voice thin and reedy before he clears his throat and laughs humorlessly. “I guess I was right, huh? I mean, just look at you now. You’re pretty incredible. Forbes 30 under 30.”
He smiles at her, a small fragile thing. It’s only because she has known him her entire life that she is able to spot the pride that shines through the pain and regret. Her thoughts are crashing inside her mind.
He knows and has clearly been following her career.
In the delicate silence that stretches between them, the storm inside her head is able to bring something else to the surface: the loneliness of her success— the gnawing feeling that something is always missing.
“What about how I felt when I kept hearing our friends talk about every new girlfriend you had?” she whispers, staring into her coffee cup. She has no control over the way her throat tightens over something she’d finished crying over a long time ago.
“I never loved any of them,” he answers without missing a beat; his voice is firm and sure.
“It’s been seven years, Nico. How could you say you never loved any of them?”
“I mean, I’m not going to lie and say I didn’t date some great people because I did. But they were always just— I cared for them, sure, but I was never in love with any of them.” He looks down at the boy sitting in his lap.
“Not even the mother of your child?” she blurts out, outraged.
“The who?” His eyebrows are scrunched low on his face as he studies her.
Ana rolls her eyes and gestures at Jan. “His mother?”
“His— Oh! No, he’s not—” he exclaims before laughing. 
“He looks just like you,” she says, confused.
“Aww,” he coos, tightly clutching the little boy to his chest, “Jan’s my nephew— He’s Luca’s.”
Something about her expression sets him off again, throwing his head back as he laughs. Against her will, the sound nestles deep in her chest, filling her with warmth.
“I’m babysitting him today so Luca and his wife can explore the city a bit. I won’t be able to do much once training camp starts next week. And I want to get as much time with this munchkin as possible,” he explains, tickling Jan’s belly to his delight.
Ana feels her chest constrict as she watches them interact. It’s a glimpse into the future she could’ve had, and it hurts in a place so deep in her chest she’s not sure she’s ever going to be able to unearth it. After their first moment of comfortable silence, Nico looks up at her with a soft smile.
“You know, I got you a ring.”
“Y-you w-what?” she says unsteadily as she feels the world stop around her.
“Yeah.” He looks back down at Jan and fidgets with his shirt. “I bought it with my signing bonus. I was going to ask you to marry me when I came back if we had worked things out, which— I know, it was so stupid. We were, what, 18? Like, what was I thinking, right? It wouldn’t have solved anything. But I just wanted— needed you to know how much I loved you and… ” 
His voice gets tighter as he speaks, and he lets the sentence trail off. His eyes flash to hers, holding them so briefly before looking away again. He clears his throat, “I guess we never made it there.”
Ana’s silent for a moment that feels like it stretches a lifetime— or at least, it feels like time has warped and dumped her back into her 18-year-old self, seven years ago. Her heart was pounding so hard that it made her feel faint.
“I would have said yes,” she realizes with a start, the words tumbling out before she has even fully formed the thought in her mind.
“What?” His eyes snap up, finally looking at her again.
“If you had asked me, I would have said yes.”
It was his turn to stare. “Really?” he whispers.
“Yes. Despite our fight, I still loved you. I was waiting for months for you to call me, to tell me that we would work it out, that we were going to be okay long distance for however long it took. I would have— If you begged — Hell if you had just asked...”
Nico just stares, flabbergasted. Neither of them even hear the tapping of Jan’s block on the table. “I still love you,” he says.
“What I mean is, can we try again? It may have been seven years, but I still love you.”
“Are you insane?”
“I don’t think so. It has always been you; it will always be you. I have known that for a long time now. There has to be some fate or God or something to bring us back together, right? I feel like it’s a good sign, anyway. I’m sorry for being the idiot I was back then, but I promise I’m ready now. I’m ready to be whatever you need me to be. It won’t be the exact same, but it will finally be us again.”
Ana is stunned, speechless, as she blinks at Nico.
“Nicki?” Jan interrupts their silence, snapping them out of their bubble.
“Yeah, Jan, what’s wrong?”
“Can I have a cookie, please?”
“Sure, bud.” Nico sets him on the floor and stands up. He smiles at her cheekily, “Don’t you dare leave before I get back. I will chase you this time. I’m fast, you know.”
“I’ll be here, I promise.” She feels a bubble of tension burst as she laughs, shaking her head as she watches him walk to the counter holding Jan’s hand.
The seven years apart has worn down her willpower. She gave up on love years ago when she realized that she was probably going to dream about Nico every night for the rest of her life. She’s always known that she would cave if asked; she just never thought this day would come.
She looks at him now. She sees the boy she grew up with and the teenager she fell in love with. But there’s also a sadness behind his eyes that she doesn’t remember being there. The corners of his eyes are worn and weathered in a way that’s unusual for a man in his mid-twenties.
There’s a voice in her head— it sounds eerily like her mother— that points out that she’s always known the truth: Nico was why she was always working, pushing away everyone and everything. It was some twisted self-punishment; if she lost Nico, she had to make the sacrifice worth it.
But maybe— Maybe, she can have both. Ana thinks about the job offer from the company that acquired her start-up— a job based in NYC. She thinks about all the hundreds of coffee shops they could’ve gone to. Maybe there was some fate at play. And who was she to question fate.
Nico sits back down, a tentative smile on his face that makes Ana’s heart flutter for the first time in seven years, and says, “So, Ana, will you pick up where we left off?”
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Requests (open) | Masterlist
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starrysharks · 6 months
name: ZENO
age: 15-17 (don't wanna share my exact age sorrey)
gender/pronouns: maybe genderfluid, probably just cis girl - use any pronouns you'd like but she/her and he/him are best
race: ghanaian AND PROUD 💯💪🏿🇬🇭 (living in bumfuck britian tho)
other than that basic info, i am a CARTOON ARTIST inspired by stuff like invader zim, sonic the hedgehog, and moe anime, who enjoys drawing primarily CUTE GIRLS... but also some GUYS too i don't discriminate. i'd say my art covers around 50% fanart 50% OC art. i LOVE my ocs so much and so should you, so check out the tags for them and ask lots and lots of questions about them please.
(HERE is where i'll eventually put links to my OC comics and projects when i finally finish them, so look forward to that!)
i also do COMMISSIONS! i can draw for absolutely anything you want, and these days i've been wishing to be commissioned for a T-SHIRT DESIGN, ALBUM COVER, or MUSIC VIDEO... so if my comms are open when you're reading this, GO COMM ME WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!?!?! (BY THE WAY even tho i am a MINOR all comm money goes into an adult relative's paypal account, so your money is 100% SAFE!)
other than art, my interests include nintendo games like SPLATOON, POKEMON, and the like, other games like TWDG, SKULLGIRLS, LITTLE NIGHTMARES, WORLD'S END CLUB (the best game danganronpa guy ever damn made), and KATAMARI DAMACY, cartoons and comics like INVADER ZIM, JTHM (which everyone should totally read please it's so good), DUNGEON MESHI, MLP, SOUL EATER, FLCL, SCOTT PILGRIM, and DOROHEDORO, and a million i forgot to name, and movies like THE SAW SERIES, SPIDERVERSE, and PROMARE!!!!
also i don't talk about it much, but i love NU METAL... i love KORN, LIMP BIZKIT, KITTIE, COAL CHAMBER, NOTHINGFACE, AND SLIPKNOT as well as many other music artists nu metal or otherwise!!! (notable ones being MCR and literally every vocaloid producer under the sun.) (i will reblog posts from haveyouheardthisband constantly to recommend my followers music, it's my god-given right)
i also LOVE TO HATE (am a critical fan of) DANGANRONPA and COOKIE RUN from time to time...
anyway even tho this is an account mostly for art posting and question answering, i do actually care about serious stuff going on in the world and will reblog posts talking about it sometimes... AND SO SHOULD YOU!!!
also i don't really have a DNI, just don't follow me if you're like. racist or something man that's fuckin' weird... also don't follow me if you're a TERF, NSFW account, or ED/pro-ana account! (SERIOUSLY)
ok i think we're done? cut the cameras
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antivan-dragon · 1 year
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For Shippy Saturday: Ana/Vik
quite logical, uh? not enough logical for Jackie, tho ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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laughroditee · 3 months
TF141 and their favorite ASMR types (with links!)
I personally love ASMR but am very selective due to misophonia (no mouth sounds please 💀). I thought it would be fun to headcanon what our silly little guys might watch/consume.
🏷️ | Price
Captain Price, Our Father Who Art on the Battlefield, really loves ✨personal attention ASMR✨ where he can feel like he can let loose and have someone else worry about shit for a while.
Helping You Sleep (Tingting ASMR)
Edwardian Era Beard Trim & Shave (Moonlight Cottage ASMR)
At the barber (Whispering Gentleman ASMR)
And also Cat Spa (Bear Soongnyoong) because you know he’s a softie when it comes to animals
🧢 | Gaz
Gaz is Our Most Beautifulest Boy™️ and can appreciate the finer things in life as well as the not-so-finer things… things that would make me wither and die
Cute Cooking ASMR (Cooking Tree)
Makeup ASMR (Starling Makeup)
Typing ASMR (ricecloud)
And MOUTH SOUNDS KYLE HOW COULD YOU!? It’s because he went through resistance to interrogation training and passed, I’m telling you, he can do anything. (Nanou ASMR)
💀 | Ghost
Ghost likes to keep his head clear, so the kinds of ASMR he’d engage with would have ✨no talking✨. I’m thinking:
Soap carving (one track mind) (Vito ASMR)
Wood soup (Wood Soup Girl ASMR)
Zen gardens (Made in France ASMR)
Kodo Incense ASMR (Healing Serenity)
🧼 | Soap
Why do I do this to poor Johnny every time? Making it look like he cannot be trusted and has to order off the kids menu lol.
Kittens eating steak ASMR because he’s unhinged (I can’t read the channel name because it’s not in English 😭)
Ear cleaning (ASMR Boyoung)
Intense triggers (ASMR Bakery)
Slime (Ana Aster)
And then as a little bonus that literally no one asked for, I’ll throw in my OC, Jesse:
🤡 | Jester
Maya Winky, full stop.
Ghost falling down the stairs ASMR (byrdhowse on TikTok)
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paintingpuff · 1 year
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the power of ✨magic ✨
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hamsterclaw · 1 year
Fic Library: Jimin
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Lost and Found by @kimvtae. An idolverse AU featuring Jimin as a problematic idol who gets sent for rehab in America, where he meets reader. Beautiful writing and reformed bad boy Jimin is characterised so well here.
Adonis by @xjoonchildx. Jimin's a hot paramedic who you meet with a little help from the little old lady next door. Funny, cute and written in Ana's incomparable style.
Put it on me by @jimilter features models Jimin and reader on a shoot and it's laugh out loud funny, snappy and smutty. So so good.
La Grande Maison by @softyoongiionly features Jimin x reader and is a mystery/thriller with great scene-setting and beautifully realised friendships.
I know a place by @augustbutwinter has Jimin and a gender-neutral reader in a sweet pining story about unrequited love.
Fall like moondrops by @madbutgloriouspond is a beautiful story set in a just-post-college AU featuring a dancer Jimin who's determined, sweet, and an all-round decent guy. It captures the end-of-summer vibe and apprehension about upcoming change perfectly.
Devil's in the backseat by @ugh-yoongi is a sexy, smutty tale with banter that's sparky and so so funny, featuring Jimin x f! reader in an established relationship.
Headrush (It's too sweet) by the uber-talented @minisugakoobies is a spiky, sexy, fun, headrush featuring stylist reader and idol Jimin.
Neon Seoul by @readyplayerhobi has a noir murder mystery set in a cyberpunk dystopia and features detectives Jimin x reader. The worldbuilding is stellar.
Make an offer by @bangtanintotheroom features an irresistibly sexy Jimin in a sugar daddy/sugar baby AU.
Of stars erased by @fantasybangtan. I'm a sucker for dystopian future AUs, and this is a story that makes me reflect on how lucky I am to be able to read stories like this, for free. Incredible storytelling by a fantastic writer.
An Ghealach by @theharrowing is sexy horror at it's best. A haunting, ambiguous, unreliable-narrator tale featuring linguist Jimin and a mysterious OC.
Like Crazy by @thatlongspringnight is a beautifully realised story about loneliness and seeking solace in transience that features Jimin x f! reader.
Blunt Rotation by @gimmethatagustd is a law school AU featuring pretty boy Jimin and weed girl reader. Funny, chaotic and razor sharp.
Weight by @augustbutwinter features Jimin x f! reader and is set in a semi-historical, royal AU, where nothing is quite as it seems.
Menace by @eoieopda features Jimin x Kim! reader in an irresistible relationship dynamic characterised by brattiness and hate sex and a Jimin who lives up to the title of the story. So so good.
The airport couple: P(ass)enger from hell by @dovechim features frequent traveller Jimin and TSA agent reader and is so good I've reread it time and again. Cracky, hilarious and Jimin is perfectly written as an outrageous little shit.
On the borderline by @jimilter is a friends to lovers AU in progress that's a super fun read - deliciously smutty, angsty and infused with Ash's signature brand of humour.
Red flag by @xjoonchildx has rich boy Jimin x reader in a witty, sparkling smutty caper that's a romp of a read.
Shadows in the graveyard by @minisugakoobies is sexy, kitschy, schlocky horror at it's best featuring reader x Jimin stranded in the woods.
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signfromeywa · 2 months
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Chapter 03: A secret message
Anastasia Novak is a behavioural scientist tasked with socializing a captive Na'vi on behalf of the RDA. The longer she works with the Na'vi and the closer she gets to him, the more she has to rethink everything she thought she knew and redefine her morals and values. Can she just carry on like this, or will she follow her heart?
Content: Rating +18, Avatar fanfiction, human x Na'vi ship, Na'vi captured
Characters: Human OCs: Anastasia Novak, Steven Turner, Patra// Na'vi OCs: Ean'tu,
Word Count: 4944
❗️English is not my native language! I apologize very much if it reads a bit bumpy here and there.
I'm a German author and this is the first time I've tried to translate a story I'm working on into English and upload it. I still hope you enjoy it.❗
Ana stretched at her desk. Her back was aching from working at her desk for so long and it was getting late. It wasn't as if you could tell because the room she was sitting in had no windows, but because she had looked tiredly at the clock on her laptop. She had spent the whole day preparing important documents about Sky and drawing up a plan for training him. It all had to be well thought out. Not to forget, she had sent an e-mail to the contact that Patra had given her. She had been waiting all day for a reply. After all, she needed research reports and results to make her plan more efficient.
Just as she was about to close the laptop in frustration, a now familiar notification tone sounded. She eagerly raised the display again to see the message. She quickly read over the lines and her excited expression, which had just radiated a spark of hope, darkened.
"Rejected?! Excuse me?" She slumped back in her chair in disappointment.
Mr. Turner entered the room with two cups in his hand. "What are you complaining about? Not saved? That happens to me all the time, then I can rewrite everything."
He came over to Ana and placed the coffee cup on her desk.
"No, that's not it." Ana stroked her face tiredly with both hands. "I asked to see the research documents and that was just refused." She caught sight of the cup next to her and picked it up. Coffee, she realized as she put the cup under her nose. She wasn't really much of a coffee drinker, but she would need it. "The worst thing is, when I asked if I could apply for a security clearance somewhere and if they could send me the necessary information, they just replied that it's in vain and doesn't fall within my area of expertise."
You could hear the frustration in her voice. Mr. Turner took a sip and sat with one leg slightly on the edge of the desk, facing Ana. "I'm not surprised. I told you, it's not so easy to get records from other institutions here."
Yes, he had said that, and Patra had mentioned it too. Ana had written in the email what it was about and why she really needed these documents. But they didn't seem to care. Everything was so cryptic and complicated, no one spoke up, it seemed to Ana as if everyone was talking in riddles. Grumbling, she took a sip of her coffee. It was awful.
"What am I supposed to do now?" she grumbled quietly.
"What you did before. Just carry on. Only be more careful around him." Mr. Turner looked at her.
"Yes, I have no choice. It'll delay my work, but they don't care that I'll be much busier now."
"You'll manage, you're by far the bravest person working here. The way you dared to approach Sky after everything that's happened." He grinned.
Ana looked at him now too. He seemed amused. "Of course I can do it. That's what I'm here for and failure is out of the question." Ana said confidently.
"There you go." He seemed satisfied.
A man suddenly peered into the room. "Mr. Turner, the switchgear at the airlock is causing problems, could you come here for a moment?"
"Yes, just a moment." He stood up. "Don't give up, maybe you'll get lucky if you persevere." He winked at Ana and walked out of the room with his colleague, who was waiting for him at the door.
Ana stayed behind and turned her eyes back to the laptop. What should she do now? Maybe write to her boss to see if he could intercede on her behalf so that Ana could perhaps get security clearance for the documents after all? But what if her boss didn't react well at all? What if that made him start to doubt her competence? That absolutely must not happen.
She got up and went to the surveillance room. The room was quite dark and was only illuminated by the many screens showing what the surveillance cameras were showing. She wasn't interested in the screens, instead she went to the window that allowed her to look into the enclosure. Just like on her first day, she looked down and tried to locate Sky and this time she was successful. She could see Sky crouching on the ground in front of the tree. He seemed to be doing something, but it was so small that Ana couldn't make it out from up here. So she turned to the screens and picked the right camera to zoom in.
Sky had branches in his hands and seemed to be tying and knotting the fibers of a plant around them. Ana sat down and observed this closely. It reminded her of a basket weaving technique that she knew from some cultures. How unusually skillfully Sky did it, as if he knew exactly what he was doing. That thought occurred to her again. Sky acted so humanoid, far beyond animalistic behavior. She didn't want to jump to conclusions, but more and more she couldn't push the thought away.
Another beep on her cell phone made her look up from the screen. A new e-mail had arrived, but without a sender. Extremely strange. She decided to go back to her desk and take a closer look at the email on her laptop. What she quickly realized on her laptop was that it was not her normal e-mail inbox that had received the message. She had a new program on her computer that hadn't been there before. Had Ana been hacked? Now she wasn't so sure whether she should really open the email. That even Pandora was being hacked, no matter where you went, these spam mails could follow you around the universe. Just as Ana was about to delete the strange program, she received an email from Patra.
'Good evening Novak, a confidential e-mail has found its way to you. Don't be afraid to open it. It will help you a lot,' it said. Was this a real message from Patra or just part of a really creepy hack?
Ana called Patra immediately. She answered the call surprisingly quickly. "Good evening, did you just send me an email?" Ana asked uncertainly.
"Yes, I did and I mean what I wrote. Read the email." she replied curtly.
The situation was a little strange. Something strange was going on here, but somehow she had the feeling that Patra couldn't tell her anything more. Apparently something secret was going on.
"Take another look at my email, there's something else attached at the bottom. We'll talk later when you're home." Patra smiled at Ana and then hung up.
Ana immediately opened Patra's email again and realized that the woman hadn't lied. At the bottom it said. 'Your code is: 037592649, please delete this email. Thank you.
Ana's heart began to beat excitedly. What had she got herself into here? She first saved the code in her cell phone and then deleted the email as requested. She then logged into the strange new program.
It was a simple program, it had hardly any buttons or functions, just send and receive. To get into the program, you had to enter the code. There was only one email in the mailbox. It was the same mysterious email that Ana had just received. With an excited and uneasy feeling, she clicked on the message to open it.
'Good evening Dr. Novak,
We have it on good authority that you are working with a Na'vi and have made contact to access research documents relating to Na'vis. You will have realized that the research results on Pandora are highly classified. It will be impossible for you to access this information, so that is why we are contacting you. You don't need to know who we are, but we want to help you to work with Sky. We have checked your background and know of your sincere intentions and excellent qualifications.
We will contact you again in the future, but we will give you some advice. Don't let anyone know about this contact. Don't tell anyone what you find out from us and, most importantly, don't underestimate Sky. The Na'vi are the inhabitants of Pandora, they have an enormously high emotional intelligence. They are in no way comparable to animals.
We will contact you again, until then we wish you every success with Sky.'
Ana read the words intently and almost in disbelief. Had she made contact with a secret organization and was Patra also part of it? She eagerly closed the program with the mail before anyone else entered the room and read the contents. She slowly realized that the secret contact could get her into real trouble. From now on, she had to be on her guard.
But what upset her even more than the fact that she had probably just done something forbidden was the information about the Na'vi. Extremely high emotional intelligence, they said. Something like dolphins or orca whales? Ana shook her head no. The message said that the Na'vi were in no way comparable to animals. It also said inhabitants of Pandora. That didn't sound like animals, but like a species that lived here on Pandora.
Just the thought of Sky being an intelligent sentient being, like herself, made her stomach turn. That would be a terrible realization, but it would fit with her own observations. So Sky really was trying to communicate with her, he really had been trying to tell her something. In a language she didn't understand.
That was good news, but also upsetting. But wait. Ana gathered her thoughts. It was all information from an unknown source. Who knows if it was really true. Maybe it was just a movement of alternative scientists holding on to a theory that had not yet been confirmed. So she had to verify this claim for herself. There were indications that what was said was true, and she would look into it further. If Sky had a certain intelligence that could be compared with human intelligence, she would notice it and find out. For sure.
Ana winced as the electronic door to her workplace opened. Two colleagues came in and Ana was glad that she had already closed the laptop.
"You're still here Miss Novak, are you going to put in a night shift?" It was Mr. Turner.
"Oh, no, certainly not." Ana tried not to let the secretiveness show, or the fact that she was quite frightened.
"The system at the airlock is working again, it was just a small error in the software," said the other colleague. It was the same one who had just asked Turner to help him.
"You should really call it a day now, otherwise you won't catch the last team bus." Turner smiled at her and then turned to the switchgear, which was also in this room.
"Yes, you're right," Ana put the laptop in her bag, which was leaning against the desk, and then stood up. "I'll see you tomorrow. I'm planning to go into the enclosure tomorrow."
"I'll prepare my colleagues so that you don't have to wait that long tomorrow."
"That's kind of you, then I wish you a quiet night shift. See you tomorrow." Ana waved to both men once more and then disappeared from the study on her way to the team bus that would soon be arriving to take her to her dormitory.
Ana started work very early the next morning. It had only just got light outside when she got off the team bus to make her way inside the base. Many of the soldiers who got off with her were still tired and didn't seem particularly motivated to relieve their colleagues on shift. Ana, on the other hand, was very motivated. She was determined to get to the bottom of the matter with Sky. What her secret contact had given her as information had to be checked out. Because if it was true, then Ana had to rethink everything she was doing here.
When she had crossed the base while thinking and now arrived in what you could call her department, a tired Mr. Turner was waiting for her.
"Good morning." Ana greeted him and placed her bag on the desk. "Shouldn't your shift be over by now? What are you still doing here?"
"Oh, good morning." The man looked up from a pile of papers, "Yes, I could be in my bed by now, but I was still making preparations with the shift relieving me, you said you wanted to go back to the enclosure today?"
Ana was surprised at how reliable and caring Mr. Turner was. Apparently he was still very worried about Ana after what had happened last time. "Yes, that's right, I'll go back to the enclosure today."
"What exactly are you planning to do? You hadn't told me that yet."
"I just want to get Sky used to my presence, so I don't have anything special planned for now. I'll probably just sit in the enclosure and watch him for a while," she explained.
He looked at her, pondering. "I don't really understand that, but all the better. Try not to get too close to him, so he doesn't attack you again. Even though we'll keep an eye on you in that regard, of course."
"I know that, but you don't need to be afraid, I don't think there will be an incident." Ana reassured Mr. Turner. How she knew that so well, she didn't exactly know herself. It was just something in her gut. After the last time Sky had been so cautious and even passive after the attack, she had a feeling they both had a chance at a good bond. Sometimes you just knew something like that and you had to rely on that instinct.
"All right, then." Mr. Turner stood up and picked up his coffee cup. The smell of coffee already filled the room. "I'll pass it on to my colleague Mr. Miles, then I can call it a day. After all, I still have a night shift waiting for me tonight."
He smiled tiredly at Ana and she smiled back. Mr. Turner always looked as if he hadn't slept for days and she slowly realized that he actually slept very little and almost always worked. In the long run, what he was doing wasn't healthy at all, but he was clearly old enough to decide that for himself.
She hadn't met Mr. Miles, on the other hand. Together, Turner and Ana walked over to the monitoring room, where a large man stood behind Gonzales to watch the screens.
"Miles, I've got our new colleague here, the one in charge of Sky," Turner announced. The tall man turned to look at them.
"Nice to meet you," he walked over to Ana and shook her hand. "You'll have your work cut out for you with Sky, and it's dangerous to say the least."
He looked at her as if he felt sorry for Ana's fate, but Ana didn't find her work terrible at all. She was apparently the only one who had no problem doing this work. In the eyes of the others, it almost seemed like a punishment.
"Don't worry, I'm well trained and qualified for this job," she replied confidently.
"Of course you are, I never doubted it." Miles raised his hands placatingly, apparently he really didn't intend it that way. "I'll support you as best I can with our colleagues, we all look out for each other here."
"Thank you, I've already noticed that. The people working here are really exceptionally reliable," Ana agreed.
"That's also essential for survival here on Pandora, especially when almost everything on Pandora is trying to kill you," he explained and then turned back to the screens where Sky could be seen. "Can you tell me what I need to look out for when you go into the enclosure today?"
Turner interrupted their conversation. "I see you're in good hands, Novak. I'll say goodbye for today then. My well-deserved beauty sleep is calling." He laughed casually and waved to both of them again as he left the department with his coffee cup in his hand.
After giving Turner a friendly wave, Ana turned her attention back to Miles. "I don't have anything special planned. I'm just going to spend some time in the enclosure watching Sky so he gets used to my presence and maybe starts to tolerate it."
Miles looked at her, apparently listening intently. "I'll fit you with a headset so we can get in touch at any time, I think a big radio would only hinder you."
"Yes, that's a good idea, it's easier for me to take notes when I have my hands free."
Miles nodded and then went to a cabinet. When he came back, he had a device in his hand that was attached to his ear. "Put this on your ear, we can hear you through it, Dr. Novak, and you can hear us. It's best if you let us transmit permanently. If you don't, you'll have to keep touching your ear to turn on the sound, which could prove difficult in a dangerous situation."
Ana took the small device from him. "This is where I activate and deactivate the microphone, right?"
Miles nodded: "Let me show you how to properly attach it to your ear." He approached her.
Ana let her colleague do this, a little uncertainly. It was a little unusual for everyone here to be so carefree and close to each other, but she understood the necessity and found the company refreshingly pleasant. She would certainly feel very lonely on Pandora without the friendly contact with her colleagues. Mr. Miles quickly fitted the device to her ear and explained how it worked. Ana had memorized it well so that she could do it on her own next time.
"Good, can you hear me?" said Gonzales, who was sitting at the screen and appeared to have a counterpart there.
Ana nodded. "Clear and distinct. Am I easy to understand?"
Gonzales gave an OK sign with his hand and turned back to the screens.
"Very good, then you can go straight to the enclosure. Sky is already awake," said Miles with satisfaction.
"Very well, I'll just get my things and then I'll make my way to the airlock. I assume they'll be keeping an eye on us?" said Ana as she made her way to the other room to get her things.
"Of course!" she heard Miles say before the automatic door closed behind her.
She took pens and paper from the bag she had placed on the desk. She would make any notes about Sky when she was in the enclosure, she would need all this for that. She found another clipboard in the drawer of the desk, the same one she had used before. She pinned the paper to it and made her way to the airlock. To get there, you had to leave her department again, go down one floor and then come back in from below. All the rooms in her department were connected by the large main corridors of the base.
Her colleagues were already waiting for her at the bottom of the airlock. Ana greeted everyone politely and opened the airlock with her worker's badge. The doors opened while she put on her mask and then she entered. The airlock closed, the pressure equalized and shortly afterwards she was able to enter the enclosure.
As soon as the airlock doors to the enclosure opened, Ana felt her excitement rising. To be honest, she was a little scared. She hadn't completely forgotten the memories of the attack. You couldn't just forget something like that, the shock was deep-seated. However, she tried to overshadow these negative, anxious thoughts with another memory. Sky had very gently taken her hand. She hadn't been afraid of him at that moment. Sky had a sweet side when he wasn't frightened or harassed.
She bravely went forward and immediately heard Mr. Miles' voice in her ear. "Test, can you hear me well?"
Ana activated her microphone by placing her finger on the device on her ear, "Yes, clearly, can you hear me?"
"Positive, take care, we have an eye on you from up here." Miles replied, then the contact ended.
Miles and her other colleagues seemed to be really worried about her. They were all of the opinion that it was far too dangerous to simply confront Sky in the enclosure. Ana couldn't blame any of them.
She walked on attentively, her eyes scanning the large enclosure for Sky. This time, too, she suspected he was by the tree. The thicket, which was probably planted everywhere for Sky's love, made it difficult to keep an overview. Ana nervously clutched the clipboard to her chest and carefully stepped forward.
Sky still hadn't spotted her. She brushed aside tall grass to approach the tree when she heard it rustle behind her. She immediately stood rooted to the spot. There was someone behind her and it could only be Sky.
"Novak behind you, should we intervene?" she heard over the radio.
She carefully reached for the device on her ear, "No, don't do anything," she said quietly and then turned around carefully.
Sky was actually standing behind her. He was upright, standing straight on his legs and looking at her. His face didn't reveal what was going on inside him, his expression was cold and rigid. Almost a little dismissive. But he hadn't attacked yet. That was a good sign.
Ana raised her hands to placate him and made a gentle gesture: "It's all right, I'm not here to hurt you," she said, even though she was aware that Sky didn't understand a word she was saying. Her point was that he could tell from her expression and voice that she was peaceful.
Sky's reddish eyes traveled up and down Ana as if he were inspecting her closely, then he looked her firmly in the eye again. Ana held his gaze, didn't make any hasty movements, but waited patiently to see what happened next. His ear twitched nervously and he also seemed to be waiting to see what Ana would do. When he came to the conclusion that nothing more would happen, he turned away and went to his tree, which was very close by.
Ana breathed a sigh of relief, it really hadn't escalated. "Impressive, Novak," she heard Miles say, and she had to admit that she herself was impressed by how peaceful it had been. She had hoped it would, but there had still been a slight fear that it might escalate.
After Sky had gone ahead, Ana also went to the tree. However, she didn't go to the trunk, where Sky seemed to be doing something, but sat down on a more distant rock. She placed her clipboard on her lap and watched Sky as he worked.
He had crouched down on the ground and seemed to be tying branches together. Fascinated, Ana looked closely. She would love to know why Sky was doing this and what exactly it was supposed to represent. Or maybe it even had a function? So many questions and yet she couldn't communicate with him. The secret message that spoke of high emotional intelligence came to her mind again. When she observed Sky like this, she could almost no longer deny the humanity she saw in him.
Her gaze traveled along his tall figure. His skin was a beautiful soft dark blue color with beautiful dark markings. His body was slender and yet you could see his defined muscles standing out slightly against his skin. Ana picked up her pen and began to draw him, capturing his extraordinary beauty that was like nothing she knew. He was very different from herself and yet she felt more and more that they were not so different. For being an alien, he had nothing in common with those little green men. Nothing like those horror aliens that tore you to pieces. He looked human, he had something... normal. Something she didn't have to get used to. His presence wasn't strange.
They both sat there peacefully, Ana painting Sky and he seemed to be tinkering with something. But then he looked up from his work and over to Ana. She noticed his gaze, but didn't stop. Ana wanted to give him time to take a closer look at her. 
She felt Sky's beautiful eyes resting on her figure and tried to keep her focus on the drawing and not let on that she had noticed Sky looking at her. Then she heard him move. He had gotten up and seemed to be cautiously walking over to her. Ana still pretended that she didn't notice, or at least that it didn't bother her. Which it didn't bother her. In fact, she wasn't afraid. The atmosphere was very peaceful at the moment and Sky just seemed curious.
Slightly crouched, he came over to her carefully, but curiously, until Ana could see Sky next to her out of the corner of her eye. He tried to see what she was drawing on the paper. Then Ana looked up and angled the clipboard so that he could see better without having to get closer. Surprised by this action, he looked up from the paper and into her face. Apparently he was trying to understand why all this was happening, trying to see if Ana was trying to trick him. But Ana just smiled welcomingly at him. She wasn't his enemy, she wanted to become friends with him.
When he was sure that Ana was no harm, he crouched down a little closer to look at the drawing. His gaze rested on the drawing, then he looked up at Ana and then back at the picture.
She waited patiently, giving him time to look at the drawing and not moving at all, as she didn't want to scare him off. Sky looked at Ana once more, then came very close to her and brushed his hand over the paper. Ana immediately noticed that he only had three fingers instead of four, not counting his thumb. She carefully handed Sky the clipboard. He took it just as carefully.
Both of them were very careful with their counterpart because they couldn't assess each other. Nevertheless, the atmosphere between them remained calm. Sky brought the drawing close to him to inspect every line carefully. Ana was sure that he recognized that Ana had painted him.
After Sky had looked at the picture for a while, Ana carefully took it back from him and showed him how she had added something to the drawing with her pen. Sky watched carefully. Then she held the pencil out to him. Would he understand what Ana wanted him to do? Would Sky also add something to the paper? Sky took the pencil uncertainly, his eyes rested on Ana, watchful, anxious to recognize immediately if she was up to something bad.
When he had the pen, Ana held out the clipboard for him to draw something on it. She was trying to see how intelligent he really was, she just had to be sure.
Sky took the pen to the paper and actually started to draw something on it. It was a symbol, he drew it right on the chest, from the drawing Ana had made. A real symbol. Ana could hardly believe her eyes at the coordination and precision with which he drew the symbol on the paper. She held her breath for a moment. Everything she thought she knew seemed to crumble before her eyes. The secret email, everything it had said. They were right! There was no going back now. Ana had to find out more and try to deepen the secret contact. How much more was there that she didn't know about?
Sky put the pen back in Ana's hand and looked at her as if he was waiting to see how she would react. But Ana didn't know herself yet. How should she proceed now that she knew she was dealing with a higher intelligent species. One that very probably had a consciousness.
Sky's calm, wide eyes reassured her again. For now she couldn't do anything different, now in this situation she could only work with what she had.
Ana pointed at herself with her finger and then said clearly. "Anastasia Novak."  
Sky looked at her warily. She returned his gaze and considered. "Ana." she then said, which would certainly be easier for the Na'vi if he really intended to speak to her.
Then she pointed at Sky and looked at him questioningly. She hoped he would understand what she wanted from him. But Sky remained silent. She pointed at herself again, said her name and then pointed at Sky again. But he didn't respond this time either. Somehow, Ana had the feeling that he had understood what she wanted from him, but wasn't yet open-minded enough to respond. Instead of answering her, he moved away from her again. Apparently Sky also needed to think about a few things that had just happened. Just like herself.
The worst thing was that Ana couldn't talk to anyone about it for now. Somehow she had the feeling that if the wrong people found out, Sky could get into trouble. She got up and took her things with her. She now felt strange continuing to call Sky Sky. It didn't feel right. He had certainly been given that name by a human and she was sure that if the Na'vi were an intelligent species, Sky surely had a real name, a name he had been given by a mother or a father.
Lost in thought, she walked back through the enclosure to the airlock. She wanted to find out more about Sky, where he came from, what had happened before all this. "I'm coming out now," she told Miles as she entered the airlock, which was opened for her. A lot had happened today that Ana needed to think
Tag List: @twisteduniverse5 @yukilaaw @mooniequeen (If you want to get added, comment it under the post)
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swallowprettybird · 5 months
Hey! This question is from an anonymous..
Who inspires me?
Thank you for this question! I have so much to say 😍❤️
I have so many people's blogs that inspire me. Unfortunately, they won't all fit here, but there are so many wonderful people, know that you are wonderful! 🫶
Too many letters below in random order under the cut 👇
@bakersimmer inspired me so much with her story and legacy ❤️ I love her light and engaging writing and storytelling style ✍️
Saffron is just a cute little devil whom I love very much 😁 and Anselm.. keep your eyes peeled! ehhh my lovelies 😭❤️
Also, her style of screenshots and game seems to be my favorite on simblr ✨
@onestormeynight and Penny, Blair and Rosie life and them story, they're so so cute and warming my heart ☺️ I adore their story because it is full of family love and understanding, it is a wonderful portion of happiness every episode :з
@elderwisp your arts it's something magical!It inspires me a lot, I love this aesthetic, and it hits the heart 100%, your simstyle very fine and sm tasteful 🧡 and tesselate such a goooood story ohmhm my gosh so good 🤌
@youredreamingofroo i love your Roo universe hehe ❤️ I like to discover him every time learning details about his life and character, it seems as if he is another good friend of ours on Simblr 🤭 It's very inspiring to know own characters better too) And of course, I admire your renders, they are very beautiful and high quality!
@kuroashims and her beautiful blog dedicated to One Peece ❤️ 🧭 If you're like me and have never seen this anime, you'll want to know more about it after discover her page, and if you're a loyal fan, you'll love it even more! Her style is unique in its kind, you won't see anything like it in the sims. And the way she conveys emotions and feelings with just one picture without many words is just something beautiful. It is very inspiring. Elfy is also a wonderful person and a so kind warm friend. 🧝 Je t'aime, ma chère ☺️( btw your French vibe is very inspiring too 😍🤌 belle, incroyablement belle 💅🗼)
@changingplumbob and her amazing stories with amazing families. I love each of them. Kirsty plays the game with a huge and contagious passion. Each of her oc's is different and has its own story.
It's touch me and makes root for each character, through victories, mistakes, and life circumstances. She also has a great sense of humor! Her game sometimes throws up such funny situations! In general, Kirsty knows how to turn the usual gameplay into an exciting journey and I definitely recommend you to join. Also, I am very impressed with her playing style. And if I'm ever going to play a ts4 (as gameplay lmao), she'll definitely be the one to inspire me how.
@holocene-sims i love all about Grant and his life. This is such a vital and real, deep story. I love experiencing all the happy and poignant moments with him as well. His example teaches me not to give up and to live in spite of everything, and to be honest, the thought of this sometimes supported me in difficult moments.
I love talking with you about him and the family and about Junga, she's wonderful. 😇 I'm always looking forward to new episodes.
And Ana is my main inspiration for my main story. If you see a new episode of Cursed Chronicles, you should know that part of the gratitude lies with Ana. ❤️
@matchalovertrait and her beautiful lovely sunshine Noemi and her family ❤️ I will love them always 🥹 It seems to be the warmest, kindest and most loving legacy I know) I like to read it at least to recharge my batteries with this wonderful atmosphere and I immediately want to create something cute and wonderful ☺️
btw Dulce and Ángel has grown so charming!
@miralure your sims just incredible and i love your lookbooks ❤️🤌 You inspire me a lot to create and remade my sims and stand at the CAS like never before! looking forward to hearing new posts from you ☺️
@wistfulpoltergeist You have no idea how much I appreciate this person and his support from the very beginning of my blog❤️ Євгенку ну ти справжнє найсправжнє сонечко 🌞☺️🧡He is a real sunshine. And of course, I adore him both as a creator and a storyteller and as a dad/mom of two beautiful cats Aidan and Arvin 😁 this teo boys so lovely and hot 🤌🔥 і я сподіваюсь ще почути від тебе багато історій ☺️❤️
@aniraklova I think looking at her screenshots, you don't have to say anything, do you? This is an absolutely sky-high level of aesthetics 🤌💅 And I admired their work long before I started the blog, becouse all her cc and all art is something very very inspiring, she really inspired me to create some characters and recent cyberpictures :h Карі ти просто крейзі в найкращому значенні цього слова 😘🔥💋
@vermutandherring another wonderful creator who amazes me with her skill and beauty, It's just so gorgeous, this builds and scenes are incredible and everything I see there I dream of either seeing in my game or just admiring endlessly, so talented artist просто золоті руки 😍
@stellarfalls people who I may not follow much, but people who I consider my great inspirations, who make me want to move on, develop and improve my screenmake skills 🧡 at one time she impressed me a lot with her story&creations and I am still impressed, thank you friend ❤️
@aheathen-conceivably I've probably said it before, but you really do inspire me in a very real way, besides the fact that your dynasty is more than sims, it's a whole bunch and a storm of emotions, these are such real, well-developed characters, I almost cried a few times over some moments... for everyone who is not familiar with the dynasty of this wonderful author, I highly recommend you to read it) and besides, your work inspires me to write my own story too :з it really inspired me for some points of the sequel and thank you to your blog for that)
@circusjuney your style and story, are some of my favorites, and Ellie and Max are the ones I'm really rooting for and worried about ❤️ your blog is very inspiring to me in gґso many ways and makes me glad to be here on simblr ☺️✨🫶
@papermint-airplane I may not have known your blog for that long, but I get excited every time I read about Aiden and his friends again ❤️🫶 I really like your writing style, it's engaging, light and catchy, I love adventure, so it really inspires me to write. and I'd like to send you a special hug as a former fan of the TS3 hehe 🫂
I would also note @weirdosalike because I can't help but note that I am fascinated and obsessed by her story, which makes me just as passionate about creating something 😁
I almost forgot about @theosconfessions Scarlet is so gorgeous, you know what inspires me about your blog? your absolute passion for what you do!
.... oh okay i need a chapter 2 😣😖
There are many more authors whose work I am just getting to know, and I really like them ❤️ Sorry if I didn't mention you i love your blogs too 🥹🫶
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