#oc: anya trevelyan
videogame-ocs · 3 months
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Dragon Age canon world state in game romances aesthetic board (3/3)
-Cullen Rutherford & Anya Trevelyan; Commander and Leader of the Inquisition.
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rock-teh-elf · 3 months
doodles of the beloveds
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gugle1980 · 3 months
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another-heroine · 2 years
Fictional characters you associate with your OCs - Female OCs Edition
I saw this one on @dragonologist-phd​ ’s blog and decided to do too! It’s like an imagination exercise and I am always ready to talk about my babies.
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Andrine Vanfell (Pathfinder Kingmaker)
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If you were expecting something different... Well, think twice!
To be honest, Andrine's personality was most inspired by Dandelion from the games than his version on Netflix series. She is (much) less womanizer than any version of that chit-chatter bard, but both are dramatic and have the urge to bother some ice-cube-who-walks (I'm sorry, Valerie, it will happen again). But also she is a good friend.
Cassandra Constantinescu (Vampire Hunter D)
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She doesn't have the name of the famous Trojan prophetess for nothing. Cassandra grew up surrounded by books, arcane arts, and her mother's love. But all her knowledge and talents were not enough to save her beloved ones, even her gift to see the future. Since then, she became her own unbeliever and flees from her past's ghosts all the time.
Ekaterina Grushankaya (Pathfinder WOTR)
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Misunderstood. Stigmatized by close people. Powerful but still green. Ekaterina has the same capacities as Morgana Le Fay, but yet with the young Arthurian sorceress mind, when Morgana was a girl under Viviane's wing.
I'm waiting to play as her and discover how her story will go on >:3
Melina Trevelyan (Dragon Age Origins & Inquisition)
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The eyes don't lie. Literally.
I created Melina inspired by Yennefer and the process took unexpected proportions lol
They both call attention wherever they go. They both had to sacrifice things to move on and become more powerful and stronger. They had their recklessy moments, and some people judge them as cold-hearted. But who loves any of them knows well what's hidden beneath the mask.
Olívia Garmendia (Original Novel)
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Olívia had to leave her old life behind against her will. After decades studying and finding her way to the top, she had to learn how to defense herself from the voracious court of Euskatza. And the best option was be worse than them--while ~someone~ eventually reminded her who she was before the lost and the bloodlust, leading the sorceress to 'true love'.
Renée Lunenoire (Original Novel)
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The lost child. The girl who was left behind, but survived and now it's looking for answers. Renée and Anya have some common points, beyond their temperament and daydreaming demeanor. They can be snarky and with no manners, but have a golden heart and don't think twice to protect their beloved ones.
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jewishzevran · 3 years
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diversity win! every single one of my OCs is bisexual!
In order:
Janna Aeducan, Rivka Mahariel
Pippa Hawke, Ori Lavellan, Jasper Cadell
Shamira Lavellan, Abigail Trevelyan, Anya Cadash
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inquisitor-julia · 4 years
Was tagged by the wonderful @ma-serannas-vhenan​ to make my OCs with THIS picrew!! Thank you so much for the tag!! <3
Here are my three canon girls:
Elsanna Cousland Theirin
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Serafina Hawke
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Nayeli Trevelyan
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and BONUS: Anya, Marquis of Serault
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Tagging: @mikeymouse513​ @noire-pandora​ @eluvii​ @kita-lavellan​ @inquisitor-veowyn​ <3
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stormsandsea · 5 years
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Found this through @ladytrevelyan. Decided to try and make some of my main girls with this! They’re all fairly accurate I’d say, aside from the kinda limited hair colors, no pointed ears for my elves, and no horns and funky skin colors for a tiefling, but damn if it’s not their aesthetic. haha I had a lot fun, PLUS I loooove ummmmandy’s art.
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kierarutherford · 6 years
So @gugle1980 bought me a ko-fi and while she didn’t request anything in exchange I just had to write something for her. So without further or do here is a little piece between Cullen and Rylen (her two favorites) having a few drinks and discussing some pretty special women. I do hope you enjoy!  1629 words of fluffy, joking men, getting drunk. Under cut for length.
One More For the Road
Down time. There was precious little of it at Skyhold these days. Rylen had been an asset beyond anything Cullen could have hoped for, and he was more than grateful for the invitation. Drinks at the Heralds Rest. He went nearly nightly, his usual half pint before trudging back up the steps and into his loft bed. It helped ease the tension from his weary body and he enjoyed the warm banter about him as he drank and enjoyed a small meal.
Removing his armor and placing it upon the stand in his tower he rolled his neck, the weight of Commander easing away as he pulled his mantle over his shoulders. Bracing himself against the cool evening air he strolled the battlements towards the tavern. Several guards and scouts acknowledged him, one asking for a quick answer to a missive. Skimming the paragraph, he gave an order and continued along his route. Once at the tavern it didn’t take him long to find the table with Rylen and a small group of men and women. Waved over he was ushered into a seat at the head of the table. “The man o’the hour!” Rylen raised his tankard, the crew about him followed before clinking mugs and drinking down a healthy gulp.
Rolling his eyes with a chuckle he took the stein passed to him. “How about to the men and women seated here now, and to the Inquisition.” Tipping his mug up he drank several gulps before setting it down. “So sullen and serious.” Rylen chided as he helped pass the tray of bread, cheese and meats about. “This is a time to relax, an’ enjoy ourselves.”
“True. We’ve earned a night off,” a stout man grinned. “All thanks to the big men over there. Were it not for you two, this mess would fall apart.” Everyone laughed as the crew nodded towards Rylen and Cullen. “To you two!”
Cullen chuckled and clapped Rylen on the back, “seems you have a few fans.”
“None as pretty as your Inquisitor, but I make due.” Ribbing him back Rylen waved the men off, “drink, eat, get drunk. Tis our night.” With a loud cheer and more clanging of mugs the group of men and women began to chatter between themselves.
Rylen leaned in tight to Cullen, “how’s it going with the lass? You seem to have a bounce to yer step now.” Cullen hastily swallowed the mouth full of ale, thankful it went into his stomach and not his lungs. “Lass? Anya? Uh well…”
“Come now. She’s put colour in your cheeks. Somethin’ I haven’t seen, ever.” Chuckling Rylen nudged him. “You embarrassed mate?”
“No, no nothing like that. Just wasn’t expecting you to bring it up. I should know better with your cavalier ways.” Arching his brow, he shook his head, “you should speak. You seem a bit rosier than I remember as well. What’s her name?” He had thought he’d trip up Rylen, but Rylen wasn’t so easily shaken. “Her name is Kara. Kara Maeve. Damn fine lass. Twin blade rogue and a hell of a fighter. I should know, she’s enjoyed fighting with me damn near daily.” Chuckling Rylen drew in a long drink before reaching for the pitcher to refill their steins. “I plan on speaking to her proper when we get back to the Approach.”
“You haven’t yet? Is there something in the way?” Cullen rested his elbows upon the table, granting Rylen all his attention. “Nah. Between everything we’ve dealt with, I haven’t had the chance.” Shrugging he sighed, “she was pretty beat up by a Varghest, uttered some interesting things in her feverish sleep. I… I told her I love her man.”
Cullen half spat out his ale, “you what?”
“I told her I loved her. I do. I donna think she believes me, but I plan on getting it through that thick skull that I ain’t one to play games.” Rylen snorted before clapping Cullen on the back. “But here I am talking on and on like a scullery maid when I asked you the question. How goes things with your lass?”
Feeling more comfortable having heard Rylen’s story, and the ale easing him into a relaxed state he sighed, “they are well. Anya is, she’s wonderful.”
“You seem a wee bit smitten, Commander,” Rylen grinned wide as he reached for his drink. “You’re a lucky man. How’d you land yourself that beauty?” He let out a brisk chuckle as Cullen’s cheeks tinted a darker rose. “I don’t deserve her.” Cullen mumbled over the tankard before downing the last of its contents. Rylen was all too happy to top him up. “Ah, you’re too hard on yourself. Always have been.”
“I’m not… the withdrawal…” his voice was hushed as he leaned closer to Rylen. “It’s gotten worse since we last spoke. I… My hands go numb sometimes, makes it impossible to write. I get headaches that make reading anything a struggle at best. I have aches and pains now; the nightmares are more vivid. Anya was the one who pushed me to keep going. She thinks I can beat this. I don’t…”
“The lass is right.” Rylen gripped Cullen’s shoulder. “Maybe one day I’ll join ya. You’ve got more guts than half the men running face first into the fray. I’m with Anya, you can do this.”  Sighing heavily, he raised his tankard, “come now, let’s toast the women. Who foolishly fell for two brash bastards.”
Snorting his reply Cullen clinked his mug against Rylen’s before downing a mouthful of honey sweet ale. “You’re going to get me drunk.”
“That’s the plan,” Rylen sneered. “You of all people need to relax.”
“Don’t start that shit.” Cullen growled, “Varric said the same damned thing the other night.”
“Oi the night you lost your knickers,” Rylen sputtered as he laughed. “The wee Master regaled me in the tale. Says he’s going to have to use blood magic to get you to come out and play again. A dwarf threatening blood magic. Must have been quite the scene.” Rylen enjoyed the fresh hint of pink that had travelled up Cullen cheeks and began to paint his ears. “I’m sure the Lady enjoyed the view.”
“I… You bastard.” Cullen glowered as he drained his mug, greedily searching for the buzz that would ward off his embarrassment. “Perhaps I should ask your men what follies their Commanding Officer has gotten into? Maybe a personal letter to this Kara Maeve?”
“Don’t you bloody dare.” Rylen shot back, trying to stifle a round of snickers. “You don’t need to be minding that business, ser.”
Together they laughed heartily until the ale was gone and both men could barely stand. “You… You’re drunk.” Cullen slurred as Rylen half flopped over the barstool. “You, shh, ya arse.” Rylen chided as he regained himself. “I can handle my ale. Tis you who are the light weight.”
“Light weight? I believe we drank a keg, between the two of us.” Cullen used the wall to hold himself up and tried to discern the best course to his quarters. Crossing the battlements with his wobbly legs wasn’t looking like the best idea. “Oi, get your arse to bed. My bunk ain’t but far from here. Try not to fall over the damn walls.” Rylen giggled as he knocked over his tankard, sending it shattering across the floor. Cabot’s grunt of displeasure had both men hurrying for the front door.
Once outside in the night air, Cullen shivered, “get some rest. I’ll see you off in the morrow.”
“You mean afternoon, I doubt either of us is fit for anything till after noon’s sun.” Rylen half pushed Cullen as he stumbled off towards his bed. “Take care of the lass will ya.”
“Lass…” Cullen’s grin widened. By now Anya would be in her quarters and it wasn’t so late that she would be sleeping. Straightening himself up best he could he began the slow stumbling walk to the main doors of the keep. It took every ounce of control he had to properly acknowledge the guards by the front entrance and maintain his composure till he reached her bedroom door. Running his hand through his hair he slipped inside the first door, careful not to slam it behind him. Each step had him gripping the railing in effort to prevent him from falling. Reaching the top, he caught sight of her, sitting at her desk, working on the last few letters of the day. Her shoulder length ebony hair framed her face like perfect and he let out a soft sigh upon seeing her. “Cullen?”
“Aye lass,” he began to laugh as he tripped and flopped down on the couch, just making it. “I had to come see you. I missed you.”
Anya laughed and set her quill down, “I see you missed the ale as well. And Rylen by that suddenly Starkhaven accent. Unless you’ve decided to go Avvar on us.” Settling herself upon the couch she guided Cullen’s head into her lap, where she calmly ran her fingers through his hair. “I missed you too.”
Sitting like this for some time they talked, catching up on each others’ daily life before Cullen nodded off in her lap. While he would suffer a hangover come morning, he had to admit it was a good night and he owed Rylen a thank you. Sending a couple kegs with him to the Western Approach he wrote a quick letter, “maybe a few drinks will loosen the girl’s tongue. Unless you really are unlucky. Best wishes with your lass, Cullen.”
A few weeks later he received a message from the Approach. “Ale works every time. Drinks next time we meet. Perhaps your lass can meet mine. Rylen.”
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sassylavellen · 6 years
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@gugle1980 I got a new hero in Heroes of Dragon Age and she looks a bit like Anya!
It’s supposed to be Valta from the Trespasser DLC but I did an actual double take when I saw the icon hahaha
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valerie-royeaux · 7 years
OC Kiss Week - Plan List
So, I’m excited and a bit baffled that I did this, but here is what you can expect for OC Kiss Week next January 8th - 14th. I have all these already sketched in “pencil”, so I know that if I run out of time, at least I will be able to deliver something!
The idea is that the kiss should make sense - it should be to happen in the hypothetical AU where the OCs meet. So, here is what I have so far to propose:
Day 1 - Spirits are high at the Herald’s Rest, and Zevran teases Junia and Frey Mahariel to kiss. She does have a weak spot for Wardens (or ex-Wardens, for that matter). 
Frey belongs to @crashed-down-in-a-hurricane
Day 2 - Inquisitor Izzalea Trevelyan and Warden-Commander Cousland seal their Orders’ alliance in the best way possible. 
Izzy belongs to @ladydracarysao3
Day 3 - In the years following the Blight, Paragon Nadia Brosca finds succor from her arranged marriage in the hands of Carta member Junia Cadash. 
Nadia belongs to @vixilancia
Day 4 - Peace filled the years in Highever before the 5th Blight. And love filled the hearts of a young John Cousland and the kitchen girl Anya. 
Anya belongs to the wonderful and our constant supporter @gugle1980. I strongly suggest all you content creators kiss the hell out of her OCs for all the support she gives us!
Day 5 - Only one thing can happen when Evelia Trevelyan and Junia Cadash meet. 
Evelia belongs to @fereldenpeach.
Day 6 - Isobel Diantha Trevelyan knows blood is not needed to subject the Wardens to the Inquisition. 
Trev the Queen belongs to @captainceranna.
Day 7 - This is not hypothetical. A bittersweet reunion, ten years later, in a cave in Crestwood. A weak breeze which may - or may not - fan the flame of the old love between Warden-Commander John Cousland and Junia Cadash, Grand Mistress of the Inquisition. 
Feel free to use my OCs whoever you see fit if you’d like to get some smooches from John or Junia! I’m excited for the OC Kiss Week!
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jackcabot-moved · 7 years
I must know what food Ellis would never eat. Also if Anya would walk around buck ass nude if she was the only person left on earth?
when the hell did you send this lmao? Thanks anyway!
That is a very short list. I think the only food Ellis would never eat is the Thedas equivalent of salad. When he eats, he wants to go to flavor town.And most likely, but she’d only have her clothes off for like 2 seconds before feeling dirty and putting them back on. Best believe she’d be giggling while she did it tho.
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videogame-ocs · 4 months
All I want from Veilguard is a) a good game and more importantly b) I want to know what has happened to my protagonists.
I NEED to know if Amelia made it back to Alistair with the cure, so they can live long and happy lives and have their own children as the king and queen of Ferelden. I NEED to know what happened to Hawke at Weisshaupt in the Anderfels and what her life with Anders is like. I NEED to know what’s happened to Anya after Trespasser, and that she’s happy with Cullen.
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rock-teh-elf · 1 year
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gugle1980 · 2 years
So... This is how Anya looks like with ai generator...
Love both versions
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another-heroine · 2 years
Dragon Age OC: Melina Trevelyan of Ostwick
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Artwork by Levi
Name: Melina Elisabeth Clemence Evanna Peregrine-Trevelyan
Nicknames: Mel (by her siblings and close friends), Honeybee (by her parents), Falcon (by her cousin Beatrice), Vulpina (by the Imperial Council of Tevinter)
Date and place of birth: 30th of Harvestmere, 9:12 Dragon; Ostwick, Free Marches
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Straight *crying in bisexual*
Height: 165cm
Moral Alignment: Neutral Good
Main Color: Navy Blue, Indigo and Black
Faceclaim: Emily Blunt and Anya Chalotra (a/n: she has olive skin like Anya and violet eyes like Anya's Yennefer)
Theme Song: I'm not a woman, I'm a god (Halsey)
Bio: second child of Lady Evanna Peregrine of Nevarra and Lord Philippe Maxson Trevelyan, Melina grew up in the castle of her uncle, the Bann Trevelyan of Ostwick. She was taught to be a court lady, but her fierce temperament couldn't help but put her in the eye of the Fifth Blight when she was looking for her oldest sister, Arabella, a templar who attended the Ostagar's siege.
Unfortunately, her sister died in the battle and Melina had to flee to the north with people whom she met on the road; Duke Arlington, the bard; Aegis, the tal-vashoth; and Lily, an apostate mage. They joined a pirate crew and Melina had the pirate life she dreamt of when she was a child.
One year later, she broke up with Duke and returned to Ostwick. However, she was bitten by a darkspawn while defending the caravan that traveled with her. She almost died, but an elf Grey Warden named Islwyn turned her into a Warden and Melina became an Order Member.
When the Joining Rite was done, the young woman discovered too late that she was pregnant and lost her baby. That hurt her forever.
She opposed Warden-Commander Clarel and was given a pardon by the Inquisitor (and her cousin, Desdemona). Years later, she was sent to Tevinter to find information about Commander Amell, and then… Well, she met her new party, her lover, and her unwanted throne…
Personality: Melina has a secretive demeanor and some people could guess she has huge self-esteem or loves to be heroic 24/7. I mean, she loves to help and protect the vulnerable — as her loved ones — indeed, but she is human too and sometimes cracks. She likes to hunt, ride, train crossbow, chill with her friends, take care of stray animals and read. Also, she has a soft spot for little children. That's why she is affectionate for Cardan, Runa's son, and later became Helga's godmother. Not to mention her care for Maxson III, her baby brother.
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Melina, the human rogue; Runa, the dwarf warrior (@smuglyankabrazilyanka OC); and Ellora, the elf mage (@lost-rain OC). Artwork by Lunnari
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More art by Lunnari lol 💜
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nostalgiatm-a · 3 years
just  wanted  to  pop  in  and  let  anyone  interested  know  that  i’ve  cut  a  few  muses  from  my  roster  as  i  work  to  move  this  blog  over  to  another  !  here’s  the  current  lineup  :
yadriel  vélez  flores  (  cemetery  boys  )
kai  (  legend  of  korra  )
aang  (  last  airbender  )
miles  morales  (  comics  )
kou  minamoto  (  toilet  bound  hanako-kun  )
karmi  (  big  hero  6  )
alphinaud  leveilleur  (  final  fantasy  14  )
e.  aster  bunnymund  (  rise  of  the  guardians  )
merida  dunbroch  (  brave  )
kristoff  bjorgman  (  frozen  )
kamala  kahn  (  comics  )
julian  diaz  (  cemetery  boys  )
maritza  (  cemetery  boys  )
tadashi  hamada  (  big  hero  6  )
gogo  tomago  (  big  hero  6  )
yugi  amane  (  toilet  bound  hanako-kun  )
prince  wu  (  legend  of  korra  )
korra  (  legend  of  korra  )
alisae  leveilleur  (  final  fantasy  14  )
honeymaren  (  frozen  )
anya  romanov  (  anastasia  )
dimitri  (  anastasia  )
luca  paguro  (  luca  )
alberto  scorfano  (  luca  )
dagur  the  derranged  (  how  to  train  your  dragon  )
astrid  hofferson  (  how  to  train  your  dragon  )
guy  crood  (  the  croods  )
chihiro  ogino  (  spirited  away  )
aunt  cass  (  big  hero  6  )
uncle  iroh  (  last  airbender  )
tenzin  (  legend  of  korra  )
OC’S  :
ludger  trevelyan  (  dragon  age  )
corta  cadash  (  dragon  age  )
león  vásquez  (  dragon  age  )
illasan  lavellan  (  dragon  age  )
lydia  trevellyan  (  dragon  age  )
*note  :  apologies  the  new  blog  is  taking  so  long  to  get  set-up  !  i’m  taking  the  time  to  write  detailed  abouts  for  all  of  these  muses  so  that  people  who  aren’t  familiar  with  them  can  feel  comfortable  still  interacting  .  love  you  guys  <3
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