#oc: chocolate fudge
jaytoons7 · 6 months
I haven't drawn MLP next gen kiddos since like, 2016. So... Throwback time!
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It was really fun to design these little ponies (Plus dragon)!
Notes: I didn't use bases, But I did use show screenshots as a starting point. I cheated lol
I am not 100% caught up on MLP (I originally drifted a bit from a show by about season 7) but I do have an idea how things end.
Character lore below the cut (It gets long):
Fizzle Dust:
Uses She/They pronouns interchangabley
Fizzle was spellborn from Twilight and Tempest, But surprisingly ended up being an earth pony. She is a bit taller than most ponies their age since her parents are both pretty tall
Ever since they were little, She's always wanted to be a royal guard
They feel like they have a lot of expectations on her shoulders, Since Tempest is a royal guard and Twilight is a princess. She tries to hide that though
Uses any pronouns
Nopony was sure what the child of Fluttershy and Discord would end up looking like. Turns out, Discord's chaotic genetics seemed to awaken Fluttershy's dormant bat pony genetics, Thus ending up with Raspberry
Raspberry very rarely speaks, Using mostly squeaks and chirps
Unfortunately, She was bullied a lot as a kid, Not just for being a bat pony, But because he had a lot of weird interests growing up
They have a pet snake named Banana Sundae
Uses She/Her pronouns
Topaz was found as an egg with her birth parents being nowhere to be found. Fluttershy and Discord took her in to make sure she hatched safely
Unlike her Raspberry, Topaz is very talkative. She sometimes ends up going on for hours
She wants to care for animals like Fluttershy
She might be a part of this gen's CMC
Chocolate Fudge:
Uses She/Her pronouns
Chocolate is Pinkie and Cheese's second child
While she isn't quite as energetic as the rest of her family, She's still really bubbly and sweet
She has naturally straight hair but she makes it curly, Which is why it looks a little weird at the ends
She loves baking and wants to take over Sugarcube Corner someday
Prism Spectrum:
Uses She/Her pronouns
Prism was adopted by Rainbow and Gilda
She was born without a right hind leg, So she tends to fly more than she walks
She is the definition of chill
She sometimes struggles to show her emotions, Similarly to her parents
Apple Jewel:
Uses They/Them pronouns
Jewel is the spellborn child of Rarity and Applejack (They had Twilight's help though)
They are a wonderful artist who recently opened an art studio in Ponyville
They have always been heavily inspired by both of their parents since they're such hard workers
They sometimes paint so long, They forget to sleep, Which is why they often look tired
Blue Bow:
Uses She/Her pronouns
Blue was adopted by Coco and Rara
She lived most of her life in Manehattan. She moved to Ponyville where it's a bit quieter
She's a very talented song writer, But is too nervous to perform what she writes
However, She has a secret stage persona (Think of it as a Hannah Montana situation) named Golden Symphony. She's a lot more confident with her stage name
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New Oc; Choc Kinsley
Made up a new Oc just for the fun of it. If you'll curious about him or the Kinsley family, I'm not shy about sharing any stuff I have for them 
Name: Chocolate Fudge Kinsley 
Nicknames: Choc (Pronounced as Chuck), Fudge, Pops
Age: 56yo
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 175 lbs
Sexuality: Pansexual 
Gender: Cis Male; He/Him
Occupation: Toppat Member - Retired Enforcer, Now Recruit Trainer (On his downtime) & a cook/baker and bartender (alongside with most to all his family) 
Personality: From the outside, he appears calm and collected but is a sweetheart with his heart sewn on his sleeve. Kind hearted, compassionate and wise beyond his years. 
Appearance: Physically fit with a lean body shape, broad shoulders with long legs, more agile on his feet then using brute force alone. 
^ Wavy, dark brown hair now turning gray with sideburns, reddish-Brown eyes with crows feet, and sun-kissed complexion with tons of freckles. 
Voice claim: Rufus Wainwright, song; Another Believer for better inspo. 
Family: (there's more but I don't have the Brian power to think about them right now)
Honey Kinsley - Sister
Truffles Kinsley - Mother
Ronald Kinsley - Father 
Leslie Kinsley - Partner 
Cherry Liquorice Kinsley - Daughter 
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thewitchssacrificeau · 6 months
basssically, an au where red velvet wass raisssed very differently than in canon.
Rather than being raisssed by dark enchantressss, he wasss found by sssome.. mysssteriousss cookiesss.
They ssstill ssseem to worssship the witchesss, but they were *far* crueler than any cookiesss ssshouldve ever been.
He wasss raisssed originally to be a devotee, hisss handsss were ment for building altarsss and lipsss ment for praying to the witchesss.
He wasss told he would be held until he died, hisss body a relic and proof of the sssafety of the witchesss.
But.. he sssoon sssaw the truth, that thisss wasss no sssacred place, followersss of the witchesss
But a cult in disssguissse.
Every thing he'd been through had made sssenssse.
Ssstrict ruless
Punissshmentsss no child ssshould have gone through.
They didn't care if he grew up traumatized, becaussse he wouldn't have grown up to be a proper adult.
He wassss to be a sssacrifice.
Ssso, he ran away, perhapsss found by sssomebody.. who knowsss (aka I ain't decided yet) :3
But to give a guide for asssksss..
The default will be current time red velvet.
However, you can asssk quessstionsss for younger velvet too!
You may alssso asssk quessstionsss abt the membersss of the order of witchesss.. do note, when asssking quessstionsss to younger velvet, they alwayss sssee the asssk firssst
There are 3 main onesss
Missss Fudge Cake
Missss Chocolate Lava Cake
And missss Tarr
Each are sssickly sssweet; but have their own persssonalitiesss...
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and for more info: One, robe colorsss are important. Children get light yellow, teensss a light green and the adultss a light blue. But a ssspecial few, thossse unlike the ressst, get light red. They are the chosssen few. Thessse are cookiesss who aren't quite.. cookiesss. Like Red velvet, whosss part cake, or the current leadersss. The chosssen few can have one of two fatesss. Either they become caretakersss and leadersss once adultss, where they earn white robesss, or they become sssacrificesss for the witchesss, adorned in black robesss.
two, thisss one is general ssstuff you might wanna know when asssking- one, the CoD ssstill exisstsss, jussst without velvet two, no one knowsss of the cult bessidess thossse within it three, you can assk ANYONE quessstionsss once theyve been introduced! ty for reading ^^
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-:Jeff the killer: Mango ice cream is his go to. He usually puts Chamoy in it. Masky thinks that is absolutely disgusting. Now Jeff goes out of his way to make sure he eats it when Masky is in the Manor.
-:Eyeless jack: Jack is a Cherry Garcia guy. He doesn’t like chocolate or super sweet sugary things so the sweet fruit ice cream flavors are his favorite.
-:Laughing jack: Cookies n cream. He can’t help the fact that he has to stick to his aesthetic. He also may just really like the Oreos in the ice cream…
-:Jane the killer: Orange sherbet ice cream. She prefers popsicles but some sherbet every once in a while is nice.
-:Sally Williams: Chocolate! She really likes the taste and it’s been her favorite since she was a baby. It was also the first ice cream flavor she ever tried.
-:BEN drowned: BEN is an average discord MOD. Mint chocolate chip. He thinks it makes up for not brushing his teeth.
-:Slenderman: He doesn’t eat ice cream. He eats kids. But he prefers the ones that haven’t gotten a vaccine.
-:Masky MH:Like the old man he is, pistachio. Literally no one understands why he likes it. It was just a popular flavor when he was growing up and he grew accustomed to it.
-:Hoodie (MH): He likes salted caramel flavored. Bonus points if there are caramel chunks in it. He also gets annoyed when people pronounce it “cara-Mel” and not “car-Mel”
-:Ticci Toby: he’s a slut for coffee flavored ice cream. He loves the smell and isn’t aloud to have coffee so it’s a win-win for him.
-:Clockwork: Clockwork was raised in the outskirts. She can’t help it that Rocky Road is her favorite. It has multiple different flavors packed inside, who wouldn’t love that?
-:Nina the killer: Neopolitan. She either mixes all three flavors or eats them individually.
-:KageKao: Matcha. Since he is Japanese he grew up eating a lot of matcha stuff. He prefers the strong matcha over the sweetened.
-:Bloody Painter: Oh how he loves some blueberry ice cream. He also only eats ice cream in those chocolate dipped cones.
-:X- virus: Our neighborhood science freak loves ube flavored stuff. That purple potatoe flavor just gets him everytime.
-:Lane the Lurker: Lane kinda gives me moose track vibes. The vanilla ice cream with crushed Reese’s and fudge? Sign him up.
Lane the Lurker is an OC by @raythekiller ❕
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readychilledwine · 1 year
Little Bat, Big Dreams
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A/N- *tv static noise and announcer voice* we now interrupt your regularly scheduled smut for an adorable Nyx piece to satisfy Readychilledwine's pregnant brain. I present to you all a Kaylee (the previously introduced archeron oc) and toddler Nyx piece. Hopefully, you all enjoy this little family dinner piece as much as my brain enjoyed writing it, and hopefully, it helps ease any ill feelings on if Kaylee is okay at the end of Bound by Fate. 💜 Happy 5th day of "Here's to 100"
Summary - Of the four Archeron sisters, Kaylee had always had the easiest time with children due to her work in the healing house. Now, those skills are being tested by her own nephew as he takes on his worst known enemy, vegetables.
Warnings - food aversion, food allergy reactions are briefly mentioned but not described (no use of the phrase "water bowels" here, sorry Sarah.)
Feyre and Kaylee shared a look as Nyx pouted about the vegetables his family was trying to force him to eat. This was the third attempt today in making the little heir eat a well-rounded meal. This time, they had tried drowning the vegetables in cheese and withholding any other food until he ate those first.
Kaylee sighed, finally breaking the tense silence at the table, "So, you don't like veggies ooooorrr?"
Rhysand chuckled as Nyx looked up at his favorite aunt. His little blue eyes were soft with admiration for her despite Azriel's joking, yet not, warnings that she was spoken for. Her perfectly arched brow was raised at her nephew. "They're gross," he answered softly. "I hate them."
"Hate is a strong word," Nesta said from next to the boy. "It requires previous emotions like love." She wiggled her shoulder at Nyx, causing him to start dramatically gagging at the idea of romance and adult feelings.
"Auntie Kay-Kay isn't eating vegetables. If she doesn't have to. I don't neither." All heads at the table turned to her as she and Feyre made eye contact.
Before becoming fae, Kaylee had always had issues eating dairy products. Cheese, ice creams, chocolates, and milk had all tended to make her very sick. She had not bothered trying to eat them after being made. Not worth the risk, she had told Rhysand quietly one night as she explained what happened to her.
She held her plate silently to her mate, and Azriel tugged the bond gently. Are you sure? Rhysand came into her mind softly. I really appreciate you doing this, but you do not have to.
The youngest Archeron continued her stare off as Azriel put a small serving of the vegetables on her plate. I'm sure. Just buy me something pretty if this makes me sick in return. Rhysand chuckled softly as the toddler and his aunt both leaned forward, maintaining eye contact.
"Oh shit, it's getting serious," Cassian leaned back in his chair, tapping Lucien's shoulder to get the other male's attention. The Autumn male and Elain instantly looked over, laughing at the two youngest beings at the table.
"If I eat all of these, you have to eat all of yours. Once you eat all of yours, Uncle Az will take you flying today and go to the bakery we all love with you. If you don't finish them, though, he's taking me instead. Deal?"
They all watched as Nyx weighed his options. The gross vegetables covered in his favorite cheese, or not getting to fly with Uncle Az and losing out on the oh so famous triple chocolate fudge brownies the bakery had, "Deal." Kaylee and Nyx maintained eye contact as they picked up the first bite. A silent game took place between the little bat and the auntie.
Nyx put the cheesy greens in his mouth at the same time as her, eyes going wide as he chewed. He broke the game, looking down at his plate in wonder before picking up a bigger bite and eating it. And then another and another. Kaylee shook her head, looking at Feyre and Rhysand, Works every time. She kept her end of the deal, eating her serving of veggies as Rhys and Azriel watched with concern.
Nyx finished his first, smiling at his empty plate. "Not bad, huh?" She smiled at him as he held his hand out for her fork. "Evidently not." She handed Nyx her fork, allowing him the last bite of cheese and broccoli, and watched him with a soft smile. "Was it as gross as you thought, little bat?"
The Illyrians chuckled at the nickname as Nyx shook his head. "They were yummy." Kaylee nodded. "Why weren't you going to eat them if you knew they were yummy?"
"You remember how mommy and your aunties were made and not born fae, right?" Nyx nodded at her. "When I was human, milk made me really sick, and I haven't tried to eat it since."
Nyx looked up at her, his eyes wide as his lower lip began to tremble. "So, you'll get sick because of me?"
Kaylee chuckled softly. "No, buddy, if I get sick, I'm going to get sick because of the cheese. Not because of you. You needed encouragement because you were scared, right?"
Nyx nodded. "They're just gross looking. Like little mutant trees."
"But now you like them? So we never have to do that again?" The Little bat nodded at his smiling aunt. "Then, if i feel icky later, me having an unhappy tummy for a few hours is worth every second since you'll eat your vegetables now and grow big and strong."
"Like Uncle Cassie?!"
Kaylee nodded as Azriel's hand found hers under the table. "Exactly like Uncle Cassie."
Nyx held his plate out to Azriel who took it with a smile, adding another serving of veggies to his plate and setting it back down in front of him. "I'm going to beat up Uncle Cassian some day," Nyx began to eat his second serving of vegetables with determination, his eyes glancing towards Cassian with a slight glare every so often.
Wonderful. Any ideas on how to get him to eat meat other than chicken strips? Rhysand smiled.
I have a few. Kaylee leaned her head on Azriel's shoulder. The two mates were silently communicating. Kaylee's bright blue eyes flickered towards Cassian, cutting his steak and then back to Nyx. She rose both of her brows at Azriel quickly, and the male discretely nodded. Rhysand smiled lightly, shaking his head. The two of them had quickly developed their own language, and it was something the High Lord both envied and adored for his brother.
They all were now watching as Nyx and Cassian had a stare off. Cassian continued to eat his steak with a small smirk. He knew his nephew was still sad over the small battle the two of them had just hours ago. "You know Nyx," Azriel started slowly. "Part of why Uncle Cass is so big is due to him eating a variety of food. Different foods help our bodies with different things. That steak he's eating helps his muscles stay big and strong. Maybe we should try that sometime too, huh?"
Nyx glared at Cassian. The goal of beating him in a fight someday was the only thing driving him after losing in their wooden sword fight, and Azriel knew that. Cassian rose his brows in challenge, staring at Nyx as he took another bite of his steak. Nyx glared harder before turning to his father, "Cut me a steak, daddy."
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sundove88 · 7 months
The Cookie Chonk Chart!!
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So recently, @thetropicalfairy and I have had a discussion about which Cookies would be considered chonky- and here is the entire list! And the pic was made by her as well.
Note: Some OCs will be on this list- and some folks not shown in the pic will be as well. If there’s anyone you want to add to the list, that’s ok!
A Fine Boi (Somewhat Chubby): Herb, Churro, Aloe, Gold Citrine, Okchun, Elderberry (OC), Sable, Icicle Yeti, Grapefruit, Tiramisu, Habanero, Bubbles Dragon (OC), Snapdragon, Blueberry Pie, Lilybell, Pecan Brownie (OC), Grandberry Brawler 1/Glimmerberry, Grandberry Brawler 2/Grapeberry, Honorable Paladin Trainee/White Choco Chip, Serious Paladin Trainee/Vanilla Bundt Cake, Kouign Amann, Caramel Arrow, Silverbell, GingerBrave, Dizzy Cookie/Gorgonzola, SuperCar Cookies 1 and 2/Emmental Cheese and Cambozola, Partay Cookies/Swiss Cheese and Raclette, Blue Slushy, Xylitol Nova, Shadow Milk, Eternal Sugar, Mystic Flour, Burning Spice, Silent Salt, Golden Cheese, White Lily, Bumbleberry,
He Chomnk (Mostly Chubby): Dark Cacao, Crunchy Chip (Post Odyssey), Ice Candy, Olive, Strawberry, Custard III, Rye, Cream Puff, Cherry, Blueberry, Pinecone, Amber Sugar, Sea Fairy, Walnut, Cherry Ball, Zombie, Frilled Jellyfish, Carrot, Cotton, Milky Way, Hero, Canele, Mille-Feuille, Vanilla Sugar, Longan Dragon, Buttercream Choco, Pancake, Tea Knight, Tarte Tatin, Captain Caviar, Milkshake (OC), Snowfall Villager/Cashmere, Kind Villager/Poplin, Pumpkin, Parfaedia Principal/Deluxe Sundae, Creme Knights Preceptor/Chantilly Cream, Scovillia Headmaster/Hot Pot, Berry Parfaedia Student/Berry Compote, Citrus Parfaedia Student/Marmalade, Prune Juice, Captain Caviar, Tangerine Tanghulu, WildBerry, Timekeeper, Pure Vanilla, Mango, Muscle, Cranberry,
A Heckin’ Chonker (Very Chubby): Lord Oyster, Mozzarella, Royalberry, Princess, Tiger Lily, Milk, Beet, Yogurt Cream, Cocoa, Chocolate Bon Bon, Mocha Ray, Bacon, Pastel Meringue, Cheesecake, Red Bean, S’More, Frosted Choco (OC), Choco Malt (OC), Coconut Choco (OC), Turtle Brownie (OC), Fudge Ice Cream (OC), Snow Sugar, Ananas Dragon, Vagabond, Gelato (OC), Choco Milk (OC), Second Watcher/Choco Chunk, Grandberry Merchant 1/Blueberry Muffin, Grandberry Merchant 2/Honeyberry, Grandberry Merchant 3/Pinkberry, Spicy Scovillia Student/Army Stew, Hot Scovillia Student/Spicy Rosè, Sauna Egg, Golden Cheese Kingdom Citizen 2/Manchego, Space Doughnut,
H E F T Y C H O N K (Extremely Chubby): Avocado, Hollyberry, Princess Professor Mimolette (OC), Prince Professor Cavatappi (OC), Mala Sauce, Capsaicin, Moon Rabbit (Mostly due to her huge rabbit form), Peperoncino, Potato, Eden Dragon (OC), Dark Choco (After he left The Cookies of Darkness), Macaron, Abalone, Lotus Dragon, Spinach, Half Avocado, Hot Mala Warrior/Spicy Noodle Cookie, Spicy Mala Warrior/Chili Sauce Cookie, Mangosteen (Lychee’s Disguise),
M E G A C H O N K E R (Seriously Chubby): Lychee Dragon, Affogato (Post Episode 14), Elder Custard, Affogato’s Disciple 1/Cortado, Affogato’s Disciple 2/Galao, Pumpkin Spice Latte (OC), Mysterious Priest/Compound Choco, Marble Bread, Plain Yogurt,
O H L A W D H E C O M I N (The Chubbiest of All): Pitaya Dragon, Eggnog, Gatekeeper Cookie/Couverture, Stink Eye Tortuca,
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jessiemeows · 24 days
Underdark Trysts
A/N: Hello! Although I am holding off on my long fic. I decided I want to write more little drabbles that I believe I'll eventually add to my long fic. I want to let everyone know I never really written anything with smut so this is my first time lol. I hope it's at least decent enough. I made this in Astarion's POV because throughout my upcoming fic I want it to be divided from Eris' prespective and Astarion's :)
R: E for explicit!!
Content Warning: fingering, PIV, cum inside without protection, hints of him maybe becoming overly jealous?? a little too dominant at one point
Word Count: 1300
Pairing: Spawn Astarion x F! Dark Urge Tiefling, My OC Eris, Selunite Cleric/Paladin
Summary: After completing the Soverign Spaw's quest to rid the rot of duergar that killed his young, Eris and Astarion are looting a small hut together. Astarion gets turned on and wants to have a quickie. His simple plan fell apart weeks ago (even before the tiefling party) but he's refusing to realize it and keeps blaming his tadpole for any feelings he gets.
Eris scrunched up her face, nose twitching in distaste. "Ugh, do these duergar eat anything but mushrooms?" She rummaged through wicker baskets and rotted crates, her eyes scanning for anything of use. Astarion stood with his arms crossed, his lean frame leaning casually against the rough-hewn wooden planks, a small smile playing on his lips as he watched her and her furry friend, Scratch search the hut. A short respite after he and his companions had just finished defeating a group of Absolute-worshiping duergar who had slain the young myconid followers of Sovereign Spaw, and were forced to kill the rogue myconid Sovereign Glut, who had sought to overthrow Spaw. 
Astarion chuckled, shaking his head. "I don't know, darling, we are in the Underdark. I'm pretty sure that's all they eat."
Eris spun around, a pouty look on her face. "Well, it's gross. I don't think I've ever liked mushrooms and that's saying something since I don't remember much. One of these days I hope we can find a nice dessert. Maybe a chocolate fudge cake!"
Astarion's smile grew. "Hmmm, I'm not sure that will happen, my sweet but maybe." He couldn't help but find her pout adorable.
Eris turned back to face a couple of shelves, but they were just out of her reach. "A little help?" she pleaded, looking back at Astarion. He snorted and sauntered over, pulling down the book and holding it just out of her reach. "Go on, take it."
Eris glared at him. "Astarion, I swear by the moonmaiden’s grace I will smite you if you don't give it to me." He laughed and relented, handing her the book. "thank you" she muttered, rolling her eyes and stashing the book in her bag of holding. Scratch followed her as she moved to the next area of the small hut.
Astarion's breath caught as he drank in the sight of her. The warm glow of the mushrooms illuminated her freckled now blood-stained skin and fiery red eyes. Her blood soaked low-cut armor and form-fitting corset accentuated the swell of her breasts, just staring at her he could feel his trousers begin to tighten as his arousal grew... He needed her. Now. Straining to listen, he heard the others down by the Ebonlake. Lae'zel and Shadowheart were arguing about the artifact yet again, while Karlach, Wyll, and Gale discussed what they suspected lay across the lake - likely more Absolute cultists. This was wonderful because no one was paying any attention to the two of them.
He turned to her, trying to sound casual. "Darling, turn around I found something." Eris spun around, curiosity in her eyes. And then his lips were on hers, needy and demanding. Without hesitation, he let his hands wander down her waist and firmly grasped her ass, giving it a gentle squeeze. He could tell she was startled, but she leaned into the kiss, letting out a little giggle at his eagerness. 
"Astarion," she warned, but he deepened the kiss. "They are all busy, no one will know," he muttered against her lips. He trailed kisses down her neck, feeling the slight bumps of the bite scars he had left the previous night during their nightly trysts, when he drank her blood. Gods, she was so sweet, allowing him to drink from her each night. He was fortunate she was a cleric, and that he gifted her the amulet of Silvanus back at the grove or she would have been left exhausted every day. A soft moan escaped her as he kissed her collarbone, his hands squeezing her breasts.
"Shhh, pet, as much as I adore your sweet moans, those sounds are meant for my ears alone. But, do you want more?" he whispered against her skin. She nodded and he pulled back, looking at her. "hmmm what was that? I'll need words, little love."
Astarion smiled as Eris whispered, "Yes, please, Starry, I want more." He pressed his lips against her skin, then murmured, "Good girl."
Astarion swiftly scooped up Eris and placed her on a somewhat stable, broken desk. He shooed away Scratch without delay. With deft fingers, Astarion quickly unlaced and pulled down Eris' trousers and pink laced underwear. Eris was already so wet, but Astarion wanted her to beg just a little more. His icy fingers found their way into her folds, pumping slowly inside her, moving rhythmically. As he kissed her neck he quickened his pace. Hearing her quiet whimpers, he paused the kisses to see Eris concentrating on not being too loud.
Astarion placed his free hand over Eris' mouth. "Moan for me, my little moon. I'll make sure no one hears you," he whispered smugly. He savored watching the writhing tiefling submit to his dominance, reveling in her willing surrender. Only he was allowed to do this, no one else- not Gale, not Wyll, not Lae'zel, no other tiefling that had hit on her back at the grove, only him. His simple plan was succeeding tremendously.
"A-Astarion," Eris mumbled through his fingers. 
"Yes, love?" Astarion cooed. "I need you to use your words. You know how dearly I adore your sweet voice."
Eris struggled to force out the words, "P-please.". 
"Love, I don't know what you want," Astarion teased. Eris pleaded, "I want you, Starry. Please, I need you."
He wasted no time unlacing his own trousers and pulling Eris close. With a covetous murmur, "Only because you asked so sweetly," he plunged his hard, aching cock into her folds. Eris squealed, but Astarion quickly covered her mouth to stifle the sound. He began thrusting slowly, allowing her to adjust to his length, before gradually picking up the pace, pounding into her harder. Eris' tail curled around his leg as her long nails gripped the collar of his jacket.
Astarion could feel Eris's body tightening around him as they neared climax. Her fingers were now wrapped his curls. "Fuck, you feel so good," he muttered breathlessly. His thrusts grew sloppy and ragged as he reached his release inside her.
Both breathing heavily he rested his head against her shoulder, still inside her. She played with his curls, then gave him a small but sweet kiss on his forehead, just as she had done back at the tiefling party. That simple gesture grounded him, keeping his mind from wandering as it had then. He didn't want to wander; he wanted to savor this time with her, for he truly enjoyed it. Cazador wouldn't whisk away this sweet, lost, murderous fool of a selunite. They were both safe. 
Astarions ears perked up when he heard soft foot steps moving closer to them, giving Eris a nervous look the two quickly jumped apart, hurriedly pulling their pants back up and trying to look nonchalant. Shadowheart entered the doorway, saying, "Hey, are you guys almost done looking around in here? The rest of us are ready to head back to camp. I don't know about you, but I need a bath after that Mushroom got his guts all over me."
"Haha! Yes, we're done. Just give me a minute to organize my bag, and we'll be out," Eris replied quickly, her face flushed with embarrassment. Astarion chuckled to himself, amused by her discomfort.
"Okay, I'll be out here with Gale. The other three have already started making their way back," Shadowheart said, her confused expression clearly indicating she didn't want to know what had just happened. With that, she left the doorframe.
Astarion looked at Eris smugly, teasing, "Look at you, you little minx of a Selunite, lying to your best friend. Maybe the Sharran and I are bad influences on you."
Eris lightly punched his arm. "I really don't think she wants to know what just happened," she teased back.
"Probably not. Alright, let's go, before you make me want to go for another round," Astarion said, his voice low and seductive.
Eris walked through the doors ahead of him, and Astarion paused for a moment, his stomach filled with butterflies. He quickly shook off the feeling and followed Eris, muttering, "Stupid tadpole is playing tricks again."
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quibbs126 · 3 months
so I heard that you allow oc x canon fankids.. so erm, would you mind making a fankid for my oc Sour Butter Cookie and Dark Choco cookie?? no pressure though!
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Sour Butter (they/them) was raised in the St. Pastry Order along with Pastry Cookie, however, after seeing the true intentions of the order and seeing the manipulation and indoctrination of young cookies by the order, they decided to leave the order in secret. They tried to convince Pastry Cookie to come with them, but Pastry Cookie wanted them to stay in the order together, so Sour Butter had no choice but to leave without her. Sour Butter Cookie now runs a "church" that serves as some sort of hospital and refuge for cookies, devoting themselves to helping cookies that feel under the false teachings of the St.Pastry Order. I ship them with Dark Choco bc they both are my precious little blorbos🥺🥺
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I finished faster than I normally do, but here’s Butter Fudge Cookie
Okay, so I have to admit right off the bat, I didn’t really know anything about Sour Butter when I went to make her. I know I like the pictures, and I try to keep up to date with the designs if I know the artist who made them, but I don’t usually take the time to read them, I’m sorry. All I really knew was they were connected to the St Pastry but weren’t part of it, and the pictures gave me shady vibes
Also note for others that this is true of basically every OC that gets requested. I usually either have only seen them in the ask or I’ve haven’t taken the time to read their descriptions. Pretty much all I know about them is what is provided in the ask, so if the ask doesn’t have a description, I am only operating off of vibes from the design. And sometimes I don’t realize the asks have a description attached until I’m done. Sorry about that
Anyways, I got to the ask to post her, and I saw Sour Butter had a short blurb attached, and when I went and reread that I realized her vibe didn’t match, so I did a quick change of her character to better match. And also slight design tweak
Anyways, so on to Butter Fudge, so she lives in the church with her parents. She can be sweet and help out around the place, but also she can be a bit mischievous sometimes. Ever since she was a kid, she knew her parents and those around her consider her cute, and she sometimes will use that to either get away with things or do stuff she isn’t really supposed to. She usually doesn’t get herself into too serious of messes, but know that there may be shenanigans you didn’t sign up for if you engage with her
I’d say she’s somewhere in her teenage years right now. She’s not a kid (because I didn’t design her that way), but she isn’t entirely old enough to realize she probably shouldn’t use her charms to get her way
She visits her grandpa on occasions and she dresses more Dark Cacaoian since she just likes their style
Anyways, that’s about it for Butter Fudge. It’s not really much, but she’s got some character
Now on to her name. I don’t entirely know what butter fudge (or more accurately it seems, cookie butter fudge) is, but it was because of the two parts of the names. I wanted something that incorporates both chocolate and butter, and I remembered “oh yeah, fudge is commonly associated with chocolate, maybe there’s some kind of butter fudge” and lo and behold. Also, it’s a light brown color, which I thought was a good in between
Cookie butter fudge:
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So I'm gonna be honest, I'm not too sure about her hair. It was what was giving me trouble in the rough sketch up top left, and all I really had was "symmetrical, but also not all over the place". Maybe she needs longer hair or something, I'm not sure. I think it looks better in the little sketch though
To be honest, there isn't really much to say on the design front. She has browns because the fudge was light brown and it works with it. She has squares because fudge is square shaped
I do wonder if maybe she should have had some contrasting color somewhere, since her design is pretty much all shades of brown/orange, but I don't know where or what. She did originally have some light blues from Sour Butter, but I thought the yellows worked better
Overall I think her design's fine, it works. Though I do feel like she doesn't live up to the bangers that are some of my other OC x canon fankids
And yeah, that's Butter Fudge, I hope you enjoy her
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brittle-doughie · 2 years
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A Jammed Heart
Y’all wanted some angst, I shall deliver in any capacity with this. This one centers on an OC though, so expect a part 2.
Chocolate Frosting Cookie relaxed in her chair in the comfort of her rather extravagant home, courtesy of her new, wealthy partner. Or at least tried. She tries to believe that she now had everything she wanted, from the latest devices to high end products like her Chocu’ Latte handbag, a part of her still felt something was missing.
Again, she had everything she could want and much more…well, she guessed there was one thing she was missing. The affection from her partner. While they did get everything for her, it seemed they only wanted her around when they want her around, they didn’t try to surprise her with dinner, take her on any trips that wasn’t fancy parties, and didn’t let her know that they love her whenever they can…unlike a previous partner she had…
Y/N Cookie..what a goofball…
They weren’t wealthy like her current partner, but they tried their best to make up for it by completely showering her with affection. There was never a moment in the day without Y/N Cookie letting her know how much they loved her, catch her off guard with whatever gift they had on hand. It wasn’t anything pricey, but something Y/N Cookie either found or made themself, they always were the one to believe that it’s the thought that counts…
Sure, they weren’t going to any fancy parties like Chocolate Frosting would’ve wanted, but Y/N Cookie would always take her somewhere they thought she would like, places they’ve been to before that held a lot of meaning to them.
But Chocolate Frosting wanted more, she wanted her needs met and with how you were in terms of financial stability, she knew she wasn’t going to get them from you, so she..scouted other options. She then came across her current, wealthy partner during one of Cheesecake’s parties, they were enamored by her and wished to have a dinner with her.
Chocolate Frosting thought about it for a moment as she looked down at a bracelet on her arm that Y/N Cookie had made for her..before covering it with the sleeve of her dress and accepting the cookie’s proposal. The dinners continued on and on, evolving into outings with the cookie as they got her every thing she wished for in exchange for her love.
More and more was Chocolate Fudge reeled in with this cookie…which meant less and less was she home for Y/N Cookie, who was growing increasingly worried with her constant absences, something that was only occurring recently. Chocolate Fudge can still remember the look of worry etched on their face every time she closed the front door…
…yet she chose to ignore it each time.
It reached its peak when the cookie she was seeing asked her to be their girlfriend. Chocolate Fudge didn’t need much convincing at the point…
It just meant cutting another cookie loose…
Your whole body shattered when Chocolate Fudge told you bluntly she was leaving you. You stood there, frozen and shaking. You reached out and grabbed her hand.
You asked her what you did wrong, was there anything you could do, you’ll do your best to fix any mistakes you’ve made.
Fudge simply pulled her hand free and told you that there wasn’t anything you could do beyond becoming wealthy, something that her new partner was..
The implication of her words left your heart shattered along with your body, was…was she seeing another cookie behind your back? Was that why she was missing from home all the time? Who were they? How long? Why?
That one word forever repeats in Chocolate Fudge’s head. Looking back, she still can’t give a clear answer despite it being pretty easy to do.
Y/N Cookie wasn’t enough for her
Y/N Cookie was ultimately heartbroken, but decided that if they can’t love her enough…
They’ll leave her be…
Y/N Cookie, what a goofball they were…
Chocolate Fudge looked downward towards the floor. This house did feel lonely without another cookie around to share it…
Y/N Cookie had her removed on all contacts and blocked in every capacity, so she can’t even think of trying to reach out to them…
The only remnants she has left of them are clothes lent to her or old voicemails, things she finds herself wearing or listening every now and then. Hearing Y/N Cookie greet her warmly on these voicemails as they went on about their day before asking her how she was, if she was okay, before ending each one by telling her they loved her.
Hello? Chocolate Fudge Cookie! How’s your day going?
*period of silence*
Ah well, I guess I’ll catch you at a better time!
*another period of silence*
I miss you……bye!
It makes her wonder..if her choice was the right one…
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missellaneousworks · 1 year
Excerpt from "Sundae Jack" - Fluff n' Smut SDJ Fic
Something is Wrong With Sunny Day Jack is a +18 ONLY community. Therefore, the content of this fic is NOT APPROPRIATE for anyone under 18+ and should not be engaging with it.
Very self-indulgent Ella (OC) x Sunny Day Jack fic. The full version can be found on AO3 HERE.
Below is just a taste before things get spicy~
Something is Wrong With Sunny Day Jack is a +18 ONLY series. MINORS DNI.
Oh yeah.  It had been that kind of a week for Ella.
The tub of ice cream landed on the counter with an unceremonious clunk, followed by the rest of the ice cream fixings.  Strawberries, bananas, chocolate fudge syrup, and whipped cream.  After a whole week of work, paying bills, having her hot water shut off for two days due to a water main breaking…. She needed to treat herself.  So after a horrible week, Ella went to the store with a little extra cash she had left over and got herself the full sundae spread!
Jack’s head poked out of the bedroom as he was finishing up folding laundry.  “Welcome back, Sunshine!  Whatcha got there?”
“My salvation,” Ella remarked with satisfaction. “I decided to take some of your advice about treating myself after a rough week.”
In the not-too-far past, Ella would usually turn to a nice bottle of wine and a bubble bath to relax and unwind. But while walking down the frozen dessert section in the grocery store earlier, she found a brand of ice cream she hadn’t seen in years. Normally, she would sadly pass by before she could change her mind, but today of all days she figured why not?  Besides, Jack would probably appreciate a little sweet treat, too!
“Anything I can do to help?” Jack’s ever-cheerful voice inquired helpfully. 
“Actually, yeah! Can you slice up the strawberries and a banana?”
After retrieving the cutting board and knife, Jack began to cut the fruit into thin, even pieces, humming a melody that Ella didn’t quite recognize, but was sure she heard it before.  “You know, most people get cherries with their sundaes.  I like the fact that you bought strawberries, though!”
“Eh heh, yeah… cherries remind me too much like cough syrup.  I know they’re already cherry flavored, but still… I like strawberries more.”
“Blueberries are also great!”
“No kidding, Mr. Blue-Haired-Clown-Sir.”  Ella teased back.
“Pfft, okay, okay, that one was obvious.”
“A little,” Ella giggled.  As she removed the ice cream tub’s lid and began to scoop the into the bowl.  “You know, I’m also a fan of peaches and nectarines.”                                                        
“Those sound tasty!  Maybe we can buy some next time.  Can never have to much fruit for your diet.”
“Not unless they go bad because I don’t eat them in time.”
“That's what you have me, here for, Sunshine,” Jack said triumphantly as he finished cutting the fruit, quickly washing the knife and setting it into the sink drainer.   
“…to eat the fruits I don’t like?” Ella innocently blinked up a Jack, leaning into his side slightly.
Jack chuckled and shook his head.  “No, silly.  To make sure you stay happy and healthy!  So we can keep having ice cream dates together~”
“Hmmm!  A fine point, Mr. Sunny Day.”
“You know what they say, an apple a day keeps the doctor away!  So it’s important to keep you in pear-fect health!”
The silence was incredibly loud as Ella slowly, deliberately turned towards Jack.  “…honey.  May I remind I am armed?  With an ice cream scooper?!”
Jack didn’t even attempt to hold back his laughter.  “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I can’t help it.  I just think you’re one in a melon.”
“I know where you sleep.”
“I should hope so,” now the clown was turning the tables again on Ella, his voice lowering an octave as he came up behind Ella and wrapped his arms around her waist.  “It’s right next to you, after all.”
A pleasurable shiver ran up Ella’s spine as she felt Jack’s breath across the back of her neck and shoulder.  Subconsciously leaning back onto Jack’s body, Ella almost forgot about the ice cream sundae, at least until she accidently knocked over the open jar of chocolate syrup and got all over the counter. 
“Ah, shit!”
“Whoops!”  Jack blinked at the mess, a slightly disappointed grimace across his face.  However, it didn’t stop him from getting a moist paper towel and dabbing the mess.  “I got it, Sunshine, don’t worry!”
“Guess your flirt was too hot for this hot fudge to handle.”
That earned her another chuckle from her lover.  “Want to cool down with this sundae?”
“I thought you’d never ask~”
Within moments, Ella and Jack were nestled on her couch with a blanket, and a sizable bowel of the sundae, with two spoons so they could share. 
“Um, is this okay?  That we’re eating out of the same bowl?  I thought about getting one for each of us, but I kind of thought it would be cute to share…”
“I don’t mind, this is perfect, Ella.” Jack reassured with that ever-comforting smile of his.
“I thought it was pear-fect.”
“Ooooh!  My own pun thrown back in my face.”
“You’re very handsome face,” Ella shimmied closer to Jack’s side and wasn’t blind to the slight blush on Jack’s face.  It was nice to know even he could get bashful at times.  Adorable.  “Anyways, let’s dig in—”
The abrupt pause in his Sunshine’s delight caused Jack to raise his eyebrow in confusion.  “What’s wrong?”
“…I feel like… we’re missing something.”  Ella thoughtfully tapped the spoon against her lower lip before her head snapped up.  “The whipped cream!  Oh my god, hang on.”
Her sudden departure to retrieve the forgotten condiment was amusing to Jack.  Ella’s strive to get something just right might have been considered a setback to others, but not Sunny Day Jack.  He took a lot of time and dedication to improve Ella’s quality of life, and even more important, her happiness. 
Which was one thing they had in common.  His sunshine worked so hard to make people around her happy, it just showed how kind, creative, and amazing she truly was.  Sadly, there were times when Ella overdid it—with the best of intentions, but it was a small secret Jack kept to himself; he felt that most other people didn’t deserve the time of day with Ella.  She worked so hard at work, maintaining her home, and her writing, and finding new inspiration to keep her going.  As the matter of fact was that Ella persisted despite all of the trouble and heartache she’d been through in the past.  And that fact alone made her… special. 
It felt good being in her light.  Incredibly, warm, light, and loving light.  It was only right that her attention shouldn’t be wasted on others who would otherwise dim that precious light.
He’d make sure it would stay that way.  Forever, if he had to. 
“Got it!” Ella triumphantly scampered back to the living room with the whipped cream.  She plopped right next to Jack again, shaking the can before placing a sizable dollop on top of the sundae.  “Now, it’s perfect!”
Jack couldn’t help the mischievous smile.  “You mean pear—”
“Don’t,” Ella pointed the can directly at Jack’s face in an attempt to look intimidating.  Though the scrunch of her noise proved to be cuter than anything.  “I am armed and dangerous.  Don’t you dare, Jack.” 
Jack bit his lip in an attempt to stifle the chuckle building in his chest, but he couldn’t resist teasing her… just a little.  He jokingly lifted both of his hands up in mock defeat.  “Oh-ho!  What do you intend to do now that I’m at your mercy, Sunshine?”
The glimmer in Ella’s eye was unmistakable.  Her finger pressed on the tip of the can’s spout, intending to spray just a little on his nose, to make good on her threat, and to be a little coy.
After a moment, nothing came out, and Ella added a little more pressure.
Jack stiffened as a flurry of whipped cream erupted all over his face, covering his left eye, cheek, part of his lip, but most of it did land on his red nose.  Jack squeezed his eyes shut when he was met with a barrage of sweetness, not fully registering what exactly happened at first.   After one mortifying moment, Jack’s right eye blinked open.  Ella’s face blanched from utter embarrassment.
“Pffffft!” Jack’s shoulders began to shake.  Then a giggle slipped, followed by a snort. 
Ella could only blink back as the silliness of her nerves and the situation itself sunk in.  Jack hunched over in an attempt to turn and hide his face, but Ella could clearly see his eyes squeezed shut, and the corners of his mouth failing to suppress a smile. 
“Oh my God,” Ella released the beginning of her own breathless laugh before she finally quipped, “Sorry honey,” she genitively wiped the cream from his eye.   “Guess I was the one who blew their load prematurely, huh?”
Jack guffawed and doubled over with a shocked laugh.  “ELLA!”
It broke the damn that held back Ella’s jovial laughter as she hunched over while cupping Jack’s face.  “Hey, first time for everything, am I right?”
“You’re t-too much for me, sunspot!” Jack managed to eke out through his laughter. 
Ella giggled back, “Too bad! You’re stuck with me, innuendoes and all.”
“I’d hardly call that a bad thing, you know.”  Jack’s laughter began to subside into breathless chuckles.  Most of the cream had slid down his face and landed on his chest and lap. 
“O-oh,” Ella tried to remain focus, but Jack was so close to her.  “Let me help, honey.”  Quickly, she grabbed a napkin that was sitting on the coffee table blotted parts of his face to remove the sweet confectionary cream from his face.  Jack was perfectly still and let her work, seemingly content to let Ella touch him, even if it was just for the sake of cleanliness.  She could feel his warm breath against her skin.  He wasn’t even doing anything other than just sitting there, messed up by her own hand.  Yet something about it made it feel… oddly intimate.  Especially the way Ella was studying the sharp features of his face.
“I think that’s all of it—oh, wait,” Ella cupped the side of Jack’s cheek and guided it to the side.  “You’ve got something on your face…”
“Ella--?” Jack was cut off at the feel of Ella’s soft lips against his cheek.
The dusting of pink across her face as she pulled back was impossible to ignore, as was a small, coy smile.  “Never mind, it was just me.”
Jack’s smile widened, positively smitten.  “Have I told you recently that I love it when you get spontaneous?” 
The compliment hit its mark perfectly as Ella’s blush deepened before an idea began to form in her mind.
Spontaneous, huh…?
Read more at the link on top. Thank you for reading~!
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vampdes · 2 years
— “FOREVER N EVER!” [issac headcanons / facts ♡]
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GENRE. headcanons / fluff.
PAIRING. issac [oc] x gn reader
CW. lowercase intended, traumatic past / mentions of [abandonment + being disowned + body shaming] + extra facts about issac.
NOTES. this is so damn late 🧍🏾‍♀️ BUT THATS OKAY, better late than not at all 😭 this took a month [i was on and off bro], ENJOY!! (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧
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FACTS / HEADCANONS [abt issac <3].
☆ issac loves likes space + his favorite constellation ‘orion’ ‘cause of how bright it is [it also reminds him of u <3] + his favorite planet [in solar system] is saturn!! mainly cause of its rings [hint, hint] <3
☆ issac’s an ex-florist + ex-baker, which he why he likes flowers n baking!! which is why he vows to bake something for you every single day, js so u could be reminded of him 24/7!! n yes, sometimes, if he feels that he hasn’t been getting enough attention, he’ll add some ‘icing’ on the cookies <3 js so u could have some of him inside of u when he’s too busy!!
☆ [brief mentions of abandonment + body shaming] issac was, unfortunately, abandoned by his biological parents, his grandparents, his aunt, and then his foster parents, which converted into severe abandonment issues. everyone tossed him away because of his looks n body. in his younger years, he was called a lot of bad names ‘cause of his weight at the time. n honestly, he expected u to do the same.. but u were different, u are different! u think he’s ‘pretty’ n ‘beautiful’, u even called him an angel for crying out loud!! he loves u so much :(( he js can’t say it cause he gets so nervous!
☆ issac absolutely despises his stutter. can he talk to himself? YES, PERFECTLY. BUT WHEN HE TALKS TO U, ALL OF A SUDDEN HE’S A JITTERBOX!!! he thinks he makes a fool of himself when he talks to u :(( n when he met u for the first time—eugh, he hated it!! not cause u were there, no cause u were there, in front of him.. n u were prettier than ever n he couldn’t even say it!! everytime he wants to say smth nice abt u, he can’t ‘cause he gets to nervous!! its horrible :((
☆ on a happier note, he loves it when u paint his nails :D mainly ‘cause ure holding his hands n ure making him look pretty <3 he also loves when u re-dye his hair 4 him!! he favorite color is, unfortunately, neon green, which is why a strip of his hair is neon green <3 nevertheless, he loves it when u re-dye his hair, mainly ‘cause u wanna touch his hair!! it makes him so happy <33 n when u offer 2 help w his (your) hair care routine, he gets all giddy!! it’s ‘cause of u that his hair is silky n soft now, n he wants to keep it that way ‘cause he think it makes him look pretty <3 n, most important of all, it makes him feel pretty <3
☆ ALSSOOO, he’s a makeup guru. it’s like the easiest thing he’s great at. N YES, URE HIS MUSE ♡ he likes to try makeup looks on u, especially when he gets to straddle u <3 LIKE HE CAN’T GET OVER IT AAA!! n yes, he uses makeup as an excuse to straddle u sometimes [all the time]. ALSOOOO, he’s a gamer. HES LITERALLY SO EMBARRASSED ABT BEING A GAMER!!! he’s a valorant player btw.. he’s also an avid roblox player, his favorite game is royale high ♡
☆ TIME TO TALK MORE ABT HIS EXCELLENT BAKING + FLORAL SKILLS <3 baking: his favorite thing to bake is red velvet fudge brownies!! he absolutely can’t stand dark / mint chocolate tho, but if u like he, he’ll be able to stand it [maybe] <3 floral: his favorite flower is ‘baby’s breath’ ‘cause it reminds him of u <3 in a “it’s really pretty n it shines as brightly as the sun” way!! on special occasions [when u run out of pastries / flowers], he gifts u flowers / baked goods <3 once, he gave u a bouquet of baby’s breath, orchids, n bearded irises <3 n when u were too sick to leave home [thank god, he doesn’t like when u leave honestly!! he misses u 2 much :((], he fixed u some strawberry shortcake <3 [he looked up deserts 4 sick people js to make sure it was safe 4 u 2 eat!!]
☆ EXTRA: he fell in love w u at first sight!! his favorite cuddling position is either spooning [your arms around him] or face-to-chest [his face in ur chest <3.] he also loves having lazy weekdays where all u two do is laze around the house or stay in bed!! makes him feel comfy + secure <3 he also has matching sonic onesies w u [hes tails n ure sonic] but he only wears in on special occasions [ex: date night (when date night’s at home) + when it’s lazy weekdays in the winter <3.] he also loves surprise kisses!! n expected ones <3 he js likes the feeling of ur lips in general!! he also likes when u tuck his hair behind his ear ‘cause it was getting in his eyes <3 he also likes the fact that u like to be a homebody js like he is!! bc then date nights r so adorably mushy <3. LAST THING: issac has an shoulder-to-back + ankle tattoo n if u lightly [almost hesitantly] trace either of the them, u automatically have him melting in ur hands <3!!!
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shrinkthisviolet · 2 months
Yours OCs walk into a baskin Robbin’s. What flavour ice cream does each get? Just once scoop or two scoops with diff flavours?
Ooh interesting!
Morgan would get one scoop of chocolate chip or cookies and cream. She tried mint chocolate chip once to see what Iris loved about it, but she didn’t like it much 😂
Reyna would get two scoops: chocolate fudge and vanilla, with chocolate syrup.
Lucy would get one scoop of vanilla, to try it out. Luke would get her to try chocolate though, and she’d love it.
Amelia would get two scoops: vanilla and chocolate.
Taglist (send an ask or DM to be added or removed):
@arrthurpendragon @ocappreciationtag @raith-way @vexic929 @ironverseocs
@thechaoticfanartist @goldheartedchaoticdisaster @negative-speedforce @dream-beyond-the-fantasy @starstruckpurpledragon
@angst-is-love-angst-is-life @miss-eli-starfleet
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gotham-witch · 3 months
🎻 VIOLIN — does your oc play any instruments? what is their skill level (beginner/intermediate/advanced/virtuoso/etc)?
📚 BOOKS — what level of education has your oc most recently completed/is currently in (GED, undergraduate, grad school, phd, etc)?
🎶 MUSICAL NOTES — what type of music does your oc like? do they listen to music very often?
🐉 DRAGON — what is your oc's favorite mythical creature?
❤️ RED HEART — what are three of your oc's positive traits?
💔 BROKEN HEART — what are three of your oc's negative traits?
💘 HEART WITH ARROW — what and/or who do(es) your oc consider the most important to them?
🍰 SHORTCAKE — what is/are your oc's favorite sweet(s)/dessert(s)?
🥯 BAGEL — what does your oc's typical breakfast look like? do they usually eat breakfast?
☕️ HOT BEVERAGE — does your oc prefer coffee, tea, hot chocolate, milk, water, or some other drink? how do they like to take this drink (ex. coffee with milk, hot chocolate with whipped cream, a specific kind of tea, etc)?
Hecate can play the piano, violin, and flute. They have practically mastered the piano, and are at the advanced stages of Violin and flute.
Hecate is currently a freshman in high school, moving on to sophomore.
Hecate is truly an “I listen to everything” person, but you’ll mostly either find them listening to rock or alternative music.
Absolutely dragons would be their favorite.
Hecate is selfless, kind hearted, and empathetic.
Hecate is also very insecure, hyper emotional, and very sensitive.
To Hecate, family, friends, and trust are the most important thing in the world.
Hecate all time favorite sweet is Carols Caremel-Mocha-Marshmellow-Peanut butter-Fudge topped with whipped cream, strawberry sauce, bananas, and chocolate chips.
Hecate typical breakfast is either a whole breakfast buffet, or a granola bar. No in between. But there’s always coffee.
Coffee over everything. They like a mocha that sweet but not too sweet.
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austeenbootler · 3 months
Love is the warmest color
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pairing: austin x oc (sienna)
wc: 3k
tw: hospital, broken bones, blood mention, argument?… i think that’s it 🙃
summary: austin falling in love with his new pa 🤭
It was easy to see that Austin was absolutely head over heels for his new pa. who wouldn’t though? Sienna was absolutely gorgeous. Hypnotizing light hazel doe eyes, gorgeous, long curly brown hair. The softest looking skin and the plumpest lips. And being from Australia she had the accent but on her it was beyond sexy.
Austin nearly collapsed seeing Sienna for the first time. But when he found out she was his pa he had to take a thirty minute break in his trailer. To make matters worse, when he woke up she was on his couch with water and a bagel, somehow just how he liked it, smothered in strawberry cream cheese and chocolate fudge.
When Sienna noticed he was awake she hopped up and brought the food over to him. A huge smile showing a perfect set of bright teeth and he nearly passed out again.
“how are you feeling mr. butler. You looked a little pale back there.” He groaned and blushed knowing she saw him like that. “I-im good n-now. tha-thank you.”
He internally sighed. He must sound so stupid stuttering so much. “Good. well after you eat and get your strength back up you’re due to a meeting at about 6:30.” He nodded and sat up. “A-alright. Thank you again sienna.”
She smiled softly. “No problem mr. Butler.” She got up to leave but stopped when he grabbed her wrist gently.
“Are you going to be at the meeting?” Part of him wants her but another part doesn’t, knowing he wouldn’t be able to focus on a damn thing if she was. “No. It's for the cast only. I’ll be with the other pa’s waiting for y’all to finish up.” He had to bite his lip to keep from frowning. He gave a small nod and let her go. When she left he quickly ate a bagel and went to the meeting. Though it was like she was there anyway… he couldn’t focus, his thoughts filled with her.
He'd have to get the notes from Olivia later. For now he just trudged out to his trailer. He had his headphones in and his head down as he walked. Not noticing his pa and ran right into her. She yelped softly but before she fell Austin caught her and got her steady again.
“Shit, sorry about that sienna.” She sighed and looked at the spilled coffee. “It's alright. I guess I have to get baz a new coffee.” He frowned, not hearing the sarcasm. “I thought ya were my PA?” She let out a breathy chuckle.
“I am … that was yours. I was joking.” Austin chuckled softly, cheeks red.
“Oh… well then it's alright, doll. I need to actually sleep. I'm off my game.” “Well… I mean filming doesn't start till next week. Just take some time to relax before being thrown into the fire yea?”
“hmm… How do you reckon I do that?” “Karate?” This has Austin bursting into laughter. “Well someones an Elvis fan.” “Just only my whole life.” She pulled down her shirt to expose a little tcb tattoo below her clavicle. “Woah holy shit!” She giggled and Austin felt his heart speed up.
“Yea i heard a mouthful from my mother.”
“Well if it’s any consolation I absolutely love it.” That had her blushing. “Well thank you mr butler.” “Listen. You don’t have to call me mr. butler. Austin is fine.” She nodded obediently. “Alright austin. Let me go get your coffee.” He chuckled and shook his head. “Doll… I told you I didn't want coffee. It's like seven pm.” She clapped her hands together. “Right! okay…”
She blushed as he took her hand. And if it was clammy and shaky, Austin was grateful she didn't point it out.
They stared at each other for a few seconds. "Well do you need anything?" "No doll. You get home and get some rest." She nodded, a soft smile gracing her lips.
"Goodnight mr-austin." He smirked. "Goodnight doll."
From that point on Austin practically started following her around like a lost puppy. And luckily for him she found it adorable. Though she would always tease him.
"You know, I'm the one supposed to be following you around."
She was the first pa there so she was getting everyone coffee and breakfast. And of course he had paid for hers.
"Y-yea I know b-but…” He scratched the back of his head and blushed, not knowing what else to say. She found his little nervous stutter quite adorable and found his new elvis accent even sexier.
About two weeks later they were getting serious with filming and Austin was getting serious with her. She was his girl and he made it known. Everywhere you found Austin, she was right by his side in his lap. They had to get him a new and sturdier chair since it snapped the first time she was on his lap. They were both found dying of laughter on the floor.
It was then that they both realized that they wanted to be together. But Austin being the old time gentleman he was, he wanted to be all romantic and classy.
So that night he planned everything out. Literally everything. He even had his sister help him with everything. He made dinner reservations at one of the most expensive restaurants he could find in memphis.
All night he panicked about what her reaction would be. Would she reject him? Although it was clear she liked him... What if she was just being nice? He did see her being nice to the others. Even hugging and holding hands... His thoughts ran rapidly with the negative thoughts and he wasn't able to get any sleep. And when his alarm went off he nearly cried. Now not only was he anxious. He was anxious and exhausted.
As he dragged himself out of bed and into fresh clothes his mind was filled with thoughts of her. It was really the only thing keeping him going. On the way to the set he stopped by the store and picked up some flowers and her favorite snacks.
Before he went to his trailer he dropped the items off at her little desk area. When he arrived at his trailer he saw his coffee and a small breakfast and he swore he felt a few tears roll down his cheeks. "What's wrong, Aus?"
He gasped loudly, whipping around to see her. He didn't even hear her enter. "Jesus Christ baby!"
She chuckled softly as she got closer. Though she frowned immediately seeing his appearance. "Austin, did you sleep at all?" He knew he couldn't lie to her. Not only that but she would know anyways. So he shook his head, leaning into her touch as she caressed his cheek.
"Why not love?" "Just a bit anxious." She sat him down on the couch, taking a seat next to him. She also grabbed his food and started feeding him little pieces. Smiling at his blush.
“I'm not gonna have the big star sleepy and hungry. What type of pa would I be?" "You’d still be amazing in my eyes baby" She rolled her eyes jokingly and kissed his head. "Now wouldn't that be a bit biased Butler? So what happened last night?"
Austin sighed softly before cuddling into her lap. This was also a new thing. Since filming had been getting more serious and stressful, his breaks were either him taking short naps with her or her force feeding him when he hadn't all day. “I'll tell you later alright?"
She nodded and started playing with his hair. Her nails felt like heaven as she scratched his scalp lightly.
“I might fall'sleep if you keep doing that."
"Good. You have some time, Mr. I need to arrive an hour early.”
He chuckled sleepily and hummed. He was falling asleep and fast. And When he did actually fall asleep, she texted baz to hold off another thirty minutes so he could have all the rest possible. Luckily the director agreed.
Unfortunately that time seemed to go by way too quick and she hesitantly shook Austin awake. He sat up with a soft gasp. and when he saw the time he nearly fell off the little couch.
"Oh my god! Why'd you let me sleep so long?! I'm late!!"
"Relax baby. I got you extra time. You’re right on time. I promise. And at that he relaxed a little. "You... how?"
"It's hard to say no to me." Austin couldn’t agree more. "That is true." He then shoved some shoes on his feet and kissed the top of her head and nearly groaned.
"God, your hair smells so good." “Thank you, love. It's vanilla and coconut." He smiled and nodded, holding his hand out for her to take. She got up after putting her own shoes on and took his hand. They quickly made their way to costumes. she sat on the little couch as Austin, baz and costume talked.
Today they were filming a super cute scene at graceland. So they had Austin in a white polo, crème pants and some wool type jacket. He absolutely looked incredible. It was one of those moments where he really looked like elvis. She chuckled as he turned around all dramatically, like always. "What'd’ya think doll?" She smiled widely. "Gorgeous Mr. Presley" He absolutely beamed at that.
"Head to makeup aus." "Yes sir, thank you" The costume designer nodded and austin took siennas hand and they headed off to makeup. She took a seat there and watched Austin get his face beat to match Elvis'. Truthfully it didn't need much, maybe just some spray tan and he really looked like the king. "On set in ten minutes." Another crew member called out to everyone. Austin sighed before taking her hand and leading her out to set.
Since they were filming outside there was a huge tent for everyone who wasn't in the scene. It had fans and water since it was a bit warmer. As she sat in his chair she took in the set. Graceland of course, a long line of some of the prettiest cars she's ever seen and of course the rowdy boys... some friends, cousins and a few extras. This was one of the more chill laid back scenes. It was just Elvis being the little boy he was and playing football with his friends. The scene was Elvis and the boys hopping over the fence and grandma dodger throwing the football. It reminded her of her own brothers and how they'd roughhouse in their own front yard and she couldn't stop smiling.
Though they were on about take five when she became a bit uninterested and started playing with her phone. It seemed everyone else was doing other things too. That was until baz yelled out the loudest cut she's ever heard But what really got her attention was austin's pained cry. When she looked up, Austin was holding onto his leg, crying. She gasped softly and was up in seconds running to him, crouching next to him.
"Baby hey what happened?" "T-think i broke it. Fuck!"
She frowned as the tears fell down his cheeks. "Here, let go of it. let me see." When he slowly and hesitantly removed his hand everyone let out a loud gasp. His ankle was already swelling and bruised, but the worst part was his bone was nearly protruding. "Oh holy shit..." Austin started crying again. "Sienna!" She grimaced and held him, realizing she probably wasn’t helping his fears. "I'm sorry Aussie... I'm so sorry.”
She moved out the way as paramedics wheeled over a gurney. “Come on, let's get ya to the hospital." He nodded and let the paramedics help him onto a stretcher and into the ambulance, one of them helping you in. Once he was strapped in you held his hand tight, kissing it every once in a while.
After the ride to the hospital which seemed like it took forever, they finally made it and Sienna was left in the waiting room as they took Austin back. She sighed softly and ran her hands through her hair. She knew this could be bad…not only for Austin outside of his career but the movie as well. But before her thoughts could spiral she felt hands on her shoulder and back and she sighed as she saw baz and olivia. Sienna smiled softly and wiped her eyes. “He's gonna be okay, love.” She could only nod, not really trusting her voice right now.
After a few long hours in the waiting room… waiting, worrying and more waiting Austin's name was called and she immediately jumped up. but she didn’t miss his judging eyes. “Is there any family here?” sienna scuffed and held up her hand showing off a ring. “Yes, I am his family. Now what’s going on with him, doctor?” His face turned to one of disgust and his eyes went to Baz and Olivia. “Well we took him for x- rays and unfortunately we found his ankle broken in three different places. Or trimalleolar fractures. We then went ahead with the surgery and he is now in a brace.” “Can we go see him?” “He's in room 240.”
When the three of them got to his room, Baz and Olivia let Sienna in first with the promise of coming back later. she nodded and thanked them before heading inside his room. she felt her lip wobble as she got a closer look. she slowly sat next to him and placed a hand on his thigh. “my baby…i’m so sorry.”
she startled a bit when she felt his hand squeeze hers. “It's not your fault, baby.” she smiled softly and got closer. “Hey baby. how are you feeling?” Austin gave her a soft smile. “I’m so doped up on pain killers I can't feel a damn thing.” Sienna chuckled and kissed his head. “Good for you baby.” “enna… how bad is it? Is the movie done for?” Sienna sighed as she squeezed his hand. “That's a baz question baby…”
Austin laid back on the pillows with a heavy sigh. From that answer he knew he was done for a good while… movie… career wise. They sat in silence for a while. Austin, staring at the blank wall, sienna laid her head on his thigh caressing his hand. “Sienna?” She sat up giving him her full attention. “When I get out, can I take you on a date? a proper date?” She chuckled. “baby you’re gonna be on bed rest for a while. I’m not sure you're gonna even want to go out.” He knew she was right as he was already getting sleepy. “Okay how about after I shower which is desperately needed, you come over to my apartment and we have dinner?” “I would love that baby. Now rest I can see how tired you are.” He nodded and held her hand as he slept.
The next morning Austin was finally discharged. A nurse helped him into a wheelchair and wheeled him out to Sienna's car who was waiting out front. She helped the nurse get Austin into the front seat, placing his crutches in the back. After thanking the nurse they left. “I never asked. Why choose pink for your cast?” Austin chuckled and scratched his neck nervously. “Because I know it’s your favorite color…” She gasped dramatically. “Austin, I despise pink.” His eyes widened and he turned to her. He honestly looked close to tears. Sienna cooed. “Baby hey relax I’m joking. I love pink.” Austin pouted, crossing his arms. “Not nice to tease the cripple.” Sienna chuckled and caressed his cheek. “I'm sorry, my love.”
About twenty minutes later they arrived at Austin's apartment. “Let me help you love.” She got out of the car and grabbed his crutches. “Alright nice and easy yea?” She slowly got him out of the car before handing him his crutches. As Austin hobbled up to his door he sighed as he heard the clicking of a camera. “mother fuckers…” Sienna just got him inside. “That’s gonna be every cover.” He carefully sat on his couch and stared up at her sadly. “I know honey… I know. I’m so sorry. Now are you okay to bathe on your own?” Austin nodded. “I’m not a child…” Sienna’s eyebrows furrowed and she crossed her arms. “Austin I just don’t want you to hurt yourself when I’m not here.” “I’m fine! It’s not like im paralyzed.” Sienna scuffed. “Fine Austin!” She grabbed her keys and stomped out and sped off to his trailer.
He sighed and just watched her speed off. Austin growled and angrily threw a pillow at the wall. “Always gotta fuck something up Butler!” After a few minutes of feeling sorry for himself, he slowly pulled himself up and hobbled to the tub running a bath. It was then that he understood Sienna's concern. Getting in proved to be a lot more difficult than he thought. He definitely regretted getting snappy at her and driving her away. As he slowly lowered himself in the tub he started planning their dinner. He just hoped she would still come. Even if she didn’t… He would understand.
As he looked at all the stuff he would need to cook he knew he couldn’t complete it. So instead he called Baz to bring some dinner. God bless him, he brought the most extravagant meal he could find. “Baz… you didn’t have to do this.” “Oh yes I did. Now you wanna tell me why I heard Sienna crying in your trailer?” Austin’s eyes widened. “You did?” Baz nodded and Austin sighed. “I may have snapped at her when she was just trying to help and care for me…” baz sighed. “Austin…” “I know I know… imma fix it.” Baz nodded and patted his shoulder before leaving.
After Austin got the food plated and the wine chilled he texted sienna.
aus: Hey… I’m sorry. Do you still want to come over for dinner?
After about thirty minutes without an answer. He sadly put the food in the fridge and hobbled off to his room.
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softcookiesworld · 8 months
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I snuck them to the top of the queue because… I need u guys to just look at my pony ocs I’m sobbing hysterically I love them
The little bases/doodles at the sides are done by my friend bones! <click :3
Their names are Rasberry lily, White chocolate, Monty Chocolate, Chocolate fudge (sisters all 3 of them), and Velvet Blossom
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incandescentsims · 2 years
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February of Fairies - Faebruary 2023
Using the colour prompts create fairy themed lookbooks, CAS sims, dress your OCs, edits, or anything in between. Remember you don’t have to do all the prompts, pick and choose whatever inspires YOU!
And most of all have fun with them!
Tag #Faebruary 2023 or @ me for reblogs. Transcript under the cut:
Colour Prompts
The colour prompts are just a guide, you don't have to use the exact colours and you also don't have to use all the colours for each prompt. Just use what inspires you!
Fairy Floss - Coconut (SR), Bubblegum (SR), Sweet Potato (SR), Periwinkle (SR), Candy Floss (CSC)
Strawberry Fields - Turkish Delight (CSC), Sour Apple, (CSC), Key Lime Pie (CSC), Custard (CSC), Coconut (SR)
Aurora - Sweet Mint Tea (CSC), Peppermint (CSC), Blueberry (SR), Pacific Cooler (SR), Kiwi (SR)
Moonlight - Blackberry (SR), Hypothesis (AP-S), Boson (AP-S), Particle (AP-S), Goya (AP-H)
Stardust - Jellybean (CSC), Blue Raspberry (CSC), Starfruit (SR), Macaron (CSC), Blackberry Jam (CSC)
Sunset - Huckleberry Drop (CSC), Turkish Delight (CSC), Peach Ring (CSC), Dulce de Leche, Custard (CSC)
Mossy Log - Velocity (AP-S), Avocado (SR), Earhart (AP-H), Homer (AP-H), Puppy Love (CSC)
Summer Breeze - Blue Raspberry (CSC), Coconut (SR), Banana Split (CSC), Pumpkin Pie (CSC), Fudge (CSC)
Tropical Oasis - Gummi Bear (CSC), Butterscotch (SR), Blue Moon (SR), Blueberry (SR), Coconut (SR)
Rose Garden - Pommes d'Amor (CSC), Matcha Pudding (CSC), Beethoven (AP-H), Bubblegum (SR), Lychee (SR),
Valentine - Red Licorice (CSC), Strawberry (SR), Shakespeare (AP-H), Aniseed (CSC), Coconut (SR)
Shortcake - Fruit Chew (CSC), Watermelon (SR), Butterscotch (SR), Chocolate (SR), Matcha (SR)
Winter Glitter - Jellybean (CSC), Lupine (SR), Sweet Potato (SR), Periwinkle (SR), Custard (CSC)
Frost - Coconut (SR), Candy Floss (CSC), Genome (AP-S), Popsicle (CSC), Jellybean (CSC)
Colour palettes used:
SR - Sorbets Remix
CSC - Candy Shoppe Collection
AP-H - Academia Palette Historian
AP-S - Academia Palette Scientist
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created by @noodlescc
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created by @berrygameplay
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created by @serindipitysims
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