#oc: dabria
awkwardgtace · 3 months
829 Returned
hey hey managed to get overbearing done just in time! so day 7
Ryder is back home with his family after being set free from his place as a weapon. It hasn't been as easy as he hoped.
829 Returned
I was a weapon.
Ryder was reminded of that every morning as he woke up. When he faced the sword that only he could lift. The one he’d used his old clothes to tie it in its sheath.
I am not one.
He almost constantly had to remind himself of that. He was back in the only home he’d ever had. That fit him when he left. Surrounded by a family no bigger than his fingers. It felt foreign and familiar at the same time.
My entire body can be one.
The idea slammed into him every time he forgot to duck under a door frame. He’d grown a few feet bigger than they expected. The predictions were wrong and he couldn’t forget that. He couldn’t stop wondering what other predictions about him were wrong too.
I inspire fear like one.
Those thoughts screamed in his mind every time Vitus flinched from his shadow. As much as he tried to hide it, Ryder always noticed. He noticed when Vitus dodged behind something as he walked by. The scars of what he’d nearly done wouldn’t fade.
I am as strong as one.
At least once a day Rhys or Felix would insist he pick them up. They said he had to get used to them again. At first the determination helped Ryder feel as if he belonged. Then he noticed the changing bruises on their skin. Some parts faded, others fresh. All caused by him.
I sound like one.
Vitus would try to make him talk. Ryder’s voice kept a gravel aspect to it. As if he was always growling. They didn’t know what the scientists had done to silence him. It was easier not to speak. He hated the way the humans he cared about jumped from his voice.
I am seen as one.
It was difficult to live as if life was normal. He was larger than other giants. At least a full head if not more. They avoided him. Humans did too. It was obvious the few times Felix insisted Ryder go with him to a store. If he entered the clerks would hide until he left. He caught on the first time Felix waited thirty minutes to buy what he needed.
I committed the sins of one.
Ryder struggled to face Dabria. From the moment he returned she was kind to him. She would do her best to make him meals. Spent days working somewhere near him. Always in the same room. Always somewhere he could see. It was obvious she didn’t know that he’d spent years trying to kill her husband. That he almost killed Rhys and Felix. He didn’t deserve her kindness. It could drown him.
I would never forget I was one.
It was an impossible dream. He didn’t belong. The family he’d once known tried their best, but it couldn’t last. Dabria would need to learn the truth one day. Rhys and Felix couldn’t live with bruises on their bodies all the time. Vitus deserved peace after the torture Ryder put him through. There was a time limit. One he would enforce himself if no one else would.
I should live as one.
He had to leave. It was the only option available. It would give the people who gave him a life the freedom they deserved. A weapon didn’t belong with others. It belonged hidden away. Where no one could abuse its power. Ryder accepted that.
I won’t forget the past as one.
He would never lose his history again. Vitus gave him a name. Rhys taught him to laugh. Felix gave him someone to rely on. Dabria showed him that family was something you chose. He’d repay them for all of that. It was easy to prepare what he needed. Especially when it was just his sword. All he had left was a letter to tell them the truth. Tell them why he made his decision.
Hours passed as he stared at the paper. Statement after statement that echoed in his head sat crossed out. The thoughts that he couldn’t share about himself. He would have to act as though he’d been sleeping soon. Before anyone checked on him and found what he was doing. He couldn’t though, not yet.
I am not anyone’s son.
A gasp next to him made him freeze. No one else was usually awake at this time. It was always Ryder alone with his thoughts. Slowly, he turned to see Dabria staring at the paper he’d written on. The words were the size of her, impossible for a human to miss. Her hands were held against her mouth.
Ryder put the pen he used down. Tried to come up with anything to say. Dabria started to shake. He opened his mouth a few times, words wouldn’t come. It broke him when she finally looked up at him. Tears were in her eyes. She shouldn’t have even been awake. He moved his hand, but she stepped back in response. He froze up.
“I’m sorry,” her voice cracked. “I saw the light, I was worried.”
He shook his head. His own voice would sound awful next to her. She was so close, he didn’t want to speak. There had to be something he could do. Dabria smiled at him. The tears in her eyes made it crush him. Ryder slid his hand towards her. She stepped back again.
“I shouldn’t have been on top of you so much,” she said. Ryder’s heart shattered. “It’s been years. Of course you don’t see everything the same as before. I’ve been overbearing haven’t I?”
Ryder shook his head. He was terrified to speak. Once again he tried to move closer to Dabria. Her acceptance had been a blessing and curse for him. It made him feel like a person. Something that he didn’t believe he deserved. Not after the pain he caused the family she so readily added him to.
“I’ll… leave you to what you were doing,” Dabria let out a pained laugh. 
This time Ryder lifted his hand. Shot it towards her. Surrounded Dabria with his fingers. She didn’t panic. Of course fear froze her as pain had frozen him. He slowly started to drag his hand towards himself. She stepped forward as his skin pressed against her back. He didn’t stop until Dabria was standing on the words she’d read.
“Ryder?” she asked. Her voice still cracked. It had to be fear, but he had to speak. As much as he hated his own voice.
“You’re not overbearing,” he whispered. Reluctantly he pulled his fingers away. He was the overbearing one. He’d always known that. His presence alone changed everything. 
The life before those scientists found them was peaceful. He believed he could be their son despite his size. Despite what he’d become some day in the future. With all his sins he couldn’t pretend he belonged anymore. 
“Ryder,” she said. He knew that tone of voice. A gentle way of chastising him. It made his eyes burn. He didn’t deserve anything gentle anymore. “You can be honest with me. It’s ok if I’m trying too hard. I know you’ve been through a lot.”
Ryder lowered his head. Rested his forehead on the edge of his hand. Dabria reached up to touch his nose. Just like in the past. The times she got him to open up. When she talked to him about his interest in knights and heroes. Asked about his time in the labs before Vitus showed up.
“...I can’t stay anymore,” he said. His eyes burned, but he pushed the feeling down. Dabria… his mother’s hand ran across his skin.
“Why is that?” his mother asked. A small laugh. Worry, but the crack from pain was gone.
“Because of what I am.”
“Ryder Kamia!” 
The shout made him jump. He sat up in response. His mother crossed her arms. The glare she gave made him feel small. Too similar to the past. A past that he couldn’t make his present. Before he left he’d managed to face her the whole time. Now he turned away. The memory of the shocks for disobedience were fresh in his mind.
“You are a person and a member of this family. I don’t care how much has changed,” his mother was too kind. “Even if you don’t believe it, you're still my son that won’t ever change. I’ll give you all the space you need, but I won’t stand by while you act like you’re just a tool or a weapon or whatever else is in your head.”
Ryder closed his eyes. He curled his hand into a fist, careful to avoid pulling his mother into his grasp. Some of that was true. He wasn’t a tool or a weapon. While his mother lived in the dark she’d still see him as a person. As a family member.
“I’m not a weapon,” he whispered. It sounded angry. The change in his voice made him sound angry and cruel. It suited him. “I’m a monster.”
“Ryder,” his mother said. He shook his head again. She couldn’t change that.
“They were making me try to kill Vitus. I almost killed Rhys and Felix. We came back and no one mentioned it. They all said they would tell you, but they must not have. I can’t pretend I’m not what I am or let you stay in the dark…” He took a deep breath to prepare himself. Opened his eyes to face her. “I’m a monster.”
His mother stared at him with wide eyes. The fear other humans had would happen. She’d run and he’d leave. It would be impossible for anyone to catch up to him. At least from the family he couldn’t keep. It would make this place safer too. Something he desperately wanted.
It felt like eons before she started to laugh. Ryder bit his lip. His mother could be odd and laugh when she’s afraid. Except she backed up to his fist. Placed her hands on his finger. Moved them back and forth, back and forth. It was soothing, and made it worse.
“Oh, Ryder,” she sighed. He swallowed all the words in his mind. He’d spoken more than enough, inspired enough fear. “Of course I knew what happened.”
His eyes went wide. She turned back to look at him.
“Rhys and Felix couldn’t hide the bruises they came home with,” she offered a smile. “Especially Rhys with the strange ways he sleeps. Vitus told me everything after we’d gotten you a bit settled.”
“Then why accept me?” he whispered. “I…”
“Because you’re still my son. I knew a lot more about how those people worked before Vitus saved you. It’s why we wanted to give you a name, you needed to know you were a person.”
He opened his mouth, but his mother shook her head. She waved her arms towards herself. A call for him to come closer. As much as he didn’t believe he deserved it, he did as she wanted. Moved his head down until she tapped his skin to stop. Gentle strokes against his face made his eyes burn again. This time a tear fell out.
“No matter what happened, you all came home. My three sons and my husband,” she said. Ryder blinked to clear the burn, but more tears fell free. “It won’t be normal right away, we all know that. Things have changed, but not the fact you’re still a part of this family. Talk to us Ryder.”
Ryder closed his eyes again. Tears kept falling. He wanted to argue against it. He couldn’t be family anymore. Not after what he did. He was a monster. That’s all he’d ever be. Worse than a weapon, at least weapons were controlled. Except he wanted to believe it was true too.
“It’s ok sweetheart,” his mother whispered. “Let it out, I was so worried you were hiding how upset you were. Guess I was right. We’ll take everything slow Ryder, find our new normal. We’re all here for you. Why don’t you give it a bit more time before you decide you can’t stay? If you still think it’s best then talk to us, we’ll respect what you want to do. Although I’d much rather you stay here if you’ll let me be a little selfish for a while.”
I was a weapon.
His tears kept falling. Birds outside started to chirp.
I feel like a monster.
Hands kept moving against him. He leaned a bit further down. His mother did her best to hug him. Her full weight against him.
I can’t forget my sins.
In the distance he could hear doors opening. Everyone else was starting to wake up. He shook as a full sob escaped him. The force made his throat burn. His mother didn’t move.
I hurt them.
“Ryder?!” Rhys’s voice. Crashes followed.
“Did something happen?!” Felix shouted. He could hear the quiet hum of the two talking to each other. They were always loud.
I scare them.
He tried to pull away, but his mother’s hands gripped his skin. They’d check on him. As soon as he heard panting it scared him. It didn’t stop another sob from breaking out of him. A hand on his tightly curled fist made him freeze.
“Ryder,” his father’s voice. “What happened?”
“We just talked, Vitus,” his mother said.
I don’t want to be a monster or a weapon.
“I’ll stay,” he whispered. The hands on his face started to move again. He heard a confused noise from his father. Another sob escaped him. He was terrified of what he was. Terrified of what he might do. 
I want to be with the ones who taught me I was a person.
“Were you planning on leaving?” Felix this time. Ryder managed to shake his head. Based on where his older brother’s voice came from he was close.
“Good, I’d have to find you again. That just causes a mess since Felix might follow me or I’ll get lost. All around better just stick with us from the start,” Rhys said. Ryder almost smiled. All of them continued to act like he belonged.
I want to be who I used to be.
“Ryder, you should get some sleep,” his mother. “I know you didn’t sleep last night.”
Ryder nodded, but didn’t move. He heard Rhys laugh and Felix sigh. His mother didn’t move. His father came closer, put his hand on Ryder’s face.
I want to be their son.
“Take your time, no one will rush you,” his father said. His mother hummed in agreement.
I want to be their brother.
“Could always have a sleepover like when we were younger,” Felix said. Ryder nodded again. He liked the idea. 
“It’s early, I don’t mind going back to sleep. You’ll have to carry me, it’s so far,” Rhys whined. It succeeded in making Ryder laugh. They weren’t acting scared.
I’ll remember I’m accepted here.
Slowly he pulled himself away. He flattened the fist he’d left behind his mother. There wasn’t a single word exchanged before the four all climbed on his palm.
I’ll remember I have a family.
Ryder pushed himself to his feet. Pulled his hand up to his chest slowly. Held his family near his heart. He looked down to see Rhys already leaning against his chest. It made him smile. For the first time in a while he actually felt tired. He actually wanted to use his bed.
No one jumped from his steps. He watched his father, there wasn’t active fear. He was able to easily slide into bed and set his family on a pillow. At his height his feet barely stayed on the bed. It didn’t bother him. Ryder watched his family get comfortable then placed his hand over them.
I’ll remember…
“Dabria, did you ever look into getting Ryder a new bed?” his father asked.
“What kind of a mother would I be if I didn’t? It should only take a few more days,” his mother patted his fingers a few times. “You should be a lot more comfortable then, Ryder.”
…that I’m loved.
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autisticlaezel · 2 years
Not me accidentally creating another autistic oc
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orangegloom · 4 months
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admire this & praise me
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daughter-of-melpomene · 6 months
So, after posting my fancast the other day, we have finally arrived at the OCs that go with it!! Honestly, I’m so excited to share these babies with you guys; Monster High was one of my first hyperfixations ever, and despite how long it’s been since I properly interacted with it, I’ve never stopped loving it. So without further ado, please observe my beautiful freaky babies!!
(Also gonna tag my beloveds @manyfandomocs and @ginevrastilinski-ocs, because I know they’ve been waiting for this!! <3)
Nyx Darkfeather, a fallen angel, Jackson/Holt ship. The daughter of two angels who fell from Heaven. A new student at Monster High because her parents homeschooled her for a long time, scared of her being hurt for what she is since fallen angels are so rare. Very stone-faced, blunt, and closed-off, but eventually gets pulled into Frankie’s friend group after they make it their mission to befriend her, and winds up slowly being endeared by Jackson and Holt. Pretty powerful as the child of two angels, with umbrakinesis and some psychic powers, but she doesn’t use them very often. Also becomes besties with Twyla, since they’re both very used to the shadows.
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Aiko Inoue, daughter of the Slit-Mouthed Women, Deuce ship. An exchange student from Japan who eventually decides to stay and learn at Monster High. Kind of has a bad reputation at first because of her mother and how quiet she is, but eventually people start to warm up to her. Gets close to Deuce after she gets assigned to tutor him in History of the Undead shortly after he and Cleo break up, and they eventually wind up becoming a super cute couple. Intensely shy and awkward and often uses her spirit powers to turn invisible or disappear for long periods of time, but also very caring and loyal. Becomes really good friends with the hybrids, especially Neighthan and Serena.
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Chester Hoppington, a wererabbit, Gil ship. Only attends Monster High in person part-time because he cares for his eight younger siblings while his parents work. An incredible artist who meets Gil when he decides to go swimming in the school pool while Chester is there doing a drawing of the water. Incredibly sweet and caring as a result of having to be a babysitter so often, but also surprisingly stubborn and never afraid to speak out for the people he cares about. Has bunny ears and a little tail, and also has a habit of rapidly tapping his feet when he’s frustrated or angry. Eventually gets pulled into the ghouls’ friendship, and even becomes really good friends with Lagoona despite her and Gil being exes.
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Matthew Steam, a robot, Frankie ship. Robecca’s “twin” brother since Hezekiah built them at the same time, and got dismantled shortly after her when he tried to confront the Gargoyles about what they did to her. A lot more socially awkward than his sister, but surprisingly adjusts to modern life a lot easier because he was always more interested in science and mechanics and he gets incredibly excited about all the new advancements. A total nerd who goes on a lot of excited rants about his interests, which Frankie is only too happy to listen to. Also an iconic sibling duo with Robecca.
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Bonita Calaveras, a skeleton, Heath ship. Skelita’s older sister by eleven months, so they’ve always been in the same school year. Does the transfer with her sister and Jinafire, because she’s always seen it as her job to protect Skelita. Tries to keep Heath away from Skelita when she learns how much of a flirt he is, but just winds up falling for him instead. Fiercely loving and protective of those she cares about, but also sometimes forgets to take care of herself. The best sibling duo with Skelita, and also comes really good friends with Jinafire because they enjoy judging people together.
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Dabria Yelps, a zombie, Draculaura ship. Ghoulia’s younger sibling who uses they/she pronouns, and definitely the more creativity-minded of the two; an incredible writer who wants to publish romance novels one day. Also a hopeless lesbian who falls in love with Draculaura almost the moment they meet her, but it takes a while for them to get together because Draculaura still needs to get over her breakup with Clawd and Dabira is way too awkward to properly confess for the longest time. She’s also best friends with Howleen and Twyla, and kinda goes through it for a bit during the whole Shadow Genie ordeal.
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Gaia Nature, child of Mother Nature, Abbey ship. Homeschooled in the forest for a good portion of their life, but finally allowed to attend Monster High because they’ve always wanted to meet more kids their age. A total and complete sweetheart because they’ve always been taught to be kind to all living creatures, but also tends to be kind of naïve and overly trusting because they haven’t really been around actual people very much. They and Abbey are a total opposites attract couple, but Abbey is very soft for them and also manages to toughen them up a bit, so they work very well together. Definitely besties with Rochelle, Robecca, and Venus, and frequently teams up with Venus on environment-saving endeavors.
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Chord Nightingale, a siren, Manny ship. Head of the Monster High choir, which Manny is forced to join as a punishment from Headmistress Bloodgood after beating up another student. Totally outgoing and sunshiney, which doesn’t allow him to get long with Manny at first. Mostly confident but also scared of ever accidentally enchanting someone with his siren song after an incident that happened when he was a kid that he’s never told anyone about. Eventually grows close to Manny and the two of them start to open up to each other, until they finally get together. Doesn’t really have many friends despite being a social butterfly, but eventually becomes pretty close with the ghost crew - Operetta, Scarah, Serena, and Johnny Spirit - and they become kind of an iconic group.
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feyturtle · 9 months
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a Normal™ paladin girl for an apocalypse game where the moon disappeared!
More info about her under the
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Alinement: Lawful Neutral (thinks she's Lawful Good)
STR 17
DEX 10
CON 14
WIS 12
CHA 14
Info: Dabria Tenebri is a young paladin who has spent her entire life in an isolated village in the mountains. With the disappearance of the moon, along with the abjuration magic associated with it, Dabria has been tasked by the High Priestess of her temple to venture out, leaving the only home she's ever known, and learn about what happened and how.
Dabria herself is a friendly face to most, generally helping out wherever she can. However to her enemies, or those she deems as evil, she is a ruthless judge, jury, and executioner.
Ribs - The Crane Wives
Drink the Water (live) - Justin Cross
Crucified - Army of Lovers
Go to the Light - Murder by Death
Queen of Nothing - The Crane Wives
Oh Ana - Mother Mother
The Nowhere King - Centaur World
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hanicchy · 5 months
sigh... i miss my ocs
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kunegon · 1 year
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She’s super shy come on trust!!
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althea-and-alcestris · 8 months
OC Introductions
Hii! This is my first Tumblr post and I'm gonna start with introducing my TWST ocs that I will be featuring in my future blogs.
Name: Althea Charlotte Cardinal
Name in Japanese: Arutea Karudinaru (アルテアー • カルディナール)
Other names: Dabria (Angel of Death), Esmeray Felch (original name)
Nicknames: Allie/Thea
Age: Undecided (can be any age depending on story)
Gender: Girl (afab) She/Her
Sexuality: Polyamorous-Bisexual
Height: 168 cm
Demon in human disguise (Lucifer's daughter)
Hair color: ashy/milky blonde
Eye color: Heterochromia (right - cherry red, left - hazel brown)
Skintone: Pale
Personality: Sensitive (maybe a bit too much) to insults directed at her but can and will break bones if the insult is directed at loved ones, behavior can vary between excited and childish/mature late teen/violent force/depression, very affectionate and supportive (often places everyone else infront of her own needs), polite and thus has a hard time saying no, naive but lovable, due to her demon nature and family background she finds no problem in going to extremes to protect someone (she needs to work on that)
Hobbies: Figure Skating, Horseback riding, Reading
Talents: Singing, Stringed instruments, Medical treatments, Weapons, martial arts
Often paired with: Sebek Zigvolt
Signature Spell: Screams of Hell (an ear piercing scream)
Voice Claim: Japanese - Akiko Yajima (Sea Fairy Cookie) English - Katharine Gray (Seras Victoria)
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。
Name: Alcestris [Zigvolt] (originally no last name but will go by Zigvolt later on)
Name in Japanese: Aruzesutorisu (アルゼストリース)
Other names: Isadora Evergreen (original name)
Nicknames: Alce/Firecracker
Age: 17 (logically well over 400 but oh well)
Gender: Genderfluid (afab) All pronouns
Sexuality: Asexual-Lesbian
Height: 5'10 (178 cm)
Half-fae (serpent fae and human)
Hair color: milky blonde
Eye color: Heterochromia (right - tart red, left - hazel brown)
Skintone: Pale
Other skin features: Purple scales
Personality: Cynical and sarcastic but is actually a sweetheart once known enough, an absolute daredevil but with some exceptional luck, loud and big mouthed (she will insult ANYONE), her no. 1. solution to arguements is throwing hands, not at all lady-like she swears a lot, energetic and overly brave
Hobbies: Singing, Writing songs, Playing the guitar, Parkour
Talents: Martial arts, Singing, Instruments, Parkour, Weapons (non mechanical)
Often paired with: No romantic pairings (Platonic pairing: Baul Zigvolt, Lilia Vanrouge, Meleanor Draconia)
Signature Spell: Lullaby of the River
Voice Claim: Japanese - Paku Romi (Temari) English - Trina Nishimura (Mikasa Ackermann)
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fun-littlescribbles · 8 months
GtWAC day 7
Dabria adopting any child she sees by themselves like:
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OC belongs to @awkwardgtace (this is cannon for all AUs regardless of size 😂)
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anagomesarts · 5 months
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Oc i made for a drawing challenge ❤️
Her name is Dabria Doylle 🦇🖤
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3amclothesmonster · 5 months
Top five blorbo (real not clickbait)
uhh fandom wise:
#1 Nina the killer
#2 Jedidiah Natm
#3 Octavius Natm
#4 Noah total drama
#5 Jasper Steven universe
Oc wise:
#1 Vinny
#2 Azzy
#3 Azule
#4 Liesel
#5 Kaimana
Dabria is a close fifth though :P
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awkwardgtace · 1 year
Intimidating Presence
day 20 intimidate
next one that fits the trope @jakersdaboss
honestly this title is probably bad titles are hard i don't have a good one lol
Dabria is tired of the gossip in the town when the nearby giant watches them. She decides talking to the giant will solve the issue
Intimidating Presence
“It came back today”
“I heard it stomping, I almost thought I heard its stomach.”
“It looks fed why would it keep coming here?”
“That monster’s eaten plenty, it doesn't need our village as a part of it.”
“Something has to be done before it decides to make a snack out of us.”
“It might get bored if we stay cautious, just don’t let it see anything when it’s looking. It’ll be fine.”
Dabria glared at the gossiping townsfolk as she passed. This was the third week of them acting like the giant was some heartless monster. They hadn’t hurt anyone or even gotten that close. They would just come near the end of the day, when the sun was setting and watch. It had her curious, but if they wanted to kill anyone it would have happened by now.
She slammed the door as she arrived home. The things on the wall shook from the force. This was getting ridiculous. Stalking through her home she went searching for her boots and a hiking bag. She would get to the bottom of this. Those gossipers would learn to be quiet. Judging someone from their appearance was just rude. They should have learned from their gossip about her.
“What are you doing?” she jumped when her husband’s voice sounded. She turned around, a bit of a blush on her face. She hadn’t told Vitus her idea, hadn’t even thought it all the way through. He looked tired, his usually cleanly tied hair was a mess. The bags beneath his green eyes screamed for sleep. She walked up, wrapped her arms around him and rested her head on his shoulder.
“I’m going to go talk to the giant?” she said. The chuckle from Vitus made her smile. He wrapped his arms around her, kissing the top of her head. Sometimes it was easy to forget they were the same height. He felt like a giant most of the time.
“Oh? Were you going to tell me or was I going to find out when you never came to bed tonight?”
“I was going to tell you… probably.” His arms tightened around her.
“Dabria, are you sure about this?”
“I don’t know. They haven’t hurt anyone, just watched us. And all those people gossiping all the time is just cruel. At least knowing would be better than all of this.” She pulled away to look in his eyes. “Vitus, are you going to stop me?”
He leaned forward and kissed her quickly. “No, just come back safe. I know you can take care of yourself. Besides, you wouldn’t run headfirst into danger without me. Unless that was you asking for me to come along?”
Dabria laughed and pulled away from him. She had to finish packing to head out. The giant would be leaving around sunset and that wasn’t too far off. She was going to follow them. “Far from it. It wouldn’t do to take the only doctor off on a dangerous adventure now would it?” 
“I guess that’s fair. I’m going to take a nap, wake me up before you go?”
“Of course I will.”
Dabria passed the day gathering anything she could think of. A lantern for the dark, food in case she got lost. A map, a compass, water, even a book if she had to wait for them to come back. When she woke Vitus up just as the sun set he laughed at her. She had probably gone overboard, but she wanted to be prepared. Another quick kiss and she was off. The only thing left behind the thing that would tell the giant what she was.
Just as she expected, the giant was watching the town. Their face was covered by shadow. It made it impossible to tell what they were planning. If they were up to something bad it would have happened by now. She kept repeating that as she walked through town. It wasn’t that late, but it was horribly quiet. No one in town wanted to risk facing the giant’s wrath. A wrath she doubted existed.
She managed to reach the edge of the village just as the giant stood. From here they actually looked a bit smaller than she’d heard giants should be. A lot smaller actually, the trees were just at their height. They turned around, world shaking steps leading far from the village. She almost wanted to call out to them.
“Thank the heavens it’s leaving. It looks so hungry every time it watches us. That stomach looks plenty full already.”
“I still say the guard should chase it, maybe even kill it. We don’t know when it will get bored.”
“What if it wants us as toys?”
“Even worse, what if it wants pets?” The world shook as the giant walked away.
“I don’t know what’s worse, being a toy, a snack or a pet? I mean those hands-”
“Oh quiet down already!” Dabria yelled. The two peeking out of a window jumped at her shout. “You know nothing about them. If they were going to hurt us they would have by now.”
“What makes you say that? What is all that you’re carrying?”
“Nothing you need to worry about. Go back to your pointless gossiping. I’ll just prove you wrong like always.” Dabria started walking away from the rude people of this town. Sometimes she wanted to leave, but Vitus was all they had for medicine. Despite how foolish some outspoken members were, neither could leave the kind ones.
“You’re gonna die if you go out there! Better not take the doctor along with you!”
“I’m alone, obviously he’s not coming.”
Dabria kept walking, ignoring what the gossipers shouted after her. The giant's steps were still vibrating through the ground. She wondered if they even knew how it felt to others. She’d ask about it once they met.
As her trek into the forest truly began she realized she would be walking for a while. She used the footprints the giant left to guide her. Another sign that didn’t add up, the one she knew was much bigger than this. She shook off her thoughts, refocusing on her goal. Tonight she’d meet the giant.
The walk through the forest was mostly quiet. Now and then a strange sound was carried on the wind. It made her curious, but the giant could always help her find it. They were probably just in between their travels. It was normal enough for a giant to linger near a town, it was half of why she knew anything about them. One that would be around her home village. They visited every so often, even helped when others got lost.
The noise was getting louder as she walked. Something about it was familiar. She couldn’t quite pin it down, but didn’t want to let that distract her. She had to find the giant and talk to them. Although it might have been smarter to wait for them near the village. One day she needed to start thinking her plans through. That was for another night though. Tonight she had to find the giant.
After a while of walking under the stars she saw a clearing. A bit of hope entered her chest, the footprints led there. She ran forward with a burst of energy, pushing away the worry as the sound grew louder. She paused just before entering the clearing to look for the giant or the source of the sound.
Dabria’s heart broke when she found both. The giant was sitting in the clearing, knees hugged to their chest. From what she could see this was a young boy alone in the woods. She couldn’t believe the villagers had been gossiping about this poor boy for weeks. The source of the sound were the sobs that wracked the child’s body. She took a step forward, a twig cracked from her weight.
The boy’s head snapped up. His eyes were cat-like, reflecting strangely in the dark. She could just make out the golden color as he tried to glare at her. She walked out of the shadows and tried to get closer. The boy actually growled at her, she had never known giants could growl. Bared fangs shone under the stars, but that only made her more concerned.
There wasn’t anger in the eyes meeting her though. This was a scared child his size didn’t change that. She took another step, but he leaned back. He was afraid of her, that only made her more concerned. She sat down where she was, pulled her bag off her back, and pulled out some of the food she packed.
“I know it isn’t much for you, but I skipped dinner and don’t like to eat alone,” she said, a smile on her lips. The boy was frozen for a few seconds, but he did eventually lean forward. “Would you care to join me?”
Dabria held out some of what she brought. It was just an apple, the other sitting in her lap. She wasn’t sure what to expect in the reaction. The boy didn’t jump at the chance to get closer, studying her. He was smart, trusting a stranger like this wouldn’t be the best thing to do. So she waited with her arm outstretched for him to answer.
Eventually he did move. He brought a hand closer to her, moving it right past the apple to surround her. She tried not to let her fear at his choice show, he was scared and wanted to scare her. She wasn’t running from a child who was clearly on his own. His hand stayed partly wrapped around her, but there was room for her to run.
“Run, I-I’ll hurt you. I’ll do all the things you people think I will. Every single one,” he said. His voice was hoarse. Most likely from lack of use. It only made her more upset. She didn’t react to the empty threat, instead setting the apple on the top of his hand.
“I’m not running, and I don’t think you’re going to do anything. To me or anyone else in the village,” she smiled again. All of this was laced with hope that he’d listen. Trust her even.
“Liar. I know what you all say about me. I-I’ll do it. You better run.”
“I’m not running so I guess you’ll have to do those bad things, won’t you?”
Silence settled around them. She could hear the soft bustle of forest life as he considered her words. He could act on them. Hurt her, make her a toy, a pet, or a snack, but she knew he wouldn’t. The golden eyes staring at her weren’t ones here to hurt anyone. They were lonely and scared, something she fully intended to fix.
The fingers around her started to shake. She stared up past the hand at the boy. He looked more afraid than when she arrived. He started to close the bit of space he left. It made her wonder how much space she’d take up in his hand when she was standing. Either way she kept watching him as tears pricked his massive eyes.
“I-I can do it. Really I will. You should run before it’s too late,” he said. The boy was trembling and Dabria grew more worried about him. She reached out a hand and set it on the fingers around her.
“You can, but you don’t have to. It doesn’t look like you want to. We can always just talk instead,” she tried to squeeze the finger her hand was on to reassure him. That made him pull away from her. Fear in his golden eyes.
“Y-you’re just here to make me leave right? Go away, I won't go near that place again.”
“I’m not here to make you leave.” The boy jumped. “I came out here to talk to the giant and find out what they’ve been doing. Now I’m out here to talk to you. So… I’m Dabria, what’s your name?”
“Felix… I’m Felix.”
“Nice to meet you Felix. Would you be willing to tell me why you were crying?”
Dabria noticed the apple had fallen when he pulled his hand away. She carefully stood to pick it up. Felix flinched and slid back from her. It hurt her heart. A young boy was so scared of her. Scared of someone who usually couldn’t do much to hurt him. Unless he knew what her eyes meant. She doubted that though.
“D-don’t come closer,” he whined. Dabria moved slowly, exaggerating her movements. She bent to grab the apple and returned to where she was sitting. Dropping the fruit in the bag.
“Don’t worry. I just wanted to get the apple I tried to give you. I won’t get any closer,” she promised. Felix nodded at her, seeming more tense than before. She took her seat on the ground and looked up at him again. “So instead of why you were crying, how about why you watch the village?”
Felix buried his head in his knees. It didn’t look like he wanted to talk about anything at all. Dabria nodded to herself and reached into her bag again. She pulled out a book that she brought along. It wasn’t too much for a child, at least not when she knew the parts to skip.
“Ok, so you don’t tell me anything. I’ll just read a book. I hope you don’t mind, but I like to read outloud.”
Felix didn’t answer so she opened the book and started to read. At least she pretended to read. Instead she told a story that she knew as a child. One that told of a giant who traveled the world. Acting as a hero for the small people around them. She smiled as Felix reacted. His eyes blown wide in wonder.
As she continued the story Felix started to relax. He stretched out his legs next to her. His foot was probably taller than her. She took the chance to look him over. The clothes he wore were covered in holes. His face had dirt on it. This child was still young, at most six, but more likely five. She wasn’t leaving him alone no matter what.
By the time she reached the end of her ‘book’ he’d leaned close. Hovering over her in a way others might be worried over. All she could see on his face was the excitement as the giant hero fought a villain. As they won the day and were celebrated by everyone. Human and giant alike in honor of this one hero. She smiled up at him when she closed the book.
“The end,” she said. Felix’s eyes were filled to the brim with hope. There was a solid minute before he realized what he was doing, how he hovered. She hadn’t even noticed his hand set next to her so he could lean closer. Now she understood, he wanted pictures with the story.
Felix’s cheeks turned bright red as she looked at him. He quickly pulled back, sitting far from her again. His legs started moving, but she reached out and grabbed his pants before he pulled completely away. He froze as soon as her fingers brushed the fabric. He looked scared again, the awe already fading.
“You don’t need to scrunch up again, I can tell another story if you want.”
Felix stared at her. It was the first time since finding him she saw the predatory looks giants often had. Looks that she knew other humans sometimes found scary, but she knew what they really meant. That they were trying to see the smaller things around them. To understand the world that never truly seemed to suit them
He didn’t pull his legs back. She took her hand away and watched the giant child lean forward again. A hand set next to her, fingers up this time. He was scared still, but not pulling away. It was something she considered a win. Something making progress.
“You… really aren’t gonna send me away?” he asked. His voice shook, the trembles spread through his body. Dabria stood walking slowly towards the hand near her. She put one of her own on the tip of his finger.
“I’m really not here to send you away. I’m doing a pretty bad job if I was,” she laughed. A tear splashed down near her. Looking up she found the crying face of the giant child.
“I-I just wanted to watch… I-I…”
“Shush, it’s ok. You can come watch, even talk to us.”
“N-no. I heard them talking… they don’t like me, call me a monster… I-I am one…”
The sound of sobbing echoed around her. It was just as bad as she heard on her way here. It made the body of this child shudder. Even worse than his fear. She looked at the fingers near her, making a choice as soon as she noticed the way they trembled.
“Felix, have you ever picked up a human or a small animal?” He nodded. “Ok, then why don’t you pick me up?”
“It’ll be ok, I trust you. Would you rather me climb on your hand?”
Felix shook his head again. Slowly fingers that would grow to tower over her wrapped around her. She was held loosely as they closed around her. His other hand was beneath her feet before she had a chance to dangle. Both his hands brought her up as he sat up straight again. They were still trembling and the sobs hadn’t stopped.
“Good job, can you bring me closer to you now?”
Felix brought her close. He held her right in front of his face. She waited for him to pull his hand from around her. It took time for him to do it. She watched him move it below the one she stood on. The whole time she struggled to keep standing straight. The trembles traveling through his body wanted to knock her down. She wouldn’t let that happen.
Using all her strength she moved forward. Barely able to reach Felix’s face. She spread her arms wide and pressed against him. He immediately met her, pressing his whole face into her body. Tears fell again, soaking her as he cried. She didn’t mind.
“It’s ok Felix, you can cry all you need,” she whispered.
The moon traveled through the sky as he cried. It was a lake’s worth of tears and she didn’t care. Not for one moment did she pull away from the child that so desperately needed someone in that moment. Eventually he moved. Pressing one of his hands to her back and holding her more tightly. She didn’t feel fear for a moment.
Fingers wrapped around her again. Tears never stopped. She started to run her hand over his skin. Just a small reassurance. His grip was tight, but far from enough to hurt her. She closed her eyes and pressed her forehead against him. She wouldn’t stop this until he was ready.
“S-sorry,” he whispered. His hands started to move, but she smacked her hand against his fingers.
“Don’t be sorry,” she said. She pressed her hands into his skin again. “Do you feel better now? You can keep crying if you need to.”
“M-mom and dad used to say I shouldn’t cry around humans… It’s not good to do that. Th-they said humans wouldn’t like it…”
“Well I’m here and I don’t mind you crying. I’d rather you cry until you don’t need to anymore. You don’t even have to tell me why.”
“I miss mom and dad. They told me to run and they’d find me, but they haven’t. I-I’m scared they aren’t coming. I’m… I’m really lonely…”
“Oh Felix, how long has it been?”
“A-a while. Humans made me leave the other places they told me to wait. This is the last one.”
“Well you aren’t being made to leave here. You can wait as long as you need. You can even stay with me.”
Felix pulled her away. His fingers left her again and she watched him wipe his eyes. She noticed a bright red mark on his hand. A gasp left her that had his hand beneath her again right away. His fingers were around her immediately, but that didn’t change her worries.
“What happened to your hand?” she asked. Felix pulled his hand away from her and looked at the mark.
“Oh… I tried to look at a fuzzy brown animal. I thought it was cute, but it got mad and scratched at me. It’s fine,” he said. He shoved his hand behind his back. Dabria crossed her arms and looked up at the giant boy who only seemed ashamed of his injury.
“Felix, why don’t we go back to my house? My husband is the doctor in the village. We can have him look at the cut on your hand.”
“No the-the other humans are always talking about me. They’ll be mad and make me leave or worse…”
Dabria waved him closer, happy when the boy listened. She set her hands on his face and stared into one of his golden eyes. “If they do anything then I’m leaving with you. You aren’t going to be alone again. You’ll have me no matter what.”
“I promise. So let’s go ok? Just take us back to the village and I’ll tell you where to go after.”
“Shouldn’t I put you down?”
“Nope, it’s a lot faster if you carry me. Oh just let me down so I can get my bag, ok?”
Felix nodded. His fingers wrapped around her again, just like when he lifted her. He pulled his lower hand away before lowering her to the ground. It wasn’t the best way for him to handle her, but that was something to figure out later. They’d both be learning for a while. She grabbed her bag before turning back to him. She watched the young boy shift to be kneeling. His weight was enough to make her stumble.
There was the smallest wonder if she was making a mistake. If her life as she had lived until now would be ruined accepting this giant into her home. It faded away when his golden eyes locked on her again. His size didn’t matter, the eyes staring at her felt more like a scared animal than a threat. She wouldn’t abandon him. She was worried how he’d look in the sun, if his hair was a mess or his clothes were even worse than she could see with the moon. 
“A-are you ready? M-Miss Dabria?”
Dabria smiled, walking a bit forward. “I’m ready, and just Dabria is fine. I already said I trust you, I mean it Felix.”
Fingers wrapped around her again. His other palm was beneath her feet before she could think. It seemed like he was just the type to grab, it wasn’t such a bad thing. He was careful every time. She was lifted up to his chest, held near the panicking heartbeat of a young child. Another thing that broke her heart.
He kept his hold on her as he stood. The height he had was still intimidating to see despite sitting in his hand. She couldn’t even start to guess how big he’d be when fully grown. If he was even a normal height for giants now. There was so much she didn’t know when it came to taking care of him. So much she’d make sure to learn.
The first step Felix took made her suck in a breath. It had his fingers tightening around her as he moved. He paused, looking down at her with fear. He was just as nervous as she was. A nervousness that she would find a way to ease. She thought about it for only a moment before having a solution to his worries.
“Felix, why don’t you just curve your hand against your chest to hold me? That way you have a hand free.”
Felix didn’t say anything, but did as she suggested. The fingers slipped away and she was pressed against his chest. It was more than she expected, but another thing to work on. He took to walking again. This time his steps seemed more confident. She smiled as he walked, if he was confident she could be a little uncomfortable.
As he walked she thought about Vitus. He didn’t think she was going to bring the giant home, he would have said something if he did. She was worried this time it might push him too far. That he wouldn’t stand by her when she made a crazy decision. He stood by her through the gossip in every village they visited, but adopting a giant child might be too far. 
Felix’s hand tensed around her. That just proved it didn’t matter. If Vitus wouldn’t stand by her this time then she’d leave. She didn’t have his medical knowledge, but she had the best chance of caring for a giant. She could get the clothes and shelter he’d most likely need. Felix’s hand flattening made her squeak as she fell back.
Looking around she saw the village nearby. She climbed to her feet to look around for a moment. It was dark, no sign of anyone. The only light she could see was the one from a window in her own home. Vitus probably fell asleep with it on. He would usually try to wait up for her, but his limit was always near dawn. Her own heart was hammering at how he’d act. If he’d just adopt the giant child like she had.
“Do you see that house on the other edge of the village? With a glow to it?” she asked. Felix nodded. “Just head over there. That’s where I live with Vitus. Where will work out a place for you to stay too. You shouldn’t be sleeping alone in the woods.”
Felix nodded again. He curved his hand up a bit this time, more like she’d first intended. He took his steps slowly. Each one left no sign of his movement. He did know how to be careful around humans, another good thing. Teaching him caution would have been a bit hard, still doable. Although it did stand out he didn’t speak.
“Felix,” she called his name, but got no response. Her home was almost below him by now. Traveling with a giant was a much better speed. “You can talk when you hold me like this. I’m not going to break. I didn’t earlier.”
“...ok,” he whispered. It was better than the silence. He was too aware of himself now that they were at the village. She’d work on his comfort later. “We’re here… I think.”
“Yup, just let me down and I’ll be right back ok?” Felix slowly lowered himself to be sitting. Then he wrapped his fingers around her and pulled her from his palm, letting her down just outside her home. The home she was a bit worried about entering. “Now wait here while I get what we need for your hand, ok sweetheart?”
Dabria walked in, dropping her bag to the side as she moved. Slowly she made her way through the house, grabbing what Vitus normally used for wounds. She replaced some things. A sheet rather than gauze. A bucket for cleaning it rather than the small dish Vitus always used. All that was left was what he used to sanitize it.
“Vitus, honey are you up?” she called into the house. Above her she heard a shifting chair followed by creaking steps as he came down to see her. If she hadn’t learned to read him she’d think he was unphased. His eyes had widened just a bit, his lip twitched slightly. He was confused. “Where do you keep all the disinfectant? I think I’ll probably need what we have on hand.”
“What are you doing?” he asked. It didn’t stop him from going around the room to gather a number of his own tools. She pouted when he grabbed the small disinfectant he always kept nearby.
“Felix is hurt and I’m going to take care of him. Also I told him he could stay with us.” There was a bit of fear behind her words. How would Vitus react?
“Felix? Is that the giant?” Dabria nodded and Vitus hummed. Sometimes it was even hard for her to read him and she hated that. This was one of those times. “Well, let’s go take care of his wound.”
Dabria smiled as Vitus followed behind her. She hadn’t told him that the giant was a child yet, but that shouldn’t matter much. She hoped. Together they walked out, she grabbed her staff on the way. There was no chance she’d leave this child unsheltered for the night. When they walked out she bit back a laugh.
Felix was on his knees with his head on the ground. One hand near the door as he tried to look in after her. He was such a curious child. His eyes filled with fear when he saw Vitus and it froze him in place. Vitus shot her a look, one she still couldn’t quite read. He stepped forward, but that got Felix moving. He sat up straight, the movement sent both her and Vitus stumbling back. As soon as she looked up she saw tears in his eyes.
“I-I’m sorry. I’m sorry,” Felix mumbled. She saw the way he tensed, ready to jump up. Before she could say anything, Vitus stepped forward.
“Don’t be sorry, I’d be curious too. You can look inside more tomorrow, the sun will make it easier,” he said. Dabria smiled, she could hear it in his voice already. Vitus would stand by her this time too. “I’m Vitus, Dabria said you were hurt, can I see it?”
Felix hesitantly brought his injured hand close. Vitus stepped forward, not even blinking at the giant hand. Felix was trembling again. After a few seconds Vitus turned to her and grabbed the bucket with soap she’d brought outside.
“This will sting, but we want to make sure you stay healthy while it heals. Ok?”
“Ok,” Felix’s voice was a whisper again. He was such a kind child.
Vitus focused on cleaning the wound. Felix actually growled at the contact, but Vitus didn’t even flinch. It didn’t stop the giant child from looking guilty. Dabria walked up and offered Vitus the towel she’d brought outside. He dried the wound before holding up the disinfectant he’d brought out.
“You know this doesn’t need as much as you thought,” he smiled. Felix twitched when it hit his wound, this time knocking them both back. Neither were bothered, but tears fell from the giant’s eyes. Vitus just took the sheet from her and quickly put it on Felix’s hand. “You’re doing a great job Felix.”
“He’s right, most of the time no one would sit still like you,” she said.
“Felix, how old are you?”
“F-five… but I’m gonna be six soon!” His voice was louder than it had been before. He quickly shrunk back, but Vitus chuckled.
“You’re the calmest five almost six year old I’ve treated. I need you to hold your hand up a bit so I can tie this around your palm.” Felix did as he was asked. Vitus shot her a look as he tied the sheet. “There, we’ll keep it clean so it heals safely.”
“Thank you.”
Dabria smiled at the words. Felix would fit in soon enough. Vitus gathered everything she brought out and took it back inside. She had to figure out how to make him shelter. Her staff would make it possible to get a home built, but she needed an idea of how big to make it. She didn’t want to make it again every few years.
“Dabria?” Vitus’s voice made her jump. He’d come out with a book she hadn’t seen before. “With a few measurements we can probably guess how tall he’ll be later to make a place for him.”
Felix had started to loom again. Such a wholesome curiosity. She smiled at Vitus as he came over to her. Holding open the book she took a look. She knew how tall her staff was and that would give her what she needed.
“Felix, can you put your hand flat on the ground for me?” she asked. Felix did exactly that, tensing when she brought her staff close. She decided to distract him as she measured his hand. “Did you know when we moved here they told mean rumors about me too?”
“Why? You’re human…” His innocent question actually made Vitus laugh. Humans knew what her traits meant, a young giant never would. It did make the giant child shrink back.
“She isn’t human, she’s a witch,” Vitus smiled. He moved closer; he was just as calm around this giant child as she was. “Humans like to tell rumors about what they don’t understand. That includes someone bigger than us, or our size and a little special.”
“I’d say I’m more than a little special. You did happen to marry one of the strongest witches of this generation.” 
It was a point of pride she’d never ignore. It helped that she finished measuring just as she spoke. Looking in the book she had a guess, a guess that left her heart pounding. He’d get a lot bigger, big enough to be a threat even she would struggle against. That nervous look in his eyes made the nerves budding in her heart die.
“What does that mean?” Felix asked. Dabria held her staff at arms length, turned horizontally. A glow started to emanate in a circle around her.
“You should make sure to change our house while you’re at it. He shouldn’t be separated from us if he’s staying with us,” Vitus said. It made her smile, his acting like this is part of why she loved him. She closed her eyes, focusing on her conjuring spell. There was enough catalyst left in her staff for this. A whine came from above her. “Felix, it’ll be alright. She’s not doing anything bad, it’s why we live on the edge of town. The clinic is deeper in the village.”
Dabria smiled to herself at the reassurance. She could almost see Vitus rubbing Felix’s hand as he spoke. She let herself return to her focus. The goal of the house that they could all live in. One with rooms that were both their size and Felix’s. Where he wouldn’t be made to feel out of place and neither would they.
“Conjura!” she shouted. Her eyes opened, the brilliant red glowing from them always left her a bit concerned. It didn’t matter as the home she conjured pieced together around them. It didn’t take long for it to complete.
She fell back, the spell itself taking all her energy. Usually Vitus caught her, but this time large fingers wrapped around her easily. She looked up, the glow from her eyes casting a strange red on Felix. He looked nervous and excited exactly what she wanted. She couldn’t move though.
“I- are- uh-,” he started and stopped. Vitus’s hands came to rest on her arm.
“Don’t worry. She’s tired. Just like I’m sure you are. We should all get some sleep tonight. Felix, we'll deal with the village tomorrow. You have a home here with us.”
“We need to show him his room Vitus,” she mumbled.
“I doubt you even know where it is, did you put any thought into the layout this time?”
“Yes! Well… a bit more than last time.”
They laughed, but the fingers beneath her tensed. She looked up at Felix, fear still pouring from his face. She had an idea, one that might tip Vitus over the edge. She would offer it anyway, anything for the giant she’d already taken in as her child.
“Felix, do you want me to stay with you tonight?” she asked. Vitus tightened his hold on her arm, but it wasn’t the warning kind of grip. She knew when he thought she’d gone too far.
“We can both stay with you if you want,” he said.
Felix didn’t actually say anything. He just wrapped his fingers around them both and pulled them close. A young child that had been on his own didn’t need to speak when the offer was right there. He stood and looked around a bit before seeming to decide he just wanted to sleep where he was. He curled up on his side, Dabria and Vitus held against his chest.
“Is… is this ok?” he whispered.
“It’s fine Felix, get some sleep. We’ll be here in the morning,” she said.
It didn’t take long for him to fall asleep. The hands around them loosened, letting both Dabria and Vitus get more comfortable. They sat next to Felix’s chest, the calm breaths something Dabria was happy to hear. Vitus had his arms around her, but both their heads were against Felix.
“You went out and adopted a giant child tonight,” he whispered with a laugh.
“It wasn’t my plan, but yes I did,” she sighed. A smile wide enough to split her face in two as one of Felix’s hands moved to cover them in his sleep.
“I can’t say much, I saw him and knew if you hadn’t I would have.”
“You know, I was a little worried this time I might have gone too far. It’s not like you grew up with a giant next door like I did.”
“Well, I can’t really leave a kid all on his own. Size be damned. We’re leaving if they argue tomorrow.” She wrapped her arms around Vitus and squeezed.
“You’re the best man I could have married.”
“You’re the best witch I could have met. Get some rest, you’ll be busy with him tomorrow while I deal with the town.”
“Vitus… you really are the best.” He pulled her closer, she let her eyes fall closed. “Why were you still up? I know you usually  try to be awake, but it’s pretty close to dawn. You normally fall asleep around now, even with the lights on.”
“I was waiting to tell you I finished the test for why you’ve been so tired. Felix will have a little sibling within a year.”
Dabria’s eyes snapped open. She knew he was running one of those tests he did on her blood, but she didn’t know it would turn into that. Her heart raced as ideas flooded her mind. All the things their family could do, not a single one missing their new giant son. She fell asleep dreaming of the child they’d add to this family they just formed.
In the morning she was woken by loud banging at their door. She didn’t even know how close it was. Felix’s hands around her tightened, it wasn’t a dream. She did notice that Vitus wasn’t there. She squirmed out of the nervous giant’s hand to look at him, golden eyes filled with fear.
“She did it again, didn't she?” It was one of the gossiping villagers. “She brought that monster here. We’ve ignored what she is, but this is too far.”
She rested a hand on Felix’s fingers, digging them into his skin. They weren’t getting chased out. Even if the village didn’t like them, she’d go to where she found him and they’d live there.
“Enough!” Vitus’s voice echoed in the now giant sized home. “If you intend to try to chase our son out of here you’ll be losing both of us as well. I’ll happily trust him over all of you with how you treated my wife when we arrived. Make your choices wisely.”
The door slammed, another echo that settled in the silence. Tears splashed nearby. Felix started shaking. Vitus walked in and she could see how angry he was. Just how many times had that happened already? She always slept heavily after such a big spell. A house for a fully grown giant was no easy feat, even for her. 
Vitus walked right up to Felix and held a hand up to him. The giant child leaned forward, as if it was something they’d done a thousand times. He stopped with his face just a little out of Vitus’s current reach. Vitus didn’t care, he reached out further and stood on the tips of his toes to touch the face of the child they took in during the night.
“Don’t worry Felix, we’re family now. They aren’t going to get us to send you away. We either live here together or we move out of the village together,” Vitus said. 
The hand near her left only to wrap around Vitus. He was pulled up as Felix sat up straight. The child was crying again with the man against his face. Dabria smiled, happy to see Vitus acting just as she did. They were a family. A human, a witch, a giant, and eventually a half witch. They’d be quite the strange group, but all of them would stick together.
Felix sat outside of the home his human size parents had made so long ago. He didn’t need to go hunting for the village and he had run out of fabric so he was bored. Bored happened a lot for him, but that was partly because of why he ran out of fabric so often.
“Felix!” a child shouted. He looked down at his leg where the fabric his sister had conjured in practice was being used for a slide. He’d moved his leg at some point, knocking down the ladder the kids were using today. “Help us up!”
“What if I don’t want to?” he smirked. It was met with dozens of whines as he fixed the ladder anyway. He set his hand down, quickly gaining a handful of unbelievably tiny humans. It scared him a bit how much trust they had in him. They were so small, he could mess up. It had been like this for years though.
“Felix!” A woman called as she ran up to him. “I need you to watch Cedric for a few hours. Just enough to get laundry done!”
“A-are you sure?” It had never been easy to believe the humans wanted him to hold the youngest of the children. Still the tiny human Cedric, one who could barely walk, was dropped on his palm and the woman ran off.
“Thank you so much! I’ll be back by sunset.”
“Hide me! Hide me!” This voice he knew very well, his sister came running from the house towards his unoccupied hand. She grabbed at his hand to turn it over so he’d lift her from the ground. “Felix please! You have to hide me.”
Felix sighed, but carefully pinched his sister’s sides. It was hard to believe she was only a little over twice the width of his fingers. Still he lifted her up and up and up until he had her meeting his eyes. She looked nervous, he could only imagine what she did this time. She was getting more confident in her magic now. A confidence that used up a lot of materials.
“Del, what did you do this time?” he asked.
“Felix I promise to conjure more of the really fancy fabric tonight if you just hide me. Just drop me in your pocket and pretend I wasn’t here. Please?”
“Delphia Kamia you get back here!” his mother shouted. 
Almost on instinct he slipped his sister into his pocket. He would never let anyone hurt his family, even when it was the rest of his family. His mother came running out of their house with a glare that made him shudder. That caused a number of whines from the slide on his leg. He didn’t hear the ladder fall though.
“Felix, where is your sister?” his mother asked. She set her hands on her hips, her ebony hair was a mess. Felix just shrugged, preferring not to directly lie. “She managed to draw on all the extra catalysts again and even caused a small explosion this time. She’s lucky it was just us inside, you and your father could have been hurt.”
“I don’t think it would have hurt me,” Felix smiled. It was a wry smile, sometimes his mother acted like he wasn’t a giant.
“Don’t belittle magic. The explosions can do a lot of damage when you aren’t a witch. Now where is she?”
“I’m not sure, sorry to say.” His lie had a strong chance to fall flat when the human in question squirmed in his pocket.
“When you see her make sure she knows she’s grounded for the two months it will take me to travel to get more catalysts.” The shout told him and the squirming human in his pocket that their mother knew where she was.
“I can always take you, it should only take a few days then.”
“That’s right I do have a giant son who would never lie and hide his sister and will happily help me replace what she blew up so he doesn’t also get in trouble.” The glint in her red eyes had him looking away. “I’ll go get packing for the trip then, we’ll leave in a few days.”
Felix watched her walk back inside. Cedric slapped his palm to get his attention, laughing when he looked down. Delphia stopped squirming and the kids continued playing. This life he wound up with was hectic. He just smiled as time passed. Delphia slept in his pocket all day. The woman came for her son when the rest of the children in the village went home. Delphia asked to be let out around then too. She ran back inside, but Felix stayed outside waiting for his dad. 
The white haired man walked home slowly. As soon as he was in reach Felix leaned forward, wrapping his fingers around the tall human. There was no resistance as he lifted his father from the ground and brought him close. He pressed the man to his chest as he stood. Walking towards the home magic had made to fit them all.
“Busy day?” his dad asked. The sarcasm made him chuckle.
“No, just left with the kids while everyone was busy. I don’t know why they keep doing that. I’m the big scary giant,” he said. A part of him never had forgotten the gossip from when his parents first took him in.
“If you could keep your threats maybe they’d stop coming. Everyone who comes to see me talks about how their kids love when you play the big scary giant who won’t help them play.”
“Maybe I’ll just start trapping them in my pocket then.”
“They’d probably love it, I think you’re stuck with them. Just like you're stuck with us.”
Felix didn’t say anything else. He pressed his dad a bit more firmly against his chest. He was stuck with his human sized family. A human, a witch, a half witch and a giant… and he wouldn’t change a thing.
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autisticlaezel · 2 years
Kind of want to write a Thing about Dabria meeting Thaos in different lives and different situations
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orangegloom · 4 months
anyways sarah (by tyler the creator) is roughly bruno-esque. not the necrophilia or rape, but the general obsession, rejection, murder
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what-if-i-just-did · 1 year
I have an oc who has quite the morbid streak, which is the characteristic I'm choosing to base his surname/last name off of. His fist name is Scott, he's bisexual and comes from a rich family. Which death-related surname should be his?
I've made sure that all of these names are appropriate with his racial and cultural background, so don't worry about that!
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feyturtle · 9 months
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The Making of a Paladin
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