#oc: ellarian jhaer
bardic-tales · 1 year
Hi there! Its Week 1 of the Sunday Writeblr Ask-A-Thon! I'm Athena, my question for you is: Have you ever written something out of spite, because something made you bitter and angry, like a piece of media didnt settle well with you?
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Hi, Halina! Thanks for the question, and I'm sorry that this is late answering them.
This is some question. lol. I have a mug that says, 'Please do not annoy the writer, she may put you in a book and kill you". Writing dark fantasy allows me to do 'petty' revenge.
This is how one of my characters came to me. She was based on a former friend who did some horrible things to me and my family many years ago. This character is the antagonist of Flight of the Dragon now and one of my most tragic characters.
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bardic-tales · 2 years
I decided to change the Endless Hunger to the Eternity. The Eternity are trying to break free from the Death Plane and cause the destruction of everything. This will happen, eventually, as it was prophesied by the spirit Laelithra in the Ven Plane.
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In the WIP, Flight of the Dragon, the cult is now named Children of Eternity. Ellarian is a High Seer of the cult.
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bardic-tales · 2 years
Characters Out of Context
Thank you so much for the tag, @writingpotato07.
This is an open tag, as I am trying to catch up on the games I have been tagged in.
This is from all my original WIPS, as well as some fanfictions.
Death of an Apprentice
"I'm so much more than that," Cynthia boasted, letting bravado fill her voice. "I am so much more than you. Adaki would not take just anyone as a mate. Do you know what our child will become? Do you know what will happen to you if you try to harm me? Are you truly so foolish? It's obvious you fear him. You would not be skulking around behind his back, trying to assassinate what you think is a helpless slave. You are a fool, and you will die a fool."
Heart of the Horseman
"Those deaths are on you!" Kian spat, defiant to the last "All of you! I am only glad I was able to throw the book over the cliff before you all caught me! No more people will die because of your mad quest for power! I will be the last!"
Flight of the Dragon
"You could have," Isona scolded, "if you would have gotten yourself out of bed the first three times I called for you, Alystin. You don't have time to sit down and eat. Besides, the bacon is gone. We have a lot of guests, child. That's why we need the barley. Run along now!"
"I am not a demon," Ellarian Jhaer said, releasing her grip. She stroked the woman's jawline gently, as a mother would consoling a child. "I don't hide what I am. The same can't be said for others in the room, can it?"
"Rush to meet your masters!" Brennan shouted, flinging the broken husk against the ramparts as if he were discarding an apple core. "And be devoured by them!"
Untitled WIP
“I feel like that won’t be enough,” a woman answered. “Galeazzo will stop at nothing to possess her. She is almost . . . “
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bardic-tales · 2 years
OC Interview: Brennan Draig
Thank you so much for the tag, @blind-the-winds. I really enjoyed reading your answers. I also think the interview style for this was brilliant. I've already did this for myself.
Rules: Answer the following questions for an OC of your choice.
I did something like this many years ago for Cyras, the protagonist of Cold as Ice, and I loved it. It helped me really sink into her character.
I decided to do this with Brennan, the love interest of Flight of the Dragon. Brennan is a 1200-year-old silver dragon who is also one of the rulers a city-state in the Olessan Region.
Please be aware of the following triggers: talks of death. Flight of the Dragon is set in a dark fantasy world, so very dark themes apply to it.
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Knight-Errant Brennan Draig
1. Are you named after anyone?
In the world, Brennan is not named after anyone. I had debated whether he would be named after a relative or not, but ultimately decided that he wouldn't be.
As Flight of the Dragon was originally wrote to be low fantasy and exist on our planet, Brennan was originally written as King Arthur. I got his name from the Irish name Brennan (sorrow) and Welsh word Draig (dragon).
2. When was the last time you cried?
Brennan never cries. He believes that in order to make changes in the world that action is required. This is why he rushes to the cathedral to protect a newborn Alystin and her mother and agrees to train Alystin in martial and ranged weapons in FOTD.
There was one pivotal moment when he did cry. After he confronts Jhaer and his clutch is completely destroyed, he is running on pure adrenaline. The chief god appears before him and tells him that in exchanged for his freedom Brennan needs to fulfill the promise all silver dragons pledged to Amés. He vows to live his life for Amés and free all of the dragon souls that Jhaer is using to fuel her blood magick.
After the adrenaline wears off and he is far away from his castle / lair, Brennan breaks down and cries. He mourns the mate and children that died in Jhaer's siege.
Interesting that Jhaer was originally Morgana from the legends of King Arthur.
3. Do you have any kids?
Brennan lost his mate, Beatrix, and children in the siege let loose by the Enethian necromancer, Ellarian Jhaer. The only ones that are left are the twins named Aldrien and Palar. He sent them away to learn from the golden dragon: Kalzeruth.
He also has one more child who survived the seige named Kanderth. Kanderth becomes corrupted, raised as a great draconic lich, and works with Jhaer. Brennan is the one who lays Kanderth to rest.
He and Alystin will become the mother and father of Flame. They have two hybrid children together. These children are the ancestors of modern men and drakl. Drakl are dragonmen and are at war with men.
4. Do you use sarcasm?
Although he is considered a wise wyrm, Brennan can't help but use sarcasm on occasion. He tries to lead by sincerity, integrity, and candor, but those sarcastic moments tend to shine through when he is dealing with Jhaer or her cult.
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?
The first thing that Brennan notices about people is their eyes. He is fond of saying that the eyes are windows to the soul.
Brennan has a draconic ability that allows him to see auras and determine if someone is friend or foe. This ability is triggered by looking into the eyes of the target. The world around him becomes ghostly grey hues. The Wraith, the anti-hero protagonist from Cold as Ice, has a similar ability from her draconic ancestry. Some could say that this comes from the father of the modern dragons.
6. What's your eye color?
From my notes in Flight of the Dragon.
Brennan Draig has eyes almost the color of silver. When he uses any magick, they will glow a powder blue. His left eye is clouded a dull grey with a darker silver around the outer edge of the iris. A vertical, thick raised scar darts from right above his left eyebrow, runs down his eyelid, and stops at the beginning of his cheek.
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
During the early Age of Men, civilization told sagas instead of showing movies. That technology doesn't exist until the Age of Steam.
Brennan enjoys stories about the great battles his clutch fought and the dangerous journeys they made. These stories were to record and preserve their culture and things that the Elders thought was important for future generations.
With that in mind, he doesn't care one way or the other about the endings.
8. Any special talents?
Brennan has a knack for languages.
As a dragon, he has most of the talents that you would normally associate with an ancient wyrm. He is immune to cold and can exhale a cone of icy air which freezes most of everything it touches.
One of the special talents that he personally teaches his offspring is the ability to use body magick to shift bones, wings, and flesh into a human form or beast. This is a painful process that the dragons tend to either spend their time in human or draconic forms.
Once Alystin becomes his dragon knight, she and Brennan will often share telepathy, pain, and even something simple as hormone changes.
As a dragon, he has impressive flight. He will often tell Alystin to mount him, so they could transverse the world quicker through the skies, but she insists that she would never disrespect him like that as he is not a beast of burden. Brennan loves to soar.
9. Where were you born?
Brennan was born in the northern forests of the Olessa region. These forests are old-growth forests that was inspired by forests in England.
When he was only a young dragon, he was left in these forests and told only to survive. His father thought that this would help him when it was time for him to pass onto the Ven plane. Brennan would take over and rule after that.
10. What are your hobbies?
There are several hobbies that Brennan enjoys. when he was the ruler of Seralia, he enjoyed falconry. He enjoyed teaching the young birds of prey to hunt wild animals for food.
Brennan enjoys reading. There were many times that he could be found in Adwen ferch Afan's library bent over old scrolls and tomes.
With Eternity threatening to end the Planes of Existence, he doesn't have time to practice the hobbies that he enjoyed.
11. Have you any pets?
Outside of his falcons that didn't make it out of Adwen ferch Afan when Jhaer besieged them, he travels with a malamute named Emray.
Emray is Alystin's dog. He stands about 26 inches in height from his shoulder and weighs 95 pounds with a plumed tail that is held over his back. Emray is very loyal to Alystin, even going so far as attacking Brennan after the Huntsman is burned to the ground. However, once he realized that Brennan wasn't going to hurt his master, Emray would become his best friend.
12. What sports do you play/have played?
There were several outdoor games that Brennan would play with his flight. Most of these sports were based on his knights' warrior skills. There were competitions in archery, wrestling, stone throwing, and sword play.
Brennan engaged in running and swimming. They would play a ball game with stick and ball. In other communities, it wasn't uncommon for someone to be hurt or killed, as early Olessans tend to play rough. Women were not allowed to participate in these games, but they would gather and watch their partners.
13. How tall are you?
Brennan stands 7 feet 2 inches. He is one of the tallest characters that I have, and his height is inspired by Johann Petursson and André René Roussimoff.
As an ancient wyrm, Brennan tends to stand 120 feet. He has a 35-foot body and neck length, 50-foot tail, 150-foot max wingspan, and weighs over 640 tons. He is rarely in this form as he knows that it inspires terror in his follows. It actually surprises him when Alystin accepts him.
14. Favorite subject in school?
There are no schools during the early Age of Men. Education was provided through private tutors. Only a handful of early Olessans could afford to educate their sons. This is seen when Brennan sent away the twins to learn beneath the tutelage of Kanderth.
Brennan's favorite thing to learn would be soaring through the heavens.
During Flight of the Dragon, after Alystin asks him about a time he was truly terrified, he recalls to him the first time he spent among the clouds. He was frightened as his wings became slick with dew, sending him plummeting toward the ground. At the last moment, he unfurrowed his massive wings and righted himself at the last moment. He tells her that he could have given up and died, but he pushed forward, as she will have to during the fight with Eternity.
15. Dream job?
Despite railing against his destiny when he was younger, Brennan was always met to follow in his father's footsteps and rule his region. He once wanted to be a poet, a storyteller responsible for keeping the history and tradition of his people alive, but that quickly fell apart when his father was fatally wounded during an assassination attempt.
Now, he wishes to recapture Adwen ferch Afan, unite all of the Olessan region, and have Alystin take her place beside him.
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bardic-tales · 2 years
OC Art Breeder Tag Game
Thank you so much for the tag, @darlingsmoon.
Rules: Make a picture of your OC on artbreeder or any site you like! (Or you could draw them!)
I have a premium version of artbreeder, as this is the site that I use to create portraits for my OCs. I have revealed Brennan and Alystin's portrait, but I was waiting to reveal the antagonist's.
This is Ellarian Jhaer, the high seer of the Cult of the Old Gods, in Flight of the Dragon.
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bardic-tales · 2 years
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This is only a placeholder until I can get the character page for Flight of the Dragon filled out. It lists every named character in Flight of the Dragon.
This list will grow as I flesh out Flight of the Dragon's outline.
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character list and age template created by @athenixrose
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Animal Companions (Flat characters):
Emray - Emray is a malamute. He stands about 26 inches in height at the shoulder and weighs about 95 pounds with a a plumed tail that is held over his back. He is stockier than other working dogs in Olessa. Emray has a thick, coarse black double coat with white muzzle and legs. He is extremely loyal to Alystin, even going as far as almost attacking Brennan after the Huntsman was burned to the ground, but once he realized that Brennan would not hurt her, Emray would become his best friend.
Dead Characters
Queen Constantine - Queen Constantine was the queen of the Blarney tribe, who would lead her tribe in uprisings against the Glorendt forces, call Brennan Draig and his Flight her family and friend, and the mother of Alystin Torrath, the Child of Prophecy. She would be brutally murdered hours after giving birth to her child. Constantine is considered a symbol of the struggle against the forces that wish to destroy Cirel.
Flat Characters:
Amés - Amés is the god of ecstasy, fertility, love, life, lust, passion, and resurrection. He is considered the king of all the gods and father to most of creation. As a god, he is a very prophetic being. He would rather meddle in mortal affairs than to see everything he created destroyed.
Beatrix Draig - Beatrix is a silver dragon who almost always takes the form of a blonde hair and grey eyes. After their fathers arranged a marriage between them, Beatrix would become Brennan’s lead consort and bore him many children. She would become battle-hardened and oversee the training of Brennan’s knights. Before the Cult of the Old Gods sieged Adwen ferch Afan castle, she had fallen deeply in love with Brennan and a bit possessive of him.
Main and Secondary Characters
Adeon Torrath - Adeon’s real name is Adeon Hesjing Vargach. He is also a silver dragon like Brennan and Beatrix. Adeon is the best of Brennan���s knights and his best friend. He is the one who went in search for the Hart for an animal sacrifice to ensure Alystin would grow up strong. Adeon is Alystin’s foster father and, eventually, comes to regard Isona as his mate.
Alystin Torrath - The most striking detail about Alystin is that she is actually a Child of Prophecy, a title given to those who are foretold to hold the fate of the Planes of Existence in their hands. Alystin is the only one who can open a portal standing on a leyline to the Death Plane from the mortal plane.
Brennan Draig - Brennan is a silver dragon and the ruler of Seralia, a section in the Olessa region. This region will become the Olessan Providence, Olessa Major, and Olessa Minor when the Olessan Empire is formed. Brennan’s family has watched over the Blayney tribe as it was foretold a Child of Prophecy would be born to one of its queens. When his castle is sieged by a mysterious cult devoted to the old gods, he will become a knight-errant to search for information about its existence and motives.
Ellarian Jhaer - Ellarian Jhaer is the product of chaos and the High Seer of the Cult of the Old Gods. She was born in a small Glorendine village. Her father would sell her to a chieftain from a neighboring tribe. She would be abused before she murdered the chieftain at a young age. At 10, Ellarian would be abducted by Enethian members of the cult and tortured until she broke mentally. She just wants to watch the world fall into chaos.
Kitos - Kitos is an orphan boy who grows up in Siollán. Alystin befriended him when he was younger, and the other children refused to play with them both. He is also a member of the Cult of the Old Gods. He would betray Alystin and burn down her foster parents’ inn.
Tertiary Characters
Isona Torrath - Isona is the midwife and wetnurse of Adwen ferch Afan castle. She was there the night Alystin’s mother was murdered by the High Seer of the Cult of the Old Gods. Although she cannot own the property, she and Adeon manages the Huntsman Inn. Isona is Alystin’s foster mother and eventually falls for Adeon, the young silver dragon.
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bardic-tales · 2 years
Hello nl, hope you're well. I'd like to know, 16, 31, 34 and 36, please?
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Hello, Verba. I'm doing well. Just taking a short break from writing to spend time on here. Then, it's back to writing. How are you doing?
16. Where do you take your motivation from?
I am motivated by a lot of things, but the most is that I have a need to write. I have been writing since I was a very young child when I completed my first full length fantasy novel. It was about a knight saving a princess, very cliché.
Ever since then, I have a passion for written word. If I'm not writing, I feel like I should be. There are even times when I think of its of dialogue in the shower. I need to have a notepad by my bedside as I tend to think of character interactions when I try to sleep.
I decided to become a professional author around 2007 - 2009 when I wrote a Witcher fanfic. An important voice actor for the game would read my work as they worked on the Witcher 2 and encourage me to pursue writing full-time. I still read our correspondence when I'm having a bout of imposter syndrome.
31. Hardest character to write.
This is an interesting question. It depends on the WIP. I try to get inside my characters' heads when I write. It would be a tossup between Niccolo Napoli from Cold as Ice and Ellarian Jhaer from Flight of the Dragon.
When I was creating Niccolo's personality, I would watch a lot of serial killer documentaries. Ted Bundy had some characters that I wanted Niccolo to have, but ultimately, I finally decided on giving him Narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy. He's a very hard character to write.
cw: child abuse. fire. murder
Ellarian Jhaer is just as hard, but her backstory makes her that way. Her father sold her into slavery when she was little. This person would abuse her, and when she was 9, she would murder him. Ellarian would return to her father's village and injure her father in such a way that paralyzed him before burning the village to the ground.
A little time later, she would be captured by an Enethian Cult who were devoted to the Old Gods. She would be tortured and brainwashed. Through her brutality, she would raise through the ranks and become a High Seer. The complex where the cult worship was built upon a thin veil connection the Arathean Plane to the Death Plane. Jhaer would be able to hear the whisperings of the Old Gods and remake the cult into how they saw fit. Ellarian wants to see the world descend into Chaos because such a cruel world shouldn't exist.
34. Handwritten notes or typed notes?
It really depends on where I am. If It's the middle of the day, I'm usually found at the computer working on whatever WIP I need to that day.
However, I do keep a notepad by my bedside. This is where I will write any ideas I may have while I'm trying to sleep or any dreams that may inspire a story.
For the record, I have really horrid penmanship.
36. A spoiler for the story Flight of the Dragon.
Not only does Ellarian Jhaer want to capture Alystin for her ability to open portals to any plane at a leyline, but she also creates creatures through blood magick to try to accomplish this.
Ellarian Jhaer's blood golems actually has a dragon spirit within them. She controls the spirt through a "mother-of-pearl" ring on her finger. This stone set within the ring is from that dragon's pituitary gland which has turned to stone upon death.
Although Amés has "encouraged" Brennan to protect Alystin and keep her from falling into the cult's hands, he also given him the task of searching for these rings and destroying them. One such ring was created utilizing his son's soul.
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bardic-tales · 2 years
Happy Blorbo Blursday!!
Your characters are planning a collective day out. Where do they decide to go, and who brings what?
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Hello, quill. Thanks so much for the ask. I hope you are having a wonderful Blorbo Blursday.
I am going to answer this for Flight of the Dragon.
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If the characters of Flight of the Dragon decided to go on a collective day out, it most likely be a picnic in the woods surrounding the town of Siollán.
Brennan - Brennan would most likely bring chicken or beef to make hamburgers. He would grill the meats.
Alystin - She would most likely bring a desert in the form of some type of fantasy apple pie with a rose-looking crust. She enjoys baking and cooking.
Adeon - Adeon would defer to Brennan as he is the oldest of the Flight. He would bring smashed potatoes with cheese within them. Isola would enhance his dish with a chimichurri sauce.
Ellarian - Ellarian Jhaer is the antagonist of FOTD. She most likely would be excluded, but if she weren't, she would bring something easy like a fruit salad with whip cream.
Emray - Emray is the animal companion of FOTD. Although he is trained well, he would most likely lay at Brennan's side and keep watch in case any meat fell to the floor.
Kitos - Kitos is the romantic rival of Brennan. He would bring a caprese salad, knowing cheese and tomatoes are some of Alystin's favorite foods.
Isola - Isola would most likely bring Prosciutoo wrapped cantaloupe. She is Alystin's foster mother and the reason Allie loves to cook.
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bardic-tales · 2 years
For the OC alphabet!
E, H, P
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Hello, Potato. Thanks so much for the question. I hope you're having a wonderful day. This might be a little long.
cw: abuse. child abuse. murder. slavery
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E is for Ellarian Jhaer, the antagonist of Flight of the Dragon.
She is among the youngest of my antagonists, as she is only 24. Don't let her young age fool you. She has been through much at such an age.
When she was only eight, she was sold by her father to a local chieftain. She would encounter horrific abuse at her master's hands. At the age of mine, she would murder the man, return to her father's village, and burn everything to the ground. Her father would perish at her hands.
When she was eleven, she would be captured off a Glorendine coast and taken in chains to the mysterious Enethian kingdom. This is where the Cult of the Old Gods -- or as Enethian citizens refer to it as the Cult of the Damned -- would shape her into a weapon to be used by the cult.
She would eventually read an old tome that was said to be written by the Old Gods at a leyline where the veil was weakest between the Arathean Plane (the mortal plane) and the Death Plane. This allowed her to commune with a pair of interdimensional beings. Beneath their guidence, Ellarian would rise through the ranks and become the High Seer, remake the Cult into the vision that the "Old Gods" gifted her, and set out to capture the Child of Prophecy who would be able to open a rift between the Arathean Plane and Death Plane, allowing the "Old Gods" to step forth on Cirel.
Jhaer's favorite food is anything sweet.
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H is for Harold Sigurduson, the mentor character in Pale Fire. Sorry that I do not have an Artbreeder portrait of him yet.
cw: death
Harold is one of the oldest characters in Pale Fire. At the time of his passing, he was sixty. He didn't die of natural causes, but he died defending a group of civilians from the advancing Olessan army.
That is the thing about Harold. He may be a high-ranking officer in the Glorendine Army, as well as a high-ranking member in the Order of the Lotus, but he is motivated by honor. Anabelle, the protagonist, doesn't trust him, though. She sees him as manipulative and thinks that he is taking advantage of Seamus and his distress over leaving the Glorendine Shadow Council.
As Seamus keeps Anabelle's secret, Harold is one of the ones who knows that she is actually a member of the Olessan Shadow Council. The other two are the leader of the Order of the Lotus and Wray Svenuson who is Shae's best friend.
Harold also teaches Seamus on how to control his magick, finessing his skill. As part of the military, Harold had to take courses on body magick. He is able to bolster his constitution, as well as call upon a skill known as battle rage. Harold is also able to use this master to alter his muscles, but if he utilizes this too much, it can cause the muscles to tear or cramp.
Like his superior Torstein Ulfuson, he likes the finer things in life but doesn't look down on those who live in poverty. He grew up in Southern Glorendt and worked his way up through the ranks of the military.
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P is for Palar, from an untitled manuscript in the Dragon Chronicles trilogy. This is another character that doesn't have an Artbreeder portrait.
Palar Draig is the son of Beatrix and Brennan Draig. Like his parents, he is a silver dragon who often assumes a humanoid form. While his father likes to take the form of a middle-aged man with flowing silver hair and grey eyes, Palar prefers a younger appearance. He often appears as an athletic man with crimson hair and brown eyes.
Palar is gay. I had been debating whether or not to make him that or Ace but decided to do that for his younger sister, Aldrien. In the Silver Dragon society, it was not uncommon for same-sex relationships to occur, as well as a dragon being asexual. Palar has a mate whom Brennan looks like his own son. The mate does not have a name yet, but he was from a prominent silver dragon flight.
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bardic-tales · 2 years
Happy STS!
We all have a breaking point, so ... What would it take for your heroes to turn into villians? Or alternatively, what would it take for your villians to turn into heroes?
(if you don't have them then just protagonists / antagonists work too!)
@bloodlessheirbyjacques 🙌💕
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Hello. Happy STS. I hope you're having a wonderful day.
I'll answer this for the antagonists of my three WIP: Cold as Ice, Flight of the Dragon, and Pale Fire.
I try to write my villains as realistic as possible and give them a believable motive to act the way that they do. For example, with Ellarian Jhaer, the antagonist of Flight of the Dragon, it is because she had a harsh life that never relented.
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Ellarian Jhaer of Flight of the Dragon is the High Seer of the Cult of the Old Gods and a dabbler in Blood Magick. Her fate is what would befall Alystin Torrath if the Cult are able to capture her from her foster family and Brennan Draig.
Ellarian's fate could be reverse if events did not happen to her or if someone would offer some solace. She sees the world as chaotic and doesn't think that it should exist. Jhaer often feels wounded, deprived, and wronged by those she should have been able to trust.
cw: murder. tortured.
Jhaer was sold off at a young age by her father. She murdered her master, returned to her father's village, and burn it to the ground. She would be seen naked by people from a neighboring village just staring into the flames.
Sometime later, she was captured by an Enethian cult, tortured, and blinded by blood magick. Afterward, she was forced to read a tome. It was there that the Endless Hunger would speak to her from the Death Plane.
She would need to find a person that she could care about. As Jhaer is asexual, this would have to be a friend or even a child that would remind her of herself. This person would need to be in danger of experiencing what Ellarian had when she was younger.
Then, there is the whole talking to the Endless Hunger. She would need to find a way to break free from their grasps, and as they are ancient transdimensional beings, the results of that happening are slim.
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Jackson Achille Gerard Francois Vasser of Pale Fire was once a caring and devoted foster father. He would dine with Anabelle Vasser and Alphonse, the boy she was betrothed to at a young age in their southern estate in the Olessan Empire.
One of the Shadow Council's allies was having their shop vandalize. Alphonse and Jackson left to investigate, and Anabelle was left behind as she had lessons from her tutor that day.
cw: death
The carriage got into an accident after the oxen and carriage slammed into the back of another one. Alphonse ended up passing away upon impact. Jackson bounced around and ended up hitting his head hard enough on the carriage wall. He also cut his leg.
Jackson went a dramatic change in personality and developed a noticeable limp.
For him to be a semi-likable protagonist, he would need to have a similar accident, but even then, that might not work. There is no therapy in Arathea, at least not in the time of Flight of the Dragon, Cold as Ice, and Pale Fire.
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Niccolo Napoli of Cold as Ice has symptoms of the Dark Triad, a buzzword that refers to narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy. He is very selfish, lacking empathy, and is hypersensitive to criticism. He also is duplicitous, manipulates, and lacks emotions and morality.
As it stands, he thinks that what he is trying to oust the current royal family and install his own, thinking he is the best for the future of the Olessan Empire.
What would it take for him to turn into a semi-likable protagonist? He would have to have an earth-shattering experience that would change his entire personality. This could be a divine intervention of the gods to show him where his path would take him or an accident that would shift his personality, much like Jackson had.
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bardic-tales · 2 years
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Cold as Ice:
Cyras Covelli - Protagonist
Niccolo Napoli - Antagonist
Vaene Arturis - Deuteragonist
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Flight of the Dragon
Alystin Torrath - Protagonist
Brennan Draig - Deuteragonist
Ellarian Jhaer - Antagonist
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Pale Fire
Anabelle Vasser - Protagonist
Joel Vasser - Antagonist
Shae Jorinuson - Deuteragonist
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bardic-tales · 2 years
Hi!! Happy Blorbo Blursday!!
Do you have any OCs you worry might be misunderstood by your readers?
Are there any characters or plot points that have changed drastically from their initial concept?
If you could be one of your characters for a day, who would it be? Why?
Which character do you relate to the most?  Why?
Which of your characters is your favorite to write?
Which of your characters is hardest for you to write?
~ Morri🗡 (@memento-morri-writes)
P.S. I apologize for my mega-ask. I just get really curious and send people a LOT of questions. I hope you're having a great day and all is well with the kitten!! I have two kitties myself.
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Happy belated Blorbo Blursday. Thanks so much for the questions. They really made me think. Don't worry about how many questions you asked, as I love to answer them. They help me understand a character better.
We have three kitties (8 to 10 weeks, 2 years, and 11 years). Our kitten is fine, just tired as he had his first round of vaccinations as well as a dosage of dewormer.
Since this is long, my responses are beneath the cut.
Do you have any OCs you worry might be misunderstood by your readers?
I tend to worry about how the Wraith in Cold as Ice and the other novels in the trilogy will come across. She is a shadow blade, what the Olessan Empire calls an assassin organization. She considers herself a weapon for the people who placed the contract.
The Wraith has done some horrid assassinations. There is a reason she will never accept a contract on a child again, and this reason, also, affects another of the main characters and their motivations. In Cold as Ice, she makes a shift from a villain to an anti-hero. I just worry sometimes that she might be misunderstood.
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Are there any characters or plot points that have changed drastically from their initial concept?
In Flight of the Dragon, my main antagonist just wanted to watch the world burn. She originally had no other motive than that. The story was told by the "seat of my pants", which is unusual as I am a plotter, needing to outline.
Flight of the Dragon was originally exploring what happened to King Arthur and the Knights of the Round table after the fall of Camelot with a draconic twist. When I decided to outline it, I also decided to pull the story into my original universe: the Planes of Existence. This allows me to further worldbuild.
Ellarian Jhaer currently is the high seer of a cult devoted to bringing two lovecraftian monsters to the mortal plane. She still wants to "see the world burn" but her reasoning behind it now was the torturous childhood she had. She thinks that such a cruel world should not exist.
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If you could be one of your characters for a day, who would it be? Why?
This is difficult for me, as the mortal plane is not a world I would want to live in. It is dark and fraught with dangers. Depending on the novel, the world's technology ranges from Middle Age / Viking to Renaissance / 18th century to Steampunk.
The Death Plane is equivalent to Hell. This is where damned souls would go if they were not deemed worthy to enter the ven plane (my afterlife plane). Their souls are consumed by the Hunger, fueling immortality to these creatures, and thus, the souls are destroyed.
That would leave the ven plane. This is the plane that I created as a utopian society, but only after they have gone through their civil war. I would be Andria, the goddess of love, but in her uncorrupted form. As the goddess of love, she initially had the "perfect" relationship with her husband, but I would love to dwell in Andria's gardens. These gardens are filled with different kinds of her favorite plants and flowers. It was a gift from her husband, Amés.
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Which character do you relate to the most?  Why?
Another great question. The character I relate to most is Cyras Covelli from Cold as Ice. No, I'm not a duplicitous Stewardess, but in the novel, she is trying to overcome her tragic past. She realizes that healing is harder than she previously thought.
I often write from the place where I stuff the emotional pain from the various tragedies that I have had in my life. Cyras has taken the brunt of this writing. She is a character who tries to hide her more melancholic tendencies.
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Which of your characters is your favorite to write?
I've answered this in this ask post earlier today.
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Which of your characters is hardest for you to write?
I've always found the hardest characters to write are the ones who have a severe mental illness. I tend to do deep dives into the illnesses affecting these characters, so they don't come off as disrespectful or two-dimensional.
Duke Niccolo Napoli from Cold as Ice is one of these such characters. I looked and watched a lot of documentaries about serial killers for him, as I wanted someone who was charming but dangerous. Ted Bundy would inspire several of his personality traits.
Niccolo is on the Dark Triad. He has the following personality traits: narcissism, machiavellianism, and psychopathy. He is very selfish, lacks empathy, and hypersensitive to criticism. He can be antisocial and volatile.
He is both fascinating and hard to write as it is unsettling to slid into his character.
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bardic-tales · 2 years
Happy sts!!! What's something an OC needs to learn?
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Happy STS to you, too!
This is a really great question, and I think it really gets to the heart of OCs in general. I'll answer it for Alystin Torrath, the protagonist for Flight of the Dragon.
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Despite growing up under the suspicious eyes of her foster parents as well as working as a waitress in their tavern, Alystin can be quite naive and innocent. Alystin believes that there is good in everyone. Everyone deserves redemption.
This would lead to her befriending a villager, the first person she would ever love and a main character. He would end up becoming an agent for Ellarian Jhaer and execute her order to destroy the Huntsman, her parents' tavern.
Because of how kind-hearted she is, this boy often takes advantage of that. Throughout her life, he returns several times to cause destruction, to kidnap her, and to try to cause the death of one of the last silver dragons.
Although she swears vengeance against Ellarian Jhaer, she is convinced that she could help the rogue mage, but not everyone can have a change of heart. Ellarian Jhaer is the reason why blood magick is taboo in the civilized world hundreds of years in the future.
Alystin needs to learn that not everyone has a redemption story. While tragic, there are some people who are too damaged and angry at the world to desire salvation. Some, like Jhaer, really want the world to descend into chaos.
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bardic-tales · 2 years
A world so cruel does not deserve to exist. History is an endless tale of misery. Past, present, and future, all filled to the brim with suffering. I cause a little now, but the end result will be an end to suffering. Existence is a curse.
—  Flight of the Dragon by bardic-tales
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bardic-tales · 2 years
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OC Picrew
I wasn't tagged, but it seemed fun to do.
Rules: Create an OC using this picrew
From left to Right:
Alystin Torrath - Post Transformation - Child of Prophecy and twin soul of Brennan
Beatrix - Mate of Brennan
Ellarian Jhaer - Pre - Flight of the Dragon - High Seerer of the Order of the Old Gods
Isona: Druidic midwife and foster mother to Alystin
Tag List (no pressure and soft tagging):
If you would like to be on my tag list for notifications on any Tumblr tag games I might participate in, check out this post here. If you wish to be taken off this taglist, feel free to tell me!
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bardic-tales · 2 years
Happy STS!
What kind of jobs / occupations would your OCs have in the modern world?
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Happy STS. Thanks so much for the question. I hope your day or evening is going well.
I'm going to answer this for the protagonist, deuteragonist, and antagonist of each novel.
Cold as Ice:
Cyras Covelli - Without the influence of Niccolo, she would most likely be a vineyard owner in either Italy or France. In Cold as Ice, she makes excellent wine that rivals even the Crown Prince's vineyards.
Niccolo Napoli - He most likely would be involved in banking and most likely would be employed high up at Wells Fargo. He would give terrible interest rates to people who couldn't afford it and take their houses.
Vaene Arturis - As Vaene was a military leader in the Olessan army, he most likely would a military officer and recognized for his bravery.
Flight of the Dragon
Alystin Torrath - Alystin enjoyed waitressing for her parents. She most likely would be a waitress at a high-end restaurant where it costs 1500 USD for a table.
Brennan Draig - Brennan would most likely be a politician. He loves to lead people.
Ellarian Jhaer - Jhaer is one of the ones I had most trouble with. As there is therapy in our world, she most likely would undergo intense therapy. She would most likely work as a crisis counselor afterward.
Pale Fire
Anabelle Vasser - As in the original version of Pale Fire Anabelle and Seamus were immortal, I had their jobs worked out. She would be a museum curator at a maritime museum.
Jackson Vasser - As he is a minor noble, he would most likely the mayor of a city.
Seamus Jorinuson - He would be a stay-at-home dad.
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