#oc: jackson vasser
bardic-tales · 2 years
🌲 and 🌟 for the winter asks? - @theliteraryluggage
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Hello, Ace. I hope you are having a wonderful day. Thanks so much for the ask.
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🌲Pine Tree: share a snippet that shows a character being strong (whether that’s physically, mentally, emotionally, etc.)
tw: domestic violence. violence. blood mentioned
Anabelle took a deep breath. She stared at his jawline and focused upon his pointed chin. Jackson never had a hair out of place. He was always clean shaven. "I have decided that I am going to leave with Seamus and not return to Glorendt." "What makes you think I will allow such a thing to happen?" Jackson chortled, almost laughing. The haughty way he said it was nauseating to Anabelle, like it was beyond question. In his eyes, she had no right revolting against him. "I love him," she answered, like the simple declaration should have put an indisputable end to the confrontation. She was sorely mistaken. "Do you think you will ever be allowed to marry for love?" Jacques was incredulous. "If you are ever allowed to marry it will serve the Council. I swear, the Council should go back to removing the ring finger of initiates." "You cannot stop me." Anabelle stood tall, huffing her chest out. Jackson responded with an immediate backhand. "I can!" he bellowed. "And I will! We will return to France! You will forget this spinach farmer! You will not jeopardize the Council! Do you forget Glorendt? That is what happens when you are allowed to think and act for yourself!" Her cheek stung where his ring made contact with her flesh. A tiny stream of blood trickled down her cheek. It would be sore later in the afternoon. Even then, Anabelle was still hopeful that she would return to Seamus. There was no reason that she wouldn't be. How could I explain such an injury to Seamus? Already, she was thinking about a lie. If he knew the truth, he would have hunt Jackson down like the dog he was. She didn't know Seamus that well, but she knew him well enough to know that. Seamus seemed protective of her -- in a way that few were before. 'Seamus is a brother." Anabelle didn't wilt before him. Her stomach knotted but she didn't flinch. "He is part of the Shadow Council. I am not demanding to leave our kinsmen. He makes the nightmares stop at least for a little while." "Nightmares? I thought you were over these nightmares, Anabelle. When are you going to grow up. Are you going to start to sleep on the floor again?" Anabelle's chest tightened. She could feel the tears well up behind her eyes, and she blinked them away. Jackson always knew where to stab his proverbial blade and twist it just right. They would enter this toxic dance together, and he would leave her doubting herself, her desires, and her dreams. Not this time. It was a promise that she told herself every time Jackson made her feel tiny. She squeezed the satchel between her hands, the old leather creaking in her grasp. "I am not leaving the Shadow Council," Anabelle reaffirmed. "I am leaving you, Jackson. You had to know this was coming. You may have raised me, but I need to live my life. The Council holds freedom. Let me go. I belong with him."
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🌟Night Sky: what are your writing goals for 2023? Or: how did you feel about your writing in 2022?
I previously answered this in a previous ask:
2023 Writing Goals
I'll also be going indepth in my writing update set to be uploaded at the end of this month.
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❄ Send me a wintry ask. ❄
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bardic-tales · 2 years
Happy STS!
We all have a breaking point, so ... What would it take for your heroes to turn into villians? Or alternatively, what would it take for your villians to turn into heroes?
(if you don't have them then just protagonists / antagonists work too!)
@bloodlessheirbyjacques 🙌💕
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Hello. Happy STS. I hope you're having a wonderful day.
I'll answer this for the antagonists of my three WIP: Cold as Ice, Flight of the Dragon, and Pale Fire.
I try to write my villains as realistic as possible and give them a believable motive to act the way that they do. For example, with Ellarian Jhaer, the antagonist of Flight of the Dragon, it is because she had a harsh life that never relented.
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Ellarian Jhaer of Flight of the Dragon is the High Seer of the Cult of the Old Gods and a dabbler in Blood Magick. Her fate is what would befall Alystin Torrath if the Cult are able to capture her from her foster family and Brennan Draig.
Ellarian's fate could be reverse if events did not happen to her or if someone would offer some solace. She sees the world as chaotic and doesn't think that it should exist. Jhaer often feels wounded, deprived, and wronged by those she should have been able to trust.
cw: murder. tortured.
Jhaer was sold off at a young age by her father. She murdered her master, returned to her father's village, and burn it to the ground. She would be seen naked by people from a neighboring village just staring into the flames.
Sometime later, she was captured by an Enethian cult, tortured, and blinded by blood magick. Afterward, she was forced to read a tome. It was there that the Endless Hunger would speak to her from the Death Plane.
She would need to find a person that she could care about. As Jhaer is asexual, this would have to be a friend or even a child that would remind her of herself. This person would need to be in danger of experiencing what Ellarian had when she was younger.
Then, there is the whole talking to the Endless Hunger. She would need to find a way to break free from their grasps, and as they are ancient transdimensional beings, the results of that happening are slim.
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Jackson Achille Gerard Francois Vasser of Pale Fire was once a caring and devoted foster father. He would dine with Anabelle Vasser and Alphonse, the boy she was betrothed to at a young age in their southern estate in the Olessan Empire.
One of the Shadow Council's allies was having their shop vandalize. Alphonse and Jackson left to investigate, and Anabelle was left behind as she had lessons from her tutor that day.
cw: death
The carriage got into an accident after the oxen and carriage slammed into the back of another one. Alphonse ended up passing away upon impact. Jackson bounced around and ended up hitting his head hard enough on the carriage wall. He also cut his leg.
Jackson went a dramatic change in personality and developed a noticeable limp.
For him to be a semi-likable protagonist, he would need to have a similar accident, but even then, that might not work. There is no therapy in Arathea, at least not in the time of Flight of the Dragon, Cold as Ice, and Pale Fire.
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Niccolo Napoli of Cold as Ice has symptoms of the Dark Triad, a buzzword that refers to narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy. He is very selfish, lacking empathy, and is hypersensitive to criticism. He also is duplicitous, manipulates, and lacks emotions and morality.
As it stands, he thinks that what he is trying to oust the current royal family and install his own, thinking he is the best for the future of the Olessan Empire.
What would it take for him to turn into a semi-likable protagonist? He would have to have an earth-shattering experience that would change his entire personality. This could be a divine intervention of the gods to show him where his path would take him or an accident that would shift his personality, much like Jackson had.
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bardic-tales · 2 years
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Cold as Ice:
Cyras Covelli - Protagonist
Niccolo Napoli - Antagonist
Vaene Arturis - Deuteragonist
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Flight of the Dragon
Alystin Torrath - Protagonist
Brennan Draig - Deuteragonist
Ellarian Jhaer - Antagonist
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Pale Fire
Anabelle Vasser - Protagonist
Joel Vasser - Antagonist
Shae Jorinuson - Deuteragonist
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bardic-tales · 2 years
Happy Blorbo Blursday!
For a character of your choice: are there any extremely formative experiences that happened before the book and/or aren't mentioned in the book? If so, what is it, and what effect did it have on them?
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Hello. thank you for the questions. I hope you are having a wonderful day.
I must apologize for the length of this, as when I get start talking about things that happen before a story I sort of just go. lol.
content warning: injury. natural disaster. alludes to crime.
Before Pale Fire, Anabelle Vasser was sent to investigate rumors of a relic within a grotto on a recently discovered island that was said to belong to the Enethians, a civilization that vanished without a trace. This was her first mission as an Olessan shadow blade.
She would travel to a Glorendine coastal town where she would meet a guide who would show her around. This guide had made a deal with a Glorendine military officer to sell the artifact to them. The guide touched the artifact and set off a magickal bomb. This bomb would kill the guide and cause a massive earthquake and a tsunami as well as destroy the flora and fauna on the landmass and inside the grotto and sink the island.
Anabelle only escaped with help from the Glorendine officer. He would push her out of the opening of the grotto but he would be sealed into the grotto by fallen rocks, making this his underwater tomb.
She would be swept up the shoreline from the Glorendine coastal town with the tsunami and become lodged in the branches of the tree. Anabelle would suffer from a few broken ribes and bones and use enough magick to heal herself long enough to find a Glorendine healer.
On her way into town, she would see the destroyed city. Two cities -- the coastal town and a port city of another town -- would be leveled as a result of her guide's carelessness.
Anabelle would become stuck in Glorendt as the government would allow no one to leave for months. People would say that the king and the Elder Council had failed them. She would help as best as she could with clean up, as the citizens prayed in their temples for the gods' salvation. Annie is agnostic, herself.
As the priests would say that the cities offended the gods with their sinful ways, women would be accused of being sinful and forced to dress in a way that no amount of skin would show. There were curfews put in place. Even that would not stop crime becoming rampant throughout the cities.
On a worldwide result, this would be an important turning point in Arathean history. The coastal town's reconstruction plan would be used in future diasters.
On a more personal level, the entire event has left Anabelle was a severe case of PTSD. Anabelle still has nightmares of the grotto and the resulting aftermath. For many years, she slept on the floor with her back against the bed's frame and mattress. This would be how she slept in the coastal city. She would be prepared for anyone who might try to hurt her.
She also has thalassophobia from the event. This is sort of ironic as she is a sea captain. Every time she goes above deck, she has to "psyche" herself up. The thought of the sea causes her to hyperventilate, but once she is sailing the boat, she can't show any signs of that fear. Her crew depends on her.
Her foster father, Jackson Vasser, doesn't really understand. He thinks she should "just get over it". The only one who really understand what she went through is Seamus Jorinuson, a former member of the Glorendine Shadow Council and an artifact hunter.
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bardic-tales · 2 years
(@my-writblr here!) Gunk: (Are they evil? Do they think they're evil? Do others think that?) and Horrid (What's the fastest way to hurt their feelings?) for the Vile OC ask game!
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Hello, @my-writblr. Thank you so much for the questions from the VIle OC game. I hope your day or evening is going well.
I'll answer this for Jackson Achille Gerard Francois Vasser, the antagonist of Pale Fire.
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cw: child abuse. mental illness.
Are they evil? Do they think they're evil? Do others think that?
There is no one that is really evil in any of my works. There is mental illness, however. It may be a contributing factor to the way they are acting, but no two people with the same illness will have the same actions. To make a long story short, mental illness does not make anyone evil in any of my works.
Jackson's story is long and a bit tragic. He was a noble person until he suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI). When he was younger, he rescued a young girl off the streets and brought her into his household and into the southern sect of the Olessan Shadow Council.
After he was in an accident that claimed the life of the other pupil, Jackson's demeanor changed. He became short and cross. If Anabelle wouldn't listen, he would physically punish her.
I think that the best example of this was when she turned 21, and she and Jackson was sent on a contract to Tokus. She would have a whirlwind romance with a man there by the name of Seamus Jorinuson. Seamus would ask her to marry him, and Anabelle would accept. The only thing standing between was Jackson.
He would always lace his projectile darts with a sleeping agent that was mixed with a paralyzing agent. He would fling the dart into her buttocks as she was running away from him. The last words he heard before she fell unconscious was he'd let her marry only if it suited the Shadow Council and he would choose her husband.
He does not consider himself bad. Jackson thinks that he is doing what is best for the Shadow Council. this has always been what has driven him. He introduced Anabelle to the Council elders as a way to improve her life initially. That was the drive that survived the accident.
If you ask Seamus Jorinuson if Jackson was evil, he will answer emphatically yes. He thinks that everything that has happened to both Anabelle and him could be directly traced back to Jackson.
Anabelle is a little different. She can remember Jackson as the man he was before the accident, the person who took her off the street and encouraged her. This was the man who became her father, not the monster that followed.
She places the blame solely on the accident that changed his personality. A part of her fears the meeting between Jackson and Seamus that is bound to happen. She knows that she will lose one of them.
What's the fastest way to hurt their feelings?
cw: death
The quickest way to hurt is feelings is to bring up his deceased wife and daughter. One of the only times that Anabelle has ever seen Jackson cry was when he was reminded of his wife.
His wife and daughter died from Linati, a disease that made them incredibly thirsty, have leg cramps, and ill. In our world this would have been called cholera.
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bardic-tales · 2 years
Happy STS!
What kind of jobs / occupations would your OCs have in the modern world?
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Happy STS. Thanks so much for the question. I hope your day or evening is going well.
I'm going to answer this for the protagonist, deuteragonist, and antagonist of each novel.
Cold as Ice:
Cyras Covelli - Without the influence of Niccolo, she would most likely be a vineyard owner in either Italy or France. In Cold as Ice, she makes excellent wine that rivals even the Crown Prince's vineyards.
Niccolo Napoli - He most likely would be involved in banking and most likely would be employed high up at Wells Fargo. He would give terrible interest rates to people who couldn't afford it and take their houses.
Vaene Arturis - As Vaene was a military leader in the Olessan army, he most likely would a military officer and recognized for his bravery.
Flight of the Dragon
Alystin Torrath - Alystin enjoyed waitressing for her parents. She most likely would be a waitress at a high-end restaurant where it costs 1500 USD for a table.
Brennan Draig - Brennan would most likely be a politician. He loves to lead people.
Ellarian Jhaer - Jhaer is one of the ones I had most trouble with. As there is therapy in our world, she most likely would undergo intense therapy. She would most likely work as a crisis counselor afterward.
Pale Fire
Anabelle Vasser - As in the original version of Pale Fire Anabelle and Seamus were immortal, I had their jobs worked out. She would be a museum curator at a maritime museum.
Jackson Vasser - As he is a minor noble, he would most likely the mayor of a city.
Seamus Jorinuson - He would be a stay-at-home dad.
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bardic-tales · 2 years
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This is only a placeholder until I can get the character page for Pale Fire filled out. It lists every named character in Pale Fire.
This list will grow as I flesh out Pale Fire's outline.
Content warning: assassination. child death. child abuse. death. assault.
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character list and age template created by @athenixrose
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Deceased Characters:
Cullen Nialuson - Cullen Nialuson was a shadow blade of the Glorendine Shadow Council. He was the son of two Glorendines who did not know that their son was part of the organization. Cullen died from heroically sacrificing himself for Anabelle Vasser before the events of Pale Fire.
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Flat Characters:
Antonio Gamino - Antonio Gamino was an Easterner spy operating in a fort on a rocky Glorendine coastline during the 100 years’ war. He was an ally of the Shadow Council and would often supply them with information.
Carmine Girardi - Carmine Girardi was a member of the Olessan Shadow Council. He was born into a minor noble house and had a long family history with many family members becoming Shadow Blades.
Elizaeth Wrayadottir - Elizaeth Wrayadottir is the daughter of Wray Svenuson and his wife. She is currently married to a merchant and staying in the Jorinuson Manor House. Her husband would become one of the Elder Advisors.
Miguel Balasco - Miguel Balasco was an Easterner and one of the five councilors of the Shadow Council established in Glorendine. He would be called a stoic individual, keeping a calm demeanor and rarely spoke. He held a deep respect for nature.
Olav Yngvuson - Olav Yngvuson was an Easterner and the instructor who taught the Glorendine how to pickpocket and steal. He would be in charge of taking street children’s weekly dues but would make sure they would have enough to coin to keep their bellies slightly full.
Quinn Rowanuson - Quinn Rowanuson served as a general of the Glorendine army during the 100 years’ war. He has become unstable overtime, prompting Seamus to tell Anabelle to never be alone with him. Quinn would be the leader of the Order of the Lotus after Torstein Ulfuson passes away.
Santiago Altamirano - Santiago Altamirano was one of five councilors of the Shadow Council established in the Eastern lands. He is said to have helped Sean Oisinuson create the Glorendine Shadow Council. Santiago is a stern and hardened individual.
Valdemar Ranviguson - Valdemar Ranviguson was a Glorendine Navy officer who was stationed in Glyndon during the 100 years' war and a member of the Order of the Lotus. He would be known as one of the more reasonable Glorendine officers.
Ulfr Onginuson - Ulfr Onginuson is a Glorendine financier. He also fiances a secret organization called the Order of the Lotus that often challenges the Shadow Council. He embezzles money to keep the Glorendine ships that are under the Lotus’ control state-of-the-art.
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Main and Secondary Characters:
Alessandro Romano - Alessandro Romano was an Olessan who was a fur trader and explorer who had a noble upbringing. He was a member of the Glorendine Shadow Council, helping Sean Oisinuson to build it. Alessandro is racist against southern Glorendines.
Anabelle Laure Marguerite Vasser de Spacci // The Dove - Anabelle Vasser was originally named Annabelle Jennette Marguerite de Blaise. She was born in a village in the Spacci region and found on the streets by Jackson Vasser. Jackson would groom her to become a part of the Olessan Court for the Shadow Council’s political schemes, as well as become a treasure hunter. Her first contract would see the destruction of two Glorendine coastal cities.
Erik Ingolfuson - Erik Ingolfuson was the pupil of Sean and was considered the guild’s bruiser. Erik was older than Seamus, but they had been friends since they were very young. When Seamus tried to leave the guild, he would shoot him in the back. He was a member of the Glorendine Shadow Council.
Harold Sigurduson - Harold Sigurduson is an officer in the Glorendine Army. He is the one who suggests Anabelle and Seamus become privateers. Harold also tries to teach Shae how to finesse his skills with body magick. He is a high-ranking member in the Order of the Lotus, second to Torstein Ulfuson.
Jackson Achille Gerard Francois Vasser - Jackson is a former soldier who was active during the war between the Olessan Empire and the Glorendt kingdom and a member of the Shadow Council.
Lois Gaito - Lois Gaito is Anabelle Vasser’s apprentice. He is the cabin boy aboard the Arlette. After her successful mission in Tokus, Lois was assigned to Anabelle to be mentored in concealment and martial combat.
Nathanial Wrayuson - Nathanial Wrayuson was the son of Wray Svenuson and Wray’s wife and fought in the 100 years war between the Olessan Empire and the Glorendt Kingdom. He would serve aboard Seamus’ ship, the Victoria, and bore affection for Anabelle Vasser.
Rosette Asgeradottir - Rosette Asgeradottir was a member of the Glorendine Shadow Council. She was the pupil of Sean and controlled most of Glorendine’s organized crime. At one time, she was the lover of her student Seamus Jorinuson. She would bear him a son in the year after he left the Shadow Council.
Seamus Gilleán Muirin Darby Jorinuson - Seamus was born to Glorendine mother and father in Glyndon. He would lose his mother during childbirth, and a father to a storm. Shae would turn his back on the Glorendine Shadow Council, become a privateer for the Glorendine Navy, and finally start a life as a treasure hunter. He becomes an enforcer in the Order of the Lotus.
Sean Oisinuson - Sean Oisinuson was the leader of the Glorendine Shadow Council. He would be described as serious, but the death of his wife and son would make him become reckless, arrogant, and hostile. He seemed to care little for the dangers that Enethian artifacts possessed.
Wray Svenuson - Wray Svenuson was an explorer, surveyor, and frontiersman active in southern Glorendt. During the 100 years’ war, he would befriend Seamus and become the first mate of the Victoria. He often provides his services to the Order of the Lotus.
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Tertiary Characters:
Declan Saeruson - Declan Saeruson was a Glorendine Army officer, businessman, and member of the Order of the Lotus. He worked to keep the Easterners attached to Glorendine interests. He has a young Glorendine seamstress he has been keeping as a mistress.
Killian Owenuson - Killian Owenuson was a Glorendine military leader who would develop a wartime doctrine. He was also an acting surgeon in the fort around the Jorinuson manor house. Killian would be the one to perform surgery on Anabelle when she is grievously injured. He was also a member of the Order of Lotus.
Sullivan Tieranuson - Sullivan Tieranuson was a soldier in the Glorendine Army and a member of the Order of the Lotus. He is a slack, self-indulgent, and lecherous man. Seamus will often get into arguments over Sullivan’s treatment of Anabelle. He cared about the Order.
Torstein Ulfuson - Torstein Ulfuson was a field marshal in the Glorendine army and the High Justice of the Order of the Lotus. He would settle down with an Eastern woman and have a child. Torstein was a man who lived in service to his ideals and in humanity, as he was convinced that a unified world would benefit mankind in the long run.
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bardic-tales · 2 years
Back again for the vile OC asks!
I'll let you pick any character you want to answer for and could I have...grime and gash?
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Welcome back. And thank you for your ask.
I'm going to answer this for Anabelle Laure Marguerite Vasser de Spacci of Pale Fire. She is the one who would most fit these set of questions.
That being said as these are often mature topics, I ask that:
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Grime: What has been their lowest point?
tw: ptsd. violence. mental health. natural disaster.
Anabelle Vasser is a shadow blade from the Olessan Shadow Council, specifically the sect in the southern portion of the Olessan Empire. She functions as three things: an assassin, a way for the Olessan Shadow Council to have power over the nobility, and a treasure hunter.
The lowest part of her life occurs after her first mission and before she met Seamus Jorinuson for the first time in Tokus, a city in the Eastern kingdoms.
Her first mission saw the Shadow Council send her to a Glorendine coastal city as rumors of an Enethian artifact had surfaced. To be exact, it was said that a group of workers had stumbled upon an Enethian temple while they were mining a quarry on a nearby island. Annie was sent there to meet a guide and investigate. She would find the temple and the artifact in a grotto, but she would also learn that her guide had sold it to a soldier of the Glorendine army, Cullen Nialuson. Cullen was her enemy as Olessa and Glorendt were at war.
When her guide removed the artifact, it started an earthquake that would result in a tsumani and the destruction of two coastal cities. She would have to work together with Cullen. They would enter the last room with water filling and the opening was not big enough for both of them to go through. Cullen would push her through as a large pillar fell, crushing him.
As the coastal cities rebuilt, they enacted a curfew and a lockdown. No one could enter or leave the cities for six months after. Anabelle would help with the rebuilding, but it wasn't a safe place for a woman. She would learn to sleep with one eye open.
The after math left a mark on Anabelle. She would develop severe PTSDs. For the longest time, she would sleep on the floor upright with her back against the bedframe. Annie would always face the door. Sleep was scarce.
When she did fall asleep, she would have nightmares about her time in Glorendt. They would never be a picture-perfect version of what happened, but more like pieces would be missing. Reality would blur the dreams.
Her mind will often play tricks on her. She will see Cullen and his shattered body, blaming her for his death. Annie carries a great guilt over what happened.
During this time, Annie would begin to drink heavily. The citizens of the southern part of the Olessan Empire would always drink some wine with their dinner, but Anabelle started to drink harder things. Her favorite drink turned out to be Glorendine whiskey. She never places it in a glass, but she drinks from the bottle.
To make matters worse, Anabelle would go before the Olessan Council to answer for what had happened in Glorendt. Upon Jackson, her foster father's advice, she takes the blame for what happened. She is stripped of a few ranks and placed under Jackson's supervision once more until he thinks she is able to complete a contract / mission successfully by herself. They would reconvene and discuss her progress at a later date.
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Gash: what's something they don't tell others? And/or themselves?
cw: death. homophobia
Before Anabelle left for the Glorendine coastal city, she would have a brief, secret relationship with another woman named Éléonore while she was in Olessa Minor on a contract. They would exchange letters back and forth, but neither were ready to risk their reputations by letting their affections known.
When Anabelle is apart from Seamus, she returns to the Olessan Empire. Éléonore fell ill. Anabelle went to see her in her final days, but Éléonore refused to see her.
Anabelle counts Éléonore as one of two people she loved. At a later date, Éléonore's letters to other loved ones were published. None of the letters the two women wrote were. Éléonore most likely burned her copies, but Anabelle didn't.
There are times when Annie will read over those letters and feel great sorrow within her. These are the times when she is very angry at society and wishes that she could have publicly showed her love to Éléonore.
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bardic-tales · 2 years
Happy Blorbo Blursday!
For an OC of your choice: 
If they had a phone, what would the background be?
What do they look for in a romantic relationship? (if they’re not interested, what do they look for in a friend?)
Of all the people they know, who do they hate the most and why?
What is their love language(s)? Bonus- include how this compares with the love languages of their loved ones!
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Hello, Anna. Happy belated Blorbo Blursday. I hope you are having a wonderful day or evening.
I am going to answer this for the character, Anabelle Laure Marguerite Vasser de Spacci of Pale Fire.
If they had a phone, what would the background be?
Anabelle loves flowers, so her background would have something to do with them. It would most likely feature cherry blossoms and look like the picture below:
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What do they look for in a romantic relationship? (if they’re not interested, what do they look for in a friend?)
This is a wonderful question, one I found hard to answer, too. Anabelle has experienced emotional, mental, and physical abuse by the man she was to trust more than anything. This has jaded her when it comes to relationships.
She doesn't have a type. Anabelle finds herself attracted to a variety of different people and finds that looks are secondary to their personality and character.
Annie is looking for someone who is outspoken and does not shy away from pointing out hypocrisies within the society. This person must be able to express remorse for any dire action, such as seen in Seamus and several decisions he has made.
Her ideal partner has to have a sense of honor, such as Seamus who dislikes assassinating individuals who he would deem weak or defenseless. As she is often different than most of her Olessan brethren, this person should dislike slavery and help others in need.
Finally, this person needs to spend time with her. In her relationship with Seamus, he will often leave his ship with her in tow. They will explore the surrounding lands together, often spending hours climbing through lush forests and forgotten temples.
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cw: assault. abuse.
Of all the people they know, who do they hate the most and why?
Out of all the people that she hates Jackson Vasser the most. Jackson is her foster father. Jackson would subject Anabelle to emotional, mental, and physical abuse.
For example, when she came home from a failed mission that saw the destruction of two Glorendine coastal towns, she had severe PTSD. Anabelle would only be comfortable sleeping on the floor with her back against the bedframe and facing the door.
Jackson would tell her that she would need to "get over" her fear and act like a normal person. Since she returned from that mission, she has developed a drinking problem. Jackson will scoff at her and demean her choice of alcohol: whiskey over wine.
When she met Seamus, a Glorendine sailor, in Tokus, the two had a whirlwind relationship and were going to marry. Anabelle has a self-destructive flaw. She agreed to marry Seamus and told him that she would return after she collected some of her things.
Feeling brave for perhaps the first time since the destruction of the two cities, Anabelle would tell Jackson that she was going to marry Seamus. Jackson has always hated the Glorendines. He would outright forbid her, and when she argued and went to leave, he would fling a tranquilizer dart into her backside. Jackson would tie her up, place her on a boat, and return to Olessa with her.
Although Anabelle hates Jackson, she feels a sense of loyalty to him. She knows that when Seamus and he met again that she will lose one of them, most likely the man who raised her. This thought disturbs her.
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What is their love language(s)? Bonus- include how this compares with the love languages of their loved ones!
Once Anabelle has fallen for someone, her love language is physical touch. She prefers physical expressions of love over all other expressions, such as verbal compliments or gifts.
Anabelle loves to kiss to show her affection. This doesn't necessarily mean on their lips. Sometimes, she kisses Seamus' cheek, neck, and forehead.
She also loves skin-to-skin touching. She will brush her fingertips across Seamus' neck or back, touch his hair, or even touch his bear leg with hers.
Seamus has the same language as his. He will often wrap his arms around her and pull her into him. She feels completely safe in his embrace. He will also sleep with her back to his stomach and his arm thrown protectively over her waist. If anyone breaks in, he will be the first one to know and react.
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